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Standards of Professional Practice

 A required document under Section 41 of RA 9266


 Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA)

 natural person under Philippine law with a valid certificate of
registration and a valid professional identification card for the lawful
practice of architecture

Architectural firm

 a juridical person under Philippine law and jurisprudence authorized

to practice architecture
individual architectural practice - architectural firm must
be duly registered with the DTI as a sole proprietorship
group architectural practice - must be registered with the
SEC and with the PRC as a professional partnership or as
an architectural corporation

Interchangeable terms

 Architect = Architectural Firm

 Client = Owner = Project Proponent
 Contractor = General Contractor = Constructor = Builder
 Bid = Tender

Interchangeable terms

 ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution

 AF: Architectural Firm
 ADC: Architectural Design Competition
 AICC: Architect in charge of construction
 AOR: Architect-of-record
 BPO: Business Process Outsourcing
 CA: Consulting Architect
 DOLE: Department of Labor and Employment
 DTI: Department of Trade and Industry
 FPCA: Filipino Professional Consulting Architects
 IAPOA: Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of
 KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing
 CEC: Codes of Ethical Conduct
 MOP: Manual of Procedure
 PACS: Professional Architectural Consulting Services
 PCA: Professional Consulting Architect
 PRC: Professional Regulation Commission
 PRBOA: Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture
 SEC: Securities Exchange Commission
 RLA: Registered Licensed Architect
 TSP: Temporary/Special Permit

Methods of selection
 Direct Selection
undertaking a relatively small project
client selects his architect on the basis of:
personal or business acquaintance or recommendation of a
recommendation of the architect’s former client
recommendation of another architect
 Comparative Selection
conducted by committees representing institutions,
corporations or public agencies
invitation: includes the Terms of Reference (ToR) for
the project which is based on the Design Brief prepared
by another Architect
pre-qualification: submit information regarding their
qualification and expertise
Interview: explains his methodology in translating the
plan/design requirements of the proposed project
Verification: may visit buildings designed by the
Architects and check references such as former clients
and financial institutions
 Comparative Selection
Evaluation and ranking: selection committee may adopt its
own procedure in evaluating the entries and recommending
the most capable firm.
Negotiation: Architect explains to the Client the Scope of
Services and the Architect’s Fee as prescribed under the
Architect’s Guidelines.
 Design Competition
Used for civic or monumental projects
idea competition, design or design build competition
submit plan/design solutions to a particular design problem
and are judged on the basis of comparative excellence
advantages: The Client/Committee will have a wider range of
Expensive and time consuming
Time and effort required may discourage qualified firms
Some potentially unscrupulous prospective
Clients will seek free services under the guise of design
Methods of compensation
 Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
computation is made by adding all costs of technical services
(man hours x rate) and then multiplying it by a multiplier to
cover overhead and profit
multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the office set-
up, overhead and experience of the Architect and the
complexity of the Project
Other items such as cost of transportation, living and
housing allowances of foreign consultants, out-of-town living
and housing allowances of the local consultants and the like,
are all to be charged to the Client
A = Architect’s rate/hour
C = Consultant’s rate/hour
T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Researchers and
others involved in the Project
AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Architect
Consultants and Technical Staff
M = multiplier to account for overhead and reasonable profit,
range 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect’s office
and the complexity
R = reimbursable expenses such as transportation, housing
and living allowance of consultant
Direct cost = AN + CN + TN
Fee = Direct Cost x M
Total Cost of Service charged to Client = Fee + R
Applicable only to non-creative work
Based on technical hours spent and does not account for
creative work since the value of creative design cannot be
measured by the length of time
 Professional Fee + Expenses
Used when there is continuing relationship involving a series
of Project
Established a fixed sum and above the reimbursement for
the Architect’s technical time and overhead
 Lump Sum
Fixed fee
Applied to government projects since they entail more paper
work and time-consuming efforts
 Per Diem/Honorarium
Require personal time
Attending conferences
Conducting ocular inspection of possible project site
Conferring with others regarding prospective investments or
The owner shall pay for the architect’s out-of-pocket
expenses (travel, accommodation and subsistence)
 Mixed Compensation Methods
Examined to determine the most appropriate and equitable
method of compensation

Predesign services

 Must expand his services in response to:

Increasing demands of his/her clients
Evolution of new standards of regulated professional practice
Advancement of technology
Enactment of new laws
 Involving the architect in the earliest stage of the project will be most
advantageous to the client
Provide objective project analysis
Establishing parameters to optimize building needs
Attendant constraints

Scope of services
 Consultation
Give oral or written advice a direction
Attend conferences
To make evaluations and appraisals regarding a
contemplated project and similar activities
 Pre-Feasibility Studies
Procurement, analysis and use of secondary information
gathered for the project
Represent the Architect’s initial assessment of a project’s
 Feasibility Studies
Detailed analysis of the project based that will determine the
viability of a proposed development.
set the project against present and future trends
requires primary data gathering
 Site Selection and Analysis
formulation of site criteria
assistance to the client in site evaluation
analysis to determine the most appropriate site for a project
 Site Utilization and Land use Studies
Detailed analysis of the site involving the identification of a
site’s potentials
covers the context of the site as well as that of its
surrounding environment and the development controls
 Architectural Research
primary and secondary researches
assembled facts used as basis for conclusion
 Space Planning
determines the adequate size and appropriate configuration
for a proposed project
done mainly through primary data gathering such as
interviews, consultations
 Space Management Studies
analysis of the space requirements of the project
analysis pinpoints linkages and interaction of spaces
 Design Brief Preparation
Architect states the project terms of reference (ToR)
including the concept
 Promotional Services
develop and generate financial support
maintain his professional status as the representative of the

Manner of providing services

 As an individual
 Architect’s own staff
By association, consultation or networking

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