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Jesus can still the storm of life.

Except the Lord builds the house the labourer in vain build it, except the Lord keep the city, the
watchman waketh but in vain (Ps. 127:1)
The above bible verse stated clearly that man has no power to handle some situation. Man is
limited to calm a raging storm. Some prevailing circumstance beyond human capturing.
Everyone needs God’s divine help; we need Him to calm the wailing storms in our journey in
The recent pandemic Covid-19 storms on many nations of the earth. Every sector experienced of
this pandemic. All a sundry tried to give solution or still the storm but the weakness of man
cannot match the greatness of God. Businesses are down, schools, countries were at a stand still.
Even the so called great were searching for how to salt the hard time. The world saw the
sovereignty of God and the feebleness of humanity.
The whole human race needs the help of this stiller of tempest to hush the whip in all sectors. All
men, low, great, famous and influential became calm over the pandemic no one had what it takes
or whom to run to, to calm the storms of life.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”, Ps. 46:1
The cyclone of your life can only be extinguished by divine intervention which can only be given
by God.
Man can provide or make shift measure but sometimes the direction is beyond him.
Your plan of life is in God’s master plan, no matter how hard the raging storms could be, it can
be still.
Jesus came to still all forms of storms in your journey to greatness and set peace in a turbulence
Jesus said in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you”. I do not give you as the
world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” [NIV]
Also Jeremiah 26:3 “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because
he trusteth on thee”
The testimony below depicts that our storm can be stilled.
“Supernatural Testimony”
After my encounter with Bishop David Oyedepo in one of his outreaches, I came to the church
for the first time on 18th March, and I believed every word of prophecy that came from the altar
miraculously, the following week, my life that was down began to experience supernatural
change of levels; a contract worth millions of naira was awarded to me. This is beyond my
comprehension because no human hand could be traced to it. God really answers prayers in this
church; this is a mountain of signs and wonders. I return all the glory to God ----Adeyemi B.
Is there any raging storm around you, why nor give it to Jesus all you need to do is to simply
pray this prayer “Lord Jesus, I came to you, I realize I am a sinner and also I cannot handle life
challenges on my own; come into my life, wash me clean and give me the power to sin no more
in Jesus Name {Amen}.
God is unlimited, the things of God is not according to man’s capacity or ability but according to
His own capability. The Bible told us in Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible”.
No matter the donkey years you have trusted God regarding any issue of your life, God has the
ultimate power to over rule all turbulence on your way.
No circumstances of life can be mightier than God often times due to life challenges, many
people think God had relaxed after creation and allowed man to run his affair on his own.
It is true angles in life sometime make a mortal man to doubt the integrity of God. The story of
Joseph in the bible can re-wake our sleeping faith in this faithless generation. Joseph dream was
to become a mirage due to event around his life. Instead of glory, fame, beauty and colour in his
life, he saw hardship at different degrees. There was no atom of reality in his dream, the
conditions around him negated the possibility of God.
Joseph stood firm and God turned the darkest hour of his night into a dancing morning.
Similarly, the testimony of this brethren below proved that God is a faithful God
“My family and I came to this church shattered, battered and scattered. We had lost a business
and a family of four lived in one-bedroom apartment for four years. We were mocked and
scorned, and everything looked very impossible. However, God turned things around for us! He
opened unusual doors and we moved into a three-bedroom house. My husband was offered a
full-time job and we were able to purclee an Suu lar. I thank God for His faithfulness and great
teaching of the word that emanates from this commission. To Him alone be all the glory.
Testifier ---- Elizabeth Benjamin.
Does your situation looks impossible, had the problem of your life gone out of course, Jesus
came to put you back again, all you need is to surrender your life to him for life insurance,
quietly say this prayer “Lord Jesus I come to you, just as I am, I am a sinner, I realized I cannot
do it on my own, come into my life, forgive me all my sins, turn my situation around for good,
deliver me from all my troubles and give me power to sin no more. Thank you Jesus for saving
me in Jesus name {Amen}
Worship with us @ Living Faith Church
Winners Chapel International, Tanke, Wura-Owolabi Street, Opposite Chapel Secondary School
Junction, Tanke, Oke-Odo, Ilorin.

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