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About Stephanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

About This Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Block One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Block Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Who Is This Program For?

Block Three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Optional 4th Day

List of Abbreviations & Key Terms . . . . . . . . . . .

Training Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Block One
Advanced Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Block Two
Mind-Muscle Connection

Block Three
Eccentric-Accentuated Loading

Warm Up Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Constant Tension


References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Stephanie Buttermore is a PhD who has transitioned from the world of
academia for a world of sharing her life and passion for the things she loves.
Using her YouTube and social media platforms, she entertains, and most
importantly, educates on the scientific principles of training and nutrition,
blending her years of reading and writing scientific literature with her passion
for exercise and fitness.


BS Micro/Molecular Biology University of Central Florida

MS Medical Sciences, Women’s Health, University of South Florida

MS Medical Sciences, Pathology & Cell Biology, University of South Florida

- PhD Biomedical Sciences, Pathology & Cell Biology, University of South Florida

Research Background

Dr. Buttermore’s doctoral research focused primarily on early

detection screening markers of ovarian cancer (OC) and the
molecular mechanisms driving OC. Through her work, she
discovered that a protein called Receptor for Hyaluronan
Mediated Motility (RHAMM) was up regulated in OC cell lines,
OC tissue and OC patient urine. She demonstrated that RHAMM
could be used in conjunction with other screening modalities as a
viable early detection urinary screening marker (patent). If you
are interested in her work, her dissertation is available to read on
her website (

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 1

About This Program
This program is for all my busy ladies out there who want to workout for their health and improve their overall
body composition, but don’t want to spend hours and hours in the gym. Whether you are a busy mom with a full-
time job, busy college student, caretaker for your parents or just a gal with priorities other than living in the gym,
I think you’ll enjoy these fast and challenging workouts. Every workout is designed to be efficient without
sacrificing effectiveness by implementing training techniques that can get the same muscular stimulation in less
time, as well as save time on setup by electing to use machines and dumbbells.

Depending on the placement of the equipment in your gym and your level of advancement, each workout should
take roughly an hour.


12-week program (three 4-week training blocks)

3 days/week full body workouts (lower body focused)

Optional 4th Day that can be done at home or the gym

- Video Demonstrations for every exercise

Instructional cues for each exercise

Who Is This Program For?

This program can be run by beginners, intermediate or advanced level lifters. Since the program is primarily
dumbbell, cable and machine based, experience with proper technique on advanced level barbell lifts is not
required. This program uses the RPE scale to determine the weight you should use and the effort you need to
exert (see RPE page in Training 101 PDF), so a beginner will have a different RPE than an advanced lifter. This
makes it possible to prescribe the same workouts to varying levels of lifters as you will be the one to determine
how heavy the weight should be or how hard you should exert yourself based on your personal strength and

Optional 4th Day

Every block contains 3 full body workouts per week as the “main” workouts, however I included a 4th optional
day for those who have the time and desire to train another day. I wanted this workout to be possible in a gym or
at home for those who have some basic at-home equipment. This day is an added hypertrophy workout that will
increase total weekly volume BUT it is not necessary to get the most out of this program. The workouts are not
highly fatiguing on purpose, because you need to recover for the main workouts. Increasing volume beyond the
main workouts will add some benefit but by no means make or break your results if you don’t have the time. But if
you do and you want to, then these optional days are a great addition to the training week!

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 2


Each workout in block one will This block will be more strength This block will be the most
begin with two primary, strength focused than block one but still strength focused of all the three
exercises followed by exercises incorporates a lot of exercise blocks. Day 1 of each training
grouped into supersets. For more variety and hypertrophy style week will be deliberately strength
explanation on supersets and training. The two primary dominated with a linear
how to do them, see page 62. strength movements will progression across the block. This
This block will prime your body encourage higher exertion than will be balanced out with two
for future blocks by incorporating the previous block therefore the hypertrophy workouts that focus
a lot of exercise variety as well as workout will be more challenging. on mind-muscle connection
a wider rep range. This With higher full body exertion, (MMC Page 60). These two
hypertrophy block primarily uses this block will be lower volume to hypertrophy workouts also keep
dumbbell and machine based account for fatigue management.

the workouts more enjoyable and
exercises and includes a lot of round out the training week with
techniques that enhance an a balance of strength,
exercise like eccentric More exercises using the smith hypertrophy, and fun. The MMC
accentuated movements (page machine are introduced in this days will return to using
61) and constant tension (page block, in addition to cables, supersets as in previous blocks.
62). This will double as warming machines and dumbbells to
up with working sets and ensure efficient setup. Using the
minimize how heavy you need to smith machine enables the
go for the set to be effective, inclusion of compound
which saves time. For example, movements without having to
hypertrophy is shown to be the setup a barbell in a rack. Similar
same in accentuated eccentrics to block one, the first two
with less weight when compared exercises may take a lot of the
to a standard tempo using higher total allotted time, but the rest of

the workout will move much
The first two primary exercises
may take 20 minutes, as these
are meant to be done in a
standard fashion with longer rest
times, but the rest of the workout
should move more quickly. So do
not be discouraged if you finish
the first two exercises and you
still have a lot to do. The
supersets will be more time

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 3


Anything to increase core body

temperature (Ex: treadmill, stationary
LISS CARDIO See Notes N/A 5-10min
bike, jumping jacks, side to side steps,

Focus on engaging your core, breathe

CAT/COW Watch Demo 2 10/10 throughout the movement. gradually
use a larger range of motion.

Squat and push elbows against knees,


HIP FLEXOR Watch Demo 2 6/6 lean weight to open each hip, 6 reps
SQUAT each side

Circle arms forward and backwards (10

ARM CIRCLES Watch Demo 2 10
each direction)

Watch Demo 2 20 Use light band. Hold band at shoulder
APART height. Pull band straight back.

Touch your toes, squat down, then
Watch Demo 2 10
TO SQUAT reverse the movement

Optional when needed: primarily hit

FOAM ROLL Watch Demo N/A <5min your back, lats, glutes, quads, and

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 4

program Block 1: Week 1 DAY 1
WEEK 1 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

2-3 Place your feet high and wide on the

1 Leg Press Watch Demo 3 8 min 8 platform. Drive with heels and contract

Machine Shoulder 2-3 Avoid locking elbows at the top, control the
2 Press Watch Demo 3 10 min 8 movement. Drive up and focus on
Only slow down the lowering phase (4 sec).
3A Eccentric Accentuated 30
Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin
Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 2 8 sec 7 before going back up. Focus on hamstrings,
don’t use your back.

Single Arm 30
Bend at hips or use a bench to lean on. Fully

3B Dumbbell Row Watch Demo 2 12 sec 8 extend arm and contract lat. Indicated reps
per arm.
3-second pause with legs apart. Contract
4A Pause Machine Hip Watch Demo 2 10 30
8 glutes as you push leg pads apart with the
Abduction sec strongest squeeze in full ROM. Keep
movement controlled.

Hold a weight (DB, kettlebell, or plate) in
4B Standing Side Crunch Watch Demo 2 15 7 one hand. Crunch to side while contracting
sec oblique. Indicated reps for each side.
Initiate the movement with your pinky
5A Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 3 12 30
8 finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise
Raise sec arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Dumbbell Bent Over 30

Bend at hips, hold DB with neutral grip.
5B Rear Delt Raise Watch Demo 3 15 sec 8 Sweep the weight "out", not "back". Can
also be done seated.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 5

Block 1: Week 1 DAY 2
Rest set 1 set 2
WEEK 1 # Exercise demo SETS REPS time RPE set 3 NOTES

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 3 8 2-3 8 extension machine or on a smith machine with a
min bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Machine Chest Press Watch Demo 3 10 2-3 8 Contract chest and press while keeping
2 min elbows flared at 45 degree angle.

Look down at toe while stepping back with a

3A Dumbbell Reverse Watch Demo 2 10 30
7 slight forward lean.Can hold dumbbells at
Lunge sec your sides or hold one to your chest. Reps
are per leg.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.

3B Dumbbell Front Raise Watch Demo 2 15 sec 8 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
and focus on front delt to lift the weight.
Hold on with hand over hand. Step back,
4A Cable Standing Glute Watch Demo 2 10 30
8 bend at hips, and lean forward. Knee starts
Kickback sec bent, tucked to chest. Straighten leg as you
kick back and up.

Cable Standing Hip Use one hand to hold on for stability and
4B Watch Demo 2 10 30
8 raise leg out with slight bend in knee. Really
Abduction sec focus on your side glute.

Eccentric Accentuated 3 second lowering phase. Start with DB at

5A Watch Demo 2 15 30
8 your sides and turn DB so palms face up as
Dumbbell Bicep Curl sec you curl and contract your biceps.
Try to keep elbow tucked in close to your head, only
5B Dumbbell Overhead Watch Demo 2 12 30
8 letting it flare slightly. Start with DB straight up and
Elbow Extension sec lower behind head, bending elbow to 90 degree
angle and back up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 6

Block 1: Week 1 DAY 3
WEEK 1 Exercise

RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart, point

1 Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 2 10 2-3
7 toes out in sumo stance. Hold dumbbell or
min kettlebell chest height. Squeeze glutes as
you drive feet into floor.

Eccentric-Accentuated 4 second eccentric (up direction). Hands

2 Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 3 8 2
7 slightly wider than shoulder width and pull
min down to chest with a slight lean back.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.
3A Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 15 sec 8 Make sure to control the movement as you
contract and release.

Grip rope palms down. Pull rope towards

3B Seated Rope Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 30
7 head while pulling the rope apart to either
sec side of head.

Contract your quads as you extend knee.

4A Leg Extension Watch Demo 2 20 30
8 Don't lock knees and control the movement.

4B Machine Ab Crunch Watch Demo 2 12 30

8 Don't use your arms to pull down, flex abs
sec to crunch down

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity
5 Cardio N/A N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 7

Block 1: Week 1 OPTIONAL DAY
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3
WEEK 1 # Exercise demo SETS time NOTES

1A Bodyweight Bulgarian Watch Demo 3 12 0

7 Use a bench (or chair if at home) to rest
Split Squat sec back foot. Reps are per leg.

Knee-Banded Glute 1
Push knees out against band while

1B Bridge Watch Demo 20 min 7 thrusting up. Contract your glutes at the

Aim for 8-10 reps. If it is too hard, go
2A Push-up Watch Demo 2 AMRAP sec 7 down on knees or stand at an angle while
pushing against a wall.

Use a bench or chair for stability. Use

2B Single Arm Dumbbell Watch Demo 2 10 1
7 neutral grip to row weight up while
Row min contracting your lat.

3A Plank Watch Demo 3 :30 0

7 Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
sec floor without hips sagging.

3B Knee-Banded Hip Watch Demo 3 20 1

7 Sit on chair or bench with band around
Abduction min knees. Push knees out against band.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 8

Block 1: Week 2 DAY 1
WEEK 2 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

2-3 Place your feet high and wide on the

1 Leg Press Watch Demo 3 8 min 9 platform. Drive with heels and contract

Machine Shoulder 2-3 Avoid locking elbows at the top, control the
2 Press Watch Demo 3 10 min 9 movement. Drive up and focus on
Only slow down the lowering phase (4 sec).
3A Eccentric Accentuated 30
Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin
Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 2 8 sec 8 before going back up. Focus on hamstrings,
don’t use your back.

Single Arm 30
Bend at hips or use a bench to lean on. Fully

3B Dumbbell Row Watch Demo 2 12 sec 8 extend arm and contract lat. Indicated reps
per arm.
3-second pause with legs apart. Contract
4A Pause Machine Hip Watch Demo 2 10 30
9 glutes as you push leg pads apart with the
Abduction sec strongest squeeze in full ROM. Keep
movement controlled.

Hold a weight (DB, kettlebell, or plate) in
4B Standing Side Crunch Watch Demo 2 15 8 one hand. Crunch to side while contracting
sec oblique. Indicated reps for each side.
Initiate the movement with your pinky
5A Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 3 12 30
9 finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise
Raise sec arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Dumbbell Bent Over 30

Bend at hips, hold DB with neutral grip.
5B Rear Delt Raise Watch Demo 3 15 sec 9 Sweep the weight "out", not "back". Can
also be done seated.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 9

Block 1: Week 2 DAY 2
WEEK 2 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time
If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg
1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 3 8 2-3 9 extension machine or on a smith machine with a
min bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Machine Chest Press Watch Demo 3 10 2-3 9 Contract chest and press while keeping
2 min elbows flared at 45 degree angle.

Look down at toe while stepping back with a

3A Dumbbell Reverse Watch Demo 2 10 30
8 slight forward lean.Can hold dumbbells at
Lunge sec your sides or hold one to your chest. Reps
are per leg.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.

3B Dumbbell Front Raise Watch Demo 2 15 sec 8 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
and focus on front delt to lift the weight.
Hold on with hand over hand. Step back,
4A Cable Standing Glute Watch Demo 2 10 30
9 bend at hips, and lean forward. Knee starts
Kickback sec bent, tucked to chest. Straighten leg as you
kick back and up.

Cable Standing Hip Use one hand to hold on for stability and
4B Watch Demo 2 10 30
9 raise leg out with slight bend in knee. Really
Abduction sec focus on your side glute.

Eccentric Accentuated 3 second lowering phase. Start with DB at

5A Watch Demo 2 15 30
9 your sides and turn DB so palms face up as
Dumbbell Bicep Curl sec you curl and contract your biceps.

Try to keep elbow tucked in close to your head, only

5B Dumbbell Overhead Watch Demo 2 12 30
9 letting it flare slightly. Start with DB straight up and
Elbow Extension sec lower behind head, bending elbow to 90 degree
angle and back up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 10

Block 1: Week 2 DAY 3
WEEK 2 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time
Feet wider than shoulder width apart, point
1 Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 2 10 2-3
8 toes out in sumo stance. Hold dumbbell or
min kettlebell chest height. Squeeze glutes as
you drive feet into floor.

Eccentric-Accentuated 2
4 second eccentric (up direction). Hands
2 Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 3 8 min 8 slightly wider than shoulder width and pull
down to chest with a slight lean back.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

3A Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 15 30
8 Make sure to control the movement as you
sec contract and release.

Grip rope palms down. Pull rope towards

3B Seated Rope Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 30
9 head while pulling the rope apart to either
sec side of head.

Contract your quads as you extend knee.

4A Leg Extension Watch Demo 2 20 30
9 Don't lock knees and control the
sec movement.

4B Machine Ab Crunch Watch Demo 2 12 30

9 Don't use your arms to pull down, flex abs
sec to crunch down

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity
5 Cardio N/A N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 11

Block 1: Week 2 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 2 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

1A Bodyweight Bulgarian Watch Demo 3 13 0

8 Use a bench (or chair if at home) to rest
Split Squat sec back foot. Reps are per leg.

Knee-Banded Glute 3 1
Push knees out against band while

1B Bridge Watch Demo 22 min 8 thrusting up. Contract your glutes at the

Aim for 8-10 reps. If it is too hard, go
2A Push-up Watch Demo 2 AMRAP sec 8 down on knees or stand at an angle while
pushing against a wall.

Use a bench or chair for stability. Use

2B Single Arm Dumbbell Watch Demo 2 10 1
8 neutral grip to row weight up while
Row min contracting your lat.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
3A Plank Watch Demo 3 :45 8 floor without hips sagging.

3B Knee-Banded Hip Watch Demo 3 25 1

8 Sit on chair or bench with band around
Abduction min knees. Push knees out against band.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 12

Block 1: Week 3 DAY 1
video W ORKING
REPS Rest RPE set1 set2 t
se 3 NOTES
demo SETS time

Place your feet high and wide on the

1 Leg Press Watch Demo 3 8 2-3
9 platform. Drive with heels and contract

Avoid locking elbows at the top, control the

Machine Shoulder
2 Press
Watch Demo 3 10 2-3
9 movement. Drive up and focus on

Only slow down the lowering phase (4 sec).

Eccentric Accentuated Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin
Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 2 8 30

9 before going back up. Focus on hamstrings,
don’t use your back.

Bend at hips or use a bench to lean on. Fully


Single Arm
3B Dumbbell Row Watch Demo 2 12 30

8 extend arm and contract lat. Indicated reps
per arm.

3-second pause with legs apart. Contract

Pause Machine Hip
Watch Demo 2 10 30

glutes as you push leg pads apart with the
q z
strongest s uee e in full ROM. Keep
movement controlled.

Hold a weight (DB, ke lebell, or plate) in
4B Standing Side Crunch Watch Demo 2 15 30
8 one hand. Crunch to side while contracting
sec q
obli ue. Indicated reps for each side.

Initiate the movement with your pinky

5A Dumbbell Lateral
Watch Demo 3 12 30
fi fi
nger higher than your pointer nger. Raise
Raise sec arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Bend at hips, hold DB with neutral grip.

Dumbbell Bent Over
Rear Delt Raise Watch Demo 3 15

9 " " "
Sweep the weight out , not back . Can"
also be done seated.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 13

Block 1: Week 3 DAY 2
WEEK 3 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

Machine Hip Thrust 2-3 extension machine or on a smith machine with a
1 Watch Demo 3 8 9 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

2-3 Contract chest and press while keeping

2 Machine Chest Press Watch Demo 3 10 9 elbows flared at 45 degree angle.

Look down at toe while stepping back with a

Dumbbell Reverse 30
slight forward lean.Can hold dumbbells at
3A Watch Demo 2 10 8
Lunge sec your sides or hold one to your chest. Reps
are per leg.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.


Dumbbell Front Raise 30

Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
3B Watch Demo 2 15 8
sec and focus on front delt to lift the weight.

Hold on with hand over hand. Step back,

4A Cable Standing Glute 30
bend at hips, and lean forward. Knee starts
Watch Demo 2 10 9
Kickback sec bent, tucked to chest. Straighten leg as you
kick back and up.

Cable Standing Hip Use one hand to hold on for stability and
4B 30
raise leg out with slight bend in knee. Really
Abduction Watch Demo 2 10 9
sec focus on your side glute.

3 second lowering phase. Start with DB at

Eccentric Accentuated 30

5A Watch Demo 2 15 9 your sides and turn DB so palms face up as

Dumbbell Bicep Curl sec you curl and contract your biceps.

Try to keep elbow tucked in close to your head, only

Dumbbell Overhead 30
letting it flare slightly. Start with DB straight up and
5B Watch Demo 2 12 9
Elbow Extension sec lower behind head, bending elbow to 90 degree
angle and back up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 14

Block 1: Week 3 DAY 3
WEEK 3 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart, point

toes out in sumo stance. Hold dumbbell or
1 Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 2 10 8
min kettlebell chest height. Squeeze glutes as
you drive feet into floor.

Eccentric-Accentuated 4 second eccentric (up direction). Hands


2 Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 3 8 8 slightly wider than shoulder width and pull
down to chest with a slight lean back.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

Machine Leg Curl 30
Make sure to control the movement as you
3A Watch Demo 2 15 8
sec contract and release.

Grip rope palms down. Pull rope towards

head while pulling the rope apart to either
3B Seated Rope Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 9
sec side of head.

Contract your quads as you extend knee.

4A Leg Extension Watch Demo 2 20 30
9 Don't lock knees and control the
sec movement.

Don't use your arms to pull down, flex abs
4B Machine Ab Crunch Watch Demo 2 12 9
sec to crunch down

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity

5 Cardio N/A 10-15
N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 15

Block 1: Week 3 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 3 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Bodyweight Bulgarian 0
Use a bench (or chair if at home) to rest
1A Split Squat Watch Demo 3 13 8 back foot. Reps are per leg.

Knee-Banded Glute Push knees out against band while


1B Bridge Watch Demo 3 22 8 thrusting up. Contract your glutes at the


Aim for 8-10 reps. If it is too hard, go

Push-up 3 30
down on knees or stand at an angle while
2A Watch Demo AMRAP 8
sec pushing against a wall.

Use a bench or chair for stability. Use

Single Arm Dumbbell 1
neutral grip to row weight up while
2B Row Watch Demo 3 10 8
min contracting your lat.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
3A Plank Watch Demo 3 :45 8
sec floor without hips sagging.

Knee-Banded Hip 1
Sit on chair or bench with band around
3B Watch Demo 3 25 8 knees. Push knees out against band.
Abduction min

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 16

Block 1: Week 4 DAY 1
video W ORKING
REPS Rest RPE set1 set2 set3 NOTES
demo SETS time

Place your feet high and wide on the

1 Leg Press Watch Demo 3 8 2-3
10 platform. Drive with heels and contract

Machine Shoulder Avoid locking elbows at the top, control the

2 Press Watch Demo 3 10 2-3
10 movement. Drive up and focus on

Only slow down the lowering phase (4 sec).

Eccentric Accentuated Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin
Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 2 8 30

10 before going back up. Focus on hamstrings,
don’t use your back.

Bend at hips or use a bench to lean on. Fully


Single Arm
3B Dumbbell Row Watch Demo 2 12 30

9 extend arm and contract lat. Indicated reps
per arm.

3-second pause with legs apart. Contract

Pause Machine Hip
Abduction Watch Demo 2 10 30

glutes as you push leg pads apart with the
q z
strongest s uee e in full ROM. Keep
movement controlled.

Hold a weight (DB, ke lebell, or plate) in
4B Standing Side Crunch Watch Demo 2 15 30
8 one hand. Crunch to side while contracting
sec q
obli ue. Indicated reps for each side.

Initiate the movement with your pinky

5A Dumbbell Lateral
Watch Demo 3 12 30
fi fi
nger higher than your pointer nger. Raise
Raise sec arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Dumbbell Bent Over Bend at hips, hold DB with neutral grip.

Rear Delt Raise Watch Demo 3 15

10 " " "
Sweep the weight out , not back . Can"
also be done seated.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 17

Block 1: Week 4 DAY 2
WEEK 4 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 3 8 2-3 10
extension machine or on a smith machine with a
min bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

2-3 Contract chest and press while keeping

2 Machine Chest Press Watch Demo 3 10 10 elbows flared at 45 degree angle.

Look down at toe while stepping back with a

3A Dumbbell Reverse 30
slight forward lean.Can hold dumbbells at
Lunge Watch Demo 2 10 9
sec your sides or hold one to your chest. Reps
are per leg.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.


3B Dumbbell Front Raise Watch Demo 2 15 30

9 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
sec and focus on front delt to lift the weight.

Hold on with hand over hand. Step back,

4A Cable Standing Glute 30
bend at hips, and lean forward. Knee starts
Kickback Watch Demo 2 10 10 bent, tucked to chest. Straighten leg as you
kick back and up.

Cable Standing Hip Use one hand to hold on for stability and
4B Watch Demo 2 10 30
10 raise leg out with slight bend in knee. Really
Abduction sec focus on your side glute.

3 second lowering phase. Start with DB at

5A Eccentric Accentuated 30
your sides and turn DB so palms face up as
Dumbbell Bicep Curl Watch Demo 2 15 10
sec you curl and contract your biceps.

Try to keep elbow tucked in close to your head, only

Dumbbell Overhead 30
letting it flare slightly. Start with DB straight up and
5B Watch Demo 2 12 10 lower behind head, bending elbow to 90 degree
Elbow Extension sec
angle and back up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 18

Block 1: Week 4 DAY 3
WEEK 4 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart, point

toes out in sumo stance. Hold dumbbell or
1 Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 2 10 9 kettlebell chest height. Squeeze glutes as
you drive feet into floor.

Eccentric-Accentuated 4 second eccentric (up direction). Hands

Watch Demo 3 8 2-3
9 slightly wider than shoulder width and pull
2 Lat Pulldown min down to chest with a slight lean back.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 15 30
9 Make sure to control the movement as you
sec contract and release.

Grip rope palms down. Pull rope towards

Seated Rope Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 30
10 head while pulling the rope apart to either
sec side of head.

Contract your quads as you extend knee.

4A Leg Extension Watch Demo 2 20 30
10 Don't lock knees and control the
sec movement.

Machine Ab Crunch 30
Don't use your arms to pull down, flex abs
4B Watch Demo 2 12 9
sec to crunch down

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity

5 Cardio N/A 10-15
N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 19

Block 1: Week 4 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 4 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Bodyweight Bulgarian 0
Use a bench (or chair if at home) to rest
1A Split Squat Watch Demo 3 14 9 back foot. Reps are per leg.

Knee-Banded Glute Push knees out against band while


Watch Demo 3 25 1
9 thrusting up. Contract your glutes at the
1B Bridge min top.

Aim for 8-10 reps. If it is too hard, go

Push-up Watch Demo 3 AMRAP 30
9 down on knees or stand at an angle while
sec pushing against a wall.

Use a bench or chair for stability. Use

Single Arm Dumbbell 1
neutral grip to row weight up while
2B Row Watch Demo 3 10 9
min contracting your lat.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
3A Plank Watch Demo 3 :60 9
sec floor without hips sagging.

Knee-Banded Hip 1
Sit on chair or bench with band around
3B Abduction Watch Demo 3 AMRAP 10 knees. Push knees out against band.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 20

Block 2: Week 5 DAY 1
WEEK 5 Exercise
Exercise i e
v d o W K

E es
R t
E se se se E
# de mo SE TS
i e
t m
RP t 1 t 2 t 3 NOT S

Unlatch and hold the bar in standing position.

1 Smith Machine RDL Watch Demo 3 6 2-3 7 Control the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees
slightly bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you
min lower and thrust hips forward to stand.

Machine-Assisted 2-3 Use a shoulder width grip and focus on

2 Pull-Up Watch Demo 3 6 min 7 contracting your lats to pull up. radually

use less assistance as you get stronger.

3 Dumbbell Walking 30
Take longer strides to engage glutes.
Lunges Watch Demo 2 14 sec 7 Indicated reps for both legs as you walk.

4A V-Bar Cable Seated Watch Demo 2 12 30

7 Pull to your upper abs. Bring elbows down
Row sec and back, and squeeze your lats.

Rope Tricep Avoid leaning your bodyweight "over" the

4B Watch Demo 2 12 30
8 rope - keep elbows still and press down
Pressdown sec with just your triceps.

5A Dumbbell Hammer Watch Demo 2 12 30

8 Hands in neutral position like you are

Curl sec drinking while you curl.


Constant-Tension Use a light weight, no pausing between

5B Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 2 20 30
8 reps. nce you near the bo om,
O tt

Raise immediately go into ne t rep.


Quick & Eff ec e Wo e

tiv m n's Training Pr ogram 21
Block 2: Week 5 DAY 2
WEEK 5 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time
Point toes out in sumo stance. Place your
1 Smith Machine Sumo Watch Demo 3 5 2-3 7 feet in front of the bar, sink your hips back
Squat min and squat up using glutes. Keep movement

1-2 Perform standing. Start with bar at shoulder

2 Smith Machine Watch Demo 3 8 7 height and make sure you press bar up
Shoulder Press min directly overhead.
Using rope attachment, pull through legs by
3A Cable Pull-Through Watch Demo 3 12 30
8 thrusting hips forward as you stand. Keep
sec your back slightly rounded to keep glutes
Use rope attachment at high rung. Plant feet
firmly and pull rope towards eyes as you pull

3B Standing Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 sec 8 apart rope to either side of your head. This
works your rear delts.

Machine Hip Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

4A Watch Demo 3 15 0
7 with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
Abduction sec Keep movement controlled.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.
4B Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 12 sec 8 Make sure to control the movement as you
contract and release.
Lay on ground and bridge up, one leg at a
5A Single-Leg Glute Watch Demo 2 10 0
8 time. Driving heel into ground and squeeze
Bridge sec glute at the top. Start with your weaker leg.
Indicated reps per leg.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull
5B Ab Crunch Watch Demo 2 15 sec 7 on neck. Contract abs to raise body. Don't
hold breath, make sure to breathe.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 22

Block 2: Week 5 DAY 3
WEEK 5 Exercise
Exercise i e
R t
RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 E
# e
d mo SETS i e

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 4 8 2-3
8 extension machine or on a smith machine with a
bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
min with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Chest Fly Machine Watch Demo 3 12 1-2

8 Contract pectoral muscles as you bring
2 min hands together. Control the movement.

Feet start shoulder width. Step behind

3A Dumbbell Curtsy Watch Demo 3 10 30
7 stationary leg in a curtsy. Can either do one
Lunge sec leg at a time or alternate legs in a set
(whichever is stable for you). Reps are per leg.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

3B Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 3 10 30
7 Drive elbows back and squeeze through the
Row sec movement.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

4A Bicycle Crunch Watch Demo 2 12 30
7 on neck. Elbow to opposite knee as you
sec crunch. Alternate each rep.

Use booty band around knees. 20 steps
4B Lateral Band Walk Watch Demo 2 20 sec 8 back and forth, alternate starting leg. Drive
knee out against band as you side step.

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity
5 Cardio N/A N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Qui ck & Effective Women's Training Program 23

Block 2: Week 5 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 5 Exercise
Exercise i e
v d o W K

E es
R t
E se se se E
# de mo SE TS
i e
t m
RP t1 t2 t3 NOT S

Feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold

1A Sumo Goblet Squat atch Demo 3 8 0
7 dumbbell or kettlebell chest height.
sec Squeeze glutes as you drive feet into floor.

Dumbbell Shoulder 1
Hold dumbbells out with palms facing

1B Press atch Demo 3 12 min 7 forward ne t to your ears. Press straight up.

Control the movement.


Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin

2A Dumbbell RDL atch Demo 3 10 0
7 with knees slightly bent before going back
sec up. Focus on feeling the stretch on
hamstrings, don’t use your back.
Raise arms in front of body, palms down.
2B Dumbbell Front Raise atch Demo 3 10 1
7 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
min and focus on front delt to lift the weight.
Start by laying on side, knees bent. Prop
3A Clam Shell Glute Raise atch Demo 2 12 30
8 upper body with elbow. Drive hip up using a
sec strong contraction in glutes to raise body
up. Reps per side.

Place hands down at sides. Raise legs and
3B Lying Leg Lifts atch Demo 2 10 sec 7 slowly lower while contracting abs. Don't
forget to breathe

Quick & Eff ec e Wo e T

tiv m n's raining Po
r gram 2 4
Block 2: Week 6 DAY 1
WEEK 6 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Unlatch and hold the bar in standing position.

1 Smith Machine RDL Watch Demo 3 6 2-3 7

Control the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees

min slightly bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you

lower and thrust hips forward to stand.

Use a shoulder width grip and focus on

Machine-Assisted 2-3
2 Pull-Up Watch Demo 3 6 7 contracting your lats to pull up. Gradually
min use less assistance as you get stronger.

3 Dumbbell Walking 30
Take longer strides to engage glutes.

Lunges Watch Demo 2 14 7 Indicated reps for both legs as you walk.

V-Bar Cable Seated 30

Pull to your upper abs. Bring elbows down
4A Row Watch Demo 2 12 7 and back, and squeeze your lats.

Avoid leaning your bodyweight "over" the

4B Rope Tricep 30
rope - keep elbows still and press down
Pressdown Watch Demo 2 12 8
sec with just your triceps.

5A Dumbbell Hammer 30
Hands in neutral position (like you are
Watch Demo 2 12 8
Curl sec drinking) while you curl.

Constant-Tension Use a light weight, no pausing between

5B Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 2 20 30
8 reps. Once you near the bottom,
Raise sec immediately go into next rep.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 25

Block 2: Week 6 DAY 2
WEEK 6 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Point toes out in sumo stance. Place your

Smith Machine Sumo 2-3 feet in front of the bar, sink your hips back
1 Watch Demo 3 5 8 and squat up using glutes. Keep movement
Squat min

Perform standing. Start with bar at shoulder

Smith Machine Watch Demo 3 8 1-2 8 height and make sure you press bar up
Shoulder Press min directly overhead.

Using rope attachment, pull through legs by

thrusting hips forward as you stand. Keep
3A Cable Pull-Through Watch Demo 3 12 9 your back slightly rounded to keep glutes

Use rope attachment at high rung. Plant feet


firmly and pull rope towards eyes as you pull
3B Standing Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 9
sec apart rope to either side of your head. This
works your rear delts.

Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

Machine Hip 0
with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
4A Watch Demo 3 15 9
Abduction sec Keep movement controlled.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

4B Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 12 30
9 Make sure to control the movement as you
sec contract and release.

Lay on ground and bridge up, one leg at a

5A Single-Leg Glute 0
time. Driving heel into ground and squeeze
Watch Demo 2 10 9 glute at the top. Start with your weaker leg.
Bridge sec
Indicated reps per leg.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

5B Ab Crunch 30
on neck. Contract abs to raise body. Don't
Watch Demo 2 15 9
sec hold breath, make sure to breathe.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 26

Block 2: Week 6 DAY 3
WEEK 6 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 4 8 9 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Contract pectoral muscles as you bring
2 Chest Fly Machine Watch Demo 3 12 9 hands together. Control the movement.

Feet start shoulder width. Step behind

Dumbbell Curtsy 30
stationary leg in a curtsy. Can either do one
3A Watch Demo 3 10 8 leg at a time or alternate legs in a set
Lunge sec
(whichever is stable for you). Reps are per leg.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 3 10 30
8 Drive elbows back and squeeze through the
Row sec movement.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

4A Bicycle Crunch Watch Demo 2 16 30
9 on neck. Elbow to opposite knee as you
sec crunch. Alternate each rep.

Use booty band around knees. 20 steps

4B Lateral Band Walk Watch Demo 2 20 30
8 back and forth, alternate starting leg. Drive
sec knee out against band as you side step.

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity

5 Cardio N/A 10-15
N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 27

Block 2: Week 6 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 6 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold

1A Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 3 8 0
7 dumbbell or kettlebell chest height.
sec Squeeze glutes as you drive feet into floor.

Hold dumbbells out with palms facing


Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 3 10 1

7 forward next to your ears. Press straight up.
Press min Control the movement.

Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin

with knees slightly bent before going back
2A Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 3 12 7 up. Focus on feeling the stretch on
hamstrings, don’t use your back.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.

Watch Demo 3 10 1
7 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
2B Dumbbell Front Raise
min and focus on front delt to lift the weight.

Start by laying on side, knees bent. Prop

upper body with elbow. Drive hip up using a
3A Clam Shell Glute Raise Watch Demo 2 12 7 strong contraction in glutes to raise body
up. Reps per side.

Place hands down at sides. Raise legs and

3B Lying Leg Lifts Watch Demo 2 10 30
7 slowly lower while contracting abs. Don't
sec forget to breathe!

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 28

Block 2: Week 7 DAY 1

WEEK 7 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Unlatch and hold the bar in standing position.

Smith Machine RDL 2-3 Control the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees
1 Watch Demo 3 6 9 slightly bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you
lower and thrust hips forward to stand.

Use a shoulder width grip and focus on

Machine-Assisted 2-3
2 Watch Demo 3 6 9 contracting your lats to pull up. Gradually
Pull-Up min use less assistance as you get stronger.

Dumbbell Walking Take longer strides to engage glutes.

3 30

Lunges Watch Demo 2 14 9 Indicated reps for both legs as you walk.

V-Bar Cable Seated 30

Pull to your upper abs. Bring elbows down
4A Row Watch Demo 2 12 9 and back, and squeeze your lats.

Avoid leaning your bodyweight "over" the

4B Rope Tricep 30

Watch Demo 2 12 10 rope - keep elbows still and press down

Pressdown sec with just your triceps.

5A Dumbbell Hammer 30
Hands in neutral position (like you are
Watch Demo 2 12 10
Curl sec drinking) while you curl.

Constant-Tension Use a light weight, no pausing between

5B Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 2 20 30
10 reps. Once you near the bottom,
Raise sec immediately go into next rep.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 29

Block 2: Week 7 DAY 2

WEEK 7 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Point toes out in sumo stance. Place your

Smith Machine Sumo 2-3 feet in front of the bar, sink your hips back
1 Watch Demo 3 5 9 and squat up using glutes. Keep movement
Squat min

Perform standing. Start with bar at shoulder

Smith Machine 1-2 height and make sure you press bar up
2 Watch Demo 3 8 9
Shoulder Press min directly overhead.

Using rope attachment, pull through legs by

thrusting hips forward as you stand. Keep
3A Cable Pull-Through Watch Demo 3 12 10
sec your back slightly rounded to keep glutes

Use rope attachment at high rung. Plant feet


firmly and pull rope towards eyes as you pull
3B Standing Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 10
sec apart rope to either side of your head. This
works your rear delts.

Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

Machine Hip 0
with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
4A Watch Demo 3 15 10
Abduction sec Keep movement controlled.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

Make sure to control the movement as you
4B Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 12 10
sec contract and release.

Lay on ground and bridge up, one leg at a

Single-Leg Glute 0
time. Driving heel into ground and squeeze
5A Watch Demo 2 10 9
Bridge sec glute at the top. Start with your weaker leg.
Indicated reps per leg.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

5B Ab Crunch 30
on neck. Contract abs to raise body. Don't
Watch Demo 2 25 10
sec hold breath, make sure to breathe.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 30

Block 2: Week 7 DAY 3

WEEK 7 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 4 8 10 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Contract pectoral muscles as you bring
2 Chest Fly Machine Watch Demo 3 12 10 hands together. Control the movement.

Feet start shoulder width. Step behind

Dumbbell Curtsy 30
stationary leg in a curtsy. Can either do one
3A Watch Demo 3 10 9 leg at a time or alternate legs in a set
Lunge sec
(whichever is stable for you). Reps are per leg.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

Dumbbell Bent Over 30
Drive elbows back and squeeze through the
3B Watch Demo 3 10 9
Row sec movement.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

4A Bicycle Crunch Watch Demo 2 16 30
9 on neck. Elbow to opposite knee as you
sec crunch. Alternate each rep.

Use booty band around knees. 20 steps

Lateral Band Walk 30
back and forth, alternate starting leg. Drive
4B Watch Demo 2 24 9
sec knee out against band as you side step.

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity

5 Cardio N/A 10-15
N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 31

Block 2: Week 7 OPTIONAL DAY

WEEK 7 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold

Sumo Goblet Squat 0
dumbbell or kettlebell chest height.
1A Watch Demo 3 8 8
sec Squeeze glutes as you drive feet into floor.

Hold dumbbells out with palms facing


Dumbbell Shoulder 1
forward next to your ears. Press straight up.
1B Watch Demo 3 10 8
Press min Control the movement.

Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin

with knees slightly bent before going back
2A Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 3 12 8 up. Focus on feeling the stretch on
hamstrings, don’t use your back.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.

Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
2B Dumbbell Front Raise Watch Demo 3 10 8
min and focus on front delt to lift the weight.

Start by laying on side, knees bent. Prop

upper body with elbow. Drive hip up using a
3A Clam Shell Glute Raise Watch Demo 2 14 8
sec strong contraction in glutes to raise body
up. Reps per side.

Place hands down at sides. Raise legs and

Lying Leg Lifts 30
slowly lower while contracting abs. Don't
3B Watch Demo 2 12 8
sec forget to breathe!

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 32

Block 2: Week 8 DAY 1
WEEK 8 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Unlatch and hold the bar in standing position.

2-3 Control the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees
1 Smith Machine RDL Watch Demo 3 6 9 slightly bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you
lower and thrust hips forward to stand.

Use a shoulder width grip and focus on

Watch Demo 3 6 2-3 10 contracting your lats to pull up. Gradually
Pull-Up min use less assistance as you get stronger.

Dumbbell Walking 30
Take longer strides to engage glutes.
Lunges Watch Demo 2 14
9 Indicated reps for both legs as you walk.

V-Bar Cable Seated 30

Pull to your upper abs. Bring elbows down
4A Row Watch Demo 2 12
9 and back, and squeeze your lats.

Avoid leaning your bodyweight "over" the

4B Rope Tricep
Watch Demo 2 12 30
10 rope - keep elbows still and press down
Pressdown sec with just your triceps.

5A Dumbbell Hammer 30
Hands in neutral position (like you are
Watch Demo 2 12
10 drinking) while you curl.

Constant-Tension Use a light weight, no pausing between

5B Dumbbell Lateral Watch Demo 2 20 30
10 reps. Once you near the bottom,
Raise sec immediately go into next rep.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 33

Block 2: Week 8 DAY 2
WEEK 8 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Point toes out in sumo stance. Place your

Smith Machine Sumo 2-3 feet in front of the bar, sink your hips back
1 Watch Demo 3 5 9 and squat up using glutes. Keep movement
Squat min

Perform standing. Start with bar at shoulder

Smith Machine Watch Demo 3 8 1-2 10 height and make sure you press bar up
Shoulder Press min directly overhead.

Using rope attachment, pull through legs by

thrusting hips forward as you stand. Keep
3A Cable Pull-Through Watch Demo 3 12 10 your back slightly rounded to keep glutes

Use rope attachment at high rung. Plant feet


firmly and pull rope towards eyes as you pull
3B Standing Face Pull Watch Demo 2 15 10
sec apart rope to either side of your head. This
works your rear delts.

Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

Machine Hip 0
with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
4A Watch Demo 3 15 10
Abduction sec Keep movement controlled.

Use either seated or lying machine curl.

4B Machine Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 12 30
10 Make sure to control the movement as you
sec contract and release.

Lay on ground and bridge up, one leg at a

5A Single-Leg Glute 0
time. Driving heel into ground and squeeze
Watch Demo 2 10 10 glute at the top. Start with your weaker leg.
Bridge sec
Indicated reps per leg.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

5B Ab Crunch 30
on neck. Contract abs to raise body. Don't
Watch Demo 2 25 10
sec hold breath, make sure to breathe.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 34

Block 2: Week 8 DAY 3
WEEK 8 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
1 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 4 8 10 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Contract pectoral muscles as you bring
2 Chest Fly Machine Watch Demo 3 12 10 hands together. Control the movement.

Feet start shoulder width. Step behind

Dumbbell Curtsy 30
stationary leg in a curtsy. Can either do one
3A Watch Demo 3 10 10 leg at a time or alternate legs in a set
Lunge sec
(whichever is stable for you). Reps are per leg.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 3 10 30
10 Drive elbows back and squeeze through the
Row sec movement.

Place hands lightly behind ears. Do not pull

4A Bicycle Crunch Watch Demo 2 18 30
10 on neck. Elbow to opposite knee as you
sec crunch. Alternate each rep.

Use booty band around knees. 20 steps

4B Lateral Band Walk Watch Demo 2 24 30
9 back and forth, alternate starting leg. Drive
sec knee out against band as you side step.

10-15 minutes of MISS (Medium Intensity

5 Cardio N/A 10-15
N/A N/A N/A Steady State: 130-160BPM) Ex: Walking on
min treadmill, bike, elliptical

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 35

Block 2: Week 8 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 8 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Feet wider than shoulder width apart. Hold

1A Sumo Goblet Squat Watch Demo 3 8 0
8 dumbbell or kettlebell chest height.
sec Squeeze glutes as you drive feet into floor.

Hold dumbbells out with palms facing


Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 3 10 1

8 forward next to your ears. Press straight up.
Press min Control the movement.

Keep spine neutral and stop DB mid shin

with knees slightly bent before going back
2A Dumbbell RDL Watch Demo 3 12 8 up. Focus on feeling the stretch on
hamstrings, don’t use your back.

Raise arms in front of body, palms down.

Watch Demo 3 10 1
8 Don't swing hips to raise weight, contract
2B Dumbbell Front Raise
min and focus on front delt to lift the weight.

Start by laying on side, knees bent. Prop

upper body with elbow. Drive hip up using a
3A Clam Shell Glute Raise Watch Demo 2 15 9 strong contraction in glutes to raise body
up. Reps per side.

Place hands down at sides. Raise legs and

3B Lying Leg Lifts Watch Demo 2 13 30
9 slowly lower while contracting abs. Don't
sec forget to breathe!

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 36

Block 3: Week 9 DAY 1
WEEK 9 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

2-3 Sink your hips straight down and drive

1 Machine Hack Squat Watch Demo 3 8 6 through your heels.

Use preloaded barbell. Push your hips back, control

the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees slightly
Pre-loaded Barbell 2-3 bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you lower and
2 RDL Watch Demo 3 10 7
min thrust hips forward to stand. (Can use DBs or smith

Initiate the movement with your pinky

finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise
3A DB Lateral Raise Watch Demo 2 12 7 arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Use straight bar or rope attachment. Anchor


3B Cable Bicep Curl Watch Demo 2 12 45

8 at lowest point and keep elbows stationary
sec as you curl weight.

Start with palms facing you. Rotate your

shoulders as you press the weight up so
4A Arnold Press Watch Demo 2 10 8
sec that your palms face away from you at the
top of the ROM.

Underhand grip with palms facing towards

Underhand Grip 45
you, shoulder width apart. Pull down to
4B Watch Demo 2 12 8 chest and lean back slightly as you pull
Pulldown sec
down. Control movement.

Machine Hip 0
Keep movement controlled with both in and
5A Watch Demo 2 15 8
Adduction sec out direction.

Machine Hip Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

5B 45
with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
Abduction Watch Demo 2 15 8
sec Keep movement controlled.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 37

Block 3: Week 9 DAY 2

i e
v d o W OR K ING
R t
WEEK 9 Exercise RE PS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 E
e E i e
# d mo S TS t m

Elevate heel by stepping on 5lb plates with

1 Heel Elevated Goblet Watch Demo 2 10 2-3 8 just your heel. Hold weight in front of chest
Squat min and keep eyes forward as you squat.

Seated Neutral Grip Grip DBs with palms facing each other. Start
Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 2 10 2-3 8 at shoulder height and press straight up
Press min over head.

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
3 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 2 20 8 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Use V bar attachment. Feel the stretch in

your lats when arms are up and pull down
4 V Bar Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 2 12 8
sec to chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

3-4 sec eccentric. Slowly release and

Eccentric Accentuated 45
contract hamstrings. Use either seated or
5 Watch Demo 2 12 8
Machine Leg Curl sec lying machine curl.

Quick & Eff ec

tiv e Wo e m n's Training Pr ogram 3 8
Block 3: Week 9 DAY 3
video W ORKING
REPS Rest RPE set1 set2 set3 NOTES
demo SETS time
Pause for 3 seconds at the top while
Pause Machine Hip 2-3
squeezing glutes. Drive through heels and
1 Watch Demo 3 15 7 keep eyes forward. Use smith machine if you
Thrust min
don't have a machine hip thrust.

Round your upper back and thrust your hips

2 45° Hyperextension Watch Demo 3 12 1

8 Sq z
into the bench pad. uee e glutes. Can
hold a plate or DB

Adjust seat so hands are about shoulder

Machine Incline Chest Watch Demo 3 8 45
8 height. Tuck your elbows in at your sides
Press sec and drive up using upper chest.

" "
Pull your elbows in against your sides - keep your
fi ti F

elbows in a xed posi on with a slight bend. eel
3B Cable Pull-Over Watch Demo 3 12 8 stretch and then drive arms down to your sides in a
controlled movement.

Adjust seat so hands rest at armpit level.

4A Machine Tricep
Watch Demo 2 15 45
Make sure elbows are straight back and
Pressdown sec press down while focusing on your triceps.
Control eccentric.
Adjust seat so arms are shoulder height in
Reverse Pec Deck
Watch Demo 2 12 30

8 ti ti
star ng posi on. Contract rear delts as you
sweep hands back.

Keep upper body stationary as you lift legs.

5A Hanging Leg Raise Watch Demo 2 8 45
7 Try not to "swing" your legs up. If too hard,
sec raise knees to chest.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
5B Plank Watch Demo 2 :30
7 fl
oor without hips sagging.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 39

Block 3: Week 9 OPTIONAL DAY
i eo
WEEK 9 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOT ES
# demo SETS time

Knee Banded Elevated 45

Elevate feet onto bench, couch or chair.
1A Glute Bridge Watch Demo 2 10 7 Thrust hips up by contracting glutes.

Start on all fours, raise one arm and

opposite leg at the same time. Keep core

Birddog Watch Demo 2 6 45

1B tight. Crunch arm and leg in together.
Reverse movement. Reps per side.

Tuck elbows at 45 degrees. Press straight

Dumbbell Floor Press Watch Demo 2 10 45
7 up over chin while bringing weights closer
sec together. Lower down slowly.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

2B Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 2 12 45
7 Drive elbows back and squeeze through
Row sec the movement.

Raise hips in a bridge and slide feet on a

Sliding Leg Curl 45
slider (or towel) forward and back towards
3A Watch Demo 2 8 7
sec you. If it is too difficult, lower hips on a
small pillow or sit on your hands.

U se booty band around knees, pulse squat

Knee Banded Pulse 45

3B Watch Demo 2 12 7 in the bottom half of the range of motion.

Squat sec Don't stand all the way up.

Qui ck & Effective Women's Training Program 40

Block 3: Week 10 DAY 1



REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES

# demo SETS time

2-3 Sink your hips straight down and drive

1 Machine Hack Squat Watch Demo 3 8 7 through your heels.

Use preloaded barbell. Push your hips back, control

Pre-loaded Barbell
the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees slightly
2 Watch Demo 3 10 2-3 8 bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you lower and
RDL min thrust hips forward to stand. (Can use DBs or smith
Initiate the movement with your pinky
finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise
3A DB Lateral Raise Watch Demo 2 12 8 arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Use straight bar or rope attachment. Anchor


3B Cable Bicep Curl Watch Demo 2 12 45

8 at lowest point and keep elbows stationary
sec as you curl weight.

Start with palms facing you. Rotate your

shoulders as you press the weight up so
4A Arnold Press Watch Demo 2 10 8
sec that your palms face away from you at the
top of the ROM.

Underhand grip with palms facing towards

Underhand Grip 45
you, shoulder width apart. Pull down to
4B Watch Demo 2 12 8 chest and lean back slightly as you pull
Pulldown sec
down. Control movement.

5A Machine Hip
Watch Demo 2 15 0
Keep movement controlled with both in and
Adduction sec out direction.

Machine Hip Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

Abduction Watch Demo 2 15

8 with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.

sec Keep movement controlled.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 41

Block 3: Week 10 DAY 2
Res t t t2 t3
demo SETS
RPE se 1 se se NOTES

Elevate heel by stepping on 5lb plates with

1 Heel Elevated Goblet Watch Demo 2 10 2-3 9 just your heel. Hold weight in front of chest
Squat min and keep eyes forward as you squat.

Seated Neutral Grip Grip DBs with palms facing each other. Start
2 Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 2 10 2-3 8 at shoulder height and press straight up
Press min over head.

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
3 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 2 20 7 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Use V bar attachment. Feel the stretch in

your lats when arms are up and pull down
4 V Bar Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 2 12 8
sec to chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

3-4 sec eccentric. Slowly release and

Eccentric Accentuated 45
contract hamstrings. Use either seated or
5 Watch Demo 2 12 9
Machine Leg Curl sec lying machine curl.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 42

Block 3: Week 10 DAY 3
WEEK 10 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Pause for 3 seconds at the top while

Pause Machine Hip 2-3
squeezing glutes. Drive through heels and
1 Watch Demo 3 15 8 keep eyes forward. Use smith machine if you
Thrust min
don't have a machine hip thrust.

Round your upper back and thrust your hips

45° Hyperextension Watch Demo 3 12 1
9 into the bench pad. Squeeze glutes. Can
min hold a plate or DB

Adjust seat so hands are about shoulder

Machine Incline Chest Watch Demo 3 8 45
8 height. Tuck your elbows in at your sides
Press sec and drive up using upper chest.

Pull your elbows "in" against your sides - keep your


elbows in a fixed position with a slight bend. Feel
3B Cable Pull-Over Watch Demo 3 12 8 stretch and then drive arms down to your sides in a
controlled movement.

Adjust seat so hands rest at armpit level.

Machine Tricep 45
Make sure elbows are straight back and
4A Watch Demo 2 15 8
Pressdown sec press down while focusing on your triceps.
Control eccentric.

Adjust seat so arms are shoulder height in

Reverse Pec Deck 30
starting position. Contract rear delts as you
4B Watch Demo 2 12 8
Machine sec sweep hands back.

Keep upper body stationary as you lift legs.

5A Hanging Leg Raise Watch Demo 2 10 45
8 Try not to "swing" your legs up. If too hard,
sec raise knees to chest.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
5B Plank Watch Demo 2 :45 9 floor without hips sagging.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 43

Block 3: Week 10 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 10 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Knee Banded Elevated 45

Elevate feet onto bench, couch or chair.
1A Glute Bridge Watch Demo 2 10 7 Thrust hips up by contracting glutes.

Start on all fours, raise one arm and

opposite leg at the same time. Keep core

Birddog Watch Demo 2 7 45

1B tight. Crunch arm and leg in together.
Reverse movement. Reps per side.

Tuck elbows at 45 degrees. Press straight

Dumbbell Floor Press Watch Demo 2 10 45
7 up over chin while bringing weights closer
sec together. Lower down slowly.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

2B Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 2 12 45
7 Drive elbows back and squeeze through
Row sec the movement.

Raise hips in a bridge and slide feet on a

3A Sliding Leg Curl 45
slider (or towel) forward and back towards
Watch Demo 2 8 7 you. If it is too difficult, lower hips on a
small pillow or sit on your hands.

Use booty band around knees, pulse squat

Knee Banded Pulse 45

3B Watch Demo 2 15 8 in the bottom half of the range of motion.

Squat sec Don't stand all the way up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 44

Block 3: Week 11 DAY 1
WEEK 11 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

1 Machine Hack Squat Watch Demo 3 8 2-3 8 Sink your hips straight down and drive
min through your heels.

Use preloaded barbell. Push your hips back, control

2 Pre-loaded Barbell Watch Demo 3 10 2-3 8

the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees slightly
bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you lower and
RDL min thrust hips forward to stand. (Can use DBs or smith

Initiate the movement with your pinky

finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise
3A DB Lateral Raise Watch Demo 2 12 sec 8 arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Use straight bar or rope attachment. Anchor

3B Cable Bicep Curl Watch Demo 2 12 sec 9 at lowest point and keep elbows stationary
as you curl weight.
Start with palms facing you. Rotate your
4A Arnold Press Watch Demo 2 10 45
8 shoulders as you press the weight up so
sec that your palms face away from you at the
top of the ROM.
Underhand grip with palms facing towards
4B Underhand Grip Watch Demo 2 12 45
9 you, shoulder width apart. Pull down to
Pulldown sec chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

Machine Hip 0
Keep movement controlled with both in and
5A Adduction Watch Demo 2 15 9 out direction.

Machine Hip 45
Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart
5B Abduction Watch Demo 2 15 sec 9 with the strongest squeeze in full ROM.
Keep movement controlled.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 45

Block 3: Week 11 DAY 2
WEEK 11 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Heel Elevated Goblet 2-3 Elevate heel by stepping on 5lb plates with
1 Squat Watch Demo 2 10 min 9 just your heel. Hold weight in front of chest
and keep eyes forward as you squat.

Seated Neutral Grip 2-3 Grip DBs with palms facing each other. Start
2 Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 2 10 min 9 at shoulder height and press straight up
Press over head.

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

3 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 2 20 45
7 extension machine or on a smith machine with a
sec bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.
Use V bar attachment. Feel the stretch in
4 V Bar Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 2 12 45
8 your lats when arms are up and pull down
sec to chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

Eccentric Accentuated 3-4 sec eccentric. Slowly release and

5 Watch Demo 2 12 45
9 contract hamstrings. Use either seated or
Machine Leg Curl sec lying machine curl.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 46

Block 3: Week 11 DAY 3
WEEK 11 Exercise
Exercise i e
R t
RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 E
# e
d mo SETS i e

Pause for 3 seconds at the top while

1 Pause Machine Hip Watch Demo 3 15 2-3
9 squeezing glutes. Drive through heels and
Thrust min keep eyes forward. Use smith machine if you
don't have a machine hip thrust.

Round your upper back and thrust your hips
2 45° Hyperextension Watch Demo 3 12 min 10 into the bench pad. Squeeze glutes. Can
hold a plate or DB

Adjust seat so hands are about shoulder
3A Machine Incline Chest Watch Demo 3 8 sec 8 height. Tuck your elbows in at your sides
Press and drive up using upper chest.
Pull your elbows "in" against your sides - keep your
elbows in a fixed position with a slight bend. Feel

3B Cable Pull-Over Watch Demo 3 12 sec 9 stretch and then drive arms down to your sides in a
controlled movement.
Adjust seat so hands rest at armpit level.
4A Machine Tricep Watch Demo 2 15 45
8 Make sure elbows are straight back and
Pressdown sec press down while focusing on your triceps.
Control eccentric.

Reverse Pec Deck 30

Adjust seat so arms are shoulder height in
4B Machine Watch Demo 2 12 sec 9 starting position. Contract rear delts as you
sweep hands back.

K eep upper body stationary as you lift legs.
5A Hanging Leg Raise Watch Demo 2 10 sec 9 Try not to "swing" your legs up. If too hard,
raise knees to chest.

5B Plank Watch Demo 2 :45 0

9 Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
sec floor without hips sagging.

Qui ck & Effective Women's Training Program 47

Block 3: Week 11 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 11 Exercise
Exercise video WORKING
REPS Rest RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

1A Knee Banded Elevated Watch Demo 2 12 45

8 Elevate feet onto bench, couch or chair.
Glute Bridge sec Thrust hips up by contracting glutes.

Start on all fours, raise one arm and

2 45
opposite leg at the same time. Keep core

1B Birddog Watch Demo 7 sec 8 tight. Crunch arm and leg in together.
Reverse movement. Reps per side.
Tuck elbows at 45 degrees. Press straight
2A Dumbbell Floor Press Watch Demo 2 10 45
7 up over chin while bringing weights closer
sec together. Lower down slowly.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.
2B Dumbbell Bent Over Watch Demo 2 12 7 Drive elbows back and squeeze through
Row sec the movement.
Raise hips in a bridge and slide feet on a
3A Sliding Leg Curl Watch Demo 2 9 45
8 slider (or towel) forward and back towards
sec you. If it is too difficult, lower hips on a
small pillow or sit on your hands.

Knee Banded Pulse 1

Use booty band around knees, pulse squat
3B Squat Watch Demo 2 AMRAP min 10 in the bottom half of the range of motion.
Don't stand all the way up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 48

Block 3: Week 12 DAY 1
video W ORKING
se 1 t
se 2 set3 NOTES
demo SETS time

2-3 Sink your hips straight down and drive

1 Machine Hack Squat Watch Demo 3 8 8 through your heels.

Use preloaded barbell. Push your hips back, control

Pre-loaded Barbell
the bar as you lower to mid shin. Knees slightly
2 Watch Demo 3 10
9 bent. Feel the hamstring stretch as you lower and
RDL min thrust hips forward to stand. (Can use DBs or smith
Initiate the movement with your pinky
finger higher than your pointer finger. Raise

3A DB Lateral Raise Watch Demo 2 12 9 arms out to sides and focus on using your
side delts to raise arm.

Use straight bar or rope attachment. Anchor


at lowest point and keep elbows stationary
3B Cable Bicep Curl Watch Demo 2 12 9
sec as you curl weight.

Start with palms facing you. Rotate your

shoulders as you press the weight up so
4A Arnold Press Watch Demo 2 10 9
sec that your palms face away from you at the
top of the R M.

Underhand grip with palms facing towards

4B Underhand Grip Watch Demo 2 12

you shoulder width apart. Pull down to
Pulldown sec chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

Machine Hip
Watch Demo 2 15 0
Keep movement controlled with both in and
Adduction sec out direction.

Contract glutes as you push leg pads apart

Machine Hip
Abduction Watch Demo 2 15

10 z
with the strongest squee e in full R M. O
sec Keep movement controlled.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 49

Block 3: Week 12 DAY 2
Res t t t t3
demo SETS
RPE se 1 se 2 se NOTES

Elevate heel by stepping on 5lb plates with

Heel Elevated Goblet 2-3
1 Watch Demo 2 10 8 just your heel. Hold weight in front of chest
Squat min
and keep eyes forward as you squat.

Seated Neutral Grip Grip DBs with palms facing each other. Start
2 Dumbbell Shoulder Watch Demo 2 10
9 at shoulder height and press straight up
min over head.

If you don't have hip thrust machine, set up leg

extension machine or on a smith machine with a
3 Machine Hip Thrust Watch Demo 2 20 8 bench (or box). Keep eyes straight ahead, drive up
with your heels. Squeeze glutes at the top.

Use V bar attachment. Feel the stretch in

your lats when arms are up and pull down
4 V Bar Lat Pulldown Watch Demo 2 12 8
sec to chest and lean back slightly as you pull
down. Control movement.

3-4 sec eccentric. Slowly release and

Eccentric Accentuated 45
contract hamstrings. Use either seated or
5 Watch Demo 2 12 10
Machine Leg Curl sec lying machine curl.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 50

Block 3: Week 12 DAY 3
WEEK 12 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Pause for 3 seconds at the top while

Pause Machine Hip 2-3
squeezing glutes. Drive through heels and
1 Watch Demo 3 15 10 keep eyes forward. Use smith machine if you
Thrust min
don't have a machine hip thrust.

Round your upper back and thrust your hips


2 45° Hyperextension Watch Demo 3 12 10 into the bench pad. Squeeze glutes. Can
hold a plate or DB

Adjust seat so hands are about shoulder

Machine Incline Chest 45
height. Tuck your elbows in at your sides
3A Watch Demo 3 8 9
Press sec and drive up using upper chest.

Pull your elbows "in" against your sides - keep your


elbows in a fixed position with a slight bend. Feel
3B Cable Pull-Over Watch Demo 3 12 9 stretch and then drive arms down to your sides in a
controlled movement.

Adjust seat so hands rest at armpit level.

Machine Tricep 45
Make sure elbows are straight back and
4A Watch Demo 2 15 9
Pressdown sec press down while focusing on your triceps.
Control eccentric.

Adjust seat so arms are shoulder height in

Reverse Pec Deck 30
starting position. Contract rear delts as you
4B Watch Demo 2 12 9
Machine sec sweep hands back.

Keep upper body stationary as you lift legs.

5A Hanging Leg Raise Watch Demo 45
Try not to "swing" your legs up. If too hard,
2 12 10
sec raise knees to chest.

Contract abs and keep hips parallel to the
5B Plank Watch Demo 2 :60 10
sec floor without hips sagging.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 51

Block 3: Week 12 OPTIONAL DAY
WEEK 12 Exercise REPS RPE set 1 set 2 set 3 NOTES
# demo SETS time

Knee Banded Elevated 45

Elevate feet onto bench, couch or chair.
1A Glute Bridge Watch Demo 2 12 8 Thrust hips up by contracting glutes.

Start on all fours, raise one arm and

opposite leg at the same time. Keep core

2 45

1B Birddog Watch Demo 8 9 tight. Crunch arm and leg in together.

Reverse movement. Reps per side.

Tuck elbows at 45 degrees. Press straight

Dumbbell Floor Press 2 45
up over chin while bringing weights closer
2A Watch Demo 10 8
sec together. Lower down slowly.

Bend at hips, hold DBs with neutral grip.

Dumbbell Bent Over 2 45
Drive elbows back and squeeze through
2B Watch Demo 12 8
Row sec the movement.

Raise hips in a bridge and slide feet on a

3A Sliding Leg Curl 45
slider (or towel) forward and back towards
Watch Demo 2 10 9
sec you. If it is too difficult, lower hips on a
small pillow or sit on your hands.

Use booty band around knees, pulse squat

Knee Banded Pulse 1

3B Watch Demo 2 AMRAP 10 in the bottom half of the range of motion.

Squat min Don't stand all the way up.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 52

1 Rep Max

As many reps as possible


Body Weight

Bone Mineral Density

Cardiovascular Disease


Eccentric Accentuated Loading

High Intensity Interval Training

Low Intensity Steady State

Moderate Intensity Steady State

Mind-Muscle Connection

Romanian Deadlift

Repetitions in Reserve

Rep Max

Range of Motion

Rate of Perceived Exertion

Super Set

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 53

AMRAP Concentric Eccentric EFFORT

“As many reps as possible” The contracting The lowering (“negative”) How hard you are pushing

with good form. Often (“positive”) aspect of the aspect of the lift
the set relative to failure.

performed as a test to lift Measured with RPE or

determine max strength %1RM

Frequency Hypertrophy Intensity Load

How often you directly The growth of (muscle) Effort and load
The weight of the external

train a given muscle per 7 tissue




Periodization RPE
exercise Overload

The organization of Main heavy compound The gradual increase of Rate of perceived

training over time movements that involve a stress placed upon the exertion. A measure of

large muscle mass (for body during exercise how difficult a set was on

example: squats, bench training. In training a 1-10 scale, with 10

presses and deadlifts) contexts, this generally meaning muscular failure

involves progressively was achieved.

increasing some lifting

parameter over time

(usually weight or reps).

Secondary Tertiary

Tempo Volume
exercise exercise

Compound exercises The speed at which the lift Isolation movements Total amount of wor k
which involve less muscle occurs. Usually refers to involving only one joint performed. Usually

mass (for example: cable concentric/eccentric and primarily targeting a approximated as sets x

rows, lunges, hip thrusts, speed. single muscle – these are reps x load.

military presses, pull-ups, usually used to isolate a

specific, smaller muscle or

to generate metabolic


Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 54

Q: How do I know if I am progressing?

A: Progress can be interpreted in many ways. It can be a matter of getting stronger, gaining muscle, undergoing
body recomposition (building muscle while losing fat) or all three! Now this takes time and doesn’t happen
overnight. You want to think of your lifting career, which is likely going to be a very long time, as a marathon,
not a sprint. It can be difficult to accurately determine if you are making visual progress day-to-day or even
week-to-week. Taking physique progress photos every 4-6 weeks and comparing them side-by-side is a
good way to detect visual differences that you simply wouldn’t notice in the mirror. But ultimately, because
of the relationship between strength gain and muscle gain, the main metric you want to use for tracking
your progress is strength. If you’re getting stronger, while using good technique, you’re progressing. It is
strongly recommended to log every workout either in writing (print the program out or use a separate
notebook) or in an app, so you don’t have to rely on memory to keep track of personal strength records.

Q: I would like to lose fat. Is this a good program for me?

A: While hypertrophy programs, like this one, improve overall body composition by building muscle, this is not
inherently a “fat loss” program. There are very basic nutrition and cardio recommendations included, but
beyond that, your nutrition and cardio are totally up to you. For most, fat loss is a dietary matter, so if you
are interested in losing fat, you would have to consult with a registered dietician or nutritionist. However,
building muscle will definitely help you reach your fitness/physique goals so I wouldn’t underestimate how
much resistance training can supplement a good nutrition plan!

Q: I can’t complete all the workouts prescribed each week. What should I do?

A: If you cannot complete all of the prescribed workouts, I would move the training session you cannot
complete into the ne t week and so on. Do not outright skip workouts, always remember where you left off.
If you skip workouts, the progression will jump too fast. If you can’t complete multiple workouts prescribed
each week, I recommend to do the workouts in order, do not skip workouts, and move the workouts you did
not do into the following week. I would also increase the amount of sets you are doing for every e ercise to
x O
increase total weekly volume. I would start by adding one set to every e ercise. I would N T combine
j j
workouts as you might over-train or ust accumulate too much “ unk volume”. This is not ideal as I calibrated
total weekly volume for the way I wrote the program, BUT you will definitely still have great workouts as
opposed to giving up and getting ero.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 55

Q: I’m going on vacation or taking a training break, what should I do when I come back?
A: This will depend on how long your break was and how idle you were
during the break. If you took a one week vacation, I would jump back to
where you left off. If you took a two week vacation, I would go back one
week and redo the last week you completed before your vacation, If you
took a one month break because you were sick, I would start from the
beginning and go slowly. It honestly depends on individual scenarios so if
you’re not sure, email [email protected] and we will try
to advise you the best we can.

Q: Should I do cardio? When?

A: See Cardio Recommendations page 23 in Training 101 PDF

Q: What does RPE mean?

A: See “RPE” page 14 in Training 101 PDF

Q: Should I eat in a caloric deficit, maintenance, or surplus while

running this program?
A: (See Nutrition Recommendations on page 22 in Training 101
PDF) Eating in a slight caloric surplus will yield the best results
and best recovery, however, if your main goal is fat loss, eating
in a caloric deficit will be necessary.

As a beginner, you can continue to make strength and size

progress while in a moderate caloric deficit and achieve body
recomposition (lose fat and build muscle at the same time) if
protein intake is sufficient (0.8-1g/lb bodyweight as a
ballpark). As an intermediate level trainee, the likelihood of
achieving substantial body recomposition is smaller, but still
possible. So, all in all, a caloric surplus is recommended for
optimal progress, but some progress can still occur at caloric
maintenance and even in a caloric deficit.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 56

Q: I am not getting sore from my workouts. Is the program not working?

A: Muscle soreness is largely attributed to eccentric contractions [1] and contractions at long muscle lengths
[2]. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) isn’t required for hypertrophy to occur, but the associated
muscle damage might play a role in hypertrophy [3]. With that said, the main goal of this program is to build
muscle and strength, not to get you feeling sore. In fact, reduced soreness over time indicates that your
body is adapting and recovering, which is actually a good thing for continued progress. This is referred to as
the “repeated bout effect”, where soreness reduces with more repeated bouts of training.

Q: I am getting very sore from my workouts. Should I still train if I’m sore?

A: You may experience increased soreness when you first begin the program because it is presenting a new
stress to your body. oam rolling (which is recommended in the warm up) can help reduce DOMS [4] and
R 5
increase OM [ ], so if you are consistently ge tting sore week after week, consider adding a short 3-5
minute foam rolling routine at the beginning or end of the workouts. Otherwise, training while sore is not
inherently problematic for muscle growth unless it puts you at an increased risk of in ury. If you’re having a
di cult time ge tting into position for any of the planned exercises or finding it difficult to complete a full
ROM due to pain, do not train. Otherwise, in the case of mild soreness, perform a slightly longer warm up
for each exercise and use your own discretion with avoiding injury being a top priority. One extra rest day
will not set you back very far, but a serious injury will.

Q: What does 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, etc. mean?

A: This indicates a superset should be performed. This means that you will be alternating between these
exercises after each set. For example, you'll perform the first set of exercise 1A, rest for the indicated
amount of time (could be anywhere from 0-45 seconds), then perform the first set of exercise 1B. Once
you've then rested the indicated amount of time that is put for exercise 1B, you'll return back to exercise 1A
for the second set.

Q: What are the blank boxes in the middle of each program for?

A: They are for you to track your weights each week, so you can focus on strength progression from week 1
to week 4 of each block. Of course, this will only work if you print the program out. The other option would
be to keep a notebook and simply pencil in your lifts each week. Keeping up with this habit of tracking is
going to be an extremely important part of your success on this program. *UPDATE* - My Fitness App is
now available so you can track your weights for every workout in the app. Search on apple or google play:
Stephanie Buttermore Fitness

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 57

Q: What if I don’t have resistance bands?

A: They’re important! I recommend using a high resistance hip circle for any “banded” exercise. I use the
“GRIPPY HIP CIRCLE” which can be found here:

Q: What gym training gear should I use?

A: Other than resistance bands, gym gear is optional as there

are no required pieces of attire to gain muscle and increase
strength. With that being said, investing in an 10mm prong or
lever belt, knee sleeves, squat shoes, and straps can be
beneficial in allowing you to lift more weight for certain

Q: I have a belt. When should I wear it?

A: Optionally use a lifting belt for working sets on

exercises like squats, deadlifts and overhead (military)
presses. Strength is a specific skill, so practice every rep
in exactly the same way (meaning, if you’re going to use
a belt at all, use it consistently and for the same
movements). I wouldn’t recommend wearing a belt on
light warm-up sets.

Q: Why isn’t there much exercise variation from week to week?

A: Changing exercises from week to week is more likely to flatten out

the strength progression curve. This is to ensure both progression
by adding volume incrementally to these specific movements and
mastery of these movements in terms of form and technique. The
idea is to get better and better at the same movements by getting
stronger or having better form. However, after you complete this
program, you can induce a novel stimulus by moving on to another
program I offer on my website.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 58

Q: What do I do after I finish a program?

A: You have the option of running back through the same program again with increased strength or you can
check out one of my other programs on my website.

Q: I find hip thrusts awkward. Is there any alternative exercise?

A: Yes, but give it your best effort first. The barbell hip thrust has been shown again and again to be highly
effective as a glute builder for a reason. I highly recommend getting your own barbell pad because they are
often missing from gyms. This is the one I have and I keep it in my gym bag. (
Alternatively, 1. You can try using the leg extension machine which I’ve shown on my channel before but
here is a good tutorial on how to do it ( 2. You can try
using a dumbbell for added resistance or doing single-leg hip thrusts, which are also very challenging.

Q: I recently had a breast augmentation surgery. Can I still do this program?

A: If you had a breast augmentation surgery within the past 4 weeks, it is wise to ask your surgeon if you are
able to exercise. Typically, you will need to ease back into upper body training, and stick to the more stable
lower body exercises. Tucking your elbows while pressing can alleviate discomfort caused from surgery.

Q: I am pregnant. Can I still do this program?

A: If you are pregnant, you should first and foremost consult with your doctor if you are ok to weight train.
From my understanding, if you have been weight training prior to becoming pregnant, then it should not be
an issue during pregnancy. However, the exercises in this program may not be appropriate for you so
please consult with your doctor.

Please direct all other questions to [email protected]. Please avoid directing questions about this program to social
media as it is not a reliable means of making contact with me or getting the correct information. Please allow 3-5 business days for a

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 59

Advanced Techniques
With most advanced trainees, there comes a point where you’ve mastered the fundamentals of lifting, and get
bored with training. At this point, you’re probably seeking a way to spice things up and a good way to do this is by
incorporating “advanced” techniques. While there are several different types of advanced techniques, I think it’s
best to utilize the ones that makes training more enjoyable to you and ones that could potentially elicit more
hypertrophic and strength gains.

And as tempting as it is to use these techniques on every set of every exercise, it’s actually not the best idea.
These should be used sparingly because they tend to be disproportionately demanding on your body (from an
exertion, mental focus, and recovery perspective), so it’s easy to get carried away and run yourself into the
ground with them. That’s why they are just sprinkled in throughout the program.

Another component to advanced techniques, which doesn’t get enough

credit, is how it impacts your overall enjoyment of your program, gym
experience, and focus. These methods can enhance the sensation for
muscle groups you’re trying to target (which likely have downstream
effects on hypertrophy) and can ensure you’re pushing yourself adequately
in the gym. As we will discuss in more detail in the RPE section, if you’re not
regularly training very hard, you can quickly lose sight of what an RPE10
means. Since advanced techniques push you “past” failure, this will provide
a good gauge of roughly how to regulate your exertion levels.

Without further ado, let’s get into some of these methods and investigate
exactly why we’re using them:

Mind-Muscle Connection (MMC)

As the name would suggest, the mind-muscle connection is quite literally

using your mind to control and “feel” your muscle. As a beginner, most
exercises will feel as if they are “movements” rather than very strong
muscle contractions from individual muscle groups. The goal of the mind-
muscle connection specifically, is to further isolate the desired muscle
group of a specific lift. This is done by thinking about the muscle and
actually contracting and lengthening the desired muscle as much as
possible by focusing all of your attention to it.

This is definitely a skill that takes time to acquire, but once you do, you can
use this on straight sets or in combination with other advanced techniques
we will get into below.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 60

While its validity used to be under hot debate in evidence-based circles, there is finally scientific evidence for its
validity from a 2018 study by Dr. Brad Schoenfeld [6]. This study showed there can be hypertrophic benefits to
certain muscle groups by using internal mind muscle connection cues. The study compared external (thinking
about moving the weight) and internal (mind-muscle connection) cueing on strength and hypertrophy. It’s
important to note that this study didn’t see significant hypertrophic differences in the quads, but saw significant
differences in elbow flexor muscle thickness (increase 12.4% vs 6.9%) demonstrating that if you can get a good
internal mind-muscle connection on a muscle, there could be significant gains made.

Now I’m not saying you should forget about progressive overload; I’m just saying that the point is to use them
together on certain exercises i.e. isolation exercises. These exercises are usually single-joint movements and can
really trigger a good mental focal connection on a muscle. An example of a mind-muscle connection cue would
be thinking about the muscle and thinking about squeezing the muscle while you are performing the rep i.e.
“squeeze your glutes”. There is also a time NOT to use mind-muscle connection, and that would be on primary
compound movements like deadlifts, squats, bench press etc. These are movements that would probably do
more harm than good to try and focus on a single muscle group because these exercises use multiple muscles
to carry out the movement. Therefore, external cues (ex. driving your heels through the floor on squats) are
ideal for these exercises.

Eccentric-Accentuated Loading

Eccentric-accentuated loading refers to making the eccentric, or lower phase, of an exercise more challenging.
This can be done by providing more external load (typically from manual resistance from a partner or with the
use of Eccentric Hooks), or simply from increasing the duration of the eccentric phase. The idea behind this is
that the eccentric phase tends to be responsible for more hypertrophy than the concentric (“lifting”) phase [7].

While the research is a bit unclear whether or not slower eccentrics are better for hypertrophy (one study found
greater strength improvements [8]; one study found equal hypertrophy and strength increases [9]), I still think
they are really valuable to training and for reducing injury risk. If you think about it, you will have to use lighter
loads to perform an eccentric accentuated exercise, so if you can yield the same hypertrophic response with a
lighter weight by slowing down the eccentric, this can allow us to better manage fatigue and accumulate more
volume without risking injury. And besides, they are more fun.

From a programming perspective, it makes more sense to accentuate the eccentric in conjunction with focusing
on the mind-muscle connection (and most people will agree that slowing the eccentric down makes for
improving the mind-muscle connection). Using this style of training is great for any exercise which stretches a
muscle out particularly far like a Romanian deadlift. Since the eccentric phase is associated with muscle damage,
and muscle damage is associated with DOMS, you will likely get sore from doing these. But using the RDL as an
example, your grip might not be strong enough to use a heavy load, but you can elicit the same hypertrophic
response by slowing down the eccentric with a lighter load, so it definitely has its uses.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 61


Constant-tension training is performing reps with a relatively steady cadence, without taking any breaks or
pauses between the concentric or eccentric. It’s important to note that this does NOT mean to perform the reps
as fast as humanly possible. You keep the concentric and eccentric tempo the same as you would normally do
the exercise, without pausing when you end one and start the other, keeping constant tension on the muscle(s)
you are working. Since proximity to failure is an important factor in hypertrophy (generally speaking, the closer
you take a set to failure, the higher the hypertrophic stimulus you will yield), constant-tension will ensure your
muscles are fully fatiguing, causing your larger motor units to be recruited (which will require type 2 muscle
fibers to be utilized, which have more potential for hypertrophy than type 1).

While the research only looks at velocity and fatigue, you’ll see that “cluster sets (the exact opposite of
constant-tension – deliberately taking a few seconds between each rep or taking several seconds after a few
reps) delays the onset of fatigue [10]. This actually means that you’ll be able to accumulate more volume with
cluster sets, but the additional volume won’t yield any further hypertrophy, as fatigue is what will drive

Constant-tension tends to couple well with the mind-muscle connection as well. It tends to be better applied to
exercises which have less complex form and that have fairly small ranges of motion. You can expect to get a
huge pump (metabolic stress) from this technique, which could be a driver of hypertrophy.


Supersetting is when you perform two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest. In the program, this is
stylized as “1A/1B”. Instead of doing all sets of the “1A” exercise, then all sets of the “1B” exercise, you will
alternate between them. These primarily help with cutting down on gym time, although they can also be used
as a way of pre-exhausting muscle groups. Pre-exhausted is commonly misunderstood to be fatiguing one
muscle with an isolation movement, then hitting that same muscle group with a compound movement (band
walks before squatting). This actually forces all other muscle groups to work harder, as the fatigued muscle is
unable to produce adequate force and lowers EMG [11]. With that being said, you can use this to your
advantage by fatiguing assisting muscle groups prior to hitting the desired muscle groups (hitting hamstring
curls before hip thrusting so only your glutes contribute) to get more activation of the desired group.

Pairing non-competing movements has been shown to have very little impact on strength (meaning: if you do a
squat, then a military press shortly after, your strength won’t be decreased). With that being said, if you move
too quickly from one exercise back to the other, you could be taxing your cardiovascular system, which is not
the goal of the program or the goal of supersetting. It’s commonly said to go straight from 1A to 1B without any
rest, but I think this will leave you pushing 1A far harder (as a function of being fresher). Instead, you’ll take a
short 30-seconds of rest after 1A and 30-seconds of rest after 1B, so you have an even amount of recovery for
each. *If I prescribe supersets, I will also prescribe rest periods.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 62


Appell HJ, Soares JM, Duarte JA. Exercise, muscle damage and fatigue. Sports Med. 1992;13(2):108-15.


Newham DJ, Jones DA, Ghosh G, Aurora P. Muscle fatigue and pain after eccentric contractions at long
and short length. Clin Sci. 1988;74(5):553-7


Schoenfeld BJ. Does exercise-induced muscle damage play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy?. J
Strength Cond Res. 2012;26(5):1441-53.


Pearcey GE, Bradbury-squires DJ, Kawamoto JE, Drinkwater EJ, Behm DG, Button DC. Foam rolling for
delayed-onset muscle soreness and recovery of dynamic performance measures. J Athl Train.


Macdonald GZ, Button DC, Drinkwater EJ, Behm DG. Foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense bout
of physical activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014;46(1):131-42.


Schoenfeld BJ, Vigotsky A, Contreras B, et al. Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during
long-term resistance training. Eur J Sport Sci. 2018;18(5):705-712.


Franchi MV, Reeves ND, Narici MV. Skeletal Muscle Remodeling in Response to Eccentric vs. Concentric
Loading: Morphological, Molecular, and Metabolic Adaptations. Front Physiol. 2017;8:447.


Hedayatpour N, Falla D. Physiological and Neural Adaptations to Eccentric Exercise: Mechanisms and
Considerations for Training. Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:193741.


Barstow IK, Bishop MD, Kaminski TW. Is enhanced-eccentric resistance training superior to traditional
training for increasing elbow flexor strength?. J Sports Sci Med. 2003;2(2):62-9.


Tufano JJ, Halaj M, Kampmiller T, Novosad A, Buzgo G. Cluster sets vs. traditional sets: Levelling out the
playing field using a power-based threshold. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(11):e0208035.

[11] Ozaki H, Kubota A, Natsume T, et al. Effects of drop sets with resistance training on increases in muscle
CSA, strength, and endurance: a pilot study. J Sports Sci. 2018;36(6):691-696.

Quick & Effective Women's Training Program 63


For customer support ONLY in regards to this training
program, please email [email protected].
Please only email me if you have training related questions.
In regards to nutrition, I cannot answer questions beyond
the scope of what I’ve already included in this program, as I
am not a registered dietician. Please reach out to an RD if
you have nutrition questions.

As much as I love connecting with you on social media, I am

not able to reliably respond to the questions received across
platforms, so please direct any questions to the email above.
Please allow for 3-5 business days for a reply.

Thank you so much for your support and happy training!


The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any health problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician
or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this program is
strictly at your own risk. Stephanie Buttermore or Stephanie Buttermore LLC will not assume any liability for any
direct or indirect losses or damages that may result including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or

All documents included or exchanged between Stephanie Buttermore and the Client are the intellectual property
of Stephanie Buttermore and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted, or redistributed either in part or in full
without my written consent. All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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