Comprog 2ND Quarter

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• Is a trade name owned by the Microsoft Corporation for a high-level, visual programming version
of the BASIC.
• It was designed for building windows-based applications.


• BASIC, developed in 1964 by Prof. John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz of Darmoth College.
• Alan Cooper developed Visual Basic Programming.

• It provides powerful features such as Graphical User Interface (GUI) event handling, object
oriented features, error handling, sturctured programming, and much more.
• Textual Programming - a way to create a program wherein you write a code using the syntax of a
particular language.
• Event Programming or Visual Programming - a method of programming with the use of a
programming environment in which basic program components can be selected through menu
choices, buttons, icons, and other predetermined methods.
• EVENT - here is defined as an action or occurence, often generated by user, to which a program
might respond. (Ex. Key presses, button clicks, mouse movements.)


• Define what you want the computer to do - If you have concrete idea as to what you are
planning to do, it will be easier for you to start one by writing all the needed requirements.
• Decide how your program will look on the screen - similar to a designer, you start working on
your canvas, having your first sketches. This is one of the most exciting part in VB. The look of
your program is what we call USER INTERFACE.
• Design what you planned - draw the user interface using common parts such as windows,
menus, and command buttons. You will work on your FORM, plan where you start your design.
• Enhance your design - define the name, color, size, and appearance or each user interface
• Write your codes - write instructions in BASIC to make each part of your program do something.
• Test your program - run your program to see if it works.
• Edit, if necessary - if you want to make changes, just restructure it. If there is a problem with
codes, fix any errors in your program.


• The IDE is a set of integrated tools for developing software. The VB IDE allows the programmer
to create, run, and debug VB programs quickly. This method is RAD (Rapid Application


• Developmet tool that you can use to build software applications that perform useful work and
look great within a variety of settings. You can create applications for the Windows operating
system, the Web, hand-held devices, and a host of other environments and settings.
Start Page or Welcome Page
• contains a set of links, MSDN articles and Project options.
Integrated Development Environment
• Toolbox - contains controls & other component that can be placed on form designer.
• Designer Window - contains objects or controls you create for the application.
• Solution Explorer Window - provides a way to navigae through your program's structure.
• Properties WIndow - describes the properties or characteristics of the form and other controls.
• Error/Task List Window - will be populated with any potential issues with the code and form
design of your application.


• Pointer - not a control. it is used to select controls and put on a form.
• Button - initiates an action when pressed or clicked.
• Checkbox - provides user with the choice or choices.
• CheckedListBox - displays a list of items with a checkbox on the left side of each item.
• ComboBox - display an editable text box with a drop down list of permitted values.
• DateTimePicker - enables user to select a date and time to display it with format.
• Label - provides a run time information or descriptive text for a control.
• LinkLabel - displays a label control that supports hyperlink functionality.
• ListBox - displays a lit from which a user can select items.
• ListView - displays a colloection of items in one of fivedifferent views.
• MaskedTextBox - uses mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.
• MonthCalendar - displays a monthly calendar from which the user can select a date.
• NotifyIcon - displays an icon in the notification area on the right side of windows.
• NumericUpDown - displays a single numeric value that the user in and decrement.
• PictureBox - displays an image.
• ProgressBar - displays a bar that fills to indicate to the user that progree of operation.
• RadioButton - enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices.
• RichTextBox - provides an advanced text entry and editing features.
• TextBox - enables the user to enter text, provides multiline editing.
• ToolTip - display information when the user moves a pointer.
• TreeView - displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items.
• WebBrowser - enables the user to browse web pages inside your form.

Events and Event Procedures

• Events - is the user's action; clicking or pressing a key.
• Code - statement that carries out the action when the event is triggered.
• Event Procedure - adding a code in an event.
Common Control Event
• Activate - when forms get a focus.
• Click - when the user click anywhere on the form or control.
• Initialize - when the form is first generated.
• Load - when the form is loaded into the computer's memory.
• Dblclick - when the user double clicks the form or control.
• Deactivate - when another form gets the focus.
• Unload - when the form is terminated from the computer's memory.
• Resize - when the user changes the size of a form.
• Change - when the user changes the text inside a textbox.


• allows the user to do the same action of program until the given condition is true.
• Do Loops - statement repeats a sequence of statements as long as the condition is true.
• Do While - used to execute statements until a specified condition is met. looks for the true value
• Do Until - looks for the false value.
• While...End While - acts the same as Do While.
• For Next - used to make repitition of procedures or statements; can give the same output as the
other repitition structure.

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