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Data Science

and Analytics
for SMEs
Consulting, Tools,
Practical Use Cases

Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope
Data Science and
Analytics for SMEs
Consulting, Tools,
Practical Use Cases

Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope
Data Science and Analytics for SMEs: Consulting, Tools, Practical
Use Cases
Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope
London, United Kingdom

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-8669-2 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-8670-8

Copyright © 2022 by Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope

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Table of Contents
About the Author���������������������������������������������������������������������������������ix

About the Technical Reviewer�������������������������������������������������������������xi



Chapter 1: Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������1
1.1 Data Science���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
1.2 Data Science for Business������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
1.3 Business Analytics Journey����������������������������������������������������������������������������4
Events in Real Life and Description�����������������������������������������������������������������5
Capturing the Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Accessible Location and Storage������������������������������������������������������������������10
Extracting Data for Analysis��������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Data Analytics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Summarize and Interpret Results������������������������������������������������������������������14
Recommendations, Strategies, and Plan�������������������������������������������������������15
1.4 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)�����������������������������������������������������������16
1.5 Business Analytics in Small Business�����������������������������������������������������������17
1.6 Types of Analytics Problems in SME�������������������������������������������������������������19

Table of Contents

1.7 Analytics Tools for SMES�������������������������������������������������������������������������������21

1.8 Road Map to This Book���������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
Using RapidMiner Studio�������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Using Gephi���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
1.9 Problems�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
1.10 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26

Chapter 2: Data for Analysis in Small Business���������������������������������29

2.1 Source of Data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Data Privacy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
2.2 Data Quality and Integrity�����������������������������������������������������������������������������34
2.3 Data Governance�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
2.4 Data Preparation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37
Summary Statistics���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Missing Data��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Data Cleaning – Outliers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Normalization and Categorical Variables�������������������������������������������������������51
Handling Categorical Variables����������������������������������������������������������������������51
2.5 Data Visualization������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
2.6 Problems�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
2.7 References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55

Chapter 3: Business Analytics Consulting������������������������������������������59

3.1 Business Analytics Consulting����������������������������������������������������������������������59
3.2 Managing Analytics Project���������������������������������������������������������������������������62
3.3 Success Metrics in Analytics Project������������������������������������������������������������65
3.4 Billing the Analytics Project��������������������������������������������������������������������������66
3.5 References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69

Table of Contents

Chapter 4: Business Analytics Consulting Phases�����������������������������71

4.1 Proposal and Initial Analysis�������������������������������������������������������������������������71
4.2 Pre-engagement Phase��������������������������������������������������������������������������������75
4.3 Engagement Phase���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78
4.4 Post-Engagement Phase�������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
4.5 Problems�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
4.6 References����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82

Chapter 5: Descriptive Analytics Tools�����������������������������������������������83

5.1 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
5.2 Bar Chart�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
5.3 Histogram�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
5.4 Line Graphs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
5.5 Boxplots��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
5.6 Scatter Plots��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
5.7 Packed Bubble Charts�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
5.8 Treemaps������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97
5.9 Heat Maps�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
5.10 Geographical Maps�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
5.11 A Practical Business Problem I (Simple Descriptive Analytics)�����������������101
5.12 Problems���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
5.13 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111

Chapter 6: Predicting Numerical Outcomes�������������������������������������113

6.1 Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������113
6.2 Evaluating Prediction Models����������������������������������������������������������������������115
6.3 Practical Business Problem II (Sales Prediction)����������������������������������������117
6.4 Multiple Linear Regression�������������������������������������������������������������������������126

Table of Contents

6.5 Regression Trees�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������135

6.6 Neural Network (Prediction)������������������������������������������������������������������������143
6.7 Conclusion on Sales Prediction�������������������������������������������������������������������151
6.8 Problems�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������152
6.9 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������153

Chapter 7: Classification Techniques������������������������������������������������155

7.1 Classification Models and Evaluation���������������������������������������������������������155
7.2 Practical Business Problem III (Customer Loyalty)��������������������������������������159
7.3 Neural Network�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������164
7.4 Classification Tree���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������169
7.5 Random Forest and Boosted Trees�������������������������������������������������������������174
7.6 K-Nearest Neighbor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������179
7.7 Logistic Regression�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������187
7.8 Problems�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������195
7.9 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������196

Chapter 8: Advanced Descriptive Analytics��������������������������������������199

8.1 Clustering����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������199
8.2 K-Means������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������203
8.3 Practical Business Problem IV (Customer Segmentation)���������������������������207
8.4 Association Analysis������������������������������������������������������������������������������������222
8.5 Network Analysis����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������231
8.6 Practical Business Problem V (Staff Efficiency)������������������������������������������253
8.7 Problems�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������261
8.8 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������261

Table of Contents

Chapter 9: Case Study Part I�������������������������������������������������������������265

9.1 SME Ecommerce�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������265
9.2 Introduction to SME Case Study������������������������������������������������������������������268
9.3 Initial Analysis���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������272
9.4 Analytics Approach��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������274
9.5 Pre-engagement�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������276
9.6 References��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������281

Chapter 10: Case Study Part II����������������������������������������������������������283

10.1 Goal 1: Increase Website Traffic����������������������������������������������������������������283
10.2 Goal 2: Increase Website Sales Revenue��������������������������������������������������288
10.3 Problems���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������320
10.4 References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������321

Data Files������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������323


About the Author
Afolabi Ibukun is a Data Scientist and is
currently an Assistant Professor in Computer
Science at Northeastern University London.
She holds a B.Sc in Engineering Physics, an
M.Sc and Ph.D in Computer Science. Afolabi
Ibukun has over 15 years working experience
in Computer Science research, teaching and
mentoring. Her specific areas of interest
are Data & Text Mining, Programming and
Business Analytics. She has supervised several
undergraduate and postgraduate students
and published several articles in international journals and conferences.
Afolabi Ibukun is also a Data Science Nigeria Mentor ( and currently runs a Business
Analytics Consulting and Training firm named I&F Networks Solutions.”
[email protected]

About the Technical Reviewer
Hitesh Hinduja is an ardent Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Platforms
enthusiast currently working as Senior Manager in Data Platforms (Azure)
and AI at Microsoft. He worked as a Senior Manager in AI at Ola Electric,
where he led a team of 20+ people in the areas of machine learning,
statistics, computer vision, deep learning, natural language processing,
and reinforcement learning. He has filed 14+ patents in India and the
United States and has numerous research publications under his name.
Hitesh had been associated in research roles at India’s top B-schools –
Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, and the Indian Institute of
Management, Ahmedabad. He is also actively involved in training and
mentoring and has been invited as a guest speaker by various corporates
and associations across the globe.
Hitesh is an avid learner and enjoys reading books in his free time.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge God almighty for making it
possible for me to write this book. I would also like to thank my husband
Oluwafemi Afolabi for his support and encouragement that has made
this book a reality. I deeply appreciate Prof. Olufunke Oladipupo and Dr.
Joke Badejo who have taught me a lot, both as a data scientist and in other
aspects of life. Lastly, I would like to say thank you to Timileyin Owoseni
and Christabel Uzor, my M.Sc. students who also helped with the book. I
will not forget my wonderful students that I have been fortunate to teach
and advise, Obinna Okorie, Temi Oyedepo, and many others; I learned a
lot from them. I would like to appreciate for the opportunity
to learn practical data science consulting.

This book is written from the perspective of offering a Business Analytics
service as a product. It helps to understand how to package your analytics
solution as a product that can be offered as a consulting service. Some
of these products are customer loyalty, market segmentation, sales and
revenue increase, etc. It is also particularly focused on small businesses
and their peculiarity in analytics. Understanding the contents of the book
will help anyone interested in applying data analytics to make a difference
in small businesses achieve such, starting from the beginner’s level. It
uses a do-it-yourself approach to analytics, and the tools used are easily
available online and are nonprogramming based.
The book teaches the tricks and techniques of Business Analytics
consulting for small businesses. In particular, readers will be able to create
and measure the success of their analytics project. The book also provides
a career guide and helps to jump-start the world of Business Analytics
consulting career. The approach in the book is to focus on popular
problems in the small and medium business world that have data science
solutions and then introduce the technique and how to use it to solve the
problems. Readers will not only learn the fundamental techniques used in
solving these problems, but they will also experience how to use them in
practical use cases and problem scenarios. The techniques are taught in a
simple way, but the book is supported with a lot of reference and resource
material that can help build more mastery on the techniques.
The book is divided into four major parts. Part 1 (Chapters 1 and 2)
explains the fundamental concepts explored in this book, such as data
science, data science for business (Business Analytics), and what it takes
to carry out any analytics project both generally and specifically for a


small business. In this part, we also explore issues around data and how
to manage and prepare it for the analytics project with practical examples.
Part 2 (Chapters 3 and 4) focuses on analytics consulting and explains how
to navigate your way through to becoming successful in the data analytics
consulting space. It also gives a detail of the phases involved in Business
Analytics consulting. Part 3 (Chapters 5–8) is focused on the data mining
techniques common with small businesses, and this is expressed in an
approach that first explains the basic concepts of these techniques in a
simple way and then uses a real small business problem scenario for the
practical application. This part is practical oriented and based on case
study problems experienced by small businesses. In this book, we will
explore five major practical business problem scenarios and several small
business problems for illustration. These are covered in Chapters 5–8. The
techniques used demonstrate how to solve these problems. It is important
to say here that despite using a particular problem as a case study, it is
not only in this situation that the approach can be deployed, but it can
be used in other similar problem scenarios. The techniques selected
are based on their popularity in practice, and they fall under the broad
classification of prediction (predicting numerical outcome), classification
(predicting categorical outcome), and descriptive analytics. Finally, Part 4
brings the consulting principles to life by using an SME case study to
model the already explained consulting phases in Part 2 and adopting the
appropriate techniques among the ones explained in Part 3. Although each
chapter stands alone, we advise that you read Part 1 before proceeding to
Part 3, and Part 2 before proceeding to Part 4.
The tools used for the practical examples are RapidMiner Studio and
Gephi. The book is written such that all the RapidMiner Studio and Gephi
screenshots are included with details of how to run them. GitHub will also
be used to store the practical project.
This book goes beyond explaining the techniques to giving an
experience of applying the recommendations from the modeling to get
results. In particular, we use a sample of business scenarios experienced


in the past for the use cases. The book is also supported with a real-life
business group on Telegram ( where
we harvest business problems and encourage readers to be a part of
solving the problems. We have in this book real-life business case studies
(from the Telegram group) that can be used as a reference. The book
also comes with links to YouTube videos that help to explain some of the
concepts better.
This book, together with the solutions to the exercises and more
application scenarios and data science techniques, is available as an
online course and training; you can visit for more
We appreciate reader feedback. We would like to know what
you think about this book, good or bad. To give us general feedback,
simply send an email to [email protected]. Also, the data
and more information about the book can also be obtained at


In this chapter, we introduce data science generally and narrow it down to
data science for business which is also referred to as Business Analytics.
We then give a detailed explanation of the process involved in Business
Analytics in the form of the Business Analytics journey. In this journey,
we explain what it takes from start to finish to carry out an analytics
project in the business world, focusing on small business consulting, even
though the process is generic to all types of business, small or large. We
also give a description of what small business refers to in this book and
the peculiarities of navigating an analytics project in such a terrain. To
conclude the chapter, we talk about the types of analytics problems that
are common to small businesses and the tools available to solve these
problems given the budget situation of small businesses when it comes to
analytics projects.

1.1 Data Science
In simple terms, data science refers to the ability to take data, generate
an understanding from the data, process the data, extract value from the
data, visualize the data, and present it in such a way that decisions can be
made from this presentation. Data science is described as the process of
extracting knowledge from huge amounts of data. It is an intersection of
Mathematics, Statistics, Visualization, and Artificial Intelligence. Artificial
Intelligence is a superset of machine learning, which is a superset of deep
© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 1
A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.2 Data Science for Business

Data science for business is popularly referred to as Business Analytics,
which is how we will refer to it in this book. The activity and art of using
quantitative data to inform decision-making is known as Business
Analytics. Several organizations have different interpretations of the
term. Data visualization and reporting are used in Business Analytics
to comprehend “what happened and” what is happening (Business
Intelligence).1 The goal of Business Analytics is to assist you to focus on the
datasets that will help you increase your company’s revenue, productivity,
and efficiency.4
In Business Analytics, we want to see how we can analyze data from
various sources particularly keeping in mind the KPIs (key performance
indicators) of the business in real time and use this to support strategic
business decisions.
Comparing Business Analytics and data science, we discover that
Business Analytics deals with extracting meaningful insights from the
visualized data for making decisions, while data science is more directed
to taking raw data and using algorithms, statistical models, and computer
programming to extract valuable insights. In this book, we combine both
the perspective of Business Analytics and data science and refer to it as
data science for business.
Business Analytics has major application types that include

1. Financial analytics: This can be characterized as

data analytics aimed at solving specific business
queries and predicting future financial outcomes.
Financial analytics aims to shape business strategy
using trustworthy, verifiable information rather
than intuition. It gives companies extensive views of
their financial data as well as the tools they need to
understand significant patterns and take action to

Chapter 1 Introduction

enhance their performance (

Organizations such as McAfee, Deloitte, and Wiley
are seeing reductions in costs, gains in efficiency,
and so on through financial analytics.

2. People analytics: People analytics is a data-driven

approach to workplace management. People are
the most important assets to organizations, and if
they are managed better, it will impact the business
for better. We use it to answer questions like: Who
should we hire? Who should we promote? What are
the best career paths for the company? What are
the patterns of collaboration like? Who are the key
communicators, and what can we do to increase
communication? And so forth. Using people
analytics, companies such as Google, Amazon,
Cisco, and many others are able to understand how
exactly to engage, retain, and ensure productivity
from their people.

3. Customer analytics: This is when data is used to

better understand the customer’s composition,
needs, and satisfaction. Additionally, the enabling
technology is used to divide customers into groups
based on their behavior, to identify general trends,
and to generate customized marketing and sales
activities.8 In domains such as banking, insurance,
or finance, customer analytics can help to
understand customer life value, attrition, and so on.
Customer analytics is heavily used in ecommerce
websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and many more.

Chapter 1 Introduction

4. Operation analytics: The term “operational

analytics” refers to a sort of Business Analytics that
focuses on enhancing current operations.11 This
sort of Business Analytics, like others, entails the
use of a variety of data mining and data aggregation
technologies in order to obtain more transparent
data for business planning.9 Operational analytics
has been used by Loom, Bold Penguin, and Atrium
inspiring things such as unlocking collaboration
between customer success and sales to reach
customers with a unified front and many more.

1.3 Business Analytics Journey

Business Analytics life cycle can be referred to as information-action value
chain2 or Business Analytics journey. It is the process of linking the data
and its source to the analysis and the result of the analysis. It also includes
communicating the results of the analysis and assessing if the goals of the
analytics project have been met.
The information-action value chain (Business Analytics journey)
consists of about nine stages as captured in Figure 1-1.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-1.  Business Analytics journey

Events in Real Life and Description

The problems that analytics can solve for business comes majorly by
discovering needs of a particular business, particularly the needs that can
be solved by analytics. It is important to note that before you can build
a successful analytics project that will yield results, you need to have a

Chapter 1 Introduction

domain understanding of the business terrain and also the typical success
strategies of the business since the analytics recommendation will be used
to improve this purpose. Depending on the kind of business in question,
there are several means to discover their particular analytics needs. Some
of these means include using interviews, social media (text mining), focus
groups, and so on. It is also important to note that these needs should be
focused on the goal of specific business. Generally, Business Analytics
helps to boost business processes, reduce business cost, drive business
strategy, and monitor and improve business financial performance. Uber,
for example, enhanced its Customer Obsession Ticket Assistant (COTA) in
early 2018 to improve the speed and accuracy while responding to support
tickets using predictive analytics. This is a great example of a company
that has implemented Business Analytics. Many companies now employ
predictive analytics to anticipate maintenance and operational concerns
before they become major problems; this is according to a KPMG analysis
on emerging infrastructure trends.12
In this first stage of Business Analytics journey, we develop an
understanding of the purpose of the data mining project or Business
Analytics project particularly to know if it is a one-shot effort to answer
a question or questions or if it is an ongoing procedure. After this, we
then highlight the decisions we want to make and determine or suggest
the analysis output that will help to make the decision. It will help to
have a design that is a conceptual design of the analysis that will create
the output.
The conceptual business model is used to understand data in the
business domain and how the business actually works. It particularly helps
to understand the importance of context in solving analytical problems.
It also helps us to understand how important elements relate together.
Since Business Analytics solves problems, that is, it answers questions, it is
therefore important to know at this stage what questions are worth asking
in the course of the analytics project. This conceptual business model will
help us to do that.

Chapter 1 Introduction

In this stage of dealing with real-world events, we also want to

understand what exactly contributes to the data that we are to be using
for the analytics project. For example, the data might come from someone
making a purchase. It could also come from using a product or service. As
a matter of fact, data could come from anything in the problem domain.
Just as is referred to in the definition of Business Analytics, there is a need
to focus on the data which is targeted toward contributing to the solution.
It is not just about having a large volume of data but focusing on the data
needed to solve the problem or questions highlighted. The following
scenario gives a real SME business example of interpreting this stage of the
analytics journey.
A real business problem: Alegria Recyclers Ltd
( is a small business which deals in
recycling waste materials. Alegria has just two permanent staffs and about
ten ad hoc staffs. Alegria deals in recycling hospital wastes like the X-ray
films. Their customers are various types of hospitals and clinics. The task at
hand for the data scientist is come up with the best actionable strategy for
targeting future customers.
The conceptual business model of this business is captured in
Figure 1-2. It captures most of the activities of the business. As a Business
Analytics consultant, you need to understand the business you are
consulting for, by first developing the conceptual model; this will help you
to know how to capture the real-world events in the business domain, that
is, the data needed and the importance of different types of data. It will
also help you to understand how the results of your analysis will be used
optimally to get the best results in your analytics project. The first step talks
about looking for prospects; this is where you want to explore data of the
type of clients that they have worked with in the past, what are the attributes
that describe such prospects, what kind of materials are obtained from these
different types of clients, and so on; all the information, for example, can
help to build clustering models that will help Alegria to understand their

Chapter 1 Introduction

prospects and many more. In the second step of the conceptual model which
deals with how Alegria contacts the prospects in step one, you want to store
information on the time of contact, location, etc. For each of the remaining
steps, such as negotiating for collecting of waste, collecting the waste,
recycling the waste, and making revenue from the waste, you will have to
bring out the data attributes that could be captured. This is how you are
able to use the conceptual business model to have a complete understanding
of the data in the business domain.

Figure 1-2.  Conceptual business model of Alegria Recyclers Ltd

Chapter 1 Introduction

Capturing the Data
After successfully identifying what will form the basis of your data and
the type of data using the conceptual business models, the next thing is
to capture the data and store it in a form that can be used for analytics.
Capturing the data deals with the mechanism that captures the physical
or digital representation of that real-world phenomenon and puts it
somewhere. In this stage, there is a need to identify what is to be stored
or retrieved (i.e., if the data has been stored before). Sometimes, it might
involve feature selection and representation (which will be explained
in Section 2.1). The peculiarity of small businesses when it comes to
capturing the data is that there is a lot of data literacy needed to be done
due to the fact that most of these businesses are characterized with lack
of an enterprise management system that manages their data; also, they
particularly don’t know what the data needs of their business are. There
is therefore a need for data integrity evangelism so as to get the best out of
the analytics project. For this reason, the task of capturing data for analysis
is a little challenging; most of the data is in the form of excel sheets that
might not be particularly analytics ready. There are several data cleaning
and preprocessing functions in Microsoft Excel which can be used. Also,
there might be a need to use more interactive data visualization tools like
Tableau ( and Power BI (
download/details.aspx?id=58494) for this purpose of capturing and
preparing the data for analysis. There are other tools available for free or
for a token on the Internet that can help capture small business processes
which will help make available data at the back end that can jump-
start the analytics process no matter how small the business is. Google
Analytics, for example, can help small businesses, particularly ecommerce
businesses, to create actionable strategies from automatically generated
data from the ecommerce platform. This data can be used to measure
marketing campaign performance, return on investment, and many
more ( For businesses that have been able to put

Chapter 1 Introduction

the correct data gathering and governance procedures in place, the data
capturing stage is much more easy to navigate as all that is left is to check
the appropriateness of the data for the particular analytics goal.

Accessible Location and Storage

In this stage, you try to understand where the data you are working
with comes from and then bring them together on one platform. There
might be a need to pull data together from different databases which
could be internal (e.g., past purchases made by customers) or external
(credit ratings, census data, etc.). Most often, this is referred to as a data
warehouse or enterprise data warehouse. Currently, there are a variety of
emerging technologies to do this both physical and virtual.
There are several sources that data might come from; we will learn
more about this in the upcoming Section 2.1. In situations where
enterprise management systems or software exist no matter how small,
the primary source of data for business is the operational databases or
application program as explained in the conceptual business model. There
are other sources of data in business, for example, scannable barcodes,
point-of-sale (POS) devices, mouse click trails, global positioning satellite
(GPS), and so on. The Internet is also a rich source of external data,
whether stored in databases or from social media platforms.

Extracting Data for Analysis

In preparation for analysis, a good question to answer is: How many
variables and how much data do you need to use for your modeling?
According to Galit et al. (2019, p. 29), we can have ten records for every
predictor variable, and Delmaster and Hancock (2001, p. 68) also
recommend that for classification procedures, we can have at least 6 × m × p
records, where m is the number of outcome classes and p is the number of

Chapter 1 Introduction

In extracting data for analysis, it’s important to sample data; this is

important because it helps to get a good sample proportion out of the
population since we have some algorithms that cannot handle large
amounts of data for statistical analysis. Hence, representing a good sample
proportion out of our population will be a good practice to perform
analysis and come up with several hypotheses.
Also while preparing your data for analysis, you would want to explore,
clean, and preprocess the data, verify that the data are in reasonable
condition, handle missing data, and check if the values of attributes are in
reasonable range, given what you would expect from each variable. At this
stage, you also want to check for outliers, normalize your data if necessary,
and ensure consistency in the definitions of fields, units of measurement,
time periods, and so on. Finally, at this stage, you want to handle
categorical variables, converting to dummies where necessary.
Another major step in preparing data for analysis is data visualization
which will be explained in detail in Section 2.5. Visualization can help to
take care of most of the data preparation steps mentioned earlier and is
also used for variable derivation and selection. Visualization can help to
determine the appropriate bin sizes in case binning of numerical variables
will be needed and combine categories as part of the data reduction
process. In case the cost of data collection is high, data visualization can
be used to determine which variables and metrics are actually useful. The
visualization also helps us to understand the data structure and clean the
data to remove unexpected gaps or “illegal” values. Visualizations will
also help to identify outliers, discover initial patterns, and come up with
questions that can be explored in the course of the analysis.
In extracting data for analysis, data reduction helps to eliminate variables
that are not needed. In addition to this, feature extraction methods are used
to reduce the data’s dimension and identify the majority of the components
that represent the data. Data partitioning (in Chapter 6) and transformation
are very important in preparing our data for analytics. Data transformation
is carried out in situations where you need to turn variables like amount

Chapter 1 Introduction

earned into a range between N50,000 and N100,000. There are also situations
where you need to create new variables from what you have, for example,
creating a variable true or false capturing if a customer showed up or not
from the purchase data on customers. It is also important for us to know
what each variable means and whether to include it in the analysis or not.

Data Analytics
In this stage, we determine the data mining task to be carried out. This
ranges from descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics, predictive analytics,
prescriptive analytics, and cognitive analytics. Sometimes, you might
need to combine these tasks or use them as a prerequisite to each other.
It is important to note here that one method isn’t more important than
another; it all depends on the end goal or the purpose of the Business
Analytics project.
Descriptive analytics helps to describe what things look like now or what
happened in the past. In descriptive analytics, we use available information
to better understand the business environment and apply the knowledge
along with business acumen to make better decisions. Descriptive analytics
makes use of simple aggregations, cross-tabulations, and simple statistics
like means, medians, standard deviations, and distributions, for example,
histograms. Some advanced descriptive analytics includes associations or
clustering algorithms. An example of the question that descriptive analytics
helps to answer is: What type of customers are renting our equipment?
Sometimes, we use descriptive analytics to identify the link between
two variables; this field of study is known as association rule mining. A
supermarket, for example, might collect information on customer purchase
behavior. The supermarket can use this information to discover which
products are usually purchased together and sell them accordingly. This
is known as market basket analysis. In addition, clustering can be used to
identify groupings and structures in data that are “similar” in some sense
without relying on existing data structures.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Predictive analytics takes what we know of what happened in the

past to predict what will happen in the future. It makes use of advanced
statistics such as regression algorithms that include linear, logistic, and
tree-based algorithms, neural networks, and so on. Classification and
regression tasks fall under predictive analytics. Classification deals with
generalizing known structures to apply to new data. For example, an
email program might attempt to classify an email as “legitimate” or as
“spam.” Regression attempts to determine the strength and character of
the relationship between one dependent variable and a series of other
variables. An example of the question that predictive analytics helps to
answer is: Who rented our equipment in the past, predict who will rent in
the future? Predictive analytics is typically an iterative process in which
we try multiple variants of the same algorithm, that is, choosing different
variables or settings within the algorithm. The choice of what to settle
for is usually decided by feedback from the algorithm’s performance
on validation data and how well it is performing on real-world data.
It is important to note here that machine learning algorithms are data
dependent, so this iterative process must be observed for each case study
data before concluding which algorithm to settle for.
Prescriptive analytics links analysis to decision making by providing
recommendations on what we should do. It helps us to know which
customers to target and what choice we should make and usually involves
the integration of numerical optimization techniques with business rules
and financial models.
There are other types of tasks which include the diagnostic analytics
and the cognitive analytics.
Diagnostic analytics takes past performance and uses it to determine
which elements influence specific trends. It helps to answer the question
“why did it happen?”, thus creating a clear connection between data and
behavioral patterns. It enables data analysts to drill into the analytics to

Chapter 1 Introduction

uncover patterns, trends, and correlations, and it uses more complicated

queries. Regression analysis, anomaly detection, clustering analysis, and
other techniques are among those used.5
Cognitive analytics: The descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and
prescriptive analytics are gradually evolving currently to include
specialized areas such as cognitive analytics, automated analytics,
smart analytics, and more.5 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
techniques are combined with data analytics approaches in cognitive
analytics. In the field of Business Analytics, cognitive analytics solutions
assist companies in making key business decisions and reaching
conclusions based on existing knowledge bases.5
The choice of which task or algorithm to use or how to combine them
is determined by the size of the dataset; the types of patterns that exist in
the data, that is, whether the data meets some underlying assumptions of
the method; how noisy the data is; and, most importantly, the particular
goal of the analysis. The approach used in data mining is to apply several
different methods and select the one that is most useful for the goal at
hand. For a more comprehensive understanding of how to evaluate
models, check Galit Shmueli et al. (2018, p. 117).

Summarize and Interpret Results

In this stage of the Business Analytics journey, we interpret and
summarize the results obtained from the data analytics stage. It is very
important to factor in the context of the business. There is a need for a
clear understanding of how the business works so you can understand
what the results are telling you. We interpret the results of analysis using
charts, graphs, statistical tables, and so on in order to make it easy to see
what is going on. In doing this, simplicity is the key; we need to narrow all
that has been done to a few key points and determine whether you have

Chapter 1 Introduction

successfully answered the questions we set out to answer. In Business

Analytics, when interpreting the results, you must not forget to state
(by linking the interpreted results with the problem scenario) what the
company stands to gain from this analysis.

In presenting the results, you need a clear understanding of how the
business works; then with the help of charts, graphs, or tables, you will
be able to present what is going on. You will also need to supplement the
figure with a short narrative explaining what they mean. Simplicity is the
word here, regardless of how complex the analytics procedure is; at this
point, you will need to reduce the details and sieve out all your analysis
into a few key points. At this point, you want to check if you have been
able to successfully answer all the questions you set out to answer at the
beginning of the analytics project. It’s interesting to know that sometimes
you might even discover that you were asking or pursuing the wrong goal
or question to begin with. Do not forget that as a business analyst, solid
presentation skills are required to be able to communicate your analytics
results efficiently. Depending on the tools you are using to make your
presentation (Tableau dashboard, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.), you will
need to develop mastery in its use and ability to use it to communicate

Recommendations, Strategies, and Plan

After carrying out the analysis, there is a need to deploy the model by
integrating the model into operational systems and running it on real records
to produce decisions or actions. For example, the model might be applied to
a data on the existing customers of an ecommerce business, and the action
might be “a campaign targeted toward customers most likely to churn.”

Chapter 1 Introduction

In making these recommendations and providing strategic plans, there

will be a need to back up your recommendations with executive summary
of the analytics process and focus on the business value of the proposed
plan. There is also a need to constantly link the plan to the return on
investment, particularly considering the context of the analytics project. In
this phase, use the insights obtained from previous steps to create a plan
for taking some action, from high-level strategy to specific actions to be
taken the strategy will involve you creating several alternative course of
action from your analysis and the advantages and disadvantages of each so
that the stakeholders can determine with one to opt for.

In the implementation stage, the result of the analysis is put to test live.
The nature of this implementation will be determined by your strategy
in the previous step. In this stage, you will have to monitor the success
metrics you highlighted related to each goal in the first step of the
analytics journey. Depending on whether the results are successful or
not, you might need to iterate the process based on lessons learned in
the analytics journey. This entire process is iterative in nature. Also, after
implementation, there is a need to use feedback from the users to iterate
the analytics process for better analytics results and interpretation of
results. The stage to be repeated in this iteration is determined by the
nature of the feedback. There are situations where there will be a need to
revisit the system data capture stage or even the data analysis stage.

1.4 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

According to Uyi Akpata in a report by PwC Nigeria,3 the MSME (micro,
small, and medium enterprises) sector is an economy’s growth engine,
contributing to its development, job generation, and export, among

Chapter 1 Introduction

other things. According to the World Bank, MSMEs account for over
90% of all enterprises and more than 50% of all jobs worldwide. In
emerging economies, formal SMEs can account for up to 40% of national
income (GDP).
According to the Bank of Industry (BOI) in a report by PwC3, SMEs can
be defined using Table 1-1.

Table 1-1.  SME’s Definition

Enterprise Category Micro Small Medium
Indicator Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise

Number of employees <=10 >11<=50 >51<=200

Total assets (N) <=5million >5<= >100<=500million
Annual turnover (N) <=20million <=100million <=500million

In the same report, the most pressing problem currently faced by SMEs
is obtaining finance, followed by finding customers. For SMEs, the task of
finding customers is mostly captured by marketing analytics, analytics in
customer relationship management, and so on, which takes the lion share
of Business Analytics.

1.5 Business Analytics in Small Business

So far, some SMEs have benefited from data science, the likes of which
include Goodvine Group8 and so on, but there is still a lot of ground to
cover. SMEs can equally benefit from data science by solving the same
challenges as large businesses which include customer acquisition cost,
churn, sales forecasting, logistics, or capturing market share; the only
difference is that this has to be done with fewer resources. Although
small businesses may not be capturing a larger volume of data as large

Chapter 1 Introduction

enterprises, the variety and velocity are often the same. The good thing
is that, so far, they are able to use the data quickly and efficiently and can
compete with larger competitors in the same space. Interestingly, one of
the edges that small businesses have over larger ones when it comes to
maximizing data science is that they do not need a large data science team
to get value out of data.
The major problems of small and medium businesses when it comes
to applying data science to improve revenue include the following:
The amount of data collected: Due to technology advancement, there
is an enormous amount of data available in small businesses, but these
businesses lack a data system that efficiently collects and organizes
Data integration: For analysis to be complete and accurate, there is a
need to bring together data across multiple, disjointed sources; currently,
this is done manually and can be time-consuming and cumbersome.
Data that lacks quality and integrity: Garbage in, garbage out. There
are no accurate insights that we can get from data that is full of errors
and does not reflect the whole problem scenario, sometimes referred to
as asymmetrical data. For more details of how SMEs can benefit from
Business Analytics, the challenges, and solution, this can be found in
Coleman et al. (2008).6
The major solution to some of the problems stated earlier is to
implement a data governance policy for the business no matter how
small. Data governance is a set of procedures, responsibilities, policies,
standards, and measurements that ensure that information is used
effectively and efficiently to help an organization achieve its objectives.7
Small businesses need to realize that the earlier they have this in place, the
better they are prepared for the future that is here already.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.6 Types of Analytics Problems in SME

In this section, we try to highlight some types of questions SMEs can
answer with data analytics and some suggested techniques that might help
to explore such (Table 1-2). It is important to note that these questions are
informed by the kind of business and the nature of the analytics goal at
hand. Also sometimes, there might be a need to combine the techniques or
use them as prerequisite to each other as demonstrated in the consulting
business problem scenario in Chapters 9 and 10. It is also important to
note that the answer to these questions can only yield the needed value
when embedded in the analytics process described in Section 1.3.

Table 1-2.  SME Problems and Techniques

Questions Suggested Techniques

• How does promotion embark my sales? Time series forecasting

• Who buys our products during promotions or Association rule mining,
who are our customers? network analysis, collaborative
•  Which type of displays work better? filtering
• What products are selling together and what
products are neutralizing each other?
• How can we target our marketing and
promotions and offer recommended products
to customers?
• How can we discover the most influential
• How can we know our employee efficiency?
• What do we stock and how do we position

Chapter 1 Introduction

Table 1-2.  (continued)

Questions Suggested Techniques

•  What are customers buying? Clustering

• What are the categories of customers we
• Why are our sales dropping or declining? Descriptive/exploratory
• How can we predict sales? Classification and prediction
• How can we predict the impact of discounts techniques
on sales?
• How can we estimate the profit of a sales
adventure, predict prices, etc.?
• Which customer is going to buy or buy next?
• How many purchases they are going to make?
• How many of our customers will stay with us
or leave?
• How do we retain customers and target them
in the right way?
• How do we turn nonprofiting customers
to more profiting ones or profiting to more
• What do we store or discard?
• When do we store or discard?
• What is the correct price point that is
maximizing sales?
• What are the most profitable products?
• How do we increase our customer base?

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.7 Analytics Tools for SMES

Some of the analytics tools that small businesses can use are captured
in Figure 1-3, though there are still more. Some of these tools are
available as open source and can be used for free, while some are not. As
tempting as it may seem for businesses to want to opt for the free ones,
it is important to find out what is obtainable on these platforms before
settling for them. In this book, we primarily use RapidMiner Studio but
also augment it with RStudio and Gephi in order to have a robust view to
the analytics procedure. RapidMiner Studio was selected so as to appeal to
nonprogramming Business Analytics audience, and Gephi is used for the
network analysis to create beautiful and easy-to-interpret networks. It is
also important to note that all the tools used in this book are open source
(available for free download online).

Figure 1-3.  Some analytics tools for SMEs

1.8 Road Map to This Book

This book is divided into four major parts. Figure 1-4 gives the overall
structure of the book and where the topics in this book fit in. Chapter
numbers are indicated beside the topic. Part 1 (Chapters 1 and 2) explains

Chapter 1 Introduction

the fundamental concepts explored in this book, such as data science, data
science for business (Business Analytics), and what it takes to carry out any
analytics project both generally and specifically for a small business. In this
part, we also explore issues around data and how to manage and prepare it
for the analytics project with practical examples. Part 2 (Chapters 3 and 4)
focuses on analytics consulting and explains how to navigate your way
through to becoming successful in the data analytics consulting space. It
also gives a detail of the phases involved in Business Analytics consulting.
Part 3 (Chapters 5–8) is focused on the data mining techniques common
with small businesses, and this is expressed in an approach that first
explains the basic concepts of these techniques in a simple way and
then uses a real business problem scenario for the practical application.
This part is practical oriented and based on case study problems
experienced by small businesses. In this book, we will cover five different
practical business problems. These business problems are covered in
Chapters 5–8. The techniques used in the book demonstrate how to solve
these problems. It is important to say here that despite using a particular
problem as a case study, it is not only in this situation that the approach
can be deployed, but it can be used in other similar problem scenarios.
The techniques selected are based on their popularity in practice, and
they fall under the broad category of prediction (predicting numerical
outcome), classification (predicting categorical outcome), and descriptive
analytics. Finally, Part 4 brings the consulting principles into practice
by using an SME case study to model the already explained consulting
phases in Part 2 and adopting the appropriate techniques among the ones
explained in Part 3. Although each chapter stands alone, we advise that
you read Part 1 before proceeding to Part 3, and Part 2 before proceeding
to Part 4.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1-4.  Road map to the book

Since this book is practical based, the following is a guide to

installation and a brief introduction to the softwares we will be using for
the practical demonstration.

Using RapidMiner Studio

RapidMiner Studio is a comprehensive open source data mining tool
that contains over 400 built-in data mining operators as well as a broad
spectrum of visualization tools. It was started by Ralf Klinkenberg, Ingo
Mierswa, and Simon Fischer at the University of Dortmund, Germany.
Today, it is currently maintained by commercial company plus open
source developers. It comes in two editions, the community edition which

Chapter 1 Introduction

is free and the enterprise edition which is commercial. The documentation

and installation guide for RapidMiner can be found at RapidMiner Studio can be downloaded directly
from Figure 1-5 is the landing page after
successfully downloading and installing the RapidMiner Studio.

Figure 1-5.  Welcome to RapidMiner

A detailed introduction to the RapidMiner Studio for first-time users

can be found at

Using Gephi
Gephi is an open source and free software for visualization and exploration
of all kinds of graphs and networks. To download Gephi, visit https:// Some installation guide can be found at
org/users/install/. If you have any issues installing Gephi, visit www. After installing Gephi successfully,

Chapter 1 Introduction

you will see the screen in Figure 1-6. A quick introduction to Gephi can
be found at

Figure 1-6.  Gephi screen

1.9 Problems
1. Design a conceptual business model for the
following business scenarios:

a. A small business that intends to use information on its

current training attendee to build a model to predict who will
come for training in the future. The result of this prediction is
to be used for target marketing.
b. Hadetulah eye clinic is a small business of about 20 staffs in
total and about five branches in Nigeria. They offer several
services relating to eye treatment, from diagnosing to sales
of eye treatment equipment. Even though they do not have

Chapter 1 Introduction

a core enterprise application running, they capture financial

operations data in the form of excel sheets storing diagnosis
results, information of the referral hospitals, equipment
details, rental or sales information, and invoices. Their goal is
to attract more customers.

2. Assuming you are part of an analytics project

embarked on a task to improve the efficiency of
an operation of an airline business. Your task
is to understand how the business operates. In
doing this, you are requested to come up with the
conceptual model that gives a detailed explanation
of the elements in that business space and how they
relate together.

3. Create a conceptual business model for a noodle

retail small business. This company intends to
segment their current customers so as to be able to
describe them for effective customer relationship

1.10 References
1. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,
Data Mining for Business Intelligence, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in Microsoft Office
Excel with XLMiner, published by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2010.

2. David Torgerson, Manuel Laguna, & Dan Zhang.

Advanced Business Analytics Specialization
[MOOC]. Coursera.

Chapter 1 Introduction

3. PwC’s MSME Survey 2020 Building to Last,

Nigeria report (June 2020),

4. Mara Calvello (January 28, 2020) What is Business

Analytics and Why You Need It for Success,

5. 10xDS Team (November 2019) Harnessing the

power of Cognitive Analytics to reinvent your

6. Shirley Coleman, Rainer Göb, Giuseppe Manco,

Antonio Pievatolo, Xavier Tort-Martorell, and Marco
Seabra Reis. How Can SMEs Benefit from Big Data?
Challenges and a Path Forward, published online on
Wiley Online Library.

7. Talend (March 2022) What is Data Governance and

Why Do You Need It? (



10. Delmaster, R., and Hancock, M. (2001). Data Mining

Explained. Boston: Digital Press.

11. Sylvain Giuliani (Feb 2022) What is Operational

Analytics (and how is it changing how we work with

Chapter 1 Introduction

12. KPMG, Emerging Trends in Infrastructure. www.

More resources on the chapter for further reading

• Eric Bradlow et al., Business Analytics Specialization

[MOOC]. Coursera.

• Installing RapidMiner,


• Installing Gephi,



Data for Analysis
in Small Business
In this chapter, we will look at the various sources of data generally and
in small business. This is important because the major challenge of
consulting for small business is the lack of data or quality data for analysis.
This chapter will therefore detail the sources of data for analysis explaining
first the type or form that data exists and some general ideas of how to
collect such data. It gives an overview on data quality and integrity issues
and touches on data literacy. In addition, we will explain typical data
preparation procedures for data analytics techniques. To conclude, we
look at data visualization, particularly toward preparing data for various
analytics tasks as explained in Section 1.3.

2.1 Source of Data
Data can be retrieved in different forms; the most basic category of data is
the structured, semistructured, and unstructured data.1
Structured data: This type of data has a predefined order to it, and
it is formatted to a particular structure before it is stored. This structure
is referred to as schema-on-write. One good example is data stored in a
relational database management system.

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 29

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Unstructured data: This is when data is stored in its native format and
not processed until it is used, which is known as schema-on-read. It has
no form or order. It can be stored in a variety of file formats; examples
are emails, social media posts, presentations, chats, IoT sensor data, and
satellite imagery.
Semistructured data: This form of data includes metadata that
outlines specific features of the data3 and allows it to be manipulated
more efficiently than unstructured data. Data stored in XML format is an
example of this kind of data.
In business, the types of systems that capture data include the

• Core enterprise systems

• Customer and people systems

• Product and presence systems

• Technical operations systems

• External sources systems

It’s important to note that sometimes these systems overlap in their

functionalities stated as follows in some situations.
Core enterprise: These include systems that help in managing the
financial operations of the business. They are used for billing and
invoicing, enterprise resource planning, supply chain management,
purchasing and selling activities, monitoring production activities, and
many more. When compared to the other classes, they have a vast volume
and are normally created, saved, and maintained within the operating
Customer and people systems: These include client services, marketing
automation, campaign management, human resource systems, and
customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Product and presence systems: They help to store information about

product management. These include product management, content
management, web management, and analytics. Many of the actions that
people undertake in ecommerce can be measured in the most minute
detail. These include customer reviews, weblog data, mouse click trails,
global positioning satellite (GPS), and so on.
Technical operations systems: They are very tactical and help to monitor
processes of other systems to make sure that they are functioning properly.
They include process monitoring, alarming and fault monitoring, ticketing
and workflow management, telematics, and machine data processing.
External source systems: These include data collected outside the
organization but are relevant for the analytics process. They include
demographic and segmentation data, data from partners, supplies and
government agencies.
To extract this data for analytics or prepare it for secondary analytics
storage like the data warehouse, there are several languages available
which include but are not limited to SQL, Python, and so on. Sometimes,
when the data is not available for extraction, we might need to collect
it using either the active data collection approach or the passive data
collection approach.
Active data collection: This occurs when data is collected directly
from the user, for example, a user deliberately shares personal data
when completing an online retail transaction. When collecting such
data, oftentimes, there is a need to include some disclosure of the data
being collected. Active data can also be collected using surveys whether
online or offline, and there are procedures to be followed2 to carry this
out to achieve a particular goal. Online platforms include Google Forms,
SurveyMonkey, and so on.
Passive data collection: This occurs when the object of interest is
not involved in the data collection. It is collected through scanner or
media such as radio, television, and social media. Other passive means
of collecting data include web and mobile platforms. Web data gives

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

you a lot of information about what your customers are looking at either
on your own website or even the competitors’ website. For ecommerce
websites, for example, we can collect customer reviews, web transaction
data, customers’ demographic data, and weblog data. An example of
companies that help collect web data is Comscore (
These companies can help to collect data which can give insights to how a
particular company is trending on social media, see what is happening on
the company’s competitor’s website, and so on.
A real business illustration I: Consulting for small business requires
creativity in sourcing for analytics data; for example, a small business that
organizes training on different subjects aims at using information on its
current training attendee to build a model to predict which of its prospects
will be interested in training in the future. Their intention is to approach the
prospects predicted to be interested with their new training package. Since
it’s a small business, there is minimal budget to carry out this task, and
therefore they need to know the exact prospects to target with the available
resources. In order to get external data for this task, the data analyst had
to put a targeted advert on Facebook, accompanied by a Google Form link
which is used to collect the details of interested prospects. This is one way to
source external data creatively.
A real business illustration II: Hadetulah eye clinic is a small business
of about 20 staff in total and about five branches in Nigeria. They offer
several services relating to eye treatment; from diagnosing to sales of eye
treatment equipment. Even though they do not have a core enterprise
application running, they capture financial operation’s data in the form of
excel sheets. They also store information on the referral hospitals, equipment
details, rental or sales information, and invoices. For Hadetulah, the
customer and people systems are captured in excel sheets in the form of
name of customer, phone, age, sex, occupation, address, and so on. They
are also able to capture information such as the amount spent on types of
lenses, staff who attended to the customer, and so on. Figure 2-1 gives an
illustration of a feature representation example for Hadetulah opticals.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

From this figure, we can see the customer’s picture and the features or
attributes that represent the customer. The figure further gives an example
of the values that each attribute might have and illustrates how this (an
historical collection of features of different customers) will be an input to
the prediction algorithm given that the attribute amount is the label. After
developing the model, we can now use it to predict for a new customer.

Figure 2-1.  Feature representation of Hadetulah optical

Data Privacy
It is very important as a data analyst to familiarize yourself with the data
privacy guidelines, and ignorance is not an excuse even when it comes
to data privacy issues. To this end, there are standards in place to help
enforce data privacy. Professional or commercial organizations establish
certain ethical standards in order to put in place a set of nonlegally binding
information treatment procedures. To enforce the treatment of certain
sets of data, legal standards have been established by law and order. A
company or an institution can also establish its own policy guidelines
or standards. There is also the good judgment standard, which states
that even if something is technically correct by more formal rules, one
should constantly consider “Is this a good idea?” and “What might the
repercussions be?”

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

The following are the privacy guidelines that need to be followed:

• Avoid using complete names, maiden names, mother’s

maiden names, or nicknames.

• Do not include personal identification numbers,

National Identity Numbers, passport numbers, driver’s
license, taxpayer identification numbers, or financial
account or credit card numbers.

• Do not include address details, such as residential

address or email address.

• Personal information such as a picture (particularly

of a face or other identifiable feature), fingerprints,
handwriting, or other biometric data should be avoided
(e.g., retina scan, voice signature, facial geometry).

• Do not include information about a person that is

linked or linkable to one of the preceding information
(e.g., birth certificate, birthplace, race, religion, weight,
activities, geographical indicators, employment
information, health records, academic information,
financial details).
There is a need to find out the data policy operable in your own
country; in Nigeria, for example, we have Nigeria Regulations on Data

2.2 Data Quality and Integrity

It is often said in the world of computing that garbage in is garbage out,
that is, the quality of information produced after processing cannot be
better than the quality of information that was processed. This is not any
less true in data analytics. The quality of data refers to the degree to which

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

data can be used for its intended purpose and the degree to which data
accurately represents the real world. There is a need to measure the quality
of data to be used for analysis, and this can be done by checking the data
for the following:
Completeness: This is used to check if we have all of the information
we should have. We respond to questions such as, “Have all events been
captured?” Are all reference data values taken into account?
Uniqueness: This is when we check if single events are captured
only once.
Accuracy: This is where we determine if the data is a true
representation of the concept it is attempting to convey. Ensuring
numerical and string values are correct, as well as timestamps and other
properties, is among the other activities.
Consistency: In checking for consistency, we want to ensure that the
data format is as expected. There is a need to ensure that the same data is
captured the same way every time.
Conformance/validity: Does the data in the database comply with the
syntax, encoding, or other model requirements? Are data formats correct?
Are codes as expected? Are naming conventions adhered to?
Timeliness: Here, we want to know if data is available by the time it is
needed. This is also referred to as “data latency.”
Provenance: Here, we want to know if we have visibility into the origins
of the data. And how much confidence do we have that the data is real and
From a survey in 2017 on 7376 respondents by Kaggle5 on the data
science competition community, it was discovered after asking them to
rate the barriers they faced at work that the highest in the rank was the
dirty data problem which carried a percentage of 49.4% out of the whole
population surveyed.
Particularly common in the SME business environment is the dirty
data problem. These are situations where data is full of errors such as
misspelled data, typos, and duplicate data. This can be fixed systematically

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

when identified. There are also situations where data violates business
rules; to solve this, there might be a need to involve a cross-functional
effort between departments of the organization. There are situations where
data is collected using the wrong method or the wrong population. This
data often comes from asking the wrong business questions; all these can
be overcome by putting a proper data governance procedure in place for
the business at the start or carry out corrective measure when discovered.
Currently, there are algorithms that can be used to analyze data for
duplicates and other mistakes. It is important to emphasize here that
prevention is the best cure, that is, improved procedures of data collection,
forms, and records with more standardized fields are preferable. In
addition, make origins and history of data visible and transparent in order
to trace back every mistake. In conclusion, the completeness, validity, and
consistency of your data depend on the methods, and each business will
have developed and customized such methods for its particular needs.

2.3 Data Governance
Data governance is simply defined as the process put in place to make
sure that data is available, usable, secured, and has integrity. In the past,
only large corporations cared about data governance, but because small
businesses are also onboard making data-informed decisions, they are
also embracing data governance. The data governance process is built on
a collection of rules and regulations that secure data and ensure that it is
handled in accordance with all applicable external laws. The data steward
is responsible for developing and enforcing these uniform norms and
regulations. For small businesses, the way to go about data governance
is to tackle it from these three directions. First, assign someone (or more
if you can afford it) to the task of data governance. A good rule of thumb
is that as soon as you have a full-time analyst in your team, they should
explicitly own data governance.9 Second, the person in charge comes up

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

with a document known as a data treasure map consisting of a list of where

data comes from, for example, marketing, finance, sales CRM, etc., and
a list of where the data goes to, for example, data warehouse if any or the
business intelligence visualization tools. (Note that small business also
refers to one-man business, so this second stage might not be available
in the form of a software application but interpreted as copying data from
Excel to Tableau manually). Third thing is to include the information
about who uses your data. Finally, there is a need to educate all employees
on the importance of the data governance model developed, its dos and
don’ts. For more resources on data governance for small business, check
Nwabude, Begg, and McRobbie (2014).6,7 For the tools that can help small
business with data governance check Nwabude(2014) and others8,10

2.4 Data Preparation
After the necessary data has been retrieved for analytics, the very first thing
to do is to clean the data. This is necessary because analysis done on faulty
data can be misleading, and there can be serious economic consequences
of using uncleaned data for analysis. In the past, many major organizations
have lost a lot of revenue due to this, and a popular example is the
JPMorgan Chase trading loss.11
First of all, let’s lay some foundation about the types of variables so that
we can understand the data preparation procedures. The data obtained is
in the form of variables. Categorical variables have a fixed range of values
and can be unordered (called nominal variables) with categories such as
North America, Europe, and Asia; or they could be ordered (called ordinal
variables) with categories such as high value and low value. Numerical
variables are never ending. They are continuous (able to assume any
real numerical value, usually in a given range). Numerical variables can
be integers which take only integer values. Another kind of variable is
the date, and we have other ones depending on the analytics platform
being used.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

When cleaning the data, we are examining the data for bad formatting,
trailing spaces, duplicates, empty rows, synonyms, and abbreviations. In
cleaning the data, you ask questions like: Do character variables have valid
values? Are numerical values within range? Are there duplicate values/
rows? Are values unique for some variables? Are dates valid? Does the
dataset even contain attributes indicating what you want to predict? In
which case there is no need for prediction. Are there missing values? Is there
inconsistency in description?
In preparing and examining the data you want to use, summary
statistics can be used to discover the complete set of variables in the data,
learn the characteristics of the variables and the range of values in the
variables, and select variables for the analysis. Mean, median, standard
deviation, minimum, maximum, and so on are all examples of summary
statistics. The minimum and maximum can be used to detect extreme
values that might be errors. The mean and median give a sense of the
central values of that variable, and a large deviation between the two also
indicates skew. The standard deviation gives a sense of how dispersed the
data are (relative to the mean).

Summary Statistics
Example 2.1
The data OnlineQuestion1.xlsx needed to go through a data cleaning
process. First, understand and familiarize yourself with the data using
summary statistics, handle missing data and outliers, and finally normalize
the data. We will deal with each of these tasks as they are treated.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

1. The first thing to do is to create a repository for your

project using the following steps:

• Create a repository; click the arrow down beside

Import Data in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2.  Create a repository

• Give your local repository a name “OnlineCourse.”

• Create two folders in your repository (data and


Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

2. Load the data to be cleaned.

• Click Import Data (Figure 2-3).

• Select your data file (OnlineQuestion1.xlsx) from

anywhere it is on your computer.

Figure 2-3.  Import data

3. Format your columns (data types). The data types

in RapidMiner are polynominal (categorical
variables with more than two categories), binominal
(categorical variable with two categories), real
(numbers with decimals), integers (numbers
without decimals), date_time (data and time
together), date, and time.13 At this stage (Figure 2-4),
you can examine all attributes to see if their data
type is in order based on domain knowledge and
the purpose of the analysis. This is when you answer

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

questions like: Are values unique for some variable?

etc. There might be a need to change the type,
change the role of the variable, rename the variable,
or remove the variable (this can be done by clicking
the arrow beside the attribute in Figure 2-4). For
this purpose of demonstration, let’s change the
attributes message and MOVED_AD to binominal.

Figure 2-4.  Format data types

4. In situations where there might be errors (e.g.,

character variable having numerical data and vice
versa), the Replace error with missing values will
take care of this. In the next step of the cleaning
process, we can deal with the missing data.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

5. To load/import the data into the repository,

select the data subfolder in your repository and
click Finish.

6. The displayed interface of loaded data is revealed in

Figure 2-5. From here, you can click the Statistics to
reveal the summary statistics (Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-5.  Displayed interface of loaded data

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Figure 2-6.  Summary statistics

7. Examine the statistics to solve the following issues:

Does character variable have valid values? Are
numerical values within range? The min and max
functions can be used to detect extreme values that
might be errors. Are there missing values? Check
for the following: difference in scales, definitions
of fields, units of measurement, time periods,
and so on.

Missing Data
How do we handle missing data? You cannot just simply throw away data
in many cases because you need to have enough data for meaningful
analysis. Also, there might be more than one attribute with different
missing values in which case too many rows will be removed. Sometimes,

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

missing values are informative. You therefore need to do further

investigation to know what happened or if it was just an error in input. The
fact that data points are missing can even have high predictive power. The
first option to deal with missing values is to replace them. You might want
to fill the values with some smart estimates. The second way to deal with
missing values is to remove the row or column. The third way is to impute
a value with zero, mean, median, and many other ways of imputation.
Another way is to convert missing values to one of the categories in the
data, if the data attribute is categorical in nature. It is important that you
have to try as much as possible to minimize distortion when dealing with
missing values and use domain knowledge to conclude on what step
to take.

8. To handle missing data, we will continue from

where we stopped in step 7.

• From Figure 2-6, click the Design tab and drag the

data to the design view from the repository (this is
how we add the operator or data to the design view).

• Connect the output of the data to the result (res) as

seen in Figure 2-7.
• Run the processes by clicking the run (blue triangle
on the tools bar) button (indicated in Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-7.  Running your first process in RapidMiner

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

• From the output after clicking Statistics (Figure 2-8a),

you will observe that not all attributes have missing
values, and this is where you decide how to deal with
the missing values.

Figure 2-8a.  Checking the statistics again

• We cannot use the Use Filter Examples operator to

remove missing values because that would amount to
over 50 records being lost, so we will use the Replace
Missing Value operator.

• Under Operators, search for the Replace Missing

Value operator and add it to the design in Figure 2-7
and link it to the Retrieve OnlineQuestion1 operator
and then to the output.

• At this point, it is important to know that there are

different ways to handle different attributes in the
parameter settings of the Replace Missing Value
operator. If you want to deal with the attribute one by

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

one, you can first use the select attribute operator to

select the attribute you want to deal with and then use
the Replace Missing Value operator to deal with the

• Click the Replace Missing Value operator; in

the parameters window, select a subset for
attribute filter type, click the select attribute
button, and select the variables with missing
values (Age, AmountToPay, ITParents, LikeMaths,
LikeToTakeOnlineCourseInDataScience, Sex). Each
attribute should be treated based on the statistics, but
in this demonstration, we will select average for the
default parameter settings. See Figure 2-8b.

Figure 2-8b.  Replace Missing Values operator

• After running the process, all the missing values should

be corrected when you check the statistics. You can
also click the Results button to check the output after
dealing with missing values.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

• Other data cleaning activity is to check for duplicate

roles as revealed in lines 14 and 15 of your output.
To solve the problem, add the Remove Duplicates
operator to your design. To save the data to a CSV
file (which we will use for the next stage of data
preparation), add the Write CSV operator to your
design as shown in Figure 2-9 (create a new csv file and
name it OnlineQuestionAfterMissing and put it on the
desktop), click the Write CSV operator and select the
csv file you have created earlier, and run the process.
If you open the csv file, you will see the data you have
cleaned so far. You can also note in the output that the
duplicate row has been removed.

Figure 2-9.  Writing to a CSV file

Data Cleaning – Outliers

What are outliers? An outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal
distance from other values in a random sample from a population. To
detect outliers, we check if values are in a reasonable range, given what
you would expect for each variable. When there are obvious outliers, for
example, in Figure 2-10, there is a need to deal with them.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Figure 2-10.  Outliers

Furthermore, to detect outliers, we can check the distance between

each data point and the mean. Any observation above or below three
standard deviations away from the mean are considered outliers. When
variables are paired, outliers fall outside the pattern (scatter plot). The
purpose of identifying outliers is usually to call attention to values that
need further review, for example, a temperature of 200°F for a sick
person or age of 300. Some key questions about outliers are: Is the outlier
a mistake or legitimate point? Is the outlier part of the population of
interest? The answer will help to decide whether to include the outlier in
our analysis or not. One way to detect outliers is to sort the records by the
column, then review the data for very large or very small values in that
column. You also look at each column’s minimum and maximum values
(this can be done using statistics in RapidMiner). Boxplot visualization or
a scatter plot of two numerical variables can also be used to find outliers.
If the outlier is due to a mistake, fix it; if the outlier is outside the target
population, eliminate it. If outliers are much beyond the range of the rest
of the data (e.g., a misplaced decimal), it may have a significant impact on
some of the data mining processes we plan to employ, such as Euclidean

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

distance in clustering. Other methods for dealing with outliers include

data transformation, the use of outlier-resistant tools such as mean instead
of median, and so on. All of these are decisions that should be made by
someone with domain expertise of the application in question.

9. We continue our practical example by dealing with

outliers. Create a new process, and Import the data
(OnlineQuestionAfterMissing.csv) resulting from
the missing value cleaning, using the procedure
explained in step 2 of this example. To take a look
at the data before handling outliers, you can run
the process with only the data in the design view.
To handle outliers by filtering out the row, use the
process in Figure 2-11; click the Select Attributes
operator; for attribute filter type, click subset and
select all the attributes so the output of the process
will contain the whole data stored. Note that,
sometimes, you might want to normalize before
applying the detect outliers operator, particularly
when using Euclidean distance. For the Detect
Outliers operator, note that in the parameter,
the number of neighbors is set to 10 by default.
You might want to change that based on your
understanding of how the operator works. Just as it
is with all other operators in RapidMiner, there is a
need to read the help document of all the operators
to know how to maximize it for your own particular
task. The Filter Examples operator selects which
row(s) of the data is kept and which is removed
based on how you program it. You can set the filters
parameter, thus outlier> equals >false; if you do
this, you will observe that even though we expected

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

only one row to be removed, more roles are gone.

A more efficient way to deal with this problem
is to handle outliers by correcting rather than
deleting the row. Finally, the Write CSV operator is
used to save the resulting data in a csv file named

Figure 2-11.  Process for filtering outliers

10. Instead of removing the entire row as in step 9, you

can filter the results based on specific attributes.
To do this, you first need to detect the number of
outliers through visualization. For example, in
this case we have been able to detect that we have
one outlier, and we see that the value is >=300 for
attribute age. To deal with the outlier based on
this information, you can use the same process in
Figure 2-11 and then for the filter examples operator
set as in Figure 2-12a.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Figure 2-12a.  Correcting outliers

Normalization and Categorical Variables

Normalization is used to scale attribute data to fall within a specified
range. It is the method of organizing data to appear similar across all
records and fields. We normalize so that attributes will not take undue
advantage over each other in modeling or analytics processes. Some
algorithms require it, for example, neural networks; also, some clustering
algorithms require data normalization. There are several types: min-max
normalization, z-score normalization, and so on. Min-max normalization
is one of the most common ways to normalize data. For every feature, the
minimum value of that feature gets transformed into a 0, the maximum
value gets transformed into a 1, and every other value gets transformed
into a decimal between 0 and 1.

Handling Categorical Variables

When dealing with ordered categorical variables (age group, degree of
creditworthiness, etc.), label the categories numerically (1, 2, 3, …) and
handle the variable like it were a continuous variable. If a categorical
variable is nominal, sometimes there is a need to convert it to dummy.
For example, if occupation is a categorical attribute with “unemployed,”
“employed,” or “retired” categories and a record has a category of
unemployed, this is translated as in Table 2-1.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Table 2-1.  Creating Dummies


When we convert a categorical variable with many categories to

dummies, we may end up with too many variables. One technique to deal
with this is to combine close or similar categories to reduce the number
of categories. Combining categories involves the use of both professional
knowledge and common sense. In general, categories with a small number
of observations are suitable candidates for combining with others. Only
use the categories that are most important to the analysis and mark the
others as “other.” You can also use a bar chart to make such decision.12
1. To normalize the data resulting from the outlier
treatment OnlineQuestionAfterOutlier.csv, you can
use the Normalize operator, and to convert to a
dummy, you can use the Nominal to Numerical
operator (see Figure 2-12b). For both the Normalize
and Nominal to Numerical operators, you will need
to select the attributes using the attribute filter type
and attribute parameters as shown in Figure 2-12b.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

Figure 2-12b.  Normalize and Nominal to Numerical operators

2.5 Data Visualization
Data can be visualized for several purposes in an analytics project.
Data can be visualized for prediction, classification, and unsupervised
learning, also known as advanced descriptive analytics. For a detailed
understanding of data visualization, check out the following references:
Galit et al. (2019), chapter 3 or Thomas Rahlf (2017).
When visualizing data for prediction, we explore the data with the
following guide:

• Use a histogram/boxplot to determine any needed

transformation (plot the outcome variable against the
numerical predictors). If it’s the histogram, for example,
we check skewness. This will be covered in Chapter 6.

• We can also study the relation of the target variable

to categorical predictors via boxplots, bar charts, and
multiple panels.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

• Use a scatter plot to study the relationship between

the numerical predictors. When you do this, you are
looking for relationships between them that could
affect your analysis negatively or positively.

• Examine scatter plots with added color to determine

the need for interaction terms.

When visualizing for classification, we explore the data with the

following guide:

• Use bar charts with the outcome on the y axis to study

the relationship between the target variable and
categorical predictors.

• Use color-coded scatter plots to study the relationship

between the target variable and two numerical
predictors to denote the outcome.

• A side-by-side boxplot, in which each numerical

variable is compared to the outcome, can be used to
investigate the relationship between outcome and
numerical predictors. It’s worth noting that the most
separable boxes represent predictions that could
be useful.

Use the following as a suggestion when visualizing for an

unsupervised task:

• Create scatter plot matrices to identify pairwise

relationships and clustering of observations.

• Use heat maps to examine the correlation table.

• Use various aggregation levels and zooming to

determine areas of the data with different behavior.

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

2.6 Problems
1. Using the data named OnlineQuestionAfterOutlier.
csv, create dummies of all categorical attributes and
normalize all numerical attributes.

2. Perform the typical data preprocessing for

prediction for the data named FarmCo.External.
xlsx; describe the steps you took for this process,
conclusions made, and the resulting data (the target
attribute is Unit Price).

2.7 References
1. Talend, (2022, March) Structured vs. Unstructured
Data: A Complete Guide,

2. Online Survey Design and Data Analytics: Emerging

Research and Opportunities (Advances in Data
Mining and Database Management) by Shalin Hai-
Jew, published by IGI Global, 2019.

3. Feature Engineering for Machine Learning:

Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists by
Alice Zheng, Amanda Casari, published by O’Reilly
Media, 2018.

4. S.P.A. Ajibade & Co, (2020 Febuary) Data Privacy

and Protection under the Nigerian Law – Francis

Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business


6. Evan Kaeding and Pinja Virtanen (July 2021) Data

governance for startups and SMBs: what it is and
why you should care,

7. Nwabude, C. B. (2014). Data Governance in

Small Businesses – Why Small Business. 2014 3rd
International Conference on Business, Management
and Governance (pp. 101–107). IACSIT Press.

8. Best Data Governance Software for Small


9. Data Governance: An Essential Guide – 5

principles, 10 components, and getting started,

10. Best Data Governance Software for Small


11. 2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss, https://

12. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,

Data Mining for Business Intelligence, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in Microsoft Office
Excel with XLMiner, published by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2010.


Chapter 2 Data for Analysis in Small Business

More resources on the chapter for further reading

• RapidMiner: Data Mining Use Cases and Business

Analytics Applications by Markus Hofmann & Ralf
Klinkenberg, published by CRC Press, 2014.

• Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint for analyzing

data, charts, and PivotTables, 4th Edition, by Paul
McFedries, Released July 2013, published by Visual.

• Graphical Data Analysis with R by Antony Unwin,

published by CRC Press, 2015.

• Data Analytics for Business Specialization Course on



Business Analytics
In this chapter, we will look at Business Analytics consulting, particularly
what the concept implies and how to build such a career path. We will
explain the types of Business Analytics consulting that exist and then
narrow them down to how to navigate the world of Business Analytics
consulting for small businesses. In this chapter, we will look at how to
manage a typical analytics project and measure the success of analytics
projects. In conclusion, we will discuss issues revolving around how to bill
analytics projects, particularly as a consultant.

3.1 Business Analytics Consulting

A consultant is someone who is engaged in the business of giving expert
advice to people working in a professional or technical field. Business
Analytics consulting therefore refers to when such expert advice entails
any stage of the Business Analytics journey as described in Chapter 1,
Section 1.3. It can also be seen as the act or process of educating clients on
varying aspects of data and modern technology involved in taking data,
understanding it, processing it, and extracting value from the data.2

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A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

Figure 3-1.  Data scientist positions

Figure 3-1 gives some examples of different positions and entry-level

roles of data scientists in different types of organizations. From Figure 3-1,
a graduate or a self-taught data scientist can secure a position as a junior
data scientist in any consulting firm and so on.1 Today, these roles might
be customized depending on the type of large company in question.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

Some of these companies also take data science interns. There are also
independent data science consultants who offer data science consulting
services without working for the company or organization whether it’s a
small or large business. Some are referred to as data science freelancers,
and to get jobs, they use platforms like, www.,, and so on, while some just position
themselves as Business Analytics consultants or consulting firm and work
independent of any organization or platform. In practice, there are several
issues that an independent data scientist might face; on the top of this list
is the resistance of the business in question to release all the data needed
for analysis. The advice to independent data science consultants is to
not scare the business by asking for all you need at once. However, you
have to do your initial analysis and know what you will need to solve the
problem. The approach is to retrieve some amount of data to start with
and show some results that can encourage the clients to open up more in
terms of data. You can simulate what they stand to gain from the data if
made available. Always carry your clients and stakeholders along at every
stage of the analytics project. Business Analytics consulting should be seen
as offering products, in which case the product is in the form of solving
analytical problems. Business Analytics consultants can package analytics
solutions to specific problems as products offered. This book looks at
Business Analytics consulting from this perspective. Some of the problems
termed as products that we look at include customer loyalty (Chapter 7),
customer and product segmentation (Chapter 8), customer profiling
(Chapter 7), and so on. It is important to note that these problems, though
common in retail business, also find expressions in other types of business.
It is important for Business Analytics consultants to know that data
science techniques are embedded in business understanding. If you don’t
know how a business operates and how to improve a business normally,
you cannot know how the data science technique will be used or where it
fits in, to improve the sales of the business, for example. A good example is
in using data science to improve ecommerce business sales. For example,

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

to sell more of products not selling, you have to know how this can be
done in typical marketing, for example, through cross-selling. This will
not inform us of the kind of analytics to carry out. In this situation, you
might want to use association rule analysis to discover products that have
occurred together in the past and then use it for cross-selling.
A Business Analytics consultant might perform three types of roles
when working with clients: expert (outside looking in, you’re working
with a client who has a problem and wants you to fix it), pair-of-hands
(providing a service that the client company might be able to perform
themselves,) and collaborator (working side by side, the outside consultant
joins forces with members of the client organization to work on the project
or solve the problem together). Each of these represents a different kind of
interaction and a different source of satisfaction for the consultant.3 When
you take up consulting opportunities, it is important to state clearly which
mode you want to operate with.

3.2 Managing Analytics Project

Typically, an analytics project is in phases; these phases will be covered in
detail in Chapter 4. But this section will cover some important issues that
relate to managing an analytics project successfully.
The first thing to do when you kick-start an analytics project is to
establish the scope of the project, particularly stating clearly those things
that are within the boundaries of the project. This should be made and
documented at the beginning of the project. Clearly defining the goal
of the analytics project will help to do this. This will help to take care of
distractions and additions (even though valuable) that are not part of what
you set out to do. If these additions are important, there can now be a basis
for renegotiation.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

The next and most important thing to put in place for managing an
analytics project effectively is procedures for effective communication with
all parties involved in the analytics project, from your team members to the
stakeholders; they need to be kept in the know of what is going on whether
good or bad, progressive or not. If need be, you need to also establish a
line of escalation in case you need something resolved, for example, you
are having issues retrieving data updates from the appropriate quarters.
Closely related to this is the fact that you need to be able to monitor your
team using whatever kind of tracker app you are comfortable with; this
will enable you to get regular updates and identify and fix issues before
it causes more damage to the analytics process. It will also help the
communication of the analytics team. Finally, since the whole essence of
consulting is to make money by solving business problems with analytics,
then, there is a need to track hours and finances invested in the project so
you know how to bill accurately, though this also depends on the billing
approach you have chosen.
In addition to the above, for you to be able to successfully manage an
analytics project you need to be able to conceptualize analytical solutions
for real-world problems. This means that when the problem is presented
to you in the form of a real-world or real business problem, you need to
be able to translate it to an analytics problem (note that not all problems
are solvable with analytics) and then break the solution down into smaller
components and link them together to give the overall results as revealed
in Figure 3-2.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

Figure 3-2.  Analytics problem solving process

It is important to state at this point that machine algorithms and so

on are not enough to solve business problems analytics-wise; there has
to be a marriage of the business domain expertise (marketing, sales, etc.),
technical expertise (data engineers, information technologist, etc.), and
the technical skills involved in data analytics.
No matter the size of the business you are consulting for, there
is a need to factor all the above into your analytics project to make it

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

3.3 Success Metrics in Analytics Project

It is important to determine accurately the metrics to be used in evaluating
the success of your analytics project because this helps to determine if the
project has been successful or not. Not only that, it will help to bill your clients.
As consultants, there is a need to leverage on previous success stories to bid
for other contracts; therefore, getting accurate success metrics will make this
possible. Even though there are general success metrics, the most effective
metrics used in measuring the success of an analytics project is determined
by the application area of that particular project. For example, if you are
consulting for an ecommerce business with a goal to improve the sales or
revenue, the metric to measure for success will include the AOV (average order
value). In a physical retail shop, for example, the total number of customers
that has been added due to implementing the results of the analytics project
will be a good metric if the goal is to increase the customer base.
Generally, for a data science project, we have the following metrics:

• Traditional metrics: These types of metrics will help us

to know how we are performing relative to the plan.
This is where you want to check the time, budget, and
scope of what is meant to be achieved.

• Agile metrics: These types of metrics help us to check

at frequent intervals if we are providing value or not.
These can be achieved by including cycle times and
velocity/speed metrics.

• Financial metrics: These border around if the

organization is truly increasing its financial value due
to the results obtained from the analytics project. It
is important to note that this might not be assessed
only on completion but even after relevant milestones.
Metrics such as these include revenue and cost metrics,
return on investments, and so on.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

• Organizational goals: You want to constantly check if

your project is impacting the organizational goals and
meeting the satisfaction of the stakeholders.

• Software metrics: In situations where the analytics

project translates into software, you want to be sure if
the quality of the software meets industry standards
based on defect count, latency, and so on.

• Model performance metrics: Depending on the type

of models used for your analytics project, you need to
evaluate them based on the appropriate evaluation
technique, for example, using the root mean square
error (RMSE), precision and recall, and so on.

3.4 Billing the Analytics Project

First of all, it is important to say here that the billing in this section is
talking from the perspective of a consultant outside the organization.
Before billing any analytics consulting project, the very first thing to
do is the initial analysis. The details of the initial analysis are covered
in Chapter 4, Section 4.1. The initial analysis may or may not be billed
depending on the state of your proposal. Sometimes, you might want
to do an initial analysis for free to let the clients see the potential in
buying into the analytics projects. If the situation is such that the client is
already onboard and the initial analysis is such that it will involve some
investment in time and resources as there is a need to troubleshoot some
data-related issues, the initial analysis can be billed. The initial analysis
is also billed in situations where it’s the client that called for the analysis.
What the initial analysis helps to do in billing the analytics project
includes the following:

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

• First, it can be discovered, particularly with small

businesses, that the data needed for the analytics
project is not available; hence, the project cannot
be carried out. Sometimes, after initial analysis, the
best that can happen is to advise the clients on data
governance procedures and revisit the project some
other time.

• Second, the initial analysis will help you to get the

realistic goals of the analytics project and the metrics
to be used to evaluate the success. This will help you
know what the components of the billing will be.
If, for example, the goal is to increase the number
of customers, and the return on investment for a
customer is known, you can have an agreement
on what percentage to collect on each increase in
customers. This method usually works when the client
is not willing to put a downpayment on the analytics
project, and you still want to go ahead because you see
a potential success story (this is usually the case with
really small businesses).
• Third, the result of the initial analysis will help you to
know the tasks involved in solving the problem and the
amount of investment that will go into the project in
terms of time, financial resources, and so on. All these
have to be costed in detail and factored into the billing
process. At this point, it is important to say that there
might be a need to either have a business negotiator
on your team or be educated in the art of negotiating.
There are several online courses that could help here.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

Data science consultants often offer their analytics service as a

product. The billing can then be done just as a normal product is billed.
Product-based billing can be done by the client paying for what they got
out of the service rendered. So if you provide your analytics service and
the metrics show success, you are paid based on the agreed amount. To
bargain with the future result of the analytics project, you need to be able
to clearly define and measure what the analytics project will achieve.
So in essence, clients can be charged for an analytics project based on
percentage increase in success criteria. Note that there might be a need to
make the agreement legal. Providing your analytics service as a product
could also be putting it in stages of completion, that is, kickoff, update,
milestones, and so on. These stages can be pitched as a product and billed.
Also, an important warning is to beware of hidden costs of consulting,
for example, when calculating the hours spent on the consulting project,
some times spent on the analytics project might not be direct, for
example, the time spent keeping up with the technology team, research,
prospecting, accounting, proposals, marketing, internal trainings,
code review, and so on. If you had to organize training, research and
development, and so on, the time to do all these must be included in
the cost.
Sometimes, when consulting for a small business, you might even need
to do a first implementation of recommendation, and when they see the
results, you now can charge for continuous implementation.
Finally, defining the scope of an analytics project is useful even in
billing the clients as this will help to know where your analytics task starts
and stops. Sometimes, when dealing with small businesses and because of
the urge to get successful results, you might be tempted to go outside the
typical boundaries of analytics, for example, gathering data, marketing,
and so on, just to get your intended results. Depending on the situation
at hand, this may or may not be part of the task, but it is important to
state here that if it is, it should be factored into the billing both in terms of
resources used and time spent.

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

3.5 References
1. Isabelle Flückiger (April 5, 2021) Discover 9
Consultancy Segments to Start an Exciting
Data Science Journey for Any Experience Level.

2. (Assessed March 2022) Three

Modes of Business Analysis Consulting.

3. Karl Wiegers (2019) Successful Business Analysis

Consulting: Strategies and Tips for Going It Alone
(Business Analysis Professional Development) None
Edition published by J.Ross Publishing.

More resources on the chapter for further reading

• Joe McFarren (May 28, 20215) Tips for Managing a

Successful Analytics Project. www.tessellationtech.

• Data Analyst Career Switch | How I Became a Data


• Garrett Eichhorn (May 11, 2020) A Data

Scientist’s Guide to the Side Hustle. https://

Chapter 3 Business Analytics Consulting

• Brandenburg, Laura (2015) How to Start a Business

Analyst Career: The handbook to apply business
analysis techniques, select requirements training,
and explore job roles leading ... career. Clear Spring
Business Analysis LLC.

• Vicki James (2019) Leveraging Business Analysis for

Project Success published by Business Expert Press.


Business Analytics
Consulting Phases
This chapter will look at the stages involved in Business Analytics
consulting, mainly when the analytics service is offered as a product
from either within or outside the business. We will look at the proposal
and initial stages of analysis that gives direction to the analytics project.
Then we look at the details involved in the pre-engagement, engagement,
and post-engagement phases. It is important to know that the stages are
presented in a typical or generic way, but when implemented, there might
be a reason to modify or customize them for the application scenario.

4.1 Proposal and Initial Analysis

Before coming up with a proposal pitch, which will probably be the first
time you interact with the organization, you have to do a research on the
organization or SME to get some background information that will help
your analytics proposal. In the proposal, the background information
will help you to know and highlight the problems you plan to solve for
the organization. Though this is not compulsory, it could help grab the
attention of the stakeholders and make them interested in investing in
the analytics project. The major hindrance to jump-starting the analytics
project with SMEs is that the stakeholders don’t see a need or an urgency

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 71

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

to invest in such a project at the moment given the fact that they are still
making some income based on their present methodology. The onus
now lies on the consultant to convince them on the transformation and
achievement that data analytics could bring about. In situations where
this stage is not needed (i.e., the stakeholders are already onboard), you
can just have a brief introduction meeting which will detail the analytics
procedure and elicit the kind of problems that are relevant to the business.
It will also help at this point to get feedback from the stakeholders and
know what is on their mind and what they hope to achieve with the
analytics project. Though there are situations where the stakeholders
might not know what constitutes analytics problems, they will definitely
know the needs of the organization. At this stage, very good presentation
skills will be needed to get your proposal accepted. At the proposal stage, it
will help to present problems that have been customized for the business
in particular. The consultant needs to be careful at this stage not to give
false hope or to propose to solve problems for which data resources are not
available, all in a bid to get the proposal accepted.
In the initial analysis stage, you want to find out what is available
in terms of the data, data quality, and integrity. This is the stage where
you explore the proposed problems with respect to the data to be used
in solving each of the problems. At the end of this phase, you should be
able to give a detailed report of what is achievable given the available
data. Also, in the initial analytics stage, you need to understand the
organization’s operational procedure (conceptual business model) as
explained under the Business Analytics journey in Section 1.3 of Chapter 1.
This will enable you to be able to understand the optimization approaches
for the proposed analytics models and how the result of your analytics
will fit into the organization or business process. You will also be able
to discover when and who will be responsible for implementing your
recommendation and so on. With this, you are able to know who is to be
involved in the communication stages of the analytics project. After the

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

initial analysis, you should also be able to give an idea of what are the
expected outcomes of the analytics project at a high level of abstraction
and advice on best data practices for the organization. The tasks involved
in the initial analysis stage can be summarized as follows:

• Discovery and assessment of the available data

(internal and external) for analytics and the quality.

• Highlight the details on how to access the data


• Understand the organizational database and stage the

process of integrating the data for analysis if need be.

• Discover the analytics obtainable from the current data.

• Highlight the decision objectives and determine the

analytics output that will help to make an intended
decision feasible, given the available data.

The output of the initial analysis stage includes

• Documentation on the detailed discoveries as regards

the current data available and obtainable and an
abstraction of what benefits can be obtained from it
• Advice on the data platform upgrades and integration,
particularly toward future analytics

• Specific highlights of the objectives of the analytics

project, decisions that can be made, and the analytics
output that will help to make such decisions feasible
given the available data

• Projects that will be carried out, stating the milestones,

deliverables, costs, and expected ROIs

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

At this stage, you need to make it clear that the analytics project
is an iterative process, which means that you might need to make
recommendations which will be implemented and evaluated and, if
necessary, repeated. This initial analysis will help to

• Learn what is possible with your data

• Have a fresh set of eyes on your current data pipelines,

warehouses, and analytics strategy

• Give advice on data platform upgrades

In the initial analysis stage, you want to understand whatever data is

available, that is, inquiring with subject matter experts about what field
names might mean and seeking internal tribal knowledge of data source
usage. There might even be a need to explore whatever data was given
at this stage to know its feasibility to solve the problem because it is not
uncommon to land in situations where the data you discovered from the
inception is not as rich as you thought it would be for analysis.
Take note that during the initial analysis, you need to be able to
determine how to avoid wasting time on unrealistic clients and let go of a
project if it will not lead to a success story whether based on data resources
or the negative business environmental situations. Finally, learn to
navigate hype and unrealistic expectations. The rest of the analytics project
is captured in three phases as presented in Figure 4-1. Just as mentioned
earlier, this can be customized and expanded based on the nature of the
individual analytics project. For the remaining part of this chapter, we will
pick each of the stages one after the other and explain them in detail.

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

Figure 4-1.  Analytics consulting phases

A typical analytics project consists of three major phases as revealed

in Figure 4-1. The whole duration for the project varies based on the data
situations and many other factors in the business domain, but, typically,
it should cover an average of three to six months in which the post-­
engagement phase should be given at least three months. A good example
of the IBM consulting process can be found at

4.2 Pre-engagement Phase
In the pre-engagement phase, there is a need to carry out an exhaustive
exploratory analysis using descriptive analytics to expose or discover
the situation of things in relation to the intended goals. At the end of this
phase, there might be a need to refine the goals based on their feasibility
assessment. For each goal, you need to highlight the present situation
using descriptive analytics, the conclusions that can be deduced, and the
recommendations for immediate implementation or future analytics.
There is a need to define success criteria, data readiness, and assumptions

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

for each of the goals stated. This is termed the kickoff and readiness phase.
It is where you try to map the journey for your clients and see where
analytics can play an important role in this journey.
Technically, the pre-engagement phase consists of the following:
Clients' analytics journey mapping: After developing the conceptual
business model, you then try to identify the stage of the conceptual
business model where the analytics solution will be used and what it will
be used for. This will help you to know the data needs for the analytics
project, particularly specific attributes.
Scoping out immediate and future needs: To do this, you will take the
goals of the analytics project and detail what you need to solve that is
actually available and that needs to be available in the future. For example,
if there is a need to clone the external market, what external data will be
needed, and is it possible to get access to it?
Timelines: There is a need to state the time that each of the phases will
take so that all parties will be carried along. This has to be done by stating
clearly the milestones and time of their accomplishments.
Engagement model: This model will help to give all parties involved
an idea of where they will be featuring in the project and what their role
will be. It can also include a solution architecture that gives the clients an
idea of how the analytics project will progress. Figure 4-2 is an example
of a simple solution architecture together with the engagement model for
consulting for an ecommerce business.2

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

Figure 4-2.  Sample of a solution architecture and engagement model

The solution architecture and engagement model presented in

Figure 4-2 captures the pre-engagement and the post-engagement phase.
This has been highly customized for a particular Business Analytics
project directed at improving online sales. A different kind of business
might interpret this in a slightly different manner based on contextual
information. In the model presented in Figure 4-2, we can see some
important characteristics; first, it is iterative, and there is a need to revisit
some stages based on the result from the stages after it. Also, all parties
that will be responsible for making the analytics project successful must
be carried along, and their inputs are important to the success of the
project. The solution architecture is very important because it helps to
demonstrate the competence of the analytics team in solving the problem
and helps the stakeholders to know what will be involved in getting the job
done, and this is helpful particularly in getting whatever resources will be
needed to execute the project.
Success criteria: For each of the goals, there is a need to use descriptive
analytics to present the present situation in relation to the relevant
success metrics as explained in Section 3.3 in Chapter 3. To do this, you

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

are to give a detail of the values of the metrics before and after the goal
is accomplished. The stakeholders should be communicated on these
success criteria, so that they can give their contributions based on their
domain knowledge and organizational goals.
Data readiness and assumptions: Finally, the pre-engagement phase
should make it clearly known what is obtainable from the available data.
This will clear any false expectation from the analytics project. In some
situations, it could either redirect the project or cause some data decisions
to be made such as stalling the project to curate data and so on. By
stating the assumptions for the successful completion of the project, the
stakeholders are able to know why some things do not go as planned.
At the end of the pre-engagement phase, there is a need to come
up with the documents containing the details of the pre-engagement
phase, which is presented to the stakeholders. This is important because
oftentimes there would have been a further modification and refinement
of the conclusions from the initial analysis stage.

4.3 Engagement Phase
Depending on the kind of analytics project, meaning, for example,
we are expected to come up with software or recommendations for
implementation or both, the engagement phase is when you build the
solution to the problem or goal identified.
The engagement phase typically includes modeling and analysis,
regular feedback, and communicating insights effectively to clients. The
components of the engagement phase stated might increase depending
on the project at hand but not reduced as each of these components
determine the success of the project.
Modeling and analysis: First, determine the data mining task. Will it
be descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, or prescriptive analytics?
Will it be a combination of all these or will the task be used to complement

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

each other? Sometimes, the predictive and prescriptive use descriptive

techniques in the exploratory stage. This involves translating the general
question or problem into a more specific statistical question.
Depending on the problem at hand, there are several ways to approach
them; for example, the problem can be an anomaly detection problem
where you identify unusual data records or association modeling,
where you search for relationships between variables. It could even be
clustering (discovering groups and structures in the data that are in some
way or another "similar," without using known structures in the data),
classification (generalizing known structures to apply to new data),
regression (finding a function which models the data with the least error),
or summarization (providing a more compact representation of the
dataset, including visualization and report generation).3
In practice, you can select from descriptive, predictive, prescriptive,
cognitive, or diagnosis. You can also perform descriptive first and, based
on the results, use diagnosis to further investigate why and then use
predictive and prescriptive analytics to solve the problem. You might
even need to combine some or all of them. Most times, the result of the
descriptive and diagnosis will determine the predictive technique to use.
The data mining technique to be used is determined by the size of
the dataset, the types of patterns that exist in the data, whether the data
meets some underlying assumptions of the method, how noisy the data
are, and the particular goal of the analysis. It is therefore important to
apply several different methods and select the one that is most useful
for the goal at hand. It is important to note that the modeling process is
iterative, and there is a need to try several variants of the technique and use
multiple variants of the same algorithm. The final choice is determined by
performance assessment of the technique or algorithm as the case may be.1
Feedback: In the engagement phase, there is a need for continuous
feedback between the analytics team and the stakeholders, and this can be as
many as the turn of events. Sometimes, this feedback could alter the course of
action, encourage the domain experts to cooperate more, and so on.

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

Communication of insights: Insights will be communicated at regular

intervals. Some insights can even cause some proposed future analytics
to change and rework the whole analytics project. Communicating
insights requires the knowledge of quality presentation skills orally and
in presenting the results in the form of charts together with mastery in
storytelling. In communicating insights, you should be able to gauge your
audience and see what is appropriate for such an audience; sometimes,
a high level of abstraction is needed, and sometimes there is a need for
details. Results need to be presented using visuals where necessary,
and finally tie up your recommendation with the insights that you have

4.4 Post-Engagement Phase
After communicating the recommendations of your analytics project, the
next phase is the post-engagement phase, also known as the measurement
tracking phase. This phase consists of the go-live preparation, go-­
live, measurement tracking against success metrics, and feedback
incorporation. The steps in the post-engagement phase are iterative.
Go-live preparation: This is when you organize workshops and training
to educate those that will implement the recommendations and how they
will implement them such that the overall goal of the analytics project can
be achieved. Sometimes, there might be a need to use demos, fliers, and
videos just to pass the message across. You also need to factor in change
management, that is, how the people, processes, and systems that drive
the organization will respond to the change that the recommendation
will bring about to achieve the overall goal. If the solution involves a
technology product, for example, you also need to tidy up loose ends as to
how the solution will fit into the existing system.

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

Go-live: In this step, you deploy your solution, implement

the recommendation, and supervise the implementation of the
recommendation. It takes two to three months for the implementation to
go on before the tracking begins.
Measurement tracking against success metrics: The next step is to
track the effectiveness of your recommendations based on the success
metrics highlighted in the pre-engagement phase. Based on the results
from tracking the metrics, there are decisions to be made at this point. You
might need to decide if there is a need to iterate the modeling processes or
adjust the recommendations to improve success metrics or conclude on
the achievement of the desired goal. Sometimes, you might need to track
compliance techniques; for example, if it’s a recommender system that
has recommended some products, you want to find out if those products
ended up being sold or not.
Feedback incorporation: The feedback from the go-live, measuring,
and tracking will cause some actions to be taken toward the success of the
project, particularly in improving the analytics process.
Finally, when the measurement reveals a level of success that is
acceptable, the next thing is to see how the process can be automated to avoid
heavy dependency on the manual implementation of recommendations
in the future. Though this is optional, having things run themselves is more
efficient than relying on a manual process if it can be afforded.

4.5 Problems
Given the following scenarios, explain the details of the activities for the
pre-engagement, engagement, and post-engagement phases of a freelance
business analyst that was given a contract based on the following:

a. A textile retailer, though having been experiencing

success early, is now starting to see a decline in
sales. Thankfully, the retailer has a dashboard that

Chapter 4 Business Analytics Consulting Phases

collects demographic information about current

and target customers. The goal of this retailer is to
use this information to locate areas for improvement
and identify where sales were strongest. One way
to go about this is to segment buyers by relevant
factors and customize marketing strategies to
each group.

b. A fitness instructor noticed that customers were

leaving his business. The intention is to develop and
install a predictive analytics model that will identify
if a customer is likely to leave and quickly offer
incentives that could prevent them from leaving.

4.6 References
1. Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban
(2020) Analytics, Data Science & Artificial
Intelligence Systems for Decision Support. Eleventh
edition, published by Pearson.
2. Vishranth Chandrashekar (July 2020) Journey Into
Data Science Consulting | How To Become A Data
Science Consultant | Great Learning,

3. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei (2012)

Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Third
Edition published by Elsevier.


Descriptive Analytics
This chapter is focused on the mostly common descriptive analytics
tools used in business generally and specifically in small businesses. The
chapter will help to use descriptive analytics tools to understand your
business and make recommendations that can improve your business
profits. For small businesses, descriptive analytics helps SMEs to make
sense of available data to monitor business indicators at a glance, help
SME owners observe sales trends and patterns on an overall basis, and
deep dive into product categories and customer groups. It also helps SMEs
plan product strategy, pricing policies that will maximize their projected
revenues and derive valuable insights for getting more customers.

5.1 Introduction
In Business Analytics, descriptive analytics helps to link the market to the
firm through information and provide information needed for actionable
decisions. Therefore, descriptive analytics can be seen as the principles
for systematically collecting and interpreting data that can aid decision
makers. There are three types of descriptive analytics:

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Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Exploratory research: This is used in situations

where there is a need to solve an ambiguous
problem, for example, to conduct exploratory
research to find out why sales are declining.

Descriptive research: It provides answers to

questions bothering on awareness, for example,
what kind of people are buying our goods?

Causal research: This is used in situations where the

problem is clearly defined, for example, will buyers
purchase more of our products with a change of our
store arrangement?

The rest of this chapter picks each of the common descriptive

analytics tools and gives detailed explanation on their uses and a practical
demonstration of how to use them. The data used for the practical
demonstrations in this chapter is named SuperstoreNigeria.xls.
RapidMiner can be used for several types of visualization, but we have
selected the popular and most common ones in this chapter.

5.2 Bar Chart
The bar chart can be used to examine categorical data for unexpected
patterns of results, for example, there may be many more of some
categories than others. Some categories may be missing completely or
there might even be uneven distributions in the categories. There might
even be extra categories, for example, if there was a mistake and the
gender was recorded as “M” and “F,” but also as “m” and “f,” “male” and
“female.” There may also be unbalanced experiments such that some data
are missing or unusable; this can be discovered using bar charts. Bar charts

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

can also help to discover when we have too many categories and make
decisions as to whether we are to combine them and how. Finally, it can
reveal errors and missing values.
Creating a bar chart in RapidMiner

1. You can create a new repository or use an existing

one and Import the data named SuperstoreNigeria.
xls (refer to Section 2.4 in Chapter 2 for a guide).

2. Figure 5-1 is a screenshot of the imported data in

RapidMiner. Click Next and select the repository
where you want to put the data.

Figure 5-1.  Screenshot of the imported data

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

3. On the Results interface in Figure 5-2, you can

click the Data, Statistics, Visualizations, and
Annotations to explore the various characteristics
of the data as explained in Chapter 2, Section 2.4.

Figure 5-2.  Example set of the imported data

4. Create a bar chart by clicking the Visualizations

button in Figure 5-2 and then adjusting the setting
of the resulting interface as revealed in Figure 5-3.
Take note of the settings of Plot type, Value
columns (y axis), aggregate data, group by, and
aggregation function. The Plot type is set as Bar
(Column). The Row ID is selected for the Value
columns so as to count each row in the data to
create the bar chart. Aggregate data is selected to
indicate we will be using aggregated calculations.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

The group by is selected indicating the categorical

variable (segment) we want to examine. The
aggregation function indicates that we want to
know how many rows exist for each category in the
categorical attribute called segment.

Figure 5-3.  Bar chart example

5.3 Histogram
A histogram is used to group data into intervals, and drawing a bar for each
interval shows the empirical distribution. Histograms help to understand
the center of the data. Histograms are an excellent tool for identifying the
shape of your data distribution. There are situations where data is either
skewed to the right or left, and you have to perform data transformation.
When using a histogram to examine your data for prediction, for example,

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

you want to make sure the data is not skewed to the right or to the left in
such a way that it could affect the result of your analysis. That is, the data
needs to be symmetric or almost symmetric.
The log method is good for transforming right-skewed data and bad for
zero and negative values. The square root method is good for transforming
right-skewed data and bad for negative values. The square is good for
transforming data that is left-skewed but bad for negative values. The cube
root is good for transforming data that is right-skewed and also negative
values but not effective for log transformation.
Creating a histogram in RapidMiner

1. Create a histogram in Figure 5-4 by changing the

settings as follows; the Plot type is set as Histogram.
The value columns is used to select the numerical
attribute you wish to create the histogram for.

Figure 5-4.  Histogram of the attribute profit

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

2. Figure 5-5 is the histogram of the attribute quantity.

Figure 5-5.  Histogram of the attribute quantity

3. The histogram in Figure 5-4 is fairly symmetric,

while that in Figure 5-5 is slightly skewed to the
right. A histogram that is symmetric has data evenly
distributed on both sides of the line that divide the
histogram into two equal halves vertically. The value
on the x axis where this happens on the histogram
plot is the median, which is also equal to the mean
and equal to the mode (for symmetric histogram
shape). We can also use the histogram to pick where
most of the values fall between.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

5.4 Line Graphs
Line graphs are used to track changes over short and long periods. When
smaller changes exist, line graphs are better to use than bar graphs. Line
graphs can also be used to compare changes over the same period of time
for more than one group.
Creating line graphs in RapidMiner

1. Create a line graph by adjusting the settings as seen

in Figure 5-6 to reflect sales on the x axis and profit
on the y axis.

Figure 5-6.  Example of a line graph

2. From Figure 5-6, we can see how profit (y axis)

changes with sales (x axis).

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

5.5 Boxplots
A boxplot is a standardized way of displaying the distribution of data based
on a five-number summary: minimum, first quartile (Q1), median, third
quartile (Q3), and maximum. It can tell you about your outliers and what
their values are. It can also tell you if your data is symmetrical, how tightly
your data is grouped, and if and how your data is skewed. It can also be
used for comparisons of distributions across subgroups.
Creating boxplots in RapidMiner

1. Create a boxplot for the attribute quantity by

adjusting the settings as seen in Figure 5-7.
The Plot type is set to Boxplot, while the Value
columns (y axis) is set to quantity.

Figure 5-7.  Example of boxplots

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

2. From Figure 5-7, the minimum quantity is 1, the first

quartile (Q1) is 2, the median is 3, the third quartile
(Q3) is 5, and the maximum is 14. The majority of
the quantity falls between 2 and 5.

Figure 5-8.  Side-by-side boxplots

3. Figure 5-8 shows the side-by-side boxplots for all

the numerical attributes in the data: sales, discount,
quantity, and profit. This is obtained by including all
of them in the Value columns.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

5.6 Scatter Plots
The scatter plots help to discover features such as

• Causal relationships (linear and nonlinear): One

variable may have a direct influence on another in
some way. For example, people with more experience
tend to get paid more. It is standard to put the
dependent variable on the vertical axis.

• Associations: Variables may be associated with one

another without being directly causally related.
Children get good marks in English and in Math
because they are intelligent, not because the ability in
one subject is the reason for the ability in the other.

• Outliers or groups of outliers: Cases can be outliers

when the scatter plot is created for two dimensions
(one on the x axis and the other on the y axis), but
not outliers in either dimension separately. Taller
people are generally heavier, but there may be people
of moderate height who are so heavy or light for their
height that they stand out in comparison with the rest
of the population.

• Clusters: Sometimes, there are groups of cases that are

separate from the rest of the data.1

Creating scatter plots in RapidMiner

1. Create a scatter plot of sales on the x axis and

quantity on the y axis by adjusting the settings as
seen in Figure 5-9. The Plot type is set to scatter plot.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-9.  Scatter plot

2. A color-coded scatter plot can be created by adding

a categorical variable to the setting (color) in
Figure 5-9 to give Figure 5-10. The color-coded
scatter plot helps to further explain the relationship
between attribute sales and quantity using a
categorical variable (category to separate that
relationship). From Figure 5-10, we can see that
items with low quantity and low sales mostly belong
to the technology category.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-10.  Example of color-coded scatter plot

3. Let us now create a scatter plot matrix for the

numerical attributes discount, quantity, and sales
using the settings in Figure 5-11. The Plot type is set
to Scatter Matrix; Value columns are set to Sales,
Quantity, and Discount; and Column Summary is
set to Histogram. The scatter plot matrix will help to
compare all the attributes intended at once.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-11.  Example of a scatter plot matrix

5.7 Packed Bubble Charts

Bubble charts display data as a cluster of circles. It can be used to visualize
the size of categorical attributes. Each category of the categorical attribute
represents a circle, whereas the number in each category represents the
size of those circles.
Creating packed bubble charts in RapidMiner

1. To create bubble charts, the data named

OnlineQuestion1.xls will be used. Import the data
into your repository; in the design view, link the
data to the result (res), then run the process, and
on the resulting interface (i.e., Results), click the
visualizations tab. (Note that the configuration of
the free RapidMiner edition used for this course
does not allow for visualizing more than 2000 rows
for packed bubble charts.)

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

2. Create the bubble charts using the setting as shown

in Figure 5-12. The Value column (y axis) is set
to Age. The Category is set to sex (the categorical
attribute under investigation).

Figure 5-12.  Packed bubble chart

5.8 Treemaps
Treemaps display data in nested rectangles. It can be used to visualize the
size of categorical attributes. Each category of the categorical attribute
represents a rectangle, whereas the number in each category represents
the size of those rectangles.
Creating treemaps in RapidMiner

1. To create treemaps, the data named

OnlineQuestion1.xls will be used. (Note that the
configuration of the free RapidMiner edition used
for this course does not allow for visualizing more
than 2000 rows for treemaps.)
Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

2. Create the treemap using the setting as shown in

Figure 5-13. The Value column (y axis) is set to
Age, Group by is set to LikeMaths (the categorical
attribute under investigation), and the Aggregation
Function is set to count to show how the size of the
rectangles is determined.

Figure 5-13.  Treemaps

3. From Figure 5-13, Yes has the highest count, and

this is indicated by the largest rectangle color blue.
This is followed by Maybe and so on.

5.9 Heat Maps
A heat map is a graphical display of numerical data where color is used
to denote values. They are especially useful for the purpose of visualizing
correlation tables and visualizing missing values in the data. To do this,
the information is conveyed in a two-dimensional table. A correlation

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

table for a set of attributes has the same number of rows and columns.
If the number of attributes is a lot, then a subset of the attributes can be
used. Heat maps make it easy and faster to scan correlation values with the
color codes.
Creating heat maps in RapidMiner

1. To create heat maps for visualizing missing

data, for example, we will use the data named
OnlineQuestion1.xls and make the settings as
displayed in Figure 5-14. The Plot type is heat map,
the attributes selected are Age, AmountToPay,
Message, and Moved_AD. We will look at heat maps
for correlation in Chapter 6.

2. In Figure 5-14, given the selected attributes, the

whole rows (223) in the data are displayed. The
missing data for a particular attribute is represented
in color white. Visualizing the data like this will help
to have an idea of how much data is missing. For
example, there are very few cells with missing data.

Figure 5-14.  Heat map for missing data

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

5.10 Geographical Maps
Maps are basically the geographical representation of your data. There are
certain types of inferences that are best achieved only when the data is
visualized geographically.
Creating geographical maps in RapidMiner

1. For the purpose of demonstration, we will use the

customersNigeria.xls data. This data consists of
the customers of a particular business and their
location data.

2. To create the geographical maps, import the data

into your repository; in the design view, link the
data to the result (res), then run the process,
and on the resulting interface (Results), click the
visualizations tab.

3. Create the setting as shown in Figure 5-15. The Plot

type is point map; Select map is Nigeria. Latitude is
latitude, and Longitude is longitude.

Figure 5-15.  Point map locating customers

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

4. From Figure 5-15, we can easily make inferences

about the location concentration of the customers in

5. Other types of maps can be explored such as the

choropleth maps for displaying numerical values
associated to regions (e.g., a country or a state) via
a color gradient or the categorical maps used to
visualize regions that belong to a number of distinct

It is important to say that for the purpose of demonstration, we have

just selected some popular tools and used the most common setting for
the visualization. There are other settings that can be used based on the
goal of the analysis. Also, there are other more interactive visualization
tools such as Tableau and Power BI which can be explored.

5.11  A Practical Business Problem I

(Simple Descriptive Analytics)
This is the first out of the five business problems addressed in this book.
Problem scenario: In this problem, we use an ecommerce business
as a case study. Let us assume that we have a business that sells clothes
online. The data (SuperstoreNigeria.xls) used contains the record of sales.
The task is to use descriptive analytics tools to describe what happened
in the past and what things look like currently. Our intention is to be
able to use the result to understand the business environment and make
better sales decisions. The data contains the attributes: Row ID, Order ID,
Order Date, Ship Date, Ship Mode, Customer ID, Segment, Country, State,

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Postal Code, Region, Product ID, Category, Sub-Category, Sales, Quantity,

Discount, Profit. In this problem, we intend answering the following

1. What is the sum of sales for each subcategory for

each region?

2. How does sales compare with profit from 2014

to 2017?

3. Which states are making high profits and which

states are making a loss (use geographic map)?

4. What is the relationship between discount, sales,

and profit?

5. In what category, subcategory, and State of Nigeria

are the highest sales made?


1. What is the sum of sales for each subcategory for

each region? The intention behind this question
is to know what particular subcategory of their
products gives them the highest sales and where
(as regards region) this is happening. The first
thing to do is to Import SuperstoreNigeria.xls
and drag it to the design view, run the process,
and in the Results interface, click visualization.
To answer this question, we will use the bar chart.
Figure 5-16a gives the setting for the answer to this
question. From Figure 5-16b, which is the bar chart
visualization, we can see that the East Region is
having the highest total sales for categories: copiers,

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

machines, phones, storage, and book cases. The

West Region is having the highest total sales for
categories: supplies, accessories, tables, and chairs.
Overall, the West Region has the highest sales in
the chairs subcategory. This information can help
to know what products to keep producing in large
quantities in the future and which region to target.

Figure 5-16a.  Settings for comparing region, sales, and subcategory

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-16b.  Comparing region, sales, and subcategory

2. How does sales compare with profit from 2014 to

2017? The intention behind this question is to know
if sales are actually translating to profit within a
particular period of time. To answer this question,
we will use the line graph. Figure 5-17 gives the
setting for the answer to this question. Note that to
answer this question, it is more logical to use the
sum of the profits and sales made. The answer in
Figure 5-17 shows that there is no particular linear
trend that can be observed between the sales and
the profit with respect to time.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-17.  Comparing profits and sales over time

3. Which states are making high profits and which

states are making a loss? The answer to this question
can help to determine which state to focus on,
for example, when marketing, so as to get more
profit, and if, for example, they are making loss in
a state and spending more marketing resources
in that state, it might be wise to further investigate
why this is so. To answer this question, we will use
geographic maps. Figure 5-18 gives the setting for
the answer to this question. From Figure 5-18, we
can see that Lagos has the highest sales in total.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-18.  Profit and loss per region

4. What is the relationship between the discount

given and the profit made? The intention behind
this question is to know if the discount offered is
translating to the profit that is being made, given
that the whole idea behind discount is to make
more sales and eventually make more profit for the
organization. The answer to the question is revealed
by using the settings in Figure 5-19a. To answer this
question, we are using the total discount and total
sales for each unique Row ID, to get the holistic view
of the result.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-19a.  Discount and profit (using the original values)

Unfortunately, due to the discount having smaller

values than profit, it is almost not showing up in the
graph. We have to select the logarithmic scale to
see the discount as revealed in Figure 5-19b. From
Figure 5-19b, we see that there is no linear trend that is
observed between the discount and the profit.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-19b.  Discount and profit (using the normal values)

5. In what category or subcategory is the highest sales

made? The intention behind this question is to know
the category, subcategory in particular, that is giving
the highest sales. The answer to the question is
revealed in the settings in Figure 5-20. The subcategory
giving the highest sales is the phones, and it belongs
to the category of technology. The answer to this
question can help reveal the bestselling subcategory
and category irrespective of the region, etc.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

Figure 5-20.  Category, subcategory, and sales

5.12 Problems
1. This exercise is the continuation of the
practical business problem I (Section 5.11). The
intention is to discover more insights, using the
SuperstoreNigeria.xls to answer the following
questions. (Note: Some questions might require
more interactive visualization tools like Tableau.)

a. What is the sum of sales for each subcategory and how does
this relate with the profit, that is, which subcategory has the
highest and lowest profit. Use color to indicate this.

b. What is the sum of sales for each segment and how does
this relate with the quantity, that is, which segment has
the highest and lowest quantity produced. Use color to
indicate this.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

c. Which states have been given the highest and lowest

discount? (Use map.)

d. Which states are making high profits (wordmap, treemap, and

bubble map)?

e. Which states have been given the highest and lowest

discount? (Use map.)

f. In what category, subcategory, and State of Nigeria is the

highest sales made?

g. In what category, subcategory, region, and State of Nigeria are

the highest sales made?

h. For the category named furniture, that the ship mode

attribute is standard class, what is the total profit made and
the total sales made. Make sure that your output is titled
appropriately. Total Sales and Total Profit for Category and
Ship Mode.

i. What is the total quantity sold and total sales made for office
supplies using standard class ship mode.

j. Based on the category and subcategory, compare the sales in

the East and West Regions.

2. You have been provided with a data named

chapter5Assign.xls. It consists of the transactional
data of a Nigerian noodle retail business (data is
fictitious, created just for the assignment). Assuming
this business intends on obtaining recommendation
for an effective marketing campaign based on the
result of descriptive analytics and you have been
employed as the data scientist, present your result to
the management in the form of the dashboard.

Chapter 5 Descriptive Analytics Tools

5.13 References
1. Graphical Data Analysis with R by Antony Unwin,
published by CRC Press, 2015.
2. Jim Frost (March 2022) Using Histograms to
Understand Your Data,

3. Michael Galarnyk (September 2018) Understanding



Predicting Numerical
In this chapter, we will explore the popular techniques used for prediction,
particularly in the retail business. The approach used in explaining these
techniques is to use them in solving a business problem. The business
problem to be addressed is the sales prediction problem which is
common in the retail business. The chapter first explains the fundamental
concept of prediction techniques; next, we look at how such techniques
are evaluated. After this, we describe the business problem we intend
to solve. We then pick each of the selected techniques one by one and
explain the algorithms involved and how they can be used to solve the
problem described. The prediction techniques used are the multiple linear
regression, the regression trees, and the neural network. To conclude the
chapter, we compare the results of the three algorithms and conclude on
the problem in question. In this chapter, therefore, the analytics product
offered is the sales prediction problem for small retail businesses.

6.1 Introduction
In Section 1.3 under the analytics journey, it was mentioned that there are
three major types of analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive.
In this chapter, the predictive analytics will be used to solve the sales

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Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

prediction problem for small retail businesses. To lay a good foundation

for predictive analytics, we will explain some fundamental concepts.
Machine learning is used to investigate how computers learn or
improve performance based on data. In machine learning, computer
programs automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and make
intelligent decisions based on data.3
Supervised learning: This is the process of feeding data to an algorithm,
in which an output variable of interest is known, and the algorithm
“learns” how to predict this value with fresh records when the output
is unknown. Predictive analytics falls under the supervised. There
are two types of predictive analytics, predicting categorical outcome
(classification), for example, buy or no buy, or predicting numerical
outcome (prediction), for example, stock price. Examples of predictive
algorithms include multiple linear regression, regression tree (decision
tree), logistic regression, SVM (support vector machine) for regression, and
so on. Examples of classification methods include Naïve Bayes, Bayesian
network, classification tree (decision tree), KNN, SVM (support vector
machine), and so on. In this chapter, we will focus on the kind of predictive
analytics that deals with predicting numerical outcome. The historical data
used for predicting numerical outcome is labeled in the sense that all the
rows in the data will end with a target attribute which is the attribute we
intend predicting. In predicting either numerical or categorical outcome,
the data needs to be portioned to 70% or 60% for training and 30% or
40% for testing, respectively. There are some algorithms like the KNN
(K-nearest neighbor) that require a different kind of partitioning because
there is a need to use a partition to determine the best k. This will be
covered in Chapter 7.
In business, prediction can be used to achieve the following, for

• Predicting client credit card behavior based on

demographics and previous activity patterns

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

• Using historical frequent flyer information to predict

vacation travel spending

• Using historical data, product, and sales information to

predict helpdesk personnel requirements

• Based on historical data, predicting sales through

product cross-selling

• Predicting the effect of discounts on retail sales

Classification can be used to achieve the following, for example:

• To determine which loan applicants are dangerous or

safe to lend to.

• In marketing, for example, classification can help to

know if a customer will buy a product or not.

• Classification is very valuable in determining customer

loyalty; in particular, we can predict if a customer will
churn or not.

Unsupervised learning: This type of analysis entails attempting to

discover patterns in the data rather than projecting the desired output
value. Clustering falls under the unsupervised learning approach to
machine learning, and there are many more. In this approach, the raw,
unlabeled, and partitioned data is fed into the algorithm, and the output is
labeled or classified data.

6.2 Evaluating Prediction Models

In this section, we look at how to evaluate prediction models, which is
the main focus of this chapter. Several measures are used to evaluate
prediction performance. These metrics are based on a validation or test
dataset, which is more objective than the training dataset. The validation

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

dataset isn’t used to choose predictors or calculate model parameters. The

prediction error (e) is the discrepancy between the outcome value and the
predicted outcome value for the record i.1,3

e=i yi − yˆi  (Eq. 6.1)

Some numerical measurements of prediction accuracy are as follows:

• MAE (mean absolute error/deviation): This represents

the average absolute error’s magnitude.

1 n
∑ ei
n i =1 
(Eq. 6.2)

• Mean error: This measure is similar to the MAE, except

that it preserves the sign of the errors, allowing negative
errors to cancel out positive errors of equal magnitude.

1 n
n i =1 
(Eq. 6.3)

• MPE (mean percentage error): This is a percentage

score that indicates how far predictions differ from
actual values (on average), taking into account the
error’s direction.

1 n ei
100 × ∑
n i =1 yi 
(Eq. 6.4)

• MAPE (mean absolute percentage error): This metric

gives a percentage score for how far predictions differ
from actual values (on average).

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

1 n ei
100 × ∑
n i =1 yi 
(Eq. 6.5)

• RMSE (root mean squared error): This is comparable

to the standard error of estimate in linear regression;
however, it is calculated using validation data instead
of training data. Its units are the same as the outcome

i −1

(Eq. 6.6)

A lift chart is a graphical representation of a model’s prediction

performance, especially when the purpose is to rank the predicted results.
(For more explanations, check Galit et al. (2018), Chapter 5.)

6.3  Practical Business Problem II

(Sales Prediction)
For this practical business problem, we will use a large Toyota car
dealership company. The way the business runs is that if you want to buy
a new Toyota car, you have an option to sell your old car to the company
and add money to what you get and buy a new one. The company now
aims to entice more consumers to come in and sell their used Toyota
Corollas by running a promotion in which it will pay top dollar for used
Toyota Corollas. The company’s goal is to resell the used ones that were
purchased and make a profit. So the business analyst’s job is to predict
the price at which the company will purchase these old cars (from their
customers) in order to make a profit. Since this book looks at solving the
business problems from the consulting approach, we try to present the

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

solution to resemble the typical way you would approach it as a consultant.

To do this, we explore three suitable and most popular algorithms
(multiple linear regression, regression trees, and neural network) and
compare the results to make our conclusions. It is important to say here
that selecting the algorithms used here is not the only way that this
experiment can be carried out, we can try other approaches, particularly
in terms of the attribute combinations, algorithm settings, and algorithm
types. The ultimate goal is to get the best performance while avoiding bias
in data.
The data for this practical business problem is named
ToyotaCorollaData.xlsx, and it offers information about past used cars
purchased by the company. The data description is as follows:

Variable Description

Id Unique identification
Price Offer price
Age Age in months
KM Kilometers
Fuel_Type Fuel type (Petrol, Diesel, CNG)
HP Horsepower
Met_Color Metallic color
Automatic Automatic (Yes = 1, No = 0)
CC Cylinder volume in cubic
Doors Number of doors
Quarterly_Tax Quarterly tax
Weight Weight in kilograms

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Regardless of the prediction algorithm that will be used, the very first
thing is to perform basic data preprocessing and explore the data using the
necessary visualization tools for the purpose of prediction. The following
preprocessing task will be carried out:

1. Statistics and missing value issues

2. Outlier detection

3. Visualization

4. Data transformation

5. Correlation analysis

All these steps have been handled one way or the other in numbers
1–10 under the practical demonstration.
Practical demonstration

1. Create a repository named Sales Prediction, create

two folders in the repository (data and process),
import the data named ToyotaCorollaData.xlsx, and
save into the data folder in the repository.

2. When loading in ToyotaCorollaData.xlsx, on the

Format your columns (data types) interface,
select Replace error with missing values. Also on
the same interface, you can edit the data types if
necessary, for example, maybe a categorical data
has been given an integer; you can change it to
nominal or polynominal. Click next and finish the
data import process. The final interface after loading
the data should look like Figure 6-1.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-1.  Load data

3. To view the statistics of your data and also check the

missing values, click Statistics in Figure 6-1. Note
that there are no missing values because the data we
used has no missing values, but if there is, you will
need to deal with it with the process explained in
Section 2.4.
4. The Statistics interface is revealed in Figure 6-2.
By clicking the attribute under the statistics, you
will see the default statistical visualization of each
attribute (histogram). At this point, you want to
decide what to do about each of the attributes based
on the analytics goals (refer to Section 2.5). In our
current example, since the goal is prediction, we
will perform our visualization using the prediction
visualization guides in Section 2.5.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-2.  Summary statistics

5. Use a histogram/boxplot to determine any needed

transformation (plot the outcome variable against
the numerical predictors). Checking the histogram
in Figure 6-2 for all the variables, we will notice that
some numerical variables are skewed to the right or
left, particularly the price, age, and weight. The next
thing will be to do some form of data transformation
on the data, for example, applying logarithmic
functions. For the purpose of this example, we will
not do this as we will still be using the necessary
attribute reduction for each of the algorithms
selected. Note that you could actually create the
histograms for yourself using the Visualizations
tab. Figure 6-3 shows the boxplot of some of the
numerical variables which we are using to find out
if the data has outliers and so on. If you do this for
all the other numerical attributes, you will find out

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

that there are no variables with outliers. The boxplot

can help you to study the median, first quartile, the
distribution for each variable, and so on.

Figure 6-3.  Histograms

6. Use a scatter plot to study the relationship between

the numerical predictors. When you do this, you
are looking at relationships between them that
could affect your analysis negatively or positively.
Figure 6-4 is the scatter plot of attribute KM and
Price; this reveals a slight relationship between the
two attributes. As the price is reducing, the KM is
increasing. This relationship is not set to affect our
experiment negatively, so we can leave the two
variables, but if, for example, we discover that the
two variables are highly correlated, we will have to
remove one as this could affect the multiple linear
regression algorithm, for example. This combination

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

should be tried for all the numerical variables.

Note the Met_Color and Automatic are categorical
variables and should be converted when loading
the data.

Figure 6-4.  Scatter plots

7. You can try other guides for visualizing for

prediction in Section 2.5 and make your
conclusions. We will use only the preceding two
guides in this practical demonstration.

8. For the purpose of our prediction task, we need

to convert the categorical variable Fuel_Type to
dummies. To do this, in the design view, create
the process as revealed in Figure 6-5. The operator
Nominal to Numerical can be searched for in the
Operators window.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-5.  Nominal to Numerical

Connect to the res; run the process to get the output

in Figure 6-6. In Figure 6-6, we can see the converted
dummies for the fuel type category.

Figure 6-6.  Output Nominal to Numerical

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

9. To get the correlation matrix for the data, use the

settings in Figure 6-7. The Correlation Matrix can
be searched for in Operators. Run the process to
get the correlation matrix in Figure 6-8. Note that
to know which method was used for the correlation
matrix, you need to read the help of the operator.
The result is shown in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-7.  Correlation matrix process

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-8.  Correlation matrix results

10. We can see the highly correlated attributes such as

Quarterly_Tax and Fuel_Type Diesel. At this stage,
you can remove the highly correlated attribute.
In this example, we will leave it for the purpose of
demonstration of the algorithms.

6.4 Multiple Linear Regression

The multiple linear regression (MLR) model illustrates the link between
the dependent variable and several independent variables (two or
more). The variance (i.e., R2), as well as the unique contribution of
each independent variable, are expressed in the MLR model’s output.
The regression line is the name given to the regression equation. The
coefficient of determination, often known as R2, provides the proportion of
the variability of the independent variables (X) and quantifies the ability to
predict an individual Y using these independent variables.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Equation 6.7 represents the regression equation. x1, x2,...xp are

independent variables in this equation, while 0...p are coefficients and ϵ
is the noise or unexplained element. Y stands for the dependent variable,
which is the numerical attribute we want to predict. Data is utilized to
estimate the coefficients, and data is also used to quantify the noise.

Y = β 0 + β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + ………+ β p X p + ∈  (Eq. 6.7)

The data is also utilized to evaluate model performance if the task

at hand is to predict a numerical outcome. If the graph is skewed to the
right or left when visualizing with the histogram, we may need to convert
the independent variables using data transformation techniques (e.g.,
logarithmic form [log(X)). Note that the dependent variable does not have
to be normally distributed, but the model’s residuals have to be normally
distributed for the MLR model to be valid. Furthermore, because MLR is
sensitive to multicollinearity, there should be no multicollinearity, which
means that the independent variables should not be highly correlated.
The adjusted R2, which is defined in Equation 6.8, is a popular method for
evaluating MLR models.

n −1
n − p −1
(1 − R 2 )  (Eq. 6.8)

• p is the number of variables to be predicted.

• R2 denotes the model’s fraction of explained variability

(in a model with a single predictor, this is the squared
• Higher Radj values, like R2, suggest greater fit.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Unlike R2, which ignores the number of predictors used, Radj
penalizes the number of predictors used. For a more detailed discussion
of the multiple linear regression model, see Galit et al. (2018).3
The validation/test dataset is used to determine MLR’s prediction
performance. These are dataset partitions that are not meant to be used to
pick predictors or calculate model parameters.
Variable selection in linear regression
Choosing the right form to use is determined by domain knowledge,
data availability, and the required predictive capability. It’s important
to be cautious before employing all of the available variables to build
your model because collecting a full complement of predictors for future
forecasts can be costly or impossible. Furthermore, we may be able to
measure fewer predictors more reliably (e.g., in surveys), and the more
predictors we have, the more likely we are to have missing values in the
data. To limit the number of predictors, there are a few options. To reduce
the number of predictors, one technique is to employ domain knowledge.
The utilization of computational power and statistical performance
measures is another option. Some of these approaches are as follows:

• Exhaustive search: Evaluate all subsets of predictors

and each subset model, using certain criteria to
evaluate the models.

• Popular subset selection algorithms: This process

uses an iterative partial search through the space of
all potential regression models. Forward selection,
backward elimination, and stepwise regression are
examples of these.

• Principal component analysis, for example, is

particularly useful when subsets of observations are
measured on the same scale and are highly associated.
If the number of variables is enormous, principal

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

component analysis can help to identify a few variables

that are weighted linear combinations of the original
variables and maintain the majority of the original set’s
information. It’s most commonly used with numerical
variables. Check out Galit et al. (2018) for further

Sales prediction problem – MLR

1. The first thing we are going to do is to create a new

process in RapidMiner and load the data again; we
call it ToyotaCorollaData2 (we will exclude the ID
column). This can be seen in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9.  Loading the data

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

2. The overall process for running the multiple linear

regression is given in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10.  MLR overall process

3. The first thing is to drag the data

ToyotaCorollaData2 to the design view and search
for all the operators in Figure 6-10 and connect
them appropriately. For the Nominal to Numerical
operator, you will select the Fuel_Type attribute
(converting Fuel_Type to dummies). Click the
Set Role operator and set the attribute name to
be Price and target role to be label. Click the Split
Data operator, and for the partitions property of
this data, add two entries, 0.6 and 0.4, respectively.
This means that you are partitioning the data into
60% for the training and 40% for the validation.
Click the Linear Regression operator; the feature

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

selection parameter though optional is M5 prime

by default. This is an expert parameter. It indicates
the feature selection method to be used during
regression. The following options are available:
none, M5 prime, greedy, T-Test, and iterative T-Test
(more information in Rapidminer.doc). The Apply
Model operator needs no parameter adjustment; it
is used to apply the model obtained from the Linear
Regression operator on the validation dataset. Note
that the training dataset is what the linear regression
model uses to build the model. For the parameters
of the Performance (Regression) operator, simply
leave as default, which is the root mean square error.

4. With the settings in Figure 6-10, we are expecting

three outputs (i.e., three links to res). The first is
the MLR model (Figure 6-11), the second is the
model performance result (Figure 6-12), and the
third is the data table revealing the predicted results
(Figure 6-13) for the validation dataset.

Figure 6-11.  MLR model

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

• Note that this can be used to write the regression

equation, and the third dummy for the Fuel_Type
attribute is no more there. This is because when we
convert to dummy, one of the dummies created is not
used for modeling for some algorithms. Including the
redundant dummy would cause the regression to fail,
since the redundant dummy will be a perfect linear
combination of the other two.

Figure 6-12.  MLR evaluation

To conclude on the prediction performance, the

algorithm is said to perform fairly well if the errors
are not too large compared with the original prices.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-13.  Resulting dataset

Figure 6-13 is the output of performing evaluation

using the 40% validation dataset and comparing the
predicted result and the original price in validation

5. Once we have established an optimal model for

prediction, we can now use the model to predict
for new data. Prepare the new dataset such that
it does not have the outcome/target variable

6. The first thing is to load the data

(ToyotaCorollaNewData) into the data folder of the
SalesPrediction repository. Remember to exclude
the ID column of the ToyotaCorollaNewData dataset
when importing the data. To predict for new records,
we will use the settings in Figures 6-13a and 6-13b.
Figure 6-13a is the main process. In this process, the

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

ToyotaCorollaData2 is dragged to the design view.

The operators Set Role and Nominal to Numerical
retain their settings from number 3. The Split
Validation operator’s split ratio parameter is set to
0.6, signifying 60% of the data as training data just as
we did earlier. The new data to be predicted is also
included in Figure 6-13a.

Figure 6-13a.  Predicting new data outer process

7. Figure 6-13b is the inner process which you will

create by double-clicking the Split Validation
operator. The Linear Regression, Apply Model,
and Performance (Regression) operators are left as
default settings just as earlier.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-13b.  Inner process predicting new data

8. The predicted prices for the new data loaded are

given in Figure 6-14.

Figure 6-14.  Resulting dataset

Note that we can also predict for the new record manually by using the
regression equation obtained from the model in Figure 6-11.

6.5 Regression Trees
The family of decision tree classifiers includes regression trees. The
data-driven method of decision tree classifiers necessitates a significant
amount of data. ID3, C4.5, CART (Classification and Regression Trees),
Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

and others are examples. This group of techniques uses a greedy (i.e.,
nonbacktracking) approach in which decision trees are built in a recursive
divide-and-conquer approach from the top down. As the tree is created,
the training set is recursively partitioned into smaller subsets. The way
characteristics are chosen in the creation of the tree and the pruning
processes utilized in decision tree algorithms differ.
Attribute selection measures in decision tree classifiers
A heuristic for picking the splitting criterion that “best” splits a given
data partition, D, of class-labeled training tuples into individual classes
is an attribute selection measure. If we split D into smaller partitions, the
optimum splitting requirement is for each partition to be pure. Because
they determine how tuples at a given node are split, attribute selection
measures are also known as splitting rules. The attribute selection measure
assigns a score to each attribute that describes the training tuples in
question. For the given tuples, the attribute with the highest measure score
is chosen as the splitting attribute. If the splitting attribute is continuous-­
valued or we are limited to binary trees, we must determine a split point or
a splitting subset as part of the splitting criterion, respectively.2 The three
popular attribute selection measures are

• Information gain
• Gain ratio

• Gini index

An example of a decision tree structure is given in Figure 6-15.

• A root node, branches, and leaf nodes are all included.

• Each internal node represents a test on an attribute.

• Each branch represents the test’s result, and each leaf

node represents a class.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-15.  Decision tree example

Some of the benefits of employing decision tree classifiers include the

fact that they do not require domain knowledge, are simple to understand,
and are white boxes, meaning that we can quickly interpret decision
tree models. This can be accomplished by extracting the decision tree’s
rules. Outliers aren’t a problem for decision tree algorithms, and they can
tolerate missing values.
Overfitting is a risk of building depth trees on the training data when
utilizing decision trees. When final splits are based on a tiny number of
records, this is said to happen. Overfitting will result in poor performance
while dealing with new data. To avoid overfitting, we can use the tree
depth parameter, the least number of records in a terminal node, and the
minimal decrease in impurity to stop the tree from growing before it starts
overfitting the data. In our data partitioning, we can additionally prune the
tree or utilize cross-validation.
Regression trees
Both numerical and categorical outcomes can be predicted using
decision tree algorithms. Regression trees are used when the expected
outcome is a numerical value. When using a regression tree to make a
prediction, the predictor data is utilized to “drop” the record down the tree
until it reaches a terminal node. The average outcome value of the training
records in that terminal node determines the value of the terminal node in
regression trees.
Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Sales prediction problem – regression trees

Using the sales prediction problem introduced in Section 6.2, the
following demonstrates how to use regression trees to solve the problem:

1. Create a new process, and drag the

ToyotaCorollaData2 data to the design view
(remember that the ID column has been excluded
in this version of the data). The overall process for
running the regression tree is given in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16.  Regression tree process

2. For the Nominal to Numerical operator, you will

select the Fuel_Type attribute (converting Fuel_Type
to dummies). Click the Set Role operator and set the
attribute name to be Price and target role to be label.
Click the Split Data operator, and for the partitions
property of this data, add two entries, 0.6 and 0.4,

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

respectively. Click the Decision Tree operator and

set the criterion parameter to least_square. Note
that least_square is the only criterion that allows
for numerical prediction. All other parameters
can be set based on their explanations in the help.
The Apply Model operator needs no parameter
adjustment; it is used to apply the model obtained
from the Decision Tree operator on the validation
dataset. For the parameters of the Performance
(Regression) operator, simply leave as default,
which is the root mean square error.

3. With the settings in Figure 6-16, we are expecting

three outputs (i.e., three links to res). The first is the
regression tree model (Figure 6-16a), the second is
the model performance result (Figure 6-16b), and
the third is the data table revealing the predicted
results (Figure 6-16c) for the validation dataset.

Figure 6-16a.  Some sections of the regression tree model

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Among the data-driven methods, trees are the

most transparent and easy to interpret. Trees are
based on separating records into subgroups by
creating splits on predictors. These splits create
logical rules that are transparent and easily
understandable. Examples of such from the model
in Figure 6-16a include

“IF Age_08_04 >=32.500

AND Age_08_04 > 56.500

AND Age_08_04 > 68.500

AND KM> 108389.500

AND KM> 193192.500

AND MET_Color>0.500

THEN Price is 4825.000”

Figure 6-16b.  Evaluating the regression tree

From Figure 6-16b, we can see that the regression

tree gives better performance result compared to the
multiple linear regression.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-16c.  Resulting dataset

Figure 6-16c is the output of evaluating on the 40%

validation dataset and comparing the predicted
result and the original price in the validation

4. For the regression tree, we will use the settings

in Figures 6-17a (main process) and 6-17b (inner
process) to predict for new records.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-17a.  Regression tree main process

5. Figure 6-17b is the inner process which you will

create by double-clicking the Split Validation
operator. The Decision Tree, Regression, Apply
Model, and Performance (Regression) operators
are left as default settings just as earlier.

Figure 6-17b.  Regression tree inner process

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

6. The predicted prices for the new data loaded are

given in Figure 6-18.

Figure 6-18.  Resulting datasets

6.6 Neural Network (Prediction)

The neural network is a versatile data-driven method for classification
and prediction. In terms of interpretability, it is referred to as a “black
box.” The principles of nodes and layers, as well as how they join to form
the structure of a network, are used in neural networks. The predictive
performance of a neural network is demonstrated by the fact that it
captures the very complicated relationship between predictors and the
target variable. It is quite tolerant of noisy data. Despite these benefits,
neural networks lack a built-in variable selection mechanism, and their
adaptability is strongly reliant on having enough data for training. When
employing a neural network, it’s important to keep an eye out for weights
that lead to a local rather than a global optimum. Multilayer feedforward
networks have been the most successful neural network applications in
data mining.4

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Multilayer feedforward networks

A feedforward network is a completely connected network with no
cycles and a one-way flow. It is made up of three layers: an input layer with
nodes that accept predictor values, a layer of nodes that receives input
from the previous layers, and a layer of output nodes. The outputs of each
layer’s nodes are fed into the following layer nodes (see Figure 6-19).

Figure 6-19.  Multilayer feedforward networks, Galit et al.

(2018), p. 274

Figure 6-19 shows an architectural design with two predictors, two

hidden layers, and two nodes in the output layer that reflect the expected
outcome value.
When we use a neural network for predicting numerical outcome, the
predicted value needs to be converted to its original unit; this is because,
to perform the prediction, both the predictors (numerical) and the
outcome variables will have been normalized (rescaled to a [0,1] interval).
When working with neural networks, we must make the following

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

• Network architecture: This can be accomplished by

trial-and-error runs on various architectures or through
the use of algorithms.

• Choice of predictor: Depending on the software, you

need to choose the learning rate and momentum. The
learning rate has a range of 0 to 1 and is mostly used to
avoid overfitting. The momentum is employed to keep
the ball going while the weights are converged to the
best possible position.

• Number of hidden layers: This is commonly set to

one (though we can always experiment with others)
because a single hidden layer is usually enough to
capture even the most intricate interactions between

• Size of hidden layer: The level of intricacy of the

relationship between the predictors that the network
captures is determined by the number of nodes in the
hidden layer. Starting with p (number of predictors)
nodes and gradually decreasing or increasing while
testing for overfitting is a good rule of thumb.
• Number of output: The number of nodes in a
categorical outcome with m classes should be m
or m-1. A single output node is usually used for a
numerical result.

Moreover, to avoid overfitting in neural networks, the number

of training iterations should be limited, and the data should not be
overtrained. We look at the performance on the validation dataset or cross-­
validation dataset to see when it starts to deteriorate while the training set
performance is still improving to detect overfitting.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Data preprocessing for neural networks: When the predictors and

outcome variable are on a scale of [0,1], neural networks perform best.
We normalize measurements for a numerical variable X that takes values
in the range [a; b], by subtracting a from X and dividing by b – a. The
normalized measurement is then

X −a
X norm = (Eq. 6.9)

The minimal and maximal values of X in the data can be used

to estimate a and b. Other than the creation of dummy variables, no
adjustments are required for binary variables. If categorical variables with
m categories are ordinal, choosing m fractions in the range [0,1] should
represent their perceived ordering. If the categories are nominal, make
m-1 dummies out of them. Note that it is also important to transform
highly skewed predictors for better predictive performance. This situation
is common with variables in the Business Analytics domain such as
income. So it is advised to first transform this kind of variable by taking a
log before scaling to [0,1].
Neural network – evaluating performance (numerical outcome): The
prediction performance of regression trees can be examined in the same
manner that other predictive approaches (e.g., linear regression and
regression trees) are evaluated, using summary measures like RMSE.
Sales prediction problem – neural network
Using the sales prediction problem introduced in Section 6.2, the
following demonstrates how to use a neural network to solve the problem:
1. Create a new process, and drag the
ToyotaCorollaData2 data to the design view
(remember that the ID column has been excluded
in this version of the data). The overall process for
running the neural network is given in Figure 6-20.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-20.  Neural network process

2. For the Nominal to Numerical operator, you

will select the Fuel_Type attribute (converting
Fuel_Type to dummies). Click the Set Role operator
and set the attribute name to be Price and target
role to be label. Click the Split Data operator, and
for the partitions property of this data, add two
entries, 0.6 and 0.4, respectively. For the Neural
Net operator, we will leave the default setting as
seen in Figure 6-20. This operator learns a model by
means of a feedforward neural network trained by a
backpropagation algorithm (multilayer perceptron).
This operator cannot handle polynomial attributes
(for more explanations on the parameters of the
operator, check the help). Note that we did not use
the normalize operator; this is taken care of by the
normalize parameter of the Neural Net operator as

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

seen selected by default in Figure 6-20. The Apply

Model operator needs no parameter adjustment;
it is used to apply the model obtained from the
Neural Net operator on the validation dataset. For
the parameters of the Performance (Regression)
operator, simply leave as default, which is the root
mean square error.

3. With the settings in Figure 6-16, we are expecting

three outputs (i.e., three links to res). The first is the
Neural Net model (Figure 6-21a), the second is the
model performance result (Figure 6-21b), and the
third is the data table revealing the predicted results
(Figure 6-21c) for the validation dataset.

Figure 6-21a.  Neural network model

The figure reveals the input, hidden, and

output layers.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

Figure 6-21b.  Evaluating the neural network

From Figure 6-21b, we can see that the Neural Net

gives the best result out of the three algorithms
compared for this problem scenario.

Figure 6-21c.  Resulting dataset

Figure 6-21c is the output of evaluating on the 40%

validation dataset and comparing the predicted
result and the original price in the validation

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

4. For the Neural Net, we will use the settings in

Figures 6-22a (main process) and 6-22b (inner
process) to predict for new records.

Figure 6-22a.  Predicting new data (Neural Net)

5. Figure 6-22b is the inner process which you will

create by double-clicking the Split Validation
operator. The Neural Net, Apply Model, and
Performance (Regression) operators are left as
default settings just as earlier.

Figure 6-22b.  Inner process predicting new data

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

6. The predicted prices for the new data loaded are

given in Figure 6-23.

Figure 6-23.  Resulting dataset

6.7 Conclusion on Sales Prediction

After trying several combinations of data attributes and algorithms, while
checking for the best performance, there is a need to conclude which of the
experiments you will use for your conclusion. In this case, we go with the
algorithms that give the best prediction assuming we have been able to take
care of overfitting and all. From Figure 6-24, we see that the algorithm giving
the lowest error that is the lowest value of RMSE is the neural network.

Figure 6-24.  Comparing the results of the three algorithms

In business applications, these models can be used in several ways, for

example, it could be embedded in an application which gives the process
of the Toyota Corolla in real time for making the decision concerning new
customers and several others.

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

6.8 Problems
1. Using the MLR model in Figure 6-11, write the
regression equation to predict for the transaction
with the following attribute values:

Age_08_04=29, KM=50000, Fuel_Type=Petrol,

HP=100, Met_Color=0, Automatic=1, CC=1800,
Doors=4, Quarterly_Tax=80, Weight=1170

2. For solving the sales problem using the neural

network in Section 6.5, explore each of the numerical
variables using the histogram, and for anyone that
is skewed, first transform using the logarithm before
normalization. Run the neural network model in
Section 6.5 again and compare your results to the one
in Section 6.5. Which one has a higher accuracy?

3. Given the data sample named FoodAgricGroup.xlsx,

for each of the listed algorithm, create and evaluate
models to predict Total Amount (target attribute).
Which model gives the highest accuracy?

a. Neural network

b. Multiple linear regression

c. Regression trees

Present the result obtained from each algorithm in detail for the
following stages:

a. Data visualization
b. Feature selection

c. Model development

d. Model evaluation

Chapter 6 Predicting Numerical Outcomes

6.9 References
1. Selva Prabhakaran (March 2017) Complete
Introduction to Linear Regression in R, www.­learning/

2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei (2012)

Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Third
Edition, published by Elsevier.

3. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,

Data Mining for Business Analytics, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in R, published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2018.


In this chapter, even though there are several classification techniques,
we will explore the popular ones used for classification in the business
domain. In doing this, we will use the third business problem centered on
customer loyalty using neural networks, classification trees, and random
forest algorithms. In solving this problem, we are particular about how
to get and retain more customers for our small business. We will also
introduce some other classification-based techniques such as K-nearest
neighbor and logistic regression. In using these techniques to solve the
problem, we explain the fundamental concepts in the chosen algorithms
and use them to demonstrate how these problem solving processes can be
adopted in real business scenarios.

7.1 Classification Models and Evaluation

An important part of data analysis is the process of classifying the data
that has been collected. Classification is a type of supervised machine
learning approach that derives models used in this type of situations. This
type of model is known as a classifier, and it is used to predict categorical
(discrete, unordered) class labels. A typical example is to predict if a
customer will leave a retail store. Classification models have been used

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 155

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

for several applications in business such as fraud detection, customer

target marketing, staff performance prediction, and so on. Classification
models work using a two-step process. The first is to construct the model
from a labeled dataset (training data). The second is to use the model to
classify future unknown objects (in the validation dataset, which is known
but predicted using the newly developed model). In this step, we estimate
the accuracy of the model by comparing the result with the original label
(known) in the validation dataset. The validation dataset is independent of
the training set; otherwise, overfitting will occur.
In classification, oversampling occurs when classes are found in very
uneven ratios; random sampling may produce too few of the rare classes
to yield relevant information about what differentiates them from the
dominant class. To avoid these challenges, stratified sampling can be used.
Stratified sampling is used to sample from data which can be partitioned
into subportions.2 The data is divided into homogeneous portions called
strata (the plural of stratum).
We must judge classifiers because there are several types of classifiers
and predicting approaches, and within each method, there are often
multiple alternatives that can result in totally different outcomes. The
probability of a misclassification error is used to evaluate the performance
of classifiers. When a record is misclassified, it means it has been placed in
a class by a model to which it does not belong.
The metrics for evaluating classifier performance are as follows:1
Accuracy and recognition rate

(Eq. 7.1)

Error rate, misclassification rate

(Eq. 7.2)

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Sensitivity, true positive rate, recall

(Eq. 7.3)

Specificity, true negative rate

(Eq. 7.4)


(Eq. 7.5)

F, F1, F-score, the harmonic mean of precision and recall

2 x precision x recall
(Eq. 7.6)
precision + recall

The terms true positive, true negative, false positive, positive, and
negative samples are abbreviated as TP, TN, FP, P, and N, respectively.
• True positives (TP): These are the positive tuples that
the classifier properly labels.
• True negatives (TN): These are the negative tuples that
the classifier correctly categorized.
• False positives (FP): These are negative tuples that have
been mistakenly categorized as positive.
• False negatives (FN): Positive tuples are classified as

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

A confusion matrix is used to summarize the accurate and inaccurate

classifications that a classifier generated for a given set of data, and this
is done using the validation dataset for analyzing the performance of
classifiers. In Table 7-1, the confusion matrix illustrates TP, TN, FP, and
FN. Classifier performance can be assessed using a confusion matrix,
which is a useful tool for testing how well a classifier detects tuples from
different classes. A classifier’s TP and TN show that it correctly classifies,
whereas its FP and FN indicate that it incorrectly classifies, respectively.
The Fbeta measure is a generalization of the F-measure that adds a
configuration parameter called beta. Fbeta is used when both precision
and recall are important but slightly more attention is needed on one or
the other, such as when false negatives are more important than false
positives, or the reverse.

Table 7-1. Confusion Matrix

Actual Class Predicted Class

Yes no total
Yes tp fn p
no fp tn n
total p’ n’ p+n

Propensities and cut-off for classification

Some classification algorithms begin by calculating the probability
that a record belongs to each of the classes. Another word for probability is
“propensity.” Propensities are frequently used as a first step in predicting
class membership (classification) or in ranking records based on the
probability of belonging to the desired class. To ensure that all classes are
accurate, the record might be moved to a class that is most likely to get
it (class with the greatest probability). Concentrate on a single class and
compare the propensity (probability) of class membership to an analyst-

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

determined cut-off value when there are many records and a single class is
of interest. If the probability of inclusion in the desired class is greater than
the cut-off, the record is moved to the desired class. There’s a default cut-
off value of 0.5 in two-class classifiers.3

7.2  Practical Business Problem III

(Customer Loyalty)
Customer loyalty is described as the habit of repeatedly choosing a certain
brand’s or company’s products or services notwithstanding the availability
of a comparable product or service from another company, commonly
referred to as a competitor. Loyal customers can never be swayed by the
cost, pricing, or surplus of products from competitors. They would rather
pay a higher price for the same high-quality service and product they are
accustomed to. Starbucks credits its rewards program for the majority of
the additional $2.65 billion in revenue. Customer loyalty benefits all types
of organizations since it drives repeat business, boosts revenue, develops
brand influencers and advocates, distinguishes a company from its
competition, and provides honest and useful feedback.
In this third practical business problem, we will use and compare
the results of the neural network, classification tree, and random forest
using the same experimental conditions. The goal is to use a case study
to demonstrate how we can use these algorithms to arrive at making
inferences that can be used to get and retain customers for our businesses.
In particular, we will predict the loyalty of bank customers and use this
to know if a customer will be leaving the bank or not (i.e., how loyal is
the customer). Based on the result of the prediction, an appropriate
relationship marketing approach will then be used to encourage the
customer to stay (if you predicted they will leave) or step up CRM for those
that are loyal, for example, discounts for more sales. It’s important to note

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

that though we used a bank as a case study here, any other business can be
used with appropriate data attributes.
The data for the business problem is named Churn_Modelling.csv,
and it contains data on the customers of a bank. The data description is as

• RowNumber Identification has to be removed

• CustomerId Identification has to be removed
• Surname Identification textual has to be removed
• CreditScore Integer
• Geography Categorical – indicating the country
• Gender Categorical – indicating the sex
• Age Integer
• Tenure Integer
• Balance Real
• NumOfProducts Integer
• HasCrCard Integer but has to be changed to categorical
• IsActiveMember Integer but has to be changed to categorical
• EstimatedSalary Real
• Exited Outcome variable but has to be changed to categorical

Regardless of the classification algorithm that will be used, the very

first thing is to perform basic data preprocessing and explore the data
using necessary visualization tools for the purpose of classification.
General data preprocessing for the classification techniques

1. Create a new repository and two subfolders (for

data and for the process) in the repository. Import

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

the data named Churn_Modelling.csv into the data

subfolder. When importing, remove RowNumber,
CustomerID, and Surname columns and convert
HasCrCard, IsActiveMember, and Exited to
categorical attributes. Also, replace errors with
missing values when importing the data. Figure 7-2
is the screenshot of importing the data.

Figure 7-2.  Importing the data

2. After importing the data, drag it to the design view

and connect it to res. Run the process and view
the statistics. From the statistics view of the data,
notice that the unnecessary attributes have been

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

removed, and the needed attribute change has

occurred. Also, there are no missing values.

3. Using the guide for visualization, particularly with

respect to classification (refer to Section 2.5 in
Chapter 2), we will study the relation of outcome
to categorical predictors using bar charts with the
outcome on the y axis. The goal is to find out if the
category of the predictors is fairly represented in
the outcome or target attribute. Use the settings
in Figure 7-3 to visualize all the categorical
variables against the target attribute. We can see
that for all the categorical attributes, there is a fair
representation in the outcome variable.

Figure 7-3.  Example of a bar chart of a categorical attribute and

target variable

4. Study the relation of outcome to pairs of numerical

predictors via color-coded scatter plots (color
denotes the outcome). The goal here is to see if
there is a linear relationship between the numerical
Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

predictors and to see the strength of the outcome

class in the numerical predictors. Use the settings
in Figure 7-4 to do this for different combinations of
the numerical attributes. Notice that there is no such
linear relationship. Incase there is such relationship,
it has to be handled because of multicollinearity.

Figure 7-4.  An example of a color-coded scatter plot for classification

5. Study the relation of outcome to numerical

predictors via side-by-side boxplots: plot boxplots
of a numerical variable by outcome. Create
similar displays for each numerical predictor.
The most separable boxes indicate potentially
useful predictors. Use the settings in Figure 7-5
to investigate this for all the numerical attributes.
Note that apart from NumOfProducts and
EstimatedSalary, all the other numerical attributes
are fairly separable as indicated by the red arrow
in Figure 7-5. (Their medians are fairly different).
In exercise 3 of this chapter, we will experiment the

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

classification process removing these attributes, but

for now it will be included.

Figure 7-5.  An example of the boxplot visualized for classification

7.3 Neural Network
Please refer to Section 6.5 for details on the neural network algorithm.
Customer loyalty with neural network
Using the customer loyalty problem introduced in Section 7.2, the
following demonstrates how to use a neural network to solve the problem:

1. Create a new process, drag the already imported

Churn_Modelling data to the design view. We will
use the settings in Figures 7-6a (main process)
and 7-6b (inner process) to develop and evaluate
the model.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-6a.  Main process of the neural network

In Figure 7-6a, for the Nominal to Numerical

operator you will select the attributes Gender,
Geography, HasCrCard, and IsActiveMember
(converting them to dummies). Click the Set Role
operator and set the attribute name to be Exited
and the target role to be label. Leave the Cross
Validation operator as default settings, meaning
that we will be using a 10 folds validation.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-6b.  Inner processes of the neural network

In Figure 7-6b for the Neural Net operator, we will

click the hidden layer and give it any name (e.g.,
“ibk”) and set it to –1. If the hidden layer size value is
set to –1, the layer size would be calculated from the
number of attributes of the input example set. More
information in the RapidMiner documentation. All
other settings remain as default. The Apply Model
operator needs no parameter adjustment. For the
parameters of the Performance (Classification)
operator, simply leave as default, which is accuracy.

For the settings in Figures 7-6a and 7-6b, we are

expecting two outputs. Figure 7-7a is the neural
network model, and Figure 7-7b is the performance
of the model.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-7a.  Neural network model

Figure 7-7b.  Performance result of the model

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

2. Once we have established an optimal model for

prediction, we can now use the model to predict
new data. To do this, we will load the data Churn_
ModelingNew.xlsx which has been prepared for
predicting for new customers. The data is prepared
such that it does not have the outcome variable.
Also when importing the data, remove RowNumber,
CustomerID, and Surname columns and convert
HasCrCard, IsActiveMember, and Exited to
categorical attributes. Also, replace errors with
missing values when importing the data. To predict
a new record, we will modify the main process in
Figure 7-6a to give Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8.  Predicting for new records or transactions

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

3. Figure 7-9 is the output from the modification in

Figure 7-8. It shows the result for predicting the
new transactions. It also reveals the confidence
(propensity) of the predicted results. From these
confidence results, we can see that the default
threshold of 0.5 has been used to classify the
customers into Exited (1) or not Exited (0).

Figure 7-9.  Output of the new prediction

7.4 Classification Tree
Please refer to Section 6.4 for details on decision tree algorithms.
Decision tree algorithms can be used to predict both numerical
and categorical outcomes. When the predicted outcome is categorical,
it is referred to as classification trees. Classification trees use predictor
information to “drop” a record down the tree until it reaches a node at the
bottom (terminal node). We can then classify it by gathering a “vote” of all
the training data that belongs to the terminal node during the formation of
the tree. The class with the most votes gets the new record.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Customer loyalty with classification tree

Using the customer loyalty problem introduced in Section 7.2, the
following demonstrates how to use the classification tree to solve the

1. Create a new process, and drag the already imported

Churn_Modelling data to the design view. We will
use the settings in Figures 7-10a (main process)
and 7-10b (inner process) to develop and evaluate
the model.

Figure 7-10a.  Decision tree main process

The Decision Tree operator generates a decision

tree model, which can be used for classification and
regression. This operator can process ExampleSets
containing both nominal and numerical
attributes. The label Attribute must be nominal
for classification and numerical for regression.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

In Figure 7-10a, click the Set Role operator and set

the attribute name to be Exited and target role to
be label. Leave the Cross Validation operator as
default settings, meaning that we will be using a
tenfold validation.

Figure 7-10b.  Inner process of the decision tree

In Figure 7-10b for the Decision Tree operator,

we set the criterion to gain_ratio. This signifies
that we are predicting categorical outcome.
The Apply Model operator needs no parameter
adjustment. For the parameters of the Performance
(Classification) operator, simply leave as default,
which is accuracy.

For the settings in Figures 7-10a and 7-10b, we

are expecting two outputs. Figure 7-11a is the
neural network model, and Figure 7-11b is the
performance of the model.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-11a.  Some sections of the decision tree model

Figure 7-11b.  Performance of the decision tree model

2. Once we have established an optimal model for

prediction, we can now use the model to predict for
new data. To do this, we will load the data Churn_
ModelingNew.xlsx which has been prepared for
predicting new customers. To predict a new record,
we will modify the main process in Figure 7-10a to
give Figure 7-12.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-12.  Predicting for new records (decision trees)

3. Figure 7-13 is the output from the modification in

Figure 7-12. It shows the result for predicting the
new transactions.

Figure 7-13.  Predicted records (decision trees)

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

7.5 Random Forest and Boosted Trees

In situations where visualization and interpretation of rules from the
decision tree do not matter, several tree extensions that combine the
results of multiple trees can increase the performance. Random forest is a
popular multitree approach, introduced by Breiman.5
Random forest uses the following basic steps:

1. Take a number of random samples from the data,

each with a different replacement. Bootstrap is the
name for this sampling method.

2. Adapt/fit each sample with a classification (or

regression) tree (and therefore produce a “forest”)
using a random selection of predicting variables at
every stage.

3. To get better predictions, do a combination of the

predictions and classifications from the various
trees. Voting is used for classification, while
averaging is used for prediction.

Boosted trees are another type of multitree improvement. A sequence of

trees is fitted, with each tree focusing on records from the preceding tree
that were incorrectly classified. It has the following steps:

1. Use only one tree.

2. Create a sample in which misclassified records have

a higher chance of being chosen.

3. Create a tree with the new sample.

4. Steps 1 and 2 earlier should be done repeatedly.

5. Classify records using weighted voting, with
subsequent trees receiving more weight.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

If we run a boosted tree on the same data, it slightly outperforms

the single pruned tree. In terms of overall accuracy, the boosted tree
outperforms the validation data, particularly when it comes to correctly
classifying 1s (rare classes of special interest).
Customer loyalty with random forest

1. Create a new process, and drag the already imported

Churn_Modelling.xlsx data to the design view. We
will use the settings in Figure 7-14a (main process)
and 7-14b (inner process) to develop and evaluate
the model.

Figure 7-14a.  Main process of random forest

The Random Forest operator generates a model

which is a combination of several trees. We will
leave the default which is 100 trees as seen in its
Number of Trees parameter. In Figure 7-14a, click the
Set Role operator and set the attribute name to be
Exited and the target role to be label. Leave the Cross
Validation operator as default settings, meaning
that we will be using a tenfold validation.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-14b.  Inner process for the random forest

In Figure 7-14b for the Random Forest operator,

we leave the number of trees as default. The
Apply Model operator needs no parameter
adjustment. For the parameters of the Performance
(Classification) operator, simply leave as default,
which is accuracy.

OPTIONAL: Note that the random forest model

can produce “variable importance” scores, which
measure the relative contribution of the different
predictors. The importance score for a particular
predictor is computed by summing up the decrease in
the Gini index for that predictor over all the trees in
the forest. (To get this result, alter the Random Forest
operator in the inner process (i.e., Figure 7-14b) by
right-clicking it and putting the breakpoint after, then
connect the wei to thr. If you run the process, you will
see the strength of each attribute.)

2. For the settings in Figures 7-14a and 7-14b, we are

expecting two outputs. Figure 7-15a is the random
forest model, and Figure 7-15b is the performance of
the model.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-15a.  Some sections of the random forest model

The list of the trees is displayed in Figure 7-15a. If you click each tree,
you will see the model of the tree as shown in Figure 7-15a. There are a
total of 100 different trees.

Figure 7-15b.  Performance of the random forest model

For customer loyalty with boosted trees

To run the boosted tree algorithm, use the same settings for the
random forest in Figures 7-14a and 7-14b except that in Figure 7-14b the
Random Forest operator will be replaced with the Gradient Boosted
Trees operator. The resulting model and performance are displayed in
Figures 7-16a and 7-16b, respectively.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-16a.  Some sections of the boosted trees

The list of the trees is displayed in Figure 7-16a. If you click each tree,
you will see the model of the tree as shown in Figure 7-16a. There are a
total of 100 different trees.

Figure 7-16b.  Performance of the boosted tree model

Having used the different algorithms to solve this problem, we can now
compare their accuracy and select the best for this particular data. Just as
for the prediction, for the classification too, there might be a need to use
different data and algorithm setting to experiment for better accuracy.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Comparing Figures 7-7b, 7-11b, 7-15b, and 7-16b, we can see that the
best of the algorithms is the neural network (Figure 7-7b), which gave an
accuracy of 85.79%, just slightly higher than random forest.
For this problem, the objective is to predict which customers will be
loyal to prospective customers. With the result of the prediction for the
new customers, we can identify this, particularly if we select those that
have a high propensity. Also for the existing customers, we can predict
the loyal ones and the ones about to churn and take necessary actions.
If, for example, the goal is to target prospective customers, we can rank
the prospective customer records from highest to lowest propensity (in
the newly predicted dataset) in order to act on those with the highest
propensity for target marketing.

7.6 K-Nearest Neighbor
In this section, we’ll look at the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm
and how it can help us obtain more clients using a practical example.
K-nearest neighbor can be used to predict both numerical and categorical
output. In this example, it will be used to predict the categorical output.
This is particularly because the task of getting more customers is a
classification task.
KNN searches the training dataset for records that are “similar” for the
purpose of classifying or predicting a new record. By using averaging for
prediction as well as voting for classification, these “neighbors” are used to
produce a classification or prediction for the new record. The method is to
search the training data for records that are comparable to (or have values
similar to) the record we want to classify. We classify the one we wish to
classify based on the classes that these related records fall under.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

How do we determine these similar records (the neighbors)?

The Euclidean distance is a distance measurement that is extensively
used. Between two records (x1, x2........xp) and (u1, u2....... up), the Euclidean
distance is

( x1 − u1 ) + ( x2 − u2 ) + …………….. + ( x p − u p )
2 2 2
 (Eq. 7.7)

• Prior to computing a Euclidean distance, in most

circumstances, the predictors should be normalized so
that the scales of each individual predictor are equal.
• It’s also worth noting that new records are standardized
using the mean and standard deviations from the
training data, and the new record is not included in
calculating them.
• Validation data, like new data, is excluded from this

To classify, KNN uses the following rules:

• If k = 1 (the simplest case)

• We find the closest record (the nearest neighbor) and

classify the new record as being in the same class as its
closest neighbor.
• If k > 1

• Locate the k neighbors that are closest to the one being

• Classify the record using a majority decision rule,
with the record being classified as a member of the k
neighbors’ majority class.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

In business, KNN can be used in most classification scenarios and

works well when the available data is not much.
It is crucial to reduce the amount of time to calculate distances
while preprocessing data for the KNN algorithm by working with fewer
attributes. This is because the anticipated distance to the nearest
neighbor increases drastically with the number of predictors. To reduce
the attributes, we can apply different dimension reduction techniques.
Also, the number of records necessary in the training set to qualify for
KNN increases exponentially with the number of predictors. As a result,
methods such as selecting subsets of predictors for our model or merging
them using methods like principal component analysis, singular value
decomposition, and factor analysis are needed to reduce the number of
Choosing K
To avoid overfitting owing to noise in the training data, the k value
chosen should be bigger than 1. Because it can suit the noise in the data,
K should not be too low. K should not be set too high, as this will prevent
the algorithm from capturing the data’s local structure. The optimal option
of k is determined by the data’s nature. The range of k values should
be between 1 and 20. To avoid ties, we’ll use odd numbers. The best
categorization performance determines the value of K. We classify the
records in the validation data using the training data, then compute error
rates for different k values. In RapidMiner, select k to be a small (between
1 and 14), positive, and odd integer. Select several k and run the following
process iteratively for those k values till you get the one with the best
Also, categorical variables must be transformed to binary dummies
before KNN can be employed, and unlike statistical models such as
regression, all binaries must be created and used with KNN. It’s also
important to normalize the features (due to the use of Euclidean distance,
for example).

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

For KNN, the data partitioning is advised as follows:

• Training: Develop the models for different values of k,

and then select the best value of k.

• Validation: To be used to evaluate the accuracy for each

value of k using the training data and then select the
best value of k.

• Testing: When the best value of k is selected, then this is

used to check the final accuracy.

The evaluation of the KNN model can be done based on the methods
for evaluating prediction or classification as the case demand since it can
be used for both.
Classification example using KNN
A picture frame designer would like to find a way of classifying their
customers in Lagos into those likely to purchase a family size frame and
those not likely to buy one. We will use a random sample of 12 families
who have purchased the frames and 12 who have not, living in Ibadan (a
similar city).

1. The data used for this example is called

FramesData.xlsx. Create a new repository and
two subfolders (data and process). Create a new
process. Import the data and check the Statistics.
From the statistics, there are no missing values.

2. Visualization: Study the relation of outcome to

numerical predictors via side-by-side boxplots. The
most separable boxes indicate potentially useful
predictors. Figures 7-17a and 7-17b show a fair
result in this regard.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-17a.  Side-by-side boxplot for visualization for KNN

(House Area)

Figure 7-17b.  Side-by-side boxplot for visualization for KNN


Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

3. For more visualization for classification, we will use

the color-coded scatter plot in Figure 7-18.

Figure 7-18.  Color-coded scatter plot for Income and House Area

Use the settings in Figure 7-19 to check the

correlation, and the result is displayed in
Figure 7-20.

Figure 7-19.  Correlation matrix process for FramesData.xlsx

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-20.  Correlation matrix output for FramesData.xlsx

4. We will use the settings in Figures 7-21a (main

process) and 7-21b (inner process) to develop and
evaluate the model. For this simple demonstration,
because the data is not much, we will divide into
only two partitions and use the validation data
to determine the k and also to test the model
obtained from the training data for the purpose of
demonstration. In real business application, the
data used to test the model after k has been selected
and should be the third partition which has not
been used at all.

Figure 7-21a.  Main process of KNN

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

In Figure 7-21a, click the Set Role operator and set

the attribute name to FamilyFrames and target role
to be label. In the Split Validation operator, we will
make the split ratio to be 0.6.

Figure 7-21b.  Inner process of KNN

In Figure 7-21b for the KNN operator, we set the

number of k to 5 (default). (It is advised to run
KNN and evaluate the KNN model on values of
K = 3,7,9,11,13, and record the performance, i.e.,
accuracy, to determine the best k.) All other settings
remain as default. The Apply Model operator needs
no parameter adjustment. For the parameters of
the Performance (Classification) operator, simply
leave as default, which is accuracy.

For the settings in Figures 7-21a and 7-21b, we are

expecting two outputs. Figure 7-22a is the KNN
model, and Figure 7-22b is the performance of
the model.

Figure 7-22a.  KNN model

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-22b.  Performance of the model

5. Once we have established an optimal model for

prediction and the best k that gave this model, we
can now use the model to predict for new data.
The procedure is similar to the already explained
classification algorithms.

7.7 Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is based on a model that links the predictors to the
result. A small set of data can be used to train logistic regression classifiers,
which can then be applied to large groups of new records. When the result
variable, Y, is categorical, logistic regression extends the concepts of linear
Based on the values of its predictor variables, logistic regression may
be used to classify a new record, whose class is not known, into one of
the classes (called classification). It can also be used to discover features
distinguishing between records in various classes in terms of their
predictor profile or predicting variables in data where the class is known
(called profiling).
When we need to classify customers as returning or nonreturning
(classification) in business, find features that discriminate between
customers (profiling), and so on, we use logistic regression. We can use
logistic regression to calculate a new record’s propensity to fall into one

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

of several classes, and records are then ranked from highest to lowest
propensity so that we can focus our efforts on those with the highest
The predictor variables x1, x2,......xp could be categorical, continuous, or
a combination of both.
Steps of logistic regression
1. Calculate the propensities of belonging to
each class.

2. Use a cut-off value on the propensities to classify

each record into one of the classes. The record is
assigned to the class with the highest probability.

Just like in KNN, the default cut-off value in two-class classifiers is 0.5.
The logistic regression model
From the linear regression equation in Equation 6.7, we can express p
as a linear function predictor (x1,x2……xp):

Y = β 0 + β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + ……… + β p X p  (Eq. 7.8)

Instead, the logistic regression uses a nonlinear function of the

predictors in the form

p= (Eq. 7.9)
− β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 β x2 +…+ β q β xq )
1+ e

This is what is referred to as the logistic response function. For any

value x1...xq, the right-hand side will always result in values between [0; 1].
Odds are a measure of belonging to a specific class. The ratio of
the probability of belonging to class 1 to the probability of belonging to
class 0 is defined as the odds of belonging to class 1. We may also do a

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

computation in the opposite direction. We can compute the probability

of an event using Equation 7.9 if we know the odds. If we compute the
probability in the opposite direction, we get the following result:

Odds (Y = 1) = (Eq. 7.10)
1− p

If the chance of winning is 0.5, for example, the odds of winning

are 0:5/0:5 = 1, that is, the probability of being in class 1 divided by the
probability of being in class 0. We can perform the reverse calculation; we
can compute the probability of an event if we know the odds by modifying
Equation 7.10. This gives us Equation 7.11.

p= (Eq. 7.11)
1 + odds

We may describe the relationship between the odds and the predictors
by substituting, for example, Equation 7.9 into Equation 7.11 as

Odds (Y = 1) = e
β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x2 +…+ β q xq
(Eq. 7.12)

Now, we can derive the standard formulation of a logistic model by

using a natural logarithm2 on both sides:

log ( odds ) = β 0 + β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + β 3 X 3 + ………+ β p X p (Eq. 7.13)

For more information, visit Galit et al. (2018), Chapter 10.

Classification example using logistic regression
The dataset used for this example is named UniversalBank.xlsx. It
consists of data on 5000 customers. The data include the customer’s
response to the last personal loan campaign (personal loan), as well as
customer demographic information (age, income, etc.) and the customer’s
relationship with the bank (mortgage, securities account, etc.). The details
are as follows:

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

• Age Customer’s age in completed years

• Experience Number of years of professional experience
• Income Annual income of the customer ($000s)
• Family Family size of the customer
• CCAvg Average spending on credit cards per month ($000s)
• Education Education level. 1: Undergrad; 2: Graduate; 3: Advanced/
• Mortgage Value of house mortgage if any ($000s)
• Securities Account Coded as 1 if customer has securities account with bank
• CD Account Coded as 1 if customer has certificate of deposit (CD)
account with bank
• Online Banking Coded as 1 if customer uses Internet banking facilities
• Credit Card Coded as 1 if customer uses credit card issued by
Universal Bank

Among these 5000 customers, only 480 (= 9.6%) accepted the personal
loan offered to them in a previous campaign. The goal is to build a model
that identifies customers who are most likely to accept the loan offer in
future mailings.
The bank application scenario is just a selected example; other
application scenarios is in a sales campaign for example, where the goal
is to build a model that identifies customers who are most likely to make
a purchase. In a service campaign, that is, a business that offers one form
of service or another to clients, the goal is to build a model that identifies
clients who will take the service offer in future proposals or marketing.
The outcome variable is personal loan, with yes defined as the success
(this is equivalent to setting the outcome variable to 1 for an acceptor and
0 for a non-acceptor).

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Some data preprocessing necessary for solving this problem is to

convert the attribute Education to polynomial first and then to dummy
later and remove one of the dummies. The target attribute Personal loan
will be converted to binomial. After this, the data should be visualized
for classification and use the correlation matrix to discover correlated
attributes (this will be skipped in this practical demonstration as it is
captured in exercise 4 of this chapter). Also, as in linear regression, in
logistic regression we can use automated variable selection heuristics such
as stepwise selection, forward selection, and backward elimination (more
explanations in 4,5,6).

1. Create a new process. Import the data named

Bank.xlsx. Exclude attributes ID column and ZIP
Code. Convert Education to polynominal. Convert
Personal loan to binominal.

2. Create a new process, and drag the already imported

Bank.xlsx data to the design view. Connect the
data to res, run the process, and view the Statistics
(notice that there are no missing values and all
conversions done in step 1 has been taken care
of ). We will use the settings in Figures 7-23a (main
process) and 7-23b (inner process) to develop and
evaluate the model.

Figure 7-23a.  Main process (logistic regression)

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

In Figure 7-23a, click the Set Role operator and set

the attribute name to be Personal loan and target
role to be label. For the Nominal to Numerical
operator, you will select the attribute Education
(convert to dummies). For the Split Validation
operator, set the split ratio to 0.6.

Figure 7-23b.  Inner process (logistic regression)

In Figure 7-23b for the Logistic Regression

operator, the Apply Model operator, and the
Performance (Classification) operator, we will
leave as default settings. The Logistic Regression
operator is a simplified version of the Generalized
Linear Model operator.7 To perform logistic
regression, the Family parameter is set automatically
to binomial, and the link parameter to logit (check
the RapidMiner documentation for more details).
For the settings in Figures 7-23a and 7-23b, we
are expecting two outputs. Figure 7-24a is the
logistic regression model, and Figure 7-24b is the
performance of the model.

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-24a.  Logistic regression model

3. From Figure 7-24a, note that some of these variables

might be removed based on their p value; very
small p values are usually recommended (0.001 or
less).8 Also, Education=3 has been removed due
to multicollinearity. The positive coefficients for
the variables CD count and mortgage mean that
having cd account and mortgage are associated
with higher probabilities of accepting the loan
offer (they are dummy variables indicated by 1). In
contrast, having securities, online, creditCard, etc.
is associated with lower acceptance rates. For the
continuous predictors, positive coefficients indicate
that a higher value on that predictor is associated
with a higher probability of accepting the loan offer
(e.g., income: higher-income customers tend more
to accept the offer). Similarly, negative coefficients
indicate that a higher value on that predictor is
associated with a lower probability of accepting the
loan offer (e.g., age).

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

Figure 7-24b.  Performance for the logistic regression model

4. Once we have established an optimal model for

prediction, we can now use the model to predict for
new data (newBank.xlsx).

Customer profiling using logistic regression

Logistic models (e.g., Figure 7-24a) can be used to provide useful
information about the roles played by different attributes in classification.
If we want to know how increasing family income by one unit will affect
the probability of loan acceptance, we can use Equation 7.14, modified for
a single predictor or attribute as seen in Equation 7.15.
β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x2 +…+ β q xq
Odds = e (Eq. 7.14)

Odds ( Income = x ) = e β0 + β1 X (Eq. 7.15)

The estimated coefficients for the single predictor model are

β 0 = -6.127 and β1 = 0.037 as revealed in the model in Figure 7-25

Figure 7-25.  Logistic regression model for only variable (income)

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

The odds that a customer with income zero will accept the loan are
estimated by e -6:127+(0.037)(0) = 0.00218.
The odds of accepting the loan with an income of $100K are
= 0.0883.

7.8 Problems
1. Write the logistic regression equation from the
model in Figure 7-24a.

2. Complete the classification example using logistic regression

(Section 7.7) by predicting for new customers.

3. Repeat the practical business problem III; this

time around, remove attributes NumOfProducts
and EstimatedSalary and compare the results. Any
improvement in the performance of the algorithms?

4. Repeat the practical business problem III; this time

around, include the correlation matrix and use it
to remove correlated attributes before applying all
three algorithms. Is the accuracy increased?
5. For this exercise, we will use a case study of a
data science for a business training outfit called
iandfnetworksolutions. iandfnetworksolutions is an
online data analytics training and consulting with
less than ten members of staff. The task at hand for
the data scientist is to come up with the best subset
of prospects (10%) that they should target for a
one-on-one campaign, which they have found out
to be the most effective in this situation. Internal
data is named InternalData.xlsx; external data is

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

6. For this exercise, we will use a case study of a large

noodle retail store in Nigeria. They are a large store that
sells different types of noodles to smaller stores that
retail in more smaller quantity. The retail store has been
able to keep the records of their customers scattered all
over Nigeria and has been able to come up with the data
of likely prospects. The task at hand for the data scientist
is to come up with the best model to

a. Classify prospects based on whether to target them

for online sales or offline sales (classification)

b. Find factors that differentiate between online and

offline customers (profiling). Data files are named

• Internal data: NoodleRetailLRInternal.xlsx

• External data: NoodleRetailLRExternal.xlsx

7.9 References
1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei (2012)
Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Third
Edition, published by Elsevier.

2. NeuralMarketTrends (May 25, 2018) Balancing

Data in RapidMiner,

3. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,

Data Mining for Business Analytics, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in R, published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey,

Chapter 7 Classification Techniques

4. Understand Forward and Backward Stepwise

Regression, George Choueiry, https://

5. Selection Process for Multiple Regression, www.


7. P-Value in Regression by Priya Pedamkar, www.

8. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,

Data Mining for Business Analytics, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in R, published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2018.

More resources on the chapter for further reading

• Target Customers For Business Success (

• Creating Lift Charts using RapidMiner Studio (www.

• A Gentle Introduction to the Fbeta-Measure for

Machine Learning by Jason Brownlee on February 24,

• Boxplots vs. Individual Value Plots: Comparing Groups

by Jim Frost,


Advanced Descriptive
This chapter is focused mainly on advanced descriptive analytics techniques.
In this chapter, we will first explain the concept of clustering which is a type of
unsupervised learning approach. We will then pick one clustering technique
which is the k-means clustering. Using the fourth practical business problem,
we will explain how we can use the k-means clustering technique to solve a
real business problem. Next, we will explain the association rule example and
finally network analysis. We will focus the explanation of these techniques
on solving business-related problems, particularly for small businesses, and
conclude with the fifth business problem which is focused on using network
analytics for employee efficiency.

8.1 Clustering
Clustering is an unsupervised machine learning approach that aims to
segment data into similar groups of records to gain insight. Cluster analysis
is a method that forms clusters of records by calculating the distance
between these records. Clustering is applied in business2 in various ways
which include categorizing clients based on demographic and transaction
history information and then tailoring a marketing plan for each category.
It can also be used to create segments for customers and give them

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 199

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

identities called “personas” to help focus energy on sales. It is also used in

market structure analysis to find groups of comparable products based on
competitive similarity measurements.
There are two popular clustering approaches:4
1. Hierarchical method: This has to do with arranging
clusters into a natural hierarchy; hierarchical
approaches are extremely useful. These methods are
agglomerative or divisive in nature.
2. Nonhierarchical method: The k-means algorithm is
an example of such a technique. K signifies that the
algorithm assigns records to each cluster based on a
predetermined number of clusters. Because it is less
computationally costly, thus it’s better for big data.3
Regardless of whether the clustering approach is hierarchical or
nonhierarchical, two sorts of distances must be defined: distance between
records and distance between two clusters in the dataset used. In addition,
there is a range of metrics that can be employed for these distances in both
It is necessary to keep in mind the following while measuring the
distance between two records:
• The distance should not be negative.

• There should be no distance between a record and

itself (0).
• The distance between i and j must be equal to the
distance between j and i.
• Any pair’s distance cannot exceed the total of the
distances of the other two pairings.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The measures used for the distance between two records (numerical
data) include the following:
• Euclidean distance: This type of measure requires the
normalization of continuous measurements before
computing. A different distance (such as the statistical
distance) is also recommended if the measurements
are highly correlated. Outliers can make Euclidean
distance skewed. For Euclidean distance, outliers are
either deleted or more robust distances like Manhattan
distances are used.
• Correlation-based similarity.

• Statistical distance which is also referred to as

Mahalanobis distance.
• Manhattan distance (“city block”).

• Maximum coordinate distance.

For more information on the preceding list, check Han et al. (2012).
Similarity measures are more intuitively appealing than distance
measures for measuring the distance between two records having
categorical data with binary values. In this case, the matching coefficient
and Jaccard’s coefficient are the most helpful similarity measurements.
For measuring the distance between two records, categorical data and
mixed data (some continuous and some binary), a similarity coefficient
suggested by Gower is very useful.5

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

When measuring the distance between two clusters, the following

definitions are important:
• Minimum distance: The distance between the two
clusters’ closest pair of records, one record in each cluster.
• Maximum distance: The distance between the two
records that are the farthest apart.
• Average distance: The average distance between any
two records.
• Centroid distance: Centroid linkage clustering is based
on centroid distance, in which groups are represented
by their mean values for each variable, forming a vector
of means. The distance between these two vectors
determines the distance between two clusters.

It is good for clusters to be well separated; the more separated, the

more homogenous groups we have, so these distances help us to see this
separation clearly.


Figure 8-1.  A two-dimensional illustration of various distance

metrics between two clusters: (a) minimum distance, (b) centroid
distance, and (c) maximum distance

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

8.2 K-Means
The k-means algorithm divides the sample into a predefined number k of
well-separated (no overlaps) clusters with the purpose of making these
clusters similar in terms of the measures adopted (e.g., Figure 8-1). The
total distance (or sum of squared Euclidean distances) between records
and their cluster centroid is a commonly used metric of within-cluster
dispersion. The k-means algorithm is expressed in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2.  K-means clustering algorithm

How to determine k

1. K can be determined by external considerations

such as previous or domain knowledge and some
constraints presented in the business environment.
2. You can try different k and compare the resulting
distance. The distance with cluster members has to
be small, and the distance between different clusters
has to be large.
3. K can also be determined by direct methods that
optimize a criterion, such as the within-cluster
sums of squares or the average silhouette. These
methods include gap statistic methods; there are
more than 30 other indices. Figure 8-3 demonstrates
using three of these methods after which we take a

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

vote. Based on Figure 8-3, the answer is between 4

(elbow) and 2 (silhouette); to make your decision,
you have to try several other indices, and the
number of clusters with the highest vote wins.

Figure 8-3.  Comparing the results of three direct methods to

determine the best k

Validating clusters
Finding meaningful clusters is a key goal of cluster analysis. The
following steps can assist you in accomplishing this:
1. Cluster interpretability: Is the interpretation of
the clusters that resulted reasonable? Explore the
properties of each cluster to interpret the clusters.
You can do this by doing the following:
a. Analyze the results of the cluster analysis to
derive summary statistics (such as averages,
minimums, and maximums) for each cluster’s
b. Examine the clusters for separation along with
some common feature (variable) that was
omitted from the cluster analysis.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

c. Label the clusters. In this step, we’re going to

name and label the different clusters depending
on our understanding of the data.
2. Stability of the cluster: Are cluster assignments
affected greatly if some of the inputs are changed?
3. Cluster separation: Determine whether the
separation is fair by examining the ratio of between-
cluster variation to within-cluster variation. This
is where we need the distance between clusters.
Internal validity measurements are concerned with
the information included in the clusters and the
arrangement of data points with regard to them. It
is important that all the points in a cluster are close
to one another in order to have good clustering. It is
also important that clusters are well separated and
distinct from one another. The validity measures
used in internal validity include the following:
• Average within centroid distance

• The density of clusters

• Distribution of items by sum of squares

• Davies-Bouldin index

4. Number of clusters: The number of clusters

generated must be relevant to the goal of the
analysis. External validity measures are used here
to compare the clusters created by the clustering
algorithm with previously known clusters. To do this
in real-world scenarios, model development and

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

testing require input from experts who will have to

provide the clusters. The measures used for external
validity include
• Rand index7

• Adjusted Rand index6

• Jaccard index8

• Fowlkes-Mallows index8

5. There is also a density-based approach (e.g.,

similarity measure).

For more on clusters, please check Han et al. (2012).

Interpreting the clusters
• We look at the cluster centroids to determine the
characteristics of the generated clusters.
• In addition, we can see which variables are most
effective at distinguishing the clusters.
• We can also study the information about the within-
cluster dispersion.
• Using the Euclidean distance between the clusters’
centroids, we can determine how far apart the
clusters are.

Interpreting the clusters for target marketing purpose

As soon as we have a clear picture of the numerous client personas, we
can tailor our marketing interactions to each persona’s unique preferences,
that is, linking the newly found client personas to the most appropriate
marketing interactions for each of them. These interactions should be
tailored to meet the unique requirements, wants, and preferences of each
individual persona.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

8.3  Practical Business Problem IV

(Customer Segmentation)
The case study of this practical business problem is a noodle retail small
business. NoodleRetail.xlsx is a data on a noodle retail company that intends
to segment their current customers so as to be able to describe them. The
goal is to segment and describe current customers, that is, identify clusters
of customers that have similar characteristics for the purpose of targeting
different segments for different types of offers in the future. To do this, the
clustering process needs to give them segments that are as homogeneous as
possible within themselves and heterogeneous from each other.
Customer segmentation using k-means
The following steps are used for the segmentation process:
1. Data preprocessing: We will first handle missing
values if there are any as k-means cannot deal with
missing values. If there are only few missing values,
they can be excluded; if there are many, they have to
be imputed. We will then perform data visualization
to discover outliers. We will convert categorical to
numerical (as k-means uses a distance function and
cannot handle categorical variables directly). If the
categorical variables are ordinal, we will replace
with an arithmetic sequence, and if it’s nominal,
convert to binary. After this, we will normalize the
data and apply an appropriate dimension reduction
technique. It is important to reduce the dimension
because any more than few tens of dimensions
mean that distance interpretation isn’t obvious
and must be prevented. For this example, we use
Section 2.5 as a guide for the data preprocessing for
unsupervised learning.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

2. Determine the number of k. There are several

approaches to doing this (as taught earlier), but we
shall be supplying the number of k to use for this
assignment as a domain expert.
3. Perform k-means clustering using an appropriate
distance measure for the distance between records
(numerical measure was selected because we have
converted all the attributes to numerical).
4. Validate the clusters. To validate the generated
cluster, we use the avg. within centroid distance.
(To further check the stability of the clusters, you
can remove a random 5% of the data (by taking a
random sample of 95% of the records) and repeat
the analysis. Does the same picture emerge?)
5. To interpret the clusters, we will

• Compare the cluster centroid to characterize

the different clusters, and try to give each cluster
a label.
• Provide an appropriate name for each cluster using
any or all of the variables in the dataset.
• Which clusters would you target for offers, and
what types of offers would you target to customers
in that cluster?

Data description
The noodle retail data consist of the following attributes:
Customer Id

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Income Class
List Price
Number of Records
Online Order
Owns Car
Product Class
Product Id
Product Size
Past 3 Years
Transaction Date
Transaction Id
Deceased Indicator
1. (a) Data preprocessing: Create a repository
(Clustering); create two subfolders in the repository
and name them data and process. Import the data
named NoodleRetail.xlsx into the data subfolder.
When importing, make sure to exclude the following
attributes based on the reasons stated:
• Country (same values all through)

• Number of Records (same values all through)

• Customer Id (not needed for the preprocessing)

• Transaction Date (not needed for clustering)

• Transaction Id (not needed for clustering)

• Deceased Indicator (same values all through)

• Product Id (not needed for the preprocessing or


Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-4 shows the Statistics of the data.

Figure 8-4.  Statistics of the data

The following missing values are obvious from these statistics and will
be treated by replacing them with the average value of the attributes:
• Brand-93

• Online order-170

• Product class-93

• Product size-93

• Tenure-214

Create a new process (call it preprocessing1). Use the settings in

Figure 8-5 to replace the missing value with average. Click the Replace
Missing Values operator and select Brand, Online order, Product class,
Product size, and Tenure.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-5.  Process to deal with missing values

Run the process and visualize the resulting data (only the numerical
attributes) for outliers using the settings in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6.  Visualizing the numerical attributes

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Whether the numerical variables are visualized separately or together

as revealed in the settings in Figure 8-6, there appear to be no outliers.
Figure 8-7 is the visualization of the age attribute using a scatter plot to
detect outliers; this can be done for all the numerical attributes.

Figure 8-7.  Scatter plot of the numerical attribute age

Let’s modify the settings in Figure 8-5 to give Figure 8-8 in order to

investigate for the need to reduce attributes by converting all categorical
variables to numerical, normalizing and performing a correlation matrix.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-8.  Further preprocessing of the data

As seen in Figure 8-8, the Nominal to Numerical operator selects all the

categorical attributes. Click the Normalize operator, and for the attribute
filter type parameter, select all. Leave the Correlation Matrix operator as
the default setting. Running the process gives us the correlation matrix in
Figure 8-9; clicking the Pairwise Table in the same figure and sorting the
correlation values in descending order, we get Figure 8-10.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-9.  Correlation matrix

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-10.  Correlation matrix (Pairwise Table)

From Figure 8-10, we see that there are no strongly correlated pair (the
highest pairwise correlation is 0.331), and for this reason, all the attributes
will be used for this demonstration. (Some attributes on top of the list
might be removed later to see if there will be better cluster separation
when evaluated.) This decision is concluded based on the Pearson
correlation formula, which is used by the Correlation Matrix operator.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Pearson’s correlation coefficient R is the end result obtained in which

the value must range from –1 to +1 or –1<=R<=1.

n  xy   x  y

 n  x2  x
n  y   y  
2 2

The preceding formula is used to get the value for R, and the value for
R must fall in the following range:
• +1 to 0.7: Means that the strength of the variables is
perfectly related in a positive way
• 0.6 to 0.5: Means that the strength of variables is
fairly related
• 0.4 to 0.2: Means that the strength of variables is
poorly related
• -1 to -0.7: Means that the strength of variables is
strongly related in a negative way
• -0.6 to -0.5: Means that the strength of variables is
fairly related
• -0.4 to -0.2: Means that the strength of variables is
poorly related
• 0: Means that there is no strength or relation

(b) We then move to the second part of preprocessing which deals with
importing the afresh (because we need the customer ID for clustering) and
selecting only the attributes that are not strongly correlated. The result of
this process will be stored in a csv file which will then be imported again
for k-means clustering.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Import the data (NoodleRetail.xlsx) again; this time, change the

role of customer Id to Id as seen in Figure 8-11. After this, exclude the
attributes Country, Number of Records, Transaction Date, Transaction Id,
Deceased Indicator, and Product Id. Name this new data NoodleRetail2 in

Figure 8-11.  Importing the data for k-means clustering

Create a new process (call it preprocessing2). Use the settings in

Figure 8-12 to create the process. The purpose of this process is to
preprocess only the attributes that will be clustered.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-12.  Preprocessing the data for k-means

For the Replace Missing Value operator, select Brand, Online order,
Product class, Product size, and Tenure; for the Nominal to Numerical
operator, select all available categorical data; and for the Normalize
operator, select all apart from customer Id. For the csv file parameter of the
Write CSV operator, select NoodleRetailNormalize.csv (which is an empty
csv file that you would have created by yourself and saved somewhere
on your system). After running the process, the data will be stored in
1. Determine k: To determine k, there are several
approaches to do this, but we shall be supplying
the number of k (which is 2) to use for this
demonstration, representing the domain expert.
2. Perform k-means clustering and validate the clusters:
Numerical measures were selected because we
have converted all the attributes to numerical.
Import the NoodleRetailNormalize.csv, and create
a new process (call it kmeans); use the settings in
Figure 8-13 for this process (the k-means clustering).
For the k parameter of the k means operator, set it as
2 and leave all other parameter settings as default.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

For the Cluster Distance Performance operator,

leave the main criterion parameter as default.
(Please read the help of these operators in the
RapidMiner documentation for more details.)

Figure 8-13.  k-means process

From Figure 8-13, we expect three outputs as shown in Figures 8-14a,

8-14b, and 8-14c, respectively.

Figure 8-14a.  Performance results for the k-means model

Figure 8-14a is the performance of the k-means model which is

used to know how well the clusters are separated. From the RapidMiner
documentation, avg._within_centroid_distance, the average within-cluster
distance is calculated by averaging the distance between the centroid and
all examples of a cluster. The smaller, the better. When comparing the
results of several k-means models, the model that produces a collection

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

of clusters with the smallest Davies-Bouldin index is considered the

best algorithm based. Even though we chose a value for our k in this
demonstration, it is advised in practice to try several values of k and
compare the avg._within_centroid_distance and the Davies-Bouldin index
before selecting k.

Figure 8-14b.  Cluster dataset

Figure 8-14b is the output of the data that has been clustered,
indicating (using the cluster Id) the cluster to which each customer
belongs. This can be further visualized to see how well the customers are
separated. (The Cluster Model Visualizer operator can help, but it does
not come with the free edition of RapidMiner.)

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-14c.  Visualized Centroid Values for each Attribute

The plot tab selected in Figure 8-14c is the plot of the centroid table
which helps to see which attributes describe different clusters.
1. Interpret your results: To characterize the resulting
clusters, we examine the cluster centroids, using
this line chart (also known as the profile plot). We
can see from Figure 8-14c that the clusters are not
too separated from each other for some attributes,
but nonetheless there are some attributes that give
distinct separation such as the Brand = Dangote,
Brand = Chikki, Product class = medium, Product
class = low, Product class = high, Product size = large,
Product size = small, and list price. These are the main
distinguishing attributes for this k-means model, and
they can be used to characterize each of the clusters.
To characterize the different clusters, compare the cluster centroid
(centroid table in Figure 8-14c) and try to give each cluster a label.
This label is obtained from any or all of the variables in the dataset.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The question here then is: Which clusters would you target for offers, and
what types of offers would you target to customers in that cluster?

8.4 Association Analysis
Association analysis is a technique used to discover groups of related items
(clusters) in databases that store transactions.
It aims to figure out what kinds of things people tend to buy together.
When this discovery is made, these items can be shown together among
the other items, offered in post-transaction coupons, or recommended
for online shopping. In order to select a subset of rules, the stages of
establishing association rules include formulating rules and evaluating the
strength of those rules.
Algorithms for mining frequent itemsets are used to construct
association rules. The classic one selected is the Apriori algorithm of Agrawal
et al. (1993). The important steps in the algorithm are shown in Figure 8-15.

First generate frequent itemsets with just one

item (one-itemsets)
Then recursively generate frequent itemsets
with two items
Then with three items, and so on until we
have generated frequent itemsets of all sizes.
To generate frequent one-itemsets we count
for each item, how many transactions in the database
include the item.
These transaction counts are the supports for
the one-itemsets.
We drop one-itemsets that have support
below the desired minimum support to create a list of the
frequent one-itemsets.
To generate frequent two-itemsets, we use
the frequent one-itemsets. (The reasoning is that if a
certain one-itemset did not exceed the minimum support,
any larger size itemset that includes it will not exceed the
minimum support.) etc.

Figure 8-15.  Apriori algorithm by Agrawal et al. (1993)

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The algorithm can generate a lot of rules, but we only need to make
a decision using the strongest based on the dependence between the
antecedent and consequent. If we have the following rule:
If diaper and biscuits are purchased, THEN wipes are pur-
chased on the same trip.
Antecedent: Diaper and biscuits are purchased.
Consequent: Wipes are purchased on the same trip.
The strength of association implied by a rule is measured using

Support  P  antecedent AND consequent   (Eq. 8.1)

The support for the rule indicates the rule’s overall impact in terms
of size: What is the total number of transactions impacted? If only a few
transactions are impacted, the rule may not be of much benefit.

no.transactions with both antecedent and consequent itemsets

Confidence =
no.of transactions with antecedent itemset 
(Eq. 8.2)

P  antecedent AND consequent 

Confidence   P  consequent |antecedent 
P  antecedent 

(Eq. 8.3)

• A high value of confidence suggests a strong

association rule (in which we are highly confident).
• However, this can be deceptive because when the
antecedent and/or the consequent have strong
support, we can have a high level of confidence in both
even though they are independent.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

• The confidence tells us the rate at which consequences

will be discovered and is useful in judging a rule’s
usefulness in business or operational context. There
may be too few consequences found by a rule with
a low degree of confidence for it to justify the cost of
promoting that rule’s consequent in all transactions
that include the antecedent.

lift ratio = (Eq. 8.4)
benchmark confidence 

• We may better evaluate an association rule’s strength

by comparing its confidence level to a benchmark
value, in which we assume that the antecedent and
consequent itemsets in a transaction are independent
of each other. In other words, what level of confidence
can we have in the results if the antecedent and
consequent itemsets are independent?
• A lift ratio larger than 1.0 implies that the relationship
between the antecedent and the consequent is more
significant than would be expected if the two sets
were independent. The larger the lift ratio, the more
significant the association.
• The lift ratio is a measure of how well the rule is
at finding the consequents, compared to random
selection. Even though a very efficient rule is preferable
to an inefficient rule, we must also take into account
support: a rule with high efficiency but low support
may not be as desirable as a rule with lower efficiency
but much higher support.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Table 8-1 is the example of the format for the data used for
association analysis using the Apriori algorithm. Each role represents the
transactions, and each column represents an item, and the total column
is the total items available. An example of the source of transactional
data for association analysis is data collected using barcode scanners in
supermarkets where each record lists all items bought by a customer on a
single-purchase transaction.

Table 8-1.  An Example of Data Used for Association Mining

Trans. Crocs KennethCole Llbean Nike Adidas Skechers Fila

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
3 0 1 0 0 1 1 1
4 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
5 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
7 0 1 1 1 1 0 1
8 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
10 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
11 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Association analysis – application for SMEs

The retail industry makes extensive use of association analysis to
gain insight into the products that customers buy together. Knowing if
particular sets of things are routinely purchased together is one type of
choice that can be made. Association analysis aids in the design of catalogs
and the layout of retail stores, as well as in cross-selling, promotions,

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

and the identification of client categories based on purchasing habits. In

order to increase SMEs’ sales while reducing the costs of overstocking,
the results of association analysis can be used to stock the shelves with
the correct product mix. When it comes to cross-selling products, the
results of association analysis can be used to increase the average spend
per customer. SMEs’ frontline employees are likely to have varying levels
of expertise in this art because their experience and observational skills
differ. Association analysis can help small businesses learn more about the
kind of items their consumers are most likely to purchase so that they may
better train and guide their employees in this area.
Association analysis example
A shoe retailer stores the data for the sales made to each customer
and is able to convert it to the transactional data stored in shoes.xlsx. The
intention of the shoe retailer is to analyze associations among purchases
of these shoe items for purposes of point-of-sale display and guidance to
sales personnel in promoting cross-sales.
1. Create a new repository (call it Association); Import
the data named shoes.xlsx. When importing, make
sure to convert all the columns to binominal data
type apart from the Transaction no (Trans.). After
importing the data, check the Statistics to be sure
that there are no missing values.
2. Use the settings in Figure 8-16 to create frequent
itemsets as displayed in the results in Figure 8-17
after running the process.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-16.  Process to create frequent itemsets

In Figure 8-16, for the Select Attributes operator, select all the

binominal attributes apart from Trans. For the FP-Growth, leave the setting
as default. Sometimes, depending on the data, you might need to reduce
the support to get any result at all. The FP-Growth algorithm is an efficient
algorithm for calculating frequently co-occurring items in a transaction

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-17.  Output of the process to create frequent itemsets

Modify the settings in Figure 8-16 to give Figure 8-18 which is the
complete settings for generating association rules. For now, in Figure 8-18,
we leave the parameters for the Create Association Rules operator as
default. But this can be adjusted based on the nature of the data.

Figure 8-18.  Process to create association rules

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The result of running Figure 8-18 is given in Figure 8-19. It shows the

premises (antecedent), conclusion (consequent), support, confidence,
lift, and so on for the generated rules. To select the best to act upon, we are
looking for the highest support, uplift at least greater than one with high

Figure 8-19.  Resulting association rule

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Sorting by lift, in order to select the best rules, we get Figure 8-20.

Figure 8-20.  Sorting Figure 8-19 by lift ratio

• Interpreting the first rule in Figure 8-20, we have

If Fila, llbean, and Adidas are purchased together, then, with confidence
of 94.5%, Nike and Bata will also be purchased. This rule has a lift ratio
of 1.379.
The preceding rule can be used in several ways, for example, if the
customer is requesting for a particular brand of shoe, you can introduce
a new brand to the customer. This new brand is recommended based on
solving the brand association problem which makes it certain that the
customer will also want to buy the new brand. This type of inference can
be implemented in several ways by SMEs.
Examples include through email marketing, recommender engines,
promotions, and so on.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

8.5 Network Analysis
A network is a set of objects (nodes) with interconnections (edges). An
example of a communication network obtained from tweets is shown in
Figure 8-21.

Figure 8-21.  An example of a social communication network

There are different types of networks. There are social networks

that are created from social interactions and personal relationships, for
example, on social media, co-authorship networks, and so on. There are
other types of networks such as transportation and mobility networks,
information networks, biological networks, and so on.
The nodes in the network refer to objects such as people, departments,
transport stations, and so on. The edges refer to the connection between
the objects which could be friendship, marriage, family ties, research
communication, and so on. Weighted edges can also reflect connection
qualities, such as how much email is exchanged between two people on a
network. Distance between two points can be depicted using the length of
an edge on a map.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Networks can either be undirected (bidirected) or directed in structure.

An example of a directed network is if Ibk follows Femi on Twitter, and
Femi does not follow Ibk. An example of an undirected or bidirected
network is if two people co-author a research publication together.
There are various tools and platforms from which we can create and
visualize networks; examples include Gephi, networkX, Graphviz, and R
(igraph). Graph layouts can be created using any of these tools, but the
following guidelines can make them more readable:
• Each node should be clearly discernible.

• For each node, you should be able to determine

its degree.
• For every connection, you should be able to follow it
from source to destination.
• It’s important to be able to identify clusters and

Network metrics

Degree distribution: In a network, the degree

distribution describes how many nodes a node is
connected to. It helps to know the number of nodes
in the network and the range of their edges.

Density: This gives the overall connectedness of

a graph that focuses on the edges, not the nodes.
It is the ratio of the actual number of edges to the
maximum number of potential edges.

Average clustering coefficient: This is also known as

“triadic closure.” The clustering coefficient indicates
the possibility that a node that shares connections
in the network would join the network.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Network diameter: This is used to describe the

maximum distance between any pair of nodes in the

Number of communities: This gives the number of

the subset of nodes in the network, such that every
author in the subset has a path to every other author
and no other author has a path to any author in
the subset.

Degree centrality: This tries to find centrality based

on the idea that significant nodes have a large
number of connections.

Closeness centrality: This aims to find centrality by

assuming that significant nodes will be close to all
other nodes in a network.

Betweenness centrality: The search for centrality is

founded on the notion that nodes that connect to
other nodes are significant nodes.

Eigenvectors: To convey the idea that a node is more

central if its neighbors are more central.

For more on network metrics, check Tsvetovat and Kouznetsov (2011).

Network data
Network data can either be in the form of the edge list or the adjacency
list. Figures 8-22a and 8-22b present the edge list and adjacency list (of the
same data), respectively.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

& ,
' &

Figure 8-22a.  Edge list

Figure 8-22b.  Adjacency list

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Network analysis can be applied in almost all of the domain of interest.

In business, we can use it to answer questions like the following:
• Is an advertisement likely to spread in the network?

• Who are the most influential people in this business

• What products are highly connected to other products?

• And many more.

In this section, we will use two simple examples to demonstrate how to

create networks and customize them in Gephi, and in Section 8.6, we will
demonstrate a real business problem scenario example of the application
of network analysis. Note that this can be customized to solve several
related problems also. For these examples, Gephi will be used for the
practical demonstration. Section 1.8 of this book gives the details of how to
set up Gephi and to be familiar with the Gephi environment.
Network analysis – example 1
The data named dynamic.gexf is a Gephi file that contains tweets
from users in a communication social network (Twitter). These tweets
have been converted to an edge list in the form of a Gephi file (data was
downloaded and converted using For a complete tutorial
of how to download the data and create the Gephi file which contains
the nodes and edges, please visit
gephi-0-9-1-1011b009261. The downloaded data in Excel is presented in
Figure 8-23.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-23.  Downloaded data in Excel format

1. Load the Gephi application as seen in Figure 8-24.

Click Open Gephi file and select dynamic.gexf to
reveal the interface in Figure 8-25.

Figure 8-24.  Loading the dynamic.gexf file

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

In Figure 8-25, you can set the Graph Type, which

in this case is directed (by default). The number of
nodes and edges is also revealed on this interface,
together with some other details. Figure 8-25 also
asks if you want to open the file in a new workspace
or append it to an existing workspace. If you
are importing the node list which is a detailed
description of the nodes, the option of append will
be used, but for this example, we will open in a new
workspace. Click OK.

Figure 8-25.  Importing the interface

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The network created is then displayed in

Figure 8-26.

Figure 8-26.  Loaded network

2. In this step, we will customize the network. Before

that, under the Tools menu, click plugins, and
download all the available plugins. Check for
updates and update your application if necessary.
Next, Run all the necessary statistics by clicking
the Statistics tab and then the Run button beside
each as displayed in Figure 8-27. The explanation
of the methods and algorithms of each of these
statistics are given as you click them. The statistics
you need to run is usually determined by the goal
of the analysis. In this case, we will run all for
demonstration purposes.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-27.  Statistics in Gephi

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

3. After running all the statistics, click the data

laboratory to reveal Figure 8-28 which shows
the result of each Statistics for each node in
the network. We can also see the edges in the
network by clicking Edges in Figure 8-28. This can
be exported to Excel for other analyses such as
regression or correlation.

Figure 8-28.  Data laboratory

4. Click the Overview tab to display the network again,

and in the Appearance window, click and drag
the color you want as revealed in Figure 8-29, then
click apply.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-29.  Changing node color

5. Use the Edges tab of the Appearance window to add

color to the edges (Figure 8-30) and adjust the sizes
of nodes using eigenvector centrality (Figure 8-31).
This can be done by selecting the nodes in the
Appearance window and selecting size and ranking
as seen in Figure 8-31. The importance or influence
of units (nodes) in a graph is measured by their
centrality. We choose the eigenvector centrality in
this demonstration.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-30.  Changing edge color

Figure 8-31.  Ranking the edges using eigenvector centrality

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

6. Gephi offers various different layouts to present your

graph and a few plugins to make it look better. For
this example, we will use one of the most popular
layouts: Fruchterman-Reingold. It’s a force-
directed graph algorithm, and it will give us a clear
view of the connections in our graph. Figure 8-32
shows the setting of running this layout.

Figure 8-32.  Fruchterman-Reingold layout

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

7. Click Run in Figure 8-32, stop after a few seconds,

and eliminate all nodes with less than three
connections (use the settings in Figure 8-33). This
will tidy up the graph and allow us to see more
important edges (while not affecting the statistics).
On the right side of the window, click the Filters tab,
and click Attributes under Filter and Range under
Attribute. Under Range, double-click Degree. It will
appear in the Queries; you can then click Filter in
Figure 8-33. Run the Fruchterman-Reingold again
and add labels (usernames) by clicking the show
Node labels (Figure 8-34).

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-33.  Filtering the degrees

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-34.  Show labels

The resulting network is displayed in Figure 8-35.

Figure 8-35.  Network of Users

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

For this example, we will stop here, but there are a lot of other settings
that can be used to visualize this network for various types of insights.
Also, the preview tab can be used for better visualization of the network.
From Figure 8-35, we can see the node ecobank_nigeria has the highest
eigenvector centrality, signifying that it is the most central because its
neighbors are also central.
Network analysis – example 2
For the second example, we will be creating a product network
of a food and agricultural business. The edge list is created from the
associations of the products as they are purchased together. The data file
to be used for creating this network is named EdgeListProducts.csv and
NodeListProducts.csv, respectively.
1. Open a new project in Gephi. Load the data into
Gephi as an undirected graph (File ➤ Open), and
load the EdgeListProducts.csv first. Figure 8-36 is
the interface after successfully loading the edge list
into Gephi.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-36.  Successfully loading EdgeListProducts.csv

2. Load the node list by clicking File ➤ Import

spreadsheet, select the NodeListProducts.csv,
click Next, and then click Finish. On the resulting
interface in Figure 8-37, make sure to change the
Graph Type to undirected and select the Append to
existing workspace.
3. Run all the Statistics. Filter out nodes with a degree
not up to 12.
4. Change the node to pink and the edge to blue, and
use eigenvector centrality to resize the nodes (just
as in example 1); we should have Figure 8-37.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-37.  Resizing the graph using eigenvector centrality

5. Run the Fruchterman-Reingold layout to see

Figure 8-38, click the Show label button, run the
Label Adjust layout, and run the Expansion layout
to resize the network so that it is bigger and labels
are readable. The result should look like Figure 8-38.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

Figure 8-38.  Network of products (eigenvector centrality)

The network graph in Figure 8-38 is the result of using the eigenvector

centrality to rank the nodes on the network. From Figure 8-38, we are
able to see nodes which have a high centrality value because they are
connected to nodes that are also central. A high eigenvector means that a
node is connected to nodes that have high eigenvector scores.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

1. Using betweenness centrality, we get the network in

Figure 8-39.

Figure 8-39.  Network of products (betweenness centrality)

The network graph in Figure 8-39 is the result of

using the betweenness centrality to rank the nodes
on the network. From Figure 8-39, we are able to see
that nodes with a high betweenness centrality form
a bridge between other clusters of nodes.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

2. Using the closeness centrality, we get the network

in Figure 8-40.

Figure 8-40.  Network of product closeness centrality

The network graph in Figure 8-40 is the result of using the closeness

centrality to rank the nodes on the network. From Figure 8-38, we are able
to see nodes which have a high centrality value because they are close
to other nodes in the network. References for the application of these
centrality metrics in different fields can be found in Section 8.8 of this

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

8.6  Practical Business Problem V

(Staff Efficiency)
Collaboration networks have been used in people analytics to reduce
employee overload, improve the resiliency of global teams, enhance
career paths, and so on. The following are some of the metrics used in
collaboration networks:
Network size: Number of nodes attached to a node. In-degree (measure
the number of nodes connected from other nodes) and out-degree
(measure the number of nodes the particular node is connected to). This is
captured by an average degree in Gephi.
Network strength: Strong ties and weak ties. How weak or strong the
in-degree or out-degree is. This can be captured by a weighted degree
in Gephi.
Network range: How many different types of people you are connected
to. A high range network has the ability to get information from a variety of
sources. This can be investigated by checking how many communities you
belong to.
Network density: Measures the degree of interaction between
all members of a population and all other members. It is the overall
interaction measure that measures how closely networked network
members are. It is not calculated for each member. This is captured by
Graph density in Gephi.
Other metrics are as explained in Section 8.5.
In this problem scenario, we will use network analytics for people
analytics, one of the major application types of Business Analytics. We
will particularly be focusing on analyzing collaboration networks. In the
problem scenario, we have an organization that is looking at improving
the efficiency of its employees. Even though this could be done in several
ways, we will explore the possibility of using a communication network of
the employees of the organization and investigate performance using this

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

In this problem scenario, the network data was collected via a survey
and converted to a node (nodeslabelStaff.csv) and edge list (edgeslistStaff.
csv), respectively.
In this problem scenario, we are looking at the possibility of generating
any or some of the following insights. Is the network good or bad, are
people really doing what they are supposed to be doing in terms of
collaboration, and so on? To do this, we will answer questions like: How
do collaboration patterns vary? How do collaboration patterns matter for
important outcomes? This can be explored with respect to Individuals,
groups, or organizations.
To answer the question, “How do collaboration patterns vary?”, we can
use simple descriptive statistics; we can pick a network size, for example, and
compare across individuals and compare changes over time. The result of
this can be used for managing employees in the following areas: performance
assessment, roles and responsibilities, pay and promotions, training and
mentoring, job rotations and career development, and retention.
To answer the question, “How do collaboration patterns matter for
important outcomes we care about for our employees?”, first we should
realize that there are different types of outcomes for individuals such as
performance (sales per quarter, cost savings, self-reported 1–3 ratings,
manager-reported 1–3 ratings, bonus), satisfaction, commitment, burnout,
turnover, etc.
In this practical example, we have chosen to use network size to
examine performance. To do this, we will check the correlation between
size and performance. For our case study, the performance data is
captured in sales per quarter (measured in millions).
Practical demonstration
1. Load the edgeslistStaff.csv into Gephi, and
set the Graph Type to undirected. Import the
second csv file (nodeslabelStaff.csv) using Import
spreadsheet under the File menu. When importing

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

nodeslabelStaff.csv, make sure to append to

existing workspace. Figure 8-41 shows the resulting
interface after this step is successfully done.

Figure 8-41.  Importing edgeslistStaff.csv

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

2. Run Fruchterman-Reingold and then the expansion

to give Figure 8-42.

Figure 8-42.  Expanding the network

3. Run the Statistics (Prestige, Average Degree, Avg.

Weighted Degree, Network Diameter, Graph density,
Modularity, Connected Components, Eigenvector
centrality). In the Appearance window, click size
➤ Ranking and choose attribute degree-min-1,
max-50. (You can try several variations and see the
one that suits your purpose).
4. Click show node labels; adjust the size of nodes
to make it bigger. There are so many things you
can explore in the appearance, layout, and
statistics windows to have a beautiful and attractive

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

network and also communicate different insight.

As an example, we can visualize the clusters in the
network by using the settings Nodes ➤ Color ➤
Partition ➤ Modularity. Click Preview (show node
label in the preview); the final network should look
like Figure 8-43.

Figure 8-43.  The final staff communication network

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

The color of the node indicates the cluster that

each node belongs to, while the sizes indicate
their degrees. The network graph in Figure 8-43
shows that the node Tobi has the highest degree in
the organization’s communication network; this
indicates that a lot of nodes in this organization
communicate with Tobi. The implication of this,
for example, is that in such an organization, there
is a need to ensure that such a node does not
break down.
5. Click the Data Laboratory, export the Nodes table
in csv format, and open in Excel for further analysis.
Figure 8-44 is the exported data opened in Excel.

Figure 8-44.  Exported data in Excel

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

6. Use correlation analysis in Excel to correlate the

degree (network size) with performance. To do this,
hold the ALT key and type t and type I in succession,
and you will see the window to add the data analysis
tool in Figure 8-45.

Figure 8-45.  Data analysis in Excel

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

7. Click OK; click Data Analysis on the tools bar, select

correlation, and select the input range and new
workbook as the output option (Figure 8-46).

Figure 8-46.  Correlation Analysis in Excel

8. Click OK. This results in a correlation value

of 0.293707089965323 between degree and
salesperquarter (millions). The interpretation of
this from Pearson’s correlation is that the strength
of variables is poorly related though positive.
(Assuming the data is such that the correlation is +1
to 0.7, then the strength of the variables is perfectly
related in a positive way, and we can then go ahead
to look at how to increase the collaborations by
providing motivations to build ties.)

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

8.7 Problems
1. Repeat the practical business problem V, using
the same data (nodeslabelStaff.csv); this time
around, correlate the centrality measures with the
2. Using the dataset VegetableTransactions.csv,
perform an association rule analysis, and comment
on the results. Select the most important rules
using the necessary criteria and give appropriate
interpretation to the selected rules.
3. Using the data named Alegra.xlsx, perform
clustering analysis using the k-means clustering
algorithm. Validate, visualize, and interpret the
resulting clusters.

8.8 References
1. Agrawal, R., Imielinski, T. and Swami, A. (1993)
Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items
in Large Databases. Proceedings of the 1993 ACM
SIGMOD International Conference on Management
of Data, Washington DC, 26-28 May 1993, 207-216.
2. Maksim Tsvetovat, Alexander Kouznetsov (2011)
Finding Connections on the Social Web, Social
Network Analysis for Startups.
3. Anil K. Maheshwari (2015) Business Intelligence
and Data Mining, published by Business Expert
Press, LLC.

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

4. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei (2012)

Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Third
Edition, published by Elsevier.
5. Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, & Peter C. Bruce,
Data Mining for Business Analytics, Concepts,
Techniques and Applications in R, published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2018.
6. Divyanshu Anand (June 2020) Gower’s Distance,
7. Rahul Kaliyath (July 2020) Day 12: Cluster
Validation and Analysis,
8. W. M. Rand (1971). “Objective criteria for the
evaluation of clustering methods.” Journal of
the American Statistical Association. American
Statistical Association. 66 (336): 846–850.
9. Chapter 17 Clustering Validation. www.dcs.bbk.

More resources on the chapter for further reading

• Yusuf Salman (April 2016) Twitter Network Analysis
and Visualisation with Netlytic and Gephi 0.9.1,

Chapter 8 Advanced Descriptive Analytics

• Kmeans Practical Problem I,

• Kmeans Practical Problem II,
• Kmeans Practical Problem III,
• Kmeans Practical Problem IV,
• Kmeans Practical Problem V,
• Centrality measures and its applications


Case Study Part I

This chapter is the beginning part of the major consulting case study for
this book. We will explain a typical Business Analytics consulting project
and create a road map or an example of how to navigate a Business
Analytics consulting project. We start with a description of the SME
ecommerce environment generally, since this is the business environment
of our selected case study; we then talk about the sources of data for
analytics peculiar to this environment. Next, we describe the business to
be used as a case study briefly, followed by the analytics road map peculiar
to consulting for this business. This chapter ends with the results of the
initial analysis and pre-engagement phase which forms the basis for the
detailed analytics and implementation phase in Chapter 10.

9.1 SME Ecommerce
Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online. It
involves trading of products or services directly or indirectly, by any means
of venture, for the purpose of wealth creation, thereby adding value to the
end users, and to improve means of livelihood.
Ecommerce small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are start-up
ventures that employ digital online services as a platform for creating
awareness and launching products and services to target customers. These
involve promotional efforts and marketing strategies to initiate online
purchases and drive sales and for maintaining repeated purchases.

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Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

The following are some of the analytics goals that one might want to
achieve in an ecommerce analytics project:

• To capture, model, and analyze the behavioral patterns

and profiles of users interacting with a website to
recommend effective marketing campaign (i.e., extracts
knowledge that may support several decisions, e.g.,
marketing campaigns per customer segment), pricing
policy, etc.

• To understand customers to develop long-term

relationships and to improve service quality.

• To discover consumer sentiments for effective

customer relationship management.

• To discover communities of users who share common

interests for better targeting.

• To provide recommendations for effective production

plans, capital investments, and expansion decision of
the company.

• To discover trends that can help to increase the

popularity of the website among its visitors.
• To provide product cross-selling and layout
recommendations to increase the number of products
sold on the website and redesign the layout based on
product recommendations.

• To optimize the sales funnel to make sure that as

many people as possible go through the steps to buy
the product, that is, to get more products sold on
the website. In addition, discover weak spots in the
sales funnel (ecommerce website) and recommend
strategies to rectify them.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

• To identify the most profitable customers, the most

frequent search keywords, and the best sales timeline.

• To evaluate the website based on standard ecommerce

key performance metrics (abandonment, micro- to
macroconversion rates, average order value (AOV), sales
conversion rates, customer retention rates, ecommerce
churn rates, etc.) and use the results to provide
recommendations to improve the sales on the website.

• To discover sequential or associative trends in

customer buying patterns that could help to
recommend for upselling, cross-selling, or embedding
recommender systems.

• To develop a predictive model to determine which of

the external customers (customers who have been to
their website at least once and did not buy anything)
have high propensity to buy so that we can recommend
them for direct mailing or marketing.

• Customer lifetime value prediction and many more.

The types of data that one might analyze in such domain include
i. Transaction data

Transaction or business activity data has emerged

rapidly as a result of interactions seen between
consumers and the ecommerce business. These
data are structured and come from a variety
of sources, including customer relationship
programs (e.g., customer profiles maintained by the
company, the increase in the frequency of customer
complaints) and sales transactions. Overall, it is
clear that eretailers can reap numerous benefits
from transaction data across the value chain.3
Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

ii. Clickstream data

Clickstream data emanates from web and digital

advertising, as well as social media activities such
as ecommerce business tweets, blogs, Facebook
wall postings, and many more. The series of pages
viewed by a user within a specific web page is
referred to as the clickstream, and this can be used
for several types of analytics in ecommerce. The
primary goal of clickstream tracking is to help get
insight into the activities of visitors on the site.

iii. Voice data

Voice data is the information that is typically

obtained through phone calls, call centers, or
customer service. According to recent research,
voice data can be useful for analyzing consumer
purchasing behavior or targeting new customers.

iv. Video data

Video data is real-time data derived from current

image capture. Ecommerce companies want to
collect massive amounts of data in conjunction with
image recognition tools, and not just swipe-stream
information or transaction data.4

9.2 Introduction to SME Case Study

The case study business is a food and agriculture business named FarmCo.
The focus of FarmCo is to make food items available at the doorstep
and also supply farmers with the necessary inputs needed for their
farming process. In essence, they help to connect food item suppliers
and agricultural product suppliers with those that are demanding to

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

purchase them. They take orders both offline and online, but even the
offline orders are eventually entered into the online system so as to be
able to have a holistic view to running the business operation. They have
a staff strength of about 20 employees in different capacity; some are into
the management of the offline operations such as logistics and supply,
stocking and procurement, and so on, while others are into managing the
online operations which include digital marketing and sales management.
FarmCo is being managed by an ecommerce software which is the main
data source for this analytics project.
The conceptual business model for FarmCo is given by Figure 9-1. It
helps to understand the major parts and layout of the business process and
to particularly know where the data for analytics will be coming from.

Figure 9-1.  Conceptual business model for FarmCo

From Figure 9-1, we can see that the ecommerce software is at the

heart of the operations process of the business; it helps to connect the
farmers to those producing the equipment that they need and also connect
the food item buyers to those that are producing them. The software also
monitors the stock available, order, delivery, customer information, and
some level of information of the staffs. The software is in sync with other
software such as Google Analytics, etc. This is to be able to capture some
information or data not built into the software.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

For this project, the analytics road map is given in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2.  Analytics road map

Typically, the whole analytics process takes between three and six
months, but every project comes with its peculiarities, and, therefore, this
time might change from project to project.
The initial analysis phase will be covered in Section 9.3.
In the pre-engagement phase, you want to carry out some level of
analysis to know what is obtainable from the data you have been able to
retrieve in the initial analysis phase. Based on this result, you are able to
present a detailed analytics journey mapping for the clients so that there
will be a clear understanding of the roles of all parties in the project. At
this point, you want to make it plain what is obtainable and what is to be
moved into the future analytics project (recommendations to improve
the analytics in the future). Timelines have to be specified with margins,
and, most importantly, the stated goals each have to be clearly attached
to the success criteria and how they will be measured. Finally, the data
readiness (which translates to the feasibility of making the intended
recommendations from the data) should be stated with the assumptions
upon which the analytics project is to be carried.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

In the engagement model, we develop our machine learning models

and perform all necessary analysis with adequate communication
(feedback) of the insights to necessary stakeholders.1,2
For the post-engagement phase, there is a need to train the teams
responsible for the implementation of the recommendations from the
analytics project. There is a need to explain how to successfully implement
the result from the analysis. This is very important because it determines if
the analytics project is termed successful or not. At the end of the day, even
after an excellent work, if the analytics project insights are not correctly
implemented, there might not be any or much success recorded. After the
preparation, we now implement the results in whatever form applicable to
the organization and give enough time to measure and track the metrics
against the success criteria stated in the pre-engagement phase. Most
times during or after the post-engagement phase, there might be a need to
iterate that process based on feedback.
Figure 9-3 is the engagement model that clearly reveals all parties
involved and what part they will be playing for the FarmCo analytics
project. Figure 9-3 captures the engagement phase, where the data
scientist reports to both the FarmCo stakeholders and the technical team
during the modeling and analysis. Also the data scientist during modeling
receives feedback from the technical team for necessary model reworking.
In the post-engagement phase, both the data scientist and the technical
team are involved in the measurement and tracking of the goals, metrics,
and success criteria after successful implementation is carried out. Note
that in Figure 9-3, feedback also goes to the implementation stage, and the
cycle might be iterated based on results obtained from the modeling and
measurement phases.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

Figure 9-3.  Engagement model for the FarmCo analytics project

9.3 Initial Analysis
The initial analysis has to do with the following steps:

1. Highlight the decision objectives (goals) and

determine the analytics output that will help to
make intended decision feasible.

2. Discover available data (internal and external) for

analytics goals in (1).

3. Access the data in (2) and what is the quality for

analytics goals in (1).

4. Is the data in (3) able to determine the analytics

output in (1)?

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

During the initial analysis for FarmCo, the goals that the stakeholders
intended to solve (or they proposed) include the following:

1. Reach out to prospects and convert them to loyal


2. Maximize social media engagement, that is, tracking

and converting the engagement to sales.

3. Provide recommendations for effective production

plans, capital investments, and expansion decision
of the company.

4. Discover trends that can help to increase the

popularity of the website among its visitors.

5. Identify best-selling items.

Based on the result of steps 1 to 4 of the initial assessment, the goals

were modified to the following after several feedback meetings with the

1. Increase website sales revenue.

2. Increase and retain (customer satisfaction) website

Note that there were several recommendations for data platform
upgrades that will help to explore some of the intended goals directly, for
example, to reach out to prospects and convert to loyal customers, there
has to be a system or program module that collects some information
from the prospects so that they can be the object of targeting after a
segmentation modeling.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

9.4 Analytics Approach
For each of the goals to be explored in this analytics project, we will use
the analytics approach described in Section 1.3. Just as mentioned earlier,
depending on the application situation, we might first use descriptive
analytics as a form of exploratory research to discover questions to be
answered in the diagnosis analysis stage and then follow this up with
predictive and prescriptive. Other times, we might just go straight into any
of them. All these decisions are determined by the nature of the analytics
Goal 1: Increase website traffic
Using descriptive analytics, we need to find out the current state of the
website traffic. We want to answer questions like the following:

1. Is the website traffic increasing or decreasing?

• Why is the traffic going up and down? Why is it not

increasing steadily?

• What special thing did they do in the months of

March and May to give a slight jump in visitors?

• Anything happened in July to reduce the

website traffic

• Could it be a decrease in published content or loss

of backlinks, etc.?

• Could it be server failure, holidays, etc.?

• Where are the traffic coming from? Can the visits be

broken down to the sources of the traffic?

• Break the traffic down to new users and returning

customers, and where are they coming from?

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

• What marketing techniques have they been using?

Which ones have been successful and which ones
have not? It will be nice to use data to answer these

Goal 2: Increase website sales revenue

The first thing to do is to use descriptive analytics to find out the
current situation of things as regards this goal. Particularly, we want to
explore the following metrics sales, revenue, and conversion rate. These
are the metrics that can help to measure and understand this problem or
goal. We want to answer questions like the following:
Are the sales and revenue of the website incremental, fluctuating,
plateauing, or declining?
The result of the descriptive analytics is presented in Section 9.5 for the
two goals of this analytics project. For goal one, the result of the descriptive
analytics shows that the revenue is fluctuating contrary to the ideal which
should at least be increasing steadily. This then required that there be a
follow-up diagnosis analytics to find out why this is so. In the diagnosis
analytics, we want to answer the following questions:
Which marketing activities increased orders?
What is the effectiveness of marketing campaigns as per order?
Where are the orders coming from?
What categories of products are bringing in the order?
What is the AOV (average order value), which tracks the average
dollar amount spent each time a customer places an order on a website?
What marketing activities increased revenue?
What is the effectiveness of marketing campaigns as per revenue?
Is the revenue incremental?
What is determining the conversion rates?

• What paths are customers taking to check out?

• What is responsible for low conversion rate?

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

• Why are visitors not buying or completing the checkout


• What is their checkout process like? Is it complicated?

The answers to these questions will be revealed in the pre-engagement

section (Section 9.5). These answers, together with the available data, will
then determine the predictive modeling approach that is described in
Section 10.1.

9.5 Pre-engagement
In this section, we will give examples of some of the descriptive analytics
outputs for answering some of the questions asked in the previous section.
Also, in the pre-engagement phase, there is a need to detail the metrics
to be used in assessing the success of these goals. Also, at this stage after
getting the results from the descriptive analytics, we need to decide if
recommendations will be made for implementation (i.e., we have been
able to discover some insights that the business can use to make some
decisions) or for further analysis (i.e., the results will form the basis for the
modeling in the engagement phase) or for future analytics (i.e., there is a
need to provide data advice that could help the analytics in the future).
Goal 1: Increase website traffic
For this goal, the success criterion is the website traffic, and the current
situation of such is depicted in Figure 9-4.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

Figure 9-4.  Current website traffic

From Figure 9-4, we can see that the traffic goes up and down, with a
steady decline from June. At this point, we want to find out if there is any
reason for this from the organization’s point of view, for example, change
in marketing, weather, government issues, and so on. Ideally, the traffic is
supposed to be increasing steadily.
There are several angles to these descriptive analytics that could be
presented based on the available data, for example, we can also try to see
the top ten most visited pages and the time of these visits. In addition,
for each marketing channel, SEO, email campaign, coupon code, social
media, etc., report the new visitors, returning visitors, orders, sales,
conversions, new online accounts, and bounce that has come from them in
total (i.e., not monthly). The result of this will help to know which channel
is bringing in the visits, for example, and the diagnosis can start from
there. We will also be able to know if the investments in these channels are
proportional to the visit’s results.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

The recommendation here is that there needs to be further analysis

preferably diagnosis analytics to be able to find answers to the questions that
have come up. In this book, we will provide examples of such diagnosis report
in Section 10.1, but it is important to note that there are much more that
could be done in this regard not included. In addition, we plan to also directly
increase the visit to the website by using advanced descriptive analytics to
recommend how to direct traffic from the social media to the website.
Goal 2: Increase website sales revenue
For this goal, the success criteria chosen are orders, revenue, and
conversion rate. The current situation of these criteria is depicted in
Figures 9-5, 9-6, and 9-7, respectively.

Figure 9-5.  Current state of orders from the website

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

Figure 9-6.  Current situation of the revenue

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

Figure 9-7.  Current conversion rate

In Figure 9-5, it can be observed that the orders from the website

slightly declined and are gradually increasing. What is responsible for this
decline? What recommendations can we give to avoid such in the future?
In Figure 9-6, the revenue fluctuates up and down instead of a steady
increase. In Figure 9-7, the weekly conversion rate also suffers from the
same fluctuation trend.
Apart from the recommendation for the further diagnosis analytics for
this goal, we would also recommend some modeling in the predictive and
prescriptive approaches in order to directly increase the sales and revenue
from the website. This is also covered in Section 10.1.

Chapter 9 Case Study Part I

9.6 References
1. Devin Pickell (February 28, 2019) 4 Types of Data
Analytics Your Business Can Benefit. From www.

2. Valerie Lavskaya (September 10, 2019) THE


3. Akter, S., & Fosso Wamba, S. (2016). Big data

analytics in E-commerce: A systematic review and
agenda for future research. Electronic Markets, 26, 0.

4. Singh, R., Verma, N., & Gupta, M. (2020).



Case Study Part II

In this chapter, we will conclude the case study used for the illustration
of a typical Business Analytics consulting for an SME by presenting
the details of the engagement phase for the case study in question.
The post-engagement phase is left out as the implementation of the
recommendations is determined by the systems and procedures of
the business. It is important to note that the consulting steps can be
customized for any business (particularly small businesses). The
whole steps described in Chapters 9 and 10 have been made simple for
understanding, though in real-life business applications, there might be
a need to iterate the process until satisfactory results have been obtained.
This is because you constantly need to incorporate feedback from the
stakeholders and domain experts.

10.1 Goal 1: Increase Website Traffic

The first thing is to state clearly the analytics procedure concluded from
the pre-engagement phase for the first goal. To address the first goal of
increasing website traffic, we will use two major analytics approaches
given the available data.

1. From the result of the pre-engagement phase, we

will follow up with a diagnosis analysis to discover
what is responsible for the nature of the current
website traffic and make recommendations from

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A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,
Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

the results. Note that in this section, only the results

of the diagnosis analysis are presented. For this, we
will use descriptive analytics.

2. We will study the social media environment in

which FarmCo operates and attempt to identify
some major influencers in that environment for the
purpose of marketing and directing traffic. For this,
we will use social network analysis.

Analytics result

1. Several data sources were combined to address this

goal, data from marketing, sales promotion, and also
data from the Google Analytics account of FarmCo.
The data was used to answer the following questions
using descriptive analytics.

2. Why is the traffic going up and down?

From the interview with the sales and marketing team,

it was discovered that the reduction in the month of
May and June is based on the reason that there was
no advert on Facebook, etc., but FarmCo relied only
on organic search. The increase in traffic experienced
in the month of March is due to a promotion in the
month of February middle promotion.

3. What are the inputs to the website traffic?

Figure 10-1.  Inputs to the website traffic

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

The result in Figure 10-1 is used to evaluate the budget

available for these platforms and see if it is directly
proportional to the traffic results obtained from them.

4. What kind of traffic are they getting?

Figure 10-2.  Type of traffic

The result of the type of traffic (Figure 10-2) will

help them to know who is actually interested in
visiting their website; is it new or returning visitors?
This information can be used in several ways; an
example is to know how to modify their target
audience when marketing.

5. Where is the traffic of new customers/returning

customers coming from?

Figure 10-3.  Source of traffic for new/returning customers

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

From the domain expert, it was gathered that

returning customers are more likely to do business,
and this makes us particularly interested in the
returning customers. From Figure 10-3, we can
see that though small in number, the email and
referral seem to be having the highest proportion of
returning customers. So the strategic option here is
either to keep getting large traffic from the organic
search, for example, hoping that more will return, or
to increase the number of customers from email and
referrals or both.

6. What kind of people are visiting the website

(demography, interests, etc.)?

The results in Figure 10-4a and 10-4b is to help

evaluate if the interest and demography of the target
audience used in marketing tallies with that of those
actually coming to the website? Conclusions from this
will help to adjust the marketing audience targeted.

Figure 10-4a.  Demography of visitors (interests)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-4b.  Demography of visitors (age)

In summary, there is a need to take decisive steps

on the timing of promotional activities. There is also
a need to adjust the target audience for marketing
to increase traffic. Also discovered are the valuable
marketing channels/campaigns to focus the budget
on to increase the traffic.

7. For this demonstration, we pick only one product

of FarmCo, which is poultry; for this product, we
use the search criteria (poultry, Nigeria) to extract
tweets on We are able to create the
communication network of people interested in
this product in Nigeria. The data to be used for this
practical demo is named PoultryNigeria.gephi.
After loading the data, running all the statistics, and
performing necessary cosmetics for the network
(eigenvector centrality was used), the resulting
network is given in Figure 10-5.
Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-5.  Visualized Network of FarmCo

From Figure 10-5, the username nig_farmer is the major influencer

and can be used for reaching out for marketing purposes.

10.2  Goal 2: Increase Website

Sales Revenue
Just like the first goal, we first state clearly the analytics procedure
concluded from the pre-engagement phase for the second goal. To address
the second goal, we will use three major analytics approaches given the
available data:

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

1. Customer loyalty intervention: Apply logistic

regression on sampled historical data to build a
model to discover the customers that will churn.
This model will be used to predict what the
existing customers on their website will do (churn
or not churn). This will then be followed up with
associative rule mining, which will be used to
recommend products to those that would have
churned through email. In this approach, churn is
described as those that have not bought anything
in the last two years back from the last date that the
historical data was sampled.

2. Recency, frequency, and monetary segmentation:

For the second approach, we will perform RFM
segmentation. This was a decision based on the
lack of attribute richness for the typical clustering.
The intention is to be able to understand and
profile the current customers of FarmCo for better
understanding toward customer relationship
3. Strategic market target: This approach will model
prescriptive analytics. Prescriptive analytics will
be used to determine the best actionable strategy
for targeting future customers. For this analytics
approach, the clustering technique will be used,
k-means clustering to be specific. We will also be
adopting the thinking backward approach in the
analytics project.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Customer loyalty intervention

1. Import the data named SampleHistorical.xlsx,

replace errors with missing values, and exclude
CustomerID, Billing State, Email Permission, Device
Brand, Shipping Country, and Shipping State (this
is due to either too many categories or only one

2. Check the statistics to be sure that there are no

missing values.

3. Visualize the attribute for the classification task

using the following as a guide:

a. Study the target variable to categorical outcome

using a bar chart, outcome on y axis (example
in Figure 10-6). Doing this for all relevant
attributes revealed that (apart from Email
Status, Os Version, and Payment Method) the
categories of all the categorical attributes are
fairly OK as there are no attributes with too
many categories or error in the categories or
imbalanced categories. If any of these issues
existed, it needs to be dealt with at this point.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-6.  Example of studying the target variable to

categorical outcome

b. Study the relationship of the target/outcome

variable to pairs of numerical predictors
via a color-coded scatter plot (example in
Figure 10-7). Doing this for all relevant variables
revealed that there is no correlation between the
numerical predictors. This therefore means that
we can move all the numerical predictors to the
modeling stage.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-7.  An example of studying the relationship of the outcome

variable to pairs of numerical predictors via a color-coded scatter plot

c. Use correlation analysis to remove correlated

attributes (Figure 10-8). The results of the
correlation revealed that there is a need to
remove either Item Count or Quantity as they
are highly correlated.

Figure 10-8.  Correlation matrix

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

4. Using the conclusions from step 3a–c, you can

create a logistic regression model as seen in
Figure 10-9. (Note that it is better to use stratified
cross-validation as the data sample is small.) The
evaluation of the model is seen in Figure 10-10.
The model gave an accuracy of 61.08%. (Note that
at this stage, there is a need to try other algorithms,
attribute selection techniques, and so on, if we
desire a higher accuracy, but for the purpose of this
illustration, we proceed regardless.)

Figure 10-9.  Logistic regression model

Figure 10-10.  Evaluation of the logistic regression model

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

5. Using the modeling in Figure 10-9, we can predict

the intention of the current customers to churn
using the data named FoodAgricGroup.xlsx. Take
note that this data does not contain the attribute
named Intention, as this is what is to be predicted.
The result of the prediction can be seen in
Figure 10-11.

Figure 10-11.  Prediction Result

6. The next step is to use the transactional data named

FoodAgricTransAsso.xlsx to perform the association
rule to discover items that are being sold together.
The result of this is revealed in Figure 10-12.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-12.  Result of association rule mining

7. To conclude this analytics approach, we will

use the inference in Figure 10-12 to recommend
products to customers (with high propensity to
churn as revealed in Figure 10-11) through an email
marketing campaign.2,3 Note that this is just one
approach to implementing the analytics results.
There are other creative ways that can be explored
such as embedding a recommendation engine on
the website and many more.

RFM segmentation
RFM segmentation1 is used to target certain clusters of clients with
communications that are more tailored to their specific behaviors. RFM
segmentation is a useful tool for identifying groups of clients who should
be given extra attention. The letters RFM stand for recency, frequency,
and monetary value. RFM uses numerical scales to produce a high-level
portrayal of clients that is both brief and instructive. It is straightforward to
comprehend and interpret.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

• Recency: How long has it been since a consumer

engaged in an activity or made a purchase with
the brand?

• Frequency: How often has a customer transacted or

interacted with the brand during a particular period
of time?

• Monetary: Also referred to as “monetary value,” this

factor reflects how much a customer has spent with the
brand during a particular period of time.

Figure 10-13a is an example of an RFM segmentation. The figure is a

3D visualization of the clusters generated from an RFM segmentation. One
of the interpretations from Figure 10-13a reveals that some customers have
not spent a lot of money but frequently visit the business website and have
made recent purchases of high value.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-13a.  3D visualization of RFM segmentation4 (https://*_uQS11qVzIv4rTNDPM6Rqw.png)

To perform customer segmentation using the RFMT (Recency

Frequency Monetary Tenure) approach, the spreadsheet data must be
transformed to RFMT data. The following tips can help:

a. Create a unique identification for each customer.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

b. For a given ID, the RFMT values of the

corresponding customer can be calculated from the
other fields.

i. All product expenses from the same customer are

accumulated as the monetary (M) value.

ii. The number of times the same customers bought is counted

as the frequency (F) value.

iii. Time-lapse from the customer’s most recent purchase to

the crawling date was calculated as the recency (R) value. In
this scenario, we use days as units of time; when days span
several years, it could be used as months or years.

iv. The fourth variable, interpurchase time (T), measures the

average time gap between consecutive shopping trips. If the
first and the last purchase dates of a customer are denoted
as T1 and Tn, respectively, the customer’s holistic shopping
cycle (L) can be approximated by the months between T1
and Tn, and thus the T value (in month) can be calculated as

T = L / (F − 1) = (Tn − T1) / (F − 1) (1).

To calculate T, only customers who made at least
two purchases (i.e., F ≥ 2) in the given period
were considered.

This resulted in the data named


c. The RFMT values obtained in b are then used

to divide the customers into four tiers for each
dimension, such that each customer will be
assigned to one tier in each dimension as seen in
Table 10-1.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Table 10-1.  Four Tiers for Each Dimension

Recency Frequency Monetary

R-Tier-1 (most recent) F-Tier-1 (most frequent) M-Tier-1 (highest spend)

R-Tier-2 F-Tier-2 M-Tier-2
R-Tier-3 F-Tier-3 M-Tier-3
R-Tier-4 (least recent) F-Tier-4 (only one transaction) M-Tier-4 (lowest spend)

This resulted into the data named FinalRFM.xlsx (though this data has
about five tiers instead of four as in Table 10-1).
It is possible to use the results of RFM segmentation to target certain
groups of clients depending on the RFM segments in which they appear.
Groups like best customers are examples of this type of consumer
(customers who are found in R-Tier-1, F-Tier-1, and M-Tier-1, meaning
that they transacted recently, do so often, and spend more than other
High-spending new customers: Customers in 1-4-1 and 1-4-2. These
are consumers that have only transacted once, but very recently, and have
spent a significant amount of money.
Lowest-spending active loyal customers: Customers in segments 1-1-3
and 1-1-4 make up this group. They transacted recently and do so often,
but spend the least.
Churned best customers: Customers in groups 4-1-1, 4-1-2, 4-2-1, and
4-2-2. They used to transact frequently and spend a lot of money, but they
haven't done so in a long time, and so on.

1. Import the data named FinalRFM.xlsx, check the

statistics, and make sure there is no missing data.
Change the type of all the RFMT attributes to

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

2. Visualize the data using a bar chart to see that

the RFMT categories have fair data distribution.
Figure 10-13b is an example.

Figure 10-13b.  Bar chart for the frequency

3. Figure 10-14 is the final cluster visualization for the

RFMT modeling, when k is equal to 4, for example.

Figure 10-14.  Clusters discovered

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

4. Based on the clusters discovered and the tiers used

for the RFMT data, we can profile the clusters. The
final step in RFM segmentation is to customize
communications for each of the discovered clusters
of customers.

Strategic market target

The goal here is to prescribe the optimal cluster in the external data to
target for marketing using prescriptive analytics. We will use the thinking
backward approach for this assignment. This approach consists of the
following steps:

• Start with the decision we want to make.

• Determine what analysis outputs would help make that


• Design the analysis that creates those outputs.

• Determine what data is needed for analysis and how

to get it.

• Execute the analysis.

• Display and present the result.

1. Start with the decision we want to make: In this
project, we need to choose an actionable customer
acquisition strategy out of the following available

a. Increase customer base by acquiring as many customers as

possible, no matter what kind of customers they are, with the
hope of retaining them for high future revenue.

b. Increase customer base by acquiring only few premium

customers (due to low marketing budget).

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

c. Increase customer base by acquiring many high profit

customers (best-case scenario).

2. Determine what analysis outputs would help make

that decision: The analysis output we are expecting
is to have one or two slides that describe each
option in step 1 and the summary that compares
each option based on key metrics (available in the
data). We will also explain how we arrived at the
conclusions. Note that this procedure leverages on
having the same attributes in internal and external
data. In some situations, this might not be possible,
but there are third parties that can help with
external segmentation to overcome this.

3. Design the analysis that creates those outputs:

Figure 10-15 is a high-level conceptual design of
the approach. The aim is to segment the internal
data and also segment the external data. After that,
we will now link the two together and construct
options which will help to maximize the business
decisions in step 1. The intention is to use internal
data to describe the characteristics of the current
customer base and the historical performance of
these segments (e.g., total profit made from the
customers). We will follow this up by describing the
external customer characteristics and use these to
determine what the acquisition opportunity is for
each segment.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-15.  High-level conceptual design

In Figure 10-16, we have a more detailed version of the conceptual

schema revealing the proposed clusters in the internal data and the
external data. (This is just to give an idea of what we are expecting as in
practice the knowledge of the clusters might not be clear like this in the

Figure 10-16.  More detailed conceptual design

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

4. Determine what data is needed for analysis and

how to get it: For this approach, we will need to use
two sets of data. The internal data named FarmCo.
Internal.xlsx and the external data named FarmCo.

5. Execute the analysis: The following steps will be

performed for both the internal and external data.

Data preprocessing: Missing value handling - k-means cannot

deal with missing values. If there are only few missing values,
they can be excluded; if there are many, they have to be
imputed. Data visualization will be used to discover outliers.
Convert categorical variables to numerical as k-means uses
a distance function and cannot handle categorical variables
directly (if it’s ordinal, replace with an arithmetic sequence;
if it’s nominal, convert to binary). Data normalization will be
used to weigh each dimension equally.

Determine the number of k: There are several approaches to

doing this (as explained earlier), but we shall be supplying the
number of k to use.
Create the clustering model: Use the appropriate distance
measure for the distance between records (numerical
measure was selected because we have converted all the
attributes to numerical).

Validate the clusters: To validate the generated cluster, we use

the avg. within-centroid distance.

Interpret your results: Compare the cluster centroid to

characterize the different clusters, and try to give each cluster
a label.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Internal data 5a–e

After examining the internal data for missing values, we have the
statistics (scroll down to see all) in Figure 10-17.

Figure 10-17.  Summary statistics

Checking the numerical attributes for outliers (using scatter plots),

we discover that all the attributes don’t have outliers. Figure 10-18 is an

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-18.  Checking the numerical attributes (Total Amount)

Figure 10-19 is the result of the correlation matrix for the internal
data; highly correlated variables are a disadvantage when using Euclidian
distance. The pairwise table is given in Figure 10-20 (sorted in descending
order). Based on this result, we will eliminate Item Count, No of C, Email
Status = P, and Quantity as they have high correlation values.

Figure 10-19.  Correlation matrix

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-20.  Pairwise correlation

To determine the number of k, we will use 2, 3, 4, and we select the

best separated k. Import the data again and, this time, set the role of
Customer ID to Id when importing so that we can link each customer to

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

its cluster. The settings in Figure 10-21 will give the visualized cluster in
Figures 10-22a (K=2), 10-22b (performance of K=2), 10-23a (K=3), 10-23b
(performance of K=3), 10-24a (K=4), and 10-24b (performance of K=4).

Figure 10-21.  The clustering process (k-means)

Figure 10-22a.  Cluster profile for K=2

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-22b.  Cluster performance of K=2

Figure 10-23a.  Cluster profile for K=3

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-23b.  Performance of K=3

Figure 10-24a.  Cluster profile for K=4

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-24b.  Performance of K=4

From the preceding results, we select K=3 due to the following reasons:

• avg._within_centroid_distance: The average within-

cluster distance is calculated by averaging the distance
between the centroid and all examples of a cluster. The
smaller, the better.

• davies_bouldin: The algorithms that produce clusters

with low intra-cluster distances (high intra-cluster
similarity) and high inter-cluster distances (low inter-
cluster similarity) will have a low Davies-Bouldin index;
the clustering algorithm that produces a collection
of clusters with the smallest Davies-Bouldin index is
considered the best algorithm based on this criterion.

Having decided on K=3 for the internal data, to choose the best
segmentation result for the problem at hand (internal data), we can use
the profit made as a metric and then for each segment calculate the mean
profit for all members in the cluster. There are other metrics that can be

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

used such as cancel rates, etc., depending on the application scenario. The
output of the cluster (Figure 10-25) can be linked with the original FarmCo.
Internal.xlsx to know the profit of each cluster member and then calculate
each cluster’s mean profit made. This is revealed in Table 10-2. Notice that
the profit made is not part of the attributes for clustering as it will not be in
the external data.

Figure 10-25.  Clustered dataset

Table 10-2.  Mean Cluster Profits

Cluster Name Average Profit

Cluster_0 172,000
Cluster_1 745,555
Cluster_2 175,000

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Next, we try to explain the characteristics of all the preceding clusters

as follows, as obtained from Figure 10-23:
Billing State=Lagos is slightly low.
Billing State Others is slightly high.
This cluster does not have striking attributes that can distinguish it.
Billing State=Lagos is slightly high.
Other attribute characteristics are not striking.
Email Status=A is very low.
No of Days is very high.
These two attributes mostly separate items on this cluster.
Since Cluster_1 has the highest mean profit, ideally we would want
to use the characteristics of cluster 1 to look for a similar cluster in the
external data and then target it (going by the option of the best-case
scenario), because it has a high number of customers and also high mean
profit made.
External data 5a–e
The next set of steps will help to segment the external customers.
Import the external data (FarmCo.External), and exclude the following
while importing: Customer ID, Shipping State, Quantity, No of C, Item
Count. This is because they are not used for internal data clustering.
After examining the external data (FarmCo.External.csv) for missing
values, we have the statistics in Figure 10-26. There are missing values
for some attributes. This will be dealt with by the replace missing value
operator later.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-26.  Summary statistics

Checking the numerical attributes for outliers (using scatter plots),

we discover that all the attributes don’t have outliers. Figure 10-27 is an

Figure 10-27.  Checking the numerical attributes (Discounted Price)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

We can check the correlation matrix for the external data

(Figure 10-28). It is important to note that we have to use the same
attributes used for the internal data segmentation for the external data
segmentation to be able to link the two clustering outputs together.

Figure 10-28.  Correlation matrix (external data)

Import the external data again and, this time, set the role of Customer
ID to Id. Exclude the following while importing: Customer ID, Shipping
State, Quantity, No of C, Item Count. The settings in Figure 10-29 will
give the visualized cluster in Figures 10-30a (K=2), 10-30b (performance
of K=2), 10-31a (K=3), 10-31b (performance of K=3), 10-32a (K=4), and
10-32b (performance of K=4). Note that when selecting attributes, select
the ones used for internal clustering.

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-29.  Clustering the external data

Figure 10-30a.  Cluster profile for K=2 (external data)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-30b.  Performance of K=2 (external data)

Figure 10-31a.  Cluster profile for K=3 (external data)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-31b.  Performance of K=3 (external data)

Figure 10-32a.  Cluster profile for K=4 (external data)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Figure 10-32b.  Performance of K=4 (external data)

From the preceding results, we select K=2 due to its smallest davies_
bouldin value.
The characteristics of the clusters are given as follows:
Billing State=Ogun is low.
Billing State=Others is slightly high.
Billing State=Lagos is slightly high.
Email Status=A is slightly high.
DiscountedPrice is low.
Billing State=Ogun is very high.
Billing State=Others is low.
Billing State=Lagos is slightly low.
Email Status=A is low.
DiscountedPrice is slightly high.
(Note that other k values that give better separation and distinct
characteristics can be tried out.)

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

Linking both segmentation processes

So after segmenting external data, we want to select the cluster
that matches Cluster_1 from the internal data. Unfortunately for this
demonstration, Cluster_1 (Billing State=Lagos is slightly high) is the
only striking characteristic as the other attributes’ characteristics are not
striking. Regardless, we still proceed by using only this attribute to match
the characteristics of the external data to find that Cluster_0 is the cluster
with such characteristics along with other characteristics.
The recommendation therefore is that if we intend to target a cluster
that has a potential of high profit made and large number of members,
Cluster_0 in the external data is the recommended one. In other situations,
where there are more distinguishing characteristics of the cluster, the
recommendation would have been richer.
1. Display and present the result.

Based on the audience in question, these results

need to be presented in simple charts supported
with necessary visual diagrams to depict the best
option and the reason for selecting such an option.

10.3 Problems
1. Using the data named PoultryNigeria.gephi, use
Gephi to arrive at Figure 10-5.

2. Visualize the data named SampleHistorical.xlsx for

classification using a side-by-side boxplot.

3. Repeat the RFM Segmentation (under the section

customer loyalty intervention) in this chapter using
the data RFMFoodAgric.xlsx and FinalRFM.xlsx.
Are you able to arrive at the same results?

Chapter 10 Case Study Part II

4. How would you present the result gotten from

problem 3 to the stakeholders?

10.4 References
1. RFM Segmentation,
2. Anthony Capetola (February 28, 2021) This is
How You Can Use Predictive Analytics to Sell
Smarter Through Email,
3. Jennifer Xue, How to Use Predictive Analytics for
Better Marketing Performance, www.singlegrain.
4. Divya Chandana (May 2021) Exploring Customers
Segmentation With RFM Analysis and K-Means

Data Files
Chapter 2

• FarmCo.External.xlsx

• OnlineQuestion1.xlsx

• OnlineQuestionAfterMissing.csv

• OnlineQuestionAfterOutlier.csv

Chapter 5

• SuperstoreNigeria.xls (original data source


• OnlineQuestion1.xlsx

• customersNigeria.xlsx

• chapter5Assign.xlsx

Chapter 6

• ToyotaCorollaData.xlsx (original source:

• ToyotaCorollaNewData.xlsx

• FoodAgricGroup.xlsx

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 323

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,

Chapter 7

• Bank.xlsx (original source:


• Churn_ModelingNew.csv (original source:

• Churn_Modelling.csv

• FramesData.xlsx

• InternalData.xlsx

• newBank.xlsx

• NoodleRetailLRExternal.xlsx

• NoodleRetailLRInternal.xlsx

• Prospects.xlsx

• TrainingDS3.csv

• TrainingDS3NewData.csv

Chapter 8

• Alegra.xlsx
• dynamic.gexf

• EdgeListProducts.csv

• edgeslistStaff.csv

• NodeListProducts.csv

• nodeslabelStaff.csv

• NoodleRetail.xlsx

• NoodleRetailNormalize.csv


• shoes.xlsx

• StatisticStaff.csv

• VegetableTransactions.csv

Chapter 10

• PoultryNigeria.gexf

• FoodAgricGroup.xlsx

• FoodAgricTransAsso.xlsx

• SampleHistorical.xlsx

• FinalRFM.xlsx

• RFMFoodAgric.xlsx

• FarmCo.External.xlsx

• FarmCo.Internal.xlsx

A, B recommendations/
strategies/plan, 16, 17
Boosted trees
results, 14, 15
classification, 174
customer loyalty, 177
businesses, 18, 19
performance, 178
storage/location, 10
random (see Random forest/
visualization, 11
boosted trees)
resulting model/
performance, 177
Business Analytics
application types, 2 Classification techniques, 155
conceptual business algorithms, 158
model, 8–11 classifier, 155
customer analytics, 3 confusion matrix, 158
data analytics, 12–14 customer loyalty
data capturing model, 9, 10 bar chart, 162
data integration, 18 boxplot visualization, 164
definition, 2 company’s products/
events, 6–9 services, 159
extracting data, 11–13 data description, 160
financial analytics, 2 data importing, 161
implementation stage, 16 data preprocessing, 160, 161
operational analytics, 4 practical business
quality/integrity, 18 problem, 159
people analytics, 3 scatter plot, 163
presentation, 15 decision tree
real business problem, 7–10 algorithms, 169

© Afolabi Ibukun Tolulope 2022 327

A. I. Tolulope, Data Science and Analytics for SMEs,

Classification techniques (cont.) antecedent/consequent,

cross validation 223, 224
operator, 171 Apriori algorithm, 222
customer loyalty attributes operator, 227
problem, 170 definition, 222
inner process, 171 frequent itemsets, 226–228
main process, 170 mining data, 225
performance, 172 rules, 228, 229
predicted records, 173 shoe retailer stores, 226
Fbeta measurement, 158 SMEs application, 225
KNN (see K-nearest sorting data, 230
neighbor (KNN)) transactions, 223
logistic regression, 187–195 coefficient, 201
metrics, 156 collaboration networks
misclassification error, 156 communication
neural network algorithm network, 257
customer loyalty data analysis, 259, 260
problem, 164 density, 253
inner processes, 166 edgeslistStaff.csv, 255
main process, 165 excel format, 258
neural net operator, 166 expansion, 256
performance result, 167 network size/strength/
prediction output, 169 range, 253
records/transactions, 168 performance, 254
precision and recall, 157 practical demonstration, 254
propensities, 158 problem scenario, 254
random forest/boosted resources, 262
trees, 174–179 statistics, 256
strata, 156 customer segmentation
training/validation attributes, 210
dataset, 156 correlation matrix, 214–216
Clustering data description, 208, 209
approaches, 200 data importing, 217
association analysis data preprocessing, 207


dataset, 220 excel data, 235

heterogeneous, 207 filtering data, 245
k-means, 207, 208, 219 Fruchterman-Reingold
missing values, 210, 211 layout, 243
model visualizer, 220 interface, 237
nominal/numerical labels, 246
operator, 218 load interface, 238
numerical attributes, 211, 212 metrics, 232, 233
performance results, 219 nodes, 231, 241
plot tab selection, 221 products, 251
practical business resulting network, 246
problem, 207 social communication, 231
preprocessing, 213, 218 social network, 235
profile plot, 221 statistics, 238, 239
ranges, 216 tools/platforms, 232
statistics, 210 nonhierarchical method, 200
definition, 199, 202 personas, 200
distance metrics, 202 records, 200
euclidean distance, 201 Cognitive analytics, 12–14
hierarchy, 200 Consulting services
k-means (see K-means analytics project, 62–64
algorithm) billing project
network analysis definition, 68
analysis, 235 details, 66
bidirected/directed, 232 initial analysis, 66–68
data information, 233–235 resources, 69
data laboratory, 240 warning message, 68
dynamic.gexf file, 236 client organization, 62
edge/adjacency list, 233 cross-selling, 62
edge color, 242 engagement phase, 78–80
EdgeListProducts.csv/ metrics, 65, 66
NodeListProducts.csv, 247 modeling and analysis, 78
edges, 242, 243 positions/entry-level
eigenvector, 249–252 roles, 60, 61


Consulting services (cont.) Descriptive analytics, 12, 53,

post-engagement 75, 274–278
phase, 80, 81 Descriptive analytics tools
pre-engagement phase bar chart
data readiness/ categorical data, 84
assumptions, 78 RapidMiner, 85
descriptive analytics, 75 results interface, 86
journey mapping, 76 screenshot, 85
solution architecture, 77 visualizations
success criteria, 77 button, 86, 87
timelines/engagement boxplots, 91, 92
model, 76 bubble charts, 96, 97
problem solving process, 64 business problems
professional/technical field, 59 attributes, 101, 102
proposal/initial analysis discount/profit, 107, 108
analytics phases, 75 profits/sales, 105, 106
background region/sales/subcategory,
information, 71 103, 104
iterative process, 74 scenario, 101
output stages, 73 solution, 102
proposed analytics subcategory/category,
models, 72 108, 109
stages, 72, 73 exploratory/descriptive/causal
stakeholders, 72 research, 83
unrealistic clients, 74 geographical representation,
100, 101
heat map, 98, 99
D histogram, 87–89
Data science line graphs, 90
Business Analytics (see Business scatter plots
Analytics) associations, 93
definition, 1 causal relationships, 93
road map (see Road map color-coded plot, 95
analytics) features, 93


matrix, 96 website sales revenue, 278

outliers/clusters, 93 website traffic, 276, 277
plot type, 93 transaction data, 267
treemaps, 97, 98 voice data, 268
Diagnostic analytics, 12, 13

G, H
E, F Global positioning satellite
Ecommerce SMEs (GPS), 10, 31
analytics approach, 274–276
analytics project, 266, 267
case study Business I, J, K
Analytics road map, 270 Key performance indicators
conceptual business (KPIs), 2
model, 269 K-means algorithm
engagement model, 271 clustering algorithm, 203
FarmCo, 268 determination, 203, 204
initial analysis phase, 270 gap statistic methods, 203
modeling/measurement interpreting process, 206
phases, 271, 272 separation, 205
offline/online operation, 269 target marketing
post/pre-engagement purpose, 206
phases, 270, 271 validation, 204–206
software, 269 K-means clustering, 199, 203,
clickstream data, 268 208, 216–218
definition, 265 K-nearest neighbor (KNN)
domain types, 267 boxplot, 183
initial analysis, 272, 273 correlation matrix, 184, 185
pre-engagement phase data partition, 182
conversion rate, 280 definition, 179
definition, 276 Euclidean distance, 180
descriptive analytics, 277 evaluation, 182
recommendation, 278 frame designer, 182
revenue phase, 279 inner process, 186


K-nearest neighbor (KNN) (cont.) M

k values, 181
Mean absolute error/deviation
main process, 185
(MAE), 116
performance, 186
Mean absolute percentage error
predictors, 181
(MAPE), 116
preprocessing data, 181
Mean percentage error (MPE), 116
records, 179
Measurement tracking
rules, 180
phase, 80, 81
scatter plot, 184
Multiple linear regression (MLR)
visualization, 182
approaches, 128, 129
data outer process, 134
L dataset resulting, 133, 135
data transformation
Logistic regression
techniques, 127
bank application, 190
cut-off values, 188
variables, 126
definition, 187
evaluation, 132
details, 189, 190
inner process, 135
equations, 188
linear regression, 128, 130
inner process, 192
models, 127
main process, 191
overall process, 130
modification, 189
predictors, 128
nonlinear function, 188
regression equation, 127
outcome variable, 190
sales prediction problem, 129
performance, 192–194
split data operator, 130
predictor/attribute, 194
validation dataset, 131
preprocessing data, 191
probability, 189
profiling, 187 N, O
returning/nonreturning, 187 Neural network prediction
selection heuristics, 191 benefits, 143
standard formulation, 189 data prediction, 150
steps, 188 data preprocessing, 146
variable, 194 dataset resulting, 149, 151


decisions, 144 nominal/numerical

definition, 143 operators, 123, 124
design view, 146 preprocessing task, 119
evaluating sales prediction, 117
performance, 146 scatter plots, 122, 123
evaluation, 149 statistics, 120, 121
hidden layer, 145 regression trees, 135–143
inner process, 150 sales prediction, 151
multilayer feedforward supervised learning, 114
networks, 144 unsupervised learning, 115
net model, 148 Predictive analytics, 6, 13, 78,
nominal/numerical 113, 114
operator, 147 Prescriptive analytics, 12–14, 78, 79
sales prediction problem, 146

P, Q Random forest/boosted trees
Prediction techniques, 113 cross validation operator, 175
classification, 115 customer loyalty, 175
evaluation, 115–117 inner process, 176
historical data, 114 main process, 175
machine learning, 114 objective, 179
MLR (see Multiple linear performance, 176, 177
regression (MLR)) steps, 174
neural network, 143–151 Regression trees
numerical measurements, 116 attribute selection, 136
practical business problem benefits, 137
consulting approach, 117 data-driven method, 135
correlation matrix process, datasets resulting, 141, 143
125, 126 decision tree structure, 136, 137
data description, 118 evaluation, 140
demonstration, 119, 120 inner process, 142
histograms, 121, 122 logical rules, 140
load data, 120 main process, 142


Regression trees (cont.) passive data collection, 31

nominal/numerical operator, 138 product/presence systems, 31
nonbacktracking, 136 real business illustration, 32
numerical/categorical semistructured data, 30
outcomes, 137 structured/unstructured
overfitting model, 137 data, 29
process, 138 technical operations
sales prediction problem, 138 systems, 31
splitting rules, 136 definition, 29
validation dataset, 139 governance, 36, 37
Road map analytics handling categorical
book structure, 21–25 variables, 51–53
Gephi screen, 25, 26 missing data
RapidMiner Studio, 23, 24 CSV file, 47
Root mean squared error design tab, 44
(RMSE), 117 domain knowledge, 44
meaning, 43
operators, 45, 46
S, T, U, V RapidMiner process, 44
Small and Medium statistics, 45
Enterprise (SME) nominal/numerical operators, 53
analytics problems, 19, 20 normalization, 51
analytics tools, 21 outliers/cleaning
definition, 17 correcting process, 51
micro/small/medium definition, 47
enterprises sector, 16 detect Outliers operator, 49
problems/techniques, 19 filtering process, 49, 50
Small business identification, 48
data source preparation procedures, 37, 38
active data collection, 31 privacy guidelines, 33, 34
core enterprise, 30 quality/integrity, 34–36
customer/people systems, 30 resources, 57
external source systems, 31 statistics, 38–43
feature representation, 33 treasure map, 37


unsupervised task, 54 segmentation processes, 320

visualization, 53, 54 strategic market target,
Statistics 289, 301–304
data type formation, 41 target variable/categorical
displayed interface, 42 outcome, 291
final screenshot, 43 3D visualization, 296, 297
import data, 40 Website traffic
replace error, 41 analytics
repository creation, 39 approaches, 283
tasks, 38 demography, 286, 287
customers, 285
W, X, Y, Z results, 284, 285
Website sales revenue resulting network, 287, 288
approaches, 288, 289 website traffic, 284
association rule mining, external data
294, 295 characteristics, 319
bar chart, 299, 300 clustering data, 316–318
clustering model, 304 correlation matrix, 315
clusters discovered, 300 missing values, 313
correlation matrix, 292 numerical attributes, 314
data preprocessing, 304 performance, 317–319
detailed conceptual design, 303 statistics, 314
evaluation, 293 internal data
high-level conceptual characteristics, 313
design, 303 clustering process, 308–310
logistic regression model, 293 correlation matrix, 306
loyalty intervention, 289, 290 dataset, 312
prediction, 294 mean cluster profits, 312
recency/frequency/monetary numerical attributes, 306
segmentation, 289 pairwise correlation, 307
RFM segmentation, 295 performance, 310, 311
RFMT approach, 297–299 results, 311
scatter plot, 291, 292 statistics, 305


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