A GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading and Billing System

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A GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading and Billing System

Article  in  European Journal of Engineering Research and Science · June 2020

DOI: 10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963


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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading and Billing

Mohammad G. Mortuza, Zia U. Ahmed, Hassan Jaki, Md. Razu Ahmed, Mohammed J. Uddin, and
Md. Humayun Kabir

 important for the administration associations in their

Abstract—These instructions give you guidelines for undertaking and orchestrating And bolster; they are stack
preparing papers for an existence without electricity can't be organization, power outage and accuse uncovering,
thought of since it turns into an integral part of human life. In customer organizations, Control Quality checking,
a developing country, people use postpaid electricity for their
mastermind organization, theft area, charging, balance
own purposes. Be that as it may, they do not know the amount
of electricity they have consumed and how much cost they have settling, vitality settling, asset organization, energy usage
done likewise till they receive the consumption bill at the end of information, intrusion announcing and so forth.
the month. Also, in prepaid meters, to see consumption details, Global System for Mobile (GSM) is a standard created by
people have to go in front of the meter. In this research, a the European Telecommunications Standards Institute to
system has been designed based on GSM technology to solve depict the traditions for second-age instigated cell structures
this problem. The prepaid meter must be recharged; as a
used by phones, for instance, tablets. It was first sent to
result, clients can use the electricity. The system alerts the
client for any kind of emergency. Besides, when the client is Finland in December 1991. Beginning in 2014, it has
away from the house, he can easily switch off the supply of transformed into the overall standard for compact trades –
electricity by sending an SMS. This project will support both with over 90% bit of the pie, working in excess of 193
society and country because it helps to reduce the wastage of countries and areas.
electricity and to check electricity consumption and bill from The electricity meter is a contraption that checks the level
remote distances.
of electric energy eaten up by a living methodology, a
Index Terms—GSM, Automatic Meter Reading, Electricity business, or an electrically controlled device. Electric
Meter. utilities use electric meters to appear at customers' premises
for charging purposes. They are routinely adjusted in
charging units; the most all things considered surveyed that
I. INTRODUCTION one being the kilowatt-hour (kWh). They are routinely
In the propelled time of development, we came to investigated once each charging period. Unequivocally
consider distinctive remote-control structures for our when imperativeness saves assets in the midst of particular
mechanical assemblies or machines. GSM Based Automatic periods are required, a few meters may measure ask for, the
Energy Meter examining System is the progression of along most absurd use of force in some between times.
these lines gathering use, interpretive, and status data from Automatic meter reading (AMR) is the movement of in
importance metering devices and trading that data to a like manner collecting use, illustrative, and status
region database for charging, asking about, and separating. information from water meter or energy metering
This development, for the most part, spares utility suppliers contraptions and exchanging that information to an area
the cost of broken trips to each physical zone to dismember database for charging, looking, isolating. Another fantastic
a meter. Another favored viewpoint is that invigorating can position is that invigorating can be resolved to close moving
be resolved to close driving forward use rather than on use as opposed to on evaluations subject to past or foreseen
appraisals subject to past or anticipated utilize. This ideal utilize. This worthwhile data joined with examination can
data joined with the examination can associate with both bolster both utility suppliers and clients' better control of the
utility suppliers and clients better control the use and utilization and enhancement of electric energy, gas utilities,
strategy of electric energy, gas utilities, or water use. The or water utility. AMR improvements unite handheld,
Automatic Meter Reading structure is moreover prepared to adaptable, and organize drives dependent on correspondence
give a course of action of different organizations, which are stages (wired and remote), radio rehash (RF), or electrical
cable transmission.
Published on June 23, 2020.
M. G. Mortuza, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected]) II. RELATED WORK
Z. U. Ahmed, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong,
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected])
V. Preethi and G. Harish mention that the energy meter is
H. Jaki, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, a contraption that gauges the proportion of electric energy
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected]) eaten up by a home, business, or an electrically filled device
M. R. Ahmed, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, [1] Noor-E-Jannat, M. O. Islam, and M. S. Salakin mentions
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected])
M. J. Uddin, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, that A GSM digitizes and reduces the data, by then sends it
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected]) down through a channel with two unmistakable surges of
M. H. Kabir, International Islamic University Chittagong, Chittagong, client data, each in its own particular timetable opening [2].
Bangladesh. (e-mail: [email protected])

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 725

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

L. C. Saikia, H. Das, and T. Malakar mention that The

electromechanical enrollment meter works by checking the
unrests of a non-drawing in, a metal plate which turns at a
speed concerning the power experiencing the meter [3] A.
Jain, D. Kumar, and J. Kedia mentions that Electronic
meters demonstrate the energy used on an LCD or LED
show, and some transmit readings to remote spots [4]. R. G.
Sarangle, U. Pandit, K. Prof, and J. Modi mention that the
AMR framework is an effect for remote checking and
controls private significance meter. AMR framework gives
the data of meter dismembering [5] control cut, mean stack
utilized, control free and cementing on intrigue, or in many
cases especially between times through SMS. The designing Fig. 1. Outline of GSM Based Automatic Energy Meter perusing
of web organizations based customized meter scrutinizing
system has delineated. O. Kesav and B. Rahim mention that A 12V 3A power supply has been used as the GSM
data sent and gotten by concerned energy Provider module needs high current flow to be activated. The pulse
Company with the assistance of Global structure for flexible pin of the energy meter is connected with the Arduino UNO
correspondence facilitate. Energy supplier gets the meter development board. This meter gives 3200 pulses for 1 unit
surveying inside a second without visiting a man [6] H. G. of energy consumed. The total energy consumed is
R. Tan, C. H. R. Lee, and V. H. Mok mention that In [7], a calculated by this information. The GSM module intercepts
novel Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) structure has SMS and sends the data to Arduino. Arduino gives
proposed using the IEEE 802.15.4-obvious remote responses to those SMS by AT commands. The outputs are
frameworks to visit with energy meter. The work deal with shown in the onboard display as well as the clients can see
based Automatic Utility Data Collection System (AUDCS) those data through SMS.
gives a cost-capable design by inquisitive about the self-
affiliation, self-settling limits of the work organization, and START

using semiconductor chips and the radio handsets superb

with IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Thousif ahamed and GSM-GPRS Module
A.Sreedevi mention that Analog signals are been seen from
the two information channels, which will be changed over Connected?
into Digital signals by ADC uninhibitedly. With the two YES

affected information signals transmitted to the Check Balance

microcontroller by techniques for SPI custom, dsPIC33F
figures the power accordingly, imperativeness ate up will be Balance < 15 TK ?
Display Alert
Yes Message
gathered after a foreordained period. [8] Sarwar Shahidi, No
Md. Abdul Gaffar, Khosru, and M. Salim mention that
Check Balance Send SMS
AMR is a framework whereby the Energy Meter sends the
recorded power usage of a nuclear family in the particular Yes
between the time period to a "remotely" related, which could Balance = 0 TK ? Power Disconnect

be a (PC) or central server of intensity dispersing affiliations No

[9] Priyanka Dighe, Tushar Dhanani, and Kumar Gangwani Check if client wants
balance query
Send SMS

mention that GSM is an approach to remotely screen and

control centrality meter readings. Its tendencies to take a Yes
Balance query
gander at imperativeness meters without visiting each sequence received ?
Display Balance

house/affiliation [10]. This structure contains a

microcontroller, which takes the readings at general breaks Check if client wants Send Confirmation
and records it in its memory remote shutdown SMS

Remote Shutdown
Sequence received ? Turn off load
The outline of the GSM-based Automatic Energy Meter
Check Recharge Send Confirmation
perusing framework is given below. In the block diagram, Sequence SMS

we see an electric energy meter is interfaced with an

Arduino board. The Arduino board is further interfaced with Recharge Successful ?
a 5V relay module, a 20X4 LCD display, and a SIM 900A
GSM module.
Display Alert


Fig. 2. Flowchart of the procedure

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 726

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

Fig. 3. Simulation Circuit of the System

In this project shown in Fig. 3, the watt, total pulse, and

total cost have measured. The measuring value has shown in Fig. 4. Pinout of Arduino ATmega328 [11]
a 20x4 liquid crystal display (LCD) including balance.
These measured data have sent to the distributor’s cell It has 8 analog input pins. It also has 32 KB of flash
phone via SMS by GSM 900A module. Here, line voltage memory, 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM. Nano's
has connected with the Arduino board which has calibrated clock speed is 16 MHz. Besides, it has an operating voltage
by a 12*2V, 3A transformer. The rating of voltage, current, of 5 V at logic level and recommended input voltage is 7-
and energy has shown in the LCD display. The output value 12V [12].
of energy (unit) and unit cost has sent to the distributor
mobile. There is also a manual switch when we press it SMS C. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
send to distributors mobile. When power is supplied from LCD displays has seen everywhere. Computers, calculators,
line voltage, we see in the LCD display that it initializes television sets, mobile phones, digital watches use display to
with a heading ''Automatic Energy Meter by Ashif & Jaki''. display the time. An LCD is an electronic display module,
Then the microcontroller of the Arduino tries to detect the which uses liquid crystal to produce a visible image. The
GSM module by showing the “Finding module” text on 20×4 LCD display is a basic module commonly used in
LCD. After successful detection, “Module connected” text DIYs and circuits. The 20×4 translates a display 20
appeared in the LCD. Then the module tries to find network characters per line in four such lines.
(showing in LCD "Finding network") to whom it would
send SMS to inform about a watt, total cost, balance, total
pulse. When the network is found, a "Network Found" text
is shown in the display. Then a "System Ready" text is
displayed in the LCD indicating that the whole system is
ready to inform. The founded network which we may call
consumer mobile gets an SMS as "System Ready". The
consumer gets a low balance alert when the balance is under
a certain balance (here 15tk) level alarming him to recharge
his energy meter soon. The consumer further gets an SMS
indicating light cut down due to very low balance
(hereunder 5tk) and suggesting him to recharge very soon. Fig. 5. Liquid crystal display [13]
The consumer can recharge by sending SMS as typing
*A.balance amount# (such as *A.20#). To know Fig. 5 shows the external view and pin function of 20*4
information at any time, the consumer can send an SMS by LCD display. It is use for displaying output voltage, current,
typing *A.total#. unit and unit cost [13].
D. A.C 1 phase 2-Wire Static Energy Meter
Single phase static electronic energy meter is designed to
A. Hardware Module Description meter residential and small commercial energy consumers in
In this paper different instruments and technologies have distribution networks. The meter is designed to offer reliable
been used for achieving the better output within the desired energy measurement in single phase circuit and is highly
architecture. Sensors and modules are discussed below: suitable for metering and remote communication purposes.
B. Arduino Nano Best Suitable for Billing tenant & for cross checking Energy
Arduino Nano is an exceedingly small development board Meter being used in home.
which supports ATmega328 microcontroller. It has vast
technical features. Nano has 14 digital I/O pins among
which PWM output is provided by 6 pins.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 727

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

Fig. 8. Relay Module [16]

Fig. 6. A.C 1 phase 2-Wire Static Energy Meter [14]
To put it simply, it is an automatic switch to control a
high-current circuit with a low-current signal [16].
E. SIM 900A GSM GPRS Module
The SIM900A is a complete Dual-band GSM/GPRS
solution in a SMT module which can be embedded in the V. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION
customer applications.
In this system shown in figure 4, the power supply is
provided to the meter. A GSM unit shows the interfacing
with the microcontroller.

Fig. 7. SIM 900A GSM GPRS Module [15]

Featuring an industry-standard interface, the SIM900A

delivers GSM/GPRS 900/1800MHz performance for voice,
SMS, Data, and Fax in a small form factor and with low
power consumption. With a tiny configuration of
24mmx24mmx3mm, SIM900A can fit in almost all the
space requirements in user applications, especially for slim Fig. 9. Hardware of GSM based Automatic Energy Meter Reading system
and compact demand of design [15].
Transmission of usage details is sent to the office modem
F. Relay Module using a user modem. Every consumer has a unique number
5V Relay Module is a relay interface board, it can be provided by corresponding authority. The use of an
controlled directly by a wide range of microcontrollers such embedded system improves the stability of wireless data
as Arduino, AVR, PIC, ARM and so on. The Relay Module transmission. For long-distance transmission, GSM
is a convenient board which can be used to control high telecommunication has shown excellent performance in any
voltage, high current load such as motor, solenoid valves,
lamps and AC load. It uses a low-level triggered control
signal (3.3-5VDC) to control the relay. Triggering the relay VI. PROJECT RESULT
operates the normally open or normally closed contacts. It is
Result of the project and result analysis shown in below
frequently used in an automatic control circuit.

Fig. 10. Shows the total watt, cost, balance, and total pulse for 100 W load

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 728

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

risk of energy theft and unnecessary consumption of energy.

The principle vision of this task is that it lessens the manual
control and robbery. It spares a considerable measure of
time. The framework is quick and exceedingly dependable
as it gives constant information. It is effortlessly
incorporated with information securing and information
exchange. This venture can be a commitment to the exertion
of the Govt. of Bangladesh to make Digital Bangladesh.
Fig. 11. Message in consumer’s mobile

The author is thankful to the Project Supervisor Engr.
Md. Raju Ahmed, Associate Professor, Department of
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering,
International Islamic University Chittagong, Kumira,
Chattogram-4318, Bangladesh, Engr. Mohammad Jashim
Uddin, Chairman and Assistant Professor of the Department
of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering,
Fig. 12. Message showing low balance alert
International Islamic University Chittagong, Kumira,
Chattogram-4318, Bangladesh, for providing research
facility and valuable suggestions for this work. Also, thanks
to Md. Humayun Kabir, Adjunct Faculty, Department of
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering,
International Islamic University Chittagong, Kumira,
Chattogram-4318, Bangladesh, for Writing - review, editing
and formal analysis of this research work.

Fig. 13. Message showing light cut down alert
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 729

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

Technology (ICIET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: an Associate Professor in the department of Electronic and
10.1109/CIET.2018.8660846. Telecommunication Engineering under the Faculty of Science and
[13] 20 X 4 Character Lcd Vishay. (2020). Retrieved 10 June 2020, from Engineering of International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC),
https://eighbooks.xyz/read.php?q=20_X_4_Character_Lcd_Vishay Bangladesh. His work has been published in more than 10 papers in the
[14] Beige Cover AC 1 Phase 2 Wire Static KWH Meter, Simple Single- International Journal and Conference. His research interest includes
Phase Power Meter. (2020). Retrieved 10 June 2020, from Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Communication and Error Correction
http://www.digitalkwhmeter.coml Coding. Engr. M. R. Ahmed has served as a Technical Program Committee
[15] SIM 900A GSM GPRS Module - ePro Labs WiKi. (2020). Retrieved Member for the IEEE and the IEEE International Conference on
10 June 2020, from https://wiki.eprolabs.com Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology..
[16] R. (2020). 5V Relay Module (Black). Retrieved 10 June 2020, from
https://www.rhydolabz.com. Mohammed Jashim Uddin (M.J. Uddin) was born
in 1979 in Chittagong, Bangladesh. He received a
Mohammad Golam Mortuza (M. G. Mortuza) B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
received his B.Sc. degree in Electronic and from Chittagong University of Engineering &
Telecommunication Engineering from International Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh, and
Islamic University Chittagong in 2018. He worked as the M.Sc. degree in Electronic and Communication
Teaching Assistant in the same department for six Engineering from University of Greenwich, Medway,
months after that. He currently works as freelance UK in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Since 2004, he
embedded system designer and hardware system has been involved at PHP Float Glass Industry,
analyst for some progressive startup companies. His Chittagong, Bangladesh as an Assistant Engineer,
research interests include Internet of Things (IoT), where he was engaged with the 10MW power plant for Gas and Diesel
robotics, wireless sensor network design, embedded generator. In 2006, he joined MARS Textile Limited, Chittagong,
system design, wireless communication etc. Bangladesh as a Senior Engineer. In 2008, he worked for Texcel
Technology plc, Dartford, UK as a Test Technician, where his
Zia Uddin Ahmed (Z. U. Ahmed) completed B.Sc. responsibility was involved with PCB Testing, Inspection, and Assembly.
degree in Electronic and Telecommunication His research interests are Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Solar cell, RF
Engineering from International Islamic University and Microwave Power Amplifier, and Antenna & Wave Propagation and
Chittagong in 2018. After graduation he worked as signal processing. He is currently serving as an Assistant Professor in
web application developer from 2019 to 2020. He is International Islamic University Chittagong under the Electronic and
currently working in a startup company, Developing Telecommunication Engineering Department. He has authored or
IoT based Oil tank monitoring for large vehicles. He coauthored over 15 publications. Engr. M. J. Uddin has served as a
shows interest in different sectors like Internet of Technical Program Committee Member for the IEEE and the IEEE
Things (IoT), Robotics, machine learning, Algorithm, International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and
Embedded system etc. Technology.

Hassan Jaki (H. Jaki) received his B.Sc. degree in Md. Humayun Kabir (M. H. Kabir) received his
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering from B.Sc. (2018) in Electronic and Telecommunication
International Islamic University Chittagong in 2017. Engineering from International Islamic University
He worked as a Telecom Maintenance Site Engineer Chittagong, Bangladesh. He is currently serving as an
at Zamil Infra Pvt. Ltd. for half of a year. He Adjunct Lecturer in Electronic & Telecommunication
currently works as an Assistant Teacher in Al- Engineering at International Islamic University
Hidaayah International Scool at Department of Chittagong. His research interests include Next
Scienc. His Research interests include Cooperative Generation Wireless Communication, Internet of
Wireless Communications and Network Coding, Things (IoT), Smart Grid, Optical Fiber
Networks for Environment Pollution Monitoring and Communication, Computer Network, and Network
Network for Health Monitoring.. Security. His work has been documented in more than 9 research
publication and research poster in the international journal papers or
Md. Razu Ahmed (M. R. Ahmed), M.Sc. Engg. in Telecommunication at conference proceedings. More information about his research is available at
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. He has been serving as https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md_Kabir14.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejers.2020.5.6.1963 Vol 5 | Issue 6 | June 2020 730

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