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OF THE crysTal

Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier is an introductory adventure to both the dungeon crawl play style of
classic fantasy roleplaying games and the setting of the Crystal Frontier. While the setting may be slightly
different from the standard vernacular fantasy setting of the majority of early games and adventures, it
should be easy enough to quickly grasp and run. There are no orcs or goblins on the Crystal Frontier, but
the role of cruel marauders and cowardly bushwhackers is filled by regular men and women. These and
other differences may require a bit more explanation and expectations may need adjustment, but Tomb
Robbers remians an exploration adventure in the classic style, whatever its aesthetics.

To run this adventure as intended you will need 4 - 8, 1st level characters created using the Old School
Essentials rules or another broadly compatible game, non-human characters, or at least their ability to see
in the dark, can be omitted to help emphasize the need for exploration and supplies. Similarly, the referee
should be familiar with the rules supporting dungeon exploration and implement encumbrance,
movement, and illumination rules (see pages 102 and 103 of the Old School Essentials Classic Rules Tome)
as well as other rules and procedures related to dungeon adventuring (id. at 108, 109). Combat in Tomb
Robbers of the Crystal Frontier is a near inevitable risk that characters will face, but it is never the only
solution to obstacles within the dungeon and very often extremely dangerous, so emphasizing the risks
and challenges of exploration (the danger of discovery by wandering monsters or the exhaustion of
supplies) can help encourage a less combat centered play style.

Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier is designed as a introductory adventure, new adventurers thrown
into the dangers of exploring the mythic underworld with little choice, but it need not be used so. The
dungeon within, Murkvey’s Rock, stands on its own and doesn’t need the added complications of Adipose
Mab’s expedition or the characters’ deal to turn over the bulk of their recovered treasure to her. Used as a
stand alone location, Murkvey’s Rock, a visitor from the stars, will fit in almost any fantasy region, but the
treasure within is very generous for the risks faced and if explored unconnected with the hook provided
referees can consider lowering the gold value of most treasures, perhaps by as much as half.

- Gus L, June 2021

The Scholar .x.x.x.x. 1 The Inner Tomb .x.x.x.x. 23 - 32
Adipose Mab’s Mule Train .x.x.x.x. 3 Area 11 .x.x.x.x. 23
The Deal .x.x.x.x. 3-4 Area 12 .x.x.x.x. 23 -25
The Dungeon Crawl Play Style .x.x.x.x. 4 Area 13 .x.x.x.x. 26 - 27
Maps .x.x.x.x. 5-6 Area 14 .x.x.x.x. 27 - 28
Into the Rock .x.x.x.x. 7 Area 15 .x.x.x.x. 28
Random Encounters .x.x.x.x. 8 Area 16 .x.x.x.x. 29-30
Omens & Signs .x.x.x.x. 9 Area 17 .x.x.x.x. 31
Exterior .x.x.x.x. 10 Area 18 .x.x.x.x. 32
The Outer Tomb .x.x.x.x. 11 -22 Concluding the Adventure .x.x.x.x. 33
Area 1 .x.x.x.x. 11 Appendix A .x.x.x.x. 33 - 35
Area 2 .x.x.x.x. 12-13 Appendix B .x.x.x.x. 36 - 37
Area 3 .x.x.x.x. 14 Appendix C .x.x.x.x. 38 - 42
Area 4 .x.x.x.x. 14 Appendix D .x.x.x.x. 43- 50
Area 5 .x.x.x.x. 15 Appendix E .x.x.x.x. 51 - 56
Area 6 .x.x.x.x. 15-16
Area 7 .x.x.x.x. 17-18
Area 8 .x.x.x.x. 19-20
Area 9 .x.x.x.x. 21
Area 10 .x.x.x.x. 22
You were lured from the stews and gutters of the
Journey done, the Crystal Frontier stretches before
you — a land lashed by sorcery, poisoned by magic.
Where rock and soil are dyed bold hues by arcane
mordants leaking from the translucent shards that
fall nightly from the sky, blazing above the cursed
world by promises of easy wealth. You've signed on
as a treasure hunter, a Gem Robber, with the band When humanity’s nations and magic were strong,
of the scholar Adipose Mab. Your travel and the Frontier was a shunned badland. In these
equipment costs paid in exchange for your labor. fallen times, desperation has driven outcasts and
The profits of your first delve belong to Mab, refugees from both sides of the mountains to
though the unctuous scholar promises a bonus struggle here. They scratch out their existence in
and a map to other sites if you do well. the poisonous, painted soil, and raise huge, half-
feral hogs.The lure of wealth also draws depraved
Mab’s mule train has followed the spring freshets treasure seekers, who hunt for the voids within the
down from the peaks of the Maiden Tombs; along sky-crystals. Sometimes these are full of gold,
pilgrim trails where earthquake and landslide have eldritch artifacts, and the glittering gemstone
left the high roads through the mountains reservoirs of arcane power called “Occuliths.”
tumbled at the bottom of jagged cliffs.


A wiry, weatherworn woman in her late 30’s with
greasy brown hair and black grit in the lines of her
face, Mab looks little like a scholar. She prefers to
think of herself as an explorer and tomb robber—
though she’s never worn the guild’s stone skull
mask. A canny researcher and decent leader, Mab
uses her knowledge of the Crystal Tombs to take a
slice of others’ labor. Her terms are harsh, but she
doesn’t cheat her employees, and is willing to work
amicably with others because of her conviction
that she’ll always be able to find another site to
plunder, or angle to exploit. Mab wants to be rich,
and she is by Crystal Frontier standards, but still
far too poor for a retirement in sybaritic Dawn

Mab is regularly accompanied by her personal

gemcutter Flash and their bodyguards Kotto and
Carrow (Dopplesoldats of Blue Meadows). In the
wilds she’ll have a full expedition of several
Greenhorns. In Scarlet Town she can call up a
dozen loyal thugs.

Adipose Mab Kotto & Carrow Blüed
AC 7 [12], TH 3 (I:16, W:14, CHR 13) (HP 7)*, AC 2 [17], F2 (STR:15, DEX 15) (HP 12/12),
ATT 1 (by weapon), THACO 19 (0) , ATT 1 (by weapon+1), THACO 18 (+1),
MV 120’ (40’), SV D13 W13 P12 B16 S14 (TH3 MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F2),
+WIS), ML 8 ML 11*
*Skills: Mab is not a thief in the traditional * Berseker: If either Kotto or Carrow is
sense. Mab is an explorer, scholar and killed in combat the other will go into a
chirurgeon. She has the following Thief berserker rage (+4 hit/damage -2 to AC,
skills: (CS: 89, TR: 20, HN:1-3, HS: 20); as immune to fear or charm) fighting until all
well as the following spell-like abilities once enemies are dead.
per day (6 Turns): comprehend languages,
read magic, identify, cure light wounds. Enameled plate armor (AC 3 [16]), flamberge
She can also intervene to stabilize the dying (Two-handed 1D10)
with a successful roll of 3D6 under Int if she
can work on them within 2 rounds of the Kotto & Carrow are androgynous twins
lethal injury. from the Blue Meadows with more then a bit
of Ice Hell’s ancestry. White blonde, pasty
Traveling leathers (AC 7[12]), small sword (1D8), skinned, red eyed, with sharp-hewn faces
light crossbow, 30 bolts(1D6), scholar’s Kit and lanky wood-hard limbs. They’re veteran
(maps, drafting tools, reference texts and merchant’s guards, “Doppelsoldats” in the
surveying equipment), chirurgeon’s Kit cant of their homeland, who have worked
(bandages, tinctures, scalpels and soporifics), for Mab for two years. Both are talkative,
flask of watered brandy boisterous and proud of their martial
abilities, but seem to carry no affection for
Flash anything except each other. They are well
AC 7 [12], F0 (I:15, CON: 14) (HP 3)*, paid and content with their position.
ATT 1 (by weapon), THACO 20 (-1), MV 120’
(40’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 4 Greenhorn
AC 5 [14], F1 (HP 6), ATT 1 (by weapon),
*Skills: Cutting or Faceting Tomb Crystal THACO 19 (+0), MV 90’(30’),
safely is a complex arcane skill and requires SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F1), ML 8
being able to detect the magical flux in the
material. Flash can do it well, with a 3D6 Medium Armor (chain, scale, or brigandine),
roll under Int though it takes him a hand weapon (sword, mace, axe or spear),
minimum of 5 Turns for each attempt. hangdog expression
Traveling leathers (AC 7[12]), sledgehammer Desperate chancers lured from both sides of
(2HD 1D8), Gemcutting kit (brass dowsers, the Maiden Tombs. All are hungry for riches.
tuning forks, diamond tipped pitons and ocular) .
A balding older man with nondescript
features. His right eye is hazed and shot
through with red crystal—a sign of Occulith
poisoning. Flash is a fine Gemcutter, but
uncommunicative about other topics. He’s
fascinated by the Crystal Tombs, and loyal
to Mab in some way beyond his pay.

Mule TRAIN Gossip
In their trip over the Maiden Tombs with Mab the
characters will have met Flash, the other
Greenhorns, Kotto and Carrow, and learned the
following rumors:

Facts as they are SPOKEN

Crystal Tombs fall from the sky, streaking
across the night every few months. Only a few
X have “voids”—the hollows where Occuliths and
other treasures are found.

Tomb Crystal, the main material of the tombs

is magically poisonous, but only when it’s
shattered. The dust will root in flesh,
X propagating more crystals and slowly killing
those it infects, finally turning them into Lith

Gemcutters like Flash find the natural fracture

X lines in Tomb Crystal and facet them to safety
open them for exploration.
Murkvey was a well-known Gem Robber, a decent
cutter, poor prospector, and the head of a cheery
band of cutthroats. Six months ago he and his
Occuliths are Tomb Crystal shards that absorb “Priest's Children'' rushed out of Scarlet Town
ambient magic. Magicians drain the glowing whooping that they’d return richer than the old
X stones to replenish their power. The bigger and Emperor—they never did. Mab has somehow
brighter the Occulith, the greater its potency. acquired a map that she claims leads to Murkvey’s
last find. That is the party’s destination. Flash will
cut the Crystal Tomb if it’s still closed, after which
Get used to eating prickly pear and fatback. the party will be the first to enter what Mab glibly
The painted earth of the Crystal Frontier is calls Murkvey’s Rock. The rest of the expedition
dead. Cactus, briar weed, and lichen are the will enter and recover what they can once the
X only things besides hogs that grow well, but characters finish scouting.
desperate settlers still try to farm it—most
have Crystal Poisoning to some degree or Mab expects the party to abide by their agreement
another. and turn over the treasure they discover to her.
When they first return to the surface, she’ll ask
what they found before throwing down the rope.
There’s one town of note on the Crystal When she does lower the rope, she’ll instruct the
Frontier, Scarlet Town, a boom town where party to send their packs up first. While the party
makes the ascent she will search the packs, and
X Occuliths are traded and tomb robbers can
waste their wealth. It’s not safe, but it’s safer collect any treasures within.
than the small hamlets filled with inbreds,
cannibals, cultists, and lith wights. Mab’s Terms

X - Party scouts and explores Murkvey’s Rock and

reports back to Mab. They can enter or exit
whenever they want, but will turn all treasure they
find over to Mab and give her a map and
description of the tomb.

X - When the Party has scouted enough of the Many of the keyed locations within are designed to
Rock for Mab to take over exploring (roughly 10 habituate players to the classic dungeon crawl
rooms) Mab will consider the deal satisfied and playstyle. One where problem solving, navigation,
can leave with their equipment. and faction intrigue are the primary focus of play.
Some failure is expected, especially for players
X -If Party has delivered at least 1,000 GP worth of unused to this playstyle, which will likely result in
treasure Mab will give them a bonus of 500 GP and dead characters. Luckily, the Greenhorns of Mab’s
a map with locations of other potential treasure gang offer a ready supply of replacements. While
sites. Mab won’t order them in as henchmen for the
party, Greenhorn volunteers will replace dead or
X -If the Party wants to continue exploring after injured party members. As written they are all 1st
scouting, Mab will reward them with 10% of the level fighters, but when used as replacement
value they turn over, and let them keep any non- characters they may be of any class—so it’s best to
treasure items they find (magic items). keep their description minimal until the players
need to roll up a new character.
If the party has given Mab a reason to distrust
them, the entire expedition (Mab, Kotto, Karrow, For Referees unfamiliar with classic dungeon
and 12 Greenhorns) will be waiting at the top, crawls, it’s important to remember that the
ready for a fight. As the player characters emerge mechanics which make exploration risky are key
one by one, Mab will insist they lay down their to making it fun. Encumbrance sets a limit on the
arms, and once everyone is present and subdued number of tools the characters have to solve
she will explain the bargain they’ve made again. problems. Random encounters make caution and
On a first offense, Mab will forgive her employees loitering dangerous. Asymmetrical encounters
for their greed, but will point out that double- encourage treating combat as a puzzle rather than
crossing, snake-bellied, deal-breakers tend to die a gamble. Turn keeping makes navigating the
very badly on the Crystal Frontier. After giving a dungeon’s multiple paths a meaningful decision.
report and getting a night’s rest, the party can For this adventure to work well you’ll need to
return to the Rock or part ways with the utilize these rules and procedures.
expedition to wander alone into the waste.
Murkvey’s Rock isn’t just a classic dungeon, but
one that further emphasizes exploration, faction
intrigue and puzzle solving over combat. While
monstrous threats exist, the true focus of the
adventure is on bypassing its traps, solving its
THE DUNGEON CRAWL puzzles, navigating its halls efficiently, and
understanding the secrets that define the
relationships between its inhabitants.
PLAY STYLE Several of the monsters in the adventure are
extremely dangerous and likely to win a fair fight.
Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier is written As Referee, it’s good to keep this in mind. Describe
for a particular style of play: the classic dungeon the more dangerous threats (the Bearowl,
crawl. This adventure focuses on a location, how Guardian, Stylite and Sleeper) in ways that give
the players will interact with it, and if the players pause about engaging in direct
characters will survive it by unpuzzling its secrets. confrontation. Remind them that they don’t need
The dusty low-fantasy Western aesthetic of Tomb to fight, and allow them to flee. Likewise, there’s
Robbers is meant to set expectations of antiheroic no need for the players to overcome every puzzle
or aheroic play. Players who pursue the sort of or trap in the dungeon. They aren’t expected to
high fantasy heroism that involves glorious battle “clear” it, or recover all of its treasures. Help your
with monstrous creatures, or a black and white players decide what risks are worth taking by
approach to dungeon denizens, will soon find being clear about danger. Double check with
their characters dead. players when they they declare a risky action. Be
willing to consider any scheme the players propose
Murkvey’s Rock is also an introductory adventure. which may nullify a threat. This isn’t to say all
It begins with a hook that places the characters schemes will succeed (a shield will not deflect the
into a situation, rather than one which allows beams in the Sleeper’s tomb—though a mirror
them to make choices about their involvement— might…), but when presented with a good idea it’s
though whether they choose to honor Mab’s deal is best to allow the players’ the victory, even without
up to them. One sleep spell could doom her whole requiring a roll, because encouraging problem
plan. solving is the purpose of puzzles and traps.


14 16

To Surface


c 12



The Well


4 To Surface

Murkvey stumbled across a small tomb fortress of
the Empyrean people: nomads of the celestial
spheres who wage war constantly over the
resources of the fixed stars. They ride the vasty
deeps in magical crystal palaces, which also serve
as their tombs. In death, the Empyrean nobility
are sealed in their homes and sent on a final
journey which sees them plummet to a holy point
on the dreaded terrestrial orb—the Crystal

Empyrean society is a constant struggle over

resources, population, and prestige. Its nobility
compete in excesses of cruelty and despotism, and
the Dead King within the Rock was worse than
most. His tomb is a monument to power and
sadism. A maze of traps where former rivals and
disloyal courtiers have been transformed into
horrors. Much of his court was forced to commit
ritual suicide and buried with their
megalomaniacal liege. The tomb is overseen by the
former wazir of the Dead King, now an undead
creature known as the Stylite. It also contains one
of the king’s concubines, the Sleeper, a powerful
sorceress who managed to evade the ritual suicide
demanded by the Dead King. Another inhabitant,
the Guardian, was once sister of the Sleeper and a
rival to the Dead King. Transformed into an
undead servant he has partially subverted the geas
that controlled him during tomb’s long fall
through the aether, but his consciousness has
grown dim. Murkvey and his band are also still
within the tomb, transformed into half-living
parodies of avarice. These entities have goals and
desires. Crafty delvers can turn one or more of
them into allies by unraveling the tomb’s secrets
Random Encounters are important because they
and relationships. See Appendix B - Factions! For embody the risk of excess caution. Additionally,
details on the relationships and goals of each the Omens and Signs below provide clues about
Bolded Entity. what the players risk encountering. After an Omen
is rolled, the next random encounter will be
whichever creature that Omen corresponds to on
the Encounter list.

Some creatures are only found in certain areas.

When rolling an Encounter or Omen, use 1D8 for
the Outer Tomb (Areas 1-11), and 1D6 for the Inner
Tomb (Area 12 - 18). Similarly, the Bearowl,
Stylite’s Eyes, and Hunting Echo either exist in
limited numbers and will not appear after they are
killed or certain conditions are met. If the
encounter indicated by the dice cannot appear,
treat those results as non-encounters.

Hunting Echo (1)
A spiderweb of crystal in the shape of a woman. A razored dream. A sound that cuts. A mineral
ghost. Alluring, bewildering, the Hunting Echo floats on the tinkling music of glass chimes, and
darts like an edged school of fish hunting the silent deeps. It will prioritize hunting those who
1 aren’t making noise. It reacts negatively to attempts at stealth, or conjurations of magical silence,
but is positively disposed towards singers and poets (+1 to reaction rolls). The Echo is a projection
of the Sleeper’s dream consciousness from the magical “Place of Reflections.” It will return after
destruction unless the Sleeper wakes or is slain.
Glass Spiders (1D6)
Vermin grown big and strange in the dark between the stars. Translucent spiders the size of lap
dogs with eyes that reflect light like mirrors. Famished and territorial, they’re likely to attack on
2 negative and neutral reactions, fleeing combat after striking to wait for their poison to take effect.
On a positive reaction they will threaten intruders with rhythmic bobbing motions.

Lith Mummy (1)

The ancient dead are restless. Tomb Crystal suffuses the flesh of this corpse, erupting from its
rotten silks and verdigris-scabbed armor. A predator and protector of the tomb, the Lith Mummy
3 still retains its ability to speak, and a few fragments of its former mind. They have a noble’s self-
regard, a courtier’s insolence to menials, and a bounder’s avarice.

Lith Zombies (1D6)

The restless corpses of past Tomb Robbers in ruined gear, or shambling entombed workers from
the Geode Grave in bright cloth windings. Both are crusted with Tomb Crystal. Slow with
4 somnolent unlife, they will ignore intruders on a positive or indifferent Reaction Roll. They have a
habit of congregating in doorways, and will attack if jostled.

Stylite’s Eyes (2)

A pair of hovering, darting coals, these apparitions are expressions of the Stylite’s will (Area 9).
They watch, fueled by his ragged consciousness, and the Stylite knows everything they see. In
combat the eyes attack with burning beams of hatred until the target flees. However, on any
5 reaction higher than a ‘2’ the eyes will prefer to watch. On a 3-7 the eyes playfully bob and gambol—
encouraging intruders to follow them into one of the tomb’s traps. On an 8-9 they will follow
placidly and a 10-12 slowly drift back to the Stylite for an interrogation, stopping to wait for any
who follow.
Tomb Homunculi (1D6+3)
Foot tall, pastel, rubbery-bodied things with gangling limbs, tiny needle teeth, and crystal eyes.
They cavort like mean-spirited clumsy children, and nest balled up together in crystal crevices.
6 Produced intentionally by a curse of magical abiogenesis, they were intended to care for the tomb.
They do a poor job of tidying its spaces, and patch its worn crystal with their saliva.

Bearowl (1)
A great burrowing “Growlyhoot”, black furred and feathered in iridescent green. Plump and glutted
on the magic of the tomb the beast is content, but still an aggressively territorial, 9’ block of muscle,
7 beak and claw. If killed, its pelt is worth 300 GP and another bearowl won’t replace it on this list.

Priest’s Children (1D6)

Roaming Lith Wights in rotted adventuring gear, still convinced they are sharp-eyed, cold-hearted
men of action. They seek plunder, and relish violence. Speaking in parched voices they refuse to
8 acknowledge their condition, and find evidence of it grievously insulting.

X The tinkling sound of glass chimes. It seems to come from inside the room.
1 X Luminous markings in the crystal: sigil, letters and signs in an unknowable dream language.

2 X Rhythmic scraping. Someone is sharpening a glass knife on stone.

X Draped webs of spun glass—as sharp as knives, but fragile and harmless to clothed flesh.

X One grumbled side of a petty dispute about status, gourmet food, sexual picadillos, or finances.
3 X A ragged shred of silk and a small ornament (gold button, gem pin, or lost sequins worth 5GP).

X Low tormented moaning echoes in the distance like wolves calling in the hills.
4 X Shattered tomb crystal, naked footprints in the dust.

X In dead silence a strange whispering, as of a distracted reader flipping through your minds’
5 pages.
X The King’s Mark (stacked diamonds) burns behind your tired eyes.

X The wail of tortured bronze, or the scream of a dying rabbit unsettles the mind.
6 X A dead Tomb Homunculi, it’s clay-like body covered in tiny bite and claw marks.

X A single high-pitched screeching growl pierces

the air. The Bearowl has killed, and is next
7 encountered devouring a wight (It is aggressive,
but will not attack if the party flees).
X Pug Marks torn into the walls.

X A raspy, throaty croaking in the distance

carries the rhythm of a drinking song.
8 X Fouled gear is scattered on the floor: rotten
food, a broken wine bottle, a torn shirt.

Hunting Echo (1)
AC 4[15]*, HD 3 (HP 14)**, ATT 1 flensing wind (1D8)*** MV 90’ (30’), THACO 16 (+3) ,
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 12
* Glass Explosion: Striking the Echo in melee is to strike a mass of exploding blades. ½ damage is inflicted
against both the attacker and the Echo.
** Eternal Recurrence: There is only one Hunting Echo, but it will always reform in 1D6+2 Turns when
destroyed — unless the Sleeper (Area 8) is killed or wakes.
*** Replication: When the Echo’s strike kills or incapacitates a human it creates an Echo of them, a
crystalline dream construct with stats identical to the Echo (that will not reform after destruction).

Glass Spiders (1D6)

AC 5[14], HD ½ (HP 1), ATT 1 bite (1D6/3+poison)*, THACO 20 (-1) MV 60’(20’),
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 10
* Poison: Save or thrash in spasmodic violence (attack nearest target -2 to hit, +2 damage) for 1D6 Rounds,
and then fall into a coma (die in 1D6/2 days, recover in 2D6 if hydrated and cared for).

Lith Mummy
AC 5[14]*, HD 3 (HP 20), ATT 1 rend (1D6+2), THACO 18 (+1) MV 30’ (10’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 10
* Crystallized Flesh: A Lith Mummy absorbs the first four points of damage from any attack with a
normal weapon.
** Crystal Poisoning: Those wounded in combat can become poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust gets into
their wounds. After combat, the wounded must make a Con check or suffer a level of Tomb Crystal
poisoning. (see Appendix A).

Lith Zombies (1D6)

AC 8 [11], HD 2 (HP 10), ATT 1 pummel (1D6)*, THACO 20 (-1), MV 30’ (10’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12
* Crystal Encrusted: Lith Zombies always act last. Those wounded in combat can become poisoned when
Tomb Crystal dust gets into their wounds. After combat, the wounded must make a Con check or suffer a
level of Tomb Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).

Stylite’s Eyes (2)

AC 2 [17]*, HD 1 (HP 3), ATT 1 burning gaze (1D6), THACO 19 (0), MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1),
ML 8
* Immaterial: As spectral oculars, the Eyes are immune to normal weapons. If they are destroyed, the
Stylite will have a -6 to reaction rolls.

Tomb Homunculi (1D6+3)

AC 8 [11], HD ½ (HP 2)*, ATT 1 bite (1D6/2), THACO 20 (-1), MV 90’ (30’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 6
* Death Screech: Whenever a Tomb Homunculi is injured without being killed it lets out an ear-shattering
howl that will attract something else from this list (reroll) in 1D6+1 Rounds.

Bearowl (1)
AC 5 [14], HD 5 (HP 35), ATT 2 × claw (1D8)*/1 bite (1D8), MV 90’ (30’), THACO 15 (+4),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5)**, ML 10
* Hug: When the Bearowl strikes the same target with its first two attacks (claws), it’s third attack (beak)
hits automatically and does double damage. If the victim lives, the Bearowl will hold them in a STR 18 hug
that inflicts 2D8 damage each round.
**Warded: An arcanavore, the Bearowl takes only ½ damage from magical attacks.

Priest’s Children (1D6)

AC 5 [14], HD 2 (HP 10)*, ATT 1 (1D6 or by weapon)**, THACO 18 (+1), MV 60’ (20’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10
* Resilient: Lith Wights absorb the first 2 points of damage from any attack.
** Crystal Encrusted: Those wounded by the Lith Wights can become poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust
gets into their wounds. After combat, the wounded must make a Con check or suffer a level of Tomb
Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).
Rotten Brigandine, shield, scimitar (1D8), pack of broken oil flasks, and stinking rations.

Burlap covered hole: A rude curtain, attached
with pitons, conceals a jagged hole at the base of a
slanting tomb crystal. Edged in sharp, dusty
fragments, the hole leads to a winding 30’ crawl
that ends 10’ above the floor of Area 7(H) (when
entering this way there’s a 2 in 6 chance the
Bearowl waits below). Mab will identify this entry
as “Murkvey slop,” and reject in as unstable and
dangerous. She will also post a guard over it.


Outdoor Lighting
A canted jumble of purplish crystal protrudes
from the center of a slumping crater, refracting
light through layers of particolored dust. The
radiating blades of crystal show no obvious voids
or inclusions but from their size and that of the
crater it’s clear the majority of the tomb is
underground. A prolonged search (which Flash
and Mab will conduct if the party doesn’t) will
reveal a burlap covered hole at the base of an
overhanging crystal

Mab will set up camp here, guarding the descent.

She’ll happily resupply the party with water and
food if they need it. If they send up any dead or
badly wounded, a replacement from the other
Greenhorns can be sent down. If the party fails to MAP AREAS 1 - 3
check in with Mab after 12 hours, she’ll send down
another group of 6 (or however many are
remaining) Greenhorns.

Purplish crystal: Obelisks of amethyst crystal

tower above the crater, some carved into open AREA 1 - SURFACE SHAFT
minarets and decorative spires, stained by dust
and rain. The smaller prisms, made spindly by Outdoor Lighting
their height, are as big around as a man. The larger Scintillating daylight pours in from above,
crystals near the center of the crater are reflecting and refracting down a 20' shaft of
gargantuan. smooth crystal. At the bottom, the slightly-domed
floor is covered in delicate crystals. A path of
Flash the Gemcutter will take a ½ day to wander crushed crystal leads Northwest through a
the crater looking for an ideal place to ‘facet’ an lopsided hexagonal arch. Another arch,
entrance. He taps crystals with his tuning forks, undisturbed, leads East.
and peers at the light reflected through them with
oculars and prisms, before deciding on the spot to 20' shaft: The hollow interior of a single enormous
make his cut. Masked and wrapped in padded lavender crystal. Its slippery walls offer only a few
layers, the Gemcutter will drive his diamond- cracks to climbers (5d6 vs. Dex or Climb check to
tipped wedges into the rock, splashing water and ascend without rope). Mab stations a guard above
vinegar on the holes. Seemingly at random Flash with orders to throw down a rope whenever the
will strike the crystal with his hammer, until the party hails them from below.
pattern of his work is complete and he turns to
run. A splintering crack behind him opens into a Delicate crystals: A microcosm of the larger tomb.
sparkling light-filled doorway where a slab of These growths are fragile as feathers, and many
Tomb Crystal has sloughed off, to crash, intact on have been crushed by heavy boots. Disturbing the
the ground. dust of their fragments, or making a new path—
perhaps to the Eastern door—will raise a cloud of
Slumping crater: Great folds of mud, flash-baked Tomb Crystal dust. The dust can poison anyone
by the heat of impact. Now eroded and overgrown who stays in the room or who reenters before it
with drooping prickly pear and mounds of spidery settles 1 Turn later. (See Appendix A).
yellow lichen.

The Wazir built this place for his monarch, and set
the burning ray traps in the throne room to
incinerate any who approach the king’s mummy.
A cruel despot, the Crowned King murdered a rival
to create the deathless Gilded Guard, and
compelled that rival’s sister, the Sad Woman, to
become one of his concubines.

Sick with a slow painful disease, the Crowned King

became ever more cruel, using the traps in his
throne to murder any who displeased him. When
he finally died his inner circle and concubines
committed suicide by poison—all save the Sad
Woman who drank a potion to protect her from
death. The Gilded Guard, already deathless, still
protects the throne room. The loyal Wazir went
living into the tomb, and guards it, transformed
into the Stylite.
AREA 2 - MIRROR OF THE PAST X - The crown is recognizable as the one on the
Dark - Puzzle altar in Area 14.
A passageway of polished reflective stone ascends
from Area 1. Beyond a triangular arch the room X - The throne room is Area 18.
opens into a bare triangular space of mirrored,
bright-white crystal walls, rising to a peaked roof. X - The Sad Woman is the Sleeper in Area 8
Beneath the slick floor, shadows shift like fish
under ice. X - The Gilded Guard’s armor is that of the
Guardian in Area 17.
Triangular arch: The crystal here is a clouded,
pearlescent, lavender that has been carved into X - The Wazir’s robes and manner are recognizable
meticulous patterns. Scholarship or arcane as those of the Stylite in Area 9.
knowledge will reveal the magical significance of
the carvings as minor wards against madness and X - The nobles and concubines are recognizable
contagion. from their clothing in the tombs of Areas 8, 15 and
Shadows: When viewed, the shadowy images
beneath the floor quickly resolve themselves into a
scene (see table on Next Page). They show
reflections of past events in the Crypt Throne
(Area 18). Viewing the first of these scenes is safe,
but watching too many reflected dreams of the
Tomb’s past overwhelms the mind with warped
colors and phantasmagoria. After the first scene
another will run randomly, out of sequence. For
each scene a character views after the first, they
suffer the associated effect listed below. A full
night’s sleep between viewings prevents this, but
the scenes are primed to play endlessly one after
another as long as there’s a viewer. (Roll a new
scene every Turn of viewing).

These shadowy visions tell the history of this

Crystal Tomb. Once it was a throne palace for a
despot of the Empyrean Spheres. Now it is his
final resting place. All the figures depicted within
are Empyreans: lanky, sharp-featured, and green-
skinned, with antenna-like growths instead of

Shadows Projected onthe Floor ofaCaVE
2D6 Events Witnessed Effect of PROLONGED Viewing
A Crowned King and his Wazir tour a natural Several vague ideas about crystal structure form
2 crystal cave, the Wazir gestures and the King occur to the viewer providing “Training” in Tomb
sneers. Crystal faceting (see Appendix A).

Workers toil at the edge of exhaustion. They carve The workers look back, eyes filled with hate. Lith
Mummies, Wights and Zombies will always react
3 a throne, and connect it to machinery they’re with immediate attack in an effort to kill the
installing in the walls and floors. viewer.
A Noble in battered armor kneels before a A curse of rage boils within, making the viewer
Crowned King. The King is angry. He grips the yearn for brutal combat. Viewer will no longer use
4 throne, and Burning Rays from the walls melt the ranged weapons, and must Save vs. Spells to
Noble. retreat from battle.

A group of Nobles force one of their own into a Sympathetic magic burns and boils across the
5 gilded suit of red-hot armor. He screams, and viewer. They take 1D6 damage in ugly blisters and
pleads. A Sad Woman in chains watches. rashes as they’re cooked by the body’s own fires.

The viewer’s manner changes. Sneering disregard

A Crowned King sits on the throne in the gilded and cold command come more naturally now. The
6 chamber. Nobles and Concubines kneel before viewer becomes imperious, resulting in a -1 to all
him, including a Sad Woman. reaction rolls, but +1 to henchmen morale.
A Crowned King slumps on his throne in the dark. The King’s pain causes a sympathetic lung disease.
He coughs blood into his sleeve, eyes wild. A
7 Gilded Guard and silent concubines stand at his The viewer coughs and hacks when they’re under
stress, making stealth impossible until cured.

A Sad Woman stares at the dying Crowned King. A sense of fulfillment and the inevitability of
8 She smiles at the King’s monstrous Gilded Guard, revenge sets in the viewer’s mind. Gain 1 Wis in
who nods back. steadiness and lose 1 Chr to disdain.

Incense, wailing and pomp as a Crowned King’s An understanding of the nature of traps within the
tomb dawns on the viewer - they gain knowledge
9 corpse is placed on his throne. His weight arms of the importance and use of the King’s Mark
the room’s traps. (Areas 8 and 11).

Concubines and nobles drink poison from golden Witnessing such foolish acts of devotion, and
10 goblets and collapse into frothing heaps. A Sad feeling sympathetic effects of the Empyrean
Woman slips something from a vial into her cup. poisons grants the viewer a +1 to Save vs. Poisons.

Draped in golden robes, a robed Wazir walks into A curse of compulsion to duty and truth seeps into
11 the silent tomb. He seals the crystals behind him, the viewer. They are unable to lie without suffering
and drinks from a poisoned cup. internal bleeding (1D6 damage per lie).

A Crowned King—now the Dead King— Death’s inevitability settles to ride the viewer’s
mummifies on his throne. The corpse’s weight
12 soul. When hit by a natural 20, the viewer takes
keeps the machinery in the walls primed to double damage.
trigger their Burning Rays.

Outdoor Lighting - Treasure
A pentagonal chamber of glassy lavender,
illuminated by sunlight shining through the peaks
of hollow crystals above. The light glitters against
veins of gold inlay that shoot through the walls.
Two doors of sculpted black stone lead further
into the tomb. Inspection of the floor reveals dusty
boot prints leading to all three exits.

Gold inlay: Snaking streaks of hammered gold,

inscribed with meandering sigils fill the wall’s
natural cracks. Removing the gold is safe, but
noisy (An extra random encounter check on start
and completion). The work will damage MAP AREAS 4-6
improvised tools (destroys weapons), and takes 2
Turns to produce 400 GP worth of hacked gold. Crystal shafts: Narrow shafts of bright, glassy
green, bisect the hall and outer edge of the
Two doors: Heavy obsidian barriers. The east chamber in an awkward jumble. Any touch
door (to Areas 4, 5, & 6) is carved with a battle produces a ringing, resonating tone that numbs
scene between hosts of thin figures in fluted the ears. They can be bypassed with time-
armor, riding birds. The northwest door (To Area consuming effort and gyrations.
10) depicts loincloth-clad, horned workers
heroically building and excavating a palace from Crystal columns: Broad shafts of peridot green,
enormous crystals. The east door is stuck, and will laced with cracks, and so tangled that they’re
make a noise loud enough to trigger an additional nearly impossible to avoid without prodigious
random encounter check if it is opened without tumbling skills (Climb Skill check or 5D6 v. Dex).
oiling the stone hinges. The northwest door has Any touch causes the columns to resonate with one
been recently oiled. another, producing a high warbling song. At first
this is merely painful, but in moments living
creatures will begin to bleed from the eyes, nose,
and mouth. (Allow PCs in the room one action,
AREA 4 - Singing Crystals after which they must Save vs. Poison or collapse
unconscious. If they are indecisive, or argue
Dark - Trap - Treasure among themselves, consider that an action.) The
The hallway leading to this room is nearly choked crystal’s deadly song continues for a Turn, and any
with pale green crystal shafts—wrist-thick unconscious victims still in the room will die of a
hexagonal bars that jut from the floor, walls, and massive brain hemorrhage. The danger can be
ceiling at peculiar angles, slowing passage. Within avoided by stopping up one’s ears (with wax,
the room are thigh-and-torso-thick pale green traditionally), which muffles the columns’ song to
crystal columns that form a web of obstacles. mere teeth-rattling unpleasantness.
Two corpses lie in the center of this web: the body
of a failed treasure hunter crumpled on top of a Two corpses: Atop the small heap is the
skeleton in fluted armor. putrefying corpse of a treasure hunter wearing a
ragged, stinking brigandine (AC 5 [14]) stained
black with blood. Beneath them is an oddly
elongated male corpse. Its skin shrunken, withered
to a dark olive green, and with a shriveled face—
somehow still haughty—framed by sharp, bony
antennae instead of ears. The dead Empyrean
wears fluted, flat-grey armor made of a light but
strong metal (See Empyrean Panoply in Appendix
C). Beneath the armor is a rotten samite aketon,
printed with prisms. A crude falcata [1D8] rusts
nearby on the uneven crystal floor.

Saddlebags: Stacks of frontiersman’s battered
hog-leather bags, satchels, and bedrolls—enough
for at least twenty. Underneath mounds of rotten
rations, a prolonged search of 1D6/2 Turns will
uncover: 22 GP in mixed currency, 6 daggers, 100’
rope, 4 bundles of torches, a lantern, 12 flasks of
oil, a crowbar, 8 iron spikes, a mallet, 4 cloaks, and
a set of thieves’ tools including lockpicks,
lubrication oil, and flash powder). Precious and
hidden in a greasy plaid bedroll, is an apricot-
sized Occulith carbuncle (1,000 GP) that glows a
pale orange.

Lith Zombies (2)

AC 8 [11], HD 2 (HP 10), ATT 1 pummel (1D6)*,
THACO 20 (-1), MV 30’ (10’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12
* Crystal Encrusted: Lith Zombies always act
last. Those wounded in combat can become
poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust gets into
their wounds. After combat, the wounded
must make a Con check or suffer a level of
Tomb Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).

Lith Wight (Murkvey):

AC 5 [14], HD 2 (HP 10)*, ATT 1(1D6 or by
weapon)**, THACO 18 (+1), MV 60’ (20’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10
* Crystal Encrusted: Lith Wights absorb the
first 2 points of damage from any attack. **
Those wounded by the Lith Wights can become
AREA 5 - MURKVEY’S CAMP poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust gets into
their wounds. After combat, the wounded
Dim - Monster must make a Con check or suffer a level of
The air stinks of putrid meat. Light trickles in Tomb Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).
from above, refracted through jumbled purple Rotten brigandine, saber (1D8), gold and bear tooth
panes to illuminate a trio of canvas bundles, a necklace (200 GP)
snapped pole, and a shattered oil flask on the
ground. Saddlebags are stacked along the walls.

Canvas bundles: A trio of 6’ long canvas cigars—

corpses wrapped for burial. After a Turn these
dead will lurch to life, ripping their shrouds to AREA 6 - ENCYSTED BEAST
reveal a pair of aggressive Lith Zombies, and a Dark - Monster
Lith Wight (Murkvey). These corrupted corpses
wish to protect their camp, aggrieved at any An octagonal chamber walled with panes of dull,
intruders’ obvious and irrefutable intent to loot purple rock, marred by clusters of multicolored
their supplies (Reaction -2). It’s clear from looking crystal. The air here stinks of nutmeg, and
at them that these undead were once typical resounds with a soft blubbery weeping. Both
frontier Gem Robbers or bandits. They’re clad in emanate from a dark well in the corner. A
despoiled brigandines, and have been the victims winding path of carved steps descends into the
of mauling by some large beast (the Bearowl). If well’s hidden depths while a short passage to the
any words are exchanged, the wight will identify East leads to a sealed door carved from a massive
itself as “Heart-Eating Murkvey!” Mab can confirm crystal.
the moustachioed corpse as the remains of the
Gem Robber Murkvey. See Factions! (Appendix
B) for details on Murkvey, his “Children,” and how
the party can negotiate or ally with them.

Clusters: A rainbow of fist-sized Tomb Crystals
burst through the walls like lichenous growths.
Breaking them off is easy, but produces a cloud of
Tomb Crystal dust and exposes all in the room to a
level of Tomb Crystal Poisoning (see Appendix A).

Well: The weeping sound and nutmeg scent grow

stronger as one climbs down the twisting stair. The
well walls are black with iron-rich ore, and sparkle
with crystals. Dropping a torch down the shaft will
reveal its contents for a brief moment
before the light fizzles out at the bottom.

60’ down, the well opens into a rocky cyst where a

bloated monstrosity sobs in a shallow pool of its
own endless tears. The horror has the face of a
green-skinned, sharp-featured young man. The
rest of its bulk is meat, scabs, cancers, strange
organs, and jutting crystal spikes shot through
with pulsing veins. This particolored mass is too
ungainly to climb from the well. It is monstrously
and utterly unreasonable. Despite its human face
and piteous weeping, it will charge immediately to
murder and crush anyone or anything that reaches
the bottom of the well.

Sealed door: Filling the entire passage is a massive

slab of bright, plum-colored crystal. The door is
carved with a mandala of skulls and bones, and
flanked on either side by weeping Empyrean
caryatids. The edges of the door are sealed with a
heavy bead of poured silver which would take 2
Turns to chisel free, and is worth 100 GP.

Bloated Monstrosity
AC 8 [11]*, HD 5 (HP 42)**, ATT claws and
tentacles ×4 (1D8)***, THACO 18 (+1), MV 90’
(30’), SV SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (5), ML 12

* Crystal Plating: Thick panes of Tomb

Crystal within its body protect the
Monstrosity's soft innards.It absorbs the first
4 HP of damage from any attack, except those
aimed at its small face (AC 20).
** Resilience: The Monstrosity regenerates 4
HP per round, even after it’s dead or reduced
to fragments. If killed, it will be able to fight
again at 15 HP. It can only be truly destroyed
if dissolved in alchemical spirits.
*** Poisonous: Striking the Monstrosity
creates a cloud of Tomb Crystal dust and a
spray of crystal shards. After any combat
where the Monstrosity has been hit (damaged
or not) anyone who was in the same location
must make a Con check or suffer a level of
Tomb Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).

Dark - Monster - Treasure - Trap
A long, segmented hall fitted with a series of
bronze doors, heavy with carvings in high relief.
To either side, crystals of purple, lavender, and
milky pink have been hollowed out to form burial
niches. Empty carved crystal sarcophagi, lids
shattered or cast aside litter the hall.

REFEREE’S NOTE: A secret door

is concealed at the back of Niche F
and leads to the Tomb of Traitors,
Area 13.

Bronze doors: Engraved with geometric fractals

and covered in verdigris. Each door is three inches
thick and stuck, but not locked. It takes a Turn to
heave them open. If opened without oiling their
corroded hinges, they make a terrible screeching
noise (Roll a second Random Encounter Check). MAP AREAS 7-9
Burial niches: Carved from the insides of gigantic C - A stack of twelve small sarcophagi carved
prisms, these niches follow the natural flow of the from bone, corroded alabaster, and cloudy white
crystals. Every niche’s walls are sculpted with crystal. Each contains the frail corpse of a
images of war, court life, romance, and family that mummified child wound in silk. Unwinding each
glow and shift in any reflected light. The niches mummy (a 2 Turn process) will uncover 1D6
vary in size and contents as described below. geegaws (tiny rings, charms, and clockwork toys
Unlettered niches contain only unoccupied crystal each worth 10GP as a conversation piece).
D - A blue glow sparkles off webs of sharp,
A - A sarcophagus of faceted black Tomb spun glass that impede motion within this niche (-
Crystal, filled to the edge with foul-smelling 2 to attack rolls). The webs are home to a nest of
reddish liquid. Beneath the filthy water are the nine Glass Spiders, which will defend their lair.
bones and jewelry of an Empyrean noble. Fishing The glow comes from 3 small Occuliths lying in the
for 1 Turn will discover: a golden pectoral of dirt: two Sparks ( 100 GP each)and an Ember (500
interlocking hexagons (1,000 GP), a pair of GP).
hexagonal jade cuff-links (400 GP) and a hexed
bronze dagger (1D4 - can damage weapon- E - Two coffins of pale pink Tomb Crystal. Both
immune creatures, blue glowing lines inscribed in are sealed with silver wire (50 GP worth each).
the hilt). Even a sip of the tomb’s vile brew requires Both contain a mummified body in stained silks,
a Save vs. Poison to avoid dysentery. Failure results now a Revenant of Greed. If the warding silver is
in constant vomiting, fountaining evacuation, and removed, the dead burst from their tombs and
persistent weakness placing a 4 point penalty to all attack. The Revenants are aggressive, but easily
rolls until the next session, unless cured by magic. distracted by valuables, which they will hoard in
this niche if left unmolested.
B - Hundreds of ranked, knee-high figurines
depicting dolorous Empyreans of various classes F - Sparkling in its niche is a 12’ statue of
fill the niche staring outward. The alabaster of peeling gilt bronze. It depicts an armored
most have been melted and pocked by time and Empyrean champion raising her silvered khopesh
damp, but a prolonged search will discover 1D6 (See Appendix C) above her head in a salute. The
undamaged statutes per Turn until a maximum of statue is valuable—worth 5,000 GP in a real city
20 are found. Each statue is worth 15 GP, and (500 GP in Scarlet Town), but weighs 30 tons and
weighs 30 coins. won’t fit through most doors. Behind the statute is
a secret door that leads to Area 13: the Tomb of

Glass Spiders (9)
AC 5[14], HD ½ (HP 1), ATT 1 bite
(1D6/3+poison)*, THACO 20 (-1) MV 60’(20’),
SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 10
* Poison: Save or thrash in spasmodic
violence (attack nearest target -2 to hit, +2
damage) for 1D6 Rounds, and then fall into a
coma (die in 1D6/2 days, recover in 2D6 if
hydrated and cared for).

Revenant of Greed (2)

AC 7 [12]*, HD3 (HP 16), ATT 2 x claw (1d6 +
compulsion**), THACO 17 (+2), MV 90 (30’),
Secret door: The door can be detected by SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 10
tapping the rear wall, or by holding a bright light * Semi-Corporeal: Immune to normal
very close to it, revealing its translucence. The weapons, full damage from blessed weapons,
door can be smashed open (with the normal risks fire and acid. Immune to sleep, charm and
of smashing Tomb Crystal), or it can be opened by mind affecting magic.
careful examination of its edges, which will reveal ** Lure of Gold: The touch of the Revenant of
a rotating crystal latch above it. Beyond the door a Greed requires a Save vs. Spells to avoid the
short, rough passage steeply ascends to an magical compulsion to kill and rob one’s
identical door, obvious from the passage side. This companions (they are planning the same!) On
passage is a safe area, untroubled by wandering failure, target must attack the nearest ally for
monsters. Nefarious explorers could hide loot to 1D6 rounds.
avoid turning it over to Mab, or even hide
themselves to make Mab believe they’d gone Tubbs (Greenhorn)
missing (though it will take weeks before she AC 5 [14], F1 (HP 6), ATT 1 (by weapon),
abandons the site). THACO 19 (+0), MV 90’(30’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F1), ML 8
G - Refracted light trickles from an awkward Brigandine (AC 5 [14]), spear (1d6), puerile
hole 10’ above the floor that leads to a winding, cupidity.
sharply angled tunnel with an exit on the surface
(“Murkvey’s Slop,” which Mab rejected as too
dangerous). The exit will be guarded by an
unsavory Greenhorn named Tubbs. The floor of
the niche is scattered with shattered bones,
emerald green feathers, and patches of coarse,
black fur. Some of these have also become caught
on the jagged edges of the crystal hole in the
ceiling. When the Bearowl isn’t wandering—such
as when it’s recuperating from an injury, or
resting after a large meal—this niche is it’s nest.

H - A hip-high pile of tumbled, shattered,

disordered, tar-soaked bones. A Turn of effort can
make a torch from them (there are enough for 80
torches, or a bonfire).

Illuminated - Treasure - Trap
A square chamber carved from glassy crystal the
color of milk. Prisms point ominously down from
the ceiling, and the floor is covered in glittering
tiles. Five crystal coffins grow from the walls.
Their lids have been sculpted into Empyrean
forms, and sealed shut with gold. When a living
creature stands at the threshold of this room, the
prisms on the ceiling flare with white light and speaking with the Stylite. The path forms the
begin to hum. double diamond shape of the King’s Mark. (See
Glittering tiles: Panes of polished crystal tile the
floor pressure plates beneath activate a trap that Crystal coffins: Each coffin contains a perfectly
will destroy any unliving being that enters the preserved beauty: green skinned youths and
room, or any living one who fails to follow an maidens wearing valuable silks and ornaments
unmarked safe path. Once triggered, beams of carved from garnet, lapis, and jade. The coffins are
searing light stab down at the offender from the Tomb Crystal, sealed both by magic. They can
prisms above, reducing them to ash. A Save vs. easily be smashed open, but this will produce a
Device will allow the incautious to leap back cloud of dangerous dust. (Check vs. Con or suffer a
through the doorway with only a few burns (1D6 level of Tomb Crystal Poisoning per Appendix A).
damage), while immunity to fire prevents any Four of the coffins contain corpses with lips
injury, and fire resistance adds a +4 to the save. stained by a faint, dried blue froth. They will begin
Avoiding the floor prevents the trap from to rot normally once free. The fifth coffin contains
triggering: levitation, a rope web, a scaffold, etc. the Sleeper, Thuvia of the Red Sphere, trapped in
Players can also discover the unmarked safe path magical slumber.
via careful testing with thrown objects, or by



The Sleeper will blink awake the moment the
crystal around her is cracked, and stare intensely TREASURES WITHIN THE
with huge, angry, purple eyes. If a player chooses CRYSTAL COFFINS
to attack her while she is still encased, they will hit
automatically and inflict x4 damage. If not, Gold chased loincloth (10 GP) and amethyst
Thuvia will pound her fists against the crystal to A paneled helmet (500 GP)
demand immediate release. She is a powerful
sorceress and an imperious princess of a long- B Tunic of blue lapis lazuli tiles (1,000 GP)
destroyed Empyrean dynasty. Initially she will be
well disposed enough towards her rescuers to
overlook their lack of manners (failure to bow and C Bangles of clear green jade (800 GP)
scrape), but will respond to disrespect (such as
taking her red jade crown, or trying to leave her Golden and citrine chain wrappings, and
trapped in the coffin) with a deadly display of
D yellow silk gown (1,000 GP)
maleficence—a net or beam of red blazing light.
She will not kill any survivors of this initial 3D6 E (The Sleeper) Red Jade Crown (3,000 GP)
maleficence (which will also free her from the
coffin) so long as they immediately surrender. For
more details about the Sleeper and her goals see
Appendix B - Factions!

Thuvia of the Red Sphere

AC 5 [14]*, MU 7 (I:18, W:15, CHR:16) (HP 18),
ATT x1 (by weapon or spell)**, THACO 17
(+2), MV 120’ (40’), SV D11 W11 P11 B14 S11
(MU 7 + WIS), ML 10
* High Sorcery: Thuvia is permanently
protected by an arcane shield, increasing
her AC and making her immune to normal
missiles and maleficence spells.
** Maleficence: Thuvia is a high level
Empyrean Wizard, she may substitute any
spell she casts for a Maleficence doing 1D6
damage for each level of the replaced spell
(e.g. a max of 4D6 for substituting her 4th
level spell). Maleficence may target either a
single creature (no Save), or a group of
targets in a 20’x20’ area (Save for ½
**Memorized Spells (see Red Tome in
Appendix C): 1st Crystal Key, Sand of
Slumber, Illuminating Eye.
2nd Crystal Weaving, Mystic Prism.
3rd Mirror Step. 4th Crystal Prison

Red Jade Crown, Red Tome.

AREA 9 - STYLITE’S TOMB Sitting figure: Tattered, moldering rags of gold
brocade hang like moss from the thing atop the
Dark - Monster pillar. It is a mound of festered opulence, stained
with brown rot and grease. It moves slowly, its stiff
Accessible only via a long crawl down a 3’ square and dusty robes crackling with age as it does. This
corridor. The cold, damp passage descends before is all that remains of the Dead King’s wazir: the
finally opening into the room near its ceiling. Stylite. A malignant intelligence guarding the
From the passage is a 10’ drop into the black water tomb and scheming to return its residents to some
that partially floods the room—a stark contrast to semblance of life and power. The Stylite’s robes
the milky-white crystal of its walls. At the center of are worthless, but tangled in them are a few pieces
the room is a glass pillar, rising 4’ from the water of jewelry he will trade, and the Lesser Key which
and topped by a sitting figure in rotting gold he will not.
brocade robes. Apricot-sized orbs of fire orbit the
figure’s head.

Black water: 20’ deep, and opalescent with oils The Stylite
leached from the walls. Swimming is easy enough, AC 8 [11]*, HD 4 (HP 20), ATT 2 x burning
but fighting in it is difficult. All attacks from the touch (1D6) + Special**,
water are at -2 to hit, while shields and two- THACO 17 (+2), MV 60’ (20’),
handed weapons cannot be used at all. Characters SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (MU 4)***, ML 10
in medium or heavy armor will know they risk * Resilient: The Stylite is immune to non-
drowning if they jump in. (3D6 check vs Con every magical weapon attacks and takes ½
round, or sink to the bottom and drown in 1D6 damage from blessed/silver weapons.
rounds unless fished out.) Torches and lanterns ** Burning Eyes: In addition to a burning
will sputter out in the water, though the slick oil touch, The Stylite’s Eyes (up to six of them)
on the surface of the water will burn for 1D6/2 will rise from his ragged cowl to defend
rounds, inflicting 1D6/3 damage each round to him as separate entities. Eyes that are
anything in the pool. destroyed will regenerate next session.
*** Death in Life: The Stylite is immune to
The pillar only has enough room for one person, sleep, charm, and other mind affecting
though the sitting figure can be grappled into the spells.
water. It will only leave the pillar voluntarily if Platinum and jade ring (600 GP), agate pectoral
bombarded from the tiny ledge (1 person can stand (1,000 GP), silver chain (200 GP), pocketful of
on it) that leads back to Area 7. loose turquoise (20GPx10), the Lesser Key (see
Appendix C) .

Stylite’s Eyes (6)

AC 2 [17]*, HD 1 (HP 3), ATT 1 x burning
gaze (1D6) THACO 19 (0) MV 60’ (20’), SV
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 8
* As spectral oculars, the Eyes are immune
to normal weapons.

The Stylite is devoted to protecting the tomb and

restoring his king to life. He believes the second is
within his power if the Sleeper is killed, and he
can escape the tomb with both the Dead King’s
corpse and the royal Occulith from the throne

The Stylite will enlist the party in his efforts, but is

a false ally: the promises of power and wealth that
he makes are a deception. The only aid he will
offer is a brief explanation of traps in the outer
tomb (including the double diamond pattern of
the King’s Mark that allows one to safely approach
the coffins in Area 8). He will also send one of his
eyes to accompany any dupes who agree to kill the
Sleeper. For more about the Stylite, see
Appendix B: Factions!

Arched doorway: Accessible from the rift floor via
MAP AREA 10 a broad stairway lined with brass railing. The stairs
narrow to be three people (or zombies) wide at the
top, terminating in an arched doorway barred by a
bronze gate. The gate is pierced with double-
diamond cutouts (The King’s Mark) beneath an
elaborate crown, a line of geometric skulls, and a
keyhole at its center. The simple lock can be opened
with the Lesser Key, by force, or by a magsman’s
artifice. Working fast, a lockpicking attempt will
take only 5 Rounds for a roll, and will automatically
succeed after 10 Rounds of effort, or if unhurried.
The zombies will pursue up the stairs, but will not
attempt to go through closed doors, even if they
AREA 10 - GEODE GRAVE are unlocked.
Dark - Monster
Narrow ledges around the edge of the room Lith Zombies (512)
overlook a great chasm encrusted floor-to-ceiling AC 8 [11], HD 2 (HP 10), ATT 1 pummel (1D6)*,
with transparent plum crystals. 20’ below the THACO 20 (-1), MV 30’ (10’),
ledges the chasm floor is filled with heaps of SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12
tangled bodies, many partially covered in crystal * Crystal Encrusted: Lith Zombies always act
growths. A wide stair with brass railings climbs to last. Those wounded in combat can become
an arched doorway on the North wall. poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust gets into
their wounds. After combat, the wounded
Tangled bodies (See Referee note on Next Page): must make a Con check or suffer a level of
Mounds of mummified corpses are spread about Tomb Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).
the rift. Hundreds of them sprawl on the floor, or
lean against the walls. The leathery dead are
encased in crystal, like geological armor, with
spikes and clusters erupting through gray-green
flesh. The moment there’s noise in the cavern
(including talking and normal movement) the
crystallized dead will writhe to life, and shamble in
search of victims. They cannot climb up the chasm
walls, but will attack any living creature on the
lower level. 1D6 Lith Zombies arrive each Round
until the living either escape, or are torn apart. If
left alone without available victims, the Lith
Zombies will calm in 2 Turns, and sink back into
quiescence. Players attempting to sneak silently
through the cavern must spend 2 Turns, and roll a
3D6 vs. Dex check each Turn (automatic success
for anyone trained in stealth). Climbing out of the
chasm takes 1 Round if there is a rope, and 1 Turn
if there is not. (A 5D6 Dex check or Climbing skill
check allows one to escape in 1 Round even
without a rope.)

REFEREE’S NOTE: It should be obvious that a Steps: Midway up the steps there are several holes
room filled with five hundred zombies is not a bored into the green crystal ceiling. They’re visible,
combat encounter, and the Referee should but not immediately obvious. A pressure plate on
keep that in mind. In addition to being slow the third step triggers a spear trap. Brass rods
and stupid, the zombies are unobservant. tipped with sharp blades plunge from the holes
They respond to noises, but ignore anything above at a variety of angles, inflicting 1D6+2
above their eye level (including activity on the damage (Save vs. Device for ½) to anyone on the
risers to the Doorway—unless they chased steps. It takes 1 Turn for the trap to reset after it’s
someone up there). While rushing into the triggered, as hidden cranks retract the spears with
midst of the zombies to fight is certainly a a clattering sound. It’s easy to avoid the trap by
quick way to die (their numbers grow each stepping over the pressure plate on the third step.
round to surround the foolhardy) the undead The face of the steps is painted with murals,
are pitiful, slow and confused. It shouldn’t be including the double diamonds of the King’s Mark
too hard to break free of them and either dash among various triangles, gem shapes and
up the stairs to the locked door, or scurry up a hexagons. The King’s Mark is a button, and
rope to one of the ledges. pressing it disarms the pressure plate and spear
trap for 6 Turns.
There are several ways to evade the chasm full
of zombies: a tightrope, or even plank-and-
hawser bridge spanning the rift would avoid
the undead entirely. A stealthy character
crossing, picking the lock, and allowing the
rest of the party to rush across before the
zombies can react in force would also work. MAP AREAS 11 - 12
The puzzle here is largely about avoiding
combat, though there is an additional wrinkle
to consider. If the players neglect to keep the
zombies in the chasm (if they build a ramp or
leave the door open) the undead will filter
outward and soon pack any part of the tomb
they can reach without opening a door —
creating considerable problems.

MARK AREA 12 - Bronze Portal
Dark - Puzzle
The bottom half of the walls in this smoothly
AREA 11 - MURALED HALL carved chamber are covered in mosaics. The
ceiling is a muqarnas of lavender crystal points.
Dark - Puzzle Ornate brass braziers stand in the corners of the
room. A 10’ diameter circular puzzle door takes
Frescoed in fading murals depicting thin, green- up the center of the rear wall.
skinned figures in tight-fitting clothes. A set of
steps lead up to an archway in the north wall. Mosaics: Detailed and artful works capture daily
life in a fortress both sterile and ethereal. The
Murals: dancing and cavorting, the motley-clad Fortress windows are filled with black, but the
green people are painted at a bacchanal. Some green-skinned, elongated figures are vibrant and
genuflect towards the steps, eyes closed. The cheerful. They carve stone, cook, operate strange
dancer’s eyes are open, and glitter with carved, machines, hunt fowl in an enclosed wood, and
semi-precious stones. It will take 2 Turns to grow tubers in glass tubs. Above the door itself is a
carefully pry the gems from the mural, resulting in motto inlaid in tiny blue tiles that offers a clue to
20 green jade, lapis lazuli, and carnelian chips. the puzzle: “LIGHT MY MARK AND WITNESS MY
Each is worth 20 GP (400 GP total). GLORY”.

Circular puzzle door: A 10’ diameter slab of
bronze that sinks entirely into the floor when it
opens. It is sealed with puissant magic and an
ornate puzzle lock (see illustration). Physical force
alone cannot breach the door until its magical
wards are circumvented or dispelled. The lock can
be opened four ways:

X - The Stylite’s Lesser Key will unlock the

keyhole at the puzzle’s center.

X - Magic (Dispel Magic or Knock) will force the

door open. The Sleeper’s Crystal Key spell will
also work.

X - A Light spell cast on the puzzle plate will

Brass braziers: Four harsh geometric sculptures illuminate the Kings Mark, ‘cheating’ the puzzle
of fanged and clawed four-armed apes. They are and opening the door.
filled with small green blocks of incense. If lit, the
pale green smoke will induce visions: exploding X - The rectangular plate of the puzzle is depicted
geometric stars, crawling fractals, and a deeply here: a gridwork of sealed crystal tubing. At most
comforting sense of unity. The vision last 6 Turns, intersections the tubes form a “+” shape, allowing
and inflict a -2 to all rolls while they last. A Save vs. fluid to flow in any direction. A few intersections
Poison must also be rolled — on failure gain 1 have recessed disks which can be rotated. The dark
point of WIS permanently, and on success take a -1 colored disks each contain an “L” shaped tube
penalty to any future Saves vs. Paralysis. Unburnt, which forces liquid to make a 90° turn, while the
the incense blocks are worth 800 GP. lighter disks contain an “I” tube, forcing the liquid
to move straight across the intersection. When a
person first touches the tubes, liquid fire will
appear inside the tube at the point of contact. As
they trace a path, the liquid fire will follow their
finger, leaving a trail through the tubes, and
disappearing when they take their hand away. The
goal of the puzzle is to draw the liquid fire along a
path which passes through each of the rotating
disks, forming a complete circuit without ever
crossing over itself. A sample of such a solution is
shown below.

For players trying to solve the puzzle, it’s best to

print out a few copies of the image (Provided in
Appendix E - Referee Tools) and let the players
draw a path directly on them.

There are other ways to get past this door without

solving the puzzle. For example, only the door is
warded against physical intrusion. The wall is not.
It’s possible to use mining equipment or magic to
break through the wall, though this will take a long
time (12 Turns), expose all in the room to Tomb
Crystal poisoning (see Appendix A) and is likely to
draw the attention of wandering monsters (even if
the door between Areas 11 and 10 is barricaded). A
secret door in Area 7(F) will also bypass this door.


Dim - Trap Tormented Wraith
A vaulted chamber with carved stone walls, and a AC 6 [13]*, HD 1 (HP 6),
geode-like ceiling studded with pink crystal. The ATT 1 freezing touch (1D6 + STR drain**),
space thrums with whispered sounds of pain, THACO 19 (0), MV 90’ (30’),
emanating from the many large glowing crystals SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10
of various colors which fill the space. *Immaterial and Undead: wraiths are
immune to normal damage, including non-
Carved stone walls: The walls are cut deep with magical fire, and to sleep and charm spells.
angular reliefs. Scenes are depicted in pairs. Blessed/Silvered weapons inflict ½ damage.
Below, sly-faced Empyreans (each different, but all ** Freezing Touch: The wraith’s cold touch
with the same devious face) are shown committing drains 1D6 Str as well as inflicting damage.
a crime: robbery, hiding coins, poisoning a jug, or Lost strength will return over time (lasts
writing a pamphlet. Above each, the same figure until next session).
weeps in chains under the stern judgment of a
King or his robed wazir.

Large glowing crystals: Thirteen prisms jutting

from the floor, each between 6’ and 7’ tall. They
make a forest of translucent panes and angles. MAP AREAS 13 - 15
Within each crystal a vague figure writhes, and the
closer one gets the more distinct the sounds of
suffering within. Touching a crystal (even with a
tool or weapon) results in a cacophony of raw-
throated screaming, and a jolt of psychic force that
requires a Save vs. Spells. On failure, the one who
touched the crystal prison finds that the trapped
spirit has become a powerful voice in their mind.
They were Empyreans who angered the King. In
contact with a body once more, they will make
unreasonable demands which the player can
choose to ignore, but ignoring the spirit’s desires
has a cost.

The spirit can be drawn out of its host as a

tormented wraith by any means which would
remove a curse. Breaking a crystal (easy with
mining tools or even a blunt weapon) will release
the hostile wraith within and reveal a single
Occulith ember, but also requires a Con check for
anyone in the room to avoid suffering a level of
Tomb Crystal poisoning. (See Appendix A).

Demands of Empyrean Wraith
Gorge oneself to near A Petulant child/
bursting. Now & once Constant screaming
1 a day, on sweets if destroys mind
available. (-1D6 Int).

Murder any wizard Elderly sorcerer /

encountered, eat their Insidious arguments
2 brain to absorb their about the nature of
power. the universe. (-1D6
Never show mercy. AREA 14 - FACETED SHRINE
Any who raise their Embittered soldier /
3 hand against you Slow atrophy of the Dark - Trap
must die. limbs. (-1D6 Str)
Any light brought into this room will reflect
Betrayed courtier / blindingly off the white faceted walls. The
Waste at least 100GP Lethargy, indolence, northern half of the room is covered by a spired
x Lvl per session on stomach ailments
4 delicacies and fine and pique. (-1D6
altar of carved crystal, which holds a silver
crown at its center. The northwestern wall is
living. Con) hazy, transparent in many places, but still
dangerously reflective
Spend at least 250GP Jilted concubine /
per session on Endless discouraging White faceted walls: Crafted with Empyrean
5 clothing, jewels and and cruel quips. (- artifice, these walls absorb, magnify, and reflect
perfumes. 1D6 Chr) light in scintillating rays that bounce about the
Discredited scholar / chamber. Anyone in the room when light is
Personally investigate present must Save vs. Spells each round, or suffer
odd, dangerous Overstimulation,
6 distraction, and temporary blindness (-4 to all rolls for the rest of
looking things — like the session). Even light in the doorway will cause
obvious traps. doubt. (Act last each
round) this effect, though saves are at a +2. Blindfolds are
Save the weak, Patriotic assassin / effective protection against this trap, and using a
perform acts of Berserker rage. mirror to look into the space from the doorway is
charity and always (Cannot retreat from safe.
violently confront combat or use range
tyranny. weapons) Altar of carved crystal: a complex construction of
Turbulent spires, carvings, columns, and filigree form a
Tear down shrines philosopher / Terrible reredo and opulent canopy surrounding a central
and temples. Strike dream of ruin, and altarpiece where the silver crown rests. Every bit of
8 and insult priests and this construction is studded with razor sharp
worshipers. destruction. (+2 to all
damage received) facets. Reaching the altar stone through this
Debauched screen of dangerous edges requires caution. It
Always carry wine. entertainer / Constant would be simple if one could have light, but in the
Drink and carouse reeling intoxication. (- dark it is impossible without inflicting serious
9 whenever possible to 2 to all rolls and injury to the hands and arms (1D6 damage, - 1 for
maximum ability. headaches) leather gloves, and - 3 for gauntlets). The
dangerous parts of the altar could be smashed
Scheme to seize with thrown rocks or other heavy objects, but this
Tortured royalty /
power. Take concrete Searing will release a cloud of Tomb Crystal dust which
10 action against local memories of will poison all in the room (See Appendix A) and
rulers. pain. (-1D6 Dex) lingers for 2 Turns.

Silver crown: An opulent confection of silver and
many-hued gems. It is too large (3’ diameter) and
too heavy (6lb) to be worn easily, but is worth
11,000 GP as an art object.

Northwestern Wall: A thick window of faceted AREA 15 - SEALED TOMB

crystal between this chamber and the Sealed
Tomb (Area 15). Like all Tomb Crystal it can be Dark
broken. Picks and mauls will smash through in 2 Sealed off from the rest of the complex by a wall of
Turns, while improvised equipment such as maces transparent crystal between it and the Faceted
or axes will take 4 Turns. In either event, smashing Shrine (Area 14). The long-trapped air is musty, and
the wall creates an enormous cloud of poison dust, the entire chamber is decorated in high relief
and shards to lacerate exposed skin. Anyone in the depicting strange ships battling on a stylized sea of
area takes 2 levels of Tomb Crystal poisoning (See stars. It holds two rows of carved crystal coffins
Appendix A), and the noise adds an automatic draped in slimy black rags.
random encounter roll. (Multiple random
encounters may occur at the same time!) The wall Carved crystal coffins: eight clear crystal lozenges,
can also be breached safely by a gemcutter in 2 each draped with what was once a delicate silk
Turns without excessive noise or risk of poisoning. brocade that has long since rotted into sludge. Once
Flash might be convinced to come down and work the rotten silk is cleaned away the Empyrean
on this wall (It will take him an hour to cut), but mummies within the coffins are visible. They wear
only once the path to the area is safe. He will not stained burial robes, and each has a white jade circlet
travel through the Geode Grave (Area 10) unless upon their brow, studded with peridot, amethyst,
the party has created a path inaccessible to the and blue topaz. Eight in all, worth 1,000 GP each.
zombies. He will, of course, report any treasure
discovered to Mab.

Dark - Trap
Pyrite sparkles on the ceiling and streaks down
the walls in attractive but valueless veins. Twin
rows of stone biers elevate colorful crystal coffins
above a polished floor.

Crystal coffins: There are eight crystal coffins.

They rest on identical blue-gray stone blocks that
are sculpted with crawling lines, spirals, circles,
and stars. Each coffin is different and easily MAP AREAS 16 - 17
opened unless noted.

If the 7th coffing is disturbed, its Guardian

Demon manifests with a cracking pop and blast
of dry, numbing cold. It appears as a lanky human
silhouette cut from the empty void between stellar
spheres. It calls itself Rime on the Eye of Dead
Saints. The demon will kill happily, but is
frustrated and bored by its long imprisonment,
and like most of its cruel kind prefers to feast on
souls given in sacrifice rather than plucked by
force. The terms of its binding only force it to
protect the corpse from desecration. It will
propose the exchange of one mortal soul for its
forbearance if the coffin lid is closed and any
stolen items returned. Trading away one’s soul
isn’t lethal, but will prevent resurrection and
inflict the loss of 1D6 CHR. If refused, the demon
will attack mercilessly, though it’s bound to the
tomb and cannot leave Area 16.

Guardian Demon
AC 14 [5]*, HD 4 (HP 16), ATT 1 x touch
(Special)**, THACO 15 (+4) MV 120’ (40’),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12
* Void Born: A creature of icy-cold stellar
deeps, the Guardian Demon is immune to
all non-magical attacks. As an outsider
entity it is immune to mind-affecting
** Death Touch: the languid touch of the
demon is both soul-annihilating and
freezing — it inflicts only 1pt of damage,
but requires a Save vs. Spells, with failure
leading to instant death.

(top row first from left to right)
Night black, polished into a faceted cartouche that reflects light and images like a pool of oil: Easily
opened. Contains corpse of a tall empyrean woman in plain black, mummified hands clutch a staff of
1 black crystal carved with ghosts (1,000 GP - non magical)
A smokily translucent green lozenge. A single spiral glyph obscures the face within. This is a doom which
will curse the first person to open the coffin. The mark will disappear from the coffin, and reappear as a
2 tattoo on the cursed one’s face. Until the curse is removed, any injury they suffer will inflict maximum
damage. Within the tomb is a skeleton clutching a large lizard-skin purse of 2,000 hexagonal gold coins.

Flat stone, dark blue, and carved with the image of an austere Empyrean beauty. Her eyes are set with
polished onyx orbs (200 GP each). The preserved corpse within wears a suit of ornamental gilt medium
3 armor (AC 14 [7], worth 200 GP) fluted and filigreed with lilies.

A clear cube with an opalescent sheen. Within is the desiccated corpse of an elderly Empyrean man, naked
except for a stained silk loincloth, and a chunky torc around his neck. The torc is silver, and studded with
4 eyeball-sized white stones. (1,000 GP)
A pink sphere delicately carved with whorls of tiny mourners. It has no opening, so anyone wishing to
search within must shatter it—creating dangerous Tomb Crystal dust. Within, a mummy in pink silks is
5 curled up around an ivory baton capped with gold.
(see Sanguine Rod in Appendix C)

A faceted rectangle of red-tinted transparent crystal holds the mummy of an Empyrean woman in rusted
6 iron scale armor. The lid is sealed with lead.

A diamond-shaped tomb of sparkling white, enameled with green leaves. Within is the corpse of a silk-
clad youth. Resting on his chest is a purple crystal swirling with orange motes. The crystal contains a
GuardianDemon tasked with protecting the body from desecration. There is also a golden wire crown
7 (1,200 GP) on the youth’s head, and the demon will manifest if it, the crystal, or the body are disturbed. (see
Creamy yellow crystal, carved with clumsy relief that tells the life story of a general who battled on crystal
fortress ships. The corpse within wears an ornate suit of copper-chased, half-plate armor (AC 15 [4]) forged
8 of gray alloy. The helmet is spired, and includes a gilded visor in the shape of a snarling face (seeMaskof
Command inAppendixC). An opal signet ring (500 GP) is on the corpse’s finger.

AREA 17 - Guardian Cell The geas which binds the Guardian to his duty is
held by the Stylite, and will dissipate if the Stylite
Dark - Monster dies. Once free, the Guardian will leave his post to
search for his sister. He cannot speak, but can
A monstrous knight in gilded plate has worn a communicate by gesture, and will be well disposed
circular path in the floor from long centuries of towards anyone who points him towards her.
constant pacing. The chamber is a hollow lozenge Though, as an undead creature, he cannot enter
of milky pink crystal, with decorative inlays on the the Prism Tomb (Area 8).
walls that depict mourning warriors. Several
ancient bodies are crumpled along the walls of the Ancient bodies: Six Empyrean corpses in various
room. dress lie sprawled outside the worn circle. Each
corpse is desiccated and marred by small clumps
Monstrous knight: A spirit bound to an 8’ tall suit of crystal growth.
of peeling-gilt plate armor. He is adorned with
tattered gold silk and holds a Crystal Executioner’s Three of the bodies wear molded, gray, metal
Sword at rest on his shoulder. The Guardian is breastplates (AC 13 [6] as mundane leather +1 if
magically bound to protect the Crypt Throne refurbished) over rotted gambesons, and clutch
(Area 18) and the Dead King within. He walks his thin bent or broken swords and daggers. Each of
circle ponderously, but will rush to attack any these three has a ruby vial on their belt (500 GP
creature that comes within his line of sight. Once each) filled with a sweet amber poison (Save or Die
they’ve been cut down, or have fled the room, he if even a sip is consumed).
will return to his pacing.
Two of the bodies wear strange, heavy suits of
The Guardian is a terrifying combatant, but articulated brass and bronze with metal tanks on
loathes his own captivity. Formerly the brother of their backs, and crushed glass dome helmets. (AC
the Sleeper, he struggles to subvert his geas so he 16[3], but wearers suffer a 1 point Initiative
can escape to find her. He scans the room in a penalty). If the helmets are replaced, the suits are
dramatically obvious pattern to give stealthy airtight and pressure resistant, though the oxygen
characters a chance to sneak past him (a 40% point tanks are empty and difficult to refill. Refilled, the
bonus to Hide in Shadows rolls). He is bound to tanks provide enough air for 20 Turns.
allow anyone wearing the Silver Crown (Area 14) to
pass unmolested, and his will allows him to also The last body is a thin woman wearing only a
refrain from attacking the Sleeper, or anyone worker’s loincloth.
wearing her Red Jade Crown (Area 8).

AC 17 [2]*, HD 5 (HP 35), ATT 1 x (1D10

+3)**, THACO 14 (+5), MV 90’ (30’),
SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4), ML 12***
*Haunted Armor: As a possessed suit of
oversized armor, the knight is immune to
normal missiles (they bounce off, or
plunge harmlessly into the empty spaces
between armored plates) and takes only
1HP of damage from cutting or thrusting
weapons. Likewise, fire and cold inflict
only 1/2 damage.
** Executioner: The Crystal
Executioner’s Sword (See Appendix C)
is a heavy weapon, inflicting 1D10 +3 due
to his strength. On a natural 20 it will
behead or bisect any human-sized or
smaller target, killing them instantly
(without recourse to any death save. See
Appendix C).
*** Undead and Cursed: The knight is
immune to sleep, charm and other mind-
affecting spells. While under the geas, he
must attack anyone he sees regardless of
his reaction roll.

Ornate throne: An outcropping of carved crystal,
inlaid with thine ropes of gold and decorated with
scenes of conquest. Atop it, the Dead King’s
crumbling mummy rests, wrapped in dust and
stained silk. His robes are embroidered with
weeping Empyreans, and there is a platinum
circlet of office (2,000 GP) on his head. The
mummy poses no danger in itself, but its weight
keeps the burning ray trap active. Chiseling the
gold inlay from the throne will take 3 Turns,
produce a cloud of dangerous Tomb Crystal dust
(See Appendix A), and gather 500 GP worth of
hacked gold each Turn.

Glittering orb: A huge Occulith of the largest size

(an Orb worth 10,000 GP) throbs with green light
in the mummy’s lap. It is sturdy enough that it
would not be damaged by falling from the throne.
However, should the orb land on the floor while
the burning rays are still active, they will destroy
AREA 18 - CRYPT THRONE it. The massive fireball resulting from its
Dim - Trap destruction will destroy the Crypt Throne, and
collapse the room’s ceiling. Anyone in the room if
the orb is detonated must Save vs. Breath or die.
Swirling darkness and green light shine from an Survivors are trapped under tons of unstable
inlaid floor and cast long shifting shadows among rubble, breathing clouds of Tomb Crystal Dust that
the jagged carvings on the blue-black crystal walls. inflicts a level of Tomb Crystal poisoning every 2
All geometry in the room points towards the dias Turns. After the orb explodes, fire will race up the
at the rear, where three short steps elevate an hall, causing 3D6 damage to anyone there, or the
ornate throne. A mummy slumps there, crowned Guardian’s Cell (Area 17) beyond. (Save vs. Breath
in silver and holding a glittering orb that pulses for ½ damage).
with its own green light.

Inlaid floor: A sparkling masterwork of tiny

crystal tiles: blue, white, and red laid in a dizzying
mosaic that glows from beneath with shifting
submarine light. The floor is trapped. So long as
any meaningful weight sits on the ornate throne,
burning rays built into the walls will track and
incinerate anything that touches the floor. The rays
are fast and deadly, but will take a moment to
warm up after their long slumber (with a visible
glow and fierce humming). The first person to step
onto the floor is allowed a single action before the
rays fire. Afterwards, any pressure on the floor
instantly produces a matrix of searing doom,
which requires a Save vs. Wands at -2 for anything
that wishes to leap back and avoid a dramatic

The rays only function so long as there is weight on

the ornate throne, and are activated by pressure on
the floor. Triggering them can be avoided by
climbing along the wall to the throne itself—easy
enough given the wall’s many carvings. Building
some sort of scaffolding or using magic to levitate
above the floor would also work. Alternatively, the
trap can be disarmed by lassoing the Dead King’s
corpse off his throne, or by incinerating his
remains with a thrown flask of flaming oil.

The Stylite will linger in the tomb unless the Sleeper

is dead. If/when she dies, he will collect the Dead
King’s corpse and escape into the wilderness where
he’ll gather souls to resurrect his liege. A revived
Dead King could be a serious menace to the
Frontier. He is a powerful sorcerer and merciless,
sadistic despot.

Murkvey’s “survival” will have less impact. If the

wight or any of his followers are lured to the surface
they will attempt to return to their Tomb Robber’s
lifestyle. Inevitably, their undead and lith-poisoned
state will drive them to anthropophagic banditry.

The Referee should not have any expectation about

how the foray into Murkvey’s Rock will end. The
party may explore the whole dungeon in a single
delve, or they might return to the surface several
times to recuperate in Mab’s camp. They may honor
their agreement with Mab by dutifully turning loot
over to her, or they may conspire to trick her and
keep treasure for themselves. It’s entirely possible
they will all die in the Tomb, leaving behind ravaged
corpses for a future band of adventurers to find. Tomb Crystal is an invasive material synthesized
by Empyrean sorcerer-architects who bond raw
Mab will leave the Tomb when she has a return on magics to minerals found only in the void between
her investment, or when too many casualties have the fixed stars. Broken Tomb Crystal releases
occurred (at least half of total number of characters poisonous esters and mutagenic dust. While acute
and replacement Greenhorns). In either case she poisoning is most common in Gem Robbers and
will head into Scarlet Town, the Frontier’s leading others who risk direct exposure, Tomb Crystal
settlement. If the characters dealt fairly with Mab pollution contaminates air and water across the
and gave her a good idea of the Tomb’s layout, she’ll whole frontier. Most of the people who live here—
be well pleased. especially the poor farmers and swineherds—will
eventually die from it. Even then, the dead are not
Per “The Deal” on page 3, as a reward for success on safe from Tomb Crystal poisoning. If a body is not
their initial delve Mab will give the characters a buried with the proper magic rituals, it will rise as
map to a few other tombs, her positive a Lith Zombie or Lith Wight.
recommendation, and a bonus of 500 GP each. For
later delves if the characters recover over 1,000 GP Direct exposure to broken Tomb Crystal requires a
each she’ll also give them 10% of the total proceeds 3D6 versus Constitution test to avoid progressing
and let the party keep a non-Occulith magic to the next stage of poisoning. If a check is
artifacts and non-magical equipment from the successful, each additional exposure adds 1D6 to
Tomb. If the expedition was forced to retreat due to the Con test. This resets to 3D6 at each stage of
death, Mab will still reward the characters with the infection.
maps, her wary friendship, and 100 GP each. On the
other hand, if the adventurers attempted to trick Tomb Crystal infection is incurable by normal
Mab or attack her, she’ll make sure they have a bad means. Even magical healing struggles with it.
reputation in Scarlet Town, and at some time in the Only powerful effects such as Remove Curse or Cure
future will have them assassinated. Disease are able to eliminate it—and even then,
only by one stage per casting. No one in Scarlet
The factions within the tomb may also continue to Town is skilled enough to combat the poisoning,
play a role on the Crystal Frontier. If she survives, though there is a barrow-dwelling witch named
the Sleeper (with the Guardian if he was freed) will Marble Eye in the wastes who is said to know how
find her way to Scarlet Town—either in the to do it. The best cure is to avoid further exposure
company of the characters, or on her own and with by leaving the frontier, but most keep struggling
a much less friendly disposition. Once there she will on. Always insisting they will buy magic healing
quickly become a figure of dread and power. once they return to civilization with the fortune
that waits just at the end of the next expedition.

CrystAL POISONING Infection Stage & EFFECT
Bodily excretions turn to glittering pastel Tomb Crystal. Most notably, sweat will harden into
fragile sheets, and tiny crystal tears must occasionally be picked out of one’s eyes. No negative
1 effects.
Patches of crystal build up on bone, hair, and skin. They result in random bruises, stiff joints, and
frequent aching pains. -1 Dexterity.
Eyes cloud and craze with tiny growths, while shoots of crystal push out through flesh. The
poisoned character’s immune system begins to break down. -2 to Constitution, Dexterity, and
3 Wisdom.
A crystal lattice thickens the blood. The heart pumps sluggishly. Crystals forming in the throat
make eating and drinking difficult. Pain is constant at this stage, and sleep is never restful.
4 Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom all suffer 1D6 points of permanent loss. If a stat
drops below 3, the result is weakness, spasms or pain so severe that the victim cannot move.
Below 0 the victim dies, advances to stage VI, and rises as a Lith Wight.
Growths erupt through flesh as spires of Tomb Crystal grow all over the body. Pain becomes
deadened at this stage as tiny crystal deposits in the brain dramatically decrease cognition, wit,
and coordination. Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom reduced to 3, maximum HP is halved, but
5 the sufferer now heals 1 HP per Turn as crystal growths replace their body’s functions. If reduced
to 0 HP at this stage, automatically advance to Infection Level VI.
Entire limbs are now replaced with veined, blood-filled Tomb Crystal. Death occurs, and the
infected transforms into a Lith Wight. The character becomes an NPC under control of the
6 Referee, but largely retains their strongest personality features and goals. They might remain
with the party as a henchperson.
Complete immobilization. Those limbs that are not transformed are completely encysted. The
unfortunates who reach this stage lose any remaining vestige of identity. There is no cure at this
7 point, only endless mineral pain.

Tomb Crystal is not difficult to break. Even blunt Available in Scarlet Town for 500 -1D6 to
weapons can crack and crush the friable stone, and X GP. Test
proper mining tools would make short work of it.
Breaking it safely is the difficult thing. Faceting it Training
along its natural seams will break the Crystal without Study with a willing professional.
producing any poisonous dust. Geomantic scholars, Most prefer to keep their trade -1D6 to
trained Gemcutters, and magic users can attempt this
X secrets to themselves. Test
with a minimum of 1 Turn and a 6D6 test vs.
Intelligence. It’s a difficult task, and if the faceting Time
attempt fails the gemcutter and any nearby will be At least 12 turns of uninterrupted
exposed to Tomb Crystal poisoning. However, with the study of the Tomb Crystal to be -1D6 to
proper tools (tuning forks, lenses, chisels, and pitons),
X faceted Test
training (a long study or magical affinity for Tomb
Crystal), and time (two hours to prepare a specific
facet) the task is manageable.

Occuliths are a valuable commodity in high

OCCULITH & demand on both sides of the Frontier, but are
poorly understood. In the decaying grandeur of
the Successor Empire, ill-trained noble dilettantes
Occuliths are an uncommon, nodular form of
seek Occuliths to revive mystical devices they do
not know how to use. Among the varied magical
traditions of the Resurgent Kingdoms they are
Tomb Crystal: reservoirs of magic essence useful sought as a means to gain personal power. In the
as power sources for both magical practitioners Kingdom of the Bulls, closest to the Frontier, the
and devices. By draining an Occulith, magic users potential of Occuliths has sparked the interest of
can immediately replenish a previously cast spell, the deathless Warlock King. It’s only a matter of
or increase the power of a spell to cast it as though time before his legions and his demon-pacted
they were a higher level. The potency of these uses Aurochs’ Guard march to seize the Frontier,
depends on the size of the Occulith, from tiny undoubtedly sparking a war with the mercenary
chips known as “sparks,” to huge “orbs.” armies of the Imperial Syndicates, and possibly
even the Empire’s own dwindling Tericos.


SPARK Recharges 1st Level spell, or adds 1 Caster Level to spell effect.
1 100 GP Value Anything less than fingernail sized.

EMBER Recharges 2nd Level spell, or adds 3 Caster Levels to spell effect.
2 500 GP Value Fingernail or cherry sized.

CARBUNCLE Recharges 3rd or 4th Level spell, or adds 5 Caster Levels to spell effect.
3 1,000 GP Value Plum or egg sized.

ORB Recharges 5th or 6th Level spell, or adds 10 Caster Levels to spell effect.
4 10,000 GP Value Larger than an egg, often head or melon sized.

It’s possible to win over the wights by giving them

APPENDIX B FACTIONS! the treasures they lust for. The characters could
even set them on Mab’s group, who would
certainly flee from a mob of 20-odd Lith Wights.
In that circumstance, though, the party would be
left to make their deals with Murkvey, who is
much less reasonable and accommodating than
Murkvey’s Rock is both a maze of puzzles and an Mab.
arena for faction intrigue. The primary conflict
within is between the Sleeper and the Stylite. Should Murkvey survive the adventure, he’ll
How the players interact with these entities will eventually wander back into Scarlet Town with the
determine the fates of the Guardian, the Dead surviving Lith Wights of his band. There, his
King and potentially the Crystal Frontier. Mab’s wanton carousing will be a source of wonder for a
and Murkvey’s crews also constitute factions the few days, after which he’ll take his group back out
players will need to engage with, though with into the wastes to hunt Occulith. With misfiring
more limited consequences. Below are brief masses of crystal synapses for brains, Murkvey’s
descriptions of these faction’s desires, group lack the abilities to be Gem Robbers, or even
interrelations, and how they are likely to behave if to find a viable tomb to rob. They will quickly
they survive the adventure. devolve into a cannibalistic menace, stalking
travelers in the wastes and attacking outlying hog
Adipose Mab - Mab wants to get paid, and to be farms.
recognized for her erudition. She’s as ruthless and
greedy as any Gem Robber but never rash, nor The Stylite - The former wazir is crafty and
foolish. She knows when to back down from a patient. His goals are to protect the corpse of the
fight, and when to call a business venture a loss. Dead King, to find a living dupe to kill the
She projects a scholar’s detachment from her Sleeper, and to prevent treasures from being
deals, but is not above expedient assassination, or stolen from the Tomb.
slipping someone a false map to somewhere
deadly. She’s found it good business to ensure that Deception comes more easily to the Stylite than
people who betray or harm her die consistently. honesty. He will lie unceasingly to convince the
characters to do his dirty work. He is intimately
If Mab survives, she will return to Scarlet Town to familiar with every detail of the Tomb’s traps,
begin planning another expedition. She also has having overseen their construction. However, even
substantial, secret business interests to manage if the characters agree to do his bidding, he will
while there: 2 burlesques, 6 saloons, a not share his information. If pressed on this point,
slaughterhouse, a tent smithy, and a chandlery. he will resort to mumbling cryptic half-clues at the
She will provide characters who treat her fairly party: “Beware the light that burns!”, “The song of
with rumors and job opportunities, though she crystal breaks the will…”, “The dead must remain
usually prefers to employ the desperate and untouched for the safety of the living!” or “Do not
unwary. People who value their lives are too seek to pass the Guardian, he is but the first
expensive. doorkeeper.”

Murkvey - Murkvey and his band have become If the party kills the Sleeper on his behalf, the
Lith Wights, but they don’t know it. The effects Stylite will begrudgingly allow them to keep her
post-mortem lith poisoning has on the mind are crown, and whatever other other baubles they
varied, but what is left is always something less have obtained. With the Sleeper dead the Stylite
than when the victim lived. In Murkvey’s case, has no further need of living co-conspirators. The
there wasn’t much there to begin with. He still has party can leave peacefully, but if they insist on
his enthusiasm, but the rakish charm that made it exploring deeper into the tomb, the Stylite will
infectious has largely been lost to the eruptions of plot to have them killed. Using his eyes to
Tomb Crystal ripping through his greying meat. accompany the party, the Stylite will lead them
towards the Guardian, then attack them from
Murkvey and his gang are singularly obsessed with behind while they fight the monstrous knight. Any
finding treasure: gold, gems, artifacts, and who flee will be hunted down. No one can be
Occuliths. Their rotted brains are entirely allowed to survive and plot revenge.
unreasonable in this pursuit. They won’t abide
anyone “stealing” wealth that is “rightfully theirs”
from the Tomb, though it is fairly simple to trick

If the Stylite survives he will continue to scheme The Guardian - A ghost in a shell of armor, the
within the Tomb. If the Sleeper is dead, and the Guardian wants only to be reunited with his sister,
Dead King intact, the loyal Stylite will try to the Sleeper. However, so long as he is bound by
resurrect his liege. For this he will need an the Stylite’s geas, he must continue his vigil. Even
Occulith orb (the one on the Dead King’s lap would if the Tomb is despoiled and the Dead King’s
be ideal), and many living sacrifices. He will carry corpse destroyed, the Guardian must continue
his master’s mummy into the Frontier’s dusty pacing circles in the Tomb so long as the Stylite
wilds where he will spend months sacrificing lives.
hundreds of travelers, refugees, and settlers. If he
must source an Occulith orb, the process may take If both the Stylite and the Sleeper are killed, he
somewhat longer, but in less than a year the Dead will eventually leave the Tomb and become a sad
King will live again. wandering spirit. A ‘Knight Perilous’ who sets up
at fords and crossroads to challenge and slaughter
The Dead King - In life he was known as Thern travelers. If the Stylite is killed, but the Sleeper
Taxis the Sublime, or Thern the Tormentor. If the remains in her coffin, he will wait at the threshold
Stylite has his way, the Dead King may be known of The Prism Tomb (Area 8), and gesticulate
by these names again. If the threat of the Sleeper wildly at any living who pass by.
is eliminated, the Stylite will feel comfortable
leaving the tomb and be able to use sacrifice and Reunited, brother and sister will have an even
horrific magic to return him to something like life. more devastating impact on Scarlet Town. The
place will become their fiefdom within months,
Revived as a leathery, lich-like horror, Thern Taxis quickly attracting the unpleasant interest of the
would set out to conquer the Crystal Frontier. Bull Kingdom’s Warlock Court, The Green Hive
Whether or not he could succeed in establishing Syndicate’s mercenaries, and the Imperial army.
another kingdom of cruelty and misrule is up to The bloody four-way war that follows will be
the Referee. In any event, he is a powerful sorcerer cataclysmic.
(10th level), and absolutely ruthless.

The Sleeper - The Sleeper still lives only through

desperate luck, and her hatred of the Dead King.
Awakened and freed, she will be ecstatic at the
success of her survival scheme. Her first goal will
be to flee the Tomb and establish herself. She isn’t
hasty. She can wait to plot a more perfect revenge.
She’ll make her way to Scarlet Town, and at least a
few local toughs will be incinerated before word
gets around that no one should mess with “the
lanky green lady.” As the most powerful magician
in Scarlet Town, her services will be in great
demand. As a haughty Empyrean noble, she will
serve no one. Soon enough she will have a
powerful faction of her own.

Once established as the “The Red Queen” of Scarlet

Town, the Sleeper will bring together an
expedition to return to Murkvey’s Rock to kill the
Stylite, discover her brother’s fate, and destroy the
Dead King.

If the party ended the adventure on good terms

with the Sleeper, she will be friendly towards
them. She may share spells, offer help
understanding Empyrean artifacts, or employ the
party to collect artifacts and allies for her
(especially automata). However, the Sleeper is a
princess of the Empyrean stars and can never owe
loyalty or friendship to malformed brutes from the
Terrestrial Sphere. The best relationship the party
can hope for is that the Sleeper comes to think of
them as favored pets. Even then, Empyreans are
known to casually put down inconvenient pets.

Lesser Key: Hand-length, and made of tarnished

silver, with a filthy purple tassel at one end. The
subtle teeth of the Lesser Key blend with a motif of
the King’s Mark and geometric flowers sculpted on
its barrel. In life it was a symbol of the wazir’s
office, and the Stylite guards it jealously. Two of
the doors in the tomb have locks keyed to it. It also
holds 6 charges of a spell which will open any

locked, sealed, or magically held portal when the
Lesser Key is struck against them. It does not work
on locked, stuck, or magically sealed objects which
are not portals. Once the 6 charges are used up,
the Lesser Key becomes a simple curiosity worth
500 GP.

Mask of Command: A spired helm of gray

Empyrean alloy with a gilded mask that flips down
to cover the face. Its smiling visage is an Empyrean
ideal, though non-Empyreans will find its bony
Blood Drinking Smallsword: A thin blade of red profile off putting. Words spoken through the
steel that absorbs any blood it draws, causing mask boom with the authority of firm command.
excruciating pain and weakness. Each successful The wearer may call out to fleeing allies, who can
strike with the sword reduces the AC and Attack then reroll their failed saving throw or morale
roll of the victim by 1 point each as their vitality is check. If successful, they are compelled to follow
drained into the blade. These losses are recovered any commands given through the mask until the
once the wound is healed. current conflict is resolved.

Crystal Executioner’s Sword: A broad blade of

clear crystal, chisel-tipped, and as long as a man is
tall. Its guard is gilded bronze, and its pommel a
carved crystal skull. Between the various wards
and dwenomers on the blade, the words MORS
CERTA HORA INCERTA are inlaid in gilded
letters. “Death is Certain, its Hour Uncertain.” The
strength and sharpness of the sword have both
been bolstered by magic. With enough force in the
swing it will slice through plate steel without

The Crystal Executioner's Sword is a magical two-

handed sword +2. On a natural 20 attack roll it will
behead or bisect any human-sized or smaller
target, usually killing them. The ungainliness of
the weapon means it requires 15 Strength or
greater to wield, and even then attacks made with
it suffer a -1 penalty to hit for each point of
Strength below 19.

Empyrean Panoply: A half-suit of armor molded

from dull gray metal, and engraved with circles in
black silver. The armor has an uncanny look about
it: all flowing lines, dull colors, discordant
decoration, and odd proportions. Built for
Empyrean bodies, it can still fit a tall human if the
rotted green mesh straps are replaced with fresh
leather. The panoply is lightweight, strongly built,
and particularly resistant to being pierced. It
encumbers as medium armor (chain, brigandine,
cuirass, etc.), but protects as heavy armor (AC

Red Tome: Hundreds of loose plates pressed from Phantasmal Servant - Range: 240’,
rose gold, and collected in a palm-sized folio. The Duration: 1D6 Turns
cover is a rock-crystal lens that magnifies the Summons an entity of air and light to serve the
writing within, allowing the grimoire to be read. caster’s needs. This immaterial butler can lift,
The Red Tome’s spells are written in the Empyrean carry, and manipulate up to 10lbs (or 1 significant
wizard’s alphabet, but are close enough to the item). It has no weight or presence beyond a faint
academic traditions of formal magic that they can sparkle of form that exists in the moment after it
be decoded after some study, and adapted to the accepts commands. It cannot harm or destroy, is
practices of terrestrial wizardry. incapable of reason or speech, and its fingers of
wind cannot engage in fine manipulation like
1st Level lockpicking.

Crystal Key - Range: Touch, Duration: 6 Turns

A crystalline lattice grows in the hand of the
sorcerer, forming itself into a key. The key can
open any door with a keyhole, even if that door is
warded by magic, or has traps designed to activate
when the lock is tampered with. The key has no
effect on doors without keyholes. The crystalline
structure of the key is fragile, and will crumble 2nd Level
into useless chunks after 1 hour, or after the key is
used, whichever comes first. Crystal Weaving - Range: 140’,
Duration: 2D6 Turns
Sand of Slumber - Range: 240’, The sorcerer weaves a web of crystal strands which
Duration 1D6 Turns block a 10’ x 10’ area, and trap any creature within.
Conjures a whirlwind of glittering sand in the A Save vs. Spells allows targets to avoid the net,
sorcerer’s immediate area. The whirling flecks but those trapped are held fast. They can only
sting the eyes of foes, bringing on a magical break free with a 6D6 test against strength. If the
lassitude, and slumber. Up to 2D8 hit dice of foes target is larger than human sized, they only need
(of no more than 4HD each) will collapse under the to pass a 4D6 test to escape.
spell’s power. Any target that makes a Saving
Throw vs. Spells resists falling asleep, but drowsily Hallucinatory Miasma - Range: 1’,
forgets to act next round. Sleeping victims can be Duration: 1 Turn
awakened with a pinch, but are defenseless until A 10’ radius cloud of sweet-smelling fog pours
they wake. from the caster’s mouth, swirling with sparks of
calming color. The smoke brings pleasant visions
Scintillating Lamps - Range: Sight, to everyone but the caster—including allies. All
Duration: 1D6 Turns must Save vs. Spells. Those who succeed are able
A dancing array of multicolored lights. They float to remember their goals and act, while those who
and dart at the caster’s command, and can be fail become distracted by idyllic daydreams. If they
shaped into vague forms as the caster wishes. The had fewer HD than the caster they are completely
lights are harmless, and cannot move with enough paralyzed by a cheerful lassitude. If their HD are
speed or precision to blind targets. They are also equal to or greater than the caster’s, then they are
not especially bright, only dimly illuminating a 20’ still able to act, but suffer a -4 penalty to all rolls.
Mystic Prism - Range: 10’, Duration: Special
Illuminating Eye - Range: Self, Conjures a floating pyramid with a 10’ square base.
Duration: 1D6 Turns Its sides are mirrored, and completely immaterial.
One of the caster’s eyes transforms into a prism of The caster and up to four others can step inside
fire that projects a beam of light as bright and the intangible prism, after which it disappears,
focused as a lantern (40’). In extremis this could be and the residents find themselves within a
used to blind a foe, who would need to make a Save similarly-sized pyramid drifting in the timeless
vs. Spells or suffer -4 to all their rolls and Armor Place of Reflection. It is balmy and pleasant within
Class. However, this effect ends as soon as the the pyramid. Time passes normally, allowing for
caster looks away from their target. So long as they rest and rejuvenation, but there are no amenities.
wish the effect to last, they must forgo all other The caster can depart anytime they wish,
action. emerging with their guests in exactly the same
place where they departed the terrestrial world.

Fractal Presence - Range: 10’, Duration: Combat 4th Level
The wizard appears to split, forming 1D6+1
reflections all of which seem real. The wizard and Madness of the Prisms - Range: 60’,
their simulacra constantly swirl and weave, Duration: 20 Rounds
displacing each other at random. Without magical Up to one target per level of the caster can be
sight, anyone attempting to target the wizard has afflicted by halos of spinning, humming, glowing,
a 1-in-6 chance per reflection of targeting a many-colored prisms. The distracting stones
reflection rather than the wizard. Note that if whisper unsettling secrets and make unseemly
there are 6 or more simulacra, this means promises. Creatures with 5HD or fewer are
accurately targeting the wizard will be impossible. completely overwhelmed, and receive no Saving
If an attack successfully strikes a reflection, which Throw. Creatures with more than 5HD are entitled
has the same AC as the caster, it will shatter into to a Save vs. Spells, but on a success still suffer a -2
tinkling planes of arcane mist. to all their rolls from the distraction of the
whirling halo. Creatures without visual senses are
immune to this spell.

Those who succumb to the spell must act at the

whims of the crystal’s violent frenzy. Roll 1D6 each
round: 1-Take no action, listen paralyzed to the
prism’s whispering. 2-Attack nearest foe. 3-Attack
nearest ally. 4-Attack nearest possible target.
5-Attack self. 6-May act normally.

Crystal Prison - Range: 10’, Duration: Permanent

The target’s soul is forced out of their body, and
3rd Level sent to the Place of Reflections: a timeless realm of
dreams and prisms; the source of all Empyrean
Anathema - Range: 10’, magics. The target’s body is transformed into a
Duration: Varies (1 Turn to Permanent) statue of Tomb Crystal. Damage to the statue
A means of melting away magic wards, disrupting injures the victim, and if the statue is destroyed
spells, or disenchanting objects created by other their soul will be lost forever. In this state the
casters. Minor effects (those produced by caster can communicate with the trapped soul,
magicians of lower level than the caster) are torment them with horrible visions, or release
automatically suppressed for 1 Turn. If the caster them to return to their body. The spell can also be
wishes to destroy a minor effect, or to temporarily used less maliciously as an emergency triage for
suppress a major magic (one produced by a dying allies. Injuries will be frozen in time while
magician of equal or higher level), they must roll their soul is trapped in the mirror world, allowing
under their level on a 1D10. time to prepare proper treatment. Unwilling
victims of Crystal Prison receive a Save vs. Spells
Mirror Step - Range: Self, to avoid its effects.
Duration: 2 Turns/Special
The wizard steps into the Place of Reflections. Wall of Crystal - Range: 10’, Duration: Permanent
While in this realm of mirrors, prisms, and Summons a wall of Tomb Crystal. For each level of
crystal, the wizard cannot be affected by any the caster, a 10’ x 10’ x 3’ growth springs forth.
action taken in normal reality. They can step out These may be arranged however the caster desires,
again on the following round, and may reappear in but will snap if unsupported for over 30’ (such as in
normal reality anywhere that is in visual range of an attempt to produce a bridge). Tomb Crystal is
the spot where they left it. When cast, a wizard enormously resistant to magic, heat, and cold, but
can take one 1 of these steps per caster level. brittle and easily shattered by mining tools.
Alternatively, they may choose to remain in the Broken Tomb Crystal will infect those nearby with
other realm for up to 2 Turns. Tomb Crystal Poisoning.
Crystal Storm - Range: 60’,
Duration: 2D6+2 Rounds
Summons a whirlwind of scintillating Tomb
Crystal. The gale scourges a 30’ x 30’ area. All
within suffer 1 HP of damage each round, and
must Save vs. Spells. Those who fail are blinded (-4
to all rolls), knocked prone (1 round to recover),
and suffer a level of Tomb Crystal poisoning.

5th Level Lithic Necromancy - Range: Touch,
Duration: 1 Day/Permanent
Mirror Walk - Range: Special, Duration: 1 Round With a 1 Turn ritual for each zombie, the wizard
The wizard opens a portal which connects any one conjures a growth of Tomb Crystal within a corpse,
reflective surface to any other that they have creating a Lith Zombie. The caster can create up to
previously seen. Distances are compressed along one zombie per level. The creatures created are
the Roads of Reflection and Dream which connect typical Lith Zombies: shambling, erupting with
the two portals. Travel is swift, but dangerous. Tomb Crystal, and hungry for life essence. The
These roads were not meant for fragile mortals. spell allows the Wizard to control them until the
The greater the distance traveled, and the more next sunrise, at which point the zombies are free
allies the Wizard brings with them, the more to hunt and devour any living creatures they
difficult it will be to cross the distance safely. Roll a encounter.
Wisdom check as follows, adding +1 to the roll for
each person traveling with the Wizard.: Lith Zombies (1D6)
AC 8 [11], HD 2 (HP 10), ATT 1 pummel (1D6)*,
THACO 20 (-1), MV 30’ (10’),
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 12
Journey is greater than the Local
* Crystal Encrusted: Lith Zombies always act
last. Those wounded in combat can become
1 2D6 poisoned when Tomb Crystal dust gets into
Dungeon or City map. their wounds. After combat, the wounded must
Journey is greater than the make a Con check or suffer a level of Tomb
2 3D6 Regional Map. Crystal poisoning. (see Appendix A).
Journey is greater than a
3 4D6 Continent.
Journey is beyond the Terrestrial
4 5D6 Sphere.
On success, the travelers emerge from the
destination portal mere moments after they set
out on their journey. On failure, their journey was
harrowing. Each traveler is reduced to 1 HP, and
the group must roll a number of times on the table
below. Roll the same number of D6 that the
Wizard rolled for their Wisdom check:


Horrific Premonitions. A random traveler
1 permanently loses 1D6 Wisdom.

2 Sky Shine. A random traveler is blinded.

3 Crystal Storms. All travelers are afflicted by
one level of Tomb Crystal Poisoning

4 Timeless Sojourn. 6 months passed while the

travelers were in the mirror realm.

5 Refraction. All treasure and valuables are

transformed into worthless Tomb Crystal.

6 Durance. A random traveler is lost in the Place

of Reflection, but may be recovered.

6th Level

Phantasmal Hunter - Range: N/A,

Duration: Special
An invisible horror is summoned from beyond the
fixed stars—notably, not from the Place of
Reflections. It is a titanic beast Anathema to the
terrestrial world. Such a beast is virtually
unknowable: a shimmering haze with claw and
fang, big enough to shake the earth with it runs,
and eager only to complete its task and return to
its natural realm. Our world is torture to a
Phantasmal Hunter. It resists being summoned,
and loathes its summoner. The spell requires 3
hours to cast and leaves the Wizard completely
exhausted because the creature resists being called
so fiercely. When the summoning is complete, the
Hunter is bound to hunt and kill a single enemy.
The Phantasmal Hunter will set off immediately,
pursue relentlessly, and launch themselves
recklessly at their target. They get to return home
regardless of success or death. Using this spell
means that if the caster ever finds themselves
beyond the globe of fixed stars, they will be torn to
pieces by the enraged inhabitants.

Phantasmal Hunter: AC -1 [20]*, HD 10 (HP

80), ATT 3 x claw (1d8) 1 x bite (2d6), THACO
11 (+8), MV 150’ (50’), SV D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10),
ML 12
* Phantasmal: The Hunter is intangible and
invisible, immune to normal weapon attacks
and all missile attacks (unless the attacker
can see the invisible).

Sanguine Rod: A length of greyish, nacreous ivory

a foot long. It’s topped with golden filigree
depicting long-finned whales with too many eyes.
When touched to a wound, the rod heals it (1D6/2
Healing) by draining life from the next intelligent
being it touches (1D6 Damage). Both touches
require over a minute of direct contact, meaning
the rod is ineffective as a weapon. However, the
willingness of the donor is not necessary.
Silvered Khopesh: An oversized hybrid of sword
and axe which functions as a two handed sword
(1D10). A liquid hydrargyrum core lends the
weapon weight, and prayers to Empyrean void
gods are inscribed in moonsilver along the blade.
The Silvered Khopesh will only break through
magical means, and can strike creatures that are
immune to mundane weapons.


An expanse of shocking red earth stains the Scarlet Town Thug:
Frontier’s Southeastern vastness. It’s not the AC 5 [14], F1 (HP 6), ATT1 (by weapon +1),
vermilion and orange of laterite, nor the purplish THACO 19 (+0), MV 90’(30’), SV D12 W13
pink of bauxite, but an unnatural and vibrant P14 B15 S16 (F1), ML 8
scarlet from rotten crystal. Atop the sanguinary
earth and beneath a cliff of red rock is Scarlet Brigandine, hand weapon. One or more: flask of
Town. The only settlement on the Crystal Frontier rotgut, gambling debts, debts, rotten teeth,
worthy of a name. It is a boom town, a vice town. wolfshead brand, lotus addiction, secret family,
It’s where mule trains stop to buy Occuliths in the hideous facial scarring, tale of tragic misery.
spring before the dust storms and killing heat; and
again in autumn before the frosts, but after the Thug Names: Above-Snakes, Borton,
mudslides. Tents, hovels, and hog pens boil Cayuse, Daiud, Elegant Blade, Fallus,
outwards from a scant fifty buildings of rammed Greta, Hardluck, Ignatz, Junior, Kate
red earth. The only civilized structures are the Murder, Langor n’ Strife, Mendacious, No
Speculator’s Hostel, built of imported wood, and Good, Ophelia, Poison, Quint, Robin
the crystal block edifice of the Allotrope’s Pierre, Thunderation, Uggfuck, V,
Tabernacle. The tent city bustles with a mix of Whiskey, Xena, Yuri, Zapata
gold-hungry Gem Robbers, and the dispossessed
who are both their predators, and prey.

A town filled with vileness, its very atmosphere

impregnated with the odour of abomination;
murder runs riot, drunkenness the rule, gambling
a universal pastime, fighting recreation. Powerful
Speculators wait in Scarlet town, purchasing
Occuliths to trade them to the yearly caravans at
obscene profit. They surround themselves with
simpering courtiers, and display their wealth by
weighing down their entourage with road-worn
finery and tomb gold. Wasteland farmers drive
their sounders of hogs to the slaughterhouses on
the edge of town, and waste what little wealth they
earn on low entertainments. Zealots of Allotrope
display the grisly crystal growing from beneath
their flesh, and preach of accepting the mineral
transubstantiation without fear. Everywhere the
town swarms with dangerous armed vagabonds
hungry for their next score.

The only law in Scarlet Town is the force of bared

steel, or the seduction of lustrous gold. In every
tent-roofed bar and rickety burlesque, one can
find a clumsy murderer offering their services for
5 coins. However, the Gem Robber gangs, powerful
syndicates, and the Tabernacle, all dabble in
something they call “lawkeeping.” The rules they
enforce often contradict one another. A flimsy
pretext for personal vendettas, rather than an
attempt to foster public tranquility.

Power in Scarlet Town is determined by how many

enforcers one can call on to manifest one’s will and
protect one’s interests. On any given day there are
10 + 1D6 Thugs for hire in town. If word gets
around that someone is on a hiring spree, 1D6
more will arrive each day. Thugs work for 5GP/day
if their job is safe (guarding a bar), 10GP/day if it’s
rough (fighting other thugs), and 100GP/day if
they’re being hired to attack an established
faction. BortoN - SellsWord

Jolly Diamond - 60 Thugs

SPECULATORS Buying Occulith for the Warlock King and his

court, Jolly Diamond is both a businessman and a
political operative. Part ambassador and merchant
adventurer, his good graces are the best way to
gain passage into the Bull Kingdom, and his death
risks Scarlet Town’s invasion by the Warlock King’s
legions. Diamond and his band are less gold
Speculators buy and transport Occuliths and tomb hungry than most in Scarlet Town and while they
treasure to the Imperial port of Aurum Ferro, or happily make a profit dealing in Occuliths, their
more rarely to the Warlock King’s capital at the schemes are deeper - a slow plot to bring Scarlet
Ford of Horns. The contents of their storehouses Town under the Bull Kingdom’s protection
are worth tens of thousands of GP, and they guard without invasion and the trade disruption it would
their wealth with entourages of hired thugs. require.
The Gem Consortium - 80 Thugs Leader: Jolly Diamond (F4). A middle-aged man
whose foppish outfit stretches across a muscled
The biggest buyers of Occulith in Scarlet Town frame and round gut. Jolly’s scarred visage and
serves the nameless forces of accumulation, diamond-studded smile (worth 3,000GP) are well
sending long trains of Occulith laden mules back known in the gambling and burlesque houses. He
across the mountains to unknown buyers. claims to be everyone’s friend, but is a sore loser,
grudge-holder, poisoner, and cheat. His foolish
Leader: Freytag the Heartless (F0). A sinister, schemes are held back only by a demon mark on
gray-suited eminence of unflappable dourness. his chest, which forces him to do his duty as the
Has a face like a sack of crabapples, and a glass of local emissary of the Bull Kingdom’s Warlock
brandy at hand. Offers flat, reasonably fair price King.
but is mercilessly devoted to profit without loyalty
or rancor. Enemies are hunted by Freytag’s cadre Desires: Control of Scarlet Town. Peace,
of five Ibian Assassins - huge silent eunuchs who prosperity, revenge, and debauch.
specialize in strangulation.
Fears: Mockery, shame, being devoured by the
Desires: Money, the more the better. A precious, demon trapped under his skin.
precocious child to teach and mold.

Fears: Disruption of trade. Messes.

Jolly Diamond
AC 2 [17], F4 (STR: 15) (HP 28),
ATT 1 x (by weapon+1), THACO 16 (+3),
Freytag the Heartless MV 90’ (30’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (F4),
AC 9 [10], F0 (INT: 16) (HP 2), ML 8
ATT 1 x (by weapon), THACO 20 (-1), MV
120’ (40’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), Full Plate Armor (AC 2 [17]) embossed with
ML 4 golden demons and bulls (2,500 GP), rapier
Pearl handled silver pen knife (1D2) (100 GP)

Silent Assassin (5)

AC 3 [16], F3 (STR: 18) (HP 21), AC 18[3],
ATT 2 x Punch (1d6) or Grapple*,
THACO 16 (+3) MV 30’,
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F3), ML 10

*Strangler: Grapple any one target they

strike and inflict 1D6 at the start of each
round to grappled target. Target can break
free by spending an action to roll 4D6
under their Strength.

Gem-studded, blue-black decarbunized steel

lamellar armor (AC 3 [16]) (1,000 GP)

Green Hills Investing Syndicate - 40 Thugs

The face of an emerging network of ruthless

peculation that has supplanted most functions of
government in the Imperial Province of Green
Hive. Cultishly avaricious, supremely wealthy,
sadistic, and utterly mercenary; a bloated carrion
bird gorging on the rotting Empire and sating its
desires with mercenary armies, cadres of
assassins, murderous magical sendings and
economic warfare. It’s thuggish fighters may wear
scuffed Imperial garrison siryons, but they are not
soldiers, only Scarlet Town thugs, even more
mercenary and sadistic than those that work for
most factions.
Leader: Tzaousios Fierce (F4). A disgraced cavalry There are numerous bands of small-time
officer, and a rakish, ringletted, martinet. explorers, adventurers, and tomb plunderers that
Tzaousios is terrified. The Crystal Frontier is no use Scarlet Town as a home base. Most of these
place for an unimaginative training officer, and claim 3 - 8 members, and very little influence. Only
her Syndicate bosses won’t tolerate economic the three largest Gem Robber gangs have enough
failure. She carries a book of military strategy with clout to be considered respectable members of
her, flipping through it constantly but never society.
seeming to find what she’s looking for. The best
she can do is to sagely intone maxims like “appear Adipose Mab - 12 Thugs
strong where you are weak,” and “when in doubt,
strike the enemy with your greatest strength.” Mab and her robbers fill an interesting niche in
Tzaousios is willing to engage in any dastardly act Scarlet Town, she’s a scholar and chirurgeon, not a
of murder and robbery she thinks she can get away fighter or explorer, and most of her considerable
with in order to satisfy her Syndicate masters, and success comes from the ability and willingness to
squirrel away enough money to escape them. read maps and Empyrean writings. It’s a skill that
even other Gem Robbers will pay Mab to
Desires: 5,000 GP earnings every month,. A new undertake.
identity, and passage to the Provence Maratime.
Leader: Adipose Mab is a scholar. She gets along
Fears: The Syndicate bosses back in Green Hive. with everyone, she helps people out, she’s open-
handed with her knowledge of the Frontier. A kind
and giving person, in a crusty sort of way—until
she isn’t. Then she calls in favors. She’s the first
Tzaousios Fierce one to note that her skills as a chirurgeon can be
AC 2 [17], F4 (HP 24), ATT 1 x (by weapon), put to unsavory and painful purposes. Mab’s
THACO 17 (+2), MV 60’ (20’), organization is small: her Gem Cutter,
SV D8 W9 P10 B11 S12 (F4), ML 10 bodyguards, and whatever recent arrivals she’s
keeping around to take advantage of. Like her,
Warded Heirloom Mirror Armor (AC 2[17]) [+2 they tend to be reasonable, even humane
to saves], Great Axe (1D10) considering the way business is normally done on
the Frontier. That doesn’t mean they aren’t greedy,
however, and their loyalty to anyone outside
themselves is minimal.

Desires: Money.
Fears: Dying in a hole, The Warlock King

See “The Scholar” Above for Statistics.

Big Tunny and the Dead Heart Boys - 8 Thugs

Toughs of a piratical manner, Bug Tunny’s gang of

ex-sailors isn’t malicious exactly, but they do insist
on being known as Scarlet Town’s premier
brawlers. On a spree they’re open handed, but
violent and bullying in their demands for respect.
They aren’t the best at finding tombs or cutting
crystal, but they’re masterful dungeoneers, and Graf - 25 Thugs
skilled fighters. Tunny has a core of six veteran
Gem Robbers, in addition to his gang of lesser The biggest gang of Gem Robbers in Scarlet Town,
followers. Graf ’s gang only rarely raids tombs of late,
becoming more of a civic organization that shakes
down independent businesses with protection
offers and only rides out when promised a big
Leader: Big Tunny is a normal-sized, middle-aged score.
man from the Kingdoms of the Pyre Sea. Though
the only thing that marks him as anything other Leader: Graf is old and rich. He is one of the first
than a dust-bitten Gem Robber is the ring he to have started plundering the tombs, and is the
wears, made from spiraling purple coral. It is a only one of his generation still at it. Graf ’s
sign of his devotion to the Great Leviathan. Tunny languid, world-weary demeanor is that of a hated
is serious about his work, and his Dead Hearts grandfather. He speaks in folksy aphorisms:
(they aren’t all boys, but all answer to the name) are “Pigs’ll eat anything,” “Yer yearnings are getting in
hard-eyed killers. the way of yer earnings,” and “Don’t take much to
guide my hand.” They’re almost always threats, but
Desires: Fame and power spoken in a tone of kindly advice. A tone that never
falters, even when Graf is perforating his
Fears: His estranged family and God. audience’s liver with his jeweled smallsword.
Graf ’s organization is rightly terrified of him.
These days Graf never delves the tombs himself,
instead drinking and polishing his reputation as
Scarlet Town’s best and most frequent duelist.
Big Tunny
AC 8 [11], Mu 3 (INT: 15, DEX: 13, CHR: 16) Desires: To see fear and pain in the eyes of his
(HP 10), ATT 1 x (by weapon or spell), victims.
THACO 19 (0), MV 120’ (40’), SV D13 W14
P13 B16 S15 (MU 3), ML 8 Fears: Nothing
Gold and pearl wand (900 GP), Brace of
daggers (4) (1D4), carved ivory spellbook
(Contains memorized spells) Graf
AC 4 [15], F6 (STR: 16, CON: 15, DEX: 13,
Memorized Spells: Sleep, Light, Knock CHR: 15) (HP 40), THACO 15 (+4) ATT 2 X
(by weapon +2)*, MV 120 (40’), SV D10 W11
Veteran Gemrobber (6) P12 B13 S14 (F6), ML 11
AC 4 [15], F2 (STR: 15) (HP 12), ATT 1 x (by *Rake: Graf is a murderous duelist, and in
weapon +1), THACO 18 (+1) MV 90’ (30’), combat with one opponent he will inflict
SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (F2), ML 10 x2 Damage on any hit roll over 15.

Brigandine (AC 5 [14]), shield, longsword/ Finest quality concealed mail shirt of
beaked axe/war hammer) (1d8), crossbow alchemical iron (appears solid gold) (AC 5 [14]),
(1D6), case of 30 bolts. Blood Drinking Smallsword (1D8 - inflicts 1
point AC and THACO penalty per hit), Dagger.

League of Saloonkeepers and Madams for the

Common Defense - 150 Thugs

Desires: Smooth business operations, increased

trade and wealth.

Fears: The Warlock King, The Syndicates, The

Empire — Invasion, famine, or loss of business
Greed and vice may be the primary concerns of
Scarlet Town, but its residents are not without a Leaders: Jem Blackstrap (as Thug) runs the
shred of fellow feeling, an inkling of the membership, but everything is decided by
advantages of mutual defense, and some fondness raucous, slow, and occasionally violent committee.
for a kind of civic order. These are secondary and Every tent bar built from two barrels and a plank
tertiary concerns. On the whole, the locals are has a couple bruisers on staff. Barfighters,
disorganized, and will respond slowly even to bouncers, pimps, and cold-eyed saloon dancers
serious threats. make up Scarlet Town’s militia. They arm
themselves with the variety of killing tools that
The Allotrope Tabernacle - 100 fanatics keep them safe in their trades. It’s a disorganized
mob held together by ad hoc leadership. Flimsy
The cult believes the magical pollution of Tomb handwritten membership cards are available for 10
Crystal is a path towards enlightenment. They are GP of dues paid to Jem Blackstrap (owner of the
dour, civic-minded types who elevate suffering to Syndicator’s Hostel), and serve as Scarlet Town’s
an act of worship. The Allotropes have no need for unofficial citizenship papers. The League won’t
underhanded cult tactics, because Lith Poisoning mobilize unless there’s a clear threat to the
spreads virulently enough on its own. A new community as a whole: bandit raids, Empyrean
Allotrope comes to the fold nearly every time incursions, Manticore swarm, or gang of arsonist
someone suffers from Lith Poisoning. If attacked, Gem Robbers on a spree. If the League is roused to
or if Scarlet Town is threatened, the Allotropes will action its sense of justice is draconian, its methods
rally to the defense with startling ferocity, and unsophisticated, and its fairness non-existent.
near-immunity to pain.

Leader: Sister Pellucid (as Fanatic) is the current

Hierophant of the Tabernacle—a job anyone holds
for very long. One day soon she will succumb to
the final sacrament of her Lith Poisoning. Then
she will be restrained in the chambers beneath the
tabernacle with all the other uncontrollable lith
wights. Until then, Pellucid leads from behind a
face almost entirely transmuted into blue Tomb
Crystal. She has no magic or special powers from
any deity, only a placid charisma and absolute
faith in her doctrine of endurance and suffering.

Desires: Spread the holy word. Solace sufferers

through the lithic apotheosis.

Fears: The greed and bigotry of humanity.


Cult Fanatic: AC 8 [11], F0 (HP 10), ATT 1 X

(by weapon), THACO 18 (+1)*, MV 120’
(40’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (NH), ML 12

*Fervor:Cult fanatics attack wildly with

abandon and are largely immune to pain,
these traits are reflected in their stats.

Skeeter Loge, a drunken old gem cutter, was stabbed and tossed on the dung heap yesterday.
2 Rumor has it he had just found a huge occulith, and was trying to cut a deal with the Green Hive
Syndicate. No gems were found on his corpse.
A sad band of child crusaders is down from the mountains to reclaim the Bull Kingdom for the
Empire. They’re thirty doomed children carrying a costly gold reliquary and the shriveled relic of
3 some Imperial Saint, already attracting covetous glances.
There’s a big, one-eyed Growlyhoot penned in the basement of the Speculator’s Hostel. You can pay
to fight it with a knife for a 5,000 GP prize. Mostly though, it’s used to dispose of people who annoy
4 the Syndicates, but you can bet on those fights too.
A man came into town yesterday wearing a big iron blade at his hip. He’s a bounty killer out of the
Pine Hells, and here’s here to do some business. He absolutely stinks of shadow sorcery and death.
5 No one knows who he’s after, and he won’t say his name.
Rot-Root the lotus dealer is out of stock. He’s waiting on a huge shipment from Aurum Ferro any
day now. The addicts are restless. The market is poised to be upturned by a cunning entrepreneur,
6 or a skilled hijacker.
Dust storms blow heavy off the waste, caking everything in red dirt. Failure to hunker down during
7 the next week will result in a level of Tomb Crystal poisoning.
Jolly is in a bad mood, having gambled so unwisely last night that he walked home naked from
Rochelle’s Vestry of Vice. Rochelle is concerned about the big man’s inevitable revenge. Should she
8 hire more protection, or find some way to mollify the Speculator?
The stars dropped last night. A shower of blazing light and booming explosions. Today every Gem
9 Robber gang in town is saddling up in a frenzy to claim the new crater sites.
Someone is raiding and burning across the Frontier. Yesterday, a band of hog farmers stumbled
into town dragging their wounded with them. Their homestead has been ravaged by riders in red
10 and black panoply.
Old Graf’s called some poor fool out to duel again. It’s not yet clear who, but the challenge is set for
tomorrow night. Graf has never lost, so the gamblers’ odds are 30 to 1. Unless you’re betting or
11 want to watch someone slowly filleted by a withered old murderer, it’s best to steer clear.
The big hog drive has come in from the plains! They’re murderous, red-eyed things almost the size
of a horse. Meat will be cheap for awhile as the slaughterhouses fill the air with the stink of blood.
12 It’s a time for settling scores and feeding vendettas, usually to the hogs.
A sawt of manticores has been circling near Scarlet Town. The cruel brutes will start snatching and
devouring the unwary soon enough. If they find too much success they might even attack the
13 town.

The festival of the Golden Emperor is coming up, and the town is abuzz with good cheer. It’s an
Imperial Holiday, but popular all the same as it is devoted to wealth and sharp business. The
festival promises to be a hootenanny this year. In addition to the parade and bacchanal, the
14 Saloonkeepers claim to have hidden 500 GP in money and drink chits around town to encourage
lucky treasure hunting.
Jem Blackstrap of the Speculator’s Hostel is frantic about a missing shipment of off-season
candied, pickled, jellied, and dried delicacies. Suspiciously, the quality of Asher’s Special at his
15 Stewmeat Pavilion has dramatically increased.
The Green Hills Syndicate is calling in loans, obligations, and indentures. Businesses are closing as
they attempt to sell cheap, and several respectable townsfolk have reportedly fled into the
16 wilderness. Tzaousios Fierce isn’t happy about the situation, but she needs an extra 3,000 GP by
next week to meet her benchmarks.
The Allotropes are more sinister than they look. The cellar of their temple is full of the lith-cursed
17 monstrosities they make from people—and the occuliths they grow from their bodies.
A gaunt warlock calling himself Rackav Thornclaw has just arrived in town. He’s passing around
badly etched cartes de visite that say he’s available for “consultation on matters numinous”—
18 offering to sell spells.
A tent bar owner by the name of Handsome Nell claims her bar plank was stolen by Xipos, chandler
of “Xipos’ Adequate Supply.” Business is ruined until she can find another plank. Nell, her regulars,
19 and her bouncer have pledged to recover the bar, and burn Xipos’ tent.
Murder! Not the usual bar stabbing or revenge strangling but a string of grisly killings that have all
the marks of ritualistic killings. The Allotropes are offering 500GP to find the killer, though gossip
20 hints they’re trying to hide their guilt..


7. Chambered Hall

Unlocked Bronze Doors

between niches (a-h). 15. Sealed Tomb
a. Treasure in filth filled
tomb. Behind crystal wall, 14. Facted Shrine
treasures in tombs. (Dark)
b. Statutes, treasure. 16. Tomb of Nobles
Light triggers blindness (Dark)
c. 12 coffins, child mummies, trap. Treasure on trapped
treasure. altar. West wall to 15 Treasures is 8 sealed
transparent. coffins. Guardian Demon
d. 9 Glass Spiders, webs and in coffin.

e. Sealed tombs, 2 Revenants 13. Tomb of Traitors

of Greed within. (Dim)
f. Statue with hexed sword, h 13 trapped crystals 17. Guardian Cell
SECRET DOOR to 13. hold Empyrean (Dark)
g Wraiths.
g. EXIT TO SURFACE, Guardian, geased to
guarded above. bearowl lair. protect area. Armored
9. Stylite’s Tomb bodies.
h. Tar soaked bones. (Dark)
Stylite and his 6
e eyes waits on 18. Crypt Throne
pillar in flooded (Dim)
d chamber.
Dead King on
c throne, weight
triggers burning
12. Bronze Portal
(Dark) ray trap. Occulith
Orb on lap.
8. Prism Tomb Puzzle door.
(Light) b Treasure in
braizers. 11. Muraled Hall
Tiled floor triggers
burning rays a Spear trap on
outside safe steps.
pattern. Coffins
with treasure,
Sleeper in coffin
10. Geode Grave

512 Lith Zombies. Attack any

entering the pit. Locked doors.
6. Encysted Beast

Stairs to Bloated
Monstrosity that cries
in well below.

3. Gilded Crossroad
(Outdoor Light) 2. Mirror of the Past
Treasure - gold vein,
noisy, 2 Turns to Visions of Tomb’s
5. Murkvey’s Camp History
(Outdoor Dim) remove.

2 Lith Zombies and 1 Lith

Wight (Murkvey) in 4. Singing Crystals 1. Surface Shaft
shrouds. Supplies & (Dark) (Outdoor Light)
treasure in saddlebags. EXIT TO SURFACE
Bodies in center of crystal
web with armor. Tiny crystals. Crystal
Touching crystals triggers poisoning if crushed.
sonic trap.

Name AC MV C0nditions Light
1 GP
1 2 GP
3 GP
4 GP
3 5 GP
4 6 GP
5 7 GP
8 GP
9 GP
7 10 GP
8 11 GP
12 GP
13 GP
Total Value

Roll 1D6 Each Turn (on a 1, Random Encounter, on a 2 an Omen)

TURN TRACKER & Check a box: Turn Passes Torch Burns Lantern Burns

½ Day

1 Day

Roll 2D6 (2- Attack, 3-5 - Hostile, 6-8 Neutral,

FACTION REPUTATIONS 9-11 Indifferent, 12 - Helpful)
Allied Positive Neutral Wary Hostile Hatred
(Friendly) (+2) (-2) (-4) (Attack)
Mab Start

Murkvey Start

Stylite Start

Sleeper Start

Guardian Geas
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dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and Gary Gygax.
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of Crab, Monstrous from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games,
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, Fly, Giant from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified Golem, Wood from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which Authors Scott Greene and Patrick Lawinger.
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the Kamadan from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Nick Louth.
identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by
use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Gary Gygax.
Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the Labyrinth Lord™ © 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.
licensee in terms of this agreement. B/X Essentials: Core Rules © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that B/X Essentials: Classes and Equipment © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used Norman.
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open B/X Essentials: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from Gavin Norman.
this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or B/X Essentials: Monsters © 2017 Gavin Norman. Author Gavin Norman.
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using B/X Essentials: Adventures and Treasures © 2018 Gavin Norman. Author
this License. Gavin Norman.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Old-School Essentials Core Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.Old-School
acceptance of the terms of this License. Essentials Classic Fantasy: Genre Rules © 2018 Gavin Norman.Old-School
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Essentials Classic Fantasy: Cleric and Magic-User Spells © 2018 Gavin
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Norman.
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Monsters © 2018 Gavin Norman.
Game Content. Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Treasures © 2018 Gavin Norman.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome © 2019 Gavin Norman.
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Old-School Essentials System Reference Document © 2019 Gavin Norman.
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to Author Gavin Norman.
grant the rights conveyed by this License. Tomb Robbers of the Crystal Frontier © 2021 Ratking Productions. Author
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Gus L.
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or END OF LICENSE
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the
copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open “Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. The trademark
Game Content you Distribute. and Old-School Essentials logo are used with permission of Necrotic
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, Gnome, under license
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner
of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open My grateful thanks to my editors, readers, and play
Game Content. testers, Pat Wetmore, Trey, Humza and the rest of the
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this Hydra heads, Luka R, Brendan S, all those in this odd
License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally little hobby who have supported or shared excitement
distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every about this project or my previous works, and a special
copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. thanks to the kind folks a MAMR, who have continued to
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open encourage Tomb Robbers despite my endless waving
Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written about of half finished art and terrible font choices.
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content - Gus L. - June 2021 -
due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
Use any Open Game Material so affected.
“This is the dead land

This is cactus land

Here the stone images

Are raised, here they receive

The supplication of a dead man’s hand

Under the twinkle of a fading star.”

—T.S. Elliot,The Hollow Men

Roaring across the night, falling sky palaces crater the broken
land in the shadow of the Maiden Tomb mountains. Cracked
and shattered on the prickly pear plain, fragments from beyond
the fixed stars leach magical esters through the tormented
earth, corrupting life and spreading crystalline contagion. Yet
the ruined edifices of vibrant crystal hold wealth and power to
lure foolish and desperate fortune seekers to test fate on the
the Crystal Frontier.

An introductory dungeon crawl adventure playable with Old

School Essentials.

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