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Prisons Department - Grant of special remission to certain life convicts on the

occasion of Independence Day, 2004 Recommendation of the Committee

Approved-Remission to 602 life convicts - Granted - Orders -Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.196, Dated: 13-08-2004.

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No.189, Home (Prisons-C) Department, Dated: 07-08-2004 read

with G.O.Ms.No.192, Home (Prisons-C) Department, Dated: 10-08-2004.
2. G.O.Ms.No.190, Home (Prisons-C) Department, Dated: 07-08-2004.
3. From the DG&IGP&cS, AP, Hyderabad, Letter No.SA2/423/2004, Dated:

On the occasion of Independence Day, 2004, Government have decided to

who had been
grant remission of sentence to certain categories of prisoners,
convicted for the offences against laws relating to matters to which the executive
power of the State extends. Accordingly, vide reference first to second read
above Government have issued guidelines. In the reference second read above,
constituted to examine the cases of life convicts, who
a committee has also been
recommend to the Government for
fulill the conditions laid therein and
General of Prisons &
consideration. The Director General & Inspector
Andhra vide
Pradesh, Hyderabad his letter third read above
Correctional Services,
Government. The Committee met on 10-8-2004 at
has sent proposal to the Home
of Principal Secretary to Government,
10-30 AM in the Office Chambers recommended
examination of each case,
(Prisons) Department and after thorough
release of 602 life convicts.
for premature
Constitution of
conferred by Article 161 of the
2. In exercise of the powers of sentence as on
to remit the un-expired
India, the Governor is pleased convicts shown in Annexure to this
two (602) life
15-08-2004 of six hundred and
General of Prisons & Correctional
The Director General & Inspector the
3. to take action for release of
Services, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is requested
prisoners shown in Annexure to this


General of Prisons &
The Director General & Inspector
Services, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Central Prisons
The Superintendents of Jails, Women in the State.
Colonies/ State Jails for
Prisoners Agricultural
District Jails in the State.
The Superintendents of
Copy to: Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
The Director, Information& Public Relations,
to M (Home)/ Prl.Secy.
to Prl.Secy. to CM/PS
The PS
The Law (E) Department.
Oice of the
Director General &
Inspector General of Prisons& CS,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Sub: Prisons Department premature release of Non-lifers on the
occasion of Independence Day
2004 Certain instructions
issued Regarding.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.189 Home (Prisons.C) Department dt. 7.8.2004.
2. G.0.Ms.No.192 Home (Prisons.C) Department dt. 10.8.2004.
3. G.O.Ms.No.197 Home (Prisons.C) Department dt. 13.8.2004
The Officers of the Department are aware that the Government have issued
certain guidelines in the references 1st a d and 2 cited above to process the
cases of Non-lifers who fall under those guidelines for their premature release.
Accordingly, the list of the eligible prisoners was sent to Government. The
Government vide the reference 3d cited above have issued orders for release of
448 (Four hundred and forty eight) Non-lifers. A copy to the G.0. Ms.No. 197
cited in the 3 reference along with Annexure is communicated herewith to the
RUnit Officers concerñed for taking immediate necessary action and to release the
prisoners. In this regard it is informed that some of the Superintendents of Jails
are seeking clarification from Head Office about release of prisoners who are
overstaying on Parole / Furlough unauthorizedly and some of the prisoners who
are convicted to substantive as well as default sentences. To have clarity in the
matter the following instructions are issued for strict compliance:
1 . Prisoners who are not in Prison and overstaying on Parole Furlough
unauthorizedly are not entitled to be released even if their names are
found in the Annexure to the G.0. 3 cited.
2 . Where a prisoner is convicted to substantive sentence and also fine
sentence such prisoner is not entitled to be released if he does not
complete half of the substantive sentence including remission. i.e. a fine
sentence or indefault sentence cannot clubbed while arriving at half of the
sentence including remission.
3 . If a prisoner is convicted to sentences in more than one case or for
different counts in a single case and if such sentences are ordered to run
consequently, such prisoner is not entitled for release in the second case or
any other cases.
4. The remission and remittance of sentences ordered in the G.0. cited above
are applicable för substantive sentences only. Indefault sentence starts
from the date of release from substantive sentence i.e. from 15.8.2004.
5. Al the Officers mentioned at the address entry from whom the Non-lifers
are getting released are
requested to once again check, re-check
the eligibility in terms of the conditions laid down in the G.0. and
1 cited.
They shall effect releases only after satisfying themselves that the
prisoners shown in the G.0. 3 cited are eligible and fulfil all the
conditions stipulated in the G.0s. 13 and 2" cited above.
not to release anyineligible prisoner
es his
6. They are further instructed
the G.0.3 cited. In respect Ciese
name is found in the Annexure to
clarification from Head Office.
prisoners are requested to seek
of prisoners released after
7. They are further requested to inform the no.
awarded. In a similar manner
granting one month remission for each year
inform the no. of prisoners released
after granting special
they should
remission 15 days to those who are undergoing sentence less than one year.
Director General &
Inspector General of Prisons & CS
The Superintendents, Central Prisons (All)
The Superintendents, Prisoners' Agricultural Colonies (Both)
The Superintendents, District Jails (All)
The Superintendents, State Jails for Women (Both)
The Superintendent, Sub Jail, Kurnool.
Copy to the Deputy Inspectors General of Prisons (Al)
Copy to the District Sub Jails Officer, Kurnool District.
1l Forwarded by Order!

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