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Main Contributors Juliet Clough, Keith Davidson,
Sandie Randall & Alastair Scott
Project Editor Rosalyn Thiro
Art Editor Marisa Renzullo
Editors Felicity Crowe, Emily Green
Designer Paul Jackson
Managing Editors Fay Franklin, Louise Bostock Lang
Managing Art Editor Annette Jacobs
Senior Editor Helen Townsend
Editorial Director Vivien Crump
Art Director Gillian Allan
Publisher Douglas Amrine
Picture Research Brigitte Arora
DTP Designers Maite Lantaron, Lee Redmond
Contributors Juliet Clough, Keith Davidson, Alan Freeman, Sandie Randall,
Alastair Scott, Roger Smith
Maps Ben Bowles, Rob Clynes (Colourmap Scanning, London)
Photographers Joe Cornish, Paul Harris, Stephen Whitehorn
Illustrators Richard Bonson, Gary Cross, Jared Gilby, Paul Guest, Kevin Jones Associates, Claire
Littlejohn, Chris Orr & Associates, Ann Winterbotham The dramatic, sunlit ruins of Tantallon
Castle, on the southeast coast
Printed and bound in Malaysia by Vivar Printing Sdn Bhd.

First American Edition, 1999

16 17 18 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents
Published in the United States by DK Publishing,
345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 Introducing
Reprinted with revisions 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2004, 2006, Scotland
2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016
Copyright 1999, 2016 © Dorling Kindersley Limited, London Discovering Scotland 8
A Penguin Random House Company

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no Putting Scotland on the
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in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
Map 14
or otherwise), Without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the
above publisher of this book. A Portrait of Scotland 16
Published in the UK by Dorling Kindersley Limited.

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
Scotland Through
the Year 40
ISSN 1542-1554
ISBN 978-1465-440-532

Throughout this book,floors are referred to in accordance with European usage ie the
The History of Scotland 44
“first floor” is one floor above ground level

The information in this DK Eyewitness Travel Guide is checked regularly.

Every effort has been made to ensure that this book is as up-to-date as possible at
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Detail of the decorated vaulting in Rosslyn
Front cover main image: Front cover main image: Kilchurn Castle, Loch Awe in Argyll Chapel, in the Pentland Hills
The castle of Eilean Donan, Loch Duich in Glen Shiel
Southern Scotland 84

Glasgow 98

Central Scotland 114

The Highlands and Islands


Travellers’ Needs
Where to Stay 170

Where to Eat and Royal Scots Greys Memorial to the Scottish

Drink 178 soldiers of the Boer War

Special Interests and Scottish

Outdoor Activities 190 Vocabulary 232
Scotland Region Survival Guide Road Map of Scotland
By Region Inside back cover
Practical Information 206
Scotland at a Glance 54

Edinburgh 56

Kestrel in the Highlands

Travel Information 216

General Index 224

Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–87) of the Acknowledgments 231 Walkers enjoying a glorious summer’s day
House of Stuart in Glen Etive

Edinburgh Castle on its volcanic rock

above the city centre

Discovering Scotland 8–13

Putting Scotland on the Map 14–15
A Portrait of Scotland 16–39
Scotland Through the Year 40–43
The History of Scotland 44–51

The following tours have been designed to tour. Next comes a ten-day tour of the
take in as many of Scotland’s highlights as Highlands and islands on a route of
possible, while keeping long-distance travel outstanding beauty, which includes
to a minimum. First come two two-day tours magnificent castles, mysterious Loch
of Scotland’s great rival “capitals”, Edinburgh Ness, tiny islands off the coast of Mull, the
and Glasgow. Then there is a three-day tour best of mountain and glen, and unlimited
of the Lowlands, the varied region south of whisky-tasting opportunities. Combine and
the Highlands. These tours can be followed follow your favourite tours, or dip in and out
individually or combined to form a week-long picking those experiences that most inspire.

Castle Drumnadrochit
Fort Augustus
Isle of Skye

Loch Garry
Road to the
Glenfinnan Fort William
Dryburgh Abbey
One of the most evocative monastic abbeys in the Borders,
Dryburgh is the final resting place of novelist Sir Walter Scott. Glencoe
Visit nearby Scott’s View to enjoy wonderful panoramas over
the surrounding countryside. Fingal's Cave
Mull Loch Awe
Iona Bunessan Fyne
Inveraray Loch
Crarae Gardens
Three Days in the Lowlands Loch
Lochgilphead Lomond

Stand among the •
Admire the mighty walls
astonishing masonic of Caerlaverock Castle Glasgow
symbols of Rosslyn as it rises defiantly
Chapel, immortalized above its moat.
in The Da Vinci Code. •
Don’t miss Culzean

Follow the twisting Castle on the Ayrshire
roads through the coast, a magnificent Ayr
romantic land and showcase of opulence
Culzean Castle
villages that inspired in Robert Adam’s Neo-
Scotland’s greatest Classical style.
writers, Robert Burns •
Be blown away by New
and Sir Walter Scott. Lanark, an 18th-century Galloway
Forest Park

Explore the great industrial village built by
Border Abbeys – a philanthropist who
Dryburgh, Melrose, was ahead of the times.
Jedburgh, Kelso – all •
Be lifted skywards in
of which are utterly a barge on the unique
majestic, especially engineering marvel of 0 kilometres 50
in ruin. the Falkirk Wheel. 0 miles 50

A View of Loch Lomond near Inversnaid, Scotland by Alfred de Breanski (1952–1928)


Ten Days in the

Highlands & Islands

Behold the sumptuous royal
apartments in Stirling
Castle, home to 500 years’
worth of Scottish monarchs.

Stroll among exotic plants
from as far afield as Tibet
and Tasmania in the
beguiling Crarae Gardens.

Take a ferry to Iona, the
Cradle of Christianity, or to
Crail Harbour
the Isle of Staffa for the
Explore the picturesque medieval villages of
basalt columns of Fingal’s
East Neuk, full of lovely cottages, winding
streets and restaurants serving fresh seafood. Cave and plenty of puffins.

Drive through the mountain
splendour of Glencoe and
discover the darker side of
its history.

Cruise on awesome Loch
Ness and look for its
Cawdor Castle
Speyside Malt
secretive monster – or
Inverness Whisky Trail see photos on exhibit in
Loch Ness Drumnadrochit.

Sample whisky or simply
enjoy the fascinating
Balmoral Castle process of its production –
Royal Deeside
on the Speyside Malt
Whisky Trail.

Visit beautiful St Andrews,
the home of golf, and follow
the trail of charming villages
on the East Neuk coast.
Scone Palace Key
Perth St Andrews Ten Days in the Highlands
& Islands
Trossachs Falkland The East Neuk
Castle Three Days in the Lowlands
Stirling Curloss
Dunfermline Abbey
Falkirk Forth Bridge
Rosslyn Edinburgh

Lanark Scott's View
Melrose Dryburgh



Caerlaverock Castle

Urquhart Castle, Loch Ness
Enjoy the breathtaking scenery
of Loch Ness and the
surrounding Great Glen with a
cruise on the lakes and a drive
through the hills.

Scottish Parliament
building (p71), a
Two Days in Glasgow
controversial piece
of architecture cost- Glasgow has everything
ing over £400 Edinburgh has but perhaps
million to build. If with more wit, friendliness
you’re fit, hike up and a determination to be
Arthur’s Seat different.
(1 hour) (p71) for •
Arriving Glasgow airport
great views. Later,
is 12 km (7 miles) west of the
take in some
city centre. Taxis and shuttle
evening theatre,
buses take 25 minutes
The Military Tattoo, performed in the shadow a concert or a
outside rush hour.
of Edinburgh Castle ghost tour.

Moving on Trains run
Two Days in Day 2 every 15 mins to Edinburgh
Edinburgh Morning Start at the National (50-minute journey) or hire
Museum of Scotland’s a car to explore elsewhere.
Beautiful, stately and full (pp66–7) bright and modern
of history and parks, the presentation of everything
nation’s capital is truly from whales to the famous Day 1
the festival city with Lewis chessmen. Be sure to Morning Start with a quick
constant cultural events enjoy a coffee on the roof. visit to 13th-century Glasgow
throughout summer. Pass the emotive statue of Cathedral (p103), a rarity in
Greyfriars Bobby (p66) on Scotland having escaped

Arriving Edinburgh Airport
your way to the shopping destruction during the
is 12 km (7 miles) west of the
haven of Princes Street Reformation. Walk from
city. Buses and taxis take 25
(pp68–9), or find peace in here past the imposing City
minutes outside rush hour.
the adjacent gardens, which Chambers in George Square

Moving on Trains run every boast a floral clock. (p102), but save at least an hour
15 minutes to Glasgow Afternoon Explore the for the Gallery of Modern Art
(50-minute journey). Georgian architecture of the (p102) to see outrageously

Booking ahead Edinburgh New Town (pp68–9) but leave brilliant and challenging
Castle (to beat the queues) a couple of hours free for the exhibits. Shop and lunch in
National Gallery (p67) – don’t Sauchiehall Street, the city’s
miss Raeburn’s iconic painting vibrant retail centre. The street
Day 1 commonly dubbed The is also a highlight for fans of Art
Morning Edinburgh Castle Skating Minister. Everything on Nouveau designer Charles
(pp64–5) is the city’s crowning this day’s tour is close together Rennie Mackintosh (p105)
glory – the official free tour is so you might have energy whose works can be seen at the
well worth following. Allow at left to walk up Calton Hill Willow Tea Room (p104) or
least 2.5 hours and don’t miss (25 minutes) (p70) for fine Glasgow School of Art (p104).
the Honours of Scotland and city perspectives, or pick an Afternoon Travel further out
Mons Meg, a medieval super- alternative evening entertain- to see Kelvingrove Art Gallery
cannon. Then stroll down the ment from Day 1. As the “festival and Museum (p106) and marvel
Royal Mile (pp60–63), the city” Edinburgh is never short of at Dali’s Christ of St John of the
main thoroughfare of the Old shows or performances. Cross. Afterwards take a relaxing
Town and a delightful
mayhem of entertainers
during the Festival (pp82–3).
Pop into St Giles Cathedral to
see the bagpiping angel.
Afternoon Pause for lunch as
you descend this historic
street. At the bottom let the
dazzling exhibition Our
Dynamic Earth (p71) (closed
Mon & Tue Nov–Mar) literally
shake the ground under your
feet or, if you’re still thirsting
for more history, visit the
Palace of Holyroodhouse
(pp70–71). Take a look at the
adjacent love-it-or-hate-it Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow

walk under Scottish palm trees

in the nearby Botanic Gardens
(p107). In the evening, sample
the city’s pub life or take in a
concert, perhaps of hybrid
Scottish music.

Day 2
Morning Start the day at the
world-renowned Burrell
Collection (pp108–9) – a
spacious and masterful display
of treasures collected by a
19th-century shipping magnate.
Many visitors fall for the
tapestries and the stained glass
– keep an eye out for the scenes
of everyday life, such as a man
warming his feet before a fire.
Afternoon Lunch here or at Art installation hanging over the grand stairway at Kelvingrove Art Gallery, Glasgow
the Glasgow Science Centre
(p106), a striking, titanium a beautiful vista over the back in time. Don’t linger too
structure at the edge of the Tweed to the Eildon Hills. In long as the day’s highlight
River Clyde. Wonderful and the afternoon drive through awaits – the exquisite
whacky, this place will keep woods and sheep-covered interiors of the stately
children busy for hours and hills via Moffat to Dumfries for mansion Culzean Castle
expand their minds in the the night. Check out its lively (pp96–7). Its Oval Staircase is
process. Adults too will find performance venues. nothing short of perfection.
themselves enthralled as they Spend the night in Ayr or the
“walk” on the moon or watch Day 2: Explore Castles golfing town of Troon.
their faces rejuvenate. It’s easy First stop just south of
to use up what’s left of the Dumfries is Caerlaverock Day 3: New Lanark
afternoon here, so end the day Castle (p94), one of the few and Falkirk
with a well-deserved pint and castles to have retained its From Ayr, which is the
some live music at a pub. moat. With its immense heartland of Robert Burns
towers, the castle is an country (p93) with charming
Three Days in the impressive sight. If you’d lanes and hedgerows, you
Lowlands prefer, head straight from can either follow a trail
Dumfries to tranquil Loch dedicated to the national

Arriving Either Glasgow or Trool for a walk in Galloway poet (via Alloway and
Edinburgh airport. Do the Forest Park (p94). Either Mauchline) or enjoy similar
tour in either direction. way, stop for lunch or a break scenery on the way to New

Transport A car is essential. in Kirkcudbright (p94), a Lanark (p92). Allow two
charming seaside town. This hours to explore the village,
part of Scotland displays a located by the falls on the
Day 1: Chapel and Abbeys love of crafts and sculpture River Clyde, and head to the
Start at 15th-century Rosslyn and feels like a welcome step Visitor Centre for an insight
Chapel (p91), just outside of into the Victorian mills and
Edinburgh and star of The Da the philanthropic industrialist
Vinci Code, to see its treasure who ran them. Lunch here
of cryptic stone sculptures, and continue to the Falkirk
especially the Apprentice Pillar. Wheel (p129). Board a barge
Drive to Melrose and devote and be hoisted 35 m (115 ft)
most of the day to the ruins from one section of canal
of the Border Abbeys (p89): to another, a unique and
Melrose, Kelso, Jedburgh and exhilarating experience with
Dryburgh. If time is tight, or if fabulous views. Spend the
four abbeys is just too many, night in Glasgow.
set your sights on Dryburgh
(p89) – it’s particularly To extend your trip…
evocative and nestled in Head to Stirling and follow
a bend of the River Tweed. the ten-day tour of the
Lunch here or have a picnic Moat around Caerlaverock Castle, one of the Highlands & islands.
at nearby Scott’s View (p89), finest castles in Scotland

Snow-capped pinnacle at the entrance of Glencoe

Ten Days in the Aberfoyle drive up the Bunessan for a boat trip (Apr–
Highlands & Islands western shore of Loch Oct) to Fingal’s Cave (p137) – a
Lomond (p119), taking in the wonder of volcanic rock

Arriving Glasgow or pretty village of Luss on the formations on the Isle of Staffa.
Edinburgh airport. way, then over the mountains Weather permitting, the boat

Transport A car is essential. to Loch Fyne, famous for its will motor into the cave and let
seafood. Catch a glimpse of you land. You may even spot a

Booking ahead Loch
Inveraray Castle (p134) as puffin. If the boat is cancelled
Katrine cruise; Oban–Mull
you head for the superb due to bad weather (or you
ferry (return); Fingal’s Cave
Crarae Gardens (p134). have time afterwards), drive
boat trip; Mallaig–Armadale
Here you can wander among on to Fionnphort to visit Iona
ferry (one-way); Golf at
exotic flora from around the (p137), a gem of the Hebrides.
St Andrew’s (book months
world – always delightful but The ferry is reliable and you
ahead); all Highland
at its best in spring. In the don’t need to book for the
Games events.
afternoon you can afford to narrow crossing. The abbey,
enjoy time out in the town once with broad influence
of Lochgilphead and to make across Europe, is hugely popular
Day 1: Stirling and the most of the scenery on with visitors. The isle has
The Trossachs the sinuous road to Oban dazzling beaches too. Return
Start early and climb by foot (p136). Spend two nights in to Oban for the night.
or car to crag-top Stirling this bustling harbour town.
Castle (pp124–5) to see far- Day 4: Oban to Skye
reaching views. Admire the Day 3: Fingal’s Cave and Iona A route of stunning scenery
best Renaissance architecture Pack a picnic, board the Oban– starts with Loch Awe (p136)
in Scotland, particularly the Mull car ferry, and then drive to which lives up to its name but
Palace and Great Hall. You’ll is completely overshadowed
need two or three hours to by the massive rent in the
do it justice. Drive to Callendar mountains that comes later at
for lunch and then continue Glencoe (p138). Call in at the
on to the beauty of The Visitor Centre and learn about
Trossachs national park the tragic massacre in 1692.
(pp120–21). Take a trip Have lunch here or below Ben
aboard a genuine Victorian Nevis. At Fort William you’ll
steamship on Loch Katrine join the scenic Road to the
(Apr–Oct) to best appreciate Isles Tour (pp140–41).
the wildlife and rugged Glenfinnan has a moving
mountains. Spend the memorial to Bonnie Prince
night at Aberfoyle. Charlie (p157) and is the
location of the 21-arch viaduct
Day 2: The Trossachs to Oban featured in the Harry Potter
This is a day of lochs, both Boats moored in the bright blue waters off movies. Overnight in the
freshwater and sea. From the shore of Iona fishing port of Mallaig (p141).
For practical information on travelling around Scotland, see pp216–23

Day 5: Skye to Inverness Day 7: Macbeth and Whisky

Cross over the sea to Skye Shakespeare probably invented
(Easter–mid-Oct; fewer ferries Macbeth’s association with
in winter) (pp156–7) and use it Cawdor Castle (May–Oct)
as a stepping stone back to the (p150), but visit this wonderful
mainland by means of the small building anyway. Every-
bridge near the quaint village of thing about it is bewitching.
Kyleakin. Soon you’ll pass the Lunch by the sandy lagoon of
very picturesque Eilean Donan Findhorn and then drive to
Castle (p155). Take a slightly Dufftown, the capital of
longer route via lochs Garry and Speyside whiskies (pp148–9).
Oich to charming Fort Augustus Even if you don’t like the taste of
and the Caledonian Canal to the “water of life”, a distillery tour
reach the day’s highlight – Loch is fascinating. Sleep wherever
Ness (pp152–3), mysterious and the whisky trail takes you!
inspiring whether you believe in Dufftown is a good option.
monsters or not. Judge the Gardens at Cawdor Castle, still the stately
evidence for yourself at exhibit- Day 8: Deeside to home of the Thanes of Cawdor
ions in Drumnadrochit, where the “Antarctic”
you’ll also find the ruins of From Dufftown a roller-coaster cathedral and its carefree
Urquhart Castle. Sleep in road leads past ski slopes into student atmosphere. Then find
Inverness (pp150–51). Queen Victoria’s favourite a place for lunch on the drive
landscape, Royal Deeside around the East Neuk coastline
Day 6: Around Inverness (pp148–9). Go to Ballater and (p128), which shows, without
Spend the morning on a take the route south which question, Scotland’s most
Jacobite Cruise (Mar–Sep) gives the option of visiting picturesque harbour villages.
(p151) on Loch Ness, ideally one Balmoral Castle (limited Nowadays there are more
that includes the Caledonian opening) or Scone Palace artists than fishermen here.
Canal rather than just the loch. (Apr–Oct) (p126), or shopping in Tear yourself away in time for
Alternatively, hunt for dolphins the fair city of Perth (p126) if a visit to Falkland Palace
in the Moray Firth or, depend- the other sights are closed. (summer only) (p128), a
ing on your interests, plan to Leave enough time to spend at stunning Renaissance hunting
spend part of the morning at least one-and-a-half hours in lodge designed for the Stuart
Culloden (p150) or Fort George the Antarctic, brilliantly kings, and a favourite haunt of
(p150). To really understand recreated at Discovery Point Mary, Queen of Scots. Return to
Highlanders and their history, in Dundee (p127). Spend the your favourite East Neuk spot
see the moving exhibition on night in this friendly wee city. for the night.
the Battle of Culloden which
ended the old clan culture. A Day 9: St Andrews and the Day 10: East Neuk Back to
walk around Fort George, among East Neuk the Start
the best examples of military The famous golf course is The distances from East Neuk
fortification in Europe, is equally always fully booked months to the start of this whole tour
impressive. Stay a second night ahead, but visit St Andrews are short so the final day’s
in Inverness or move on to Nairn. (p127) for its golfing museum, route possibilities are many.
Dunfermline Abbey (mid-
Mar–mid-Oct) (pp128–9) is
the last of the imposing
landmarks well worth a visit,
or head to the beautifully
preserved 16th-century village
of Culross (p129). Walk a
section of the Fife Coastal
Trail (p199) or, if you missed
them, take in either the
magnificent Stirling Castle
(pp124–5) or the impressive
Falkirk Wheel (p129). If you
return to Edinburgh you can
see the amazing Forth Rail
Bridge (p73) on the way and,
time permitting, follow in the
Queen’s footsteps on board
the former Royal Yacht
The Caledonian Canal at Fort Augustus, along the scenic route to Loch Ness Britannia (p72).
ra t h

Port of Ness

Putting Scotland on the Map

Separated from Continental Europe by the North Sea, Isle of
Scotland forms the northern part of Great Britain. Lewis
It is a mountainous, sparsely populated land.
The highest peak is Ben Nevis, at 1,344 m Tarbert
Harris Ullapool
(4,406 ft). The coastline is also ringed s
by hundreds of islands; at the farthest Is
extreme Shetland lies just six degrees Uist Lochmaddy

south of the Arctic Circle. Edinburgh is Benbecula

n er
the historic capital, and Glasgow is the

We s t
largest city with a population of South Kyle of
Uist Lochalsh
596,500. The country has good Isle of
Lochboisdale Skye
road, rail and ferry connections.

Barra Fort Augustus

Castlebay Rum Mallaig

Heb Muck
Coll William
Key to Map Mull
Motorway (highway) Craignure

Major road Isle of
Iona Crianlarich
Minor road Bunessan

Ferry route Colonsay

Provincial border Scalasaig Ardlussa

National border Atlantic Dunoon

Islay Greenock
Ocean Paisley
Portnahaven Bute
0 kilometres 50
0 miles 50
Campbeltown Isle of Troon

Londonderry/ IRELAND Cairnryan
Cookstown Antrim Newtownabbey
Lough Bangor
Neagh Drummore
SWEDEN Armagh Portadown
Strangford Isle of
SCOTLAND North Monaghan Man
Sea Newry Douglas


CZECH Drogheda
Atlantic Kinnegad

For additional map symbols see back flap

Stromness Lerwick,

Wick Unst
Orkney and
Helmsdale Shetland

Foula Lerwick


Inverness Peterhead

Aviemore Isle
Braemar Sanday
De e
Pitlochry Montrose
Forfar Hoy Orkney
Arbroath Islands
Dundee Scrabster
St Andrews
0 kilometres 50

Stirling Kirkcaldy 0 miles 50

East Kilbride

Hawick Jedburgh

Hexham upon Tyne
Douglas Carlisle
Cockermouth Penrith

Whitehaven Keswick

Mileage Chart
Birmingham 10 = Distance in miles
Barrow-in- 10 = Distance in kilometres
Furness 150 102
241 164 Cardiff
74 185 228
119 298 367 Dover
372 290 373 442
Blackpool 599 467 600 711 Edinburgh
Preston 389 292 374 466 45
626 470 602 750 72 Glasgow
529 448 530 600 158 167
Manchester 851 721 853 965 254 269 Inverness
184 81 173 257 213 214 371
Liverpool 296 130 278 414 343 344 597 Manchester

With such a distinctive national dress, drink, bagpipe music, landscape and
folklore, Scotland has shaped an identity recognizable the world over. It is a
land of contrasts and often possesses a magical quality, whether seen shrouded
in mist or rising majestically above the mirror of a loch.

In a straight line from the far south country’s Central Belt. The Scots cherish
to the far north, the Scottish mainland the differences that set them apart
reaches about 440 km (275 miles), yet from the English, and cling tenaciously
its coastline stretches nearly 10,000 km to the distinctions that differentiate
(6,200 miles). There are 787 major them region by region – their customs,
islands, almost all lying off the northern dialects and the Gaelic language. It
or western coasts. The topography is is perhaps more by their differences
generally extremely mountainous with than similarities that the Scots can
wild heather moorlands in the north be defined but, for all that, they are
and west, pine forests mixed with immensely proud of their nation and its
quality pasture in the middle, fertile separate institutions, such as education
farmland in the east and, in the south, and law. The Scots can be dour but
the rounded, grass-covered hills of equally they can flash with inspiration.
the Lowlands. Picturesque lochs and They delight in self-deprecating humour
rivers are scattered throughout. Most of and continue to honour a long tradition
Scotland’s five million people live in the of hospitality.

A view from Edinburgh Castle with Calton Hill and the Firth of Forth in the distance

Pipers marching at the World Pipe Band Championships, held in Glasgow


Scotland’s economy has fluctuated in

the last 100 years. It has had to fight back
from the demise of its heavy industries:
shipbuilding, coal mining and steel
production. Today, the major contributors
to the economy are North Sea oil, tourism
and services, aided by a range of light
industries. Chief among these is the
manufacture of electronic components
and microchips, giving rise to the notion
of a “Silicon Glen”, but this industry, has
become shaky in response to the global
An event at the Braemar Gathering market. Whisky production is a leading
source of revenue, although it employs
Politics and the Economy few people. Agriculture retains its import-
Ever since the Treaty of Union in 1707, which ance but has been beleaguered by
combined the parliaments of Scotland and disastrous markets. Fishing remains
England into one governing body conven- an important industry, though there
ing in Westminster (London), Scotland has is increasing competition for dwindling
often felt estranged from the mechanisms stocks. Scotland’s level of unemployment
of government, and short-changed by the is on a par with the UK.
small allocation of time given to Scottish
affairs. In 1997 the Scots voted for the re- Society
establishment of a Scottish parliament, The Scots are a gregarious people
which began in 1999. This parliament and enjoy company, whether
has a wide-ranging administrative this be in a small group at a
role, though major financial controls Highland ceilidh (literally, a “visit”),
and decisions of national interest a bar, or as part of the Saturday
are retained by Westminster. armies of football (soccer) fans.
Since the 2011 election, the pro- Sometimes they have to travel far
independence Scottish National to find company; the Highland region
Party (SNP) has held a majority, which has a population density of eight people
led to a referendum on Scottish per square kilometre (20 per square
independence in 2014. Though Edinburgh mile), and the lack of public
narrowly defeated, independence bagpiper transport means a car is vital.
remains a hot topic, and SNP party Church attendance is in decline
membership has since shot to record levels. in all but the Gaelic-speaking areas, where
Sundays are observed as days of rest. In
most towns, and all cities, a full range
of leisure activities and entertainment
runs into the wee hours, but in rural areas
opening hours are shorter, and restaurants
may stop serving early.
Scotland is renowned as the home of
golf, but football is the national passion.
Other popular sports include hill walking,
cycling, skiing, rugby, shinty and curling.
There are also annual Highland Games –
great gatherings of whisky, music, craft stalls
The Viking fire festival, Up Helly Aa in Shetland and tests of stamina and strength (see p35).

Scotland, a governmental branch. The

Edinburgh Festival and Fringe (see pp82–3)
is the largest celebration of its kind in the
world, and there are many smaller festivals
that take place throughout the year. The
Scottish film industry is small but creative
and lively. The music scene is also enjoying
a time of vibrancy, ranging from opera,
Gaelic song and pibroch (the classical
music of the bagpipes) to such varied
international acts as Franz Ferdinand and
Biffy Clyro, not to mention a strong
electronic music scene. Traditional music
has experienced a renaissance using
Small-scale farming in the Western Isles rhythms and instruments from around the
world. Bands like Salsa Celtica combine
Despite their love of sports, the Scots Scottish folk and jazz with Latin
are statistically speaking an unhealthy American sounds. With an estimated
race. Their appetite for red meat four Scots living abroad for every
and greasy food contributes to a one in the homeland, outside
high incidence of heart problems influences are not surprising. In
and they have among the highest dance, there are the varied delights
consumption of alcohol out of of Scottish country, Highland and
all regions in the UK. Tobacco ceilidh dancing and step dancing, as
sales, however, have declined well as the Scottish ballet. Although
since smoking was banned in Edinburgh’s Festival only about 50,000 people speak
public places in 2006. Fringe Office detail Gaelic, the language has been
boosted by increased funding for
Culture and the Arts Gaelic radio and TV shows. Literature also
Scotland offers an excellent programme has a strong following, with no shortage of
of performing arts, supported by Creative Scottish authors and poets (see pp30–31).

The blue waters of Loch Achray in the heart of the Trossachs, north of Glasgow

The Geology of Scotland

Scotland is a geologist’s playground, with rocks displaying
three billion years of geological time. Starting with the hard
granitic gneiss in the Western Isles, which was formed before
life developed on earth, the rocks tell a story of lava flows, eras
of mountainbuilding, numerous ice ages and even a time
when the land was separated from England by the ancient
Iapetus Ocean. Four major fault and thrust lines, running across
Scotland from northeast to
southwest, define the main
geological zones.

Fault and Thrust Lines

The gabbro (dark rock) of the Moine Thrust
Cuillin Hills on Skye was created
Great Glen Fault (see pp152–3)
by subterranean magma in the
Tertiary period, a time when Highland Boundary Fault
the dinosaurs had died out and Southern Uplands Fault
mammals were flourishing.

Changing Earth The action of sea tides and

waves continually erodes
the existing coastline.

Scotland Equator

Iapetus Ocean

Ancient landmass

About 500 million years ago

Scotland was part of a landmass that
included North America, while
England was part of Gondwana. After Plateau-topped
75 million years of continental hills on the island
breakup and drift, the two countries are the exposed
“collided”, not far from the modern remains of a
political boundary. basalt lava flow.



Lewisian gneiss is
Glaciation in the last Ice Age one of earth’s oldest
Present-day national boundaries substances, created in
the lower crust three billion
The last Ice Age, which ended years ago and later thrust up
10,000 years ago, was the most and exposed. Hard, infertile
recent chapter in Scotland’s and grey, it forms low
geological history when, like plateaus filled with
Scandinavia, it became glaciated. thousands of small lochs in
the Western Isles.

U-shaped valleys in
the Highlands are a
legacy of the last Ice
Age. The weight and
movements of glaciers
broke off spurs,
deepening and
rounding out the
existing river valleys.

Quartzite peaks soar

above a base of sandstone
Freshwater loch in parts of the Torridon
range. The quartzite can
Rock layers in be mistaken for snow from
a stepped effect a distance.
The basalt columns of the
Isle of Staffa (see p137) were
Deep sea loch formed 60 million years ago.
A flow of lava cooled slowly,
contracting and fracturing
in a distinctive hexagonal
pattern similar to the Giant’s
Causeway in Ireland.

The Highland
Boundary Fault runs
from Stonehaven, on
the east coast, to Arran
on the west as an
obvious line of hills.

Old lava flow

Typical Features
This cross-section is an idealized
representation (not to scale) of some of the
distinctive geology of the Highlands and
islands of northwest Scotland. The tortuously
indented coastline of this part of the country Devonian sandstone is prevalent in the
is a result of high precipitation in the area Orkney Islands (see pp162–3). In places,
during the last Ice Age which heavily eroded the sea has eroded the horizontally
the layers of ancient rocks, leaving a layered rock into spectacular cliffs and
beautiful and contrasting landscape of stacks, as with the 137-m (450-ft) Old
boulder-strewn glens and deep lochs. Man of Hoy.

The Landscape and Wildlife Native Animals

of Scotland There are no large or dangerous
wild animals in Scotland, but
Scotland is a land of contrasts, from the austere majesty there are a few which are rarely
of the mountains to the subtle undulations of the found living wild elsewhere in
Lowland valleys, and from dramatic coastal cliffs to the British Isles. Shetland ponies
and Highland cattle, by their
dense forests. It is in the wilds of the Highlands and names alone, are instantly
islands that you are most likely to encounter Scotland’s associated with Scotland, and
wealth of wildlife. Many once-prolific species are you are unlikely to see a golden
under threat; preserving them and their habitats eagle outside of the Scottish
is now paramount.

Coastal Lochs and Rivers

The immense, windswept coastline of Scotland has an
Scotland provides some of the best abundance of sea lochs,
chances to view the country’s wild- freshwater lochs and rivers,
life. Islands such as Skye (see enabling a wide range of
pp156–7), pictured above, animal and insect life to
sustain myriad nesting flourish. Sea lochs, such as
Puffin seabirds, including puffins, Dragonfly those shown above on the
guillemots and kittiwakes, while western isle of North Uist, may contain wild salmon
the Bass Rock, off the east coast near North Berwick, and otters, although the latter are more likely to be
has a breeding colony of gannets. The Scottish spotted at a manmade sanctuary, such as the one
coast is also home to seals, whales and dolphins. at Kylerhea on Skye. Many Scottish rivers, the Tay
being just one example, provide a wonderful
Grey seals have opportunity for fishermen to
long inhabited catch salmon and trout.
the rocky Scottish
coasts, such as in Wild otters breed along many
Shetland or in parts of Scotland’s coast and in
North Rona, and its sea lochs. Unlike their Asian
are easily spotted. cousins, they have webbed
feet with which they catch
and eat their prey.
Kittiwakes, with their
white and grey
plumage, are wide- Salmon swim into
spread along the Scotland’s lochs and
Scottish cliffs, from St rivers every year to
Abb’s Head on the breed. They travel
east coast to Handa miles upstream and
Island off the north- up steep waterfalls in
west coast (see p161). order to spawn.

Shetland ponies are indigenous to the

windswept, northerly isles of the same
name, but can also be found on the
mainland. The ponies are small, with
thick, wiry coats.

Highland cattle, bred The golden eagle is one of

in Scotland since the Scotland’s most enduring
1500s, are recognizable emblems. Found at high alti-
by their long horns and tudes, this majestic bird takes its
shaggy coats. prey in one silent swoop.

Mountain and Moorland Woodland and Forest

The hills and mountains of Scotland are a Some of Scotland’s
refuge for rare arctic and alpine plants, forests form part of
while heather and grasses flourish on a protected Forest
the moorlands and Lowlands. This Park. Woodland refuges,
contrast of landscapes can be such as the one in the
seen right across the Scottish Borders shown above, are
Pine marten
Highlands and islands, as shown home to red squirrels and
here on Mull. Birds of prey, goldcrests, while pine martens and wildcats favour
such as eagles and kestrels, the rockier terrain of the Highland forests. Birch
favour this terrain; red and oak woods are dotted around the country.
deer graze on the
Kestrel bleak moorland. Wildcats can still be
found in forest areas,
Sheep roam freely but their numbers
on the moorland are dwindling. A
and hills of Scot- stocky body, thick fur
land, but they are and short, blunt tail
usally marked so distinguish them
they can be identi- from a domestic cat.
fied by the farmer.
Red squirrels are far
rarer than their grey
Red deer are the most com- counterparts, but
mon deer in Europe and can they share the same
often be sighted in the High- bushy tail for agility
lands of Scotland. Their sig- and communication,
nature coats are at their most and sharp, hooked
vibrant in summer. The stags claws for a sure grip
shed their antlers in spring. on trees.

Evolution of the Scottish Castle

Few sights can match the romance of a Scottish castle set upon a small
island in the middle of a quiet loch. These formidable retreats, often in
remote settings, were built all over the Highlands, where incursions
and strife between the clans were common. From the earliest Pictish
brochs (Iron Age stone towers) and Norman-influenced motte and
bailey castles, the distinctively Scottish stone tower-house evolved, first
appearing in the 14th century. By the mid-17th century fashion had
become more important than defence, and there followed a period in Detail of the Baroque façade,
which numerous huge Scottish palaces were built. Drumlanrig

Motte and Bailey

The keep contained the
These castles first appeared in the chief’s house, lookout and
12th century. They stood atop two main defence.
adjacent mounds enclosed by a
wall, or palisade, and defensive
ditches. The higher mound, or
motte, was the most strongly Duffus Castle, Morayshire
defended as it held the keep and
chief’s house. The lower
bailey was where
the ordinary
people lived.

Duffus Castle
(c.1150) was atypically
made of stone rather than The bailey
enclosed dwellings
wood. Its fine defensive position
and storehouses.
dominates the surrounding flatlands The motte of earth or rock was
north of Elgin. sometimes partially man-made.

Early Tower-house Crenellated parapet for

Designed to deter local attacks rather sentries
than a major assault, the first tower-
houses appeared in the 13th century,
and their design lived on for 400
years. They were built initially on a
rectangular plan, with a single tower
divided into three or four floors. The
walls were unadorned, with few
windows. Defensive structures were
on top, and extra space was made by
building adjoining towers. Extensions
were vertical, to minimize the area
open to attack. Claypotts Castle (c.1570), with
uniquely projecting garrets
above its towers

Neidpath Castle, standing upon a Featureless, straight

steep rocky crag above the River walls contain arrow
slits for windows.
Tweed, is an L-shaped tower-house
dating from the late 14th century.
Once a stronghold for Charles II, its
Braemar Castle (c.1630), a walls still bear damage from a siege
conglomeration of extended towers conducted by Oliver Cromwell.

Later Tower-house
Though the requirements of defence were being replaced by
those of comfort, the style of the early tower-house remained
popular. By the 17th century wings for accommodation were
being added around the original tower (often creating a
courtyard). The battlements and turrets were kept more for
decorative than defensive reasons.
The priest’s room Original 15th-century Drum Castle, near Aberdeen, a
has secret access. tower-house 13th-century keep with a mansion house
extension from 1619

This round angle tower

contains a stairway.

horizontal extension

Traquair House (see p91), by the Tweed, is the oldest

continuously inhabited house in Scotland. The largely Decorative,
unadorned, roughcast exterior dates from the 16th corbelled turret
century, when a series of extensions were built around Blair Castle (see p143), incorporating a
the original 15th-century tower-house. medieval tower

Classical Palace
By the 18th century the defensive imperative had passed
and castles were built in the manner of country houses;
the vertical tower-house was rejected in favour of a
horizontal plan (though the building of imitation fortified
buildings continued into the 19th century with the mock-
Baronial trend). Outside influences came from all over
Europe, including Renaissance and Gothic revivals, with
echoes of French châteaux.
Larger windows are due to a Dunrobin Castle (c.1840), Sutherland
lesser need for defence.
Decorative cupola
Balustrades replace
defensive battlements.

Drumlanrig Castle (see p92) was built in the

17th century and has traditional Scots Renaissance-style colonnade
aspects as well as Renaissance features, such
as the decorated stairway and façade. Baroque horseshoe stairway

Scottish Gardens
Scotland has a great number of diverse and
beautiful gardens. Some are renowned for their
layout, such as Pitmedden, or for particular plants.
Rhododendrons flourish in Scotland’s acidic, peaty
soil, and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh is
famous for its spectacular, colourful display. Some
gardens have a striking backdrop of lakes or
Inverewe Garden (see p160) is
mountains, while others form the grounds of a
renowned for its lush, exotic,
stately home. Gulf Stream gardens like Inverewe subtropical flora. Ferns, lilies, giant
offer visitors a rare chance to view exotic, subtropical forget-me-nots and rare palms are
flora at a northern latitude. just some of the 2,500 species that
thrive in the mild climate.
The gardens shown here are
some of Scotland’s finest.

Crarae Gardens (see p134) are Inverewe

sited on a slope overlooking
Loch Fyne, surrounded by
mature woodland. There are
many walks, all designed to
cross a picturesque burn at Kyle of
the centre. The gardens are Lochalsh
riotous with spectacular
rhododendrons in spring and
ablaze with golden and russet Mallaig
leaves during the autumn.
The Botanic Gardens, Glasgow
(see p107), have a wonderful
collection of orchids, begonias Angus’ Garden
and cacti. Kibble Palace, a
domed, iron conservatory Garden
designed by engineer John
Crarae Gardens Glasgow
Kibble, houses tropical tree ferns Botanic
from around the world. Younger Botanic Gardens

Logan Botanic Garden (see p95) is an

outpost of the Royal Botanic Garden in
Edinburgh. The garden is divided into
two main areas – a walled garden with Stranraer
cabbage palms, and a woodland area. Logan Botanic
The Gulf Stream enables subtropical Garden
plants to grow here.

The Rhododendron
These examples illustrate three of the
900 rhododendron varieties. The first is
tropical, grown under glass in Scotland;
the second is evergreen; the third is an
azalea, which used to be considered a
separate species. Rhododendrons also fall
into scaly-leaved and non-scaly groups. Macgregoriae Augustini Medway

The Gulf Stream

The west coast of Scotland is the
surprising location for a number
of gardens where tropical and
subtropical plants bloom.
Although on the same latitude as
Siberia, this area of Scotland lies in
the path of a warm water current
from the Atlantic. Inverewe is the
most famous of the Gulf Stream
gardens, with plants from South
Drummond Castle Gardens America, South Africa and the
are laid out as a large South Pacific. Other gardens
boxwood parterre in include Achamore on the Isle of
the shape of a St Andrew’s Gigha and Logan Botanic Garden Tree ferns warmed by the Gulf Stream, Logan
Cross. Yellow and red roses near Stranraer. Botanic Garden
and antirrhinums provide
the colour, and a sundial
forms the centrepiece. Pitmedden Garden was
created in 1675 and later
restored to its full glory as a
formal garden by the National
Trust for Scotland. Split into two
levels, it has four parterres, two
Pitmedden Garden
gazebos, box hedges and a
Aberdeen splendid fountain at its centre.
Crathes Gardens

Perth Crathes Gardens’ topiary and scented

Drummond Castle borders are centred around the beautiful
Gardens tower-house, Crathes Castle (see p149). There
are eight different themed gardens, such as
Edinburgh Royal the Golden Garden designed in the style of
Botanic Garden Gertrude Jekyll.

Kailzie Gardens Dawyck Botanic Garden is

another branch of Edinburgh’s
Dawyck Priorwood Gardens
Botanic Royal Botanic Garden, and
Garden specializes in rare trees, such as
the Dawyck beech, flowering
shrubs and blankets of narcissi.
Dumfries 0 kilometres 50

0 miles 50

The Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (see

p72), is internationally renowned as a base for
scientific research. With almost 17,000 species,
the garden has a marvellous range of plants.
Exotic plants are found in the many glasshouses,
and the grounds are enhanced by beautifully
maintained lawns.

Great Scottish Inventions

Despite its relatively small size and population, Scotland has
produced a remarkable number of inventors over the centuries.
The late 1700s and 1800s were years of such intense creativity that
the period became known as the Scottish Enlightenment. Many
technological, medicinal and mechanical breakthroughs were made
at this time, including the invention of the steam engine, antiseptic
and the telephone. Out of the country’s factories, universities and
laboratories came a breed of men who were intrepid and forward-
thinking. Their revolutionary ideas and experiments produced
inventions that have shaped our modern, progressive society.

Logarithm tables (1594) were Continous electric

devised by John Napier as a light (1834) was
practical way of multiplying invented by James
and dividing large numbers. Bowman Lindsay using
Though easy to use, the tables galvanic cells in a
took 20 years to create. revolutionary design.

Parallel motion operated

all the valves in time.

A flywheel
The pneumatic stored energy
tyre (tire) (John Piston rod so that the
Dunlop, 1887), was engine ran
originally patented smoothly.
by RW Thomson
and then
developed by
Dunlop for use on
bicycles and,
later, cars.

Golf clubs were

originally wooden The rotative steam engine (James Watt, 1782) was a refinement of
and hand-crafted the existing steam engine. This new model soon became the driving
by carpenters force behind the Industrial Revolution in Britain, powering all
such as Old Tom manner of machinery. Watt’s success led to his name being given to
Morris. By 1890, the modern unit of power.
headed clubs had
been introduced.

The bicycle (Kirkpatrick

Macmillan, 1839) was
originally known as a
velocipede. Macmillan’s
version was an import-
ant stage in the
development of

Spray nozzle

Steam generator

Antiseptic (Joseph Lister,

1865) in the form of carbolic
acid was a most important
Colour photography (1861) was breakthrough in surgery.
developed by the Scottish physicist Lister discovered that,
James C Maxwell. The first to experi- applied to wounds and
ment with three-colour photography, sprayed around the theatre,
he photographed this tartan ribbon the acid helped to prevent
using coloured water as a filter. germs and infection.
Carbolic acid reservoir

The telephone
The thermos flask (Sir (Alexander Graham
James Dewar, 1892) Bell, 1876) was the
was first designed as a scientific break-
vacuum for storing through that
low-temperature revolutionized the
gases. The flask was way the world
later mass-produced as communicated,
the thermos, for introducing the
maintaining the transmission of
temperature of hot sound by electricity.
and cold drinks.

The radar receiver

(Robert Watson-Watt,
1935) was in use
long before World War
II, since Watson-Watt’s
team had built the first
Penicillin (Alexander Fleming, 1928) is working radar defence
a discovery that has changed the face system by 1935.
of medicine. Fleming’s brainchild was Radar is an acronym
the first antibiotic drug to treat for “radio detection
diseases, and by 1940 it was being used and ranging”.
to save the lives of wounded soldiers.

The first television (John Logie Baird, 1926), or

“televisor”, was black and white, and unable to Dolly the cloned sheep was created in
produce sound and pictures together, but it was 1996 by a team of scientists at
nevertheless hailed as a monumental invention. In Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute. Dolly, the
1928, Baird demonstrated the possibilities of first successful clone of an adult animal
creating colour images. in the world, gave birth in 1998.

Writers and Intellectuals

From medieval poets through Robert Burns to Irvine Welsh,
writers in the three literary languages of Scotland – Scots,
English and Gaelic – have created a body of literature
expressing both their place in the European mainstream and
the diversity within Scotland. In 1999, a new parliament was
established in Scotland, three centuries after the dissolution
of the last one. Political devolution followed three decades
of ferment in which literature reached new heights of success.

economy, and Adam Ferguson Robert Burns encircled by images of his

The Golden Age Before (1723–1816), who founded literary creations
Enlightenment modern sociology. Other
Often regarded as the golden prominent figures were
age of Scottish literature, the William Robertson (1721– 93) The 19th Century
century leading up to the and David Hume (1711–76), Despite the importance
Reformation of 1560 was both of whom helped to of Edinburgh in British culture,
characterized by strong define modern history. it was the pattern of leaving
links with the Hume’s greatest Scotland to achieve fame in
Continent and a rich legacy was in London, initiated in the mid-
tradition of poetry, philosophy – his 18th century by James Boswell
culminating in the rigorous empiricism and Tobias Smollett, that
achievements of offended Christian would predominate in the
William Dunbar and orthodoxy and Victorian period.
Robert Henryson. foretold crises of The poetry of Walter Scott
John Barbour faith versus scientific (1771–1832) enjoyed phenom-
established the mythic knowledge. James enal success. His novels,
heroism of the nation- Philosopher Macpherson especially Waverley (1814), rose
al hero in The Bruce David Hume published the Ossian to greater glory. Francis
(c.1375). Other early Chronicles in 1760, Jeffrey’s Whig-orientated
works were James I’s Kingis supposedly the Edinburgh Review led opinion,
Quair (c.1424) and Blind Harry’s documentation of his challenged by Blackwood’s Tory
Wallace (c.1478). discovery of an old Celtic alternative. James Hogg was
Dunbar rose to pre-eminence tradition in the Hebrides. This published by the latter before
for his polished art, from fictional work tapped a writing his startling, gothic
Lament for the Makars (1508), nostalgia for ancient Private Memoirs and Confessions
an elegy to poets, to his insult civilizations and, allied to
poetry known as “flyting”. fears about progress,
Henryson’s work is rich in romanticism was born.
insight, as in The Testament of Allan Ramsay wrote
Cresseid (c.1480), which tells poems in Scots, as did
the legend from the woman’s the tragic Robert Fergus-
point of view. Gavin Douglas son, who died in poverty
translated Virgil’s Aeneid into aged 25.
Scots in 1513. The golden age The country’s most
ended with Sir David Lindsay’s fêted literary figure,
much-revived play, A Satire of Robert Burns (1759–
the Three Estates, in 1540. 96), was a man of his
time. His popular
Enlightenment and ploughman” image
Romanticism belied a sound
The intellectual triumphs of the education. His works
Enlightenment in Scotland ranged from love lyrics
were fuelled by the expanding to savage satire (Holy
educational system. Among Willie’s Prayer),
the great thinkers of the time nationalism to radical
were Adam Smith (1723–90), ideals (A Man’s a Man for Map of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island,
who theorized on political a’ That). based on an island in the Firth of Forth

of a Justified Sinner (1824).

Following Susan Ferrier and
John Galt, standards were
modest, despite the prodigious
career of Margaret Oliphant.
Thomas Carlyle noted the
provinciality of Edinburgh in
the 1830s.
A later response to anxieties of
the age came from Robert Louis
Stevenson (1850–94) in Dr Jekyll
and Mr Hyde. This contrasted
with the sentimentality of home-
spun or so-called kailyard
(literally “cabbage patch”) fiction,
led by JM Barrie and SR Crockett.
Barrie’s dramas often catered for Arthur Conan Doyle’s sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, in The Graphic (1901)
bourgeois tastes, as did the
Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur William Soutar. Fiction reached blackly comic novels (The
Conan Doyle (1859–1930), epic and innovative Prime of Miss Jean Brodie,
which endure today. proportions with Neil Gunn 1961). Urban realism devel-
(Butcher’s Broom, 1933) and oped quietly before William
Lewis Grassic Gibbon (A Scots MacIlvanney’s breakthrough
Quair, 1932–4). Others with The Big Man (1985).
included Willa Muir, Nan Following Alasdair Gray’s
Shepherd and Fionn MacColla. bizarre Lanark (1981), a power-
John Buchan attempted ser- ful wave propelled fiction into
ious work and popular the highly productive present,
thrillers. Nationalist impetus in which Iain Banks remains a
was dissipated by the rise of bestseller (The Crow Road,
fascism, and new directions 1992). Tom Leonard’s poems
were sought after World War II. initiated a tradition using
urban demotic speech. James
Kelman elevated this to new
Post-1945 levels, winning the Booker
Sorley Maclean wrote in Prize for How Late It Was,
his native Gaelic of the ancient How Late (1994).
Highland culture’s plight. Irvine Welsh’s portrayal of
Norman MacCaig began a drug culture is now world
Poster for the film Rob Roy (1995), based career characterized by famous, though the energy of
on Walter Scott’s 1817 novel metaphysical whimsy, and Trainspotting (1993) is absent
George Bruce and Robert from its successors. The
Garioch evoked the strictures private dramas articulated in
Early 20th-century of nature and social class. AL Kennedy’s stories are
Renaissance Edwin Morgan has celebra- poignant and mysterious (So I
George Douglas Brown’s fierce ted art and modernity Am Glad, 1995), while Ian
anti-kailyard novel, The House (Sonnets from Scotland, 1984), Rankin’s thrillers receive inter-
with the Green Shutters (1901), Liz Lochhead continues to national acclaim, as do JK
opened the century and produce fresh drama and Rowling’s hugely successful
serious art was reborn. Hugh poetry, and Jackie Kay Harry Potter books.
MacDiarmid’s poetry in the explores the
1920s carried literature into experience of
the stream of modernism. A being a black
Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle Scottish citizen.
(1926) combines disparate While James Bridie,
Scottish dialects with political Bill Bryden and
and social commentary in one John Byrne made
of the century’s great an impact in the
symbolist works. Edwin Muir theatre, Muriel
also won international Spark rose to
acclaim. Successors included international
Sidney Goodsir Smith and acclaim for her Poster for the film version of Irvine Welsh’s novel

Clans and Tartans

The clan system, by which Highland society was divided into
tribal groups led by autocratic chiefs, can be traced to the 12th
century, when clans were already known to wear the chequered
wool cloth later called tartan. All members of
the clan bore the name of their chief, but not The Mackays, also
all were related by blood. Though they had known as the Clan
Morgan, won lasting
noble codes of hospitality, the clansmen had
renown during the
to be warriors to protect their herds, as can be Thirty Years War.
seen from their mottoes. After the Battle of
Culloden (see p150), all the clan lands were
forfeited to the Crown, and the wearing of The MacLeods are
of Norse heritage.
tartan was banned for nearly 100 years.
The clan chief still
lives in Dunvegan
The MacDonalds Castle, Skye.
were the most power-
ful of all the clans,
holding the title of
Lords of the Isles.

The Mackenzies
received much of
the lands of Kintail
(see p155) from
David II in 1362.

Clan Chief
The chief was the clan’s patriarch, judge and
leader in war, commanding absolute loyalty
from his clansmen who gave military service
in return for his protection. The chief sum- The Campbells
moned his clan to do battle by sending a were a widely feared
runner across his land clan who fought the
bearing a burning Bonnet
Jacobites in 1746
with eagle
cross. (see p134).
clan crest
and plant

or pouch,
made of

Feileadh-mor, The Black Watch, raised in 1729 to

or “great plaid” keep peace in the Highlands, was
(the early kilt), one of the Highland regiments in
wrapped Basket-hilted which the wearing of tartan sur vived.
around waist sword After 1746, civilians were punished
and shoulder. by exile for up to seven years for
wearing tartan.

The Sinclairs
came from France Plant Badges
in the 11th
century and Each clan had a plant
became Earls of associated with its territory.
Caithness in 1455. It was worn on the bonnet,
especially on the day
of battle.

Scots pine was worn by the

MacGregors of Argyll.
George IV, dressed as a
The Frasers came
Highlander, visited Edinburgh
over to Britain from
in 1822, the year of the tartan
France with William
revival. Many tartan “setts”
the Conqueror and
(patterns) date from this time,
his followers in 1066.
as the original ones were lost. Rowan berries were worn
by the Clan Malcolm.

Ivy was worn by the Clan

Gordon of Aberdeenshire.
The Gordons were
famously good
soldiers; the clan
motto was “by cour-
age, not by craft”.
The Stuarts were
Scotland’s royal
dynasty. Their motto Spear thistle, now a national
was “no one harms symbol, was a Stuart badge.
me with impunity”.

Clan Territories
The territories of 10 major clans The Douglas clan
are marked here with their clan was prominent in
crests and tartan. The patterns Scottish history, Cotton grass was worn by the
shown are modern versions of though its origin is Clan Henderson.
original tartan designs. unknown.

Highland Clans Today

Once the daily dress of the clansmen, the kilt continues to be
a symbol of national pride. The one-piece feileadh-mor has
been replaced by the feileadh-beag, or “small plaid”, made from
approximately 7 m (23 ft) of material with a double apron
fastened at the front with a silver pin. Though they exist now
only in name, the clans are still a strong source of pride for
Scots, and many still live in areas traditionally belonging to
their clans. Many visitors to Britain can trace their Scots
ancestry back to the Highlands. Modern Highland formal dress

Highland Music and Games

The Highlands and Islands of Scotland have been the
focus of Gaelic culture for hundreds of years. Although
the language itself is little spoken today, the legacy of
the Gaelic lifestyle lives on in the music and activities
of the people. The bagpipes, a traditional Highland
instrument, are an important part of Scotland’s identity
around the world, and the Highland Games are an
Pibroch is the classical music of the
amalgamation of the Gaelic customs of music, piping world. Played by solo pipers,
dancing and contests of strength. these slow, melancholy tunes produce
a haunting sound that is easier on the
A piper’s hat
is made tradi- ear than the almost discordant sound
The blow-pipe is
tionally from a group of bagpipers makes.
used to inflate the
bag by blowing air, ostrich feathers.
as continuously as
possible, into the
pipe’s mouthpiece.
The drones or “borduns”, are
the three pipes that give the
pitch. They are pitched on a
fixed note, one bass and the
The chanter pipe
other two higher, each at
has eight finger-
intervals of a fifth.
holes, used to play
the melody.

The bag, made from animal

hide, is inflated by air from
the blow-pipe; the air is then
expelled under pressure
applied by the piper’s elbow.

The Bagpipes
Bagpipes have been the traditional
sound of the Highlands for many
centuries and are thought to have been
introduced to Britain by the Romans.
After the Battle of Culloden in 1746 they
were banned for 11 years, along with
Highland dress, for inspiring the
Highlanders to rebel against English rule.
The pipes have now become one of the
most recognized emblems of Scotland.

Traditional Gaelic Music

Accordions have
Music has always featured accompanied
strongly in the Highlands’ Gaelic ceilidhs ever since
communities. Solo instruments the dances began
include the harp and accordion, in the crofting
and ceilidh bands are still communities of
common. the Scottish High-
lands and islands.

The harp is Irish in

Ceilidh bands are an alternative to origin but was intro-
the solo accordion as accompaniment duced to Scotland in
for the modern ceilidh (a Gaelic word the 1800s. The ”clar-
for “visit”). The band’s instruments sach”, as it is known,
usually include fiddles, accordions has enjoyed a revival
and penny whistles. in recent years.

Highland Games and Activities

As well as music, the Highlands of Scotland are
famous for their Games. The first Games took
place many hundreds of years ago, and may
have served a military purpose by allowing clan
chiefs to choose the strongest men from those
competing in contests of strength. Highland
Games are held annually at Braemar (see p42),
as well as at Oban and Dunoon, among others.
Another activity in the Highlands is the
Re-enacting Highland battles is re-enactment of past battles and rebellions.
popular with modern-day clansmen
to commemorate their forefathers’
fight for freedom. The above is a
re-enactment of red coat soldiers
charging the Highlanders at the
Battle of Culloden, where over
2,000 Highland warriors died.

The Highland Games (or Gatherings) as they are played today

date from the 1820s. The most common contests and events are
tossing the caber, weight shifting, piping, singing, dancing and
throwing the hammer. The result is a cacophany of sound and
activity, which can be overwhelming to a first-time spectator.

Throwing the hammer

involves revolving on the
spot to gather speed, while
swinging the hammer
(a weight on the end of a
long pole) around the head,
Tossing the caber is
before launching it across
one of the most famous
the field. The winner is the
Highland sports, and
contestant whose hammer
requires strength and
reaches the furthest distance.
skill. The athlete must run
with the tree trunk and
toss it so that it flips over
180° and lands vertically,
straight ahead.

Weight shifting is a severe test of

strength and stamina. Here, the man
stands with his back to a bar, over
Highland dancing is an important part of the Games, and the which he must throw the huge
dances often have symbolic meanings – for instance the circle weight. The bar is raised after each
in a reel represents the circle of life. In the sword dance, the successful attempt, until only one
feet skip nimbly over the swords without touching them. person is left in the competition.

Scotch Whisky
Whisky is to the Scots what champagne is to the French,
and a visit to Scotland would not be complete without
sampling this fiery, heart-warming spirit. All malt whiskies
are produced using much the same process, but the
environment, maturity and storage of the whisky have
such a strong bearing on its character that every one is a
different experience. There is no “best” malt whisky – some
are suited to drinking at bedtime, others as an aperitif. All A 1920s steam wagon transporting
the distilleries named below produce highly rated single The Glenlivet to the nearby railways
malt Scotch whiskies, a title that is revered by true
whisky connoisseurs. Glenmorangie is the
biggest-selling single
Talisker is a highly malt in Scotland, with a
distinctive malt light, flowery taste and
with an extremely strong perfume.
hot, peppery,
powerful flavour Highland
that is guaranteed Park
to warm the toes. Lochnagar is reputed to
have been a favourite
Pulteney with Queen Victoria,
who visited this distillery

located near Balmoral.


This is a sweet whisky


with overtones of sherry.


Glen Ord


Lagavulin is a classic Talisker E


Islay whisky with a dry,


smoky palate. Islay is


Dalwhinnie Lochnagar

thought to be the
Blair Athol Fettercairn
best of the whisky- Tobermory Edradour
producing islands. Glencadam


Speyside Whiskies Edradour is the

smallest distillery in
The region of Speyside Auchentoshan Edinburgh Scotland but it suc-
(see p148), where barley is ISLAY
Lagavulin Glasgow Glenkinchie ceeds in producing
widely grown, is the setting for CAMPBEL- a deliciously minty,
over half of Scotland’s malt TOWN creamy whisky.
whisky distilleries. Glen Springbank LO W L A N D S
Malt Regions
Single malts vary
according to regional
Glen Moray Linkwood differences in the peat
Glen Elgin
and stream water used.
Glenlossie The Macallan is This map illustrates the
Speyburn widely acknowledged divisions of the tradi-
Glen Rothes as being the “Rolls
tional whisky-distilling
Macallan Royce of single malts”.
regions in Scotland. Each
Glendfiddich Aged in sherry casks,
Glenfarclas it has a full flavour. whisky has subtle but
Mortlach recognizable regional
flavour characteristics.
The Glenlivet
The Glenlivet is the most
Tamnavulin Key
famous of the Speyside
malts, distilled since 1880. Single malt distilleries

How Whisky is Made

Traditionally made from just
1 Malting is the first
stage. Barley grain is
soaked in water and
barley, yeast and stream spread on the malting
floor. With regular
water, Scottish whisky (from turning the grain
the Gaelic usquebaugh, or germinates, producing
the “water of life”) takes a a “green malt”.
little over three weeks to stimulates the
produce, though it must be production of
given at least three years to mature. enzymes which turn
Maturation usually takes place in oak the starches into
fermentable sugars.
casks, often in barrels previously used
for sherry. The art of blending was
pioneered in Edinburgh in the 1860s.
2 Drying of the barley halts
germination after 12 days of
malting. This is done over a peat
Barley grass
fire in a pagoda-shaped malt-kiln.
The peat-smoke gives flavour to
the malt and eventually to the
mature whisky. The malt is
gleaned of germinated roots
3 Mashing of the ground malt, or
“grist”, occurs in a large vat or
“mash tun”, which holds a vast
and then milled.

quantity of hot water. The malt is

soaked and begins to dissolve,
producing a sugary solution
called “wort”, which is then
extracted for fermentation.
4 Fermentation occurs when yeast
is added to the cooled wort in
wooden vats, or “washbacks”.
The mixture is stirred for hours
as the yeast turns the sugar into
alcohol, producing a clear liquid
5 Distillation involves boiling the
wash twice so that the alcohol
vaporizes and condenses. In
called “wash”.

copper “pot stills”, the wash is

distilled – first in the “wash still”,
then in the “spirit still”. Now
purified, with an alcohol
content of 57 per cent, the
result is young whisky.

6 Maturation is the final process.

The whisky mellows in oak
casks for a legal minimum of
three years. Premium brands
give the whisky a 10- to 15-year Traditional drinking vessels, or
maturation, though some are quaichs, made of silver
given up to 50 years.

Blended whiskies are Single malts are made

made from a mixture in one distillery, from
of up to 50 different pure barley malt that is
single malts. never blended.

Touring Scotland by Car The far northwest can be visited in a

circular tour starting at Braemore
Junction, near Ullapool, heading west
The ten routes marked on this map are excellent on a series of single-track roads past tiny
examples of the options open to motorists touring crofting settlements and some of the
oldest rocks in Britain. The route rejoins
Scotland. Some routes are circular, using a major city as the two-lane road near Unapool.
a base; some can be combined into longer itineraries.
Main roads are few and far between in the Highlands,
but driving conditions are generally good, and traffic is
light outside the peak July and August holiday period.
The driving times given in the key assume normal
conditions without lengthy stops. Further information Unapool
about road travel is on pages 222–3.


Gairloch Braemore

Kyle of

From Kyle of Lochalsh, this route Mallaig

along the west coast encompasses
the magnificent mountains and
coastline of Wester Ross, taking in Fort
Loch Carron, Torridon, Loch Maree,
Gairloch and Inverewe Gardens.

Key to Touring Routes

The Border Abbeys & Scott’s View 195
km (120 miles), 3–4 hours
Walter Scott’s Country 185 km (115 Tarbet
miles), 3–4 hours
The Road to the Isles (see pp
Fife Fishing Villages & St Andrews 195
km (120 miles), 3–4 hours 140–41) begins in Crianlarich, then
crosses desolate Rannoch Moor
Eastern Grampians & Royal Deeside 180
km (110 miles), 4 hours to Glencoe (see p138) and past
Fort William. The rugged scenery
High Mountains of Breadalbane 180 km
(110 miles), 4 hours shown here is near the end of the
tour route.
Loch Lomond & the Trossachs 225 km Ayr
(140 miles), 5 hours
Inveraray & the Mountains of Lorne 225
km (140 miles), 4 hours 0 kilometres 50

Glencoe & the Road to the Isles 160 km 0 miles 50

(100 miles), 3 hours
Sea Lochs of the West Coast 195 km
(120 miles), 4 hours Stranraer
The Far Northwest 160 km (100 miles),
3–4 hours

Loch Lomond is the first point of

interest on a tour of Inveraray and
the Mountains of Lorne. After Tarbet
is a pass known as “The Rest and Be
Thankful”, then a drive to the
18th-century town of Inveraray (see
p134), and on past Kilchurn Castle.

Tips for Drivers

Hazards Watch out for sharp
bends and animals on the roads
in the Highlands. The sudden
noise of jets above the glens can
also startle drivers. Minor roads
are often single track. Snowfall
may result in road closures.
Fuel Fill up your car with fuel in
towns, as there are few filling
stations in rural areas.
Passing through Royal Deeside in
the eastern Grampians, this route links
Perth with Aberdeen, crossing a
700-m (2,000-ft) pass before descend-
ing to Balmoral Castle. The stretch
from Braemar is on pages 148–9.



St Andrews (see p127) and the historic
fishing villages of East Fife can be reached
Braemar from Edinburgh over the Forth Bridge, and
back via the hunting palace of the Stuart
kings at Falkland (see p128).

A tour of Walter
Scott’s Country
Crieff Perth takes in the River
St Andrews Tweed Valley,
Callander Falkland with its attractive
hills, market
Stirling towns and an
arboretum at

Melrose Abbey is one of the highlights of a tour
Melrose Kelso taking in attractive Border towns, the famous
Border Abbeys and Scott’s View – one of the
finest viewpoints in southern Scotland. More
details of part of this tour are on page 89.

Stirling, with its castle,
is the base from which to
explore the high
mountains of Breadal-
bane. The route passes
From Glasgow, this route through Callander, past
includes Loch Lomond, Rob Roy’s grave and Loch
Lochearnhead and
Earn. It then climbs over
Balquhidder. Just north of
Callander, it turns west into a mountain pass down
the Trossachs. Heading back to Glen Lyon, one of the
via Drymen, there is access most beautiful glens, and
to Loch Lomond. on through Crieff.

Most visitors come to Scotland between Castle, the British Royal Family’s Scottish
May and August, when they enjoy the residence). Out of season, a good winter
best weather, long hours of daylight and the snowfall in the Highlands provides an
chance to sample world-class events such as opportunity for snowboarding or skiing.
the Edinburgh International Festival or the Edinburgh’s organized celebration at New
Glasgow International Jazz Festival. The Year – known locally as Hogmanay – has
countryside lures tourists and Scots alike, seen a rise in visitor numbers. During most
and at the height of summer, it gets very weeks of the year, but especially in the
busy in areas such as Loch Ness (monster summer, a festival is held somewhere
spotting) or Royal Deeside (site of Balmoral across the country.

Glasgow International Beltane (30 Apr), Calton Hill,

Comedy Festival (mid- to late Edinburgh. Pagan celebration
Mar). Comedy acts from around to welcome start of summer
the world (www.glasgow ( Scottish Rugby Union Cup
Final (late Apr), Murrayfield
April Stadium, Edinburgh. Scotland’s
Puppet Animation Festival showpiece club rugby event
(first two weeks). Workshops (
and displays at 70 venues
nationwide (www.puppet May Shetland Folk Festival (first
International Science Festival week). Traditional Scottish music
(two weeks, early Apr), Edinburgh. in an island setting (www.
The world’s largest science fes-
tival ( Imaginate (fourth week),
Scottish Grand National (mid- Edinburgh. Performing arts event
Apr), Ayr Racecourse. Scotland’s for children and young people
Full colours of gorse in bloom top steeplechase event (www. (
in springtime Scottish Cup Final (May),
King of the Sevens (mid-Apr Hampden Park, Glasgow.
or early May), Melrose, Borders. Scottish football’s showpiece
Spring International seven-a-side club event.
The snow clears off the rugby union event (www. Knockengorroch World Ceilidh
mountains after April, the (late May), Galloway. World and
salmon swim upstream and the Glasgow Contemporary Art folk music festival on remote
country prepares for visitors. Fair (late Apr). Commercial farmland, with fire spectaculars,
There are some excellent art show in various galleries workshops and stalls (www.
festivals and a series of import- (
ant sporting events. British
Summer Time, when the
clocks go forward one hour,
starts at the end of March.

Inverness Music Festival (early
Mar). Over 1,000 entrants
battle it out in a week-long
Gaelic music festival (www.
MV Festival (third weekend),
Aviemore. Daytime comedy,
music and après-ski events
at the Cairngorm ski area
and evening street parades in
Aviemore ( Horses racing at the Scottish Grand National, Ayr Racecourse

Average Daily Hours of Sunshine Sunshine Chart

Hours Although Scotland is not in
any way synonymous with
sunshine, its summers are
8 marked by very long hours
of daylight, due to the
6 country’s northerly latitude.
In the winter, days are very
short, so there’s little time
for the sun to poke through
the clouds.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Glasgow International Jazz

Summer Festival (late Jun). Various
This is the busiest time of venues across the city.
year. Many towns and villages St Magnus Festival (third week),
stage their own version of the Orkney. Arts event.
Highland Games, on varying
scales. Days are long – in July
Shetland there is no proper Scottish Game Fair (first week-
night at midsummer, while even end), Scone Palace, Perth. Major
the south sees sunrise around shooting and fishing event.
4:30am, sunset around 10pm. T in the Park (second weekend),
Balado, Fife. Scotland’s biggest
rock festival (www.tinthe Grouse shooting on the “Glorious Twelfth”
Traditional Boats Festival (early of August
Jul), Portsoy harbour, Banffshire.
Displaying Scotland’s fisheries Piping Live (mid-Aug),
heritage ( Glasgow. Week-long
Aberdeen Asset Management celebration, immediately
Scottish Open (mid-Jul), followed by the World Pipe
Aberdeen. Fixture on Band Championships.
European golf tour (www. Edinburgh Festival (Aug). “The Festival” comprises an
Speyfest (late Jul). Three international arts festival, an
days of concerts and ceilidhs extensive Fringe festival and
devoted to traditional and other events dedicated to
contemporary Celtic music television, comedy, books, jazz
( and blues music (see pp82–3).
The traditional event of tossing the caber Edinburgh Military Tattoo
at the Highland Games August (throughout Aug). Martial
Traquair Fair (late Jul/early Aug), music and displays on
June Innerleithen, Borders. Themed Edinburgh Castle Esplanade
Gardening Scotland (late May/ festival that takes place in odd- (
early Jun), Edinburgh. Large numbered years and features Glorious Twelfth (12 Aug).
gardening show (www. music, theatre and food stalls. Grouse-shooting season opens.
Rockness Music Festival (early
Jun), Inverness. Huge multi-day
rock and techno festival in a
wonderful setting beside Loch
Ness (
Edinburgh International Film
Festival (mid-Jun), Edinburgh.
The world’s oldest film festival
Royal Highland Show
(mid-Jun), Ingliston, Edinburgh.
Agricultural and food fair
( A stilt walker performing during the Fringe festival in Edinburgh

Average Monthly Rainfall (Edinburgh) Rainfall Chart

Compared with the
MM Inches
rest of the country,
100 4
the east coast has
80 consistently lower
3 rainfall. The Northern
60 Isles, Inner and Outer
2 Hebrides and Western
40 Highlands are likely to
1 have three times as
much precipitation
0 0 as Edinburgh, Fife
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec or Tayside.

Royal National Mod (second

week), venue changes yearly.
Performing arts competition
promoting Gaelic language
and Gaelic culture in general
Tiree Wave Classic (mid-Oct).
Britain’s premier windsurfing
competition takes advantage
of the powerful Atlantic swell
and extreme winds of the
Inner Hebrides (www.tiree
Great Scottish Run (early Oct),
Glasgow. A half-marathon
The rich colours of autumn in Tayside for all to enter (www.
Camanachd Cup Final (early
Autumn Sep). The most important trophy November
The autumn colours can be for the stick-and-ball sport St Andrew’s Day (30 Nov).
spectacular on a fine day in the of shinty, usually held in one National day of Scotland’s
countryside. Scotland may be of the main Highland towns patron saint. Many private
beginnning to wind down after ( and society dinners.
the summer, but there are still Pedal for Scotland (early Sep).
some attractions to be found Huge cycling event with rides
for the attentive visitor. Schools to suit all, including the 47-mile Winter
have a week’s holiday in October, Glasgow–Edinburgh route This is a season of short days
which was traditionally a break ( and cold weather, but Christmas
to allow the children to work on Ayr Gold Cup (mid-Sep), Ayr
the potato harvest. Racecourse. Prestigious flat-race Public Holidays
for horses (www.ayr-
September These public holidays
Ben Nevis Hill Wigtown Book are observed throughout
Race (first Sat), Festival (late Sep), Scotland. Some local
Fort William. Dumfries, Galloway authorities declare extra
Annual race up and Wigtown. Scot- holidays.
and down the land’s National Book New Year (1–2 Jan). Two days
highest mountain Town welcomes book in Scotland, compared with
in Britain (www. lovers and collectors (www. just the one day in England. Good Friday (late Mar or early
Braemar Gathering Apr). Easter Monday is not an
(first weekend), October official holiday in Scotland.
Braemar, Aber- Shot putting at Glasgay (early Oct–early May Day (first Monday in May).
deenshire. One of Braemar Nov). A longstanding Spring Bank Holiday (last
Monday in May).
the country’s leading month-long celebration of
Summer Bank Holiday (first
Highland Games (see p35) with gay culture in several central
Monday in Aug).
members of the Royal Family Glasgow venues, involving film, Christmas Day (25 Dec).
usually in attendance (www. theatre, music and club nights Boxing Day (26 Dec). (

Average Monthly Temperature (Edinburgh)

Temperature Chart
°C °F This bar chart illustrates
25 77 the average minimum
and maximum monthly
20 68
temperatures recorded
15 59 in Edinburgh. The west
of Scotland tends to be
10 50 warmer than the east,
while the Highlands
5 41
can be arctic-like, with
0 32 heavy snowfalls during
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec the winter.

and New Year celebrations ball game on the town’s streets

provide a welcome antidote. to welcome the New Year. A
Haggis sales peak in late January centuries-old tradition (www.
with Burns Night parties. This
quiet period is probably the best Celtic Connections (second half of
time of year to visit Scotland’s month), Glasgow. Two weeks of
museums and galleries. ceilidhs and Celtic-themed music
December Burns Night (25 Jan). Scotland
Edinburgh’s Hogmanay (late celebrates the birth of its
Dec into early Jan). World’s national poet with readings
biggest New Year celebration. and “Burns Suppers”. Haggis,
Several days of events, potatoes, turnips and whisky
including processions and are on the menu.
street theatre, in the capital. Up Helly Aa (last Tue), Lerwick,
The centrepiece is a vast street Shetland Isles. Midwinter,
party on 31 December (www. Edinburgh’s Royal Mile overflowing with Viking-themed fire festival. Hogmanay revellers
Stonehaven Fireball Festival February
(31 Dec). Century-old Hogmanay fun to watch (www.stone Glasgow Film Festival (mid-
festival that involves throwing Feb), Glasgow. Showcases
fireballs around the streets, then January a range of blockbusters and
heaving them into the harbour. The Ba’ Game (1 Jan), Kirkwall, independent films (www.visitgff.
As mad as it sounds and great Orkney Isles. Young men play a

Walker surveying the winter landscape in the Mamores in the Scottish Highlands

Scotland has been torn apart by religion and internal politics, coveted by
a richer and more powerful neighbour and wooed and punished for
400 years as the vital partner in the power struggles between England,
France and Spain. She has risen and fallen through the ages, acquiring
romance from tragedy, producing genius out of poverty and demonstrating
an irrepressible spirit.

“They spend all their time in wars, and conquered Caledonia because their
when there is no war, they fight one resources were stretched too thin.
another” is a description of the Scots Instead, they built Hadrian’s Wall from
written in about 1500. For the visitor, Wallsend on the east coast to Bowness-
the chief delight in this turbulent on-Solway in the west, and later the
history is that so much is still tangible Antonine Wall, a shorter wall further
and visible. north, thereby endeavouring to shut
The earliest settlers in the country are out the Caledonians. Despite the
believed to have been Celtic-Iberians, country’s relative isolation from the rest
who worked their way north along the of Britain, however, it is believed that
coast from the Mediterranean, and the original form of the Scottish kilt
arrived in Scotland about 8,000 years ago. derived from the Roman tunic, or toga.
Around 2000 BC their descendants By AD 400 the Romans had abandoned
erected majestic standing stones, which their northern outposts, and Scotland
are found all over the country. The was divided between four races,
layout of those at Callanish in the each with its own king. These were
Western Isles shows an advanced the predominant Picts, the Britons and
knowledge of astronomy. These people Angles in the south, and the smallest
also built underground round-houses group – the Scots – who originally
and an abundance of forts, indicating came from Ireland and occupied the
that they were no strangers to invasion southwest of the country.
and warfare. In the late 4th century AD a Scot,
In AD 82 the Romans penetrated deep St Ninian, travelled to Rome and,
into “ Caledonia”, as they called the upon his return, built a church at
country, and Tacitus recorded vic tories Whithorn, thereby introducing
against the Picts (the “painted people”) Christianity to “Dalriada”, the Kingdom
and other tribes. Yet the Romans never of the Scots.

AD 82–4 Romans invade but

do not conquer “Caledonia”
300 BC Iron Age begins;
weapons are improved
AD 121 Hadrian’s
Skara Brae Wall built

4000 BC 2500 BC 1000 BC AD 500

2900–2600 BC Callanish standing AD 400 Romans abandon

3100 BC Skara Brae
settlement on stones and others erected, showing Caledonian outposts. Picts,
Orkney buried by advanced astronomical knowledge Scots, Britons and Angles
a storm have separate kingdoms
Roman coin

Return of Mary, Queen of Scots to Edinburgh in 1561, by James Drummond (1816–77)


Christianity and Unification

Christianity remained in an isolated pocket
centred around Whithorn on the Solway
Coast, until the great warrior-missionary, St
Columba, arrived from Ireland and
established his monastery on the small
Hebridean island of Iona in 563. Fired by his
zeal, the new religion spread rapidly. By
800, Iona had achieved widespread
influence, and Columban missionaries
worked all over Europe. The Celtic Church
developed along monastic lines and
remained predominantly reclusive by
nature, dedicating itself to worship and
scholarship. Among its surviving works of
art is the famous Book of Kells. This lavish,
illuminated 8th- to 9th-century manuscript An illustrated page from the ornate Book of Kells, now kept in
is thought to have been started on Iona, Trinity College, Dublin
and later moved to Ireland for safe-keeping.
The consolidation of a common religion Feudalism and the Clans
helped to ease the merging of tribes. In 843 Under the powerful influence of Margaret,
the Picts and Scots united under Kenneth the English wife of Malcolm III (1057–93), a
MacAlpin. Curiously, the once-mighty Picts radical shift occurred during the king’s
were the ones to lose their identity. They reign away from the Gaelic-speaking
remain a mystery, except for their culture of most of Scotland to the
exquisite stone carvings depicting English-speaking culture of the
interwoven patterns, warriors and a south. This divide was widened
wondrous mythology. under “good king” David I (1124– 53).
A long era of terrible Viking raids Under his reign Royal Burghs were
began in 890, resulting in the created – towns built on the king’s land
Norse occupation of the and given special trading privileges in
Western Isles for 370 years, exchange for annual payments to him. He
and Shetland and Orkney also introduced a national system of
for almost 600 years. The justice and weights and measures and,
Norse threat possibly in the Lowlands, a feudal system based
encouraged the Britons to Viking axe on Anglo-Norman lines.
join “Scotia”, and in 1018 the Power devolved through an introduced
Angles were defeated. Scotland became aristocracy, largely French-speaking, and a
one united kingdom for the first time. structure bonded through land tenure.

563 Columba founds a monastery on

St Martin’s
Iona and spreads Christianity, easing 1018 King Malcolm of Scotia defeats the Angles. His
cross, Iona
the merging of tribes grandson, Duncan, unites the country of Scotia,
excluding the Norse-held islands

600 700 800 900 1000

843 Picts and Scots are

685 The Pictish 890 Northern and
King Bruide defeats the united under Kenneth Western Isles occupied by
Angles of Northumbria MacAlpin. Picts subsequently the Norsemen
at Forfar in Angus become lost to obscurity

David I tried to impose this system in the man, lost. William Wallace rose and led a
north, but the region remained out of his revolt that rekindled hope until his capture
control and, indeed, had its own “kings” – the and execution six years later. His cause was
Lords of the Isles. In the Highlands a taken up by Robert the Bruce who,
different social structure based on against all odds, won support and
kinship – that of families, or clans – raised an army that changed the
had evolved. The chief was a course of history by winning a
patriarch who held land, not decisive victory over the English at
privately, but on behalf of his the Battle of Bannockburn, near
people. It was an inheritable Stirling, on 23 June 1314.
position, but the chief remained Confronted by the largest English
accountable to the clan and could The lion of Scotland, army to cross the border, the Scots
be removed by common consent, dating from 1222 were outnumbered three to one,
unlike the feudal landlords whose and their arms were inferior. Yet
power was vested through legal title to the Bruce had chosen his ground and his strategy
land. This subtle difference was mirrored on carefully and, despite the enemy’s skilful
a national level – in England, the monarch bowmen and heavy cavalry, the Scots
was the King of England; in Scotland, he gained the victory they so badly needed.
was known as the King of Scots. Scotland had won back its independence,
but it was not until 1329 that its sovereign
The Wars of Independence and the status was recognized and secured by a
Battle of Bannockburn Papal bull (six days after Bruce had died).
In 1222 the lion of Scotland’s coat of arms Even so, the wars with England would
first appeared on the great seal of Alexander continue for another 300 years.
II. This was during a relatively
peaceful interlude among frequent
periods of turmoil when it seemed
that Scotland was in danger of
breaking apart.
When Alexander III’s infant
daughter died in 1290, there was
no heir to the throne. Edward I of
England installed a puppet king
and, in 1296, led a devastating
invasion that carried off the Stone
of Destiny – the Scots’ coronation
throne – and earned him the title
“Hammer of the Scots”. Scotland
was crushed and, but for one Robert the Bruce in combat at the Battle of Bannockburn (1314)

1124–53 David I
1296 Edward I takes Stone of 1320 Declaration of Arbroath sent to
imposes Norman
feudal system. A Destiny from Scone Abbey the Pope – an eloquent appeal for
clan system prevails to Westminster recognition of Scottish independence
in Highlands and sovereignty

1100 1200 1300 1400

1263 Western 1328–9 Independence and sovereignty

1154 Loss of “southern affirmed by Treaty with England and
Isles won back
counties” to England from Norse Papal bull

Edward I 1314 Robert the Bruce defeats 1326 Meeting of first

(1239–1307) the English at Bannockburn Scottish Parliament

The Stuarts
In 1371 began the long dynasty of the
House of Stuart, a family distinguished by
intelligence and flair but prone to tragedy.
James I introduced wide legal reforms and
approved the first university. James III won
Orkney and Shetland from King Christian of
Denmark and Norway through marriage to
his daughter. James IV ended his illustrious
reign with uncharacteristic misjudgement
at the Battle of Flodden, in which 10,000
Scots died. But the most famous of the
Stuarts was Mary, Queen of Scots (1542–87)
who acceded to the throne as an infant. Woodcut of Protestant martyr George Wishart being burned at the
Raised in France, Mary was beautiful, stake in 1546
clever, gentle and spirited, but her reign was
destined to be difficult. She was a Catholic The Reformation
in a country changing to Protestantism, Until Mary’s reign, Scotland’s national religion,
and a threat to her cousin, Elizabeth I, like the rest of Europe, was the Church of
whose claim to the English throne was Rome. It had become extremely rich and
precarious. Had Mary married wisely she powerful and, in many ways, self-serving
might have ruled successfully, but her and divorced from the people. When Martin
husbands alienated her potential supporters. Luther sparked the Reformation in Germany
Mary returned to Scotland aged 18, in 1517, the ripples of Protestantism spread. In
already a widow and Dowager Queen of Scotland the most vociferous leader was
France, and spent just six turbulent years as the firebrand preacher John Knox (see p62),
Scotland’s queen. She married again who fearlessly denounced Mary.
and, following the public scandal of There followed a long period of
her secretary’s murder by her second religious tension and strife. At first
husband and his subsequent murder, the main contentions were between
she married for a third time. Roman Catholics and Protestants.
However, her choice was unac- As Catholicism was purged, albeit
ceptable to both the public and with revivals and impregnable
the church. She was deposed Mary, Queen of Scots, of the strongholds in the Highlands
and held captive, making a House of Stuart and islands, the conflicts shifted
daring escape from an island to Presbyterians versus Episco-
castle to England, only to be imprisoned palians. The differences lay in the structures
there for 18 years and then finally executed of the churches and in their forms of worship.
on the orders of her cousin, Elizabeth. The feuds blazed and spluttered for 150 years.

Flodden field
1603 Union of the Crowns. James VI of Scotland
becomes James I of England and moves to London

1559 John Knox leads

Reformation in Scotland

1450 1500 1550 1600

1513 10,000 1587 Mary executed on the

1472 Orkney and Shetland come Scots die in Battle orders of Elizabeth I
under Scottish rule of Flodden 1542–67
1488–1513 James IV’s strong leadership. Reign of Mary,
Edinburgh becomes capital Queen of Scots James VI

Union with England

Mary’s son, James VI, had reigned for 36 years
when he became heir to the English throne.
In 1603 he moved his court to London
(taking his golf clubs), thus removing the
monarchy from a permanent presence in
Scotland for good. Scotland still retained its
own parliament but found it increasingly Articles of Union between England and Scotland, signed 22 July
difficult to trade in the face of restrictive 1706 and accepted in 1707
English laws. In 1698 it tried to
break the English monopoly on His call to arms to overthrow the Hanoverian
foreign trade by starting its usurper, George II, drew a poor response and
own colony in Panama, a only a few Highland chiefs offered support.
scheme that failed and From this dismal start his campaign
brought financial ruin. achieved remarkable success, but indecisive
The first proposal to leadership weakened the side.
unite the two parliaments The rebel army came within 200 km
received a hostile reception (125 miles) of London, throwing the city
from the public. Yet into panic, before losing heart and retreating.
influential Scots saw union At Culloden, near Inverness, the Hanoverian
Protestant preacher as a means of securing army (which included many Scots, for this
John Knox equal trading rights. The was not an issue of nationalism) defeated
English saw it as a means of the Jacobites on a snowy 16 April 1746. The
securing the Protestant line of succession cause was lost. Bonnie Prince Charlie
to the throne, for by now the deposed became a fugitive hotly pursued for six
Stuarts were threatening to reinstate the months, but despite a £30,000 reward on
Catholic line. James VII was deposed in his head he was never betrayed.
1689 and fled to France. In 1707 the
Act of Union was passed and the
Scottish Parliament was dissolved.

Bonnie Prince Charlie and

the Jacobites
In 1745 James VII’s grandson, Prince
Charles Edward Stuart, secretly
entered Scotland, landing on the
west Highland coast with seven men
and a promise of French military Feather-capped Scottish Jacobites being attacked by Royalists at Glen Shiel
support, which never materialized. in the Highlands, 1719

1642 Civil 1692 Massacre of Glencoe – a
war in Campbell-led force murders its 1745–6 Jacobite rising. Bonnie Prince
England hosts, the MacDonalds, as an Charlie tries to recover throne, but loses
official punitive example the Battle of Culloden and flees

1650 1700 1750

1689 James VII loses throne as he 1746 Abolition of Feudal Jurisdictions

tries to restore Catholicism
1726 Roadbuilding under General Wade
1698 First Darien (Panama) Expedition to found a
1706–7 Union of Parliaments.
trading colony. Bank of Scotland established
Scottish Parliament dissolved

Cogs Piston popular and sporting estates all the rage for
hunting deer, the inland glens were as empty
Boiler as they are today.

Industrialization and the

Scottish Enlightenment
While the Highlands were emptying, parts
of southern Scotland were booming. For
a large part of the 18th century Glasgow’s
tobacco lords operated a lucrative
stranglehold on the European market,
James Watt's steam engine, which shifted the source of industrial and linen, cotton and coal in their turn
power from water to steam became important national industries.
The Industrial Revolution, made possible
The Aftermath of Culloden by Scotsman James Watt’s revolutionary
and the Clearances contribution to the steam engine, brought
Culloden was the turning point in Highland wealth to the nation (yet at the expense
history, such was the severity of the of health and social conditions) and
oppressive measures following the battle. turned Glasgow into the “Workshop of
An Act was passed banning the wearing of the Empire”– a reputation it retained
tartan, the playing of pipes and the carrying until the demise of its famous shipbuilding
of arms. The ties of kinship between chief industry in the 20th century.
and people were severed, and a way of life A flowering of original thinkers also
was extinguished. From then on chiefs emerged in Scotland in the 18th
assumed the roles of feudal landlords, and century (see pp30–31), most notably the
the land, once held for the people, became philosopher David Hume, economist Adam
their private property. When sheep
were found to thrive profitably on the
land, the people became a hindrance
and, as a result, were removed.
The evictions, or so-called
Clearances, began in the 1760s. Some
were achieved quite peacefully through
financial incentives, but increasingly they
were enforced through violence and
burning, the most notorious taking place
on the Duke of Sutherland's estate in 1814.
In the 1860s, by which time Queen
Victoria had made the Highlands Shipbuilding factory in Clydeside, now closed

1814 “The Year of 1832 Sir Walter

1786 Robert Burns Scott buried at 1886 Crofters
Burning” of the
publishes Poems, Chiefly Sutherland Clearances Dryburgh Abbey Act provides
in the Scots Dialect secure tenure
Early telephone and fair rents

1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900

1840 Glasgow's population reaches 200,000 as 1888 Scottish

1769 James Watt 1876 Alexander Labour Party
patents his its shipbuilding and cotton industries flourish Graham Bell founded by James
steam engine patents the first Keir Hardie
1848 Queen Victoria uses Balmoral as a retreat, and Scottish working
culture becomes fashionable with the English telephone

Smith and the “Bard of many, they finally won their

Humanity”, Robert Burns. first seat at Westminster in
In the 19th century, 1970, around the time that
Scotland’s architecture North Sea oil wealth became
led the way in Europe, a factor in the Scottish
as epitomized by the economy and increased
development of Edinburgh’s confidence in its ability to
New Town (see pp68–9). stand alone. In 1997, a large
This bold plan to create a majority of Scots voted for
residential centre away from the 1999 re-establishment
the congested Old Town of a Scottish Parliament with
was begun in 1770, and the a devolved authority over
design was greatly expanded health, education and local
in 1822 to produce a model A North Sea oil rig, providing prosperity government, but incomplete
of elegance that is outstanding in the late 20th century tax-raising powers. The SNP
to this day. Among the more has ruled here since 2007,
famous of those who have occupied these and put a referendum for Scottish
classic Georgian houses was Sir Walter independence on the agenda for 2014.
Scott, one of the world’s earliest This was rejected, but by a margin so
best-selling novelists. narrow that it seemed unlikely to be the
In this same period, known as the Scottish end of the matter. This was confirmed in
Enlightenment, Thomas Telford excelled in 2015 when the SNP used its separatist and
engineering and, ever increasingly, Scots left-wing platform to win 56 of 59 available
were finding fame and fortune abroad by seats (in 2010, it had only won six).
exploring and developing foreign lands.

The Process of Devolution

Soon after the 1707 Act of Union, it became
clear that England and Scotland would
never be equal partners. With the political
centre in London’s Westminster, many Scots
who wanted to make a mark in politics
were forced to leave Scotland. This, and a
system generally weighted towards English
affairs, caused a general feeling of apathy
and impotence to spread across Scotland.
The Scottish National Party (SNP) was
founded in 1934 and, though its separatist The main chamber of the Scottish Parliament building, in central
ideology initially seemed extremist to Edinburgh, which opened in 2004

1967 North Sea oil 1999 Scottish Parliament

1914–18 74,000 Scots die in World War I
exploration begins re-established
1931 Economic slump – 2015 SNP win another
65 per cent unemployment 1996 Stone of Destiny (see landslide majority and begin
in Clyde shipyards p64) returns to Scotland a third term in government

1925 1950 1975 2000 2025

1920s Hugh 1945 Alexander Fleming 2004 2014 Referendum

MacDiarmid wins Nobel Prize Opening of narrowly rejects Scottish
reinstates Scots 1934 Scottish National
new Scottish independence
as literary Party founded Parliament
Stone of Destiny building

Scotland at a Glance 54–55

Edinburgh 56–83
Southern Scotland 84–97
Glasgow 98–113
Central Scotland 114–129
The Highlands and Islands 130–167

Scotland at a Glance
Stretching from the rich farmlands of the Borders to a
chain of isles only a few degrees south of the Arctic Circle,
the Scottish landscape has a diversity without parallel in
Britain. The vibrant cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh offer
numerous attractions. The northeast is an area rich
in wildlife, and as you travel northwest, the land
becomes more mountainous and its archaeological Stornoway
treasures more numerous. In the far northwest, in
the Western Isles, Scotland’s earliest relics stand
upon some of the oldest rock on earth.

The Isle of Skye (see

pp156–7), renowned
for its dramatic
scenery, has one of HIGHLAND
Scotland’s most
striking coastlines.
On the east coast, a Kyle of
stream plunges over
Kilt Rock, a cliff of
hexagonal basalt
columns named Mallaig
after its likeness to
the Scottish
national dress. Fort William



(See pp98–113)

The Trossachs (see pp120–21) are a beautiful range AYRSHIRE

of hills straddling the border between the Highlands Ayr
and the Lowlands. At their heart, the forested
slopes of Ben Venue rise above the still waters Campbeltown
of Loch Achray.

The Burrell Collection AND
(see pp108–9), on the G A L LO W AY
southern outskirts of Stranraer
Glasgow, is a museum of
some of the city’s greatest
art treasures. It is housed
in a spacious, glass building
opened in 1983.

Culzean Castle (see pp96–7) stands on a cliff’s edge on

the Firth of Clyde, amid an extensive country park. One
of the jewels of southern Scotland, Culzean is a
magnificent showcase for the work of the Scottish-born
architect, Robert Adam (1728–92).
Low cloud in the Tummel Valley, near Pitlochry in the central Highlands
S C OT L A N D AT A G L A N C E  55


The Cairngorms (see pp144–5) cover an area
prized for its beauty and diversity of wildlife, though
there are also many historical relics to be found,
such as this early 18th-century arch at Carrbridge.



(See pp130–67) Aberdeen


Royal Deeside (see pp148–9) in the Grampians
FIFE has been associated with British royalty since
Queen Victoria bought Balmoral Castle in 1852.
(See pp114–29)
(See pp56–83)
0 kilometres 50
0 miles 50

(See pp84–97)


Edinburgh (see pp56–83) is the capital of

Scotland. Between its medieval castle and
the Palace of Holyroodhouse stretches
the Royal Mile. Here, the historic
sights range from the old Scottish
Parliament buildings to the house of
John Knox. By contrast, Georgian terraces
predominate in the New Town.

The historic status of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is
beyond question, with ancient buildings scattered across the
city, and the seat of Scotland’s Parliament lying close to the
royal residence of the Palace of Holyroodhouse. The range of
historical and artistic attractions draws visitors from all over
the world.

Castle Rock in Edinburgh has been Georgian New Town to the north in the
occupied since around 1,000 BC in the late 1700s gave the wealthy an escape
Bronze Age, which is no surprise given its route, but even today Edinburgh has a
strategic views over the Firth of Forth. The reputation for social extremes. It has major
Castle itself houses the city’s oldest building, law courts, is second only to London as
St Margaret’s Chapel, dating from the 11th a financial centre in the British Isles and
century. A few years after it was built, houses the Scottish Parliament. Bankers
Margaret’s son, King David I, founded and lawyers form the city’s establishment,
Holyrood Abbey a mile to the east. The town and the most ambitious architectural
that grew along the route between these developments have been for financial
buildings, the “Royal Mile”, became a sector companies. Yet outlying housing
popular residence of kings, although not estates, built after World War II, still have
until the reign of James IV (1488–1513) did echoes of the Old Town poverty.
Edinburgh gain the status of Scotland’s Edinburgh is best known today as a
capital. James built the Palace of major tourist centre. There are wonderful
Holyroodhouse as a royal residence in 1498 museums and galleries to visit, and the
and made the city an administrative centre. city enjoys a widely renowned nightlife. At
Overcrowding made the Old Town a the height of the International Festival, in
dirty and difficult place to live, and threw August, it is estimated that the population
rich and poor together. The construction of a doubles from 400,000 to 800,000.

A juggler performing at the annual arts extravaganza, the Edinburgh Festival

Dugald Stewart Monument and the view over Edinburgh’s city centre from Calton Hill

Exploring Edinburgh
The centre of Edinburgh is divided neatly in
half by Princes Street, the principal shopping
area. To the south lies the Old Town, site of the
ancient city, which grew along the route of the
Royal Mile, from the Castle Rock in the west to the
Palace of Holyroodhouse in the east. At the end
of the 18th century, building for the New Town
started to the north of Princes Street. The area is
still viewed today as a world-class example of
Georgian urban architecture, with its elegant
façades and broad streets. Princes Street has lots
to offer, including shopping, art galleries, the North Bridge, opened in 1772 – the main route connecting
towering Scott Monument and the landmark the Old and New Towns
Balmoral Hotel clock tower, as well as the city’s
main train station, Waverley.




E E T Scottish National



Portrait Gallery

S T. A

L e it h




















Assembly Rooms

Georgian NG


House and Music Hall


S T.







EE Monument
West Register


House EE Royal Scottish






S .C H T R E E T




ET E Open Air



PR Theatre

Scottish National

Gallery KET
GARDENS The Writers'



IC Gladstone’s

W Land RKE






C The Hub




Edinburgh IC


LE Scotch Whisky


Heritage Centre

Traverse ST



Theatre CE





Usher Hall C


FESTIVAL GR Royal Lyceum G




Sheraton AY

The Exchange ST LA T
Grand POR




EICC College








0 metres 300

0 yards 300

Getting Around Sights at a Glance

Central Edinburgh is compact, Historic Areas, Streets Landmarks
so walking is an excellent way to and Buildings 0 Calton Hill
explore the centre. Other options 1 The Royal Mile pp60–63 r Holyrood Park and
include a comprehensive bus service
2 Edinburgh Castle pp64–5 Arthur’s Seat
and a multitude of black taxis. Avoid
3 The Exchange
exploring the centre by car, because Museums, Galleries and
4 Greyfriars Kirk
the streets tend to be congested Exhibitions
9 New Town pp68–9
with traffic, and parking may be
q Palace of Holyroodhouse 5 National Museum of
difficult; car use is discouraged by
e Scottish Parliament Scotland
the local authority. On main routes
6 Scottish National Gallery
special lanes are provided for buses,
Monuments 8 Scottish National Portrait
taxis and bicycles, and in the suburbs
there is also a good network of 7 Scott Monument Gallery
bicycle paths. A tramline to the w Our Dynamic Earth
airport opened in 2014.
















P Theatre














City RR R BE

St James TE

Shopping Observatory National

Monument T
Royal Bank Centre EN T

of Scotland RE



Bank of Scotland Monument R


Old Royal

High School


R Burns

CEMETERY Governor's
S T.


Princes LT O N

Mall ST R A


Canongate Palace of


Kirk Holyroodhouse


AT Scottish

The People's






Station STREET

T- A





IL E )

E The Museum of

EET L M Edinburgh (Huntly House)

- R IG

STR John Knox (R O Y A AD




CO House


The Real City Our Dynamic Earth




Mary King’s Chambers O




H Museum of
Close HIG

) LY



(R O Y




Festival Kirk


Fringe A

High Kirk of
St. Giles Office EN



St. Cecilia's



Parliament C


House Y
AR ET Holyrood Park and

Adam House M
FIR ST RE Arthur’s Seat

Theatre IN ST



BER The Old UM







Greyfriars National Museum


Bobby of Scotland

Greyfriars B CE


Kirk LP


Theatre HIL


Major sight




University SQUARE

Place of interest

of Edinburgh
PL Other building
Pedestrian street
Railway line
Tram line

For additional map symbols see back flap


1 The Royal Mile

The Royal Mile is a stretch of four ancient streets E Palace of
MIL Holyroodhouse
(from Castlehill to Canongate) which formed R O YA

the main thoroughfare of medieval Edinburgh,

linking the castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Castle

Confined by the city wall, the “Old Town” grew

upwards, with some tenements climbing to 20 Locator Map
floors. It is still possible, among the 66 alleys and
closes off the main street, to imagine Edinburgh’s Gladstone’s Land is a
preserved 17th-century
medieval past.
merchant’s house.

Scotch Whisky Heritage The Camera Obscura

Centre introduces visitors to contains an observatory from
Scotland’s national drink. which to view the city.


Edinburgh Castle C ASTLEHILL

Writer’s Museum
This 17th-century
house is now a
museum of the
The Hub is the lives and works of
headquarters of the writers Burns, Scott
Edinburgh Festival. and Stevenson.

P Camera Obscura In 1852, Maria Short added six-floor Gladstone’s Land

Tel (0131) 226 3709. Open daily. Apr– the upper floor, the viewing was named after Thomas
Oct: 9:30am–7pm (to 9pm Jul & Aug); terrace and the Camera Gledstanes, the merchant who
Nov–Mar: 10am–6pm. & 8 Obscura – a large pinhole built it in 1617. The house still
∑ camera that pictures life in has the original arcade booths
The lower floors of this build- the city centre as it happens. on the street façade as well as
ing date from the early 17th A marvel at the time, it a painted ceiling.
century and were once the remains one of Edinburgh’s Although the house is
home of the Laird of Cockpen. most popular attractions. extravagantly furnished, it
also contains items, such as
P Gladstone’s Land wooden overshoes that had
477B Lawnmarket. Tel (0844) 493 to be worn in the dirty streets,
2120. Open Apr–Oct: 10am–5pm which serve as a reminder of
daily (to 6:30pm Jul & Aug). & 7 the less salubrious features
« ∑ that were part of the old city.
This restored 17th-century A chest in the beautiful
merchant’s house provides Painted Chamber is said to
a window on life in a typical have been given by a Dutch
Old Town house before over- sea captain to a Scottish
crowding drove the rich merchant who saved him
inhabitants northwest to the from a shipwreck. A similar
Georgian New Town. “Lands”, house, named Morocco’s
as they were then known, were Land (see p63), can be
tall, narrow buildings erected found further to the
The bedroom of Gladstone’s Land on small plots of land. The east, on Canongate.
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3
T H E R OYA L M I L E  61

The Signet Library has St Giles Cathedral contains the beautiful The City Chambers were
one of the city’s most Thistle Chapel, with a bagpiping angel designed by John Adam
lavish interiors. Visits can on its arched entrance. in the 1750s.
be made following a
written application. The Heart of Midlothian is
an arrangement of granite
cobblestones on the former
site of the city jail.



National Museum

of Scotland,
Greyfriars Bobby

Charles II statue is a tribute to

the 17th-century monarch who
defeated the Covenanters at the
Battle of Bothwell Brig in 1679.

Parliament House was built in 1639.

The Scottish Parliament convened here
from 1640 until its dissolution in 1707,
Rib-vaulting in the Thistle Chapel, St Giles Cathedral after the Union of Parliaments.

E Writers’ Museum in 1707. It is worth seeing for the with its emphasis on individual
Lady Stair’s Close. Tel (0131) 529 4901. spectacle of its many gowned worship freed from the author-
Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sat (Aug: also and wigged advocates as well ity of bishops. A tablet marks
noon–5pm Sun). ∑ edinburgh as the stained-glass window in the place where Jenny Geddes, the Great Hall, commemorating a local market stallholder,
This fine Old Town mansion was the inauguration of the Court of scored a victory for the Coven-
built in 1622. In the 1720s it was Session by King James V in 1532. anters in 1637 by hurling her
acquired by Elizabeth, Dowager stool at a preacher as he read
Countess of Stair, and has since R St Giles Cathedral from an English prayer book.
been called Lady Stair’s House. Royal Mile. Tel (0131) 225 9442. St Giles’s Gothic exterior has a
Its official title reflects its role as Open May–Sep: 9am–7pm Mon–Fri, 15th-century tower, the only part
a museum of memorabilia from 9am–5pm Sat, 1–5pm Sun. Oct–Apr: to escape heavy renovation in
Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott 9am–5pm Mon–Sat, 1–5pm Sun. 8 the 1800s. Inside, the Thistle
and Robert Louis Stevenson. ∑ Chapel, with its rib-
Properly known as the vaulted ceiling and
P Parliament House High Kirk (church) of carved heraldic can-
Parliament Sq, High St. Tel (0131) 225 Edinburgh, St Giles is opies, honours the
2595. Open 9am–4:30pm Mon–Fri. popularly known as knights of the Most
7 limited. a cathedral. Though Ancient and Most
This majestic, Italianate building it was twice the seat Noble Order of the
was constructed in the 1630s of a bishop in the Thistle. The royal pew
for the Scottish Parliament. It 17th century, it was in the Preston Aisle
has been home to the Court of from here that John is used by Queen
Session and the High Court since Knox directed the Bagpiping angel from the Elizabeth II when
the Union of Parliaments (see p49) Scottish Reformation, entrance of the cathedral staying in Edinburgh.

Exploring Further Down the Royal Mile

The section of the Royal Mile from High Street
to Canongate passes two monuments to the
Reformation: John Knox’s house and the Tron Kirk. MI
LE Palace of
The Canongate was once an independent district, L
owned by the canons of the Abbey of Holyrood, and
sections of its south side have been restored. Beyond Castle

Morocco’s Land, the road stretches for the final half-

mile (800 m) to the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
Locator Map


The Tron Kirk
was built in 1630 for the
The Mercat Cross marks the Presbyterians who left
city centre. It was here that St Giles Cathedral when it
Bonnie Prince Charlie (see p157) came under the control of
proclaimed his father king in 1745. the Bishop of Edinburgh.

P John Knox House occupation of St Andrews Castle

45 High St. Tel (0131) 556 9579. in 1547 and served two years as
Open 10am–6pm Mon–Sat, (Jul–Aug: a galley slave in the French navy
also noon–6pm Sun). 7 limited. & as punishment. On release, Knox
8 by appt. ∑ went to London and Geneva to
As a leader of the Protestant espouse the Protestant cause,
Reformation and minister at returning to Edinburgh in 1559.
St Giles, John Knox (1513–72) This town house on the Royal
was one of the most important Mile dates from 1450, and it was eat children for breakfast), it was
figures in 16th-century Scotland. here that he spent the last few the world’s first museum of child-
Ordained as a priest in 1536, months of his life. Displays tell hood. The collection includes
Knox later became convinced the story of Knox’s life in the medicines, school books,
of the need for religious change. context of the political and clothing and uniforms, old-
He took part in the Protestant religious upheavals of his time. fashioned toys and a growing
The building also incorporates collection of computer games.
the Scottish Storytelling Centre. With its nickelodeon and antique
slot machines, it has been called
E Museum of Childhood the world’s noisiest museum.
42 High St. Tel (0131) 529 4142.
Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sat, noon– E Canongate Tolbooth:
5pm Sun. 7 limited. ∑ edinburgh The People’s Story Museum 163 Canongate. Tel (0131) 529 4057.
This is not merely a toy collection Open10am–5pm Mon–Sat (Sun
but an insight into childhood, during Edinburgh Festival).
with all its joys and trials. Founded ∑
An 1880 automaton of the Man on the in 1955 by a city councillor, Edinburgh’s social history
Moon, Museum of Childhood Patrick Murray (who claimed to museum is housed in the
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3
T H E R OYA L M I L E  63

John Knox House Morocco’s Land is

Dating from 1450, the oldest a reproduction of a
house in the city was the 17th-century tenement
home of the preacher John house. It takes its name
Knox during the 1560s. He from the statue of a Moor
is said to have died in an which adorns the entrance.
upstairs room. It contains
relics of his life.

Museum of Edinburgh
Canongate Tolbooth


Museum of Childhood
Though created as a
Moubray House was to be museum for adults by a city
the signing place of the Act councillor who was known
of Union in 1707, until a mob to dislike children, this lively
forced the authorities to retreat musem now attracts flocks
to another venue. of young visitors.

Canongate Tolbooth, dating

from 1591. With its distinctive
Life Below the Old Town
clock tower, this was the focal Until the 18th century most residents of Edinburgh lived along
point for life in the Burgh of and beneath the Royal Mile and Cowgate. The old abandoned
Canongate. Until the mid-19th cellars and basements, which lacked any proper water supply,
century it contained law courts, daylight or ventilation, were once
a jail and the meeting place centres of domestic life and industry.
for the Burgh council. It has Under these conditions, cholera, typhus
been a museum since 1954. and smallpox were common. Mary
Focusing on the lives of King’s Close, under the City Chambers,
is one of the most famous of these
ordinary citizens from the late
areas – its inhabitants were all killed
18th century to the present, it
by the plague around 1645.
covers subjects such as public In 2003 many of these closes were
health, recreation, trade unions opened up for the first time and guided
and work. The riots, disease and visits are now possible through The Real
poverty of the 19th century, and Mary King’s Close: (0845) 070 6244,
subjects as diverse as wartime,
football and punk rock, are
also covered, giving a valuable
insight into life in Edinburgh.
E The Museum of century it was little more than a
Edinburgh slum. In 1924 the local authority
142–146 Canongate. Tel (0131) 529 bought the property and
4143. Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sat opened the museum in 1932.
(Aug: also noon–5pm Sun). The collection includes exhibits
∑ such as Neolithic axe heads,
Huntly House was built in the Roman coins, military artifacts
early 16th century and damaged and glassware. A section is
in the English raid on Edinburgh also dedicated to Field Marshal
in 1544. First used as a family Earl Haig, Commander-in-Chief
A prison cell in the Canongate Tolbooth: The townhouse, it was later divided of the British Army during
People’s Story Museum into apartments but by the 19th World War I.

2 Edinburgh Castle
Standing upon the basalt core of an extinct volcano,
Edinburgh Castle is an assemblage of buildings dating
from the 12th to the 20th century, reflecting its changing
role as fortress, royal palace, military garrison and state
prison. Though there is evidence of Bronze Age occupation
of the site, the original fortress was built by the 6th-century
Northumbrian king, Edwin, from whom the city takes its
name. The castle was a favourite royal residence until the
Union of the Crowns (see p49) in 1603, after which the king The Honours of Scotland
resided in England. After the Union of Parliaments in 1707, The Crown was restyled by James V
of Scotland in 1540.
the Scottish regalia were walled up in the Palace for over a
hundred years. The Palace is now the zealous possessor
of the so-called Stone of Destiny, a relic of ancient
Scottish kings which was seized by the English
and not returned to Scotland until 1996.

Governor’s House
Complete with Flemish-style
crow-stepped gables, this
building was constructed for
the governor in 1742 and now
serves as the Officers’ Mess for
the castle garrison.

Mons Meg
This French graffiti, dating from 1780, Positioned outside St Margaret’s Chapel, this siege gun (or
recalls the many prisoners who were bombard) was made in Belgium in 1449 for the Duke of
held in the vaults during the wars with Burgundy, who gave it to his nephew, James II of Scotland.
France in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was used by James against the Douglas family in their
stronghold of Threave Castle (see p93) on the Dee in 1455,
and later by James IV against
KEY Norham Castle in England.
After exploding during a
1 Military Prison
salute to the Duke of York
2 The Half Moon Battery was built in 1682, it was kept in the
in the 1570s as a platform for the Tower of London until it was
artillery defending the eastern wing returned to Edinburgh in 1829,
of the castle. at Sir Walter Scott’s request.
3 The Esplanade is the location of
the Military Tattoo (see p83).

For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3



Practical Information
Castle Hill.
Tel (0131) 225 9846.
Open Apr–Sep: 9:30am–6pm
daily; Oct–Mar: 9:30am–5pm
daily (last admission: 45 mins
before closing). & 7 8 =

Argyle Battery
These battlements offer a panoramic view
north over Princes Street to the city’s New
Town, the Firth of Forth and Fife.
. Palace
Mary, Queen of Scots,
gave birth to James VI
in this 15th-century
palace, where the
Stone of Destiny and
Crown Jewels are
Entrance Royal Mile

St Margaret’s
This stained glass
window depicts
Malcolm III’s saintly
queen, to whom the
chapel is dedicated.
Probably built by her
. Great Hall son, David I, in the
With its restored open-timber roof, the hall early 12th century,
dates from the 15th century and was the the chapel is the
meeting place of the Scottish Parliament castle’s oldest
until 1639. existing building.

Covenant was signed in 1638, technological items, displayed in

marking the Protestant stand rooms leading off the large and
against the imposition of an impressive central hall. There
episcopal church by King are also absorbing exhibits
Charles I. Greyfriars was then a on world cultures, science
relatively new structure, having and technology, art and design
been completed in 1620 on the and the natural world.
site of a Franciscan friary. As far back as the 1950s,
Throughout the 17th century, recommendations were made
during years of bloodshed that a new facility be built to
and religious house Scotland’s own historical
persecution, the treasures. Work on a site next
kirkyard was used door to the Victorian building
as a mass grave for on Chambers Street started
executed Covenanters. in 1993, and took five years
The kirk also served as to complete. The result is
The Standard Life building, at the heart of a prison for Covenanter a contemporary flourish
the city’s financial centre forces captured after the of confident design
1679 Battle of Bothwell by architects Gordon
3 The Exchange Brig. The Martyrs’ Benson and Alan
Monument is a Forsyth, which
Lothian Rd, West Approach Rd and
Morrison St. sobering reminder opened to the public
of those times. The in December 1998.
The Exchange, once an unsightly original kirk building was Described as one
area, was rejuvenated when severely damaged by fire of the most important
Festival Square and the Sheraton in 1845 and substantially buildings erected in
Grand Hotel were built in 1985. rebuilt. Greyfriars is best Scotland in the second
Three years later the local known for its association A tribute to half of the 20th century,
authority published a plan to with a dog, Bobby, Greyfriars Bobby the National Museum of
promote the area as a financial who kept a vigil by his Scotland tells the story
centre. In 1991 investment master’s grave from 1858 to of the country, starting with its
management firm Baillie Gifford 1872. Bobby’s statue stands geology and natural history.
opened Rutland Court on West outside Greyfriars Kirk. It then moves through to the
Approach Road. early peoples of Scotland, the
The ambitious Edinburgh centuries when Scotland was
International Conference 5 National a kingdom in its own right,
Centre, on Morrison Street, was Museum of and then on to later industrial
designed by Terry Farrell and developments. Some stunning
opened in 1995. Standard Life Scotland items are on show, including
opened a headquarters on Chambers St. Tel (0300) 123 6789. St Fillan’s Crozier, which was
Lothian Road in 1997, and in Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sun. 7 8 said to have been carried at
1998, Scottish Widows opened - ∑ the head of the Scottish army
a bold building. at Bannockburn in 1314, and
The Exchange has grown into The National Museum of the famous Lewis Chessman,
a trendy area, with restaurants, Scotland comprises two carved from walrus ivory in the
shops and the famous Filmhouse radically different buildings, twelfth century. The Monymusk
Cinema on Lothian Road which stand side by side
( on Chambers Street. The
older of the two is a great
n Edinburgh International Victorian palace of
Conference Centre self improvement.
Tel (0131) 300 3000. 7 ∑ Designed by Captain
Francis Fowke of
the Royal Engineers,
4 Greyfriars Kirk the building was
Greyfriars Place. Tel (0131) 226 5429. completed in 1888,
Open Apr–Oct: 10:30am–4:30pm and was substantially
Mon–Fri, 11am–2pm Sat; Nov–Mar: restored and
1:30–3:30pm Thu. 7 8 expanded in 2011. It
∑ includes an eclectic
assortment of
Greyfriars Kirk occupies a key exhibits, which range
role in the history of Scotland, from stuffed animals The 9th-century Monymusk Reliquary on display
as this is where the National to ethnographic and at Edinburgh’s National Museum of Scotland
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3

Reliquary is also on display. 7 Scott Monument

Dated to around AD 800, it
Princes Street Gardens East. Open Apr–
was a receptacle for the remains Sep: 10am–7pm Mon–Sat, 10am–6pm
of the Christian missionary, Sun; Oct–Mar: 10am–4pm Mon–Sun.
St Columba (see p46). & ∑
A museum highlight of a
different kind is The Tower Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832)
(, is one of the most important
a glamorous rooftop restaurant figures in Scottish literature
at the highest point of the new (see p90). Born in Edinburgh,
building, which appropriately Scott initially pursued a legal
enough uses seasonal Scottish career but he soon turned to
ingredients. writing full time as his ballads
and historical novels began
to bring him success. His
6 Scottish National works looked back to a time of
Gallery adventure, honour and chivalry,
The Mound. Tel (0131) 624 6200.
and did much to promote this
Open 10am–5pm daily (to 7pm Thu). image of Scotland abroad.
70&-= In addition to being a cele- The imposing Gothic heights of the Scott
∑ brated novelist, Sir Walter was Monument on Princes Street
also a major public figure – he
One of Scotland’s finest art organized the visit of King 8 Scottish National
galleries, the Scottish National George IV to Edinburgh in
Gallery is worth visiting for its 1822. After Scott’s death Portrait Gallery
15th- to 19th-century British in 1832, the Monument 1 Queen St. Tel (0131) 556 8921.
and European paintings alone, was constructed on the Open 10am–5pm daily (to 7pm Thu).
though plenty more can be south side of Princes 7 - ∑
found to delight art lovers. Street as a tribute to his
Some of the life and work. This Gothic An exhibition on the 12 gene-
highlights among tower was designed by rations of the Royal House of
the Scottish George Meikle Kemp and Stuart, from the time of Robert
works exhibited reaches a height of 61 m the Bruce to Queen Anne, is
are the society (200 ft). It was com- a highlight here. Memorabilia
portraits by Allan pleted in 1840, and include Mary, Queen of Scots’
Ramsay and Sir includes a statue jewellery and a silver travelling
Henry Raeburn, of Sir Walter at its canteen left by Bonnie Prince
including the Rev Robert Walker Skating on base, sculpted by Sir Charlie (see p157) at the Battle of
latter’s Reverend Duddingston Loch John Steell. Inside Culloden. The upper gallery has
Robert Walker the huge structure, a number of portraits of famous
Skating on Duddingston Loch, 287 steps give access to the top- Scots, including a picture of
thought to date from the most platform. The rewards for Robert Burns.
beginning of the 19th century. those who climb up are great The museum was completely
The collection of early German views around the city centre refurbished in 2011, in order to
pieces contains Gerard David’s and across the Forth to Fife. display more of the collection.
almost comic-strip treatment of
the Three Legends of St Nicholas,
from around the beginning of
the 16th century. Works by
Raphael, Titian and Tintoretto
accompany other southern
European paintings, including
Velazquez’s An Old Woman
Cooking Eggs, from 1620.
There is an entire room
devoted to The Seven Sacra-
ments by Nicholas Poussin,
dating from around 1640.
Flemish painters represented
include Rembrandt, Van Dyck
and Rubens, while among the
British offerings are important
works by Ramsay, Reynolds
and Gainsborough. Van Dyck’s Princess Elizabeth and Princess Anne, National Portrait Gallery

9 Street-by-Street: New Town

The first phase of Edinburgh’s “New Town” was built in the
18th century, to relieve the congested and unsanitary
conditions of the medieval old town. Charlotte Square at
the western end formed the climax of this initial phase,
and its new architectural concepts were to influence all
subsequent phases. Of these, the most magnificent is the
Moray Estate, where a linked series of very large houses
forms a crescent, an oval and a twelve-sided circus. The
Moray Place
walk shown here explores this area of monumental
The crowning glory of the Moray
Georgian town planning. Estate, this circus consists of a
series of immense houses
and apartments, many
still inhabited.
The Water of

Leith is a small

river running

through a
delightful gorge
below Dean

Bridge. There is
a riverside
walkway to
Dean Bridge Stockbridge.
This was built in 1829 to the design of Thomas
Telford. It gives views down to the Water of
Leith and upstream to the weirs and old mill
buildings of Dean Village. E

Ainslie Place, an oval pattern


of town houses, forms the


core of the Moray Estate,


linking Randolph Crescent


and Moray Place.



0 metres 100 OLPH


0 yards 100


Suggested route Q
New Town Architects Y
The driving force behind the creation of the R
New Town was George Drummond (1687– E
1766), the city’s Provost, or Mayor. James
Craig (1744–95) won the overall design
competition in 1766. Robert Adam (1728–
92) introduced Classical ornamentation to
Charlotte Square. Robert Reid (1774–1856)
designed Heriot Row and Great King Street, No. 14 was the
and William Playfair (1790–1857) designed residence of
Royal Circus. The monumental development judge and
of the Moray Estate was the work of James diarist Lord
Gillespie Graham (1776–1855). Robert Adam Cockburn from
1813 to 1843.
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3

. The Georgian House

No. 7 is owned by the National Trust
for Scotland and is open to the
public. It has been repainted in its
original colours and furnished with
appropriate antiques, and is a
testament to the lifestyle of the
upper sector of 18th-century
Edinburgh society.
Locator Map
See Edinburgh Map pp58–9

Bute House is the official

residence of the First Minister of
the Scottish Parliament.




York Place





. Charlotte Square

E The square was built between 1792

ST TREET and 1811 to provide a series of lavish

town houses for the most successful

city merchants. Most of the buildings


are now used as offices.


ARE No. 39 Castle Street was

RLO G E S the home of the writer Sir
CHA GE OR Walter Scott (see p90).








Princes Street Gardens

No. 9 was the home of surgeon Princes Street was part of the
Joseph Lister (see p29) from 1870 initial building phase of the
West Register House was to 1877. He developed methods New Town. The north side is
originally St George’s Church, of preventing infection both lined with shops; the gardens to
designed by Robert Adam. during and after surgery. the south lie below the castle.

A view from Edinburgh Castle across the towers and spires of the city to Calton Hill in the distance

0 Calton Hill victory at Trafalgar was com- of a Scottish missionary who

pleted, in 1816. Named the died there.
City centre east, via Waterloo Pl.
Nelson Monument, the tower The final resting place of
Calton Hill, at the east end is designed to resemble a tele- Thomas Hamilton is the Old
of Princes Street, has one of scope standing on its end. It Calton Cemetery, south of
Edinburgh’s most memorable provides a fine vantage point Waterloo Place, which he
and baffling landmarks – a half- from which to admire the shares with philosopher David
finished Parthenon. Conceived views of Edinburgh and Hume and other celebrated
as the National Monument the surrounding area. Edinburgh residents.
to the dead of the Napoleonic The Classical theme continues
Wars, building began in 1822 on top of Calton Hill with the P Nelson Monument
but funds ran out and it was old City Observatory, designed Tel (0131) 556 2716. Open Apr–Sep:
never finished. Public shame by William Playfair in 1818 and 10am–7pm Mon–Sat, noon–5pm Sun;
over its condition has given based on Athens’ Tower of the Oct–Mar: 10am–3pm Mon–Sat &
way to affection, as attitudes Winds. At present it is closed to ∑
have softened over the last the public, but it’s still worth a
170 years or so. trip to see the impressive exterior.
Fortunately, the nearby tower Another Classical building, the q Palace of
commemorating the British Royal High School, was created Holyroodhouse
during the 1820s on East end of the Royal Mile. Tel (0131)
the Regent Road side 556 5100. Open 9:30am–6pm daily
of Calton Hill. It was (to 4:30pm Nov–Mar). & 8 -
designed by Thomas ∑
Hamilton, with the
Temple of Theseus at Known today as Queen Elizabeth
Athens in mind. Often II’s official Scottish residence, the
cited as a possible Palace of Holyroodhouse was
home for a Scottish built by James IV in the grounds
Parliament, the building of an abbey in 1498. It was
was the focus for later the home of James V and
the Vigil for Scottish his wife, Mary of Guise, and was
Democracy, which remodelled in the 1670s for
campaigned from Charles II. The Royal Apartments
1992 to 1997 for self (including the Throne Room
government. A discreet and Royal Dining Room) are
cairn marking this effort used for investitures and for
stands a little way banquets whenever the Queen
east of the National visits the palace. A chamber in
Monument on Calton the so-called James V tower is
Hill. The cairn contains famously associated with the
several “gift” stones, unhappy reign of Mary, Queen of
including one from Scots (see p48). It was probably in
City Observatory, based on Classical Greek architecture Auschwitz in memory this room, in 1566, that Mary saw
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3

the murder of her trusted Italian e Scottish been extinct for 350 million
secretary, David Rizzio, author- Parliament years. The area has been a royal
ized by her jealous husband, hunting ground since at least
Lord Darnley. She was six Holyrood. Tel 0131 348 5200. the time of King David I, who
months pregnant when she Open 10am–5:30pm Mon, Fri & Sat, died in 1153, and a royal park
9am–6:30pm Tue–Thu. 8 7 -
witnessed the murder, during since the 16th century.
which Rizzio’s body was pierced The name Holyrood, which
“with fifty-six wounds”. Following decades of Scottish means “holy cross”, comes from
In the early stages of calls for more political an episode in the life of David I
the Jacobite uprising of self-determination, a 1997 when, in 1128, he was knocked
1745 (see p49), the last referendum on the from his horse by a stag while
of the pretenders to issue of whether or out hunting. Legend has it that
the British throne, not to have a Scottish a cross appeared miraculously
Charles Edward Parliament, with in his hands to ward off the
Stuart (Bonnie Prince some powers animal and, in thanksgiving, the
Charlie) held court devolved from the king founded the Abbey of the
at Holyroodhouse, UK Parliament in Holy Cross, Holyrood Abbey. The
dazzling Edinburgh London, resulted in name Arthur’s Seat is probably
society with his a majority “yes” vote a corruption of Archer’s Seat, a
magnificent parties. (see p51). Designed more prosaic explanation for
Tours of the State by the late Enric the name than any link with
and Historic apart- Miralles, known for the legendary King Arthur.
ments are given his work on buildings The park has three small
throughout the day James V’s arms, at the 1992 Barcelona lochs. St Margaret’s near the
from April to October Holyroodhouse Olympics, the Palace is the most romantic,
or take an audio tour; Parliament building with its resident swans and
both are included in the price of was opened in October 2004 position under the ruins of
your ticket. The Queen’s Gallery by Queen Elizabeth II. It’s well St Anthony’s Chapel. Dunsapie
displays changing exhibitions worth taking one of the regular Loch is the highest, sitting 112 m
from the Royal Collection. tours of this architecturally (367 ft) above sea level under
exciting public building. Arthur’s Seat. Duddingston
Loch, on the south side of the
w Our Dynamic
park, is home to a large number
Earth r Holyrood Park of wildfowl.
Holyrood Rd. Tel (0131) 550 7800. and Arthur’s Seat The Salisbury Crags are
Open Apr–Oct: 10am–5:30pm daily Main access via Holyrood Park Rd, among the park’s most striking
(to 6pm Jul & Aug); Nov–Mar: 10am– Holyrood Rd and Meadowbank features. Their dramatic profile,
5:30pm Wed–Sun. & 8 7 - Terrace. along with that of Arthur’s
∑ Seat, can be seen from many
Holyrood Park, adjacent to the kilometres away. The Crags
Our dynamic earth is a Palace of Holyroodhouse, covers form a parabola of red cliffs
permanent exhibition about over 2.6 sq km (1 sq mile) that sweep round and up from
the planet. Visitors are taken of varying terrain, topped by the Palace of Holyroodhouse,
on a journey from the earth’s a rugged 250-m (820-ft) hill. above a steep supporting
volcanic beginnings to the first Known as Arthur’s Seat, the hillside. A rough track, called the
appearance of life. Further hill is actually a volcano that has Radical Road, follows their base.
displays concentrate on the
world’s climatic zones and
dramatic natural phenomena
such as tidal waves and
earthquakes. State-of-the-art
lighting and interactive tech-
niques produce the special
effects for 90 minutes of
learning and entertainment.
The exhibition building is
fronted by a 1,000-seat stone
amphitheatre designed by
Sir Michael Hopkins, and it
incorporates a translucent tented
roof. Situated beneath Salisbury
Crags, the modern lines of Our
Dynamic Earth contrast sharply
with the natural landscape. Arthur’s Seat and the Salisbury Crags, looming above the city

Further Afield 2 Leith

Although inextricably linked to the rest of Edinburgh, the Northeast of the city centre, linked
by Leith Walk.
inhabitants of Leith insist that they do not live in the city itself.
More than just a docks area, Leith has plenty of attractions for Leith is a historic port that has
the visitor. Close by is the magnificent Royal Botanic Garden. traded for centuries with
Scandinavia, the Baltic and
Dean Village offers riverside walks, galleries and antique
Holland, and has always been
shops. To the west of the city are the historic Hopetoun the port for Edinburgh. It was
House and Linlithgow Palace, to the east is Haddington incorporated into the city in
and a dramatic coastline. 1920, and now forms a
northeastern suburb.
Dunfermline North The medieval core of narrow
A985 Kinghorn

Berwick streets and quays includes a

Burntisland r th
Fo A198 number of historic warehouses
Bo’ness Inverkeithing of Gullane
and merchants’ houses dating
from the 13th and 14th
M9 A1087
centuries. There was a great
expansion of the docks in the
Livingston M8 EDINBURGH 19th century, and many port
Dalkeith 3
09 buildings date from this period.

Loanhead Shipbuilding and port


0 kilometers 10 activities have diminished, but


1 02


A7 Penicuik
0 miles 10 there has been a renaissance
in recent years in the form
of conversions of warehouse
KEY Sights at a Glance buildings to offices, residences
Urban area 1 Royal Botanic Garden and, most notably, restaurants
Airport 2 Leith and bars. The Shore and Dock
Intercity train line 3 Dean Village
Place now has Edinburgh’s most
4 Forth Bridges
dense concentration of seafood
Motorway (highway)
bistros and varied restaurants
Major road 5 Hopetoun House
(see pp182–3).
6 Linlithgow Palace
Minor road The tourist attractions have
7 Haddington
been further boosted by the
8 East Lothian Coast
presence of the former British
Royal Yacht Britannia, which
Edinburgh and into the Firth of is on display in Leith’s Ocean
Forth at Leith). The garden is a Terminal.
descendant of a Physic Garden
near Holyroodhouse that was g Royal Yacht Britannia
created by two doctors in 1670. Ocean Terminal, Leith Docks. Tel
It was moved to its present (0131) 555 5566. Open daily. & 7
location in 1820, and since then 0 ∑
has been progressively enlarged
and developed. Public access is
from the east (well served by
buses) and from the west (offer-
A specimen from the Palm House in the ing better car parking). The gar-
city’s Royal Botanic Garden den benefits from a hill site, giving
southerly views across the city.
1 Royal Botanic There is a rock garden in the
Garden southeast corner and an indoor
exhibition and interpretation
Inverleith Row. Tel (0131) 552 7171. display in the northeast corner.
@ Open Feb & Oct: 10am–5pm daily;
There are also extensive
Mar–Sep: 10am–6pm daily; Nov–Jan:
greenhouses in traditional and
10am–4pm daily. 7 0 - 8
modern architectural styles,
offering fascinating hideaways
This magnificent garden lies a on rainy days. Be sure not to
short way to the north of the miss the alpine display to the
New Town, across the Water of northwest of the greenhouses,
Leith (a river that runs from the or the beautiful and fragrant The British Royal Yacht Britannia, berthed
Pentland Hills down through rhododendron walk. at Leith’s Ocean Terminal
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3

4 Forth Bridges
Lothian. 3 @ Dalmeny,

The small town of South

Queensferry is dominated by
the two great bridges that span
1.5 km (1 mile) across the River
Forth to the town of Inverkeithing.
The spectacular rail bridge, the
first major steelbuilt bridge in the
world, was opened in 1890 and
remains one of the greatest
engineering achievements of
the late Victorian era. Its massive
cantilevered sections are held
together by more than eight
million rivets, and the painted
area adds up to some 55 ha
(135 acres). The saying “it’s like
painting the Forth Bridge” has
become a byword for nonstop,
repetitive endeavour.
The neighbouring road bridge
was the largest suspension
bridge outside the US when it
was opened in 1964 by Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Leger’s The Team at Rest (1950), Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art The two bridges make an
impressive contrast, best seen
3 Dean Village Antiques, curios, vintage clothes from the promenade at South
Northwest of the city centre.
and jewellery can Queensferry. The
be found in the town got its name
This interesting, tranquil area shops on the south from Queen Margaret
lies in the valley of the Water side of the river in (see p65), who reigned
of Leith, just a few minutes’ St Stephen Street. with her husband,
walk northwest from Charlotte The riverside walk King Malcolm III, in
Square (see map p58). A series of continues north- the 11th century. She
water mills along the river have east, close to the used the ferry here
been replaced by attractive Royal Botanic on her frequent
buildings of all periods. Garden. The city journeys between
Access to Dean Village can be centre is just a Edinburgh and the
gained by walking down Bell’s short walk away, royal palace at
Brae from Randolph Crescent. via Royal Circus 17th-century stone houses on Dunfermline in Fife
A riverside walk threads its way and Howe Street. the historic Bell’s Brae (see p128). From
between the historic buildings, Queensferry you can
crossing the river on a series E Scottish National Gallery of take a boat trip down the
of footbridges. Upstream from Modern Art River Forth to visit the island of
Dean Village the riverside walk 75 Belford Rd. Tel (0131) 624 6200. Inchcolm with its well-preserved
leads in a few minutes to a Open daily. & special exhibitions 12th-century abbey. A new Forth
footbridge and a flight of steps only. 7 - road-bridge, the Queensferry
giving access to the Scottish Crossing, opened in 2016.
National Gallery of Modern Art
and its sculpture garden. The
main access for vehicles, and
less energetic pedestrians, is
on Belford Road.
Downstream from Dean
Village, the riverside walkway
passes under the magnificent
high level bridge designed by
Thomas Telford. It then passes St
Bernard’s Well before arriving in
the urban village of Stockbridge. The huge, cantilevered Forth Rail Bridge, seen from South Queensferry

5 Hopetoun House of restoration has

West Lothian. Tel (0131) 331 2451.
helped the town
3 Dalmeny then taxi. Open Apr–Sep: to retain its char-
10:30am–5pm daily. & 7 8 - acter. The River
∑ Tyne encloses the
town, and there
An extensive parkland by the are attractive
Firth of Forth, designed in the riverside walks
style of Versailles, is the setting and parkland.
for one of Scotland’s finest stately (“A Walk Around
homes. The original house was Haddington”
completed in 1707 and later guide is available
absorbed into William Adam’s from newsagents.)
grand extension. The dignified, The parish church
horseshoe-shaped plan and of St Mary’s, south-
lavish interior represent Neo- Ornate fountain in the ruins of Linlithgow Palace east of the centre,
Classical 18th-century archi- dates from 1462
tecture at its best. The red and The restored fountain in the and is one of the largest in
yellow state drawing rooms, courtyard was a wedding pres- the area. Parts of the church
with their Rococo plasterwork ent in 1538 from James V to his have been rebuilt in later years,
and ornate mantelpieces, wife, Mary of Guise. His daughter, having been destroyed in the
are particularly impressive. Mary, Queen of Scots (see p48), siege of 1548.
A highlight of a visit here is was born at Linlithgow in 1542.
the afternoon tea available in The adjacent Church of
the stables tearoom, with the St Michael is Scotland’s largest
8 East Lothian
option of a champagne tea. pre-Reformation church and
a fine example of the Scottish Coast
Decorated style. Consecrated n Edinburgh Lothians (0845)
in the 13th century, the church 225 5121.
was damaged by the fire of 1424.
Stretching east from Musselburgh
for some 65 km (40 miles), the
7 Haddington coast of East Lothian offers many
opportunities for beach activities,
East Lothian. n Edinburgh & Lothians
(0845) 225 5121.
windsurfing, golf, viewing
seabirds and coastal walks. The
This attractive county town coastline is a pleasant mixture
is situated about 24 km of beaches, low cliffs, woodland,
(15 miles) east of Edinburgh. golf courses and some farmland.
It was destroyed on various Although the A198 and A1 are
occasions during the Wars of adjacent to the coast for only
Independence in the 13th–14th short distances, they give easy
centuries, and again in the 16th access to a series of public car
A wooden panel above the main stairs century. The agricultural revo- parks (a small charge is made
depicting Hopetoun House lution brought great prosperity, in summer) close to the shore.
giving Haddington many historic Among these visitor points is
houses, churches, and other Gullane, perhaps the best beach
6 Linlithgow Palace public buildings. A programme for seaside activities. Yellowcraig,
Kirk Gate, Linlithgow, West Lothian.
Tel (01506) 842896. 3 @ Open Apr–
Sep: 9:30am–5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar:
9:30am–4:30pm daily. & 7 limited.

Standing on the edge of

Linlithgow Loch, the former royal
palace of Linlithgow is one of the
country’s most-visited ruins. It
dates back largely to the building
commissioned by James I in 1425,
though some sections date from
the 14th century. The vast scale
of the building is best seen in the
28-m- (94-ft-) long Great Hall, with
its huge fireplace and windows. The historic and tranquil town of Haddington on the River Tyne
For hotels and restaurants see pp172–3 and pp181–3

near Dirleton, is the rock and on the Island of

another lovely bay, Fidra, for live coverage of the
lying about 400 m birdlife without disturbing it.
(440 yds) from the Also of interest along this
car park. Limetree coastline are the medieval
Walk, near Tyning- strongholds of Dirleton Castle
hame, has the long, and Tantallon Castle, both
east-facing beach of badly damaged during Crom-
Ravensheugh Sands well’s sieges of 1650. There is
(a ten-minute walk a small industrial museum at
along a woodland Prestonpans. In rolling farmland,
track). Dunbar and near the village of Pencaitland,
North Berwick are Glenkinchie Distillery is one
towns worthy of a of only three remaining
visit. Belhaven Bay, Lowland whisky distilleries.
just west of Dunbar, Informative tours end with
is a large beach single malt tastings.
providing walks
along the estuary of Tantallon Castle, looking out to the North Sea O Scottish Seabird Centre
the River Tyne. Barns Tel (01620) 890202. Open daily. &
Ness, east of Dunbar, of North Berwick. This sheltered 7 8 ∑
offers a geological nature trail bay has spectacular views of the + Dirleton Castle
and an impressive lighthouse. Bass Rock, home to one of the Tel (01620) 850330. Open daily. &
Skateraw Harbour is an attractive largest gannet (a type of marine ∑
small bay, despite the presence bird) colonies in Britain. The
+ Tantallon Castle
of Torness nuclear power station rock itself can be seen at close
Tel (01620) 892727. Open daily. &
to the east. Finally, there is quarters by taking the boat trip ∑
another delightful beach to be from North Berwick harbour
found at Seacliff, reached by a (summer only). At the town’s  Glenkinchie Distillery
private toll road that leaves the Scottish Seabird Centre it is Tel (01875) 342012. Open daily. &
A198 about 3 km (2 miles) east possible to control cameras on ∑

East Lothian Coastal Walk

Tips for Walkers
For a very attractive longer coast walk, there is easy public
access along the footpath from Gullane Bay to North Starting point: Gullane Bay.
Berwick. The path follows the coastline, crossing grassy Finishing point: North Berwick.
heathland between the alternating sandy bays and low Length: 10 km (6 miles); 3 hours.
rocky headlands, with views of the coast of Fife Getting there: by car; a bus
to the north. There are small islands along service between Edinburgh
the way. The last part of the walk into and North Berwick gives access
North Berwick has wonderful views to both ends.
east to the white slopes of the Level: easy (one steep section).
Bass Rock.

Dirleton North Berwick

J Muirfield


Urban area
Major road
0 kilometres 2 Minor road
0 miles 1 Train line

For additional map symbols see back flap


Despite the growth of new out-of-town marvellous institution that has been
malls, Princes Street remains one of the in business for over 150 years. But there
top 12 retail centres in the British Isles. are shopping attractions away from
With the ancient Castle rising above the Princes Street, too, including Scotland’s
gardens along the street’s south side, it best delicatessen (Valvona & Crolla),
is a unique and picturesque place to shop. several excellent wine merchants,
Although many familiar chain stores can a selection of Highland clothing
be found here, the capital also boasts its outfitters and an appealing collection
very own department store, Jenners, a of specialist stores.

Department Stores
Princes Street has several good
department stores, with House
of Fraser at the west end being
one of the best. Located opposite
the Scott Monument, is Jenners.
Founded on a different site in
the late 1830s, it has gained a
reputation as Edinburgh’s top
store. During the Christmas
season it is famed for its central
atrium housing a Christmas
tree. John Lewis, belonging to
a nationwide chain of stores, is
in a contemporary building on
Leith Street. The famous Harvey
Nichols is on St Andrew Square. Traditional Highland dress and accessories, for sale on the Royal Mile

Vivienne Westwood, while Food and Drink

Clothing Jane Davidson is home to Edinburgh has a reputation
Designer labels for men and a more traditional, chic look. as Scotland’s top city for eating
women can be found in both George Street contains a out, and it matches this status
Jenners and House of Fraser number of women’s stores, on the shopping front, with
(see Department Stores). including Phase Eight some very good food stores.
Corniche on Jeffrey Street offers and Whistles. Cruise has a Valvona & Crolla, a family-run
more interesting and exciting dedicated menswear shop. Men delicatessen trading since the
women’s fashion by designers can also go to Thomas Pink, 1930s, is acknowledged as one
such as Jean Paul Gaultier and and Austin Reed for smart suits of the best of its kind in the UK,
and shirts. The Schuh let alone Scotland, and stocks
chain has fashionable good breads and an award-
footwear for men and winning Italian wine selection.
women. Several shops The Harvey Nichols chain is
on the Royal Mile, present here, while Glass &
including Ragamuffin, Thompson is a good deli serving
sell interesting knitwear. the New Town. For the perfect
The Royal Mile also selection of after-dinner
boasts Highland chocolates, try local chocolatier
outfitters offering Coco. Celebrated cheese -
made-to-measure kilts; monger Iain Mellis started
Hector Russell is one his business in Edinburgh,
of the best. Kinloch MacSweens are master haggis
Anderson in Leith is makers, and Real Foods is
also a leading example, one of Scotland’s longest-
and the shop has a established wholefood stores.
small display on the Specialist wine merchants
history of tartan. include Peter Green and
Outdoor equipment Villeneuve Wines, as well
and waterproof clothing as chains such as Oddbins,
can be found at leading while Cadenheads supplies
Princes Street from the top of Calton Hill supplier Graham Tiso. rare whiskies. Justerini &

Brooks is the most distin- Art, Design and Antiques Architectural Salvage sells
guished wine and spirit Original artworks are on sale at everything from Victorian
merchant in the city centre, a variety of galleries in the city. baths to staircases and doors.
and Henderson Wines has an The Scottish Gallery in the New
extensive selection of wines, Town has everything from jewel-
beers and malts. lery for under £100, to pieces by
well-known Scottish artists sold
at £10,000 or more. The prices
Books and Newspapers at the Printmakers Workshop
The high-street Waterstone’s are more affordable, with an
chain has a store on Princes innovative range of limited-
Street with a fine coffee shop, edition prints for sale, and
and another branch on George the Collective Gallery offers
Street nearby. There are still some experimental works. Inhouse
small, friendly independent has some remarkable designer
bookshops, such as second- furniture. Browsers looking for
hand specialists Edinburgh antiques should try Victoria
Books. The International Street, St Stephen’s Street,
Newsagents offers a good the Grassmarket and Causeway-
selection of foreign news- side. For large-scale fixtures Intricately patterned Edinburgh Crystal,
papers and magazines. and fittings, the Holyrood a popular souvenir

Department Jane Davidson Henderson Wines Books and
Stores 52 Thistle St, EH2 1EN. 109 Comiston Rd, Newspapers
Tel (0131) 225 3280. EH10 6AQ.
Harvey Nichols Tel (0131) 447 8580. Edinburgh Books
Kinloch Anderson
30–34 St Andrew Sq, 145–147 West Port,
Commercial St, Iain Mellis
EH2 2AD. EH3 9DP.
EH6 6EY. 30a Victoria St,
Tel (0131) 524 8388. Tel (0131) 555 1390. Tel (0131) 229 4431.
EH1 2JW.
House of Fraser Phase Eight Tel (0131) 226 6215. The International
145 Princes St, EH2 4YZ. 47b George St, EH2 2HT. Newsagents
Tel (0844) 800 3724.
Justerini & Brooks
Tel (0131) 226 4009. 351 High St, EH1 1PW.
14 Alva St,
Jenners Ragamuffin EH2 4QG. Tel (0131) 225 4827.
48 Princes St, EH2 2YJ. 278 Canongate, EH8 8AA. Tel (0131) 226 4202. Waterstone’s
Tel (0844) 800 3725. Tel (0131) 557 6007. 128 Princes St, EH2 4AD.
John Lewis Schuh Dryden Rd, Bilston Glen, Tel (0843) 290 8313.
69 St James Centre, EH1 6/6a Frederick St, Loanhead, EH20 9LZ.
3SP. Tel (0871) 432 1335. EH2 2HB. Tel (0131) 440 2555. Art, Design and
Tel (0131) 220 0290. Antiques
Clothing Thomas Pink Elm Row, Collective Gallery
32 Castle St, EH2 3HT.
Austin Reed 94–96 Brunswick St, 38 Calton Hill, EH7 5AA.
Tel (0131) 225 4264.
39 George St, EH2 2HN. EH7 5HN. Tel (0131) 556 1264.
Tel (0131) 225 6703. Whistles Tel (0131) 556 4075.
97 George St, EH2 3ES. Holyrood
Corniche Peter Green Architectural Salvage
Tel (0131) 226 4398.
37 Warrender Park Rd, 146 Duddingston Rd
2 Jeffrey St, EH1 1DT.
Food and Drink EH9 1HJ. West, EH16 4AP.
Tel (0131) 556 3707.
Tel (0131) 229 5925.
Tel (0131) 661 9305.
Cruise Cadenheads
172 Canongate, Real Foods
94 George St, EH2 3DF. Inhouse
EH8 8BN. 37 Broughton St,
Tel (0131) 226 3524. 28 Howe St, EH3 6TG.
Tel (0131) 556 5864. EH1 3JU.
Tel (0131) 225 2888.
Graham Tiso Tel (0131) 557 1911.
Coco Chocolate Printmakers
41 Commercial St, EH6 Valvona & Crolla
174 Bruntsfield Place,
6JD. Tel (0131) 554 0804. 19 Elm Row, EH7 4AA. Workshop
EH10 4ER.
123–125 Rose St, EH2 Tel (0131) 556 6066. 23 Union St, EH1 3LR.
Tel (0131) 228 4526.
3DT. Tel (0131) 225 9486. Tel (0131) 557 2479.
Glass & Thompson Villeneuve Wines
Hector Russell 2 Dundas St, 49a Broughton St, The Scottish Gallery
137–141 High St, EH1 EH3 6HZ. EH1 3RJ. 16 Dundas St, EH3 6HZ.
1SG. Tel (0131) 558 1254. Tel (0131) 557 0909. Tel (0131) 558 8441. Tel (0131) 558 1200.

What to Buy
Scotland offers a wide range of goods and souvenirs to tempt its visitors.
Most food and drink items can be found in Edinburgh’s food stores and off-
licences (liquor stores that also stock tobacco). A number of specialist shops
in the city sell more unusual Scottish crafts and products, from handcrafted
jewellery to clothing, such as tartan kilts and knitwear. Certain areas of
Scotland specialize in particular crafts – Orkney is famed for its jewellery,
Caithness and Edinburgh for their beautifully engraved glassware.

Caithness glass Edinburgh glass

paperweight goblet
Scottish glass is beautifully
decorated. The Caithness glass
factories in Oban, Perth and Wick
Amethyst brooch Celtic brooch
offer tours to show how delicate
Scottish jewellery reflects either the area in which it patterns are engraved.
was made, a culture (such as Celtic) or an artistic
Celtic earrings movement such as Art Nouveau. The unbroken,
intricate patterns and knotwork in the jewellery
pictured above symbolize the wish for eternal life.

Dagger (“sgian dubh”)

Stag horn is carved into all
Sporran manner of objects, both
functional, as with this
ashtray, and decorative.

Scottish tartan originally

existed in the form of a
feileadh-mor (meaning “great
plaid” or “great kilt”), an
untailored garment draped
over the shoulder and around
the waist. It was worn by
Highlanders in the 15th and
16th centuries. Today,
“tartan” refers to the
distinctive patterns
woven into cloth. Some
are based on the designs
Tartan tie and scarf of centuries past.
Classic Scottish kilt

Scottish textiles vary

greatly, but the most
distinctive include
chunky woollens from
the islands; smart
tweeds, such as Harris
tweed with its fine-
toothed check; softest
cashmere, used to make
sweaters, cardigans and
scarves; and fluffy
sheepskin rugs. Cable-knit sweater Tweed jacket

Packaged Foods
Food is a popular and accessible form of souvenir or gift to
purchase during a visit to Scotland. Teatime is a favourite
meal with the Scottish, offering such treats as Dundee cake,
butter shortbread, Abernethy biscuits, Scotch pancakes and
parlies (ginger cookies). Oatcakes are the traditional
accompaniment to cheese in Scotland,
although they also complement pâté and
sweet toppings such as jam or honey. Vegetarian haggis Original haggis
They are also delicious toasted and served
Haggis, the most famous of Scottish
with plenty of butter. foods, traditionally consists of sheep’s
offal and oatmeal. It is now also
available in vegetarian, venison and
whisky-laced varieties.

Traditional pure butter shortbread Oatcakes

Scotch Abernethy biscuits

Fudge is an extremely sweet con-

fectionary made almost entirely of
sugar and condensed milk. There are
many different flavours, from vanilla
to rum and raisin, walnut, chocolate
and whisky.
Dairy vanilla fudge LochRanza whisky fudge

Bottled Drinks Beers and ales figure

prominently in the
Home to a large number of distil-
drink produced in
leries and breweries, Scotland is
Scotland. Traditionally
perhaps associated most with served by the pint in
its alcoholic beverages. There pubs, they can also
is certainly a good range be purchased in
on sale, including locally bottles. Alternative
brewed beers and ales, many choices include fruit
varieties of Scotch whisky ales and heather ales,
(see pp36–7) and an brewed using ancient
assortment of spirits and Highland recipes.
liqueurs, such as Drambuie
and Glayva. But Scotland is
Historic Scottish ales
also famed for its mountain
spring water, which is sold
still, fizzy (carbonated) or
flavoured with fruits Highland spring
such as peach or melon. water

Whisky is
undoubtedly the
most famous of all
Scottish spirits. There
are a huge number
of whiskies from
which to choose,
each with a unique
taste (see pp36–7).
Drambuie is a
variation on a theme,
being a whisky-
based, herb-
flavoured liqueur. Drambuie Glenfiddich LochRanza Glen Ord Bell’s

Although the majority of people associate in Glasgow these days. Many bars offer an
entertainment in Edinburgh with the festivals excellent range of Scotch whiskies and cask
that take place in August, the city also benefits ales, while the expansion of the café-bar
from its status as the Scottish capital by acting scene in the last few years means it is now
as a centre for drama, dance and music. possible to find a decent cup of coffee later
The Filmhouse is an important venue on the on in the evening. Edinburgh is home to
arthouse cinema circuit and some argue that Scotland’s national rugby union stadium,
Edinburgh’s nightclubs are as good as those Murrayfield, host to international matches.

Entertainment Guides Rock, Jazz and

The twice-monthly arts and World Music
entertainments magazine, For major rock concerts,
The List (, covers Murrayfield Stadium (see Sports)
events in both Edinburgh and is sometimes called into use.
Glasgow. A similar publication, Edinburgh Playhouse (see
The Skinny (www.theskinny. Theatre and Dance) has also, is available free from played host to major pop stars,
restaurants and clubs. as have Cabaret Voltaire and
The Liquid Room. The city has
an eclectic nightclub scene, and
Theatre and Dance intimate sessions – including
Edinburgh’s The King’s Theatre Edinburgh Festival Theatre, venue for jazz and world music – often
hosts pantomimes and perform- dance, classical music and opera take place at clubs (see Café-
mances by touring companies. bars, Bars and Clubs). The Queen’s
Run by the same organization of young Scottish playwrights. Hall (see Classical Music and
that manages Edinburgh The Royal Lyceum opts for a Opera) also hosts smaller shows.
Festival Theatre (see Classical repertory of well-known plays Folk and jazz musicians appear
Music and Opera), it focuses on and adaptations, but showcases at the The Tron and Henry’s
contemporary dance and ballet, some new work too. Edinburgh Cellar Bar, respectively.
but there are children’s shows University’s theatre company Some pubs have resident folk
and music hall-style perform- stages shows at Bedlam. musicians and jazz bands; check
ances too. Edinburgh Playhouse The List magazine for details.
often hosts internationally the Assembly Rooms hosts
successful musicals, such as Classical Music ceilidhs (traditional Highland
“Mamma Mia!” and “Chicago”, and Opera dance evenings).
while The Traverse is home to Visits from the Glasgow-based
more experimental work and Scottish Opera and the Royal
has helped launch the careers Scottish National Orchestra Cinema
are hosted at the glass-fronted Edinburgh, like other cities,
Edinburgh Festival Theatre, has seen a move to multiplex
which opened in 1994. cinemas. However, Cineworld
Edinburgh is home to the world- and Odeon Wester Hailes are
renowned Scottish Chamber quite far from the centre; the
Orchestra, which performs at Odeon Edinburgh
The Queen’s Hall. Usher is the most central.
Hall is another key A few minutes from
venue for classical Princes Street
music, with regular is the OMNI
appearances by the leisure centre, with
Scottish Symphony Logo for the annual a 12-screen cinema
Orchestra. Smaller Film Festival village. The Dominion
venues host recitals, is an old-fashioned
such as Edinburgh University’s affair, while The Cameo shows
Reid Concert Hall and offbeat modern classics.
St Cecilia’s Hall. St Giles The Filmhouse is the arthouse
The ornate, colourful interior of The King’s Cathedral hosts classical movie theatre, and centre for
Theatre, opened in 1906 concerts by small groups. the International Film Festival.
E N T E R TA I N M E N T I N E D I N B U R G H  81

Café-bars, Bars and Clubs

For good cask ales and an
extensive selection of single
malt Scotch whiskies, try
The Café Royal, Bennet’s, The
Cumberland or The Bow Bar.
The George Street area is the
obvious centre for café-bars.
Some serve good food but are
predominantly night-time spots,
such as Indigo Yard, the
Voodoo Rooms, Tigerlily and
Scotland versus Ireland rugby match at the RBS Six Nations Championship at Murrayfield the Opal Lounge. The latter two
are considered particularly stylish
Sports association football (soccer) choices. Other’s, including Lola
The impressive Murrayfield sides, Heart of Midlothian in Lo, are late-night clubs dedicated
Stadium is the national the west and Hibernian in Leith. to drinking and dancing, but
centre for Scottish rugby Meadowbank Stadium and most Edinburgh clubs are based
and international matches Sports Centre hosts league on or around the Cowgate, such
are played from late January basketball and a range of athletics as the perennially popular
to March. There are two events throughout the summer. multi-level Espionage club.

Theatre and St Giles Cathedral The Filmhouse Café-Bars, Bars
Dance High St, EH1 1RE. 88 Lothian Rd, and Clubs
Tel (0131) 225 9442. EH3 9BZ.
Bedlam Bennet’s
Usher Hall Tel (0131) 228 2688.
11b Bristow Place, EH1 8 Leven St, EH3 9LG.
1E2. Tel (0131) 225 9893. Lothian Road, EH1 2EA. Odeon Edinburgh Tel (0131) 229 5143.
Tel (0131) 228 8616. 118 Lothian Rd,
Edinburgh Playhouse The Bow Bar
EH3 3BG. 80 West Bow, EH1 2HH.
18–22 Greenside Place, Rock, Jazz and Tel (0871) 224 4007. Tel (0131) 226 7667.
EH1 3AA. World Music
Tel (844) 871 3014. Odeon Wester Hailes The Café Royal
Assembly Rooms 120 Wester Hailes Rd, 19 W Register St, EH2 2AA.
The King’s Theatre 54 George St, EH2 2LR. EH14 1SW. Tel (0131) 556 1884.
2 Leven St, EH3 9LQ. Tel (0131) 220 4348. Tel (0871) 224 4007. The Cumberland
Tel (0131) 529 6000.
Cabaret Voltaire OMNI Edinburgh 1–3 Cumberland St, EH3
The Royal Lyceum 36 Blair St, EH1 1QR. 6RT. Tel (0131) 558 3134.
Greenside Place,
30b Grindlay St, EH3 9AX. Tel (0131) 247 4704.
EH1 3BN. Espionage
Tel (0131) 248 4848.
Henry’s Cellar Bar Tel (0871) 224 0240. 4 India Buildings, Victoria
The Traverse 8–16a Morrison St, EH3 St, EH1 2EX.
10 Cambridge St, EH1 8BJ. Tel (0131) 629 4101. Sports Tel (0131) 477 7007.
2ED. Tel (0131) 228 3223.
The Liquid Room Heart of Midlothian Indigo Yard
9c Victoria St, EH1 2HE. Tynecastle Stadium, 7 Charlotte Lane,
Classical Music Tel (0131) 225 2564. Gorgie Rd, EH11 2NL. EH2 4QZ.
and Opera
The Tron Tel (0871) 663 1874. Tel (0131) 220 5603.
Edinburgh Festival 9 Hunter Sq, EH1 1QW. Lola Lo
Hibernian Football
Theatre Tel (0131) 225 3784. 43b Frederick St, EH2 1EP.
Club Ltd
13–29 Nicolson St, Tel (0131) 226 2224.
12 Albion Place,
EH8 9FT. Cinema EH7 5QG.
Tel (0131) 529 6000.
Opal Lounge
The Cameo Tel (0131) 661 2159. 51a George St,
The Queen’s Hall 38 Home St, EH3 9LZ. EH2 2HT.
85–89 Clerk St, EH8 9JG. Tel (0871) 902 5723. Tel (0131) 226 2275.
Stadium and
Tel (0131) 668 2019.
Cineworld Sports Centre Tigerlily
Reid Concert Hall 130 Dundee Street, EH1 139 London Rd, 125 George St, EH2 4JN.
Bristo Sq, EH8 9AG. 1AF. Tel (0871) 200 2000. EH7 6AE. Tel (0131) 225 5005.
Tel (0131) 651 3212. Tel (0131) 661 5351.
The Dominion Voodoo Rooms
St Cecilia’s Hall 18 Newbattle Terrace, Murrayfield Stadium 19a West Register St,
Niddry St, EH1 1LG. EH10 4RT. Murrayfield, EH12 5PJ. EH2 2AA.
Tel (0131) 668 2019. Tel (0131) 447 4771. Tel (0131) 346 5000. Tel (0131) 556 7060.

The Edinburgh Festival approach has long since given

way to a more formal one, with
August in Edinburgh means “the Festival”, one of the world’s an administrative body running
premier arts jamborees, covering drama, dance, opera, music the Fringe and, in recent years,
and ballet. The more eclectic “Fringe” developed in parallel a core of professionally run
with the official event, but has now exceeded it in terms of venues attracting the bulk
of the Fringe audiences. The
size. Both have been going strong for over 60 years, as has the Assembly Rooms in George
Edinburgh International Film Festival, which is held in June and Street (see Directory p81) and
has become a renowned festival in its own right. The British the Pleasance Theatre in The
Army contributes with the Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh Pleasance host shows by
Book Festival and Jazz & Blues Festival are also staged in television celebrities whose
stand-up comedy or cabaret
August. A total of half a million people visit these events.
fails to fit the International
Festival format.
It boasts a strong programme The original vibrancy of the
of classical music, traditional Fringe still exists, and in church
ballet, contemporary dance, halls and other odd venues
opera and drama, and is held across Edinburgh, including the
in major venues across the city city’s streets, Fringe-goers can
(see Directory p81). find everything from musicals
The grand finale of the performed by school children
International Festival is a to experimental adaptations of
breathtaking spectacle, with Kafka’s works.
some 250,000 crowding into the
city centre to see a magnificent
fireworks display based at
the Castle. The lucky few with
tickets for the Ross Bandstand
in Princes Street Gardens also
experience the fireworks
concert by the Scottish
Entrance to the Fringe information office, Chamber Orchestra.
located on the Royal Mile
The Fringe
Edinburgh International The Fringe started with a few
Festival performances providing an
As a cultural antidote to the alternative to the official events
austerity of post-war Europe, of the International Festival,
where many cities were in the first year it was staged.
devastated and food rationing A decade later, coming to Enjoying the August sun and street
was common even in the Edinburgh to appear “on the entertainment on the Royal Mile
victorious countries, Edinburgh Fringe” was an established
held its first arts festival in 1947. pastime for amateurs, student
Over the years it grew in scope drama companies or anyone Edinburgh International
and prestige, and it is now one else. All that was needed was Film Festival
of the top events in the world a space to per form in the city Dating from 1947, the
calendar of performing arts. in August. This haphazard Edinburgh International Film
Festival was one of the world’s
first international film festivals,
and is held in June. Although
it started with a focus on
documentary cinema, it soon
began to widen and include
arthouse and popular movies.
The festival invented “the
retrospective” as a means of
studying a film-maker’s work.
It has seen premieres by such
noted directors as Woody Allen
and Steven Spielberg. Since its
1995 relaunch, the festival has
Crowds throng around the colourful Fringe street performers been broken down into four
E N T E R TA I N M E N T I N E D I N B U R G H  83

Edinburgh Jazz &

Blues Festival
For around ten days in early
August a selection of inter-
national jazz performers comes
to Edinburgh to give concerts,
accompanied by Scotland’s
principal jazz musicians.
Most venues are dotted
around Edinburgh’s University
district including the main
venue Queen’s Hall (see p81).
Only The Hub (see below) sells
tickets to all events. There is also
a free, open-air Mardi Gras day
The Military Tattoo at Edinburgh Castle, with an audience of thousands in the Grassmarket, in the Old
Town, on the opening Saturday.
main sections. There is a armed forces of other countries The Blues element is also very
showcase for young British are invited every year to successful, attracting many UK
talent, a world premieres enhance the show. For many, and American performers.
section, a film study category, the highlight of the Tattoo is a
and a major retrospective. solo piper playing a haunting DIRECTORY
Although the showings pibroch lament (see p34) from
are screened primarily at The the Castle battlements. Edinburgh
Filmhouse on Lothian Road, International Festival
every city centre cinema now The Hub, Edinburgh’s Festival
takes part in the festival to some Centre, Castlehill, Royal Mile,
extent (see Directory p81 for EH1 2NE.
details of all the cinemas). Tel (0131) 473 2099 (info).
Tel (0131) 473 2000 (booking).
Edinburgh Military
Tattoo Edinburgh International
The enduring popularity of Book Festival
the Military Tattoo never fails 5a Charlotte Sq, EH2 4DR.
to surprise some people, or Tel (0845) 373 5888.
to charm others. It has been ∑
running since 1950, when the
British Army decided to con- Edinburgh
tribute to Edinburgh’s August International Film Festival
events with displays of martial 88 Lothian Rd, EH3 9BZ.
prowess and music on the A temporary marquee selling books at the Tel (0131) 228 2688.
picturesque Castle Esplanade. Edinburgh Book Festival ∑
Temporary stands are built
on the Esplanade each summer Edinburgh Jazz and
in preparation for the 200,000 Edinburgh Book Festival Blues Festival
visitors who watch the Tattoo Every August, a mini-village Assembly Direct, 89 Giles St,
over its three-week run. This of marquees is erected in EH6 6BZ.
enormous spectacle heralds the the beautiful Georgian surroun- Tel (0131) 467 5200.
approach of the other, assorted dings of Charlotte Square Tel Box office: (0131) 473 2000.
August arts festivals. Marching Gardens in the city centre. This ∑
bands and musicians from the temporary village plays host
to two weeks of book-related The Fringe
events and talks by a variety The Fringe Office, 180 High St,
of writers, from novelists and EH1 1QS.
poets to those who specialize Tel (0131) 226 0026.
in cookbooks or children’s ∑
fiction. Scottish authors are
always well represented. Military Tattoo
Originally held every other Edinburgh Tattoo, 32 Market St,
year, the Book Festival became EH1 1QB.
so popular that since 1998 it Tel (0131) 225 1188.
A painted street performer showing his skill has been an annual event coin- ∑
at staying as still as a statue ciding with the other festivals.

Southern Scotland is a blend of attractive landscapes and historic
houses, castles and abbeys. Sadly, many of these ancient buildings
exist only in fortified or ruined form due to the frontier wars that
dated from the late 13th century. The rounded hills of the Scottish
Borders and the more rugged peaks of Dumfries & Galloway bore
the brunt of this fierce conflict between Scotland and England.

In 1296 Scotland committed itself to the the great dramas of Scottish history have
Wars of Independence against the been played out in the South. Robert the
English, and it was Southern Scotland that Bruce’s guerrilla army defeated an English
suffered the most. The strife caused by the force at Glen Trool in 1307, but Flodden,
many battles lasted for three centuries, as near Coldstream, was the scene of the
first Scottish self-determination, and then country’s worst military reverse in 1513,
alliances with France, led to strained when King James IV of Scotland and
relations between Scotland and its thousands of his men fell in battle.Today,
southern neighbour, England. Dryburgh, the quiet countryside around the Borders
one of the area’s magnificent 12th-century market towns, and the beautiful
abbeys, was burned twice, first by the mountain scenery in Dumfries & Galloway,
English in 1322 and then again in 1544. seem to belie such violent history. The
The virtual independence of the Borders area is now known for its manufacturing
district brought further conflict. Powerful of textiles and for promoting its literary
families had operated under local laws set associations, as Sir Walter Scott lived at
in place since the mid-12th century, and Abbotsford, near St Boswells. But it is
when Scottish kings were not fighting the the ruins of the great Border abbeys,
English, they led raids into the Border castles and battlegrounds that serve as
country to try and bring it back under a reminder of Southern Scotland’s
central control. Over the years, some of turbulent past.

Fishing in the tranquil waters of the River Tweed, which weaves its way through the Border country
Ruins of 12th-century Jedburgh Abbey, one of many abbeys destroyed during conflicts with England

Exploring Southern Scotland

Southern Scotland has a variety of
landscapes and small towns of great
character, but the region is often
overlooked by visitors keen to reach
Edinburgh, Glasgow or the Highlands.
The hills around Glen Trool in Dumfries
and Galloway are beautiful and dramatic
while, further east, the Border hills are less
rugged but offer some classic panoramas
such as Scott’s View, near Melrose. The
Ayrshire coast has a string of holiday
resorts; the Solway Firth coast is fine
The Gothic abbey church at Melrose, once one of the richest
touring country, quiet and picturesque;
abbeys in Scotland
and St Abb’s Head in the east is
one of Scotland’s most Loch Lomond Stirling
important wildlife Clydebank
reserves. Airdrie
Skelmorlie Glasgow

Blantyre Motherwell

East Kilbride Hamilton

Dalry Carnwath

Ardrossan Fenwick
Irvine Darvel

Troon Douglas
Cairn Table
Sorn 593m
Dunure Alloway DUMFRIES B
CULZEAN Sanquhar
Dalmellington ER
IT Moffat
Girvan char
tin Carsphairn


Lendalfoot FO GA
Merrick R E L LO Ellisland
843m ST Farm


Ballantrae Barrhill

Loch New
Trool Dumfries

Stewart CASTLE
S ol w ay
CASTLE Douglas
Stranraer Gatehouse
D ee

Kirkcowan of Fleet Kirkbean

Portpatrick Wigtown KIRKCUDBRIGHT
Sandhead Luce
Bay Dundrennan
Botanic Garden Port William WHITHORN

Burrow Head

Getting Around Key

Travelling east to west and vice versa can be Motorway (highway)
problematic as all the main routes run north–south Major road
from Edinburgh and Glasgow to England. There are Minor road
rural bus services but these tend to be infrequent and
Other road
slow. Rail links down the east coast from Edinburgh
are good, while a service to Galashiels, which opened in Scenic route
2015, makes the Scottish Borders even more accessible Main line railway
from the capital. In the west, travellers can enjoy Minor railway
frequent rail services from Glasgow to Ayrshire and to Summit
Stranraer, the ferry port for Northern Ireland. Exploring
scenic areas away from the coasts is best done by car.


Gifford ST ABB’S

Pathhead s

L Roslin Eyemouth
NT L mu
P E HI L mmer Preston
Penicuik La

Galashiels 0 kilometres 20
HOUSE KELSO 0 miles 20
840m St Mary's Ashkirk JEDBURGH

Hart Fell l


ev Consett
Eskdalemuir Ch


Crisp winter day in the Pentland Hills


Sights at a Glance
1 St Abb’s Head q New Lanark p The Rhinns of
2 Kelso w Dumfries House Galloway
3 Jedburgh e Drumlanrig Castle a Culzean Castle pp96–7
4 Eildon Hills r Threave Castle
6 Melrose Abbey t Burns Heritage Trail
7 Abbotsford House y Caerlaverock Castle 5 Tour of the Border
8 Traquair House u Kirkcudbright Abbeys
9 Peebles i Whithorn
0 Pentland Hills o Galloway Forest Park

For additional map symbols see back flap


museum in the 1930s, and in

1987 (on the 400th anniversary
of Mary’s execution) it became
a centre dedicated to telling her
life story. Exhibits include a copy
of her death mask.
Jedburgh Abbey is one of
the great quartet of 12th-century
Border Abbeys, along with
Dryburgh, Kelso and Melrose.
The abbey church has some
interesting features including
a rose window.

+ Jedburgh Castle, Jail and

The shattered crags and cliffs of St Abb’s Head Tel (01835) 863254. Open Easter–Oct:
daily (Sun: pm). &
1 St Abb’s Head on the northern edge of Kelso P Mary, Queen of Scots’ House
was designed by William Adam Tel (01835) 863331. Open Mar–Nov:
The Scottish Borders. 3 Berwick-
upon-Tweed. @ from Edinburgh.
in the 1720s, and reworked by daily. &
Tel (01890) 771443. Open Easter–Oct: William Playfair after 1837. R Jedburgh Abbey
10am–5pm daily. Tel (01835) 863925. Open daily. &
n Kelso Race Course
The jagged cliffs of St Abb’s Head, Tel (01668) 280800. & 7
rising 91 m (300 ft) from the ∑
North Sea, offer a spectacular + Floors Castle
view of thousands of seabirds Tel (01573) 223333. Open Mar–Oct:
wheeling and diving below. daily. & 7 8 ∑ roxburghe.
During the May to June net/castle
breeding season, this nature
reserve becomes an important
site for more than 50,000 cliff- 3 Jedburgh
nesting seabirds, including The Scottish Borders. * 4,100. @
fulmars, guillemots, kittiwakes n Murray’s Green (01835) 863170.
and puffins.
St Abb’s village has one of the The town is home to the mock-
few unspoiled working harbours medieval Jedburgh Castle,
on Scotland’s east coast. A clifftop Jail and Museum. Built in the
trail begins at the Visitor Centre, 1820s and once the local jail, it A picturesque view of the Eildon Hills in
where displays include identifi- now serves as a museum with late summer sunshine
cation boards and a touch table some good displays on the
where young visitors can get to area’s history and life in a 4 Eildon Hills
grips with wings and feathers. 19th-century prison.
The Scottish Borders. @ n Melrose
Built around 1500, Mary,
(01896) 822 283.
Queen of Scots’ House is
2 Kelso so-called due to a visit by the The three peaks of the Eildon
The Scottish Borders. * 6,500. @
queen in 1566. The house was Hills dominate the central
n The Square, (01573) 228 055; converted into a general Borders landscape. Mid Hill is
open Apr– Oct. the tallest at 422 m (1,385 ft),
while North Hill once had a
Kelso has a charming centre, Bronze Age hill fort dating from
with a cobbled square before 500 BC, and later a
surrounded by Georgian and Roman fort. In this part of the
Victorian buildings. Nearby country the most celebrated
Kelso Race Course holds regular name is Sir Walter Scott (see p90),
horse races. The focus of the who had a particular affection
town, however, is the ruin of the for these hills. A panorama of
12th-century abbey. This was the Eildons called Scott’s View
the oldest and wealthiest of the lies just east of Melrose, near
four Border Abbeys founded by Dryburgh Abbey, and this is
David I, but it suffered from wars the best location to see the hills’
with England and was severely Jedburgh’s medieval abbey church at the position as they rise above the
damaged in 1545. Floors Castle centre of the attractive town Tweed Valley.
For hotels and restaurants see pp173–5 and pp183–4

5 Tour of the Border Abbeys

The Scottish Borders are scattered with the ruins of ancient
buildings destroyed in conflicts between England and
Scotland. Most poignant of all are the Border Abbeys,
whose magnificent architecture bears witness to their
former spiritual and political power. Founded during the
12th-century reign of David I, the abbeys were destroyed
by Henry VIII in 1545. This tour takes in the abbeys and
some other sights.
2 Kelso Abbey The largest of
6 Melrose Abbey
the four Border Abbeys, Kelso
Once one of the richest abbeys in was founded in 1128 and took
Scotland, it is here that Robert the 84 years to complete.
Bruce’s heart is buried (see p90). Berwick-

J 1 Floors Castle Open from

Easter–Oct, the Duke of
Tw ee d

Roxburgh’s 18th-century home Kels

is close to the Tweed.

5 Scott’s View
This was Sir Walter Scott’s
favourite view of the
Borders. During his funeral,
the hearse stopped here Kal
briefly as Scott had done eW
so often in life.
A l ewa Te


te r

Bonjedward Key
Je d W a

Tour route
Jedburgh Other road

4 Dryburgh Abbey Also set on

the bank of the Tweed, Dryburgh is
considered the most evocative
monastic ruin in Scotland. Sir
Walter Scott is buried here.

0 kilometres 5

0 miles 3

Tips for Drivers

Length: 50 km (32 miles).
Stopping-off points: Leave the 3 Jedburgh Abbey The abbey was established
car at Dryburgh Abbey and take in 1138, though fragments of 9th-century Celtic
a walk northwards to the foot stonework survive from an earlier structure.
bridge over the River Tweed. The Visitor Centre illustrates the lives of
Augustinian monks.

For additional map symbols see back flap


taken on a crusade to the Holy

Land. It was returned to Melrose
Abbey after its bearer, Sir James
Douglas, was killed in Spain.

7 Abbotsford
Galashiels, The Scottish Borders.
Tel (01896) 752043. @ from Galashiels.
Open Apr–Sep: 10am–5pm daily;
Oct–Nov: 10am–4pm daily. & 8
- 7 limited. ∑ scottsabbots

The ruins of Melrose Abbey, viewed from the southwest Few houses bear the stamp
of their creator so intimately
6 Melrose Abbey known as the “Rough Wooing”. as Abbotsford House, the home
This resulted from the failure of Sir Walter Scott for the final
Melrose, The Scottish Borders.
Tel (01896) 822562. Open Apr–Sep: of the Scots to ratify a marriage 20 years of his life. He bought
9:30am–5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar: treaty between Henry VIII’s son a farm here in 1811, known
9:30am–4:30pm daily. & 7 limited. and the infant Mary, Queen of as Clarteyhole (“dirty hole” in
∑ Scots. What remains of the Borders Scots), though he soon
abbey are the outlines of renamed it Abbotsford, in
The rose-pink ruins of this cloisters, the kitchen, monastic memory of the monks of
beautiful Border Abbey bear buildings and the shell of the Melrose Abbey who used to
testimony to the devastation abbey church, with its soaring cross the River Tweed nearby.
of successive English invasions. east window and profusion of He later demolished the house
Built by David I in 1136 for medieval carvings. The decora- to make way for the turreted
Cistercian monks, and also to tions of the south exterior wall building we see today, its
replace a 7th-century monas- include a gargoyle shaped like construction funded by the
tery, Melrose was repeatedly a pig playing the bagpipes and sales of his popular novels.
ransacked by English armies, several animated figures, includ- Scott’s library contains
most notably in 1322 and 1385. ing a cook with his ladle. over 9,000 rare books and his
The final blow, from which none An embalmed heart, found collections of historic relics reflect
of the abbeys recovered, came here in 1920, is probably that of his passion for the heroic past.
in 1545, when Henry VIII of Robert the Bruce, the abbey’s The walls display an extensive
England implemented his chief benefactor, who had collection of arms and armour,
destructive Scottish policy decreed that his heart be including Rob Roy’s broadsword
(see p121). Stuart mementoes
include one of many crucifixes
Sir Walter Scott belonging to Mary, Queen of
Sir Walter Scott (1771–1832) was born in Edinburgh and trained Scots and a lock of Bonnie Prince
as a lawyer. He is best remembered as a major literary figure Charlie’s hair. The study in which
and champion of Scotland, whose poems and novels (most Scott wrote his Waverley novels,
famously his Waverley series) created enduring images of a heroic is open to the public, as is the
wilderness filled with the romance of the clans. His orchestration, room where he died in 1832.
in 1822, of the state visit of George IV to Edinburgh was an
extravaganza of Highland culture that helped establish tartan
as the national dress of Scotland. He served as
Clerk of the Court in Edinburgh’s Parliament
House and for 30 years was Sheriff of Selkirk.
He loved Central and Southern Scotland,
putting the Trossachs (see pp120–21)
firmly on the map with the
publication of the Lady of the Lake
(1810). His final years were spent
writing to pay off a £114,000
debt following the failure of his
publisher in 1827. He died with
his debts paid, and was buried
at Dryburgh Abbey in 1832.

The Great Hall at Abbotsford, adorned with

arms and armour
For hotels and restaurants see pp173–5 and pp183–4

8 Traquair House stairway leads to the Priest’s 0 Pentland Hills

Room, which, with its clerical The Lothians. 3 Edinburgh, then bus.
Peebles, The Scottish Borders.
Tel (01896) 830323. @ from Peebles. vestments that could be n Regional Park Headquarters,
Open Apr–Sep: 11am–5pm daily; Oct: disguised as bedspreads, attests Edinburgh (0131) 529 2401.
11am–4pm daily; Nov: 11am–3pm Sat to the problems faced by Catholic ∑
& Sun. & - 7 limited. families until Catholicism was
∑ legalized in 1829. The wilds of the Pentland Hills
stretch for 26 km (16 miles)
Scotland’s oldest continuously southwest of Edinburgh, and
inhabited house has deep roots 9 Peebles offer some of the best hill-walking
in Scottish religious and political The Scottish Borders. * 8,000.
country in Southern Scotland.
history stretching back over @ from Edinburgh. n 23 High St Walkers can saunter along the
900 years. Evolving from (01721) 723159. many signposted footpaths,
a fortified tower to while the more adventurous
a 17th-century This charming Borders town can take the chairlift at the
mansion (see p25), has some fascinating Hillend dry ski slope to reach the
the house was a sights, including the higher ground leading to the
Catholic Stuart Tweeddale Museum and 493 m (1,617 ft) hill of Allermuir.
stronghold for 500 Gallery which houses full- Even more ambitious is the classic
years. Mary, Queen of scale plaster casts of part of scenic route along the ridge from
Scots was among the the Parthenon Frieze, and casts Caerketton to West Kip.
many monarchs to of a frieze depicting the entry of To the east of the A703, in the
have stayed here. Alexander the Great into Babylon. lee of the Pentlands, stands the
Her crucifix is kept in The walled Kailzie Gardens exquisite and ornate 15th-century
the house and her attract day-trippers from Rosslyn Chapel, which features
bed is covered by Edinburgh. Glentress Forest, in The Da Vinci Code. It was origi-
a counterpane which begins on the fringes nally intended as a church, but
that she made. Mary’s crucifix, of town, is very popular with after the death of its founder,
Family letters and Traquair House hikers and mountain bikers William Sinclair, it was used as a
engraved Jacobite from the city as well. burial ground for his descendants.
drinking glasses are among The delicately wreathed
the relics recalling the period E Tweeddale Museum Apprentice Pillar recalls the
of the Highland rebellions. and Gallery legend of the apprentice carver
Following a vow made by Tel (01721) 724820. Open Mon–Sat. who was killed by the master
the fifth Earl, Traquair’s Bear Y Kailzie Gardens stonemason in a fit of jealousy
Gates (the “Steekit Yetts”), Tel (01721) 720007. Open daily. & at his pupil’s superior skill.
which closed after Bonnie 8 ∑
Prince Charlie’s visit in 1745, } Glentress Forest R Rosslyn Chapel
will not reopen until a Stuart Tel (0300) 067 6900. Open daily. & Tel (0131) 440 2159. Open daily. &
reascends the throne. A secret ∑ 7 ∑

Details of the highly ornate, decorative carved-stone vaulting in Rosslyn Chapel


The Classical 18th-century tenements of New Lanark on the banks of the Clyde

q New Lanark the working of its water-driven the fifth Earl of Dumfries, William
mills, the village had become Crichton Dalrymple. Designed
Clyde Valley. * 185. 3 @ Lanark.
n Horsemarket, Ladyacre Rd, Lanark
the largest producer of cotton to lure a prospective wife, it was
(01555) 661661. ∑ in Britain by 1800. Dale and his decorated in fashionable Rococo
successor, and son-in-law, Robert style between 1756 and 1760.
Situated by the beautiful falls Owen, were philanthropists Amongst the treasures is a price-
of the River Clyde, with three whose reforms demonstrated less collection of Chippendale
separate waterfalls, the village that commercial success need furniture, some of it purpose-
of New Lanark was founded in not undermine the wellbeing built and incorporating Scottish
1785 by the industrial entre- of the workforce. The manu- saltires. The house and contents
preneur David Dale. Ideally facturing of cotton continued were saved in 2007 by a trust
located alongside the river for here until the late 1960s. established by Prince Charles.
The New Lanark Visitor
Centre has exhibits illustrating
e Drumlanrig
the World Heritage Site’s signifi-
cance as a window on to work- Castle
ing life in the early 19th century. Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway.
Head to the centre to purchase Tel (01848) 331555. 3 @ Dumfries,
a passport giving access to the then bus. Open Apr–Sep:10am–5pm
town’s historical buildings. daily. - & 7 ∑ drumlanrig
24 km (15 miles) north, the town Rising squarely from a grassy
of Blantyre has a memorial to the platform, the massive fortress-
Clyde Valley’s most famous son, palace of Drumlanrig Castle
the explorer David Livingstone. was built from pink sandstone
David Livingstone between 1679 and 1691 on the
E New Lanark Visitor Centre site of a 15th-century Douglas
Scotland’s great missionary
Tel (01555) 661345. Open daily. &
doctor and explorer was born 7 8 by appointment.
in Blantyre where he began
working life as a mill boy at
the age of ten. Livingstone
(1813–73) made three epic w Dumfries House
journeys across Africa, from Cumnock, Ayrshire. Tel (01290) 425959.
1840, promoting “commerce Open dawn to dusk daily. 8 Apr–
and Christianity”. He became Oct: daily; Nov–Mar: Sat & Sun. -
the first European to see ∑
Victoria Falls, and died in
1873 while searching for the This wonderful Palladian villa
source of the Nile. His body is is off the beaten track, but
buried in Westminster Abbey worth a detour. Sitting in
in London. sweeping parkland, the grand The Baroque front steps and doorway of
symmetrical villa was built for Drumlanrig Castle
For hotels and restaurants see pp173–5 and pp183–4

stronghold. The castle’s multi-

turreted, formidable exterior
conceals a priceless collection
of art treasures as well as such
Jacobite relics as Bonnie Prince
Charlie’s camp kettle, sash and
money box. Hanging within
oak-panelled rooms are paint-
ings by Leonardo da Vinci
(including The Madonna of the
Yarnwinder, stolen in 2003 but
returned in 2007), Holbein and The exterior of Burns Cottage, birthplace of Robert Burns
Rembrandt. The emblem of
a crowned and winged heart t Burns Heritage Museum is set in beautiful
recalls the famous Douglas countryside. It incorporates Burns
ancestor “The Good Sir James”.
Trail Cottage, the poet’s birthplace,
Legend has it he bore Robert South Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway. which houses memorabilia and
the Bruce’s heart on crusade n Dumfries (01387) 253862, Ayr a collection of manuscripts. The
against the Moors in Spain. (01292) 290300. ∑ visitdumfriesand ruins of Alloway Kirk and the 13th-century Brig o’ Doon have
the best period atmosphere.
Robert Burns (1759–96) left
behind a remarkable body of E Robert Burns Centre
work ranging from satirical Mill Rd, Dumfries. Tel (01387) 253374.
poetry to tender love songs. Open Apr–Sep: 10am–5pm Mon–Sat,
His status as national bard is 2–5pm Sun; Oct–Mar: 10am–1pm &
2–5pm Tue–Sat. &
unchallenged and an official
Burns Heritage Trail leads visitors E Burns House
around sights in southwest Burns St, Dumfries. Tel (01387)
Scotland where he lived. 255297. Open Apr–Sep: 10am–5pm
In Dumfries, the Robert Mon–Sat, 2–5pm Sun; Oct–Mar:
Burns Centre focuses on his 10am–1pm & 2–5pm Tue–Sat.
years in the town, while Burns E Ellisland Farm
House, where he lived from Holywood Rd, Auldgirth. Tel (01387)
1793 to 1796, contains 740426. Open Apr–Sep: 10am–1pm &
memorabilia. His Greek-style 2–5pm Mon–Sat, 2–5pm Sun; Oct–
mausoleum can be found in Mar: 2–5pm Tue–Sat. & 7 8
The sturdy island fortress of Threave Castle St Michael’s Churchyard. ∑
on the Dee At Ellisland Farm there are E Burns House and Museum
further displays, with some Castle St, Mauchline. Tel (01563)
r Threave Castle of Burns’s family possessions. 554902. Open 10am–4pm Tue–Sat.
Mauchline, some 18 km & 7 limited.
Castle Douglas, Dumfries & Galloway.
Tel (07711) 223101. 3 Dumfries. (11 miles) east of Ayr, has the E Robert Burns Birthplace
Open Apr–Sep: 10am– 4:30pm daily; Burns House and Museum in Museum
Oct: 10am–3:30pm daily. & another former residence. Alloway. Tel (0844) 493 2601.
∑ Alloway, just south of Ayr, is Open Apr–Sep: 10am–5:30pm daily;
the real centre of the Burns Trail. Oct–Mar: 10am–5pm daily. & 7
A menacing giant of a tower, The Robert Burns Birthplace ∑
this 14th-century Black Douglas
stronghold on an island in the
Dee commands the most com-
Scottish Textiles
plete medieval riverside harbour Weaving in the Scottish Borders
in Scotland. Douglas’s struggles goes back to the Middle Ages,
against the early Stuart kings when monks from Flanders
resulted in his surrender here established a thriving woollen
after a two-month siege in 1455 trade with the Continent. Cotton
– but only after James II had became an important source of
brought the cannon Mons Meg wealth in the Clyde Valley during
to batter the castle. Threave was the 19th century, when handloom
weaving was overtaken by power-
dismantled after Protestant
driven mills. The popular Paisley
Covenanters defeated its
patterns were based on original
Catholic defenders in 1640. Only Indian designs.
the shell of the kitchen, great A colourful pattern from Paisley
hall and domestic levels remain.

strife. Surviving chronicles of work is displayed in his former

Edward’s adventures describe home, Broughton House, on the
the castle in much the same High Street.
form as it stands today, despite MacLellan’s Castle in the
being partially demolished and town centre was built in 1582
rebuilt many times, due to the by the then Provost of Kirkcud-
clashes between the English bright, while outside, the ruins
and Scottish forces during of Dundrennan Abbey date
the 14th and 16th centuries. from the 12th century. Mary,
Throughout these troubles it Queen of Scots spent her last
remained the stronghold of the night there before fleeing to
Maxwell family, and the Maxwell England in May 1568.
crest and motto remain over
the door. It was the struggle E Tolbooth Art Centre
between Robert Maxwell, who High St. Tel (01557) 331556.
was the first Earl of Nithsdale Open 11am–4pm Mon–Sat (also
Moated fairy-tale Caerlaverock Castle with and a supporter of Charles I, and 1–4pm Sun mid-Apr–Sep). 7
its red stone walls a Covenanter army that caused + MacLellan’s Castle
the castle’s ruin in 1640. Tel (01557) 331856. Open Apr–Sep:
y Caerlaverock 9:30am–5:30pm daily. &
Castle ∑
u Kirkcudbright
Near Dumfries, Dumfries & Galloway.
Tel (01387) 770244. Open Apr–Sep: Dumfries & Galloway. * 3,400. i Whithorn
9:30am–5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar: @ n Harbour Sq (01557) 330494.
9:30am–4:30pm daily. & 7 - = Open Apr–Oct: daily. Dumfries & Galloway. * 850. 3
∑ ∑ Stranraer. @ n High St, Gatehouse
of Fleet (01557) 814212.
This impressive, three-sided, By the mouth of the River Dee, ∑
red stone structure, with its at the head of Kirkcudbright
distinctive moat, is the finest Bay, this town has an artistic The earliest site of continuous
example of a medieval castle heritage. The Tolbooth, dating Christian worship in Scotland,
in southwest Scotland. It stands from the late 1500s, is now the Whithorn (meaning white house)
14 km (9 miles) south of Dumfries, Tolbooth Art Centre, which takes its name from the white
and was built in around 1270. exhibits work by Kirkcudbright chapel built by St Ninian in 397.
Caerlaverock came to promin- artists from 1880 to the present Though nothing remains of the
ence in 1300, during the Wars of day. The most celebrated was chapel, a guided tour of the
Independence, when it was Edward Hornel (1864–1933), archaeological dig reveals
beseiged by Edward I, king of one of the Glasgow Boys, who evidence of Northumbrian,
England, setting a precedent for painted striking images of Viking and Scottish settlements
more than three centuries of Japanese women. Some of his ranging from the 5th to the 19th
centuries. The Whithorn Story
provides audio-visual information
on the excavations, and contains
ancient carved stones.

E The Whithorn Story

45–47 George St. Tel (01988) 500508.
Open Easter–Oct: 10:30am–5pm. &
8 7 ∑

o Galloway
Forest Park
Dumfries & Galloway. 3 Stranraer.
n Clatteringshaws Visitor Centre
(01644) 420285, Glen Trool Visitor
Centre (01671) 840302, Kirroughtree
Visitor Centre (01671) 402165.

This is the wildest stretch of

country in Southern Scotland,
with points of historical interest
Traditional stone buildings on the shore at Kirkcudbright as well as great beauty. The park
For hotels and restaurants see pp173–5 and pp183–4

p The Rhinns of
Dumfries & Galloway. 3 Stranraer.
@ Stranraer, Portpatrick. g Stran-
raer. n 28 Harbour St, Stranraer
(01776) 702595.
In the extreme southwest of
Scotland, this peninsula is
almost separated from the rest
of the country by Loch Ryan
and Luce Bay. It has a number of
attractions, including the Logan
Botanic Garden, near Port Logan.
Loch Trool, Galloway Forest Park, site of one of Robert the Bruce’s victories Established in 1900, subtropical
species in the garden benefit
extends to 670 sq km (260 sq to the north of Loch Trool are a from the area’s mild climate.
miles) just north of Newton considerable size, and worthy of Stranraer on Loch Ryan is the
Stewart. The principal focal note. Bennan stands at 562 m main centre and ferry port for
point is Loch Trool. By Caldons (1,844 ft), Benyellary at 719 m Northern Ireland. The nearby
Wood, to the west end of the (2,359 ft), while Merrick, at 843 m Portpatrick is a prettier town,
loch, the Martyrs’ Monument (2,766 ft), is the tallest featuring a ruined church dat-
marks the spot where six mountain in Southern Scotland. ing from 1629 and the remains
Covenanters were killed at A round trip from Loch Trool to of 16th-century Dunskey Castle.
prayer in 1685. Bruce’s Stone, Merrick’s summit and back, via
above the north shore, the silver sands of Loch Enoch Y Logan Botanic Garden
commemorates an occasion in to the east, is a total of 15 km Near Port Logan, Stranraer. Tel (01776)
1307 when Robert the Bruce (9 miles) over rough but very 860231. Open mid-Mar–Oct:
routed English forces. The hills rewarding ground. 10am–5pm daily. & 7

Galloway Forest Park Walk

This walk gives a taste of wild hill-country and remote, high-level
lochs. Adequate footwear, waterproof clothing and a map are
recommended. From the car park, descend towards the house,
Loch Enoch
cross a bridge, and take a path northeast through a field. Follow the
valley of the Gairland Burn for about 1.5 km (1 mile) to find Loch
Valley. A few minutes further north, the path reaches lonely Loch
Neldricken, from where you can return by the same route. This area
is a combination of glaciated hills and small hill lochs, set in hollows
scraped out by the ice thousands of years ago. If time is short, or Loch Aaron
the weather poor, there are shorter walks around Loch Trool.

Loch Neldricken

Access road
Loch Valley

Long Loch of

Tips for Walkers Round Loch of

Starting point: Bruce’s Stone car
park, north side of Loch Trool. Loch Trool
Length: 10 km (6 miles).
Getting there: By car: off the
A714, about 14 km (9 miles)
north of Newton Stewart, along 0 kilometres 2
an access road for 8 km (5 miles). 0 miles 1

For additional map symbols see back flap


a Culzean Castle
Standing on a cliff’s edge in an extensive parkland
estate, the late 16th century keep of Culzean
(pronounced Cullayn), home of the Earls of Cassillis,
was remodelled between 1777 and 1792 by the
Neo-Classical architect Robert Adam. Restored in
the 1970s, it is now a major showcase of Adam’s
later style of work. The grounds became Scotland’s
first public country park in 1969 and, with farming
flourishing alongside ornamental gardens, they
reflect both the leisure and everyday activities of View of Culzean Castle (c.1815), by Nasmyth
life on a great country estate.

A Plan of Culzean Castle

KEY First Floor Blue Drawing Room
Long Drawing Room
State Bedroom and
1 The Clock Tower, fronted by Lady Ailsa’s
Dressing Rooms
the circular carriageway, was Boudoir
originally the family coach house
and stables. The clock was added
in the 19th century, and today the Round Drawing Lady Ailsa’s
Room Dressing Room
buildings house a shop and an
education room. Front Hall Family
2 The State Bedroom and Entrance
Dressing Rooms contain typical
mid-18th-century furnishings, Library
including a gentleman’s wardrobe
of the 1740s.
3 The Eisenhower Apartment, on Georgian Dining Room
the top floor of Culzean and now a Kitchen
hotel, was where the General was Scullery
granted lifetime tenancy in gratitude
for his role in World War II. Ailsa Room Oval Staircase

4 Carriageway Ground Floor

For hotels and restaurants see pp173–5 and pp183–4


On the walls are a
collection of late 18th-
Practical Information
and early 19th-century
6 km (4 miles) west of Maybole,
pistols, bayonets and
Ayrshire. Tel (01655) 884455. Open
swords installed by the
Apr–Oct: 10:30am–5pm (last entry
12th Earl of Cassillis who
4pm); grounds 9am–dusk all year.
purchased them from the
& 7 8 11am & 2:30pm daily.
Tower of London.
0 = « ∑

3 Ayr, then bus.

Fountain Court
This sunken garden is a good
place to begin a tour of the
grounds to the east.

. Round Drawing Room

With its restored 18th-century
colour scheme, this elegant . Oval Staircase
saloon perches on the cliff’s Illuminated by an overarching
edge 46 m (150 ft) above skylight, the staircase, with its Ionic
the Firth of Clyde. The carpet and Corinthian pillars, is considered
is a copy of one designed one of Adam’s finest design
by Adam. achievements.

Glasgow displays audacity in everything, from the profile of its
contemporary buildings, such as the titanium-clad structures and
tower of the Science Centre, to the presence of designer clothes
shops and the wit of its people. As recently as the 1970s, this was
a city with a fading industrial history and little sense of direction,
but much has changed since then.

Glasgow’s city centre, on the north bank heavy engineering, attracting many
of the River Clyde, has been occupied incomers from poverty-stricken districts
since ancient times. The Romans already in the Scottish Highlands and islands, and
had a presence in the area some 2,000 in Ireland, in the process. Between the
years ago, and there was a religious 1780s and the 1880s the population
community here from the 6th century. exploded from around 40,000 to over
Records show Glasgow’s growing 500,000. The city boundaries expanded,
importance as a merchant town from and, despite an economic slump
the 12th century onwards. between the two World Wars, Glasgow
Historic buildings such as Provand’s clung to its status as an industrial giant
Lordship, a 15th-century town house, until the 1970s, when its traditional skills
remind visitors of its pre-industrial roots, were no longer needed. This was a bad
but modern Glasgow grew from the time, but the city has since bounced
riches of the British Empire and the back; it was named European Capital
Industrial Revolution. In the 18th of Sport in 2003 and hosted the 2014
century the city imported rum, sugar and Commonwealth Games. A £500 million
tobacco from the colonies, while in the project at Glasgow Harbour has
19th century it reinvented itself as a reclaimed the city’s old shipyards
cotton-manufacturing centre. It then and dockland for commercial,
became a site for shipbuilding and for residential and leisure usage.

Fashionable brasseries in the rejuvenated Merchant City area of Glasgow

Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow

Exploring Glasgow
Glasgow city centre is a neat grid of streets running east to
west and north to south on the north bank of the River Clyde.
This small area includes the main train stations, the principal
shopping facilities and, at George Square, the tourist
information office. Outside the centre, Byres Road to the west
of Kelvingrove Park is the focus of the district known as “the
West End”, with its bars and restaurants near the University.
Pollok Country Park, in the southwest, is home to the Detail of St Mungo Museum’s
wonderful Burrell Collection. modern façade

St George’s










AM Cowcaddens







House HIL

L Piping








SAU Royal Conservatoire

CHI Caledonian
EHA Glasgow of Scotland

Theatre University
TR School of Art

Royal AD





King's Theatre STRE


ET Buchanan
Theatre H SAU

STRE CHI Pavilion KILL Bus Station




Charing Police Willow

Theatre STRE

Cross Station Headquarters Tea Room EET




WES Royal



Concert Hall






T Buchanan



GEO Street


CEN STRE George's


T Tron

Queen Street

BOT EET Station

LL Stock

STRE Exchange Merchant GEO


ST V House







Gallery of


ET Modern Art
M Central




ET Station

YLE Trades

Princes House

ET Square






St Enoch YLE


Getting Around
An extensive regional train service links Glasgow with its
suburbs. In the city itself there is an underground system that
operates daily in a simple loop around the centre, both north
and south of the River Clyde. The M8 motorway (highway)
cuts through central Glasgow, linking Inverclyde and the
“SPT” sign outside St Enoch airport in the west with Edinburgh in the east. Buses and
subway station black cabs are other options.

Sights at a Glance
Historic Streets and Buildings 0 Glasgow Science Centre Arts Centres
2 George Square q Riverside Museum 6 Piping Centre
5 Glasgow Cathedral and w Kelvingrove Art Gallery and 8 Glasgow School of Art
Necropolis Museum u House for an Art Lover
7 Willow Tea Room e Scotland Street School
i Pollok House Museum
r Hunterian Art Gallery
Museums and Galleries y People’s Palace
1 Gallery of Modern Art o Burrell Collection pp108–9
3 Provand’s Lordship
4 St Mungo Museum of Religious
Parks and Gardens
Life and Art t Botanic Gardens
9 Tenement House



G ST M UN G O AVEN U E Sauchiehall Street, the heart of the city’s


busy shopping district








Glasgow Cathedral

and Necropolis



St Mungo

Maternity TEN
ROW Museum of Key

Hospital Strathclyde Provand’s


Religious Life


University Lordship and Art

Places of interest


ST Other building
City GEO
Chambers RGE Pedestrian street


T Motorway (highway)





High Street


Hutcheson's Station







ON Hall

ST Outside the Centre






L A8



EET A81 A8

4 Hillhead 2

TRO Clyd
NGA e Sighthill
Yorkhill M8
A8 A8
M8 A89
1 A74
Mosspark Pollokshields M


Pollok 0 kilometres 2
0 metres 300 Park

0 miles 2
0 yards 300

For additional map symbols see back flap


The imposing City Chambers in George Square, where a statue of Sir Walter Scott stands atop the central column

1 Gallery of social issues, often featuring Queen Victoria. With the elegant
Modern Art groups that are marginalized proportions of the interior
in today’s society. decorated in marble and mosaic,
Royal Exchange Sq. Tel (0141) the opulence of this building
287 3050. Open 10am–5pm makes it the most impressive
Mon–Thu & Sat, 11am–5pm Fri & 2 George Square of its type in Scotland.
Sun. 7 - ∑
City centre. City Chambers: Tel (0141)
287 4018. Open Mon–Fri, 10:30am &
Once the home of Glasgow’s 2:30pm for guided tours. 7 8 3 Provand’s
Royal Exchange (the city’s Merchants House: Tel (0141) 221 8272. Lordship
centre for trade), this building 8 by appt.
3 Castle St. Tel (0141) 276 1625.
dates from 1829 and also Open 10am–5pm Tue–Thu & Sat,
incorporates a late George Square was laid out in 11am–5pm Fri & Sun. ∑ glasgow
18th-century mansion the late 18th century as a resi-
that formerly dential area, but redevelopment
occupied the site. during Victorian times conferred Provand’s Lordship was origin-
The local authority its enduring status as the city’s ally built as a canon’s house
took over the focal point. The only building in 1471, and is now Glasgow’s
Exchange just after not to be affected by the later oldest surviving house, as well
World War II, and 19th-century makeover is the as a museum. Its low ceilings
for many years Millennium Hotel (1807) on and wooden furnishings create
it served as a the north side of the Square. a vivid impression of life in a
library. It finally The 1870s saw a building wealthy 15th-century house-
opened its boom, with the construction of hold. Mary, Queen of Scots
doors as the the former Post Office (1876) at (see p48) may have stayed here
Gallery of the southeast corner, and the when she visited Glasgow in
Modern Art in Merchants House (1877) 1566 to see her cousin, and
Ornate tower of the Gallery 1996. One of to the west side. The latter husband, Lord Darnley.
of Modern Art the largest is home to Glasgow’s
contemporary Chamber of Commerce.
art galleries outside London, Founded in 1781, it is the
the GoMA is constantly building oldest organization of its
on its collection of work by kind in the UK. The most
Glasgow-based artists. dominant structure in
Accordingly, most of the gallery George Square, however,
is home to a lively and thought- is the City Chambers on
provoking programme of the east side. Designed
temporary exhibitions featuring by William Young in an
work by Scottish and inter- Italian Renaissance style,
national artists. Many of these the imposing building
focus on contemporary and was opened in 1888 by Provand’s Lordship, Glasgow’s only medieval house
For hotels and restaurants see pp174–5 and pp184–6

4 St Mungo decided to step in with money,

Museum of and with the idea for a more
extensive project – a museum
Religious Life of religious life and art. The
and Art site chosen was adjacent to
2 Castle St. Tel (0141) 276 1625. the cathedral, where the
Open 10am–5pm Tue–Thu & Sat, 13th-century Castle of the
11am–5pm Fri & Sun. 7 8 by Bishops of Glasgow once
appointment. - = stood. The museum has the
∑ appearance of a centuries-old
fortified house, despite the fact
Glasgow has strong religious that it was completed in 1993.
roots, and the settlement that The top floor describes the
grew to become today’s city story of the country’s religion
started with a monastery from a non-denominational
founded in the 6th perspective. Both Glasgow’s medieval cathedral viewed from
century AD by a priest Protestant and the southwest
called Mungo. He died Catholic versions
in the early years of of Christianity are 5 Glasgow Cathedral
the 7th century, and represented, as well and Necropolis
his body lies buried as the other faiths of
underneath Glasgow modern Scotland. The Cathedral Sq. Cathedral: Tel (0141)
Cathedral. The build- many, varied displays 552 6891. Open Apr–Sep: 9:30am–
5:30pm Mon–Sat, 1–5:30pm Sun;
ing itself dates from Detail from the touch on the lives of
Oct–Mar: 9:30am–4:30pm Mon–Sat,
the 12th century, and St Mungo Museum communities as
1–4:30pm Sun. 7 Necropolis:
stands on ground extensive as Glas- Open 24hrs daily.
blessed by St Ninian as long gow’s Muslims, who have had ∑
ago as AD 397. The ever- their own Mosque in the city
growing numbers of visitors since 1984, as well as local As one of the few churches to
to the cathedral eventually converts to the Baha’i faith. The escape destruction during the
prompted plans for an other floors are given over to Scottish Reformation (see p48)
interpretive centre. Despite the works of art – among them is by adapting itself to Protestant
efforts of the Society of Friends Craigie Aitchison’s Crucifixion VII, worship, this cathedral is a rare
of Glasgow Cathedral, however, which sits alongside religious example of an almost complete
sufficient funds could not be artifacts and artworks, such as original 13th-century church.
raised. The local authority burial discs from Neolithic It was built on the site of a
China (2,000 BC), chapel founded by the city’s
contemporary paint- patron saint, St Mungo, a 6th-
ings by Aboriginal century bishop of Strathclyde.
Australians, and some According to legend, Mungo
excellent Scottish placed the body of a holy man,
stained glass from the named Fergus, on a cart yoked
early part of the 20th to two wild bulls, telling them
century. Further dis- to take it to the place ordained
plays in the museum by God. In the “dear green place”
examine issues of at which the bulls stopped, he
fundamental concern built his church.
to people of all religions Because of its sloping site, the
– war, persecution, cathedral is built on two levels.
death and the afterlife – The crypt contains the tomb of St
and from cultures as far Mungo, surrounded by an intricate
afield as West Africa and forest of columns springing up to
Mexico. In the grounds end in delicately carved rib-
surrounding the vaulting. The Blacader Aisle is
building, there is a reputed to have been built over
permanent Zen Garden, a cemetery blessed by St Ninian.
created by Yasutaro Behind the cathedral, a likeness
Tanaka. Such gardens of Protestant reformer John Knox
have been a traditional (see p48) surveys the city from his
aid to contemplation in Doric pillar, overlooking a Victorian
Japanese Buddhist cemetery. The necropolis is filled
temples since the with crumbling monuments to
An impressive stained-glass window at beginning of the the dead of Glasgow’s wealthy
the St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art 16th century. merchant families.

6 Piping Centre Mackintosh (see opposite page) rapidly. However, a meticulous

30–34 McPhater St. Tel (0141) 353 at the turn of the century for rebuilding is due to finish by
0220. Open 9am–5pm Mon–Fri, the celebrated restaurateur 2018. After that, tours of the
9am–1pm Sat. & 0 7 Kate Cranston. Everything in the interior will once again enable
∑ tearoom, from the high-backed visitors to marvel at the height,
chairs to the tables and cutlery, light and shade, and innovative
The Piping Centre, which opened was of Mackintosh’s own design. details in rooms such as the
in a refurbished church in The 1904 Room de Luxe Board Room and the Library, the
1996, aims to promote the sparkles with eccentricity: latter in particular a masterpiece
study and history of piping striking mauve and silver of spatial composition.
in Scotland. It offers tuition furniture, coloured glass and
at all levels, and houses the a flamboyant leaded door
National Museum of Piping, create a remarkable venue. 9 Tenement House
which traces the 145 Buccleuch St. Tel (0844) 493
development of 2197. Open Mar–Oct: 1–5pm daily.
the instrument. & 8 by appointment. «
Displays show
that bagpipes More a time capsule than a
were first museum, the Tenement House
introduced is an almost undisturbed record
to Scotland of life as it was in a modest
as early as the Glasgow flat on a tenement
14th century, estate in the early 20th century.
Traditional although the Glasgow owed much of its
bagpipes with golden age of vitality and neighbourliness to
brass drones piping was the tenement life, though in later
17th and 18th years many of these Victorian
centuries. This was the era of and Edwardian apartments were
the MacCrimmons of Skye to earn a bad name for poverty
(hereditary pipers to the chiefs and overcrowding, and many of
of Clan MacLeod), when com- them have been pulled down.
plex, extended tunes (ceol mor, The Tenement House was
or “the big music”) were written The exterior of the Glasgow School of Art, the home of Miss Agnes Toward,
for clan gatherings, battles and Mackintosh’s masterpiece who lived here from 1911
in the form of laments. until 1965. It remained largely
8 Glasgow School unaltered during that time and,
of Art since Agnes threw very little
7 Willow Tea Room away, the house has become a
167 Renfrew St. Tel (0141) 353 4500. treasure-trove of social history.
217 Sauchiehall St. Tel (0141) Closed for restoration until 2018.
332 0521. Open 9am–5:30pm In the parlour, which would have
8 check website for tours of the
Mon–Sat, 10:30am–5pm Sun. - been used only on formal occas-
exterior and the new furniture gallery.
∑ & 7 limited. ∑
ions, afternoon tea is laid out on
a white lace cloth. The kitchen,
This is the sole survivor of a Widely considered to be the with its coal-fired range and box
series of delightfully frivolous greatest architectural work in bed, is filled with the tools of a
tearooms created by the the illustrious career of Charles vanished era, such as a goffering-
designer Charles Rennie Rennie Mackintosh, the Glasgow iron for ironing lace, a washboard
School of Art was built between and a stone hot-water bottle.
1897 and 1909 to a design he Agnes’s lavender water
submitted in a competition. Due and medicines are still arranged
to financial constraints, it was in the bathroom, and it feels
built in two stages. The earlier almost as though she stepped
eastern half displays a severity of out of the house 70 years ago
style, likened by a contemporary and simply forgot to return.
critic to a prison. The later western
half is characterized by a softer
architectural style.
In May 2014, tragedy struck as
a fire spread from the basement
to several of the historic studios
and stairways. Sadly, the design
of the building – its many timber-
The Mackintosh-designed interior of the lined walls, voids and ventilation The preserved Edwardian kitchen of the
Willow Tea Room ducts – helped the fire spread Tenement House
For hotels and restaurants see pp174–5 and pp184–6

Glasgow Artists
The late 19th century was a time of great artistic activity in Glasgow, with painters such
as Sir James Guthrie, Robert McGregor and others rising to prominence. But snobbery
on the part of the Edinburgh-based arts establishment often led these men to seek
recognition outside Scotland. The term “Glasgow School” was coined after an 1890
London exhibition, but the artists generally called themselves “Glasgow Boys”. Art
Nouveau designer Charles Rennie Mackintosh contributed his genius to the creative life
of the city as well as to a new Glasgow School of Art, completed in two stages – 1899 and
1909. More recently, the term Glasgow Boys has been used to describe the generation of
artists who attended the School of Art in the 1970s and ’80s. Contemporary Glasgow
artists include Ken Currie and Peter Howson.

Stirling Station, by
William Kennedy
(1859–1918), depicts
the crowded platform
with people waiting for
a train. The rich colours,
and steam from the
trains, contribute to
the atmosphere of
this bustling station.

A Star (1891) by Sir John Lavery is

indicative of the artist’s dashing, fluid,
style as a portraitist. Born in Belfast,
Lavery studied at Glasgow and was part
of the Whistler- and Impressionist-
influenced Glasgow School.

stylized tulips
on a checkered
provide a
example of
Art Nouveau
In The Wayfarer, by decoration,
Edward Arthur Walton juxtaposing the
(1860–1922), the winding organic with
path leads the viewer into the geometric.
the distance, in the direc-
Designed by Mackintosh
tion of the wayfarer’s gaze.
in 1901, the House for an Art
Lover (see p107) was finally
built in 1996. The design of
the building and all of the
furniture remains true to the
original plans.

Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Glasgow’s most celebrated designer (1868–
1928) entered Glasgow School of Art at the
Mackintosh’s unique age of 16. After his success with the Willow
fluidity of form is seen Tea Room, he became a leading figure in
in this detail from a the Art Nouveau movement. His charac-
stained-glass door in the teristic straight lines and flowing detail are
House for an Art Lover. the hallmark of early 20th-century style.

0 Glasgow Science LS Lowry’s painting VE Day

Centre hangs here again after it was
cut from its frame and stolen in
50 Pacific Quay. Tel (0141) 420 5000. 1992. You can also see Salvador
Open Apr–Oct: 10am–5pm daily; Dalí’s Christ of St John of the
Nov–Mar: 10am–3pm Wed–Fri,
Cross. There is a vast natural
10am–5pm Sat & Sun. & 7
history collection too, with
displays on Scotland’s wildlife.
The impressive gleaming
tower of this science park is an
unmistakable landmark on the e Scotland Street
city’s skyline. School Museum
A three-storey science mall 225 Scotland St, Glasgow.
introduces the world of popular, Tel (0141) 287 0500. Open 10am–5pm
everyday science through a range Tue–Thu & Sat, 11am–5pm Fri & Sun.
of interactive exhibits, laboratories 7 8 = ∑
and multimedia. Scotland’s only George Henry’s Japanese Lady with a Fan museums
IMAX Theatre stands next door, (1894), at Kelvingrove
projecting breathtaking images This museum is housed in a
from the natural and scientific wKelvingrove Art former school designed by
world onto its 24-m (80-ft) Gallery and Charles Rennie Mackintosh
by 18-m (60-ft) screen. Other between 1903 and 1906.
notable exhibits include a lab Museum It uses displays, audio-visual
where you can examine your Argyle St, Kelvingrove. Tel (0141) 276 exhibits and reconstructed and
hair and skin. The 127-m (416-ft) 9599. Open 10am–5pm Mon–Thu & restored classrooms to tell the
rotating tower is Scotland’s Sat, 11am–5pm Fri & Sun. 0 - story of the developments in
tallest freestanding structure. ∑ education in Scotland from the
Victorian era to the 1960s.
An imposing red sandstone You can read and listen to
qRiverside building, Kelvingrove is recollections of former pupils,
Museum Scotland’s most popular gallery, decade by decade, covering
100 Pointhouse Place. Tel (0141) 287
housing a magnificent art topics such as classroom
2729. Open 10am–5pm Mon–Thu & collection. Exhibits are grouped discipline, evacuation and
Sat, 11am–5pm Fri & Sun. 7 - to reflect different aspects of the World War II, school attire and
∑ main collection. Among these playground games.
are 19th-century British artists
This landmark attraction sits including Turner and Constable
on the Clyde in a dramatic zinc- and French Impressionist and r Hunterian
panelled building designed by Dutch Renaissance painters. Art Gallery
architect Zaha Hadid. Focused Scottish art and design is well 82 Hillhead St. Tel (0141) 330
on transport, it is crammed with represented with rooms 5431. Open 10am–5pm Tue–Sat,
locomotives, trams, cars and dedicated to the Scottish 11am–4pm Sun. Closed 24 Dec–
bikes of all styles and vintages. Colourists and the Glasgow 4 Jan. ∑
It also explores the social impact Style (see p105). Included here
of transport on the city, with are two works by Charles Rennie Built to house a number of
interactive and audio-visual Mackintosh – a fine gesso panel paintings bequeathed to
features to bring the past to life. and a 1904 writing cabinet. Glasgow University by an
ex-student and physician,
Dr William Hunter (1718–83),
the Hunterian Art Gallery
contains Scotland’s largest print
collection. There are also works
by many major European artists,
dating from the 16th century.
A collection of work by the
designer Charles Rennie
Mackintosh (see p105) is
supplemented by a complete
reconstruction of No. 6
Florentine Terrace, where he
lived from 1906 to 1914. There is
a major collection of 19th- and
20th-century Scottish art, but by
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and the Glasgow University buildings, seen from the south far the most famous collection
For hotels and restaurants see pp174–5 and pp184–6

is of work by the Paris-trained Palace. Built at Loch Long in

American painter, James McNeill the Highlands by John Kibble,
Whistler (1834–1903), who the glass palace was moved to
influenced so many of the its present site in the early
Glasgow School painters. 1870s. It houses a collection of
carnivorous plants and tropical
orchids and the national
collection of tree ferns.

y People’s Palace
Glasgow Green. Tel (0141) 276 0788.
Open 10am–5pm Tue–Thu & Sat,
11am–5pm Fri & Sun. 7 -

This Victorian sandstone Distinctive Mackintosh piano in the Music

structure was purpose-built in Room, House for an Art Lover
1898 as a cultural museum for
the people of Glasgow’s East in response to a competition
End. It houses everything from in a German magazine in
temperance tracts to trade- the summer of 1900. The
union banners, suffragette competition brief was to create
posters to the comedian Billy a country retreat for someone of
Whistler’s Sketch for Annabel Lee (c.1869), Connolly’s banana-shaped elegance and taste who loved
Hunterian Art Gallery boots, and thus provides a the arts. As it was a theoretical
social history of the city from exercise, the couple were
the 12th to the 20th century. unrestrained by logistics or
t Botanic Gardens A superb conservatory contains budget and won a special prize
Great Western Rd. Tel (0141) 276 1614.
an exotic winter garden. for their efforts. The plans lay
Open 7am–dusk. 7 8 by appt. unused for over 80 years until
consulting engineer Graham
These gardens form a peaceful u House for an Roxburgh, who had worked on
space in the heart of the city’s Art Lover the refurbishment of other
West End, by the River Kelvin. Bellahouston Park, 10 Dumbreck Rd.
Mackintosh interiors in Glasgow,
Originally founded at another Tel (0141) 353 4770. Open 10am– decided to build the House for
site in 1817, they were moved 4pm Mon, Tue & Thu, 10am–12:30pm an Art Lover. Work began in 1989
to the current location in 1839 Wed & Fri–Sun. Closed regularly and was completed in 1996. The
and opened to the public three during functions. & 7 8 by appt. House is host to a digital design
years later. Aside from the main - ∑ studio and post-graduate study
range of greenhouses, with centre for students at the
assorted displays including Plans for the House for an Glasgow School of Art.
palm trees and an area of Art Lover were submitted by The rooms on the main floor
tropical crops, one of the most Charles Rennie Mackintosh and give a real insight into
interesting features is the Kibble his partner Margaret Macdonald the vision of Mackintosh and
the artistic talent of Macdonald.
The Oval Room is a beautifully
proportioned space in a single
light colour, meant as
a tranquil retreat for ladies,
while the Music Room and its
centrepiece piano that is played
to add to the atmosphere is
also bright and inspiring. The
Main Hall leads into the Dining
Room, with its long table,
sideboard and relief stone
fireplace. The great attention to
detail shown throughout the
House, in the panelling, light
fixtures and other elements,
is enormously impressive. The
exterior of the building is also
an extraordinary achievement
One of the greenhouses in Glasgow’s peaceful Botanic Gardens in art and design.

o Burrell Collection
Given to the city in 1944 by Sir William
Burrell (1861–1958), a wealthy shipping
owner, this internationally acclaimed
collection is the gem in Glasgow’s crown,
with objects of major importance in
numerous fields of interest. The building
housing these pieces was purpose-built
in 1983. When the sun shines in, the
stained glass blazes with colour, while
the shaded tapestries seem a part of Figure of a Luohan
the surrounding woodland. This sculpture of
The Georgian Pollok House, Buddha’s disciple
viewed from the south dates from the Ming
Dynasty (1484).
i Pollok House
2060 Pollokshaws Rd. Tel (0844) 493
2202. Open 10am–5pm daily. & 7

Pollok House is Glasgow’s finest

18th-century domestic building
and contains one of Britain’s
best collections of Spanish Hutton Castle Drawing Room
paintings. The Neo-Classical This is a reconstruction of the Drawing
central block was finished in Room at Burrell’s own home – the
1750, the sobriety of its exterior 16th-century Hutton Castle, near Berwick-
contrasting with the exuberant upon-Tweed. The Hall and Dining Room
plasterwork within. The Maxwells can also be seen nearby.
have lived at Pollok since the
mid-13th century, but the male
line ended with Sir John Bull’s Head
Dating from the
Maxwell, who added the grand
7th century BC,
entrance hall in the 1890s and
this bronze
designed most of the terraced head from
gardens and parkland beyond. Turkey was
Hanging above the family once part of
silver, porcelain, hand-painted a cauldron
Chinese wallpaper and handle. Hutton Castle
Jacobean glass, the Stirling Drawing Room
Pollok paintings are strong on
British and Dutch schools,
including William Blake’s
Sir Geoffrey Chaucer and the
Nine and Twenty Pilgrims (1745)
as well as William Hogarth’s
portrait of James Thomson,
who wrote the words to Rule
Britannia. Spanish 16th- to
19th-century art predominates:
El Greco’s Lady in a Fur Wrap
(1541) hangs in the library,
while the drawing room
contains works by Francisco de
Goya and Esteban Murillo. In Hornby Portal
1966 Anne Maxwell Macdonald This detail shows the
gave the house and extensive arch’s heraldic display.
natural parkland to the City of The 14th-century
Glasgow. The park provides the portal comes from
site for the city’s fascinating Main entrance
Hornby Castle in
Burrell Collection. Yorkshire.
For hotels and restaurants see pp174–5 and pp184–6

Rembrandt van Rijn

This self-portrait, signed and dated
1632, has pride of place among the
Practical Information
paintings hanging in the 16th- and
2060 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow.
17th-century room.
Tel (0141) 287 2550. Open 10am–
5pm Mon–Thu, Sat & 11am–5pm
Fri, Sun. 0 - ^ 8 7 = d
Mezzanine floor ∑

3 Pollokshaws West. @ 34, 45
or 57 from Glasgow.

Gallery Guide
Except for a mezzanine-floor
display of paintings, the
exhibitions are on the ground
floor. Right of the entrance hall,
rooms are devoted to tapestries,
stained glass and sculpture,
while ancient civilizations,
Oriental art and the period
galleries are ahead.

Key to Floorplan
Ancient civilizations
Oriental art
Medieval art
Matthijs Maris
Period galleries
This popular Dutch
painter’s ethereal style Hutton Castle rooms
appealed to late Paintings and drawings
19th-century tastes. Temporary exhibition area
The Sisters (1875) is one
of over 50 Maris works
acquired by Burrell.

. Tapestries
Ground floor Peasants Hunting
Rabbits with Ferrets is a
lively Flemish tapestry
that was woven from
wool and silk in the
Lecture theatre mid-15th century. It is
one of several vast
works on show here.

. Stained Glass
A man warming himself before a fire is
one of many secular themes illustrated in
the stained-glass display. This 15th-century
piece once decorated a church in Suffolk.

While Glasgow itself is home to some fashion-conscious city: the best alternative
570,000 people, as the focal point of a great fashion and design boutiques are in the
conurbation in west central Scotland it pro- West End, around Byres Road. A trip to
vides the main shopping centre for almost the colourful Barras street market, which
half of the country’s population. The large is held every weekend, offers a much more
number of potential customers is allied to traditional, if somewhat anarchic, Glaswegian
Glasgow’s reputation as Scotland’s most shopping experience.

and Sunday, thousands style. Graham Tiso is great for

of bargain hunters clothing and equipment for the
descend on stalls that outdoors. Tartan fans should
sell virtually everything seek out Hector Russell, a
from old junk to cheap Highland outfitter that makes
clothes and CDs. made-to-measure kilts. The
West End is home to many
small boutiques, such as Pink
Fashion Poodle, which sells funky
Many fashion stores are clothes and accessories.
housed in the malls in
the city centre. Outside
the malls, Cruise sells Food and Drink
well-known designer Glasgow’s finest inde-
names for men and pendent delicatessen
women, while streetwise is Fratelli Sarti, a
Diesel has an outlet traditional Italian
in the House of Fraser. food store also
Further along this street, offering a good
Karen Millen is the store selection of wines.
for the chic professional Peckham’s, a chain
woman. Schuh sells a of delis, has an
St Enoch Centre, one of the city’s malls range of fashionable excellent branch
footwear on Glassford Street,
Department Stores for both men and women, as and its scope goes
and Malls does Dune. For special occasions, far beyond Italy.
The impressive Buchanan Ella Bulloch is the best place to A man once
Galleries has many well-known buy or hire a lady’s hat. For a described as the
shops including a John Lewis luxurious range of underwear, UK’s top cheese- The Glenlivet
department store. The Italian try Pampas Lingerie. Second- monger, Iain Mellis whisky
Centre, in the Merchant City hand clothes stores abound. opened an outlet in
area and Princes Square, Mr Ben offers 1950s American Glasgow in 1995. It is the best
houses designer boutiques. chic, while Starry Starry Night place in the entire west of
The St Enoch Centre houses is more classic and traditional in Scotland for artisan cheeses
a Debenhams department
store. House of Fraser is one
of the longest-established
department stores.

No visit to Glasgow is complete
without a trip to The Barras, a
weekend market in the east end
of the city centre. The name is a
dialect version of “The Barrows”,
and dates from a time when
goods were sold from barrows.
The current site, between the
Gallowgate and London Road,
has been an official market
since the 1920s. Every Saturday Traditional, “barrow-style” fruit stall in Glasgow’s Barras Market

made from unpasteurized milk.

Roots, Fruits and Flowers is
Glasgow’s leading fruit and vege-
table store. For divine handmade
chocolates pay No. 1 Chocolate
Factory a visit. Aside from
national chains selling beer, wine
and spirits, such as Oddbins,
there is The Whisky Shop in the
city centre and the Ubiquitous
Chip Wine Shop in the west end.

Book Stores Shopping on Argyle Street, with its profusion of high-street stores
Glasgow is fairly well served by
bookshops. Waterstone’s on Art and Design in the foyer of the Centre for
Sauchiehall Street is a multi-floor There are a number of small Contemporary Arts, sells
chain store complete with a galleries concentrated in the interesting and affordable local
coffee shop. In the West End, streets behind the Tron Theatre, handmade art and crafts. Fans
Caledonia Books and Voltaire & such as the Glasgow Print Studio of antiques should try Lovatt
Rousseau sell a variety of second- and Art Exposure. The Redcoat Antiques, close to the River
hand and antiquarian books on Gallery is another great place to Clyde. For furniture and interior
a wide range of subjects and are pick up reasonably priced and design ideas, visit Designworks
well worth a visit. exciting work. Welcome Home, or Dallas and Dallas.

Department Graham Tiso Iain Mellis Voltaire & Rousseau
Stores and Malls 129 Buchanan St, G1 2JA. 492 Great Western Rd, 12 Otago Lane, G12 8PB.
Tel (0141) 248 4877. G12 8EW. Tel (0141) 339 1811.
Debenhams Tel (0141) 339 8998.
97 Argyle St, G2 8AR. Hector Russell Waterstone’s
Tel (0141) 221 0088. 110 Buchanan St, G1 2JN. No. 1 Chocolate 153–157 Sauchiehall St,
Tel (0141) 221 0217. Factory G2 3EW.
House of Fraser 63 St George’s Rd, Tel (0843) 290 8345.
45 Buchanan St, G1 3HR. Karen Millen G3 6JA.
Tel (0141) 221 3880. 36 Buchanan St, G1 3JX.
Tel (0141) 353 6017. Art and Design
Tel (0141) 243 2136.
Italian Centre Oddbins
7 John St, G1 1HP. Mr Ben Art Exposure
132 Woodlands Rd, 516 Great Western Rd,
Tel (0141) 552 6368. 101 King St, G1 5RB. G3 6LF. G12 8EL.
Tel (0141) 553 1936. Tel (0141) 332 1663.
John Lewis Tel (0141) 552 7779.
Buchanan Galleries, Pampas Lingerie Peckham’s
G1 2GF. 74 Hyndland Rd,
Dallas and Dallas
61–65 Glassford St, G1 18 Montrose St, G1 1RE.
Tel (0141) 353 6677. G12 9UT. 1UG. Tel (0141) 553 0666. Tel (0141) 552 2939.
Princes Square Tel (0141) 357 2383.
Roots, Fruits and Designworks
48 Buchanan St, G1 3JN. Pink Poodle Flowers 38 Gibson St, G12 8NX.
Tel (0141) 221 0324. 181 Byres Rd, G12 8TS. 1137 Argyle St, Tel (0141) 339 9520.
Tel (0141) 357 3344. G3 8ND.
Fashion Glasgow Print Studio
Schuh Tel (0141) 229 0838.
Cruise Trongate 103, G1 5HD.
112–114 Argyle St, Ubiquitous Chip
180 Ingram St, G1 1DN. Tel (0141) 552 0704.
G2 8BH. Wine Shop
Tel (0141) 572 3232. Tel (0141) 248 7331. 12 Ashton Lane, G12 8SJ. Lovatt Antiques
Diesel Tel (0141) 334 5007. 121 Lancefield St, G3 8HZ.
Starry Starry Night
House of Fraser Tel (0141) 639 3000.
19 Dowanside Lane, The Whisky Shop
(see above). G12 9BZ. 220 Buchanan St, G1 2GF. Redcoat Gallery
Dune Tel (0141) 337 1837. Tel (0141) 331 0022. 323 North Woodside Rd,
105–107 Buchanan St, G1 G20 6RY.
3HF. Tel (0141) 226 8873. Food and Drink Book Stores Tel (0141) 341 0069.
Ella Bulloch Fratelli Sarti Caledonia Books Welcome Home
461 Clarkston Rd, 133 Wellington St, 483 Great Western Rd, 350 Sauchiehall St,
G44 3LW. G2 2XD. G12 8HL. G2 3JD.
Tel (0141) 633 0078. Tel (0141) 248 2228. Tel (0141) 334 9663. Tel (0141) 352 4900.

The dance music that emerged during the Glasgow Film Theatre, a centre for arthouse
1990s found a natural home in Glasgow, releases. The annual Celtic Connections
which has possibly the most exuberant Festival in January is an international folk
nightlife in Scotland. With the Scottish music event and there is plenty of culture in
Exhibition and Conference Centre housing the city as a whole. Some major orchestras, the
two major rock venues, and Barrowlands still Scottish Ballet and Scottish Opera are based
a fixture on the concert circuit, popular music here. The Citizens’ is a highly acclaimed theatre
is very prominent. There are a number of and the Tramway and the Arches both stage
mainstream cinemas in the city, as well as the large, innovative productions.

discovered, and the O2

Academy. Jazz sessions take
place at Cottier’s and the O2
ABC. The Royal Concert Hall holds
a Celtic Connections Festival. It
also hosts international music,
as does the Old Fruitmarket.

There are 18 screens at the
Cineworld, while the Odeon
at the Quay has 12. The
Scottish Opera performing Eugene Onegin on stage at the Theatre Royal Glasgow Film Theatre, or GFT,
shows arthouse and foreign-
language movies. Glasgow’s
Sources of Information Rock, Jazz and new IMAX Theatre is also well
The twice-monthly arts and World Music worth a visit.
entertainment magazine Rock bands have a choice of
The List covers all events venues. There is the main
in Glasgow and Edinburgh, auditorium at the Scottish
as does The Skinny (www. Exhibition and Conference Centre, and the Armadillo in
the same centre. It is Barrow-
lands, however, that remains
Classical Music the city’s principal rock venue.
and Opera There is also King Tut’s Wah
Scotland’s national opera Wah Hut, where Oasis were
company, Scottish Opera, The stylish café-bar at the Tron Theatre in
is based at the Theatre Royal the city centre
and stages some eight
productions each season.
Glasgow Royal Concert Theatre and Dance
Hall is the main venue for The Scottish ballet stages its
the Royal Scottish National Glasgow performances at the
Orchestra; it also hosts visits Theatre Royal (see Classical Music
from major international and Opera). Visiting dance
orchestras. The RSNO’s annual companies, from classical to
concert series runs from contemporary, also per form
October to April. Family here and it is a noted stop on
classical concerts are the touring circuit for major
performed all year. theatre companies from the
For more intimate shows, rest of the UK and overseas.
the Royal Conservatoire of The Citizens’ Theatre is the
Scotland has two smaller halls, main venue for serious drama,
while many venues across the Musicians outside City Chambers during a from Greek tragedies to modern
city host recitals and concerts. Festival of Jazz pieces, and it rightly claims to

be Scotland’s best. Both and Bar 91, both in the Merchant Rangers (athough the Rangers
the Tramway and the City, and the first-floor bar at no longer play in the top
Arches are acclaimed the Radio in the West End. division), and each has an
for their experimental Bar Soba is another impressive stadium. The football
works. Smaller-scale popular cocktail bar season runs from August to
productions can be while Chinaskis has a May, and there is a game most
seen at the Tron and New York lounge feel weeks. Scotland’s Hampden
Cottier’s Theatre (see but also a great beer National Stadium hosts the finals
Rock, Jazz and World garden.The city’s club of domestic cup competitions in
Music). Commercial culture is one of the November and May each year,
productions, such Original road sign for the best in the UK. Each and major international games.
as musicals and West End venue has different
pantomimes, are a styles of music on
staple at the popular King’s. different nights, including
house, hip-hop, techno or
drum-and-bass. The Arches
Bars and Clubs (see Theatre and Dance),
Visitors can choose from The Sub Club, The Tunnel
traditional pubs or fashionable and Artá are among the best.
bars with a contemporary
atmosphere. Old-fashioned
pubs such as the Horseshoe, Sports
the Griffin and the Halt, have Glasgow is home to the country’s
long been popular in Glasgow. most successful football (soccer) Celtic fans cheering on their football
Modern venues include Home clubs, Celtic and Glasgow (soccer) team from the stands

Classical Music O2 Academy Citizens’ Theatre Home
and Opera 121 Eglington St, G5 9NT. 119 Gorbals St, G5 9DS. 80 Albion St, G1 1NY.
Tel (0141) 418 3000. Tel (0141) 429 0022. Tel (0141) 552 1734.
Glasgow Royal
Concert Hall Old Fruitmarket King’s
2 Sauchiehall St, G2 3NY. Albion St, G1 1NQ. 297 Bath St, G2 4JN.
Tel (0844) 871 7627. 17 Drury St, G2 5AE.
Tel (0141) 353 8000. Tel (0141) 353 8000.
Tel (0141) 248 6368.
∑ glasgowconcert Scottish Exhibition Tramway and Conference 25 Albert Drive, G41 2PE. Radio
Centre/Armadillo Tel (0845) 330 3501. 44–46 Ashton Lane, G12
Royal Conservatoire
Exhibition Way, G3 8YW. 8SJ. Tel (0845) 166 6011.
of Scotland Tron
Tel (0141) 248 3000.
100 Renfrew St, G2 3DB. 63 Trongate, G1 5HB. The Sub Club
Tel (0141) 332 5057. Tel (0141) 552 4267.
22 Jamaica St, G1 4QD.
∑ Cinema
Bars and Clubs Tel (0141) 248 4600.
Theatre Royal Cineworld
282 Hope St, G2 3QA. Artá The Tunnel
7 Renfrew St, G2 3AB.
Tel (0844) 871 7647. 62 Albion St, G1 1PA. 7 Renfield St, G2 5LA.
Tel (0871) 200 2000.
Tel (0845) 166 6018. Tel (0141) 226 4958.
Rock, Jazz and Glasgow Film Theatre
Bar 91
World Music 12 Rose St, G3 6RB.
91 Candleriggs, G1 1NP.
Tel (0141) 332 6535.
Barrowlands Tel (0141) 552 5211. Celtic
244 Gallowgate, G4 0TT.
IMAX Theatre
Bar Soba Celtic Park, 95 Kerrydale
50 Pacific Quay, G51 1EA.
Tel (0141) 552 4601. 11 Mitchell Lane, G1 3NU. St, G40 3RE.
Tel (0141) 420 5000.
Cottier’s Tel (0141) 204 2404. Tel (0871) 226 1888.
Odeon at the Quay
93 Hyndland St, G11 5PU. Chinaskis
Paisley Rd, Glasgow Rangers
Tel (0141) 357 5825. 239 North St, G3 7DL.
G5 8NP. Ibrox Stadium, G51 2XD.
King Tut’s Wah Wah Tel (0141) 221 0061.
Tel (0871) 224 4007. Tel (0871) 702 1972.
Hut Griffin
272a St Vincent St, G2 Theatre and 266 Bath St, G2 4JP. Hampden National
5RL. Tel (0141) 221 5279. Dance Tel (0141) 331 5171. Stadium
O2 ABC Arches Halt Hampden Park, Letherby
300 Sauchiehall St, G2 253 Argyll St, G2 8DL. 160 Woodlands Rd, G3 Drive, G42 9BA.
3JA. Tel (0844) 477 2000. Tel (0141) 565 1000. 6LF. Tel (0141) 353 6450. Tel (0141) 620 4000.

Central Scotland is a contrast of picturesque countryside and
major urban centres, where a modern industrialized country meets
an older and wilder landscape. Historically, it was here that the
English-speaking Lowlands bordered the Gaelic Highlands, and there
is still a strong sense of transition for anyone travelling north.

The Highland Boundary Fault is a geological Because Central Scotland is so compact,

feature running through Central Scotland the opposing characteristics of Highland
from Arran in the southwest to Stonehaven and Lowland, industrial and pre-industrial,
on the northeast coast. The Fault divides the exist side by side. Stirling Castle, parts of
Highlands from the Lowlands, making which date from the 16th century, is sited
Central Scotland an area of contrasts, with close to the petro-chemical plants and
both mountainous areas and green power plants on the upper reaches of the
farmland. For hundreds of years, this line was Forth. The tranquillity of the Trossachs and
also a meeting place, or border, between the hills of Arran are easily accessible from
two very different cultures. To the north and Glasgow, Scotland’s largest, and largely
west was a Gaelic-speaking people, who felt industrial, city. The country’s first coal-run
loyalty to their local clan chiefs. This way of ironworks was built at Carron in 1759,
life began to be marginalized in the late very close to Falkirk, where Bonnie Prince
18th century, as the more Anglicized Charlie had enjoyed one of his last military
Lowlands established their dominance. successes as claimant to the British throne
In the Lowlands, Scotland’s industry 13 years earlier. Perth and Dundee are
developed, drawing on coal reserves in important centres of commerce just a
districts such as Lanarkshire and the short distance from the relative wildness
Lothians, while the Highlands were of the southern Highlands. From gritty
depopulated and eventually set aside for cities to the great outdoors, the region
sporting estates and sheep farming. displays huge contrasts.

The view from the Goatfell ridge, near Brodick, across to the spectacular mountains of Arran
Canal through the Argyll and Bute countryside

Exploring Central Scotland

Central Scotland has a huge variety of
landscapes. The Goatfell ridge on the Isle
of Arran, off the west coast, has one of
the most inspiring island hill walks in the
entire country while, just to the north,
the Isle of Bute is a more placid tourist
destination. On the mainland, the
Trossachs, near Callander, is an area of
outstanding mountain beauty, very
different from the lowlands of the Forth
Valley futher east. Stirling Castle stands at Loch Katrine in the Trossachs
the head of the Forth under the shadow
of the Ochil Hills, while Perth occupies a
similar position on the Tay. The Firth of
Tay, with its open views, is home to
Dundee, Scotland’s fourth city.
Fort William
Ben More St. Fillans
Crianlarich 1174m
Ben Vorlich
Strathyre 985m

Loch S
CH Callander
Inveraray A
F yn

R Dunblane
Ben Lomond
ch Strachur Aberfoyle

Luss Balmaha
Garelochead Alloa
LOCH Bannockburn
Otter Helensburgh Falkirk
Ferry Balloch C a m p s i e Fe l l s
Dunoon DE Dumbarton

Colintraive Greenock ANTONINE


Cumbernauld WALL
Kames Clydebank



Skelmorlie Glasgow
Rothesay Paisley
Great Motherwell
Kingarth Cumbrae Largs

un Island
d Millport East Kilbride
of Dumfries
Lochranza B

Goat Fell
874m Kilmarnock
Pirnmill Corrie Ardrossan

Machrie Brodick

Holy Island Getting Around

Major mainland centres such as Stirling, Perth and
Kildonan Dundee are easily accessible by train or motorway
Lagg from Edinburgh or Glasgow but, for the mountain
areas in Central Scotland (the Trossachs or minor
ranges), a car is recommended. Reaching Arran or
Bute is best done by car or train from Glasgow,
then car ferry from ports on the Ayrshire coast
(Ardrossan, Wemyss Bay). The islands are small
enough to make bicycle touring possible.



0 kilometres 20

0 miles 15 St Cyrus

Esk Montrose

Forfar Inverkeilor
Pitlochry CASTLE
Coupar Arbroath

New Scone

PERTH Leuchars

i lls Fife Ness
l H UK
hi FALKLAND N E Anstruther
A Pittenweem

Loch St Monans Isle of May

Leven Glenrothes

Panoramic view of Dundee, Tayside

Kirkcaldy For
DUNFERMLINE h North Berwick
Fi Dunbar


Gifford ir
rm Eyemouth
Pathhead m me ls
La l
Biggar Melrose Preston
Peebles Berwick-upon-

Sights at a Glance
Key 1 Firth of Clyde q St Andrews
Motorway (highway) 2 Arran w East Neuk
Major road 3 Bute e Falkland Palace
4 Loch Lomond r Dunfermline
Minor road
5 The Trossachs pp120–21 t Culross
Other road
6 Stirling pp124–5 y Antonine Wall
Scenic route
7 Doune Castle u Falkirk Wheel
Main line railway 8 Perth
Minor railway 9 Glamis Castle
Summit 0 Dundee

For additional map symbols see back flap


1 Firth of Clyde 2 Arran

Numerous counties west of Glasgow. North Ayrshire. * 5000. g from
3 Helensburgh and Dumbarton in Ardrossan to Brodick; from Claonaig
the north; Troon and Ayr in the south. (Isle of Mull) to Lochranza (Apr–Oct
g from Largs to Great Cumbrae; only). n Brodick (01770) 303774.
from Gourock to Dunoon. ∑
n Helensburgh (01436) 820369.
Arran is thought to have been
As might be expected of populated as long ago as the
a waterway that leads from end of the last Ice Age. The
Glasgow, a former economic island’s Neolithic chambered
powerhouse of the British burial tombs, such as the one
Empire (see p50), to the Irish at Torrylinn near Lagg in the
Sea and the Atlantic, the Firth south, indicate this. Bronze Age
of Clyde has many reminders stone circles can also be seen
of its industrial past. Greenock, around Machrie on the west
some 40 km (25 miles) west The old harbour at Brodick, with the coast. Vikings arrived from
of Glasgow, was once a ship- Goatfell ridge in the distance about AD 800 and exerted an
building centre. Few visit for the influence for more than four
town’s beauty, but the McLean the 1263 battle. A ferry service is centuries. After the Battle of
Museum and Art Gallery, with offered to Great Cumbrae Largs in 1263, when Alexander
its exhibits and information Island, which lies just off the III defeated the Norsemen,
on the engineer James Watt coast. The main town on the Scotland bought Arran from
(see p28), a native of Greenock, island is Millport, which is built the Vikings in 1266.
is worth a visit. Princes Pier is around a picturesque bay. Today, visitors tend to
a departure point for cruises The western side of the come to Arran for outdoor
along the Clyde. Dumbarton, Firth of Clyde is much pursuits. Golf is especially
24 km (15 miles) from Glasgow less developed, bor- popular, with 18-hole
on the northern bank, dates dered by the Cowal courses at Brodick, Whiting
from the 5th century AD. Its Peninsula with its Bay and Lamlash. Fishing
ancient castle perches on a rock hills and lochs. The is also popular.
overlooking the rest of the town. only town of note Brodick is the
The Firth itself is L-shaped, in this wild country island’s only real town.
heading northwest as it opens is Dunoon. Again once a The more mountainous
up beyond the Erskine Bridge. Victorian holiday resort, it parts offer some of the
On reaching Gourock, just west still relies on tourism for its most spectacular hill
of Greenock, the Firth branches income. For many years walking in Central
south to more open water. there was a strong Scotland. The Goatfell
Kip Marina at nearby Inverkip American influence in ridge to the east of
is a major yachting centre, while Dunoon due to the Glen Rosa and Beinn
many towns on the Ayrshire US nuclear submarine Golfer on the Tarsuinn to the west
coast have served as holiday base at Holy Loch that island of Arran have a particular
resorts for Glasgow since is now closed. rugged beauty.
Victorian times. Largs, site of the Robert the Bruce stayed on
clash between Scots and Vikings E McLean Museum and Art Arran on his return to Scotland
in 1263, has a multimedia centre Gallery in 1307. His followers had
about the Vikings in Scotland, as 15 Kelly St, Greenock. Tel (01475) already been harassing the
well as a modern monument to 715624. Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sat. garrison at Brodick Castle, then
occupied by supporters of the
King of England. Legend states
that it was from Arran that Bruce
saw a signal fire on the Ayrshire
coast that told him it was safe
to return to the mainland and
launch the campaign against
the English (see p47). Parts of
the Castle still date from the
13th century, though it has
had many later additions.

+ Brodick Castle
Brodick. Tel (01770) 302202. Open
May–Sep: 11am–4pm (to 3pm Apr &
Largs seafront, the departure point for ferries to Great Cumbrae Island Oct); gardens all year. & 7 «

For hotels and restaurants see pp175–6 and pp186–7


The snowy peak of Ben Lomond rising majestically over Loch Lomond, part of the West Highland Way

3 Bute site of struggles between 4 Loch Lomond

Argyll & Bute. * 7,000. g from
islanders and Vikings in the West Dunbartonshire, Argyll & Bute,
Wemyss Bay to Rothesay; from 13th century. Over the last Trossachs. 3 Balloch, Tarbet.
Colintraive to Rhubodach. @ from 120 years or so, Bute has played @ Balloch, Balmaha. n Balloch
Dunoon. n Rothesay (01700) 502151. a more placid role as a popular (01389) 753533.
holiday resort.
Bute is almost an extension of One of Bute’s attractions is Of Scotland’s many lochs,
the Cowal Peninsula, and the Mount Stuart House, 5 km Lomond is perhaps the most
small ferry from Colintraive (3 miles) south of Rothesay. This popular and best loved. Lying
takes only five minutes to cross aristocratic house, built in 1877 just 30 km (19 miles) northwest
the Kyles of Bute to Rhubodach by the third Marquess of Bute, of Glasgow, its accessibility has
on the island. This route is is set in 18th-century gardens. helped its rise to prominence.
a long drive from Glasgow, The features of this Gothic The loch is the largest body of
however, and most people edifice reflect the Marquess’s fresh water in the British Isles,
choose to travel via Wemyss Bay interests in mythology, religion 35 km (22 miles) long and 8 km
on the Firth of Clyde across to and astronomy. (5 miles) at its widest point
the island’s main town, Rothesay. in the south, where there is
Just 25 km (16 miles) long + Rothesay Castle a scattering of over 30 islands,
by 8 km (5 miles) at its widest Castle Hill St, Rothesay. Tel (01700) some with ancient ruins.
point, Bute has been occupied 502 691. Open Apr–Sep: 9:30am– Duncryne, a small hill some
since at least the Bronze Age. 5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar: 9:30am– 5 km (3 miles) northeast of
The remains of the chapel at 4:30pm Mon–Wed, Sat & Sun. & Balloch on the southern shore,
St Ninian’s Point on the west gives an excellent view of the
coast date from around the 6th + Mount Stuart House Loch. Much of the area became
century, while Rothesay Castle, Mount St. Tel (01700) 503877. Scotland’s first national park
now ruined, is mostly a 12th- Open Apr–Oct: 11am–5pm daily. & in 2002, fronted by the Loch
century structure and was the 8 7 - ∑ Lomond Shores Visitor Centre
complex in Balloch.
In general, the western shore
is the more developed, with
villages such as Luss and Tarbet
attracting large numbers of
visitors. The contrast between
the Loch and Ben Lomond,
974 m (3,196 ft), high above
its eastern shore adds to the
spectacle. Many walkers pass
this way since Scotland’s most
popular long-distance footpath,
the West Highland Way (see
p199) from Glasgow to Fort
William, skirts the eastern shore.
Boat trips around the loch
operate regularly from Balloch
Pier. The area is also good for
watersports enthusiasts – speed
boats, kayaks and jet skis can
View of Bute with 14th-century Kames Castle, at the head of Kames Bay all be rented.

5 The Trossachs Loch Katrine

The setting of
Sir Walter Scott’s
Combining the ruggedness of the Grampians
Lady of the Lake
with the pastoral tranquillity of the Borders, (1810), this fresh-
this beautiful region of craggy hills and water loch can be
sparkling lochs is the colourful meeting place explored on the
Victorian steamer
of the Lowlands and Highlands. Home to a
Sir Walter Scott,
wide variety of wildlife, including the golden which cruises
eagle, peregrine falcon, red deer and the from the
wildcat, the Trossachs and their inhabitants Trossachs Pier.
have inspired numerous writers, including
Sir Walter Scott (see p90) who made the area
the setting for several of his novels. In 2002,
a large part of the area was designated as Loch
Lomond and The Trossachs National Park, the
first national park in Scotland.
Fort William

Loch Kat
L o ch Ark let



974 m
(3,195 ft)


596 m
Loch Lomond (1,955 ft)

Britain’s largest freshwater lake was immortalized in a ballad

composed by a local Jacobite soldier, dying far from home.
He laments that though he will return home before his
companions who travel on “the high road”, he will be
doing so on “the low road” (of death).

Luss Balmaha
With its exceptionally
picturesque cottages, L o ch
Luss is one of the L o mo nd
prettiest villages in
Central Scotland.
Surrounded by grassy
hills, it occupies one of
the most scenic parts
of Loch Lomond’s
western shore.


1 The West Highland Way Key GLASGOW

provides a good footpath through Major road
the area.
Minor road
2 Rob Roy’s grave
Narrow lane
3 The Duke’s Pass, between
Footpath 0 kilometres 5
Callander and Aberfoyle, affords
some of the finest views in the area. 0 miles 5

For hotels and restaurants see pp175–6 and pp186–7


Inchmahome Priory
Mary, Queen of Scots
was hidden in this
Practical Information
island priory to escape
Central. n Ancaster Sq,
the armies of King
Callander. Tel (01877) 330342.
Henry VIII, before
Inchmahome Priory: Off A81,
fleeing for France.
near Aberfoyle. Tel (01877) 385
294. Open Apr–Oct: 9:30am–
4.30pm daily. & 7 limited.
Sir Walter Scott Steamer: Trossachs
Pier. Tel (01877) 376315.

Loch Voil 3 Stirling. @ Callander.

Loc h
Lubn aig


878 m
BEN VENUE (2,881 ft)
727 m Loch Brig O’Turk
(2,385 ft) Achray
Loc h V en nachar
ith Hills
Mente With its Rob Roy and Trossachs
Visitor Centre, Callander is the
Aberfoyle most popular town from which
Loc h A r d
to explore the Trossachs.

Lake of Goodie Water

Men tei th Stirling

Rob Roy (1671–1734)

Robert MacGregor, known as Rob Roy
Arnprior (Red Robert) from the colour of his hair,
grew up as a herdsman near Loch
Arklet. After a series of harsh winters,
he took to raiding richer Lowland
properties to feed his clan, and was
declared an outlaw by the Duke of
Montrose who burned his house to the
ground. After this, Rob Roy’s Jacobite
sympathies became inflamed by his
Killearn desire to avenge the crime. Plundering
the duke’s lands and repeatedly
escaping from prison earned him
a reputation similar
to that of England’s
Robin Hood. He
was pardoned in
Queen Elizabeth
1725 and spent his
Forest Park
last years freely in
There are woodland
Balquhidder, where
walks through
he is buried.
this vast tract of
countryside, home
to black grouse and
red deer, between
Loch Lomond
and Aberfoyle.
For additional map symbols see back flap

Stirling Castle
Rising high on a rocky crag, this magnificent castle, which
dominated Scottish history for centuries, now remains one of
the finest examples of Renaissance architecture in Scotland.
Legend says that King Arthur wrested the original castle from
the Saxons; however, the first written evidence of a castle
is from 1100. The present building dates from the 15th
and 16th centuries and was last defended, against the
Jacobites, in 1746. From 1881 to 1964 it was
used as a depot for recruits into the Argyll
The 17th-century town house of the Dukes and Sutherland Highlanders, though it
of Argyll now serves no military function.

6 Stirling Robert the Bruce

Central. * 45,750. 3 @ n Old In the esplanade, this modern statue
Town Jail, St John St. (01786) 475019. shows Robert the Bruce sheathing
∑ his sword after the Battle of
Bannockburn in 1314.
Situated between the Ochil
Hills and the Campsie Fells,
the town of Stirling grew up
around its castle, historically
one of Scotland’s most
important fortresses. Below
the castle the Old Town is still
protected by the original walls,
built in the 16th century to
keep Mary, Queen of Scots safe
from Henry VIII. The medieval
Church of the Holy Rude, on
Castle Wynd, where the infant
James VI was crowned in 1567,
has one of Scotland’s few
sur viving hammerbeam oak
roofs. In front of the church,
the ornate façade of Mar’s
Wark is all that remains of a
grand palace which, though
never completed, was com-
missioned in 1570 by the first
Earl of Mar. It was destroyed
by the Jacobites in 1746.

Three kilometres (2 miles) south
of Stirling, the Bannockburn Entrance
Heritage Centre stands by the
field where Robert the Bruce
defeated the English in 1314
(see p47). After the battle, he
dismantled the castle so it
would not fall back into English
hands. A bronze equestrian
statue commemorates the
man who became an icon
of Scottish independence.

n Bannockburn Heritage Centre

Glasgow Rd. Tel (0844) 493 2139.
Open 10am–5:30pm daily (to 5pm
Nov–Feb). & 7 = « Stirling Castle in the Time of the Stuarts, painted by Johannes Vorsterman (1643–99)
The William Wallace Monument at Abbey Craig, Stirling


The sumptuous interiors of the
royal apartments contain the Practical Information
carved, wooden Stirling Heads. Castle Esplanade, Stirling.
The rooms have been restored to Tel (01786) 450000.
their mid-16th-century Open Apr–Sep: 9:30am– 6pm
appearance. daily; Oct–Mar: 9:30am– 5pm
daily. 8 ^ museum.
7 limited. 0 - =

. Chapel Royal
Seventeenth-century frescoes
by Valentine Jenkins adorn the
chapel, built in 1594.

Grand Battery
Following the unrest after the
deposition of the Stuarts (see p49), this
parapet was built in 1708, to strengthen
the castle’s defences.


1 Forework

Stirling Battles 2 Prince’s Tower

3 The King’s Old Building houses
At the highest navigable point of the Forth
the Regimental Museum of the
and holding the pass to the Highlands,
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
Stirling occupied a key position in
Scotland’s struggles for independence. Seven 4 Nether Bailey
battlefields can be seen from the castle; the 5 The Great Hall, built in 1500, has
67-m (220-ft) Wallace Monument at Abbey a roof similar to that of Edinburgh
Craig recalls William Wallace’s defeat of the Castle (see pp64–5).
English at Stirling Bridge in 1297,
6 The Elphinstone Tower was
foreshadowing Bruce’s victory in 1314.
originally home to the constable
The Victorian Wallace Monument of the castle.

For hotels and restaurants see pp175–6 and pp186–7


Highland regiment, while the

Museum and Art Gallery has
displays on local industry and
exhibitions of Scottish painting.

Three km (2 miles) north of Perth,
Gothic Scone Palace stands on
the site of an abbey destroyed
by John Knox’s followers in
1559. Between the 9th and 13th
centuries, Scone guarded the
Perth seen from the east across the Tay sacred Stone of Destiny, now in
Edinburgh Castle (see pp64–5).
7 Doune Castle The film Monty Python and the
Holy Grail was shot here, making + Balhousie Castle
Doune, Central. Tel (01786) 841742.
the castle a popular destination RHQ Black Watch, Hay St. Tel (01738)
3 @ Stirling then bus. Open Apr–
for Python fans. 638152. Open 9:30am–5pm Mon–Sat
Sep: 9:30am–5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar:
10am–4pm Sun
9:30am–4:30pm daily. & 7 limited.
∑ E Museum and Art Gallery
8 Perth 78 George St. Tel (01738) 632488.
Built as the residence of Robert, Open 10am–5pm Tue–Sat
Perthshire. * 47,200. 3 @
Duke of Albany, in the late n Lower City Mills, West Mills St. Tel (also Sun Apr–Oct). 7
1300s, Doune Castle was a (01738) 450600. ∑ + Scone Palace
Stuart stronghold until it fell A93 to Braemar. Tel (01738) 552300.
into ruin in the 18th century. Once the capital of medieval Open Apr–Oct: daily. & 7
Now fully restored, it offers a Scotland, Perth has a rich heritage
unique view into the life of the that is reflected in many of its
medieval royal household. buildings. It was in the Church of 9 Glamis Castle
The Gatehouse leads to the St John, founded in 1126, that the
Glamis, outside Forfar, Tayside.
central courtyard, from which preacher John Knox delivered Tel (01307) 840393. 3 @ Dundee
the Great Hall can be entered. the fiery sermons that led to the then bus. Open Mar–Oct: 10am–6pm.
Complete with its open-timber destruction of many local mon- & 8 7 grounds. ∑ glamis-
roof, minstrels’ gallery and asteries. The Victorianized Fair
central fireplace, the Hall adjoins Maid’s House (c.1600), on North
the Lord’s Hall and Private Room Port, is one of the oldest houses With the pinnacled outline of
with its original privy and well- in town and was the fictional a Loire chateau, the imposing
hatch. A number of private stairs home of the heroine of Sir Walter medieval tower-house of Glamis
and narrow passages illustrate Scott’s The Fair Maid of Perth (1828). Castle began as a royal hunting
the ingenious means by which In Balhousie Castle, the lodge in the 11th century but
the royal family protected itself Museum of the Black Watch underwent reconstruction in
during times of danger. commemorates the first ever the 17th century. It was the

Glamis Castle with statues of James VI (left) and Charles I (right)

For hotels and restaurants see pp175–6 and pp186–7

childhood home of the late

Queen Elizabeth the Queen
Mother, and her former
bedroom can be seen with a
youthful portrait by Henri de
Laszlo (1878–1956).
Many rooms are open to the
public, including Duncan’s Hall,
the oldest in the castle and
Shakespeare’s setting for the
king’s murder in Macbeth. The
rooms present china, paintings,
tapestries and furniture spanning
500 years. In the grounds stand a
pair of wrought- iron gates made
for the Queen Mother on her
80th birthday in 1980.

View of St Andrews over the ruins of the cathedral

0 Dundee
Tayside. * 147,300. ~ 3 @ n
of Design by architect Kengo q St Andrews
Kuma is under construction on Fife. * 17,000. 3 Leuchars. £
Discovery Point (01382) 527527. (
farmers’ market 3rd Sat of month (May– the waterfront and due to open n 70 Market St (01334) 472021.
Oct). ∑ by 2018. It will showcase Scottish ∑
and international design.
Famous for its fruit cake and Scotland’s oldest university
marmalade, the city of Dundee Environs town and one-time eccle-
was also a major shipbuilding Along the coast, Arbroath is siastical capital, St Andrews
centre in the 18th and 19th famed for its red stonework, is now a shrine to golfers from
centuries, a period which is abbey and “Arbroath Smokies” all over the world. Its main
recreated at the Victoria Docks. (salted haddock smoked over streets and cobbled alleys,
HMS Unicorn, built in 1824, is a beech and oak fire). Arbroath full of crooked housefronts,
the oldest British-built warship Abbey displays a copy of The dignified university buildings
still afloat and is fitted as it was Declaration of Arbroath, attesting and medieval churches,
on its last voyage. Berthed at Scotland’s independence. converge on the venerable ruins
Riverside is the royal research of the 12th-century cathedral.
ship Discovery. Built here in 1901 E HMS Unicorn Once the largest cathedral in
for the first of Captain Scott’s Victoria Docks, Tel (01382) 200900. Scotland, it was later pillaged
voyages to the Antarctic, the Open Easter–Oct: 10am–5pm daily; for its stones, which were used
Nov–Mar: noon–4pm Wed–Fri (from
Discovery was one of the last sail- to build the town. St Andrews
10am Sat & Sun). & 7 limited.
ing ships to be made in Britain. Castle was built for the town’s
Housed in a Victorian Gothic E Discovery bishops in the year 1200 and
building, the McManus Galleries Discovery Point. Tel (01382) 309 060. the dungeon can still be seen.
provide a glimpse of Dundee’s Open daily. & 7 - 8 by appt. The St Andrews golf courses
industrial heritage, with exhibit- E McManus Galleries occupy the land to the west
ions of archaeology and Victorian Albert Institute, Albert Sq. of the city, and each is open
art. The stunning V&A Museum Tel (01382) 307200. Open daily. for a modest fee.
The British Golf Museum,
which tells how the city’s
The Birthplace of Golf Royal and Ancient Golf Club
Scotland’s national game (see pp194–7) was pioneered on the sandy became the ruling arbiter
links around St Andrews. The earliest record of the game being of the game, will delight
played dates from 1457, when golf was banned by James II because golf enthusiasts.
it was interfering with his One of the chief pleasures
subjects’ archery practice. of a visit here is a walk along
Mary, Queen of Scots was the sands, immortalized in
berated in 1568 for playing the film, Chariots of Fire.
immediately after her
husband, Darnley, had + St Andrews Castle
been murdered. The Scores. Tel (01334) 477196.
Open daily. & 7 8
Mary, Queen of Scots at E British Golf Museum
St Andrews in 1563 Bruce Embankment. Tel (01334)
4600046. Open daily. & 7

e Falkland Palace
Falkland, Fife. Tel (0844) 4932 186.
3 Ladybank, then bus. Open Mar–
Oct: 11am–5pm Mon–Sat, 1–5pm
Sun (until 4pm Nov–Feb). & 7 «

This stunning Renaissance

palace was designed as a hunt-
ing lodge for the Stuart kings.
Although its construction was
begun by James IV in 1500, most
of the work was carried out by
his son, James V, in the 1530s.
Under the influence of his two
The central courtyard of Falkland Palace, bordered by rose bushes French wives, he employed
French workmen to redecorate
w East Neuk cobbled lanes and colourful the façade of the East Range
Fife. 3 Leuchars. @ Glenrothes &
cottages of Crail; legend goes with dormers, buttresses and
Leuchars. n St Andrews (01334) that the stone by the church medallions, and to build the
472021. ∑ gate was hurled across to the beautifully proportioned South
mainland from the Isle of May Range. The palace fell into ruin
A string of pretty fishing villages by the Devil. during the years of the Common-
peppers the shoreline of the A number of 16th- to 19th- wealth and was occupied briefly
East Neuk (the eastern “corner”) century buildings in the village by Rob Roy (see p121) in 1715.
of Fife, stretching from Earlsferry of Anstruther contain the After buying the estates in
to Fife Ness. Much of Scotland’s Scottish Fisheries Museum, 1887, the third Marquess of Bute
medieval trade with Europe which tells the area’s history became the Palace Keeper and
passed through these ports, with the aid of cottage interiors, subsequently restored the build-
a connection reflected in the boats and displays on whaling. ing. The richly panelled interiors
Flemish-inspired crow-stepped From the village you can go to are filled with superb furniture
gables of many of the cottages. the nature reserve on the Isle of and contemporary portraits of
Although the herring industry May, which teems with seabirds the Stuart monarchs. The royal
has declined and the area is and a colony of grey seals. The tennis court, built in 1539 for King
now a peaceful holiday centre, statue of Alexander Selkirk in James V, is the oldest in Britain.
the sea still dominates village Lower Largo recalls the local
life. The harbour is the heart boy whose seafaring adventures
of St Monans, a charming town inspired Daniel Defoe’s novel r Dunfermline
of narrow twisting streets, while Robinson Crusoe (1719). After Fife. * 50,500. 3 @ n 1 High St
Pittenweem is the base for the disagreeing with his captain, (01383) 720999.
East Neuk fishing fleet. he was put ashore on an
The town is also known for uninhabited island where Scotland’s capital until 1603,
St Fillan’s Cave, the retreat of he survived for four years. Dunfermline is dominated by the
a 9th-century hermit whose ruins of the 12th-century abbey
relic was used to bless the army E Scottish Fisheries Museum and palace, which recall its royal
of Robert the Bruce before the St Ayles, Harbour Head, Anstruther. past. The town first came to
Battle of Bannockburn (see p47). Tel (01333) 310628. Open daily. & prominence in the 11th century
A church stands among the 8 7 - ∑ as the seat of King Malcolm III,
who founded a priory on the
present site of the Abbey
The Palace Keeper Church. With its Norman nave
Due to the size of the royal and 19th-century choir, the
household and the necessity for abbey church contains the tombs
the king to be itinerant, the office of 22 Scottish kings and queens,
of Keeper was created by the including that of the renowned
medieval kings who required Robert the Bruce. The ruins of the
custodians to maintain and palace soar over the gardens of
replenish the resources of their Pittencrieff Park. Dunfermline’s
many palaces while they were most famous son, the philan-
away. Now redundant, it was thropist Andrew Carnegie (1835–
a hereditary title and gave the 1919), had been forbidden
custodian permanent and often James VI’s bed in the Keeper’s Bedroom entrance to the park as a boy.
luxurious lodgings. at Falkland Palace After making his fortune, he
bought the entire Pittencrieff
For hotels and restaurants see pp175–6 and pp186–7

estate and gave it to the people Culross prospered in the

of Dunfermline. Carnegie emi- 16th century due to the
grated to Pennsylvania in his growth of its coal and salt
teens and through iron and steel, industries, most notably
became one of the wealthiest under the genius of Sir
men in the world. He donated George Bruce. Descend-
some $350 million for the benefit ed from the family of
of mankind. Carnegie Birth- Robert the Bruce, Sir
place Museum tells his story. George took charge of
the colliery in 1575 and
5 Abbey Church created a drainage sys-
Tel (01383) 723005. Open Apr–Oct: tem called the “Egyptian
daily (Sun pm only). = Wheel” which cleared a
E Carnegie Birthplace Museum mine 1.5 km (1 mile) long,
Moodie St. Tel (01383) 724302. Open running underneath the The 16th-century palace of industrialist George Bruce,
Mar–Nov: daily (Sun pm only). & 7 River Forth. at Culross
∑ The National Trust for
Scotland began restoring the y Antonine Wall
town in 1932 and now provides Falkirk. n Falkirk Wheel, Lime Rd,
a guided tour. This starts at the (01324) 620244. 3 Falkirk.
Visitor Centre, housed in the Open Mon–Sat.
one-time village prison.
Built in 1577, Bruce’s palace has The Romans invaded Scotland
the crow-stepped gables, decor- for a second time around
ated windows and red pantiles AD 140, in the reign of Emperor
typical of the period. The interior Antonius and built a 60-km
retains its original painted ceilings, (37-mile) earth rampart across
which are among the finest in Central Scotland from the Firth
Scotland. Crossing the square of Clyde to the Firth of Forth.
past the Oldest House, dating The rampart was further
from 1577, head for the Town defended by ditches and forts
House to the west. Behind it, a at strategic points. One of the
cobbled street known as the Back best-preserved sections of the
The 12th-century Norman nave of Causeway leads to the turreted fortifications can be seen at
Dunfermline Abbey Church Study, built in 1610 as a house for Rough Castle, west of Falkirk.
the Bishop of Dunblane. The main
room is open to visitors and
t Culross should be seen for its original u Falkirk Wheel
Fife. * 400. 3 Dunfermline. Norwegian ceiling. Continuing Lime Rd, Tamfourhill, Falkirk. Tel (08700)
@ Dunfermline. n (0844) 493 2189. northwards to the ruined abbey, 500208. 3 Falkirk. Open 10am–
« ∑ fine church and Abbey House, 5:30pm daily. & for boat trip. - =
don’t miss the Dutch-gabled ∑
An important religious centre House with the Evil Eyes.
in the 6th century, the town of This impressive, elegant boat lift
Culross is reputed to have been P Palace, Town House and Study is the first ever to revolve and
the birthplace of St Mungo in 514. Open late Mar–May & Sep: 12–5pm the centrepiece of Scotland’s
Now a beautifully preserved Thu–Mon; Jun–Aug: 12–5pm daily; ambitious canal regeneration
16th- and 17th-century village, Oct: 12–4pm Fri–Mon. & 7 limited. scheme. Once important for
commercial transport, the Union
and the Forth and Clyde canals
were blocked by numerous
roads during the 1960s. Now
the Falkirk Wheel gently swings
boats between the two water-
ways creating an uninterrupted
link between Glasgow and
Edinburgh. This huge, moving
sculpture rotates continuously,
lifting boats 35m, a height
equivalent to 11 traditional
locks, in just 15 minutes. Visitors
can ride the wheel on one of
the boats that leave the Visitor
The rotating Falkirk Wheel boat lift Centre every 40 minutes.


Most of the stock images of Scottishness – clans and tartans,
whisky and porridge, bagpipes and heather – originate in the
Highlands, and enrich the popular picture of Scotland as a whole.
But for many centuries the Gaelic-speaking, cattle-raising
Highlanders had little in common with their southern neighbours.

Clues to the non-Celtic ancestors of the led by Bonnie Prince Charlie (see p157). A
Highlanders lie scattered across the more romantic vision of the Highlands
Highlands and islands in the form of stone began to emerge in the early 19th
circles, brochs and cairns spanning over century, largely due to Sir Walter Scott’s
5,000 years. By the end of the 6th century, novels and poetry depicting the majesty
the Gaelic-speaking Celts had arrived from and grandeur of a country previously
Ireland, as had St Columba, who taught considered merely poverty-stricken and
Christianity to the monastic community barbaric. Another great popularizer was
he established on the island of Iona. The later Queen Victoria, whose passion for
fusion of Christianity with Viking culture in Balmoral Castle helped establish the trend
the 8th and 9th centuries produced the for acquiring Highland sporting estates.
beautiful St Magnus Cathedral in the But behind the sentimentality lay harsh
Orkney Islands. economic realities that drove generations of
For over 1,000 years, Celtic Highland Highland farmers to seek a new life overseas.
society was founded on a clan system, Today, over half the inhabitants of the
built on family ties to create loyal groups Highlands and islands still live in
dependent on a feudal chief. However, the communities of less than 1,000 people.
clans were systematically broken up by But thriving oil and tourist industries now
England after 1746, following the defeat of supplement fishing and whisky, and
the Jacobite attempt on the British crown population figures are rising.

A group of puffins congregating on the rocks, a common sight on Scottish islands

Rugged mountain slopes on the Isle of Skye

Exploring the Highlands and Islands

To the north and west of Stirling, the Cape
historic gateway to the Highlands, lie the Wrath

magnificent mountains and glens, fretted Butt of Lewis Port of Ness

coastlines and lonely isles that are the
epitome of Scottish scenery. Inverness, Barvas HANDA
North Tolsta ISLAND
the Highland capital, makes
a good starting point for exploring Standing Stones Portnaguran

of Callanish Eas Coul Aulin
Stornoway Waterfall

Loch Ness and the Cairngorms, Isle Lechinver

while Fort William holds the key of Lewis Ledmore

to Ben Nevis. Inland from Hushinish
S Lemreway T Achiltibuie
Aberdeen lie Royal Deeside Summer Isles

and the Spey Valley whisky Tarbert ULLAPOOL


heartland. The romantic INVEREWE

Harris GARDEN Poolewe 1071m
An Teallach
Hebridean Islands are a Leverburgh

Newtonferry Sgurr Mor
ferry ride from Oban, 1110m
Mallaig or Ullapool.

Lochmaddy Uig



Gramsdale Torridon

OF Lochcarron

S K Y Portree
E Kyle of
Carbost Lochalsh Donan Castle
South Sea C u Broadford
Uist illin
o f the
Elgol GLEN
Lochboisdale Hebrides SHIEL
Eriskay Ardvasar
0 kilometres 25 MUCK AND CANNA I S L E S TO U R
0 miles 25 Mingulay Glenfinnan
Aringaur Tobermory

RE Lochaline
Scarinish T I Calgary
N D Craignure
Colonsay GARDENS

Loch Fyne
Paps of
Port Askaig Jura Tarbert
Port Charlotte
Highland cattle grazing on the Isle of Skye LA
Y Lochranza


Port Ellen

Isle of
Getting Around Arran
There are no motorways in the region, though travel by
car is made easy by a system of A roads (major roads).
Mull of
Single-track roads predominate on the isles, which are Kintyre
served by a substantial ferry network and a free bridge
to Skye. The rail link ends to the west at Kyle of Lochalsh
and to the north at Wick and Thurso. There are regular
flights from London to Inverness, Aberdeen and Wick.

Duncansby Yell
C A P E W R AT H A N T Head Fetlar
Durness Strathy Dounreay
Ben Hope
Wick Lerwick
927m Foula
Forsinard Achavanich
Mousa Broch
Ben Klibreck Morven Latheron Sumburgh
961m 705m
Loch Helmsdale S E
Shin A
Lairg NORTH Fair Isle
O y kel SEA
n Bridge
r ro DORNOCH Westray
Ca Sanday
Ben Wyvis Balintore Maeshowe
Lossiemouth Kirkwall
1045m BLACK Cromarty
ISLE Stromness Mainland
Forres ELGIN
CAWDOR Craigellachie
Grantown- Newburgh

Ness on-Spey


Cairn Gorm

Fort Kingussie Ben Macdui Ballater Banchory

Augustus 1309m M R O YA L
G O RBalmoral D E E S I D E T O U R Stonehaven
C A I R sN Key
u n tain
M o Dundee Major road
G ra m CASTLE WALK Other road
Station PITLOCHRY Scenic route
Main line railway
Ben Lawers DUNKELD Tay
1214m Minor railway
Tyndrum Perth

Sights at a Glance
1 Inveraray Castle p Pitlochry . Inverewe Garden
2 Auchindrain Museum a Dunkeld / Ullapool
3 Crarae Gardens s The Cairngorms pp144–5 ! Handa Island
4 Jura d Aberdeen pp146–7 @ Cape Wrath and the
5 Islay g Speyside Malt Whisky Trail North Coast
6 Kintyre h Elgin £ Orkney Islands
7 Loch Awe j Fort George $ Shetland Islands
8 Oban k Culloden % Western Isles
9 Mull l Cawdor Castle
Walks and Tours
0 Coll and Tiree z Inverness
q Glencoe x The Great Glen pp152–3 r Road to the Isles Tour
w Fort William c Black Isle i Killiecrankie Walk
e Ben Nevis v Strathpeffer f Royal Deeside Tour
t Ardnamurchan Peninsula b Dornoch
y Rum, Eigg, Muck and Canna n Glen Shiel
u Mallaig m Isle of Skye pp156–7
o Blair Castle , Wester Ross

For additional map symbols see back flap


1 Inveraray Castle
Inveraray, Argyll & Bute. 3 Dalmally,
then bus. @ from Glasgow.
Tel (01499) 302203. Open Apr–Oct:
10am–5:45pm daily. & 8 - 7

This multi-turreted mock Gothic

palace is the family home of the
powerful Clan Campbell, who
have been the Dukes of Argyll
since 1701. It was built in 1745
by architects Roger Morris and
William Adam on ruins of a
15th-century castle. The conical
towers were added later, after The pinnacled Gothic exterior of Inveraray Castle
a fire in 1877.
The magnificent interiors, living space, kitchen and a cattle The gardens now resemble a
designed by Robert Mylne in shed all under one roof. They Himalayan ravine, nourished by
the 1770s, form a backdrop are furnished with box beds the warmth of the Gulf Stream
to such treasures as Regency and rush lamps, and edged by and the high rainfall of the
furniture, a huge collection herb gardens. Auchindrain is a region. Although unusual
of Oriental and European fascinating memorial to a time Himalayan rhododendrons
porcelain and portraits by before the Highland farmers flourish here, the gardens are
Ramsay, Gainsborough and made the transition from sub- also home to exotic plants from
Raeburn. The Armoury Hall sistence to commercial farming. Tasmania, New Zealand and the
contains early weaponry US. Great plant collectors still
collected by the Campbells to contribute to the gardens,
fight the Jacobite rebels. The which thrive in late spring.
Combined Operations Museum
commemorates the 250,000 4 Jura
Allied troops who trained at Argyll & Bute. * 190. g from
Inveraray during World War II. Kennacraig to Islay, Islay to Jura.
n Jura Distillery, Craighouse
(01496) 820601.
2 Auchindrain
Museum Barren, mountainous and
Inveraray, Argyll & Bute. Tel (01499)
A traditional crofter’s plough at the overrun by red deer, the Isle of
500235. @ Inveraray, then bus. Auchindrain Museum Jura has only one road, which
Open Apr–Oct: 10am–5pm daily. connects the single village of
& 7 limited. ∑ auchindrain. Craighouse to the Islay ferry. 3 Crarae Gardens Though hiking is restricted
Crarae, Argyll & Bute. Tel (0844) 493
from July to the end of October
The first open-air museum 2210. @ Inveraray, then bus. Open during the deer-stalking season
in Scotland, Auchindrain Apr–Oct: 9:30am–sunset daily. & 7 (see p202), Jura offers superb hill
illuminates the working lives of 8 by appointment. ∑ walking, especially on the
the kind of farming community slopes of the three main peaks
typical of the Highlands Considered the most beguiling known as the Paps of Jura. The
until the late 19th century. of the many gardens of the tallest of these is Beinn An Oir
Constituting a township of West Highlands, the Crarae at 784 m (2,572 ft). Beyond the
some 20 thatched cottages, the Gardens (see also pp26–7) were northern tip of the isle are
site was communally farmed by created in the 1920s by Lady the notorious whirlpools of
its tenants until the last one Grace Campbell. She was the Corryvreckan. The author
retired in 1962. Visitors can aunt of explorer Reginald Farrer, George Orwell, who came to
wander through whose specimens from Tibet the island to write his final
the houses, most were the beginnings of a novel, 1984, nearly lost his life
of which combine collection of exotic plants. here in 1946 when he fell into

Lagavulin distillery, producer of one of Scotland’s finest malts, on Islay

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

Mist crowning the Paps of Jura, seen at sunset across the Sound of Islay

the water. A legend tells of historical interest is the bustles with pleasure craft
Prince Breackan who was medieval stronghold of the in the summer. The town of
drowned in his attempt to win Lords of the Isles, Finlaggan, Tarbert (meaning “isthmus” in
the hand of a princess. He tried which is under excavation. Gaelic) takes its name from the
to keep his boat anchored in Islay’s superb beaches support neck on which it stands, which
the whirlpool for three days, a variety of birdlife, some of is narrow enough to drag a boat
held by ropes made of hemp, which can be seen at the Royal across, between the waters of
wool and maidens’ hair, until Society for the Protection of Loch Fyne and West Loch
one rope, containing the hair Birds (RSPB) reserve at Gruinart. Tarbert. This feat was first
of an unfaithful girl, finally broke. achieved by the Viking King
E Museum of Islay Life Magnus Barfud who, in 1198,
Port Charlotte. Tel (01496) 850358. was granted by treaty as much
5 Islay Open Apr–Sep: 10:30am–4:30pm land as he could sail around.
Mon–Fri. & 7 Travelling further south past
Argyll & Bute. * 3,500. g from
Kennacraig. n Bowmore (01496) Campbeltown, the B842 road
810254. ∑ ends at the headland known as
6 Kintyre the Mull of Kintyre, which was
The most southerly of the Argyll & Bute. * 8,000. 3 Oban. made famous when former
Western Isles, Islay (pronounced @ Campbeltown. n Campbeltown Beatle Paul McCartney
“Eyeluh”) is the home of such (01586) 552056. ∑ commercialized a traditional
respected Highland single malt pipe tune of the same name.
whiskies (see p36) as Lagavulin A long, narrow peninsula Westward from Kintyre lies
and Laphroaig. Most of the stretching far south of Glasgow, the isle of Rathlin. It is here
island’s distilleries produce Kintyre has superb views across that Robert the Bruce learned
heavily peated malts with a to the islands of Gigha, Islay and patience in his constant strug-
distinctive tang of the sea. The Jura. The 14 km (9 mile) Crinan gles against the English by
Georgian village of Bowmore Canal, which opened in 1801 observing a spider weaving
has the island’s oldest distillery and has a total of 15 locks, an elaborate web in a cave.
and a circular church designed
to minimize the Devil’s possible
lurking places. The Museum
of Islay Life in Port Charlotte
contains a wealth of fascinating
information concerning the
island’s social and natural
history. Eleven kilometres
(7 miles) east of Port Ellen
stands the Kildalton Cross.
A block of local green stone
adorned with Old Testament
scenes, it is one of the most
impressive 8th-century Celtic
crosses in Britain. Worth a visit
for its archaeological and Sailing boats moored at Tarbert harbour, Kintyre

7 Loch Awe landmarks are the pink granite

Argyll. 3 @ Dalmally. n Inveraray
cathedral and the 600-year-old
(01499) 302063. ∑ ruined keep, Dunollie Castle,
once the northern outpost of the
One of the longest freshwater Dalriadic Scots. Among Oban’s
lochs in Scotland, Loch Awe other attractions are working
stretches 40 km (25 miles) centres for glass and pottery,
across a glen in the south- and Oban Distillery, producers
western Highlands. A short of fine malt whisky. On rainy
drive east from the town of days a good option is the old-
Lochawe are the remains of fashioned Oban War and Peace
Kilchurn Castle, abandoned Museum for its interesting
after being struck by lightning insight into local culture.
in the 18th century. Dwarfing Early in August yachts
the castle is Ben Cruachan. McCaig’s Tower looming over the houses converge on the town for
The huge summit of 1,125 m and fishing boats of Oban West Highland Week, while at
(3,695 ft) can be reached by the the end of the month, Oban’s
narrow Pass of Brander, where 8 Oban Highland Games take place.
Robert the Bruce fought the Argyll. * 8,000. 3 @ g n North
Nearby Kilmore, Taynuilt and
Clan MacDougal in 1308. Near Pier, (01631) 563122. ∑ Tobermory, on Mull, also host
the village of Taynuilt, the summer Highland Games.
preserved Lorn Furnace at Known as the “Gateway to the
Bonawe is a reminder of the Isles”, this bustling port on the Environs
iron-smelting industry that Firth of Lorne commands fine A few miles north of Oban, off
destroyed much of the area’s views of the Argyll coast. Shops the A85, is the 13th-century
woodland in the last centuries. crowd the seafront around the Dunstaffnage Castle where
On the A816, to the south of “little bay” which gives Oban its Flora MacDonald was briefly
the loch, is Kilmartin House. name, and fresh fish is always imprisoned for helping Bonnie
The museum here displays for sale on the busy pier. Regular Prince Charlie escape in 1746.
artifacts from local prehistoric ferries leave for Mull, Coll, Tiree, Further north at Barcaldine is
sites, as well as reconstructions Barra, South Uist, Islay, Colonsay the Scottish Sealife Sanctuary.
of boats, utensils and jewellery, and Lismore, making Oban one This centre combines looking
providing a vivid glimpse of life of the most-visited places on the after injured and orphaned
in prehistoric Scotland. west coast. Built on a steep hill, seals, with displays of under-
the town is dominated by the water life. The Isle of Seil is
E Kilmartin House immense McCaig’s Tower, an reached via the 18th century
Kilmartin. Tel (01546) 510278. Open eccentric Colosseum-like structure “Bridge over the Atlantic”. The
daily. & 7 - ∑ built in the 1800s. Other major Easdale Folk Museum, on the
tiny island of Easdale off Seil,
describes the history of slate
mining in the area. South of
Oban along the coast is
Arduaine Garden, noted for
its varieties of spring-blooming
rhododendrons and azaleas.

E Oban War and Peace Museum

Corran Esplanade. Tel (01631) 570007.
Open Mar–Nov: daily.
+ Dunstaffnage Castle
Connel. Tel (01631) 562465. Open Apr–
Sep: daily; Oct–Mar: Sat–Wed. & 8
O Scottish Sealife Sanctuary
Barcaldine, near Connel. Tel (01631)
720386. Open daily. & 7

E Easdale Folk Museum

Easdale. Tel (01852) 300173.
Open Apr–mid-Oct: daily.

Y Arduaine Garden
Arduaine. Tel (0844) 493 2216. Open
The ruins of Kilchurn Castle on the shore of Loch Awe daily. & 7 8 by appointment. «

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9


The picturesque kaleidoscope of houses in Tobermory, one of Mull’s most-favoured tourist stops

9 Mull the summer months the abbey 0 Coll and Tiree

Argyll. * 2,700. g from Oban,
has a large influx of visitors.
Argyll. * 950. g from Oban. ~
Lochaline and Kilchoan; from If the weather is fine, make from Glasgow to Tiree only. n Oban
Fionnphort, on Mull, to Iona. a trip to Fingal’s Cave on the (01631) 563122. ∑ guide.
n Tobermory (01688) 302017. Isle of Staffa (see p21). One of
Scotland’s natural wonders, the
The largest of the Inner cave is surrounded by “organ Despite frequent notices of
Hebridean islands, Mull features pipes” of basalt, the inspiration winter gale warnings, these
rough moorlands, the rocky for Mendelssohn’s Hebrides islands, the most westerly in
peak of Ben More and a splen- Overture. Boat trips run there the Inner Hebrides, record more
did beach at Calgary. Most from Fionnphort and Ulva, and hours of sunshine than the rest
roads follow the coastline, to the seven Treshnish Isles. of Britain. They offer beautiful
affording wonderful sea views. These uninhabited isles are beaches and impressive surf.
On a promontory to the a sanctuary for thousands of Tiree’s soil is 60 per cent shell
east of Craignure lies the 13th- seabirds, including puffins, razor- sand, so no trees can grow. As a
century Duart Castle, home of bills, kittiwakes and skuas. Lunga result, it is perhaps the windiest
the chief of Clan Maclean. You is the main stop for tour boats. place in Scotland. Wild flowers
can visit the Banqueting Hall, flourish here in spring.
State Rooms and the dungeons E Mull Aquarium Breacachadh Castle, the
that once held prisoners from Taigh Solais, Tobermory. Tel (01688) 15th-century home of Clan
a Spanish Armada galleon, sunk 302876. Open Easter–Oct: daily. Maclean until 1750, overlooks
in 1588 by one Donald Maclean. 7 limited. ∑ a bay in south Coll but is not
At the northern end of Mull + Duart Castle
open to the public. Tiree has
is the town of Tobermory, with Off A849, near Craignure. Tel (01680)
two free museums, the Sandaig
its brightly coloured buildings 812309. Open Apr: 11am–4pm Sun– Thatched House Museum, with
along the seafront. Built as a Thu; May–Oct: 10:30am–5pm daily. items from the late 19th and
fishing village in 1788, it is now &- early 20th centuries, and the
a popular port for yachts. The Skerryvore Lighthouse
harbourside Mull Aquarium } Fingal’s Cave and Treshnish Isles Museum in Hynish – the
provides an insight into the 4 Easter–Oct. Tel (01688) 400242. lighthouse stands 20 km
workings of the port and the Timetable varies, call for details. & (12 miles) offshore.
local natural history. With its
touch pools and cinema, it
holds great appeal for kids.

The small and very beautiful island
of Iona is one of the biggest
attractions on Scotland’s west
coast. A restored abbey stands
on the site where Irish missionary
St Columba began his crusade
in 563 and made Iona the home
of Christianity in Europe. In the
abbey graveyard, 48 Scottish
kings are said to be buried. During A traditional croft building on the island of Coll

The Three Sisters, Glencoe, rising majestically in the late autumn sunshine

q Glencoe mountaineers. Against a backdrop in Britain. A dramatic way to

Lochaber. 3 Fort William. @
of craggy peaks and the tumbling view it is from the chairlift at
Glencoe. n NTS Visitor Centre, River Coe, the Glen offers superb the Glencoe Mountain resort.
Ballachulish (0844) 493 2222. Open hill walking. Stout footwear, To the southwest, a minor
Apr–Oct: 9:30am–5:30pm daily; Nov– waterproofs and attention to road leads down beautiful Glen
Mar: 10am–4pm Thu–Sun. & - 7 safety warnings are essential. Etive to the head of Loch Etive.
∑ Details of routes, ranging from This impressive sea loch
an easy walk in the vicinity of eventually emerges on the
Renowned for its awesome Signal Rock (from which the signal coast at the Connel Bridge
scenery and savage history, was given to commence the north of Oban.
Glencoe was compared by massacre) to a stiff 10-km (6-mile) At the Ballachulish Bridge a
Dickens to “a burial ground of haul up the Devil’s Staircase can side road branches to Kinloch-
a race of giants”. The precipitous be had from the Visitor Centre. leven. This village, at the head of
cliffs of Buachaille Etive Mor and Guided walks are offered in sum- a long attractive loch, combines
the knife-edged ridge of Aonach mer by the NTS Ranger Service. two contrasting images of
Eagach present a formidable East of Glencoe lies Rannoch dramatic mountains and an
challenge even to experienced Moor, one of the emptiest areas austere aluminium works.

 Glencoe Mountain
The Massacre of Glencoe Kingshouse, Glencoe. Tel (01855)
In 1692, the chief of the Glencoe MacDonalds was five days late in 851226. Open daily. & 7 limited.
registering an oath of submission to William III, giving the government ∑
an excuse to root out a nest of Jacobite supporters. For ten days 130
soldiers, captained by Robert Campbell, were hospitably entertained
by the unsuspecting MacDonalds. At dawn on 13 February, in a terrible w Fort William
breach of trust, the soldiers fell on their hosts, killing some 38
MacDonalds. Many more died in Lochaber * 10,000. 3 @ n (01397)
their wintry mountain hideouts. 701801. ∑
The massacre, unsurprisingly,
Fort William, one of the major
became a political scandal,
towns on the west coast, is
though there were to be
no official reprimands noted not for its looks but for
for three years. its location at the foot of Ben
Nevis. The Jacobite Steam Train
Detail of The Massacre runs the magical route from
of Glencoe by James here to Mallaig (see p141),
Hamilton as do ordinary trains.

 Jacobite Steam Train

3 Fort William. Tel (01524) 732100.
Departs 10:15am & 2:30pm; May, Jun &
Oct: Mon–Fri; late Jun–late Sep: daily.

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9


e Ben Nevis lush landscape of

Lochaber. 3 Fort William. @ Glen
Glen Nevis may be
Nevis. n Glen Nevis Visitor Centre, Glen more rewarding than
Nevis (01397) 705922. Open 9am– making an ascent,
5:30pm daily (to 3pm Nov–Mar). 7 which will reveal little
more at the summit
With its summit in cloud for than a ruined observ-
about nine days out of ten, and atory and memorials
capable of developing blizzard testifying to the
conditions at any time of the tragic deaths of
year, Britain’s highest mountain walkers and climbers.
is a mishmash of metamorphic To the north of Ben
and volcanic rocks. The sheer Nevis, the Nevis
northeastern face poses Range Gondola
a technical challenge to provides access to a
experienced rock climbers. By ski centre, restaurant
contrast, thousands of visitors and other tourist
each year make their way to the Ben Nevis as seen from the northwest facilities, all situated
peak via a relatively gentle, but at 650 m (2,130 ft).
long and stony, western path. Race. On one of the rare fine days,
Motorbikes, even cars, have visitors who make their way to  Nevis Range Gondola
ascended via this path, and the summit will be rewarded Off A82, Torlundy. Tel (01397) 705825.
runners pound up and down with breathtaking views. On a Open 10am–5pm daily (weather
it during the annual Ben Nevis cloudy day, a walk through the permitting). ∑

Climbing Ben Nevis

Tips for Walkers
The main path up Ben Nevis, called the Old Bridle Path, starts in
Glen Nevis. Numerous visitors each year are lulled into a false sense Starting Point 1: Visitor Centre.
of security by mild weather conditions in the Glen, occasionally with Starting Point 2: Achintee.
fatal results. You must wear stout footwear (not trainers) and take hat Starting Point 3: 400 m (440 yds)
and gloves and enough layers of clothing to allow for sub-zero beyond campsite (very limited
temperatures at the top, even on a summer day. Also take plenty of parking).
food and drink and an Ordnance Survey map and compass, even if you Length: 16 km (10 miles); 6–8
think you won’t need them. It is very easy to lose the path in cloudy or hours average for round trip.
snowy conditions, especially when starting the descent. Weather Information: (01397)
705922. ∑
To Fort William Level: moderate difficulty on a
dry day with broken cloud, but
prone to rapid weather change;
extremely difficult in snow.

To northeast face

Lo ch M ea





1,344 m
J (4,406 ft)

Nevis Forest

To Glen Nevis walk

Key 0 metres 1,000

Old Bridle Path 0 yards 1,000

Minor road

For additional map symbols see back flap


r Road to the Isles Tour Tips for Drivers

This scenic route goes past vast Tour length: 72 km (45 miles).
mountain corridors, breathtaking Skye Stopping-off points: Glenfinnan
beaches of white sand and tiny villages NTS Visitors’ Centre (0844 493
to the town of Mallaig, one of the ferry 2221) explains the Jacobite
ports for the isles of Skye, Rum, Eigg, risings and serves refreshments;
Muck and Canna. In addition to stunning the Old Library Lodge in Arisaig
serves excellent Scottish food.
scenery, the area is steeped in Jacobite
history (see p151).
Loch Morar

7 Mallaig
The Road to the Isles ends at
Mallaig, an active little fishing port
with a very good harbour and
one of the ferry links to Skye
(see pp156–7) and the Small Isles.
mh Loch Ei


Lo Ardnish


6 Morar
The road continues through 5 Prince’s Cairn
Morar, renowned for its The road crosses the Ardnish
white sands, and Loch Peninsula to Loch Nan Uamh,
Morar, rumoured to be where a cairn marks the spot
the home of a 12-m (40-ft) from which Bonnie Prince
monster known as Morag. Charlie left for France in 1746.

t Ardnamurchan
Argyll. g Corran Ferry on A82 from
Glencoe to Fort William, or Fishnish
(Mull) to Kilchoan. n (01967) 402382.

This peninsula and the adjacent

areas of Moidart and Morvern
are some of the west coast’s
best-kept secrets. They are
characterized by a sinuous
coastline, rocky mountains
and beaches. Some of the best
beaches are found at the tip of A view from Roshven, near Arisaig, across to the islands of Eigg and Rum
the peninsula, the most west-
erly point of mainland Britain. even graze on its turf roof. An y Rum, Eigg, Muck
The Ardnamurchan Point enchanting wooded road runs and Canna
Visitor Centre at Kilchoan from Salen to Strontian, or you
explores the history of light- can go north to Acharacle. Small Isles. * 150. g from Mallaig or
houses and light-keeping. The Arisaig. 7 Canna only. n Fort
n Ardnamurchan Point William, (01397) 701801.
1846 lighthouse was designed by
Alan Stevenson, uncle of author Visitor Centre
Robert Louis Stevenson. It is one Kilchoan. Tel (01972) 510210. Each of the four Small Isles
of many built by the Stevenson Open Apr–Oct: daily. & 7 has an individual character and
family throughout Britain. atmosphere, but shares a sense
The award-winning Nàdurra E Nàdurra Centre of tranquillity. Canna is a narrow
Centre at Glenmore has encour- Glenmore. Tel (01972) 500209. island surrounded by cliffs and
aged wildlife to inhabit its “living Open Easter–Oct: daily; Nov–Easter: has a scattering of unworked
building”, and wild red deer can Tue–Fri. & 7 archaeological sites. Once
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

4 Glenfinnan Monument
This 20-m- (66-ft-) high monument
commemorates those who rose in
support of Bonnie Prince Charlie in
the 1745 Jacobite rebellion. He first
raised his standard in Glenfinnan.

3 Corpach
Looking east from the
town of Corpach, across
Loch Linnhe, there are
fine views of Ben Nevis.

2 Neptune’s Staircase
0 kilometres 2.5
A flight of eight locks, designed

0 miles 2 by Thomas Telford, forms the


most spectacular part of the
Caledonian Canal (see p153).




S Drumsallie Loch Eil

ch Caol
Blaich Inverlochy


1 Fort William

Tour route
From here you can tackle Ben Ben Nevis
Other road Nevis, Britain’s highest peak at Glencoe
1,344 m (4,410 ft).

owned by Gaelic scholar with scabrous peaks that bear Visitors to the castle can stay at
John Lorne Campbell, it now Norse names and are home to the on-site hostel.
belongs to the National Trust for an unusual colony of Manx
Scotland. It has few inhabitants shearwater birds. The island’s + Kinloch Castle, Rum
and little accommodation. rough tracks make it best suited Tel (01687) 462037. Open Apr–Oct:
Eigg is the most varied of to the active visitor. Now owned daily; Nov–Mar: call for details.
the four islands. Dominated by by Scottish Natural Heritage and &78
the distinctive sugarloaf hill, the a centre for red deer research,
Sgurr of Eigg, it has a glorious it previously belonged to the
beach with “singing sands” that wealthy Bullough family. They u Mallaig
make odd noises when moved built the lavish Kinloch Castle Lochaber. * 800. 3 @ g from
by feet or by the wind. Here the whose design and furnishings Ardvasar (Skye). n Fort William,
islanders symbolize the spirit were revolutionary at the time. (01397) 701801.
of community land
ownership, having The heart of Mallaig is its
successfully led a high- harbour, which has an active
profile campaign to fishing fleet and ferries that
buy their island from serve the Small Isles and Skye.
their landlord. The atmosphere is rather more
Muck takes its name commercial than leisurely, but it
from the Gaelic for is set in an area of outstanding
“pig”, which it is said to beauty. The Mallaig Heritage
resemble in shape. The Centre is a local history
smallest of the islands, museum covering fishing,
but no less charming, it railways, steamers and ferries.
is owned by a family
who live and farm on O Mallaig Heritage Centre
the island. Rum is the Tel (01687) 462085. Open 11am–4pm
largest and most Mon–Fri, noon–4pm Sat. & 8 by
magnificent island, Colourful fishing boats in Mallaig harbour appointment.

For additional map symbols see back flap


i Killiecrankie Walk
In an area famous for its scenery There are ideal picnic spots along the way,
and historical connections, this circular and the shores of man-made Loch Faskally
walk offers views that are typical of the are lined with beautiful trees. Returning
Highlands. The route is fairly flat, though along the River Tummel, the route crosses
ringed by mountains, and meanders one of Queen Victoria’s favourite Highland
through a wooded gorge, passing the areas before it doubles back to complete
Soldier’s Leap and a Victorian viaduct. the circuit.
Blair Atholl 1 Killiecrankie
A visitor centre provides
information on the Battle of
Killiecrankie, fought in 1689.


7 Linn of Tummel
The path passes a
pool beneath the Garry Bridge 2 Soldier’s Leap
Falls of Tummel and
A soldier named Donald
continues through
MacBean leapt over the
a beautiful forest.
river here to avoid capture
by Jacobites during the
battle of 1689.
6 Coronation Tummel
Bridge Forest
Spanning the Park
J Faskally House
River Tummel, this 3 Killiecrankie
footbridge was built Pass
in 1860 in honour This military road,
of George IV. built by General
Wade in the 1600s,
follows the gorge.

5 Memorial Arch Loch

Workers killed in
the construction
of the Clunie Dam are
commemorated here.

4 Clunie Foot Bridge

Tips for Walkers This bridge crosses the artificial
Starting point: « Visitor Centre Loch Faskally, created by the
Killicrankie. Tel (0844) 493 2194. Key damming of the River Tummel for
∑ hydroelectric power in the 1950s.
Getting there: Bus from Pitlochry
or Aberfeldy. Major road
Length: 13 km (8 miles). Minor road 0 kilometres 1
Level: Very easy. Narrow lane 0 miles 0.5

For map symbols see back flap


Blair Athol Distillery, the home

of Bell’s whisky, offers guided
tours in the art of whisky
making (see pp36–7). One of
Scotland’s most famous stages,
the Festival Theatre, is located
in Port-na-Craig. It operates a
year-round programme with
performances changing daily.

 Blair Athol Distillery

Perth Rd. Tel (01796) 482003.
Open Easter–Oct: daily; Nov–Easter:
Mon–Fri. & 8 7 limited.
F Festival Theatre
The distinctive white turrets and façade of the ducal Blair Castle Port-na-Craig. Tel (01796) 484626.
Open mid-May–Oct: daily. & for
o Blair Castle its owners, the Dukes of Atholl, plays. 7 8 - ∑ pitlochry
the distinction of being allowed
Blair Atholl, Perthshire.
to maintain a private army. The
Tel (01796) 481207. 3 Blair Atholl.
Open Apr–Oct: 9:30am–5:30pm daily.
Atholl Highlanders are still in
0 & 8 7 limited. existence today.

This rambling, turreted castle p Pitlochry

has been altered and extended
Perthshire. * 2,500. 3 @ n 22
so often in its 700-year history Atholl Rd (01796) 472215.
that it now provides a unique ∑
insight into the history and
changing tastes of aristocratic Surrounded by the beautiful
life in the Highlands. pine-forested hills of the
The elegant 18th-century central Highlands, picturesque
wing, with its draughty passages Pitlochry became a famous
hung with antlers, has a display town after Queen Victoria The ruins of Dunkeld Cathedral
that includes the gloves and described it as one of the
pipe of Bonnie Prince Charlie finest resorts in Europe. a Dunkeld
(see p157), who spent two days In early summer, wild salmon Tayside. * 1,200. 3 Birnam. @
here gathering support for a leap up the ladder built into n The Cross (01350) 727688.
Jacobite uprising (see p151). the Power Station Dam on
Family portraits span 300 years their way to spawning grounds Situated by the River Tay, this
and include paintings by such up the river. Above the ladder ancient and charming village
masters as Johann Zoffany and are fine views of the artificial was all but destroyed in the
Sir Peter Lely. Sir Edwin Landseer’s reservoir, Loch Faskally. The loch Battle of Dunkeld, a Jacobite
Death of a Hart in Glen Tilt (1850) is popular with anglers. Walking defeat, in 1689. The Little
hangs in the ballroom. trails from here radiate out and Houses lining Cathedral Street
Queen Victoria visited the link with the pretty gorge at were the first to be rebuilt, and
castle in 1844 and conferred on Killiecrankie (see opposite). remain fine examples of an
imaginative restoration.
The partly ruined 14th-
century cathedral enjoys an
idyllic setting on shady lawns
beside the Tay, against a back-
drop of steep and wooded hills.
The choir is used as the parish
church, and its north wall
contains a leper’s squint (a
little hole through which lepers
could see the altar during mass).
It was while on holiday in the
countryside around Dunkeld
that the children’s author Beatrix
Potter found the inspiration for
Salmon ladder at the Power Station Dam in Pitlochry her Peter Rabbit stories.
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

s The Cairngorms
Rising to a height of 1,309 m (4,296 ft),
the Cairngorm mountains form the highest
landmass in Britain. Cairn Gorm itself is the site
of one of Britain’s first ski centres. A weather Nairn
station at the summit provides regular reports,
essential in an area known for sudden changes Carrbridge
of weather. Walkers should be sure to follow the
mountain code without fail. During the summer
a funicular railway climbs Cairn Gorm affording
superb views over the Spey Valley. Many estates
in the valley have centres which introduce the Boat of
visitor to Highland land use.
Strathspey Steam
This track between
Aviemore and Broomhill
dates from1863.



a id h
ey Loch An
Highland Wildlife Park Eilein
Driving through this park, the visitor
can see bison alongside bears, Kincraig
wolves and wild boar. All of these Loch
animals were once common Insh
in the Highlands.

Fe s

Tolvah 1,295 m
(4,248 ft)

Perth Einich

Major road
Minor road
Narrow lane


1 Aviemore, the commercial

centre of the Cairngorms, provides
buses to the main ski area 13 km
(8 miles) away.
2 The Cairngorm Reindeer
Centre provides walks in the hills
among Britain’s only herd of reindeer. Rothiemurchus Estate
3 Ben MacDhui is Britain’s second- Highland cattle can be seen among many other
highest peak, after Ben Nevis. creatures at Rothiemurchus. A visitor centre provides
guided walks and illustrates life on a Highland estate.
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

Loch Garten
Osprey Centre
Ospreys now thrive in
Practical Information
this reserve, which was
The Highlands. n Grampian Rd,
established in 1959 to
Aviemore (01479) 810930.
protect the first pair seen Cairngorm Reindeer Centre: Loch
in Britain for 50 years. Morlich. Tel (01479) 861228.
Grantown-On-Spey Open daily. & 8 ∑ cairn; Highland
Wildlife Park: Tel (01540) 651270.
Open daily (weather permitting).
Rothiemurchus Visitor Centre:
Nethy Bridge near Aviemore. Tel (01479) 812345.
Open daily. ∑
Loch Garten Osprey Centre:
0 kilometres 5
Tel (01479) 831476. Open daily.
Garten 0 miles 5 Skiing & Funicular Railway:
Tel (01479) 861261.
Strathspey Steam Railway:
Tel (01479) 810725.

3 @ Aviemore.

Skiing & Funicular Railway


Loch During the winter, chairlifts and


Morlich tows provide access to more than

28 ski runs on Cairn Gorm’s
northern flanks. Scotland’s only
funicular railway also operates here.

Flora of the Cairngorms
1,245 m
(4,084 ft) With mixed woodland at their base and the summits forming a sub-
polar plateau, the Cairngorms present a huge variety of flora. Ancient
Caledonian pines (once common in the area) survive in Abernethy
Forest, while arctic flowers flourish in the heights.
1,200 m
(3,950 ft)
1,309 m
(4,296 ft)
The Cairngorm plateau holds little life
except lichen (Britain’s oldest plant), wood rush
and cushions of moss campion, which is often 1,000 m
completely covered with pink flowers. (3,300 ft)

C a ir ngorm Shady corries are important areas for

M o u n tai n s alpine plants such as arctic mouse-ear, 800 m
hare’s foot sedge, mountain rock-cress and (2,650 ft)
alpine speedwell.

Pinewoods occupy the higher 600 m

slopes, revealing purple heather (2,000 ft)
as they become sparser.

Mixed woodland
covers the lower 400 m
ground which is (1,300 ft)
carpeted with heather
and deegrass.
200 m
(650 ft)

An idealized section of the Cairngorm plateau (0 ft)
The Cairngorms by Aviemore
For additional map symbols see back flap

d Aberdeen paintings, sculpture, photo-

graphs, prints and decorative
Scotland’s third-largest city and Europe’s offshore oil capital, arts from the 18th century to
Aberdeen has prospered since the discovery of oil in the North the present day. Local granite
Sea in the early 1970s. The sea bed has now yielded 50 oilfields. merchant Alex Macdonald
bequeathed a number of the
Widely known as the Granite City, its forbidding and rugged
works on display. British artists
outlines are softened by year-round floral displays in the public include Raeburn, Reynolds,
parks and gardens, the Duthie Park Winter Gardens being the Hogarth, Paul Nash, Stanley
largest indoor gardens in Europe. Aberdeen’s busy harbour Spencer and Francis Bacon.
can be observed from the picturesque village of Footdee French Impressionists and Post-
at the southern end of the city’s 3-km- (2 mile-) sandy beach. Impressionists such as Monet,
Renoir, Degas and Toulouse-
Lautrec are also well represented.

R St Nicholas Kirk
Union St. Tel (01224) 643494. Open
May–Sep: noon–4pm Mon–Fri, 9:30am–
1pm Sun; Oct–Apr: Mon–Fri am only.
7 ∑
Founded in the 12th century,
St Nicholas is Scotland’s largest
parish church. Though the pres-
ent structure dates from 1752,
many earlier relics can be seen
inside. After damage during the
Reformation, the interior was
divided into two. A chapel in
The spires of Aberdeen, rising behind the city harbour the East Church holds iron rings
used to secure witches in the
Exploring Aberdeen stained-glass windows add a 17th century, while in the West
The city centre flanks the 1.5-km modern touch to the interior, Church there are embroidered
(1-mile-) long Union Street, which contains a 1540 pulpit, panels attributed to Mary
ending at the Mercat Cross. The later carved with heads of Jameson (1597–1644).
cross stands by Castlegate, the Stuart monarchs.
one-time site of the city castle, E Maritime Museum
and now only a marketplace. R St Andrew’s Cathedral Shiprow. Tel (01224) 337700.
From here, the cobbled Shiprow King St. Tel (01224) 640119. Open 10am–5pm Tue–Sat, noon–
meanders southwest and passes Open May–Sep: 11am–4pm Tue–Fri; 3pm Sun. - 7 ∑
Provost Ross’s House on its way Oct–Apr: by appointment. 7 Overlooking the harbour is
to the harbour. A bus can be 8 by arrangement. the Provost Ross’s House, dating
taken 1.5 km (1 mile) north The Mother Church of the back to 1593. It now houses
of the centre to Old Aberdeen, Episcopal Church in the United the Maritime Museum, which
which, with its medieval States, St Andrew’s has a traces the history of Aberdeen’s
streets and wynds (narrow, memorial to Samuel Seabury, seafaring tradition. The exhib-
winding lanes), has the the first Episcopalian itions cover numerous topics
peaceful character bishop in the US, who from shipwrecks, rescues and
of a separate village. was consecrated in shipbuilding to models that
Aberdeen in 1784. A illustrate the workings of the
P King’s College series of coats of arms many oil installations situated
College Bounds, Old contrast colourfully with off the east coast of Scotland.
Aberdeen. Tel (01224) the white walls and
272000. Open daily. 7 pillars. They represent R St Machar’s Cathedral
Founded in 1495, King’s the American states and The Chanonry. Tel (01224) 485988.
College was the city’s local Jacobite families. Open Apr–Oct: 9am–4:30pm daily;
first university. The Nov–Mar: 10am–4pm daily. 7
visitor centre gives E Art Gallery ∑
background on its Lantern tower, Schoolhill. Tel (01224) This 15th-century cathedral is
long history. The inter- King’s College 523700. Closed for refurbish- the city’s oldest granite building.
denominational chapel, ment until winter 2017. 7 One of its arches dates back to
consecutively Catholic and - ∑ the 14th century. The nave is a
Protestant in the past, has a Housed in a Neo-Classical parish church and its ceiling is
distinctive lantern tower, rebuilt building, the Art Gallery has adorned with coats of arms of
in 1633. Douglas Strachan’s a significant collection of popes and emperors.
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

Provost Skene’s House VISITORS’ CHECKLIST

Guestrow. Tel (01224) 641086. Open 10am–5pm Mon–Sat. & 7 limited.
Once the home of Sir George Skene, a 17th-century provost (mayor) of Practical Information
Aberdeen, the house was built in 1545 and is one of the oldest houses Grampian. * 220,000.
in the city. Inside, period rooms span 200 years of design. The Duke of n Marischal College, Broad St
Cumberland stayed here during the weeks preceding the Battle of (01224) 269180. ( Fri, Sat.
Culloden (see p150). The house is closed due to the redevelopment Transport
of the surrounding streets and is due to reopen in 2017. ~ 13 km (8 miles) NW of
Aberdeen. 3 @ Guild St.
The 18th-century Parlour,
with its walnut harpsichord and The Regency Room typifies early
covered fireside chairs, was the 19th-century elegance. A harp dating from
informal room in which the family 1820 stands by a Grecian-style sofa and
would have tea. a French writing table.
The 17th-century Great Hall
The Painted Gallery has one The Georgian Dining Room,
contains heavy oak dining
of Scotland’s most important with its Classical design, was
furniture. Provost Skene’s
cycles of religious art. The the main formal room in the
wood-carved coat of arms
panels are early 17th century, 16th century and still has its
hangs above the fireplace.
though the artist is unknown. original flagstone floor.


Aberdeen Airport WES
0 yards 200 11 km (7 miles) T NO

St. Andrew's

Provost Skene's Cathedral


E House

AT BR Marischal

Aberdeen ST

O College E
Art Gallery IR A IC


IL Mercat

His Majesty's L R E Tolbooth


LA Cross





















St Nicholas




Kirk G


Maritime IR

Terrace N




Museum QU AY

Gdns. A D RE GE NT











IE Ferry

Harbour BLA

'S Y Terminal





Aberdeen City Centre EE NS








1 Art Gallery GU

Bus Station

2 St Nicholas Kirk

3 Provost Skene’s House Train Station




4 Marischal College

5 St Andrew’s Cathedral Market

6 Mercat Cross STONEHAVEN


7 Maritime Museum

For map symbols see back flap


f Royal Deeside Tour 4 Muir of Dinnet

Nature Reserve
Since Queen Victoria’s purchase of the An information centre
on the A97 provides
Balmoral Estate in 1852, Deeside has
an excellent place
been best known as the summer from which to explore
home of the British Royal Family, this beautiful mixed
though it has been associated with woodland area, formed
by the retreating
royalty since the time of Robert the
glaciers of the last
Bruce in the 1300s. This route follows Ice Age.
the Dee, one of the world’s most
prolific salmon rivers, through some
magnificent Grampian scenery.



Braemar, Perth

5 Ballater
6 Balmoral The old railway town of
Bought by Queen Victoria for Ballater has royal warrants
30,000 guineas in 1852, after its on many of its shop fronts.
owner choked to death on a It grew as a 19th-century
fishbone, the castle was rebuilt spa town, its waters
in the Scottish Baronial style reputedly providing a cure
at Prince Albert’s request. for tuberculosis.

g Speyside Malt
Whisky Trail
Moray. n Elgin (01343) 562608.

Such are the climate and geology

of the Grampian mountains and
glens bordering the River Spey
that half of Scotland’s whisky
distilleries are found on Speyside.
They span a large area so a car is
required. The signposted “Malt
Whisky Trail” takes you to seven
distilleries and one cooperage (a
place where barrels are made), all Oak casks, in which the maturing whisky is stored at the distilleries
with excellent visitor centres and
tours of their premises. in old oak sherry casks for 3 to purchase of a bottle of whisky. A
There is no secret to whisky 16 years, during which time it different slant on the process is
distilling (see pp36–7): essentially mellows. Worldwide, an average given at the Speyside Cooperage.
barley is steeped in water and of 30 bottles of Scotch whisky are Here the visitor can learn about
allowed to grow, a process called sold every second. the making of the wooden casks
“malting”; the grains are then The visitor centres at each that are used to store the whisky.
dried with peat smoke, milled, Whisky Trail distillery provide
mixed with water and allowed similar, and equally good, guided  Benromach Distillery
to ferment; the frothy liquid goes tours of the workings and audio- Forres. Tel (01309) 675968. Open Oct–
through a double process of visual displays of their individual Apr: Mon–Fri; May & Sep: Mon–Sat;
distillation. The final result is a raw, histories. Their entry charges are Jun–Aug: daily. & 7 8
rough whisky that is then stored usually redeemable against the ∑

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9


Tips for Drivers 0 kilometres 5

Length: 111 km (69 miles). 0 miles 4

Stopping-off points: Crathes Peterhead
Castle café. Open May–Sep: daily;
The Black Faced Sheep, Aboyne
serves light lunches and cakes.

3 Banchory
Just south of the town is the
18th-century Brig o’ Feugh,
where salmon leap.




1 Drum Castle
This 13th-century keep was granted
2 Crathes Castle and
by Robert the Bruce to his standard-
Gardens bearer William de Irwyn in 1323, in
This is the family home of gratitude for his services.
the Burnetts, who were
made Royal Foresters of
Drum by Robert the Bruce.
Along with the title, he Key
gave Alexander Burnett the Tour route
ivory Horn of Leys, which Other road
is still on display.

 Cardhu Distillery h Elgin over 40 cars and motorbikes,

Knockando. Tel (01340) 872555. dating back to 1904.
Moray. * 23,100. 3 @ n Elgin
Open Jul–Sep: Mon–Sun; Oct–Jun:
Library, Cooper Park (01343) 562608.
Mon–Fri. & 7 ∑ discovering- ( Sat. E Elgin Museum 1 High St. Tel (01343) 543675.
With its cobbled marketplace and Open Apr–Oct: 10am–5pm Mon–Fri,
 Glenfiddich Distillery
crooked lanes, Elgin retains much 11am–4pm Sat. & 7 8
Dufftown. Tel (01340) 820373.
Open daily. 7 8 ∑ glenfiddich. of its medieval layout. The 13th- E Moray Motor Museum
com century cathedral ruins are all Bridge St. Tel (01343) 544933. Open
that remain of one of Scotland’s Easter–Oct: 11am–5pm daily. & 7
 Glen Grant Distillery ∑
architectural triumphs. Once
Rothes. Tel (01340) 832118. known as the Lantern of the
Open daily. & 8 7 limited.
North, the cathedral was severely
damaged in 1390 by the Wolf of
 The Glenlivet Distillery Badenoch (the son of Robert II) in
Glenlivet. Tel (01340) 821720. revenge for his excommunication
Open Easter–Oct: daily. & 8 by the Bishop of Moray. Further
7 limited. ∑ damage came in 1576 when
the Regent Moray ordered the
 Speyside Cooperage
lead roofing to be stripped.
Craigellachie. Tel (01340) 871108.
Among the remains is a Pictish
Open Mon–Fri. & 8 7 limited.
cross-slab in the nave and a
- ∑ speysidecooperage.
basin where one of the town’s
benefactors, Andrew Anderson,
 Strathisla Distillery was kept as a baby by his
Keith. Tel (01542) 783044. homeless mother. The Elgin
Open mid-Mar–mid-Nov: daily; Museum has anthropological
Jan–mid-Mar: Mon–Fri. & and geological displays, while Details of the central tower of the
7 limited. the Moray Motor Museum has 13th-century Elgin Cathedral
For additional map symbols see back flap

p157), perished under the 600 years of continuous

onslaught of nearly 9,000 troops, occupation (it is still the home
led by the Duke of Cumberland. of the Thanes of Cawdor) the
Visitors can roam the battlefield, house contains a number of rare
visit the clan graves and tapestries and portraits by the
experience the audio-visual 18th-century painters Joshua
displays at the NTS Visitor Centre. Reynolds (1723–92) and George
Romney (1734–1802). Furniture
Environs in the Pink Bedroom and
Roughly 1.5 km (1 mile) east of Woodcock Room includes work
Culloden are the outstanding by the 18th-century designers
Neolithic burial sites at Clava Chippendale and Sheraton. In
Cairns. the Old Kitchen, the huge Victor-
ian cooking range stands as a
n NTS Visitor Centre shrine to below-stairs drudgery.
On the B9006 east of Inverness. Tel The castle’s grounds provide
(0844) 493 2159. Open daily. & 7 beautiful nature trails, as well
An aerial picture of Fort George, illustrating 0 - ∑ as a nine-hole golf course.
its imposing position

j Fort George l Cawdor Castle

Inverness. Tel (01667) 460232. 3 On B9090 (off A96). Tel (01667) 404
@ Inverness, Nairn. Open Apr–Sep: 401. 3 Nairn, then bus or taxi. @
9:30am–5:30pm daily; Oct–Mar: from Inverness. Open May–early Oct:
9:30am–4:30pm daily. & 8 7 - 10am–5:30pm daily (last entry 5pm).
∑ 0 & 7 gardens and ground floor
only. ∑
One of the finest examples of
European military architecture, With its turreted central tower,
Fort George holds a commanding moat and drawbridge, Cawdor
position on the Moray Firth, ideally Castle is one of the most romantic
located to suppress the High- stately homes in the Highlands.
lands. Completed in 1769, the Though the castle is famed for The drawbridge on the eastern side of
fort was built after the Jacobite being the 11th-century home of Cawdor Castle
risings to discourage further Shakespeare’s tragic character
rebellion, and has remained Macbeth, and the scene of his
a military garrison ever since. murder of King Duncan, it is z Inverness
The Regimental Museum historically unproven that either Highland. * 62,500. 3 @
of the Highlanders Regiment figure came here. n Castle Wynd (01463) 252401.
is housed in the Fort. Some of An ancient holly tree pre- ∑
the barrack rooms have been served in the vaults is said to be
reconstructed to show the con- the one under which, in 1372, In the Highlands, all roads
ditions of the common soldiers Thane William’s donkey stopped lead to the region’s “capital”,
stationed here more than 200 for a rest during its master’s Inverness, the centre of
years ago. The Grand Magazine search for a place to build a communication, commerce
contains an outstanding fortress. According to legend, and administration. Despite
collection of arms and military this was how the site for the being the largest city in the
equipment. Fort George’s castle was chosen. Now, after north, it is more like a town in
battlements also make an
excellent place from which to
watch dolphins playing in the
waters of the Moray Firth.

k Culloden
Inverness. 3 @ Inverness. «

The desolate battlefield of

Culloden looks much as it did
on 16 April 1746, the date of the
last battle to be fought on British
soil (see p49). Here the Jacobite
cause, with the help of Bonnie
Prince Charlie’s leadership (see A contemporary picture, The Battle of Culloden (1746), by D Campbell
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

The red sandstone exterior of Inverness Castle, high above the city centre, in the light of the setting sun

its atmosphere, with a compact of local and international Highlands, as it lies within easy
and easily accessible centre. per formers. Following the tree- reach of most of the region’s
Although sadly defaced by lined banks of the river further best-known attractions,
modern architecture, Inverness upstream leads to the Island including the battlesite of
earns a worthy reputation Walks, accessed by a pedestrian Culloden, 8 km (5 miles) to
for its floral displays in suspension bridge. Beyond the east (see opposite).
summer, and for the this, further upstream still, is
River Ness, which flows Inverness Leisure, which E Museum and Art Gallery
through the centre and offers swimming pools, Castle Wynd. Tel (01463) 237114.
adds considerable spas and a variety of Open Apr–Oct: Tue–Sat; Nov–Mar:
charm. The river is wild, spiralling Thu–Sat. 7 ∑ inverness.highland.
frequented by salmon flumes. Thomas museum
fishermen during the Telford’s E Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor
summer, even where it Caledonian Centre
runs through the city Canal (see pp152–3), 4–9 Huntly St. Tel (01463) 222781.
centre. Holding the an engineering Open daily. &
high ground above marvel constructed F Eden Court Theatre
the city is Inverness Kiltmaker with Royal between 1804 and Bishop’s Rd. Tel (01463) 234234. &
Castle, a Victorian Stuart tartan 1822, is still in constant 8 7 ∑
building of red use and can be viewed
sandstone, now used as the at Tomnahurich Bridge. From S Inverness Leisure
courthouse. Just below the here, Jacobite Cruises runs a Bught Lane. Tel (01463) 667500.
castle, next to the tourist series of summer cruises along Open daily. & 7
information office, is the the length of Loch Ness – an 4 Jacobite Cruises
Museum and Art Gallery, excellent way to spend a sunny Tomnahurich Bridge, Glenurquhart.
which houses permanent and afternoon. Inverness is an ideal Tel (01463) 233999. & 7
touring exhibitions and runs base for touring the rest of the ∑
workshops for children. The
main shopping area fans out in
three directions from here and
The Jacobite Movement
includes a lively pedestrian The first Jacobites (mainly Catholic
precinct where pipers and other Highlanders) were the supporters of James
musicians can be found busking. VII of Scotland (James II of England) who was
Just across the river is the deposed by his Parliament in the “Glorious
Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor Revolution” of 1688. With the Protestant
Centre, part of the Highland William of Orange on the throne, the
House of Fraser Group. Here Jacobites’ desire to restore the Stuart monarchy
visitors will get an insight into led to the uprisings of 1715 and 1745. James II, by Samuel
The first, in support of James VIII, the “Old
the history, culture and tradition Cooper (1609–72)
Pretender”, ended at the Battle of Sheriffmuir
of the kilt, with audio-visual and
(1715). The failure of the second uprising, with the defeat at Culloden,
workshop presentations of saw the end of Jacobite hopes and led to the demise of the clan system
kiltmaking. On the banks of the and the suppression of Highland culture for more than a century.
Ness, stands Eden Court Theatre,
which has a varied programme

x The Great Glen

Following the path of a geological fault, the Great Glen
forms a scenic route from Inverness on the east coast to Fort
William on the west. The glacial rift valley was created when
the landmass split and moved 400 million years ago. A
series of four lochs includes the famous Loch Ness, home of
the elusive monster. The Caledonian Canal, built by Thomas
Telford, provides a link between the lochs, and has been a
shipping channel as well as a popular tourist route since
1822. Hiring a boat or taking a leisurely drive are ideal ways
to view the Glen. The Great Glen

Steall Waterfall
Located at the foot of the magnificent
Ben Nevis, this impressive waterfall
tumbles down into a valley of wild
flowers. The walk takes 45 minutes and
passes through a dramatic gorge. It’s the
perfect place to picnic. Loch

Kinlochourn Loch
Loch Invergarry
South Laggan

1 Ben Nevis (see p139) is Britain’s


highest mountain at 1,344 m

(4,406 ft), but its broad, indefinable
shape belies its immense size. Lochailort Spean
Fort Bridge
2 Loch Lochy, Lochy is one of the
four beautiful lochs of the Great Glen, William
formed by a fissure in the earth and l
ie Nevis
erosion by glaciers. There are caves Sh
nearby where Bonnie Prince Charlie Lo
is said to have hidden after the Battle
of Culloden. Corran
3 Spean Bridge is home to a Ardgour
Woollen Mill selling traditional Strontian Onich Glencoe
knitwear and tweeds. Close to the Ballachulish
village is the impressive Memorial to

all the Commandos who lost their Duror


lives in World War II. The surrounding


rugged terrain was their training

Port Appin
4 Fort Augustus is a pretty village
situated at the southwestern end of
Loch Ness. The base for boat cruises
around the loch, it is also the site of a
Benedictine Abbey.
5 Falls of Foyers nestle among the
0 kilometres 10
trees above Loch Ness; a winding
path yields spectacular views. 0 miles 10

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9



Practical Information
Highland. n Castle Wynd,
Inverness (01463) 252401.
The Loch Ness Centre and
Exhibition: Tel (01456) 450573.
Open daily. & 7
Urquhart Castle: Tel (01456)
450551. Open daily. &







Aviemore . Loch Ness

Fort Augustus Scotland’s most famous loch, the 37 km
(23 miles) of Loch Ness provide a beautiful

route through the Glen. Urquhart Castle rises

Kingussie imposingly over the water.

Laggan Bridge

The Loch Ness Monster




Main route through


the Glen

Major road
Minor road First sighted by St Columba in
Black the 6th century, “Nessie” has
Water attracted attention since
photographs – later revealed to
be faked – were taken in the
1930s. Though serious
investigation is often under-
mined by hoaxers, sonar
. Caledonian Canal techniques continue to yield
This splendid canal enigmatic results: plesiosaurs,
provides a base giant eels and too much whisky
from which to view are the most popular
the Glen’s beautiful explanations. The Loch Ness
surroundings. Centre, at Drumnadrochit,
From Inverness, the presents the photographic
canal travels via Fort evidence and a wide variety of
Augustus to the eight scientific explanations proffered
locks at Neptune’s over the years.
Staircase – a feat of
For additional map symbols see back flap

v Strathpeffer
Ross & Cromarty. * 1,500.
3 Dingwall. @ Inverness. n Real
Sweets, The Pump Room, The Square,
(07801) 759217. ∑

Standing 8 km (5 miles) east of

the Falls of Rogie, the holiday
centre of Strathpeffer still retains
the refined charm that made it
well known as a Victorian spa
and health resort. The town’s
huge hotels and gracious layout
recall the days when European
royalty and lesser mortals
The shores of the Black Isle in the Moray Firth flocked to the chalybeate- and
sulphur-laden springs, believed
c Black Isle the Brahan Seer, a 17th-century to alleviate tuberculosis. It is still
Ross & Cromarty. * 9,500. 3 @
prophet. He was burnt alive in a possible to sample the water at
Inverness. n (01463) 252401. barrel of tar by the Countess of the unmanned Water Tasting
Seaforth after he foresaw her Pavilion in the town centre.
Though the drilling platforms in husband’s infidelity. For local
the Cromarty Firth recall how oil archaeology, the Groam P Water Tasting Pavilion
has changed the local economy, House Museum in the town The Square. Open Easter–Oct: daily.
the broad peninsula of the Black of Rosemarkie is worth a visit.
Isle is still largely composed of
farmland and fishing villages. E Cromarty Courthouse b Dornoch
The town of Cromarty was an Church St, Cromarty. Tel (01381)
Sutherland. * 1,200. 3 Golspie,
important 18th-century port 600418. Open Apr–Sep: noon–4pm
Tain. @ Inverness, Tain. n The
with rope and lace industries. Sun–Thu; Oct–Apr: by appointment.
Square. ∑
Many of its merchant houses & ∑
still stand. The award-winning P Hugh Miller Museum With its first-class golf course
museum in the Cromarty Church St, Cromarty. Tel (0844) 493 and extensive sandy beaches,
Courthouse provides heritage 2158. Open late Mar–Sep: noon–5pm Dornoch is a popular holiday
tours of the town. The thatched daily; Oct: noon–5pm Tue, Thu & Fri. resort, but it has retained a
Hugh Miller Museum celebrates & 7 limited. « ∑ peaceful atmosphere. The
the life of theologian and geol- E Groam House Museum medieval cathedral (now
ogist Hugh Miller (1802–56), who High St, Rosemarkie. Tel (01381) 620961. the parish church) was all
was born in Cromarty. Fortrose Open Apr–Oct: 11am–4:30pm but destroyed in a clan dispute
boasts a ruined 14th-century Mon–Fri, 2–4:30pm Sat & Sun. in 1570; it was finally restored
cathedral, while a stone on & 7 ground floor only. in the 1920s for its 700th
Chanonry Point commemorates ∑ anniversary. More recently,
the pop star Madonna chose
the cathedral for the christening
The Highland Clearances of her child.
During the heyday of the clan system (see pp32–3), tenants paid their A stone at the beach end of
land-holding chieftains rent in the form of military service. However, River Street marks the place
with the destruction of the clan system after the Battle of Culloden where Janet Horne, the last
(see p150), landowners began to demand a financial rent, which their woman to be tried for witchcraft
tenants were unable to afford, and the land was gradually bought up in Scotland, was executed in 1722.
by Lowland and English farmers. In what became known as “the year
of the sheep” (1792), thousands of tenants were evicted, sometimes Environs
forcibly, to make way Nineteen kilometres (12 miles)
for livestock. Many
northeast of the resort is the
emigrated to Australia,
stately, Victorianized pile of
America and Canada. The
ruins of their crofts can Dunrobin Castle, magnificently
still be seen, especially situated in a great park with
in Sutherland and formal gardens overlooking the
Wester Ross. sea. Since the 13th century this
has been the seat of the Earls of
Sutherland. Many of its rooms
The Last of the Clan (1865) by are open to visitors.
Thomas Faed The peaceful town of Tain
to the south became an
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

administrative centre for the ranger-led excursions in the

Highland Clearances, when the summer. Further west, the road
tolbooth was used as a jail. All is passes the romantic Eilean
explained in the heritage centre, Donan Castle, connected to
Tain Through Time. the land by a causeway. After
becoming a Jacobite (see p151)
+ Dunrobin Castle stronghold, it was destroyed in
Near Golspie. Tel (01408) 633177. 1719 by English warships. In the
Open Apr–mid-Oct: daily. & 8 - 19th century it was restored,
E Tain Through Time and it now contains a number
Tower St. Tel (01862) 894089. Open of relics of the Jacobite cause.
Apr–Oct: Mon–Fri; Jun–Aug: Mon–Sat.
& 7 ∑ + Eilean Donan Castle Typical Torridonian mountain scenery in
Off A87, near Dornie. Tel (01599) Wester Ross
555202. Open Feb–Dec: daily. & -
∑ Skye. The Torridon Countryside
Centre offers guided walks in
season, and information on the
m Isle of Skye natural history of the region.
See pp156–7.
Further north, the A832
cuts through the Beinn Eighe
National Nature Reserve, Britain’s
, Wester Ross oldest wildlife sanctuary. Rem-
Ross & Cromarty. 3 Achnasheen,
nants of the ancient Caledonian
Strathcarron. @ Gairloch. pine forest still stand on the banks
n Achtercairn, Gairloch, (01445) and isles of Loch Maree, provid-
712071. ∑ ing shelter for pine martens and
wildcats. Buzzards and golden
The serene cathedral precinct in the town Leaving Loch Carron to the eagles nest on the alpine slopes.
of Dornoch south, the A890 suddenly enters Beinn Eighe Visitor Centre has
the northern Highlands and the information on the reserve.
great wilderness of Wester Ross. Along the coast, a series of
n Glen Shiel The Torridon Estate, sprawling exotic gardens thrive in the
Skye & Lochalsh. 3 Kyle of Lochalsh.
on either side of Glen Torridon, warming influence of the Gulf
@ Glen Shiel. n Bayfield House, includes some of the oldest Stream. The most impressive is
Bayfield Road, Portree (01478) 614906. mountains on earth (Torridonian Inverewe Garden (see p160).
rock is over 600 million years old),
Dominating one of Scotland’s and is home to red deer, wildcats E Torridon Countryside Centre
most haunting regions, the and wild goats. Peregrine falcons Torridon. Tel (0844) 493 2229. Open
awesome summits of the Five and golden eagles nest in the Apr–Sep: Sun–Fri. & 8 7 «
Sisters of Kintail rear into view at towering sandstone mass of ∑
the northern end of Loch Cluanie Beinn Eighe, above the village O Beinn Eighe Visitor Centre
as the A87 enters Glen Shiel. The of Torridon, with its breathtaking Near Kinlochewe, on A832. Tel (01445)
Visitor Centre at Morvich offers views over Applecross towards 760258. Open Apr–Oct: daily. 7

The western side of the Five Sisters of Kintail, seen from a viewpoint above Ratagan

m Isle of Skye
The largest of the Inner Hebrides, Skye can be reached by the bridge linking Kyle
of Lochalsh and Kyleakin. A turbulent geological history has given the island some
of Britain’s most varied and dramatic scenery. From the rugged volcanic plateau of
northern Skye to the ice-sculpted peaks of the Cuillins, the island is divided by
numerous sea lochs, leaving the traveller never more than 8 km (5 miles) from
the sea. Limestone grasslands predominate in the south, where the Kilmuir
hillsides, home of sheep and cattle, are scattered with the ruins of
Western Isles
crofts abandoned during the Clearances (see p154). Historically,
Skye is best known for its association with Bonnie Prince Charlie.
L o ch
S nizo rt




Dunvegan Castle
For over seven centuries, Dunvegan Castle has been
the seat of the chiefs of the Clan MacLeod. It contains
the Fairy Flag, a piece of magical silk treasured for its
protective powers.

Key Portnalong
Major road
0 Kilometres 10 Talisker
Minor road Carbost
0 miles 5
Narrow lane

C u illi n


1 The Talisker Distillery at

Carbost, is famous for its Highland
malts, often described as “the lava of AY
the Cuillins”. SO

2 Skeabost has the ruins of a

chapel which is associated with
St Columba. Medieval tombstones
can be found in the graveyard.
3 Grave of Flora MacDonald
4 Kilt Rock
5 Loch Coruisk
6 Luib has a beautiful thatched
cottage, preserved as it was 100
years ago.
7 Bridge to mainland
8 Otters can be seen from the Britain’s finest mountain range is within walking
haven in Kylerhea. distance of Sligachan, and in summer a boat sails
9 Armadale Castle Gardens and from Elgol to the desolate inner sanctuary of Loch
Museum of the Isles houses the Coruisk. As he fled across the surrounding
Clan Donald Visitor Centre. moorland, Bonnie Prince Charlie is said to have
claimed: “even the Devil shall not follow me here!”
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9


A series of landslides has
exposed the roots of this Practical Information
volcanic plateau, revealing a The Highlands. * 9,500.
fantastic terrain of spikes and n Bayfield House, Portree
towers. They are easily (01478) 612992.
explored off the Uig to Dunvegan Castle: Dunvegan.
Staffin road. Tel (01470) 521206. Open Apr–
Duntulm mid-Oct: daily. & 7 limited.
Armadale Castle: Armadale.
Staffin J Tel (01471) 844305.
Open Apr–Oct: daily. & 7
Talisker Distillery: Carbost.
Tel (01478) 614308. Open Jun–
Sep: daily; Oct & Apr–May: Mon–
Sat; Nov–Mar: Mon–Fri.
& 7 limited. 8

3 Kyle of Lochalsh. @ Portree.
f Ra

ST O R R g From Mallaig or Glenelg.


Portree The Storr

The erosion of this basalt plateau
Ra as ay

has created the Old Man of Storr,

a monolith rising to 49 m (160 ft)
by the Portree road.

Sligachan Sc al pay

With its colourful harbour,
ns Luib Kyleakin Kyle of Lochalsh Portree (meaning “port of the
king”) is Skye’s metropolis. It
received its name after a visit
Kilchrist by James V in 1540.


Elgol Bonnie Prince Charlie


The last of the Stuart claimants to the Crown,


Charles Edward Stuart (1720–88), came to


Scotland from France in 1745 to win the throne.

After marching as far as Derby, his army was
driven back to Culloden where it was defeated.
Hounded for five months through the Highlands,
Armadale he escaped to Skye, disguised as the maidservant
Mallaig of a woman called Flora MacDonald, from Uist.
From the mainland, he sailed to
France in September 1746, and
Kilchrist Church died in Rome. Flora was buried
This ruined pre- in 1790 at Kilmuir, on Skye,
Reformation church’s wrapped in a sheet taken
last service was held in from the bed of the “bonnie”
1843. It once served (handsome) prince.
Skye’s most populated
areas, though the The prince, disguised as a
surrounding moors maidservant
are now deserted.
For additional map symbols see back flap Duart Castle, on the island of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland

. Inverewe Garden “klondyker” factory ships moor

On A832, near Poolewe, Ross-shire.
in the loch in the winter. The
Tel (0844) 493 2225. Open daily. & major activity is now the ferry
8 7 0 ∑ to Stornoway on Lewis (see
table, p221). The Ullapool
Inverewe Garden attracts over Museum offers an insight
130,000 visitors a year and is into local history.
considered a national treasure.
The gardens contain an extra- E Ullapool Museum
ordinary variety of trees, shrubs 7–8 West Argyle St. Tel (01854) 612 987.
and flowers from around Open Apr–Oct: Mon–Sat. & 8 7
the world, despite being
at a latitude of 57.8° north. Environs
Inverewe was started in 1862 The natural wonders of this
by the 20-year-old Osgood area include the rugged Assynt
Mackenzie after being given a Mountains to the north, and, to
large estate of exposed, barren Some of the many unusual plants the south, the deep and precipi-
land next to his family’s holding. cultivated at Inverewe Garden tous Corrieshalloch Gorge.
At that time there was just one It is worth visiting Achiltibuie
dwarf willow growing there. China. Planting is designed to Garden, a revolutionary “Garden
Mackenzie began by planting provide colour all year, but the of the Future”, where flowers
shelter trees and then went on gardens are at their best grow without soil and water
to create a walled garden using between spring and autumn. is used to carry nutrients to
imported soil. He found that the the plants. Visitors can tour
west coast’s climate, warmed by the growing houses, where
the North Atlantic Drift from / Ullapool everything from tropical flowers
the Gulf Stream (see p27), Highland. * 1,300. 3 Inverness. @
to bananas is cultivated.
encouraged the growth g n Argyle St (01854) 612486. Growing kits and produce can
of exotic species. ∑ also be bought, when in season.
By 1922, the garden had Achiltibuie is worth a visit
achieved international recogni- With its wide streets, white- for the scenic drive alone. Tour
tion as one of the great plant washed houses, palm trees and boats run from here, and from
collections. In 1952 it was street signs in Gaelic, Ullapool Ullapool, to the Summer Isles –
donated to the National Trust is one of the prettiest villages a small, sparsely populated group,
for Scotland. One of Scotland’s on the west coast. Planned once the home of noted environ-
leading botanical gardens and built as a fishing station mentalist Frank Fraser Darling.
today, Inverewe has Blue Nile in 1788, it occupies a peninsula
lilies, the tallest Australian gum jutting into Loch Broom. Y Achiltibuie Garden
trees growing in Britain and Fishing is no longer important, Achiltibuie. Tel (01854) 622202. Open
fragrant rhododendrons from except when East European Mar–Sep: Mon–Fri. & 7 limited.

A tranquil, late-evening view of Ullapool and Loch Broom on the northwestern coast of Scotland
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

@ Cape Wrath and base for Atlantic and Russian

the North Coast convoys during World War II.
The Strathnaver Museum in
Highland. @ g May–Sep (01971)
Bettyhill explains the notorious
511246. n John O’Groats (01955)
Sutherland “Clearances” (see
p154), the forced evictions of
The northern edge of mainland 15,000 people to make way for
Scotland spans the full variety sheep. At Rossal, 16 km (10 miles)
of Highland geography, from south, is an archaeological walk
mountainous moorlands and around an excavated village,
dazzlingly white beaches to flat, which provides information on
green farmland. life in pre-Clearance days.
Cape Wrath is alluring not A gigantic white dome at
only for its name but for its cliffs, Dounreay marks the nuclear
constantly pounded by the reprocessing plant, where you
Atlantic. There are many stacks can tour the works and visit the
rising out of the sea that swarm free exhibition centre in summer.
Majestic cliffs on Handa Island, a welcome with seabirds. The lighthouse The main town on the coast here
refuge for seabirds was among the last in Scotland is Thurso, a village of solid stone
to be automated in 1998. In buildings. Once famous for its
! Handa Island summer, a mini-bus serves the locally quarried stone slabs, this
Highland. g from Tarbet, near Scourie, 13-km (8-mile) road leading to industry died with the advent
Apr–Aug, (07780) 967800. n Scottish Cape Wrath. In order to reach of cement. Each September,
Wildlife Trust, (07920) 468572. the bus, you must take the Thurso hosts “Northlands”, the
connecting Cape Wrath Ferry Scottish Nordic Music Festival.
Located just offshore from from the pier by the Cape Wrath John O’Groats is probably
Scourie on the west coast, Hotel, as the cape is cut off by the most famous name on the
this small island is an the Kyle of Durness. At map here, said to be the very
important breeding Durness is Smoo Cave, northerly tip of the mainland,
sanctuary for many an awesome cavern although this is in fact nearby
species of seabirds. hollowed out of Dunnet Head. Apart from a
In past centuries limestone. Smoo quaint harbour where day trips
it was inhabited Innercave Tours leave for Orkney, John O’Groats
by a hardy people, run trips there. Just is a tourist trap. More rewarding
who had their own outside Durness, a are the cliffs at Duncansby Head,
queen and parlia- community of artists where you can enjoy the natural
ment. The last 60 has established the ferocity of the Pentland Firth.
inhabitants were Balnakeil Craft
evacuated in 1847 when Village, displaying g Smoo Innercave Tours
their potato crop failed. A nesting pottery, enamelwork, Durness. Tel (01971) 511704.
The island was also used kittiwake wood carving, print- Open Apr–Oct: daily. &
as a burial ground as it making and paintings. ∑
was safe from the wolves Astonishingly white beaches E Strathnaver Museum
that inhabited the mainland. follow one after the other along Clachan, Bettyhill. Tel (01641)
The island is now managed the coast, and the road then 521418. Open Apr–Oct: Mon–Sat. &
by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. loops round Loch Eriboll – the 7 limited. ∑ strathnavermuseum.
A walk takes visitors to the deepest of the sea lochs and a
100-m- (328-ft-) high northern
cliffs. On the way you are liable
to experience the intimidating
antics of great and Arctic skuas
(large migratory birds) swooping
low over your head. Early in the
year 11,000 pairs of razorbills can
be found on Handa, and 66,000
pairs of guillemots.

The highest waterfall in Britain
is Eas Coul Aulin, at 180 m
(590 ft). It is best seen after
rainfall, from a tour boat based
at Kylesku, 24 km (15 miles) to
the south of Handa. Duncansby Head, Caithness, at the far northeast corner of Scotland

£ Orkney Islands
Beyond the Pentland Firth, less than 10 km (6 miles) off
the Scottish mainland, the Orkney archipelago consists of
some 70 islands and rocky skerries boasting the densest
concentration of archaeological sites in Britain. Today, only
about 16 of these islands are permanently inhabited. Orkney’s
way of life is predominantly agricultural – it’s said that,
whereas the Shetlanders are fishermen with crofts, the
Orcadians are farmers with boats. The climate is tempered by
the Gulf Stream, and the rich soils overlying old red sandstone
produce lush green turf and summer crops of grain.
The delightfully frescoed Italian Chapel, in
Kirkwall West Mainland East Mainland
The winding flagstoned streets Many of the waterfront build-
E Pier Arts Centre
of Orkney’s capital are lined with ings in Stromness, the main
period houses and craft shops. town on Orkney’s largest island, Tel (01856) 850209. Open 10:30am–
5pm Tue–Sat. ∑
Opposite St Magnus Cathedral, date from the 18th and 19th
an 870-year-old masterpiece centuries. Among them, the E Stromness Museum
of red and yellow stone, lie Pier Arts Centre contains Tel (01856) 850025. Open Apr–Oct:
the ruins of the Bishop’s a fine collection of daily; Nov–Mar: Mon–Sat. & 7
Palace, dating mostly 20th-century works. The ∑
from the 16th century. Stromness Museum T Maeshowe
Also nearby, in a former traces Orkney’s history Tel (01856) 761606. Open daily. & 7
manse called Tankerness as a trading port. T Standing Stones of Stenness
House, the excellent West Mainland is and Ring of Brodgar
Orkney Museum renowned for its pre- Open daily. 7
illustrates the history historic sites. Said to
T Skara Brae
of habitation on date from around 2750
Tel (01856) 841815. Open daily. & 7
the islands. South of Orcadian man BC, Maeshowe is a
the town centre, the on a bicycle chambered tomb
Highland Park aligned with the East Mainland
Distillery dispenses a fine dram winter solstice. Vikings East of Kirkwall, the road runs
at the end of its guided tours. plundered it around 1150, through quiet agricultural land
leaving a fascinating legacy over a series of causeways
R St Magnus Cathedral of runic graffiti on the walls. linking the southernmost
Tel (01856) 874894. Open Mon–Fri (daily Nearby are the huge Standing islands to Mainland. The
in summer). 8 ∑ Stones of Stenness and the Churchill Barriers were built by
P Bishop’s Palace Ring of Brodgar, a megalithic Italian prisoners of war during
Tel (01856) 871918. Open Apr–Oct. & henge of 36 stones. The Neo- the 1940s to protect the British
lithic village of Skara Brae fleet stationed in Scapa Flow. In
P Orkney Museum
was discovered when a storm their spare time, these POWs
Tel (01856) 873535. Open Mon–Sat.
stripped dunes from the site also constructed the
 Highland Park Distillery in 1850. Beneath the sands remarkable Italian Chapel,
Tel (01856) 874619. Open Apr & Sep: lay wonderfully preserved whose beautiful frescoed
Mon–Fri; May–Aug: daily; Oct–Mar: evidence of everyday life in interior is well worth seeing.
Mon–Fri pm only. 8 (includes the Stone Age, such as beds, On South Ronaldsay, the
tasting). & 7 fireplaces and shelves. 5,000-year-old Tomb of the
The cliffs of Marwick Eagles was excavated by a
Head, overlooking local farmer. Some 340 burial
Birsay Bay, are one of sites were unearthed at this
several RSPB reserves clifftop location, along with
on West Mainland, stone tools and the talons of
home to thousands of many sea eagles.
nesting seabirds in early
summer. A memorial R Italian Chapel
commemorates Tel (01856) 781268. Open daily
Lord Kitchener and the (Mass: 1st Sun of month, Apr–Sep). 7
crew of HMS Hampshire, T Tomb of the Eagles
sunk off this headland Tel (01856) 831339. Open Mar–Oct;
by a German mine Nov–Feb by appt. & 7 - =
The rich-coloured exterior of St Magnus Cathedral in 1916. ∑

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9


Hoy Centre contains a fascinating VISITORS’ CHECKLIST

Orkney’s second-largest island exhibition on this huge deep-
takes its name from the Norse water naval haven. It recounts Practical Information
word for “high island”, which the events of 16 June 1919, Orkney. * 21,000.
refers to its spectacular cliff- when the captured German n Kirkwall (01856) 872856.
lined terrain. Hoy is very fleet was scuttled on the orders ∑
different from the rest of the of its commanding officer to Transport
archipelago, and its northern prevent handover: 74 ships ~ g from Scrabster or Gill’s Bay
hills make excellent walking and were sunk. Many of these have (Caithness), Aberdeen, Lerwick
birdwatching country. The Old since been salvaged; others (Shetland), and John O’ Groats
Man of Hoy, a 137-m (450-ft) provide one of the world’s great (May–Sep only).
vertical stack off the western wreck-diving sites. Tours from
coast, is the island’s best-known Houton Pier, using a remote-
landmark, a popular challenge controlled vehicle fitted with towered church dedicated to
to keen rock climbers. Near an underwater camera, give his memory is a rare example of
Rackwick, the 5,000-year-old a glimpse of this eerie sub- Irish-Viking design. Sanday is
Dwarfie Stane is a unique aquatic graveyard. the largest of the northern isles,
chambered cairn cut from its fertile farmland fringed by
a single block of stone. n Scapa Flow Visitor Centre sandy beaches. North Ronaldsay,
At Lyness, on the eastern side Tel (01856) 791300. Open Apr: Mon– the northernmost of the Orkney
of Hoy, the Scapa Flow Visitor Fri; May–Oct: Mon–Sat. 7 Islands, is noted for its hardy,
∑ seaweed-eating sheep and
rare migrant birds.
The Northern Isles
Orkney’s outlying islands are Day Trips to Remote Islands
sparsely populated and mostly There are flights from Kirkwall to
the preserve of seals and seabirds. a dozen outlying islands several
They include Rousay, known as times a week, as well as daily
the “Egypt of the North” for ferries. The two-minute hop
its many archaeological sites, between Westray and Papa
and Egilsay, the scene of Westray is the world’s shortest
St Magnus’s grisly murder in scheduled air route. Inter-island
1115. The 12th-century round- transport is weather-dependent.

The Old Man of Hoy, a majestic stone

column off the coast of Hoy Papa
Ronaldsay Hollandstoun

Pierowall The North

Key Sound
Start Point
Major road
Minor road Westray Sanday
Firth Braeswick
Summit Rousay Eday
Egilsay Whitehall
Marwick Head Redland Stronsay Stronsay
Twatt Rothiesholm
Mainland Shapinsay
Skara Brae Balfour Auskerry
Ring of Brodgar Finstown Sandgarth
Standing Stones of Stenness Maeshowe
Ward Hill
481m Sca St Mary's
pa F Copinsay
Old Man of Hoy l ow
Flotta Burray
Lyness Orkney
Hoy St Margaret's Hope

0 kilometres 10 Melsetter
South Ronaldsay
0 miles 10 Pe Burwick Aberdeen
and Firth
Island of Stroma
Dunnet Head Duncansby Head Glasgow

Dunnet John O'Groats

For additional map symbols see back flap

$ Shetland Islands
More than 100 rugged, cliff-hemmed islands form Scotland’s
most northerly domain. Nowhere in Shetland is further than
5 km (3 miles) from the sea. Fishing and salmon farming are
mainstays of the economy, boosted in recent decades by
revenue from the North Sea oil industry. In winter the islands
suffer severe gales and storms, but in high summer, the sun
may shine for as long as 19 hours, and a twilight known as
the “simmer dim” persists throughout the night.

Lerwick T Shetland Museum and Archive

Shetland’s chief town is a pretty Tel (01595) 695057. Open daily. 7
place of grey stone buildings - ∑ The 17th-century Scalloway Castle, Central
and narrow, flagstoned lanes. E Böd of Gremista Mainland
First established by Dutch Tel (01595) 694386. Open May–Sep:
fishermen in the 1600s, it grew Tue–Sat. 7 ∑ shetlandtextile a well-known angling centre.
to become wealthy from the Connected by bridges to Central
whaling trade. The increase in Mainland’s west coast are the
North Sea oil traffic has made Central Mainland islands of Burra and Trondra,
the harbour area very busy. Sheltering Lerwick from the with lovely beaches and walks.
At the heart of the winter gales is Bressay,
town is Commercial an island with fine walks E Scalloway Museum
Street, its northern and views. Boats run Tel (01595) 880734. Open May–Sep:
end guarded by Fort from Ler wick to Noss, daily. ∑
Charlotte, which off Bressay’s east coast. O Noss National Nature Reserve
affords fine views from This nature reserve is Tel (01595) 693345. Open May–Aug:
its battlements. At the home to thousands Tue, Wed, Fri–Sun. &
Shetland Museum The fortified tower of of breeding seabirds,
and Archive, on Hay’s Mousa Broch including gannets and
Dock, you can admire a great skuas (or bonxies). South Mainland
fine collection of historic West of Lerwick is the quiet This area offers two important
boats, archaeological finds fishing port of Scalloway, archaeological sights. The ornate
and Shetland textiles tracing Shetland’s second town and the Mousa Broch, on an easterly
the islands’ history. islands’ former capital. Scalloway islet reached by a summer ferry,
On Lerwick’s outskirts lie the Castle is a fortified tower dating is the best example of this type
Clickminin Broch, a prehistoric from 1600, while the Scalloway of ancient fortified tower in
fort dating from around 700 BC, Museum contains an exhibition Britain. The dry-stone walls
and the 18th-century Böd of on the “Shetland Bus”, a wartime make ideal nestboxes for
Gremista, birthplace of Arthur resistance operation that used a colony of storm petrels.
Anderson, co-founder of the fishing boats to bring refugees Jarlshof, in the far south, spans
P&O shipping company. from German-occupied Norway. over 3,000 years of occupation
The building now houses North of Scalloway, near Weisdale, from Neolithic to Viking times.
a maritime museum. the fertile region of Tingwall is The impressive cliffs and
lighthouse (an RSPB centre) at
Sumburgh Head are also worth
visiting. The island of St Ninian’s
is linked to South Mainland by a
causeway of dazzling silver sand.

T Mousa Broch
Tel (01856) 841815. Open Apr–Sep.
& included in boat fare.

T Jarlshof Prehistoric and

Norse Settlement
Tel (01950) 460112. Open daily. &
7 limited. 8 by request.

O Sumburgh Head Lighthouse

Tel (01595) 694688. Open Apr–Sep:
Early evening lights over Lerwick Harbour daily. ∑

For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9



National Nature Reserve
0 km
Unst Practical Information
15 Baltasound
Cullivoe Shetland. * 23,000. n Lerwick
0 miles 15
Sellafirth Belmont (01595) 693434. _ Up Helly Aa
Isbister Fetlar (Jan). ∑
Ronas Hill Houbie
454m Yell Transport
Esha Ness Ulsta ~ g from Aberdeen and
Out Skerries
Stromness on Mainland Orkney.
Muckle Roe Vidlin
Papa Stour Voe Symbister
Garth or the snowy owl. Unst has the
Walls Mainland most varied scenery and the
Easter Skeld Lerwick richest flora and fauna, plus an
Foula Scalloway Noss excellent visitor centre at the
Ham Bressay
West Burra Hermaness National Nature
Sandwick Mousa Broch Reserve. Beyond the lighthouse
of Muckle Flugga is Out Stack,
Shetland Britain’s most northerly point.
Jarlshof Sumburgh Islands West of Mainland, Foula has
dramatic sea cliffs, while Fair
Isle, midway between Orkney
and Shetland, is owned by the
North National Trust for Scotland.
Sea Aberdeen
O Hermaness National Nature
Edinburgh Reserve
Glasgow Tel (01595) 693345. Open daily
Fair Isle (Visitor Centre: Apr–Sep).

Day Trips to Remote Islands

Key spectacular natural scenery, There are regular, inexpensive
Minor road
notably the red granite cliffs and internal flights in Shetland to
blow-holes at Esha Ness, from Fair Isle, Foula and Papa Stour, as
where you can see the wave- well as lots of inter-island ferries.
gnawed stacks of The Drongs Most routes depart from Tingwall,
and a huge rock arch called on Central Mainland.
Dore Holm. Offshore, the island
North Mainland of Papa Stour has further startling
North of Lerwick, Shetland rises formations of volcanic rock.
to its highest point at Ronas Hill
(454 m/1,475 ft) amid tracts of Outlying Islands
bleak, empty moorland. The The northern isles of Yell, Fetlar
sheltered sea loch of Sullom and Unst have regular, though
Voe is dominated by the jetties weather-dependent, boat
and support buildings of connections to Mainland. Yell
Europe’s biggest oil and gas has a large otter population,
terminal. The west coast has and on Fetlar there’s a chance of
glimpsing rare migrant birds, An inquisitive otter, one of a large
like the red-necked phalarope population on the island of Yell

Birds on Orkney and Shetland

Millions of migrant and local birds can be
admired on these islands. Over 20 species
of seabirds regularly breed here, and over
340 different species have been recorded
passing through Fair Isle, one of the world’s
great staging posts. Inaccessible cliffs provide Puffin
excellent security at vulnerable nesting times for
huge colonies of gannets, guillemots, puffins,
kittiwakes, fulmars and razorbills. Species found here but in very few
other UK locations include great skuas and storm petrels.
The red granite cliffs of Esha Ness,
North Mainland
For additional map symbols see back flap

% Western Isles
Western Scotland ends with this remote chain of islands, made
of some of the oldest rock on earth. Barren landscapes are
divided by countless waterways, while the western, windward
coasts are edged by white sandy beaches. For centuries, the
eastern shores, composed largely of peat bogs, have provided
islanders with fuel. Man has been here for 6,000 years, living The interior of a croft house at The
off the sea and the thin turf, though abandoned monuments, Blackhouse
including a Norwegian whaling station on Harris, attest to the
difficulties faced in commercializing traditional local skills. The Uists and Benbecula
After the dramatic scenery of
Gaelic, part of an enduring culture, is widely spoken, and Harris, the lower-lying, largely
most signs are in both English and Gaelic. waterlogged southern isles may
seem an anticlimax, though
they nurture secrets well worth
discovering. Long, white, sandy
beaches fringe the Atlantic
coast, edged with one of
Scotland’s natural treasures: the
lime-rich soil known as machair.
During the summer months, the
soil is covered with wild flowers,
the unique fragrance of which
can be detected far out to sea.
From Lochmaddy, North Uist’s
The monumental Standing Stones of Callanish in northern Lewis main village, the A867 crosses
5 km (3 miles) of causeway to
Lewis and Harris tourist office provides addresses Benbecula, the isle from which
Forming the largest landmass for local weavers of the tough the brave Flora MacDonald
of the Western Isles, Lewis and Harris Tweed. Some weavers smuggled Bonnie Prince Charlie
Harris are a single island, though still use indigenous plants to to Skye (see p157). Benbecula is a
Gaelic dialects differ between create the various dyes. From flat island covered by a mosaic of
the two areas. From the Leverburgh, on Harris’s southern small lochs. Like its neighbours, it
administrative centre of tip, a ferry sails to North Uist, is known for good trout fishing.
Stornoway, with its bustling linked by a causeway to Berneray. Here, and to the north, the
harbour and colourful house Protestant religion holds sway,
fronts, the ancient Standing E The Blackhouse while Catholicism prevails in the
Stones of Callanish are only Arnol. Tel (01851) 710395. Open Apr– southern islands. Benbecula’s
26 km (16 miles) to the west. Sep: Mon–Sat; Oct–Mar: Mon, Tue & chief source of employment is
Just off the road on the way to Thu–Sat. & 8 the Army Rocket Range, which
Callanish are the cone-shaped
ruins of Carloway Broch, a
Pictish (see p45) tower over
2,000 years old. The more recent
past can be explored at Arnol’s
Blackhouse – a showcase
of crofting life as it was until
50 years ago.
South of the rolling peat
moors of Lewis, a range of
mountains marks the border
with Harris, which is entered by
passing Aline Lodge at the head
of Loch Seaforth. The mountains
of Harris are a paradise for hill
walkers. From their summits
on a clear day, the distant isle
of St Kilda can be seen 80 km
(50 miles) to the west.
The ferry port of Tarbert stands
on a slim isthmus separating
North and South Harris. The The harbour at Stornoway, the principal town on Lewis and Harris
For hotels and restaurants see pp176–7 and pp187–9

has its headquarters in the main VISITORS’ CHECKLIST

village of Bailivanich. Another
causeway leads to South Uist, Practical Information
with its golden beaches, which Western Isles. * 28,000. n 26
are renowned as a National Cromwell St, Stornoway (01851)
Scenic Area. 703088. ∑
Eriskay ~ Stornoway, Benbecula, Barra.
One of the smallest and most g from Uig (Skye), Oban, Mallaig,
enchanting of the Western Isles, Kyle of Lochalsh and Ullapool.
Eriskay epitomizes their peace
and beauty. The island is best
known for the wrecking of the that separate subspecies of
SS Politician in 1941, which mouse and wren have evolved.
inspired the book and film Tours are run by Westernedge
Whisky Galore. A bottle from its St Kildan men with their catch of seabirds Charters and Island Cruising.
cargo and other relics can be Volunteers can also pay to join
seen in Eriskay’s only bar. It was St Kilda summer work parties on the
at the beautiful beach of Coilleag These “Islands on the Edge of the island, run by the National Trust
A’Phrionnsa (Prince’s beach) that World” were the most isolated for Scotland, owners of the
Bonnie Prince Charlie first set habitation in Scotland until the St Kilda World Heritage Site.
foot on Scotland at the start of ageing population requested to
his 1745 campaign. As a result, a be evacuated in 1930. The St g Island Cruising
rare convolvulus flower that Kildans developed a unique life- 1 Erista, Uig, Isle of Lewis. Tel (01851)
grows here has become style based on harvesting sea- 672381. ∑
associated with him. birds. The largest gannetry in the g Westernedge Charters
world (40,000 pairs) is now found Isle of Lewis. Tel (01851) 705965.
here. There are three islands and ∑
three stacks of awesome beauty,
each with soaring cliffs rising } St Kilda World Heritage Site
sheer to 425 m (1,400 ft) at their Tel (0844) 493 2402. «
highest. Such is their isolation ∑

Blue waters off the coast of Barra, looking

east to the Isle of Rum Crofts are small parcels of agricultural land, worked in conjunction
with another source of income as they are too small to provide total
Barra subsistence. They originated in the early 1800s when landlords made
The dramatic way to arrive on available units of poor land on the coast, clearing the people from
Barra is by plane – the airstrip the more fertile areas, and making them dependent on wages from
is a beach and the timetable either fishing or collecting kelp (seaweed used to make commercial
depends on the tide. Barra is alkali). When these sources of income diminished, crofters endured
a pretty island, with its central over 50 years of extreme hardship through famine, high rents,
core of hills and circular road. eviction and lack of security. Not until 1886 was an Act passed which
gave crofters security and allowed families the right of inheritance
The western side is almost all
(but not ownership). Today there are 17,000 registered crofts, almost
beaches. Over 1,000 species of all in the Highlands and islands. Governed by special regulations
flowers have been recorded. prohibiting the creation of new crofts, the crofters are eligible for
The view over Castlebay from special grants. Most crofters raise sheep, but recent trends are tree
the Madonna and Child statue, planting and providing habitats for rare birds. Crofting remains a vital
on the top of Heaval hill, is part of Highland communities.
particularly fine. The romantic
Kisimul Castle, set on an island,
is the 15th seat of the Clan
MacNeil. It is currently being
restored. Other attractions are
the Barra Heritage Centre and
also a golf course.

+ Kisimul Castle
Tel (01871) 810313. Open Apr–Sep:
daily. & includes boat trip.
n Barra Heritage Centre
Tel (01871) 810413. Open May–Sep: A traditional, thatched crofter’s house on the island of North Uist
Mon–Sat. 7 ∑

Where to Stay 170–177

Where to Eat and Drink 178–189
Special Interests and
Outdoor Activities 190–203

The range of hotels and other accommodation growing in popularity in Scotland. This type
available in Scotland is extensive, and it is of accommodation is particularly well suited
easy to find something to suit every budget. to those on a tight budget or families with
Different types of accommodation are young children. Campsites, from basic tent
described below, and the hotel listings on pitches to yurts and other more comfortable
pages 172–7 include some of the best places “glamping” options, provide a reasonably
to stay, from luxurious country house hotels priced alternative to hotels and guesthouses.
and castles to cosy bed and breakfasts (B&Bs). Booking online is usually the way to get the
This selection represents both excellence and cheapest price. Alternatively, phone and ask
good value. Self-catering holidays are also if there are any special rates available.

during the summer Inns

months and particularly Coaching inns can be found
in Edinburgh during the throughout Scotland. These
festival period in August former staging points for
(where it’s best to book people journeying by horse
at least a year ahead) and carriage allowed horses
and around Christmas to rest and travellers to find
and New Year. Some lodging. Generally attractive
hotels require a non- historic buildings, inns are often
refundable deposit. For the town’s focal point. They
a small fee, staff nearly always have traditional
Monachyle MHOR Hotel room, Balquhidder (see p175) at VisitScotland decor and are primarily
Information Centres restaurants with just a few
Hotel Classifications will book a room at your rooms rather than hotels. Inns
The Quality Assurance Scheme onward destinations serve some of the best regional,
run by VisitScotland is a useful as part of the “Book A Bed home-cooked food and offer
guide when choosing holiday Ahead“ service. If you’ve arrived lodging in an informal, friendly
accommodation and covers in town without a booking, staff atmosphere. Many rank among
hotels, B&Bs and self-catering at tourist offices can help find the top restaurants in Scotland.
options. A grade from “accept- rooms at short notice.
able” to “exceptional” is awarded
along with a classification of Bed and Breakfast and
stars from one to five, indicating Country House Hotels Guesthouses
the facilities available. A genuine country house hotel For inexpensive accommodation
is situated in extensive grounds and a chance to meet the local
and filled with antiques and fine people, B&Bs are ideal. Often
Prices and Hidden Extras furnishing. However, the term family-owned, they are basic,
Hotel rates are normally quoted “country house hotel” has been no-frills establishments with
per room and include VAT and adopted liberally by hoteliers, a generous cooked breakfast
service charge. Top of the range some of whom consider gas included in the price.
hotels can cost over £200 per log-fires and reproduction B&Bs dominate the lower
night and an average hotel in furniture sufficient to warrant price range, and in the remote
Edinburgh or Glasgow, about the title. However, they will all areas of Scotland can be the
£75–150 per night. Outside offer a very comfortable, only form of accommodation.
the main cities, expect to pay luxurious experience. The buildings are often cosy
£60–100 for a similar standard, farmhouses with homely decor,
or £30–60 for a B&B. High rates and guests are likely to receive a
are charged for telephone calls Castles more personal welcome than
made from the room, so buy Converted castles offer visitors they would at the larger hotels.
a phonecard or use your mobile. the chance to live and dine Guesthouses also offer
like a lord in magnificent reasonably priced, basic accom-
buildings, the former homes of modation. They tend to be a
Booking lairds or nobles. The atmosphere little more expensive than B&Bs
Booking online has become the is intimate yet refined, with fine- and contain a number of
best way to snag a deal across dining restaurants and well- bedrooms, as well as a
most types of accommodation. stocked wine cellars. Room tariffs communal dining area.
Booking ahead is always are high, but the level of comfort In more remote areas, B&Bs
recommended, especially and luxury is unparalleled. and guesthouses may offer
Brightly painted houses at Tobermory’s harbour on the Isle of Mull
W H E R E TO S TAY  171

evening meals that can be

pre-booked. The VisitScotland
website lists over 1,500 B&Bs
and guesthouses. Many
options are also listed on

Scotland offers a wide choice of
hotels for all budgets, ranging
from inexpensive no-frills places A traditional croft cottage, one of many self-catering properties in Scotland
and characterful historic venues
to plush boutique and five-star (SYHA). Most have single-sex DIRECTORY
options with luxury spas and a dormitories, but occasionally
range of restaurants. there are separate rooms for Tourist Information
families. You must be a member Centre
of the SYHA to stay, but anyone VisitScotland
Self-Catering can join upon arrival. Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean
The freedom of self-catering Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JH.
accommodation may appeal Tel 0845 859 1006
to those who are planning an Recommended Hotels
extended stay or who require The accommodation choices
maximum flexibility, such as on the following pages cover a Camping and
families travelling with young range of options from gypsy Caravanning
children. This is also often a caravans and cosy inns to
Camping and
more cost-effective accom- relaxed B&Bs; from sleek Caravanning Club
modation option. There are boutique hotels to luxurious Tel 0845 130 7631
many self-catering places over country houses and grand five- ∑ campingandcaravanning
Scotland, from luxury apart- star resorts. The hotels are
ments in the centre of cities to based on two main criteria –
cottages with views of the coast. quality and value for money, Caravan Club
Tel 01342 326 944
irrespective of the price bracket.
The places to stay that come
Camping and particularly highly recommended
Caravanning Youth
are highlighted as DK Choice. Hostels
A choice of campsites and cara- They may be set in a historic
van parks, normally open from landmark building, offer Scottish Youth Hostels
Easter to October, can be found splendid views in a memorable Association (SYHA)
throughout the country. Two location, or have exceptional Tel 01786 891 400
organizations, the Caravan character, amenities and service, ∑
Club and the Camping and or a combination of these.
Caravanning Club, publish
guides listing their parks, and
it may be useful for those
with motor homes to become
members. A typical camping
or caravan site costs £8–15 per
night. “Glamping”, camping with
a few home comforts, has taken
off in the UK. Many campsites
have yurts or pods that will
accommodate a family for about
£40 per night – a great way to
camp without bringing all of the
equipment. Parks fill up quickly
during the summer so it is
advisable to book ahead.

Youth Hostels
There are around 80 hostels in
Scotland, owned by the Scottish
Youth Hostels Association Invercoe campsite in Glencoe offering wonderful views

Where to Stay
NEW TOWN: The George ££ Price Guide
Edinburgh Luxury Map D4 Prices are for a standard double room
per night in high season, inclusive of all
19-21 George Street, EH2 2PB
taxes and service charges.
NEW TOWN: St. Bernards Tel 0131 225 1251
House £ ∑ £ under £100
Guesthouse Map D4 Delightful, long-established hotel ££ £100–£200
£££ over £200
22 St Bernard‘s Crescent, EH4 1NS with high standards. It is a popular
Tel 0131 332 2339 venue for conferences.
∑ NEW TOWN: The Chester
This two-star guesthouse with NEW TOWN: Gerald’s Place ££ Residence £££
some en suite rooms is set in a B&B Map D4 Self-catering Map D4
charming Victorian town house. 21B Abercromby Place, EH3 6QE 9 Rothesay Place, EH3 7SL
Tel 0131 558 7017 Tel 0131 226 2075
NEW TOWN: Tune Hotel £ ∑ ∑
Budget Map D4 A centrally located B&B, Gerald’s Plush, spacious apartments have
7 Clifton Terrace, EH12 5DR Place has just two rooms and a designer kitchens in this grand
Tel 0131 347 9700 welcoming, friendly owner. Georgian town house.
haymarket-edinburgh NEW TOWN: Hotel Indigo ££ NEW TOWN: Tigerlily £££
Excellent value is offered at this Boutique Map D4 Boutique Map D4
stylish option in the West End, but 51–59 York Place, EH1 3JD 125 George Street,EH2 4JN
there are charges for some extras Tel 0131 556 5577 Tel 0131 225 5005
such as toiletries and Wi-Fi. ∑ ∑
This chic hotel has well-furnished, Award-winning hotel with individ-
NEW TOWN: The Bonham ££ contemporary rooms and superb ually styled rooms. Great restaurant.
Boutique Map D4 luxury suites.
35 Drumsheugh Gardens, EH3 7RN OLD TOWN: The Bank Hotel ££
Tel 0131 226 6050 NEW TOWN: Nira Caledonia ££ Character Map D4
∑ Boutique Map D4 1 South Bridge, EH1 1LL
thebonham 10 Gloucester Place, EH3 6EF Tel 0131 556 9940
The Bonham offers individually Tel 0131 225 2720 ∑
designed rooms in contemporary, ∑ This comfortable hotel located
bold colours. There’s an excellent Housed in a row of town houses, on the Royal Mile was originally
restaurant with a superb wine list. Nira Caledonia offers modern built as a bank in 1923. No lift.
comforts such as iPod docks
NEW TOWN: Channings Hotel ££ OLD TOWN: Classic Guest
Character Map D4 NEW TOWN: The Roxburghe ££ House ££
12–16 South Learmonth Gardens, Historic Map D4 Guesthouse Map D4
EH4 1EZ 38 Charlotte Square, EH2 4HQ 50 Mayfield Road, EH9 2NH
Tel 0131 315 2226 Tel 0871 423 4896 Tel 0131 667 5847
∑ ∑ ∑
Set in converted Edwardian town A spa and indoor pool are among Elegant Victorian house with
houses, this smart hotel features the facilities at this Georgian hotel. comfortably furnished rooms.
rooms with elegant furnishings There’s an acclaimed restaurant.
and views over private gardens. OLD TOWN: The Macdonald
NEW TOWN: The Balmoral £££ Holyrood Hotel ££
NEW TOWN: Crowne Plaza Luxury Map D4 Luxury Map D4
Edinburgh ££ 1 Princes Street, EH2 2EQ 81 Holyrood Road, EH8 8AU
Historic Map D4 Tel 0131 556 2414 Tel 0844 879 9028
18 Royal Terrace, EH7 5AQ ∑ ∑
Tel 0131 557 3222 This international five-star retreat A conveniently located hotel with
∑ has a graceful façade and palatial chic rooms and a luxury spa.
Behind Calton Hill, this classy hotel interiors. Champagne bar on site.
has comfortable guest rooms and OLD TOWN: Ten Hill Place ££
terraced private gardens. Historic Map D4
DK Choice 10 Hill Place, EH8 9DS
NEW TOWN: Tel 0131 662 2080
The Caledonian £££ ∑
Luxury Map D4 Stylish hotel with sweeping views
Princes Street, EH1 2AB of Arthur’s Seat from its top floor.
Tel 0131 222 8888
∑ OLD TOWN: G&V Royal Mile £££
Built in 1903, The Caledonian Luxury Map D4
is a historic city landmark. 1 George IV Bridge, EH1 1AD
Spectacularly reinvented in Tel 0131 220 6666
2012, the hotel boasts stylish ∑
rooms, a first-class brasserie and A favourite with both locals and
a fine-dining restaurant. Relax in visiting celebrities. Rooms feature
Handsomely furnished room with classic the sublime Guerlain Spa. mod cons such as Nespresso
decor at The Caledonian, Edinburgh machines and iPod docks.
W H E R E TO S TAY  173

OLD TOWN: The Knight

Residence £££
Self-catering Map D4
12 Lauriston Street, EH3 9DJ
Tel 0131 622 8120
These excellent, award-winning
one-, two- and three-bedroom
serviced apartments are in a
superb central location.

OLD TOWN: The Scotsman £££

Luxury Map D4
20 North Bridge, EH1 1TR, UK
Tel 0131 556 5565
Housed in the historic Scotsman Four-poster bed in Dalhousie Castle Hotel, just outside of Edinburgh
newspaper building, this hotel has
original Italian marble interiors. FURTHER AFIELD: Duck’s at FURTHER AFIELD: The Sun Inn ££
Kilspindie House ££ Inn Map D4
OLD TOWN: The Sheraton Inn Map E4 Lothianbridge, Dalkeith, EH22 4TR
Grand Hotel & Spa £££ Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0RE Tel 0131 663 2456
Luxury Map D4 Tel 01875 870 682 ∑
1 Festival Square, EH3 9SR ∑ On the fringes of the city, this cosy
Tel 0131 229 9131 This simple hotel has comfortable inn has an award-winning pub.
∑ rooms and an excellent restaurant.
As well as superb guest rooms FURTHER AFIELD: Dalhousie
and good business facilities, this FURTHER AFIELD: Forth Castle Hotel £££
hotel has a world-class One Spa. Reflections ££ Country house Map D4
Self-catering Map D4 Bonnyrigg, EH19 3JB
FURTHER AFIELD: Blinkbonny 5 Stoneycroft Rd, South Queensferry, Tel 01875 820 153
House £ EH30 9HX ∑
B&B Map D4 Tel 0131 319 1118 Indulge in highland luxury at this
23 Blinkbonny Gardens, EH4 3HG ∑ lovely castle retreat.
Tel 0131 467 1232 Enjoy magnificent sea views at
∑ this two-bedroom stone retreat.
In a charming 1930s bungalow,
this small, family-run B&B has FURTHER AFIELD: Ivy Guest Southern Scotland
cosy but stylish furnishings and House ££
great home-cooked breakfasts. Guesthouse Map D4 ABINGTON: Abington Hotel £
7 Mayfield Gardens, EH9 2AX Family-friendly Map D5
FURTHER AFIELD: Dakota £ Tel 0131 667 3411 78 Carlisle Rd, By Biggar, ML12 6SD
Boutique Map D4 ∑ Tel 01864 502 467
Ferrymuir Retail Park, Comfortable town house with ∑
South Queensferry, EH30 9QZ private parking. Self-catering In a former coaching inn, this
Tel 0131 319 3690 apartments are also available. characterful, welcoming hotel
∑ has an attractive rural setting.
Near the Forth Bridge, this sleek, FURTHER AFIELD: Kew House ££
ultra-modern hotel has an Guesthouse Map D4 AYR: 26 The Crescent £
acclaimed bar and restaurant. 1 Kew Terrace, EH12 5JE B&B Map C5
Tel 0131 313 0700 26 Bellevue Crescent, KA7 2DR
FURTHER AFIELD: ∑ Tel 01292 287 329
Fraoch House £ A historic villa has been converted ∑
Guesthouse Map D4 into a stylish, modern guesthouse. Five-star B&B featuring flat-screen
66 Pilrig Street, EH6 5AS TVs, posh toiletries and bathrobes.
Tel 0131 554 1353 FURTHER AFIELD: Macdonald
∑ Marine Hotel & Spa ££ GRETNA: Gretna Chase Hotel ££
The contemporary furnishings at Luxury Map E4 Historic Map D5
this lovely Victorian town house Cromwell Rd, North Berwick, EH39 4LZ Sark Bridge, Dumfriesshire, DG16 5JB
give a clean and vibrant modern Tel 0844 879 9130 Tel 01461 337 517
look to the rooms. Enjoy delicious ∑ ∑
home-cooked Scottish breakfasts. Rooms offer superb coastal views Housed in a 19th-century build-
at this refurbished 19th-century ing, this hotel has spacious rooms.
FURTHER AFIELD: Redcraig hotel. It has a luxurious spa.
Bed & Breakfast £ KELSO: Edenwater House ££
B&B Map D4 FURTHER AFIELD: Orocco Pier ££ B&B Map E5
Morton, Mid Calder, EH53 0JT Boutique Map D4 Ednam, Scottish Borders, TD5 7QL
Tel 01506 884 249 17 High Street, South Queensferry, Tel 01573 224 070
∑ EH30 9PP ∑
A good base for countryside Tel 0870 118 1664 This rural retreat is renowned for
excursions, this friendly B&B has ∑ its restaurant. It has three
tasteful rooms. It serves Scottish This stylish small hotel is housed bedrooms and a self-catering
and vegetarian breakfasts. in a characterful old inn. apartment. There’s a lovely garden.
For more information on types of hotels see pages 170–71

KELSO: Roxburghe Hotel £££ CITY CENTRE: The Brunswick £

Country house Map E5 Guesthouse Map D4
Roxburghshire, TD5 8JZ 106–108 Brunswick St, G1 1TF
Tel 01573 450 331 Tel 0141 552 0001
∑ ∑
Stately country house with first- This contemporary hotel offers
rate facilities. There is a spa, a golf compact but comfortable rooms.
course and a trout loch.
CITY CENTRE: Grand Central
MELROSE: Burts Hotel ££ Hotel £
Budget Map E5 Historic Map D4
Market Square, TD6 9PN 99 Gordon Street, G1 3SF
Tel 01896 822 285 Tel 0141 240 3700
∑ Beautiful garden setting of the Cringletie ∑
In a listed building, this traditional, House, Peebles A much-loved city icon, Grand
family-run hotel has a popular bar Central is a superb four-star hotel
and restaurant on site. SANQUHAR: The Station with original Victorian features.
Master's House ££
MELROSE: Roulotte Retreat ££ Self-catering Map D5 CITY CENTRE: Hotel Indigo £
Character Map E5 Station Road, DG4 6BT Boutique Map D4
Bowden Mill House, TD6 OSU Tel 0797 398 9831 75 Waterloo Street, G2 7DA
Tel 0845 094 9729 ∑ Tel 0141 226 7700
∑ In a renovated 1850 building, this ∑
Beautiful gypsy caravans in an three-bedroom house has a large Hotel Indigo has stylish, modern
idyllic lochside setting. Limited kitchen and cosy living room. rooms and a trendy bar and grill.
accommodation for children.
STRANRAER: Balyett B&B £ CITY CENTRE: Radisson Blu
PEEBLES: Macdonald Cardrona B&B Map C6 Hotel Glasgow £
Hotel, Golf & Spa £ Cairnryan Road, DG9 8QL Luxury Map D4
Luxury Map D5 Tel 01776 703 395 301 Argyle Street, G2 8DL
Cardrona, EH45 8NE ∑ Tel 141 204 3333
Tel 0844 879 9024 This Victorian B&B offers tastefully ∑
∑ decorated rooms with sea views This ultra-modern design hotel
Spacious rooms, a spa, first-class and a picturesque garden. has elegant rooms and a pool
restaurant and 18-hole golf course and gym in the basement.
make this a perfect country retreat. TURNBERRY: Turnberry
Resort £££ CITY CENTRE: Blythswood
Luxury Map C5 Square ££
DK Choice Ayrshire, KA26 9LT Luxury Map D4
PEEBLES: Cringletie House ££ Tel 01655 331 000 11 Blythswood Square, G2 4AD
Country house Map D5 ∑ Tel 0141 248 8888
Edinburgh Road, EH45 8PL Plush rooms and self-catering ∑
Tel 01721 725 750 lodges are offered at this resort. blythswoodsquare
∑ Housed in a spectacular old
Set in beautiful private grounds, YARROW: Tibbie Shiels Inn £ building, this hotel and spa
Cringletie House boasts trad- Inn Map D5 boasts designer interiors.
itional and deluxe rooms with St Marys Loch, Selkirk, TD7 5LH
modern amenities such as flat- Tel 01750 42231 CITY CENTRE: Grasshoppers ££
screen TVs and free Wi-Fi. The ∑ Inn Map D4
award-winning restaurant offers On the shores of St Marys Loch, 87 Union Street, G1 3TA
a fabulous eight-course tasting this charming hotel is popular Tel 0141 222 2666
menu with fine wines to match. with walkers and cyclists. ∑
Right next to Central Station, this
modern hotel offers rooms with
PEEBLES: Horseshoe Inn ££ flat-screen TVs and power showers.
Inn Map D5 Glasgow
Eddleston, Peebles, EH45 8QP CITY CENTRE: Malmaison ££
Tel 01721 722 640 CITY CENTRE: Alison Character Map D4
∑ Guesthouse £ 278 West George Street, G2 4LL
This restaurant with rooms, on Historic Map D4 Tel 08446 930 653
the road between Edinburgh and 26 Circus Drive, G31 2JH ∑
Peebles, features fluffy robes and Tel 0141 556 1431 glasgow
designer toiletries. ∑ In a former church, this boutique
This lovely Victorian house retains hotel has bright interiors.
PORTPATRICK: Knockinaam many of its original features.
Lodge £££ WEST END: Kirklee Hotel £
Country house Map C6 CITY CENTRE: The Art House £ Character Map D4
Dumfries and Galloway, DG9 9AD Luxury Map D4 11 Kensington Gate, G12 9LG
Tel 01776 810 471 129 Bath Street, G2 2SZ Tel 0141 334 5555
∑ Tel 0141 221 6789 ∑
Enjoy the idyllic seaside location ∑ Set in a red sandstone Edwardian
and savour first-rate cuisine at this Grand historic hotel with modern town house, Kirklee has antique
luxurious hotel. rooms and an old-fashioned lift. furniture and period features.
For key to prices see page 172
W H E R E TO S TAY  175

BUTE: Munro’s £ LOCH LOMOND: Cameron

DK Choice B&B Map C4 House £££
WEST END: Hotel du Vin ££ 17 Ardmory Road, Rothesay, PA20 0PG Country house Map C4
Luxury Map D4 Tel 01700 502 346 Alexandria, G83 8QZ
1 Devonshire Gardens, G12 0UX ∑ Tel 0871 222 4681
Tel 08447 364 256 The friendly couple who run this ∑
∑ cosy B&B give useful advice about This sumptuous hotel boasts a
glasgow the area. Delicious breakfasts. spa, a private 18-hole golf course,
Housed in a quintet of Victorian a Michelin-starred restaurant and
town houses, the stunning Hotel CALLANDER: Roman Camp splendid loch views. Arrive in
du Vin is Glasgow’s most famous Country House & Restaurant ££ style by seaplane.
hotel. The emphasis throughout Country house Map D4
is on opulent luxury, from the Off Main Street, FK17 8BG METHVEN: Cloag Farm £
spacious and unique rooms to Tel 01877 330 003 Self-catering Map D4
the fantastic whisky bar and ∑ Cloag Farm, PH1 3RR
restaurant. Impeccable service. Luxury manor house located in Tel 01738 840 239
The Trossachs National Park. ∑
A great base for exploring Perth
FURTHER AFIELD: Dakota Hotel £ CUPAR: The Peat Inn £££ and the area, this farm is excellent
Luxury Map D4 Country house Map D4 value and has three cosy cottages.
1–3 Parklands Avenue, Eurocentral Fife, near St Andrews, KY15 5LH
Business Park, Motherwell, ML1 4WQ Tel 01334 840 206 PERTH: Parklands £££
Tel 01698 835 444 ∑ Character Map D4
∑ Cosy country inn with elegantly 2 St Leonard’s Bank, PH2 8EB
A chic hotel with stylish rooms. decorated luxury suites and a Tel 01738 622 451
The elegant bar and grill serves fine Michelin-starred restaurant. ∑
delicious food. With beautiful gardens and
DUNBLANE: DoubleTree by access to a park, this comfortable
Hilton Dunblane Hydro ££ hotel has a fine-dining restaurant,
Luxury Map D4 as well as a more informal bistro.
Central Scotland Perth Road, FK15 OHG
Tel 01786 822 551 PORTAVADIE: Portavadie
∑ Marina £
DK Choice This historic spa hotel has beautiful Luxury Map C4
ARRAN: Auchrannie Resort ££ interiors and impressive grounds. Loch Fyne, Argyll, PA21 2DA
Resort Map C5 Tel 01700 811 075
Auchrannie Rd, Brodick, KA27 8BZ DUNDEE: Apex Dundee City ∑
Tel 01770 302 234 Quay Hotel & Spa £ A glitzy waterfront complex,
∑ Luxury Map D4 Portavadie Marina has apart-
Whether it’s families, groups or 1 West Victoria Dock Road, DD1 3JP ments with their own saunas,
couples on their honeymoon, Tel 0845 365 0000 cosy cottages and hotel rooms.
Auchrannie Resort has some- ∑
thing for everyone. Set in a All modern facilities are offered at ST ANDREWS: Old Course
dramatic location overlooking this elegant waterfront hotel with Hotel £££
the Arran Hills, it is equipped amazing views of the River Tay. Luxury Map E4
with leisure facilities such as a Kingdom of Fife, KY16 9SP
spa and indoor swimming KILFINAN: Kilfinan House £££ Tel 01334 474 371
pools as well as a play barn Self-catering Map C4 ∑
for children. Argyll, PA21 2BE One of Europe’s top resort hotels,
Tel 01381 610 496 this sumptuous establishment
∑ overlooks the famous golf course.
AUCHTERARDER: Designed as a holiday home, this Book an Old Course room for a
The Gleneagles Hotel £££ retreat offers tastefully furnished, view of the range and the
Luxury Map D4 individually styled rooms. Scottish coastline.
Perthshire, PH3 1NF
Tel 01764 662 231
This palatial retreat has an
excellent spa, a championship
golf course and two Michelin-
starred restaurants.

MHOR Hotel ££
Luxury Map C4
Lochearnhead, Perthshire, FK19 8PQ
Tel 01877 384 622
Reached via a testing single-track
lane, this family-run hotel has
14 cosy rooms. The excellent
restaurant sources produce from
the farm and kitchen garden. Elegant executive room in Auchrannie Resort, Arran
For more information on types of hotels see pages 170–71

STANLEY: Ballathie House ££ ARDEONAIG: Ardeonaig COLL: The Coll Hotel ££

Country house Map D4 Hotel & Restaurant ££ Guesthouse Map B3
Kinclaven, Perthshire, PH1 4QN Luxury Map D3 Ariangour, Isle of Coll, PA78 6SZ
Tel 01250 883 268 South Loch Tay Side, near Killin, FK21 8SU Tel 01879 230 334
∑ Tel 01567 820 400 ∑
On the River Tay, this grand hotel ∑ In a lovely garden overlooking
has its own private estate. Dating to the 16th century, this the bay, this family-run hotel has
Excellent restaurant and bar. historic inn has comfortable rooms a superb seafood restaurant.
and sumptuous cottage suites.
STIRLING: The Stirling Highland CRINAN: Crinan Hotel ££
Hotel ££ ARDUAINE: Loch Luxury Map C4
Historic Map D4 Melfort Hotel £££ Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8SR
Spittal Street, Stirlingshire, FK8 1DU Country house Map C4 Tel 01546 830 261
Tel 01786 272 727 By Oban, Argyll, PA34 4XG ∑
∑ Tel 01852 200 233 The tasteful rooms, some with
stirling-highland-hotel ∑ balconies, have panoramic views.
A short walk from the landmark Set in large gardens, this hotel has
castle, this hotel dating to 1854 views of the majestic west coast. DINNET: Loch Kinord Hotel ££
has its own working obervatory. Self-catering Map E3
ARISAIG: The Old Library Ballater Road, Royal Deeside, AB34 5JY
STRACHUR: The Creggans Inn ££ Lodge & Restaurant ££ Tel 01339 885 229
Inn Map C4 B&B Map B3 ∑
Argyll, PA27 8BX Road to the Isles, PH39 4NH Two- and three-bedroom lodges
Tel 01369 860 279 Tel 01687 450 651 have fully equipped kitchens and
∑ ∑ spacious living areas.
With lovely views over Loch Fyne, Housed in 200-year-old stables,
this whitewashed inn has a this cosy hotel has six rooms and DUNKELD: Birnam Guest
popular bar for fine dining. an excellent restaurant. House £
Guesthouse Map D3
AULDEARN: Boath House £££ 4 Murthly Terrace, Birnam, PH8 0BG
Luxury Map D2 Tel 01350 727 201
The Highlands and Nairn, IV12 5TE ∑
Islands Tel 01667 454 896 This friendly, family-run guest-
∑ house has comfortable en suite
ABERDEEN: Arden Guest Nestled amid beautiful grounds, rooms. Good Scottish breakfasts.
House £ Boath House offers elegant rooms
Guesthouse Map E3 furnished with antiques. DUNKELD: Royal Dunkeld
61 Dee Street, AB11 6EE Hotel £
Tel 01224 580 700 AVIEMORE: Macdonald Historic Map D3
∑ Aviemore Resort ££ Atholl Street, PH8 0AR
This is a welcoming establishment Resort Map D3 Tel 01350 727 322
set in a traditional granite building. Inverness-shire, PH22 1PN ∑
Tel 0844 879 9152 In an old coaching inn, this cosy
ABERDEEN: Malmaison ∑ hotel has traditional decor and
Aberdeen £ With four hotels and 18 luxurious simply furnished rooms.
Character Map E3 wooden lodges, this spot offers
49–53 Queens Road, AB15 4YP something for all budgets. 3D ERISKA: Isle of
Tel 0844 693 0649 cinema and adventure playground. Eriska Hotel £££
∑ Country house Map C3
aberdeen BARRA: Castlebay Hotel £ Benderloch, Argyll, PA37 1SD
Spacious individually designed Character Map A3 Tel 01631 720 371
rooms have well-stocked mini- Castlebay, Isle of Barra, HS9 5XD ∑
bars. There’s a brasserie and bar. Tel 01871 810 223 On a private island, this enchant-
∑ ing hotel has grand rooms and
ACHILTIBUIE: Summer Isles Fantastic views of Kisimul Castle self-catering accommodation.
Hotel £££ and Vatersay island can be
Luxury Map C2 enjoyed at this charming hotel. FORT AUGUSTUS: The Lovat £
Ross-shire, IV26 2YG Historic Map C3
Tel 01854 622 282 Inverness-shire, PH32 4DU
∑ Tel 01456 490 000
This romantic hideaway has smart ∑
rooms and superb views over the At the southern tip of Loch Ness,
Summer Isles and the Hebrides. this eco-friendly hotel offers
good dining options.
APPLECROSS: Applecross Inn ££
Inn Map C2 FORT WILLIAM: The Grange ££
Wester Ross, IV54 8LR B&B Map C3
Tel 01520 744 262 Grange Road, PH33 6JF
∑ Tel 01397 705 516
All the well-appointed rooms ∑
have sea views. There is a This historic B&B has individually
restaurant known for its quality Luxurious room with period decor in Boath styled, luxurious rooms and spect-
seafood and generous portions. House, Auldearn acular views across Loch Linnhe.
For key to prices see page 172
W H E R E TO S TAY  177

PITLOCHRY: East Haugh House ££

Guesthouse Map D3
East Haugh, Perthshire, PH16 5TE
Tel 01796 473 121
The rooms are furnished with
lush fabrics and period decor at
this small, family-run hotel.

PLOCKTON: Plockton Hotel £

Character Map C2
41 Harbour St, Ross-Shire IV52 8TN
Tel 01599 544 274
Waterfront hotel with comfortable
rooms and breathtaking views
The magnificent living room of The Torridon hotel, Torridon over the bay and hills.


Castle £££ Chimneys £££ The Queen’s Hotel £
Country house Map C3 Luxury Map B2 Historic Map G2
Torlundy, PH33 6SN Colbost, Dunvegan, IV55 8ZT Commercial Street, Lerwick, ZE1 0AB
Tel 01397 702 177 Tel 01470 511 258 Tel 01595 692 826
∑ ∑ ∑
This luxury hotel has antique There are lavish sea-view suites This welcoming hotel overlooks
furnishings and period decor. and a famous restaurant offering Lerwick Harbour. Lively public bar.
exquisite fine dining here.
Self-catering Map E2 KILCHRENAN: Ardanaiseig ££ Skeoverick £
Lonmay, AB43 8UU Country house Map C4 B&B Map G2
Tel 0845 057 4211 By Taynuilt, Argyll, PA35 1HE Brunatwatt, Walls, ZE2 9PJ,
∑ Tel 01866 988 273 Tel 01595 809 349
Cortes House is a grand Regency ∑ ∑
mansion with plush decor, a large Plush hotel on the banks of Loch accommodation/skeoverick-p191921
living area and spacious kitchen. Awe. Book the private waterfront In a picturesque lochside location,
boat shed for a romantic stay. this is a welcoming, spacious B&B.
HARRIS: Blue Reef Cottages £££
Self-catering Map B2 MONESS: Moness Resort ££ SPEYSIDE: Craigellachie Hotel ££
Scarista, Isle of Harris, HS3 3HX Historic Map D3 Historic Map D2
Tel 01859 550 370 Crieff Road, Aberfeldy, PH15 2DY Victoria Street, Banffshire, AB38 9SR
∑ Tel 0188 782 2108 Tel 0843 178 7114
Two uniquely designed cottages ∑ ∑
built into the hillside make up this Moness Resort offers hotel rooms craigellachiehotel
cosy luxury retreat. Amazing views. as well as self-catering cottages, Located on the River Spey, this
with all modern amenities. delightful country house hotel
INVERNESS: Beach Cottage £ has a famous Quaich whisky bar.
B&B Map D2 MULL: Pennygate Lodge £
3 Alturlie Point, IV2 7HZ Guesthouse Map B4 TARBERT: Stonefield Castle ££
Tel 01463 237 506 Craignure, Isle of Mull, PA65 6AY Historic Map C4
∑ Tel 01680 812 333 Loch Fyne, Argyll, PA29 6YJ
Watch dolphins swimming in the ∑ Tel 0844 414 6582
Moray Firth from this renovated This Georgian manse overlooking ∑
18th-century fisherman’s cottage. Craignure Bay is sorrounded by Built in 1837, this splendid
Breakfasts feature local produce. beautiful grounds. baronial castle has lovely rooms,
many with views of Loch Fyne.
INVERNESS: No. 41 Serviced MULL: Highland Cottage ££
Townhouse £££ Character Map B3
Self-catering Map D2 24 Breadalbane Street, Tobermory, DK Choice
41 Huntly Street, IV3 5HR Isle of Mull, PA75 6PD TORRIDON: The Torridon
T £££
Tel 01463 712 255 Tel 01688 302 030 Country house Map C2
∑ ∑ Achnasheen, Wester Ross, IV22 2EY
Overlooking the River Ness, this A “home-from-home” with T 01445 700 300
modern house has a lovely lounge luxurious rooms. The restaurant ∑
and well-equipped kitchen. serves modern Scottish cuisine. Located on the shores of Loch
Torridon, this luxury hotel offers
ISLE OF SKYE: The Stein Inn £ ORKNEY ISLANDS: The Foveran ££ fine views of the surrounding
Inn Map B2 Guesthouse Map F3 mountains and countryside. It
Waternish, IV55 8GA Kirkwall, St Ola, KW15 1SF features elegant rooms, opulent
Tel 01470 592 362 Tel 01856 872 389 self-catering accommodation,
∑ ∑ as well as a budget inn. There’s
On the remote Waternish With great views over Scapa Flow, a fine-dining restaurant and
peninsula, this 18th-century inn this family-run hotel has en suite outdoor activity centre.
has cosy rooms and a lively bar. rooms and a superb restaurant.
For more information on types of hotels see pages170–71


Scotland’s restaurant scene has come far rich natural larder offers in such abundance.
from its once-dismal reputation, partly due In major towns and cities, it is possible to
to an influx of foreign chefs and cooking enjoy good meals at any budget. The more
styles, as well as a greater knowledge about rural establishments are, however, less
food among increasingly discerning local flexible. Affordable, well-prepared but less
diners. Visitors can now sample a wide range elaborate food is making a mark in all
of international cuisine across Scotland, with types of cafés, brasseries and restaurants
the greatest choice in Glasgow and throughout the country. The listings on
Edinburgh. Home-grown restaurateurs pages 181–9 feature some of the best places
have also woken up to the world-class to eat. Note that it is illegal to smoke in
seafood, red meat and game that Scotland’s any Scottish restaurant, bar or café.

usually eaten between 6pm and

9pm, and no later. In Scotland
lunch is sometimes called
“dinner” and the evening meal
may be called “tea”.

Afternoon Tea
No visitor should miss the
experience of a proper Scottish
afternoon tea. There are many
tearooms all over Scotland,
offering a choice of delicious
sandwiches and cakes, or Scotch
pancakes swimming in butter.

A selection of beer and whisky on display in a typical Scottish pub

Prices and Booking Breakfast, Lunch
All restaurants are required by and Dinner
law to display their current Traditionally, breakfast in Scotland
prices outside the door. These begins with cereal and milk,
amounts include VAT at 20 per sometimes followed by bacon,
cent. Any service or cover charge eggs and tomato, and usually
should also be specified. black pudding (blood sausage),
Wine can be pricey when haggis or white (oatmeal)
dining out in Scotland, and pudding. It may also be
extras such as coffee and bottled accompanied by toast and
water may be disproportionately marmalade, and tea.
expensive compared to the cost The most popular lunchtime
of the food. Service charges foods are sandwiches, salads,
(usually between 10 and 15 per baked potatoes and ploughman’s Elegant table setting for traditional
cent) are sometimes added lunches (a roll, hunk of cheese afternoon tea
automatically to the bill. If service or ham and relishes), found
has not been included, you are mainly in pubs. A traditional
expected to leave a tip. The Sunday lunch of roast meat and Children
majority of restaurants accept vegetables is served in some Many places welcome junior
credit cards. Pubs often prefer pubs and restaurants. diners and some actively
cash to cards. Generally there are three encourage families, at least
Restaurants in cities are very courses to a meal, although during the day and early
busy, and some of the more grand hotels may have six-course evening. They may have a
renowned establishments can feasts and contemporary restaur- separate children’s menu, or
be fully booked up to a month ants often offer multi-course simply offer half portions. Many
in advance. It is advisable to tasting menus. Dessert may be will also provide highchairs.
reserve ahead; if you cannot followed by a range of superb Even pubs, which are all
keep a reservation, cancel it specialist cheeses. Outside the non-smoking, are generally
by phone. larger towns and cities, dinner is relaxing their rules and some
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  179

sampling a few “drams” with the

locals is an essential under-
taking on any tour of the coun-
try. Lately, the old-fashioned,
boozer has had considerable
competition from cosmopolitan
bars and posh gastro pubs.
Found in towns and cities, bars
can be noisy and tend to attract
a younger clientele with lively
happy hours and interesting
cocktails. Gastro pubs place an
emphasis on food, serving high-
A fish and chip shop on the Portobello promenade in Edinburgh quality traditional pub meals
that may be prepared with
provide special play areas for herring and mackerel can all be organic or sustainably sourced
kids. In city centre bars, don’t be found in shops and restaurants, ingredients. They will also have
surprised or offended to see while farms on the west coast a number of craft beers to
signs stating the pub is for rear much of Scotland’s Atlantic choose from.
over-18s only. salmon and rainbow trout.
Lobsters, crabs and prawns
are also common in Scottish Recommended
Vegetarian Food waters. Recently more emphasis Restaurants
Britain is ahead of many of its has been placed on the The restaurants, cafés, brasseries
European counterparts in cultivation and conservation and pubs listed in this guide
providing vegetarian alternatives of sustainable natural shellfish have been chosen because they
to meat dishes, and Scotland is stocks, including mussels, offer quality and reasonable
no exception. Edinburgh and oysters and scallops. value for money. They range
Glasgow have the widest choice, from inexpensive and cheerful
but restaurants in smaller towns cafés to fine-dining temples and
and villages are also increasingly Fast Food Michelin-starred restaurants. A
likely to offer meat-free dishes. Scotland is rightly famed for its Scottish restaurant will serve
Vegetarians wishing to find a “fish suppers” and there are traditional dishes such as haggis,
wider choice than is offered by many seaside fish bars selling whereas somewhere offering
Scottish and English food should wonderfully fresh fish and chips. more flavours and contem-
try Indian, Chinese, Middle Away from the coast, the fish porary twists on the old is
Eastern or other ethnic restaur- may not be as amazingly fresh, considered modern Scottish.
ants with a tradition of but there are plenty of good Establishments highlighted as
vegetarian cuisine. places to choose from. Most DK Choice have been chosen
also offer other options includ- for their exceptional features,
ing fried chicken. which may include gourmet
Seafood Visitors will find the usual fast dishes or a spectacular location.
With more than 16,000 km food chains as well as sandwich All DK Choice eateries offer a
(10,000 miles) of coastline, fish bars and “greasy spoon” cafés, memorable dining experience.
and shellfish play an important which mainly serve fried food,
part in the Scottish diet and including large traditional
economy. North Sea cod, breakfasts.
haddock (often smoked as
kippers or Arbroath Smokies),
Pubs and Bars
Scottish licensing laws are
different from the rest of Britain,
mostly in the closing times of
pubs and bars. In Scotland,
particularly in urban centres,
many pubs stay open until
midnight or even 1 or 2am.
During the Edinburgh Festival
in August (see pp82–3), bars
often do not close until 3am,
and some are open 24 hours.
The large selection of beer
Secret Garden dining room in the Witchery and whisky available in a typical The elegant Douglas Bistro at the Douglas
by the Castle (see p182), Edinburgh Scottish pub is impressive and Hotel (see p186), on the Isle of Arran

The Flavours of Scotland

At its best, Scottish food is full of the natural flavour of the
countryside. Served with few sauces or spices, its meat is lean
and tasty. Beef doesn’t get better than Aberdeen Angus,
the lamb is full-flavoured, and the venison superb.
Scottish salmon and trout are renowned, but there are
also excellent mussels, lobster and crabs. Wheat does
not grow here, so oatcakes and bannocks (flat, round
loaves) replace bread. The Scots have a sweet tooth, not just
for cakes and shortbread but also for toffee and butterscotch. Smoked salmon

porridge to oatcakes. Pearl The Highlands

barley is also a staple, used in From the Highlands comes
Scotch broth (made with wonderful game, including
mutton and vegetables) or in a grouse, partridge, capercaillie
milk pudding. Oats are also (a large type of grouse) and
used in the making of haggis, a deer. Fish are smoked around
round sausage of sheep or the coast, the west coast
venison offal – the “chieftain o’ producing kippers, the east
the puddin’ race”, as the poet coast Finnan haddock,
Robert Burns described it. It is notably Arbroath Smokies.
often served with “neeps and Smoked white fish is the main
tatties” (mashed swede ingredient of Cullen Skink, a
(rutabaga) and potato). soup served on Burns’ Night.
Purebred Highland cattle grazing the
Scottish moors Lobster Trout Oysters Salmon

The Lowlands Mussels

The pasturelands of southern
Scotland nourish dairy cattle
and sheep, producing cheeses
such as Bonnet, Bonchester
and Galloway Cheddar. To
accompany them are summer
fruits such as loganberries,
tayberries and strawberries that
ripen in the Carse of Gowrie
beside the River Tay. Oats, the
principal cereal, appears in
much Scottish cookery, from Selection of fresh Scottish fish and seafood

Traditional Scottish Food

Kippers (oak-smoked herrings) are one way to start the day in
Scotland, and porridge – traditionally served with salt rather
than sugar – is another, although oatcakes or some
other kind of griddled scone are usually present. A
bowl of porridge would once last all week, just as one-
pot Scotch broths bubbled in iron cauldrons over peat
fires for days. Sometimes broths were made with kale
or lentils, or they might contain an old boiling fowl
and leeks, in which case they were known as
cock-a-leekie. Any leftover meat went into
making stovies, a potato and onion hash. The
Oats evening meal in Scotland is traditionally “high tea” Haggis with neeps and tatties
taken in the early evening which might start with This is the definitive Scottish
smoked fish, cold meats and pies, followed by shortbread, fruit dish, traditionally served on
cake or drop scones, all washed down with cups of tea. Burns’ Night (25 January).
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  181

Where to Eat and Drink

NEW TOWN: Café St Honoré ££ Price Guide
Edinburgh French Map D4 Prices are based on a three course meal
34 North West Thistle Street Lane, for one, with half a bottle of house wine
NEW TOWN: The Abbotsford £ EH2 1EA inclusive of tax and service charges.
Pub Map D4 Tel 0131 226 2211 £ up to £35
££ £35–£50
3–5 Rose Street, EH2 2PR Neil Forbes, one of Edinburgh’s
£££ over £50
Tel 0131 225 5276 finest chefs, is at the helm of this
A lively bar with traditional buzzing bistro, serving skilfully and
wood-panelled decor, The imaginatively cooked food made NEW TOWN: Vincaffè ££
Abbotsford serves the usual pub from locally sourced produce. Café Map D4
food such as fish and chips, with 11 Multrees Walk, EH1 3DQ
more options in the restaurant NEW TOWN: Chao Phraya ££ Tel 0131 557 0088
“Above“. Good beer. Thai Map D4 Run by an Italian family, Vincaffè
4th Floor, 33 Castle Street, EH2 3DN offers dishes such as pasta with
NEW TOWN: The Tel 0131 226 7614 spicy Italian sausages, as well as
Cambridge Bar £ This stylish restaurant enjoys superb coffee and wines.
Pub Map D4 unparalleled views over
20 Young Street, EH2 4JB Edinburgh Castle. It dares NEW TOWN: 21212 £££
Tel 0131 226 2120 to veer from the usual mainstays Modern Scottish Map D4
Mismatched furniture, stone of Thai cuisine, but still rustles up 3 Royal Terrace, EH7 5AB
floors and subdued natural light- a decent red curry or pad Thai. Tel 0131 523 1030 Closed Sun & Mon
ing give this bar a cellar-like feel. Enjoy innovative, eye-catching
It serves good food such as hearty NEW TOWN: Contini cuisine by chef Paul Kitching at
burgers and vegetarian dishes. Ristorante ££ this Michelin-starred restaurant.
Italian Map D4
NEW TOWN: Coffee Angel £ 103 George Street, EH2 3ES NEW TOWN: Number One £££
Café Map D4 Tel 0131 225 1550 Modern Scottish Map D4
24–27 Brandon Terrace, EH3 5DZ Edinburgh’s grandest Italian 1 Princes Street, EH2 2EQ
Tel 0131 622 6235 restaurant, Contini Ristorante Tel 0131 557 6727
This bright and welcoming café serves authentic pasta dishes. The seven-course tasting menu
offers takeaway sandwiches, A great place for lunch, dinner with matching wines is sublime
salads, cakes and creative dine-in or just a quick snack. at this Michelin-starred restaurant
options such as spicy meatball in the five-star Balmoral Hotel.
soup and Mexican beef wraps. NEW TOWN: Kyloe Restaurant &
Grill ££ NEW TOWN: The Pompadour
NEW TOWN: The Dome £ Steakhouse Map D4 by Galvins £££
Modern Scottish Map D4 1–3 Rutland Street, EH1 2AE French Map D4
14 George Street, EH2 2PF Tel 0131 229 3402 Princes Street, EH1 2AB
Tel 0131 624 8624 Guests choose from a variety Tel 0131 222 8777 Closed Sun
Housed in a magnificent 18th- of steak cuts at this carnivore This city icon in the Caledonian
century building, the Dome heaven located in the Rutland hotel has been spectacularly
has a bar, two restaurants and Hotel with fine castle views. reinvented by the Galvin brothers
a café. The Grill Room features chefs. It is a world-class restaurant,
a modern Scottish menu and NEW TOWN: A Room in the offering exemplary cuisine.
the Club Room serves coffee West End ££
and cocktails. Modern Scottish Map D4 NEW TOWN: Stac Polly £££
26 William Street, EH3 7NH Modern Scottish Map D4
NEW TOWN: Galvin Brasserie Tel 0131 226 1036 29–33 Dublin Street, EH3 6NL
de Luxe £ Located below the busy Teuchters Tel 0131 556 2231
Brasserie Map D4 bar, this cosy restaurant is full of Stac Polly serves interesting takes
Princes Street, EH1 2AB little nooks and crannies. Modern on delicacies such as excellent
Tel 0131 222 8988 Scottish fare of steaks, white fish steak with black pudding and
The swish brasserie in The and haggis is on offer. fantastic white fish dishes.
Caledonian hotel is a real treat
for lovers of French cuisine. It
offers great-value set menus of
bistro classics, a crustacea bar
and superb wine list.

NEW TOWN: Urban Angel £

International Map D4
121 Hanover Street, EH2 1DJ
Tel 0131 225 6215
Urban Angel features an
eclectic menu of dishes such
as pan-fried fillet of salmon
with glass noodles in Asian-style
broth, Mediterranean-inspired
salads and New York vanilla
baked cheesecake. Parisian-style interior in the romantic Café St Honoré, Edinburgh

For more information on types of restaurants see pages 178– 9


OLD TOWN: Amber £ OLD TOWN: Wedgwood the

Scottish Map D4 Restaurant ££
354 Castlehill, Royal Mile, EH1 2NE Modern Scottish Map D4
Tel 0131 477 8477 267 Canongate, EH8 8BQ
Popular with visitors and locals, Tel 0131 558 8737
this restaurant inside the Scotch At this fine restaurant on the
Whisky Experience has an Royal Mile, chef Paul Wedgwood
extensive whisky list and well- creates delicious, beautifully
executed whisky-infused dishes. presented cuisine, using seasonal,
local produce. Superb wine list.
OLD TOWN: David Bann £
Vegetarian Map D4 OLD TOWN: The Witchery by
56–58 St Mary's Street, EH1 1SX the Castle ££
Tel 0131 556 5888 Modern Scottish Map D4
Dishes such as leek, tarragon and Castlehill, Royal Mile, EH1 2NF
butternut squash risotto, or tartlet Tel 0131 225 5613
made with Ardrahan smoked Good steak and lobster dishes
cheese and slow-dried tomatoes and excellent-value pre- and
are served at this stylish restaurant. post- theatre set menus are on
Elegant dining room at Wedgwood the offer here. The Secret Garden
OLD TOWN: Mother India's Café £ Restaurant, Edinburgh dining room is Edinburgh’s most
Indian Map D4 romantic setting.
3–5 Infirmary Street, EH1 1LT the city as well as good carnivore’
Tel 0131 524 9801 and gluten-free versions. It’s also FURTHER AFIELD: Chop Chop £
From the mild and creamy chicken a good choice for lunch. Chinese Map D4
tikka makhni to spicy chilli 76 Commercial Street, EH6 6LX
fishcakes, this is superb cooking OLD TOWN: Kanpai ££ Tel 0131 553 1818
to suit all tastes. Dine on a select- Japanese Map D4 This restaurant serves excellent
ion of small tapas-style dishes. 8–10 Grindlay Street, EH3 9AS dishes including savoury steamed
Tel 0131 228 1602 Closed Mon and fried dumplings. Try one of
OLD TOWN: MUMS Great The award-winning Kanpai has their great-value all-you-can-eat
Comfort Food £ stylish decor and serves the banquets for a real treat.
Scottish Map D4 finest sushi and sashimi in the
14a Forrest Road, EH1 2QN city, and good dry Japanese beers. FURTHER AFIELD: Ducks At
Tel 0131 260 9806 Kilspindie House £
Enjoy remarkably good-value OLD TOWN: Michael Neave Modern Scottish Map E4
comfort food, such as sausage Kitchen and Whisky Bar ££ Main Street, Aberlady, EH32 0RE
and mash, and steak and ale pie. Modern Scottish Map D4 Tel 01875 870 682
21 Old Fishmarket Close, EH1 1RW Legendary restaurateur Malcolm
OLD TOWN: Outsider £ Tel 0131 226 4747 Duck is the man behind this
Bar Map D4 Tasty fare, made from locally intimate fine-dining restaurant
15 George IV Bridge, EH1 1EE sourced produce, is served at this and relaxed bistro.
Tel 0131 226 3131 bright, fun eponymous eatery
This perennially popular, lively from one of Scotland’s most FURTHER AFIELD: La Favorita £
bar-restaurant features a varied exciting young chefs. There is a Italian Map D4
menu that includes lentil and superb whisky bar. 321 Leith Walk, EH6 8SA
goat cheese salad, venison ravioli Tel 0131 555 5564
and grilled monkfish. There is a OLD TOWN: Ondine ££ A strong contender for the
great-value dish of the day. Seafood Map D4 city’s best pizzeria, the bustling
2 George IV Bridge, EH1 1AD La Favorita serves pizzas with
OLD TOWN: Spoon £ Tel 0131 226 1888 an exhaustive variety of toppings.
Café Map D4 Ondine serves inspirational Save space for an ice-cream treat.
6a Nicolson Street, EH8 9DH cooking based on sustainable
Tel 0131 623 1752 Closed Sun sourcing. Try the heavenly shellfish FURTHER AFIELD: The King’s
A modern, arty café, Spoon serves platter warmed with garlic butter Wark £
the finest vegetarian breakfast in or served French-style, over ice. Pub Map D4
36 The Shore, EH6 6QU
Tel 0131 554 9260
Edinburgh’s best gastro pub offers
hearty dishes. Dine by candlelight
in the main pub or the cosier
dining room. Good range of beers.


Shack £
Seafood Map E4
The Harbour, North Berwick, EH39 4JL
Tel 07910 620 480 Closed Nov–Mar
This seasonal restaurant – more a
beach hut with outdoor chairs –
is in a great harbour-side location
and is the best choice for afford-
Relaxed, modern interior of La Favorita in Leith, Edinburgh able, fresh and delicious shellfish.
For key to prices see page 181
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  183

FURTHER AFIELD: Orocco Pier £ FURTHER AFIELD: La Potinière ££

International Map D4 International Map E4
17 High Street, South Queensferry, Main Street, Gullane, EH31 2AA
EH30 9PP Tel 01620 843 214 Closed Mon & Tue
Tel 0870 118 1664 A local favourite, this high-class
Choose from the pub fare of the eatery offers a fine-dining menu
relaxed Antico Café Bar or that makes the most of seasonal
seafood in the stylish Samphire local produce.
Bar & Grill, both with sweeping
views of the Forth estuary. FURTHER AFIELD: The Sun
Inn ££
Waterside Bistro £ Lothianbridge, Dalkeith, EH22 4TR
Modern Scottish Map E4 Tel 0131 663 2456
1–5 Waterside, Haddington, EH41 4AT This award-winning gastro-
Tel 01620 825 674 pub has an eclectic menu with
Set on the banks of the River Tyne, food to suit all occasions, from a Stylish furnishings of The Kitchin in
this welcoming, family-run bistro business lunch or a romantic meal Leith, Edinburgh
serves locally sourced produce in to a less formal get-together. It
cosy surroundings. They have has great beer and wines as well. FURTHER AFIELD: Restaurant
a big box of toys for kids to enjoy. Martin Wishart £££
FURTHER AFIELD: Champany French Map D4
FURTHER AFIELD: Al Dente ££ Inn £££ 54 The Shore, Leith, EH6 6RA
Italian Map D4 Modern Scottish Map D4 Tel 0131 553 3557 Closed Sun & Mon
139 Easter Road, EH7 5QA Linlithgow, West Lothian, EH49 7LU Chef Martin Wishart offers a truly
Tel 0131 652 1932 Closed Sun Tel 01506 834 532 memorable experience for lovers
This no-frills restaurant popular A restaurant with rooms, of French food with classic dishes
with locals serves superb regional Champany Inn serves superb using Scottish ingredients to
Italian cooking at great prices. steaks and has a lobster tank on sublime effect. Excellent service.
Excellent wine list. site. It has a good selection of
wines. Simpler meals are served
FURTHER AFIELD: The Boat at the inn’s Chop & Ale House.
House ££ Southern Scotland
Seafood Map D4 FURTHER AFIELD: The Dungeon
22 High Street, South Queensferry, Restaurant £££ EYEMOUTH: Mackays of
EH30 9PP French Map D4 Eyemouth £
Tel 0131 331 5429 Bonnyrigg, EH19 3JB Fish and Chips Map E4
This is a charming seafood Tel 01875 820 153 20–24 High St, Berwickshire TD14 5EU
restaurant with an informal bistro. Set in the barrel-vault dungeons Tel 01890 751 142
Do not miss the signature truffled of Dalhousie Castle Hotel, this Tuck into a fish supper or binge on
scallops by chef Paul Steward. romantic, candle-lit restaurant lobster and chips for a real treat.
offers classic French dishes. Diners can watch local fishing
FURTHER AFIELD: Chez Roux ££ boats heading out to sea.
French Map E4
Muirfield, Gullane, EH31 2EG DK Choice KELSO: The Terrace Café £
Tel 01620 842 144 FURTHER AFIELD: Café Map E5
Located in the historic Greywalls The Kitchin £££ Floors Castle, Roxburghe Estates
Hotel, this fine restaurant offers Modern Scottish Map D4 Office, Roxburghshire, TD5 7SF
a unique culinary experience. 78 Commercial Quay, EH6 6LX Tel 01573 225 714
The classic French menu makes Tel 0131 555 1755 Closed Sun This popular and charming café
the best of Scottish ingredients. & Mon offers wholesome soups, sand-
A famous face on TV screens, wiches and tasty home-style
FURTHER AFIELD: Jeremy the inspirational Scottish baking, as well as more substantial
Wares ££ chef Tom Kitchin runs this dishes such as venison casserole.
Modern Scottish Map D4 eponymous Michelin-starred
Macdonald Houston House Hotel, restaurant. The well-balanced
Uphall, West Lothian, EH52 6JS menus feature superb seasonal DK Choice
Tel 0844 879 9043 offerings such as sea urchin KELSO: The Roxburghe Hotel
Jeremy Wares’s signature modern bisque and whole grouse. There & Golf Course £££
cooking features local Perthshire is a great wine list. Modern Scottish Map E5
venison, Borders lamb and Scottish Roxburghshire, TD5 8JZ
beef, served in the romantic Tel 01573 450 331
Macdonald Houston House hotel. FURTHER AFIELD: Enjoy fine dining at this grand
Livingston’s £££ country-style hotel on the
FURTHER AFIELD: John Paul at Scottish Map D4 Roxburghe Estate. Head chef
the Marine ££ 52 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7AE Neville Merrin works wonders
Scottish Map E4 Tel 01506 846565 Closed Sun & Mon in the kitchen using the best
Cromwell Rd, North Berwick, EH39 4LZ Livingston’s offers creative of Scottish red meat, game and
Tel 0844 879 9130 cooking using fresh Scottish fish. He also forages ingredients
A menu highlight at this elegant produce. The menu includes such as wild garlic from the
restaurant in the seaside perfectly seared scallops, tender grounds. Superb wine list and
Macdonald Marine Hotel & Spa is beef and cod infused with a broad selection of whisky.
the 28-day-aged Scottish steak. spices. Save room for dessert.
For more information on types of restaurants see pages 178–9

PORTPATRICK: Knockinaam CITY CENTRE: The Chippy Doon

Lodge £££ the Lane £
International Map C6 Fish and Chips Map D4
Dumfries and Galloway, DG9 9AD 84 Buchanan Street, McCormick
Tel 01776 810 471 Lane, G1 3AJ
Scotland’s premier dining destin- Tel 0141 225 6650
ation, Knockinaam Lodge boasts This relaxed restaurant serves up
a Michelin star and lovely seaside superb food including monkfish
location. Chef Tony Pierce’s multi- tails, hake and lemon sole, cod
course tasting menu is superb. and haddock. The kids’ “sweetie
tray” is a nice touch.
SANQUHAR: Blackaddie
Country House Hotel ££ CITY CENTRE: Stereo Café Bar £
Modern Scottish Map D5 Vegetarian Map D4
Dumfries & Galloway, DG4 6JJ 20–28 Renfield Lane, G2 5AR
Tel 01659 50270 Tel 0141 222 2254
Quality local produce expertly Housed in a striking building by
Rustic wall decor at the atmospheric City cooked makes this intimate Charles Rennie Mackintosh, this
Merchant in Glasgow restaurant a must-visit. Sample popular vegan restaurant offers
the tender beef and venison. fritters, mezze platters and pizzas.
LAUDER: Black Bull Hotel £ There is an impressive wine list. There are also good cakes with
Pub Map E5 plenty of gluten-free options.
Market Place, Berwickshire, TD2 6SR TROON: MacCallum’s of Troon
Tel 01578 722 208 Oyster Bar ££ CITY CENTRE: City Merchant ££
This traditional pub serves quality Seafood Map C5 Scottish Map D4
food in a Georgian dining room Harbourside, Ayrshire, KA10 6DH 97–99 Candleriggs, G1 1NP
and a cosy bar-lounge. Dishes Tel 01292 319 339 Closed Mon Tel 0141 553 1577
include fish and chips and chunky Best known for its oysters, other Known for its quality seafood and
burgers. There’s a good kids’ menu. delicacies include lemon sole friendly service, this bustling
with capers, prawn tempura family-run eatery serves fresh
MELROSE: Burts Hotel ££ and Cullen Skink (thick fish soup). creamy oysters, perfectly cooked
Inn Map E5 crab, langoustines and lobster.
Market Square, TD6 9PN TURNBERRY: 1906 £££ There are plenty of options for
Tel 01896 822 285 French Map C5 non-fish eaters too.
The restaurant at Burts Hotel is a Ayrshire, KA26 9LT
Melrose institution with its high Tel 0165 533 1000 CITY CENTRE: Fratelli Sarti ££
standards of service and cooking. Located in the Turnberry Resort, Italian Map D4
It serves excellent dishes using 1906 excels on every level: elegant 121 Bath Street, G2 2SZ
meat from the local butcher and decor, stunning sea views, smooth Tel 0141 204 0440
seafood from Eyemouth. service and fine-dining cuisine. Located on Bath Street, this lively
restaurant dishes out huge
PEEBLES: Coltman's portions of fresh, simple and
Delicatessen & Kitchen £ authentic Italian food. The café
Café Map D5 Glasgow and deli are around the corner.
71–73 High Street, EH45 8AN
Tel 01721 720 405 CITY CENTRE: Café Gandolfi £ CITY CENTRE: Gandolfi Fish ££
Sandwiches, platters and dishes Café Map D4 Seafood Map D4
with an international flavour are 64 Albion Street, G1 1NY 84 Albion Street, G1 1NY
offered at this charming deli and Tel 0141 552 6813 Tel 0141 552 9475
restaurant with views over the A city institution and part of the Choose from a wealth of options
River Tweed. There’s a good local Gandolfi mini empire. Come at this fine restaurant, including
three-course set menu. here for the great breakfasts, light an oyster platter and perfectly
lunches or substantial dinners. cooked king scallops and lobster.
PEEBLES: The Sunflower ££
Scottish Map D5
4 Bridgegate, EH45 8RZ
Tel 01721 722 420
Fresh wraps and home-made soup
are served at this friendly café
during the day. The evening menu
has steaks and burgers. Coffee and
cake are served only before noon.

PEEBLES: Horseshoe Inn £££

Modern Scottish Map D5
Eddleston, EH45 8QP
Tel 01721 722 640
Creative cooking by head chef
Alistair Craig features Orkney
scallops served with air-dried
ham, apricot and orange purée,
braised chicory and salted grapes.
There are bar meals too. Sophisticated dining room in the Blackaddie Country House Hotel, Sanquhar
For key to prices see page 181
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  185

CITY CENTRE: Jamie’s Italian ££

Italian Map D4
7 George Square, G2 1DY
Tel 0141 404 2690
British TV chef Jamie Oliver is
behind this superb Italian res-
taurant chain serving everything
from simple rocket and parmesan
salads to truffle-infused risottos,
and a good range of Italian wines.

CITY CENTRE: Red Onion ££

International Map D4
257 West Campbell Street, G2 4TT
Tel 0141 221 6000
Red Onion offers a good-value, Bottles on display in the Oyster Bar at the Rogano, Glasgow
varied menu featuring dishes
such as sirloin steak and Finnan WEST END: The Ashoka £
haddie fishcake. Reserve ahead. Indian Map D4 DK Choice
19 Ashton Lane, G12 8SJ WEST END: Crabshakk ££
CITY CENTRE: Rogano ££ Tel 0141 337 1115 Seafood Map D4
Scottish Map D4 A welcoming Indian restaurant 1114 Argyle Street, G3 8TD
11 Exchange Place, G1 3AN with a varied menu, The Ashoka Tel 0141 334 6127 Closed Mon
Tel 0141 248 4055 offers unusual dishes such as At this bustling restaurant with
Established in 1935, this popular haggis pakora (fried dumpling). wooden furniture and a shiny
restaurant features multiple There’s a good-value supper champagne bar, the busy staff
dining choices including a simple menu. Book ahead. are always moving between
bar and an elaborate dining room. tables with heaving plates of
Try the shellfish here. WEST END: Distill £ mussels, oysters and scallops
Pub Map D4 infused with creative spices and
CITY CENTRE: Brian Maule at 1102–1106 Argyle Street, G3 8TD culinary twists. There’s a good-
Chardon d’Or £££ Tel 0141 337 3006 value wine list. Excellent service.
French Map D4 This cosy bar offers more than
176 West Regent Street, G2 4RL 100 varieties of rum, cocktails
Tel 0141 248 3801 Closed Sun and real ales. The menu features WEST END: Òran Mór ££
Acclaimed chef Brian Maule uses the usual pub fare such as fish Brasserie Map D4
locally sourced ingredients such and chips, but they also serve Byres Road, G12 8QX
as poultry, game and fresh fish Moroccan-inspired mains such as Tel 0141 357 6200
to create superb French cuisine. lamb tagine and mezze platters. Featuring a bar, brasserie, theatre,
club and popular whisky bar, this
CITY CENTRE: Gamba £££ WEST END: Mother India £ is a multi-space venue. The
Seafood Map D4 Indian Map D4 Scottish menu includes haggis
225a West George Street, G2 2ND 28 Westminster Terrace, Sauchiehall with neeps and tatties, and
Tel 0141 572 0899 Street, G3 7RU burgers. Book ahead.
Gamba offers an innovative menu Tel 0141 221 1663
with mains such as king scallops Tuck into a wide range of fresh WEST END: Stravaigin ££
and organic salmon steamed in and wholesome curries, naans International Map D4
paper with ginger, spring onions and rice dishes at this very 28 Gibson Street, G12 8NX
and sesame. Good service. popular, friendly Indian Tel 0141 334 2665
restaurant. It is set in a grand This bustling café-bar serves
CITY CENTRE: Restaurant at old Glasgow town house. award-winning food that draws on
Blythswood Square £££ global influences – curried duck,
International Map D4 WEST END: The Two Figs £ nasi goreng and Shetland mussels.
11 Blythswood Square, G2 4AD Pub Map D4
Tel 0141 248 8888 5 and 9 Byres Road, G11 5RD WEST END: Bistro du Vin £££
This refined hotel-restaurant Tel 0141 334 7277 Modern Scottish Map D4
with a grand dining room offers This lively bar has an extensive One Devonshire Gardens, G12 0UX
first-rate cooking and attentive drinks list including potent Tel 08447 364 256
service in a sophisticated cocktails and boozy hot chocolate. Set in the stately Hotel du Vin, this
ambience. There’s a great-value The food menu is varied and fine-dining restaurant offers a
fixed-price lunch. reasonably priced, with everything menu featuring Scotland's finest
from breakfast and burgers to red meat and fish. Treat yourself
CITY CENTRE: Two Fat Ladies at seared fillet of sea bass. to the seven-course tasting menu.
the Buttery £££
Modern Scottish Map D4 WEST END: The University Café £ WEST END: La Parmigiana £££
652–654 Argyle Street, G3 8UF Café Map D4 Italian Map D4
Tel 0141 221 8188 87 Byres Road, G11 5HN 447 Great Western Road, G12 8HH
Set in an old Victorian coaching Tel 0141 339 5217 Tel 0141 334 0686
inn with wood panels and tartan With a pleasant retro feel, this At this small, welcoming and very
carpets, this Glasgow favourite café serves old favourites such as popular eatery the first-rate
offers dishes like whole grilled mince and tatties along with sand- dishes include squid gnocchi,
plaice with banana, white wine wiches, soups and bacon rolls. It lobster ravioli and a fish and
and chive butter. has delicious ice creams, too shellfish bouillabaisse.
For more information on types of restaurants see pages 178–9

WEST END: Ubiquitous Chip £££ wide-ranging menu that includes

Modern Scottish Map D4 DK Choice beef, venison and fresh fish.Tapas
12 Ashton Lane, G12 8SJ AUCHTERARDER: Andrew are served in the bar.
Tel 0141 334 5007 Fairlie at Gleneagles £££
A Glasgow pioneer, Ubiquitous Modern Scottish Map D4 CUPAR: The Peat Inn £££
Chip serves creative and well- Perthshire, PH3 1NF Modern Scottish Map D4
sourced Scottish cuisine. The post- Tel 01764 694 267 Closed Sun Fife, near St Andrews, KY15 5LH
modern dining space is a delight. The grand Gleneagles Hotel is Tel 01334 840 206 Closed Sun & Mon
There is also a relaxed bar. the setting for Scotland‘s only Run by chef Geoffrey Smeddle,
two Michelin-starred restaurant. this Michelin-starred rural retreat
FURTHER AFIELD: Art Lover’s The chef works his magic with uses local produce such as
Café £ an international
international twist on locally salmon, langoustine and beef. Try
Café Map D4 sourced produce.
produce. Try the smoked the multi-course tasting menu.
Bellahouston Park, 10 Dumbreck lobster and roast Anjou squab.
Road, G41 5BW DUNDEE: Jute Café Bar £
Tel 0141 353 4779 Café Map D4
This artistic café, in the House for BALQUHIDDER: Monachyle 152 Nethergate, DD1 4DY
an Art Lover designed by Charles MHOR £££ Tel 01382 909 246
Rennie Mackintosh, features Modern Scottish Map C4 The Dundee Contemporary Arts
dishes such as smoked venison Lochearnhead, Perthshire, FK19 8PQ Centre café serves light lunches
loin with honey-roasted pears. Tel 01877 384 622 as well as a three-course evening
Chef Tom Lewis grows his own menu. The hearty dishes include
vegetables and rears his own steak and chocolate torte.
livestock. Try the sublime five-
Central Scotland course table d’hôte menu. ELIE: Sangster’s £££
Modern Scottish Map E4
ABERDOUR: Room with BRIDGE OF EARN: The Roost 51 High Street, Fife, KY9 1BZ
a View ££ Restaurant ££ Tel 01333 331 001 Closed Mon
Seafood Map D4 Scottish Map D4 This Michelin-starred restaurant is
Hawkcraig Point, Fife, KY3 0TZ Forgandenny Road, Kintillo, PH2 9AZ run by chef Bruce Sangster and
Tel 01383 860 402 Closed Mon & Tue Tel 01738 812 111 his wife Jackie. Try the signature
Ingenious chef Tim Robson creates This cosy restaurant just south of twice-baked cheese soufflé.
culinary masterpieces in this small Perth offers simple, well-cooked
restaurant in the Forth View Hotel. seasonal dishes that showcase FALKLAND: Pillars of Hercules £
Delicacies include giant black tiger the best of Perthshire produce. Vegetarian Map D4
prawns in filo pastry. The location Strathmiglo Road, Fife, KY15 7AD
is wonderful, looking across the CALLANDER: Roman Camp Tel 01337 857 749
Firth of Forth to Edinburgh. Country House & Restaurant £££ Tasty vegetarian food, from spicy
International Map D4 soups and hearty sandwiches to
ANSTRUTHER: Anstruther Fish Off Main Street, FK17 8BG delicious home baking and salads,
Bar £ Tel 01877 330 003 is served here. An outdoor deck
Fish and Chips Map E4 Dine in the shadow of the Romans and a rustic children's sandpit are
42–44 Shore Street, Fife, KY10 3AQ at this plush hotel-restaurant. Try added attractions.
Tel 01333 310 518 the six-course tasting menu.
The legendary Anstruther Fish There is an extensive wine list. INVERARNAN: The Drovers Inn £
takes being a chippy very Pub Map C4
seriously – they even have their COMRIE: Deil’s Cauldron Arrochar, G83 7DX
own fishing boat. Look out for Restaurant and Wine Bar ££ Tel 01301 704 234
the more exotic offerings such Scottish Map D4 This cosy inn feels like it has barely
as prawns, mackerel and lobster. 27 Dundas Street, PH6 2LN changed in the last 300 years. It
Tel 01764 670 352 offers great Scottish food such as
ARRAN: Auchrannie Known for its consistently good steak pies and haggis.
Resort £–£££ food and wine, this friendly
Scottish Map C5 and informal eatery has a LAKE OF MENTEITH: The Lake of
Auchrannie Rd, Brodick, KA27 8BZ Menteith Hotel & Waterfront
Tel 01770 302 234 Restaurant ££
There is a choice of three Scottish Map D4
restaurants at the Auchrannie Port of Menteith, Perthshire, FK8 3RA
resort. The Cruize Bar Brasserie Tel 01877 385 258
and Brambles Seafood and Grill In an impressive location
have a light informal menu while overlooking the lake, this splendid
the superb eighteen69 (open restaurant serves fresh seafood
Easter to Oct) offers fine dining. and expertly cooked meat dishes.

ARRAN: The Douglas Bistro ££ LOCH LOMOND: Martin Wishart

Brasserie Map C5 at Loch Lomond £££
Isle of Arran, KA27 8AW French Map C4
Tel 01770 302 968 Alexandria, Dunbartonshire, G83 8QZ
The bistro at the Douglas Hotel Tel 01389 722 504 Closed Mon & Tue
offers mouthwatering grilled One of Scotland’s finest chefs runs
steaks and perfectly cooked local this Michelin-starred restaurant in
seafood. The island views are as The luxurious restaurant at Gleneagles, run the Cameron House Hotel. The
epic as the food. by Andrew Fairlie tasting menus are sublime.
For key to prices see page 181
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  187

ST ANDREWS: The Seafood impressive crockery display,

Restaurant £££ there are sandwiches,
Seafood Map E4 sun-dried tomato scones and
Bruce Embankment, Fife, KY16 9AB seafood platters.
Tel 01334 479 475
With floor-to-ceiling windows, ACHILTIBUIE: Summer Isles
this stylish restaurant offers Hotel £££
stunning views of the coastline. Seafood Map C2
There’s a great-value lunch menu. Ross-shire, IV26 2YG
Tel 01854 622 282
ST MONANS: Craig Millar @ 16 The award-winning restaurant at
West End £££ the Summer Isles Hotel delivers
Modern Scottish Map E4 exceptional seafood by Chef Alan
16 West End, Fife, KY10 2BX White in elegant surroundings.
Tel 0133 730 327 Closed Mon & Tue
This waterfront eatery has lovely APPLECROSS: Applecross Inn £
sea views. Serving predominantly Pub Map C2
Charmingly decorated dining room in the seafood, the menu includes Wester Ross, IV54 8LR
Boath House, Auldearn simple dishes as well as more Tel 01520 744 262
creative flavour combinations. Remarkable local seafood such as
NORTH QUEENSFERRY: The Wee huge prawns and plump lobster
Restaurant £££ STANLEY: Ballathie House £££ is served in generous portions.
Modern Scottish Map D4 Modern Scottish Map D4
17 Main Street, Fife, KY11 1JG Kinclaven, Perth, PH1 4QN ARDEONAIG: Ardeonaig Hotel
Tel 01383 616 263 Closed Mon Tel 01250 883 268 & Restaurant £££
Savour delicacies such as roast The chef here makes the best Modern Scottish Map D3
sirloin to share or Shetland of Scottish produce such as South Loch Tay Side, near Killin,
mussels at this small restaurant. It Pittenweem langoustines and FK21 8SU
makes for an intimate and highly Perthshire venison by giving them Tel 01567 820 400 Closed Mon & Tue
recommended dining experience. a modern twist in this elegant The pleasant dining room in the
restaurant. Wonderful desserts. Ardeonaig Hotel overlooks Loch
PERTH: 63 Tay Street ££ Tay. The inventive menu includes
Modern Scottish Map D4 dishes such as venison loin and
63 Tay Street, PH2 8NN hay-smoked salmon.
Tel 01738 441 451 Closed Sun & Mon The Highlands and
First-rate modern Scottish cook- ARDUAINE: Asknish Bay
ing is served in elegant surround- Islands Restaurant £££
ings at this contemporary eatery. Modern Scottish Map C4
The menu’s highlights include ABERDEEN: The Silver By Oban, Argyll, PA34 4XG
monkfish tail, Perthshire venison Darling £££ Tel 01852 200 233
and Aberdeen Angus beef steak. Seafood Map E3 Loch Melfort Hotel’s restaurant
Pocra Quay, North Pier, AB11 5DQ has fine views of the Atlantic and
PERTH: Deans @ Let’s Eat ££ Tel 01224 576 229 Closed Sun its isles. Try the evening tasting
Modern Scottish Map D4 Chef Didier Dejean cooks fresh menu with perfectly matched
77–79 Kinnoull Street, PH1 5EZ seafood expertly and gives it a wines from around the world.
Tel 01738 643 377 Closed Sun & Mon French twist. There’s a good list of
This fine-dining restaurant has French wines and magnificent AULDEARN: Boath House £££
a well-deserved reputation for views over the harbour and bay. Modern Scottish Map D2
serving up consistently good Nairn, IV12 5TE
Scottish food with a modern ABOYNE: At the Sign of the Tel 01667 454 896
twist. Good wine list. Black Faced Sheep £ Award-wining food and wonderful
Café Map E3 views are offered at the luxurious
PORTAVADIE: Marina Restaurant Ballater Road, AB34 5HN Boath House hotel. The daily-
and Bar ££ Tel 01339 887 311 changing dishes use produce
Scottish Map C4 At this lovely, upmarket coffee mainly from local suppliers. Try
Loch Fyne, Argyll, PA21 2DA shop and emporium with an the six-course tasting menu.
Tel 01700 811 075
In the Portavadie Marina, this
spectacular waterfront dining
room and bar serves fresh seafood
and oysters from Loch Fyne. There
are splendid views of the Kintyre
and the distant Arran Hills.

SHERIFFMUIR: Sheriffmuir Inn ££

Pub Map D4
Dunblane, FK15 0LN
Tel 01786 823 285 Closed Mon.
Dating to the 17th century, this
inn is located by one of Scotland’s
most famous battlefields. Savour
dishes such as Shetland mussels
and venison by a cosy fire. The waterfront Seafood Restaurant, St Andrews, offering splendid sea views
For more information on types of restaurants see pages 178–9


Seafood Map C3 Restaurant ££
Town Pier, PH33 6DB Brasserie Map D2
Tel 01397 705 589 1 Ness Walk, IV3 5NE
A splendid seafood restaurant Tel 01463 717 274
overlooking Loch Linnhe, Crannog Rocpool is a contemporary
offers dishes with interesting eatery serving modern European
culinary twists. White fish, food. Dishes include Parma ham
molluscs and crustaceans are salad served with balsamic
sourced from the local loch. roasted purple figs and baked
parmesan brûlée. Good wine list.
FORT WILLIAM: Lime Tree ££
Modern Scottish Map C3 ISLE OF SKYE: The Three
The Old Manse, Achintore Road, Chimneys £££
PH33 6RQ Modern Scottish Map B2
Tel 01397 701 806 Colbost, Dunvegan, IV55 8ZT
Known for its warm welcome and Tel 01470 511 258
excellent food, Lime Tree is an Enjoy a superb dining experience
acclaimed restaurant. Specialities in a spectacular location by the
Elegantly laid-out table in The Three include pan-seared Glenfinnan sea at this characterful converted
Chimneys, Isle of Skye venison, mackerel, west coast stone croft with self-taught,
crab and smoked haddock. visionary chef, Shirley Spear.
AVIEMORE: Mountain Café £ Reserve ahead.
Café Map D3 FORT WILLIAM: Inverlochy
111 Grampian Road, PH22 1RH Castle £££ KILBERRY: The Kilberry Inn ££
Tel 01479 812 473 Modern Scottish Map C3 Inn Map C4
This friendly café sells everything Torlundy, PH33 6SN Argyll and Bute, PA29 6YD
from wholesome soups and Tel 01397 702 177 Tel 01880 770 223 Closed Mon
hearty burgers to delicious home The three regal dining rooms at This award-winning inn serves
baking. Children's books and toys Inverlochy Castle make for a truly flawless dishes created with local
keep the little ones occupied. memorable experience. Sample ingredients such as surf clam with
Scottish dishes with a French spaghetti, white wine and cream.
BADACHRO: Badachro Inn £ twist. Do not miss the hot The atmosphere is warm and cosy.
Pub Map C2 cranachan soufflé.
Gairloch, Ross-shire, IV21 2AA
Tel 01445 741 255 GLENCOE: Clachaig Inn £ DK Choice
Bar lunches and evening meals Pub Map C3 KINLOCHLEVEN: Lochleven
are served at this friendly local Argyll, PH49 4HX Seafood Café ££
pub. Jacket potatoes, panini and Tel 01855 811 252 Seafood Map C3
sandwiches feature alongside There is hearty pub fare, fine ales Onich, Fort William, Inverness-
fresh shellfish, seafood, Scottish and a range of malt whiskies to shire PH33 6SA
beef and lamb. choose from at this characterful Tel 01855 821 048
old inn set in the heart of Glencoe. A heaven for seafood lovers,
CAIRNDOW: Loch Fyne Oyster Lochleven Seafood Café offers
Bar ££ INVERIE: The Old Forge £ tennis-ball-sized scallops,
Seafood Map C4 Pub Map C3 delicious oysters and an
Clachan, PA26 8BL Knoydart, Mallaig, PH41 4PL impressively fresh shellfish
Tel 01499 600 236 Tel 01687 462 267 platter with refreshing white
Savour the freshest of oysters The most remote pub in the UK wines. Outside tables in summer
and mussels grown in clear, is a good place to try white fish offer splendid views of Loch
fertile waters of the eponymous and shellfish culled from around Leven and Pap of Glencoe.
loch outside the restaurant. the Knoydart Peninsula.

COLL: Gannet Restaurant ££

Seafood Map B3
Ariangour, PA78 6SZ
Tel 01879 230 334
The waterfront restaurant in the
Coll Hotel boasts fresh seafood
from around the island. Try the
lobster spaghetti with cream,
which uses home-made pasta.

FINDHORN: The Bakehouse £

Café Map D2
91–92 Forres, IV36 3YG
Tel 01309 691 826
Known for its locally sourced
organic produce and mainly
vegetarian menu, The Bakehouse
also has some meat options. The
mouth-watering home-baked
goods are a highlight. Outdoor terrace at Lochleven Seafood Café, Kinlochleven
For key to prices see page 181
W H E R E TO E AT A N D D R I N K  189

KILCHRENAN: Ardanaiseig ££
Modern Scottish Map C4
By Taynuilt, Argyll, PA35 1HE
Tel 01866 833 333
Renowned forager and local
produce advocate Gary Goldie
creates superb gourmet meals in
this country house hotel. The five-
course dinner is served at 7pm.

KISHORN: Kishorn Seafood Bar £

Seafood Map C2
Strathcarron, Ross-shire, IV54 8XA
Tel 01520 733 240
Don’t be fooled by this simple
wooden cabin. It offers world-
class food. Try the great-value
seafood platter laden with crab,
oysters, scallops and squat lobsters. Ardanaiseig restaurant in a 19th-century manor house in Kilchrenan

KYLESKU: Kylesku Hotel £ PLOCKTON: Plockton Hotel ££ at reasonable prices. The lamb is
Scottish Map C1 Seafood Map C2 exceptional, as are the scallops
By Lairg, Sutherland, IV27 4HW 41 Harbour St, Ross-shire, IV52 8TN and halibut.
Tel 01971 502 231 Tel 01599 544 274
In a former coaching inn, this The varied menu features fresh SHETLAND ISLANDS: Frankie’s
spacious bar-lounge serves fish and shellfish including scampi Fish and Chips £
quality meals including creel- tails and langoustines. Other Fish and Chips Map G1
caught lobster, langoustine and mains include venison casserole, Brae, Shetland, ZE2 9QJ
crab. Scottish meats and fish are burgers and fish and chips. Out- Tel 01806 522 700
on offer as well. door tables have lovely sea views. Frankie’s is an award-winning
restaurant on Shetland’s
MULL: Highland Cottage £££ PLOCKTON: Plockton Inn & Mainland. It serves sustainable
Scottish Map B3 Seafood Restaurant ££ fish with some unusual treats
24 Breadalbane Street, Tobermory, Seafood Map C2 such as scallops and blue mussels.
Argyll, PA75 6PD Innes Street, Ross-shire, IV52 8TW Full breakfasts are also available.
Tel 01688 302 030 Tel 01599 544 222
Talented chef Jo Currie delivers This award-winning, traditional TORRIDON: The Torridon
a menu brimming with quality inn in picturesque Plockton village Restaurant £££
local produce in this intimate offers sumptuous seafood platters, Modern Scottish Map C2
dining room. Good wine list. local beef, lamb and game. There Achnasheen, Wester Ross, IV22 2EY
are vegetarian options too. Tel 01445 700 300
OBAN: Waterfront Fishouse The stately dining room at the
Restaurant ££ PORT APPIN: The Airds Hotel & grand Torridon hotel is the ideal
Seafood Map C4 Restaurant £££ setting for the fine-dining dishes
1 Railway Pier, PA34 4LW French Map C3 expertly cooked by chef Bruno
Tel 01631 563 110 Argyll and Bute, PA38 4DF Birckbeck. Savour the sumptuous
Plump langoustines, large king Tel 01631 730 236 five-course tasting menu.
scallops and local lobster are on The fine-dining menu at this
offer at this waterfront restaurant hotel-restaurant has a modern TYNDRUM: The Real Food Café £
with views over the beautiful bay. French theme but uses local Café Map C4
Scottish produce. Try the hand- Perthshire, FK20 8RY
dived scallops, Mallaig halibut Tel 01838 400 235
and slow-poached chicken. This is arguably the best fish and
chips to be had in Scotland.
SCRABSTER: The Captain’s Enjoy a large or small fish supper
Galley £££ and try the excellent coffee and
Seafood Map D1 cakes. There is a children’s menu.
The Harbour, KW14 7UJ
Tel 01847 894 999 Closed Sun & Mon
Set in a former ice house with
exposed brickwork, The Captain’s
Galley offers a dozen different
kinds of fish fresh from the
morning’s catch on its menu.


House £
Scottish Map G1
Busta, Shetland, ZE2 9QN
Tel 01806 522 506
Located in a historic house
Bright and cheerful Frankie’s Fish and Chips in a remote spot, this revered A table with magnificent mountain views
in Brae, Shetland Islands restaurant boasts first-rate dishes at The Torridon, Torridon
For more information on types of restaurants see pages178–9


Scotland may not be able to guarantee looking for. That could be playing golf by the
sunshine or offer beach culture, but its sea, fishing on the Tweed, cruising to see
popularity as a holiday destination is due in whales off the west coast during the summer,
no small part to its opportunities for outdoor skiing in the Cairngorms in winter, eating
activities, as well as cultural pursuits. Over the fresh oysters at a lochside restaurant or
years, the tourist industry has matured to searching for information on ancestors who
occupy an important role in the Scottish left the country 200 years ago. Facilities for all
economy, and local businesses have become kinds of activities have never been better, and
adept at providing visitors with what they are this section outlines some of the best.

Ireland in the Comunn na Gàidhlig. Sabhal

4th century BC, Mor Ostaig, a college on the
and later into Isle of Skye, runs short Gaelic
Scotland where courses for visitors.
it became the
national lang-
uage. By the Food and Drink Tours
18th century, Scotland has a justified
however, under reputation for fine produce, and
English rule, there has been an upsurge in
Gaelic had the number of noteworthy
become restaurants in Edinburgh and
identified with Glasgow. Indeed, Edinburgh has
Searching for records of ancestors, Edinburgh a rebellious established itself as the number
clan system two city for eating out in the
Tracing Genealogy that was persecuted after the British Isles, after London.
From the time of the infamous Jacobite rising of 1745 (see p49). One way of sampling Scottish
Clearances of the 18th century It was marginalized and suffered cuisine is to book a holiday
onwards (see p154), Scots a decline. through Connoisseurs
have emigrated to Australia, A renaissance aims to revive Scotland, which arranges stays
Canada, New Zealand, South this once-dominant culture at country house hotels with a
Africa, the US and elsewhere with Gaelic broadcasts and by reputation for top-class cooking,
in search of an easier life. There teaching it to children. An such as the Crinan Hotel in
are now millions of foreign Comunn Gaidhealach, Scot- Argyll, or Gleneagles.
nationals who can trace their land’s official Gaelic society, The Scotch Malt Whisky
heritage back to Scotland, organizes the annual Royal Society has information for
and uncovering family history National Mod (see p42), a per- lovers of this spirit. Distilleries
is a popular reason for visiting forming arts competition. Other are a popular attraction
the country. Gaelic societies are Comunn An (see pp36–7 and p148), with
Professional genealogists Luchd Ionnsachaidh and names such as Glenfiddich
can be commissioned, but
those interested in conducting
investigations themselves
should try the General Register
House (which has records of
births, deaths and marriages
dating from the 1500s) or the
Scottish Genealogy Society,
both in Edinburgh.

Gaelic Studies
The northwest of Scotland is
the heartland for the Gaelic
language. Historically, this was
a Celtic language that spread
from mainland Europe to Learning about whisky, the “water of life”, at a Speyside distillery

Distillery operating tours.

The production of cask-
conditioned beers is explained
at Edinburgh’s Caledonian
Brewery. An exhibition at
Inverawe Smokehouses,
near Taynuilt in the Highlands,
shows the techniques used in
smoking fish such as salmon.

Viewing Wildlife
In comparison with much of the
rest of the British Isles, Scotland
still has large areas of moor and
mountain wilderness and a Sighting a porpoise as it breaks the calm surface of a sea loch
long, relatively undeveloped
coastline that supports a range mountains near Aviemore, on the mountainsides. With a
of animals (see pp22–3). In the rangers from the Cairngorm large share of Britain’s resident
Reindeer Centre take parties of and visiting birds, Scotland is
people on to the mountain to also home to a number of
walk among a herd of reindeer. important bird sanctuaries, the
A convenient way to see the most celebrated being Handa
abundant sealife is on a boat Island off Scourie on the far
trip run by Maid of the Forth northwest coast (see p161).
Cruises, which operates from St Abb’s Head (see p88) east of
South Queensferry on the Forth Edinburgh and Baron’s Haugh
near Edinburgh – dolphins and near Motherwell (on the
common seals are resident in outskirts of Glasgow) are
these waters. More adventurous nearer the cities.
are the trips in search of whales Many wildlife tours are small-
offered by Sea Life Surveys scale private businesses that
from the Isle of Mull, but even operate according to seasonal
a casual tourist in the Highlands and daily demand, so always
Walkers on the lookout for red deer and can spot birds of prey, otters in check the details with the local
birds of prey at Glen Coe the lochs and herds of red deer tourist information offices.

Tracing Comunn An Luchd Connoisseurs Viewing Wildlife
Genealogy Ionnsachaidh Scotland
1–4 Highland Rail House, PO Box 26164, 10A Cairngorm Reindeer
General Register Academy St, Inverness, Ridgeway, Suite 3, Fife, Centre
House IV1 1LE. Tel (01463) 226 KY11 9JN. Glenmore, Aviemore,
General Register House, 710. ∑ PH22 1QU.
Tel (01383) 825800.
2 Princes St, Edinburgh, Tel (01479) 861228.
Comunn na Gàidhlig ∑
EH1 3YY. ∑ cairngormreindeer.
5 Mitchell’s Lane, Glenfiddich Distillery
Tel (0131) 535 1314.
Inverness, IV2 3HQ. Dufftown, Keith,
∑ Maid of the Forth
Tel (01463) 234138. Banffshire, AB55 4DH.
Scottish Genealogy ∑ Cruises
Tel (01340) 820373.
South Queensferry,
Society Sabhal Mor Ostaig ∑
EH30 9TB.
15 Victoria Terrace, Sleat, Isle of Skye, Inverawe Tel (0131) 331 5000.
Edinburgh, EH1 2JL. IV44 8RQ. Smokehouses ∑ maidofthe forth.
Tel (0131) 220 3677. Tel (01471) 888000.
Taynuilt, Argyll, PA35 1HU.
∑ ∑ Tel (0844) 847 5490.
Sea Life Surveys
∑ smokedsalmon.
Gaelic Studies Food and Drink
Ledaig, Tobermory, Isle of
Tours Mull, PA75 6NU.
An Comunn Scotch Malt Whisky Tel (01688) 302916.
Gaidhealach Caledonian Brewery Society ∑
Balnain House, 40 Huntly 42 Slateford Rd, The Vaults, 87 Giles St,
St, Inverness, IV3 5HR. Edinburgh, EH11 1PH. Edinburgh, EH6 6BZ.
Tel (01463) 709 705. Tel (0131) 337 1286. Tel (0131) 554 3451.
∑ ∑ ∑

Outdoor Activities at a Glance

Handa Island, off the
Only a handful of inland lochs and coastal waters have been far northwest coast, is
exploited by commercial boating and watersports companies, one of a number of
though it is possible to use private vessels on many minor seabird reserves.

lochs in wilderness areas. Likewise, organized skiing is confined

to just five centres. Of the country’s several hundred golf
courses, most are concentrated in Central and Southern
Scotland. This map plots the main centres for various popular
activities. For further information about particular sports Stornoway
across Scotland, see pages 194–203.


Rock climbers and

(see p200) usually head
for Glencoe, the
Cairngorms and the Kyle of
Cuillin Hills on Skye.
The Torridon range and
other formations
further north are also Mallaig
popular choices.

Fort William


The West Highland

Way is the most
famous long-distance
walk in Scotland,
The five skiing centres (see p201) are
encompassing a
Glencoe, the Nevis Range, Cairngorm wonderful variety
(above), Glenshee and The Lecht. The of terrain.
skiing season usually gets under way in Ayr
December and lasts until April.


Watersports Stranraer
Major golf course Sailing (see p203) is popular
off the west coast and the
islands. The calm waters of
Skiing sheltered bays are suitable
Fishing for beginners, while the
Pony trekking
open sea can be both exhil-
arating and treacherous.
Major walking area Inland, Loch Ness offers
Long-distance walk route sailing opportunities.



Bird-watching (see p191) is in itself a reason

Helmsdale ORKNEY
ISLANDS to visit Scotland. The best sanctuaries are in
remote coastal areas where such delightful
species as puffins make their home on the
sheer, wave-lashed cliffs.




Watersports (see p203) include canoeing, surfing,

windsurfing and diving. Visitors can book equip-
ment and courses through activities centres
Dundee scattered around the country.
Golf (see pp194–7)
attracts thousands
of visitors every year,
especially to the most
Stirling famous courses in
Central Scotland,
Dunbar such as St Andrews
Glasgow and Carnoustie.


Walking (see pp198–9)

is tremendously
popular in Scotland,
and vast swathes of
the countryside are
open to the public.
Pony-trekking oppor-
tunities (see p202) are
within easy reach of
Fishing (see p202) is the cities, in the gentle
well catered for on the countryside of Southern
River Tweed in Southern
Scotland, and on Loch
and Central Scotland,
Ness in the Highlands. and in the great moor
and mountain wilderness
of the Highlands.
0 kilometres 50

0 miles 50

Golf in Scotland rubber-core ball in use today

appeared at the beginning of
The ancient game of golf is synonymous with Scotland and the 20th century.
has been played here for hundreds of years. Wherever you
choose to stay, there will be a golf course not far away. Few
countries can rival Scotland for the number, quality and
variety of courses – over 550 at the last count, with new ones
opening every year. Similarly, few golfing destinations can lay
claim to such magnificent, unspoilt scenery. Golf is played by
people of all ages and capabilities in Scotland – it’s a game for
everyone to enjoy. Whether your game is suited to one of the
legendary championship courses or to a less daunting
challenge, you will find a hearty welcome here.

Early History home with them. In 1744 the

Variations on the game of Gentlemen Golfers of Leith, led
golf as we know it today were by Duncan Forbes, drew up the
being played across Europe as first Articles & Laws in Playing
long ago as the 14th century, at Golf. Although later revised
and possibly even in Roman and updated, these original A scenic view of Gleneagles, one of
times. However, it is the rules, set down by the Scottish Scotland’s championship courses
Scottish who must be credited professionals of the time,
with establishing the official formed the framework for
game and encouraging its the modern game of golf. Arranging a Game
development across the world. Nearly all Scottish golf clubs
It was in Scotland that the welcome visitors, although
passion for golf was born. By Tools of the Trade there may be restrictions on
the middle of the 16th century, The Scottish influence on non-members at popular
the game had become a golf was not to end there. times. Check booking
popular pastime at the highest Many of the professionals arrangements carefully. Almost
levels of society – James VI playing at the time were also all clubs have websites and
himself was a keen player, as skilled carpenters, instrumental many have online booking
was his mother, Mary, Queen in developing the clubs and capabilities; others require a
of Scots. balls used in the game. Willie formal written application. To
In the late 1800s, wealthy Park Senior was a master club- be certain of a round on the
middle-class Englishmen maker, and winner of the first more famous courses, book
began to follow the example Scottish Open in 1860, while well in advance, or take a
of the Royal Family by taking Old Tom Morris became a golfing package that includes
their holidays in Scotland. legend in the game for both guaranteed tee times at your
The expansion of the railway his playing and craftsmanship. chosen venues.
system at this time allowed In the days before machinery, For a comprehensive list
people to get to the seaside the wooden clubs were made of all Scotland’s golf courses,
courses, and the English entirely by hand. The earliest including prices and amenities
became so infatuated with the irons were also fashioned by and other useful golfing
game of golf that they took it hand, followed by aluminium- information, order a free copy
headed clubs of the annual Official Guide to
that differ Golf in Scotland brochure,
very little from produced by VisitScotland.
clubs today.
The “guttie” ball
was invented Etiquette
in 1848, Scotland isn’t a snobbish place
replacing the to play golf, but some clubs
expensive and are more conservative than
easily dam- others. Some frown on jeans
aged “feathery”, or trainers (running shoes),
thus making and a few insist on jackets and
the game ties in the clubhouse lounge.
more afford- Remember to bring your
able. The handicap certificate along
Old railway poster advertising the lure of St Andrews modern, each time you visit.

When to Play book ahead if you need a

It’s easier (and cheaper) to get caddy. Buggies (ride-on golf
a game during the week rather carts) may be available if pre-
than at a weekend, and outside booked at the larger courses,
busy holiday periods. The main but the norm in Scotland is to
golfing season runs from about walk the course unless you have
April to mid-October, but most a medical condition or physical
clubs stay open all year round, disability.
especially the links (coastal)
courses, where the climate is
milder. May and September are Long Traditions
ideal times to play: temperatures Many of Scotland’s courses are
are moderate and the scenery is steeped in history and tradition.
at its most beautiful. The further Without a doubt, St Andrews
north you go, the hours of day- Teeing off as the sun sets at Royal Troon in Fife is the true home of golf,
light vary more. At midsummer, Golf Club, Ayrshire where the game originated in
you can tee off at midnight on the 15th century (records date
Orkney and Shetland. back to 1457). The St Andrews
Facilities Links Trust now operates
A scheme called “Visiting seven superb courses on this
Golfing Events Golfers Welcome”, operated by hallowed stretch of seaside, the
Many keen golfers combine a VisitScotland, indicates which most venerable of which is the
visit to Scotland with a well- clubs provide facilities for Old Course. Every golfer
known golfing event. Besides the non-members. Smarter dreams of playing here. If
famous Open Championship, clubs offer on-site you are lucky, your dream
held at least every other year, accommodation; this can may come true – this
professional fixtures attracting be extremely luxurious, legendary course is
visitors to Scotland are the with many leisure accessible to visitors
Aberdeen Asset Management amenities, as at world- at short notice via a
Scottish Open, staged at renowned Gleneagles or democratic ballot system.
different golf clubs every year in the Ballater Golf Club in Simply contact the Trust the
late summer; the Dunhill Links Royal Deeside. Others can day before you want to
Championship (Oct); and two suggest hotels or bed play, and your name
women’s championships: the and breakfasts nearby, will be included in the
Women’s British Open and the many of which offer daily draw (successful
Ladies’ Scottish Open. Popular special rates or dis- applicants are posted
amateur events include the counted green fees The Claret Jug on the club’s website).
St Andrews Links Trophy (Jun) for golfers, along with trophy St Andrews’s resident
and the Scottish Amateur storage facilities, drying Royal and Ancient Golf
Championship (Jul–Aug). “Golf rooms and early or late Club (R&A), founded in 1754, is the
Weeks” are held at St Andrews mealtimes. Look out for the official ruling body of world golf.
(Apr), Royal Deeside and “Golfers Welcome” logo, which The R&A organizes the famous
Machrihanish (both in May), and indicates accommodation British Open Championship,
Pitlochry (Jun). The Fife, Ayrshire specially geared to golf lovers. traditionally hosted by
and Highland Classics are held Clubs and hand trollies can St Andrews every five years.
at multiple venues. be hired at most courses, but The winner of this prestigious
contest is awarded the coveted
Claret Jug trophy, crafted and
hallmarked in 1873. The British
Golf Museum, opposite the R&A
clubhouse, is a must-visit
attraction for any keen player.
Not far from St Andrews is the
Crail Golfing Society, which
began life in 1786. Its Balcomie
links course is a tough seaside
test. The Royal Burgess,
instituted in 1735, is the oldest
golfing society in the world.
Upholding time-honoured
golfing rules, it features a
picturesque tree-lined course
on the north side of Edinburgh.
The 2014 Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open at Royal Aberdeen Golf Club Visitor tee times are available.

holiday course with superb vistas

of Scapa Flow.
However, it is perhaps the clas-
sic links, or coastal courses, that
are most typical of the Scottish
game. Links courses present infin-
itely varied challenges: a dramatic
opening drive across the Atlantic
at Machrihanish in Argyll, or the
lunar landscape at Cruden Bay,
near Aberdeen. Kingsbarns,
near St Andrews, is another top-
flight coastal course. Up in the
Highlands, Royal Dornoch is
an all-time great links course
Aerial view of Machrihanish, a golf course overlooking the Atlantic Ocean designed by Tom Morris.

Championship Courses More recently, Dave Thomas

Other famous courses on the has achieved great success as a Cutting Costs
Open circuit include Carnoustie, course designer. Among his cre- Golf can be an expensive hobby,
Royal Troon and the private ations are Deer Park in Livingston, but it is possible to enjoy a round
course Muirfield, which hosted Roxburghe in the Borders and for under £20 – for example, at
the Open Championship in the Spey Valley championship Braid Hills in Edinburgh, a superb
2013. Prestwick and Royal course near Aviemore, dramatically public course with amazing views
Musselburgh are splendid but set against the backdrop of the of the castle and city, or at
no longer used because of the Cairngorm mountains. Merchants of Edinburgh. If
difficulty of accommodating you don’t want to spend too
large crowds. Other stunning much at Fife’s Leven Links, try the
courses used as Open qualifying adjoining James Braid-designed
venues are North Berwick, nine-hole Lundin Ladies course,
Glasgow Gailes and Gullane – which costs a third of the price
course No. 1 is as close as and welcomes visitors of either
you’re likely to get to playing at gender. Colvend, overlooking the
Muirfield. Located on the Moray Solway Firth, is also good value
Firth and opened in 2009, Castle and even Ballater has reasonably
Stuart Golf Links hosted the priced mid-week day passes.
Scottish Open for three years. Another way to keep costs
Most famous is Gleneagles, a down is to take up one of the
luxurious resort home to four many deals and passes available
courses. The Johnnie Walker through specialist operators,
Championship is held here The tranquil landscape at Cruden Bay golf or listed in the Official Guide to
annually in late summer. course, near Aberdeen Golf (see p194). These include
the Freedom of the Fairways,
which allows discounted play
Designer Golf Arresting Scenery at 21 courses in the Borders, and
Carnoustie, Royal Musselburgh It’s a rare Scottish golf course that the Aviemore & Cairngorms Golf
and the King’s and Queen’s doesn’t boast a glorious setting. Pass, which offers seven days’
courses at Gleneagles were Elgin is one of the finest inland golf at eight different courses
designed by the great 1920s courses, in lush parkland in the central Highlands.
player James Braid, five- surroundings, while Kingussie
time winner of the Open. takes advantage of an amazing
VisitScotland’s James Braid Trail Cairngorm backdrop. Pitlochry
explores some of the 250 or so is an ideal holiday course, and
courses he created or modified nine-hole Traigh, on the Road to
throughout the country, intro- the Isles, features a magnificent
ducing features such as doglegs panorama towards the Inner
and pot bunkers. Famous Braid Hebrides. Shiskine on the Isle
courses include Nairn, Boat of of Arran is an unusual and little-
Garten, Crieff, Haggs Castle, known gem with 12 holes in
Brora and Dalmahoy. Braid cut a wonderful setting. The Isle
his golfing teeth on the links at of Skye is another small but
Elie, where he was born, though beautiful course with sea and
he had little influence on the island views, while Orkney’s Loch views from the green at the Isle of
present course. Stromness is a demanding Skye Golf Club

Useful Websites Gullane Crieff Brora
∑ scotlands-golf- West Links Rd, Gullane, Perth Rd, Crieff, Perthshire. Golf Rd, Brora, Sutherland. East Lothian. Tel (01764) 652909. Tel (01408) 621417.
∑ Tel (01620) 842255. ∑ ∑
∑ ∑
Elie Castle Stuart Golf
Merchants of Golf Course Lane, Elie, Links
Golfing Edinburgh Inverness.
Organizations Fife. Tel (01333) 333301.
10 Craighill Gardens, ∑ Tel (01463) 796111.
Scottish Golf Union Edinburgh. ∑
Tel (0131) 447 1219. Glasgow Gailes
Tel (01334) 466477. Cruden Bay
∑ merchants Gailes, Irvine.
∑ Aulton Rd, Cruden Bay,
Tel (0141) 942 2011.
Scottish Ladies Muirfield Peterhead.
Golfing Association Duncur Rd, Gullane, East Tel (01779) 812285.
Tel (01738) 442357. Lothian. Tel (01620) 842 Gleneagles ∑ crudenbaygolf
∑ 123. ∑ Gleneagles, Auchterarder,
Perthshire. Elgin
North Berwick
Specialist New Clubhouse, Beach
Tel (01764) 662 231. Birnie Rd, Elgin, Moray.
Operators ∑ Tel (01343) 542338.
Rd, North Berwick. Tel
(01620) 895040. ∑ north Haggs Castle ∑
Adventures in Golf
Tel 001 (877) 424 7320. 70 Dumbreck Rd, Isle of Skye
∑ adventures-in-golf. Prestwick
Dumbreck, Glasgow. Sconser, Isle of Skye.
com Tel (0141) 427 1157. Tel (01478) 650465.
2 Links Rd, Prestwick,
∑ haggscastle ∑ isleofskyegolfclub.
Golf International Ayrshire.
Tel (01292) 477404.
Tel (800) 833 1389.
∑ golfinternational. ∑ Kingsbarns Kingussie
com Kingsbarns, St Andrews, Gynack Rd, Kingussie.
Fife. Tel (01334) 460860. Tel (01540) 661600.
Links Golf St Andrews Village of Heiton, Kelso,
∑ ∑
Tel (01334) 478639. Borders. Tel (01573) 450
∑ linksgolfstandrews. 333. ∑ roxburghe Leven Links Machrihanish
com The Promenade, Leven, Campbeltown, Argyll.
Fife. Tel (01333) 428859. Tel (01586) 810213.
Premier Golf Royal Burgess
∑ ∑
Tel 001 (866) 260 4409. 181 Whitehouse Rd,
∑ Barnton, Edinburgh. Nairn
Lundin Ladies
Tel (0131) 339 9440. Seabank Rd, Nairn.
Scottish Golf Tours Woodielea Rd, Lundin
∑ Tel (01667) 453208.
Tel (0131) 657 1984. Links, Fife. Tel (01333)
∑ scottish-golf tours. Royal Musselburgh 320832. ∑ lundin
com Prestongrange House, Pitlochry
Prestonpans, East Lothian. Golf Course Rd, Pitlochry.
Edinburgh and St Andrews Links
Tel (01875) 810276. Tel (01796) 472792.
Southern Scotland St Andrews Links Trust,
∑ royalmusselburgh. ∑
Fife. Tel (01334) 466666. Royal Dornoch
Braid Hills ∑
15 Braid Hills Approach, Royal Troon Golf Rd, Dornoch,
Edinburgh. Tel (0131) 447 Craigend Rd, Troon,
Shiskine Sutherland.
6666. ∑ edinburgh Ayrshire. Tel (01292) 311 Blackwaterfoot, Shiskine, Tel (01862) 810219. 555. ∑ Isle of Arran. ∑
Tel (01770) 860226.
Colvend ∑
Spey Valley
Sandyhills, Colvend.
Glasgow and Dalfaber Golf & Country
Tel (01556) 630398. Central Scotland Club, Aviemore. Tel (0845)
The Highlands
∑ colvendgolfclub. Carnoustie and Islands 601 1734. ∑ resorts. Links Parade, Carnoustie,
Angus. Tel (01241) 802 Ballater Golf Club spey-valley/
Marriott Hotel & CC, 270. ∑ carnoustie Victoria Rd, Ballater, Stromness
Kirknewton, Edinburgh. Aberdeenshire. Ness, Stromness, Orkney.
Tel (0131) 333 1845. Tel (01339) 755567. Tel (01856) 850772.
Crail ∑ ∑
Deer Park Balcomie Clubhouse,
Golf Course Rd, Fifeness, Crail, Fife. Boat of Garten Traigh
Livingston, West Lothian. Tel (01333) 450686. Boat of Garten, Inverness- Traigh Golf Club, Arisaig.
Tel (01506) 446699. ∑ crailgolfingsociety. shire. Tel (01479) 831282. Tel (01687) 450337.
∑ ∑ ∑

Walking Opportunities
Walking in Scotland This section deals with low-
It can truly be said that Scotland is a paradise for ramblers. level walking; mountain
Many trails have been waymarked for the public making activities are covered on
Scotland a fantastic place to walk, whether you wish to stroll pages 200–201, and you can
also obtain information from
for an afternoon or spend weeks on the trail. Superb scenery the Mountaineering Council
is reasonably accessible, and the variety of terrain of Scotland. Over the
encompasses everything from craggy mountains years, greatly improved
to gentle river valleys. Scotland also possesses path networks have been
a magnificent dramatic coastline, as well as developed, some through
numerous islands to explore. The local tourist the national
Paths for All
information centre is always a good first port Partnership.
of call if you are looking for advice or The networks
suggested routes. provide excellent,
safe walking
Walking boots opportunities for
restrictions in mountain areas visitors. Some of the
during the stag-stalking season best networks are in the Borders
(July to late October), but not and around Galloway, in Perth-
on any areas owned by the shire (around Dunkeld and
National Trust for Scotland Pitlochry), in Aberdeenshire
(see p208). (around Huntly), at Braemar
and on the island of Bute.
Local authorities and other
Clothing and Equipment agencies have created paths
The weather in Scotland is fickle. and published walking guides
It can snow in June or be balmy for remote areas, such as
in February, and conditions are Wester Ross, the Western Isles,
liable to change rapidly. This Orkney and Shetland. Some of
makes selecting the right clothing these walks tie in with ferry
and equipment tricky. Even in services. Most have a cultural
summer, you should take a water- or natural history theme, or
proof jacket if venturing far from incorporate a castle, waterfall
shelter. When going on a day or other place of interest. The
Long-distance trail signpost for walkers in walk, take waterproof trousers walks are generally from 6 to
the Spey river valley and a fleece or warm sweater. 12 km (4 to 7 miles) in length.
The art of being comfortable Tourist information centres are
is to make your clothing adapt- good starting places for more
Right of Access able; several thin layers are details, or you can contact
In Scotland there is a statutory better than one thick
right of access to most land for one. Head covering is
recreational purposes. Access worth considering – a
laws implemented in 2005 are cap for sunny days or a
balanced by a Scottish Outdoor warmer hat for cold days.
Access Code giving guidance on For a walk of more than
responsible conduct for users a couple of hours, take a
and managers of such land. drink and snack. If you
Scotland’s long tradition of will be out all day, take
open access has resulted in energy foods and liquids.
few routes being shown on Good footwear is
Ordnance Survey or other maps, essential. Countryside
although historic rights of way walks generally demand
are usually marked. Scotways strong shoes or boots.
holds the definitive maps Sturdy trainers (running
showing these routes. shoes) can be worn
Guidebooks available at large on roads or firm tracks,
bookshops such as WH Smith but not on rough
or Waterstone’s describe easily ground where you may
walkable routes, many of which need ankle support.
are signposted. Outdoor chain Light-weight walking
Tiso also sells maps and hiking boots are suitable for
guides. There may be access most seasons. Looking out over Rannoch Moor

Forestry Commission
231 Corstorphine Rd, Edinburgh
EH12 7AT.
Tel (0845) 367 3787.
Mountaineering Council
of Scotland
The Old Granary, West Mill St,
Perth PH1 5QP.
Tel (01738) 493942.
National Trust for Scotland
Hermiston Quay, 5 Cultins Rd,
Edinburgh EH11 4DF.
Above the clouds in Knoydart, looking to the Cuillin Hills on Skye Tel (0844) 493 2100.
VisitScotland to obtain their Long-distance Walks Paths for All Partnership
New Walking Scotland brochure, Scotland has relatively few Inglewood House, Tullibody Rd,
which describes walks in all formal long-distance routes, Alloa FK10 2HU.
parts of Scotland. Their though the potential for making Tel (01259) 218888.
brochure also lists walking up your own is limitless. The ∑
festivals. three “official” routes are the 152- Ramblers’ Scotland
These events, km (95-mile) West Highland Way Kingfisher House, Auld Mart
that last up to from Glasgow to Fort William, Business Park, Milnathort KY13
a week, offer the 340-km- (211-mile-) Southern 9DA.
a wide range Upland Way from Portpatrick to Tel (01577) 861222.
of guided Cockburnspath, and the 84-km ∑
walks along (52-mile) Speyside Way from
Scottish Natural Heritage
with a Spey Bay to Tomintoul.
Great Glen House,
programme Other routes developed by 1 Leachkin Rd, Inverness IV3
of evening local authorities include the 8NW.
entertain- 100-km (62-mile) St Cuthbert’s Tel (01463) 725000.
ment. The Way from Melrose to Lindis- ∑
Compass of the type first such farne, and the Fife Coastal
commonly used festival, Path from North Queensferry Scotways
24 Annandale St, Edinburgh EH7
by walkers held in to Tayport near the bridge over
4AN. Tel (0131) 558 1222.
the Borders, the Tay to Dundee.
started in 1995. Others are now The three principal routes are
held in the Highlands, Deeside shown on the activities map Tiso
and Perthshire, with more (see pp192–3). For information 123–125 Rose Street Precinct,
starting up each year. about them, and others being Edinburgh EH2 3DT.
For information on organized developed, contact Scottish Tel (0131) 225 9486.
walks, contact Ramblers’ ∑
Natural Heritage and local
Scotland. There are also tourist information centres. VisitScotland
hundreds of miles of forest Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive,
trails and walks across the Edinburgh EH6 6JH.
country. The Forestry Tel (0845) 859 1006.
Commission can provide ∑
you with general information. activities/walking
Longer low-level routes Waterstone’s
being developed include the 83 George St,
Fife Coastal Path, the Clyde Edinburgh EH2 3ES.
Walkway and the Speyside Way Tel (0843) 290 8309.
extension to Aviemore. All 153–157 Sauchiehall St,
of these can easily be sampled Glasgow G2 3EW.
as day walks. Tel (0843) 290 8345.
Spring and autumn are ∑
especially lovely times of the WH Smith
year for walking in Scotland. 10B Queensferry St, Edinburgh
The colouring is superb, and EH2 4PG. Tel (0131) 225 9672.
there is often a wider choice Surveying the scenery on a wintry day in ∑
of accommodation available. the Cairngorms

Activities in the Mountains Scottish Outdoor Access Code

website provides an interactive
Although Scotland’s highest mountains rise to little over map and telephone numbers
1,200 m (4,000 ft), they offer a true challenge to the hill walker to call for local advice. The
and rock climber alike. Noted worldwide for their beauty of Mountaineering Council of
Scotland website is another
form and variety of character, the mountains of Scotland useful resource.
command respect among all mountaineers, not least because
the climate is so variable. During the winter, conditions can be
arctic. Long days in the hills offer a sense of satisfaction and Munros and Corbetts
refreshment that is highly valued as a contrast to the hectic Scottish mountains rising just
pace of modern life. above 914 m (3,000 ft) are often
called “Munros” after Sir Hugh
Munro, first president of the
Scottish Mountaineering Club
west, many of which command (SMC). In 1891 Munro published
superb sea views. Narrow ridges the first comprehensive list
such as the Aonach Eagach of mountains fulfilling this
above Glencoe, and the criterion. The list has been
peerless Cuillins of Skye, offer maintained by the SMC ever
exhilarating sport and a special since, and the hills are now
challenge. Given the right officially classed as Munros.
conditions, most hills can be Normally, the principal summits
climbed in a day, but more on a hill are Munros; the lesser
remote peaks may demand an summits are called “Tops”.
overnight camp, or a stay in one Revised several times, the
of the simple huts known as a list now totals 284 Munros.
“bothy”. Winter mountaineering The first known Munroist
needs extra skills but it also was the Rev AE Robertson in
Hard hats and safety ropes – vital reaps the fantastic reward of 1901. He finished his tour of the
equipment for rock climbing the most breathtaking scenery. Munros on Meall Dearg, above
Rock and ice climbing in Glencoe, and it is recorded
Scotland has a long and that he kissed the cairn before
Safety in the Mountains distinguished history stretching kissing his wife, such was his
The mountains of Scotland back over a century. The main enthusiasm as the first of
demand respect at any time climbing areas, including many dedicated Munroists.
of the year, and this means Glencoe, the Cairngorms and In the 1920s, J Rooke Corbett
being properly prepared. You Skye, have provided tough published a list of the summits
should always take with you training grounds for many that measured 760–915 m
full waterproofs, warm clothes climbers who later gained world (2,500–3,000 ft). These 221
(including hat and gloves), and renown. All year the huge “Corbetts”, as they became
food and drink. Take a map and northern faces of Ben Nevis known, have a clearer definition
compass and know how to (see p139) offer a multitude of
use them. Good boots are climbs at all levels. New areas,
essential. Winter mountain- including the far northwest
eering demands knowledge and the islands, have been
of ice-axe and crampon tech- developed more recently, as
niques. Glenmore Lodge in have particular disciplines such
Aviemore is a good centre as sea-stack climbing. Techniques
offering courses in skiing, hill are being continually extended
craft and mountaineering. and skills refined, so that
ever tougher routes can be
completed. The mountains of
Mountaineering Scotland may be small, but the
in Scotland maritime climate and frequently
Recreation in the mountains wild winter weather produce ice
takes several forms. Many climbs that are among the most
people aim for the higher hills, serious and demanding in the
known as “Munros” and “Cor- world. The only “closed season”
betts”. These vary in character on Scotland’s mountains is the
from the rounded heathery period from July until late
domes of the Monadhliath or October, when restrictions
the Southern Uplands to the apply in certain areas during Rock climbers ascending Polldubh,
steep, craggy eminences of the the stag-shooting season. The Glen Nevis

Safety in the
Scotland has a well organized
network of voluntary mountain
rescue teams. Calls for rescue
should be made to the police
on 999.
Weather Forecasts
(the Highlands)
Tel 0870 900 0100.

Glenmore Lodge
Aviemore, Inverness-shire
PH22 1QU.
Enjoying a superb mountain panorama in the northern Highlands Tel (01479) 861256.
than the Munros – they must be Glenshee and Cairngorm offer
single summits. A third list is good facilities and runs for Mountaineering in
available, of summits of 610– skiers of all abilities, including Scotland
760 m (2,000– 2,500 ft) called nursery slopes. The Mountaineering
“Grahams”. All summits in Ski centres are usually Council of Scotland
Scotland over 610 m have open from December to April, The Old Granary, West Mill St,
now been categorized and depending on the amount Perth PH1 5QP.
published. The hills are described, of snow cover. Unfortunately, Tel (01738) 493942.
with ascent routes, in the SMC snow is not wholly reliable in ∑
guides The Munros and The Scotland but when it does
Corbetts, and other Scottish Hills, snow, the skiing is exhilarating. Scottish Mountaineering
and in The Munros Almanac and Hotels and guesthouses in the Club
The Corbetts Almanac. The third ski areas offer weekend and
set is listed in a publication midweek packages, and there Scottish Outdoor Access
called The Grahams. are ski schools in all the areas. Code
The best advice is to keep an ∑ outdooraccess-scotland.
eye on the weather and take com
Skiing in Scotland your chance as it arises.
There are five ski centres in Cross-country or Nordic skiing Skiing in Scotland
Scotland: Glencoe (see p138), is a popular, informal sport in
Ski Scotland
Nevis Range (see p139), The Scotland. Given good snow
Lecht, Cairngorm (see pp144–5) cover, there are many suitable
and Glenshee. The Lecht tends areas, ranging from the Cairngorm
to have the gentlest runs, while Southern Uplands to the hills Aviemore, Inverness-shire.
Glencoe has the steepest. These of the north and west, as well Tel (01479) 861261.
two centres are more informal as hundreds of miles of forest ∑
than the others. Nevis Range, trails all over Scotland. Glencoe
King’s House, Glencoe, Argyll.
Tel (01855) 851226.

Cairnwell, Aberdeenshire.
Tel (01339) 741320.

The Lecht
Strathden, Aberdeenshire.
Tel (01975) 651440.

Nevis Range
Torlundy, Inverness-shire.
Tel (01397) 705825.
∑ snowsports.nevisrange.
Snowboarding on the Scottish slopes

Other Outdoor Activities

Scotland has a few surprises up its sleeve for people who still
associate the country with old-fashioned tourist images.
While traditional pursuits such as deer stalking or salmon
fishing still thrive, they are now complemented by a wide
range of more contemporary sports including mountain
biking and even surfing. Flanked by the North Sea and the
Atlantic, Scotland has ample water for sailing, windsurfing
and fishing, while horse riding and cycling present excellent
Splendid catch of the day from the River
ways to explore the country’s varied and dramatic landscapes.
Tweed, Southern Scotland

there are opportunities for and deer stalking. Red deer

sea angling, coarse fishing, and grouse are plentiful, while
and game fishing for trout many estuaries and firths are
too. The Salmon and Trout wintering grounds for birds.
Association has information Over the last 30 years or so,
on game fishing – the season hunting in Scotland has also
runs from mid-February to attracted overseas visitors. For
the end of October. For coarse information on gun licensing
fishing and sea angling a and where to shoot, contact
landowner’s permission is the British Association for
required before casting off. Shooting and Conservation.
The Scottish Federation for
Coarse Angling and Scottish
Mountain biking in the Scottish Borders Federation of Sea Anglers Pony Trekking and
provide all the necessary Horse Riding
Cycling and information. Contact the There are more than 60 trekking
Mountain Biking Scottish Anglers National and riding centres across
Cycling around Scotland is Association for general advice. Scotland, catering to a wide
one of the best ways to view range of abilities, including trips
the country. The trails of the deep into the Highlands for
Highlands are near perfect Hunting experienced riders. Some offer
mountain-bike territory and The tradition of recreational accommodation, tuition and trail
the Forestry Commission has hunting can be traced back to riding, others provide trekking by
opened a lot of the forest road the mid-1800s, when Queen the hour. VisitScotland has a
network to mountain bikers. Victoria and Prince Albert set up complete list of all the centres.
There is also an expanding residence in Balmoral on Deeside. For rides in the Cairngorms
national cycle path network It became fashionable for British head to Newtonmore Riding
to explore. The 7stanes are aristocrats to spend the autumn Centre. On Deeside is the
seven mountain-biking centres, shooting in Scotland. Large Glen Tanar Equestrian Centre,
with trails spanning the south of parts of the Highlands became and visitors to Skye should
Scotland, from the heart of the sporting estates. Scotland try Skye Riding Centre. For
Scottish Borders to Dumfries is recognized as providing a full-blown trekking holiday
and Galloway. Edinburgh has a Europe’s best game shooting contact Highlands Unbridled.
system of cycle paths on old
train tracks. BikeTrax is just one
of many hire shops in the city.
Scottish Cycling has information
on cycling events and races in
and around the capital.
A Cycling in Scotland booklet
is available from tourist offices.
For details of cycling trips in
Scotland, contact the C.T.C.
National Cyclists Organisation
and Scottish Cycling Holidays.

Although Scotland is most
associated with salmon fishing, Visitors taking in the Scottish scenery on horseback

Sailing have the option of chartering

Scotland is a country of firths, a yacht. Centres such as Port
islands and sea lochs, and the Edgar Marina near Edinburgh
best way to explore them is by or the Scottish National
boat. You do not necessarily Watersports Centre on
have to be a skilled sailor to Cumbrae in the Firth of Clyde
do this, as some companies offer tuition for beginners, while
now offer supervised yachting experienced sailors will find
holidays for novices. Visitors also serviced moorings for their own
craft in beauty spots up and
down the west coast and
among the islands. Kayaking on Loch Eil in the shadow of
magnificent Ben Nevis
Watersports also a favourite activity. The
Surfing is not an activity normally Royal Yacht Association has
associated with Scotland, but a information on sites across the
good wetsuit and a sense of country. The top venue is the
determination are all that is remote island of Tiree, which
needed. Pease Bay in East Lothian hosts a major windsurfing
is a popular spot, as are some event in October every year.
north coast locations such as Canoes and kayaks can be
Dunnet Bay by Thurso and the rented on lochs and in sheltered
northwest tip of Lewis. Septem- bays. The Scottish Water Ski
Wooden sailboat in the Sound of Sleat, just ber to October is the best time Centre has details on the best
off the Isle of Skye for the waves. Windsurfing is places to water ski.

Cycling and Scottish Cycling Hunting Tel (01470) 582419.
Mountain Biking Holidays ∑ theisleofskye
87 Perth St, Blairgowrie, British Association for
7stanes Perthshire PH10 6DT. Shooting & Conserv-
Peel Tower, Glentress Tel (01250) 876100. ation (Scotland)
Tel (0845) 859 1006.
Forest, Peebles EH45 8NB. Trochry, Dunkeld, Perth-
∑ ∑
Tel (01721) 721180. shire PH8 0DY. Tel (01350)
∑ 7stanesmountain 723226. ∑ Sailing
Salmon and Trout Pony Trekking Port Edgar Marina
Association and Horse Riding South Queensferry
13 Lochrin Place,
Siskin, Bonar Bridge, EH30 9SQ.
Edinburgh EH3 9QX. Glen Tanar Equestrian Tel (0131) 331 3330.
Tel (0131) 228 6633. Sutherland IV24 3AW. Centre ∑
∑ Tel (01863) 766767. Glen Tanar, Aboyne,
∑ salmon- Royal Deeside AB34 5EU. Scottish National
C.T.C. National Watersports Centre Tel (01339) 886448.
Cyclists Organisation Isle of Cumbrae, Ayreshire
Parklands, Railton Rd, ∑
Scottish Anglers KA28 0HQ. Tel (01475)
Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX. National Association Highlands Unbridled 530757. ∑ national
Tel (0844) 736 8450. National Game Angling Keepers Cottage, The Doll,
∑ Centre, The Pier, Loch Brora, Sutherland KW9
Forestry Commission Leven, Kinross KY13 8UF. 6NL. Tel (01408) 622789. Watersports
Tel (01577) 861116. ∑ highlands
Silvan House, 231 Royal Yacht
Corstorphine Rd, ∑
EdinburghEH12 7AT. Newtonmore Caledonia House, South
Scottish Federation
Tel (0845) 367 3787. Riding Centre Gyle, Edinburgh EH12
for Coarse Angling
∑ Biallid Farm, Fort William 9DQ. Tel (0131) 317 7388.
Tel (07812) 241816.
Rd, Newtonmore, ∑
Scottish Cycling ∑
Inverness-shire PH20 1BP.
Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, Scottish Water Ski
Scottish Federation Tel (01540) 670000. Centre
Emirates Arena,
of Sea Anglers ∑ newtonmore Townhill Country Park,
1000 London Rd,
Stitchill House, Kelso, Townhill, Dunfermline
Glasgow G40 3HY
Tel (0141) 554 6021 TD5 7TB. Skye Riding Centre KY12 0HT. Tel (01383)
∑ Tel (01573) 470612. Suladale, Portree, Isle of 620123. ∑ waterski
uk/scotland ∑ Skye IV51 9PA.

Practical Information 206–215

Travel Information 216–223

To enjoy Scotland fully, it is best to know to turn to if things go wrong; banking and
something about the workings of everyday life. communications; and how to get around
The range of facilities for tourists in Scotland the country by public and private transport,
has never been better – indeed tourism including ferries to the islands.
has become a major part of the country’s Whether or not you find Scotland an
economy – and VisitScotland is continually expensive country will depend on the
promoting better services around the exchange rate between the pound and
country. This chapter gives advice about your own currency. Visitors travelling from
when best to visit Scotland; customs and London will find that costs are generally
immigration requirements; where to find lower in Scotland’s capital. Glasgow offers
tourist information; what to do or whom even better value for money.

before you set off on foot to Advance Booking

remote hills or mountainous Out of season, you should
locations. Walkers and climbers have few problems booking
can be surprised by the accommodation or transport
weather, and the Mountain at short notice, but in high
Rescue services are frequently season always try to book
called out due to unexpectedly ahead if possible. Before you
severe conditions. Weather travel, contact VisitScotland,
reports are given on television, or
and radio, in newspapers and a travel agent, for advice
by a weather phone service and information.
(see p201).
Customs and
Insurance Immigration
Visitor Centre in Callander, at the heartIt is sensible to take out travel A valid passport is needed
of the Trossachs insurance before travelling, to to enter the United Kingdom.
cover cancellation or curtail- Visitors from the EU, the
ment of your holiday, theft or United States, Canada,
When to Visit loss of money and possessions, Australia and New Zealand
Scotland’s climate is very and the cost of any medical do not require visas to enter
changeable (see pp40–43). May treatment (see p210). If your the UK, nor any inoculations
and June are usually drier than country has a reciprocal med- or vaccinations. Once within
July and August, although the ical arrangement with the UK the UK, visitors are free to travel
latter are usually the warmest you can obtain free treatment to and from Scotland, England,
months. The west coast tends under the National Health Wales and Northern Ireland
to be mild and wet, while the Service. Australia, New Zealand without passing any other
east coast is cool and drier. and all countries in the frontier formalities.
Scotland’s towns and cities European Union (EU) have When you arrive at any
are allyear destinations, this arrangement. North international air or sea port in
but many attractions American health plans, the UK, you will find separate
open only between and student identity queues at immigration control:
Easter and October. cards may give some one for EU nationals and
The main family holi- protection against several others for everyone else.
day months, July incurred costs, but Scotland is a member of the EU,
and August, and always check the which means that anyone
public holidays (see small print. If you arriving from an EU member
p42) are always busy. Sign for the want to drive a car country can pass through a
Hotels are crammed Mountain Rescue in Scotland, it is blue channel. Random checks
at Christmas and New advisable to take out are still made, however, for
Year, particularly in Edinburgh fully comprehensive insurance. illegal goods, especially drugs.
for the Hogmanay street party You must carry a valid driver’s Travellers entering from outside
(see p43). Spring and autumn licence. If you are not an EU the EU have to pass through the
offer a moderate climate and citizen, you must have an
a lack of crowds. Whatever the international driver’s licence,
time of year, it is wise to get an available through the AAA for
up-to-date weather forecast those in the US. Standard tourist information sign
The Jacobite Steam Train, crossing the Glenfinnan Viaduct near the shores of Loch Shiel
P R A C T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N  207

usual customs channels. Go Board-accredited places to stay. DIRECTORY

through the green channel if VisitBritain, the British tourist
you have nothing to declare board,, operates offices overseas. Tourist Boards
over the customs allowances for VisitScotland
overseas visitors, and the red For brochures to any area in
channel if you have goods to Disabled Travellers
Scotland, or to book
declare. If you are unsure of The facilities on offer in Scotland accommodation contact:
importation restrictions, go for disabled visitors are steadily Tel (0845) 859 1006.
through the red channel. improving. An increasing number ∑
Full details of these restrictions of hotels and guesthouses now
are available from HM Revenue offer wheelchair access. This Aberdeen & Grampian
and Customs in London. information is given in the Tel (01224) 269180.
Beware – never carry luggage headings for each entry through- ∑
or parcels through customs out the guide. Given advance Angus & Dundee
for someone else. notice, ScotRail (see p219), ferry Tel (01382) 527527.
or coach (long-distance bus) ∑
staff will help any disabled
Tourist Information passengers. Ask a travel agent Argyll, the Isles, Loch
Lomond, Stirling & the
Tourist bookings in Scotland are about the Disabled Persons
handled by VisitScotland via its Railcard, which entitles the
Tel (01786) 432003.
call centre and website. The holder to discounted rail fares
organization also has a base in on services across the country.
central London. In addition to Hertz offers hand-controlled Ayrshire & Arran
these, every region of Scotland vehicles without any extra cost Tel (08452) 255121.
has its own tourist board, (see p223). For permission to ∑
providing information about use any disabled parking Dumfries & Galloway
local accommodation, enter- space, you need to display a Tel (0845) 859 1006.
tainment and places of interest. special sign in your car. ∑ visitdumfriesand galloway.
Smaller, subsidiary tourist Tourism for All is a UK charity
information offices can be dedicated to improving access-
found in many towns and ibility. It runs an excellent web- Edinburgh & Lothians
public places, and at some site offering information on Tel (0845) 859 1006.
of the principal locations of accessibility throughout Britain: ∑
historical interest. Look out for Greater Glasgow &
the tourist information symbol, Visitors from the US can Clyde Valley
indicating an office. Often the telephone the Society for the Tel (0141) 204 4400.
best source of information for Advancement of Travel for the ∑
events in the area, these offices Handicapped (SATH) on (212)
will also book accommodation 447 7284 or visit Highlands of Scotland
Tel (01463) 252401.
for visitors. Pick up one of their before leaving. SATH publishes
brochures that give com- ACCESS to Travel, a magazine full
prehensive listings of Tourist of information. Kingdom of Fife
Tel (01334) 472021.

Orkney Islands
Tel (01856) 872856.

Tel (01738) 450600.

Scottish Borders
Tel (01721) 723159.
Shetland Islands
Tel (01595) 693434.

Western Isles
Tel (01851) 703088.
Tobermory harbour on the Isle of Mull, popular with tourists

UK, non-residents can redeem

VAT on goods purchased from
shops in the Retail Export
Scheme. Refunds will be given
if goods are faulty and are
returned with the receipt as
proof of purchase.

Student Travellers
Full-time students who have an
International Student Identity
Card (ISIC) are
often entitled
to discounts
on travel,
sports facilities
Glamis Castle, one of the sights that charges admission to visitors and entrance
fees. North Student ISIC card
Travelling with Children accompanied by an adult. The American
Public holidays and school legal drinking age is 18. students can also get medical
holidays (July–mid-August) cover but it may be very basic
have most to offer in the way of (see p210). ISIC cards are
children’s entertainment. Many Admission Charges available from STA Travel, or
places have activities suitable These vary widely, from a the National Union of Students.
for children over the Christmas nominal fee to a more sub- Inexpensive accommodation is
period, particularly pantomimes. stantial charge for popular also available (out of term time)
Discounts for children and family attractions. Reductions are often at the university halls of residence
tickets are available for travel, available for groups, senior in the main cities. This is a good
theatre and other entertainments. citizens, children or students. way of staying in central loca-
ScotRail allows two children The majority of local churches, tions when on a tight budget.
aged between 5 and 15 to museums and art galleries are An International Youth
travel for free with an adult. free, unless a special exhibition Hostel Federation card
Accommodation that is showing, but donations are enables you to stay in one of
provides family rooms (see frequently expected. Some Scotland’s many youth hostels.
pp172–7) is generally child- attractions in Scotland are run Contact the Scottish Youth
friendly, or opt for self-catering privately, either as commercial Hostels Association directly
(efficiency apartments). Many ventures or on a charitable basis. (see Directory) for more
hotels provide baby-sitting or detailed information.
baby-listening services, and
offer reductions or free accom- Opening Hours
modation for the very young. Many shops in Scotland open National Trust
Many restaurants welcome on Sundays, particularly in the for Scotland
children, providing highchairs city centres. In the Western Isles, Many of Scotland’s historic
and special menus (see pp181– however, Sunday is still very buildings, parks, gardens, and
9). Pubs often admit children, if much regarded as a day of rest, vast tracts of countryside and
and shops, cafés and restaurants coastline are cared for by the
are likely to be closed. Monday National Trust for Scotland «.
to Friday hours are around 9am Entrance fees can often be
to 6pm, but shop hours do vary, relatively high compared to fees
opening late one evening a week at other sights, so if you plan on
– usually Thursday. Museums visiting several NTS properties, it
and art galleries generally open may be worth taking out annual
for fewer hours on Sundays. membership, which allows free
Many attractions open on access thereafter to all NTS
public and bank holidays, but properties, as well as free
almost all are closed on Christmas admission to National Trust
Day and New Year’s Day. properties in England, Wales
and Northern Ireland. Mem-
bership also includes a sticker
VAT and Refunds for free parking at all NTS sites,
Value added tax (VAT) is charged along with a Trust magazine
Playing with interactive exhibits at at 20 per cent on most goods three times a year. Be aware,
Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood and services. When leaving the however, that many NTS
P R A C T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N  209

Smoking and Alcohol Standard Time and ten hours

It is illegal to smoke in all public behind Sydney. From the
places in Scotland, including middle of March to the end
public transport systems, taxis, of October, the clocks go
train stations, theatres and forward one hour to British
cinemas, bars, restaurants Summer Time (which is one
and shops. hour ahead of GMT). To check
There is a general ban on the correct time, you can dial
drinking in public in Greater 123 to contact the Speaking
Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Clock service.
Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, home of the area, although public drinking
National Trust for Scotland is discouraged throughout DIRECTORY
Scotland. This ban is usually
properties close during the lifted for the New Year Embassies and
winter months, so check street party at Hogmanay Consulates
ahead before visiting. (31 December). Australian High
Australia House, Strand, London
Historic Scotland Conversion Chart
WC2B 4LA. Tel (0207) 379 4334.
An agency within the Scottish Britain is officially metricated ∑
Government, Historic Scotland, in line with the rest of Europe.
Canadian High Commission
manages some 400 key heritage However imperial measures
Canada House, Trafalgar Square,
sites around the country. are still very much in common London SW1Y 5BJ.
Admission prices, though usage, including road distances Tel (020) 7004 6000.
generally very reasonable, soon and speed limits (measured ∑
add up if you have an interest in in miles and miles per hour).
Scottish history, making their Imperial pints and gallons New Zealand High
annual pass well worth con- are 20 per cent larger than Commission
New Zealand House,
sidering. Both Edinburgh Castle US measures.
80 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4TQ.
(see pp64–5) and Stirling Castle
Tel (0207) 930 8422.
(see pp124–5) are included in Imperial to metric ∑
the pass, while a membership 1 inch = 2.5 centimetres
pack, a quarterly magazine, 1 foot = 30 centimetres United States Consulate
members-only tours and lec- 1 mile = 1.6 kilometres 3 Regent Terrace, Edinburgh
tures, and discounts at Historic 1 ounce = 28 grams EH7 5BW. Tel (0131) 556 8315.
Scotland shops and cafés also 1 pint = 0.6 litres
help justify the cost. Members 1 gallon = 4.5 litres Student Travellers
also receive half-price admission
at over 500 other historic attrac- Metric to imperial International Youth Hostel
tions in England and Wales. 1 millimetre = 0.04 inch Federation
1 centimetre = 0.4 inch Tel (01707) 324170.
1 metre = 3 feet 3 inches ∑
Electricity 1 kilometre = 0.6 mile National Union of Students
The voltage in Scotland is 220/ 1 gram = 0.04 ounce Tel (0131) 556 6598.
240 AC, 50 Hz. The electrical plugs 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds ∑
have three square pins and take scotland/
fuses of 3, 5 and 13 amps. In order
Time Scottish Youth Hostels
to use your foreign appliances,
such as hair dryers, you will Scotland is on Greenwich Tel (08452) 93 73 73.
need an adaptor. Most hotel Mean Time (GMT) during the ∑
bathrooms have two-pronged winter months – that is, five
sockets for electric shavers. hours ahead of Eastern STA Travel
Tel (0333) 321 0099.

Heritage Sites
Historic Scotland
Tel (0131) 668 8999.
National Trust for
Scotland (NTS)
Tel (0844) 493 2100.
Bars lining historic street in the town centre of Perth

Personal Security and Health open mornings and early

evenings. Hospital Accident
Scotland is safe and it is unlikely that you will come across and Emergency departments
any problems. However, like in any other country, it is wise are always open.
to take precautions about personal safety and belongings. If
you do encounter difficulties, do not hesitate to contact the The Midge
police for help. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) can be Being bitten by midges is one
relied upon for an emergency or routine treatment. However, of the most common hazards
you may have to pay for treatment if your country has no for visitors to Scotland. The
reciprocal arrange-ment with the UK. Below is some guidance chance of encountering these
for enjoying a trouble-free visit. tiny biting flies is particularly
heightened around lochs and
on the coast, as they love damp
Hospitals and Medical conditions. They breed between
Treatment April and October, and are at
All visitors to Scotland, their worst at the start and end
especially those from outside of the day. There is no way of
the European Union (EU), are escaping them altogether, but
strongly advised to take out to ensure that you suffer only
medical insurance against the the minimum of bites, apply
cost of emergency hospital care, insect repellent (such as Autan)
repatriation and specialists’ and avoid sitting near bright
fees. Emergency medical lights after dark. If they really
treatment in an NHS Accident are a nuisance you may want
and Emergency department A traditional, privately owned pharmacy in to invest in a midge net.
is free, but additional medical Leith, Edinburgh
care could prove expensive.
US visitors should check with largest supplier, with branches Crime and Suitable
their insurance companies to in most towns. Many medicines Precautions
be sure they are covered. are available only with a doctor’s Scotland is not a dangerous
EU residents and nationals prescription, which you must place for visitors, and it is most
of some other Commonwealth take to a dispensing chemist unlikely that your stay will be
and European countries are (pharmacist). Either bring your blighted by crime. There are,
entitled to free medical treat- own supply or ask your doctor however, practical steps that
ment under the NHS, though to write out the generic name can be taken to help you avoid
the process is bureaucratic. of the drug (as opposed to the loss of property or personal
Before travelling, obtain a brand name). If you are entitled injury. Take good care of your
European Health Insurance Card to an NHS prescription, you belongings at all times. Make sure
(EHIC) from a post office; show will be charged a standard your possessions are adequately
this to anyone treating you. rate; without this, you will be insured before you arrive. Never
Be aware, however, that some charged the full cost. Ask for a leave them unattended in public
treatments are not covered, and receipt for any insurance claim. places. Keep your valuables well
repatriation is not included, so Some pharmacies stay open concealed, especially in crowds.
medical insurance is preferable. until midnight. Doctors’ In cinemas or theatres, keep
For advice, or if you’re unsure surgeries (offices) are usually handbags on your lap, not on
whether to call an ambulance,
call the NHS 24 Helpline
(see Directory opposite).
If you need to see a dentist,
you will have to pay. The cost
will vary depending on your
entitlement to NHS treatment.
Emergency dental treatment is
available in some hospitals and
at the Chalmers Dental Centre
in Edinburgh.

You can buy a wide range of
medicines without prescription
from pharmacies in Scotland.
Boots is the best-known and Woman police constable Police constable Traffic police officer
P R A C T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N  211

the floor. And in pubs, Lost Property

do not put your bag If you are unlucky enough to
over the back of your lose anything or have anything
chair; use the bag clips stolen, go straight to the nearest
on the underside of police station to report your
tables where available. loss. If you want to claim on
It is advisable not to Police car insurance for any theft, you will
carry too much cash need a written report from the
or jewellery with you; local police. All of the main bus
leave it in the safe in and train stations have lost
the hotel instead. Or property centres. Most hotels
keep most of your cash disclaim all responsibility for
in a money belt worn valuables not kept in their safe.
under your clothing, It is advisable to make photo-
with smaller amounts copies of your vital documents
more easily accessible Ambulance such as passports and travel
in a shoulder bag or papers. If you lose your pass-
pocket. Pickpockets port, contact your embassy or
tend to frequent consulate in either Edinburgh
crowded places like or London (see p209).
markets, busy shops
and public transport. DIRECTORY
If you are travelling
alone at night try to Police, Fire
avoid deserted and Fire engine and Ambulance
poorly lit buildings Services
and places such as back streets Police Tel 999. Calls are free (24-hour
and car parks. When driving, try The sight of a traditional British phoneline).
to park in well-lit areas where it bobby patrolling the streets in a
will be difficult for someone to tall hat is now less common than Hospital Accident
tamper with your car without the police patrol car, usually and Emergency
being noticed. A steering wheel with wailing sirens and flashing Departments
lock is a good visual deterrent. If lights. But the old-fashioned Aberdeen Royal
you are the victim of crime, police constable does still exist Infirmary
contact your local police station. in Scotland, particularly in rural Tel (0845) 456 6000.
It is often necessary to report a areas and crowded city centres,
Edinburgh Royal
crime in order to make an and continues to be courteous,
insurance claim. approachable and helpful.
Tel (0131) 536 1000.
Unlike in many other countries,
the police in Scotland do not Glasgow Royal
Women Travelling Alone carry guns. If you are lost, the Infirmary
Scotland is safe for female solo traditional advice to ask a Tel (0141) 211 4000.
travellers, but commonsense policeman or woman still applies. Inverness Raigmore
precautions should be taken. Traffic wardens may also be Tel (01463) 704000.
Caution is advisable in deserted able to help with directions.
NHS 24 Helpline
places, especially after dark. Try If you have lost property it is
Tel 111.
to avoid using public worth contacting the local ∑
transport when police station as someone
there is just one may have handed it in. Perth Royal Infirmary
other passenger or In a crisis, dial 999 to Tel (01738) 623311.
a group of young reach police, fire and
men. It is best to ambulance services
Dental Care
summon a licensed who are on call 24
taxi (see p223) rather hours a day. Calls Chalmers Dental Centre
than walk through are free from any 3 Chalmers St,
a lonely area of a Logo of the Royal National public or private Edinburgh EH3 9EW
city at night, Lifeboat Institution phone, but they Tel (0131) 536 4800.
especially if you do should only be made
not know the area well. It is in real emergencies. In Scotland’s Disabled
illegal to carry any offensive coastal areas this number will Helpline
weapons, including knives, also put you in touch with The Disability Helpline
guns, mace or tear-gas, even for Britain’s voluntary coastguard Tel (0808) 800 3333.
self-defence. Personal alarms rescue service, the RNLI (Royal ∑
are permitted, however. National Lifeboat Institution).

Banking and Currency money from most Scottish

banks. Check that your bank
Visitors to most Scottish cities and large towns will find a card is compatible with the
number of options for exchanging currency. High-street cashpoint you are using or you
banks, post offices and bureaux de change offer this service may be charged a fee or have
your card rejected.
at different exchange and commission rates. Cashpoints
You can also obtain money by
(ATMs) are found at many locations and can be used to contacting your own bank and
dispense cash via your debit card. Credit cards, prepaid asking them to wire cash to the
currency cards and traveller’s cheques are the safest methods nearest Scottish bank. Branches
of bringing currency with you to Scotland. of American Express will do this
for you. Visitors from the US can
have cash dispatched through
Western Union to a bank or post
office. Take your passport as proof
of identity. Banking hours vary
from bank to bank, but the mini-
mum opening times are 9:30am
to 3:30pm Monday to Friday.

Credit Cards
Credit and store cards are widely
accepted throughout Scotland,
One of many banks to offer bureau de change facilities but some smaller shops, guest-
houses and cafés may not take
Bureaux De Change Banks them. Visa, MasterCard, Diners
Although bureaux de change As well as Scottish banks, there Club and American Express are
are often more conveniently are branches of some major the most widely used cards. You
located than banks and have international and UK banks in may be able to obtain a cash
longer opening hours, the the main cities in Scotland. advance against your credit card
exchange rates can vary Most banks have a cashpoint at an ATM, although the interest
considerably and commission (ATM), as do many building rate may be quite high.
charges can be high. societies, large supermarkets
Reputable firms such and garages, from which you
as International Currency can obtain money with a bank Prepaid Currency Cards
Exchange and American or credit card and your personal Currency cards can be a useful
Express offer good exchange identification number (PIN). alternative to traveller’s cheques,
facilities. International Currency Some of the most modern which can mostly only be
Exchange has just one branch machines have instructions in exchanged at post offices and
at Edinburgh Airport; both several languages. Cardholders bureaux de change. Currency
Thomas Cook and American from principal English banks, cards are preloaded with money
Express have branches such as NatWest, HSBC, Lloyds from your bank account and
throughout Scotland. Bank and Barclays, can withdraw used like a debit card to pay for
things and withdraw money
Scottish Banks from an ATM.
Branches of the three main Scottish banks (Royal Bank of Scotland,
Bank of Scotland and Clydesdale), will be found in all cities and many DIRECTORY
towns. English banks such as NatWest and Barclays are rare outside
the main cities. Most Exchange Facilities
banks offer exchange American Express
facilities, but proof of Tel (0870) 850 7814.
identity may be required ∑
and the commission Bank of Scotland logo
International Currency
charges will vary. Exchange
Tel (0844) 800 3974. ∑
Thomas Cook
Royal Bank of Scotland logo Tel (0844) 335 7260.
Western Union
Tel (0808) 234 3943.
Clydesdale Bank logo NatWest logo
P R A C T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N  213

Britain’s currency is the pound sterling (£), Clydesdale Bank. The notes represent the same
which is divided into 100 pence (p). There are value as an English note and can be accepted
no exchange controls in Britain, so you may elsewhere in Britain, although it is usually with
bring in and take out as much cash as you like. reluctance. Note: the Scottish £1 note will not
Scotland’s own currency, the pound Scots, be accepted outside Scotland. Bank of England
was replaced by the pound sterling in 1707. and Northern Ireland notes can be used
Today, Scotland has its own pound sterling throughout Scotland; you will receive change
notes, which are printed by the Bank of in Scottish notes. All three countries use Bank
Scotland, the Royal Bank of Scotland and the of England coins.

Bank Notes
Scottish notes are produced in
N denominations of £1, £5, £10, £20,
E £50 and £100. Always get small
M denominations, as some shops may
I refuse the larger notes. Although
C Scotland has a £1 note, the English
E £1 coin, and all Bank of England
P currency, is accepted.

£100 note E
£50 note
£20 note E
£10 note
£5 note

Coins currently in use are
£2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p
and 1p. The same coins are
produced and accepted
throughout the UK.
2 pounds (£2) 1 pound (£1) 50 pence (50p)

20 pence (20p) 10 pence (10p) 5 pence (5p) 2 pence (2p) 1 penny (1p)

Communications and Media Expect a call on the most basic

prepaid plan to cost around 15p
With continuously improving telecommunication per minute.
systems, staying in contact and making plans while
travelling has never been easier. The telephone system in Internet
Scotland is efficient and inexpensive. Charges depend on All cities and most small towns
when, where and for how long you talk. Mobile phone across Scotland have some
networks offer excellent coverage of most of the country, form of public access to
and Wi-Fi is available in most places, often free of charge. computers and the Internet.
Mail services are generally considered reliable, even to Free Internet access is often
more remote areas. available at main library
branches. Access is very
cheap and is most reasonable
during off-peak times.
Mobile Phones Almost all hotels and many
Mobile phone use is all but B&Bs and hostels provide Wi-Fi,
universal among Scots who sometimes free, as do many
have four major cellular cafés and restaurants
networks to choose from: EE throughout the country. Wi-Fi
(formerly Orange and T-Mobile) hotspots can be found in the
is the most popular network, main cities in some public areas
followed by O2, Vodafone and such as railway stations and
then 3. O2 usually has the best airports – look out for the
coverage in the remoter parts black-and-white symbol.
of Scotland, where all network
services can be patchy.
Visitors with a phone that
works on European frequencies
should be able to use their
home number automatically via
Traditional phone boxes outside the walls a local network. Do check the
of Edinburgh Castle roaming charges with your
provider before leaving home –
they can be prohibitive. It may
Public Telephones be worth purchasing a SIM card
You can pay for a payphone from a mobile phone shop;
using coins or a card. prices are very low and usually Collecting the mail via Postbus in
Payphones accept 10p, 20p, include some credit. You may rural Scotland
50p and £1 pieces, while find that your handset is not
newer phones also accept £2 compatible or hasn’t been
coins. The minimum cost of a unlocked, in which case the Postal Services
call is 60p. If you expect a call best option may be to buy the Besides main Post Offices
to be short, use 10p or 20p most basic phone available, that offer all the mail services
pieces, as payphones only along with a prepaid plan available, there are many sub-
return unused coins. Some (also called “pay-as-you-go”). Post Offices in newsagents,
payphones accept credit and Calls in Scotland are charged grocery stores and general
debit cards. The minimum according to outgoing calls; information centres, particularly
fee for local and national incoming calls are free no in more isolated areas and
calls is £1.20 and £1.50 for matter where they originate. smaller towns. In many villages
international calls, calls to
premium rate numbers,
mobile phones and calls
made through the operator.
Directories, such as Yellow
Pages and Thomson Local, list
local businesses and services.
They can be found at local
Post Offices, libraries and
often at your hotel. A number
of operators now offer
telephone directory enquiry
services at different levels of
cost to the caller. 24-hour Internet access at the easyInternetcafé
P R A C T I C A L I N F O R M AT I O N  215

Airmail provides a Television and Radio

speedy and cost- The BBC (British Broadcast-
effective method ing Corporation) operates
of communication. eight TV channels, most of
Aerogrammes go first which are also available in
1st-class airmail letter class anywhere in the HD (high definition). BBC
world and cost the same Alba is a part-time Scottish
regardless of destination. Gaelic digital-only channel.
They take about three The BBC’s main rivals are ITV,
to four days to reach Channel 4 and Channel 5,
European cities, and but the BBC is the only
between four and seven one that does not show
1st-class stamp 2nd-class stamp days for destinations Pillar box commericials. The BBC
elsewhere. All mail sent operates a number of radio
within Europe goes via airmail, stations including BBC Radio
while overseas mail rates are Scotland, and services for Shet-
classed by weight. Sending post land and Orkney, and in Gaelic.
overseas by surface mail may be There are BBC digital-only
more economical, but it can stations as well as numerous
take anywhere up to 12 weeks competitors and local stations.
for it to reach its final destination.
The Post Office offers an express DIRECTORY
Greetings stamps featuring characters from
delivery service called
children’s fiction Mobile Phones
Parcelforce Worldwide.
the Post Office is also the only Available from most main 3
shop. Post Offices are usually Post Offices, Parcelforce is Tel (0800) 358 8460.
open from 9am to 5:30pm comparable in price to many ∑
Monday to Friday, and until private courier companies.
12:30pm on Saturday. Mail- EE
boxes – in all shapes and sizes Tel (0800) 956 6000. ∑
but always red – are found Newspapers and 02
throughout cities, towns and Magazines Tel (08448) 090222. ∑
villages. These may be either National newspapers in Vodafone
free-standing “pillar boxes” or Scotland fall into two Tel (08700) 700191.
wall safes, both painted bright categories: serious publications, ∑
red. Some pillar boxes have such as Edinburgh’s The Scots-
separate slots, one for overseas man or Glasgow’s The Herald; Useful Numbers
and first-class mail, another for and those that are heavy on
second-class mail. Initials on gossip, such as The Sun or Emergency Calls
older mailboxes indicate who The Daily Record. Weekend Tel 999. Police, Fire, Ambulance,
Coastguard, Mountain and
was monarch at that time. newspapers, such as Scotland
Cave Rescue.
Mailboxes are often embedded on Sunday and the Sunday
in Post Office walls. Collections Herald, are more expensive than Directory Enquiries
are usually made several times dailies, with many supplements Tel 118500 (BT).
a day during weekdays (less including sections on arts, International Tel 118505 (BT).
often on Saturdays and rarely on restaurants, entertainment, Operator Assistance
Sundays and public holidays); travel and reviews. Tel 100. International Tel 155.
times are marked on the box.
Stamps can be bought at International Dialling Codes
Tel 00 followed by country code:
many outlets, including
Australia (61), Canada (1), Ireland
supermarkets and petrol (353), New Zealand (64), South
stations. Hotels often have Africa (27), United States (1).
mailboxes at their reception.
When writing to an address Postal Services
anywhere in the UK always
include the postcode. Letters Parcelforce Worldwide
and postcards can be sent Tel (08448) 004466.
either first or second class ∑
within the UK. First-class service Royal Mail
is more expensive but quicker, Tel (08457) 740740.
with most letters reaching their ∑
destination the following day
(except Sunday); second-class Buying a tabloid newspaper from a
mail takes a day or two longer. stand in Glasgow

As the UK is an international gateway for air on the mainland, and also to the island
and sea traffic, travelling to Scotland poses groups. Another way to island-hop is to take
few problems. There are direct flights from the ferries. There is an extensive network of
North America and continental Europe. roads in urban areas and renting a car can
Coach travel from Europe via the ferries be the best way of travelling. The inter-city
is a cheap, albeit slow, form of transport. rail network is limited in Scotland, but a
Travelling by train using the Channel Tunnel small network of trains serves the country,
is an efficient way of crossing to the UK. some with scenic routes. Coach travel is the
Travelling within Scotland itself is fairly easy. cheapest option; services run between
Internal flights are available between cities most cities.

destinations including Paris, Travelling Within the UK

Dublin and Brussels. from Scotland
A number of transatlantic Flights from Scotland to
airlines offer direct services to other British destinations
Glasgow International Airport, operate from all the mainland
including British Airways, international airports. British
American Airlines, United Airways offers express services
Airlines and Air Canada. Flights to London’s Heathrow and
to Edinburgh and Glasgow are Gatwick airports. bmi also flies
available from long-haul direct to Heathrow. easyJet
destinations such as North and Ryanair operate between
Africa, South Africa, Australia Scotland and the English
and the Far East. These are airports of Luton, Stansted
routed via a European capital, and London City.
often Brussels or Amsterdam. There are also direct flights
Flights direct to Glasgow can to other major cities in the
be expensive and it may be a UK, including Manchester,
more economical option to fly Newcastle upon Tyne, Leeds,
Check-in desks at Glasgow International to London and then take a Birmingham, Belfast and Cardiff,
Airport domestic flight north. These and to some of the smaller
flights can cost as little as £29 ones such as Bristol and
one way. Alternatively, take the Southampton. These flights can
Arriving by Air train north; it’s only four hours
Edinburgh and Glasgow are the to Edinburgh and just over five
principal airports in Scotland. to Glasgow. It is advisable to
The four other international book in advance for the best
airports are Prestwick, deals (see p219).
Aberdeen, Inverness and The airports at Glasgow,
Sumburgh on Shetland. Edinburgh and Aberdeen
Air France, bmi regional, offer good facilities, including
KLM and Lufthansa offer direct banking, shops, cafés, hotels
flights from continental Europe. and restaurants, as well as
Glasgow and Edinburgh have parking. Each of these airports
the most frequent services, is connected to the nearest city
with direct and indirect flights centres by regular and reliable Passengers from abroad passing through
to many major European shuttle bus services. International Arrivals

Distance to Taxi Fare to Public Transport

Airport § Information to City Centre
City Centre City Centre
Bus: 30 mins
Aberdeen (0844) 571 7410 7 miles (11 km) £14
Taxi: 20 mins
Bus: 25 mins
Edinburgh (0844) 481 8989 8 miles (13 km) £20
Taxi: 20 mins
Bus: 25 mins
Glasgow (0844) 481 5555 8 miles (13 km) £19
Taxi: 20 mins
Train: 45 mins
Prestwick (0871) 223 0700 29 miles (47 km) £44
Taxi: 40 mins
T R AV E L I N F O R M AT I O N  217

advertised in newspapers and

travel magazines. Students,
those under 26 years old and
senior citizens may be eligible
for a discount. Children and
babies travel for less.
If you choose a discount fare,
always buy from a reputable
operator, and check with the
airline to ensure your seat has
been confirmed. Packages may
also be worth considering for
cost-savings, even if you enjoy
The terminal at Glasgow International Airport independent travel. Airlines and
tour operators can put together
be relatively expensive, so Coaches or buses provide a great range of flexible deals to
unless saving time is a priority, cheaper transport to the town suit your needs, sometimes with
the cost may be prohibitive. centres, though during rush car rental or rail travel included.
hour or heavy traffic, coaches, This can often be cheaper than
buses and taxis may be slow. arranging transport once you
National Express as well as have arrived. A small airport
Scottish Citylink (see p219) tax is imposed on all those
provide direct coach services departing from British airports.
Sign directing passengers to locations from the major airports to
within an airport various destinations. DIRECTORY
Prestwick International is
served by its own train station; Arriving by Air
a service runs to Glasgow city Air Canada
centre every half an hour. Tel (0871) 220 1111.
Directions to the department for
information on customs Air Fares Air France
Air fares to Scotland are usually Tel (0871) 663 3777.
at their highest from June to
Internal Flights September. The best deals are American Airlines
Scotland’s size means that available from November to April, Tel (0844) 499 7300.
internal air travel is quick, but it excluding the Christmas period ∑
can prove an expensive mode – if you want to travel then, you British Airways
of travel compared to rail, coach should book well in advance. Tel (0844) 493 0787.
or car. There are good air con- Apex (Advance Purchase ∑
nections between the Highlands Excursion) fares are often the
bmi regional
and Central Scotland. When best value, though they must
Tel (0844) 417 2600.
travelling to the islands off be booked a month ahead and
the coast of Scotland, flying are subject to restrictions, such
becomes a particularly viable as minimum and maximum easyJet
option. Flybe and Loganair, stays and no refunds. Charter Tel (0871) 989 1366.
both subsidiaries of British flights offer even cheaper ∑
Airways, provide regular flights seats, but with less flexibility. Flybe and Loganair
from all the major cities on the Promotional fares are often Tel (0871) 700 2000.
mainland to the Western available, and it is worth ∑
Isles, Orkney Islands and checking direct with the airlines
Shetland Islands. for special offers. Cheap deals Tel (0871) 231 0000.
are sometimes offered by ∑
package operators and are
Transport from Lufthansa
the Airports Tel (0781)945 9747.
Scotland’s main international
airports lie on the outskirts of Ryanair
Glasgow, Edinburgh and Tel (0871) 246 0000.
Aberdeen, where there are ∑
efficient transportation links. United Airlines
Taxis are the most convenient Tel (0845) 607 6760.
form of door-to-door travel, but Rental car collection point at Glasgow ∑
they are also fairly expensive. International Airport

Travelling by Rail and Road

Scotland has a privatized rail network, ScotRail, that covers
most of the country and is generally efficient and reliable.
A quarter-hourly service operates between Edinburgh and
Glasgow, and lines radiate from both cities, with frequent
services to many Scottish destinations and to most parts of
England. Journey times to London are just over four hours
from Edinburgh and just over five from Glasgow. Scotland also The Flying Scotsman, one of the many swift
has a good coach (long-distance bus) service that is generally inter-city train services
cheaper than the trains, although journeys can be slow.
Weekend rail and coach services are popular, so book ahead. General Tips
Britain’s fastest and most
Freedom of Scotland pass allows comfortable trains are those
unlimited rail travel around the on the inter-city routes. These
country for a set period. The popular services book up
Highland Rover permits travel quickly. It is always advisable
on the West Highland lines and to reserve your seat in advance,
the Inverness-to-Kyle line. The especially if you want to travel
Central Scotland Rover is for at peak times such as Friday
use between Glasgow’s evenings and Sunday
Queen Street and afternoons. Inter-city
The Virgin Superfast train at Edinburgh’s Edinburgh’s Waverley trains are fast, with a
Waverley station station on any three out limited number of stops.
of seven consecutive The trip from Edinburgh
days. The passes are also to Glasgow, for example,
Train Tickets valid on some coach and takes around 50 minutes.
Allow plenty of time to buy your ferry services and on the A reduced service is
ticket, and always ask about any Glasgow Underground usually in operation
special offers or reduced fares. (see p100). on Sundays and public
Try to buy your tickets for One-third price dis- holidays. Porters are often
intercity routes at least 14 days counts are available for A leaflet about scarce at British stations,
in advance. You’ll find the best 16- to 25-year-olds using a the steam train although trolleys are
offers online. For shorter trips, Young Person’s Railcard. usually available for
reasonable fares are available The Senior Railcard and Disabled passengers to help themselves.
from station ticket booths and Railcard entitle the holder to If you are disabled and need
machines on the day of travel. a one-third discount on most assistance, contact the relevant
First-class tickets cost about fares. There are also railcards for train company before the day
one-third more than standard 16- to 18-year-olds and families. you travel.
fares although sometimes first
class can be good value as
prices depend on availability. Rail Map of Scotland
It’s usually cheaper to buy two
singles on long-distance routes. Principal routes
ScotRail has some discounted Thurso
Wick Other routes
fares; up to two children aged Rail junction
between 5 and 15 can travel free Lairg
Train station
with each adult who purchases
a “kids go free” ticket. Groups of
Inverness Inverurie
more than three should enquire Mallaig
Kyle of
Lochalsh Aberdeen
about discount fares.
Fort William
Oban Perth Dundee
Rail Passes
If you plan to travel a lot by train, Glasgow Dunbar
it is a good idea to buy a rail pass.
Troon Kilmarnock
These can be purchased from
agents such as Rail Europe,
Dumfries Newcastle
which operates in Europe, Stranraer
Carlisle Durham
the US and Canada.
There are different passes
available to suit every need. The
T R AV E L I N F O R M AT I O N  219

Scenic Train Rides coaches. Brit Xplorer passes

When motor transportation offered by National Express are
made many rural railways ideal for those planning to cover
redundant in the mid-20th many destinations over a
century, picturesque sections limited period. They allow
of track, and many of the old unlimited travel on all National
steam engines, were rescued Express services in Scotland and
and restored to working order. the rest of Britain. You can buy
Tourist offices or train ticket the pass in the UK at major
offices can provide you with international airports, at
information on where the lines Glasgow’s Buchanan Bus Station
are, and how much it will cost and at Edinburgh’s Tourist
to take a ride on the trains. Information Centre. The Explorer
Ride the Jacobite steam train Pass, available from Scottish Open-top bus tour on the Royal Mile in
from Fort William to Mallaig, Citylink agents and from Edinburgh
passing over a spectacular via- Glasgow Airport, allows travel
duct at Glenfinnan; or take the only within Scotland and only DIRECTORY
Strathspey Steam Railway from on Scottish Citylink services.
Aviemore to Boat of Garten. UK and Overseas Rail
Numbers and Websites
Coach and Bus Tours
Dozens of coach tours are National Rail Enquiries
available in Scotland, catering Tel (08457) 484950.
for all interests, age groups and ∑
a host of different destinations.
Lost Property
They may last anything from a
Tel (0131) 550 2333 (Edinburgh).
couple of hours for a city tour to
several days for a national tour.
Rail Europe
The Jacobite steam train on its picturesque Scottish Tours offers Tel (08448) 484078 (UK).
journey to Mallaig scheduled sightseeing tours Tel (1800) 622 8600 (US).
of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Tel (1800) 361 7245 (Canada).
Inverness and offers many ∑
International Coach Travel multi-day tours. The Edinburgh-
Although travelling by coach based Scotline Tours offers ScotRail
(long-distance bus) is cheap half- and full-day tours, while Tel (0845) 601 5929 (bookings).
compared with other methods Rabbie’s Trail Burners offers ∑
of transport, it is not the most tours of three days or more.
comfortable way of crossing Ask at your hotel or tourist Coach and Bus
Europe. If you have a lot of spare office for details of local bus Information
time, however, and want to stop and coach tours. Most major
off en route at other destina- towns and cities offer open-top Megabus
tions, it can be a convenient bus tours. Tel (0141) 352 4444.
mode of transport. The ticket Local buses are generally a
usually covers all parts of the cheap way to get about. In the National Express
journey, including the ferry or more remote rural areas not Tel (08717) 818178.
Channel Tunnel. served by public transport, ∑
Royal Mail operates the Post-
Rabbie’s Trail Burners
bus. Fare-paying passengers
National Coach Network travel in the postal delivery van
Tel (0131) 226 3133.
The largest coach operators in – an interesting if rather slow
Scotland are Scottish Citylink, way to travel around. Details of Royal Mail
Megabus and National routes are available from the Tel (08457) 740740.
Express, which runs services Royal Mail and via its website. ∑
only between the main cities Scotline Tours
and to destinations in the rest Tel (0845) 774 2029.
of Great Britain. Buy a reserved ∑
ticket to guarantee a seat.
Discounts are available for Scottish Citylink
full-time students or anyone Tel (0871) 266 3333.
under 25 with a coach pass.
Over-50s and children aged Scottish Tours
between 5 and 15 years also Tel (0141) 237 4294.
qualify for reductions. Under-5s The Postbus provides transport in remote ∑
travel free on Scotland’s national parts of the Highlands

Travelling by Sea
If you are travelling to Scotland from continental Europe by
foot, car, coach or train, you will need to cross the English
Channel or North Sea by ferry or Channel Tunnel. Ferry
services operate between several ports on the Continent Logo of a Scottish ferry company
and Scotland and England, while the Channel Tunnel provides
a nonstop rail link from France and Belgium. Fares between
ferries and the Channel Tunnel are fiercely competitive. Island- Island-hopping in
hopping by ferry is an enjoyable and economical way to visit
the beautiful islands situated off the coast of Scotland. Scotland has just under 800
islands scattered off its coast-
line, and travelling by ferry is a
Services to England from wonderful way to experience
the Continent their rugged beauty. The islands
A network of ferry services can be roughly divided into two
regularly crosses the North Sea main groups: the Hebrides,
and the English Channel from situated off the west coast, and
northern Europe to ports in the Orkney and Shetland, lying to
UK. Of those travelling to the the northeast of the mainland.
north of England, P&O Ferries Caledonian MacBrayne has 30
runs a daily crossing from ships, linking 23 of the westerly
Rotterdam or Zeebrugge to isles to the mainland and to each
A car ferry travelling from Oban Hull, and DFDS Seaways runs other. Destinations include Arran,
to Lochboisdale on South Uist from Kristiansand, Gothenburg Islay, Mull, Barra, Lewis, Harris,
and Amsterdam to Newcastle. Skye, Raasay, Coll, Tiree and Eigg.
An alternative way to travel The summer timetable runs from
Travelling to Scotland to Scotland from the Continent Easter to mid-October with a
by Ferry via England is the Channel reduced service for the rest of the
There is no direct link between Tunnel, which links the UK year. Most of the routes have two
Scotland and the European with France. or three trips a day, but some
continent. The closest service Passengers travelling have only one, so be sure to
is to Newcastle in England from by coach or car board the call ahead and check. Single,
Amsterdam (see below), a jour- Eurotunnel train, and remain return and five-day tickets
ney of about 17 hours. From in their vehicle throughout the are available.
Newcastle there are frequent 35-minute journey from Calais In addition, there are two
trains to Edinburgh or Glasgow. to Folkstone. For those travelling special travel tickets. Island
From Northern Ireland, there is on foot, the Eurostar train runs Hopscotch tickets are valid on a
a frequent service operated by frequent services between Paris, choice of fifteen routes for one
Stena Line, which runs between Brussels and London. month from the date of the first
Belfast and Stranraer. P&O Ferries Any visitors from outside the journey. The Island Rover gives
also offers daily crossings European Union should allow you the freedom to choose your
between Larne and Cairnryan, plenty of time for immigration own route between the islands
just north of Stranraer. Check the control and customs clearance for 8 or 15 consecutive days
company’s website for details. at British ports (see pp206–7). from the date of the first
journey. Although the Island
Rover ticket is valid on all of
Caledonian’s services, it does
not ensure a place on any
particular sailing, and it is
advisable to make vehicle
NorthLink Ferries, a venture
between Caledonian MacBrayne
and The Royal Bank of Scotland
has ferry routes from the
Scottish mainland to Orkney
and Shetland. All routes have
large capacity purpose-built
roll-on roll-off ferries with
modern facilities including
restaurants, cabins, shop and
Passengers on the deck of a ferry leaving Tobermory on the Isle of Mull children’s play area.
T R AV E L I N F O R M AT I O N  221

During the summer, John DIRECTORY

O’ Groats Ferries runs a
40-minute passenger-only Caledonian
crossing to Burwick on South Discovery
Ronaldsay with a coach link to Tel (01397) 772167.
Kirkwall on Orkney Mainland. ∑
Small passenger and car ferries
link Orkney’s nine large outer
islands with Orkney Mainland.
Tel (0800) 066 5000.
DFDS Seaways
A Caledonian MacBrayne ferry leaving the A cruise is a leisurely way to Tel (0871) 522 9955.
port of Mallaig see the many different Scottish ∑
islands. Caledonian MacBrayne
NorthLink sails from Scrabster, offers various non-landing, Eurostar
north of Thurso, to Stromness evening cruises departing Tel (08432) 186186.
on Orkney Mainland and direct from a number of locations ∑
from Aberdeen to Orkney or to on the west coast.
Shetland. Another service links John O’ Groats Ferries offers
Tel (08443) 353535.
Orkney and Shetland. day cruises to Orkney Mainland
Pentland Ferries also offers from John O’ Groats and
a car service to Orkney. This Inverness. These can be extended John O’ Groats
runs between Gill’s Bay west of to include accommodation in Ferries
John O’ Groats and St Margaret’s Kirkwall and a tour of the Tel (01955) 611353.
Hope on South Ronaldsay. This island’s historic sites by bus. ∑
island is linked to Orkney It is also possible to take a
Mainland via the Churchill cruise on some of Scotland’s NorthLink Ferries
Barrier causeways. The vehicle lochs and rivers. Caledonian Tel (0845) 600 0449.
capacity of this older ferry is Discovery offers six-day cruises ∑
limited to 46 and booking in along the Caledonian Canal
P&O Ferries
advance is recommended. from Fort William to Inverness.
Tel (08716) 642121.

Tel (01856) 831226.

Stena Line
Tel (08447) 707070.
Cruising on Loch Ness with Caledonian Discovery’s Fingal of Caledonia

Car Ferry Route Information Days Last Check-In Journey Time

Aberdeen–Kirkwall (Orkney) (0845) 600 0449 alternate days 30 mins 6 hrs 30 mins
Aberdeen–Lerwick (Shetland) (0845) 600 0449 daily 30 mins 13 hrs
Ardrossan–Brodick (Arran) (0800) 066 5000 daily 30 mins 55 mins
Gill’s Bay–St Marg’s Hope (Ork.) (01856) 831226 daily 30 mins 1 hr
Kennacraig–Port Ellen (Islay) (01880) 730253 daily 45 mins 2 hrs 10 mins
Kilchoan–Tobermory (Mull) (0800) 066 5000 Mon–Sun 30 mins 35 mins
Lerwick (Shet.)–Kirkwall (Ork.) (0845) 600 0449 alternate days 30 mins 5 hrs 30 mins
Mallaig–Armadale (Skye) (0800) 066 5000 daily 30 mins 30 mins
Oban–Castlebay (Barra) (0800) 066 5000 daily ex. Wed 45 mins 5 hrs 15 mins
Oban–Craignure (Mull) (0800) 066 5000 daily 30 mins 45 mins
Scrabster–Stromness (Orkney) (0845) 600 0449 daily 30 mins 1 hr 30 mins
Uig (Skye)–Tarbert (Harris) (0800) 066 5000 Mon–Sat 30 mins 1 hr 35 mins
Ullapool–Stornoway (Lewis) (0800) 066 5000 Mon–Sat 45 mins 2 hrs 40 mins

Travelling Around by Car

In Scotland, and the rest of the UK, driving is on the left-hand
side of the road, and distances are measured and signposted
in miles. A network of toll-free motorways exists in the south Speed limit (mph)
No stopping
and between Edinburgh and Glasgow; using these can reduce
travelling time. In the larger towns traffic density can cause
delays, and during public holiday weekends heading north
to the Highlands is often slow work. Rural Scotland, with its
striking scenery, is an enjoyable place to drive, and the roads
to even the remote parts are generally good.
No entry No right turn
a good touring map is essential; allowed
the AA or RAC motoring atlases
are straightforward to use.
For exploration of more remote
areas, the Ordnance Survey
series is the best. Such areas
often have only single-track
roads with passing places and Railway level Yield to all vehicles
blind bends, that demand crossing
cautious driving.
On all road maps, motor ways
are indicated by an M followed
by a number, such as the
M8. Major roads, which are
often dual (2-lane) carriageways, One-way traffic Gradient of a road
The A68 from Northern England to Scotland are labelled A roads. Secondary
roads, often less congested
than A roads, are called Rules of the Road
What You Need B roads. There are fewer Speed limits are 30–65 km/h
To drive in Scotland you need roads in the Highlands. (20–40 mph) in built-up
a current driving licence, with Disabled drivers can contact areas and 110 km/h (70 mph)
an international driving permit the AA Disability Helpline for on motorways or dual carriage-
if required. In any vehicle you general motoring information. ways – look out for speed signs on
drive, you must carry proof other roads. Wearing seatbelts is
of ownership or a rental compulsory in Scotland and it is
agreement, plus insurance Road Signs illegal to drive and use a hand-
documents. Signs are now generally held mobile phone. Severe
standardized in line with the penalties are imposed for
rest of Europe. Directional signs drinking and driving.
are colour-coded: blue for
motorways, green for major (A)
roads and white for minor (B) Parking
roads. In the Highlands and In Scotland’s towns and
islands, road signs display cities, on-street parking is often
A motorway sign both English and Gaelic names. paid for by purchasing a ticket
Brown signs with a blue thistle from a roadside machine. The
give visitor information on ticket is then left on display
Roads in Scotland attractions and tourist centres. inside the car. Some cities have
Peak rush-hour traffic can last Warning signs are usually “park and ride” schemes, where
from 8am to 9:30am and 5pm triangles in red and white, with you take a bus from an out-of-
to 6:30pm on weekdays in the easy-to-understand pictograms. city car park into the centre.
cities. Radio Scotland and local Watch for electronic notices on Other towns have a “disc”
radio stations broadcast regular motorways that warn of road parking scheme; ask the tourist
reports of road conditions works, accidents or dangerous office or a local newsagent for
throughout the day. You can driving conditions. a disc to mark your arrival time.
also contact Traffic Scotland for Level crossings at train tracks Many car parks operate on a
information on road conditions. often have automatic barriers. pay-and-display system. Avoid
You can save vital travel time by If the lights are flashing red, it double yellow lines at all times;
knowing which routes should means a train is approaching; you can park on single lines at
be avoided. Outside the cities, you are required to stop. evenings and weekends, but
T R AV E L I N F O R M AT I O N  223

check roadside signs for

variations to the rule. Traffic
wardens will not hesitate to
ticket, clamp or tow away your
car if in breach of the rules. If in
doubt, find a car park. Outside
urban and popular visitor areas,
parking is not such a problem.
Look out for the letter P, which
indicates legal parking spaces.
It is best to avoid driving
in Edinburgh, as cars have
limited access to the centre
and the vast majority of sights
can be reached on foot. Taxis,
which you can hail on the
street or find waiting at a The busy M8 motorway on the outskirts of Glasgow
taxi rank, are another option.
Licensed cabs must display Both motoring organizations DIRECTORY
a “For Hire” sign. Mini-cabs offer reciprocal assistance for
must display a card proving members of overseas motoring Breakdown Services
the identity of the licensed organizations – before arrival
driver. If there is no meter, check with your own group to
Tel (0800) 887766.
ask the fare in advance. see if you are covered. You can
contact the AA or RAC from
roadside SOS phones on all RAC
motorways. Most car rental Tel (0800) 828 282.
agencies have their own cover, ∑
which includes membership of
the AA or the RAC while you are Car Rental
One of Glasgow’s black cabs driving. Even if you are not a
Arnold Clark
member of an organization, you
Tel (0844) 815 2129.
can still call out a rescue service, ∑
Fuel although it will be expensive.
North American visitors to Always take the advice given Autosabroad
Scotland may find petrol on the insurance policy or rental Tel (0844) 826 6536.
(gasoline) very expensive, agreement. If you have an ∑
particularly at motorway service accident that injures you or Avis
stations. It is the large super- damages a vehicle, contact the Tel (08445) 445566.
markets that often have the police straight away. ∑
lowest prices. All service stations
provide unleaded petrol and Budget
diesel. Most petrol stations are Car Rental Tel (0844) 544 3455.
self-service but instructions at Renting a car can be costly, but ∑
the pumps are easy to follow. one of the more competitive Europcar
Fuel is priced and sold by the companies is Autosabroad. Tel (0871) 384 9900.
litre. There may be large Others include Arnold Clark, ∑
distances between stations in Budget, Hertz, Europcar and
rural areas and opening hours National Car Rental. The Hertz
may be short so it is best to best deals can usually be Tel (0843) 309 3099.
keep your car filled up when found in advance.
travelling to remote areas. Many companies require a National Car Rental
credit card number or a Tel (0871) 384 1140.
substantial cash deposit as well ∑
Breakdown Services as your driving licence and ∑ (in US).
Britain’s major motoring passport. The normal age
organizations, the AA requirements are over 21 and General Information
(Automobile Association) and under 70. Major airports, train
the RAC (Royal Automobile stations and city centres have AA Disability Helpline
Tel (0800) 262050.
Club), provide a car rental outlets.
comprehensive Value for money Traffic Scotland
24-hour break- car hire can also Tel (0800) 028 1414.
down and be found in some ∑
recovery service. RAC logo smaller towns.

General Index
Page numbers in bold refer to main Aviemore 40, 144, 176, 188 Britannia (Royal Yacht) 13, 72
entries. Awe, Loch 12, 136 Brodick Castle 118
Ayr, hotels 173 Brodick, ferries 221
A Ayr Gold Cup 42 Broom, Loch 158–9, 160
Abbey Craig 122–3, 125 Brora golf course 196, 197
Abbeys B Brown, George Douglas 31
Abbey Church (Dumfermline) 13, 128, Ba’ Game (Kirkwall) 43 Bruce, George 31
129 Badachro, restaurants 188 Bruce, Sir George 129
Dryburgh Abbey 11, 85, 89 Bagpipes 34 Bruce, Robert see Robert the Bruce
Inchmahome Priory 121 National Museum of Piping (Glasgow) Bryden, Bill 31
Jedburgh Abbey 84, 88, 89 104 Buchan, John 31
Kelso Abbey 88, 89 Piping Centre (Glasgow) 104 Bullough family 141
Melrose Abbey 86, 89, 90 World Pipe Band Championships 41 Bureaux de change 212
Tour of the Border Abbeys 11, 39, 89 Baird, John Logie 29 Burgundy, Duke of 64
Abbotsford House 85, 90 Balhousie Castle 126 Burnett family 149
Aberdeen 146–7 Ballater 148 Burns Night 43
airport 216 Ballater golf course 195, 196, 197 Burns, Robert 11, 30, 50, 51
ferries 221 Balloch 119 Birthplace Museum (Alloway) 93
hotels 176 Balmoral 13, 50, 148 Burns Centre and House (Dumfries) 93
map 147 Balnakeil Craft Village 161 Burns Heritage Trail 93
restaurants 187 Balquhidder 175, 186 Burns House and Museum (Mauchline)
Aberdour, restaurants 186 Banchory 149 93
Abington, hotels 173 Banks 212 Ellisland Farm 93
Aboyne, restaurants 187 Banks, Iain 31 portrait of 67
Achiltibuie 160, 176, 187 Bannockburn, Battle of (1314) 47, 66, 124, Writer’s Museum (Edinburgh) 61
Achray, Loch 19, 54 128 Burra 164
Act of Union (1707) 49, 51, 63, 64 Bannockburn Heritage Centre (Stirling) Burrell Collection (Glasgow) 11, 54, 108–9
Adam, John 61 124 Burrell, Sir William 108
Adam, Robert Barbour, John 30 Buses 219
Culzean Castle 54, 96 Barra 167, 221, 176 Bute 119, 175
New Town (Edinburgh) 68 Barrie, JM 31 Bute, 3rd Marquess of 119, 128
West Register House (Edinburgh) 69 Bars 179 Bute House (Edinburgh) 69
Adam, William Edinburgh 81 Byrne, John 31
Floors Castle 88 Glasgow 113
Hopetoun House 74 Bed-and-breakfast 170–71 C
Inverary Castle 134 Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve 155 Caerlaverock Castle 11, 94
Admission charges 208 Beinn Tarsuinn 118 Café-bars, Edinburgh 81
Agriculture 18, 19 Bell, Alexander Graham 29, 50 Cairndow, restaurants 188
Ainslie Place (Edinburgh) 68 Beltane 40 Cairngorm Reindeer Centre 145, 191
Air travel 216–17 Ben Lomond 119 Cairngorms 55, 144–5
Albany, Robert, Duke of 126 Ben Nevis 139, 152 flora 145
Albert, Prince Consort 148 Ben Nevis Hill Race 42 skiing 192, 201
Alcohol 209 Benbecula 166–7 Caledonian Brewery 191
Alexander III, King 118 Benromach Distillery (Forres) 149 Caledonian Canal 13, 141, 151, 152, 153
Alloway 93 Benson, Gordon 66 cruises 221
Ambulances 211 Birds 22–3 Caledonian Discovery 221
Anderson, Arthur 164 bird-watching 193 Caledonian MacBrayne 220, 221
Anstruther 128, 186 Birds on Orkney and Shetland 165 Callander 121, 175, 186, 206
Antiques shops 77 Gruinart Reserve (Islay) 135 Callanish standing stones 45
Antonine Wall 45, 129 Handa Island 161 Calton Hill (Edinburgh) 10, 70
Applecross 176 187 Loch Garten Osprey Centre 145 Camanachd Cup Final 42
Aquariums St Abb’s Head 88 Camera Obscura (Edinburgh) 60
Mull 137 Scottish Seabird Centre (North Berwick) Campbell clan 49, 134
Scottish Sealife Sanctuary (Barcaldine) 75 Campbell, D, The Battle of Culloden 150
136 Bishop’s Palace (Kirkwall) 162 Campbell, Lady Grace 134
Arbroath 127 Black Isle 154 Campbell, John Lorne 141
Arbroath, Declaration of (1320) 47 Black Watch 32, 126 Campbell, Robert 138
Architecture, The Scottish Castle 24–5 Blair Atholl Distillery 143 Camping 171
Ardeonaig 176, 187 Blair Castle 25, 143 Canna 140–41
Ardnamurchan Peninsula 140 Blind Harry 30 Canongate Tolbooth: The People’s Story
Ardrossan, ferries 221 Boat of Garten golf course 196, 197 (Edinburgh) 62–3
Arduaine 176, 187 Boats Cape Wrath 161
Arduaine Garden 136 ferries 220–21 Caravanning 171
Argyle Street (Glasgow) 111 sailing 203 Cardhu Distillery (Knockando) 149
Argyll, Dukes of 124, 134 Traditional Boats Festival 41 Carloway Broch 166
Arisaig, hotels 176 Böd of Gemista (Lerwick) 164 Carlyle, Thomas 31
Armadale Castle Gardens and Museum Book of Kells 46 Carnegie, Andrew 128–9
of the Isles 156 Books Carnegie Birthplace Museum 129
Armadale, ferries 221 Edinburgh Book Festival 83 Carnoustie, golf 196, 197
Arran 118 shops 77, 111 Cars
ferries 221 Boswell, James 30 car ferries 220–21
hotels 175 Botanic Garden (Edinburgh) see Royal insurance 206
restaurants 186 Botanic Garden Moray Motor Museum (Elgin) 149
Art Botanic Gardens (Glasgow) 11, 26, 107 rental 223
Glasgow Artists 105 Brae, restaurants 189 travelling by car 222–3
shops 77, 111 Braemar Castle 24 see also Tours by car
see also Museums and galleries Braemar Gathering 18, 42 Cassillis, Earls of 96, 97
Arthur, King 124 Brahan Seer 154 Castle Rock (Edinburgh) 57
Arthur’s Seat 10, 71 Braid Hills golf course (Edinburgh) 196, 197 Castle Stuart Golf Links 196, 197
Assynt Mountains 160 Braid, James 196 Castlebay, ferries 221
Atholl, Dukes of 143 Breakdown services 223 Castles 24–5
Auchindrain Museum 134 Breakfast 178 accommodation in 170
Auchterarder 175, 186 Bressay 164 Armadale Castle 156
Auldearn 176, 187 Bridge of Earn, restaurants 186 Balhousie Castle 126
Autumn in Scotland 42 Bridie, James 31 Blair Castle 25, 143

Castles (cont.) Churches see Abbeys; Cathedrals and David I, King (cont.)
Braemar Castle 24 individual towns and cities Edinburgh Castle 65
Brodick Castle 118 Churchill Barriers (Orkney Islands) 162 Holyrood Abbey 57
Caerlaverock Castle 11, 94 Cinema see Film Holyrood Park (Edinburgh) 71
Cawdor Castle 13, 150 City Chambers (Edinburgh) 61, 63 Kelso Abbey 88
Claypotts Castle 24 City Chambers (Glasgow) 10, 102 Melrose Abbey 90
Crathes Castle and Garden 149 City Observatory (Edinburgh) 70 Dawyck Botanic Garden 27
Culzean Castle 11, 54, 96–7 Clans 32–3, 50, 131 Dean Bridge (Edinburgh) 68
Dirleton Castle 75 Clava Cairns 150 Dean Village 73
Doune Castle 126 Claypotts Castle 24 Dee, River 93, 94
Drum Castle 25, 149 Clearances 50, 154, 156 Deer Park golf course 196, 197
Drumlanrig Castle 24, 25, 92–3 Clickminin Broch (Lerwick) 164 Deeside, Royal Deeside tour 39, 148–9
Duart Castle 137 Climate 40–43, 206 Defoe, Daniel 128
Duffus Castle 24 Climbing 192 Dentists 210, 211
Dunollie Castle (Oban) 136 Clothes Department stores 76, 77, 110, 111
Dunrobin Castle 25, 154, 155 shops 76, 77, 110, 111 Design shops 111
Dunstaffnage Castle 136 walking 198 Devolution 51, 71
Dunvegan Castle 156 Clubs Dewar, Sir James 29
Edinburgh Castle 10, 17, 57, 64–5 Edinburgh 81 Dinnet, hotels 176
Eilean Donan Castle 13, 155 Glasgow 113 Dirleton Castle 75
Floors Castle 88, 89 Clunie Foot Bridge, Killiecrankie Walk 142 Disabled travellers 207
Glamis Castle 126–7 Clyde, River 92 car travel 222, 223
Inverary Castle 12, 134 Firth of Clyde 118 Disability Helpline 211
Inverness Castle 151 Coach travel 219 train information 218
Jedburgh Castle 88 Coaching inns 170 Discovery (Dundee) 13, 127
Kames Castle 119 Cockburn, Lord 68 Distilleries see distilleries by name; Whisky
Kilchurn Castle 136 Coll 137, 176, 188 Doctors 210
Kinloch Castle (Rum) 141 Columba, St 46, 67, 131, 137, 153 Dore Holm (Shetland Islands) 165
Kisimul Castle (Barra) 167 Colvend golf course 196, 197 Dornoch 154–5
MacLellan’s Castle (Kirkcudbright) 94 Communications 214 golf 196, 197
Neidpath Castle 24 Comrie, restaurants 186 Douglas family 64
Rothesay Castle 119 Connoisseurs Scotland 190, 191 Douglas, Gavin 30
St Andrew’s Castle 127 Connolly, Billy 107 Douglas, Sir James (”Black Douglas”) 90, 93
Scalloway Castle 164 Consulates 209 Doune Castle 126
Stirling Castle 12, 13, 124–5 Conversion chart 209 Dounreay 161
Tantallon Castle 75 Cooper, Samuel, James II 151 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 31
Threave Castle 93 “Corbetts”, mountaineering 201 The Drongs (Shetland Islands) 165
Tower-houses 24–5 Coronation Bridge Drum Castle 25, 149
Traquair House 25 Killiecrankie Walk 142 Drumlanrig Castle 24, 25, 92–3
Urquhart Castle 13, 153 Corpach 141 Drummond Castle Gardens 27
see also Stately homes Country-house hotels 170 Drummond, George 68
Cathedrals Covenanters 93 Drummond, James
Dunkeld 143 Greyfriars Kirk (Edinburgh) 66 The Return of Mary Queen of Scots 44
Elgin 149 Martyrs’ Monument (Galloway) 95 Drumnadrochit 13, 153
Glasgow Cathedral and Necropolis 10, Craig, James 68 Dryburgh Abbey 85, 89
103 Craignure, ferries 221 Duart Castle 137
St Andrews 127 Crail 128 Duffus Castle 24
St Andrew’s Cathedral (Aberdeen) 146 Crail Golfing Society 195, 197 Dumbarton 118
St Giles Cathedral (Edinburgh) 10, 61 Cranston, Kate 104 Dumfries 93
St Machar’s Cathedral (Aberdeen) 146 Crarae Gardens 12, 26, 134 Dumfries House 92
St Magnus Cathedral (Kirkwall) 162 Crathes Castle and Gardens 27, 149 Dunbar, William 30
Catholic Church 48 Creative Scotland 19 Dunblane, hotels 175
Cawdor Castle 13, 150 Credit cards 212 Duncan, King 150
Celtic Church 46 Crieff, golf 196, 197 Duncansby Head 161
Celtic Connections (Glasgow) 43 Crime 210–211 Dundee 117, 127
Celts 45, 131 Crinan, hotels 176 golf 196, 197
Central Scotland 115–29 Crockett, SR 31 hotels 175
golf 196, 197 Crofting 167 restaurants 186
hotels 175–6 Cromarty 154 Dunfermline 13, 128–9
map 116–17 Cruden Bay golf course 196, 197 Dunkeld 143, 176
restaurants 186–7 Cruises 221 Dunlop, John 28
Charles I, King of England 66, 94, 126 Cuillins 156 Dunnet Head 161
Charles II, King of England 61, 70 Culloden, Battle of (1746) 13, 32, 49, 50, 150 Dunollie Castle (Oban) 136
Charlie, Bonnie Prince 12, 49, 131, 157 re-enactment 35 Dunoon 118
Abbotsford House 90 Culross 13, 129 Dunrobin Castle 25, 154, 155
Battle of Falkirk 115 Culzean Castle 11, 54, 96–7 Dunstaffnage Castle 136
Benbecula 166 Cumberland, Duke of 147, 150 Dunvegan Castle 156
Blair Castle 143 Cupar 175, 186 Durness 161
Culloden 150 Currency 213 Dwarfie Stane (Orkney Islands) 163
Drumlanrig Castle 93 Currie, Ken 105
Eriskay 167 Customs and immigration 206–7 E
Glenfinnan Monument 141 Customs and traditions 17 Eas Coul Aulin 161
Isle of Skye 156 Cycling 202, 203 Easdale Folk Museum 136
Loch Lochy 152 East Lothian Coast 74–5
Mercat Cross (Edinburgh) 62 D East Neuk 13, 128
Palace of Holyroodhouse 71 Dale, David 92 Economy 18, 51
Prince’s Cairn 140 Dalmahoy golf course (Edinburgh) 196, 197 Eden Court Theatre (Inverness) 151
Scottish National Portrait Gallery Dance Edinburgh 55, 57–83
(Edinburgh) 67 Edinburgh 80, 81 airport 216
Traquair House 91 Glasgow 112–13 entertainment 80–83
Charlotte Square (Edinburgh) 68, 69 Highland dancing 19, 35 events 40–43
Children 208 Darien Expedition 49 Further Afield 72–5
Museum of Childhood (Edinburgh) 62, 63 Darnley, Lord 71, 102, 127 golf 196, 197
in restaurants 178–9 David I, King 46–7 hotels 172–3
Christianity 46, 94 Border abbeys 89 map 58–9

Edinburgh (cont.) Food and drink Golf 18, 193, 194–7

New Town 10, 51, 57, 58 Flavours of Scotland 180 The Birthplace of Golf 127
New Town: Street-by-Street map 68–9 shops 76–7, 110–111 British Golf Museum (St Andrews) 127
Old Town 57, 58 tours 190–91 championship courses 196
Old Town, Life below the 63 vocabulary 232 designer golf 196
restaurants 181–3 What to Buy 79 etiquette 194
Royal Mile 10, 57, 60–63 see also Restaurants; Whisky facilities 195
shopping 76–9 Football 18, 81, 113 golfing events 41, 195
Two Days in Edinburgh 10 Forestry Commission 199, 202, 203 history 127, 194, 195
Edinburgh Book Festival 83 Forests 23 specialist operators 196
Edinburgh Castle 10, 17, 57, 64–5 Forsyth, Alan 66 Graham, James Gillespie 68
Edinburgh Festival 19, 41, 57, 82–3 Fort Augustus 13, 152, 176 Gray, Alasdair 31
Edinburgh International Conference Fort Charlotte (Lerwick) 164 Great Cumbrae Island 118
Centre 66 Fort George 13, 150 Great Glen 152–3
Edinburgh International Film Festival 41, Fort William 138, 141, 177, 188 Great Scottish Run (Glasgow) 42
82–3 Forth Bridges 13, 73 Greenock 118
Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival 83 Fortrose 154 Gretna, hotels 173
Edinburgh Military Tattoo 41, 83 Foula 165 Greyfriars Bobby 10, 61, 66
Edward I, King of England 47, 94 Fowke, Captain Francis 66 Greyfriars Kirk (Edinburgh) 66
Edwin, King 64 Fraserburgh, hotels 177 Guesthouses 170–71
Egilsay 163 The Fringe (Edinburgh Festival) 82, 83 Gulf Stream 27, 134, 155, 160
Eigg 140–41 Fuel 223 Gullane 75
Eildon Hills 88 Fyne, Loch 12, 26, 135 golf 196, 197
Eilean Donan Castle 13, 155 Gunn, Neil 31
Electricity 209 G Guthrie, Sir James 105
Elgin 149 Gaelic language 17, 19, 232
golf 196, 197 Gaelic music 34 H
Elie Gaelic studies 190, 191 Haddington 74
golf course 196, 197 Gainsborough, Thomas 134 Hadrian’s Wall 45
restaurants 186 Galleries see Museums and galleries Haggis 180
Elizabeth I, Queen of England 48 Galloway Forest Park 11, 94–5 Haggs Castle golf course 196, 197
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Galt, John 31 Haig, Field Marshal Earl 63
Kingdom 61, 70, 71 Gardening Scotland (Edinburgh) 41 Hamilton, James, The Massacre of
Elizabeth, Queen Mother 127 Gardens see Parks and gardens Glencoe 138
Ellisland Farm 93 Garioch, Robert 31 Hamilton, Thomas 70
Email 214 Gastro pubs 179 Hampden National Stadium (Glasgow) 113
Embassies 209 Geddes, Jenny 61 Handa Island 161, 192
Emergencies 211 Genealogy 190, 191 Hardie, James Keir 50
Enlightenment 28, 30, 50–51 General Register House 190, 191 Harris 166
Entertainment Geography 17 ferries 221
Edinburgh 80–83 Geology 20–21 hotels 177
Glasgow 112–13 George II, King of Great Britain 49 Health care 210
Eriska, hotels 176 George IV, King of Great Britain 33, 67, Hebrides see Highlands and Islands
Eriskay 167 90, 142 Henry, George, Japanese Lady with
Eshaness (Shetland Islands) 165 George Square (Glasgow) 10, 102 a Fan 106
Events, calendar of 40–43 Georgian House (Edinburgh) 69 Henry VIII, King of England 89, 90, 121
The Exchange (Edinburgh) 66 Gibbon, Lewis Grassic 31 Henryson, Robert 30
Exchange facilities 212 Gill’s Bay, ferries 221 Hermaness National Nature Reserve 165
Eyemouth, restaurants 183 Gladstone’s Land (Edinburgh) 60 Highland Boundary Fault 115
Glamis Castle 126–7 Highland Games 18, 35
F Glasgay 42 Highland Park Distillery (Kirkwall) 162
Faed, Thomas, The Last of the Clan 154 Glasgow 99–113 Highland Wildlife Park 144
Fair Isle 165 airport 216 Highlands and Islands 115, 131–67
Falkirk, Battle of (1746) 115 Burrell Collection 108–9 Aberdeen 146–7
Falkirk Wheel 11, 13, 129 entertainment 112–13 Clearances 50, 154, 156
Falkland events 40–43 ferries 220–21
Falkland Palace 13, 128 Glasgow Artists 105 golf 196, 197
restaurants 186 golf 196, 197 The Great Glen 152–3
Falls of Foyers 152 history 50 Highland music and games 34–5
Farrell, Terry 66 hotels 174–5 hotels 176–7
Farrer, Reginald 134 map 100–101 Isle of Skye 156–7
Fashion shops 110, 111 restaurants 184–6 map 132–3
Faskally, Loch 143 shopping 110–111 Orkney Islands 162–3
Fast food 179 Two Days in Glasgow 10–11 restaurants 187–9
Ferguson, Adam 30 Glasgow Boys 94, 105, 106 Road to the Isles tour 38, 140–41
Ferrier, Susan 31 Glasgow Cathedral and Necropolis 10, 103 Royal Deeside tour 39, 148–9
Ferries 220–21 Glasgow Contemporary Art Fair 40 Shetland Islands 164–5
Festival Theatre (Port-na-Craig) 143 Glasgow Film Festival 43 Ten Days in the Highlands and Islands
Festivals 40–43 Glasgow International Comedy Festival 40 12–13
Fetlar 165 Glasgow International Jazz Festival 41 Western Islands 166–7
Fife Coastal Trail 13 Glasgow School of Art 10, 104 Historic houses see Castles; Stately homes
Fillan, St 128 Glasgow Science Centre 11, 98, 106 Historic Scotland 209
Film 19 Glass 78 History 45–51
Edinburgh 80, 81 Gledstanes, Thomas 60 Hogg, James 30–31
Edinburgh International Film Festival Glen Grant Distillery (Rothes) 149 Hogmanay (Edinburgh) 43
82–3 Glen Nevis 139 Holidays, public 42
Glasgow 112, 113 Glen Shiel 155 Holyrood Abbey 57
Findhorn, restaurants 188 Glencoe 12, 138, 188 Holyrood Park (Edinburgh) 71
Fingal’s Cave 12, 137 Glencoe Massacre (1692) 49, 138 Holyroodhouse 10, 70–71
Finlaggan 135 Glencoe Mountain 138 Hopetoun House 74
Fire services 211 Gleneagles 195, 196, 197 Hopkins, Sir Michael 71
Firth of Clyde 118 Glenfiddich Distillery (Dufftown) 149, 191 Horne, Janet 154
Fishing 193, 202, 203 Glenfinnan Monument 12, 141 Hornel, Edward 94
fishing industry 18 Glenkinchie Distillery 75 Horse riding 202, 203
Scottish Fisheries Museum 128 Glenlivet Distillery 149 Hospitals 210, 211
Fleming, Alexander 29, 51 Glenshee, skiing 201 Hotels 170–77
Flodden, Battle of (1513) 48, 85 Glentress Forest (Peebles) 91 bed-and-breakfasts and guesthouses
Floors Castle 88 Glorious Twelfth 41 170–71
Flora of the Cairngorms 145 Goatfell ridge 115, 118 Central Scotland 175–6

Hotels (cont.) Long-distance walks 199

classification 170 K Lords of the Isles 47
coaching inns and shooting lodges Kailzie Gardens 91 Lost property 211, 219
170–71 Kames Castle 119 Lowlands 115
country house hotels and castles 170 Katrine, Loch 12, 116, 120 Three Days in the Lowlands 11
Edinburgh 172–3 Kay, Jackie 31 Luib 156
Glasgow 174–5 Kelman, James 31 Lundin Ladies golf course 196, 197
Highlands and Islands 176–7 Kelso 88, 173–4, 183 Luss 119, 120
prices, hidden extras and booking 170 Kelso Abbey 89 Luther, Martin 48
Southern Scotland 173–4 Kelso Race Course 88
youth hostels 171 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum M
House for an Art Lover (Glasgow) 107 (Glasgow) 10–11, 106 MacBean, Donald 142
Howson, Peter 105 Kemp, George Meikle 67 Macbeth 13, 150
Hoy 163 Kennacraig, ferries 221 MacCaig, Norman 31
Hume, David 30, 50, 70 Kennedy, AL 31 McCaig’s Tower (Oban) 136
Hunter, Dr William 106 Kennedy, William, Stirling Station 105 McCartney, Paul 135
Hunterian Art Gallery (Glasgow) 106–7 Kibble, John 26, 107 MacColla, Fionn 31
Hunting 202, 203 Kilberry, restaurants 188 MacCrimmon clan 104
Hunting lodges, accommodation in 170 Kilchoan, ferries 221 MacDiarmid, Hugh 31, 51
Kilchrenan 177, 189 Macdonald, Anne Maxwell 108
I Kilchurn Castle 136 MacDonald clan 49, 138
Imaginate 40 Kilfinan, hotels 175 MacDonald, Flora 136, 157, 166
Inchmahome Priory 121 Killiecrankie Walk 142, 143 grave of 156
Industrial Revolution 50 Kilmartin House 136 Macdonald, Margaret 107
Insect bites 210 Kilt Rock (Skye) 54 MacDougal clan 136
Insurance 206, 210 Kilts 33, 78, 151 MacGregor, Robert see Rob Roy
International Science Festival 40 King of the Sevens 40 McGregor, Robert (artist) 105
Internet access 214 Kingbarns golf course 196, 197 Machrie 118
Inventions 28–9 King’s College (Aberdeen) 146 Machrihanish golf course 196, 197
Inverarnan, restaurants 186 Kingussie golf course 196, 197 MacIlvanney, William 31
Inverary Castle 12, 134 Kinloch Anderson (Edinburgh) 76, 77 Mackenzie, Osgood 160
Inverawe Smokehouses 191 Kinloch Castle (Rum) 141 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 105
Inverewe Gardens 26, 155, 160 Kinlochleven, restaurants 188 Glasgow School of Art 10, 104
Inverie, restaurants 188 Kintyre 135 House for an Art Lover (Glasgow) 107
Inverkip 118 Kirkcudbright 11, 94 Hunterian Art Gallery 106
Inverness 13, 150–51, 177, 188 Kirkwall 162 Willow Tea Room (Glasgow) 10, 104
Inverness Leisure 151 Ba’ Game 43 Maclean clan 137
Inverness Music Festival 40 ferries 221 McLean Museum and Art Gallery
Iona 12, 46, 137 Kishorn, restaurants 189 (Greenock) 118
Islands see Highlands and Islands Kisimul Castle (Barra) 167 Maclean, Sorley 31
Islay 135 Knockengorroch World Ceilidh 40 MacLellan’s Castle (Kirkcudbright) 94
ferries 221 Knox, John 48, 49 MacLeod clan 104, 156
Italian Chapel (Orkney Islands) 162 John Knox House (Edinburgh) 62, 63 McManus Galleries (Dundee) 127
Perth 126 Macmillan, Kirkpatrick 28
J St Giles Cathedral (Edinburgh) 61 Macpherson, James 30
Jacobite Cruises 13, 151 statue of 103 Madonna 154
Jacobite movement 49, 151 Kylesku, restaurants 189 Maeshowe 162
Glenfinnan Monument 141 Magazines, listings 80, 112
Jacobite Steam Train 138, 204–5 L Magnus Barfud, King 135
James I, King 30, 48 Lake of Menteith, restaurants 186 Magnus, St 162, 163
Linlithgow Palace 74 Landscape 22–3 Maid of the Forth Cruises 191
James I, King of England see James VI Language 17, 19, 232 Mail services 214–15
James II, King 64, 93, 127, 151 Largs 118 Malcolm III, King 46, 73, 128
James III, King 48 Laszlo, Henri de 127 Mallaig 12, 140, 141
James IV, King 48, 57 Lauder, restaurants 184 ferries 221
Battle of Flodden 85 Lavery, Sir John, A Star 105 Malt whisky see Whisky
Falkland Palace 128 The Lecht (skiing) 201 Maps
Holyrood Palace 70 Leger, Fernand, The Team at Rest 73 Aberdeen 147
Mons Meg 64 Leith 72 Ben Nevis 139
James V, King Leonard, Tom 31 Border Abbeys tour 89
crown 64 Leonardo da Vinci 93 Cairngorms 144–5
Falkland Palace 128 Lerwick 164 Central Scotland 116–17
Holyrood Palace 70, 71 ferries 221 Clan territories 32–3
Linlithgow Palace 74 Leven Links golf course 196, 197 East Lothian Coastal Walk 75
Parliament House (Edinburgh) 61 Lewis 166 Edinburgh 58–9
James VI, King ferries 221 Edinburgh: Further Afield 72
coronation 124 Lindsay, Sir David 30 Edinburgh: New Town Street-by-Street
Edinburgh Castle 65 Lindsay, James Bowman 28 68–9
Falkland Palace 128 Linlithgow Palace 74 Europe 14
and golf 194 Linn of Tummel 142 Galloway Forest Park Walk 95
statue of 126 Lister, Joseph 29, 69 Glasgow 100–101
union with England 48, 49 Listings magazines 80, 112 Great Glen 152–3
James VII, King 49, 151 Literature 19, 30–31 Highlands and Islands 132–3
James VIII, the “Old Pretender” 151 Edinburgh Book Festival 83 Isle of Skye 156–7
Jarlshof Prehistoric and Norse Settlement Livingstone, David 92 Killicrankie Walk 142
(Shetland Islands) 164 Loch Garten Osprey Centre 145 Orkney Islands 163
Jazz Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National outdoor activities 192–3
Edinburgh 80, 81, 83 Park 120 Rail Map of Scotland 218
Glasgow 41, 112, 113 Loch Ness Monster 153 Road to the Isles tour 140–41
Jedburgh 88 Lochhead, Liz 31 Royal Deeside tour 148–9
Jedburgh Abbey 84, 88, 89 Lochmaddy 166 Royal Mile (Edinburgh) 60–63
Jeffrey, Francis 30 Lochs Scotch Whisky 36
Jenkins, Valentine 125 landscape and wildlife 22 Scotland 14–15, 54–5
Jenners (Edinburgh) 76, 77 see also by name Shetland Islands 165
Jewellery 78 Lochy, Loch 152 Southern Scotland 86–7
John Knox House (Edinburgh) 62, 63 Logan Botanic Garden 26, 27, 95 Touring Scotland by car 38–9
John O’Groats 161 Lomond, Loch 12, 38, 119, 120 Trossachs 120–21
ferries 221 hotels 175 Mar, 1st Earl of 124
Jura 134–5 restaurants 186 Margaret, St, Queen 46, 65, 73

Maris, Matthijs 109 Museums and galleries (individual) (cont.) Music 19

Maritime Museum (Aberdeen) 146 Böd of Gemista (Lerwick) 164 Celtic Connections (Glasgow) 43
Markets, Glasgow 110 British Golf Museum (St Andrews) 127 Edinburgh 80, 81
Marwick Head 162 Burns Cottage (Alloway) 93 Edinburgh Jazz & Blues Festival 83
Mary of Guise 70, 74 Burns House (Dumfries) 93 Glasgow 112, 113
Mary King’s Close (Edinburgh) 63 Burns House and Museum (Mauchline) 93 Glasgow International Jazz Festival 41
Mary, Queen of Scots 44, 48 Burrell Collection (Glasgow) 11, 54, Highland music and games 34–5
Abbotsford House 90 108–9 National Museum of Piping (Glasgow)
Edinburgh Castle 65 Canongate Tolbooth: The People’s Story 104
and golf 127, 194 (Edinburgh) 62–3 Piping Centre (Glasgow) 104
Holyrood Palace 70–71 Carnegie Birthplace Museum Shetland Folk Festival 40
Inchmahome Priory 121 (Dunfermline) 129 World Pipe Band Championships 41
Jedburgh 88 City Observatory (Edinburgh) 70 MV Festival (Aviemore) 40
Kirkcudbright 94 Combined Operations Museum Mylne, Robert 134
Linlithgow Palace 74 (Inverary) 134
Provand’s Lordship (Glasgow) 102 Cromarty Courthouse (Cromarty) 154 N
Scottish National Portrait Gallery Discovery (Dundee) 13, 127 Nairn golf course 196, 197
(Edinburgh) 67 Easdale Folk Museum 136 Napier, John 28
Stirling 124 Elgin Museum 149 Napoleonic Wars 70
Traquair House 91 Ellisland Farm 93 Nasmyth, Alexander, View of Culzean
Mauchline 93 Gallery of Modern Art (Glasgow) 10, 102 Castle 96
Maxwell family 94, 108 Gladstone’s Land (Edinburgh) 60 National Museum of Piping (Glasgow) 104
Maxwell, James C 29 Glamis Castle 126–7 National Museum of Scotland
Maxwell, Sir John 108 Glasgow Science Centre 11, 106 (Edinburgh) 10, 61, 66–7
May, Isle of 128 Groam House Museum (Rosemarkie) 154 National Trust for Scotland 198, 199, 208,
Meadowbank Stadium and Sports Centre Hugh Miller Museum (Cromarty) 154 209
(Edinburgh) 81 Hunterian Art Gallery (Glasgow) 106–7 National Union of Students 208, 209
Medical insurance 206, 210 Jedburgh Castle 88 Nature reserves see Wildlife
Medical treatment 210 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Neidpath Castle 24
Melrose, 174, 184 (Glasgow) 10–11, 106 Nelson Monument (Edinburgh) 70
Melrose Abbey 86, 89, 90 Kilmartin House 136 Neptune’s Staircase (Caledonian Canal) 141
Memorial Arch (Clunie Dam) 142 McLean Museum and Art Gallery Ness, Loch 13, 153
Mercat Cross (Edinburgh) 62 (Greenock) 118 Nevis Range Gondola 139
Merchants of Edinburgh golf course 196, McManus Galleries (Dundee) 127 Nevis Range, skiing 201
197 Maritime Museum (Aberdeen) 146 New Lanark 11, 92
Merchants House (Glasgow) 102 Moray Motor Museum (Elgin) 149 Newspapers 77, 215
Methven, hotels 175 Museum and Art Gallery (Inverness) 151 Ninian, St 45, 94, 103
Mileage chart 15 Museum of Childhood (Edinburgh) 62, 63 North Berwick 75
Miller, Hugh 154 Museum of Edinburgh 63 golf 196, 197
Miralles, Enric 71 Museum of Islay Life (Port Charlotte) 135 North Coast 161
Moness, hotels 177 Nàdurra Centre (Ardnamurchan) 140 North Queensferry, restaurants 187
Money 212–13 National Museum of Piping (Glasgow) North Ronaldsay 163
Mons Meg 64, 93 104 North Sea oil 51
Montrose, Duke of 121 National Museum of Scotland North Uist 166
Moorlands 23 (Edinburgh) 10, 61, 66–7 Northlink Ferries 220–21
Morar 140 New Lanark Visitor Centre 92 Noss 164
Moray Firth 13, 150, 154 Oban War and Peace Museum 136
Moray Motor Museum (Elgin) 149 Orkney Museum (Kirkwall) 162 O
Moray Place (Edinburgh) 68 Our Dynamic Earth (Edinburgh) 10, 71 Oban 12, 136
Morgan, Edwin 31 People’s Palace (Glasgow) 107 ferries 221
Morocco’s Land (Edinburgh) 63 Perth Museum and Art Gallery 126 restaurants 189
Morris, Roger 134 Pollok House (Glasgow) 108 Old Man of Hoy (Orkney Islands) 163
Motte and bailey castles 24 Provand’s Lordship (Glasgow) 102 Old Man of Storr (Skye) 157
Moubray House (Edinburgh) 63 Regimental Museum (Fort George) 150 Oliphant, Margaret 31
Mount Stuart House 119 Riverside Museum (Glasgow) 106 Opening hours 208
Mountain biking 202, 203 Robert Burns Centre (Dumfries) 93 Opera
Mountaineering Council of Scotland 198, St Mungo Museum of Religious Life Edinburgh 80, 81
199, 200, 201 and Art (Glasgow) 103 Glasgow 112, 113
Mountains Sandaig Thatched House Museum Orkney Islands 162–3
landscape 23 (Tiree) 137 ferries 220–21
outdoor activities 192, 200–201 Scalloway Museum 164 golf 196, 197
Mousa Broch 164 Scapa Flow Visitor Centre 163 hotels 177
Muck 140–41 Scotland Street School Museum map 163
Muir of Dinnet Nature Reserve 148 (Glasgow) 106 St Magnus Festival 41
Muir, Edwin 31 Scottish Fisheries Museum (Anstruther) Orkney Museum (Kirkwall) 162
Muir, Willa 31 128 Orwell, George 134–5
Muirfield golf course 196, 197 Scottish National Gallery (Edinburgh) Our Dynamic Earth (Edinburgh) 10, 71
Mull 137, 207 10, 67 Out Stack (Shetland Islands) 165
ferries 221 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Outdoor activities 192–203
hotels 177 (Edinburgh) 73 map 192–3
restaurants 189 Scottish National Portrait Gallery Owen, Robert 92
Mull of Kintyre 135 (Edinburgh) 67
Mungo, St 103, 129 Shetland Museum and Archive P
Munro, Sir Hugh 200 (Lerwick) 164 Paisley patterns (textiles) 93
“Munros”, mountaineering 200–201 Skerryvore Lighthouse Museum (Tiree) Palace Keeper 128
Murrayfield Stadium (Edinburgh) 81 137 Palaces see Stately homes
Museums and galleries (general) Strathnaver Museum (Bettyhill) 161 Papa Stour (Shetland Islands) 165
admission charges 208 Stromness Museum 162 Papa Westray (Orkney Islands) 163
opening hours 208 Tain Through Time 155 Park, Willie (Senior) 194
Museums and galleries (individual) Tenement House (Glasgow) 104 Parking 222–3
Abbotsford House 90 Tolbooth Art Centre (Kirkcudbright) 94 Parks and gardens 26–7
Aberdeen Art Gallery 146 Torridon Countryside Centre 155 Achiltibuie Garden 160
Ardnamurchan Point Visitor Centre 140 Tweeddale Museum and Gallery Arduaine Garden 136
Auchindrain Museum 134 (Peebles) 91 Botanic Gardens (Glasgow) 11, 26, 107
Balhousie Castle 126 Ullapool Museum 160 Crarae Gardens 12, 26, 134
Bannockburn Heritage Centre (Stirling) HMS Unicorn (Dundee) 127 Crathes Gardens 27, 149
124 V&A Museum of Design 127 Dawyck Botanic Garden 27
Barra Heritage Centre 167 The Whithorn Story (Whithorn) 94 Drummond Castle Gardens 27
The Blackhouse Museum (Arnol) 166 Writers’ Museum (Edinburgh) 60, 61 Holyrood Park (Edinburgh) 71

Parks and gardens (cont.) Restaurants (cont.) Sandaig Thatched House Museum (Tiree)
Inverewe Gardens 26, 160 Southern Scotland 183–4 137
Kailzie Gardens 91 vegetarian food 179 Sanday 163
Logan Botanic Garden 26, 27, 95 see also Food and drink Sanquhair 174, 184
Pitmedden Garden 27 Reynolds, Joshua 150 Sauchiehall Street (Glasgow) 10, 101
Royal Botanic Garden (Edinburgh) 27, 72 Rhinns of Galloway 95 Scalloway 164
Zen Garden (Glasgow) 103 Rhododendrons 26 Scapa Flow Visitor Centre 163
Parliament 18, 51 Riding 202, 203 Scone Palace 13, 126
Parliament House (Edinburgh) 61 Rights of way 198 Scotland Street School Museum
Scottish Parliament (Edinburgh) 10, 71 Ring of Brodgar 162 (Glasgow) 106
Passes, rail 218 Rivers, landscape and wildlife 22 Scott, Sir Walter 30, 31, 51, 90, 131
Passports 206 Riverside Museum (Glasgow) 106 Abbotsford House 85, 90
Paths for All Partnership 198, 199 Rizzio, David 71 Castle Street (Edinburgh) 69
Pedal for Scotland 42 Road to the Isles Tour 12, 140–41 Eildon Hills 88
Peebles 91, 174, 184 Road travel 222–3 grave 89
Pentland Hills 87, 91 Touring Scotland by Car 38–9 Loch Katrine 120
People’s Palace (Glasgow) 107 Rob Roy 90, 121, 128 Mons Meg 64
Personal security 210–211 Robert the Bruce 85 Perth 126
Perth 13, 126, 175, 187 Arran 118 Scott Monument (Edinburgh) 67
Petrol 223 Battle of Bannockburn 47, 124, 128 statues of 67
Pharmacies 210 Bruce’s Stone 95 tomb of 50
Picts 45, 46 Drum Castle 149 Writers’ Museum (Edinburgh) 61
Pier Arts Centre (Stromness) 162 heart of 89, 90, 93 Scottish Borders 85
Piping Centre (Glasgow) 104 Loch Awe 136 Border Abbeys tour 39, 89
Piping Live 41 Melrose Abbey 89, 90 Scottish Cup Final 40
Pitlochry 143 Rathlin 135 Scottish Enlightenment 50–51
golf 196, 197 statue of 124 Scottish Exhibition and Conference
hotels 177 tomb 128 Centre (Glasgow) 112
Pitmedden Garden 27 Robert Burns see Burns, Robert Scottish Fisheries Museum 128
Playfair, William 68, 70, 88 Robertson, William 30 Scottish Game Fair 41
Plockton 177, 189 Rock music Scottish Genealogy Society 190, 191
Police 210, 211 Edinburgh 80, 81 Scottish Grand National 40
Politics 18, 51 Glasgow 112, 113 Scottish Kiltmaker Visitor Centre 151
Pollok House (Glasgow) 108 Rockness Music Festival 41 Scottish National Gallery (Edinburgh) 10, 67
Pony trekking 193, 202, 203 Rocks 20–21 Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art
Population 17, 18 Romans 45 (Edinburgh) 73
Port Appin, restaurants 189 Antonine Wall 129 Scottish National Party (SNP) 18, 51
Port Ellen, ferries 221 Romanticism 30 Scottish National Portrait Gallery
Portavadie 175, 187 Romney, George 150 (Edinburgh) 67
Portpatrick 95, 174, 184 Ronas Hill (Shetland Islands) 165 Scottish Natural Heritage 141, 199
Portree 157 Roslin Institute (Edinburgh) 29 Scottish Open (golf ) 41
Postal services 214–15 Rossal 161 Scottish Parliament (Edinburgh) 10, 71
Postbuses 219 Rosslyn Chapel 11, 91 Scottish Rugby Union Cup Final 40
Presbyterian Church 48 Rothesay Castle 119 Scottish Seabird Centre (North Berwick) 75
Prestwick Airport 216 Rothiemurchus Estate 144 Scottish Sealife Sanctuary (Barcaldine) 136
Prestwick golf course 196, 197 Rousay 163 Scottish Storytelling Centre 62
Prince’s Cairn (Loch Nan Uamh) 140 Rowling, JK 31 Scottish Youth Hostels Association 171,
Princes Street (Edinburgh) 10, 76 Roxburgh, Graham 107 208, 209
Princes Street Gardens (Edinburgh) 69 Roxburghe golf course 196, 197 Scott’s View 11, 88, 89
Provand’s Lordship (Glasgow) 102 Royal Botanical Garden (Edinburgh) 27, 72 Scotways 198, 199
Provost Skene’s House (Aberdeen) 147 Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Scrabster 189, 221
Public holidays 42 (Glasgow) 112 Sea Life Surveys 191
Pubs 179 Royal Deeside 13, 55 Seabury, Samuel 146
Puppet Animation Festival 40 tour by car 39, 148–9 Seafood 179
Royal Dornoch golf course 196, 197 Seaforth, Countess of 154
Q Royal Highland Show 41 Seil, Isle of 136
Queen Elizabeth Forest Park 121 Royal Mile (Edinburgh) 10, 57, 60–63 Self-catering accommodation 171
Queen’s Gallery (Edinburgh) 71 Royal Musselburgh golf course 196, 197 Selkirk, Alexander 128
Queensferry, restaurants 187 Royal National Mod 42 Shakespeare, William 13, 150
Quiraing 157 Royal Troon golf course 196, 197 Shepherd, Nan 31
Royal Yacht Britannia 13, 72 Sheriffmuir, restaurants 187
R Rugby 40 Shetland Folk Festival 40
Racing, horse 40, 42, 88 Rum 140–41 Shetland Islands 164–5
Radio 19, 215 ferries 220–21
Raeburn, Henry 134, 146 S hotels 177
Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Safety map 165
Duddington Loch 67 mountain activities 200, 201 restaurants 189
Railways see Trains personal security 210–211 Shipbuilding industry 50, 51
Rainfall 42 Sailing 192, 203 Shiskine golf course 196, 197
Ramblers Scotland 199 St Abb’s Head 88 Shooting lodges 170–71
Ramsay, Allan 30, 67, 134 St Andrews 13, 39, 127 Shopping
Rankin, Ian 31 golf 195, 197 Edinburgh 76–9
Reformation 48, 61, 62 hotels 175 Glasgow 110–111
Reid, Robert 68 restaurants 187 opening hours 208
Religion 18 St Andrew’s Cathedral (Aberdeen) 146 What to Buy 78–9
Rembrandt, Self-portrait 109 St Andrew’s Day 42 Signet Library (Edinburgh) 61
Renting cars 223 St Fillan’s Cave (St Monans) 128 “Silicon Glen” 18
Restaurants 178–89 St Giles Cathedral (Edinburgh) 10, 61, 80, 81 Sinclair, William 91
afternoon tea 178 St Kilda 167 Skara Brae 45, 162
breakfast, lunch and dinner 178 St Machar’s Cathedral (Aberdeen) 146 Skeabost 156
Central Scotland 186–7 St Magnus Festival 41 Skene, Sir George 147
children in 178–9 St Margaret’s Hope (Orkney Islands), Skerryvore Lighthouse Museum (Tiree) 137
Edinburgh 181–3 ferries 221 Sketch for Annabel Lee (Whistler) 107
fast food 179 St Monans, restaurants 187 Skiing 139, 145, 192, 201
Glasgow 184–6 St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Skye, Isle of 13, 54, 130, 132, 156–7
Highlands and Islands 187–9 Art (Glasgow) 103 ferries 221
prices and booking 178 St Nicholas Kirk (Aberdeen) 146 golf 196, 197
pubs and style bars 179 St Ninian’s 164 hotels 177
seafood 179 Salisbury Crags (Edinburgh) 71 restaurants 188

Smith, Adam 50–51, 51 Tanaka, Yasutaro 103 Up Helly Aa (Lerwick) 18, 43

Smith, Sidney Goodsir 31 Tantallon Castle 75 Urquhart Castle 13, 153
Smoking 19, 209 Tarbert (Harris) 166
Smollett, Tobias 30 ferries 221 V
Smoo Cave 161 Tarbert (Kintyre) 135, 177 Value added tax (VAT) 170, 178, 208
Soldier’s Leap Tarbet (Strathclyde) 119 Valvona & Crolla (Edinburgh) 76, 77
Killiecrankie Walk 142 Tartans 32–3, 78 Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, Princess Elizabeth
Soutar, William 31 Tea 178 and Princess Anne 67
South Uist 167 Telephone services 214 Vegetarian food 179
Southern Scotland 85–97 Television 19, 215 Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
Border Abbeys tour 89 Telford, Thomas 51 50, 102
golf 196, 197 Caledonian Canal 151, 152 Balmoral 131, 148
hotels 173–4 Dean Bridge (Edinburgh) 68, 73 Blair Castle 143
map 86–7 Neptune’s Staircase 141 Pitlochry 143
restaurants 183–4 Temperatures 43 Vikings 46, 118
Souvenirs 78–9 Tenement House (Glasgow) 104 VisitScotland 199, 202, 203, 206, 207
Spark, Muriel 31 Textiles 78, 93 Vorsterman, Johannes, Stirling Castle in
Spean Bridge 152 Theatre the Times of the S
Special interest holidays 190–91 Edinburgh 80, 81
Speed limits 222 Edinburgh Festival 19, 82–3 W
Spey Valley golf course 196, 197 Glasgow 112–13 Wade, General 49, 142
Speyfest 41 Threave Castle 93 Walking 193, 198–9
Speyside Thurso 161 Climbing Ben Nevis 139
hotels 177 Tickets, train 218, 219 East Lothian Coastal Walk 75
Speyside Malt Whisky Trail 148–9 Time zone 209 Galloway Forest Park Walk 95
whiskies 13, 36 Tingwall 164 Glentress Forest (Peebles) 91
Speyside Cooperage (Craigellachie) 148, Tiree 137 Killiecrankie Walk 142
149 Tiree Wave Classic 41 Wallace, William 47
Sports Tobermory 137, 207 Wallace Monument (Abbey Craig) 122–
Edinburgh 81 ferries 221 3, 125
Glasgow 113 Tolbooth Art Centre (Kirkcudbright) 94 Walton, Edward Arthur, The Wayfarer 105
golf 194–7 Tomb of the Eagles (Orkney Islands) 162 Wars of Independence 85
Highland Games 18, 35 Torridon 177, 189 Water of Leith (Edinburgh) 68, 73
mountaineering 200–201 Torridon Countryside Centre 155 Water skiing 203
outdoor activities 192–203 Torrylin 118 Water Tasting Pavilion (Strathpeffer) 154
Spring in Scotland 40 Tourist information 207 Waterfalls
Staffa Island 21 Tours by car 38–9 Eas Coul Aulin 161
Stair, Elizabeth, Dowager Countess of 61 Border Abbeys 89 Steall Waterfall 152
Standing Stones of Callanish 166 Road to the Isles 12, 38, 140–41 Watersports 193, 203
Standing Stones of Stenness 162 Royal Deeside 148–9 Watson-Watt, Robert 29
Stanley 176, 187 Tours, coach and bus 219 Watt, James 28, 50, 118
Stately homes Toward, Agnes 104 Weather 40–43, 201, 206
Abbotsford House 90 Tower-houses 24–5 Welsh, Irvine 31
Balmoral 13, 50, 148 Traditional Boats Festival 41 West Highland Way 192
Culross Palace 129 Traigh Golf Club 196, 197 West Register House (Edinburgh) 69
Dumfries House 92 Trains 218–19 Wester Ross 155
Falkland Palace 13, 128 Jacobite Steam Train 138, 204–5 Western Isles 166–7
Hopetoun House 74 Strathspey Steam Railway 144 Westray 163
Lennoxlove House 74 Traquair Fair 41 Wheelchair access see Disabled travellers
Linlithgow Palace 74 Traquair House 25, 91 Whisky 13, 18, 36–7, 79
Mount Stuart House 119 Travel 216–23 Islay 135
Palace of Holyroodhouse 10, 70–71 air 216–17 Scotch Malt Whisky Society 190, 191
Scone Palace 13, 126 buses 219 Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre
Traquair House 91 cars 222–3 (Edinburgh) 60
see also Castles Central Scotland 116 Speyside Malt Whisky Trail 148–9
Steall Waterfall 152 coach 219 see also distilleries by name
Steell, Sir John 67 Edinburgh 59 Whistler, James McNeill, Sketch for
Stevenson, Robert Louis 30, 31, 61 ferries 220–21 Annabel Lee 107
Stirling 39, 124, 176 Glasgow 100 Whithorn 94
Stirling Castle 12, 13, 124–5 Highlands and Islands 132 Wigtown Book Festival 42
Stone of Destiny 47, 51, 64, 126 Riverside Museum (of Transport) Wildlife 22–3
Stonehaven Fireball Festival 43 (Glasgow) 106 Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve
Stornoway 166 Southern Scotland 87 155
ferries 221 trains 218–19 Cairngorm Reindeer Centre 145, 191
Strachur, hotels 176 Traveller’s cheques 212 Hermaness National Nature Reserve 165
Stranraer, hotels 174 Treshnish Isles 137 Highland Wildlife Park 144
Strathisla Distillery (Keith) 149 Tron Kirk (Edinburgh) 62 Muir of Dinnet Nature Reserve 148
Strathnaver Museum (Bettyhill) 161 Tronda 164 Nàdurra Centre (Ardnamurchan) 140
Strathpeffer 154 Trool, Loch 11, 95 Noss National Nature Reserve 164
Strathspey Steam Railway 144 Troon Scottish Sealife Sanctuary (Barcaldine)
Stromness 162, 196, 197, 221 golf 196, 197 136
Stuart dynasty 48–9 restaurants 184 viewing wildlife 191
Scottish National Portrait Gallery 67 Trossachs 12, 54, 120–21 see also Aquariums; Birds
Stuart, Prince Charles Edward see Charlie, Tummel, River 142 William III, King of England 138, 151
Bonnie Prince Tummel Valley 52–3 Willow Tea Room (Glasgow) 10, 104
Student travellers 208, 209 Turnberry 174, 184 Windsurfing 203
Sullom Voe 165 Tweed, River 85 Winter in Scotland 43
Sumburgh Head Lighthouse 164 Tweeddale Museum and Gallery Wishart, George 48
Summer Isles 160 (Peebles) 91 Women travellers 211
Summer in Scotland 41 Tyndrum, restaurants 189 Woodlands 23
Sunshine 41 World music 80, 81, 112, 113
Sutherland, Duke of 50 Writers 30–31
Sutherland, Earls of 154 U Writers’ Museum (Edinburgh) 60, 61
Uig (Skye), ferries 221
T Uist, North and South 166–7 Y
T in the Park 41 Ullapool 160 Yarrow, hotels 174
Tacitus 45 ferries 221 Yell 165
Tain 154–5 Unicorn, HMS 127 Young, William 102
Talisker distillery 156 Unst 165 Youth hostels 171, 208, 209

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Scottish Vocabulary
Gaelic is a Celtic language that is still spoken as a political and judicial systems have given rise to a
second language in the Highlands and Western rich vocabulary that reflects Scottish culture. Many
Isles of Scotland. Estimates put the figure of Gaelic additional terms in current usage are colloquial.
speakers throughout the country at around English as spoken by the Scots is commonly
80,000. The last decade has seen something of a divided into four dialects. Central Scots can be
revival of the language, due to the encourage- heard across the Central Belt and the southwest of
ment of both education and broadcasting author- the country. As around a quarter of the population
ities. However the majority of people are most lives within 32 km (20 miles) of Glasgow, West
likely to come across Gaelic today in the form of Central Scots is one of the most frequently heard
place names. Words such as glen, loch, eilean and subdivisions of this dialect. Southern Scots is
kyle are all still very much in use. English remains spoken in the east of Dumfries and Galloway and
the principal language of Scotland. However the the Borders; Northern Scots in the northeast; and
country’s very distinct education, religious, Island Scots in the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

clapshot mashed turnips and potatoes

Pronunciation of Gaelic Words clootie dumpling rich fruit pudding
Cullen Skink fish soup made from smoked haddock
Letters Example Pronunciation dram a drink of whisky
ao craobh this is pronounced similar to oo, haggis sheep’s offal, suet, oatmeal and
as in cool seasonings, usually boiled in the
bh dubh “h” is silent unless at the beginning animal’s intestine
of a word in which case it is Irn-Bru popular soft drink
pronounced v, as in vet neeps turnips
ch deich this is pronounced as in the oatcake a savoury oatmeal biscuit
porridge a hot breakfast dish made with oats,
German composer Bach
milk and water
cn cnoc this is pronounced cr, as in creek shortie shortbread
ea leabhar this is pronounced e, as in get or tattie potato
a, as in cat tattie scone type of savoury pancake made
eu sgeul this is pronounced ay, as in say with potato
or ea, as in ear
gh taigh-òsda this is silent unless at the Cultural Terms
beginning of a word, in which
case it is pronounced as in get Burns Night 25 January is the anniversary of the
ia fiadh this is pronounced ea, as in ear birth of the poet Robert Burns,
io tiocaid this is pronounced ee, as in celebrated with a meal of haggis
Caledonia Scotland
deep or oo, as in took ceilidh an informal evening of traditional
rt ceart this is pronounced sht Scottish song and dance
th theab this is silent unless at the clan an extended family bearing
beginning of a word in which the same surname (last name)
case it is pronounced h, as first foot the first person to enter a house after
in house midnight on New Year’s Eve
ua uaine this is pronounced oo, as in poor Highland dress Highland men’s formal wear including
the kilt
Hogmanay New Year’s Eve
kilt knee-length pleated tartan skirt
Words in Place Names worn as traditional Highland dress
ben mountain Ne’erday New Year’s Day
bothy farm cottage pibroch type of bagpipe music
brae hill sgian-dubh a small blade tucked into the outside
brig bridge of the sock on the right foot worn as
burn brook part of the traditional Highland dress
cairn mound of stones marking a place sporran pouch made of fur worn to the front
close block of flats (apartments) sharing a of the kilt
common entry and stairway tartan chequered wool cloth, different
craig steep peak colours being worn by each clan
croft small plot of farmland with dwellings
in the Highlands Colloquial Expressions
dubh black
eilean island auld old
firth estuary auld lang syne days of long ago
gate/gait street (in proper names) Auld Reekie Edinburgh
glen valley aye yes
howff a regular meeting place, usually a pub bairn child
barrie excellent
kirk a Presbyterian church
blether chat
kyle a narrow strait of river
bonnie pretty
links golf course by the sea
braw excellent
loaning field
dreich wet (weather)
loch lake fae from
moss moor fitba football
Munro mountain over 914 m (3,000 ft) high hen informal name used to address a
strath valley/plain beside river woman or girl
wynd lane ken to know; to have knowledge
yett gate lassie a young woman/girl
lumber boyfriend/girlfriend
Food and Drink Nessie legendary monster of Loch Ness
Old Firm Celtic and Glasgow Rangers,
Arbroath Smokie small haddock that has been salted Glasgow’s main football teams
and then smoked wean child
breid bread wee small

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