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Competitive, Academic, MBA, BBA HRM of Distance & Regular Course.

Human Resource Development MCQs with

1. In the present business environment, HR plays a ___ role in realizing the business
a. Strategic
b. Technical
c. Vital
d. Very important
Ans. a

2. True/False:- The major challenge for the HR contribution towards the overall
organization performance
a. False
b. True
c. Can’t say
d. Incomplete
Ans. B

3. Balance scorecard was designed by

a. Robert Kaplan
b. David Norton
c. Both a & b
d. All
Ans. c

4. Human Resource can be turned as

a. Non-renewable resource
b. Natural resource
c. Infinite renewable resource
d. All of the above
Ans. C

5. An organization can develop only when it’s ___ are developed

a. All resource
b. Human resources
c. Financial resources
d. Both a & b
Ans. B

6. The ___ of any organization is the backbone, who plays a stupendous role.
a. Employer
b. Worker
c. Employees
d. Labor
Ans. c
7. True/False:-
Human resource development is an integral part of human resource management,
which is wider in its approach and does not relate only to providing formal
a. False
b. True
c. Incomplete
d. None of the above
Ans. b

8. ___ have made clear that HRD is innate for the very existence of the organization
a. Increase in the very existence of the organization
b. Liberalization
c. Developmental & productive activities
d. None of the above
Ans. A

9. ___ is a factor, which is forcing the business organizations to reconsider their

laisser-faire attitudes to training.
a. National competition
b. International competition
c. Global competition
d. All of the above
Ans. C

10. It is a method of intervening in a systems

a. Process consultation
b. Survey feedback
c. Managerial grid
d. Goal setting
Ans. A

11. In this method data related to the attitude of employees about wage level,
structure, hours of work and working conditions are collected
a. Process consultation
b. Survey feedback
c. Goal setting
d. Managerial grid
Ans. B

12. ___ is an extremely popular OD intervention

a. MBO
b. MBR
c. PPS
d. None of the above
Ans. A

13. ___ improve the performance and result in self-change of an individuals

a. OD practices
b. Team development
c. OD exercises
d. Sensitivity training
Ans. C

14. ___ helps to improve the communication skills of the employees and develops
them a good listeners
a. Team development
b. Sensitivity training
c. OD exercises
d. All of the above
Ans. B

15. Performance management focuses on ___ performance planning and

improvement rather than retrospective performance appraisal
a. Future
b. Fast
c. Present
d. None of the above
Ans. A

16. Performance standards are used when not possible to set ___
a. Intended results
b. Time based targets
c. Observable results
d. All of the above
Ans. B

17. “Recourse the actions” provides

a. Coaching
b. Training
c. Guidance
d. All of the above
Ans. D

18. Assessing results against standard

a. Measurement
b. Feedback
c. Exchange
d. Positive re-enforcement
Ans. A

19. Founding father of TQM was

a. Blake and Mouton
b. W.E Deming
c. Dale S. beach
d. All of the above
Ans. B

20. Base pay can be expressed on

a. Annual basic
b. Weekly basis
c. Hourly rate
d. All of the above
Ans. D

21. The pay roll costs can compromise ___ or more of the total costs incurred by an
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 55%
d. 48%
Ans. B

22. The ___ system is the most basic individual incentive system.
a. Unit based
b. Piece-rate
c. Hourly
d. None of the above
Ans. B

23. Industrial relations are plant community life” –said by

a. Rober Over
b. Dalye Yadav
c. Peter Ducker
d. Federick Taylor
Ans. C

24. Through good ___, we can encourage collective bargaining

a. IR
b. Rewards system
c. Incentives
d. HR programs
Ans. A

25. The ___ acts as a mediator and custodian

a. Government
b. Organization
c. CEO
d. Employer
Ans. A

26. The difference between the demands of the employes and employee results in
a. Misunderstanding
b. Conflict
c. Miss behavior
d. Low morale
Ans. B

27. ___ consider the mass rather than individual

a. IR
b. HRM
c. HRD
d. HRP
Ans. A

28. IR seeks to reconcile. Conflict, ___ to match goals

a. HRP
b. HRD
c. HRM
d. IR
Ans. C

29. ___ the apparent incompatibility between IR and HRM is a major challenge
faced by IR
a. Reconciling
b. Harmonizing
c. Both a & b
d. All of the above
Ans. C

30. Collective bargaining is a form of ___

a. Participation
b. Agreement
c. Contract
d. Negotiation
Ans. A

31. Collective bargaining may take place at the

a. National level
b. Industry level
c. Enterprise-level
d. All of the above
Ans. D

32. ___ mechanism is an aspect of two-way communication

a. Joint consultation
b. Collective bargaining
c. Both a & b
d. All of the above
Ans. A

33. ___ attached to concessions in the negotiation should be indicated as early as

a. Counter proposals
b. Conditions
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

34. ___ is a tool for evaluating the personal activities of the organization
a. HR audit
b. HR activities
c. HR function
d. HR climate
Ans. A

35. HR activities include

a. Recruitment
b. Selection
c. Manpower planning
d. All of the above
Ans. D

36. The ___ determine the success of corporate strategy

a. HRM climate
b. HR professional
c. HR audit
d. HR planning
Ans. B

37. It is a method by which an organization collects, analyses and reports

information about people and jobs.
b. HRM
c. HRD
d. HRP
Ans. A

38. It relies on consensus and cooperation rather than control or coercion.

a. HRM
b. HRD
c. Performance management
d. Only b
Ans. A

39. “Pay philosophy” examine developments in

a. Strategies
b. Rewards
c. Incentives
d. All of the above
Ans. B

40. Base pay is

a. Basic pay
b. Fixed salary
c. Wage
d. All of the above
Ans. D

41.Performance management is a means of getting better results from the ___, ____
and individuals.
a. Organization, teams
b. Industry, workforce
c. The company, employees
d. Superior, subordinates
Ans. A

42. During performance management ___ and ___ should be integrated

a. Learning & revision
b. Learning & work
c. Theoretical & practical
d. None of the above
Ans. B

43. Levels pay to be agreed through ___ or by ___

a. Negotiation, collective bargaining
b. Negotiations, individual agreements
c. Contract, agreement
d. Contract, negotiation
Ans. B

44. Total remuneration comprises ___ and ___

a. Financial rewards, employee benefits
b. Financial & non-financial rewards
c. Basic salary, incentives
d. All of the above
Ans. A

45. IR’s main function is to develop support between the ___ & ___
a. Employer, employee
b. Top-level management, lower-level management
c. Management employee
d. All of the above
Ans. C

46. Scope of IR includes collective relations between ___ and ___

a. Union, management
b. Management, employees
c. Superior, subordinates
d. Employer, employee
Ans. A

47. High investment in ___ & ___ enables the absorption of higher wages
a. Education skills
b. Knowledge, skills
c. IT, technical programs
d. Both a & b
Ans. A

48. IR deals with large components of ___, whereas HR deals with ___
a. Rules, policies
b. Regulations, practices
c. Rules & regulations, policies & practices
d. Both a & b
Ans. C
49. Major potential point of conflict between employers and unions is ___ & ___
a. Loyalty & commitment
b. Decisions & orders
c. Compensation & supervision
d. None of the above
Ans. A

50. ___ seeks to reconcile conflicts, ___ to match goals

b. IR, HRM
c. HRD, IR
d. HRP, IR
Ans. B

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