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Institute of Islamic - African Studies International

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Among the Ahzaab of Shaykh Muhy’d-Deen Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylaani, may

Allah be pleased with him is the Hizb Fat’h’l-Basaa’ir. Amir’l-Mu’mineen
Muhammad Bello composed a poem as an instructing guide to it when he said:

“The Generous Provider has deposited in His Awliyya

Mysterious secrets which have illuminated their inner vision
And He has crowned them with the Crown of Perfection inlaid
With pearls and fearful awareness along with the highest of jewels
Whoever aspires to obtain the realization of his spiritual goals
And to be systematized within the cadre of the Notable Sages
Then let him be persistent in the Hizb of my Shaykh and exemplar
My support, al-Jayli, the Spiritual Pole of the all the realms
It has the ability to open the spiritual awakening of every inner vision
To all Divine secrets, because it is Opening of Inner Vision.”

The Hizb of the Opening of Innervision

of Shaykh Muhy’d-Deen Abd’l-Qaadir al-Jaylaani

“All praises are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds” with a praise which
transcends, rises above and is superior to the praises of those who praise the Lord of
the first and the last; with a praise that is pleasing to Him and which protects us and
gives us provision with the Lord of the worlds.
“The Beneficent the Merciful”, who darkened the pens of the Divine Decree;
who chose Musa for his direct Speech; and who ‘revives bones when they have
become decomposed’. He named Himself the Beneficent the Merciful, which are two
immense generous Divine Names which are a cure for every illness; medicine for
every pain and richness for every deficiency.
“The King of the Day of Requital”, who does not have anyone in His
kingdom who contends with Him, who is His spouse, equal, partner, assistant or
helper. On the contrary, You existed before the existence of the entire worlds. You
encompass us protecting us from all devils and the assaults of worldly rulers. You are
our Helper against those who are near and far and You are the one who helps us to
face off all types of confrontations.
“It is You that we worship”. We worship Allah with full acknowledgment,
recognizing our sins and deficiencies. We worship You being ashamed of our sins and
seeking forgiveness from all of sins and faults. We bear witness that there is no deity
except You, alone without partner and we bear witness that Muhammad is Your
servant, messenger, prophet and bosom friend, may Allah bless him and grant him
peace. O Possessor of Majesty and Nobility we ask You by Your mercy O Most
Merciful of the merciful.
“And it is from You that we seek aid”, with Allah in every need from the
affairs of this world’s life and the religion. O Allah O Guide of those who are astray!
O Resting place for those who stumble upon a place to rest! O Forgiver of sinners!
Forgive Your servants who possess tremendous errors. There is no guide for us
besides You.
“Guide us to the Straight Path; the Path of those whom You have shown
favor”; from among the Prophets, the Champions of Truth, the martyrs and the
righteous, who are the best of companions. That is a favor from Allah and Allah’s
knowledge is enough. O Allah verily I ask You by the sanctity of these Qur’anic
verses and Divine Names that You not be angry with me and that You subjugate to
me Your servant Abu’l-Abass Ahmad al-Khidr ibn Mulkaan, upon him be peace in
order to help me in the fulfillment of my needs outwardly and inwardly, secretly and
openly, by the sanctity of Your Greatest Name and the sanctity of Your Noble
Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace; “and do not make us among
those who have incurred Your anger or who have gone astray.”
O Allah! O King of the seen kingdoms, the hidden kingdoms and the
kingdoms of all the worlds, there is no deity except You! Glory be to You, verily we
are among the unjust. My Lord subsume me under Your mercy and save me from
grief, O Redeemer of those who believe! Give us relief from what we are caught up in
O Savior of those who seek saving. Save us by means of Your mercy of Most
Merciful of the merciful.
O Allah! Verily we ask You by the locus of Your knowledge which You place
in the hearts of the Knowers, and by the splendor, perfection, beauty and majesty of
Your secret which You deposit in the innermost secret of those who are drawn near to
You; and by the Divine realities, and minute spiritual paths of those spiritual masters
who have succeeded; and by the humility, fear and tears from the eyes of those who
weep; and by the trembling and dread of the hearts who fear; and by the tolling,
whimpering and pining of the sinners; and by the chanting, spiritual stages and inner
thoughts of those who have spiritually arrived at You; and by the Divine Unity,
spiritual preparation, praise and glorification on the tongue of those who remember
You; and by the messages, the means and request of those who seek You; and by the
spiritual unveiling, instances and notions in the eyes those who look with the eye of
the source of certainty; and by the spiritual discovery and what they discover of You
in the mystery of the core secret of those who love You.
We ask You O Allah, by the sanctity of these messages, mediations and
requests that You plant deeply into the meadows of the gardens of our hearts the trees
of Your Divine Unity and praise so that we may harvest the fruits of Your
glorification and transcendence so that we may realize the harvest of Your Kindness
and Excellence.
O Allah remove from the eyes and sight of our inner vision the veils which
shroud, and make us among those who shoot the arrows of supplication and entreaty
towards You, and hit the mark. And make us among those who supplicate for his
needs with the limbs of his body in service to You and is answered. And among those
You are made among the elite of the elite of the People of Divine Assistance and
O Allah be content with our infertile, dry and sullen hearts and make them
drink from the rain clouds of protected friendship by means of visions, so that they
may become verdant with all the fragrances of acceptance and sound belief; and allow
the roses of illumination to break open and flower in them, and unfold the
windflowers of direct visions and eye witnessing; and let its sprouts be watered with
the song of many nightingales on the twigs of branches with thankful remembrance of
You for bestowing on them the advantages of blessings and spiritual excellence.
O Allah, we are Your poor, destitute and weak servants standing upon the
threshold of the courtyards of nearness to Your Kindness; awaiting a drink of mercy
from the sealed wine of nearness, which is the highest degree of Your drink, so that
we can become enraptured and enthralled from the intoxication of staying just a short
instance in Your tavern.
O Allah make us among those whom You have made to love to rush to You
with high enthusiasm connected to the tailcoats of direct knowledge and nobility; and
who have intimately carried its burden to the threshold of the courtyard of Your
sanctified nearness, perfumed from the fragrances of the gentle winds from the
breadths of Your proximity and intimacy; seeking refuge with You, O Tolerant
Sovereign from the tyrannies of the worldly rulers who rupture relationships and
Burning Furnace.
O Allah listen to our chastity and supplication to You, for in all our affairs we
have taken You as our reliance, for there is no refuge or place of safety from You
except with You.
O Allah from Your mercy mobilize for us that which will enrich us; descend
Your baraka upon us which will suffice us; ward off Your wrath from us which will
harm us; provide us with righteous deeds which will save us; take away from us evil
deeds which will cause us to perish; deposit in our hearts from the spirit of Your
direct gnosis which will revive us; cause to overflow upon us from the lights of Your
guidance which will draw us near Your love; reinforce and provide for us with
certainty by which our souls will be firmly established and cure us; medicate us and
give us well being outwardly and inwardly in everything which is with us.
O Allah we ask You for pardon, well being, and the means to perpetual
happiness in the religion, worldly affairs and the Hereafter.
O Allah we ask You for the keys of all good, the seals of all good, the
gathering of all good; the completion of all good; its first, last, outward and inward;
and cause us to be regulated in the cadre of the best of creation, Muhammad, may
Allah bless him and grant him peace, while You are content with us, by Your bounty
and mercy O Most Merciful of the merciful. And forgive us, our fathers, our mothers,
our dear friends, our intimate friends, our loved ones, our Shaykhs, the Shaykhs of our
Shaykhs, our teachers; our superiors, those we are committed to making supplication
for; those who encourage us; and those whom You have included with success from
the people of blessed obedience. Send blessings upon our master the Best of creation,
Muhammad, his family and Companions.

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