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A term paper is a kind of written paper that aims to check the

knowledge obtained within the classes during a term. Writing a term paper is
one of the requirements to graduate from Post Intermediate Level at
Budiwijaya English Course. The students are required to hand in the term
paper before their final exam on the scheduled time.


II.1 Paper Formatting Style

1. Use F4-sized paper (8.3” x 13”)

2. Print the paper on one side only.
3. Double space all sections of the paper, except in writing the references.
4. Use 12-point font of Arial.
5. Use 4-3-3-4 paper margins
Top = 4 cm, Bottom = 3 cm, Left = 4 cm, Right = 3 cm.
6. Each section of the paper should be on a separate page.
7. Number the pages on the bottom right corner of each page

II.2 The Contents of Budiwijaya Term Paper

1. Title Page


A Final Term Paper by

(Student’s Name)
(Level/ Class Code/ Teacher)

(Budiwijaya Logo)

Post Intermediate Level
Budiwijaya English Course

2. Approval Page


A Final Term Paper by

(Student’s Name)
(Level/ Class Code/ Teacher)

This paper has been approved as one of the requirements to graduate

from Post Intermediate Level at Budiwijaya English Course

Certified by, Approved by,

Principal Advisor

3. Dedication and Motto

The students can dedicate the paper to whom they think are important or
give influence in their life. Then, they add their motto.
4. Acknowledgment
The students should write brief explanation about the topic chosen, the
title, the problems of study and the methods used. They can also express
the gratitude toward people who help in composing the paper.

5. Table of Contents


Title Page………………………………………………………………………… i
Approval Page………………………………………………..……………….… ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………. Iv

1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………
1.2 Problems………………………………………………………………………
1.3 Objectives

(Main Body The topic chosen)

2.1 ……
2.2 ……
2.3 ……
2.4 ……
2.5 ……


6. Introduction
The introduction of the paper consists of:
1. Background
2. Problems of study
3. Objectives of study

7. Main Body
In writing the term paper body, the students have to present what the
experts or researchers say about the problem of the study, what negative
and positive sides of their viewpoints are, and the methods proposed by
the writer to solve the problems. It should be arranged very carefully;
therefore, the students should keep in mind that its contents are not only
free of all types of syntactical and structural errors, but also should be
brief and precise, with detailed information given.
8. Conclusion
Conclusion is a summary of the topic explained previously in the term
paper body. Restate the thesis statement, the results of research
conducted and how effective the methods are. Sometimes it can include
the suggestion for the reader or further study.
9. References
The term paper has to be written based on at least five sources. The text
book will usually have a small synopsis, or basic summary about the
topic. It gives a general idea and information to support the paper. It is
always a good idea to maintain personal copies of electronic information,
when possible. It is good practice to print or save Web pages or, better,
using a program like Adobe Acrobat, to keep own copies for future
reference. Most Web browsers will include URL/electronic address
information when we print, which makes later reference easy.

II.3 Test Period

After making the term paper, students should check their schedule for
speaking test.

Topic : 1. Learning Types and Curriculum Adaptation

2. Teaching and Classroom Management
Day/Date : Saturday, August 27, 2022
Time : Will be informed later
Venue : Budiwijaya 16 Ulu, Palembang
Allotment : 5 minutes each student to present the term paper

Keys Assessed in Speaking Test:

1. Task Achievement

Whether the student completes the tasks in section of the test
successfully or with difficulty
2. Range
Whether the student uses a wide variety of vocabulary and grammar
3. Organization
Whether the student expresses his/her ideas clearly and connects them
together effectively
4. Pronunciation
Whether the student pronounces the words correctly, produces
individual sounds clearly and uses appropriate stress and intonation
5. Accuracy
Whether the student produce grammatically correct language

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