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Money Management Tips: 55 Ways to Save Money

Recreation and Entertainment: Food and Basic Needs:

1. Instead of paying for a fitness club 13. Be a savvy consumer. Before making a
membership fee, buy some weights or go to major purchase, do some researches on the
the ARC. product quality through Consumer Reports
2. Don’t smoke. Cigarettes are expensive and magazine.
the money adds up quickly. Also you’ll be 14. Sometimes the cheaper product works just
fined if you smoke near school facilities. as well as the expensive one.
3. Wait until after half-time at sport events 15. Ask for generic medications at the
and get in for free! pharmacy.
4. When eating out, look for coupons or 16. Ladies, ditch the salon and get your hair
special deals- many restaurants offer them! done at a cosmetology school.
Also, order water. Drinks are highly 17. Buying in bulk is usually a good option, but
overpriced. try to shop for items by the per unit price.
5. At the beginning of the semester, many Often times, the biggest options is not the
local businesses give out coupon books. best way to get the most of your money.
Grab one! 18. Scout out garage/yard sales for
6. There are hundreds of free activities on housewares, furniture, and stuff to
campus. Join clubs, attend student decorate your college dorm or apartment.
concerts, or go to church-sponsored events At the beginning of each semester, the
for cheap fun. There is usually food YMCA has a dump and run where they sell
involved, too! items collected from various dorms and
7. Illinites, student activities, happen at the apartment on campus.
Illini Union every Friday night for free. 19. Make things for gifts- it’s cheaper and the
8. Experience some more cultures while in time you invest shows you care.
college and attend a show at Krannert. 20. Take advantage of sales by buying holiday
Student tickets are $10 or less. It’s FREE and birthday gifts throughout the year.
sometimes! 21. Get a job at a place where you already
9. If you’re throwing a party, have your guests spend a lot of money, so you can get
pay a little money or bring things to offset employee discounts.
your cost. 22. Use mail-in rebates or coupons for groceries
10. Don’t purchase a book unless you think you or health and beauty items.
really want to keep it. You can check out 23. Don’t buy bottled water. Buy a water
books for free at libraries. filtration pitcher.
11. Rent movies with a group of friends or go to 24. Don’t buy something just because it is one
second-run theaters for $1 or $2 a ticket. sale. Consider it’s a need for you before
12. Bring your student ID when you go out for a buying.
movie. Most theaters will give discount for 25. If you shop at a favorite store, apply for
students. their discount card if they have one.

Modified by Joe Pleshar, Yuanhang Fan, and Maggie Benson, Peer Educators of Spring 2015.
University of Illinois Extension Financial Wellness for College Students Program.
Source: National Student Loan Program’s Budget Handout #6: “Money Management
Options: 75 Ways to Save Money”, 2002.
Money Management Tips: 55 Ways to Save Money
26. Make home cooked meals. A home cooked 40. Get good grades. Insurance companies offer
stead dinner is often cheaper than a fast low rates to student with 3.0+ GPA.
food binge. Eating at home will save you a 41. Carpool with friend!
lot of money! 42. Search for dependable cards that offer good
27. Pack a lunch instead of eating out. gas mileage.
43. Drive an older car- the insurance payments
Clothing: and taxes will be less.
28. Buy clothes at the end of the season when 44. Walk, bike, or ride to school- it’s good for
they’re on sales. you to saves on gas.
29. If you don’t wear certain clothes anymore, 45. Look around for cheapest gas price before
take them to a consignment shop or sell filling up. There are apps for that!
them online. You can get part of the profit
and free up room in your closet. Savings:
30. Share dresses and tuxes with friends for 46. Only use ATM’s of your bank. Other bank’s
special occasions. ATM fees add up!
31. If you buy more than one of something, like 47. Always put part of our paycheck into a
2 or 3 shirts, always ask for a discount. savings account.
32. Invest in durable clothes, shoes, etc. rather 48. Spare change adds up! Get a piggy bank or
than buying many cheap pairs. change jar and don’t underestimate the
value of your spare changes.
Budgeting/ Spending Plan: 49. Volunteer! If you’re busy, you can’t spend
33. Set goals for your spending and saving. month and it’s a resume booster, too! It’s
34. Keep track of your spending to avoid always make you feel good to help and give
overspent. There are apps for that! back to the community.
35. Don’t use a credit card if it will lead you to 50. Use plastic grocery bags for trash can liners.
make more purchases! On average, people
have credit cards spend 34% more. Conserving Resources:
36. Before going out to spend, set a limit for 51. Turn off the water while brushing your
yourself and stick to it! teeth.
37. Wait at least two hours before making a big 52. Unplug electronics when you aren’t using
purchase to be sure it’s something you them. Even while turned off, they still use
really need. up costly energy.
53. Use items like shampoo, toothpaste, and
Transportation: paper towels sparingly- enough to do the
38. Obey traffic laws. Speeding tickets will cost job without waste.
more than just the ticket. It will raise your 54. Pay your bills online. Save paper and money
insurance premiums. on stamps.
39. Keep your tires inflated properly- you’ll get 55. Ask your landlord to seal gaps between
better gas mileage. door and windows to prevent heat leaks
over the winter.

Modified by Joe Pleshar, Yuanhang Fan, and Maggie Benson, Peer Educators of Spring 2015.
University of Illinois Extension Financial Wellness for College Students Program.
Source: National Student Loan Program’s Budget Handout #6: “Money Management
Options: 75 Ways to Save Money”, 2002.

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