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Early life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) before

Prophet Hood

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) was born on 12th Rabi-ul – Awal, 570

AD (year of elephant). His father Abdullah son of Abdul Mutalib,
died six months before his birth. His mother was Aminah bint
wahab. Haalima Saadia took him to a village and he returned at the
age of six, and soon her mother also died. Back in Makkah
prophet’s grandfather, Abdul Mutalib took his custody, but he died
two years later. Now the prophet’s uncle Abu Talib took his care
and trained him as a shephered.
“Did He not find you an orphan and gave you shelter”
“No prophet was sent by Allah who was not a shepherd”
Once, the prophet (SAWW) was accompanying his uncle on a trade
journey to Syria. When on their way they met a Christian Monk
Bahira. Bahira recognized in the prophet, signs of prophet hood and
he cautioned his uncle Abu Talib to take good care of him.
When the prophet was 15 years old, a sacrilegious war broke down
between the Quraish and Hawazin tribe.
The prophet (SAWW) accompanied his uncles in this war – but he
had no major role in them apart from collecting arrows thrown by
the enemy and handling them over to his uncles.
 It was the first armed conflict that he witnessed
 Loving temperament
 Devoled a very strong and lastind dislike for war
 Gained military experience and leadership role.
Harb Al Fazul:
After this war a committee was formed in Makkah to prevent
further bloodshed.
Prophet (SAWW) was not only present but actively participated.
He is reported to have said:

“I was present at the house of Abdullah bin Judah at so excellent

Pact that I would not exchange my part in it for a herd of red
camels; and if now in Islam, I were summoned into it I would gladly
Marriage to Khadija (595 AD):
During his early years the prophet (SAWW) came to be known as Al
Sadiq and Al Amin – honest and entrusted. In such times, a widow
trader, Hazrat Khadija needed a trust worthy person to carry her
goods to Syria.
She heard of the good character of the prophet and decided to hire
him. She sent her slave Maisra along on the trade expedition and
when they returned not just had the prophet (SAWW) made huge
profits, but Maisra spoke a lot good about the prophet (SAWW).
Hazrat Khadija was so impressed that she sent a marriage proposal
to the prophet, which he accepted although she was 15 years older
than the prophet (SAWW).
They both were blessed with Ruqayya, Zainab, Umm khultum,
Fatima and two sons both died in infancy.
 Hazrat Khadija was a loyal, loving and devoted wife.
 She supported Prophet and was always a moral support for
 Islam owes its success more to her than any other person
during its days of trial and persecution.
 The marriage freed Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) from
financial worries.
Fixing Of the Black Stone:
 Later once when the Kabbah was being rebuilt, the issue of
fixing the black stone aroused.
 Everybody wanted to have this prestigious task and none was
willing to compromise, so much so that bloodshed was

 In such a hostile situation an elderly man suggested that

anybody who entered the Kabbah first would make the
 Fortunately it was Prophet Muhammad (SAWW).
 He laid the stone on a sheet and told the leaders of all the
tribes to hold the sheet from each corner and lift it up.
 When the stone reached the desired level, the prophet picked
the stone and placed it on its position, thus he prevented

Conditions of Arabia before Islam

The social conditions were deplorable. The Arabs raided caravans

and robbed highway travelers. The society was overflowing with
barbarism and superstition.  The blemish practices like stealing,
gambling, drinking, and usury were prevalent in the society. Adultery
and fornication were uncontrolled. Slavery was a common act, and
the owner possessed the right of the life and death of the slave.

The cultural conditions were quite good. The Arabs regarded Arabic
as an expressive language and considered the completely non-Arab
part as mute and dumb. The poetry of Arabs was vibrant and was
written in majestic Arabic.  Their chief virtues were tribal bravery,
tribal loyalty, courage, honor, and glorification of the tribe. They
were incredibly brave but used their courage in the wrong path of
evil and grim. They had no moral or ethical value.

The economic conditions were poor. Arabs lived in a nomadic

manner and had no proper settlement. They kept on moving from
place to place in search of pasture and water. They lived in forms of
tribes, and the leaders were chosen upon the basis of wealth and
bravery. Tribal disputes were common on matters like water springs,
cattle herds, and horseracing. The disputes often continued for

Trade was the main source of the income for the Arabs. Trade
caravans were sent to other countries when routes used to be safe.
There was no industry or any agriculture. All women were
qualified in the art of spinning yarn, but due to tribal wars, the
production was nearly negligible. They were jobless and poverty-

The position of an Arabic woman was inferior. They were bought and
sold like they were nothing. They were treated like animals and were
not given any social status. An Arab could marry as many women as
he likes. Some tribes were so cruel that they used to bury their
newborn daughters alive, as they considered a female as a sign of

The First Revelation It was his practice to retire often to a cave in the
desert for meditation. His place of retreat was Hira’, a cave in a
mountain called the Mountain of Light not far from Makkah, and his
chosen month was Ramadan, the month of heat. It was there one
night toward the end of his quiet month that the first revelation
came to him when he was forty years old. He heard a voice say:
“Read!” He said: “I cannot read.” The voice again said: “Read!” He
said: “I cannot read.” A third time the voice, more terrible,
commanded: “Read!” He said: “What can I read?” The voice said:
“Read: In the name of thy Lord Who created. “Created man from a
clot. “Read: And it is thy Lord the Most Bountiful “Who teaches by
the pen, “Teaches man that which he knew not.” The Vision of Cave
Hira’ The cave Hira’ in the Mountain of Light (Jabal Al-Nur)He went
out of the cave on to the hillside and heard the same awe-inspiring
voice say: “O Muhammad! Thou art Allah’s messenger, and I am Jibril
(Gabriel).” Then he raised his eyes and saw the angel, in the likeness
of a man, standing in the sky above the horizon. And again the
dreadful voice said: “O Muhammad! Thou art Allah’s messenger, and
I am Jibril (Gabriel).” Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
stood quite still, turning away his face from the brightness of the
vision, but wherever he turned his face, there stood the angel

confronting him. He remained thus a long while till at length the

angel vanished, when he returned in great distress of mind to his
wife Khadijah. She did her best to reassure him, saying that his
conduct had been such that Allah would not let a harmful spirit come
to him and that it was her hope that he was to become the Prophet
of his people. On their return to Makkah she took him to her cousin
Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a very old man, “who knew the Scriptures of the
Jews and Christians,” who declared his belief that the heavenly
messenger who came to Moses of old had come to Muhammad, and
that he was chosen as the Prophet of his people. Muhammad
eventually accepted the tremendous task imposed on him, becoming
filled with enthusiasm of obedience His Distress To understand the
reason of the Prophet’s diffidence and his extreme distress of mind
after the vision of Hira’, it must be remembered that the Hunafa, of
whom he had been one, sought true religion in the natural world and
regarded with distrust the intercourse with spirits of which men
“avid of the Unseen” sorcerers and soothsayers and even poets,
boasted in those days. Moreover, he was a man of humble and
devout intelligence, a lover of quiet and solitude and the very
thought of being chosen out of all mankind to face mankind, alone,
with such a message, appalled him at the first. Recognition of the
Divine nature of the call he had received involved a change in his
whole mental outlook sufficiently disturbing to a sensitive and
honest mind, and also the forsaking of his quiet, honored way of life.
The early biographers tell how his wife Khadijah “tested the spirit”
which came to him and proved it to be good, and how, with the
continuance of the revelations and the conviction that they brought,
he at length accepted the tremendous task imposed on him,
becoming filled with enthusiasm of obedience which justifies his
proudest title of “the Slave of Allah.” First Converts

Persecution faced by Prophet (SAWW) and Followers

After the divine command about open preaching had been revealed,
Prophet (PBUH) invited Makkans to accept Islam at the mount of
Safa. There he (PBUH) said to them:



They all stated that they would since they had never heard Prophet
(PBUH) tell a lie. When he (PBUH) asked them to believe in one Allah
and accept him (PBUH) as the last prophet of Allah, all of the
Makkans became furious, and Abu Lahab confronted Prophet
(PBUH) and said: “did you assemble us for this?”

After hearing these words from Abu Lahab, all of them dispersed.
From this, point onwards the persecutions on Prophet (PBUH) and
his followers begun. Initially, the reaction of Quraish was mildly
hostile, but it gradually got bitter and more vicious.

There was an old woman who regularly threw the filth and garbage
on Prophet (PBUH) whenever he used to pass by the street where
that woman used to live. At another instant, Prophet (PBUH) was
praying in Ka’abah and a Quraishite, Utah bin Mist rolled his sheet
around Prophet’s (PBUH) neck and tried to strangle him. Quraish
subjected him insults, abuses, and physical assault. They launched a
campaign against Prophet (PBUH) calling him a madman, a poet, and
an illusionist. Stories and poems were written to ridicule him. Abu
Lahab forced his two sons to divorce their wives; Ruqqaiyah (R.A)
and Umm-e-Kulsoom (R.A) who were the daughters of Prophet
(PBUH).When Prophet’s (PBUH) second son died in infancy, Abu
Lahab rejoiced the incident and called Prophet (PBUH) “altar.” It
meant a man is having no male offspring. Abu Lahab’s wife, Umm-e-
Jamil used to throw thorny bushes in the path, which the Prophet

(PBUH) was expected to take, every day. Abu Jahal threw sheep
entrails on Prophet’s (PBUH) back, while he was prostrating once.

The Quraish then changed their strategy after they were unable to
make Prophet (PBUH) surrender his campaign of preaching Islam
openly. They now offered Prophet (PBUH) huge amount of wealth, a
leadership of Makka and marriage proposal with the most beautiful
lady of Makka. In return, they sought him to abandon his mission of
preaching Islam. Despite the granting of such extravagant wishes,
Prophet (PBUH) rejected all of them flatly. Quraish was amazed by
this and then finally decided to increase the intensity of their
persecutions towards Prophet (PBUH).

As the Quraish became more reluctant to accept Islam and increased

the obstacles, Prophet (PBUH) decided to preach in another area. For
this, he visited Valley Taif, but he was strongly resented there. He
was abused and pelted with stones because of which he was severely
injured. The blood ran down his body and dripped out of his shoes.

Upon seeing that the Prophet’s (PBUH) activity was not

obstructed despite the persecutions of Quraish, they imposed a
three-year long socio-economic boycott on Prophet’s (PBUH) tribe,
Banu Hashim. The purpose of this boycott was to cut off Prophet
(PBUH), his followers and all the members of Banu Hashim from
social life. They had to live in the narrow valley in the outskirts of
Makkah known as ship-e-Abi Talib. After the lifting of boycott,
Prophet (PBUH) suffered from a dual loss. Abu Talib passed away,
and it deprived Prophet (PBUH) of tribal protection. After three days,
Hazrat Khadija (R.A) also died due to which Prophet (PBUH) lost the
moral support that he got from her wife (R.A).

Finally, the Quraishites plotted to assassinate Prophet (PBUH), which

led to his migration to Medina in the 13th year of Prophethood.

Migration to Abyssinia

At first, the Quraishite nobles tried to convince Prophet’s (PBUH)

followers that he was a lunatic or a magician. However, when this
method did not work, they resorted to physical abuse and torture.
The followers who had no tribal protection were subjected to
inhuman torture. When the persecution became intolerable, Prophet
(PBUH) received a revelation by the middle of the 5th year of
Prophethood. It hinted at allowing the Muslims to migrate to a safer



Prophet (PBUH) knew that Najashi was a fair and honest ruler of
Abyssinia. Accordingly, in the 5th year of Prophethood and the month
of Rajab, Prophet (PBUH) authorized his companions to migrate to
Abyssinia. The total migrants were 15 in number, including 11 men
and four women. They also included Hazrat Usman (R.A) and Hazrat
Ruqqaiyah (R.A). On this occasion, Prophet (PBUH) remarked:



These immigrants found a haven under the just and humble ruler,

The Quraishite Chiefs got worried and alarmed upon hearing the
welcoming of Muslims in Abyssinia. Foreseeing the possible growth
of Islam, they decided to counter the move. Two notable Makkans
were dispatched with expensive gifts and massive bribes to influence
Najashi to deport the Muslims immigrants. Those were Amr bin al-As
and Abdullah bin Rubiya. Upon reaching Abyssinia, they complained
to Army generals that these Muslims have run from Makka and

blamed that they had renounced their religion not for the sake of
Christianity but a ‘new religion.’

The king summoned the Muslim representatives such as Usman

(R.A), Hamza (R.A) and Jaffar (R.A). Najashi asked them a few
questions about Islam and Jaffar gave satisfactory answers to him.
He also enlighten some of the similarities between Christianity and
Islam. He recited the verses of Surah al-Maryam: “And make
mention of Mary in the Book when she withdrew from her people
unto a place towards East and secluded herself from them, and We
sent unto her Our spirit.” Jaffar (R.A) further added the words of
Hazrat Jibrael (R.A) that he expressed to Mary: “I am only a
messenger from your Lord, that I may give you the new  of the birth
of a holy son.”

Najashi and his generals could not resist weeping as they had they’re
softened by the recitation. He dismissed the appeal of returning the
Muslims to Makkans and allowed them-them to live in solace as long
as they want to. Najashi later embraced Islam too. From this
successful migration, then a large band of Muslims migrated to
Abyssinia too which was called the ‘second migration to Abyssinia.’

Boycott on Banu Hashim

The Quraish persecuted Prophet (PBUH) in every possible manner;

morally and physically. Despite these hardships, he continued his
preaching, and the largest threat to Quraish emerged when
migration to Abyssinia became successful. As Quraish sent its
notables to get Muslims, back but failed miserably when Najashi
himself embraced Islam later on. After hearing the recitation of
Surah Maryam through Hazrat Jaffar (R.A).

The acceptance of Islam by Hamza (R.A); Prophet’s (PBUH) uncle and

Umar, son of Khattab greatly upset and enraged the pagans. They
could see the honor and prestige of Holy Prophet (PBUH) growing.

They also thought that if Prophet (PBUH) would be deprived of tribal

protection, then he might stop. For this, they demanded Banu
Hashim to withdraw the tribal protection from Prophet (PBUH) or
endure a complete boycott from social and economic life. They did
not agree to give up on Prophet (PBUH) so, in the 7th year of
Prophethood, all tribes of Quraish drew up a joint agreement. It
enforced a total socio-economic boycott on Banu Hashim. It was also
agreed to buy the goods from sons of Hasim and Muttalib neither
nor sell any to them. They also decided not to marry anyone from
Hashim tribe. These points were drawn up on a piece of paper, and
it was hung in Ka’abah. Later that year, the boycott was imposed on
Prophet (PBUH) and all his tribe members except Abu Jahal. They
were forced to live in a secluded valley, known as Shib Abi Talib,
located in outskirts of Makka. All the roads leading into the
valley were blocked. The Muslims were excluded from all social and
commercial activities. They were cut from all sorts of trade dealings.
No one was allowed to venture forth from the Ship except in the
season of pilgrimage; when the besieged were allowed to come out.
Whatever food the victims had to eat, soon finished and there was a
drought in all the things. Their conditions got so worst that there was
echoing of children sobbing for food throughout the valley.  People
fed themselves on boiled leather and leaves of trees. They also tied
stones to their bellies to control the hunger. Despite the inhumane
torture, the believers remained firm in their faith and did not
abandon their support for Prophet (PBUH).

The boy lasted for three years and was lifted in the 10th year of
Prophethood. It is because some kindhearted Quraish grew tired of
the boycott and the reckless torments on Muslims. They managed to
have the piece of paper hung in Ka’abah, brought out for
reconsideration. It was found that termites except the words had
destroyed the writing: “In the name of Allah.” When the elders saw
this, they immediately asked for the lifting of boycott and finally
Prophet (PBUH) and his faithful followers from what seemed like
eternal sufferings.

Prophet (SAWW) Visit Al-Taif

After the death of Abu Talib, the Quraish increased their

persecutions against the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This new situation
meant that he could no longer stay in Makka, with any hope of
victory. Before things became too critical, he had to explore a new
place to preach Islam. In his search for a band of faithful followers,
Prophet (PBUH) set out for Taif, accompanied by his adopted son
Zaid bin Harith. It was sixty miles away from Makka, in an oasis city.
It was a resort for the wealthy people, with lush gardens and lavish
display of wealth.

Prophet (PBUH) thought that the people of Taif would be more

willing to hear the Diving message, but the things went opposite to
his perception. Taif was populated by Bani Thaqeef tribe which as
the second largest tribe of whole Arabia. Prophet (PBUH) began his
journey with full hope and ambition that the people would accept
him and respond well to his message of faith.

In Taif, Prophet (PBUH) approached the chiefs calling upon them to

believe in one God, Allah and to support him in his campaign of
preaching Islam. Unfortunately, no one gave him a favorable
response and instead they set upon him a crowd of vagabonds to
track him and to shower abuses. The mob threw stones at him. Zaid
(R.A) tried hard to defend Prophet (PBUH) from the hurling stones,
because of which he wounded his head. The mob followed them
until they were driven to the outskirts of the city. Prophet (PBUH)
also developed several bruises over his body, and they were too thick
that his shoes caked with blood. Allah sent the angel of mountains
with Jibrael (R.A) who asked Prophet (PBUH):



But Prophet (PBUH) showed extraordinary mercy and tolerance and




Prophet (PBUH) and Zaid (R.A) then rested in an orchard, which

belonged to two brothers that opposed Islam. Still, they felt sorry for
such persecution on them and sent a bunch of grapes through their
Christian slave. Later on, in the 9A.H whole of Taif valley embraced

The Mi’raj

Miraj notes will be added soon in this section of life in Makkah

Pledges of Aqaba

After the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) failure to preach the message of

faith at the valley of Taif, he returned to Makka and now shifted his
attention towards the Hujjaj (pilgrim ofs) from Medina. They had
come to Makka for performing the pilgrimage. It was in the 11 th year
of Prophethood that Prophet (PBUH) began his preaching to the
Medinite pilgrims. He initially met six Khazraj pilgrims which included
influential people like Swaid bin Samit, Eyas bin Muadh and Abu Zar
Ghifari. These people accepted Islam and agreed with Prophet
(PBUH) to preach whatever they have learnt from him, to their fellow
Medinites. Because of them, the news of Islam started to spread in

In 12th year of Prophethood, 12 more pilgrims met Holy Prophet

(PBUH) at Aqaba, in Mina valley during Hajj. They entered the fold of
Islam and pledged to Prophet (PBUH) that they would preach the

message of faith in Medina. They also pledged that they will not
worship anyone except Allah and that they will not commit robbery
or adultery. They further promised that they would not kill their
newborn daughters, not utter slander and would not disobey
Prophet (PBUH) in any way. After the pledge was take, Prophet
(PBUH) said:


This was known as the First pledge of Aqaba.  After the pledge was
taken, a teacher was sent to Medina, Musab bin Umair (R.A). he was
sent to teach the people, the doctrines of Islam, give them practical
guidance. He was also instructed to preach to other tribes in the area
of propagation of Islam.

Because of if, in 13th year of Prophethood, a large deputation met

Holy Prophet (PBUH) at Aqaba. It included 73 men and 2 women.
Among them, many of them were leaders and chiefs of Medina. They
were already Muslims but came to pledge in the same place, where
the first pledge had taken place, at Aqaba. They showed the desire of
taking Prophet (PBUH) along them. Upon hearing this, Prophet’s
(PBUH) uncle, Abbas (R.A), warned them that they could only take
Prophet (PBUH) along with them if they could defend him against his
enemies and do not surrender in any case or better leave Prophet
(PBUH) in Makka. As he is already well defended and respected in
her; by his followers. Other companions of Prophet (PBUH) also
stressed on the dangers of inviting him to Medina without as such
security measures against Makkans. Despite the argument, the
pilgrims were not deterred. The terms of pledges included that
Prophet (PBUH) would be listened and obeyed in every circumstance
and Prophet (PBUH) also warned them to be prepared for living a life
in plenty and as well as scarcity. They must enjoin good and forbid
evil and will fear the censure of none but Allah. It also included

Prophet (PBUH) must be defended in any case when he would seek

for their help. Furthermore, the Medinites also made some offers
which included to take Prophet (PBUH) along with them, now or later
as their leader of Medina. They would always protect Prophet
(PBUH) and would never leave him. The new converts were even
ready to fight Makkans but Prophet (PBUH) denied this idea.

The migration to Madina in not added in life in Makkah, and instead

added in life in Madina

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