Law434 Tutorial Answer

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The issue is whether Abu’s grandparents are neighbors to XYZ Recycling under law of
negligence if the company were to act negligently upon them.

Negligence is careless conduct. Negligence occurs when a person suffers damage as a result of
another person’s carelessness. For an action to constitute negligence, certain elements need to
be proven.

First, neighbors in duty of care are someone who is adversely affected by the act of negligence
that resulted in damage to him. In determining who are these neighbors that a person has a
duty of care to is by using the test which is the “neighbor principle”. This principle is used in
the landmark case Donoghue v Stevenson in which in this case, the defendant who is a ginger
beer manufacturer sold a ginger beer to a retailer. The plaintiff’s friend bought the ginger beer
which was later consumed by the plaintiff. It was later then that the plaintiff realized that there
was a decomposed snail in the bottle after consuming half of the ginger beer. As a result, the
plaintiff suffered shock and was severely ill. The plaintiff sued the manufacturer in which it was
claimed that the manufacturer owes duty to the plaintiff. The court held the defendant liable as
for the reasons that the defendant has duty of care towards the plaintiff since the plaintiff is the
“neighbor” who is closely and directly affected by the act of negligence done by him. Also, the
neighbor principle is an objective test in which the court will determine whether the act done by
the defendant is the act of negligence or it is something that a reasonable man would do if faced
with the same situation and circumstances.

In the context of determining who are the neighbor of XYZ recycling if the company were to act
negligently is the neighbor principle clearly stated that a “neighbor” is someone who is directly
affected by the negligence act done by the defendant thus to find the neighbor of XYZ recycling,
it must be proven that the negligence act done by the company has in anyway possible affected
a person. If the person is affected then the answer is that the person is a neighbor to XYZ
In conclusion, to determine who is the neighbor to XYZ recycling, the neighbor principle needs
to be applied as it is the test for it. Also, it must be noted that there can be an exception when
using the neighbor principle as every fact of a case must be looked at thoroughly since one
case will differ from another.

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