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‘I’ Scheme Mobile Application Development (MAD-22617)

Unit 1: Android and Its Tools (M-04)

1. List features of Android Operating System.

2. Describe Open Handset Alliance (OHA)
3. What are the Software and hardware requirements for Android.
4. Describe Android eco system
5. Compare android and ios.
6. Explain Tools and software requirement for developing an Android
7. Draw & Describe the Android architecture in detail.

Unit 2: Installation & Configuration of Android [M-06]

1. Explain android SDK and Java JDK.

2. Compare JVM and DVM.
3. Explain the steps to install and configure Android studio & SDK
4. Explain Dalvik Virtual machine.
5. Role of Emulator in Android application developments.
6. List various tools or IDE used for android application developments (ADT).
7. Explain Following Terms
i. Android Virtual Device (AVD)
ii. Android Emulator
iii. Android SDK
iv. Android Debug Bridge (ADB)

Prof.Goden N.A.
‘I’ Scheme Mobile Application Development (MAD-22617)
Unit 3: UI Components and Layouts [M- 08]

1. Explain following files

i. Main Activity File
ii. Android Manifest File
iii. String File
iv. layout file
2. Develop an android application using absolute layout.
3. Develop an android application using linear layout.
4. Develop an android application using table layout.
5. Develop an android application using frame layout.
6. Develop an android application using relative layout.
7. Explain various layout of Android.
8. Explain Android Directory Structure.
9. Explain components of Android UI design.
10. Develop a simple calculator using Relative Layout. (XML & Java)

Unit 4: Designing User Interface with View [M-12]

1. Explain the following UI components with its syntax & attributes

i. Text View
ii. Button
iii. Image Button
iv. Toggle Button
v. Radio Button
Prof.Goden N.A.
‘I’ Scheme Mobile Application Development (MAD-22617)
vi. Radio Group Button.
vii. Scroll view
2. Explain Toast in Android with example.
3. Explain the use of List View and grid view.
4. Explain Date & Time Picker with its methods.
5. Design the Student Registration form using UI Components.
6. Write a program to demonstrate Date & Time Picker (XML & Java)
7. Write a program to display (circular /Rectangular) progress bar.
8. Write a program to implement ListView
9. Write a program to implement GridView
10. Write a program to implement ScrollView

Unit 5: Activity and Multimedia with Databases [M-20]

1. Explain Intent with syntax & example
2. Explain Intent Filter with syntax & example
3. Draw & Explain activity life cycle.
4. Explain Broadcast life cycle in Android.
5. Explain Content provider.
6. Explain Fragments in android
7. Explain service in Android.
8. Draw & Describe Android Service Life Cycle.
9. Draw & Explain Android System Architecture
10. Explain multimedia framework in Android
11. Explain Audio & Video Play in android with example.
Prof.Goden N.A.
‘I’ Scheme Mobile Application Development (MAD-22617)
12. List & Explain sensors in Android.
13. Explain Text to Speech in android.
14. How to extract value from cursor in Android.
15. Explain ACID properties of Transactions.
16. Discuss the need of permissions in Android. Describe the permissions to set
system functionalities like bluetooth, camera.
17. Write a program to demonstrate declaring and using permission with any
relevant example.
18. Describe with example how to create simple database in SQLite.
19. Develop a program for providing Bluetooth Connectivity.
20. Write a Program to capture an image using Camera and display it.

Unit 6: Security and Application Deployment [M-20]

1. Steps for deploying/Publishing android application on Google play store.

2. Write a program to locate user’s current location.
3. Explain SMS service in android application development.
4. Explain importance of developer console in android application development.
5. Explain Process of getting the map of API key.
6. Explain the concept of geocoding and reverse geocoding.
7. Explain steps to create sign of APK for android application.
8. Steps for deploying/Publishing android application on Google play store.
9. Explain android security model.
10. Develop an application to send and receive SMS.
11. Explain zoom control (IN / OUT) with the help of an example.
12. Develop a program to send an email.

Prof.Goden N.A.
‘I’ Scheme Mobile Application Development (MAD-22617)
Most Important Android Programs for Exam
1. Develop an android application using absolute layout.
2. Develop an android application using linear layout.
3. Develop an android application using table layout.
4. Develop an android application using frame layout.
5. Develop an android application using relative layout.
6. Develop a simple calculator using Relative Layout. (XML & Java)
7. Design the Student Registration form using UI Components.
8. Write a program to demonstrate Date & Time Picker (XML & Java)
9. Write a program to display (circular /Rectangular) progress bar.
10. Write a program to implement ListView
11. Write a program to implement GridView
12. Write a program to implement ScrollView
13. Write a program to demonstrate declaring and using permission with any
relevant example.
14. Describe with example how to create simple database in SQLite.
15. Develop a program for providing Bluetooth Connectivity.
16. Write a Program to capture an image using Camera and display it.
17. Write a program to locate user’s current location.
18. Develop an application to send and receive SMS.
19. Develop a program to send an email.
20. Write a program to implement Android Activity Life Cycle. Use Toast
messages to display message through life cycle.

Best of Luck for Ur Exam

Prof.Goden N.A.

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