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O2M LOG FILE 5/16/2010 10:12:42 AM O2M 2.

1 - Little Machines (2002/2003/XP/2007 Version) O2M PATH C:\Program Files\O2M TEMP C:\ -----------------------------------------------------------PROCESSING 57 MAIL FOLDER(S): All email attachments will be converted (except for Windows file types you speci fied) -----------------------------------------------------------*** SKIPPING mail folder 'Deleted Items' because it contains no mail messages *** READING 960 message(s) in mail folder 'Sent Items' at 5/16/2010 10:11:47 AM: 5/20/2009 2:46:00 PM (416477B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/20/2009 2:46:36 PM (32932B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: [OTC followup] STEEL FLOWER - SAW TUBULAR maker 5/21/2009 4:43:06 PM (7737B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Estimate fr om Atlas Sling Co., Inc. 5/22/2009 8:15:47 AM (71677B) Bill Goodman -> 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Mohana'; 'Cha stity Lamb'; Charles Lewis; '[email protected]':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO 5/22/2009 9:27:58 AM (8496B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: shipping 5/22/2009 9:26:25 AM (70728B) Bill Goodman -> 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Mohana':RE: S lip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO 5/22/2009 9:30:30 AM (5036B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Outlook. pst 5/22/2009 10:17:56 AM (72824B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Chasity Lam b':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO 5/22/2009 10:18:25 AM (15301B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: shipping 5/26/2009 8:34:31 AM (1615453B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m'; Chastity Lamb:FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531 Converting RISERSCI.jpg (244KB) attachment Converting RISERSPL.jpg (241KB) attachment Converting RISERSMTC.jpg (286KB) attachment Converting RISERSBL.jpg (451KB) attachment Converting RISERSIP.jpg (378KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RISERSCI.jpg, RISERSPL.jpg, RISERSMTC.jpg, RISERSBL.jpg , RISERSIP.jpg 5/26/2009 8:35:44 AM (61137B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: Divorce Agree ment Converting image001.gif (33KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/26/2009 8:36:54 AM (19902B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott':RE: gear 5/26/2009 11:15:31 AM (28308B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott':RE: gear 5/26/2009 11:18:56 AM (415778B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Max Goodman' ; Charles Lewis:FW: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/27/2009 4:50:13 PM (18283B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: The shipment docum ents of PO 4531 5/28/2009 9:36:45 AM (14470B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; 'Lewis Charles'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmond:RE: late 5/28/2009 11:27:24 AM (17890B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: late 5/28/2009 11:27:51 AM (43461B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Del Ticket Converting RISER_DEL_TICKET.xls (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISER_DEL_TICKET.xls 5/28/2009 4:48:44 PM (29930B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles' :FW: Enquiry for 2000ft of 50ft marine drilling riser

Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/29/2009 11:33:34 AM (791263B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risers inc.com':FW: Request acknowledgement for PO 2009-NMDO-0464 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (149KB) attachment Converting img529141655.pdf (616KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf, img529141655.pd f 5/29/2009 1:20:46 PM (8091B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com'; 'Stephanie Valdez':ISO 9001 Surveys 5/29/2009 1:54:10 PM (195766B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Fo rklift Harness Converting image002.gif (189KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 5/29/2009 1:58:56 PM (2821987B) Bill Goodman -> John D. Almon:Flame cutting quote Converting Small_harness.pdf (2813KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Small_harness.pdf 5/30/2009 9:55:33 AM (30631B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: The shipment docum ents of PO 4531 5/30/2009 10:04:34 AM (97807B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: AMICA SecureEnvelope Notification Converting GiecoPolicy2009.pdf (84KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GiecoPolicy2009.pdf 5/30/2009 4:49:17 PM (33880B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'jenny':RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 5/31/2009 9:15:52 AM (9203B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: RISER INSPE CTION DOC 6/1/2009 9:11:14 AM (85585B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Skipping attachment Your_order_from_NLA_Inc_has_shipped_100.00.msg becau se it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment Your_order_from_NLA_Inc_has_shipped_200.00.msg becau se it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment Order_receipt_from_NLA_Inc_200.00.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment Order_receipt_from_NLA_Inc_100.00.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 6/1/2009 10:41:03 AM (10485B) Bill Goodman -> 'Farmers Insurance/Forbes Insu rance Agency':RE: Great Home Rates with Farmers Insurance!!!!!! 6/1/2009 10:46:33 AM (12464B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Charles Lewis:FW: visit 6/1/2009 1:12:20 PM (9447B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': RE: Homeowners Insurance 6/1/2009 1:12:37 PM (18186B) Bill Goodman -> 'Carlos Nino':RE: Homeowners In surance Estimate 6/1/2009 1:12:51 PM (19543B) Bill Goodman -> 'Bhashkar Patel':RE: homeowners insurance quote 6/1/2009 1:13:25 PM (10350B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Dwigans':RE: visit 6/1/2009 2:41:09 PM (7303B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':533. 4mm 6/1/2009 2:42:22 PM (7232B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':533.4mm 6/2/2009 9:52:39 AM (97035B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com':FW: Quote for Annual Inspections Converting 2009_Annual_OSHA_Inspection_and_PMs.doc (92KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2009_Annual_OSHA_Inspection_and_PMs.doc 6/2/2009 9:53:09 AM (10092B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Dwigans':RE: visit 6/2/2009 9:58:05 AM (17181B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Shawn Staley'; Charles Lewis; 'Stephanie Valdez'; '[email protected]'; Shantel Richmond:FW: v isit

6/2/2009 10:50:16 AM (31611B) Bill Goodman -> 'sollua':RE: 533.4mm 6/2/2009 2:44:42 PM (12047B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Pipes for 1081 -01 6/3/2009 10:21:40 AM (117470B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: 533.4mm Converting QT533.4_X80090603.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090603.pdf 6/3/2009 2:30:08 PM (58420B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Tri p Converting 111.jpg (44KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 111.jpg 6/5/2009 4:32:22 PM (117362B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis; 'Max Goodman':F W: 533.4mm Converting QT533.4_X80090603.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090603.pdf 6/4/2009 7:33:25 AM (20977B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: invoi ce Converting scan0090.pdf (13KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): scan0090.pdf 6/4/2009 7:56:28 AM (30133B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com':FW: 09-0603-01 MR6E main risers 6/4/2009 8:03:38 AM (4709B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:Pride Flotation 10 67-08-01 6/4/2009 9:32:23 AM (37520B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com':RE: 09-0603-01 MR6E main risers 6/4/2009 9:33:00 AM (6070B) Bill Goodman -> 'BILL CHRISTMANN':RE: invoice 6/4/2009 9:45:57 AM (49611B) Bill Goodman -> 'sollua':RE: 533.4mm 6/4/2009 10:39:40 AM (118315B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chasti ty Lamb:FW: Quote and Invoice Converting 2009_Riser_Invoice.doc (53KB) attachment Converting 2009_Riser_quote.doc (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 2009_Riser_Invoice.doc, 2009_Riser_quote.doc 6/4/2009 3:26:57 PM (302125B) Bill Goodman -> 'Danny Campbell'; 'Hank Martin ':RE: PCC WIRES & HORSE COLLARS Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (68KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (53KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image006.gif (80KB) attachment Converting image007.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image008.gif (63KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (4KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif, image004.gif, image005.gif, image006.gif, image007.gif, image008.gif, image009.jpg 6/4/2009 3:29:20 PM (44301B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com':RE: 09-0603-01 MR6E main risers 6/4/2009 3:49:15 PM (58776B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Trip Converting 111.jpg (44KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 111.jpg 6/4/2009 3:54:35 PM (46641B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 09-0603-01 MR 6E main risers 6/5/2009 9:49:57 AM (137671B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: 533.4mm Converting QT533.4_X80090605.pdf (73KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090605.pdf 6/6/2009 9:37:50 PM (50704B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':RE: Football coaches lineup 6/7/2009 11:27:23 AM (87050B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Bill Goodman; '[email protected]':Emailing: Chicken and Avocado Crepes Recipe Recipezaar

Converting logo.gif (7KB) attachment Converting closex.gif (0KB) attachment Converting rss.gif (1KB) attachment Converting 0.dat (0KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): logo.gif, closex.gif, rss.gif, 0.dat 6/8/2009 1:08:15 PM (17699B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Coli n J. Dey'; 'Lewis Charles':RE: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/8/2009 1:08:15 PM (13043B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Pepe' 6/8/2009 1:08:15 PM (17960B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Purchasing 6/8/2009 2:03:49 PM (15323B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; Chastity Lamb:RE: 60-1599 6/8/2009 4:39:15 PM (21523B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: 60-1599 6/8/2009 4:58:52 PM (9781B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Foot ball Summer Camp 6/8/2009 5:20:30 PM (102035B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t'; '[email protected]':RE: Football coaches lineup 6/9/2009 8:35:40 AM (1614333B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: The shipmen t documents of PO 4531 Converting RISERSCI.jpg (244KB) attachment Converting RISERSPL.jpg (241KB) attachment Converting RISERSMTC.jpg (286KB) attachment Converting RISERSBL.jpg (451KB) attachment Converting RISERSIP.jpg (378KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RISERSCI.jpg, RISERSPL.jpg, RISERSMTC.jpg, RISERSBL.jpg , RISERSIP.jpg 6/9/2009 9:54:29 AM (11759B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: 4X8 .040 AL UMN SIGNS 6/9/2009 9:57:29 AM (12363B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'ran [email protected]':FW: MR6C 6/9/2009 9:59:47 AM (6765B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Plate 6/9/2009 12:30:23 PM (22743B) Bill Goodman -> 'GARY MABRY':RE: FW: MR6C 6/9/2009 12:32:24 PM (9889080B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Lewis Cha rles':RE: Elements/ Riser Flotation Converting DSCI0020.JPG (2479KB) attachment Converting DSCI0016.JPG (2469KB) attachment Converting DSCI0017.JPG (2435KB) attachment Converting DSCI0018.JPG (2474KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSCI0020.JPG, DSCI0016.JPG, DSCI0017.JPG, DSCI0018.JPG 6/9/2009 12:39:43 PM (9306B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersinc .com'; 'Stephanie Valdez':Case 2009.2923 6/9/2009 1:26:14 PM (112815B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Lewis Charl es':RE: Elements/ Riser Flotation Converting pridebol.pdf (86KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): pridebol.pdf 6/9/2009 2:26:09 PM (535650B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Q uote for job# 1050-02 40 joints Converting Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf (524KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf 6/9/2009 3:49:17 PM (70525B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: invoi ce Converting ri060909.pdf (60KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ri060909.pdf 6/10/2009 2:24:27 PM (18927B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 2009-NMDO-03 29 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/10/2009 2:51:11 PM (20863B) Bill Goodman -> 'GARY MABRY':RE: FW: MR6C 6/10/2009 2:54:41 PM (24832B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton'; Chastity Lamb; ' [email protected]':RE: Pull Test Drawing 6/11/2009 10:10:17 AM (28949B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sandy Deng'; 'Laura True':RE

: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/11/2009 10:25:01 AM (36880B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Sandy Deng':RE : ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/11/2009 10:38:13 AM (39864B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sandy Deng':RE: ARRIVAL NOTI CE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/11/2009 12:13:51 PM (13486B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Ins pection for Risers International 6/11/2009 12:15:32 PM (28977B) Bill Goodman -> 'Colin J. Dey':RE: 2009-NMDO0519 Urgently Required 6/11/2009 12:17:00 PM (18419B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Re; Charges to Frontier for shipments 6/11/2009 12:37:12 PM (34998B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nikki Kelly'; 'Jim Dwigans': RE: Procedure 4.2.4 6/11/2009 1:36:25 PM (158110B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf 6/11/2009 1:39:27 PM (3489B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Purchas e Order from Risers International, Inc. 6/11/2009 1:40:52 PM (158070B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf 6/11/2009 1:42:31 PM (158044B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW : Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf 6/12/2009 8:38:46 AM (206704B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kelle':RE: Forklift Harness Converting image001.gif (189KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/12/2009 10:00:15 AM (213793B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':RE: Forklift Harness Converting image001.gif (189KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/12/2009 11:00:20 AM (6419B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Forklift Harness 6/12/2009 12:41:51 PM (1614070B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531 Converting RISERSCI.jpg (244KB) attachment Converting RISERSPL.jpg (241KB) attachment Converting RISERSMTC.jpg (286KB) attachment Converting RISERSBL.jpg (451KB) attachment Converting RISERSIP.jpg (378KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RISERSCI.jpg, RISERSPL.jpg, RISERSMTC.jpg, RISERSBL.jpg , RISERSIP.jpg 6/13/2009 7:04:30 PM (32430B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Fax from 19188363336 to 2819841225. Pages [1] Converting 281984122520090613150729863.pdf (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090613150729863.pdf 6/13/2009 7:19:20 PM (48606B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sandy Deng'; 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/14/2009 7:02:32 PM (4522B) Bill Goodman -> 'sale-g73qh-1218663589@craigsli st.org':brand new ridgid generator (8000)watts - $1000 (pasadena) 6/14/2009 7:06:40 PM (5617B) Bill Goodman -> 'sale-p6eum-1215894130@craigsli st.org':Winco 6000 generator 5500w - $400 (Liberty) 6/14/2009 8:01:11 PM (4651B) Bill Goodman -> 'sale-nkrpk-1188711676@craigsli st.org':GENERATOR TRIPLE FUEL 8,000 Watt - 13 Hp Honda E-Start - $1600 6/14/2009 8:29:10 PM (194725B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Emailin g: (2) Converting 2.dat (188KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2.dat

6/14/2009 10:49:04 PM (14513B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Google Ima ge Result for http://newcarbuyingguide.com/images/articles/reviews/kia/2007KiaSe dona01.jpg 6/14/2009 10:51:12 PM (10038B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: THINGS TO DO 6/15/2009 8:22:39 AM (518592B) Bill Goodman -> 'irutherford@prideinternation al.com':FW: Quote #1364A Converting Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf (514KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf 6/15/2009 10:40:03 AM (29479B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Steph anie Valdez':FW: Emailing: Job Printing 6/15/2009 10:42:22 AM (30576B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton'; Chastity Lamb:R E: Emailing: Job Printing 6/15/2009 12:04:22 PM (45704B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: The shipment docu ments of PO 4531 6/15/2009 2:04:19 PM (12518B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Jim Dockery Skipping attachment Jim_Dockery.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 6/15/2009 2:13:35 PM (162194B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; sag@ pnc.com.au; [email protected]:Emailing: Sunshine Clothes Dryer - Clothesline Converting 1.dat (0KB) attachment Converting 340sscd324.gif (53KB) attachment Converting 340SSCD060707SkyBackgrd.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting docpdf.gif (1KB) attachment Converting 69SSCDFoldedup09122007001b.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting 303melcospideredited12222006.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting pixel.gif (0KB) attachment Converting 228melcogrdsocketassyedited12222006.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting 194QuickSet2.JPG (7KB) attachment Converting 194DryerClose2.JPG (7KB) attachment Converting 63Madein2.JPG (2KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): 1.dat, 340sscd324.gif, 340SSCD060707SkyBackgrd.jpg, do cpdf.gif, 69SSCDFoldedup09122007001b.jpg, 303melcospideredited12222006.jpg, pixe l.gif, 228melcogrdsocketassyedited12222006.jpg, 194QuickSet2.JPG, 194DryerClose2 .JPG, 63Madein2.JPG 6/15/2009 4:19:28 PM (12703B) Bill Goodman -> Teri Breckenridge:FW: Jim Dock ery Skipping attachment Jim_Dockery.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 6/15/2009 4:21:22 PM (55173B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Sandy Deng':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/15/2009 4:45:11 PM (5610B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Williams Auto Salvage 6/16/2009 1:26:36 PM (9599B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: walkway and stand 6/16/2009 1:35:54 PM (11129B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton'; Chastity Lamb:RE : testing 6/16/2009 1:40:00 PM (9236B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nikki Kelly':RE: 6/16/2009 1:41:47 PM (13520B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: PFS- PO 7 021140- 26 Joints of MR- 6 Riser 6/16/2009 1:48:31 PM (56687B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jenny':RE: The shipment docum ents of PO 4531 6/16/2009 2:56:29 PM (5598B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Pickups 6/16/2009 2:57:24 PM (107157B) Bill Goodman -> Shantel Richmond:Emailing: Qu icken Personal Finance Software - FREE Easy Money Management, Budgeting, Personal Finances Converting iconcart.gif (0KB) attachment Converting btnsignintoturbotax.gif (0KB) attachment Converting bgsigninhdrhover.gif (0KB) attachment Converting linkarrowtall.gif (0KB) attachment Converting blank.gif (0KB) attachment Converting deluxeboxhp.gif (5KB) attachment

Converting btnbluebuynow.gif (1KB) attachment Converting premierboxhp.gif (5KB) attachment Converting HBboxhp.gif (5KB) attachment Converting RPMboxhp.gif (6KB) attachment Converting iPhonesml.png (6KB) attachment Converting btnappstore.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting iconcreditcard.gif (3KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): iconcart.gif, btnsignintoturbotax.gif, bgsigninhdrhove r.gif, linkarrowtall.gif, blank.gif, deluxeboxhp.gif, btnbluebuynow.gif, premier boxhp.gif, HBboxhp.gif, RPMboxhp.gif, iPhonesml.png, btnappstore.jpg, iconcredit card.gif 6/17/2009 9:17:15 AM (750020B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Request ack nowledgement PO 2009-NMDO-0519 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (98KB) attachment Converting img617124700.pdf (625KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf, img617124700.pd f 6/17/2009 9:19:04 AM (70301B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'terib@risersin c.com':FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/17/2009 9:23:41 AM (816080B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Taylor Fork lift Operational Maintenance Converting Risers_International_OM.pdf (589KB) attachment Converting creditappbe035.pdf (214KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_International_OM.pdf, creditappbe035.pdf 6/17/2009 9:56:49 AM (74784B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: The shipment docum ents of PO 4531 6/17/2009 10:37:31 AM (127060B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Emaili ng: PrintDownload Converting PrintDownload.pdf (124KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PrintDownload.pdf 6/18/2009 8:59:05 AM (12340B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: This is tot ally wrong! 6/18/2009 9:00:47 AM (5540B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Custom Flame 6/18/2009 9:13:57 AM (6540B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Air Compressor 6/18/2009 11:13:39 AM (20452B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: This is to tally wrong! 6/18/2009 12:04:29 PM (40595B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: This is to tally wrong! Converting image001.gif (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/18/2009 12:23:58 PM (10340B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: testing 6/18/2009 2:21:12 PM (23621B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Paym ent Confirmation - Acct. Number Ending 5903 6/18/2009 2:22:37 PM (96535B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sandy Deng'; 'Laura True'; 'j enny':RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:23:09 PM (89515B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Sandy Deng'; 'j enny':RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:28:43 PM (16991B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':FW: Verizon Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/18/2009 2:30:43 PM (100585B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Sandy Deng'; ' jenny':RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:45:41 PM (180540B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Emailing: 4980 Converting 4980.pdf (177KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 4980.pdf 6/18/2009 3:01:19 PM (82167B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sandy Deng':FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 3:03:24 PM (75578B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531

6/18/2009 4:09:47 PM (18148B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: testing 6/19/2009 10:07:19 AM (50202B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'jenny'; Chasti ty Lamb:RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/20/2009 2:52:37 PM (521249B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':Emailing: Building a high power AC-DC generator system! Converting top2.gif (2KB) attachment Converting 13.gif (2KB) attachment Converting Logo25wht.gif (1KB) attachment Converting acdcgenback.gif (41KB) attachment Converting t8hp.gif (20KB) attachment Converting lovejoy.gif (4KB) attachment Converting ab50.gif (3KB) attachment Converting gmalt.gif (5KB) attachment Converting lbelt.gif (0KB) attachment Converting lpulley.gif (9KB) attachment Converting bracket.gif (29KB) attachment Converting cables.gif (2KB) attachment Converting genarac.gif (38KB) attachment Converting acdcside.gif (43KB) attachment Converting acdcgen75.gif (43KB) attachment Converting ab50small.gif (5KB) attachment Converting acdcgenfront.gif (38KB) attachment Converting 4x181.gif (5KB) attachment Converting 1x409.gif (3KB) attachment Converting acmeter.gif (9KB) attachment Converting tac.gif (6KB) attachment Converting bdrive.gif (2KB) attachment Converting dualply.gif (13KB) attachment Converting onan.gif (6KB) attachment Converting mainpowerrelatedin.gif (0KB) attachment Converting subpowerpowersourcesin.gif (0KB) attachment Converting gmalt.gif (6KB) attachment Converting laltwire.gif (5KB) attachment Converting visamcar.gif (1KB) attachment Converting mainfoodout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainwaterout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainlightrelatedout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainpowerrelatedout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainmilitarysurplusout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainonsaleout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting maincampingout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting main72hourkitsout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainblankblueout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainfirstaidkitsout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainorderingfaqout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mainnewproductsout.gif (0KB) attachment Converting towbgnd.gif (29KB) attachment 42 attachment(s): top2.gif, 13.gif, Logo25wht.gif, acdcgenback.gif, t8hp .gif, lovejoy.gif, ab50.gif, gmalt.gif, lbelt.gif, lpulley.gif, bracket.gif, cab les.gif, genarac.gif, acdcside.gif, acdcgen75.gif, ab50small.gif, acdcgenfront.g if, 4x181.gif, 1x409.gif, acmeter.gif, tac.gif, bdrive.gif, dualply.gif, onan.gi f, mainpowerrelatedin.gif, subpowerpowersourcesin.gif, gmalt.gif, laltwire.gif, visamcar.gif, mainfoodout.gif, mainwaterout.gif, mainlightrelatedout.gif, mainpo werrelatedout.gif, mainmilitarysurplusout.gif, mainonsaleout.gif, maincampingout .gif, main72hourkitsout.gif, mainblankblueout.gif, mainfirstaidkitsout.gif, main orderingfaqout.gif, mainnewproductsout.gif, towbgnd.gif 6/21/2009 9:23:59 PM (6877B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':C at V300 6/22/2009 8:48:29 AM (13853B) Bill Goodman -> 'fps':RE: Cat V300 6/22/2009 9:34:10 AM (65625B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]

t':RE: Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/22/2009 11:30:14 AM (21298B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Lewis Charl es'; Shipping:RE: P.O. needed 6/22/2009 11:55:45 AM (15123B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Generator L PG 12KW - $2800 (Cypress, TX) 6/22/2009 4:38:23 PM (136608B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':Aux. Lines Converting GLOBALPO.pdf (123KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GLOBALPO.pdf 6/22/2009 4:53:32 PM (5205B) Bill Goodman -> 'BILL CHRISTMANN':Restroom 6/23/2009 3:50:36 PM (21591B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nina Lamarche'; 'MICHAEL.LUGO @KUEHNE-NAGEL.com':RE: PO 7035069 6/23/2009 3:51:22 PM (7453B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Your Techstre et Order # 1148663 6/23/2009 4:40:15 PM (42005B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Yo ur Order with Amazon.com 6/24/2009 9:56:40 AM (38106B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: PO 7035069 6/24/2009 9:58:24 AM (8313B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: You r Amazon.com Purchase from hammerbooks 6/24/2009 10:01:30 AM (39590B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/24/2009 10:04:03 AM (1137052B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Material at Ma x Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting tongs.jpg (543KB) attachment Converting tongs_b.jpg (563KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): tongs.jpg, tongs_b.jpg 6/24/2009 12:29:46 PM (9785B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping; Chastity Lamb:Ingers ol-Rand 185 Compressor 6/24/2009 12:46:06 PM (37866B) Bill Goodman -> 'Michael Lugo':RE: PO 7035069 6/24/2009 3:28:15 PM (20003B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Th e Real ACT Prep Guide: The Only Official Prep Guide From The Makers Of The... 6/24/2009 3:51:40 PM (46619B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: credit app Converting Volvo_Credit_Application2007.xls (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Volvo_Credit_Application2007.xls 6/24/2009 3:52:24 PM (12383B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fleming, Stephen':RE: credit app 6/25/2009 11:45:11 AM (64251B) Bill Goodman -> Ardy Goodman; Bill Goodman; C harles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West; Lanier Printer; Max Go odman; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; Shipping; SLPCAdmin; Stephanie Valdez; Te ri Breckenridge:FW: Fort Bend County Fireworks Ban Converting FB_Fireworks_Ban_09.pdf (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): FB_Fireworks_Ban_09.pdf 6/25/2009 11:45:56 AM (54892B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jes [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Fort Bend County Fireworks B an Converting FB_Fireworks_Ban_09.pdf (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): FB_Fireworks_Ban_09.pdf 6/25/2009 2:28:57 PM (367901B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'kmchaffie@tan dgservices.com':RE: P.O. needed Converting 20090625130545634.pdf (326KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20090625130545634.pdf 6/25/2009 2:40:50 PM (39171B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Doc1 Converting image001.gif (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/25/2009 3:45:32 PM (43197B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: P.O. needed 6/26/2009 1:25:03 PM (17715B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/28/2009 7:14:35 PM (18084B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: testing 6/29/2009 11:09:08 AM (27718B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: FW: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors 6/29/2009 12:48:54 PM (8249B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Water 6/29/2009 1:06:14 PM (30120B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: F W: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors 6/29/2009 2:27:06 PM (3999039B) Bill Goodman -> 'phyllis.henderson@paverconn ection.com':FW: Goodman Quote Request Converting Porchproject.JPG (34KB) attachment Converting Existing_Porch.JPG (741KB) attachment Converting AC_Side.JPG (792KB) attachment Converting Gate.JPG (843KB) attachment Converting From_Backdoor.JPG (804KB) attachment Converting Pavers.JPG (755KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): Porchproject.JPG, Existing_Porch.JPG, AC_Side.JPG, Gate .JPG, From_Backdoor.JPG, Pavers.JPG 6/29/2009 3:00:40 PM (7271B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:1050 Stop Collers 6/30/2009 7:14:35 AM (939916B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Drill Strin g Compensator Converting 213744d.pdf (188KB) attachment Converting 213745DA.PDF (168KB) attachment Converting 213745DB.PDF (162KB) attachment Converting 20013006D.PDF (394KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 213744d.pdf, 213745DA.PDF, 213745DB.PDF, 20013006D.PDF 6/30/2009 7:15:18 AM (4012291B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Drill Stri ng Compensator Converting Hook_Frame_DWG.PDF (495KB) attachment Converting 20090305093016573.pdf (798KB) attachment Converting 20090305093130329.pdf (710KB) attachment Converting 20090305093356550.pdf (1985KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Hook_Frame_DWG.PDF, 20090305093016573.pdf, 200903050931 30329.pdf, 20090305093356550.pdf 6/30/2009 7:15:18 AM (20179B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Drill String Compensator 6/30/2009 7:18:18 AM (101813B) Bill Goodman -> 'supvictor':RE: Should have n ew inquiries, welcome here. 6/30/2009 7:31:43 AM (22602B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Phones Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/30/2009 7:39:17 AM (4768B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Justin West:Swe dish Vs. British Nightclubs 6/30/2009 1:06:40 PM (38904B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: a ir compressor Converting riser_international.xls (26KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riser_international.xls 6/30/2009 1:08:25 PM (24377B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: testing 6/30/2009 1:17:26 PM (87946B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping; Chastity Lamb; Charl es Lewis; '[email protected]'; 'Danny Campbell':RE: RISER SPIDER Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (55KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.jpg, image001.gif 6/30/2009 1:19:27 PM (5024543B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Randy Vis age'; 'Gary Mabry':FW: HOW NOT TO GREET YOUR MOTHER IN LAW WHEN SHE COMES OVER. Converting dobry.mpg (5015KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): dobry.mpg 6/30/2009 1:30:11 PM (19794B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Independence Day Celebration in Cinco Ranch 6/30/2009 1:40:17 PM (187657B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':

Emailing: Cinco Ranch - View News Converting imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache107107 (45KB) attachmen t Converting WebResource.axd_d8ZW2QZBk9JVgCVAvOU9szg2t633595084183430636 ( 0KB) attachment Converting WebResource.axd_dktGplkspK2GWzQP4BDkAWf73tkzuMO6u0t6335950841 83430636 (0KB) attachment Converting WebResource.axd_dktGplkspK2FmTmiIhWoBXH8ZakGKQQyq0t6335950841 83430636 (0KB) attachment Converting Help.png (2KB) attachment Converting imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache1433635 (2KB) attachmen t Converting imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache1433413 (34KB) attachme nt Converting imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache1433425 (55KB) attachme nt 8 attachment(s): imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache107107, WebResour ce.axd_d8ZW2QZBk9JVgCVAvOU9szg2t633595084183430636, WebResource.axd_dktGplkspK2G WzQP4BDkAWf73tkzuMO6u0t633595084183430636, WebResource.axd_dktGplkspK2FmTmiIhWoB XH8ZakGKQQyq0t633595084183430636, Help.png, imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCac he1433635, imagehandler.ashx_idNetShareFilesCache1433413, imagehandler.ashx_idNe tShareFilesCache1433425 6/30/2009 1:40:33 PM (9209B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Geo Call Locate Information - 091812921 7/1/2009 9:58:33 AM (85975B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:PO Request for Te ch. updates Converting logothomsonreuters.gif (4KB) attachment Converting techstreet2.gif (0KB) attachment Converting navpayment2.gif (4KB) attachment Converting 22.gif (2KB) attachment Converting cartsectionselectbilling.gif (2KB) attachment Converting boxunchecked.gif (0KB) attachment Converting boxchecked.gif (0KB) attachment Converting yourorderhead.gif (2KB) attachment Converting cartsectionselectpayment.gif (2KB) attachment Converting 31.gif (2KB) attachment Converting feedicon24.gif (1KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): logothomsonreuters.gif, techstreet2.gif, navpayment2.g if, 22.gif, cartsectionselectbilling.gif, boxunchecked.gif, boxchecked.gif, your orderhead.gif, cartsectionselectpayment.gif, 31.gif, feedicon24.gif 7/1/2009 10:24:33 AM (65709B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO Request f or Tech. updates Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 7/1/2009 11:07:57 AM (106634B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Emailing: Techs treet.com Shopping Basket Converting logothomsonreuters.gif (4KB) attachment Converting techstreet2.gif (0KB) attachment Converting shoppingbasketitems.gif (0KB) attachment Converting format.gif (0KB) attachment Converting price.gif (0KB) attachment Converting quantity.gif (0KB) attachment Converting 22.gif (2KB) attachment Converting winwii.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting specialoffers.gif (1KB) attachment Converting col3services.gif (1KB) attachment Converting TECsub.gif (10KB) attachment Converting 31.gif (2KB) attachment Converting feedicon24.gif (1KB) attachment

13 attachment(s): logothomsonreuters.gif, techstreet2.gif, shoppingbaske titems.gif, format.gif, price.gif, quantity.gif, 22.gif, winwii.jpg, specialoffe rs.gif, col3services.gif, TECsub.gif, 31.gif, feedicon24.gif 7/1/2009 3:12:01 PM (3679B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. 7/2/2009 9:15:37 AM (2638389B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'rock [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: FLAPS DOWN Converting Untitled1.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting CarrierLandinghomevideo.wmv (2606KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Untitled1.jpg, CarrierLandinghomevideo.wmv 7/2/2009 9:18:39 AM (28995B) Bill Goodman -> 'Henderson, Phyllis':RE: Goodma n Patio Estimate 7/2/2009 9:29:09 AM (6694B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':swbto.com - China Electro nics Wholesale - Buy direct from China - Dropship from China 7/2/2009 9:31:19 AM (28528B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: 09-0702-01 Ri sers Intl - Pride 7/2/2009 9:33:50 AM (183753B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 09-0702-01 R isers Intl - Pride Converting T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pri de.pdf 7/2/2009 10:03:06 AM (309304B) Bill Goodman -> Shantel Richmond:FW: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment Converting T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf (151KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf, T__G_Services_Job_Specific _Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf 7/2/2009 10:10:51 AM (44372B) Bill Goodman -> 'adam lain':RE: my email Converting Porchproject.JPG (33KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Porchproject.JPG 7/2/2009 11:04:59 AM (32322B) Bill Goodman -> 'Bryan, Ethan'; 'Marcial.Marti [email protected]'; 'Jimmy Botter':RE: schedule 7/4/2009 11:19:18 AM (50202B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'danny.meyer @shell.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jimmy@katy volleyball.com':RE: schedule 7/4/2009 11:21:39 AM (47447B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: QUOTE Converting 00RISE01SO0438971Q000.PDF (43KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 00RISE01SO0438971Q000.PDF 7/4/2009 11:32:14 AM (38833B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Goodman Pat io Estimate 7/5/2009 5:23:53 PM (7078B) Bill Goodman -> 'adam lain':RE: my email 7/5/2009 5:41:08 PM (3940B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Rollac - Gallery 7/6/2009 10:29:42 AM (354449B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jgo [email protected]':FW: Emailing: Chicken and Avocado Crepes Recipe Recipezaar Converting 0.dat (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (7KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 0.dat, image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif, image0 04.gif 7/6/2009 11:07:40 AM (17186B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: PFS- PO 70 21140- 26 Jts of Riser 7/6/2009 12:48:00 PM (612614B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: RBS Quote: Fiberglass Shop Converting Fiberglass_shop.pdf (608KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Fiberglass_shop.pdf

7/6/2009 12:48:00 PM (32896B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: PFS- PO 7 021140- 26 Jts of Riser 7/6/2009 1:27:21 PM (460411B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'just [email protected]':FW: Canadian Billboards are Great! Converting ATT00021.jpg (54KB) attachment Converting ATT00024.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting ATT00027.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00030.jpg (22KB) attachment Converting ATT00033.jpg (47KB) attachment Converting ATT00036.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting ATT00039.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting ATT00042.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00045.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting ATT00048.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00051.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00054.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00057.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00060.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting ATT00063.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00066.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting ATT00069.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00072.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting ATT00075.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00078.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00081.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting ATT00084.jpg (15KB) attachment 22 attachment(s): ATT00021.jpg, ATT00024.jpg, ATT00027.jpg, ATT00030.jpg , ATT00033.jpg, ATT00036.jpg, ATT00039.jpg, ATT00042.jpg, ATT00045.jpg, ATT00048 .jpg, ATT00051.jpg, ATT00054.jpg, ATT00057.jpg, ATT00060.jpg, ATT00063.jpg, ATT0 0066.jpg, ATT00069.jpg, ATT00072.jpg, ATT00075.jpg, ATT00078.jpg, ATT00081.jpg, ATT00084.jpg 7/6/2009 2:24:34 PM (1900B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':News13Dire ct.com 7/7/2009 10:29:32 AM (16227B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] om':RE: A Message from Drs. Forrest, Winkelmann, Associates & Staff 7/7/2009 10:29:32 AM (22429B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Quote JOB 10 50 Converting pdf43B.pdf (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): pdf43B.pdf 7/7/2009 10:29:32 AM (15228B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; 'Shantel Richmon d':FW: PVZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/7/2009 10:30:57 AM (16554B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Riser quote Questions 7/7/2009 10:30:39 AM (172175B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Max Goodman '; 'Charles Lewis'; 'Shawn Staley':FW: Internal Audit Report 6-9-09 Converting Risers_Internal_Audit_6909.doc (158KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Internal_Audit_6909.doc 7/7/2009 11:01:26 AM (5585B) Bill Goodman -> All Users:Server: 7/8/2009 9:00:27 AM (32695B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'juste [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Ian Rut herford':FW: Fwd: The choice is yours! 7/8/2009 9:00:27 AM (25561B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmond: RE: PVZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/8/2009 9:31:44 AM (6752B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':Materials needed 7/8/2009 9:31:44 AM (6451B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':Surveys 7/8/2009 9:31:44 AM (6109B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:Module Quotation 7/8/2009 9:38:49 AM (24124B) Bill Goodman -> 'Michael Lugo'; 'Nina Lamarche' ; 'Boris Kos'; 'Mark Mascarenhas':RE: Aux. Lines 7/8/2009 9:50:45 AM (1489066B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Materials n eeded

Converting CNSCatwalk_Pg.1.pdf (254KB) attachment Converting CNSCatwalk_Pg.4.pdf (209KB) attachment Converting CNSCatwalk_Pg.3.pdf (207KB) attachment Converting CNSCatwalk_Pg.2.pdf (473KB) attachment Converting CNSCatwalk_Pg.1A.pdf (306KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CNSCatwalk_Pg.1.pdf, CNSCatwalk_Pg.4.pdf, CNSCatwalk_Pg .3.pdf, CNSCatwalk_Pg.2.pdf, CNSCatwalk_Pg.1A.pdf 7/8/2009 11:53:51 AM (71971B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Aux. Lines Skipping attachment PO_7035069_27.3_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 7/8/2009 11:53:51 AM (72335B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Aux. Lines Skipping attachment PO_7035069_27.3_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 7/8/2009 11:56:08 AM (25958B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Materials ne eded 7/8/2009 11:57:48 AM (27689B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: ASTM to purc hase? Converting image001.jpg (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/9/2009 8:58:15 AM (95628B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Emailing: Mileage log4 Converting Mileage_log4.xls (92KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Mileage_log4.xls 7/9/2009 9:15:05 AM (4423B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Truston 7/9/2009 9:27:41 AM (3749B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nate Nelson':RE: Steel Price In crease July 15th 2009 7/9/2009 9:27:41 AM (8114B) Bill Goodman -> 'Aron Arthurs':RE: 21" Pipe 7/9/2009 9:34:31 AM (25335B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'juste [email protected]'; 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry'; 'Fran Sterlin '; 'Glen Wofford'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'Aron Arthurs'; Shawn Staley; 'dgalasso@s tpeterskaty.org'; 'schattenmann, florian': JURY DUTY SCAM - DO NOT DELETE - PLEA SE FORWARD 7/9/2009 9:41:02 AM (13862B) Bill Goodman -> 'jimmy'; Charles Lewis:RE: slip joint for neptune marine 7/9/2009 9:41:48 AM (4096B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Quote #1364A 7/9/2009 9:44:43 AM (5155B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. 7/9/2009 9:45:46 AM (1274000B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jes [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Cop In A Fight For His Life Converting Officer.wmv (1263KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Officer.wmv 7/9/2009 9:46:43 AM (5740B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote #1 364A 7/9/2009 9:50:02 AM (35343B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: ASTM to purch ase? Converting image001.jpg (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/9/2009 9:51:39 AM (34030B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Materials nee ded 7/9/2009 1:16:49 PM (9981B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: sli p joint for neptune marine 7/9/2009 1:17:05 PM (19069B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: sl ip joint for neptune marine 7/9/2009 1:18:50 PM (14876B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping; Chastity Lamb:FW: Ris er buoyancy at Risers International 7/9/2009 1:19:11 PM (15207B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Transportation of Scrapped Pipe 7/9/2009 1:28:29 PM (18050B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'dpan [email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: slip joint for neptune marine

7/9/2009 1:30:00 PM (9694B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Steel Price In crease July 15th 2009 Converting July_15th_Steel_price_increasedoc.html (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): July_15th_Steel_price_increasedoc.html 7/9/2009 1:37:15 PM (89277B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Emailing: pridebol Converting pridebol.pdf (86KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): pridebol.pdf 7/9/2009 1:43:12 PM (1761270B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Emai ling: WT-RISER-R1 Converting WTRISERR1.doc (1758KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): WTRISERR1.doc 7/9/2009 1:44:43 PM (37222B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Emaili ng: Riser inspection Converting Riser_inspection.doc (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_inspection.doc 7/9/2009 1:48:19 PM (81217B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'clay [email protected]':Emailing: AOS Riser Insp R3 Converting AOS_Riser_Insp_R3.pdf (77KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): AOS_Riser_Insp_R3.pdf 7/10/2009 10:30:09 AM (10377B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: In the area 7/10/2009 10:43:58 AM (124483B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis; 'Max Goodman' :FW: buoyancy information Converting KS_Series.pdf (114KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): KS_Series.pdf 7/10/2009 11:19:29 AM (7500B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:11" Stop Collar 7/13/2009 9:18:15 AM (5188B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Drift 7/13/2009 9:18:55 AM (5568B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:PO 7/13/2009 9:44:49 AM (12571B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: PO 7/13/2009 9:44:49 AM (5352B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Grating 7/13/2009 10:16:10 AM (6194B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:CNS Job 7/13/2009 10:16:29 AM (5107B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. 7/13/2009 10:19:17 AM (4975B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley: 7/13/2009 10:27:16 AM (15307B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Drift 7/14/2009 9:51:42 AM (7674B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; Charles Lewis:Ro ll-off 7/14/2009 9:57:31 AM (19162B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'ardyg@earthlin k.net':FW: '03 Toyota Tacoma DoubleCab - $2840 (houston ) 7/14/2009 10:01:07 AM (23565B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: PO 7/14/2009 10:08:50 AM (6172B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:1050 Pin Protectors 7/14/2009 10:40:15 AM (19121B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Supervisor 7/14/2009 10:40:15 AM (13636B) Bill Goodman -> Ardy Goodman; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West; Max Goodman; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; Shipping; Stephanie Valdez; Teri Breckenridge:Server Complaints 7/14/2009 10:42:57 AM (12824B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chasti ty Lamb; 'Teri Breckenridge'; Shawn Staley; Shipping; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephan ie Valdez'; Justin West; Charles Lewis; '[email protected]':Server Co mplaints 7/14/2009 3:21:45 PM (6338B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':Forklift 7/15/2009 8:46:54 AM (17828B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Forklift 7/15/2009 8:47:16 AM (34761B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: PO 7/15/2009 1:17:12 PM (256383B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jes [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Crime Alert Converting ATT000071.jpg (196KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationpandaen020908.gif (36KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): ATT000071.jpg, imstpanimationpandaen020908.gif 7/15/2009 1:33:36 PM (36743B) Bill Goodman -> 'Henderson, Phyllis':RE: Goodm an Patio Estimate 7/16/2009 7:49:59 AM (26865B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb' :RE: Forklift

7/16/2009 1:34:26 PM (131465B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'dwri [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':Fork Replacements Converting Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf (118KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf 7/16/2009 2:02:45 PM (13376B) Bill Goodman -> 'Clinton Wood':RE: Fork Replac ements 7/16/2009 3:24:12 PM (14593B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmond :FW: PVZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Riser Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/16/2009 3:53:17 PM (20504B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jack Laub':RE: Fork Replaceme nts 7/16/2009 4:07:23 PM (3698093B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':API Specs Converting APISPEC16C.pdf (3687KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): APISPEC16C.pdf 7/17/2009 9:38:23 AM (7109360B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':RE: API Specs Converting 16AwE1.pdf (1558KB) attachment Converting 16C.pdf (5524KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 16AwE1.pdf, 16C.pdf 7/17/2009 10:04:56 AM (368723B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':Emailing: 16F Converting 16F.pdf (366KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 16F.pdf 7/17/2009 10:31:22 AM (11068B) Bill Goodman -> 'Troy Wade':RE: RFQ 7/20/2009 9:40:27 AM (173237B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Lewis Char les'; 'Vania Rodrigues':RE: Delivery status for PVZ PO 7035069 Converting GLOBALPO__revised.pdf (129KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GLOBALPO__revised.pdf 7/20/2009 9:44:52 AM (26750B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; 'Fran Sterlin'; Justin West:FW: API Specs 7/20/2009 9:45:54 AM (146956B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: GI Jo es Converting image001.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (44KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image001.jpg, image001.jpg 7/20/2009 9:46:06 AM (62547B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Blackmore':RE: GI Joes Converting image001.jpg (44KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/20/2009 9:47:26 AM (38679B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; 'dwilbanks@wmgen terprises.net'; '[email protected]'; Justin West:FW: (no subject) Converting X.MA1.1246549155 (27KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): X.MA1.1246549155 7/20/2009 9:49:12 AM (481120B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; Shawn St aley; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez':FW: FW: Magic Trick Converting Themagiccateye.pps (464KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Themagiccateye.pps 7/20/2009 9:50:00 AM (45681B) Bill Goodman -> 'Michael Lugo':RE: Delivery st atus for PVZ PO 7035069 7/20/2009 9:50:30 AM (12013B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':FW: INOVICE FO R PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 9:50:47 AM (11877B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':FW: INVOICE FO R PO 2008-NMDO-0998 7/20/2009 9:51:58 AM (35440B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Delivery s tatus for PVZ PO 7035069 7/20/2009 9:56:44 AM (31328B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: API Specs 7/20/2009 10:43:12 AM (37938B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':FW: API Specs 7/20/2009 10:51:30 AM (5356B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':lease 7/20/2009 10:56:12 AM (6731B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Server 7/20/2009 10:57:09 AM (12824B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chasti ty Lamb; 'Teri Breckenridge'; Shawn Staley; Shipping; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephan ie Valdez'; Justin West; Charles Lewis; '[email protected]':Server Co

mplaints 7/20/2009 11:06:10 AM (7554B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Needed 7/20/2009 11:17:11 AM (10771B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: RFQ 7/20/2009 11:19:44 AM (259783B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' :FW: Fork Replacements Converting Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf (118KB) attachment Converting Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf (118KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf, Hyster36XL_Fork.pdf 7/20/2009 1:22:50 PM (41156B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Frontier-Phoenix Extra Riser Joints 7/20/2009 1:42:20 PM (22555B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:RE: Fork Replacem ents 7/21/2009 8:57:13 AM (24461B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':FW: FW: Fork R eplacements Converting pic27479.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): pic27479.jpg 7/21/2009 9:03:40 AM (8309B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':Pipe 7/21/2009 9:04:48 AM (19507B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Spring Bran ch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) 7/21/2009 9:13:35 AM (30004B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Spring Bran ch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) 7/21/2009 9:22:08 AM (30694B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Spring Bran ch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) 7/21/2009 9:31:00 AM (41760B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Spring Bran ch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) 7/21/2009 2:53:43 PM (23574B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW : Allrecipes Recipe: Baked Orange Roughy Italian-Style 7/22/2009 8:55:49 AM (11327B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: internation al truck 7/22/2009 1:48:22 PM (440890B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':C aterpiller V300 Converting carrigae.pdf (432KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): carrigae.pdf 7/23/2009 8:27:47 AM (5457B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Pup Joints 7/23/2009 9:50:58 AM (5203B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Atwood Measurment s 7/23/2009 11:14:19 AM (15684B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Riser weigh t 7/24/2009 12:08:21 PM (171566B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; ardyg@ear thlink.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; bruce_clark@tescocorp. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Chastity L amb; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; nixong@o zemail.com.au; [email protected]; Greg Hartwig; [email protected]; J [email protected]; [email protected]; Jim Dockery; Jim Dwigans; Jim Dw igans ([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected]; jbla [email protected]; John D. Almon; [email protected]; Justin West; nigeriasu [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mbasse [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rba [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; opsm [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; wcschexnayder@oil welltubular.com:FW: Social Security issue 7/24/2009 12:13:57 PM (52056B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: PO 7/24/2009 3:27:39 PM (121265B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Frontier-Phoenix Extra Riser 11 Joints Converting 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls

7/24/2009 3:30:36 PM (2240587B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: always pick up your toys..... Converting alwayspickupyourtoys14.mpg (2231KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): alwayspickupyourtoys14.mpg 7/26/2009 4:41:35 PM (3334B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:Reliance Co ntrols Reliance Controls Freeze, Power Failure, Flood Phone Alert Monitoring Sys tem 7/27/2009 8:59:13 AM (5337B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping: 7/27/2009 1:32:25 PM (79740B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Frontier-P hoenix Extra Riser 11 Joints 7/27/2009 2:16:10 PM (22847B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Server Complaints Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 7/27/2009 4:23:44 PM (11969B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Estimate 7/27/2009 7:58:07 PM (6763B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Austr alian back taxes 7/28/2009 9:42:19 AM (25528B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'justene7 [email protected]':FW: Australian back taxes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 7/28/2009 9:54:06 AM (10324B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: PO# Needed For 11 (Slicks) Risers 7/28/2009 10:54:46 AM (4347717B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:Emailing: nept une wall Converting neptune_wall_.pdf (4344KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): neptune_wall_.pdf 7/28/2009 10:58:19 AM (5372B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Welding machine 7/28/2009 11:40:08 AM (5072B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':Check stub s 7/29/2009 10:53:58 AM (5021B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge': 7/29/2009 11:57:59 AM (13432B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':1050 7/29/2009 3:51:17 PM (1614593B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmo nd:FW: The shipment documents of PO 4531 Converting RISERSCI.jpg (244KB) attachment Converting RISERSPL.jpg (241KB) attachment Converting RISERSMTC.jpg (286KB) attachment Converting RISERSBL.jpg (451KB) attachment Converting RISERSIP.jpg (378KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RISERSCI.jpg, RISERSPL.jpg, RISERSMTC.jpg, RISERSBL.jpg , RISERSIP.jpg 7/30/2009 9:09:34 AM (10338B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Appointment 7/30/2009 9:22:11 AM (10329B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny': 7/30/2009 9:43:57 AM (14858B) Bill Goodman -> 'jason ':RE: QUOTATION 7/30/2009 9:47:55 AM (2335747B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; 'Shawn Staley'; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez':FW: Where did I park my dozer? Converting WheresMyBulldozer.pps (2264KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): WheresMyBulldozer.pps 7/30/2009 11:48:07 AM (7765B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Fax from 17139437808 to 2819841225. Pages [1] 7/30/2009 1:50:45 PM (14268B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Chastity Lam b':Quote and Job Number 7/31/2009 11:12:43 AM (89654B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jgo [email protected]':Emailing: snopes.com Barack Obama on Veterans' Health Insurance Converting snopes.gif (13KB) attachment Converting searchhdr.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menuwhatsnew.gif (2KB) attachment Converting menurandomizer.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menuhot25.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menufaq.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menuoddnews.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menuglossary.gif (1KB) attachment Converting menunewsletter.gif (1KB) attachment

Converting menumessageboard.gif (2KB) attachment Converting submenucontactus.gif (0KB) attachment Converting submenusubmitrumor.gif (0KB) attachment Converting submenusubmitphoto.gif (0KB) attachment Converting envelope.gif (1KB) attachment Converting contentdivider.gif (0KB) attachment Converting mixture.gif (1KB) attachment Converting iconsources.gif (1KB) attachment 17 attachment(s): snopes.gif, searchhdr.gif, menuwhatsnew.gif, menurando mizer.gif, menuhot25.gif, menufaq.gif, menuoddnews.gif, menuglossary.gif, menune wsletter.gif, menumessageboard.gif, submenucontactus.gif, submenusubmitrumor.gif , submenusubmitphoto.gif, envelope.gif, contentdivider.gif, mixture.gif, iconsou rces.gif 7/31/2009 1:43:12 PM (68810B) Bill Goodman -> 'sollua':RE: 533.4mm 7/31/2009 1:47:31 PM (20448B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: Conform Quotation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(7-31) 7/31/2009 3:41:32 PM (7790B) Bill Goodman -> 'Richard':RE: Where did I park my dozer? 7/31/2009 10:45:51 PM (51215B) Bill Goodman -> 'sea liu':RE: Fw: [bgoodman@ risersinc.com]API Specification 16C pipe(Trade Opportunity) Converting image001.gif (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 7/31/2009 10:47:41 PM (42684B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sales- Ashtapad Overseas':RE : REQUEST FOR INQUIRIES -ASHTAPAD OVERSEAS 8/1/2009 8:34:25 PM (5643B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':Photos 8/1/2009 8:38:55 PM (26895B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy'; 'Max Goodman'; 'dwilban [email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Ordering a Pizza / A Vi ew into the Future 8/2/2009 6:53:21 PM (15997B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Photos 6/25/2009 3:52:54 PM (49121B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: P.O. needed 6/28/2009 7:10:09 PM (815265B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':FW: Taylor Forklift Operational Maintenance Converting Risers_International_OM.pdf (589KB) attachment Converting creditappbe035.pdf (214KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_International_OM.pdf, creditappbe035.pdf 8/2/2009 9:14:24 PM (4527B) Bill Goodman -> 'sale-aeskf-1301899228@craigslis t.org':GE SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR - $275 (HOUSTON) 8/3/2009 9:37:08 AM (4278B) Bill Goodman -> 'sale-hfkka-1301791364@craigslis t.org':Maytag Gas Range - $100 (Sunset Heights) 8/3/2009 1:07:44 PM (804015B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'justene7 [email protected]':FW: There!! I Fixed it Converting ATT35906.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting ATT35907.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting ATT35908.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting ATT35909.jpg (69KB) attachment Converting ATT35910.jpg (46KB) attachment Converting ATT35911.jpg (29KB) attachment Converting ATT35912.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT35913.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT35914.jpg (25KB) attachment Converting ATT35915.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting ATT35916.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting ATT35917.jpg (49KB) attachment Converting ATT35918.jpg (25KB) attachment Converting ATT35919.jpg (62KB) attachment Converting ATT35920.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting ATT35921.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting ATT35922.jpg (32KB) attachment Converting ATT35923.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting ATT35924.jpg (55KB) attachment

Converting ATT35925.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting ATT35926.jpg (35KB) attachment 21 attachment(s): ATT35906.jpg, ATT35907.jpg, ATT35908.jpg, ATT35909.jpg , ATT35910.jpg, ATT35911.jpg, ATT35912.jpg, ATT35913.jpg, ATT35914.jpg, ATT35915 .jpg, ATT35916.jpg, ATT35917.jpg, ATT35918.jpg, ATT35919.jpg, ATT35920.jpg, ATT3 5921.jpg, ATT35922.jpg, ATT35923.jpg, ATT35924.jpg, ATT35925.jpg, ATT35926.jpg 8/3/2009 4:28:01 PM (464841B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] om':Forklift Harnesses Converting RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (451KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg 8/3/2009 4:29:05 PM (465156B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis; 'Max Goodman'; 'Teri Breckenridge'; Chastity Lamb:FW: Forklift Harnesses Converting RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (451KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg 8/4/2009 8:51:09 AM (20830B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Teri Breckenr idge'; 'Chastity Lamb':FW: API Specs 8/4/2009 8:59:00 AM (25638B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':RE: API Specs 8/4/2009 9:01:26 AM (40335B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Max Goodman'; C harles Lewis:FW: air compressor Converting riser_international.xls (26KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riser_international.xls 8/4/2009 9:03:43 AM (38441B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; 'Shawn Staley':Gre at News for those Financially Challenged Times Converting ATT00000.jpg (24KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00000.jpg 8/4/2009 9:06:54 AM (392851B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':FW: CHINESE TOY S NOT ON THE RECALL LIST Converting image001.jpg (47KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (39KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (49KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (31KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image007.jpg 8/4/2009 9:09:13 AM (52974B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: PO 8/4/2009 9:10:54 AM (41889B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Downl oad our 2009 Catalog Today ! 8/4/2009 9:26:11 AM (818746B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: Taylor Forkli ft Operational Maintenance Converting Risers_International_OM.pdf (589KB) attachment Converting creditappbe035.pdf (214KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_International_OM.pdf, creditappbe035.pdf 8/4/2009 9:27:06 AM (15951B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Stale y:RE: Taylor Forklift Operational Maintenance 8/4/2009 9:31:02 AM (52681B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: P.O. needed 8/4/2009 9:39:09 AM (3289B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Truston 8/4/2009 10:27:56 AM (460129B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Max Goodman' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] om': Converting CINCO_FOOTBALL_SCHEDULE.pdf (448KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CINCO_FOOTBALL_SCHEDULE.pdf 8/4/2009 1:54:20 PM (33220B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephen Lamb':RE: What happens when you get old 8/4/2009 1:55:20 PM (52681B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: PO 8/4/2009 1:55:58 PM (15564B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/4/2009 1:57:12 PM (58580B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: P.O. needed

8/4/2009 1:58:43 PM (11128B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: hos asembly 8/4/2009 2:00:12 PM (56178B) Bill Goodman -> 'Deisy Alvarenga'; 'tomgoin@aol .com':RE: PO 8/4/2009 2:12:33 PM (23405B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/4/2009 2:28:46 PM (73342B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Fwd: Great news ( careful ) Converting image001.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (31KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 8/4/2009 3:08:23 PM (32139B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/4/2009 3:08:40 PM (451870B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Bathroom Inv oice Converting Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf (443KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf 8/4/2009 3:27:02 PM (460873B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: F orklift Harnesses Converting RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (451KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg 8/5/2009 11:30:36 AM (17154B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: hos asembly 8/5/2009 11:31:28 AM (41815B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/5/2009 11:48:02 AM (11855B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':RE: 100 Ton 8/5/2009 11:52:36 AM (18435B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Bathroom Inv oice 8/5/2009 11:54:49 AM (16465B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 8/5/2009 1:50:16 PM (391257B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: 100 Ton Converting CCF0804200900000.jpg (380KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CCF0804200900000.jpg 8/5/2009 1:50:35 PM (607850B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: 100 Ton Converting P1010014.JPG (589KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): P1010014.JPG 8/5/2009 2:21:31 PM (3865183B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Beat It with mariachi Converting BeatItconmariachi.wmv (3854KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BeatItconmariachi.wmv 8/5/2009 2:24:36 PM (53052B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/5/2009 2:25:15 PM (3646023B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley: Converting H36.0048.00XMS20ENG.pdf (3643KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): H36.0048.00XMS20ENG.pdf 8/5/2009 2:33:29 PM (23348B) Bill Goodman -> 'William Reardon'; 'Howard Grif fith'; 'Ronnie Vickers':RE: 100 Ton 8/5/2009 3:30:54 PM (31166B) Bill Goodman -> 'William Reardon':RE: 100 Ton 8/6/2009 8:59:50 AM (31310B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis; 'Max Goodman':FW : Conform Quotation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(7-31) 8/6/2009 2:45:01 PM (226387B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Conform Quot ation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(7-31) Converting Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS_S3220 5731.pdf (203KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS _S32205731.pdf 8/6/2009 2:46:19 PM (107057B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nicole Wilbanks'; 'Ardy Goodm an':RE: Re: Converting image001.gif (39KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/6/2009 2:47:39 PM (5295B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Truston 8/6/2009 2:49:34 PM (10622B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Who's in you r wallet? - please watch! 8/7/2009 8:43:41 AM (236772B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Lewis Charles' ; 'Max Goodman':FW: Conform Quotation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S322 05(8-7) Converting Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS_S3220

587.pdf (203KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS _S3220587.pdf 8/7/2009 8:45:15 AM (118256B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nicole Wilbanks':RE: Re: Converting image001.gif (39KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/7/2009 1:43:14 PM (37116B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Conform Quota tion for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(8-7) 8/7/2009 1:44:34 PM (4293B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO# 5121 8/7/2009 5:10:08 PM (10795B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: PO# 4730 rise r bolts qty 338pcs 8/7/2009 8:47:32 PM (6071B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO# 5121 8/9/2009 10:40:58 PM (18685B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: FW: PO# 4730 riser bolts qty 338pcs 8/10/2009 9:40:10 AM (88488B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: PO# 5121 Converting 20090810102258344.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20090810102258344.pdf 8/10/2009 9:51:24 AM (7112B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers'; 'Howard Griff ith':Forklift Harnesses 8/10/2009 10:46:38 AM (5334B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Ford F350 Flatbe d 8/10/2009 12:34:15 PM (15288B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Ford F350 F latbed 8/10/2009 1:06:40 PM (8486B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 8/10/2009 1:05:24 PM (368256B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West':Emailing: API R equirements For Riser Components 15 Aug 08 Converting API_Requirements_For_Riser_Components_15_Aug_08.xls (365KB) a ttachment 1 attachment(s): API_Requirements_For_Riser_Components_15_Aug_08.xls 8/10/2009 4:12:40 PM (13972B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Th is week-end Converting 066header.gif (0KB) attachment Converting 066footer.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 066header.gif, 066footer.gif 8/10/2009 4:21:16 PM (18669B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin'; Justin West; ' [email protected]'; 'Aaron Aurthors':RE: NCR on main tube 50' 8/11/2009 9:48:45 AM (13090B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Invoice #086 from GH Technical Services 8/11/2009 10:12:54 AM (22788B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Invoice #08 6 from GH Technical Services 8/11/2009 10:20:00 AM (354447B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'justen [email protected]':FW: Emailing: Chicken and Avocado Crepes Recipe Recipezaar Converting 0.dat (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (7KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 0.dat, image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif, image0 04.gif 8/11/2009 12:40:09 PM (11381B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping'; Charles Lewis:FW: W.O 1050-09-02 8/11/2009 12:51:51 PM (227876B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West'; Chastity Lamb ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Angelica Garza'; 'ENRIQUE MEDIN A'; 'james morris'; 'jeremy morris'; 'juan r'; 'Luis Garcia'; 'shawn staley':RE: not so Smart Car Converting image001.jpg (70KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (131KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 8/11/2009 2:30:04 PM (15294B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Ford F350 Fl

atbed 8/12/2009 8:31:59 AM (12576B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Troubl e Ticket #37103 Update 8/12/2009 8:39:51 AM (21726B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jasbeer Singh':RE: Risers & S lip Joint 8/12/2009 9:18:27 AM (3734B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Shantel Richmon d; '[email protected]':OpenCongress - Track bills, votes, senators, a nd representatives in the U.S. Congress 8/12/2009 7:20:53 PM (8224B) Bill Goodman -> 'Richard':RE: Free American Hea lth Care NOW! 8/14/2009 10:15:36 AM (6785B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'maxg1945@earth link.net'; 'Shipping':Horse Barn Window frames 8/14/2009 10:15:36 AM (6084B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'maxg1945@earth link.net':Lag Screws 8/14/2009 1:01:00 PM (6423B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':Groove Machine 8/14/2009 1:02:51 PM (6848B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:60T Forkilift Har ness 8/14/2009 4:10:01 PM (11836B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':RE: 100 Ton 8/16/2009 12:01:55 PM (273162B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Optical Illusions Converting 004701ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9711.jpg (87KB) attachment Converting 004901ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9722.jpg (81KB) attachment Converting 004b01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9733.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting 004d01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9744.jpg (37KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 004701ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9711.jpg, 004901ca08b515aa372 0FC5C2C9722.jpg, 004b01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9733.jpg, 004d01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9 744.jpg 8/16/2009 12:01:55 PM (257211B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West'; 'Charles Lewi s'; 'Shawn Staley'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':FW: Optical Illusions Converting 004701ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9711.jpg (87KB) attachment Converting 004901ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9722.jpg (81KB) attachment Converting 004b01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9733.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting 004d01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9744.jpg (37KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 004701ca08b515aa3720FC5C2C9711.jpg, 004901ca08b515aa372 0FC5C2C9722.jpg, 004b01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9733.jpg, 004d01ca08b515ac8110FC5C2C9 744.jpg 8/16/2009 12:01:55 PM (105134B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'C harles Lewis'; 'Shawn Staley'; 'Justin West'; '[email protected]':FW: Tighten your What? Converting image.gif (87KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image.gif 8/17/2009 7:43:59 AM (31552B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Roger Gremillion'; 'Ray'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Phil'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinle y'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jay S enterfitt'; 'James Schumacher'; 'George Adkins'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Freddie Fonse ca'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'David home Galasso'; 'David Galasso'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'Cory' ; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Br yan Hakala'; 'Brad'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Keith And rews'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Rick Adams'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'K evin Feeney'; 'Nathan'; 'Chris':RE: Joe Duenas 8/17/2009 7:43:59 AM (15303B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: 8/17/2009 9:40:56 AM (55697B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Converting image001.gif (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/17/2009 9:46:05 AM (25551B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':RE: API Specs 8/17/2009 10:11:54 AM (5614B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':ASME Y14.5-2009 8/17/2009 10:17:04 AM (66410B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE:

Converting image001.gif (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/17/2009 11:08:01 AM (9826B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: VISTORS 8/17/2009 4:00:49 PM (16072B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: L ag Screws 8/18/2009 8:42:10 AM (8973B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Your Am azon.com order (#102-9268117-1599461): your approval required 8/18/2009 10:34:41 AM (11097B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'maxg1945@ea rthlink.net':FW: Larsen Riser Boxes 8/18/2009 10:45:43 AM (1034523B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers'; JBallard@ prideinternational.com; '[email protected]':FW: Quote #1392C Converting Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf (180KB) attachment Converting RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (418KB) attachment Converting 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assembly_DWG.jpg (426KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf, RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame _Assembly.jpg, 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assembly_DWG.jpg 8/18/2009 1:33:34 PM (12560B) Bill Goodman -> 'G Wells':RE: Larsen Riser Box es 8/18/2009 1:33:34 PM (10468B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Out of offic e 8/18/2009 5:03:32 PM (11746B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: 60T Lifting F rame 8/18/2009 5:03:32 PM (5163B) Bill Goodman -> Jim Dwigans:Spainish 8/21/2009 10:49:00 AM (48457B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: Riser Drawin gs for Neptune Explorer Converting riser_joint_weights.pdf (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riser_joint_weights.pdf 8/21/2009 10:49:00 AM (43059B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':FW: Quote #1379 2002757706 - Riser Converting graycol.gif (0KB) attachment Converting doclink.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): graycol.gif, doclink.gif, image001.gif, image002.gif 8/21/2009 10:55:10 AM (9601938B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Shantel Ric hmond:F1050-02 Pictures Converting DSCI0808.JPG (2443KB) attachment Converting DSCI0809.JPG (2369KB) attachment Converting DSCI0810.JPG (2398KB) attachment Converting DSCI0811.JPG (2381KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSCI0808.JPG, DSCI0809.JPG, DSCI0810.JPG, DSCI0811.JPG 8/21/2009 10:49:00 AM (6443B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Today Only G PS Tracking Special 8/21/2009 1:31:55 PM (20663B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'clewis6101@sbc global.net'; '[email protected]'; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'te [email protected]'; Shawn Staley; Justin West; Shipping; 'dwilbanks@wmgenterpris es.net'; 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Music in the office 8/21/2009 3:10:37 PM (71629B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman'; 'clewis6101@sb cglobal.net':RE: Music in the office Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/24/2009 5:07:08 PM (31319B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown '; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, L eslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; ' Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; ' Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schuma cher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marc ial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion

'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: good time? 8/24/2009 7:00:29 PM (52806B) Bill Goodman -> 'Neil Ecton'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams' ; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'B ill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Ch uck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David ho me Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Hum berson'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'M ike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion '; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: good time? 8/24/2009 7:04:02 PM (52789B) Bill Goodman -> 'Neil Ecton'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams' ; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'B ill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Ch uck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David ho me Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Hum berson'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'M ike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion '; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: good time? 8/25/2009 9:30:21 PM (11959B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':RE: 100 Ton 8/26/2009 7:25:06 AM (17628B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':RE: 100 Ton 8/27/2009 1:15:11 PM (8562B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 8/27/2009 1:24:09 PM (10900B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Welding shop 8/28/2009 8:23:43 AM (10002B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman'; Chastity Lamb; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'teri [email protected]'; Shawn Staley:RE: Music in the office 8/28/2009 8:27:03 AM (14438B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Music in the office 8/28/2009 8:29:21 AM (3409B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Looki ng for used pipe 8/28/2009 9:10:15 AM (22033B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:RE: Music in the office 8/28/2009 3:17:55 PM (13459B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/28/2009 3:23:53 PM (15076B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'maxg1945@ear thlink.net':RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/28/2009 3:28:08 PM (19588B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/28/2009 3:31:37 PM (21113B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/29/2009 7:23:48 PM (26122B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/31/2009 9:44:54 AM (5358B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Inspec tion Machine 8/31/2009 11:14:09 AM (8038B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'com67 @swri.org':Risers International 8/31/2009 12:18:39 PM (4864B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': 8/31/2009 12:28:49 PM (7623B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: 8/31/2009 4:41:11 PM (1334468B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'C harles Lewis'; Chastity Lamb:Pictures for Wayne Converting IMG0015.jpg (991KB) attachment Converting IMG0014.jpg (331KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): IMG0015.jpg, IMG0014.jpg 9/1/2009 9:02:15 AM (9216B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Order status 9/1/2009 3:40:49 PM (24163B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jesse Ramon'; '[email protected]' :RE: Risers International 9/1/2009 3:40:49 PM (126098B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles': Converting T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf

(123KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pri de.pdf 9/1/2009 3:48:57 PM (127337B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' ; Charles Lewis:Pride Approved Paint Spec for 1067-01 Converting T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf (123KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pri de.pdf 9/2/2009 8:28:39 AM (18780B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Order status 9/2/2009 8:31:39 AM (21808B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Risers Intern ational 9/2/2009 12:11:52 PM (9748B) Bill Goodman -> 'Deisy Alvarenga':RE: PO# 4974 9/2/2009 12:17:32 PM (9015B) Bill Goodman -> 'Deisy Alvarenga':RE: PO# 4974 9/3/2009 12:27:28 PM (7548B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Piano Less ons 9/3/2009 1:15:39 PM (14860B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Emailing: conta cts Converting contacts.CSV (12KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): contacts.CSV 9/4/2009 12:50:42 PM (108590B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Neptune Exp lorer - Drilling Riser Analyses 9/4/2009 1:58:28 PM (14749B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Newco 9/6/2009 9:11:59 PM (21334B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kelle'; 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Ve rification Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/7/2009 12:44:51 PM (3707B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':3.0 upgr ade 9/8/2009 9:03:56 AM (6339B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Pride's Lifting Ha rnesses 9/8/2009 1:42:21 PM (13226B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Trouble Ticket #37103 Update 9/8/2009 3:40:08 PM (145162B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb': Converting Neptune_riser.JPG (136KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Neptune_riser.JPG 9/8/2009 4:15:00 PM (34412B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':TECHSTREET: Inv oice #1189355 Converting 1148663.pdf (25KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1148663.pdf 9/9/2009 10:05:12 AM (271792B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley (staleysn@earthl ink.net); 'Shipping':FW: Thrust collar of Phoenix Converting DEE11090040THRUST_COLLARBOX_SIDE.pdf (48KB) attachment Converting DEE11090041THRUST_COLLARPIN_SIDE.pdf (45KB) attachment Converting DEE11090042ADJUSTABLE_THRUST_COLLARREV_1.pdf (164KB) attachme nt 3 attachment(s): DEE11090040THRUST_COLLARBOX_SIDE.pdf, DEE11090041THRUST _COLLARPIN_SIDE.pdf, DEE11090042ADJUSTABLE_THRUST_COLLARREV_1.pdf 9/9/2009 10:19:22 AM (152765B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'jeff.didmon@v iking-moorings.com':RE: paint job Converting Risers_Internatioanl_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf (111KB) atta chment Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Internatioanl_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf, image 001.jpg 9/9/2009 10:30:01 AM (5369B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. 9/9/2009 1:48:49 PM (889554B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: Confirming pick up : Thurn tuggers at Max Goodman Yard

Skipping attachment Thern_tuggers_at_Max_Goodman_Yard_79.5_KB.msg becaus e it is a Windows .msg file Converting 20090828_10.45.50.jpg (352KB) attachment Converting 20090828_10.45.19.jpg (413KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 20090828_10.45.50.jpg, 20090828_10.45.19.jpg 9/9/2009 2:22:20 PM (12532B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: Pride riser assembly Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/9/2009 2:24:59 PM (5586B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Ardy Goodman'; C hastity Lamb:FW: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 2:37:07 PM (7442B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 3:27:32 PM (5698B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Nowak':RE: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 3:44:10 PM (5656B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Nowak':RE: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 3:44:59 PM (65253B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting 2009_CV.doc (56KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2009_CV.doc 9/10/2009 8:27:59 AM (56476B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Max Goodman':RE : Movement of 120 joints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman 9/10/2009 8:32:17 AM (10743B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kevin McCormick':RE: Question about preservation 9/10/2009 8:46:37 AM (60593B) Bill Goodman -> Aaron Begley ([email protected] om.au); Aaron Begley (Business Fax); [email protected]; Billy Nitsche (billy.nit [email protected]); Fred Brooks ([email protected]); bruce_clar [email protected]; [email protected]; John Caskey ([email protected]); [email protected] om.au; [email protected]; [email protected]; Danny Campbell; Danny Campbell ( Business Fax); Tony Devaughn ([email protected]); [email protected]; Doug Knode ([email protected]); Doug Knode (Business Fax); 'Gary'; ardyg@earthl ink.net; Bill Goodman ([email protected]); Bill Goodman (bgoodman5@risersinc .com); Bill Goodman ([email protected]); [email protected]; Justene A. Goo dman ([email protected]); Justene A. Goodman ([email protected]); maxg1945@e arthlink.net; Max Goodman (7132033718); [email protected]; Greg Hartwig; Ian Rutherford; [email protected]; Jim Dockery; Jim Dwigans; Jim Dwigans ([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected]; jblackmore [email protected]; John D. Almon; John Housholder ([email protected]); John Reynolds (j [email protected]); John William "Will" Seger (william.seger@briggsequipment. com); Justin West ([email protected]); Chastity Lamb; Lars Torp (it.ind@rob lon.com); [email protected]; Laura True (Business Fax); clewis6101@sb cglobal.net; Charles Lewis ([email protected]); Matt Fielder ([email protected] erg.tx.us); Matt Fielder (Business Fax); Michael Wilmoth ([email protected] ); Michael Wilmoth (Business Fax); [email protected]; myles.rigden@yaho o.co.uk; Nelvia Escobedo ([email protected]); Nicole Wilbanks; pmsolutionsin [email protected]; Ricky Pearce ([email protected]); Robby Roberson (rroberso [email protected]); Roland Kennedy ([email protected]); Ron Walton; Ronny's Truckin g ([email protected]); Ronny W. Emberton (Business Fax); Ruth Westra (Bus iness Fax); [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley (staleysn@ear thlink.net); Fran Sterlin; Steven R. Meheen ([email protected]); tsmith @atwd.com; [email protected]; Tom Bishop ([email protected]); Vincent S umma ([email protected]); [email protected]; Danny Wilbanks (dannywilba [email protected]); Danny Wilbanks ([email protected]); wcschexnayder@o ilwelltubular.com; Clinton Woods ([email protected]):Email Addresses 9/10/2009 8:56:26 AM (9081B) Bill Goodman -> 'ROBIN MOORE':RE: coaches Grab and Go Dinners 9/10/2009 10:32:39 AM (18828B) Bill Goodman -> 'ROBIN MOORE':RE: coaches Gra b and Go Dinners 9/10/2009 2:34:51 PM (608944B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Max Goodman':R E: Movement of 120 joints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman

Converting pII_certs2_19.pdf (265KB) attachment Converting pII_certs2_15.pdf (272KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): pII_certs2_19.pdf, pII_certs2_15.pdf 9/10/2009 2:35:43 PM (2003289B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Bill Goodman ([email protected]):weightloss Converting l0ss_7.pdf (934KB) attachment Converting l0ss_8.pdf (1056KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): l0ss_7.pdf, l0ss_8.pdf 9/13/2009 10:21:42 AM (8111B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: trailer pric ing for HDG 9/13/2009 10:24:26 AM (10134B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley (staleysn@earthl ink.net):Autocad system requirements 9/13/2009 7:01:24 PM (4903B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman (Wgoodman5@comcast .net): 9/14/2009 10:00:16 AM (454074B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risers inc.com'; 'Max Goodman':FW: Bathroom Invoice Converting Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf (443KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf 9/14/2009 10:02:07 AM (13362B) Bill Goodman -> 'BILL CHRISTMANN':RE: Bathroo m Invoice 9/15/2009 9:29:38 AM (13020B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: S tatus Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/15/2009 9:34:02 AM (152445B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley (staleysn@earthl ink.net):Emailing: Keson-Yellow-Plastic-Case-Steel-Tape-St181003x Converting logo.gif (5KB) attachment Converting ES2332KesonMeasuringTapeST181003Xmd.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting lgshareen.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ErrorIcon.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ES2706KesonMeasuringTapeST101003Xsm.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting viewallengineersupplysurveybrands.gif (0KB) attachment Converting alvindraftingsupplies.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting advancedorganizingsystemsstorageorganization.jpg (2KB) attach ment Converting calcompgraphicsprinterslargeformatcadmediaplotter.jpg (1KB) a ttachment Converting calculatedindustriescalculators.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting craintripodsurveybipodmeasuringgauges.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting cstbergersurveyingequipment.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting dahlepapertrimmerscuttersshredders.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting DavidWhiteSurveyingEquipmentBrandProducts.jpg (1KB) attachmen t Converting jobsiteboxpermitboxdocumentprotectionbox.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting elanpublishingsurveyingfieldbooks.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting gagnelighttableslightboxes.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting kesonbrandproductsmeasuringwheelstoolstapes.jpg (1KB) attachm ent Converting LeicaGeosystemsSurveyingEquipment.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting maylinegroupmodularworkstations.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting NorthwestInstrumentSurveyingEquipmentToolsBrandProfessionalHe avyDuty.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting pacificlasersystemstools.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting rolatapemeasuringwheels.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting safcoofficeproductsfurniture.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting scalexplanmeasurertakeofftool.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting schonstedtmetallocators.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting secosurveyingequipmenttripods.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting sokkiasurveyingequipmentinstruments.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting topconsurveyinglaserlevelingconstructionequipment.jpg (1KB) a

ttachment Converting paymenttypesaccepted.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting feedburner.jpg (1KB) attachment 31 attachment(s): logo.gif, ES2332KesonMeasuringTapeST181003Xmd.jpg, lgs hareen.gif, ErrorIcon.gif, ES2706KesonMeasuringTapeST101003Xsm.jpg, viewallengin eersupplysurveybrands.gif, alvindraftingsupplies.jpg, advancedorganizingsystemss torageorganization.jpg, calcompgraphicsprinterslargeformatcadmediaplotter.jpg, c alculatedindustriescalculators.jpg, craintripodsurveybipodmeasuringgauges.jpg, c stbergersurveyingequipment.jpg, dahlepapertrimmerscuttersshredders.jpg, DavidWhi teSurveyingEquipmentBrandProducts.jpg, jobsiteboxpermitboxdocumentprotectionbox. jpg, elanpublishingsurveyingfieldbooks.jpg, gagnelighttableslightboxes.jpg, keso nbrandproductsmeasuringwheelstoolstapes.jpg, LeicaGeosystemsSurveyingEquipment.j pg, maylinegroupmodularworkstations.jpg, NorthwestInstrumentSurveyingEquipmentTo olsBrandProfessionalHeavyDuty.jpg, pacificlasersystemstools.jpg, rolatapemeasuri ngwheels.jpg, safcoofficeproductsfurniture.jpg, scalexplanmeasurertakeofftool.jp g, schonstedtmetallocators.jpg, secosurveyingequipmenttripods.jpg, sokkiasurveyi ngequipmentinstruments.jpg, topconsurveyinglaserlevelingconstructionequipment.jp g, paymenttypesaccepted.jpg, feedburner.jpg 9/15/2009 10:18:54 AM (340361B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Front ier Pheonix Converting DEP110900032.pdf (335KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DEP110900032.pdf 9/15/2009 10:37:36 AM (86906B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Risers International PO 5215 Converting DEP110900161.pdf (21KB) attachment Converting DEP110900141.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting DEP110900151.pdf (21KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): DEP110900161.pdf, DEP110900141.pdf, DEP110900151.pdf 9/16/2009 9:34:52 AM (16194B) Bill Goodman -> 'ROBIN MOORE'; 'wgoodman5@comc ast.net'; '[email protected]'; 'Celia McGregor':RE: coach's grab and go lunc hes for Thursday 9/16/2009 1:39:24 PM (29421B) Bill Goodman -> 'Janet Waid'; 'Donna Boucher'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: coach's grab and go lunches for Thursday 9/17/2009 10:03:56 AM (36297B) Bill Goodman -> 'Donna Boucher'; 'Janet Waid' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: coach's grab and go lunches for Thursday 9/17/2009 10:04:38 AM (32936B) Bill Goodman -> 'Janet Waid':RE: coach's grab and go lunches for Thursday 9/17/2009 10:07:11 AM (117988B) Bill Goodman -> Jim Dwigans; Jim Dwigans (te [email protected]):FW: ISO Audit Schedule Risers International. Converting Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf (102KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf 9/18/2009 9:22:39 AM (26491B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Dwigans'; 'Nikki Kelly':R E: ISO Audit Schedule Risers International. 9/20/2009 12:36:24 PM (5496B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:NCR 9/21/2009 1:24:23 PM (158489B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: For Tuesday Converting rii092209.pdf (142KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): rii092209.pdf 9/21/2009 2:14:43 PM (20216B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: FW: For Tue sday 9/22/2009 8:56:32 AM (5570B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Songa MR6C 9/22/2009 10:11:52 AM (120491B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nikki Kelly':FW: ISO Audit Schedule Risers International. Converting Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf (102KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf 9/22/2009 10:46:00 AM (108046B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'M ax Goodman'; [email protected]:Mangement Review Converting Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf (102KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf 9/22/2009 1:39:37 PM (6470B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; clewis6101@sbcgl obal.net:Frontier Inspection 9/22/2009 3:33:42 PM (12437B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: 9/22/2009 3:35:02 PM (14071B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Frontier I nspection 9/22/2009 3:36:43 PM (5655B) Bill Goodman -> Vincent Summa (vsumma@techcorr. com):68 Joints 9/23/2009 10:34:07 AM (3221799B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Justi n West ([email protected]); Ian Rutherford; [email protected]; 'Gary ':FW: Why men turn their head Converting HEADTURN.pps (3180KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (31KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): HEADTURN.pps, image001.gif 9/23/2009 12:50:36 PM (790389B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman @sleh.com):FW: Appointment Converting KATYSURGERYPACKET.pdf (775KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): KATYSURGERYPACKET.pdf 9/24/2009 11:20:15 AM (7714B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Emai ling: wiesmann-mf5-motorauthority-004_100213693_t Converting wiesmannmf5motorauthority004100213693t.gif (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): wiesmannmf5motorauthority004100213693t.gif 9/24/2009 1:01:53 PM (18608B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Newco 9/25/2009 10:33:35 AM (26422B) Bill Goodman -> 'Al Cotten'; '[email protected]':Driller Bolt Boxes 9/25/2009 11:30:11 AM (10623B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] om':Riser Inspection 9/25/2009 11:33:57 AM (33388B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'matman.drille [email protected]':RE: riser bolts Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 9/28/2009 9:20:59 AM (151935B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Friday Converting ri100209.pdf (141KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ri100209.pdf 9/28/2009 9:23:27 AM (10683B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Dwigans'; 'Nikki Kelly':R E: Friday 9/28/2009 9:28:12 AM (7799B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'terib@risersi nc.com'; 'Stephanie Valdez':Alarm Company Call list 9/28/2009 9:28:41 AM (6627B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; Chastity Lamb:R E: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. 9/28/2009 9:40:12 AM (17992B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Alarm Comp any Call list 9/28/2009 10:47:40 AM (23773B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Alarm Compa ny Call list 9/28/2009 4:08:59 PM (16525B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: RISER SEAL S Converting image002.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 9/30/2009 10:54:11 AM (4843B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; 'Charles'; 'Ma x Goodman'; 'Justin West':RE: Hydro Test Procedure 9/30/2009 11:21:47 AM (21462B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: Informing ETD & C onfirming Marking 9/30/2009 11:24:17 AM (16004B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Jessey 9/30/2009 11:30:38 AM (6547B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Flatbar 9/30/2009 11:30:53 AM (20893B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Songa P/O M ERSSEA1038838 attached 9/30/2009 1:53:44 PM (59758B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: Sheave movement 9/30/2009 2:02:09 PM (141880B) Bill Goodman -> Ian Rutherford:Emailing: 2007 -08 Toyota Tundra Lift Kit Converting truxxxbanner468x60black.gif (1KB) attachment

Converting usaflag.gif (1KB) attachment Converting semalogo6.gif (2KB) attachment Converting 903025.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting normalCycleNews4TundraVegasSXTruxxx9030253?liftkitLiquidMetal Rhino20?wheelsandNittoTerraGrappler30555R20tires.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting normalHPIM2205.JPG (30KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): truxxxbanner468x60black.gif, usaflag.gif, semalogo6.gif , 903025.jpg, normalCycleNews4TundraVegasSXTruxxx9030253?liftkitLiquidMetalRhino 20?wheelsandNittoTerraGrappler30555R20tires.jpg, normalHPIM2205.JPG 9/30/2009 4:22:24 PM (329196B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Emailing: DSC00 558, DSC00559, DSC00560, DSC00561, DSC00557 Converting DSC00558.JPG (70KB) attachment Converting DSC00559.JPG (64KB) attachment Converting DSC00560.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting DSC00561.JPG (72KB) attachment Converting DSC00557.JPG (64KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): DSC00558.JPG, DSC00559.JPG, DSC00560.JPG, DSC00561.JPG, DSC00557.JPG 9/30/2009 4:46:53 PM (30272B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'danny.meyer @shell.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jimmy@katy volleyball.com':RE: schedule 9/30/2009 4:47:42 PM (22683B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: RISER SEALS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/1/2009 9:35:06 AM (10826B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Texas Emissi on Reduction Plan (TERP) 10/1/2009 2:57:18 PM (5225B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Purchase Orde r from Risers International, Inc. 10/2/2009 12:33:28 PM (20648B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': 10/2/2009 2:46:04 PM (32990B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nikki Kelly': Converting MR6C_FIELD_RPT.pdf (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MR6C_FIELD_RPT.pdf 10/2/2009 4:12:48 PM (464579B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':Frontier Dril ler Inspection Quote Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (459KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 10/2/2009 4:16:47 PM (16437B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/4/2009 7:46:51 AM (14467B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Frontier D riller Inspection Quote 10/4/2009 8:29:58 AM (557979B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles': Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (549KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 10/5/2009 8:48:32 AM (9060B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':Lifting HArnesse s 10/5/2009 8:58:25 AM (6322B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':1050 stop collers 10/5/2009 8:59:12 AM (7565B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':FW: Lifting HArn esses 10/5/2009 9:38:45 AM (5827B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; Chastity Lamb:R E: Purchase Order 10/5/2009 9:51:48 AM (5121B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':RE: Purchase Ord er 10/5/2009 11:08:18 AM (618542B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; Chastit y Lamb:Frontier Inspection Quote Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (607KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 10/5/2009 1:05:02 PM (1091001B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] om':FW: FW: Lifting HArnesses Converting RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf (580KB) attachment

Converting RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf (494KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf, RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf 10/5/2009 1:05:58 PM (15650B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: FW: Lifting HArnesses 10/6/2009 2:43:28 PM (7857B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping'; Chastity Lamb; 'Lew is Charles':1067 Pin Protectors 10/6/2009 2:45:46 PM (90322B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: Frontier 1 & 2 Buoyancy Installation VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/7/2009 10:02:51 AM (1084804B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Risers International Lifting Harnesses Converting RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf (580KB) attachment Converting RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf (494KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf, RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf 10/7/2009 10:04:42 AM (367563B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman @sleh.com); '[email protected]':FW: New Voicemail for 2819841224 From 1281237 0177 Converting 227701212541.wav (357KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 227701212541.wav 10/7/2009 10:46:26 AM (21182B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kourtney Jones':RE: Risers I nternational Lifting Harnesses 10/7/2009 12:59:04 PM (96900B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: Frontier 1 & 2 Buoyancy Installation VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/7/2009 12:59:57 PM (26856B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kourtney Jones':RE: Risers I nternational Lifting Harnesses 10/7/2009 2:05:21 PM (105160B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: Frontier 1 & 2 Buoyancy Installation VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/7/2009 2:19:55 PM (29443B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West (justinwest78@yaho o.com); 'Justin West'; 'Shawn Staley'; 'Lewis Charles':NCR Form 10-2-09 10/7/2009 3:38:52 PM (621560B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Frontier In spection Quote Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (607KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 10/8/2009 9:41:09 AM (5428B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Account Cancellation 10/8/2009 9:47:11 AM (10414B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'wgo [email protected]':RE: Credit Card Declined[#337144-6596#] 10/8/2009 9:47:55 AM (16940B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Frontier I nspection Quote 10/8/2009 11:17:43 AM (563118B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':Frontier Driller Riser Inspection Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (549KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 10/9/2009 11:16:03 AM (8874B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Rise rs Int. Quote request for gages 10/9/2009 11:19:37 AM (41587B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kourtney Jones':RE: Risers I nternational Lifting Harnesses 10/9/2009 11:27:46 AM (292962B) Bill Goodman -> 'Roy Ratcliff':RE: Risers In t. Quote request for gages

Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf, image001.jpg 10/9/2009 12:35:28 PM (53694B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kourtney Jones':RE: Risers I nternational Lifting Harnesses 10/9/2009 1:22:22 PM (22356B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rig Superintendent Driller'; 'Ray Dunn':RE: C-PORT ADDRESS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/9/2009 1:29:57 PM (29645B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Teri Breckenri dge':FW: Risers Int. Quote request for gages Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/9/2009 4:42:56 PM (34858B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Bryan, Etha n'; 'William M. Goodman II'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]': RE: Faith West Colors question 10/10/2009 10:16:39 AM (673312B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charl es': Converting SongaFloatation1.pdf (670KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SongaFloatation1.pdf 10/11/2009 2:12:21 PM (11888B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rig Superintendent Driller'; 'Ray Dunn'; 'Josh Warren':RE: hydraulic running tool 10/9/2009 11:27:17 AM (281375B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Riser s Quote Request for Go-NoGo Gages Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf 10/12/2009 2:19:49 PM (8086B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: Hummer Hist oy 10/12/2009 2:44:26 PM (3064267B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:TXDO T Surveyors Converting 20091012151536272.pdf (1660KB) attachment Converting 20091012151315296.pdf (1390KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 20091012151536272.pdf, 20091012151315296.pdf 10/12/2009 3:36:03 PM (33726B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Dunn'; 'Rig Superintende nt Driller':RE: C-PORT ADDRESS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/12/2009 3:49:28 PM (7669B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: C-PORT ADDRESS 10/12/2009 4:02:32 PM (9014B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Motel For Inspec tors 10/13/2009 9:23:42 AM (1619932B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':F W: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg 10/13/2009 9:29:55 AM (2218020B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'chris@aquaoc eantransport.com':FW: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg 10/13/2009 10:04:47 AM (55846B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; Justin West ; 'Shawn Staley':Emailing: NCR Form 10-2-09 Converting NCR_Form_10209.doc (51KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): NCR_Form_10209.doc 10/13/2009 10:59:38 AM (45305B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Chris Vogel': RE: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking 10/13/2009 4:18:16 PM (282973B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: R isers Quote Request for Go-NoGo Gages

Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf 10/14/2009 9:42:26 AM (34417B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jenny':RE: Urgent---Request the details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY 10/14/2009 9:42:56 AM (3037B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Pup joints 10/14/2009 10:37:36 AM (59069B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: VBT.9.10.6 1-0.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Standard Converting VBT.9.10.610.pdf (47KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): VBT.9.10.610.pdf 10/15/2009 1:31:18 PM (278573B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Ris ers Quote Request for Go-NoGo Gages Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf 10/15/2009 1:38:13 PM (278760B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Riser s Quote Request for Go-NoGo Gages Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf 10/16/2009 8:53:06 AM (26062B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Hannon Hy draulics 10/16/2009 9:09:34 AM (32832B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Hannon Hy draulics 10/16/2009 9:54:41 AM (13990B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodman ':FW: Request for quote riser adaptors 10/16/2009 9:56:11 AM (12465B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kourtney Jones':RE: VBT.9.10 .61-0.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Standard 10/16/2009 9:59:06 AM (39526B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Hannon Hy draulics 10/16/2009 10:48:26 AM (45019B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Hannon H ydraulics 10/16/2009 10:57:14 AM (278124B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Rise rs Quote Request for Go-NoGo Gages Converting HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf (268KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Hydr._Locdog.pdf 10/19/2009 10:15:17 AM (13602B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':RE: OMNI Risers Quote 10/19/2009 2:41:03 PM (10163B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: pins 10/19/2009 2:43:02 PM (18624B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':RE: OMNI Risers Quote 10/19/2009 4:13:43 PM (16441B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: 1067-01 - t ouch up 10/20/2009 7:59:53 AM (358993B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Juste ne A. Goodman ([email protected]):FW: Converting 20091020085703504.pdf (354KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20091020085703504.pdf 10/20/2009 8:19:08 AM (836909B) Bill Goodman -> 'William Raymond Coursey'; ' Max Goodman'; '[email protected]':RE: Weights of riser Converting Neptune_Weight_Certs_for_100001.pdf (786KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Neptune_Weight_Certs_for_100001.pdf, image001.jpg 10/20/2009 9:22:16 AM (184391B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':Emailing: IMG_002 7, IMG_0028, IMG_0029 Converting IMG0027.jpg (56KB) attachment Converting IMG0028.jpg (69KB) attachment Converting IMG0029.jpg (55KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): IMG0027.jpg, IMG0028.jpg, IMG0029.jpg 10/20/2009 9:26:38 AM (122564B) Bill Goodman -> Ian Rutherford:Emailing: IMG _0025, IMG_0024 Converting IMG0025.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting IMG0024.jpg (60KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): IMG0025.jpg, IMG0024.jpg 10/20/2009 9:30:50 AM (7195B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':job 1067 fastners 10/20/2009 1:25:55 PM (5101B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Quote #1390 10/20/2009 2:09:33 PM (4979B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':QUOTE 10/20/2009 2:12:49 PM (7251B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Strap Quote 10/20/2009 3:07:52 PM (16921B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Strap Quote 10/21/2009 8:48:22 AM (2827B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':RE: Lunch 10/21/2009 1:01:43 PM (14863B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Verizon wir eless 10/21/2009 1:03:56 PM (35115B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brow n'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty' ; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schum acher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Mar cial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillio n'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: good news & bad news 10/21/2009 2:19:27 PM (66649B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'Jimmy Bott er'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick A dams'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas '; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam' ; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'Dav id home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adk ins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kur t Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers '; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillio n'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: good news & bad news Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/22/2009 8:07:17 AM (3964498B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'chris@aquaoc eantransport.com':FW: Urgent---Request the details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment Converting BLRISERS.jpg (810KB) attachment Converting IPRISERS.jpg (924KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg, BLRISERS.jpg , IPRISERS.jpg 10/22/2009 2:44:11 PM (55244B) Bill Goodman -> 'sollua':RE: 533.4mm 10/23/2009 9:50:40 AM (30329B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brow n'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty' ; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schum acher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Mar cial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillio n'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: next week 10/23/2009 9:56:52 AM (58271B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Informing ET D & Confirming Marking 10/23/2009 10:23:07 AM (4779B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Golf 10/23/2009 10:26:24 AM (120950B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jenny':United States Shipp ing Explanations Converting Security_102_explanition.xls (37KB) attachment Converting SECURITY_102.xls (21KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Security_102_explanition.xls, SECURITY_102.xls

10/23/2009 10:28:44 AM (20929B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':R E: next week 10/23/2009 10:50:48 AM (174791B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':Emailing: Be st of Sugar Land Restaurants Japaneiro's Sushi Bistro & Latin Grill Converting japaneiros.png (42KB) attachment Converting japaneiro.png (39KB) attachment Converting japaneserestaurantabroadaward.png (22KB) attachment Converting zagatsushiaward.png (11KB) attachment Converting citysearchaward.png (11KB) attachment Converting zagatrestaurantaward.png (10KB) attachment Converting bestofcityseachaward.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting citysearchtop10award.png (12KB) attachment Converting houstonpressaward.jpg (5KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): japaneiros.png, japaneiro.png, japaneserestaurantabroad award.png, zagatsushiaward.png, citysearchaward.png, zagatrestaurantaward.png, b estofcityseachaward.jpg, citysearchtop10award.png, houstonpressaward.jpg 10/26/2009 10:01:17 AM (13921B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RFQ--Riser s International, Inc. 10/26/2009 10:29:46 AM (12710B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RFQ for R isers International 10/26/2009 10:38:13 AM (12798B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Rise rs International RFQ 10/26/2009 1:51:43 PM (22829B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chris Sohn':RE: Risers Inter national RFQ 10/26/2009 1:52:02 PM (10645B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Detective Information 10/26/2009 1:52:38 PM (25388B) Bill Goodman -> 'Dirk W Boyles':RE: RFQ for R isers International Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 10/26/2009 1:58:10 PM (72656B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: United States Shi pping Explanations 10/27/2009 2:14:52 PM (13687B) Bill Goodman -> 'Dirk W Boyles':FW: Conductor Tender 10/27/2009 4:17:09 PM (114348B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Fran Sterlin:Terms and Conditions Converting usstpstdtcofsale.pdf (108KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): usstpstdtcofsale.pdf 10/28/2009 7:43:58 AM (160433B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'c [email protected]'; Fran Sterlin:FW: SUT Workshop offered at the Deepwater Operations Conference November 10 10/28/2009 8:29:16 AM (5019B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':Lifting Harne sses 10/28/2009 4:06:51 PM (9366B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':Forklift Harn ess 10/29/2009 10:15:39 AM (52805B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'Jimmy Bot ter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molina s'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam '; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'Da vid home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Ad kins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Ku rt Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyer s'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremilli on'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: gym Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/29/2009 10:40:22 AM (18597B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: Pride Lif

ting Devices. 10/29/2009 10:42:35 AM (10737B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; ' Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 10/30/2009 8:49:44 AM (64373B) Bill Goodman -> 'Eric Bordosky':RE: Thursday. .. Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (4KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.jpg 10/30/2009 8:57:56 AM (26346B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: Pride Lift ing Devices. 10/30/2009 9:20:34 AM (27052B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Test Char ts and Phoenix 1122-01 job 10/30/2009 9:50:05 AM (35415B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: Pride Lift ing Devices. 10/30/2009 10:45:08 AM (20822B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':RE: OMNI Risers Quote 10/30/2009 10:52:50 AM (9041B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':Cases 10/30/2009 10:55:17 AM (17224B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lynch, Andrew / Kuehne + Na gel / Hou EO':RE: Delivery of 4x75' riser ex-Vetco Gray 10/30/2009 11:27:34 AM (118803B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':po 7061048 Converting 7061048.pdf (108KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 7061048.pdf 10/30/2009 2:27:14 PM (71286B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: TAGS Converting 25_5K.doc (26KB) attachment Converting 60T.doc (25KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 25_5K.doc, 60T.doc 10/30/2009 2:28:22 PM (114493B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':FW: United Stat es Shipping Explanations Converting Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls (27KB) attachment Converting SECURITY_102CONFORM.xls (16KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls, SECURITY_102CONFOR M.xls 10/30/2009 2:40:41 PM (355486B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':Riser's Stainless steel Skipping attachment RE_102.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment FW_102.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment FW_Informing_ETD__Confirming_Marking_.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment RE_UrgentRequest_the_details_of_CONSIGNEE_and_NOTIFY _PARTY_.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment RE_Informing_ETD__Confirming_Marking_.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment RE_Informing_ETD__Confirming_Marking_.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 10/30/2009 2:41:08 PM (114650B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':FW: United States Shipping Explanations Converting Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls (27KB) attachment Converting SECURITY_102CONFORM.xls (16KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls, SECURITY_102CONFOR M.xls 11/1/2009 8:34:41 PM (38027B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Jessey Goodma n'; 'Sumer Goodman':RE: List Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (18KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 11/2/2009 8:35:44 AM (30400B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown '; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, L eslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; '

Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; ' Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schuma cher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marc ial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion '; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: Saturday 11/2/2009 2:04:43 PM (8598B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP 11/2/2009 2:06:27 PM (12531B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: tags and po 11/2/2009 2:13:39 PM (41776B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chad Yutka':RE: AccuVal Inspe ction Follow up and Information Requests 11/2/2009 2:15:33 PM (41680B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Maxg1945@ear thlink.net':FW: RFQ 21" Converting RISERS_11209.xls (29KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERS_11209.xls 11/2/2009 2:17:11 PM (47732B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown '; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, L eslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; ' Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; ' Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schuma cher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marc ial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion '; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':RE: Saturday 11/2/2009 4:07:23 PM (12285B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Game 11/2/2009 4:08:32 PM (582903B) Bill Goodman -> Danny Wilbanks (dannywilbanks @comcast.net); Danny Wilbanks ([email protected]):FW: Forklift Converting IMG00022200911020929.jpg (578KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG00022200911020929.jpg 11/2/2009 4:09:00 PM (49575B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chad Yutka':RE: AccuVal Inspe ction Follow up and Information Requests 11/2/2009 4:12:01 PM (39803B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chuck Lafferty':RE: Saturday 11/3/2009 1:09:27 PM (6924B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Shipping':1067 11/3/2009 4:14:10 PM (44719B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chuck Lafferty':RE: Saturday 11/3/2009 4:29:30 PM (2659526B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting DSCN0308.jpg (2652KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DSCN0308.jpg 11/3/2009 4:31:40 PM (2821646B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb: Converting DSCN0309.jpg (2814KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DSCN0309.jpg 11/4/2009 2:44:27 PM (112915B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: WORK ORDE R ROUTER EXAMPLE Converting Blank_Work_Router.xls (47KB) attachment Converting 10500902WR.xls (48KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Blank_Work_Router.xls, 10500902WR.xls 11/4/2009 2:49:55 PM (10812B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Out of Office 11/5/2009 8:46:12 PM (84529B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: ARRIVAL NOTI CE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES Converting SKMBT42009110513570.pdf (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009110513570.pdf 11/5/2009 8:57:24 PM (18230B) Bill Goodman -> 'Howard Griffith'; 'Ronnie Vic kers':RE: Lifting Harnesses 11/6/2009 8:49:13 AM (25037B) Bill Goodman -> 'Howard Griffith':RE: Lifting Harnesses 11/6/2009 8:52:16 AM (3087B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO# 4950 11/6/2009 9:06:19 AM (64796B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown '; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, L eslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; '

Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; ' Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schuma cher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marc ial Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion '; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter':FW: Saturday 11/6/2009 9:21:02 AM (3039658B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':R FQ for Risers International, Inc. Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment Converting BLRISERS.jpg (810KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg, BLRISERS.jpg 11/6/2009 1:16:03 PM (3039487B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':R FQ for Risers International, Inc. Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment Converting BLRISERS.jpg (810KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg, BLRISERS.jpg 11/6/2009 1:18:55 PM (42498B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting image001.gif (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/6/2009 2:42:52 PM (2447520B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'maxg1945@e arthlink.net'; 'Shawn Staley': Converting SAM0017.JPG (2437KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SAM0017.JPG 11/6/2009 3:11:19 PM (49557B) Bill Goodman -> 'Steve Hulsey':RE: Converting image001.gif (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/9/2009 8:14:21 AM (10182B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'maxg1945@ear thlink.net'; Fran Sterlin:Merger Meeting 11/9/2009 9:07:29 AM (16924B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: SONGA CLAMP S & STOP COLLARS 11/9/2009 10:30:59 AM (17638B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'maxg1945@ea rthlink.net'; 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Merger Meeting 11/9/2009 2:54:06 PM (20595B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Ronnie Vick ers'; 'William Reardon'; 'Howard Griffith':RE: PO 7021140- Buoyancy 11/9/2009 3:04:56 PM (54838B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Merger Meet ing Converting Proposed_ManagementFlowchart.xls (25KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Proposed_ManagementFlowchart.xls 11/10/2009 8:56:21 AM (53126B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTI CE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/10/2009 9:31:08 AM (51298B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry': Risers RFQ for 1097-01 Converting image002.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 11/10/2009 9:32:23 AM (50862B) Bill Goodman -> 'Howard Griffith':Risers RFQ for 1097-01 Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/10/2009 9:34:27 AM (60880B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTI CE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/10/2009 9:35:40 AM (5411B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':1097-01 11/10/2009 10:12:18 AM (56681B) Bill Goodman -> 'Howard Griffith':RE: Risers RFQ for 1097-01 Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif

11/10/2009 10:13:00 AM (50965B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':Risers International RFQ Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/10/2009 10:13:32 AM (21244B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Out of Office 11/10/2009 10:55:50 AM (6165B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Lifting Strap C ertificates. 11/10/2009 1:32:46 PM (194574B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ronnie Vickers':FW: Certs f or Certex order Converting 2538001.tif (178KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2538001.tif 11/11/2009 8:11:19 AM (10357B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: meeting 11/11/2009 8:12:37 AM (9989B) Bill Goodman -> 'Simon Tsai':RE: 7" Air angle grinder 11/11/2009 8:14:40 AM (12269B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Turkeys for Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 8:47:11 AM (18782B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Turkeys for Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 10:33:00 AM (57587B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry' :FW: Risers International RFQ Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/11/2009 10:33:46 AM (25200B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Turkeys fo r Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 10:37:07 AM (58906B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':RE: Risers International RFQ Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/11/2009 1:13:23 PM (7015B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Modul e Groove Machine. 11/11/2009 2:48:20 PM (13228B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Query Import er Results 11/11/2009 2:52:57 PM (20478B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; 'maxg1945@ear thlink.net':RE: Module Groove Machine. 11/11/2009 2:53:43 PM (34524B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'L aura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/11/2009 2:57:03 PM (19073B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Quote JOB 1 050 Converting pdf43B.pdf (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): pdf43B.pdf 11/12/2009 8:42:48 AM (268575B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: NAVY'S NEW PIRATE CATCHER Converting image001.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (63KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (20KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (32KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg 11/13/2009 8:08:54 AM (51843B) Bill Goodman -> 'Michael Griffiths'; 'Justene Goodman'; Justene A. Goodman ([email protected]):RE: International Taxes Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/13/2009 8:20:48 AM (28671B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Job 1097-01 Coa ting Converting TG_Coatings_Quote09111102.pdf (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TG_Coatings_Quote09111102.pdf 11/13/2009 8:22:43 AM (11458B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: Crossovers

11/13/2009 8:23:44 AM (65465B) Bill Goodman -> 'Marcial'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'C ameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'Leslie N.''McKinley'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bil l Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuc k Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; ' James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humbe rson'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Mc Dermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Brian (US SSA)Hakala':RE: Saturday 11/13/2009 8:25:06 AM (14318B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'jorge.mart [email protected]':RE: Modules 11/13/2009 4:27:41 PM (49203B) Bill Goodman -> 'Steve Hulsey':FW: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/13/2009 4:28:38 PM (71699B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; 'Marcial'; 'Jim my Botter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'Leslie N.''McKinley'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home P ulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso '; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Geo rge Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens '; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hamm ond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Grem illion'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Brian (US SSA)Hakala':RE: Saturday 11/13/2009 4:32:29 PM (7738B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Sumer Goo dman 11/13/2009 4:36:34 PM (5572B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry':1 097 quote 11/13/2009 4:38:14 PM (15513B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Job 1097-01 Coating 11/13/2009 4:41:13 PM (76726B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Marcia l'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Ov erman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'Leslie N.''McKinley'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home P ulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso '; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Geo rge Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens ':RE: Saturday 11/15/2009 10:08:47 PM (158769B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; ' Lewis Charles':FW: application, Loan tool application Converting master_tool_loan_tool.pdf (34KB) attachment Converting New_Acct_App__Risers_International.xls (110KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): master_tool_loan_tool.pdf, New_Acct_App__Risers_Interna tional.xls 11/16/2009 9:54:26 AM (117430B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: 533.4mm Converting QT533.4_X80090603.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090603.pdf 11/16/2009 11:31:22 AM (56811B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Melanie Taylo r'; Chastity Lamb:RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/17/2009 11:13:17 AM (12700B) Bill Goodman -> 'messelbrugge@lankhorst-moul dings.nl':Project M07473 11/17/2009 11:15:43 AM (67059B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'sandy@uia-log istics.com'; Chastity Lamb; 'Melanie Taylor':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011 955 11/17/2009 11:17:08 AM (10605B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'w [email protected]':RE: Credit Card Declined[#392947-6596#] 11/17/2009 4:07:40 PM (14073B) Bill Goodman -> 'Werf, Jos van der':RE: M0747 3 PRIDE - Riser assembly for PS1 (Deep Ocean Ascension) 11/18/2009 1:55:53 PM (177467B) Bill Goodman -> 'jenny':RE: Shipment 60-163 7 / UIA-AR011955

Converting IMG00009200911171543.jpg (93KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG00009200911171543.jpg 11/18/2009 1:57:01 PM (36209B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: ASC Fin and Shims 11/18/2009 1:59:46 PM (57991B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: PACKER HO USING FOR TELESCOPIC JOINT Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/18/2009 2:01:38 PM (11123B) Bill Goodman -> 'Steve Hulsey':RE: this is no t a very relevant spec for us, either 11/18/2009 2:03:11 PM (14462B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Chastity Lamb ; Shipping:RE: Driver - Marvin 11/18/2009 2:07:04 PM (35806B) Bill Goodman -> 'mdushinske@lankhorst-mouldin g.com':FW: ASC Fin and Shims 11/18/2009 2:40:11 PM (35696B) Bill Goodman -> 'Dushinske, Mike':FW: ASC Fin and Shims 11/18/2009 2:44:54 PM (6539B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Sumer Goo dman 11/19/2009 9:45:15 AM (8986B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Container del ivery 11/19/2009 9:51:02 AM (6654B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':1050 touch up 11/19/2009 12:43:15 PM (37937B) Bill Goodman -> 'Neil Ecton'; 'Jimmy Botter' ; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adam s'; 'McKinley, Leslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; ' Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins '; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marcia l Martinez'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'M ike McDermott'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion'; 'Royd Graham' ; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Jay Senterfitt':RE: gym 11/19/2009 12:47:50 PM (9424B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Modules 11/19/2009 12:49:55 PM (6543B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry': RE: 1050 touch up 11/19/2009 12:51:37 PM (69772B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'HOUCTL'; 'Deb ra Wheeler':RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/20/2009 7:54:37 AM (12230B) Bill Goodman -> 'Melanie Taylor':RE: inspecti on 11/20/2009 10:46:27 AM (25506B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Melanie Tayl or':RE: inspection 11/20/2009 10:40:42 AM (50764B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Hak ala, Brian (US SSA)'; 'DiCamillo, Tony'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'CameronBrown'; 'Chris' ; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, LeslieN.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodma n'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'ChuckLafferty'; 'Chuck Tann er'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Freddie Fons eca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jorda n Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez':RE: Saturday 11/20/2009 10:42:16 AM (23686B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':RE: OMNI Risers Quote 11/20/2009 10:53:34 AM (30387B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Housholder':RE: OMNI Risers Quote 11/20/2009 10:54:28 AM (382672B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: I nvoice from Omni Industrial Services Converting Inv4382fromOmniIndustri.pdf (372KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv4382fromOmniIndustri.pdf 11/22/2009 9:23:07 PM (4135B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Bal l Mon, Wed and Fri this week

11/23/2009 11:14:30 AM (20148B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jim my Botter'; '[email protected]'; 'DiCamillo, Tony'; 'Hakala, Brian (US SSA)'; ' CameronBrown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, LeslieN.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'ChuckLafferty '; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jim T aylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez':RE: Tuesday Ball 11/23/2009 11:15:55 AM (9128B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 11/23/2009 11:31:43 AM (72006B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'HOUCTL'; 'Deb ra Wheeler':RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 11:34:05 AM (30081B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:FW: OMNI - Riser s Quote 11/23/2009 11:54:43 AM (80664B) Bill Goodman -> 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Laura True '; 'HOUCTL':RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 1:55:16 PM (95228B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Debra Wheeler' ; 'HOUCTL'; Chastity Lamb:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent plea se*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 2:02:48 PM (17672B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'maxg1945@eart hlink.net'; '[email protected]'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; 'dwilbanks@ wmgenterprises.net'; Charles Lewis:RE: Ramon Lopez 11/23/2009 2:04:48 PM (6510B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'maxg1945@ear thlink.net'; 'Shawn Staley':1119-01 11/23/2009 2:34:29 PM (6258B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Windham Forklift 11/29/2009 8:08:32 AM (20300B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'DiCa millo, Tony'; 'Jimmy Botter'; '[email protected]'; 'Hakala, Brian (US SSA)'; 'C ameronBrown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; ' McKinley, LeslieN.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'ChuckLafferty' ; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jim Ta ylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez':RE: Tues, thurs a nd maybe sat this week 11/29/2009 9:23:43 AM (16294B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy'; 'Justene Goodman':RE: Pie 11/29/2009 4:32:49 PM (28883B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Pie 11/30/2009 8:38:09 AM (12897B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@ sleh.com):FW: Support Form Ref. #R9SV4289 11/30/2009 8:50:23 AM (5277B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:PO 11/30/2009 10:10:54 AM (13143B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO 11/30/2009 1:26:11 PM (61115B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chris Bailey':RE: Veru Urgen t Vessel (Mv TAIXING)l for Risers & TJ Shipment (RE: PO 1541391 (Deep Ocean Acen sion) 11/30/2009 1:27:19 PM (23134B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nathan Carico':RE: Tues, thu rs and maybe sat this week 11/30/2009 3:01:42 PM (128123B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: 533.4m m Converting X80_PIPESRisers_International091026.pdf (62KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): X80_PIPESRisers_International091026.pdf 12/1/2009 10:03:02 AM (61802B) Bill Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin':RE: M08 533-01 Bully 1 transport 12/1/2009 2:44:27 PM (1035175B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chris Bailey':M07473 Delive ry Overview - PS1 12/2/2009 8:43:16 AM (16049B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Blackmore':RE: Perfect??

???? 12/2/2009 9:02:18 AM (5611B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Cr edit Card Declined[#392947-6596#] 12/3/2009 8:56:14 AM (19776B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Natha n Carico':RE: Tues, thurs and maybe sat this week 12/3/2009 10:22:00 AM (116103B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':5 33.4mm OD X 25.4 mm Wall Converting QT533.4_X80090603.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090603.pdf 12/3/2009 4:23:42 PM (7657B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justene Goodman':FW: Credit Ca rd Declined[#392947-6596#] 12/4/2009 2:45:40 PM (48341B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mr Bill'; 'Beyers, Mikel':RE: Saturday 12/4/2009 2:47:12 PM (8163B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shipping':FW: OMNI - Risers Qu ote 12/4/2009 2:48:50 PM (57223B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: 533.4mm OD X 25.4 mm Wall 12/6/2009 3:56:20 PM (30983B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown '; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'McKinley, L eslie N.'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; ' Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; ' Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; 'James Schuma cher'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humberson'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Ma rk McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Ron Crabtree':RE: tomorrow 12/7/2009 9:38:15 AM (5359B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary Mabry':10 97 12/7/2009 9:56:21 AM (17470B) Bill Goodman -> 'GARY MABRY'; 'Randy Visage':R E: 1097 12/7/2009 9:56:39 AM (8938B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: 1097 12/7/2009 10:08:45 AM (26061B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: 1097 12/7/2009 10:28:34 AM (6377B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:1097 Pin Protectors 12/7/2009 3:10:33 PM (26862B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Lifting tool for buoyancy 12/8/2009 9:42:00 AM (55090B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':Risers Internatio nal RFQ Converting image001.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/8/2009 10:18:57 AM (62742B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Risers Inter national RFQ Converting image001.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/8/2009 10:31:20 AM (69481B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Risers Inter national RFQ Converting image001.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/9/2009 9:58:45 AM (15889B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy'; 'Justene Goodman':RE: Gifts Converting image001.gif (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/9/2009 10:29:09 AM (47442B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Jessey Goodma n ([email protected]); Jessey Goodman ([email protected]); Justene A . Goodman ([email protected]); [email protected]; Jack Hamlett (jackh@ci .rosenberg.tx.us); Greg Hartwig; John Housholder ([email protected]); Steve Huls ey ([email protected]); [email protected]; Jim Dwigans; Jim Dwigans ([email protected]); [email protected]; John Kwek ([email protected]); John D. A lmon; [email protected]; Dr. Kirsten Lentsch ([email protected]) ; 'Gary'; [email protected]; Billy Nitsche ([email protected])

; [email protected] ([email protected]):FW: Passing of a Hero!! Converting ATT00010.jpg (12KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00010.jpg 12/9/2009 3:48:34 PM (25563B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Lewis Charles':FW: CAD PC Quote Converting image001.gif (6KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/10/2009 12:16:04 PM (20057B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping; '[email protected] om':FW: PO 301-002054 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/11/2009 7:44:51 AM (23123B) Bill Goodman -> 'Hank Martin':FW: PO 301-0020 54 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/11/2009 7:52:30 AM (63199B) Bill Goodman -> '702, SrSubSeaSupervisor (Sed co 702)'; 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote 1446 Converting image002.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 12/14/2009 12:50:34 PM (26309B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: when is th e c/o of 500121595? 12/14/2009 12:58:54 PM (9731B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Purchase Orders 12/14/2009 1:00:14 PM (32632B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: when is the c/o of 500121595? 12/15/2009 1:28:13 PM (9434B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t':RE: Risers-open side of building 12/15/2009 2:18:00 PM (16577B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Truck Recall Notice Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/16/2009 8:42:00 AM (165956B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez': Converting Risers_Employee_Info.pdf (163KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Employee_Info.pdf 12/16/2009 9:02:00 AM (5420B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Del ivery Address 12/16/2009 9:06:31 AM (15072B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Charles Le wis':RE: ASC- MR 6H SE Riser 12/16/2009 10:42:10 AM (7003B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@ sleh.com); 'Justene Goodman':FW: Vonage 911 Dialing Address Verified 12/16/2009 10:42:45 AM (6365B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@ sleh.com):FW: Important - Vonage Account Security Information 12/16/2009 10:43:01 AM (18569B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman @sleh.com):FW: Important Information Regarding Your Vonage Account 12/16/2009 4:08:47 PM (20445B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/16/2009 4:10:13 PM (5541B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Max Goodman':RE : Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 10:22:45 AM (9218B) Bill Goodman -> 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Laura True' :RE: Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 10:56:54 AM (12380B) Bill Goodman -> 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Laura True ':RE: Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 11:12:23 AM (10912B) Bill Goodman -> 'Raymond Lee':RE: Booking# 5 00120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 2:14:57 PM (13312B) Bill Goodman -> 'Raymond Lee':RE: Booking# 50 0120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/18/2009 10:26:26 AM (3227816B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb: Skipping attachment sign_post.bmp because it is a Windows .bmp file 12/18/2009 11:38:42 AM (740893B) Bill Goodman -> Danny Wilbanks (dannywilban

[email protected]):FW: A Texas Pig Converting image003.jpg (258KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (207KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (245KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg 12/18/2009 11:40:27 AM (21410B) Bill Goodman -> 'Bill Freund'; 'ethanbryan@g mail.com':RE: Friday ball! 12/18/2009 3:59:19 PM (668749B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'lmcintyre@d macconstruction.net'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis':Risers Site Re-do Converting RisersInternationalPPLAT_Building_PPLAT_1.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_ Pro.pdf (663KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RisersInternationalPPLAT_Building_PPLAT_1.pdf__Adobe_Ac robat_Pro.pdf 12/18/2009 4:15:07 PM (509900B) Bill Goodman -> 'lmcintyre@dmacconstruction. net': Converting Risers.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (506KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 12/21/2009 2:47:21 PM (28662B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'ethanbryan @gmail.com'; '[email protected]'; 'Bill Freund':RE: Ball Mon, Tues, We dnesday and Thursday 12/21/2009 4:24:06 PM (6788B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Supplies 12/21/2009 4:26:57 PM (41957B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: ASC Fin and Shims 12/22/2009 9:46:27 AM (8305B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/22/2009 9:48:05 AM (6016B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':Turkey and Hams 12/22/2009 10:02:13 AM (6983B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:1097 NCR 12/22/2009 10:02:26 AM (10837B) Bill Goodman -> 'lmcintyre@dmacconstruction. net':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/22/2009 10:03:30 AM (10984B) Bill Goodman -> 'lmcintyre@dmacconstruction. net':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/22/2009 1:20:33 PM (15642B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] et':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/22/2009 1:29:02 PM (296902B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':Rough Draft Converting Sketch_12_15_09.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (294KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Sketch_12_15_09.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 12/22/2009 3:06:51 PM (5426B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Visit Letter and Customer Survey 12/23/2009 2:42:57 PM (5424469B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting SDC10050.JPG (2707KB) attachment Converting SDC10049.JPG (2699KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): SDC10050.JPG, SDC10049.JPG 12/23/2009 2:47:38 PM (8455B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 12/23/2009 2:48:36 PM (26084B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike McDermott'; 'ethanbryan @gmail.com'; '[email protected]'; 'Bill Freund':RE: Ball Mon, Tues, We dnesday and Thursday 12/24/2009 11:09:38 AM (318450B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf (315KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/24/2009 11:18:35 AM (556526B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Dunn':Emailing: Fronti er Driller Inspection quote Converting Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf (549KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Frontier_Driller_Inspection_quote.pdf 12/24/2009 11:40:21 AM (125853B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; ' Charles Lewis':Standard Terms and Conditions Converting usstpstdtcofsale.pdf (122KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): usstpstdtcofsale.pdf 12/28/2009 1:56:20 PM (7028B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage'; 'Gary':Paint C ertificates 1097

12/30/2009 4:11:11 PM (20410B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'clewis6101@sb cglobal.net':RE: Paperwork 12/30/2009 4:09:46 PM (60691B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; '[email protected]'; 'mmcdermott@ memberhomeloan.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Thu rsday 12/30/2009 4:09:22 PM (12714B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: WEEKEND W ORK 12/31/2009 10:26:44 AM (70562B) Bill Goodman -> 'Martin Becerra'; 'Bill Good man':RE: Thursday 1/2/2010 9:40:41 PM (958347B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Riser Job# 11 01 Converting JOB110101.pdf (941KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): JOB110101.pdf 1/4/2010 10:36:32 AM (135913B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'clewis6101@sb cglobal.net':RE: Riser Job# 1101 TH-RII-20879 Converting 7061048.pdf (108KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 7061048.pdf 1/5/2010 9:41:49 AM (20923B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chris Bailey'; Charles Lewis:R E: 1/4/10 riser end fins on telescopic joint for Pride International 1/5/2010 9:46:17 AM (32022B) Bill Goodman -> 'Daniel Vincent'; 'Darryl Garci a':RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/5/2010 1:06:44 PM (14670B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vincent Summa':RE: Riser Inspe ction Quote 1/5/2010 1:26:41 PM (20210B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jesse Wolgamott':RE: Jim Kirkp atrick: Risers International 1/5/2010 1:38:03 PM (434884B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Emailing: c arrigae Converting carrigae.pdf (432KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): carrigae.pdf 1/5/2010 1:41:34 PM (27166B) Bill Goodman -> 'Karim Jan'; 'maxg1945@earthlin k.net':RE: Riser Proposal Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/6/2010 9:01:04 AM (33443B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nelson Perrin':RE: Riser work 1/6/2010 12:20:55 PM (45270B) Bill Goodman -> 'Nelson Perrin':RE: Riser work 1/6/2010 12:32:34 PM (15679B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vincent Summa':RE: Riser Insp ection Quote 1/6/2010 1:24:50 PM (18683B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Charles L ewis':Atwood Hunter 1/6/2010 1:46:33 PM (14656B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': RE: Proposal - UT Inspection Personnel - West Africa Project 1/6/2010 2:48:41 PM (12928B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Just in West'; Justin West ([email protected]):FW: Sleeves 1/6/2010 4:09:05 PM (374317B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Dunn':Frontier Driller Ri ser Inspection Quotation Converting Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf (367KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf 1/6/2010 4:34:28 PM (143152B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:Atwood Hunte r Riser Inspection Quotation Converting Est1451fromRisersIntern.pdf (132KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1451fromRisersIntern.pdf 1/7/2010 9:38:30 AM (589202B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@s leh.com); 'Justene Goodman':FW: Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New V oicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (574KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 1/7/2010 10:03:36 AM (19153B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lori Lassetter':RE: 081 66231

126 Delivery to Rosenburg, TX 1/7/2010 1:15:11 PM (26014B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vincent Summa':RE: Riser Inspe ction Quote 1/7/2010 1:16:04 PM (7689B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' ; 'Ron'; 'Amado Jr'; 'calibration'; 'Frank'; 'Risa Perales'; 'vickymoreno@hollow ayhouston.com':RE: gulfintercoastal.xls 1/7/2010 1:52:24 PM (178738B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Ju stin West':FW: ASC Equipment Tracking Sheet Converting ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls (164KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls 1/7/2010 4:41:50 PM (69509B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Peter Grice':RE : M08533-01 Bully 1 transport 1/8/2010 10:06:35 AM (27918B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; 'e [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Saturday Ball 1/8/2010 10:17:14 AM (282686B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'clewis6101 @sbcglobal.net'; 'Max Goodman':Damaged Floatation Insert Converting Matrix_Insert_damage.pdf (271KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Matrix_Insert_damage.pdf 1/9/2010 9:05:11 PM (4866B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice':RE: Delivery Final Failure Notice 1/10/2010 5:53:39 PM (13009B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: ASC- Slic k Joints 1/10/2010 5:56:47 PM (6964B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice':RE: Delivery Fina l Failure Notice 1/10/2010 5:59:47 PM (20925B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: ASC- Slic k Joints 1/10/2010 6:02:52 PM (28129B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: ASC- Slic k Joints 1/11/2010 10:54:39 AM (19419B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':RE: Clarion: P O 7064668 Customs Entry# 101-706466-8 3x40 containers 1/11/2010 2:42:35 PM (3767933B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':F W: Pictures of Fins And Support Rings Converting Risers_International_038.jpg (771KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_090.jpg (768KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_041.jpg (726KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_092.jpg (751KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_085.jpg (739KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Risers_International_038.jpg, Risers_International_090. jpg, Risers_International_041.jpg, Risers_International_092.jpg, Risers_Internat ional_085.jpg 1/12/2010 9:25:15 AM (18416B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-ji b question Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/12/2010 9:39:25 AM (9126B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':TIG Room Crane 1/12/2010 10:01:37 AM (68144B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Ascensio n #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/12/2010 4:05:27 PM (9980604B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':VETCO TJ De sign Change Converting Lankhorst_Mouldings_3.pdf (1764KB) attachment Converting SDC10568.JPG (2785KB) attachment Converting SDC10566.JPG (2710KB) attachment Converting SDC10567.JPG (2704KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Lankhorst_Mouldings_3.pdf, SDC10568.JPG, SDC10566.JPG, SDC10567.JPG 1/12/2010 4:48:55 PM (1821259B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rohde, Cindy / Kuehne + Nag el / Hou AE':RE: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT Converting Lankhorst_Mouldings_3_5.pdf (1411KB) attachment

Converting SDC10561.JPG (92KB) attachment Converting SDC10558.JPG (95KB) attachment Converting SDC10559.JPG (94KB) attachment Converting SDC10560.JPG (85KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Lankhorst_Mouldings_3_5.pdf, SDC10561.JPG, SDC10558.JPG , SDC10559.JPG, SDC10560.JPG 1/12/2010 4:50:47 PM (19409B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Owner inf ormation Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/13/2010 8:21:30 AM (25668B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard'; 'Chris Bailey' :RE: VETCO TJ Design Change 1/13/2010 9:50:00 AM (9468B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Emailing: sal es_quote Converting salesquote.pdf (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): salesquote.pdf 1/13/2010 9:50:49 AM (11297B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: NOBLE ENER GY MINI TELESCOPIC JOINT WORK ORDER 1130-01 1/13/2010 10:19:07 AM (680125B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (justene7 [email protected]); 'Justene Goodman':FW: Under-wire Bras Converting image001.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (49KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (49KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg 1/13/2010 1:35:51 PM (7070B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Emailing: sale s_quote 1/13/2010 3:24:18 PM (25348B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Lewis Charles ':FW: Owner information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/13/2010 4:37:45 PM (617136B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Lewis Char les':Platt Review Converting RisersPlat.pdf (613KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RisersPlat.pdf 1/13/2010 4:58:26 PM (26491B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-ma rked up site plan 1/14/2010 8:36:48 AM (33159B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t':RE: Risers-marked up site plan 1/15/2010 9:08:20 AM (88364B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Justene Goodm an'; 'Jessey Goodman'; 'Sumer Goodman':RE: Trip Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (49KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (16KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 1/15/2010 9:10:23 AM (12344B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb:RE: Misc 1/15/2010 11:29:58 AM (60678B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Teri Breckenr idge'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'Shawn Staley':RISERS Termas and Conditons of sale Converting Risers_TErmsandconditionof_sale.pdf (53KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_TErmsandconditionof_sale.pdf 1/15/2010 1:50:25 PM (53328B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':Emailing: SDC10451 Converting SDC10451.JPG (50KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): SDC10451.JPG 1/15/2010 9:22:52 PM (4585B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote # 1452 1/17/2010 8:59:36 PM (7002B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice'; 'Max Goodman':RE : Delivery Final Failure Notice 1/18/2010 12:39:49 PM (21094B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-t ig room update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/18/2010 1:44:11 PM (8900B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Delivery Fina l Failure Notice 1/18/2010 3:25:36 PM (21093B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey'; 'maxg1945@earthl ink.net':RE: Delivery Final Failure Notice 1/18/2010 3:26:24 PM (31952B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: RAX 106701 INVENTORY BREACKDOWN.xls Converting RAX_106701_INVENTORY_BREACKDOWN.xls (24KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RAX_106701_INVENTORY_BREACKDOWN.xls 1/19/2010 8:52:21 AM (28197B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey'; 'maxg1945@earthl ink.net':RE: Delivery Final Failure Notice 1/19/2010 8:56:04 AM (7431B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'ma [email protected]':Driller Risers 1/19/2010 8:57:19 AM (34000B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' ; 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-tig room update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/20/2010 9:46:30 AM (5423B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':RE: Risers-meeting tomorrow 1/20/2010 9:47:44 AM (14157B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Email Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 1/20/2010 10:02:12 AM (7046B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin':Questions from Tom 1/21/2010 8:39:37 AM (23853B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: RSI- App roval to proceed with Permit drawings 1/21/2010 12:44:12 PM (13842B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 1/22/2010 7:24:36 PM (30688B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Ji mmy Botter'; 'Ron Crabtree'; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Ray'; 'Phil'; 'Ne il Ecton'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Ma rk McKinley'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'James Schumac her'; 'George Adkins'; '[email protected]'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Ethan Br yan'; 'David Galasso'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'Cory'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Brad Lyon'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bill Freun d'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Martin Becerra':RE: tomorrow 1/22/2010 7:30:02 PM (6494B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West (justinwest78@yahoo .com); 'Justin West':Hocker Potential order 1/24/2010 8:10:32 PM (5954B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':I nvoice # 5148 1/24/2010 9:34:47 PM (11057B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t':RE: RSI- PLANS & Background 1/25/2010 1:07:54 PM (7561B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'rdunn@fro ntier-drill.com':RE: Quote #1453 1/25/2010 1:28:55 PM (8262B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: 1/25/2010 1:29:56 PM (788926B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: Converting 106701.pdf (779KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 106701.pdf 1/25/2010 1:35:09 PM (499634B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:Hocker Order Converting 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (495KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 1/25/2010 1:41:42 PM (26091B) Bill Goodman -> 'Duane H. Filson'; 'Alvie Busb

y'; 'Blake Morgan work'; 'Brent Oman'; 'Brock Hendrickson'; 'David Feigleson'; ' Eric Bordosky'; 'Frank Vasquez'; 'Fred Jr.'; 'Fred Sr.'; 'Heath Secrist'; 'Josh Flores'; 'Juan Jimenez'; 'Justin Landry'; 'Kelley Lee'; 'Kevin Bordosky'; 'mgore @consolidated.net'; 'Mike McGinley'; 'Omar Parra'; 'Oscar Cedillo'; 'Phil Pool'; '[email protected]'; 'Ryan Weis'; 'Sam Newland'; 'Stephen Winters'; ' Tim Pepper'; 'Tom Engelbert':RE: Basketball tonight 1/25/2010 1:46:39 PM (12734B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tom Marrow'; 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Kyle Burgess':RE: RSI- ELEV. Revised for standing seam at off ices 1/26/2010 2:08:08 PM (42788B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Pride 7 p osted 1/26/2010 3:57:59 PM (21822B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':1134 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/26/2010 3:59:25 PM (26454B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Ron Crabtree' ; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Ray'; 'Phil'; 'Neil Ecton'; ' Mike McDermott'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley' ; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Georg e Adkins'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'David Galasso'; ' Danny Meyer'; 'Cory'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Brad'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'Nathan Carico'; 'Chris'; 'Cameron Bro wn':RE: saturday 1/27/2010 4:14:42 PM (1476103B) Bill Goodman -> Danny Wilbanks (dwilbanks@wm genterprises.net):FW: Stopper Grips Converting Mux_Cable_handling_DSS.ppt (1461KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Mux_Cable_handling_DSS.ppt 1/27/2010 4:19:57 PM (502199B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West (justinwest78@yah oo.com); 'Justin West':Hocker Potential order Converting 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (495KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 1/27/2010 4:23:00 PM (15393B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Chas tity Lamb':RE: Drill Bits needed for 200-? repair 1/28/2010 1:54:35 PM (5391B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:1101 & 1067 1/29/2010 8:42:13 AM (61816B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Emailing: JOB 1101-01 INVENTORY Converting JOB_110101_INVENTORY.xls (58KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): JOB_110101_INVENTORY.xls 1/29/2010 8:42:33 AM (37906B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Emailing: RAX 1067-01 INVENTORY BREACKDOWN Converting RAX_106701_INVENTORY_BREACKDOWN.xls (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RAX_106701_INVENTORY_BREACKDOWN.xls 1/29/2010 10:39:44 AM (30691B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: phone Converting image001.gif (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 1/29/2010 10:54:42 AM (31823B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: phone Converting image001.gif (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 1/29/2010 3:41:15 PM (29077B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Ron Crabtree' ; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Ray'; 'Phil'; 'Neil Ecton'; ' Mike McDermott'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley' ; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Georg e Adkins'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'David Galasso'; ' Danny Meyer'; 'Cory'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Brad'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'Nathan Carico'; 'Chris'; 'Cameron Bro wn':RE: February 2/2/2010 2:18:49 PM (14131B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Kyle Burgess'; '[email protected] t':RE: RSI - Please see attached updated backgrounds and PDF of the Permit Drawi

ngs 2/2/2010 3:16:30 PM (73222B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: MATRIX / KN AUSTR ALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments as of 29-01.10 Converting MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls (57KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls 2/2/2010 3:20:12 PM (17795B) Bill Goodman -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Lewis Charles' ; '[email protected]'; 'Shawn Staley':RE: Saints/Vikings Tickets 2/2/2010 3:21:58 PM (75397B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: MATRIX / KN AUSTR ALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments as of 29-01.10 Converting MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls (57KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls 2/2/2010 3:54:25 PM (12836B) Bill Goodman -> 'Aron Arthurs':RE: w.o 1119 *** READING 4 message(s) in mail folder 'SendThisFile Outbox' at 5/16/2010 10:19 :33 AM: 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (148859B) -> 'Shipping':FW: PO# 5524 Converting PO5524fromRisersInterna.pdf (145KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5524fromRisersInterna.pdf 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (503178B) -> Justin West ([email protected]):Ho cker Potential order Converting 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (495KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (146974B) -> Chastity Lamb: Converting Doc9.doc (136KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Doc9.doc 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (209918B) -> [email protected]:FW: P HOENIX RUNNING TOOLS Converting 073101_Rev_A.pdf (90KB) attachment Converting 073119_Rev_11.pdf (104KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 073101_Rev_A.pdf, 073119_Rev_11.pdf, image001.gif *** READING 354 message(s) in mail folder 'Deleted Items' at 5/16/2010 10:34:57 AM: 6/30/2009 12:09:00 PM (20344B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: testing 8/4/2009 11:50:04 AM (127186B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':hos asembly Converting closedspelter.pdf (117KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): closedspelter.pdf 8/4/2009 5:37:23 PM (15159B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: hos asembly 9/2/2009 9:16:27 PM (645971B) Salon Cachet -> Shaw, M L; Becker, Carol:Austr alia School Answering Machine Converting tile2.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ecad.gif (25KB) attachment Converting School1.mp3 (606KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): tile2.gif, ecad.gif, School1.mp3 9/10/2009 8:41:51 AM (5614B) ROBIN MOORE -> [email protected]:coaches Gr ab and Go Dinners 9/10/2009 9:18:15 AM (10952B) ROBIN MOORE -> [email protected]:RE: coac hes Grab and Go Dinners 9/15/2009 4:02:41 PM (7818B) ROBIN MOORE -> [email protected]; donnamaeb @comcast.net; Celia McGregor:coach's grab and go lunches for Thursday 10/9/2009 11:26:31 AM (17747B) Roy Ratcliff -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Int . Quote request for gages Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/9/2009 11:34:40 AM (25176B) Roy Ratcliff -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Int . Quote request for gages Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 2:35:02 PM (8568B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':pins 10/23/2009 9:15:34 AM (9094B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':small fork lift frame

10/29/2009 11:34:46 AM (42369B) [email protected] -> danny.meyer@shell .com:RE: gym Converting ATT00234.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00234.jpg 10/30/2009 11:10:18 AM (64484B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':TAGS Converting 60T.doc (27KB) attachment Converting 25.5K.doc (28KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 60T.doc, 25.5K.doc 11/2/2009 10:58:03 AM (9263B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':tags and po 11/12/2009 4:52:27 PM (159210B) Schamble, Louis H -> [email protected]; [email protected]:application, Loan tool application Converting master_tool_loan_tool.pdf (34KB) attachment Converting New_Acct_App__Risers_International.xls (110KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): master_tool_loan_tool.pdf, New_Acct_App__Risers_Interna tional.xls 11/12/2009 4:58:12 PM (162331B) Schamble, Louis H -> [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: application, Loan tool application Converting master_tool_loan_tool.pdf (34KB) attachment Converting New_Acct_App__Risers_International.xls (110KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): master_tool_loan_tool.pdf, New_Acct_App__Risers_Interna tional.xls 11/12/2009 11:29:23 AM (16269B) Quicken -> [email protected]:Official Qu icken Notice: Upgrade & Save 11/16/2009 10:28:05 AM (20784B) Schamble, Louis H -> [email protected]; bg [email protected]; CDIY-New-Accounts:Re: application, Loan tool application 11/23/2009 11:30:11 AM (16313B) Quicken -> [email protected]:Reminder- O fficial Quicken Notice: Upgrade & Save 12/8/2009 10:10:18 AM (60284B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Inter national RFQ Converting image001.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/8/2009 10:22:22 AM (65342B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Inter national RFQ Converting image001.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 1/7/2010 10:23:23 AM (23775B) Ruth Westra -> [email protected]:FW: Rise r work 1/7/2010 11:24:59 AM (24238B) Ron Walton -> 'Amado Jr'; 'calibration'; 'Fran k Guerra'; 'Risa Perales'; [email protected]; 'Bill Goodman'; jrod [email protected]:gulfintercoastal.xls Converting gulfintercoastal.xls (16KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): gulfintercoastal.xls 1/13/2010 8:44:50 AM (7568B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':Emailing: sales_qu ote Converting salesquote.pdf (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): salesquote.pdf 1/14/2010 5:52:48 AM (159633B) Salon Cachet -> [email protected]:Cold Weather Converting winterforest.jpg (56KB) attachment Converting ATT00592.jpg (93KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): winterforest.jpg, ATT00592.jpg 2/9/2010 8:40:56 AM (8798B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':holloway houston 2/9/2010 10:27:22 AM (144351B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':riser weighting Converting RISERINC.doc (134KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERINC.doc 2/9/2010 10:57:41 AM (148765B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: holloway hou ston Converting RISERINC.doc (134KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERINC.doc 2/9/2010 1:31:59 PM (9033B) Ron Walton -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Purchase O

rder 5722 2/16/2010 8:51:14 AM (87148B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Riser Interna tional Converting riserweightcerts21610.pdf (76KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riserweightcerts21610.pdf 2/18/2010 9:18:47 AM (9247B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':forlift pipe lift er 3/7/2010 5:15:34 PM (8081B) [email protected] -> bgoodman @risersinc.com:HP E-mail Support Autoreply 3/9/2010 11:59:16 AM (20315B) Ruth Westra -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: I Can Help Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/9/2010 12:07:08 PM (28657B) Ruth Westra -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: I Can Help Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/9/2010 1:58:40 PM (13203B) [email protected] -> bgoodma [email protected]:HP 3/22/2010 2:28:40 PM (22609B) Rush Truck Centers -> [email protected]:L ast Chance to Register for NGV Summit 4/14/2010 8:39:46 AM (14403B) Ron Walton -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Weight Certif icate Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/14/2010 2:04:12 PM (8792B) Ron Walton -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Purchase Orde r from Risers International, Inc. 4/15/2010 10:16:11 AM (15609B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: INVENTORY OF 600-01 IN WHSE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 9:00:46 AM (15206B) Ruth Westra -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: [Spam] FW: H artwig, Gregory Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 4:00:17 PM (27859B) Duane H. Filson -> Alvie Busby; Balogun, Shamu sideen; Blake Morgan work; Brent Oman; Brock Hendrickson; Cristian Rivera; David Feigleson; Dwayne Bonin; Eric Bordosky; Eric Bordosky; Frank Potts; Frank Vasqu ez; Fred Jr.; Fred Sr.; Heath Secrist; Josh Flores; Juan Jimenez; Justin Landry; Kelley Lee; Kevin Bordosky; [email protected]; Mike McGinley; Omar Parra; Oscar Cedillo; Phil Pool; Rodney Thompson; [email protected]; Ryan Wei s; Sam Newland; Stephen Winters; Tim Pepper; Tom Engelbert; Will:GO FOR BBALL! 4/26/2010 5:12:01 PM (36998B) John Blackmore -> 'MARION ISERMAN'; Anthony Bu rris; Bill G; Charlie; Dave K.; David B; Big Ed B; Ginger; JimJaz; John S; Kathy J.; Linda K; Pam B; Mary R.; Robert R; Shelly S; Steve Jacobs:FW: TIME FOR GOD 4/26/2010 9:04:46 AM (6217B) Navy Federal Credit Union -> WGOODMAN5@COMCAST. NET:Your Visa Statement is Available for Viewing 4/27/2010 3:25:33 AM (331114B) tiebao song -> [email protected]:Nice to meet you! Converting introduction.doc (324KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): introduction.doc 4/27/2010 8:00:19 AM (6161B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 4/27/2010 12:13:05 PM (33004B) Advanced Dermatology -> [email protected] :Last chance to R.S.V.P.!! Advanced Dermatology Pearland Cosmetic Open House, Ap ril 29th! 4/27/2010 2:35:16 PM (21482B) Gagemaker -> [email protected]:Visit us n ext week at OTC.10! 4/27/2010 3:06:10 PM (239933B) [email protected] -> William Goodman (12819841224):Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (230KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav

4/27/2010 11:41:04 AM (19055B) Fandango FanMail -> [email protected]:Iro n Man 2 tickets on sale now! 4/28/2010 1:12:05 AM (148652B) jessica -> undisclosed-recipients::Re: Better price-steel pipe and fittings Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (30KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (32KB) attachment Converting RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf (33KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_P RICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf 4/28/2010 7:36:37 AM (17064B) YMCA of Greater Houston -> [email protected] et:YMCA Camps for Everyone & Every Interest 4/28/2010 8:05:21 AM (20298B) JUNIOR RANK -> [email protected]:MCDAVID J OINS JUNIOR RANK!!! 4/28/2010 8:00:50 AM (6577B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 4/28/2010 9:14:58 AM (5237B) Stephen Cabral -> Bill Goodman:Out of Office Au toReply: Deepwater Horizon 4/28/2010 9:16:38 AM (3837512B) [email protected] eserver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 4/28/2010 9:30:58 AM (15647B) Fox, Linda -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Deepwater Hor izon Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 10:21:18 AM (1430936B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@ri sersinc.com:Delivery Final Failure Notice Skipping attachment original.eml_1.37_MB.msg because it is a Windows .ms g file 4/28/2010 11:00:13 AM (55719B) RIGZONE -> [email protected]:Oilfield Equ ipment Update 4/28/2010 11:21:44 AM (16433B) John Housholder -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Deepwat er Horizon Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 11:42:35 AM (2580138B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles'; maxg1945@e arthlink.net; Bill Goodman:FW: Noble Atwood Hunter MPD - Mini TJ ID Converting AH_MTJ_Investigation_Rev1.pdf (2556KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): AH_MTJ_Investigation_Rev1.pdf 4/28/2010 12:26:06 PM (37427B) Sheila M. Garcia / Dale Carnegie Training - H ouston -> [email protected]:Personal & Professional Success from Dale Carne gie Houston! 4/28/2010 1:27:27 PM (23538B) Hakala, Brian L (US SSA) -> [email protected] om; Mr Bill:RE: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 1:27:27 PM (24302B) Hakala, Brian L (US SSA) -> [email protected] om; Mr Bill:RE: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 1:36:44 PM (2982B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Repl y] expenses 4/28/2010 3:39:01 PM (29998B) [email protected] -> Hakala, Brian L (US SS A); Mr Bill:Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 3:39:01 PM (30784B) [email protected] -> Hakala, Brian L (US SS A); Mr Bill:Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 3:43:17 PM (23741B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Mr Bill ':RE: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 4:36:22 PM (27438B) Jimmy Botter -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com; 'Mr Bill':Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 4:36:22 PM (26702B) Jimmy Botter -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com; 'Mr Bill':Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 6:40:35 PM (39920B) Classmates.com -> [email protected]:Check

out 1 new profile update in Lamar Consolidated High School. What else is new? 4/28/2010 9:29:25 PM (29520B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 9:29:25 PM (30296B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Thursday ball? 4/29/2010 8:00:26 AM (6370B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 4/29/2010 8:55:35 AM (11011B) iSaveToday -> [email protected]:93324-87G oodman, New Offers Are Now Available! 4/29/2010 11:38:32 AM (5516B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@risersinc .com:Yahoo! Auto Response 4/29/2010 12:42:17 PM (17239B) Laura True -> Darla; [email protected]; Kirby Nelson; Thuy Nquyen:RE: pictures of modules 4/29/2010 2:09:35 PM (21602B) ALLDATA Product Manager -> bgoodman@risersinc. com:WILLIAM, Come Back To ALLDATAdiy.com For Only 14.95 4/29/2010 2:32:40 PM (8861B) Roland Kennedy -> [email protected]:Re: Quote #1491 4/29/2010 3:11:58 PM (13926B) Chase -> [email protected]:Send Checks Fas t With Overnight Check From Chase 4/29/2010 6:02:29 PM (7984B) Walker Chiropractic and Wellness Center -> Good man, William:Appointment Reminder 4/29/2010 12:13:30 PM (18267B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@c omcast.net:New Balance Free Shipping + Save On Gifts For Mom! 4/30/2010 5:53:32 AM (14612B) Roland Kennedy -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #1491 4/30/2010 5:54:17 AM (40132B) Amazon.com -> [email protected]:Amazon Kin dle: Free Two-Day Shipping for Mother's Day 4/30/2010 7:39:53 AM (21194B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 7:39:53 AM (21936B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 7:50:29 AM (29072B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 7:50:29 AM (28334B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:03:35 AM (23238B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:03:35 AM (23990B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:00:40 AM (6932B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 4/30/2010 8:06:33 AM (27340B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:06:33 AM (28134B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:24:07 AM (36422B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:24:07 AM (37178B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:26:36 AM (37832B) [email protected] -> Beyers, Mikel; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:26:36 AM (38602B) [email protected] -> Beyers, Mikel; Jimmy B otter; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:31:52 AM (32389B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:31:52 AM (31633B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:33:54 AM (40407B) Beyers, Mikel -> Jimmy Botter; ethanbryan@gmai l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:33:54 AM (41161B) Beyers, Mikel -> Jimmy Botter; ethanbryan@gmai

l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:33:07 AM (38622B) Jimmy Botter -> Beyers, Mikel; ethanbryan@gmai l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:33:07 AM (39362B) Jimmy Botter -> Beyers, Mikel; ethanbryan@gmai l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:38:20 AM (26314B) Bill Goodman -> Jimmy Botter:Re: Attention Jim my 4/30/2010 8:44:47 AM (26016B) [email protected] -> [email protected] m:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:44:47 AM (26728B) [email protected] -> [email protected] m:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:48:50 AM (28337B) Jimmy Botter -> Bill Goodman:Re: Attention Jim my 4/30/2010 8:48:50 AM (29093B) Jimmy Botter -> Bill Goodman:Re: Attention Jim my 4/30/2010 8:50:07 AM (42542B) Jimmy Botter -> Beyers, Mikel; ethanbryan@gmai l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:50:07 AM (43286B) Jimmy Botter -> Beyers, Mikel; ethanbryan@gmai l.com; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:54:11 AM (40614B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Beyers, Mikel; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:54:11 AM (41380B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Beyers, Mikel; Bill Goodman; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:58:02 AM (46214B) Mr Bill -> Jimmy Botter:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:58:02 AM (45520B) Mr Bill -> Jimmy Botter:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:02:34 AM (48326B) Jimmy Botter -> Mr Bill:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:02:34 AM (49074B) Jimmy Botter -> Mr Bill:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:04:18 AM (46706B) Ethan Bryan -> Jimmy Botter:Re: Attention Jimm y 4/30/2010 9:04:18 AM (45956B) Ethan Bryan -> Jimmy Botter:Re: Attention Jimm y 4/30/2010 9:13:25 AM (41811B) [email protected] -> Mr Bill; Jimmy Botter:Re : Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 8:30:25 AM (13007B) OtterBox -> [email protected]:Coming this Summer: The Defender Series Case For The iPad 4/30/2010 8:45:18 AM (12760B) OtterBox -> [email protected]:Coming this Summer: The Commuter Series Case For The iPad 4/30/2010 9:22:07 AM (56234B) McKinley, Mark (Houston) -> [email protected] ; Mr Bill; Jimmy Botter:RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:22:07 AM (57012B) McKinley, Mark (Houston) -> [email protected] ; Mr Bill; Jimmy Botter:RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:25:56 AM (58830B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; bl [email protected]; 'Mr Bill'; 'Jimmy Botter':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:28:27 AM (62154B) Mr Bill -> Bill Goodman:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:28:27 AM (61446B) Mr Bill -> Bill Goodman:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:31:00 AM (97367B) Fran Sterling -> Lewis Charles; maxg1945@earth link.net; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; Bryan Davis; Aaron Aurthors; Luis Garcia:F w: Fwd: Pilot's eye test Converting image.gif (7KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image.jpg (70KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image.gif, image001.gif, image.jpg 4/30/2010 9:39:04 AM (52987B) [email protected] -> Mr Bill; Bill G oodman:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:26:16 AM (70063B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:36:58 AM (54966B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; bgoodm [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:36:58 AM (54214B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; bgoodm [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy

4/30/2010 10:37:40 AM (54961B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; bgoodm [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:37:40 AM (54237B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; bgoodm [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:57:37 AM (62433B) Bill Goodman -> 'Freddie Fonseca'; mrbill6761 @mac.com; [email protected]:RE: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 11:01:09 AM (67434B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:RE: A ttention Jimmy Converting ATT00071.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00071.gif 4/30/2010 11:12:20 AM (53760B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 11:13:40 AM (56397B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; marcialma [email protected]; 'Mr Bill':Re: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 11:31:07 AM (49818B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:R e: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 11:52:56 AM (82410B) sheb cotter -> Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 11:52:56 AM (81672B) sheb cotter -> Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 1:34:55 PM (207380B) Adam Traweek -> [email protected]:Drayto n McLane @ Scott McLean's-May 18th Converting Invitation.pdf (183KB) attachment Converting Map_to_McLeans_House.pdf (10KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Invitation.pdf, Map_to_McLeans_House.pdf 4/30/2010 2:36:16 PM (85639B) Bill Goodman -> 'sheb cotter'; 'Freddie Fonsec a'; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/30/2010 6:29:41 PM (47012B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 4/30/2010 8:31:10 PM (15353B) JUNIOR RANK -> [email protected]:SEARCHING FOR ALL-AMERICAN RECEIVERS 6TH - 9TH GRADE 4/30/2010 9:07:32 PM (21015B) Apple -> [email protected]:iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G. Available today. 5/1/2010 8:00:27 AM (6116B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New offe rs on steelbay 5/2/2010 9:20:19 AM (41293B) Classmates.com -> [email protected]:Check o ut 1 new profile photo in Lamar Consolidated High School. What else is new? 5/2/2010 8:02:19 PM (19855B) Jimmy Botter -> Tony DiCamillo; Sheb Cotter; Ro yd Graham; Ray Skeen; Phil; Neil Ecton; Mike McDermott; Mike Beyers; Mark McKinl ey; Mark McKinley; Marcial Martinez; Jordan Stevens; Jim Taylor; James Schumache r; Gabe Thornton; Freddie Fonseca; Ethan Bryan; Danny Meyer; Cory; Chuck Laffert y; Charles home Pulliam; Bryan Hakala; Brad; Will Goodman; Bill Freund; Keith An drews; Martin Becerra; D.J. Overman; Kevin Feeney; Nathan Carico; Chris; Cameron Brown; Eric Bordosky; Ramon Hannah; [email protected]; Brent:Monday morni ng 5/2/2010 10:43:20 PM (16700B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice

5/3/2010 8:00:54 AM (6362B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New offe rs on steelbay 5/3/2010 9:36:09 AM (71125B) Sheila M. Garcia / Dale Carnegie Training - Hou ston -> [email protected]:May 2010 - Calendar for Success from Dale Carnegi e Houston 5/3/2010 9:45:16 AM (10460B) TUMBLESON, Jim -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Purchas e Order from Risers International, Inc. 5/3/2010 9:59:27 AM (61070B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/3/2010 10:23:20 AM (8807B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comc ast.net:Comcast Statement Ready for viewing 5/3/2010 3:29:48 PM (3090B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Repl y] FW: Report to Management 5/4/2010 8:00:31 AM (6012B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New offe rs on steelbay 5/4/2010 12:40:05 PM (23914B) Advanced Dermatology -> [email protected]: Fabulous Mother's Day Gift Baskets available at Advanced Dermatology! 5/4/2010 6:08:00 PM (15212B) John Blackmore -> [email protected]:FW: Just One State 5/5/2010 6:41:08 AM (20268B) Jimmy Botter -> Tony DiCamillo; Sheb Cotter; Ro yd Graham; Ray Skeen; Phil; Neil Ecton; Mike McDermott; Mike Beyers; Mark McKinl ey; Mark McKinley; Marcial Martinez; Jordan Stevens; Jim Taylor; James Schumache r; Gabe Thornton; Freddie Fonseca; Ethan Bryan; Danny Meyer; Cory; Chuck Laffert y; Charles home Pulliam; Bryan Hakala; Brad; Will Goodman; Bill Freund; Keith An drews; Martin Becerra; D.J. Overman; Kevin Feeney; Nathan Carico; Chris; Cameron Brown; Eric Bordosky; Ramon Hannah; [email protected]; Brent:gym 5/5/2010 7:35:14 AM (20660B) Bill Goodman -> Jimmy Botter:Re: gym 5/5/2010 7:35:21 AM (14166B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/5/2010 7:35:17 AM (20204B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Tony DiCa millo; Sheb Cotter; Royd Graham; Ray Skeen; Phil; Neil Ecton; Mike McDermott; Mi ke Beyers; Mark McKinley; Mark McKinley; Marcial Martinez; Jordan Stevens; Jim T aylor; James Schumacher; Gabe Thornton; Freddie Fonseca; Danny Meyer; Cory; Chuc k Lafferty; Charles home Pulliam; Bryan Hakala; Brad; Will Goodman; Bill Freund; Keith Andrews; Martin Becerra; D.J. Overman; Kevin Feeney; Nathan Carico; Chris ; Cameron Brown:Thursday 5/5/2010 7:39:24 AM (3134B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto -Reply] Your mail 5/5/2010 7:41:57 AM (19686B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:Re: Thursd ay 5/5/2010 7:48:41 AM (10112B) [email protected] rver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/5/2010 9:04:24 AM (32544B) David Parsons -> Bill Goodman:RE: Paint for the QUARANTINED MODULE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 9:16:12 AM (25126B) Eric Bordosky -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 9:16:12 AM (24564B) Eric Bordosky -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 10:27:30 AM (14535B) Dr. Kim K. Forrest -> [email protected]:O rthodontic EStatement Converting 0811260.PDF (7KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 0811260.PDF 5/5/2010 9:50:57 AM (12291B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodman '; 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Stephanie'; [email protected]; Justin Wes t; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Danny Wilbanks':Out of the offi ce Friday 5/5/2010 10:30:20 AM (11001B) iSaveToday -> [email protected]:93324-87G oodman, New Offers Are Now Available!

5/5/2010 10:25:33 AM (154347B) Pablo Gomez -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Purchase Order #5942 Converting Risers_Int_PO_5942.pdf (142KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Int_PO_5942.pdf 5/5/2010 1:15:52 PM (18870B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:Re: Thursd ay 5/5/2010 1:15:33 PM (21542B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Thursd ay 5/5/2010 1:16:37 PM (9886B) [email protected] .net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/5/2010 1:15:33 PM (22340B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Thursd ay 5/5/2010 3:04:24 PM (11280B) Eric Bordosky -> Bill Goodman:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 3:39:27 PM (30163B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:RE: Thursd ay 5/5/2010 3:40:05 PM (37878B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/5/2010 3:42:08 PM (33209B) Beyers, Mikel -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 3:42:08 PM (33973B) Beyers, Mikel -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 3:47:09 PM (33947B) Beyers, Mikel -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 3:47:09 PM (33217B) Beyers, Mikel -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail .com:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 3:49:27 PM (3046B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Rep ly] GE Oil & Gas 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (44795B) -> Beyers, Mikel; [email protected]:RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:18:21 PM (31444B) Ray Skeen -> Bill Goodman:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 4:18:21 PM (30700B) Ray Skeen -> Bill Goodman:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 4:26:20 PM (38352B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Skeen':RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:26:39 PM (57778B) [email protected] .net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/5/2010 4:37:32 PM (39745B) Chuck Lafferty -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skeen:Re: T hursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:37:32 PM (38987B) Chuck Lafferty -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skeen:Re: T hursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:38:31 PM (42607B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skeen :Re: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:38:31 PM (43383B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skeen :Re: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:43:56 PM (38107B) cory lebouf -> Chuck Lafferty; Bill Goodman; Ra y Skeen:RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:43:56 PM (38881B) cory lebouf -> Chuck Lafferty; Bill Goodman; Ra y Skeen:RE: Thursday

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 5:05:01 PM (10533B) Shipping -> Jody Ballard:75' Riser w/Floatation 8000' Purple S/N 1271929-1 5/5/2010 5:06:10 PM (10533B) Shipping -> Jody Ballard:75' Riser w/Floatation 8000' Purple S/N 1271929-1 5/5/2010 5:39:23 PM (44395B) Ray Skeen -> cory lebouf:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 5:39:23 PM (45139B) Ray Skeen -> cory lebouf:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 7:11:35 PM (45758B) [email protected] -> Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:Re : Thursday 5/5/2010 7:11:35 PM (45002B) [email protected] -> Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:Re : Thursday 5/5/2010 7:35:01 PM (50704B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 7:35:01 PM (51454B) Beyers, Mikel -> [email protected]; Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:RE: Thursday 5/5/2010 8:46:47 PM (52769B) [email protected] -> Beyers, Mikel; Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 10:59:18 PM (59491B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Beyers, Mi kel; Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:Re: Thursday 5/5/2010 10:59:18 PM (60239B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Beyers, Mi kel; Ray Skeen; cory lebouf:Re: Thursday 5/6/2010 12:11:49 AM (41003B) Advanced Dermatology -> [email protected]: May Cosmetic Newsletter from Advanced Dermatology 5/5/2010 8:35:00 PM (23916B) Bill Goodman -> Eric Bordosky:Re: Thursday 5/6/2010 1:46:24 AM (23964B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/6/2010 3:42:05 AM (148646B) jessica -> undisclosed-recipients::Fwd: Better price-steel pipe and fittings Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (30KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (32KB) attachment Converting RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf (33KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_P RICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf 5/6/2010 4:00:58 AM (148632B) jessica -> undisclosed-recipients::Fwd: Better price-steel pipe and fittings Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (21KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (30KB) attachment Converting CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls (32KB) attachment Converting RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf (33KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CS_ELBOW_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_ELBOW_SCH80_FOB_P RICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH40_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, CS_TEE_SCH80_FOB_PRICE_LIST.xls, RUILONGERW_PIPE_FOB_PRICE_LIST.pdf 5/6/2010 9:41:58 AM (51845B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Skeen'; 'cory lebouf':RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 9:48:59 AM (92522B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/6/2010 11:17:24 AM (14076B) Suzanne -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Orthodontic ESta tement 5/6/2010 11:53:54 AM (45060B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skee n:Re: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 11:53:54 AM (45820B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Ray Skee

n:Re: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 2:50:26 PM (3302B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto -Reply] Justin West Inspectors Eye Examination 5/6/2010 4:21:06 PM (17478B) Kayak Registration -> [email protected]:Wel come to Kayak, Travel Just Got Simpler 5/6/2010 11:22:33 AM (17899B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@co mcast.net:New Balance Final Days! Free Shipping + Save on Gifts for Mom! 5/7/2010 8:00:28 AM (5990B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New offe rs on steelbay 5/7/2010 8:36:52 AM (41957B) Troy Wade -> [email protected]:In the area Converting image001.png (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.png 5/7/2010 11:33:26 AM (20200B) [email protected] -> Jimmy Botter; Tony DiC amillo; Sheb Cotter; Royd Graham; Ray Skeen; Phil; Neil Ecton; Mike McDermott; M ike Beyers; Mark McKinley; Mark McKinley; Marcial Martinez; Jordan Stevens; Jim Taylor; James Schumacher; Gabe Thornton; Freddie Fonseca; Danny Meyer; Cory; Chu ck Lafferty; Charles home Pulliam; Bryan Hakala; Brad; Will Goodman; Bill Freund ; Keith Andrews; Martin Becerra; D.J. Overman; Kevin Feeney; Nathan Carico; Chri s; Cameron Brown:Saturday 5/7/2010 11:40:53 AM (23726B) Mike McDermott -> [email protected]; Jimmy Botter; Tony DiCamillo; Sheb Cotter; Royd Graham; Ray Skeen; Phil; Neil Ecton; M ike Beyers; Mark McKinley; Mark McKinley; Marcial Martinez; Jordan Stevens; Jim Taylor; James Schumacher; Gabe Thornton; Freddie Fonseca; Danny Meyer; Cory; Chu ck Lafferty; Charles home Pulliam; Bryan Hakala; Brad; Will Goodman; Bill Freund ; Keith Andrews; Martin Becerra; D.J. Overman; Kevin Feeney; Nathan Carico; Chri s; Cameron Brown:RE: Saturday 5/7/2010 11:39:25 AM (18954B) Mr Bill -> [email protected]:Re: Saturday 5/7/2010 1:19:57 PM (27571B) [email protected] -> Freddie Fonseca; blyoni [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Saturday 5/7/2010 1:31:12 PM (174093B) John Blackmore -> Alan H; Andrea C.; Anthony B urris; Barry C.; Bill G; Bill S.; Camille; Charlie; cheryl rivers; ciana; claren ce; Craig H.; Dave K.; David B; Big Ed B; Edward K.; Eric R; Ginger; gordy; JimJ az; John S; John Vinton; Julie F.; Kathy J.; Kris; Kurt Kimball; Lori E.; Mary R .; Cashew; MAUREEN P; Michelle; Michelle V; Pam B; Paul DePas; Rebecca; Robert R ; Robert W; Scott R; Shelly S:AUSTRALIA - SECOND TIME HE HAS DONE THIS Converting 1.3923701484 (87KB) attachment Converting 2.3923701484 (41KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 1.3923701484, 2.3923701484 5/7/2010 3:01:09 PM (42921B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Sat urday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:05:56 PM (46853B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Sat urday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:05:56 PM (47573B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Sat urday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:10:57 PM (16264B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@ risersinc.com:7050 T7451 Al Plate Special, USA material with MTR 5/7/2010 3:10:21 PM (47323B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:NO BALL SATURDAY Re: Saturday

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:10:21 PM (46579B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:NO BALL SATURDAY Re: Saturday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:17:39 PM (39016B) Bill Goodman -> 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninvest@ cs.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Sat urday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:18:09 PM (57062B) [email protected] .net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/7/2010 3:19:29 PM (14480B) Eric Bordosky -> Rodney Thompson:Re: Next Softb all season 5/7/2010 11:25:37 PM (54084B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58@ya hoo.com:Re: NO BALL SATURDAY Re: Saturday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 11:25:37 PM (53340B) Jimmy Botter -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58@ya hoo.com:Re: NO BALL SATURDAY Re: Saturday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/8/2010 6:58:56 AM (60957B) Amazon.com -> [email protected]:william Goo dman: 3D at Amazon.com 5/8/2010 8:00:53 AM (6514B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New offe rs on steelbay 5/8/2010 9:11:56 AM (44980B) Classmates.com -> [email protected]:Did you cross paths with 2 people in your guestbook? 5/8/2010 9:01:58 AM (18024B) YMCA of Greater Houston -> [email protected] t:Y Rewards - Hoop it Up 5/8/2010 10:35:04 AM (12810B) Lewis Charles -> Justin Bussey:Re: Quote #1496 5/9/2010 6:13:22 AM (875267B) Richard -> [email protected]:Stainless St eel Pipe Price in May. Converting Company_Profile_Production_Range.pdf (681KB) attachment Converting Price_List_in_May_2010.pdf (174KB) attachment Converting RichardNameCard.vcf (5KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Company_Profile_Production_Range.pdf, Price_List_in_May _2010.pdf, RichardNameCard.vcf 5/9/2010 10:01:03 AM (151903B) nla inc -> [email protected]; petertu [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; pjackso [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raineycrichardson@kat yisd.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ram [email protected]; [email protected]; raquelarriaga100@aol. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rebecca-b9t3ai75m17@checkout .google.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rg [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rhondaward@katyis d.org; [email protected]; [email protected] gle.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ricksukolics@yah oo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rlmrc [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; robertjinks@katyisd. org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; roneh [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ross [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rowecceb@sbcglobal. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rrsmall

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rtho [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sabrinajones @katyisd.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; scarrasco3@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; scotty4x@ aol.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; seghoyt@yaho o.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; se [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; shelley-bosdu253h4n@checkou t.google.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; shimmel@consoli dated.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; sianan [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; smatt [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; smschlicher@comcast .net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; spetsalis@c omcast.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sranda [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ss [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ste [email protected]; [email protected]; stephensje@sbcgloba l.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sue-bkble4s41lv@checkout. google.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; swhatley5@comca st.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tamimc [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tanncyrau@katyi sd.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tbuchanan@corn erstonedocuments.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; tedei@comca st.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; the [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ther [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Tim-btt4dtm [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; timzeller@ gmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tntrealtor@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; topnotchb [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; toyamctizic@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; trips9319 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; txgarveys@ear thlink.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ungaropm@a ol.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; v [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; vneal2 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; westfireman@yahoo .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Wil [email protected]; [email protected]; williamljacks [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; yolanda.santamaria@ akersolutions.com; [email protected]; perez monica; Perez, Vickie; perry sellers; peterson, jodi; phil garr; powell jillane; priest, jimmy; pytel, misty; quismun da aanderud; r chast; ramirez luis; rayanne baxter; Rayo, leidy; Rebecca Ramirez ; reid, heather; renee adams; renee greer; reyes, spring; rhonda miller; richard rake; Richard Yohr; rick andrew; rick bronstein; rita m white; rob coffey; Rob W. Adams; robert gaza; robert mata; robert mata; Robin Mann; robles; rodney cham blee; rodney clemons; Rollins, Jay L; rp; ruiz; s malkarnekar; s zeigle; salazar , patricia; salno; santamaria; Santo Salvo, John T (HOU); scarlett botkin; scott susan harris; serena russ; sgdeleon; shannon birchman; shannon melton; shannon s gongora; shanshan3 2000; Sharon Ratliff; sheffer, shelley; sherre vacek; shume lle taylor; sjauntele lau; smith; sonya outland; stacy thompson; stan chapman; S tan hanaoka; Stefanie Guarisco; steffen jones; stephanie borowski; Steve & Jayne Jackson; steve m park; steve mueller; Sue Samoff; Sukolics, Rick; susan burden;

susan garza; Susan Gonzalez; susan jackson; susan saldivar; svenster 4; T; Tacy Wald; tamika deese; taylor, steven; terence r davis; terri l bellow; terry brid geman; thane twiggs; The Bakers; The Parkers; Tiffany Bryant; tim maystrik; timb erly manuel; timothy chesser; tish sotello; tom yelich; Tremiane Dorsey; Troy We lls; Ursula Small; vicki henley; vicki hosack; vivian wilson; waldberg; Walsh Bo b; walter, candy; wendy ostera; william goodman; william s fales; william whitma n; wilson; winston cardenas; wise; Wood Jeff; wright; yaopoing gu; yasmin; yasmi ne leal; yvette dillon2000; Zeine Saidi; zoe burns; zory ruiz; zoyla hernandez:N LA May Update 5/9/2010 2:02:36 PM (159625B) John Blackmore -> Alan H; Ann M.; Anthony Burr is; Bare; Bill G; Bill S.; Camille H.; Charlie; ciana; clarence; Craig H.; Dave K.; David B; DT WILSON; Edward K.; Ginger; gordy; James; JimJaz; jimmac; John S; Kurt Kimball; Lori E.; MARION I.; Mary R.; Cashew; Michelle; Mike & Vonnie; Pam B; Robert R; Robert W; Scott R; steve s.:Yard sign Converting image001.jpg (138KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/9/2010 5:11:48 PM (29162B) Rodney Thompson -> [email protected]; brian [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jjordan @web.aliefisd.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; bstewart@fbcka ty.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; d [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky @cenergyintl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; douglas.e.moore@gm ail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rodandchr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.towse @mustangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; kerry.parker@bwpm lp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kara [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tikibaydj@yah oo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.bord [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; danny.cook@supe riorenergy.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ericbord [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mike.so [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Softball - Monday May 10th 5/9/2010 5:14:36 PM (21654B) [email protected] -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@p achouston.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; mbannatyne@bp op.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; Dave Marhofer; davidklingler@ mac.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rnbkt@ juno.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; nickd [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Softball - Mo nday May 10th 5/9/2010 5:24:46 PM (32038B) Parker, Kerry -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1320@hot mail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@pachoust on.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.marhofer@ mustangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willingham@mu stangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dou [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; pilotcarter@gmail .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellacou [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@en touch.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raymon [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mban

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; j [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kdea [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Softball - Monday May 10th 5/9/2010 5:36:25 PM (30806B) James Willingham -> [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bstewa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.marhofer@mustang eng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willingham@mustangen g.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; douglas.e. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; k [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; newla [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ryan@nscontrol s.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; garywarden@consolidat ed.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bmilner@consol idated.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; wbrown @fbckaty.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; thaddi [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dhfils [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; brian@ ashfordglass.com; [email protected]:RE: Softball - Monday May 10th 5/10/2010 7:39:40 AM (36824B) Ryan Hawk -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1320@hotmai l.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@pachouston. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bs [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.marhofer@mus tangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willingham@musta ngeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; e [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dougla [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; n [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellaco [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@e ntouch.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raymo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mba [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kde [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Softball - Monday May 10th 5/10/2010 8:01:13 AM (6025B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 5/10/2010 8:01:27 AM (35756B) Jason S. Smith -> 'Rodney Thompson'; jaymz1320 @hotmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] isd.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bg [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; davidklin [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dley5@yahoo .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky@cenergyin tl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; r [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.snodgrass@bwp mlp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellacou [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@en touch.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raymon [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mban [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; j [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kdea [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Softball - Monday May 10th

5/10/2010 8:56:44 AM (38989B) Manuel Bannatyne -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1320 @hotmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@pach ouston.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bstewart@fbckaty .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; d [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dle [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky@c energyintl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; douglas.e.moore@gmai l.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.snodg [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; newland.sam@gma il.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dan [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ts [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ejent@fb ckaty.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; thaddicus@hotmai l.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; brian@ashfordgla ss.com; [email protected]:RE: Softball - Monday May 10th 5/10/2010 8:59:53 AM (20096B) Duane H. Filson -> Alvie Busby; Balogun, Shamu sideen; Blake Morgan work; Brent Oman; Brock Hendrickson; Cristian Rivera; David Feigleson; Dwayne Bonin; Eric Bordosky; Eric Bordosky; Frank Potts; Frank Vasqu ez; Fred Jr.; Fred Sr.; Garrett Cone; Heath Secrist; Josh Flores; Juan Jimenez; Justin Landry; Kelley Lee; Kevin Bordosky; [email protected]; Mike McGinley ; Omar Parra; Oscar Cedillo; Phil Pool; Rodney Thompson; Ryan.Fehrenbacher@gmail .com; Ryan Weis; Sam Newland; Stephen Winters; Tim Pepper; Tom Engelbert; Will:B Ball tonight 5/10/2010 9:16:48 AM (21600B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Tuesda y ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:16:48 AM (22408B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Tuesda y ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:31:03 AM (21720B) Cameron Brown -> [email protected]:Re: Tues day ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:31:03 AM (22410B) Cameron Brown -> [email protected]:Re: Tues day ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:30:54 AM (23921B) [email protected] -> Cameron Brown:Re: Tues day ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:30:54 AM (24701B) [email protected] -> Cameron Brown:Re: Tues day ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:32:50 AM (24086B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Freddie Fonseca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tu esday ball!?! 5/10/2010 9:33:08 AM (11572B) [email protected] r.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/10/2010 10:41:08 AM (30196B) Eric Bordosky -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gma il.com; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58@ya hoo.com:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 10:41:08 AM (30894B) Eric Bordosky -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gma il.com; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58@ya hoo.com:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 10:57:35 AM (31799B) Neil Ecton -> Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; et [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; bre [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 10:57:35 AM (32497B) Neil Ecton -> Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; et [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; bre [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 11:58:22 AM (16851B) Ruth Westra -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: [Spam] FW: Hartwig, Gregory Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/10/2010 2:28:43 PM (36129B) sheb cotter -> Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; mrbill6761@ mac.com; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 2:28:43 PM (36889B) sheb cotter -> Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; mrbill6761@ mac.com; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 2:29:03 PM (38548B) [email protected] -> sheb cotter; Neil Ecto n; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; mrbill6761@ mac.com; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 2:29:03 PM (39290B) [email protected] -> sheb cotter; Neil Ecto n; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; mrbill6761@ mac.com; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 3:22:53 PM (9689B) Beachbody Shipping -> [email protected]:You r Order Is On Its Way! 5/10/2010 4:05:01 PM (31635B) cory lebouf -> sheb cotter; Neil Ecton; Eric B ordosky; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 4:05:01 PM (32435B) cory lebouf -> sheb cotter; Neil Ecton; Eric B ordosky; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 10:00:28 PM (14835B) TradeKey.com -> [email protected]:[Quota tion] TO: Bill; Supply steel pipes from vast link 5/10/2010 11:04:23 PM (7718B) [email protected] -> Bill G oodman:LinkedIn Messages, 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 11:19:34 PM (31516B) Rodney Thompson -> Randy White; jadams@fbckat y.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jasonsmith@consolidated. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; txscalf@yahoo .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tif [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; richba [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; nickd [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellacount@da ns-place.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@entouch .net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ro [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raymond.j.m [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mbannatyn [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jake.p [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kdeady@gm ail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terry [email protected]:Softball results from Monday night 5/11/2010 8:00:59 AM (6180B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 5/11/2010 9:58:47 AM (40959B) Bronson Stewart -> 'Rodney Thompson'; 'Randy W hite'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jaso [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; colema [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; j [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tiffa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; richbarr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.to [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kerry.parker@b wpmlp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; k [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tikibaydj@ yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.b

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; danny.cook@s uperiorenergy.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ericb [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mike [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Softball r esults from Monday night (How I remember it) 5/11/2010 9:59:38 AM (28903B) CLEAR -> [email protected]:Welcome to CLEA R! 5/11/2010 10:04:46 AM (22464B) [email protected] -> cory lebouf; sheb cot ter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]:Need boxes for moving 5/11/2010 10:04:46 AM (21674B) [email protected] -> cory lebouf; sheb cot ter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]:Need boxes for moving 5/11/2010 10:32:23 AM (46214B) Jason S. Smith -> 'Bronson Stewart'; 'Rodney Thompson'; 'Randy White'; [email protected]; [email protected]; brianclark4 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; colemanphilley@g mail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.m [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willi [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tiffani_aswad@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; richbarroso@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; pilotcart [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.towse@mustan geng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; garywa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; karaoke_out [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.bordosky@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; danny.cook@superiorene rgy.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ericbordosky@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mike.south@sjm ctx.com; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Softball results fro m Monday night (How I remember it) 5/11/2010 1:18:55 PM (48777B) Parker, Kerry -> Jason S. Smith; Bronson Stewa rt; Rodney Thompson; Randy White; [email protected]; [email protected]; bri [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; colemanp [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jam [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tiffani [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; richbarros [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p [email protected]; Snodgrass, Kevin; [email protected]; phillip.towse@mustange ng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; danie [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsis [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ejent@fbck aty.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; thaddicus@hotmail. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; brian@ashfordglass .com; [email protected]:RE: Softball results from Monday night (How I remem ber it) 5/11/2010 1:31:38 PM (277133B) Hakala, Brian L (US SSA) -> ethanbryan@gmail. com; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Baseball Fund Raiser Converting brisket_flyer_katie.ppt (253KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): brisket_flyer_katie.ppt 5/11/2010 1:31:38 PM (276357B) Hakala, Brian L (US SSA) -> ethanbryan@gmail. com; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Baseball

Fund Raiser Converting brisket_flyer_katie.ppt (253KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): brisket_flyer_katie.ppt 5/11/2010 3:01:32 PM (9889B) Clear -> [email protected]:Your Clear email address 5/11/2010 3:02:17 PM (9664B) Clear -> [email protected]:Your Clear email address 5/11/2010 3:15:09 PM (41505B) Bill Goodman -> 'cory lebouf'; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; [email protected]; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninv [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:18:00 PM (45230B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'cory le bouf'; 'sheb cotter'; Neil Ecton; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninves [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:18:00 PM (46040B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'cory le bouf'; 'sheb cotter'; Neil Ecton; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninves [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:15:28 PM (66598B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/11/2010 3:15:33 PM (8313B) [email protected] -> [email protected] :Out of Office AutoReply: Tuesday ball!?! 5/11/2010 3:33:34 PM (46859B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; 'cory lebouf'; ' sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; [email protected]; 'Freddie Fons eca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 3:33:34 PM (46139B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; 'cory lebouf'; ' sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; [email protected]; 'Freddie Fons eca'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 3:37:29 PM (87994B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/11/2010 3:29:37 PM (49727B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'cory le bouf'; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninv [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 3:41:22 PM (79876B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/11/2010 4:23:28 PM (48453B) cory lebouf -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail. com; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninves [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 4:23:28 PM (49237B) cory lebouf -> Bill Goodman; ethanbryan@gmail. com; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; blyoninves [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment

Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 5:04:23 PM (60259B) RIGZONE -> [email protected]:Oilfield Equi pment Update 5/11/2010 5:05:31 PM (63004B) John Blackmore -> Ann M.; Anthony Burris; Andr ea C.; Bill G; Charlie; clarence; Craig H.; Dave K.; David B; Big Ed B; Jerry Hi att ; JimJaz; jimmac; John S; John Vinton; Julie F.; Kurt Kimball; Lori E.; Mary R.; Cashew; MAUREEN P.; Mike & Vonnie; Rich Durphy; Robert R; Robert W; Scott R ; steve s.; Trish A.:FW: Math Quiz Converting CopyofMathsproblemsolved31.xls (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CopyofMathsproblemsolved31.xls 5/12/2010 8:00:24 AM (6129B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 5/12/2010 10:18:16 AM (22294B) [email protected] -> cory lebouf; sheb cot ter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]:Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 10:18:16 AM (21518B) [email protected] -> cory lebouf; sheb cot ter; Neil Ecton; Eric Bordosky; Bill Goodman; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]:Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 10:29:43 AM (31110B) sam newland -> Rodney Thompson:Re: New Basket ball League this Summer 5/12/2010 10:28:32 AM (37318B) Cook, Danny -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1320@hot mail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@pachoust on.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.marhofer@ mustangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willingham@mu stangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dou [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; pilotcarter@gmail .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ryan@ns controls.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; garywarden@con solidated.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; karaoke_outlaw@hotm ail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bmilner @consolidated.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jake.pe [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kdeady@gma il.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terry. [email protected]:RE: New Basketball League this Summer 5/12/2010 10:30:41 AM (35872B) [email protected] ver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/12/2010 10:32:03 AM (36431B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Tues day ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/12/2010 10:40:47 AM (37278B) Ryan Hawk -> Rodney Thompson; jaymz1320@hotma il.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jgonce@pachouston .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; b [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dave.marhofer@mu stangeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; james.willingham@must angeng.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dougl [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellac [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@ entouch.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; ejent@fbckaty. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raym [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mb

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kd [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]:RE: New Basketball League this Summer 5/12/2010 11:29:40 AM (8644B) MyAlbumPics.com -> [email protected]:Rock ets Fan Photo Clearance 5/12/2010 2:23:32 PM (23151B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; coryl [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky@c energyintl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 2:23:32 PM (22409B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; coryl [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky@c energyintl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 2:24:27 PM (26820B) [email protected] -> Freddie Fonseca; coryl [email protected]; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58 @yahoo.com:Re: Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 2:24:27 PM (26030B) [email protected] -> Freddie Fonseca; coryl [email protected]; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; brent_oman58 @yahoo.com:Re: Thursday ball anyone? 5/12/2010 2:33:14 PM (27290B) sheb cotter -> [email protected]; Freddie F onseca; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected]; bgood [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m:Brave, brave Sir Robin! 5/12/2010 2:33:14 PM (28054B) sheb cotter -> [email protected]; Freddie F onseca; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected]; bgood [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m:Brave, brave Sir Robin! 5/12/2010 3:26:19 PM (29486B) [email protected] -> sheb cotter; Freddie F onseca; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected]; bgood [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m:Re: Thursday ball 5/12/2010 3:26:19 PM (30274B) [email protected] -> sheb cotter; Freddie F onseca; [email protected]; Neil Ecton; [email protected]; bgood [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m:Re: Thursday ball 5/12/2010 4:15:21 PM (38560B) Jason S. Smith -> 'Rodney Thompson'; jaymz1320 @hotmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] isd.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bg [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; davidklin [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dley5@yahoo .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordosky@cenergyin tl.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; r [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.snodgrass@bwp mlp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; daniellacou [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tsissom@en touch.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raymon [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mban [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; j [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kdea [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: New Basketball League this Summer 5/12/2010 4:25:24 PM (115218B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinterna tional.com:Quote #1497 Converting Est1497fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): Est1497fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/12/2010 5:28:46 PM (62308B) Bill Goodman -> Jimmy Botter:Re: NO BALL SATUR DAY Re: Saturday 5/12/2010 5:30:10 PM (51448B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: NO BA LL SATURDAY Re: Saturday 5/13/2010 8:01:08 AM (6421B) steelbay GmbH -> [email protected]:New off ers on steelbay 5/13/2010 2:02:26 PM (15474B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Stephanie'; terib@risersinc. com; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]; 'Engineering'; [email protected] m; Shipping; 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Ardy'; 'Danny Wilbanks'; Justin We st:Out of office 5/13/2010 2:24:39 PM (21727B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Bill Goodman ':Visitation With My Daughter Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (17706B) -> Maj Bassey; Ray Dunn; Wil Kennedy:RE: Fr ontier-Driller/ #k & 5K Spare Modules/ With the required Kevalr Straps 5/13/2010 5:20:23 PM (14760B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles'; Justin West; [email protected]; Engineering:Riser Assembly and Quality Con trol 5/13/2010 7:38:23 PM (42162B) Classmates.com -> [email protected]:Check out 1 new profile update in Lamar Consolidated High School. What else is new? 5/13/2010 4:04:46 PM (19614B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@co mcast.net:New Balance 1 Week Only! 10% Off + Free Shipping! 5/14/2010 5:53:53 AM (3284B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-R eply] Fwd: Bully Module Short Shipped Tensioner Bars 5/14/2010 8:23:08 AM (90004B) [email protected] erver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/14/2010 9:11:57 AM (15007B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Riser Assembl y and Quality Control 5/14/2010 10:39:45 AM (8063B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Lunch 5/14/2010 1:58:41 PM (21742B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'cory le bouf'; 'sheb cotter'; [email protected]; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca' ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:04:05 PM (26452B) Mike McDermott -> [email protected]; Bill G oodman; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; [email protected]; Eric Bordosky; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Sat urday ball 5/14/2010 2:01:41 PM (26185B) McKinley, Mark (Houston) -> [email protected] om; Bill Goodman; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; [email protected]; Eric Bordosk y; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om:RE: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:04:05 PM (27178B) Mike McDermott -> [email protected]; Bill G oodman; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; [email protected]; Eric Bordosky; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Sat urday ball 5/14/2010 2:02:18 PM (22538B) Mr Bill -> [email protected]:Re: Saturday b all 5/14/2010 2:02:18 PM (23286B) Mr Bill -> [email protected]:Re: Saturday b all 5/14/2010 2:01:41 PM (26925B) McKinley, Mark (Houston) -> [email protected] om; Bill Goodman; cory lebouf; sheb cotter; [email protected]; Eric Bordosk y; Freddie Fonseca; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om:RE: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:04:37 PM (23179B) Nathan Carico -> [email protected]:Re: Satu rday ball 5/14/2010 2:04:37 PM (23939B) Nathan Carico -> [email protected]:Re: Satu rday ball 5/14/2010 2:06:47 PM (28186B) Eric Bordosky -> Nathan Carico; ethanbryan@gma

il.com:RE: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:06:47 PM (28870B) Eric Bordosky -> Nathan Carico; ethanbryan@gma il.com:RE: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:08:09 PM (22879B) Bill Goodman -> Mr Bill:Re: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:08:06 PM (25136B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Mr Bill: Re: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:08:06 PM (25930B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Mr Bill: Re: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:34:37 PM (29309B) [email protected] -> ethanbryan; Bill Go odman; Mr Bill:Re: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:34:37 PM (28611B) [email protected] -> ethanbryan; Bill Go odman; Mr Bill:Re: Saturday ball 5/14/2010 2:34:01 PM (25024B) [email protected] -> Nathan Carico:Re: Satu rday ball 5/14/2010 2:34:01 PM (25772B) [email protected] -> Nathan Carico:Re: Satu rday ball 5/14/2010 3:10:19 PM (7827B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman: *** READING 279 message(s) in mail folder 'Inbox' at 5/16/2010 10:37:42 AM: 6/2/2009 8:02:18 AM (98641B) Dennis Davis -> [email protected]:Quote fo r Annual Inspections Converting 2009_Annual_OSHA_Inspection_and_PMs.doc (92KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2009_Annual_OSHA_Inspection_and_PMs.doc 6/7/2009 11:27:22 AM (58192B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Bill Go odman; [email protected]:Emailing: Chicken and Avocado Crepes Recipe Re cipezaar Converting logo.gif (7KB) attachment Converting closex.gif (0KB) attachment Converting rss.gif (1KB) attachment Converting 0.dat (0KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): logo.gif, closex.gif, rss.gif, 0.dat 6/16/2009 11:32:59 AM (810103B) Rick Sibbet -> [email protected]:Taylor Forklift Operational Maintenance Converting Risers_International_OM.pdf (589KB) attachment Converting creditappbe035.pdf (214KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_International_OM.pdf, creditappbe035.pdf 6/18/2009 12:40:33 PM (13396B) [email protected] -> wgoodman [email protected]:Payment Confirmation - Acct. Number Ending 5903 6/23/2009 4:05:53 PM (11183B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcast .net:Amazon.com Password Assistance 6/25/2009 8:55:34 AM (10666B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@c omcast.net:You have updated a biller in CompassPC Bill Pay 6/30/2009 8:07:01 AM (16706B) Ms.Wu -> [email protected]:Re: an inquiry and valuable opportunity. Tianjin JiangHailong Steel Co.,Ltd. 6/30/2009 8:29:23 AM (9730B) Rexanne East -> William.Goodman@cincoranchconne cts.com:Independence Day Celebration in Cinco Ranch 6/30/2009 11:23:10 AM (81845B) Hanks, Mike W. -> [email protected]:RE: RIS ER SPIDER Converting image001.gif (55KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 6/30/2009 1:24:07 PM (5477B) CA User -> [email protected]:Password Reset 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (7878B) [email protected] -> BGOODMAN@RISERS INC.COM:One-Call Response - SerialNumber: 091812921 DigDate: 7/2/2009 1:30:00 PM 7/6/2009 11:30:12 AM (616928B) Nate Nelson -> [email protected]:RBS Quo te: Fiberglass Shop Converting Fiberglass_shop.pdf (608KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Fiberglass_shop.pdf 7/8/2009 9:59:21 AM (59444B) Michael Lugo -> Bill Goodman; Nina Lamarche; Bo ris Kos; Mark Mascarenhas:RE: Aux. Lines

Skipping attachment PO_7035069_27.3_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 7/9/2009 9:44:40 AM (7948B) Nate Nelson -> Bill Goodman:RE: Steel Price Incr ease July 15th 2009 7/9/2009 9:04:27 PM (2617772B) Richard -> [email protected]; Sahmil; Robby Robe rson; Ricci Null; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce; Marilyn Munoz; larry topham; J ames Thompson; ED Richardson; Dylan SAuce; David Blanco; [email protected]; Crai g deSteiguer; Bordelon, Bryan; Bobby Blanco; [email protected]; Bill Goo dman:Fw: FW: HUpp Converting wosinddiePommes.mpg (2600KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): wosinddiePommes.mpg 7/10/2009 10:39:12 AM (120743B) [email protected] -> [email protected] :buoyancy information Converting KS_Series.pdf (114KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): KS_Series.pdf 7/16/2009 1:46:07 PM (13514B) Clinton Wood -> 'Bill Goodman'; csonnenb@casco rp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: Fork Repla cements 7/21/2009 11:45:44 AM (12391B) Briggs Equipment -> [email protected]:BE -Fleet Speedshield Demo Promotion 7/24/2009 9:02:33 AM (91803B) Josh Lamson -> [email protected]:FW: Fron tier-Phoenix Extra Riser 11 Joints Converting 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls 7/27/2009 5:43:17 PM (11431B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcas t.net:CSCCredit.com Registration Confirmation 7/27/2009 5:49:15 PM (8496B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcast .net:Your CSCCredit.com Account Information 7/28/2009 1:15:27 AM (16296B) Taylor, Alice -> Bill Goodman:RE: Australian b ack taxes [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] 7/29/2009 7:01:19 PM (2311594B) Richard -> Wayne Thompson; [email protected]; S ahmil; Robby Roberson; Ricci Null; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce; Marilyn Munoz ; Lisa; James Thompson; ED Richardson; Dylan SAuce; David Blanco; ctboteler@aol. com; Craig deSteiguer; Bordelon, Bryan; Bobby Blanco; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: Where did I park my dozer? Converting WheresMyBulldozer.pps (2264KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): WheresMyBulldozer.pps 7/31/2009 8:57:41 PM (16297B) Richard -> Wayne Thompson; [email protected]; Rob by Roberson; Ricci Null; [email protected]; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce ; Murray; Marilyn Munoz; larry topham; James Thompson; Gerald Scoggins; ED Richa rdson; Dylan SAuce; deSteiguer, Craig (Argonauta); David Blanco; [email protected] om; Craig deSteiguer; Bordelon, Bryan; Bobby Blanco; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: Free American Health Care NOW! 7/31/2009 9:01:51 PM (168928B) Richard -> Wayne Thompson; [email protected]; Sa hmil; Robby Roberson; [email protected]; [email protected]; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce; Marilyn Munoz; Lisa; ED Richardson; Dylan SAuce; David Blanco; [email protected]; Craig deSteiguer; Bordelon, Bryan; Bobby Blanc o; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: Still Want a Smart Car? Converting image001.jpg (51KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (86KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 8/1/2009 8:31:23 PM (29432B) Richard -> Wayne Thompson; [email protected]; Robb y Roberson; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce; Marilyn Munoz; James Thompson; ED Ri chardson; Dylan SAuce; David Blanco; [email protected]; Craig deSteiguer; Bordel on, Bryan; Bobby Blanco; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: Ordering a Pizza / A View into the Future 8/1/2009 8:43:06 PM (18908B) Richard -> Wayne Thompson; [email protected]; Robb y Roberson; Ricci Null; [email protected]; nick WJP the 3rd; Nick W Sauce; Marilyn Munoz; larry topham; James Thompson; ED Richardson; Dylan SAuce; David Blanco; [email protected]; Craig deSteiguer; Bordelon, Bryan; Bobby Blanco; bill

[email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: The "White Folks Are Going To Riot"... 8/4/2009 12:01:09 PM (35352B) Deisy Alvarenga -> Bill Goodman; [email protected] om:RE: PO 8/7/2009 3:14:34 PM (7506B) Deisy Alvarenga -> Bill Goodman:PO# 4730 riser b olts qty 338pcs 8/7/2009 5:22:22 PM (22252B) MobileMe -> batts1999:Get set up and start enjo ying MobileMe today. 8/11/2009 1:16:35 PM (9821B) Rexanne East -> William.Goodman@cincoranchconne cts.com:Green Thumb Seminars in Cinco Ranch 8/19/2009 9:57:16 AM (19800B) Javier Montoya -> [email protected]:Today Only GPS Tracking Special 8/20/2009 8:33:51 AM (21440B) [email protected] -> pfrossard@pet robras-usa.com:RE: Quote #1379 2002757706 - Riser Converting graycol.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ecblank.gif (0KB) attachment Converting doclink.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): graycol.gif, ecblank.gif, doclink.gif 8/20/2009 5:09:33 PM (9662B) Clinton Wood -> 'Bill Goodman':forks 8/20/2009 8:26:21 PM (29941B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:Fwd: Confidentiality Agreement Converting image.png (2KB) attachment Converting ATT00021.htm (1KB) attachment Converting ConfidentialityAgreement.rtf (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00024.htm (0KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image.png, ATT00021.htm, ConfidentialityAgreement.rtf, ATT00024.htm 8/21/2009 10:43:26 AM (1488878B) Bill -> Bill; Chaz; Max; Charles; fnisenboi [email protected]: Converting 20090821114325725.pdf (1480KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20090821114325725.pdf 8/21/2009 10:46:35 AM (1517543B) Bill -> Bill; Chaz; Max; Charles; fnisenboi [email protected]: Converting lOI21August2009RISERSINT.pdf (1508KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): lOI21August2009RISERSINT.pdf 8/24/2009 5:46:16 AM (152861B) [email protected] -> Max Goodman; Bil Goodman; Jerry Brossard:RI - transaction information Converting Calendar_of_events_Risers_International.xls (19KB) attachment Converting Contact_List__Risers_International.xls (27KB) attachment Converting RI_Confidentiality_Agreement__08.22.09.doc (96KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Calendar_of_events_Risers_International.xls, Contact_Li st__Risers_International.xls, RI_Confidentiality_Agreement__08.22.09.doc 8/25/2009 2:19:51 PM (24527B) [email protected] -> pfrossard@pet robras-usa.com:RE: Quote #1379 2002757706 - Riser Converting graycol.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ecblank.gif (0KB) attachment Converting doclink.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): graycol.gif, ecblank.gif, doclink.gif 9/1/2009 10:56:33 AM (16854B) Jesse Ramon -> 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]: RE: Risers International 9/2/2009 11:44:42 AM (6345B) Deisy Alvarenga -> Bill Goodman:PO# 4974 9/3/2009 2:40:38 PM (6218B) Brian Goodney -> [email protected]:BCO RIGS 9/3/2009 4:57:14 PM (11441B) Deisy Alvarenga -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO# 4974 9/3/2009 5:24:45 PM (19253B) Charles Davis -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: PARTS 9/3/2009 8:23:52 PM (10399B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@co mcast.net:You have a new bill from Comcast Cable Communications 9/3/2009 9:21:10 PM (7028B) [email protected] -> Bil Goodman:Newco 9/4/2009 5:34:45 AM (263158B) David Dartford -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'CHARLIE DA VIS':RE: PARTS Skipping attachment TELESCOPIC_JOINT_AND_CROSSOVER_JOINTS_92.1_KB.msg be cause it is a Windows .msg file

Skipping attachment Tension_Ring_Drawings_149_KB.msg because it is a Win dows .msg file 9/4/2009 1:45:40 PM (5561B) Chase Online -> [email protected]:Welcome to Chase Mobile! 9/4/2009 3:46:18 PM (7218B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re gistration for Compass Mobile with the iPhone 9/9/2009 5:53:15 PM (39944B) Jeff Didmon -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman':RE: paint job Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/10/2009 6:44:56 AM (6772B) Kevin McCormick -> [email protected]:Quest ion about preservation 9/10/2009 2:35:43 PM (1998998B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; Bill Goodman:weightloss Converting l0ss_7.pdf (934KB) attachment Converting l0ss_8.pdf (1056KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): l0ss_7.pdf, l0ss_8.pdf 9/13/2009 7:01:24 PM (7612B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman: 9/14/2009 9:07:20 AM (451343B) BILL CHRISTMANN -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Bathroom Invoice Converting Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf (443KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf 9/14/2009 10:15:42 AM (17432B) Express Email Marketing -> wgoodman5@comcast. net:24 Pallets of Surplus Drilling Equipment ! 9/14/2009 10:40:13 AM (15291B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: B athroom Invoice 9/15/2009 8:12:13 PM (67885B) David Dartford -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: DWG 08611 0 Converting 086110_Rev_0_.pdf (15KB) attachment Converting 2jt.jpg (39KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 086110_Rev_0_.pdf, 2jt.jpg 9/16/2009 3:41:52 PM (113360B) Jerry Lindner -> [email protected]:ISO A udit Schedule Risers International. Converting Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf (102KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_S1_2Oct09_rptSchedule.pdf 9/23/2009 8:41:24 AM (789081B) Devorah -> [email protected]:Appointment Converting KATYSURGERYPACKET.pdf (775KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): KATYSURGERYPACKET.pdf 9/30/2009 2:21:53 PM (1101524B) Anna Berryman -> [email protected]:Soss ner Stamps Converting catalog2009.pdf (1052KB) attachment Converting LINE_CARD.pdf (41KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): catalog2009.pdf, LINE_CARD.pdf 10/5/2009 2:58:23 PM (6726B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcast .net:Green Mountain Energy Company payment confirmation 10/7/2009 10:11:33 AM (15073B) Kourtney Jones -> [email protected]:RE: Risers International Lifting Harnesses 10/7/2009 11:00:50 AM (19119B) Kourtney Jones -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers Int ernational Lifting Harnesses 10/9/2009 9:44:21 AM (28573B) Kourtney Jones -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers Inte rnational Lifting Harnesses 10/9/2009 11:41:35 AM (35302B) Kourtney Jones -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers Int ernational Lifting Harnesses 10/9/2009 5:45:29 PM (321628B) Jerry Lindner -> [email protected]:ISO A udit Report Riser International Converting ReptSurveil_21Dec08.pdf (312KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ReptSurveil_21Dec08.pdf 10/14/2009 10:31:05 AM (55669B) Kourtney Jones -> Bill Goodman:VBT.9.10.61-0 .pdf - Adobe Acrobat Standard Converting VBT.9.10.610.pdf (47KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): VBT.9.10.610.pdf 10/15/2009 2:44:29 PM (10347B) Paul Firmin -> [email protected]:Request for quote riser adaptors 10/18/2009 8:55:32 AM (8978B) Paul Firmin -> [email protected]:Re: HM F-F ADAPTERS MALE AND FEMALE WITH 21-1/4-2M FLANGES 10/20/2009 7:57:04 AM (359817B) Bill -> Bill: Converting 20091020085703504.pdf (354KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20091020085703504.pdf 10/26/2009 2:04:41 AM (116971B) MinHye -> [email protected]:RE: 533.4mm Converting X80_PIPESRisers_International091026.pdf (62KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): X80_PIPESRisers_International091026.pdf 10/26/2009 10:47:33 AM (17015B) Chris Sohn -> Bill Goodman:Re: Risers Intern ational RFQ 10/26/2009 12:22:39 PM (7006B) Michael O'Neal -> [email protected]:Dete ctive Information 10/26/2009 1:11:30 PM (9469B) Platinum News -> [email protected]:Custom er Survey 10/27/2009 10:07:53 AM (32345B) People Search from MyLife -> William Goodman :William, Someone's Searching for You! 10/27/2009 10:00:44 PM (55299B) PennWell Events -> [email protected]:SUT Workshop offered at the Deepwater Operations Conference November 10 10/29/2009 9:16:20 AM (13043B) Hannon Hydraulics -> [email protected]:Ha nnon Hydraulics 10/30/2009 10:53:25 AM (13094B) Lynch, Andrew / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> b [email protected]:Delivery of 4x75' riser ex-Vetco Gray 11/2/2009 11:08:06 AM (26529B) Chad Yutka -> [email protected]:RE: Accu Val Inspection Follow up and Information Requests 11/2/2009 3:03:26 PM (32951B) Chad Yutka -> Bill Goodman:RE: AccuVal Inspect ion Follow up and Information Requests 11/2/2009 3:15:45 PM (583940B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Forklift Converting IMG00022200911020929.jpg (578KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG00022200911020929.jpg 11/3/2009 7:27:44 AM (642086B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Fork lift Converting image001.jpg (159KB) attachment Converting CLARK_FORK_LIFT_SPEC_DATA_CMP202530.pdf (468KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, CLARK_FORK_LIFT_SPEC_DATA_CMP202530.pdf 11/3/2009 1:57:46 PM (94164B) Matt Stahl -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Dr iller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1101016)) 11/4/2009 5:09:26 AM (641488B) Andy Cates -> [email protected]:FW: Fork lift Converting image001.jpg (159KB) attachment Converting CLARK_FORK_LIFT_SPEC_DATA_CMP202530.pdf (468KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, CLARK_FORK_LIFT_SPEC_DATA_CMP202530.pdf 11/6/2009 10:55:13 AM (7732B) Chris Bourne -> [email protected]:Your me ssage to pmispecialists.com 11/11/2009 9:03:07 AM (54168B) Howard Salge -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Int ernational RFQ Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/12/2009 1:54:39 AM (37654B) Michael Griffiths -> Justene Goodman:RE: Inte rnational Taxes Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/12/2009 11:18:10 AM (21122B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@ comcast.net:New Balance Exclusive 15% Off + Free Shipping - 5 Days Only! 11/12/2009 7:46:01 PM (56664B) Oiltizer - The Equipment Network -> bgoodman@ risersinc.com:Online Auction, November 17-19 - Bid Today 11/12/2009 9:45:32 PM (24682B) McKinley, Mark (Houston) -> ethanbryan@gmail. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ncaric

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; le [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; blyoninvest@ cs.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dgalasso @stpeterskaty.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; Gabe.Thornton@academy .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jayrodney @hotmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; Khumber [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Saturday 11/13/2009 8:23:44 AM (52102B) Bill Goodman -> 'Marcial'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'C ameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Overman'; 'Rick Adams'; 'Leslie N.''McKinley'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Angelo Molinas'; 'Bil l Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Brad'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pulliam'; 'Chuc k Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'George Adkins'; ' James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Kurt Humbe rson'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Mc Dermott'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Phil'; 'Randy Taylor'; 'Ray'; 'Roger Gremillion'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Brian (US SSA)Hakala':RE: Saturday 11/13/2009 8:24:06 AM (84538B) [email protected] ver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 11/13/2009 8:26:53 AM (68680B) Mike McDermott -> Bill Goodman; Marcial; Jimm y Botter; Cameron Brown; Chris; Nathan; Kevin Feeney; D.J. Overman; Rick Adams; Leslie N.''McKinley; Martin Becerra; Keith Andrews; Angelo Molinas; Bill Freund; Will Goodman; Brad; Bryan Hakala; Charles home Pulliam; Chuck Lafferty; Chuck T anner; Cory; Danny Meyer; David Galasso; David home Galasso; Ethan Bryan; Freddi e Fonseca; Gabe Thornton; George Adkins; James Schumacher; Jay Senterfitt; Jim T aylor; Jordan Stevens; Kurt Humberson; Mark McKinley; Mark McKinley; Mike Beyers ; Mike Hammond; Neil Ecton; Phil; Randy Taylor; Ray; Roger Gremillion; Royd Grah am; Sheb Cotter; Brian (US SSA)Hakala:RE: Saturday Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/13/2009 8:59:02 AM (78150B) Mr Bill -> Kevin F Feeney:Re: Saturday Converting pastedGraphic.pdf (11KB) attachment Converting ATT00517.htm (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): pastedGraphic.pdf, ATT00517.htm 11/13/2009 8:59:02 AM (78908B) Mr Bill -> Kevin F Feeney:Re: Saturday Converting pastedGraphic.pdf (11KB) attachment Converting ATT00523.htm (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): pastedGraphic.pdf, ATT00523.htm 11/13/2009 4:41:13 PM (57149B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Marcial' ; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Cameron Brown'; 'Chris'; 'Nathan'; 'Kevin Feeney'; 'D.J. Over man'; 'Rick Adams'; 'Leslie N.''McKinley'; 'Martin Becerra'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'A ngelo Molinas'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Charles home Pul liam'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Cory'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'David Galasso'; 'David home Galasso'; 'Ethan Bryan'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Georg e Adkins'; 'James Schumacher'; 'Jay Senterfitt'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'Jordan Stevens': RE: Saturday 11/13/2009 4:41:28 PM (112174B) [email protected] rver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 11/16/2009 1:34:42 PM (42267B) [email protected] -> [email protected] :DELIVERY ORDER Converting MEL29.pdf (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MEL29.pdf 11/17/2009 5:01:48 PM (2795510B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@rise rsinc.com; [email protected]:Noble Energy Purchase Order Converting 125sharpmx4100nobleenergyinc.com20091117174449.pdf (2788KB) a ttachment 1 attachment(s): 125sharpmx4100nobleenergyinc.com20091117174449.pdf 11/18/2009 2:07:17 PM (71334B) [email protected]

er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 11/18/2009 5:37:11 PM (11136B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Sumer Goodman 11/19/2009 9:58:29 AM (451704B) [email protected] -> Teri Breckenri dge:Re: Invoice #3813A Converting Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf (219KB) attachment Converting PO_111609EG0045.pdf (224KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf, PO_111609EG0045.pdf 11/20/2009 10:49:36 AM (378799B) Omni Industrial Services -> bgoodman@risers inc.com:Invoice from Omni Industrial Services Converting Inv4382fromOmniIndustri.pdf (372KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv4382fromOmniIndustri.pdf 12/4/2009 2:38:06 PM (221658B) Justene Goodman -> Bill Goodman: Converting photo.jpg (217KB) attachment Converting ATT00054.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): photo.jpg, ATT00054.txt 12/4/2009 10:38:34 PM (25745B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:RE : Demand of Payment on Past Due Invoices 12/4/2009 11:15:34 PM (29935B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeer Singh':RE: Demand of Payment on Past Due Invoices 12/11/2009 9:24:26 AM (5026482B) Charmaine Albert -> Charles Lewis; Max Good man; Chastity Lamb - Risers International Inc.; Shawn Staley; Shawn Staley; Max Goodman; Bill Goodman; [email protected]:Happy Holidays from Arefco Seals Converting christmas_musical_card.pps (5010KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): christmas_musical_card.pps 12/11/2009 1:18:53 PM (5632B) Jesse Wolgamott -> [email protected]:Jim Kirkpatrick: Risers International 12/14/2009 1:50:47 PM (16738B) LifeLock Member Services -> wgoodman5@comcast .net:Perfect Gifts For The Season 12/17/2009 11:10:25 AM (16749B) Raymond Lee -> Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 500 120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 11:31:17 AM (18748B) Raymond Lee -> Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 500 120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 2:13:44 PM (16663B) Raymond Lee -> Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 5001 20636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 2:29:04 PM (19681B) Raymond Lee -> Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 5001 20636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/17/2009 4:59:16 PM (20027B) Bill Freund -> [email protected]:Re: Frida y ball! 12/18/2009 3:12:35 PM (29196B) Raymond Lee -> Chastity Lamb; Debra Wheeler; Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/24/2009 11:22:59 AM (8622B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@rise rsinc.com:Lone Star Drill Bits Mailing List - Action Required 12/24/2009 2:51:06 PM (9318B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: 12/26/2009 2:45:41 PM (5366051B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: I'm one o f the 7% Merry Christmas Converting 45lesonsinlife091118003935phpapp02.pps (5356KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 45lesonsinlife091118003935phpapp02.pps 12/27/2009 6:40:07 PM (7589B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcas t.net:Green Mountain Energy Company payment confirmation 12/29/2009 2:40:40 PM (22456B) Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> Ni na Lamarche; Bill Goodman:RE: PO 7035069 12/30/2009 9:02:56 PM (35035B) Martin Becerra -> Bill Goodman:RE: Thursday 1/3/2010 8:48:12 PM (7037B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:R ichmond Tire & Automotive Request for Quote Confirmation 1/4/2010 1:48:27 PM (7599B) Jesse Wolgamott -> [email protected]:Re: Ji m Kirkpatrick: Risers International 1/4/2010 11:05:31 PM (16698B) OppenheimerFunds eDocs Direct -> wgoodman5@com cast.net:Your OppenheimerFunds Account Statements Are Now Available Online 1/5/2010 1:41:44 PM (3056B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Aut

o-Reply] RE: Riser Proposal 1/5/2010 6:51:54 PM (18674B) Nelson Perrin -> [email protected]:Riser w ork 1/6/2010 10:06:34 AM (29733B) Nelson Perrin -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Riser work 1/6/2010 2:34:50 PM (6344B) jason dixson -> [email protected]:PTI websi te / take a look at it to see some of his credentials. 1/6/2010 2:48:29 PM (550876B) Lori Lassetter -> [email protected]:081 6 6231126 Delivery to Rosenburg, TX Converting lori_001.jpg (115KB) attachment Converting lori_002.jpg (107KB) attachment Converting lori_003.jpg (156KB) attachment Converting lori_004.jpg (157KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): lori_001.jpg, lori_002.jpg, lori_003.jpg, lori_004.jpg 1/6/2010 3:01:24 PM (16918B) Dan Massalone -> 'Lori Lassetter'; bgoodman@ris ersinc.com:RE: 081 66231126 Delivery to Rosenburg, TX 1/6/2010 3:38:10 PM (24171B) Lori Lassetter -> 'Dan Massalone'; bgoodman@ris ersinc.com:RE: 081 66231126 Delivery to Rosenburg, TX 1/7/2010 11:14:00 AM (8850B) Amica Customer Care -> [email protected]:Cu stomer Notification: Changes to Amica.com 1/8/2010 11:25:23 AM (22541B) Bill Freund -> [email protected]:Re: Saturd ay Ball 1/8/2010 1:47:16 PM (3765424B) Dushinske, Mike -> [email protected]:Pic tures of Fins And Support Rings Converting Risers_International_038.jpg (771KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_090.jpg (768KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_041.jpg (726KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_092.jpg (751KB) attachment Converting Risers_International_085.jpg (739KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Risers_International_038.jpg, Risers_International_090. jpg, Risers_International_041.jpg, Risers_International_092.jpg, Risers_Internat ional_085.jpg 1/8/2010 2:02:43 PM (30507B) Mike McDermott -> [email protected]; Bill Fr eund:RE: Saturday Ball 1/12/2010 11:55:02 AM (11125B) Rohde, Cindy / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou AE -> bgo [email protected]:PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT 1/12/2010 7:38:54 PM (24773B) Rohde, Cindy / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou AE -> Bill Goodman:RE: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT 1/13/2010 2:49:47 PM (70304B) Marie Bush -> Jody Ballard:RE: PRIDE RISER SHI PMENT (TJ) Converting image003.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (17KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.gif, image005.jpg 1/13/2010 3:15:59 PM (80068B) Marie Bush -> Mark Mascarenhas; Jody Ballard:R E: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT (TJ) Converting image001.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (17KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.gif, image004.jpg 1/13/2010 4:07:13 PM (28139B) Rohde, Cindy / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou AE -> Bill Goodman:RE: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT 1/14/2010 9:32:52 AM (56615B) Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> Jod y Ballard; Bill Goodman; Boris Kos; Mark Mascarenhas; Rohde, Cindy / Kuehne + Na gel / Hou AE; Anait Rojas:RE: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/15/2010 9:22:49 AM (9888B) Clinton Wood -> 'Bill Goodman':estimate 1/17/2010 6:28:49 PM (9586B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:PICK UP VEHICLE 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (498570B) -> Justin West ([email protected]); = SMTP:[email protected]:Hocker Potential order Converting 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (495KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 1/28/2010 10:05:28 PM (9877B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcas t.net:Forgot your Norton Account password? 1/29/2010 1:02:13 AM (14790B) Levis -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bgoodman @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; btil@citechco. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; camhong.longmensteel@gmai l.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: 2/1/2010 5:23:14 PM (65089B) Neels Van Schalkwyk -> [email protected]:P rice on Isuzu NRR Flat Bed Converting image001.gif (1KB) attachment Converting BO_Risers_Isuzu_NRR_2010.pdf (51KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, BO_Risers_Isuzu_NRR_2010.pdf 2/2/2010 11:01:37 PM (4362045B) nla inc -> [email protected]; petert [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; pjacks [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; raineycrichardson@ka tyisd.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ra [email protected]; [email protected]; raquelarriaga100@aol .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rebecca-b9t3ai75m17@checkou t.google.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; r [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rhondaward@katyi sd.org; [email protected]; [email protected] ogle.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ricksukolics@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rlmr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; robertjinks@katyisd .org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rone [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ros [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rowecceb@sbcglobal .net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rrsmal [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rth [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sabrinajone [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; salomoncohen [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sarahjanerose@hotma il.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sbourge [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; scottasteele@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; s [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Serena-b4h [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; shane.hi [email protected]; [email protected]; sharonbasker [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; s [email protected]; [email protected]; siananamosa@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; sjmitchel [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sogger [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sraia@entouch. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; srsulentic@hotm ail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; stakable@ wt.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; stephens [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sue-bkble4s41l [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; swha [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; taldrup@entouch. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tann [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tbu

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terryannewilson@m ac.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; themitchells5@ao l.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tkeel10@co mcast.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tntrea [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; toyamct [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tu [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; valverdejuan2001@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; vgessler@comcas t.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; waltercafa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Wendy-b9utj5u92ft@checko ut.google.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; WilliamCRo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; yamille@ comcast.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; yolieldr@a ol.com; perez monica; Perez, Vickie; perry sellers; peterson, jodi; phil garr; p owell jillane; priest, jimmy; pytel, misty; quismunda aanderud; r chast; ramirez luis; rayanne baxter; Rayo, leidy; Rebecca Ramirez; reid, heather; renee adams; renee greer; reyes, spring; rhonda miller; richard rake; Richard Yohr; rick and rew; rick bronstein; rita m white; rob coffey; Rob W. Adams; robert gaza; robert mata; robert mata; Robin Mann; robles; rodney chamblee; rodney clemons; Rollins , Jay L; rp; ruiz; s malkarnekar; s zeigle; salazar, patricia; salno; santamaria ; Santo Salvo, John T (HOU); scarlett botkin; scott susan harris; serena russ; s gdeleon; Shane Hibbeler; shannon birchman; shannon melton; shannon s gongora; sh anshan3 2000; Sharon Ratliff; sheffer, shelley; sherre vacek; shumelle taylor; s jauntele lau; smith; sonya outland; stacy thompson; stan chapman; Stan hanaoka; Stefanie Guarisco; steffen jones; stephanie borowski; stephanie galvan; Steve & Jayne Jackson; steve m park; Steve Mueller; Sue Samoff; Sukolics, Rick; susan 10 11; susan burden; susan garza; Susan Gonzalez; susan jackson; susan saldivar; sv enster 4; T; Tacy Wald; tamika deese; taylor, steven; terence r davis; terri l b ellow; terry bridgeman; thane twiggs; The Bakers; The Parkers; Tiffany Bryant; t im maystrik; timberly manuel; timothy chesser; tish sotello; tom yelich; Tremian e Dorsey; Troy Wells; Ursula Small; vicki henley; vicki hosack; vivian wilson; w aldberg; Walsh Bob; walter, candy; wendy ostera; william goodman; william s fale s; william whitman; wilson; winston cardenas; wise; Wood Jeff; wright; yaopoing gu; yasmin; yasmine leal; yvette dillon2000; Zeine Saidi; zoe burns; zory ruiz; zoyla hernandez; [email protected]; [email protected]:February 2010 Up date Converting COMBINE.pdf (4188KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): COMBINE.pdf 2/4/2010 4:24:38 PM (830506B) Rich Anderson -> [email protected]:quote on W5500 Converting W5500001.jpg (824KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): W5500001.jpg 2/4/2010 5:02:38 PM (18648B) Rich Anderson -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: quote on W5 500 2/4/2010 5:00:52 PM (40114B) Mr Bill -> [email protected]:Re: Friday Ball is Back! Converting pastedGraphic.pdf (11KB) attachment Converting ATT00239.htm (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): pastedGraphic.pdf, ATT00239.htm 2/5/2010 9:57:15 AM (23485B) Rich Anderson -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: quote on W5 500 2/5/2010 12:18:35 PM (14714B) Bekki -> [email protected]:

Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/5/2010 3:36:37 PM (145331B) Bekki -> [email protected]:Repair Estimat e and notes below Converting image002.gif (5KB) attachment Converting image001.png (8KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (5KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.png, image003.jpg 2/6/2010 12:04:16 PM (9258B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb; reception@risers inc.com; Bill Goodman; Ardy Goodman:BUILDING UNARMED 2/7/2010 7:45:06 AM (20128B) Max Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':FW: New scam. wat ch out for it. 2/7/2010 8:20:55 AM (8442B) Lewis Charles -> irutherford@prideinternational. com:ISSUES 2/8/2010 8:33:43 AM (32236B) Rich Anderson -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: quote on W5 500 2/12/2010 9:59:50 AM (6229B) Rich Anderson -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb ':Dallas Today 2/12/2010 11:05:39 AM (13555B) Rich Anderson -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Dallas To day 2/12/2010 11:21:55 AM (950078B) Bill -> Bill: Converting 20100212122155142.pdf (943KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212122155142.pdf 2/12/2010 4:29:55 PM (153146B) Llarence Turner -> Bill Goodman; Lance McInty re:RE: Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/12/2010 9:50:41 PM (25770B) Max Goodman -> 'jasbeers':RE: RI Neptune DMR's for customer waiver for API 16F 2/14/2010 10:06:49 AM (8688B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:BOUYANCY MODULES FOR FRONTIER PHOENIX 2/15/2010 8:31:35 AM (15149B) Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> Ian Rutherford; Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO:RE: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRI DE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 2/15/2010 10:20:45 AM (51981B) Clay Gossage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/15/2010 1:06:33 PM (51717B) Clay Gossage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of r iser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/15/2010 2:18:51 PM (25496B) Curtis, Charles -> Maj Bassey:RE: 18-3/4" 10K U and UII Bops Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 2/15/2010 4:44:08 PM (17766B) [email protected] erver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 2/16/2010 1:02:39 PM (23327B) Oiltizer - The Equipment Network -> bgoodman@r isersinc.com:Oilfield equipment to be sold in Fort Worth auction 2/17/2010 5:04:56 AM (12284B) Paul Firmin -> [email protected]; maxg1 [email protected]; Bill Goodman:RE: Quote #1467 2/17/2010 4:52:04 PM (116318B) [email protected] -> bgoodm [email protected]:NEW: Briggs Equipment Newsletters Converting ATT00200.gif (52KB) attachment Converting ATT00203.gif (0KB) attachment Converting ATT00206.jpg (48KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): ATT00200.gif, ATT00203.gif, ATT00206.jpg 2/19/2010 12:23:20 PM (5629996B) Risa -> Bill Goodman:CERTS Converting Untitled.PDF (5622KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Untitled.PDF 2/19/2010 2:08:38 PM (17616B) Risa -> Bill Goodman:Re: CERTS 2/19/2010 2:18:08 PM (399941B) Risa -> [email protected]:REVISED CERT Converting Untitled.PDF (394KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Untitled.PDF 2/19/2010 8:21:38 PM (108431B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Delivery Sc hedule Skipping attachment Riser_Intl_Job1050_64.9_KB.msg because it is a Windo ws .msg file 2/19/2010 10:58:02 PM (43556B) Max Goodman -> 'Colin J. Dey':RE: Delivery Sc hedule 2/19/2010 11:36:41 PM (44960B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Delivery Sc hedule 2/21/2010 9:06:55 PM (6096B) [email protected] -> Bil Goodman:Maplewo od - corporate logo 2/21/2010 9:16:52 PM (8914B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers':Cross-over shipment 2/21/2010 10:18:11 PM (46809B) Max Goodman -> 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Kenneth Bybje rg'; 'jasbeers'; [email protected]:RE: Quote from Risers International, Inc . 2/22/2010 1:35:46 PM (6411B) [email protected] -> Bil Goodman:Maplewo od - current permanent employee headcount for RI and CNS 2/22/2010 8:03:05 AM (6293B) Navy Federal Credit Union -> WGOODMAN5@COMCAST. NET:Your Monthly Combined Statement is Available for Viewing 2/23/2010 8:18:18 AM (7727B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@comcast .net:Green Mountain Energy Company payment confirmation 2/23/2010 3:52:42 PM (9689B) Mike Coffman -> Max Goodman:RE: Riser Paint 2/24/2010 7:19:02 PM (1611775B) Randy Socha -> [email protected]: Converting Risers_Intl.tif (1606KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl.tif 2/25/2010 12:04:15 AM (16979B) Ligang Zhu -> Bill Goodman:Re: Quotation for UNS2205 Duplex stainless steel pipes 2/25/2010 3:34:00 PM (20672B) Alan Clendenen -> [email protected]:FW: P rice and delivery Converting 01115945.pdf (11KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01115945.pdf 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (4678B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@risersinc. com:Microsoft Office Outlook Test Message 3/2/2010 3:07:38 PM (7860B) NB Web Express - Customer Care Team -> William M . Goodman Ii:NB Web Express - Purchase Follow Up (#4962876) 3/3/2010 5:25:01 PM (19101B) Platinum News -> [email protected]:Upcomin g Events 3/5/2010 9:51:14 AM (18169B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Bill Goodman ':RE: Risers-Tig Room overhead doors Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/6/2010 11:21:39 PM (22846B) [email protected] -> [email protected] :[Cool Text] Attached Image - RISERS INTERNATIONAL,INC..jpg Converting RISERS_INTERNATIONALINC..jpg (17KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERS_INTERNATIONALINC..jpg 3/7/2010 10:54:12 AM (235731B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: I Can Help Converting Dons_RESUME.pdf (227KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Dons_RESUME.pdf 3/7/2010 8:56:43 PM (9182B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: Riser quotati on required 3/8/2010 10:02:46 AM (30886B) Jennifer Williams -> [email protected]:Sai pem America Vessel Availability: HOS MYSTIQUE 3/9/2010 1:10:10 PM (3020287B) Terry Pickrel -> Terry Pickrel:Occupational S afety Training Converting OST_pics.pdf (246KB) attachment Converting Map_to_BrookshireTX_.pdf (231KB) attachment

Converting Training_Rates_Rev__112010.xls (664KB) attachment Converting Louisiana_Training_Calendar_12010.xls (910KB) attachment Converting Copy_of_Texas_Training_Calendar_32010.xls (920KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): OST_pics.pdf, Map_to_BrookshireTX_.pdf, Training_Rates_ Rev__112010.xls, Louisiana_Training_Calendar_12010.xls, Copy_of_Texas_Training_C alendar_32010.xls 3/19/2010 10:33:42 AM (57365B) Ricky Pearce -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: M07473 Mod ification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting image001.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 3/19/2010 3:08:13 PM (26187B) Raymond Lee -> Debra Wheeler; Bill Goodman:RE: next 3 loads ready Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/19/2010 2:55:51 PM (61415B) Ricky Pearce -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: M07473 Modi fication Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting image001.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 3/19/2010 6:15:02 PM (10318B) [email protected] -> wgoodman5@com cast.net:Welcome to Vonage Mobile 3/19/2010 8:35:36 PM (58245B) Nelson Perrin -> [email protected]; Jose.Arev [email protected]; 'Rita Bauman'; 'raymond willey'; brotto@westechinspection. com; [email protected]; 'don camp'; 'Leeds, Aubre':Last working as Westech 3/20/2010 8:53:59 AM (21219B) Lewis Charles -> John Chircop:Re: Emailing: SA M_0340, SAM_0339 3/20/2010 9:03:12 AM (12162B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Quote 3/20/2010 11:46:50 PM (37323B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; bgoodman@rise rsinc.com; 'Shawn Staley'; 'Fran Sterlin':FW: Emailing: SAM_0340, SAM_0339 3/21/2010 10:19:44 PM (17208B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Max Goodman':Total Outstandi ng Invoices 3/22/2010 8:05:51 AM (84283B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Risers-fo rklift and equipment specs Converting RISER_ON_ROLLERS.JPG (67KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISER_ON_ROLLERS.JPG 3/23/2010 12:09:28 AM (12305B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Hot el Accommodation 3/23/2010 7:41:08 AM (77334B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Fwd: eTicket Itine rary and Receipt for Confirmation BXEDNS 3/23/2010 7:41:46 AM (77276B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Fwd: eTicket Itine rary and Receipt for Confirmation BXEDNS 3/24/2010 8:42:33 AM (23933B) Lewis Charles -> Maj Bassey; maxg1945@earthlin k.net; Charles Lewis:Re: Frontier-Phoenix (P-II) Riser 3/24/2010 10:04:35 AM (30724B) Bourgeois, Russell -> Hank Martin; Danny Camp bell:RE: Piston shipment Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/24/2010 7:04:08 PM (5052B) Justene A Goodman -> [email protected]: 3/25/2010 2:52:25 PM (18203B) Lance McIntyre -> Fran Sterling; 'Bill Goodman ':FW: Risers-gas demand 3/25/2010 9:26:10 PM (10838B) Max Goodman -> 'jasbeers':FW: Risers Internati onal Neptune Project 3/26/2010 8:38:24 AM (26046B) Lewis Charles -> Bing Ng:Re: Measurement on Fa lcon riser BOX Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image003.jpg 3/26/2010 10:15:40 PM (7636B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:Measurem ent Int. 3/27/2010 9:12:15 AM (38606B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Bill G

oodman':RE: Fw: eTicket Itinerary and Receipt for Confirmation BXEDNS 3/29/2010 3:13:16 PM (15055B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; fran.cnsweld [email protected]:RE: 3/29/2010 3:17:01 PM (590587B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers State Permit App for septic Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers__State_Permit_App._Septic_System.pdf (571KB) attachmen t 2 attachment(s): image003.jpg, Risers__State_Permit_App._Septic_System.p df 3/29/2010 3:27:00 PM (17182B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterling'; 'Bill Goodm an':Risers-compressor location 3/30/2010 12:43:12 AM (6853B) Justin West -> Shawn Staley: 3/31/2010 11:02:44 PM (25607B) Jennifer Williams -> [email protected]:Ab out Us: Saipem America 4/1/2010 12:00:51 PM (31402B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Bill Goodman':R E: Re: B-I Shipping loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/3/2010 8:22:16 AM (8214B) Lewis Charles -> John D. Almon:WEBSITE 4/7/2010 4:02:11 PM (12876B) [email protected] -> WGOODMAN5@ COMCAST.NET:Safelite AutoGlass Service Reminder - Confirmation # 781136 4/12/2010 1:00:31 PM (64618B) Youngson Lei -> [email protected]:RISERSTAS agent form Converting RSIOwner_Agent_Designation_print.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RSIOwner_Agent_Designation_print.pdf 4/13/2010 12:46:22 PM (31263B) Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO > [email protected]:HOT SHOT Trucking Long Beach to Rosenberg 6330-9569-0 03.015#044 4/13/2010 5:18:31 PM (19055B) Ricky Pearce -> 'Bill Goodman':Quote for Pride International Job Converting image001.jpg (6KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/13/2010 8:36:51 PM (33592B) Apple -> [email protected]:More speed. Mor e power. The new MacBook Pro family. 4/14/2010 7:36:52 AM (10328B) Bill Goodman -> Lewis Charles:Re: daily report 4-14-10 4/14/2010 11:51:32 AM (24159B) Jane Rice -> 'Laura True'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Bully modules 4/17/2010 1:45:34 PM (8455B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:cr ane rental 4/19/2010 3:24:35 PM (14461B) LIFT TRUCK SERVICES -> [email protected]: Estimate from LTS, 411Lift.com Converting Est7588fromLIFTTRUCKSE.pdf (7KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est7588fromLIFTTRUCKSE.pdf 4/24/2010 10:40:34 AM (5905B) Anna Guzman -> Bill Goodman:Out of Office Auto Reply: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating 4/24/2010 5:43:35 PM (13070B) Robert & Donna Settle -> 'Robert Settle':Cinco West III Message from your Neighborhood Representative 4/26/2010 9:55:28 AM (25311B) Brad -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True'; 'Hank Ma rtin'; 'George Simon'; 'Anna Guzman'; 'Kirby Nelson':RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 1:17:10 PM (24825B) Duane H. Filson -> Alvie Busby; Balogun, Shamu sideen; Blake Morgan work; Brent Oman; Brock Hendrickson; Cristian Rivera; David Feigleson; Dwayne Bonin; Eric Bordosky; Eric Bordosky; Frank Potts; Frank Vasqu ez; Fred Jr.; Fred Sr.; Heath Secrist; Josh Flores; Juan Jimenez; Justin Landry; Kelley Lee; Kevin Bordosky; [email protected]; Mike McGinley; Omar Parra; Oscar Cedillo; Phil Pool; Rodney Thompson; [email protected]; Ryan Wei

s; Sam Newland; Stephen Winters; Tim Pepper; Tom Engelbert; Will:Basketball toni ght? 4/26/2010 3:46:05 PM (25390B) George Simon -> Bill Goodman:RE: Truck laods f or pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 3:46:01 PM (28047B) Debra Wheeler -> Bill Goodman; Laura True; Han k Martin; George Simon; Anna Guzman; [email protected]:RE: Truck laod s for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 3:36:05 PM (35323B) Brad -> 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laur a True'; 'Hank Martin'; 'George Simon'; 'Anna Guzman'; chris@aquaoceantransport. com:RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 3:49:47 PM (31773B) Debra Wheeler -> Brad; Bill Goodman; Laura Tru e; Hank Martin; George Simon; Anna Guzman; [email protected]:RE: Truc k laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 3:59:15 PM (34387B) Jane Rice -> 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Brad'; 'Bill Go odman'; 'Laura True'; 'Hank Martin'; 'George Simon'; 'Anna Guzman'; chris@aquaoc eantransport.com:RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crat ing Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 12:48:25 PM (21140B) [email protected] -> Mr Bill:Thursday ball ? 4/28/2010 12:48:25 PM (21946B) [email protected] -> Mr Bill:Thursday ball ? 4/28/2010 12:59:47 PM (20011B) Brad -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True'; 'George Simon'; 'lupe gonzales':RE: Floatation Modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 1:15:55 PM (22597B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; mrbil [email protected]:Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 1:15:55 PM (21855B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; mrbil [email protected]:Re: Thursday ball? 4/28/2010 1:06:26 PM (27892B) Brad -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True'; 'George Simon'; 'lupe gonzales':RE: Floatation Modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 7:24:21 PM (45230B) John Blackmore -> [email protected]:I l ove this van!! Converting ATT000011.jpeg (30KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT000011.jpeg 4/28/2010 8:34:36 PM (7480B) [email protected] -> Bill Go odman:Julie Julie wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn 4/29/2010 5:25:27 AM (31082B) Richard Philpitt -> [email protected]:FW: Palletized Trucking Inc Welcomes OTC to Houston Party Invitation Converting image003.jpg (8KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image001.jpg 4/29/2010 11:47:55 AM (9274723B) Darla -> [email protected]:FW: Truck l oads for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting Picture_506.jpg (2332KB) attachment Converting Picture_507.jpg (2336KB) attachment Converting Picture_508.jpg (2401KB) attachment

Converting Picture_509.jpg (2177KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): image001.gif, Picture_506.jpg, Picture_507.jpg, Picture _508.jpg, Picture_509.jpg 4/29/2010 11:49:56 AM (7504131B) Darla -> Laura True; [email protected] ; Kirby Nelson; [email protected]:pictures of modules Converting Picture_510.jpg (2329KB) attachment Converting Picture_511.jpg (2496KB) attachment Converting Picture_512.jpg (323KB) attachment Converting Picture_505.jpg (2344KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Picture_510.jpg, Picture_511.jpg, Picture_512.jpg, Pict ure_505.jpg 4/29/2010 12:01:10 PM (202299B) Darla -> [email protected]; Laura True; Kirby Nelson; [email protected]:more pictures of the modules Converting Picture_515.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting Picture_516.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting Picture_517.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting Picture_518.jpg (46KB) attachment Converting Picture_519.jpg (27KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Picture_515.jpg, Picture_516.jpg, Picture_517.jpg, Pict ure_518.jpg, Picture_519.jpg 4/29/2010 12:54:54 PM (4882725B) John Blackmore -> Alan H; Bill G; clarence; Dave K.; JimJaz; John S; Cashew; Michelle; Robert R; Robert W; Scott R:FW: Nece ssity, the Mother of Invention Converting Genius.wmv (4869KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Genius.wmv 4/29/2010 1:51:46 PM (13001B) Mike Coffman -> Bill Goodman:Re: Risers Intern ational 6105100002 - Module Converting ATT00486.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00486.gif 4/29/2010 8:21:03 PM (1112723B) Mike Coffman -> Bill Goodman:OTC Converting OTC_2010_invitation.pdf (734KB) attachment Converting guest_card_otc.doc (372KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): OTC_2010_invitation.pdf, guest_card_otc.doc 5/3/2010 1:10:37 AM (6290B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@rise rsinc.com:A Message from Drs. Forrest, Winkelmann, Associates & Staff 5/3/2010 8:46:55 AM (28287B) Katy Camps -> [email protected]:Summer Spor ts Camps 5/3/2010 9:23:24 AM (9300B) Peter O'Brien -> Sharat Yempati:Re: Paint for th e QUARANTINED MODULE 5/3/2010 10:26:12 AM (19299B) Andra Morris -> Bill Goodman:RE: duplex 5/3/2010 10:28:12 AM (27421B) Andra Morris -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles': RE: duplex; update Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 12:13:34 PM (12188B) [email protected] -> bgoo [email protected]:OTC 2010 Registration and Housing Confirmation {OTC101:27 2465} 5/4/2010 1:03:14 AM (106425B) David Parsons -> [email protected]:RE: Pa int for the QUARANTINED MODULE Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting SOP_115_Rev_1_Buoyancy_module_repair_procedure__extract.pdf ( 82KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, SOP_115_Rev_1_Buoyancy_module_repair_proc edure__extract.pdf 5/4/2010 12:33:19 PM (11259B) Pablo Gomez -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Purchase Order #5942 5/7/2010 12:30:36 PM (24486B) Freddie Fonseca -> [email protected]; mrbill6 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Saturday 5/7/2010 12:36:11 PM (11111B) [email protected] -> Chastity Lamb; [email protected]:Fwd: Eddie, Don't Miss Out On Free Composites Training a

t CCPU Converting CCP_Announces_2010_Training_Schedulepdf.html (0KB) attachment Converting CCPU_Composites_Production_Management_May_18_19_2010pdf.html (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): CCP_Announces_2010_Training_Schedulepdf.html, CCPU_Comp osites_Production_Management_May_18_19_2010pdf.html 5/8/2010 2:38:06 AM (11171B) Justin Bussey -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #1 496 5/9/2010 6:23:37 AM (20057B) Beachbody -> [email protected]:Order Confir mation 5/11/2010 7:14:38 AM (48210B) Kayak Alert -> [email protected]:Your KAYA K Fare Alert: Houston (IAH) > Sydney (SYD) 5/11/2010 7:51:09 AM (24863B) Sports Training Classes -> [email protected] et:Strength & Sports 5/12/2010 10:16:28 AM (29524B) Rodney Thompson -> [email protected]; bri [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jjord [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bstewart@fbc katy.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eric.bordos [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; douglas.e.moore@ gmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; rodandc [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.tow [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kerry.parker@bw pmlp.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ka [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tikibaydj@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; kevin.bo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; danny.cook@su periorenergy.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ericbo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; mike. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:New Basketball League this Summer 5/12/2010 7:21:20 PM (9362B) Robert & Donna Settle -> 'Robert Settle':Re: Ci nco West III Message from your Neighborhood Representative 5/13/2010 3:05:35 PM (235996B) [email protected] -> William Goodman (12819841224):Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (226KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 5/13/2010 5:41:35 PM (7968B) Online Banking -> [email protected]:New Mes sage from Chase Online(SM) 5/14/2010 8:56:22 AM (16983B) JUNIOR RANK -> [email protected]:Tom Lemmi ng / JuniorRank ELITE 50 (QB-WR Camp) Aug. 6th - 8th / San Diego, CA. 5/14/2010 9:40:51 AM (12351B) Tony O'Brien -> '[email protected]':RealTime GPS $149.95 5/14/2010 1:58:41 PM (22480B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'cory le bouf'; 'sheb cotter'; [email protected]; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca' ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Saturday ball *** READING 262 message(s) in mail folder 'Frontier Drilling' at 5/16/2010 10:40 :28 AM: 5/18/2009 10:42:43 PM (73352B) Allen Murley -> 'Maung Maung'; 'Danny Campbel l':RE: HMF Riser To Houston 5/18/2009 5:59:03 PM (68933B) Maung Maung -> Danny Campbell:RE: HMF Riser To Houston 5/18/2009 2:38:06 PM (46377B) Danny Campbell -> Laura True:RE: HMF Riser To Houston 5/21/2009 7:00:34 AM (15055B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:Re: Driller Riser Bol t Quote 5/21/2009 10:30:27 AM (166084B) Maj Bassey -> Al Cotten; Max Goodman:RE: Re: Driller Riser Bolt Quote

Converting Est1339fromRisersIntern.pdf (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1339fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/1/2009 12:12:27 PM (1140474B) Maj Bassey -> Max Goodman; clewis6101@sbcglo bal.net:FW: Phoenix Mux cable Converting Mux_Cable_report.pdf (183KB) attachment Converting Mux_Cable_Damage.pdf (938KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Mux_Cable_report.pdf, Mux_Cable_Damage.pdf 6/4/2009 2:35:22 PM (294670B) Danny Campbell -> Bill Goodman; Hank Martin:FW : PCC WIRES & HORSE COLLARS Converting image010.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting image009.gif (63KB) attachment Converting image007.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image006.gif (80KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (53KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (68KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image010.jpg, image009.gif, image007.gif, image006.gif, image005.gif, image004.gif, image003.gif, image002.gif, image001.gif 6/5/2009 7:56:17 AM (862242B) Maj Bassey -> Goodman Max:FW: PO # DEE-02405 : Packer Split, Telescopic Joint Converting image001.jpg (45KB) attachment Converting DEE02405_WMG_ENT.PDF (774KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, DEE02405_WMG_ENT.PDF 6/5/2009 8:59:12 AM (2223204B) Materialsman Driller -> Danny Campbell:FW: PC C wires and chasers Converting image001.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting Map_Port_Fouchon.pdf (2188KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Map_Port_Fouchon.pdf 6/5/2009 12:46:10 PM (41481B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin; Materialsman Dr iller:RE: PCC wires and chasers Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 6/8/2009 12:06:19 PM (21666B) Al Cotten -> Charles Lewis:RE: Telescopic slip joint and riser documentation - Part 1 6/8/2009 12:32:00 PM (96176B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:Discovere r Riser System Upgrade Converting Discoverer__Riser_Stack_Up_3200ft_water_depth_RevA1.xls (74KB ) attachment 1 attachment(s): Discoverer__Riser_Stack_Up_3200ft_water_depth_RevA1.xls 6/8/2009 12:37:08 PM (16469B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: TJ Operational & Maintenance manual. 6/8/2009 7:24:19 AM (19594B) Al Cotten -> Charles Lewis:FW: Telescopic slipj oint and riser documentation - Part 1 6/8/2009 9:03:12 PM (21578B) Al Cotten -> Lewis Charles:RE: Telescopic slipj oint and riser documentation - Part 1 6/8/2009 10:39:53 PM (28174B) Subsea Engineer Phoenix -> Al Cotten; Lewis Ch arles:RE: Telescopic slipjoint and riser documentation - Part 1 6/11/2009 7:01:23 AM (15041B) Al Cotten -> Chastity Lamb:Re; Charges to Fron tier for shipments 6/11/2009 7:37:55 AM (19067B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: Re ; Charges to Frontier for shipments 6/11/2009 2:02:55 PM (176562B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:Discover er Riser Upgrade Options Converting Discoverer_New_Riser_Project_using_Cameron_RF_Riser_system_Re vA1.xls (73KB) attachment Converting Discoverer__Riser_Upgrade_from_1000_ft_to_3200ft_water_depth_ RevA1.xls (76KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): Discoverer_New_Riser_Project_using_Cameron_RF_Riser_sys tem_RevA1.xls, Discoverer__Riser_Upgrade_from_1000_ft_to_3200ft_water_depth_RevA 1.xls 6/16/2009 10:47:18 AM (37645B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: M085 33 Riser Fin and Support Rings Schedule 6/24/2009 6:46:00 AM (1129086B) Danny Campbell -> Bill Goodman; Hank Martin: FW: Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting tongs.jpg (543KB) attachment Converting tongs_b.jpg (563KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): tongs.jpg, tongs_b.jpg 6/24/2009 8:40:09 AM (31688B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin; Bill Goodman:RE : Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/24/2009 3:42:24 PM (26556B) Materialsman Driller -> Hank Martin; Danny Cam pbell; Bill Goodman:RE: Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/25/2009 7:33:54 AM (35105B) Hank Martin -> Danny Campbell; Bill Goodman:RE : Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/25/2009 7:33:08 AM (40534B) Materialsman Driller -> Hank Martin; Danny Cam pbell; Bill Goodman:RE: Material at Max Goodman's yard Rosenberg TX Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/25/2009 12:00:59 PM (281078B) Maj Bassey -> Frank Elsen; Kenneth Howden:RE : 101-P500003 : Invoice 3707 from Risers International, Inc. Converting 101P500003_Risers.pdf (43KB) attachment Converting Inv3707fromRisersIntern.pdf (143KB) attachment Converting Phoenix_Riser_SealSub__PolyPack_Seal_Illustration.xls (35KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 101P500003_Risers.pdf, Inv3707fromRisersIntern.pdf, Pho enix_Riser_SealSub__PolyPack_Seal_Illustration.xls 6/30/2009 11:05:44 AM (76644B) Jeffrey Bowman -> Hanks, Mike W.:FW: RISER SP IDER Converting image001.gif (55KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 6/30/2009 11:31:59 AM (76836B) Jeffrey Bowman -> [email protected] om:FW: RISER SPIDER Converting image001.gif (55KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 7/8/2009 8:53:13 PM (25203B) Al Cotten -> Alton Watson:FW: JURY DUTY SCAM DO NOT DELETE - PLEASE FORWARD 7/20/2009 11:24:26 AM (30295B) Al Cotten -> John Chircop:RE: Frontier-Phoeni x Extra Riser Joints 7/24/2009 6:50:32 AM (93001B) Danny Campbell -> Josh Lamson; Bill Goodman; H ank Martin; Stephen Camp; Donna Campbell:FW: Frontier-Phoenix Extra Riser 11 Joi nts Converting 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls 7/24/2009 11:15:43 AM (30933B) Al Cotten -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Frontier-Phoen ix/ Inventory on Damaged Riser's 7/27/2009 11:17:36 AM (34874B) Al Cotten -> Charles Lewis:RE: Frontier-Phoen ix/ Inventory on Damaged Riser's Pin ends 7/27/2009 1:29:12 PM (190882B) Al Cotten -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #138 6 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin Converting Est1386fromRisersIntern.pdf (175KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Est1386fromRisersIntern.pdf 7/27/2009 1:45:21 PM (18164B) Al Cotten -> Al Cotten; Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #1386 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin 7/27/2009 5:41:14 PM (20919B) John Chircop -> Al Cotten; Teri Breckenridge:R E: Quote #1386 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin 7/31/2009 9:21:24 AM (23040B) Al Cotten -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #1386 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin 8/4/2009 10:13:21 AM (13459B) Al Cotten -> Subsea Engineer Driller:FW: New B olts for Driller 8/13/2009 2:45:29 PM (18233B) Danny Campbell -> Josh Warren; Bill Goodman; H ank Martin:RE: Cargo Boxes 8/13/2009 3:17:55 PM (36141B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin; Glen Wofford; J osh Warren; Bill Goodman:RE: Cargo Boxes Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 8/14/2009 8:18:50 AM (28196B) Hank Martin -> Danny Campbell; Josh Warren; Bi ll Goodman:RE: Cargo Boxes Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 8/14/2009 9:31:14 AM (17512B) Danny Campbell -> Shipping:RE: Carco Boxes 8/18/2009 5:45:23 AM (1028120B) Al Cotten -> [email protected]:RE: Dr iller Test Ring Quote #1393A Converting Est1393AfromRisersInter.pdf (180KB) attachment Converting RI_209_Riser_Adapter_Test_Flange.jpg (417KB) attachment Converting RI_20901Test_Flange.jpg (415KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Est1393AfromRisersInter.pdf, RI_209_Riser_Adapter_Test_ Flange.jpg, RI_20901Test_Flange.jpg 8/26/2009 3:04:42 PM (15753B) Roy Mills -> Al Cotten; [email protected] et:RE: Driller Test Ring Quote #1393A 8/26/2009 3:11:57 PM (19352B) Al Cotten -> Roy Mills; [email protected] et:RE: Driller Test Ring Quote #1393A 8/26/2009 3:16:24 PM (20893B) Roy Mills -> Al Cotten; [email protected] et:RE: Driller Test Ring Quote #1393A 9/9/2009 9:59:08 AM (272380B) Jie Li -> Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis:Thrust collar of Phoenix Converting DEE11090040THRUST_COLLARBOX_SIDE.pdf (48KB) attachment Converting DEE11090041THRUST_COLLARPIN_SIDE.pdf (45KB) attachment Converting DEE11090042ADJUSTABLE_THRUST_COLLARREV_1.pdf (164KB) attachme nt 3 attachment(s): DEE11090040THRUST_COLLARBOX_SIDE.pdf, DEE11090041THRUST _COLLARPIN_SIDE.pdf, DEE11090042ADJUSTABLE_THRUST_COLLARREV_1.pdf 9/9/2009 12:21:22 PM (1121777B) Danny Campbell -> Josh Warren; Jeffrey Bowma n; Ray Dunn:RE: Items that need to be shipped Converting image001.gif (445KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (635KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.gif 9/9/2009 1:29:25 PM (886695B) Danny Campbell -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb: FW: Confirming pick up : Thurn tuggers at Max Goodman Yard Skipping attachment Thern_tuggers_at_Max_Goodman_Yard_79.5_KB.msg becaus e it is a Windows .msg file Converting 20090828_10.45.50.jpg (352KB) attachment Converting 20090828_10.45.19.jpg (413KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 20090828_10.45.50.jpg, 20090828_10.45.19.jpg 9/9/2009 1:32:22 PM (34269B) Ray Dunn -> Danny Campbell; Bill Goodman; Chast ity Lamb:RE: Confirming pick up : Thurn tuggers at Max Goodman Yard 9/9/2009 1:43:54 PM (1125661B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin:FW: Items that need to be shipped Converting image001.gif (445KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (11KB) attachment

Converting image003.gif (635KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.gif 9/10/2009 7:54:02 AM (1136289B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin:RE: Items that need to be shipped Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (445KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (635KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.jpg, image004.gif 9/10/2009 2:24:11 PM (1130931B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin; Josh Warren; Jeffrey Bowman; Ray Dunn:RE: Items that need to be shipped Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (445KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (635KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.jpg, image004.gif 9/15/2009 8:24:35 PM (30322B) Al Cotten -> Alton Watson:FW: USA TODAY IS TAK ING A POLL ON 2ND AMENDMENT - GUN CONTROL 9/25/2009 11:55:16 AM (40259B) Materialsman Driller -> Glen Wofford:FW: rise r bolts Converting image002.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.gif 9/25/2009 12:10:45 PM (9699B) Al Cotten -> [email protected]:Re: Drille r Bolt Boxes 9/28/2009 2:53:23 PM (15145B) Materialsman Driller -> Chastity Lamb:RISER SE ALS Converting image002.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 9/29/2009 8:53:38 AM (22611B) Materialsman Driller -> Bill Goodman:FW: RISER SEALS Converting image002.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.gif 9/30/2009 12:17:42 PM (37547B) Danny Campbell -> Rob Kirwan; Hank Martin:RE: Sheave movement 10/5/2009 6:46:48 PM (64868B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; bgoodman @risersinc.com; [email protected]:FW: Frontier 1 & 2 Buoyancy Installatio n VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/5/2009 9:51:01 PM (70532B) Maj Bassey -> Peter Grice:RE: Frontier 1 & 2 B uoyancy Installation VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/7/2009 1:25:01 PM (83807B) Maj Bassey -> Bill Goodman:RE: Frontier 1 & 2 Buoyancy Installation VORs Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 10/9/2009 10:30:40 AM (18255B) Rig Superintendent Driller -> Ray Dunn; bgood [email protected]:FW: C-PORT ADDRESS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/9/2009 1:16:05 PM (18347B) Noriaki Yoshiyasu -> Esselbrugge, Martin; Max

Goodman:RE: M08533 Bully 1 & Bully 2 Lankhorst Mouldings 10/9/2009 1:20:03 PM (31084B) Maj Bassey -> Laura True; Peter Grice:RE: Load ing Spec. for Port Kelang or Singapore 10/9/2009 2:22:16 PM (26903B) Ray Dunn -> Bill Goodman; Rig Superintendent D riller:RE: C-PORT ADDRESS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/12/2009 3:43:51 PM (36808B) Rig Superintendent Driller -> Bill Goodman; R ay Dunn; Toolpusher Driller:RE: C-PORT ADDRESS Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 10/14/2009 8:07:22 AM (709612B) Al Cotten -> Alton Watson:FW: The Black Patc h - please don't delete Skipping attachment The_Black_Patch__please_dont_delete_341_KB.msg becau se it is a Windows .msg file Converting image0011.jpg (51KB) attachment Converting image0022.jpg (60KB) attachment Converting image0033.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting image0055.jpg (69KB) attachment Converting image0066.jpg (39KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): image0011.jpg, image0022.jpg, image0033.jpg, image0044. jpg, image0055.jpg, image0066.jpg, imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif 10/19/2009 7:51:38 PM (19145B) Al Cotten -> Subsea Engineer Driller:RE: Dril ler Riser to return to Risers Intl. Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/20/2009 8:35:47 AM (22718B) Al Cotten -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Driller Riser to return to Risers Intl. Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/21/2009 7:33:42 AM (9968B) Josh Warren -> [email protected]; clamb@r isersinc.com:Frontier Driller Slip joint quote 11/3/2009 3:12:43 AM (441369B) Jie Li -> Ray Wong; Louis Kabelka; Max Goodma n; Bill Goodman:Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1101 016)) Converting D2206222096C.pdf (375KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): D2206222096C.pdf 11/3/2009 7:35:55 AM (72024B) Jie Li -> Louis Kabelka; Ray Wong; Max Goodman ; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1 101016)) 11/3/2009 9:52:14 AM (504343B) Maj Bassey -> Jie Li; Ray Wong; Louis Kabelka ; Max Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1101016)) Converting D2206222096C.PDF (375KB) attachment Converting Driller_Hook_Load_Calculations_RevA_71008_Rev1.xls (50KB) att achment 2 attachment(s): D2206222096C.PDF, Driller_Hook_Load_Calculations_RevA_7 1008_Rev1.xls 11/4/2009 8:22:31 AM (31868B) Al Cotten -> Lewis Charles:FW: Driller Riser B ouyancy OD & Joint Weights (pn1101016) 11/4/2009 9:40:44 AM (15775B) Al Cotten -> [email protected]; clewis610 [email protected]:Re: Driller Riser Buoyancy OD & Joint Weights (pn1101016) 11/4/2009 11:27:30 AM (153537B) Maj Bassey -> Matt Stahl; Max Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1101016) ) Converting Driller_Hook_Load_Calculations_RevA_71008_Rev2.xls (49KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): Driller_Hook_Load_Calculations_RevA_71008_Rev2.xls

10/11/2009 1:37:55 PM (9525B) Rig Superintendent Driller -> bgoodman@risersi nc.com; Ray Dunn; Josh Warren:hydraulic running tool 7/27/2009 9:21:40 PM (20401B) Jie Li -> John Chircop; Al Cotten; Teri Brecke nridge:RE: Quote #1386 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin 6/28/2009 12:06:42 AM (860752B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: PO # DEE-02405 : Packer Split, Te lescopic Joint Converting image001.jpg (45KB) attachment Converting DEE02405_WMG_ENT.PDF (774KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, DEE02405_WMG_ENT.PDF 12/2/2009 7:38:25 PM (68904B) Peter Grice -> Esselbrugge, Martin; Maj Bassey ; John Chircop; David Smallwood:M08533-01 Bully 1 transport - inspection 12/2/2009 8:10:04 PM (25655B) Riemie Ledet -> Peter Grice; MEsselbrugge@lank horst-mouldings.nl; Maj Bassey; John Chircop; David Smallwood:Re: M08533-01 Bull y 1 transport - inspection 12/9/2009 8:13:46 AM (3965826B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:F W: Bully 1 Mux Clamp Converting BULLY_1_MUX_CLAMP_LAYOUT.pdf (392KB) attachment Converting BULLY_1_MUX_CLAMP.SAT (2752KB) attachment Converting 1000049851604_AKS_BUOY_RISER.pdf (527KB) attachment Converting 27102009_054434.png (277KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): BULLY_1_MUX_CLAMP_LAYOUT.pdf, BULLY_1_MUX_CLAMP.SAT, 10 00049851604_AKS_BUOY_RISER.pdf, 27102009_054434.png 12/10/2009 10:16:06 AM (3081337B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: FR ONTIER PHOENIX PRODUCT DWG. Converting D2206222411A.PDF (3063KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): D2206222411A.PDF 1/11/2010 10:35:38 AM (9329B) Roy Mills -> Bill Goodman:30" Pin Connector 1/11/2010 10:07:07 PM (15485B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:Re: 30" Pin Connecto r Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/11/2010 11:23:16 PM (21445B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:RE: 30" Pin Connecto r Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/12/2010 5:37:27 PM (609962B) Peter Grice -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman:Misc Converting P1020859.JPG (31KB) attachment Converting P1020860.JPG (29KB) attachment Converting P1020861.JPG (37KB) attachment Converting P1020862.JPG (40KB) attachment Converting P1020863.JPG (49KB) attachment Converting P1020864.JPG (55KB) attachment Converting P1020865.JPG (59KB) attachment Converting P1020853.JPG (51KB) attachment Converting P1020854.JPG (51KB) attachment Converting P1020855.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting P1020856.JPG (47KB) attachment Converting P1020857.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting P1020858.JPG (31KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): P1020859.JPG, P1020860.JPG, P1020861.JPG, P1020862.JPG , P1020863.JPG, P1020864.JPG, P1020865.JPG, P1020853.JPG, P1020854.JPG, P1020855 .JPG, P1020856.JPG, P1020857.JPG, P1020858.JPG 1/18/2010 1:52:50 PM (11284B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; maxg1945 @earthlink.net:Re: Delivery Final Failure Notice 1/18/2010 6:11:16 PM (16055B) Maj Bassey -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthlink .net:RE: Delivery Final Failure Notice 2/10/2010 9:36:49 AM (77093B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Lim'; 'M ax Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/10/2010 11:50:18 AM (85078B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/15/2010 9:58:13 AM (7951B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:Out of Office: Sh ipment of riser buoyancies 2/15/2010 12:09:23 PM (7740B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; bgoodman @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]:18-3/4" 10K U and UII Bops 2/15/2010 12:09:49 PM (9416B) Maj Bassey -> Maj Bassey; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:R E: 18-3/4" 10K U and UII Bops 2/15/2010 12:24:36 PM (12892B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: 18 -3/4" 10K U and UII Bops 2/15/2010 2:22:20 PM (10965B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:Re: 183/4" 10K U and UII Bops 2/17/2010 1:41:24 PM (75491B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Lim'; 'M ax Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/17/2010 4:09:07 PM (82831B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/18/2010 6:31:26 AM (13155B) Danny Campbell -> Bill Goodman; Jeffrey Bowman ; Ray Dunn:RE: Driller Riser Joints 2/22/2010 10:07:42 AM (17607B) Jeffrey Bowman -> Bill Goodman; Danny Campbel l; Ray Dunn:RE: Driller Riser Joints 2/22/2010 2:04:38 PM (86545B) Maj Bassey -> Shaun Hinson:P-II (Frontier-Phoe nix) Combination of "Riser Adapter/ Flex Joint" data Book-Rig Manual Converting PII_Comb._Riser_Adapt._Flex_Joint.pdf (69KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PII_Comb._Riser_Adapt._Flex_Joint.pdf 2/22/2010 2:28:10 PM (86060B) Maj Bassey -> Shawn Staley:FW: P-II (FrontierPhoenix) Combination of "Riser Adapter/ Flex Joint" data Book-Rig Manual Converting PII_Comb._Riser_Adapt._Flex_Joint.pdf (69KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PII_Comb._Riser_Adapt._Flex_Joint.pdf 2/22/2010 2:29:40 PM (8885B) Maj Bassey -> Shaun Hinson:Recall: P-II (Fronti er-Phoenix) Combination of "Riser Adapter/ Flex Joint" data Book-Rig Manual 2/22/2010 2:57:56 PM (22994B) Maj Bassey -> Shawn Staley:RE: P-II (FrontierPhoenix) Combination of "Riser Adapter/ Flex Joint" data Book-Rig Manual 2/22/2010 3:19:08 PM (83705B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/23/2010 10:30:09 AM (94005B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/23/2010 10:47:26 AM (102796B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment o f riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/25/2010 12:13:59 PM (139085B) Tina Pilgreen -> Shipping:RE: Shipment of ri ser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting Shippers_Letter_of_Instructions_2010c.xlsm (33KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Shippers_Letter_of_Instructions_2010c.xls m 2/26/2010 2:22:14 PM (103567B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of

riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/28/2010 8:10:26 PM (447347B) Peter Grice -> Max Goodman; bgoodman@risersin c.com:Latest Shipment 10 x Containers APL India Converting P1030116.JPG (33KB) attachment Converting P1030106.JPG (36KB) attachment Converting P1030107.JPG (33KB) attachment Converting P1030108.JPG (34KB) attachment Converting P1030109.JPG (53KB) attachment Converting P1030110.JPG (41KB) attachment Converting P1030111.JPG (42KB) attachment Converting P1030112.JPG (36KB) attachment Converting P1030113.JPG (47KB) attachment Converting P1030114.JPG (35KB) attachment Converting P1030115.JPG (42KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): P1030116.JPG, P1030106.JPG, P1030107.JPG, P1030108.JPG , P1030109.JPG, P1030110.JPG, P1030111.JPG, P1030112.JPG, P1030113.JPG, P1030114 .JPG, P1030115.JPG 3/1/2010 12:50:35 PM (327104B) Tina Pilgreen -> Shipping:RE: Shipment of ris er buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting 20100301124524512.pdf (223KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, 20100301124524512.pdf 3/1/2010 2:20:03 PM (332996B) Tina Pilgreen -> Shipping:RE: Shipment of rise r buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting 20100301141342527.pdf (226KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, 20100301141342527.pdf 3/2/2010 7:17:18 AM (17421B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:Re;Driller Riser Handl ing tool Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 8:43:37 AM (335699B) Tina Pilgreen -> Shipping:RE: Shipment of rise r buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting 20100302083729619.pdf (226KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, 20100302083729619.pdf 3/2/2010 9:53:13 AM (21226B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:Re: Frontier Failsafe valves Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/3/2010 2:41:47 PM (124089B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/8/2010 7:07:09 AM (18498B) Al Cotten -> Al Cotten:RE: Quantities of valves 3/9/2010 10:19:36 PM (23458B) Al Cotten -> Max Goodman:RE: Quantities of val ves 3/10/2010 8:49:13 PM (1921002B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; bgood [email protected]:Shipment of 7500ft modules Converting Bully__1__0010.xls (24KB) attachment Converting P1030117.JPG (63KB) attachment Converting P1030118.JPG (35KB) attachment Converting P1030119.JPG (37KB) attachment Converting P1030120.JPG (63KB) attachment Converting P1030121.JPG (29KB) attachment Converting P1030122.JPG (37KB) attachment Converting P1030123.JPG (35KB) attachment Converting P1030124.JPG (52KB) attachment

Converting P1030125.JPG (36KB) attachment Converting P1030126.JPG (39KB) attachment Converting P1030127.JPG (44KB) attachment Converting P1030128.JPG (58KB) attachment Converting P1030129.JPG (57KB) attachment Converting P1030130.JPG (44KB) attachment Converting P1030131.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting P1030132.JPG (55KB) attachment Converting P1030133.JPG (28KB) attachment Converting P1030134.JPG (34KB) attachment Converting P1030135.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting P1030136.JPG (57KB) attachment Converting P1030137.JPG (40KB) attachment Converting P1030138.JPG (59KB) attachment Converting P1030139.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting P1030140.JPG (38KB) attachment Converting P1030141.JPG (62KB) attachment Converting P1030142.JPG (38KB) attachment Converting P1030143.JPG (42KB) attachment Converting P1030144.JPG (52KB) attachment Converting P1030145.JPG (40KB) attachment Converting P1030146.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting P1030147.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting P1030148.JPG (44KB) attachment Converting P1030149.JPG (41KB) attachment Converting P1030150.JPG (42KB) attachment Converting P1030151.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting P1030152.JPG (34KB) attachment Converting P1030153.JPG (53KB) attachment Converting P1030154.JPG (58KB) attachment Converting P1030155.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting P1030156.JPG (54KB) attachment 41 attachment(s): Bully__1__0010.xls, P1030117.JPG, P1030118.JPG, P10301 19.JPG, P1030120.JPG, P1030121.JPG, P1030122.JPG, P1030123.JPG, P1030124.JPG, P1 030125.JPG, P1030126.JPG, P1030127.JPG, P1030128.JPG, P1030129.JPG, P1030130.JPG , P1030131.JPG, P1030132.JPG, P1030133.JPG, P1030134.JPG, P1030135.JPG, P1030136 .JPG, P1030137.JPG, P1030138.JPG, P1030139.JPG, P1030140.JPG, P1030141.JPG, P103 0142.JPG, P1030143.JPG, P1030144.JPG, P1030145.JPG, P1030146.JPG, P1030147.JPG, P1030148.JPG, P1030149.JPG, P1030150.JPG, P1030151.JPG, P1030152.JPG, P1030153.J PG, P1030154.JPG, P1030155.JPG, P1030156.JPG 3/11/2010 5:00:23 PM (26496B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthlin k.net:RE: Shipment of 7500ft modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/16/2010 9:17:37 AM (10650B) Debra Wheeler -> [email protected]:rls of bkg for more containers 3/16/2010 9:11:49 AM (16007B) HOUCTL -> Debra Wheeler; STN EQUIPMENT:RE: rls of bkg for more containers 3/16/2010 9:17:58 AM (24080B) STN EQUIPMENT -> HOUCTL; Debra Wheeler; STN EQ UIPMENT:RE: rls of bkg for more containers 3/16/2010 9:21:13 AM (24878B) HOUCTL -> Debra Wheeler:RE: rls of bkg for mor e containers 3/16/2010 9:35:15 AM (19448B) Debra Wheeler -> HOUCTL:RE: rls of bkg for mor e containers 3/17/2010 9:15:28 PM (35188B) Al Cotten -> Ricky Ducote:FW: Keep it going 3/23/2010 11:04:58 AM (26589B) Stephen Camp -> 'Maj Bassey'; bgoodman@risers inc.com:RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l faci lity) 3/23/2010 10:22:23 AM (28225B) Maj Bassey -> Stephen Camp; bgoodman@risersin c.com:RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facili

ty) 3/23/2010 11:31:03 AM (38758B) Stephen Camp -> 'Maj Bassey'; bgoodman@risers inc.com:RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l faci lity) 3/23/2010 12:00:17 PM (39135B) Stephen Camp -> 'Maj Bassey'; bgoodman@risers inc.com:RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l faci lity) 3/23/2010 11:03:31 AM (13495B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin:Piston shipment 3/23/2010 11:34:00 AM (22886B) Hank Martin -> Danny Campbell:RE: Piston ship ment Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/23/2010 11:37:29 AM (24269B) Danny Campbell -> Hank Martin:RE: Piston ship ment Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/23/2010 11:46:52 AM (27733B) Bourgeois, Russell -> Danny Campbell; Hank Ma rtin:RE: Piston shipment Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/25/2010 1:44:51 PM (51332B) Debra Wheeler -> HOUCTL; Chastity Lamb; STN EQ UIPMENT:RE: rls of bkg for more containers 3/25/2010 1:37:49 PM (74412B) STN EQUIPMENT -> Debra Wheeler; HOUCTL; Chasti ty Lamb; STN EQUIPMENT:RE: rls of bkg for more containers 3/30/2010 2:39:36 PM (26736B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Risers International Shippi ng':RE: Findings On Floatation # 6105-100002 Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/30/2010 6:46:42 PM (26214B) Justin Bussey -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman; Shipping:RE: Seal Subs Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 8:28:22 PM (14645B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:CNS / FD numbers 3/30/2010 9:39:03 PM (17466B) Peter Grice -> Laura True:RE: Re: B-I Shipping loose items 3/31/2010 1:00:01 AM (27393B) Peter Grice -> Laura True:B-I Shipping loose i tems 3/31/2010 8:18:25 AM (29740B) Maj Bassey -> Laura True; John Chircop:RE: BOP STACK Houston / Singapore - Drafted booking note **URGENT* 3/30/2010 4:20:43 AM (17937B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: riser data p ackage Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/29/2010 2:01:49 AM (21129B) Rig Superintendent Phoenix -> bgoodman@risersi nc.com:RE: Phoenix Riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/28/2010 10:41:53 PM (12113B) Justin Bussey -> [email protected]:riser data package 3/28/2010 6:41:52 PM (15620B) John Chircop -> [email protected]:RE: Pho enix Riser 3/28/2010 6:10:00 PM (18223B) Rig Superintendent Phoenix -> bgoodman@risersi nc.com:RE: Phoenix Riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/28/2010 6:07:58 PM (21197B) Rig Superintendent Phoenix -> bgoodman@risersi nc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; Leo Tombros; jwest@ris ersinc.com:RE: Phoenix Riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg

3/26/2010 6:14:23 PM (12305B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]:RE: Bull y modules 3/25/2010 10:53:56 PM (175137B) Rig Superintendent Phoenix -> bgoodman@riser sinc.com:FPhoenix Riser Master List - Rev2.xlsx Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting FPhoenix_Riser_Master_List__Rev2.xlsx (163KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, FPhoenix_Riser_Master_List__Rev2.xlsx 3/25/2010 7:06:01 PM (23032B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthlin k.net:RE: Installation Drawings 3/25/2010 10:03:40 AM (486954B) Jie Li -> Shawn Staley; Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman; [email protected]:FW: 75' Riser to Singapore Converting DSC00539.jpg (144KB) attachment Converting DSC00548.jpg (147KB) attachment Converting DSC00549.jpg (142KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): DSC00539.jpg, DSC00548.jpg, DSC00549.jpg 3/25/2010 3:08:17 AM (13512B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; bgoodma [email protected]:RE: Installation Drawings 3/25/2010 2:38:04 AM (9957B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; bgoodman @risersinc.com:Installation Drawings 3/24/2010 4:11:38 PM (14090B) Jie Li -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles; Shawn S taley:22" OD riser certified weight 3/24/2010 8:56:36 AM (31637B) Maj Bassey -> Lewis Charles; maxg1945@earthlin k.net; Charles Lewis:RE: Frontier-Phoenix (P-II) Riser 3/24/2010 7:59:50 AM (26818B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; Charles Lewis:FW: Frontier-Phoenix (P-II) Riser 3/22/2010 9:16:40 AM (19413B) Maj Bassey -> Stephen Camp; bgoodman@risersinc .com:RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facilit y) 3/21/2010 3:08:05 PM (11839B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; stephen. [email protected]:Re: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Rise r Int'l facility) 3/20/2010 9:02:43 PM (27970B) John Chircop -> Lewis Charles; Max Goodman:RE: Emailing: SAM_0340, SAM_0339 3/20/2010 7:11:27 AM (421595B) Maj Bassey -> Stephen Camp:FW: 18-3/4" 10K C ameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facility) Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type_U_Bonnet1.jpg (124KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg (154KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg (122KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type _U_Bonnet1.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Camero n_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg 3/20/2010 7:04:48 AM (419009B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; maxg194 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facility) Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type_U_Bonnet1.jpg (124KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg (154KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg (122KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type _U_Bonnet1.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Camero n_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg 1/29/2010 6:27:39 PM (52109B) Peter Grice -> Max Goodman:Bully 2 Modules 1/17/2010 9:07:03 PM (14978B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:RE: D elivery Final Failure Notice 1/17/2010 6:18:01 PM (9598B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:RE: De livery Final Failure Notice 1/10/2010 5:49:19 PM (12664B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:RE: Delivery Final

Failure Notice 1/8/2010 8:40:46 PM (13917B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:FW: Delivery Final Failure Notice Skipping attachment BUlly_2_Modules_and_Riser_Fins_Status_1.08_KB.msg be cause it is a Windows .msg file 1/8/2010 8:40:13 PM (41682B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:FW: Delivery Final Failure Notice Skipping attachment M0853301_Bully_1_transport_7.98_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 1/8/2010 8:28:23 PM (60791B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:RE: M0 8533-01 Bully 1 transport 3/31/2010 6:56:14 PM (19999B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: CNS / FD num bers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 7:59:35 PM (12201B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; sstale [email protected]:RE: Phoenix 21" Riser Adapter Data Book 4/4/2010 11:27:58 PM (9054B) John Chircop -> Bill Goodman:Phoenix Riser Iden tification 4/5/2010 2:14:26 AM (29121B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: CNS / FD numb ers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/5/2010 9:53:46 AM (12845B) Justin Bussey -> [email protected]:Re: CNS / FD numbers 4/5/2010 7:29:27 PM (80993B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; shipping @risersinc.com:Bully modules Converting 102P5000494.pdf (58KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 102P5000494.pdf 4/5/2010 10:32:02 PM (15540B) John Chircop -> Peter Grice; bgoodman@risersin c.com; [email protected]; Maj Bassey:Re: Bully modules 4/6/2010 3:05:09 PM (1921571B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; Charles Lewis:FW: TH Hill QA/QC Reports for 4/3-4/5 Converting Activity_Report_For_April_5th_2010Shell_AlaskaFDT_25087.pdf ( 1061KB) attachment Converting Activity_Report_For_April_3rd__4th_2010Shell_AlaskaFDT_25087. pdf (841KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Activity_Report_For_April_5th_2010Shell_AlaskaFDT_25087 .pdf, Activity_Report_For_April_3rd__4th_2010Shell_AlaskaFDT_25087.pdf 4/6/2010 8:59:53 PM (82506B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bully modules Converting image001.jpg (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/7/2010 6:48:44 AM (8413B) John Chircop -> Justin Bussey; bgoodman@risersin c.com; [email protected]:Fw: riser 4/8/2010 3:42:37 AM (6080026B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman; John Chircop:r iser parts needed Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting general_info_index_1__section_2.pdf (6064KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, general_info_index_1__section_2.pdf 4/8/2010 7:32:04 PM (25221B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman; John Chircop:RE: riser parts needed Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 4/8/2010 9:16:52 PM (26698B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: riser parts n eeded 4/9/2010 11:01:24 AM (150275B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:Phoenix Buoyancy Modules Change of quantity and water depth. Converting FrontierPhoenix_Riser_Stack_Up_Rev3_5500_ft_water_depth_42201 0.xls (72KB) attachment

Converting FrontierPhoenix_Hook_Load_Calcu__5500ft_WDVer_3.XLS (52KB) at tachment 2 attachment(s): FrontierPhoenix_Riser_Stack_Up_Rev3_5500_ft_water_depth _422010.xls, FrontierPhoenix_Hook_Load_Calcu__5500ft_WDVer_3.XLS 4/11/2010 9:09:42 PM (658356B) John Chircop -> Bill Goodman:Signed QA CoC Converting 1024_SECTION_2_COC.pdf (648KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1024_SECTION_2_COC.pdf 4/12/2010 10:34:58 AM (7673B) Al Cotten -> [email protected]:Re; Phoeni x modules 4/12/2010 10:54:21 PM (27384B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: riser parts needed 4/13/2010 10:35:44 PM (33021B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: riser parts needed Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/14/2010 3:19:19 AM (19167B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; Bill Go odman:Bully modules 4/14/2010 8:38:05 AM (12389B) Steve Meheen -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #1 483A 4/14/2010 10:15:12 AM (12170B) Steve Meheen -> Teri Breckenridge; Maj Bassey :RE: Quote 1483 Rig - Phoenix Wellhead Connector 4/14/2010 10:21:15 AM (12175B) Steve Meheen -> Teri Breckenridge; Maj Bassey :RE: Quote 1483 Rig - Phoenix Wellhead Connector 4/14/2010 10:33:27 AM (433999B) Maj Bassey -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote 14 83 Rig - Phoenix Wellhead Connector Converting Riser_Int_Quote__1483_492010.pdf (420KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_Int_Quote__1483_492010.pdf 4/14/2010 11:37:26 AM (14458B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/14/2010 11:41:13 AM (34212B) Maj Bassey -> Louis Kabelka:RE: Phoenix Buoya ncy Modules Change of quantity and water depth. Revised Quote/ Amended P.O 4/14/2010 4:18:49 PM (22631B) John Chircop -> Maj Bassey; maxg1945@earthlink .net:RE: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/14/2010 4:21:04 PM (26926B) Steve Meheen -> John Chircop; Maj Bassey; maxg [email protected]:RE: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/15/2010 4:29:47 PM (15660B) Steve Meheen -> [email protected]; John Chircop; Maj Bassey; [email protected]:Re: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/15/2010 9:12:07 PM (28185B) Peter Grice -> [email protected]; Bill Go odman:Bully modules 4/16/2010 7:23:35 PM (12920B) John Chircop -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:Disc o Riser 4/18/2010 9:58:31 PM (12414B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:confrence call 4/19/2010 3:52:40 AM (15461B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: confrence ca ll 4/19/2010 4:17:31 AM (18920B) Sergio Garzon -> Justin Bussey; Bill Goodman:R E: confrence call ****Phoenix marine riser databooks**** 4/19/2010 9:55:07 PM (11338B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:meeting follow u p 4/20/2010 9:01:21 AM (24781B) Maj Bassey -> John Chircop:Frontier-Phoenix Ri ser Qualification testing at Stress Engineering 4/20/2010 1:33:16 PM (602610B) Maj Bassey -> Brad; Laura True; Richard Philp itt:RE: 8 x 75' Riser Joints for P2 Converting DSC00549.JPG (142KB) attachment Converting DSC00547.JPG (145KB) attachment Converting DSC00539.JPG (144KB) attachment Converting DSC00548.JPG (147KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSC00549.JPG, DSC00547.JPG, DSC00539.JPG, DSC00548.JPG 4/20/2010 6:47:01 PM (10077B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:riser data pack 4/21/2010 9:47:40 AM (16479B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:RE: riser data p ack

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/21/2010 10:59:49 AM (21538B) John Chircop -> Justin Bussey; Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:Phoenix Riser data pack Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/21/2010 11:27:07 AM (922727B) Maj Bassey -> Max Goodman; Lewis Charles; Bi ll Goodman:FW: DW Horizon update Converting 1001019.jpg (109KB) attachment Converting 1001046.jpg (193KB) attachment Converting 1001049.jpg (199KB) attachment Converting 1001050.jpg (198KB) attachment Converting 1001012.jpg (115KB) attachment Converting 1001014.jpg (93KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): 1001019.jpg, 1001046.jpg, 1001049.jpg, 1001050.jpg, 100 1012.jpg, 1001014.jpg 4/21/2010 11:29:37 AM (313529B) Maj Bassey -> Max Goodman; Lewis Charles; Bi ll Goodman:RE: DW Horizon update Converting IMG1114.jpg (131KB) attachment Converting IMG1129.jpg (169KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): IMG1114.jpg, IMG1129.jpg 4/21/2010 11:28:22 AM (6941579B) Maj Bassey -> Max Goodman; Lewis Charles; B ill Goodman:RE: DW Horizon update Converting DSC04072.jpg (1096KB) attachment Converting DSC04077.jpg (1246KB) attachment Converting DSC04080.jpg (1246KB) attachment Converting DSC04088.jpg (1340KB) attachment Converting 1001035.jpg (595KB) attachment Converting 1001036.jpg (430KB) attachment Converting 1001039.jpg (483KB) attachment Converting 1001040.jpg (489KB) attachment 8 attachment(s): DSC04072.jpg, DSC04077.jpg, DSC04080.jpg, DSC04088.jpg, 1001035.jpg, 1001036.jpg, 1001039.jpg, 1001040.jpg 4/24/2010 11:16:41 AM (31970B) Maj Bassey -> Jie Li; Noriaki Yoshiyasu:RE:Fr ontier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/24/2010 11:56:28 AM (31906B) Al Cotten -> Max Reeves; [email protected] m:FW: Deepwater Horizon Remembrance 4/25/2010 2:52:00 AM (33490B) Noriaki Yoshiyasu -> Maj Bassey; Jie Li:RE: Fr ontier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 12:56:03 AM (8514B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:riser parts 4/26/2010 9:51:54 AM (52019B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; Noriaki Y oshiyasu; Jie Li:RE: Frontier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 12:06:15 PM (59987B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:RE: Front ier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 12:25:16 PM (66918B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:RE: Front ier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 3:17:51 PM (1835968B) Maj Bassey -> Steve Meheen:2K Buoyancy Modul esStatus Converting DSC00708.JPG (141KB) attachment Converting DSC00709.JPG (139KB) attachment Converting DSC00710.JPG (151KB) attachment Converting DSC00711.JPG (146KB) attachment Converting DSC00712.JPG (135KB) attachment Converting DSC00713.JPG (137KB) attachment Converting DSC00714.JPG (138KB) attachment Converting DSC00715.JPG (142KB) attachment Converting DSC00716.JPG (138KB) attachment Converting DSC00717.JPG (140KB) attachment Converting DSC00718.JPG (130KB) attachment Converting DSC00719.JPG (145KB) attachment

Converting DSC00720.JPG (137KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): DSC00708.JPG, DSC00709.JPG, DSC00710.JPG, DSC00711.JPG , DSC00712.JPG, DSC00713.JPG, DSC00714.JPG, DSC00715.JPG, DSC00716.JPG, DSC00717 .JPG, DSC00718.JPG, DSC00719.JPG, DSC00720.JPG 4/26/2010 3:30:44 PM (19733B) Steve Meheen -> Maj Bassey:RE: 2K Buoyancy Mod ulesStatus 4/26/2010 3:36:53 PM (16661B) Maj Bassey -> Steve Meheen:RE: 2K Buoyancy Mod ulesStatus 4/26/2010 6:48:29 PM (25372B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis61 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: Riser Equipm ent Data Book Issues 4/27/2010 8:19:12 AM (18891B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; Shawn Staley; Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman: 4/27/2010 11:04:15 AM (171779B) Maj Bassey -> John Chircop:RE: 2000ft Buoyan cy Converting DSC00715.jpg (142KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DSC00715.jpg 4/27/2010 3:39:24 PM (1403137B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; clamb@wmgente rprises.net:FW: Deepwater Horizon Converting Horizon.pdf (1393KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Horizon.pdf 4/28/2010 4:37:12 AM (175690B) John Chircop -> Maj Bassey:RE: 2000ft Buoyanc y Converting DSC00715.jpg (142KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DSC00715.jpg 4/28/2010 8:10:17 AM (889838B) Maj Bassey -> John Chircop:RE: 2000ft Buoyanc y Converting DSC00709.jpg (139KB) attachment Converting DSC00710.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting DSC00711.jpg (146KB) attachment Converting DSC00712.jpg (135KB) attachment Converting DSC00713.jpg (137KB) attachment Converting DSC00715.jpg (142KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): DSC00709.jpg, DSC00710.jpg, DSC00711.jpg, DSC00712.jpg, DSC00713.jpg, DSC00715.jpg 4/28/2010 8:42:11 AM (893310B) John Chircop -> Maj Bassey:RE: 2000ft Buoyanc y Converting DSC00709.jpg (139KB) attachment Converting DSC00710.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting DSC00711.jpg (146KB) attachment Converting DSC00712.jpg (135KB) attachment Converting DSC00713.jpg (137KB) attachment Converting DSC00715.jpg (142KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): DSC00709.jpg, DSC00710.jpg, DSC00711.jpg, DSC00712.jpg, DSC00713.jpg, DSC00715.jpg 4/28/2010 3:24:30 PM (19410B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; Bill Goodm an; [email protected]; [email protected]; fran.cnswelding@sbcglobal .net:Hydraulic Lines Sections Issues -Phoenix Riser Data book 4/28/2010 3:58:48 PM (27593B) Maj Bassey -> Jie Li; [email protected] ; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; [email protected]; fran.cnsweldi [email protected]:RE: Hydraulic Lines Sections Issues -Phoenix Riser Data book 4/29/2010 9:01:34 AM (75142B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; clewis6101@s bcglobal.net; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:FW: EP021542 - Riser Spide r Comments Converting BWSMATL51650.pdf (52KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BWSMATL51650.pdf 4/29/2010 10:43:14 AM (27059B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; staleysn@ earthlink.net; Bill Goodman; [email protected]:Riser Booster Line Da ta Book Finds

4/29/2010 11:20:07 AM (30713B) Maj Bassey -> Lewis Charles:RE: Phoenix/Verif ication testing schedule 4/29/2010 3:44:14 PM (9803B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis610 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Phoenix Riser Mis sing data 5/1/2010 1:25:03 PM (8498B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:Phoenix Rise r Data Books 5/1/2010 2:43:33 PM (13030B) Maj Bassey -> Jie Li:RE: Phoenix Riser Data Boo ks 5/1/2010 3:00:52 PM (14830B) [email protected] -> Maj Bassey:Re: Phoeni x Riser Data Books 5/1/2010 6:15:00 PM (11937B) Jie Li -> Jie Li; Maj Bassey:RE: Phoenix Riser Data Books 5/1/2010 7:31:14 PM (12287B) Maj Bassey -> Jie Li:Re: Phoenix Riser Data Boo ks 5/1/2010 9:31:29 PM (18963B) Jie Li -> Maj Bassey:RE: Phoenix Riser Data Boo ks 5/3/2010 12:29:34 AM (11476B) Justin Bussey -> Bill Goodman:riser parts 5/3/2010 8:49:44 AM (41459B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; Maj Bassey:RE: Phoenix Riser Data Books 5/4/2010 7:09:58 AM (27048B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis610 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: Phoenix Riser data Boook/ Submit Copies to Shell and DNV 5/4/2010 12:50:18 PM (29712B) Maj Bassey -> Steve Meheen:RE: Phoenix Riser d ata Boook/ Submit Copies to Shell and DNV 5/4/2010 1:17:51 PM (39794B) Steve Meheen -> Maj Bassey:RE: Phoenix Riser da ta Book/ Submit Copies to Shell and DNV 5/4/2010 1:35:47 PM (46985B) Steve Meheen -> [email protected]; Maj Bass ey:RE: Phoenix Riser data Book/ Submit Copies to Shell and DNV 5/4/2010 2:55:00 PM (10867B) Al Cotten -> [email protected]; bgoo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sstaley@rise rsinc.com:Re: list of extra parts for 101-000628 5/4/2010 5:38:05 PM (444719B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: list of extra parts for 101-000628 Converting CCE0504201000000.pdf (431KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CCE0504201000000.pdf 5/5/2010 7:30:10 AM (18412B) Justin Bussey -> Justin Bussey; Bill Goodman:RE : riser parts 5/5/2010 7:58:33 AM (28145B) Jie Li -> Jie Li; Maj Bassey; Noriaki Yoshiyasu :RE: Riser Equipment Data Book Status Update 5/5/2010 9:28:35 AM (36963B) Jie Li -> Shawn Staley; [email protected] t; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:New Manual Running Tool data Book Dou ble Check Converting Riser_Equipment_Data_Book_Issues.htm (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_Equipment_Data_Book_Issues.htm 5/5/2010 9:44:39 AM (38159B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]:FW: New Ma nual Running Tool data Book Double Check Converting Riser_Equipment_Data_Book_Issues.htm (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_Equipment_Data_Book_Issues.htm 5/6/2010 2:25:25 AM (41259B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bully modules 5/6/2010 7:15:22 PM (1607071B) Jie Li -> [email protected]; staleysn@ earthlink.net; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Charles Davis:FW: DNV Survey Reports Converting Document.pdf (1588KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Document.pdf 5/7/2010 1:53:30 AM (119216B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; clewis61 [email protected]:FW: Quote 1483 Rig - Phoenix Wellhead Connector Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p

df 5/10/2010 12:46:10 PM (127969B) Stephanie Marty -> Maj Bassey; maxg1945@eart hlink.net; [email protected]:RE: 101-002118 For Risers International Inc Quote #1483 for DX-15 Wellhead Connector Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/12/2010 11:10:28 AM (22640B) Maj Bassey -> [email protected]; Bill Go odman; [email protected]:RE: Frontier-Driller/ #k & 5K Spare Modules/ Wit h the required Kevalr Straps 5/13/2010 12:37:59 PM (20336B) Maj Bassey -> Wil Kennedy:RE: Frontier-Drille r/ #k & 5K Spare Modules/ With the required Kevalr Straps 5/13/2010 12:42:06 PM (12627B) Ray Dunn -> Maj Bassey; Wil Kennedy:Re: Front ier-Driller/ #k & 5K Spare Modules/ With the required Kevalr Straps 5/13/2010 12:45:19 PM (25742B) Maj Bassey -> Ray Dunn; Wil Kennedy:RE: Front ier-Driller/ #k & 5K Spare Modules/ With the required Kevalr Straps 5/14/2010 1:01:27 AM (41617B) Peter Grice -> Bill Goodman:Bully Module Short Shipped Tensioner Bars *** READING 8 message(s) in mail folder 'Risers International' at 5/16/2010 10:4 3:13 AM: 6/24/2009 8:41:48 AM (29858B) Michael Lugo -> Nina Lamarche; Bill Goodman; H [email protected]:RE: PO 7035069 7/16/2009 9:34:21 PM (15017B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: API Specs 7/19/2009 3:27:47 PM (19145B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: API Specs 8/4/2009 2:36:37 PM (450521B) BILL CHRISTMANN -> Bill Goodman:Bathroom Invoi ce Converting Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf (443KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_International_restroom_2009.rtf 5/4/2010 8:57:57 PM (383852B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Justin West':RE: Converting ScanDoc0034.pdf (374KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ScanDoc0034.pdf 5/4/2010 9:28:56 PM (44588B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Justin West':RE: Converting NDE_Certification_Record.doc (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): NDE_Certification_Record.doc 5/6/2010 2:03:14 PM (100163B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: NDE Certifi cation Record (2) Converting 2137001.pdf (93KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2137001.pdf 5/6/2010 2:15:27 PM (25641B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: NDE Certific ation Record (2) Converting 2138001.pdf (19KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2138001.pdf *** READING 146 message(s) in mail folder 'Max' at 5/16/2010 10:43:19 AM: 5/19/2009 9:25:54 PM (207600B) Max Goodman -> 'William Raymond Coursey':Tele scopic Joint for Venezuela Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (46KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 5/19/2009 4:06:51 PM (58321B) Max Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Allen Murley' :RE: Discoverer Slip joint 5/28/2009 5:03:23 PM (24968B) Max Goodman -> [email protected] om:FW: Enquiry for 2000ft of 50ft marine drilling riser Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/28/2009 9:19:37 PM (28345B) Max Goodman -> Karim Jan:RE: Enquiry for 2000f t of 50ft marine drilling riser 5/29/2009 7:52:05 AM (31524B) Max Goodman -> 'Karim Jan':RE: Enquiry for 200 0ft of 50ft marine drilling riser 5/31/2009 9:51:52 PM (17376B) Max Goodman -> 'kas':RE: Vetco MRC-6 Riser

6/1/2009 7:15:13 AM (29827B) Max Goodman -> 'Marwah, Jagdeep - EOSL - MUM':R E: RCK Risers 50 ft long Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/1/2009 7:24:22 AM (32540B) Max Goodman -> 'Marwah, Jagdeep - EOSL - MUM':R E: RCK Risers 50 ft long Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/1/2009 9:03:54 AM (12677B) Max Goodman -> 'kas':RE: Vetco MR6C Riser 6/1/2009 10:27:43 PM (15472B) Max Goodman -> 'kas':RE: Vetco MR6C Riser 6/5/2009 5:59:24 PM (20886B) Max Goodman -> Kevin:RE: Songa Mecure MR-6C Mec hanical handling/test tool H805128 Rev. 1 6/7/2009 6:57:22 AM (24917B) Max Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: Riser Delive ry 6/11/2009 7:32:02 AM (16687B) Max Goodman -> 'Al Cotten'; 'Chastity Lamb':RE : Re; Charges to Frontier for shipments 6/22/2009 3:12:07 PM (19700B) Max Goodman -> 'Karim Jan':RE: Riser Proposal Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/25/2009 12:57:41 PM (23569B) Max Goodman -> 'William Raymond Coursey':RE: Flex Joint Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/30/2009 9:19:51 PM (85573B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Shipping'; 'Ch astity Lamb'; 'Charles Lewis'; 'Danny Campbell':RE: RISER SPIDER Converting image001.gif (55KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 7/2/2009 10:51:12 AM (11844B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; clewis6101@sbc global.net; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:FW: Pride International 20 09 PO status Inquiry 7/6/2009 10:15:50 AM (20172B) Max Goodman -> 'Kevin ':RE: Rise quote 7/6/2009 11:48:42 AM (26002B) Max Goodman -> 'Chasity Lamb'; 'Lewis Charles' ; Bill Goodman:FW: Pride International Invoice 7/7/2009 8:32:00 AM (14209B) Max Goodman -> 'Kevin '; [email protected] et:RE: Riser quote Questions 7/7/2009 4:14:21 PM (164019B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; Bill Goodman:FW: MR # 101-000368 RISER PARTS QUOTE REQUEST Converting ORF__101000368_PARTS_FOR_THE_RISER.xls (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ORF__101000368_PARTS_FOR_THE_RISER.xls 7/8/2009 7:35:16 AM (16307B) Max Goodman -> 'Kevin '; [email protected] et:RE: Riser quote Questions 7/8/2009 10:03:24 AM (14484B) Max Goodman -> 'Ardy'; nicolewilbanks@comcast. net; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb'; [email protected]; 'Shawn Staley':F W: JURY DUTY SCAM - DO NOT DELETE - PLEASE FORWARD 7/8/2009 10:09:25 PM (9430B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; courseyw @neptune-marine.net:Progress Payment 7/15/2009 9:04:42 PM (20088B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: Forklift 7/20/2009 11:37:15 AM (7609690B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; Bi ll Goodman:FW: Phoenix riser racking MAJOR failure incident *****pictures*** Converting 0619570B0010B.PDF (813KB) attachment Converting IMG0001.jpg (1594KB) attachment Converting IMG0002.jpg (2644KB) attachment Converting IMG0003.jpg (1826KB) attachment Converting P7190467.jpg (711KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 0619570B0010B.PDF, IMG0001.jpg, IMG0002.jpg, IMG0003.jp g, P7190467.jpg 7/20/2009 2:05:08 PM (20505B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; 'T eri Breckenridge'; [email protected]:RE: Quote #1379 2002757706- Riser

7/21/2009 8:46:39 AM (19601B) Max Goodman -> 'Dan Reynolds':RE: 21 od pipe f or galveston 7/23/2009 10:52:35 AM (11721B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: Riser weight 7/27/2009 11:27:27 AM (33070B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Chastity Lam b':FW: Quote #1296 7/29/2009 10:47:22 PM (18338B) Max Goodman -> 'Daljit Singh Pandher':RE: Sta tus 7/31/2009 7:28:38 AM (37726B) Max Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin'; heida@la nkhorst-mouldings.nl:RE: Bully 1 & Bully 2 Lankhorst Mouldings 8/3/2009 11:33:38 PM (9588B) Max Goodman -> 'Daljit Singh Pandher'; courseyw @neptune-marine.net:Buoyancy Progress Payment 8/3/2009 11:38:34 PM (9390B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:New B olts for Driller 8/6/2009 7:57:07 AM (42527B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Creed To Live By Converting thoughtdec8122444422.jpg (30KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): thoughtdec8122444422.jpg 8/13/2009 9:35:25 AM (14735B) Max Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Charles Lewis ':FW: Slip Joint Packer Housing 8/19/2009 10:44:58 AM (8275B) Max Goodman -> Shawn Staley:Deflectors and Aux iliary Line Clamps 9/9/2009 9:30:36 AM (25354B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: paint job Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/9/2009 10:01:37 PM (38985B) Max Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Movement of 12 0 joints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman 9/15/2009 8:54:57 AM (18627B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Riser order Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 9/15/2009 10:32:13 PM (22655B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Riser order Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 9/16/2009 3:59:21 PM (23698B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeer Singh':RE: Risers 9/25/2009 11:27:33 AM (20656B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: riser bolts Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 9/28/2009 8:35:18 PM (17009B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: risers Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 9/28/2009 8:55:07 PM (23821B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: risers Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 9/29/2009 8:53:13 PM (29516B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: risers status report Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 9/30/2009 1:35:33 PM (23506B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Buoya ncy Modules Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 10/1/2009 10:08:07 AM (10397B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Bill Goodman '; 'Lewis Charles':FW: Riser International Shipping and Receiving 10/15/2009 6:36:57 AM (10966B) Max Goodman -> 'Admin (Macro Services Pte Ltd )':RE: Riser

10/15/2009 11:49:32 AM (35105B) Max Goodman -> 'William Raymond Coursey'; 'L ewis Charles':RE: Riser racking Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 8:28:31 PM (35380B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Riser racki ng Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 10:55:17 PM (44578B) Max Goodman -> 'William Raymond Coursey'; 'B ill Goodman':RE: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/20/2009 6:35:29 AM (29802B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Songa Buoyan cy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 10/20/2009 9:09:31 AM (30300B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Songa Buoyan cy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg 10/20/2009 9:07:10 PM (33020B) Max Goodman -> 'Marty Cranford'; 'Bill Stibbs ':RE: Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/22/2009 7:27:24 AM (19611B) Max Goodman -> 'Andy Blaker':RE: Songa Mercur marine riser. 10/22/2009 9:03:08 PM (19900B) Max Goodman -> 'Andy Blaker':RE: Songa Mercur marine riser. 10/22/2009 9:09:40 PM (186763B) Max Goodman -> 'Marty Cranford':FW: Quote #1 410B Converting Est1410BfromRisersInter.pdf (176KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1410BfromRisersInter.pdf 10/22/2009 9:24:11 PM (3569648B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Bill Goodm an'; 'Chastity Lamb':FW: Riser; Buoyancy, Inserts, Shims and Fins Shipments Converting AUMEL109281.pdf (123KB) attachment Converting PL__800122__PO_7010322_B__VSL_MSC__DIEGO_V652R.doc (95KB) att achment Converting Pride_Packing_List_PL0210091.pdf (38KB) attachment Converting PL_800121__PO_7010322__A_VSL_MSC_CARINA_V_6R.doc (95KB) attac hment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.1.pdf (376KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.2.pdf (374KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.3.pdf (409KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.4.pdf (408KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.5.pdf (409KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf (479KB) attachm ent Converting M07473LMHANREV00.pdf (738KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): AUMEL109281.pdf, PL__800122__PO_7010322_B__VSL_MSC__DI EGO_V652R.doc, Pride_Packing_List_PL0210091.pdf, PL_800121__PO_7010322__A_VSL_MS C_CARINA_V_6R.doc, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.1.pdf, M0747301LM INV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.2.pdf, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1

_cnt.3.pdf, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.4.pdf, M0747301LMINV0909 29Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.5.pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf, M07473LMHANREV00.pdf 10/22/2009 9:25:16 PM (3569656B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Bill Goodm an'; 'Chastity Lamb':FW: Riser; Buoyancy, Inserts, Shims and Fins Shipments Converting AUMEL109281.pdf (123KB) attachment Converting PL__800122__PO_7010322_B__VSL_MSC__DIEGO_V652R.doc (95KB) att achment Converting Pride_Packing_List_PL0210091.pdf (38KB) attachment Converting PL_800121__PO_7010322__A_VSL_MSC_CARINA_V_6R.doc (95KB) attac hment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.1.pdf (376KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.2.pdf (374KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.3.pdf (409KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.4.pdf (408KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.5.pdf (409KB) att achment Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf (479KB) attachm ent Converting M07473LMHANREV00.pdf (738KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): AUMEL109281.pdf, PL__800122__PO_7010322_B__VSL_MSC__DI EGO_V652R.doc, Pride_Packing_List_PL0210091.pdf, PL_800121__PO_7010322__A_VSL_MS C_CARINA_V_6R.doc, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.1.pdf, M0747301LM INV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.2.pdf, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1 _cnt.3.pdf, M0747301LMINV090929Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.4.pdf, M0747301LMINV0909 29Proforma_invoice_PS1_cnt.5.pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf, M07473LMHANREV00.pdf 10/22/2009 9:29:43 PM (15547B) Max Goodman -> 'Marty Cranford':RE: Quote #14 10B 10/23/2009 9:56:32 AM (419715B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Charles Lew is'; 'Bill Goodman':FW: Job # 23380-2, HMF Hydraulic Running Tool. Converting Picture_3815.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting Picture_3816.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting Picture_3817.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting Picture_3818.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Picture_3819.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting Picture_3820.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting Picture_3821.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting Picture_3822.jpg (54KB) attachment Converting Picture_3825.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting Picture_3830.jpg (34KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): Picture_3815.jpg, Picture_3816.jpg, Picture_3817.jpg, Picture_3818.jpg, Picture_3819.jpg, Picture_3820.jpg, Picture_3821.jpg, Picture_ 3822.jpg, Picture_3825.jpg, Picture_3830.jpg 10/26/2009 11:51:13 AM (13580B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Conductor Tender 11/2/2009 9:14:39 PM (271225B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs'; 'Marty Cranford ':FW: Converting 110209.JPG (70KB) attachment Converting 110209_1.JPG (73KB) attachment Converting 110209_2.JPG (52KB) attachment Converting 110209_3.JPG (62KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 110209.JPG, 110209_1.JPG, 110209_2.JPG, 110209_3.JPG 11/2/2009 9:15:25 PM (312759B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs'; 'Marty Cranford ':FW: Converting 110209_7.JPG (79KB) attachment

Converting 110209_4.JPG (60KB) attachment Converting 110209_5.JPG (91KB) attachment Converting 110209_6.JPG (72KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 110209_7.JPG, 110209_4.JPG, 110209_5.JPG, 110209_6.JPG 11/2/2009 9:16:01 PM (292272B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs'; 'Marty Cranford ':FW: Converting 110209_11.JPG (61KB) attachment Converting 110209_8.JPG (61KB) attachment Converting 110209_9.JPG (80KB) attachment Converting 110209_10.JPG (79KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 110209_11.JPG, 110209_8.JPG, 110209_9.JPG, 110209_10.JP G 11/2/2009 10:51:48 PM (12725B) Max Goodman -> 'Rudolf Kiefer':RE: 11.03.09 Contact, 11/3/2009 8:35:52 AM (64588B) Max Goodman -> 'Louis Kabelka'; 'Jie Li'; 'Ray Wong'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analy sis (pn1101016)) 11/4/2009 9:39:54 AM (33418B) Max Goodman -> 'Al Cotten'; 'Lewis Charles':RE : Driller Riser Buoyancy OD & Joint Weights (pn1101016) 11/10/2009 9:45:45 AM (26510B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Staley':FW: RE: NOF PO ES01-08-100844 data books 11/11/2009 4:22:42 PM (19597B) Max Goodman -> 'Andy Blaker':RE: Songa Mercur PO MERSSEA1038838 12/1/2009 10:45:33 AM (40087B) Max Goodman -> 'Peter Grice':FW: M08533-01 Bu lly 1 transport 12/1/2009 8:44:23 PM (21724B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeer Singh':RE: Demand of P ayment on Past Due Invoices 9/21/2009 9:59:56 PM (11525B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Songa MR6C 9/21/2009 1:35:40 PM (2526435B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':FW: Songa MR6C Converting 50_ft._MR6C_3_line_41_inch_Flange.jpg (2519KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 50_ft._MR6C_3_line_41_inch_Flange.jpg 12/7/2009 2:28:21 PM (16402B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: Lifting tool f or buoyancy 12/7/2009 11:19:49 PM (26617B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Bill Goodman ':RE: Lifting tool for buoyancy 12/8/2009 7:38:10 AM (24065B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Bill Goodman' ; 'Chastity Lamb':FW: Lifting tool for buoyancy 12/8/2009 7:39:39 AM (25595B) Max Goodman -> '702, SrSubSeaSupervisor (Sedco 702)':RE: Lifting tool for buoyancy 12/8/2009 8:59:02 PM (29486B) Max Goodman -> 'D. Perry'; 'Al Cotten'; 'Andre w W E Francis'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'robert bush'; [email protected]; bgood [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Guarino Bubba'; [email protected]; 'Colin Snr'; 'Carolyn Lee'; 'William Raymond Coursey'; 'Charmaine Albert'; 'Cath erine Hall'; 'Clint A Perry'; 'John D. Almon'; 'Debra Cassier'; 'Don Kirklin'; ' Doug Wheeler'; 'KYLE DAWSON'; 'Fred Brooks'; 'Fran Sterlin'; 'George McGuirt'; ' Jerry Broussard'; 'John Davis'; [email protected]; l-padgett@consolidated .net; 'Laura True'; [email protected]; 'Mark Bunn'; [email protected]; 'Nea l Stephenson'; 'Phillip Poindexter'; 'Paul Craven'; [email protected]; 'Pa ul Duhe':FW: NEED 100,000 MORE SIGNATURES TO BRING HARRY REID TO A BOIL--PLEASE HELP!!! 12/10/2009 12:44:05 AM (40534B) Max Goodman -> 'adam ching':RE: NEED 100,000 MORE SIGNATURES TO BRING HARRY REID TO A BOIL--PLEASE HELP!!! Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/10/2009 11:56:57 AM (19510B) Max Goodman -> Charles Lewis; 'Bill Goodman' :FW: PO 301-002054 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/10/2009 1:26:39 PM (28808B) Max Goodman -> 'Materialsman Driller'; 'Jeffr ey Bowman':RE: PO 301-002054 Master Bushing / Bowl Insert

Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (5KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 12/10/2009 1:40:19 PM (15614B) Max Goodman -> 'Marty Cranford'; 'Lewis Charl es':RE: CHOKE AND KILL LINE work order 1097-01 12/17/2009 12:27:29 PM (12790B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Lewis Charl es'; 'Chastity Lamb'; [email protected]:FW: Email Addresses 12/17/2009 5:26:34 PM (12568B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:Marine Ris er 12/20/2009 8:06:08 PM (10058B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':Marine riser 12/28/2009 1:21:03 PM (13620B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:RE: N EWCO - McGladrey visit for due diligence report 12/28/2009 1:30:50 PM (12752B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:RE: R I - Houston trip 1/4/2010 11:23:42 AM (17270B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Ri ser package RFQ 1/4/2010 9:41:44 PM (40280B) Max Goodman -> 'Ashley Bonner':RE: RE: RE: RE: NOF PO ES01-08-100844 data books 1/6/2010 8:16:46 AM (12201B) Max Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Shawn Staley'; 'Chasity Lamb'; [email protected]; [email protected]; s [email protected]:RE: IN HOUSTON 1/7/2010 4:05:02 PM (6887B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman: 1/11/2010 11:15:41 PM (22092B) Max Goodman -> 'Jim Long':RE: Buoyancy Module s Energy Searcher Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/11/2010 11:17:24 PM (16769B) Max Goodman -> 'Al Cotten':RE: 30" Pin Connec tor Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/14/2010 8:53:20 AM (8847B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:Terms & Cond itions 1/14/2010 11:12:13 AM (16939B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; Charle s Lewis; 'Chastity Lamb':FW: Misc 1/15/2010 9:21:56 AM (20525B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis' ; 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Misc 1/15/2010 11:16:51 AM (14648B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: Q858458 - REQ UEST FOR QUOTE !! 1/15/2010 1:47:51 PM (8696B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: Quote 1446 1/15/2010 1:50:06 PM (23101B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman:FW: Lifting tool f or buoyancy 1/15/2010 4:42:22 PM (9671B) Max Goodman -> fred.brooks@northernoffshoreltd. com; [email protected]:RE: Quote #1452 1/24/2010 9:40:08 PM (18035B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis' :FW: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/1/2010 7:18:38 PM (14609B) Max Goodman -> 'Doug Wheeler'; 'Teri Breckenrid ge':RE: Quote #1455 2/2/2010 10:25:02 AM (70428B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: MATRIX / KN AUSTRALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments as of 29-01.10 Converting MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls (57KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls 2/4/2010 9:52:24 PM (28554B) Max Goodman -> 'Shawn Lim'; 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/4/2010 10:40:46 PM (33497B) Max Goodman -> 'Shawn Lim'; 'Tina Pilgreen':RE : Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/5/2010 9:21:56 AM (99812B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Charles Lewis'; 'Shawn Staley':FW: Quote #1452- PO#ES01-2010R-0116 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting POES012010R0116.pdf (70KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, POES012010R0116.pdf 2/9/2010 7:32:20 AM (15322B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Funds Received 2/9/2010 11:09:31 AM (16770B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers':RE: Funds Received 2/10/2010 9:06:56 PM (210438B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers':FW: Invoice from Ri sers International, Inc. Converting Inv3756CfromRisersInter.pdf (200KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3756CfromRisersInter.pdf 2/10/2010 10:44:20 PM (25981B) Max Goodman -> 'jasbeers'; 'Hans Van Royen':R E: Invoice from Risers International, Inc. 2/11/2010 7:33:55 PM (43462B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':FW: Invoice #3799 C Converting Inv3799CfromRisersInter.pdf (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3799CfromRisersInter.pdf 2/11/2010 7:34:30 PM (42502B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Stibbs':FW: Invoice #3817 Converting Inv3817fromRisersIntern.pdf (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3817fromRisersIntern.pdf 2/16/2010 8:03:26 AM (872174B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: RI Neptune DMR's for customer waiver for API 16F Converting DMR4346.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4245.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4306.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4307.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4308.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4341.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4342.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4343.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4344.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4345.doc (78KB) attachment Converting DMR4311.doc (78KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): DMR4346.doc, DMR4245.doc, DMR4306.doc, DMR4307.doc, DM R4308.doc, DMR4341.doc, DMR4342.doc, DMR4343.doc, DMR4344.doc, DMR4345.doc, DMR4 311.doc 2/16/2010 8:05:59 AM (7301B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:Neptune-M arine Riser weights 2/16/2010 9:51:54 PM (15574B) Max Goodman -> 'jasbeers':FW: Delivery Schedul e 2/17/2010 10:03:50 PM (25117B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers':RE: Delivery Schedu le 2/18/2010 10:43:15 AM (17781B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Deliv ery Schedule 2/18/2010 7:56:17 PM (32302B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers'; 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Ni ck Webster':RE: Delivery Schedule 2/19/2010 10:38:50 AM (31741B) Max Goodman -> 'Jasbeers'; 'Colin J. Dey'; 'N ick Webster':RE: Delivery Schedule 2/22/2010 10:42:50 AM (12853B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Maplewood corporate logo 2/23/2010 3:20:28 PM (10898B) Max Goodman -> 'Mike Coffman':RE: Riser Paint 2/23/2010 9:49:04 PM (16050B) Max Goodman -> 'Buddy Mee'; bgoodman@risersinc .com:RE: Jhump Equipment Listing Agreement 2/23/2010 10:22:16 PM (17321B) Max Goodman -> 'Buddy Mee'; 'Jerry Humphrey'; 'Bryce Dickinson':FW: Jhump Equipment Listing Agreement 3/1/2010 8:39:30 PM (7958B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:Vetco H-4's 3/3/2010 6:37:13 PM (5658B) Max Goodman -> Bill Goodman: Converting Linda_Fox.vcf (0KB) attachment

Converting ATT00215.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Linda_Fox.vcf, ATT00215.txt 3/5/2010 12:27:54 PM (184062B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Insurance C ertificates Attached Converting Employers_one_Source_TheSubseaCompany_PROOF_1810.pdf (26KB) a ttachment Converting Subsea_COI.pdf (40KB) attachment Converting Adecco_IncThe_Sub_Sea_Company_certV1.pdf (101KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Employers_one_Source_TheSubseaCompany_PROOF_1810.pdf, S ubsea_COI.pdf, Adecco_IncThe_Sub_Sea_Company_certV1.pdf 3/5/2010 1:00:36 PM (238359B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: I Can Help Converting Dons_RESUME.pdf (227KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Dons_RESUME.pdf 3/8/2010 12:57:20 PM (20045B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Quantities o f valves 3/9/2010 7:55:36 PM (13782B) Max Goodman -> 'Buddy Mee'; bgoodman@risersinc. com:RE: Equipment Listing Details 3/11/2010 11:32:31 PM (8656B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':New P-II Risers 3/12/2010 10:44:16 AM (14032B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: New P-II Ri sers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/15/2010 12:37:42 PM (10868B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: connectors 3/15/2010 12:47:47 PM (16484B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: connectors 3/16/2010 4:50:42 PM (15634B) Max Goodman -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Schedule Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/27/2010 11:02:54 PM (10475B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:RE: Mea surement Int. 4/4/2010 9:25:01 PM (12919B) Max Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Charles Lewis' ; [email protected]:FW: New Order 101001856 from Frontier Drilling for Vess el FRONTIER PHOENIX 4/14/2010 4:55:21 PM (24111B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/14/2010 5:27:00 PM (10188B) Max Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':FW: All Poi nts Address 4/18/2010 9:43:04 PM (1002835B) Max Goodman -> [email protected]; cle [email protected]:FW: Riser R/T Converting DSC01665.JPG (242KB) attachment Converting DSC01666.JPG (222KB) attachment Converting DSC01667.JPG (260KB) attachment Converting img419085642.pdf (256KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSC01665.JPG, DSC01666.JPG, DSC01667.JPG, img419085642. pdf 4/19/2010 10:08:35 AM (10536B) Max Goodman -> 'Kevin ':RE: Room 4/22/2010 8:17:04 AM (14586B) Max Goodman -> 'TUMBLESON, Jim':RE: Used DX-15 Connector in Louisiana 5/3/2010 9:06:02 PM (11936B) Max Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; sstaley@risersi nc.com; [email protected]:FW: 5/4/2010 9:30:55 AM (13908B) Max Goodman -> 'Maya Sreedharan':RE: riser data 5/10/2010 5:06:10 PM (21450B) Max Goodman -> 'Stephanie Marty'; 'Maj Bassey' ; [email protected]:RE: 101-002118 For Risers International Inc Quote #14 83 for DX-15 Wellhead Connector *** READING 183 message(s) in mail folder 'Charles Lewis' at 5/16/2010 10:44:27 AM: 5/19/2009 8:51:52 AM (67586B) Lewis Charles -> Allen Murley:Re: Discoverer S lip joint 5/19/2009 8:48:32 AM (12628B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: PIN PROTECTO RS FOR NEPTUNE 1050-02 5/19/2009 4:49:40 AM (8074B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:PIN PROTECTORS FO

R NEPTUNE 1050-02 5/20/2009 4:31:31 PM (394153B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/22/2009 9:46:06 AM (49662B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: Slip Joint t o USA- pod/ Request for PO 5/30/2009 5:33:26 PM (37651B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:RISER INSPECTION DOC Converting RISER_INSPECTION_CRITERIA.doc (29KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISER_INSPECTION_CRITERIA.doc 5/31/2009 9:56:37 AM (12738B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: RISER INSPEC TION DOC 6/1/2009 10:50:59 AM (31111B) Lewis Charles -> Marwah, Jagdeep - EOSL - MUM: Re: RCK Risers 50 ft long Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/4/2009 11:52:38 AM (7535782B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Man's Inve ntions 40+ whatch ur heart Converting TT_Mans_Inventions.wmv (7525KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TT_Mans_Inventions.wmv 6/8/2009 6:52:31 AM (14446B) Lewis Charles -> Colin J. Dey; Bill Goodman; Ch asity Lamb:Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/8/2009 11:36:44 AM (18832B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/8/2009 12:42:06 PM (15388B) Lewis Charles -> Al Cotten:Re: Telescopic slip joint and riser documentation - Part 1 6/8/2009 9:14:25 PM (23539B) Lewis Charles -> Colin J. Dey:Re: Discoverer Sl ip Joint 6/9/2009 6:41:37 AM (21152B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Re: Dis coverer Slip Joint 6/9/2009 9:39:26 AM (9386B) Lewis Charles -> Aron Arthurs:Re: MR6C 6/11/2009 7:19:43 AM (20175B) Lewis Charles -> Colin J. Dey; Bill Goodman:Re : 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required 6/11/2009 9:51:13 PM (27934B) Lewis Charles -> Colin J. Dey; Bill Goodman; T eri Breckenridge; Chasity Lamb; Ken Reed:Re: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required 6/11/2009 9:53:35 PM (200269B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley:Fw: 2009-NMDO-0 519 Urgently Required Converting Est1360fromRisersIntern.pdf (177KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1360fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/12/2009 11:24:42 AM (11625B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: QUOT ATION 6/12/2009 12:59:02 PM (68288B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:REVISED QUOTATION FOR FLEET SPARE 2010 Converting QUOTE_PRIDE_INTERNATIONAL__REVISED_2010_BUDGETARY.doc (59KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QUOTE_PRIDE_INTERNATIONAL__REVISED_2010_BUDGETARY.doc 6/12/2009 1:46:18 PM (45786B) Lewis Charles -> Stephanie Marty:Re: 101-00024 3 6/12/2009 1:48:16 PM (112043B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: 101000243 Converting 101000243_Risers.pdf (67KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 101000243_Risers.pdf 6/14/2009 8:33:02 PM (8014B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:THINGS TO DO 6/15/2009 8:46:57 PM (32463B) Lewis Charles -> Colin J. Dey; Bill Goodman; T eri Breckenridge; Chasity Lamb:Re: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required 6/16/2009 11:56:55 AM (11183B) Lewis Charles -> Fran Sterlin; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:Re: walkway and stand 6/16/2009 12:29:07 PM (14296B) Lewis Charles -> Ian Rutherford:Re: PFS- PO 7 021140- 26 Joints of MR- 6 Riser

6/17/2009 10:16:48 AM (320440B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: Quote #1321 Converting Est1321fromRisersIntern.pdf (166KB) attachment Converting ATT00172.txt (1KB) attachment Converting riser_65ft_RF1.pdf (142KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Est1321fromRisersIntern.pdf, ATT00172.txt, riser_65ft_R F1.pdf 6/25/2009 11:14:49 AM (10994B) Lewis Charles -> Don Mullins:Re: Riser 6/26/2009 5:24:51 AM (8674B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:PIPE PI CKED UP FROM CNS YESTERDAY 6/30/2009 12:39:23 PM (5039408B) Lewis Charles -> fran.cnswelding@sbcglobal. net; BRIAN DAVIS:Fw: HOW NOT TO GREET YOUR MOTHER IN LAW WHEN SHE COMES OVER. Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment Converting dobry.mpg (5015KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, dobry.mpg 7/6/2009 10:10:33 AM (13094B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: PFS- PO 7021 140- 26 Jts of Riser 7/9/2009 10:07:45 AM (16677B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; jimmy; Charles Lewis:Re: slip joint for neptune marine 7/17/2009 12:44:16 PM (16225B) Lewis Charles -> vrodrigues@prideinternationa l.com:Re: Delivery status for PVZ PO 7035069 7/17/2009 5:32:21 PM (26054B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Delivery sta tus for PVZ PO 7035069 7/22/2009 11:32:44 AM (11077B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Re: Quote #1378 Drawing to follow 7/22/2009 12:54:40 PM (14605B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: Q uote #1378 Drawing to follow 7/22/2009 2:25:28 PM (13767B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: BLAT TOOL A SSY 7/22/2009 3:53:39 PM (8490B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:STAINLE SS PIPE WORK ORDER 1050-02 7/27/2009 10:20:34 AM (92993B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Frontier-Ph oenix Extra Riser 11 Joints Converting 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 072204JL_Frontier_singapore_ocean.xls 7/27/2009 3:53:46 PM (59793B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Frontier-Pho enix Extra Riser 11 Joints 7/30/2009 8:44:27 AM (17016B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: TUBE REQUIRE D 8/6/2009 10:15:24 AM (2376900B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment Converting DeepThoughts.pps (2333KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif, DeepThoughts.pps 8/6/2009 11:42:40 AM (10638B) Lewis Charles -> Aron Arthurs:Re: HMF 8/6/2009 12:51:36 PM (17643B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: The Minister and The Cajun 8/14/2009 6:00:28 PM (24365B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:R e: Risers & Slip Joint 8/17/2009 10:16:24 AM (12396B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:VISTO RS 8/18/2009 1:29:34 PM (30529B) Lewis Charles -> Jasbeer Singh; Max Goodman; B ill Goodman:Re: Risers & Slip Joint 8/20/2009 12:51:53 PM (29390B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman; s [email protected]; [email protected]; Ardy Goodman; Chasity Lamb; teri [email protected]; [email protected]:Fw: CELL PHONE NUMBERS Go Public thi s Month Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 9/2/2009 6:46:59 AM (20553B) Lewis Charles -> Jasbeer Singh:Re: Equipment Sh ipment - Neptune Explorer 9/2/2009 7:03:28 AM (39994B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: Neptune Explo

rer - Drilling Riser Analyses 9/2/2009 3:12:32 PM (12813B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: BP Gulf oil fi nd may hold 3 billion barrels 9/3/2009 9:08:24 AM (10539B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]; Chasit y Lamb; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; [email protected]:CHOKE, KILL, BOOSTER AND RISER JOINTS 9/3/2009 2:11:29 PM (403279B) Lewis Charles -> CHARLIE DAVIS:PARTS Converting 075014r1.PDF (145KB) attachment Converting 075008r1.PDF (95KB) attachment Converting 075007r11.pdf (151KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 075014r1.PDF, 075008r1.PDF, 075007r11.pdf 9/4/2009 9:09:52 AM (12424B) Lewis Charles -> Justin West; Bill Goodman; Cha stity Lamb; Charles Lewis; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; Stephanie Valdez; Ter i Breckenridge:Re: 9/16/2009 6:38:18 AM (29438B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: SW L FOR RUNNING TOOLS 9/17/2009 6:20:42 PM (550105B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley:Fw: 088300 Rev A - Release of HMF/MR6C Crossover Riser Converting 088300rA.PDF (536KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 088300rA.PDF 9/21/2009 9:31:41 AM (11784B) Lewis Charles -> Ian Rutherford; Bill Goodman: Re: PFS- PO 7021140- 26 Joints of Riser 9/22/2009 10:59:21 AM (8614B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Mangement Re view 9/22/2009 3:00:04 PM (9875B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Frontier Insp ection 9/23/2009 7:43:56 AM (3223477B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley:Fw: Why men tu rn their head Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment Converting HEADTURN.pps (3180KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif, HEADTURN.pps 9/25/2009 10:55:44 AM (17510B) Lewis Charles -> Subsea Engineer Driller:Re: riser bolts 9/25/2009 10:55:44 AM (17876B) Lewis Charles -> Subsea Engineer Driller:Re: riser bolts 9/28/2009 2:29:02 PM (7843B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; ju [email protected]; Max Goodman:TESTING 9/29/2009 9:10:12 AM (592753B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley; Shawn Staley:F w: Fwd: pppprrroooooooo Skipping attachment pppprrroooooooo_291_KB.msg because it is a Windows . msg file Converting CK_HYDRO.doc (224KB) attachment Converting ALL_OTHERS.doc (64KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): CK_HYDRO.doc, ALL_OTHERS.doc 10/7/2009 6:32:38 PM (12950B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Frontier Ins pection Quote 10/13/2009 7:43:54 AM (16109B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: Eavesdroppin g 10/13/2009 3:46:00 PM (226230B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley:Fw: HYDRAULIC RUNNING TOOL Converting 23380_16_Locking_Dogs.doc (212KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 23380_16_Locking_Dogs.doc 10/15/2009 10:33:33 PM (9018B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Hannon Hydrauli cs 10/16/2009 9:49:31 AM (20306B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/21/2009 2:32:29 PM (13660B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:R e: Frontier Driller Slip joint quote

10/29/2009 5:57:05 PM (13941B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:Re: Test Charts and Phoenix 1122-01 job 11/2/2009 10:05:33 PM (13470B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: RFQ 21" 11/3/2009 3:29:05 PM (15965698B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: MR6C Pictu res Skipping attachment MR6C.zip because it is a Windows .zip file 11/4/2009 7:02:52 AM (18666B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: Good Ole Ralp h... 11/4/2009 2:19:04 PM (65509B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:WORK ORDER ROUTE R EXAMPLE Converting Work_Order_Router_for_Songa_Offshore_Drilling.doc (56KB) atta chment 1 attachment(s): Work_Order_Router_for_Songa_Offshore_Drilling.doc 11/7/2009 10:36:36 AM (9700B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb; Bill Goodman; S hawn Staley; [email protected]; [email protected]:MEETING 11/9/2009 6:20:13 AM (7983B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:SONGA CLAMPS & ST OP COLLARS 11/9/2009 10:17:14 AM (12540B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earth link.net; Fran Sterlin:Re: Merger Meeting 11/9/2009 10:41:47 AM (16840B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Merger Meet ing 11/9/2009 11:29:22 AM (7547B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:LUNCH WITH PAUL FIRMIN 11/9/2009 1:16:05 PM (18767B) Lewis Charles -> Wanda Lewis:Re: [hcvinfo] Re: shot by boyfriend 11/10/2009 5:23:59 AM (11397B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Riser Flang e coating. 11/10/2009 6:01:38 AM (9090B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:WORK O RDER 1099-01 11/10/2009 6:17:40 AM (8202B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:WORK O RDER 1122-01 11/11/2009 5:56:24 AM (10786B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: p ins needed 11/12/2009 4:50:57 PM (14611B) Lewis Charles -> Chastity Lamb:Re: pins neede d 11/13/2009 11:42:29 AM (9446B) Lewis Charles -> Gary Mabry:Re: Purchase Orde r from Risers International, Inc. 11/18/2009 10:16:15 AM (11071B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Noble Energy Purchase Order 11/18/2009 12:48:25 PM (36906B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: PACKER HOU SING FOR TELESCOPIC JOINT Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/18/2009 1:07:29 PM (8645B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:BOLTS AND INSERTS RETURNING FROM DRILLER RIG 11/18/2009 7:44:49 PM (46522B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: PACKER HOUS ING FOR TELESCOPIC JOINT Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/19/2009 6:49:26 AM (9276B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman; Ch asity Lamb; [email protected]; Shawn Staley; [email protected]:COURT DAT E 12/2/2009 6:55:34 AM (9212B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman; Sha wn Staley; Chasity Lamb; [email protected]; [email protected]:WORKING FRO M HOME 10/24/2009 12:03:58 PM (419463B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: Job # 2338 0-2, HMF Hydraulic Running Tool. Converting Picture_3815.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting Picture_3816.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting Picture_3817.jpg (38KB) attachment

Converting Picture_3818.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Picture_3819.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting Picture_3820.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting Picture_3821.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting Picture_3822.jpg (54KB) attachment Converting Picture_3825.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting Picture_3830.jpg (34KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): Picture_3815.jpg, Picture_3816.jpg, Picture_3817.jpg, Picture_3818.jpg, Picture_3819.jpg, Picture_3820.jpg, Picture_3821.jpg, Picture_ 3822.jpg, Picture_3825.jpg, Picture_3830.jpg 10/17/2009 6:39:23 PM (8151B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:HMF-F ADAPTE RS MALE AND FEMALE WITH 21-1/4-2M FLANGES 10/4/2009 8:31:47 AM (15621B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Frontier Dri ller Inspection Quote 10/3/2009 9:02:28 AM (9163B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Frontier Dril ler Inspection Quote 9/20/2009 11:54:25 AM (550110B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw : 088300 Rev A - Release of HMF/MR6C Crossover Riser Converting 088300rA.PDF (536KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 088300rA.PDF 9/18/2009 5:41:10 PM (7645B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:NCR 9/18/2009 5:31:57 PM (12433B) Lewis Charles -> Chastity Lamb:Re: Module Repa irs 9/11/2009 2:02:53 PM (2368664B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:Fw: BOX LUNCH1 8+++ Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment Converting WordsFailMe.pps (2324KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif, WordsFailMe.pps 8/29/2009 9:35:31 AM (19422B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: FLOATATION M ODULES 8/28/2009 3:27:36 PM (15155B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: FLOATATION M ODULES 8/28/2009 3:25:55 PM (14766B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: FLOATATION M ODULES 8/28/2009 1:49:23 PM (10059B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:Fw: FLOATATION M ODULES 8/28/2009 10:42:50 AM (11653B) Lewis Charles -> Chastity Lamb:Re: FLOATATION MODULES 8/28/2009 10:27:14 AM (8397B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:FLOATATION MODUL ES 7/12/2009 7:35:29 AM (17063B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: TE LESCOPIC JOINT PARTS FOR VENEZUELA 7/11/2009 4:08:24 PM (8905B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:BOLTS A ND FASTENERS AT THE NUT PLACE FOR PICK UP WORK ORDER 1099-01 8/26/2009 11:12:58 AM (12626B) Lewis Charles -> Randy Visage; clamb@risersin c.com; [email protected]:Re: Pride 12/2/2009 1:35:02 PM (48596B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: ASC Fin and Shims 12/2/2009 6:25:25 PM (12839B) Lewis Charles -> Tim Harrell:Re: X-80 TUBE 12/2/2009 6:46:09 PM (106727B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: 533.4mm Converting QT533.4_X80090603.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QT533.4_X80090603.pdf 12/3/2009 1:26:56 PM (8502B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:WORK OR DER 1097-091 12/3/2009 2:33:33 PM (7622B) Lewis Charles -> Marty Cranford:CHOKE AND KILL LINE work order 1097-01 12/8/2009 11:38:28 AM (112722B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; max goodmanma x; Shawn Staley; [email protected]; [email protected]; BRIAN D AVIS; Wanda Lewis:Fw: HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!!!!!! Converting image001.gif (58KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/10/2009 6:47:46 AM (10564B) Lewis Charles -> Marty Cranford:RE: CHOKE AND KILL LINE work order 1097-01 12/10/2009 11:40:46 AM (10161B) Lewis Charles -> Teri Breckenridge:Fw: Quote Converting Invoice_2965.txt (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Invoice_2965.txt 12/10/2009 11:56:43 AM (90089B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting quote_1443.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting PO_301002054.pdf (19KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, quote_1443.pdf, PO_301002054.pdf 12/17/2009 4:03:53 PM (38903B) Lewis Charles -> Fran Sterlin; max goodmanmax ; George Smithley; [email protected]; ROBERT RODRIQUEZ; Bill Goodman; Charl es E. Lott; Tommy Byrne; Tom Piaceski:FW: Early Dismissal Converting image001.gif (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/30/2009 12:40:49 PM (9123B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:WEEKEND WORK 1/5/2010 11:45:08 AM (10955B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: riser lift a ssembly 1/6/2010 6:46:26 AM (9748B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Cha sity Lamb; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: IN HOUSTON 1/11/2010 11:20:08 AM (3738936B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:FW: LA POSICIO N QUE TODO CABRON SUEA !!! Converting imstpanimationmonkeyen020908.gif (41KB) attachment Converting cumfiestadenicefoursome.wmv (3687KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): imstpanimationmonkeyen020908.gif, cumfiestadenicefourso me.wmv 1/13/2010 6:45:20 AM (8909B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:NOBLE ENERGY MINI TELESCOPIC JOINT WORK ORDER 1130-01 1/18/2010 6:45:26 PM (11371B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: RF 1/21/2010 8:55:40 AM (9783B) Lewis Charles -> Theresa Owen:Re: re-works 1/26/2010 3:23:43 PM (17365B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/11/2010 11:34:21 AM (17131B) Lewis Charles -> ndmaintenancesup@neptune-mar ine.net:Re: FW: Telescopic joint for Neptune Marine 2/15/2010 4:34:49 PM (8299B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:WORK OR DER 1132-01 2/16/2010 7:01:06 AM (591257B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman; Fran Sterlin; B ill Goodman; Shawn Staley; George Smithley; Tommy Byrne:FW: Mexican Patio Furnit ure Promotion Converting ATT0351611.jpg (103KB) attachment Converting ATT0351722.jpg (85KB) attachment Converting ATT0351833.jpg (66KB) attachment Converting ATT0351944.jpg (112KB) attachment Converting ATT0352055.jpg (70KB) attachment Converting ATT0352166.jpg (86KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationmonkeyen020908.gif (41KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): ATT0351611.jpg, ATT0351722.jpg, ATT0351833.jpg, ATT0351 944.jpg, ATT0352055.jpg, ATT0352166.jpg, imstpanimationmonkeyen020908.gif 2/16/2010 8:25:17 AM (12639B) Lewis Charles -> Chastity Lamb:RE: bolt on bos ses 2/18/2010 10:15:28 AM (51207B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:QUOTE FO R PRIDE INTERNATIONAL Converting QUOTE2520PRIDE2520INTERNATIONAL2520ASC2520RISER2520INSPECTION 5B15D1.doc (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QUOTE2520PRIDE2520INTERNATIONAL2520ASC2520RISER2520INSP ECTION5B15D1.doc 2/22/2010 6:59:47 AM (11665B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Re: Mon

day 2/22/2010 12:36:15 PM (69723B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]: STATUS REPORT Converting FRONTIER20PHOENIX20STATUS20REPORT2.xls (59KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): FRONTIER20PHOENIX20STATUS20REPORT2.xls 2/22/2010 1:19:40 PM (8923B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:ADAPTER FLANGE 18-3/4"-5M 3/1/2010 11:18:51 AM (13497B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]; Chasity Lamb; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodm an; Engineering; [email protected]; George Smithley; fran.cnswelding@sbcglo bal.net; BRIAN DAVIS; Chad Passmore; Linh Nguyen:Fw: Free Movie Website 3/2/2010 2:29:12 PM (5870727B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Face Converting BlondeFaceWash.wmv (5862KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BlondeFaceWash.wmv 3/2/2010 3:48:04 PM (4902659B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: CLOSE UPS PA RA QUE NO FORCES TUS OJITOS..... Converting PantyPussy005.pps (4883KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PantyPussy005.pps 3/5/2010 10:54:22 AM (1117032B) Lewis Charles -> irutherford@prideinternatio nal.com; [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Max Goodman; George Smithl ey; ROBERT RODRIQUEZ:Fw: Fwd: Some Yacht ! Converting image0012.jpg (132KB) attachment Converting image0023.jpg (123KB) attachment Converting image0034.jpg (104KB) attachment Converting image0045.jpg (129KB) attachment Converting image0056.jpg (94KB) attachment Converting image0067.jpg (104KB) attachment Converting image0078.jpg (97KB) attachment Converting image0089.jpg (111KB) attachment Converting image00910.jpg (113KB) attachment Converting image01011.jpg (84KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): image0012.jpg, image0023.jpg, image0034.jpg, image0045 .jpg, image0056.jpg, image0067.jpg, image0078.jpg, image0089.jpg, image00910.jpg , image01011.jpg 3/8/2010 9:25:34 AM (1981134B) Lewis Charles -> Linh Nguyen; [email protected] m; Max Goodman; Tommy Byrne; George Smithley; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman:Fw: Swe et... Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment Converting Japonesa.pps (1937KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif, Japonesa.pps 3/8/2010 11:25:38 AM (18448B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb; fran.cnswelding @sbcglobal.net; Max Goodman; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; Inc. Risers Internation al; [email protected]; Engineering:Fw: Nine Words Women Use 3/15/2010 5:46:03 AM (9431B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Chasity Lamb; Sh awn Staley; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] :OUT OFFICE THIS MORNING 3/17/2010 4:27:44 PM (1702100B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Drawings Converting SKMBTC25210031713540.pdf (1691KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBTC25210031713540.pdf 3/18/2010 4:07:16 PM (8107B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:WEBSITE 3/19/2010 12:18:53 PM (12314B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: ASC- Shipme nt Tracker 3/27/2010 12:51:33 PM (7401B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:MR6D BOX 3/30/2010 7:03:06 AM (10488B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Harry 3/30/2010 7:10:14 AM (24721B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:Re: Se al Subs Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/30/2010 1:36:32 PM (202495B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:PHOENIX RUNNING

TOOLS Converting 073101_Rev_A.pdf (90KB) attachment Converting 073119_Rev_11.pdf (104KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 073101_Rev_A.pdf, 073119_Rev_11.pdf 3/31/2010 6:32:19 AM (24375B) Lewis Charles -> Justin Bussey:Re: Seal Subs Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/5/2010 3:09:18 PM (7349B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:MEETING 4/6/2010 2:50:24 PM (16958B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: WEBSITE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 2:52:34 PM (62334B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Countdown to OTC 2010 e-Newsletter Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/7/2010 6:32:48 AM (15521B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: WEBSITE 4/9/2010 7:08:58 AM (57772B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: New deepwater drilling rigs extend search for energy Energy Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Converting stampagirllineen.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): stampagirllineen.gif 4/9/2010 7:36:47 AM (9131B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:PARTS NE EDED FOR WORK ORDER 1138-01 4/13/2010 6:55:09 AM (9681B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:MEETING 4/13/2010 12:05:01 PM (20443B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Fwd: riser parts needed 4/13/2010 12:15:08 PM (11024B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: M R6C 4/14/2010 7:10:56 AM (11373B) Lewis Charles -> BILL GOODMAN:Re: daily report 4-14-10 4/15/2010 12:24:18 PM (47887B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:QUOTE FO R RISER ADAPTER AND MANUAL SPIDER Converting QUOTE_FOR__FRONTIER_PHEONIX_RISER_ADAPTER_AND_SPIDER..doc (39 KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QUOTE_FOR__FRONTIER_PHEONIX_RISER_ADAPTER_AND_SPIDER..d oc 4/15/2010 3:09:38 PM (117370B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Quote #1486 Converting Est1486fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1486fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/17/2010 7:37:10 AM (4793345B) Lewis Charles -> Max Goodman:Fw: : Do you gs need a secretary? Converting Secretaria1el.pps (1943KB) attachment Converting Secretaria2el.pps (1980KB) attachment Converting Secretaria3el.pps (857KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Secretaria1el.pps, Secretaria2el.pps, Secretaria3el.pps 4/17/2010 8:04:13 AM (9820B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: PO 5710 4/20/2010 6:43:28 AM (8323B) Lewis Charles -> Shawn Staley:PHOENIX DATA BOOK S 4/21/2010 6:31:10 AM (9328B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman; Cha sity Lamb; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: IN HOUSTON 4/23/2010 12:03:51 PM (20570B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Quote from Risers International, Inc Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image004.gif 4/27/2010 2:20:04 PM (8258B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:PAINT NEEDED 4/27/2010 9:56:59 PM (102066B) Lewis Charles -> Chasity Lamb:Fw: Frontier Dr

illing will begin transacting electronically through the ShipServ platform Converting image001.gif (30KB) attachment Converting Frontier_eSSM_Invitation_Letter.pdf (37KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, Frontier_eSSM_Invitation_Letter.pdf 4/29/2010 8:12:59 AM (1712245B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Engineering:Fw: Complementary OTC Pass from Tube Supply Converting TubeSupplyOTC.pdf (1700KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TubeSupplyOTC.pdf 4/29/2010 8:34:52 AM (21230B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]; jwest @risersinc.com:Fw: Phoenix/Verification testing schedule 4/29/2010 11:11:11 AM (21181B) Lewis Charles -> Maj Bassey:Fw: Phoenix/Verif ication testing schedule 5/1/2010 12:18:09 PM (16766B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: duplex 5/2/2010 9:52:22 PM (14496B) Lewis Charles -> Ian Rutherford:Re: 26 Joints M R 6C Riser 5/3/2010 2:03:50 PM (9827B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: 5/3/2010 3:35:06 PM (12594B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: Phoeni x/MT arrangement after riser coupling verification testing 5/4/2010 3:32:24 PM (12209B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]:Fw: lis t of extra parts for 101-000628 5/4/2010 4:36:49 PM (11165B) Lewis Charles -> [email protected]; ppatrick@ risersinc.com; Bill Goodman:Fw: Phoenix/MT preparation for riser coupling test f ixture 5/5/2010 3:43:01 PM (28108B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Nuts Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 3:31:30 PM (8517B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:Re: Seal subs 5/6/2010 4:25:57 PM (102006B) Lewis Charles -> Justin Bussey:DRAWINGS Converting DEE11090040THRUSTCOLLARBOXSIDE2.pdf (48KB) attachment Converting DEE11090041THRUSTCOLLARPINSIDE1.pdf (45KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): DEE11090040THRUSTCOLLARBOXSIDE2.pdf, DEE11090041THRUSTC OLLARPINSIDE1.pdf 5/10/2010 3:35:20 PM (7423B) Lewis Charles -> Bill Goodman:IAN RUTHERFORD *** READING 943 message(s) in mail folder 'Office' at 5/16/2010 10:45:58 AM: 5/19/2009 1:22:08 PM (8185B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Chain 5/19/2009 10:41:55 AM (17157B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Lewis Charl es':RE: PIN PROTECTORS FOR NEPTUNE 1050-02 5/18/2009 2:19:12 PM (9857B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':Tomorrow 5/19/2009 9:50:41 AM (15154B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: PIN PROTE CTORS FOR NEPTUNE 1050-02 5/20/2009 12:37:05 PM (2705889B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sr [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; harry; james morris; j eremy morris; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: This video may make you cry Converting Secrettoagoodmarriange.wmv (2693KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Secrettoagoodmarriange.wmv 5/21/2009 11:09:21 AM (73163B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles '; 'Max Goodman':FW: Estimate from Atlas Sling Co., Inc. Converting Est15685fromAtlasSling.pdf (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est15685fromAtlasSling.pdf 5/22/2009 11:12:21 AM (51759B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles ':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO 5/28/2009 7:34:26 AM (6911421B) Justin West -> [email protected]; bill goodman; harry; james morris; kenneth; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: REARVIEW Once again if female nudity offends please do not open! Converting REARVIEW.pps (6901KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): REARVIEW.pps 5/29/2009 2:32:35 PM (949133B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:big harness Converting 20090515124733300.pdf (942KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): 20090515124733300.pdf 6/1/2009 4:49:13 PM (8218B) Shawn Staley -> 'Bill Goodman':Pipes for 1081-01 6/1/2009 6:33:55 PM (162938B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] om:Quote #1350 - 200' of 4" OD X80 Converting Est1350fromRisersIntern.pdf (156KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1350fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/1/2009 5:54:14 PM (22295B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; ktech28 @yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dwilbanks @wmgenterprises.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; fran.cnsweldin [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorral@sbcgloba l.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jus [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; g [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; usmcg [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; stacyslawins [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cf [email protected]:When to start cussing 6/2/2009 9:09:26 AM (3857687B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clamb @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; reception@ris ersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; alex; Angelica Garza; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Dumitru Rusu; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; kenneth; Lenin Ga leas; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley:Fw: Bad-Ass Texas rabbit Converting BadassTexasrabbit.wmv (3839KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BadassTexasrabbit.wmv 6/2/2009 4:35:27 PM (8542B) Shawn Staley -> 'John D. Almon':Pins 6/2/2009 5:36:52 PM (159451B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4931fromRisersInterna.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4931fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/3/2009 9:06:28 AM (16596B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Stephen Lamb'; 'Stephanie Val dez'; [email protected]; 'Ardy'; 'Max Goodman'; [email protected]; Shaw n Staley; Shantel Richmond; [email protected]; [email protected] ; Bill Goodman; 'Roberta Meader'; [email protected]; [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: The Downside of Winning the Lottery 6/4/2009 10:03:47 AM (28254B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; terib@risersinc .com:RE: 09-0603-01 MR6E main risers 6/4/2009 11:52:51 AM (158245B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4917fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4917fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/4/2009 12:44:55 PM (160794B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4937fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4937fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/4/2009 1:57:57 PM (28323B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; terib@risersinc. com:RE: 09-0603-01 MR6E main risers 6/8/2009 12:45:14 PM (12034B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Purchasing 6/8/2009 1:02:26 PM (169846B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] om:Quote #1357 Converting Est1357fromRisersIntern.pdf (162KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1357fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/8/2009 12:48:56 PM (412783B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Lewis Charl es'; Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; [email protected]; 'Ken Reed':FW: Request acknowledgement for PO 2009-NMDO-0464 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting 20090603160026528.pdf (378KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, 20090603160026528.pdf 6/8/2009 7:26:00 AM (225911B) Justin West -> [email protected]; brian.

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ms.ri [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sam.Murra [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; alex; Angelica Garza; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Dumitru Rusu; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morris; Jeff Norwig; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; kenne th; Lenin Galeas; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley:Fw: Mo squitoes No More!!!! Converting image0011.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting image0022.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting image0033.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting file000.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting file001.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting file002.jpg (11KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): image0011.jpg, image0022.jpg, image0033.jpg, image0044. jpg, file000.jpg, file001.jpg, file002.jpg 6/8/2009 7:24:45 AM (1541701B) Justin West -> [email protected]; bill goodman; harry; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; ke nneth; shawn staley:Fw: Triple Play Converting 97tripleplayhooray1.pps (1531KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 97tripleplayhooray1.pps 6/8/2009 11:39:11 AM (753087B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:L ifting Frames Load Test Converting RI_800054k_Load_Test.jpg (377KB) attachment Converting RI800125.5k_Load_Test.jpg (366KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI_800054k_Load_Test.jpg, RI800125.5k_Load_Test.jpg 6/8/2009 8:28:16 AM (7779B) Shawn Staley -> 'Bill Goodman':Pepe' 6/4/2009 3:15:08 PM (111028B) Stephanie Valdez -> Chastity Lamb; clewis6101@ sbcglobal.net; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; Shantel Richmond; Justin West; terib@ risersinc.com:FW: TEXANS SPECIAL INVITE! Converting image001.jpg (94KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/21/2009 10:11:42 AM (158377B) Risers International, Inc. -> fred.brooks@no rthernoffshoreltd.com:Invoice #3778 Converting Inv3778fromRisersIntern.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3778fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/8/2009 4:20:29 PM (1482636B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Saipem Qual ification Management - Invitation to join for proceed in vendor qualification re quest Converting FILL_IN_STEPS.PPT (1454KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): FILL_IN_STEPS.PPT 6/8/2009 3:30:22 PM (247847B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] om:Quote #1181C Converting Est1181CfromRisersInter.pdf (241KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1181CfromRisersInter.pdf 6/8/2009 2:53:23 PM (14773B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True'; Bill Goodman:RE: 60-1599 6/8/2009 2:48:39 PM (248572B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] om:Quote #1181C Converting Est1181CfromRisersInter.pdf (241KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1181CfromRisersInter.pdf 5/28/2009 12:19:00 PM (14114B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: DELIVERY STATUS OF PO 7035069 5/27/2009 4:59:26 PM (11497B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Bill Goo dman; 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmond:late 5/27/2009 3:50:39 PM (11783B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:transocean 5/22/2009 3:28:11 PM (171651B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] .com:Quote #1346 Converting Est1346fromRisersIntern.pdf (164KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Est1346fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/22/2009 2:07:14 PM (9417B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman':ta ps in flanges 5/22/2009 1:21:15 PM (159823B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4856fromRisersInterna.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4856fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/22/2009 10:02:47 AM (363642B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; n [email protected]; [email protected]:Quote #1340 Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (355KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/22/2009 9:34:05 AM (12558B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: shipping 5/22/2009 8:49:14 AM (7634B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:shipping 6/9/2009 9:25:59 AM (42849B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: 4X8 .040 ALUM N SIGNS Converting RISERS609.doc (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERS609.doc 6/9/2009 9:25:59 AM (42829B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: 4X8 .040 ALUM N SIGNS Converting RISERS609.doc (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERS609.doc 6/9/2009 1:27:38 PM (15022B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:FW: 4X8 .040 ALUMN SIGNS 6/9/2009 2:05:57 PM (529970B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Quote for job# 1 050-02 40 joints Converting Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf (524KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf 6/9/2009 3:40:09 PM (155653B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purc hase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4960fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4960fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/9/2009 4:16:58 PM (673814B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]: Pull Test Drawing Converting RI800125.5k_Load_Test.jpg (366KB) attachment Converting RI_800054k_Lifting_Frame.jpg (298KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI800125.5k_Load_Test.jpg, RI_800054k_Lifting_Frame.jpg 6/9/2009 5:08:15 PM (14348B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Pull Test Draw ing 6/10/2009 8:07:12 AM (7132B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Flat Ba r for pin protectors 6/10/2009 11:25:21 AM (7544692B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glm [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tam [email protected]; alex; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Dumitru Rusu; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morris; Jeff Norwig; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fie lds; joshua lachapelle; juan r; kenneth; Lewis Charles; shawn staley:Fw: Man's I nventions 40+ whatch ur heart Converting TT_Mans_Inventions.wmv (7525KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TT_Mans_Inventions.wmv 6/10/2009 11:03:57 AM (443861B) Shawn Staley -> Brad Kolojaco; Billy Goodman ; Charles Davis; Charles Lewis; Danny Wilbanks; Fran Sterlin; Justin West; Randy Visage; [email protected]; Shawn:FW: I'm not breaking this chain!! Converting image001.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (28KB) attachment

Converting image010.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (134KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg, image011.jpg 6/10/2009 11:11:05 AM (443975B) Shawn Staley -> Brad Kolojaco; Billy Goodman ; Charles Davis; Charles Lewis; Danny Wilbanks; Fran Sterlin; Justin West; Randy Visage; [email protected]; Shawn:FW: I'm not breaking this chain!! Converting image001.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (134KB) attachment 11 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg, image011.jpg 6/10/2009 12:56:10 PM (362840B) Justin West -> [email protected]; jros [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; alex; bill goodman; C aleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Dumitru Rusu; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morr is; Jeff Norwig; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia:Fw: Clam farm at low tide. Converting ClamFarmAtLowTide.jpg (345KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ClamFarmAtLowTide.jpg 6/10/2009 12:57:38 PM (3286412B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glm [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ale x; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Dumitru Rusu; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morris; Jeff Norwig; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapell e; kenneth; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: FW: Good Housekeeping Converting cleaning_lady.wmv (3269KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): cleaning_lady.wmv 6/10/2009 2:24:41 PM (3486B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Reply ] FW: 2009-NMDO-0329 6/10/2009 2:54:46 PM (3486B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Reply ] RE: Pull Test Drawing 6/11/2009 8:35:49 AM (7940B) Shawn Staley -> Justin West:UT Transducer 6/11/2009 12:49:19 PM (158443B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4950AfromRisersIntern.pdf 6/11/2009 1:26:58 PM (156270B) Teri Breckenridge -> kmchaffie@tandgservices. com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4969fromRisersInterna.pdf (148KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4969fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/11/2009 1:34:34 PM (155808B) Teri Breckenridge -> kmchaffie@tandgservices. com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4969fromRisersInterna.pdf (148KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4969fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/12/2009 11:48:09 AM (159768B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] .net:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4973fromRisersInterna.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4973fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/12/2009 2:48:22 PM (190831B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com; [email protected]:Quote #1364B Converting Est1364BfromRisersInter.pdf (183KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Est1364BfromRisersInter.pdf 6/12/2009 2:49:26 PM (522415B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com; [email protected]:Quote #1364A Converting Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf (514KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf 6/12/2009 3:06:58 PM (522426B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com; [email protected]:Quote #1364A Converting Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf (514KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf 6/12/2009 3:20:52 PM (522450B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com; [email protected]:Quote #1364A Converting Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf (514KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf 6/15/2009 10:42:24 AM (3534B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:[Auto-Repl y] RE: Emailing: Job Printing 6/15/2009 1:19:48 PM (30864B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:RE: Emailing: Job Printing 6/15/2009 2:22:21 PM (629385B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinterna tional.com:Quote #1364C Converting Est1364CfromRisersInter.pdf (622KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364CfromRisersInter.pdf 6/16/2009 10:12:29 AM (154450B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Purcha se Order #4980 Converting PO4980fromRisersInterna.pdf (147KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4980fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/17/2009 8:32:18 AM (213263B) Shawn Staley -> Brad Kolojaco:DWG For Rings Converting RI_110_PP_3L_C.pdf (204KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RI_110_PP_3L_C.pdf 6/17/2009 9:29:32 AM (155752B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhousto n.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4976fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4976fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/17/2009 9:29:56 AM (156279B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhousto n.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4965fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4965fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/17/2009 9:30:50 AM (156282B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhousto n.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4964fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4964fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/17/2009 9:31:24 AM (154143B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhousto n.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4962fromRisersInterna.pdf (147KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4962fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/17/2009 10:01:01 AM (14995B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:wire transf er Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/18/2009 4:31:12 PM (155886B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO4993fromRisersInterna.pdf (148KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4993fromRisersInterna.pdf 6/19/2009 8:33:18 AM (9197B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. 6/19/2009 1:14:02 PM (10308B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:RE: Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. 6/22/2009 10:12:04 AM (997062B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Ardy Goodman'; maxg1945@ea rthlink.net; [email protected]; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rober

ta Meader'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; Shipp ing; [email protected]; 'Stephen Lamb'; [email protected]; 'Gregor y Masood'; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: New chalk art from Julian Beever Converting Image.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (59KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (46KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (68KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (158KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (81KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (56KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment 20 attachment(s): Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Im age.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image .jpg 6/22/2009 10:12:04 AM (997062B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Ardy Goodman'; maxg1945@ea rthlink.net; [email protected]; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rober ta Meader'; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; Shipp ing; [email protected]; 'Stephen Lamb'; [email protected]; 'Gregor y Masood'; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: New chalk art from Julian Beever Converting Image.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (59KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (46KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (68KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (158KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (81KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (56KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (30KB) attachment 20 attachment(s): Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Im

age.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image .jpg 6/22/2009 10:53:48 AM (14443B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbc global.net; Shipping:FW: P.O. needed 6/22/2009 10:53:48 AM (14463B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbc global.net; Shipping:FW: P.O. needed 6/22/2009 12:11:26 PM (18785B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles '; Shipping:RE: P.O. needed 6/22/2009 3:53:37 PM (110591B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Need Test Fixtures Converting 086120_Rev_B.pdf (23KB) attachment Converting 086121_Rev_B.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 086122_Rev_B.pdf (24KB) attachment Converting 086123_Rev_B.pdf (25KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 086120_Rev_B.pdf, 086121_Rev_B.pdf, 086122_Rev_B.pdf, 0 86123_Rev_B.pdf 6/22/2009 4:11:16 PM (131560B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; terib@risersin c.com; 'Lewis Charles'; [email protected]:FW: PO # 7035069 RISERS, INT ERNATIONAL, INC. LAMARCHE, NINA A. PRIDE VENEZUELA Converting GLOBALPO.pdf (123KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GLOBALPO.pdf 6/23/2009 9:22:06 AM (961093B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Neptune Modules Converting NEPTUNE_MODULE_DRAWING_PDF.sldtbt.PDF (949KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): NEPTUNE_MODULE_DRAWING_PDF.sldtbt.PDF 6/23/2009 10:16:53 AM (11970B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True'; Bill Goodman:R E: 60-1599 6/23/2009 12:46:20 PM (8838843B) Justin West -> [email protected]; linda91 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@risers inc.com; bill goodman; harry; james morris; Jenny Vo; juan r; lowjack; Luis Garc ia; shawn staley:Fw: Leno "Jaywalking" Converting LenoJaywalking.wmv (8826KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): LenoJaywalking.wmv 6/25/2009 11:05:27 AM (83634B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: P.O. needed Converting B0521100_ShippingRisers_line_clamps__ears.doc (59KB) attachme nt 1 attachment(s): B0521100_ShippingRisers_line_clamps__ears.doc 6/25/2009 11:05:27 AM (83614B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: P.O. needed Converting B0521100_ShippingRisers_line_clamps__ears.doc (59KB) attachme nt 1 attachment(s): B0521100_ShippingRisers_line_clamps__ears.doc 6/25/2009 11:38:04 AM (40176B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; ma [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:FW: BLAT TOOL FABRICATION - SHE LL CHARGEBACK // PO 301-001329 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting PO_301001329.pdf (19KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, PO_301001329.pdf 6/25/2009 11:38:04 AM (40176B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; ma [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:FW: BLAT TOOL FABRICATION - SHE LL CHARGEBACK // PO 301-001329 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting PO_301001329.pdf (19KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, PO_301001329.pdf 6/25/2009 2:42:12 PM (29392B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; kmchaffie@tandg services.com:RE: P.O. needed 6/25/2009 3:46:24 PM (31469B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: P.O. needed 6/26/2009 3:19:33 PM (1350436B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping; Bill Goodman; cle [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Stephanie V aldez':FW: Information to help you mark/label product for export to PSC rigs Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting SupplierLabelingMemo.doc (1334KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, SupplierLabelingMemo.doc 6/29/2009 12:37:20 PM (9782B) Shawn Staley -> Ardy Goodman:Shared Folders on the Server 6/29/2009 12:57:29 PM (13594B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Water 6/30/2009 1:17:35 PM (22578B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles' : Skipping attachment Aker_AGR_Ink_Contract_for_Riserless_Mud..._1.52_KB.m sg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment Pride_International_Names_New_Drillships_1.54_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 7/1/2009 10:14:29 AM (142436B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO Request for Tech. updates Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 7/1/2009 10:30:08 AM (73153B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO Request f or Tech. updates Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 7/1/2009 1:22:14 PM (161177B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:P urchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5024fromRisersInterna.pdf (154KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5024fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/1/2009 3:18:14 PM (8234B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. 7/2/2009 9:27:47 AM (161152B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:P urchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/2/2009 9:37:48 AM (312682B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:P urchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment Converting T__G_Services_Job_Specific_Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf (151KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): PO5026fromRisersInterna.pdf, T__G_Services_Job_Specific _Coating_Procedure_risers_pride.pdf 7/6/2009 10:28:34 AM (157171B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Or der from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5030fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5030fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/6/2009 12:52:16 PM (453536B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clamb @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@risersin c.com; bill goodman; harry; james morris; juan r; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Canadian Billboards are Great! Converting ATT00021.jpg (54KB) attachment Converting ATT00024.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting ATT00027.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00030.jpg (22KB) attachment Converting ATT00033.jpg (47KB) attachment Converting ATT00036.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting ATT00039.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting ATT00042.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00045.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting ATT00048.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00051.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00054.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00057.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00060.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting ATT00063.jpg (12KB) attachment

Converting ATT00066.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting ATT00069.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00072.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting ATT00075.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00078.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting ATT00081.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting ATT00084.jpg (15KB) attachment 22 attachment(s): ATT00021.jpg, ATT00024.jpg, ATT00027.jpg, ATT00030.jpg , ATT00033.jpg, ATT00036.jpg, ATT00039.jpg, ATT00042.jpg, ATT00045.jpg, ATT00048 .jpg, ATT00051.jpg, ATT00054.jpg, ATT00057.jpg, ATT00060.jpg, ATT00063.jpg, ATT0 0066.jpg, ATT00069.jpg, ATT00072.jpg, ATT00075.jpg, ATT00078.jpg, ATT00081.jpg, ATT00084.jpg 7/6/2009 4:27:15 PM (9710B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis:Funeral 7/7/2009 11:51:57 AM (16201B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; Shantel Richmond :RE: PVZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/7/2009 4:03:50 PM (36970B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bgoodman@r isersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bnowak @newfirst.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; clewis6101@sbcglob al.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; g [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; roadrash89@ hotmail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; girdner@nts-online. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; russell@n eilsphotography.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@ risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabr [email protected]:Fw: Fwd: The choice is yours! 7/8/2009 7:45:12 AM (6540458B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clamb @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@ri sersinc.com; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; j ames morris; Jenny Vo; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; k enneth; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley:Fw: Kazoo Player Extraordinaire Converting KazooPlayer.wmv (6523KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): KazooPlayer.wmv 7/8/2009 9:38:19 AM (13299B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Materials nee ded 7/8/2009 9:57:29 AM (17511B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Materials nee ded 7/8/2009 9:58:44 AM (17925B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: ASTM to purch ase? Converting image001.jpg (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/8/2009 12:41:28 PM (22454B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Materials ne eded 7/8/2009 12:42:17 PM (23738B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: ASTM to purc hase? Converting image001.jpg (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/8/2009 2:13:08 PM (190568B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinternat ional.com:Quote #1377A Converting Est1377AfromRisersInter.pdf (183KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1377AfromRisersInter.pdf 7/8/2009 2:16:00 PM (521987B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinternat ional.com:Quote #1364A Converting Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf (514KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364AfromRisersInter.pdf 7/9/2009 7:10:33 AM (1276445B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clamb @risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@r

isersinc.com; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; james morris; juan r; Luis Garci a; shawn staley:Fw: Cop In A Fight For His Life Converting Officer.wmv (1263KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Officer.wmv 7/9/2009 8:43:06 AM (157369B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:P urchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5041fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5041fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/9/2009 9:44:49 AM (9847B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: Quote #136 4A 7/9/2009 10:01:29 AM (27714B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: ASTM to purc hase? Converting image001.jpg (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 7/9/2009 10:01:32 AM (190886B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinterna tional.com:Quote #1377B Converting Est1377BfromRisersInter.pdf (183KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1377BfromRisersInter.pdf 7/9/2009 3:58:12 PM (157601B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; p.gar [email protected]:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5045fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5045fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/10/2009 12:16:33 PM (798301B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clam [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill g oodman; jeremy morris; juan r; Luis Garcia:Fw: PARENTS IN TRAINING Converting Image.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (65KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (91KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (75KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (66KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (49KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (60KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting Image.jpg (56KB) attachment 14 attachment(s): Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Image.jpg, Im age.jpg, Image.jpg 7/13/2009 9:19:59 AM (9551B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO 7/13/2009 10:13:47 AM (8405B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. 7/13/2009 10:48:55 AM (10054B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: CNS Job 7/13/2009 2:56:09 PM (9835B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: 7/14/2009 8:26:15 AM (29039B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bgoodman@ risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; chen [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; clamb@wmgen terprises.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; fran.cnsweldi [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; wwwpint [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ilfield.slb.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kolkmeierl@need villeisd.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sta [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cynterdye

@yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:CIT GO-Chavez 7/14/2009 12:42:25 PM (10055B) Shawn Staley -> Ardy Goodman:Server Concerns 7/14/2009 3:38:42 PM (13261B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Forklift 7/15/2009 1:27:28 PM (1730292B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley; Shantel Richm ond:PMI reports for 1050-02 stainless steel hydraulic Converting 061209risers1.doc (191KB) attachment Converting 061209risers1050021.doc (191KB) attachment Converting 061509risers1050021.doc (192KB) attachment Converting 061509risers1050022.doc (191KB) attachment Converting 061509risers1050023.doc (188KB) attachment Converting 061509riserssossalson1.doc (192KB) attachment Converting 061509riserssossalson2.doc (192KB) attachment Converting 061509riserssossalson3.doc (189KB) attachment Converting 061208risers1.doc (191KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): 061209risers1.doc, 061209risers1050021.doc, 061509riser s1050021.doc, 061509risers1050022.doc, 061509risers1050023.doc, 061509riserssoss alson1.doc, 061509riserssossalson2.doc, 061509riserssossalson3.doc, 061208risers 1.doc 7/16/2009 4:06:25 PM (13212B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ian Rutherford'; Bill Goodman :RE: PVZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Riser Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/17/2009 6:46:06 AM (14773B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@ yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robi nson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; juan r; Lewis Charles; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Emailing: BestCountryVideoEver! 7/17/2009 7:21:36 AM (5900316B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glme [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Ro binson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; james morris; jere my morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; Lewis Charles; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Emailing: BestCountryVideoEver! Converting BestCountryVideoEver.wmv (5885KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BestCountryVideoEver.wmv 7/17/2009 8:04:32 AM (12450B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Bil l Goodman:FW: Delivery status for PVZ PO 7035069 7/17/2009 8:05:04 AM (12219B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Sha wn Staley; 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman:FW: Lift Lugs 7/17/2009 8:35:02 AM (15266B) Shawn Staley -> Chastity Lamb; clewis6101@sbcg lobal.net; 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman:RE: Lift Lugs 7/20/2009 7:23:26 AM (39492B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bgoodman@ risersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; chen [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; clamb@wmgen terprises.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gro [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorral@sbc global.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; russell@neils photography.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@rise rsinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabriel@ consolidated.net:Fw: ACTION NEEDED ASAP 7/20/2009 8:25:38 AM (62013B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INVOICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0998 Converting 3751.pdf (47KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 3751.pdf 7/20/2009 8:25:38 AM (62013B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INVOICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0998 Converting 3751.pdf (47KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 3751.pdf

7/20/2009 8:27:48 AM (14854B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INOVICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 8:27:48 AM (14854B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INOVICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 9:51:33 AM (14198B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: INVOICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0998 7/20/2009 9:51:45 AM (14290B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: INOVICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 10:00:21 AM (26145B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman: FW: FW: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors 7/20/2009 10:00:21 AM (26145B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman: FW: FW: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors 7/20/2009 10:59:38 AM (10265B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: lease 7/20/2009 11:27:24 AM (45241B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:FW: Converting image002.gif (9KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.jpg 7/20/2009 3:28:16 PM (14470B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: FW: Magic Tri ck 7/20/2009 4:52:29 PM (14586B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INVOICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 4:52:29 PM (14586B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mohana Vijayan'; Bill Goodma n:RE: INVOICE FOR PO 2008-NMDO-0990 7/21/2009 4:05:45 PM (13741B) Shawn Staley -> 'Fran Sterlin'; Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles':RE: CNS-252 / Risers w/o 1050 7/24/2009 10:15:31 AM (177003B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] t; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting po_101000368.dat (99KB) attachment Converting quote_1381.dat (62KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, po_101000368.dat, quote_1381.dat 7/24/2009 10:45:29 AM (50537B) Justin West -> [email protected]; shipp [email protected]; bill goodman; james morris; jeremy morris; juan r; lowjack; L uis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: $$$ Converting ATT00001.jpg (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00001.jpg 7/24/2009 10:51:19 AM (3426877B) Justin West -> [email protected]; linda91 [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; james morris; juan r; l owjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Obama Snubbed... Converting ObamaHandshakeSnubbed.wmv (3413KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ObamaHandshakeSnubbed.wmv 7/24/2009 11:10:58 AM (104308B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clam [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; shippi [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDI NA; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; kennet h; lowjack; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley:Fw: Support Converting clipimage001.jpg (82KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): clipimage001.jpg 7/27/2009 6:32:42 AM (12137B) Justin West -> [email protected]; shippi [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; james morris; jeremy morris; jua n r; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Pool Side Hottie & France's First La dy 7/27/2009 7:41:38 AM (3978823B) Justin West -> [email protected]; ship [email protected]; bill goodman; james morris; jeremy morris; juan r; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Pool Side Hottie & France's First Lady Converting PoolsideBeauty.pps (1981KB) attachment Converting CarlaBruni.pps (1986KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): PoolsideBeauty.pps, CarlaBruni.pps 7/27/2009 1:13:14 PM (186274B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]

om:Quote #1386 Choke & Kill Box Pin, Duplex Hydraulic Line Pin Converting Est1386fromRisersIntern.pdf (175KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1386fromRisersIntern.pdf 7/27/2009 4:19:51 PM (10815B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Calibration of Equip ment. 7/27/2009 4:56:14 PM (9262B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Purchase Dates? 7/28/2009 8:21:27 AM (25058B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; ktech2 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dwilban [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; fran.cnsweld [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorral@sbcglo bal.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; j [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kolkmeier [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jae512@peoplepc .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; yobonita_1989@hotm ail.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cfistee [email protected]; [email protected]:Fw: Egg Trick - Must see 7/28/2009 11:50:56 AM (9027B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Chart Recorder 7/28/2009 12:00:46 PM (11127B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: Check s tubs 7/29/2009 4:29:37 PM (8375B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis:Appointment 7/30/2009 8:25:04 AM (9699B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Office Alarm 7/30/2009 9:08:00 AM (13185B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:RE: Office Alarm 7/30/2009 9:08:00 AM (13185B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:RE: Office Alarm 7/30/2009 3:16:12 PM (41880B) Shawn Staley -> Ana Green; Ardy Goodman; Arlen e Padamada; Aron Aurthurs; Becky Love; [email protected]; Billy Good man; Brad Kolojaco; Cees Tempelaars; Charles Davis; Charles Lewis; Cricket Peppe r; Chaz Lamb; Cristal Allen; Danny Wilbanks; Dave Padget; Donna Tiu; Elena Escob edo; Fran Sterlin; Fred Brooks; Greg M. Masood; Jie Li; Jim Long; Jon Down; Just in West ; Kelle; Kim Carew; Louis Kabelka; Max Goodman; [email protected] om; Mike Briggs; Randy Visage; Ray Coursey; Rick Gunnels; [email protected] m; Shawn; [email protected]; Stephanie; [email protected]; Therald Martin ; [email protected]; [email protected]; Toni Fisher; Tracy Lane; Yali; Zach:FW: health care bill 7/31/2009 8:41:25 AM (33948B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; ardyg @earthlink.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bshu [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; charlo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dwilbanks@wm genterprises.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eliz [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jmilstead@fairf ield.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; jenniferleigh@entouch. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; justi [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gir [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jae512@peo plepc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shawn.Valenta @cac.hctx.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@risers inc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cfist [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tlane@forg eusa.com; [email protected]; [email protected]:Fwd: Refuse New Coins 7/31/2009 11:00:47 AM (160048B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5090fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5090fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/31/2009 11:00:47 AM (160034B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5089fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): PO5089fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/31/2009 11:00:47 AM (159704B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5088fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5088fromRisersInterna.pdf 7/31/2009 3:41:35 PM (9654B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Hard ware for the modules on Phoenix 8/3/2009 4:41:44 PM (15195B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; ' Max Goodman'; 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Forklift Harnesses 8/3/2009 4:47:04 PM (159304B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5105fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5105fromRisersInterna.pdf 8/4/2009 10:35:48 AM (35776B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: P.O. needed 8/4/2009 12:41:19 PM (8753B) Justin West -> Charles Lewis: 8/4/2009 2:53:03 PM (181543B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Quote #1392 for lifting harnesses Converting Est1392fromRisersIntern.pdf (172KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1392fromRisersIntern.pdf 8/4/2009 3:12:36 PM (13642B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bathroom Invo ice 8/5/2009 8:10:12 AM (12686B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]:Server Problem Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 8/5/2009 7:24:19 AM (12414B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:FW: 8/5/2009 7:34:06 AM (161342B) Justin West -> [email protected]; aron.c [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Cal eb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; kenneth; Lewis Charles; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley: Converting i_hate_mexico.JPG (144KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): i_hate_mexico.JPG 8/5/2009 11:55:29 AM (17909B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bathroom Inv oice 8/5/2009 2:52:10 PM (17137B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: 100 Ton 8/5/2009 3:46:04 PM (11231B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected] :Lifting Harness for your Hyster 8/7/2009 9:50:18 AM (578730B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Please Quote Converting RI_800260k_pg.2.dwg (270KB) attachment Converting RI_800260k_pg.3.dwg (299KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI_800260k_pg.2.dwg, RI_800260k_pg.3.dwg 8/7/2009 10:03:03 AM (227800B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Conform Quo tation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(8-7) Converting Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS_S3220 587.pdf (203KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS _S3220587.pdf 8/7/2009 10:05:57 AM (161535B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:PO # 5121 Converting PO5121fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5121fromRisersInterna.pdf 8/7/2009 10:10:30 AM (10094B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':Materials 8/7/2009 10:21:00 AM (8450B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':More stuff 8/7/2009 11:49:44 AM (12887B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:RE: Materials 8/7/2009 11:49:44 AM (12887B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:RE: Materials 8/7/2009 11:59:12 AM (115703B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':FW: Please Qu ote Converting QUOTE_8709.pdf (105KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): QUOTE_8709.pdf 8/10/2009 9:24:16 AM (83345B) Chastity Lamb -> 'jenny':RE: PO# 5121 Converting 20090810102258344.pdf (71KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20090810102258344.pdf 8/10/2009 10:48:25 AM (8789B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis:Wednesday 8-12-0 9 8/10/2009 10:55:57 AM (12346B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Ford F350 F latbed 8/10/2009 12:47:12 PM (6395B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 8/10/2009 2:01:20 PM (36284B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; blove@pfl ame.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; spjs [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; carey3@swbell. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dwil [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Darlene.Lively@u si.biz; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorral@ sbcglobal.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; julie@newterritory. org; [email protected]; [email protected]; katkinson@gowanin c.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; russell@ne ilsphotography.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; stac [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; terry@wayn estone.com; [email protected]; [email protected]:Fw: Senior Death Warrants 8/10/2009 2:49:45 PM (8823B) Justin West -> [email protected]:NC R on main tube 50' 8/10/2009 3:03:38 PM (50463B) Justin West -> [email protected]:N CR on main tube 50' Converting 20090810155416655.pdf (41KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20090810155416655.pdf 8/10/2009 4:46:39 PM (15698B) Shawn Staley -> 'Fran Sterlin'; Justin West; l [email protected]; 'Aaron Aurthors':RE: NCR on main tube 50' 8/11/2009 8:20:03 AM (77452B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Invoice #086 from GH Technical Services Converting Invoice_086_from_GH_Technical_Services.pdf (68KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Invoice_086_from_GH_Technical_Services.pdf 8/11/2009 9:50:08 AM (15073B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Invoice #086 from GH Technical Services 8/11/2009 10:19:41 AM (19507B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Invoice #08 6 from GH Technical Services 8/11/2009 11:04:08 AM (12996B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis; Max Goodman; ' Bill Goodman'; 'Fran Sterlin':Measuring of Riser 1050-02 8/11/2009 3:34:47 PM (19094B) Stephanie Valdez -> Ardy Goodman; Bill Goodman ; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West; Max Goodman; Shawn Staley; Shipping; Teri Breckenridge:NEW NUMBERS FOR SUPERVISOR, SHIPPING & DRIVE R! 8/13/2009 3:31:27 PM (49333B) Shawn Staley -> Ana Green; Ardy Goodman; Aron Aurthurs; Becky Love; Billy Goodman; Brad Kolojaco; Charles Davis; Charles Lewis ; Chaz Lamb; Cricket Pepper; Cristal Allen; Danny Wilbanks; Fran Sterlin; Justin West ; Kelle; Kim Carew; Max Goodman; Randy Visage; Shawn; [email protected]; Therald Martin; [email protected]; [email protected]; tom@industrialmachineinc. com; Mike Briggs: Converting deadhands.jpg (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): deadhands.jpg 8/14/2009 1:04:48 PM (13286B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 60T Forkilif t Harness 8/14/2009 1:15:12 PM (13082B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Groove Machin e 8/14/2009 2:15:04 PM (11144B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:square tubing fo r harness 8/17/2009 10:58:13 AM (179586B) Teri Breckenridge -> rvickers@prideinternati

onal.com:Quote #1392A Converting Est1392AfromRisersInter.pdf (172KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1392AfromRisersInter.pdf 8/17/2009 12:26:31 PM (182567B) Teri Breckenridge -> rvickers@prideinternati onal.com:Quote #1392B Converting Est1392BfromRisersInter.pdf (175KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1392BfromRisersInter.pdf 8/17/2009 12:35:04 PM (157685B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase O rder from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5136fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5136fromRisersInterna.pdf 8/17/2009 1:17:05 PM (1019772B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Al Cotten':Quote #1393 A Converting Est1393AfromRisersInter.pdf (180KB) attachment Converting RI_209_Riser_Adapter_Test_Flange.jpg (417KB) attachment Converting RI_20901Test_Flange.jpg (415KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Est1393AfromRisersInter.pdf, RI_209_Riser_Adapter_Test_ Flange.jpg, RI_20901Test_Flange.jpg 8/17/2009 1:34:04 PM (15450B) Justin West -> [email protected]; p.patrick_ [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Angelica Garza; bill goodman; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; juan r; Luis Garcia; shaw n staley:Fw: Mexican words of the day 8/17/2009 3:48:02 PM (12280B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Lag Screws 8/17/2009 4:38:41 PM (607921B) Teri Breckenridge -> rvickers@prideinternatio nal.com:Quote #1392C Converting Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf (180KB) attachment Converting RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (418KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf, RI_800125.5k_Lifting_Frame _Assembly.jpg 8/18/2009 10:35:12 AM (585880B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:60T Lifting Fr ame Converting 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg (426KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assembly.jpg, 60T_Lifting_Frame_Assem bly.jpg 8/18/2009 11:14:22 AM (11197B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Stepha nie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; Shantel Richmond; [email protected]; 'Ardy Goodm an'; Bill Goodman; Justin West; Shipping; 'Lewis Charles'; dwilbanks@wmgenterpri ses.net:Out of office 8/18/2009 12:01:52 PM (14863B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:FW: Calibration of Equipment. 8/18/2009 2:16:20 PM (8266B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:60T Lifting Frame 8/19/2009 10:29:37 AM (9866B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:TRAINING MATR IX 8/19/2009 1:19:27 PM (9600928B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: Converting DSCI0808.JPG (2443KB) attachment Converting DSCI0809.JPG (2369KB) attachment Converting DSCI0810.JPG (2398KB) attachment Converting DSCI0811.JPG (2381KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSCI0808.JPG, DSCI0809.JPG, DSCI0810.JPG, DSCI0811.JPG 8/19/2009 3:20:04 PM (157876B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]:Purchase Order 5145 Converting PO5145fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5145fromRisersInterna.pdf 8/19/2009 3:20:04 PM (183599B) Teri Breckenridge -> jchircop@frontier-drill. com; [email protected]:Quote #1395A Converting Est1395AfromRisersInter.pdf (176KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1395AfromRisersInter.pdf 8/20/2009 9:57:04 AM (12398B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Lewi s Charles'; Bill Goodman:FW: PRAYERS NEEDED

8/21/2009 1:11:17 PM (14076B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; max [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez'; terib@r isersinc.com; Shawn Staley; Justin West; Shipping; [email protected]; 'Ardy Goodman':Music in the office 8/21/2009 1:43:28 PM (20185B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbcg lobal.net; [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez'; terib@r isersinc.com; Shawn Staley; Justin West; Shipping; [email protected]; 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Music in the office 8/24/2009 11:07:35 AM (37548B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; wgood [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; chendrick@consolidate d.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; davkevdye@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] et; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; julie@ne wterritory.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; katkin [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kolkmei [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jae512@people pc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; stacyslawinski@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cfiste [email protected]; [email protected]:Fw: colonoscopy procedure 8/24/2009 11:31:35 AM (16807B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@yah oo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; harry ra x; james morris; juan r; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Next Time You're on A Pla ne 8/24/2009 1:11:48 PM (30419B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@yaho o.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; james mor ris; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Something to make your Monday 8/25/2009 7:21:00 AM (12007B) Justin West -> [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@ yahoo.com; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; harry rax; james morris; jeremy mor ris; juan r; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: VA health care 8/27/2009 8:20:46 AM (8166B) Shawn Staley -> Max Goodman; Charles Lewis; Bil ly Goodman:Welding shop 8/27/2009 3:33:49 PM (12546B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Welding shop 8/28/2009 8:25:50 AM (10892B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Music in the office 8/28/2009 9:09:25 AM (15536B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Music in the office 8/31/2009 8:29:48 AM (7948B) Chastity Lamb -> Justin West:Neptune 1087-01 8/27/2009 8:58:17 AM (17228B) Stephanie Valdez -> Ardy Goodman; Bill Goodman ; Chastity Lamb; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West; Max Goodman; Shawn Staley; Shippin g; Teri Breckenridge: 9/1/2009 10:17:45 AM (12425B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Order status 9/2/2009 8:39:54 AM (18552B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Order status 9/2/2009 4:25:26 PM (234477B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:ne w job #1118-01 Frontier 55 Buoyancy A and B 11 Thrust Collars Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting quote.pdf (79KB) attachment Converting po_101000657.pdf (139KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, quote.pdf, po_101000657.pdf 9/3/2009 12:29:46 PM (4706568B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; linda916 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sam.Murray@no v.com; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry r ax; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; kennet h; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley:Fw: FW: got balls or just good at ph ysics .... Converting Water_SlideWMV_V9001.wmv (4685KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Water_SlideWMV_V9001.wmv 9/3/2009 4:46:15 PM (159371B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]:Purchas e Order from Risers International, Inc.

Converting PO5196fromRisersInterna.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5196fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/4/2009 8:56:48 AM (8808B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Char les Lewis; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; Stephanie Valdez; Teri Breckenridge: 9/4/2009 9:06:39 AM (11286B) Chastity Lamb -> Justin West; Bill Goodman; Cha rles Lewis; Shantel Richmond; Shawn Staley; Stephanie Valdez; Teri Breckenridge: RE: 9/4/2009 9:21:09 AM (60531B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Neptune Explo rer - Drilling Riser Analyses 9/4/2009 11:14:34 AM (13636B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Kelle'; Bill Goodman:RE: Ver ification Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/4/2009 11:14:34 AM (13636B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Kelle'; Bill Goodman:RE: Ver ification Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/8/2009 9:32:29 AM (9968B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Pride's Liftin g Harnesses 9/8/2009 9:46:29 AM (410777B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; c [email protected]: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1397A.pdf (245KB) attachment Converting P.O._101000628.pdf (150KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1397A.pdf, P.O._101000628.pdf 9/8/2009 1:56:17 PM (162492B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; c [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1392C.pdf (86KB) attachment Converting P.O._7084148.pdf (60KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1392C.pdf, P.O._7084148.pdf 9/8/2009 3:22:32 PM (159765B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; druiz@frisa .com:PO# 5201 Converting PO5201fromRisersInterna.pdf (153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5201fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/8/2009 4:59:46 PM (6570B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Thrust Co llars 9/8/2009 4:49:56 PM (157975B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; druiz@frisa .com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5202fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5202fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/9/2009 9:03:02 AM (17096B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bgoodman@rise rsinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; C.Pepper@tubesupply .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; ecantu@fris a.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; justinwest78@yahoo .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; mbassey@frontier-dri ll.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] om; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tom@indust rialmachineinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; tlane@for geusa.com; [email protected]; [email protected]:New Email. 9/9/2009 12:44:28 PM (39880B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bshult [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; c [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cdavis82 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cristal@northamerica nmetals.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gve [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; JHanzik@newfirst .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; w [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; kmchaffie@t andgservices.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; gird

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kolkmei [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; usmcgoneu [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ms.richmond825@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; te [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabriel@consolida ted.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; tfisher@lonestarcorro sion.com; [email protected]:Fw: Heath care reform? 9/9/2009 2:18:09 PM (471286B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bshult [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cle [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; C.Pepper@tubes upply.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; hordrl @aol.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; fra [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; julie@newterrito ry.org; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] field.slb.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; imakopykat@yahoo. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jae5 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; sharon@ gillenpestcontrol.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; cynterdye@ yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; tom @industrialmachineinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; tl [email protected]:FW: THE WORLD IS CONCERNED ABOUT PALESTINIAN KIDS Converting image0011.jpg (21KB) attachment Converting image0022.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image0033.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image0055.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting image0066.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting image0077.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image0088.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting image0099.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image01010.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting image01111.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image01212.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image01313.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting image01414.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image01515.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting image01616.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image01717.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting image01818.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image01919.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting image02020.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image02121.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image02222.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image02323.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image02424.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting image02525.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image02626.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting image02727.jpg (18KB) attachment Converting image02828.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image02929.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting image03030.jpg (26KB) attachment 30 attachment(s): image0011.jpg, image0022.jpg, image0033.jpg, image0044 .jpg, image0055.jpg, image0066.jpg, image0077.jpg, image0088.jpg, image0099.jpg, image01010.jpg, image01111.jpg, image01212.jpg, image01313.jpg, image01414.jpg, image01515.jpg, image01616.jpg, image01717.jpg, image01818.jpg, image01919.jpg, image02020.jpg, image02121.jpg, image02222.jpg, image02323.jpg, image02424.jpg, image02525.jpg, image02626.jpg, image02727.jpg, image02828.jpg, image02929.jpg, image03030.jpg 9/9/2009 2:33:02 PM (9643B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; 'A

rdy Goodman':RE: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 2:38:39 PM (12510B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Seatex 08/200 9 Invoices 9/10/2009 10:33:08 AM (37548B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:price list and ve ndor list Converting CUSTOMER_PRICE_LIST.xlsx (10KB) attachment Converting ndt_customer_list.xlsx (20KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): CUSTOMER_PRICE_LIST.xlsx, ndt_customer_list.xlsx 9/10/2009 1:25:22 PM (311955B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bgoodman@ri sersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; che [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cdavis8290 @comcast.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; cristal@northamericanm etals.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; D [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gmaso [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; thecorral@sbcglob al.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ju [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]. com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Kolkm [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; usmcgon [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ms.richmond825 @yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; terib@risersinc .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabriel@conso lidated.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; tfisher@lonestarc orrosion.com; [email protected]:FW: Meet the Soetoros Converting image001.jpg (144KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (105KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 9/11/2009 7:48:08 AM (71421B) Justin West -> [email protected]; aron.c [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; james morris; je remy morris; juan r; Luis Garcia; Shawn Staley:Fw: Test Converting BowGayTest.jpg (60KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BowGayTest.jpg 9/11/2009 8:43:09 AM (1347296B) Shawn Staley -> tim / office:Drawings fro Li fting Device Converting RI_800125.5k_Pg.2.dwg (366KB) attachment Converting RI_800125.5k_Pg.3.dwg (331KB) attachment Converting RI_800125.5k_Pg.4.dwg (291KB) attachment Converting RI_800025.5k_pg5.dwg (350KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): RI_800125.5k_Pg.2.dwg, RI_800125.5k_Pg.3.dwg, RI_800125 .5k_Pg.4.dwg, RI_800025.5k_pg5.dwg 9/11/2009 9:51:51 AM (218704B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:J ob #1121-01 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1406.pdf (165KB) attachment Converting P.O._HUN17661.pdf (37KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1406.pdf, P.O._HUN17661.pdf 9/14/2009 8:17:02 AM (160571B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5210fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5210fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/14/2009 8:31:19 AM (11429B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: trailer pric ing for HDG 9/14/2009 10:01:10 AM (11508B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bathroom In voice 9/15/2009 9:50:41 AM (49972B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Re: Emailing: Kes on-Yellow-Plastic-Case-Steel-Tape-St181003x 9/15/2009 10:24:56 AM (8707B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; chad.cnswelding@ sbcglobal.net; Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman:weld caps on pride job 9/16/2009 2:33:44 PM (135997B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bshul

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; clewis6101@sbcglobal. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Darlene.Li [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; groverh@sbcglo bal.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; krohde@ros haron.oilfield.slb.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; imakopyk [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; usmcgoneuscg@aol .com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabriel@consolidate d.net:FW: Cool van Converting image001.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (59KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 9/17/2009 1:18:53 PM (84952B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; glmel@yaho o.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; alejandro lagunas; bill good man; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris ; Jeff Norwig; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; juan r; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Funny - A ctual Ad in the Auto Trader Converting image001.jpg (66KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/17/2009 4:40:21 PM (161094B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]; p [email protected]:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5227fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5227fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/18/2009 9:01:25 AM (9320B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbcgl obal.net:Module Repairs 9/21/2009 12:15:23 PM (157231B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Revised po Converting PO5247fromRisersInterna.pdf (150KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5247fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/21/2009 2:11:29 PM (14579B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Re: FW: For Tuesd ay 9/21/2009 2:25:30 PM (20722B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: FW: For Tuesd ay 9/22/2009 9:00:11 AM (8441B) Shantell Richmond -> 'Bill Goodman': 9/22/2009 10:42:43 AM (187812B) Teri Breckenridge -> mmascarenhas@prideinter national.com; [email protected]:Quote #1392CC Converting Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf (180KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1392CfromRisersInter.pdf 9/22/2009 2:12:34 PM (607313B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Invoice #3756B Converting Inv3756BfromRisersInter.pdf (600KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3756BfromRisersInter.pdf 9/22/2009 3:52:31 PM (15881B) Shantell Richmond -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 9/23/2009 1:17:45 PM (6678B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:World's fastest street legal car 9/23/2009 1:21:54 PM (6496B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:This one too 9/24/2009 11:58:13 AM (30707B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; terib@riser sinc.com:1124-01 Converting 101000643_Risers.pdf (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 101000643_Risers.pdf 9/24/2009 12:52:18 PM (11862B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Newco 9/25/2009 4:13:00 PM (10584B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; clewi [email protected]:Next time 9/28/2009 9:37:47 AM (14142B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; terib@risersinc .com; 'Stephanie Valdez':RE: Alarm Company Call list 9/28/2009 9:47:11 AM (16897B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Alarm Compan

y Call list 9/28/2009 11:37:15 AM (12920B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Bill Goodman '; 'Lewis Charles'; [email protected]; 'Shawn Staley'; [email protected] ; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shipping; 'Justin West':OUT of Office 9/29/2009 6:32:07 AM (5320096B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@y ahoo.com; [email protected]; bill goodman; erica; harry rax; james morris; jere my morris; juan r; Luis Garcia; marjani; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Days They S hould Have Stayed In Bed Converting DaysTheyShouldHaveStayedInBedwww.planetbossi.ch.wmv (5307KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DaysTheyShouldHaveStayedInBedwww.planetbossi.ch.wmv 9/29/2009 4:41:30 PM (7520B) Shawn Staley -> Charles; Max Goodman; Bill Good man; Justin West:Hydro Test Procedure 9/30/2009 11:03:38 AM (144725B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Songa P/O MERSSEA1038838 attached Converting MERSSEA1038838.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MERSSEA1038838.pdf 9/30/2009 2:02:03 PM (38807B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:RE: Sh eave movement 10/1/2009 8:16:55 AM (282112B) Shawn Staley -> Charles; Max Goodman; Bill Go odman; Justin West:Hydro Test Procedure Converting LINE_TESTING_PROCEDURES_SCOPE.doc (274KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): LINE_TESTING_PROCEDURES_SCOPE.doc 10/1/2009 2:09:55 PM (8172B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Purchase Orde r from Risers International, Inc. 10/1/2009 3:05:54 PM (10278B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. 10/2/2009 8:22:57 AM (19821B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Informing ET D & Confirming Marking 10/2/2009 8:23:42 AM (11879B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Flatbar 10/2/2009 8:24:14 AM (142886B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Songa MR6C - P/O No. MERSSEA1038796 Converting MERSSEA1038796.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MERSSEA1038796.pdf 10/2/2009 10:08:54 AM (315457B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1412.pdf (173KB) attachment Converting PO_301001791.pdf (126KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1412.pdf, PO_301001791.pdf 10/2/2009 12:22:53 PM (233147B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-d rill.com:Invoice #3802 Converting Inv3802fromRisersIntern.pdf (131KB) attachment Converting Purchase_Order_301001308.pdf (94KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3802fromRisersIntern.pdf, Purchase_Order_301001308.p df 10/2/2009 1:22:57 PM (14085B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/2/2009 2:10:55 PM (6430B) Shawn Staley -> Tom Goin:60T pin 10/2/2009 2:39:59 PM (584311B) Shantell Richmond -> 'Kelden Smith'; 'Shawn S taley'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Justin West'; 'Shipping'; 'Lewis Charles'; terib@risers inc.com; 'Stephanie Valdez':TEXAS STYLE Converting image002.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image006.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image007.gif (0KB) attachment

Converting image008.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (9KB) attachment Converting GATORDONE.jpg (135KB) attachment Converting GATORDONE1.jpg (101KB) attachment Converting GATORDONE5.jpg (148KB) attachment Converting GATORDONE2.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting GATORDONE3.jpg (108KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.gif, image005.gif , image006.gif, image007.gif, image008.gif, image009.jpg, GATORDONE.jpg, GATORDO NE1.jpg, GATORDONE5.jpg, GATORDONE2.jpg, GATORDONE3.jpg 10/2/2009 3:06:55 PM (300677B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; [email protected]:Quote #1424 Converting Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf (293KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1424fromRisersIntern.pdf 10/5/2009 8:21:58 AM (7090B) Shawn Staley -> Shipping @Risers:US Bolt Pick u p 10/5/2009 11:33:31 AM (1086581B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Re: FW: Liftin g HArnesses Converting RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf (580KB) attachment Converting RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf (494KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI800125.5k_Load_Test.pdf, RI_800260T_Load_Test.pdf 10/5/2009 11:35:17 AM (10729B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Re: FW: Lifting HArnesses 10/5/2009 12:05:39 PM (569303B) Teri Breckenridge -> Evalle@prideinternation al.com:Invoice #3804 Converting Inv3804fromRisersIntern.pdf (210KB) attachment Converting BOL_data_books.pdf (72KB) attachment Converting Revised_PO_7035069.pdf (257KB) attachment Converting 7035069.pdf (22KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3804fromRisersIntern.pdf, BOL_data_books.pdf, Revise d_PO_7035069.pdf, 7035069.pdf 10/5/2009 1:50:34 PM (6740B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:SLINGS FOR HARNES SES 10/5/2009 1:59:03 PM (10139B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; chad.cnswelding@ sbcglobal.net; Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman:FW: weld caps on pride job 10/6/2009 2:50:28 PM (9460B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Verizon bill 10/6/2009 4:44:14 PM (8231B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; clewis610 [email protected]; 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman; Shipping:1126-01 Songa 10/7/2009 3:20:56 PM (234815B) Justin West -> Shawn Staley:HMF Riser Dim.xls x Converting HMF_Riser_Dim.xps (227KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HMF_Riser_Dim.xps 10/9/2009 2:50:33 PM (282780B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1412.pdf (173KB) attachment Converting PO_301001847.pdf (94KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1412.pdf, PO_301001847.pdf 10/13/2009 10:56:40 AM (101815B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman'; Shawn Stal ey; [email protected]; 'Stephanie Valdez'; [email protected]; dwilbanks@ wmgenterprises.net; Justin West; Shipping; 'Lewis Charles':Desk calendars Converting image001.jpg (9KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (22KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (14KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg

10/13/2009 2:51:45 PM (177820B) Teri Breckenridge -> matman.driller@frontier -drill.com; [email protected]:Quote #1422A Converting Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf (170KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf 10/14/2009 3:20:46 PM (11784B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:1067-01 - touch up 10/15/2009 9:53:52 AM (296195B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:FW: ORANGE FLOATATION! PICTURE PART 2 Converting 101409_5.JPG (64KB) attachment Converting 101409_6.JPG (57KB) attachment Converting 101409_7.JPG (53KB) attachment Converting 101409_8.JPG (52KB) attachment Converting 101409_9.JPG (53KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 101409_5.JPG, 101409_6.JPG, 101409_7.JPG, 101409_8.JPG, 101409_9.JPG 10/15/2009 9:53:52 AM (306412B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:FW: ORANGE FLOATATION! PICTURES PART 1 Converting 101409_4.JPG (55KB) attachment Converting 101409.JPG (61KB) attachment Converting 101409_1.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting 101409_2.JPG (59KB) attachment Converting 101409_3.JPG (58KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 101409_4.JPG, 101409.JPG, 101409_1.JPG, 101409_2.JPG, 1 01409_3.JPG 10/15/2009 9:54:38 AM (294383B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:FW: ORANGE FLOATATION! **** WEIGHT **** Converting 20091014161826161.pdf (277KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20091014161826161.pdf 10/15/2009 9:54:38 AM (309234B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:FW: ORANGE FLOATATION! PICTURES PART 3 Converting 101409_10.JPG (51KB) attachment Converting 101409_11.JPG (57KB) attachment Converting 101409_12.JPG (65KB) attachment Converting 101409_13.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting 101409_14.JPG (62KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): 101409_10.JPG, 101409_11.JPG, 101409_12.JPG, 101409_13. JPG, 101409_14.JPG 10/15/2009 10:37:13 AM (174227B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote #1430 Converting Est1430fromRisersIntern.pdf (167KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1430fromRisersIntern.pdf 10/15/2009 1:29:04 PM (248943B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] m:Quote #1431 Converting Est1431fromRisersIntern.pdf (242KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1431fromRisersIntern.pdf 10/16/2009 7:44:13 AM (74755B) Justin West -> bill goodman; shawn staley:Fw: Converting 1015091423a.jpg (66KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1015091423a.jpg 10/16/2009 7:44:35 AM (127203B) Justin West -> bill goodman; shawn staley:Fw : Converting 1015091423.jpg (118KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1015091423.jpg 10/16/2009 8:06:47 AM (17720B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodma n:RE: Hannon Hydraulics 10/16/2009 8:06:47 AM (17700B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodma n:RE: Hannon Hydraulics 10/16/2009 8:58:12 AM (23997B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics 10/16/2009 8:58:12 AM (24017B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics

10/16/2009 9:29:44 AM (27210B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics 10/16/2009 9:29:44 AM (27230B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics 10/16/2009 10:24:58 AM (30495B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hyd raulics 10/16/2009 10:24:58 AM (30475B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hyd raulics 10/19/2009 12:00:58 PM (717886B) Teri Breckenridge -> pawwah.naw@northernoff shoreltd.com:Invoice 3760D Converting Inv3760DfromRisersInter.pdf (151KB) attachment Converting ESO108100844.pdf (361KB) attachment Converting cumings_shipment_2.pdf (197KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3760DfromRisersInter.pdf, ESO108100844.pdf, cumings_ shipment_2.pdf 10/20/2009 12:44:11 PM (177552B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Quote #1390 Converting Est1390fromRisersIntern.pdf (170KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1390fromRisersIntern.pdf 10/20/2009 1:27:04 PM (8845B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Quote #1390 10/20/2009 2:45:02 PM (13483B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Strap Quote 10/21/2009 11:44:13 AM (27625B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:INTERCOASTAL PVF ,L.P. 1.xlsx Converting INTERCOASTAL_PVFL.P._1.xlsx (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): INTERCOASTAL_PVFL.P._1.xlsx 10/21/2009 12:33:52 PM (10602B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Verizon wirele ss 10/21/2009 1:10:15 PM (14526B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Verizon wir eless 10/22/2009 8:51:37 AM (739130B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Paw Wah Naw':Invoice # 3760E Converting Inv3760EfromRisersInter.pdf (212KB) attachment Converting cumings_shipment_1.pdf (185KB) attachment Converting cumings_shipment_2.pdf (197KB) attachment Converting cumings_shipment_3.pdf (137KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3760EfromRisersInter.pdf, cumings_shipment_1.pdf, cu mings_shipment_2.pdf, cumings_shipment_3.pdf 10/22/2009 12:52:17 PM (10933B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@eart hlink.net; [email protected]; [email protected]:1067-03 10/23/2009 6:49:10 AM (3668335B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glm [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Ch arles; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Sangre Converting SANGREES...PPS (3655KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SANGREES...PPS 10/23/2009 6:51:43 AM (500806B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@y ahoo.com; bill goodman; [email protected]; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morr is; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Summer Fashion Converting image001.jpg (29KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (77KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (25KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (22KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting image012.jpg (45KB) attachment

Converting image013.jpg (22KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg, image011.jpg, image012.jpg, image013.jpg 10/23/2009 7:48:10 AM (33226B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel @yahoo.com; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; harry rax; james m orris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley: Fw: Please hold emails Converting image001.jpg (14KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/26/2009 1:57:20 PM (233490B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-d rill.com:Invoice #3807 Converting Inv3807fromRisersIntern.pdf (135KB) attachment Converting Bill_of_Lading.pdf (72KB) attachment Converting CONFIRMING_PO_301001889.pdf (18KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3807fromRisersIntern.pdf, Bill_of_Lading.pdf, CONFIR MING_PO_301001889.pdf 10/27/2009 8:39:54 AM (26500B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; [email protected]:FW: Incompleted Documents ( I# 3790 and 3601 ) 10/27/2009 3:05:18 PM (10186B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:guys outside 10/29/2009 9:34:00 AM (12118B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:Pride Lifting D evices. 10/29/2009 9:44:28 AM (158467B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:PO# 5247 Converting PO5247fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5247fromRisersInterna.pdf 10/29/2009 10:45:45 AM (378263B) Teri Breckenridge -> mmascarenhas@prideinte rnational.com: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1392C.pdf (86KB) attachment Converting Billoflading.pdf (74KB) attachment Converting Inv._3808.pdf (140KB) attachment Converting P.O._7084148.pdf (60KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1392C.pdf, Billoflading.pdf, Inv._3 808.pdf, P.O._7084148.pdf 10/29/2009 1:20:41 PM (18890B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Pride Liftin g Devices. 10/29/2009 1:42:11 PM (112249B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-d rill.com:Invoice #44806F Converting Inv44806FfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (105KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44806FfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 10/29/2009 1:42:11 PM (111764B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; [email protected]:Invoice #44805E Converting Inv44805EfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (104KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44805EfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 10/29/2009 1:45:47 PM (111939B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; [email protected]:Invoice from #44804I Converting Inv44804IfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (104KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44804IfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 10/29/2009 3:28:16 PM (15354B) Shawn Staley -> 'Charles Lewis'; Fran Sterlin ; [email protected]; 'Bill Goodman':Test Charts and Phoenix 1122-01 job 10/29/2009 3:34:20 PM (17409B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Shawn Staley'; Charles Lewi s; 'Fran Sterlin'; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:RE: Test Charts a nd Phoenix 1122-01 job 10/29/2009 3:34:20 PM (17409B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Shawn Staley'; Charles Lewi s; 'Fran Sterlin'; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:RE: Test Charts a nd Phoenix 1122-01 job 10/30/2009 7:20:08 AM (7186816B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glm [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ale

jandro lagunas; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; lowjack; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Roller coaster Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment Converting Achterbahn.wmv (7159KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, Achterbahn.wmv 10/30/2009 8:23:09 AM (3063794B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:FW: Emailing: 101_0241 Converting 1010242.JPG (1682KB) attachment Converting 1010241.JPG (1371KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 1010242.JPG, 1010241.JPG 10/30/2009 9:47:47 AM (23659B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Pride Liftin g Devices. 10/30/2009 2:11:16 PM (452459B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-d rill.com:Invoice #3809 Converting Inv3809fromRisersIntern.pdf (137KB) attachment Converting Bill_of_L.pdf (77KB) attachment Converting Quote_1393A.pdf (86KB) attachment Converting Po._301001656.pdf (144KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3809fromRisersIntern.pdf, Bill_of_L.pdf, Quote_1393A .pdf, Po._301001656.pdf 11/2/2009 10:04:11 AM (182837B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1433AfromRisersInter.pdf (175KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1433AfromRisersInter.pdf 11/2/2009 2:16:11 PM (33719B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Chad Yutka':RE : AccuVal Inspection Follow up and Information Requests 11/2/2009 2:38:21 PM (10106B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Truck f or Lines 11/2/2009 4:36:24 PM (153362B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] m:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5428fromRisersInterna.pdf (147KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5428fromRisersInterna.pdf 11/4/2009 6:18:43 AM (3980337B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; james m orris; jeremy morris; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: Hunting in TN RedNeck Style Converting HuntingInKY.wmv (3967KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): HuntingInKY.wmv 11/4/2009 7:00:54 AM (1043515B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@yahoo. com; [email protected]; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris; j eremy morris; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Priceless p ics Converting image001.jpg (89KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (97KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (97KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (72KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (75KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (56KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (62KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (47KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (61KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (92KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (62KB) attachment Converting image012.jpg (118KB) attachment Converting image013.jpg (85KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg, image011.jpg, image012.jpg, image013.jpg 11/4/2009 7:03:24 AM (1239059B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel@ya

hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@yahoo. com; [email protected]; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris; j eremy morris; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: How on eart h did this happen? Skipping attachment How_on_earth_did_this_happen_633_KB.msg because it i s a Windows .msg file Converting ATT00108.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting ATT00105.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting ATT00102.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting ATT00099.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting ATT00096.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting ATT00093.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting ATT00087.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting ATT00084.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting ATT00090.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting ATT00078.jpg (55KB) attachment Converting ATT00075.jpg (65KB) attachment Converting ATT00072.jpg (71KB) attachment Converting ATT00069.jpg (25KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): ATT00108.jpg, ATT00105.jpg, ATT00102.jpg, ATT00099.jpg , ATT00096.jpg, ATT00093.jpg, ATT00087.jpg, ATT00084.jpg, ATT00090.jpg, ATT00078 .jpg, ATT00075.jpg, ATT00072.jpg, ATT00069.jpg 11/4/2009 9:22:56 AM (158265B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Tom Parkinson':Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5431fromRisersInterna.pdf (151KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5431fromRisersInterna.pdf 11/5/2009 3:29:26 PM (22841B) Shawn Staley -> ash.bonner@northernoffshoreltd .com:RE: NOF PO ES01-08-100844 data books 11/6/2009 8:04:46 AM (175766B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:PO# 4950 Converting PO4950fromRisersInterna.pdf (171KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO4950fromRisersInterna.pdf 11/6/2009 8:28:26 AM (11891B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthl ink.net; 'Lewis Charles':Paul - tools 11/6/2009 9:36:52 AM (25593B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; bshult [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cle [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; dwilbanks@w mgenterprises.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; fr [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; hgriff [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; www [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; krohde@roshar on.oilfield.slb.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; imakopykat@ yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; s [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; gabriel@consolida ted.net; [email protected]:Arkansas Patients 11/6/2009 12:26:41 PM (18793B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Bi ll Goodman'; 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/9/2009 8:54:03 AM (14240B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodman: RE: SONGA CLAMPS & STOP COLLARS 11/9/2009 9:52:48 AM (18884B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: SONGA CLAMPS & STOP COLLARS 11/9/2009 1:03:25 PM (9352B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:MCI receipt 11/9/2009 4:09:55 PM (343473B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #3811 Converting Inv3811fromRisersIntern.pdf (137KB) attachment Converting BOL._polypak_seals.pdf (72KB) attachment Converting PO_301001791.pdf (126KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3811fromRisersIntern.pdf, BOL._polypak_seals.pdf, PO _301001791.pdf

11/10/2009 9:46:05 AM (15313B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1097-01 11/10/2009 10:07:10 AM (11328B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:1097-01 Riser D WG Number 11/10/2009 10:30:43 AM (11719B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Router 11/10/2009 11:44:42 AM (190304B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charl es':FW: Certs for Certex order Converting 2538001.tif (178KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2538001.tif 11/10/2009 2:28:12 PM (323775B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-d rill.com:Invoice #3812 Converting Inv3812fromRisersIntern.pdf (137KB) attachment Converting bol_10909.pdf (77KB) attachment Converting Bol_.pdf (80KB) attachment Converting 101000636_Risers.pdf (21KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3812fromRisersIntern.pdf, bol_10909.pdf, Bol_.pdf, 1 01000636_Risers.pdf 11/10/2009 3:22:26 PM (12615B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: MCI receipt 11/10/2009 3:28:42 PM (10184B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Ardy'; Bill Goodman; dwilba [email protected]:Turkeys for Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 8:40:02 AM (13868B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Turkeys for Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 8:48:43 AM (17784B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Turkeys for Thanksgiving 11/11/2009 10:26:34 AM (10950B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Duplex stainle ss from China 11/11/2009 10:41:09 AM (29342B) Shawn Staley -> 'Max Goodman':RE: RE: NOF P O ES01-08-100844 data books 11/11/2009 2:28:25 PM (13943B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthl ink.net:RE: Module Groove Machine. 11/11/2009 3:03:33 PM (14530B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Quote JOB 1 050 11/11/2009 3:06:28 PM (11644B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Texas Mutual Wo rkman's comp audit 11/12/2009 9:38:02 AM (9813B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:1097-01 Job 11/12/2009 3:23:31 PM (8757B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Crossovers 11/13/2009 7:01:01 AM (95024B) Justin West -> [email protected]; glmel @yahoo.com; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) W alker; chuy; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; shawn stale y:Fw: Reminder Of Sad News Converting image001.jpg (78KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/13/2009 7:02:21 AM (12640B) Justin West -> [email protected]; david [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; sha wn staley:Fw: Flash Your Buddy Day 11/13/2009 9:09:17 AM (10402B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Job 1097-01 Coating 11/13/2009 9:52:34 AM (13926B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Crossovers 11/13/2009 12:25:46 PM (248647B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman; Brad Kolojac o; Charles Lewis; Cristal Allen; Cricket Pepper; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West ; K im Carew; Randy Visage; [email protected]; [email protected]; cfisteel@a ol.com; [email protected]; Toni Fisher; Tracy Lane:FW: 100% Failure Rate Converting image001.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (28KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (28KB) attachment

Converting image009.jpg (36KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg 11/13/2009 1:18:34 PM (2318439B) Justin West -> [email protected] t; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jrosilez@ai m.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson ; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; Juan Rosales; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; shawn staley:Fw: VENEZOLANAS Converting 100__VENEZOLANAS.pps (2295KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 100__VENEZOLANAS.pps 11/13/2009 1:50:15 PM (13280B) Chastity Lamb -> Shawn Staley:FW: Bolts for F orklift 11/13/2009 2:24:45 PM (15947B) Shawn Staley -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Bolts for F orklift 11/16/2009 9:30:39 AM (17277B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Job 1097-01 Coating 11/16/2009 9:58:02 AM (292941B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Schamble, Louis H'; Bill G oodman:RE: application, Loan tool application Converting 20091113153957165.pdf (275KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20091113153957165.pdf 11/16/2009 10:02:52 AM (20396B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Fastenal I nvoice #16732 Converting Invoice16732.xls (13KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Invoice16732.xls 11/16/2009 10:02:52 AM (20396B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Fastenal I nvoice #16732 Converting Invoice16732.xls (13KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Invoice16732.xls 11/16/2009 11:03:06 AM (35442B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'L aura True'; 'Melanie Taylor'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011 955 11/16/2009 1:12:28 PM (10129B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles':Maddog vacation 11/16/2009 1:12:53 PM (10914B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles':Eduardo Lopez & Garcia 11/17/2009 4:33:00 PM (98577B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:FW: pipes pitti ng Converting IMG00009200911171543.jpg (93KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG00009200911171543.jpg 11/17/2009 5:41:09 PM (9744B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Shipping':Dr iver - Marvin 11/18/2009 11:00:38 AM (781401B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:FW: Pictures of pipe Converting IMG00013200911180904.jpg (137KB) attachment Converting IMG00015200911180905.jpg (127KB) attachment Converting IMG00014200911180904.jpg (133KB) attachment Converting IMG00017200911180906.jpg (145KB) attachment Converting IMG00018200911180907.jpg (97KB) attachment Converting IMG00019200911180907.jpg (134KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): IMG00013200911180904.jpg, IMG00015200911180905.jpg, IMG 00014200911180904.jpg, IMG00017200911180906.jpg, IMG00018200911180907.jpg, IMG00 019200911180907.jpg 11/18/2009 2:16:42 PM (15452B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Shipping:RE: Driver - Marvin 11/19/2009 8:50:58 AM (450561B) Teri Breckenridge -> pnation@nobleenergyinc. com:Invoice #3813A Converting Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf (219KB) attachment Converting PO_111609EG0045.pdf (224KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf, PO_111609EG0045.pdf 11/19/2009 10:03:21 AM (10156B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Randy Visage

':RE: 1050 touch up 11/20/2009 8:03:54 AM (15291B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Melanie Taylo r':RE: inspection 11/20/2009 10:29:49 AM (505818B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; bst [email protected]:FW: Invoice #3799 Converting Inv3799fromRisersIntern.pdf (156KB) attachment Converting Quote_1364C.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting Inv_3799A_30.pdf (155KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3799fromRisersIntern.pdf, Quote_1364C.pdf, Inv_3799A _30.pdf 11/20/2009 3:30:33 PM (241425B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]: Converting SAM0085.JPG (53KB) attachment Converting SAM0086.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting SAM0090.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting SAM0091.JPG (50KB) attachment Converting SAM0092.JPG (37KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SAM0085.JPG, SAM0086.JPG, SAM0090.JPG, SAM0091.JPG, SAM 0092.JPG 11/23/2009 8:20:55 AM (6294B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 11/23/2009 10:44:47 AM (177832B) Teri Breckenridge -> jwarren@frontier-drill .com; [email protected]; [email protected]:Quote #1422A Converting Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf (170KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf 11/23/2009 11:45:35 AM (29215B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: OMNI Risers Quote 11/23/2009 12:36:40 PM (11826B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Bil l Goodman; [email protected]; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; dwilbanks@wmge nterprises.net; Charles Lewis:Ramon Lopez 11/23/2009 1:43:28 PM (55156B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True'; Bill Goodman:R E: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 2:46:02 PM (17754B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earth link.net; [email protected]; 'Stephanie Valdez'; Shawn Staley; dwilbanks@wmgen terprises.net; Charles Lewis:RE: Ramon Lopez 11/24/2009 9:09:53 AM (18745B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Jenny':RE: OBL 11/24/2009 11:43:08 AM (58161B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True'; Bill Goodman: RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/25/2009 8:06:35 AM (50098B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Jenny'; Bill Goodman; 'Laur a True'; [email protected]; 'Melanie Taylor':RE: Telex Released B/L Re: Sh ipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/30/2009 9:51:12 AM (9570B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO 11/30/2009 10:18:29 AM (14778B) Shawn Staley -> Justin West; Chastity Lamb; Shipping:RE: Lines sent out Friday 11/30/2009 10:57:18 AM (253587B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote #1437A Converting Est1437AfromRisersInter.pdf (247KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1437AfromRisersInter.pdf 11/30/2009 11:29:55 AM (7379B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Randy Visage':RE: 1097 main tubes 11/30/2009 12:19:06 PM (151318B) Chastity Lamb -> ronwalton@hollowayhouston. com:PO# 5524 Converting PO5524fromRisersInterna.pdf (145KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5524fromRisersInterna.pdf 11/30/2009 2:16:44 PM (175700B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: Quote #1442 Converting Est1442fromRisersIntern.pdf (167KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Est1442fromRisersIntern.pdf 11/30/2009 2:16:44 PM (170427B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]: Quote #1443 Converting Est1443fromRisersIntern.pdf (164KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1443fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/1/2009 2:28:27 PM (11008B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Bill Stibbs':RE: Quote # 1437A 12/1/2009 3:23:22 PM (268450B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Quote #1422A Converting Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf (170KB) attachment Converting PO_301002020.pdf (91KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1422AfromRisersInter.pdf, PO_301002020.pdf 12/1/2009 3:31:00 PM (9898B) [email protected] -> Chastity Lamb; bgood [email protected]:Ready for paint! 10/16/2009 1:46:03 PM (33726B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics 10/16/2009 1:46:03 PM (33726B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hannon Hydr aulics 10/10/2009 12:32:35 PM (182908B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Al Cotten':RE: Re; Charge s to Frontier for shipments Converting Est1330fromRisersIntern.pdf (166KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1330fromRisersIntern.pdf 9/21/2009 2:11:25 PM (156323B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]. net:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5250fromRisersInterna.pdf (149KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5250fromRisersInterna.pdf 9/11/2009 12:56:24 PM (212426B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quote_1398.pdf (175KB) attachment Converting 101000636_Risers.pdf (21KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quote_1398.pdf, 101000636_Risers.pdf 8/28/2009 10:38:39 AM (10755B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodma n:RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/28/2009 10:38:39 AM (10755B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodma n:RE: FLOATATION MODULES 8/27/2009 1:40:21 PM (9685B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:RE: 8/9/2009 9:27:51 PM (12248B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:RE: FW: PO# 4730 riser bolts qty 338pcs 8/7/2009 3:03:24 PM (10700B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Truston 8/7/2009 3:02:42 PM (9374B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO# 5121 12/2/2009 10:15:57 AM (280523B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; [email protected]:Seatex Storage Invoices Converting Inv44804JfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment Converting 44804C.pdf (115KB) attachment Converting 44805F.pdf (20KB) attachment Converting 44804B.pdf (115KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv44804JfromWMGEnterpr.pdf, 44804C.pdf, 44805F.pdf, 44 804B.pdf 12/2/2009 11:02:20 AM (27476B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #44806F Converting Inv44806FfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44806FfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 12/2/2009 11:02:20 AM (27306B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #44806G Converting Inv44806GfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44806GfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 12/2/2009 11:02:20 AM (27612B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #44806B Converting Inv44806BfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Inv44806BfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 12/2/2009 5:03:53 PM (9780B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman; Ch astity Lamb; [email protected]; Justin West:Dec.3 12/3/2009 6:51:32 AM (21660B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ms.richmond825@ya hoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Carlos Garz a Jr.; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: A guy on a bike...Incredible 12/7/2009 9:58:33 AM (18611B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'GARY MABRY'; ' Randy Visage':RE: 1097 12/7/2009 8:38:00 PM (24133B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman':R E: Lifting tool for buoyancy 12/8/2009 9:14:17 AM (88602B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; ' Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting quote_1443.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting PO_301002054.pdf (19KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, quote_1443.pdf, PO_301002054.pdf 12/8/2009 10:37:30 AM (52802B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhousto n.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5554fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5554fromRisersInterna.pdf 12/8/2009 1:40:48 PM (130024B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Merssea1038838.pdf (56KB) attachment Converting POMERSSEA1038796.pdf (58KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Merssea1038838.pdf, POMERSSEA1038796.pdf 12/8/2009 1:57:17 PM (120310B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman; Brad Kolojaco; Charles Davis; Danny Wilbanks; Justin West ; Kim Carew; Randy Visage; srichmond @risersinc.com; [email protected]:FW: HOLY CRAP IT WORKED!!!!!! Converting image001.gif (58KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/9/2009 2:12:11 PM (18984B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: CAD PC Quo te Converting image001.gif (6KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/9/2009 3:15:31 PM (61368B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Quote #1445 Converting Est1445fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1445fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/9/2009 3:15:31 PM (61548B) Teri Breckenridge -> aarif.qadari@dmcoffshore. com.sg:Quote #1444 Converting Est1444fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1444fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/10/2009 10:15:53 AM (6917B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; S hawn Staley: 12/10/2009 12:27:02 PM (17634B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:FW: MS Off ice Converting image001.gif (6KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 12/10/2009 1:31:47 PM (57130B) Shawn Staley -> 'Shipping':K-Tech Order Converting PO5559fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5559fromRisersInterna.pdf 12/10/2009 1:42:02 PM (10558B) Shawn Staley -> 'Shipping':Pick up @ Fastenal 12/10/2009 2:35:11 PM (10903B) Shawn Staley -> 'Shipping':Do We Have 12/10/2009 4:13:59 PM (61188B) Teri Breckenridge -> SrSubSeaSup.702@deepwate r.com:Quote 1446 Converting Est1446fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1446fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/11/2009 10:08:55 AM (22114B) Justin West -> [email protected]

; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@ yahoo.com; bill goodman; ENRIQUE MEDINA; Jimmy Fields; Juan Rosales; Lewis Charl es; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Humor Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 12/11/2009 2:02:18 PM (5962884B) Justin West -> [email protected]; p.patrick_b [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; james morris; je remy morris; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garci a; shawn staley:Fw: Fwd: Rv: xxx Playboy xxx Converting PlayboySpecialEditions09.pps (5949KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PlayboySpecialEditions09.pps 12/14/2009 11:47:47 AM (16214B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: when is th e c/o of 500121595? 12/14/2009 12:51:37 PM (21811B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: when is th e c/o of 500121595? 12/14/2009 1:22:55 PM (46566B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Purchase Or ders Converting job_parts.xlsx (29KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): job_parts.xlsx 12/14/2009 1:27:26 PM (105825B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:FW: Spraymetals Packing Slip 12/11/09 Converting Spraymetals12.11.09.pdf (94KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Spraymetals12.11.09.pdf 12/14/2009 1:23:35 PM (3111716B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:FW: Shipping Doc. 12/11/2009 Converting SHP200909801.pdf (846KB) attachment Converting SHP200909806.pdf (1153KB) attachment Converting SHP200910211.pdf (1099KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): SHP200909801.pdf, SHP200909806.pdf, SHP200910211.pdf 12/15/2009 11:52:20 AM (15898B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True'; Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman':RE: Containers for next weeks booking 12/15/2009 1:30:29 PM (170867B) Justin West -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill g oodman; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Luis Garcia; shawn s taley; STEPHINIE:Fw: I should have thought of this! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (147KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.gif 12/15/2009 1:50:25 PM (14228B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Truck Recal l Notice Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/15/2009 2:17:57 PM (53074B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase O rder from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5582fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5582fromRisersInterna.pdf 12/15/2009 3:43:11 PM (10309B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping; Bill Goodman:Hocke r 12/16/2009 10:30:37 AM (653598B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinter national.com: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Pride1101.pdf (638KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Pride1101.pdf 12/16/2009 11:39:51 AM (61617B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideintern ational.com:Quote #1448 Converting Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/16/2009 4:22:53 PM (9642B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:air filters

12/17/2009 6:41:49 AM (22404B) Justin West -> [email protected]; aron. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; david.sa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.p [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; alejandro lagunas ; Angelica Garza; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Wa lker; chuy; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Ros ales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; lowjack; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Let's stay humble and grateful! :) 12/17/2009 2:42:42 PM (735076B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clam [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ms.richmond825 @yahoo.com; [email protected]; bill goodman; ENRIQUE MEDINA; james morris; jere my morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; lowjack; shar on battin; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: A Texas Pig Converting image003.jpg (258KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (207KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (245KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg 12/18/2009 2:57:50 PM (28933B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Debra Wheeler'; Bill Goodma n:RE: Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/18/2009 3:05:01 PM (30777B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Raymond Lee'; 'Debra Wheele r'; Bill Goodman:RE: Booking# 500120636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/18/2009 3:14:03 PM (49820B) Stephanie Valdez -> irutherford@prideinternat ional.com:straps, bolts & more Converting 20091218152731672.pdf (39KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20091218152731672.pdf 12/21/2009 12:08:10 PM (63331B) Chastity Lamb -> irutherford@prideinternatio nal.com:Quote 1448 from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/21/2009 1:49:12 PM (20078B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Laura True':RE: 5th Booking Houston/Pt Klang 12/21/2009 2:35:05 PM (93167B) Chastity Lamb -> pawwah.naw@northernoffshorel td.com:Invoice 3760E from Risers International, Inc. Converting Inv3760EfromRisersInter.pdf (85KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv3760EfromRisersInter.pdf 12/22/2009 11:49:47 AM (101964B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Visit Let ter and Customer Survey Converting Riser090001195383L.doc (94KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser090001195383L.doc 12/23/2009 10:02:56 AM (62839B) Chastity Lamb -> irutherford@prideinternatio nal.com:Quote from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf 12/23/2009 1:18:09 PM (134874B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:FW: Order #00038872; From M.S.O. SEALS & GASKETS,INC. Converting faintgrain.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting girlcandylineen.gif (61KB) attachment Converting ESale.pdf (55KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): faintgrain.jpg, girlcandylineen.gif, ESale.pdf 12/23/2009 1:24:44 PM (6798B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 12/23/2009 1:36:45 PM (118615B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Invoices Converting 3799C.pdf (27KB) attachment Converting 3799A.pdf (50KB) attachment Converting 3799B.pdf (27KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 3799C.pdf, 3799A.pdf, 3799B.pdf 12/23/2009 3:37:38 PM (9774B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:RE: 12/23/2009 3:42:55 PM (253405B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'AP Department':Invoice #3815 Converting Inv3815fromRisersIntern.pdf (57KB) attachment

Converting purchase_order101001302.pdf (129KB) attachment Converting qoute_1449.pdf (59KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3815fromRisersIntern.pdf, purchase_order101001302.pd f, qoute_1449.pdf 12/23/2009 4:21:25 PM (8777B) Shawn Staley -> 'Alex C':RE: INSPECTION REPOR TS 12/29/2009 9:04:01 AM (6661B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb: 12/29/2009 11:03:20 AM (8750B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Missi ng Certs 12/29/2009 1:02:29 PM (14478B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbc global.net:Paperwork 12/29/2009 2:10:56 PM (19157B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ardy Goodman'; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Chastity Lamb:RE: Paperwork 12/29/2009 2:12:47 PM (17831B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:FW: p o# 5212 12/30/2009 8:43:41 AM (282798B) Stephanie Valdez -> 'Bill Goodman'; Charles Lewis: Converting SDC10310.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting SDC10306.JPG (49KB) attachment Converting SDC10307.JPG (55KB) attachment Converting SDC10308.JPG (62KB) attachment Converting SDC10309.JPG (51KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SDC10310.JPG, SDC10306.JPG, SDC10307.JPG, SDC10308.JPG, SDC10309.JPG 12/30/2009 8:44:39 AM (288694B) Stephanie Valdez -> 'Bill Goodman'; Charles Lewis: Converting SDC10311.JPG (54KB) attachment Converting SDC10312.JPG (55KB) attachment Converting SDC10313.JPG (60KB) attachment Converting SDC10314.JPG (56KB) attachment Converting SDC10315.JPG (52KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SDC10311.JPG, SDC10312.JPG, SDC10313.JPG, SDC10314.JPG, SDC10315.JPG 12/30/2009 8:46:27 AM (9084B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:? about the p ictures 12/30/2009 4:15:40 PM (19261B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman'; clewis6101@s bcglobal.net:RE: Paperwork 1/4/2010 10:51:41 AM (304962B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #3816 Converting Inv3816fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Quote_1440.pdf (169KB) attachment Converting 101001008_.pdf (72KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3816fromRisersIntern.pdf, Quote_1440.pdf, 101001008_ .pdf 1/4/2010 3:45:46 PM (222435B) Stephanie Valdez -> Charles Lewis; Bill Goodma n:Felipe took the pictures (only 3) Converting SDC10429.JPG (69KB) attachment Converting SDC10430.JPG (66KB) attachment Converting SDC10431.JPG (76KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): SDC10429.JPG, SDC10430.JPG, SDC10431.JPG 1/5/2010 10:19:54 AM (135626B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Daniel Vincen t'; 'Darryl Garcia':RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting 3799C.pdf (27KB) attachment Converting 3799A.pdf (50KB) attachment Converting 3799B.pdf (27KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.jpg, 3799C.pdf, 3799A.pdf, 3799B.pdf 1/6/2010 8:32:48 AM (13552B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles' ; Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Staley'; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sh ipping:RE: IN HOUSTON

1/6/2010 8:32:48 AM (13552B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles' ; Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Staley'; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sh ipping:RE: IN HOUSTON 1/6/2010 8:48:06 AM (13860B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodman; 'Chasity Lamb'; [email protected]; [email protected]; Shipping:RE: IN HO USTON 1/6/2010 2:46:21 PM (8582B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Sleeves 1/6/2010 3:01:40 PM (155109B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote #1451 Converting Est1451fromRisersIntern.pdf (83KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (64KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1451fromRisersIntern.pdf, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf 1/8/2010 9:48:23 AM (248418B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman: Converting SDC10500.JPG (59KB) attachment Converting SDC10497.JPG (64KB) attachment Converting SDC10498.JPG (50KB) attachment Converting SDC10499.JPG (64KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SDC10500.JPG, SDC10497.JPG, SDC10498.JPG, SDC10499.JPG 1/8/2010 10:11:20 AM (16027B) Shawn Staley -> Aron Aurthurs; Billy Goodman; Charles Davis; Charles Lewis; Cricket Pepper; Cristal Allen; Donna Tiu; Eugenio Cantu; Fran Sterlin; Randy Visage; [email protected]; sntmachine@aol. com; Toni Fisher; Tracy Lane; Yali; Zach; [email protected]; luis.c [email protected]; [email protected]:Serial Numbers 1/8/2010 3:20:22 PM (9505B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:message 1/8/2010 3:25:39 PM (30913B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Darryl Garcia'; Bill Goodman; 'Daniel Vincent':RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/11/2010 2:35:05 PM (278818B) Justin West -> 'mailto:laura@aquaoceantranspo rt.com':FW: MSDS Converting 9D1B_liquid__101306.pdf (69KB) attachment Converting 9PR50__liquid__112007.pdf (33KB) attachment Converting 906__liquid__31909.pdf (29KB) attachment Converting MIGLOW_850.pdf (135KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 9D1B_liquid__101306.pdf, 9PR50__liquid__112007.pdf, 906 __liquid__31909.pdf, MIGLOW_850.pdf 1/12/2010 6:27:26 AM (19915B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:FW: FW: MSDS Converting AVG_certification.txt (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): AVG_certification.txt 1/12/2010 10:11:49 AM (10205B) Shawn Staley -> 'Alex C':Missing Paint Report s 1/12/2010 3:22:23 PM (357816B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman: Converting SDC10558.JPG (95KB) attachment Converting SDC10541.JPG (91KB) attachment Converting SDC10542.JPG (95KB) attachment Converting SDC10543.JPG (66KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SDC10558.JPG, SDC10541.JPG, SDC10542.JPG, SDC10543.JPG 1/12/2010 3:22:54 PM (365172B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman: Converting SDC10562.JPG (83KB) attachment Converting SDC10559.JPG (94KB) attachment Converting SDC10560.JPG (85KB) attachment Converting SDC10561.JPG (92KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SDC10562.JPG, SDC10559.JPG, SDC10560.JPG, SDC10561.JPG 1/13/2010 7:12:28 AM (672443B) Justin West -> shawn staley:Fw: Under-wire Br as Converting image001.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (49KB) attachment

Converting image005.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (151KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (49KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg 1/13/2010 9:19:20 AM (62205B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternation al.com; [email protected]:Quote #1448 Converting Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1448fromRisersIntern.pdf 1/13/2010 9:43:53 AM (89088B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:1-13-10 Converting SDC10585.JPG (80KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SDC10585.JPG 1/13/2010 9:52:25 AM (13127B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Emailing: sa les_quote 1/13/2010 11:30:03 AM (25213B) Teri Breckenridge -> alcotten@frontier-drill. com:Quote # 2406 Converting Est2406fromWMGEnterpris.pdf (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est2406fromWMGEnterpris.pdf 1/13/2010 11:36:13 AM (53909B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5649fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5649fromRisersInterna.pdf 1/14/2010 10:59:00 AM (10928B) Shawn Staley -> 'Bill Goodman':Riser Assembly Numbers 1/14/2010 12:37:22 PM (16879B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Sha wn Staley; [email protected]; Justin West; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Ardy Go odman'; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Max Goodman'; B ill Goodman:\Girl Scout cookies! 1/14/2010 12:37:22 PM (16879B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Sha wn Staley; [email protected]; Justin West; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Ardy Go odman'; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Max Goodman'; B ill Goodman:\Girl Scout cookies! 1/14/2010 1:46:08 PM (8581B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Pick up at Industr ial Machine 1/14/2010 3:32:05 PM (28704B) Justin West -> [email protected]; brian. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; linda9168@sbcglo bal.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robins on; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: real funn y....you need a good laugh 1/15/2010 8:45:57 AM (33201B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:standard term s Converting contract_for_Steph.docx (23KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): contract_for_Steph.docx 1/15/2010 2:07:48 PM (9072B) Shawn Staley -> Chastity Lamb:Material for 1113 -01 Pin Protectors 1/15/2010 2:43:23 PM (62688B) Teri Breckenridge -> fred.brooks@northernoffsh oreltd.com; [email protected]:Quote #1452 Converting Est1452fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1452fromRisersIntern.pdf 1/15/2010 4:01:19 PM (115883B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Quote #1446 Converting Est1446fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_TErmsandconditionof_sale.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1446fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_TErmsandconditionof _sale.pdf 1/18/2010 7:03:06 AM (1330895B) Justin West -> [email protected]

; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Sam.Mur [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr. ; Chris (BNH) Walker; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Ji mmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia ; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: House Rules.... Converting House_rules.wmv (1312KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): House_rules.wmv 1/18/2010 9:21:10 AM (503494B) Justin West -> bill goodman:Fw: IMG00078-2010 0113-1011.jpg Converting 20100115125251.pdf (490KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf 1/18/2010 2:58:23 PM (12463B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: RF 1/18/2010 3:24:26 PM (145030B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting guote_1145.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting 101001189_Risers.pdf (74KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, guote_1145.pdf, 101001189_Risers.pdf 1/19/2010 2:12:37 PM (9130B) Justin West -> Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley; Shi pping: 1/20/2010 7:17:55 AM (2627153B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clam [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@ yahoo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson ; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james m orris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lu is Garcia; sharon battin; shawn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: Fwd: The winner is ??????? ?? Converting Paflablonde.wmv (829KB) attachment Converting Paflejournaliste.wmv (1223KB) attachment Converting Pasblondemaisaussicon.wmv (557KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Paflablonde.wmv, Paflejournaliste.wmv, Pasblondemaisaus sicon.wmv 1/20/2010 10:41:10 AM (7080B) Justin West -> Shipping: 1/20/2010 11:55:56 AM (87392B) Justin West -> bill goodman; shawn staley; ST EPHINIE:Fw: Converting djpopscicle.gif (76KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): djpopscicle.gif 1/20/2010 2:05:22 PM (6744B) Justin West -> Chastity Lamb: 1/21/2010 9:06:30 AM (8519B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 1/21/2010 9:21:40 AM (15144B) Shawn Staley -> Justin West; Bill Goodman:RE: 1/21/2010 9:21:20 AM (115477B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Quote #1453 Converting Est1453fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_TErmsandconditionof_sale.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1453fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_TErmsandconditionof _sale.pdf 1/21/2010 9:53:21 AM (9316B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb :REYNALDO 1/21/2010 1:14:25 PM (7562B) Justin West -> Chastity Lamb: 1/21/2010 1:42:55 PM (15364B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; c [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:Job #1133-01 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/22/2010 10:39:49 AM (413906B) Stephanie Valdez -> [email protected]: Converting SDC10734.JPG (89KB) attachment Converting SDC10735.JPG (81KB) attachment Converting SDC10736.JPG (119KB) attachment Converting SDC10737.JPG (114KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SDC10734.JPG, SDC10735.JPG, SDC10736.JPG, SDC10737.JPG 1/25/2010 7:22:10 AM (9133B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:RE: Hocker Potentia

l order 1/25/2010 8:57:04 AM (19440B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; Shawn Staley:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/25/2010 8:59:47 AM (19923B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; Shawn Staley:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/25/2010 10:26:22 AM (1846444B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman: Converting DSC0651.JPG (918KB) attachment Converting DSC0650.JPG (918KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): DSC0651.JPG, DSC0650.JPG 1/25/2010 11:55:57 AM (785314B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: Converting 106701.pdf (779KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 106701.pdf 1/25/2010 4:37:47 PM (126181B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinterna tional.com:Quote #1456 Converting Est1456fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (64KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1456fromRisersIntern.pdf, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf 1/26/2010 2:39:23 PM (360809B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Quote #1455 Converting Est1455fromRisersIntern.pdf (300KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1455fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 1/26/2010 2:57:35 PM (122398B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; [email protected]; Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting q1446.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting P1947976.pdf (52KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, q1446.pdf, P1947976.pdf 1/26/2010 3:53:25 PM (115620B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Quote #1447A The Driller - Mandrel Drift Tool Converting Est1447AfromRisersInter.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1447AfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 1/27/2010 12:57:00 PM (9473B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':Drill Bits nee ded for 200-? repair 1/27/2010 3:25:27 PM (138415B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:FW: 101-001379 Parts for Telescopic Joint.xls Converting CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempEst1450fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) at tachment Converting 101001379_Risers.pdf (72KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempEst1450fromRisersIntern.pdf, 10 1001379_Risers.pdf 1/27/2010 3:25:27 PM (138415B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:FW: 101-001379 Parts for Telescopic Joint.xls Converting CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempEst1450fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) at tachment Converting 101001379_Risers.pdf (72KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempEst1450fromRisersIntern.pdf, 10 1001379_Risers.pdf 1/28/2010 10:40:13 AM (53756B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Or der 5681 from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5681fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5681fromRisersInterna.pdf 1/28/2010 11:35:33 AM (115308B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideintern

ational.com:Quote #1457 Converting Est1457fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1457fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 1/28/2010 12:03:12 PM (7659B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:job # 1135-01 1/28/2010 12:03:21 PM (12767B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: JOB# 1134-0 1 1/28/2010 1:11:00 PM (7614B) Justin West -> Chastity Lamb: 1/28/2010 3:48:22 PM (16590B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: 8'X16' SIG N 1/29/2010 12:30:19 PM (9295B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman: 1/29/2010 2:08:09 PM (9460B) Shawn Staley -> Louis Kabelka:Phoenix Riser Mod ules 2/1/2010 12:31:23 PM (115213B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Quote #1459 Converting Est1459fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1459fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 2/1/2010 12:38:55 PM (144112B) Teri Breckenridge -> jchircop@frontier-drill. com:Quote #1458 Converting Est1458fromRisersIntern.pdf (83KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1458fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 2/2/2010 9:23:31 AM (445305B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:Felipe took p icture and told me to send them to you! Converting SDC10021.JPG (74KB) attachment Converting SDC10022.JPG (94KB) attachment Converting SDC10023.JPG (76KB) attachment Converting SDC10024.JPG (86KB) attachment Converting SDC10025.JPG (103KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SDC10021.JPG, SDC10022.JPG, SDC10023.JPG, SDC10024.JPG, SDC10025.JPG 2/2/2010 9:27:11 AM (9272B) Stephanie Valdez -> Bill Goodman:??? 2/3/2010 9:27:40 AM (502426B) Justin West -> [email protected]: Converting 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro1.pdf (495KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100115125251.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro1.pdf 2/9/2010 11:58:44 AM (53441B) Teri Breckenridge -> ronwalton@hollowayhouston .com:Purchase Order 5722 Converting PO5722fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5722fromRisersInterna.pdf 2/9/2010 12:13:59 PM (8375B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman: 2/9/2010 1:36:59 PM (10482B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Purchase Order 5722 2/9/2010 4:06:33 PM (360427B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Doug Wheeler':Quote #145 5A Converting Est1455AfromRisersInter.pdf (300KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1455AfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 2/9/2010 4:10:54 PM (115653B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Q uote #1461 Converting Est1461fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1461fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 2/10/2010 1:01:00 PM (15092B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:FW : BOP paint

2/11/2010 1:43:46 PM (237010B) Teri Breckenridge -> linda.wetherell@deepwate r.coml:Invoice #3820 Converting Inv3820fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting bol1134A.pdf (50KB) attachment Converting bol1134B.pdf (71KB) attachment Converting P1947976.pdf (52KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3820fromRisersIntern.pdf, bol1134A.pdf, bol1134B.pdf , P1947976.pdf 2/11/2010 1:45:47 PM (9043B) Shawn Staley -> 'Shipping':Friday Pickups 2/11/2010 2:19:57 PM (451218B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Invoice #3813A Converting Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf (219KB) attachment Converting PO_111609EG0045.pdf (224KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3813AfromRisersInter.pdf, PO_111609EG0045.pdf 2/11/2010 2:19:57 PM (388484B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Invoice #3813B Converting Inv3813BfromRisersInter.pdf (86KB) attachment Converting bolinv3813B.pdf (70KB) attachment Converting PO_111609EG0045.pdf (224KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3813BfromRisersInter.pdf, bolinv3813B.pdf, PO_111609 EG0045.pdf 2/12/2010 8:47:32 AM (16797B) Shawn Staley -> Chaz Lamb:Ears For 1113-01 2/12/2010 1:22:50 PM (62115B) Teri Breckenridge -> fran.cnswelding@sbcglobal .net:Quote #1465 Converting Est1465fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1465fromRisersIntern.pdf 2/12/2010 3:25:35 PM (9345B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Mo nday 2/12/2010 3:29:48 PM (53651B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5741fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5741fromRisersInterna.pdf 2/16/2010 9:54:53 AM (61794B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote #1 467 Converting Est1467fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1467fromRisersIntern.pdf 2/16/2010 10:17:48 AM (9634B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:Neptune Modules 2/16/2010 10:35:24 AM (256157B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charle s':FW: Drawing for the 3505 Converting h60086611Buoyant_Riser_Rev_F.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting h600866112Buoyant_Riser_Rev_F.pdf (68KB) attachment Converting h600866113_Thrust_Collar_Rev_F.pdf (55KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): h60086611Buoyant_Riser_Rev_F.pdf, h600866112Buoyant_Ris er_Rev_F.pdf, h600866113_Thrust_Collar_Rev_F.pdf 2/16/2010 12:11:36 PM (50084B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; glmel@yah oo.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill g oodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris ; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; s hawn staley; tommie v; STEPHINIE:Fw: An incredible story of luck and inspiration ! It is very short. Converting image001.jpg (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/16/2010 2:04:06 PM (53278B) Shawn Staley -> 'Justin West'; aron.cnswelding @sbcglobal.net; [email protected]; Chastity Lamb; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] m; 'bill goodman'; 'Caleb Robinson'; 'Carlos Garza Jr.'; 'Chris (BNH) Walker'; ' chuy'; 'james morris'; 'jeremy morris'; 'Juan Rosales'; 'kenneth'; 'Lewis Charle s'; 'Luis Garcia'; 'ron jaure'; 'tommie v'; 'STEPHINIE':RE: An incredible story of luck and inspiration! It is very short.

Converting image001.jpg (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/16/2010 2:14:15 PM (10982B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; dwilbanks@wmgen terprises.net:Texas Citizens 2/16/2010 2:14:50 PM (10986B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; dwilbanks@wmgen terprises.net:signature cards 2/16/2010 2:22:46 PM (18525B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Drawing for the 3505 2/16/2010 4:57:09 PM (11468B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthl ink.net; [email protected]:Transocean 2/17/2010 9:41:39 AM (15182B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Transocean 2/17/2010 9:47:11 AM (6136163B) Justin West -> undisclosed recipients::Fw: C ork Soakers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting Corks.wmv (6124KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, Corks.wmv 2/17/2010 2:19:50 PM (7786B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Mike Davis':TX DOT number 2/18/2010 10:55:38 AM (126218B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideintern ational.com:Quote #1468 Converting Est1468fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting TC_Inpsec.pdf (64KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1468fromRisersIntern.pdf, TC_Inpsec.pdf 2/18/2010 11:18:33 AM (823895B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] t; [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting quote1467.pdf (247KB) attachment Converting pofal15829.pdf (560KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, quote1467.pdf, pofal15829.pdf 2/18/2010 1:56:21 PM (73799B) Shawn Staley -> irutherford@prideinternational .com:Inventory List Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_110101_972003.xlsx (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_110101_972003.xlsx 2/18/2010 2:04:33 PM (9108B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles'; Billy Goodman: Calling 2/18/2010 2:32:38 PM (528108B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Inventor y List Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_110101_972003.pdf (513KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_110101_972003.pdf 2/19/2010 6:50:08 AM (2754850B) Justin West -> [email protected]; david.sa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; craig taylor; james morris; jeremy morris; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; shawn staley; tomm ie v:Fw: Best COMMERCIAL EVER ~ Let's keep it going! Converting BestCommercial3.asf (2741KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BestCommercial3.asf 2/19/2010 11:10:39 AM (8932B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':Drift for 1119 -01 2/19/2010 11:48:23 AM (60449B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; p.patrick_bey@yah oo.com; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; ch uy; craig taylor; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; sh awn staley; STEPHINIE:Fw: What is YOUR answer? Converting image1.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting image2.gif (30KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image1.jpg, image2.gif 2/22/2010 6:52:32 AM (9685B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':Monday 2/22/2010 7:08:20 AM (14924B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Monday 2/22/2010 8:44:14 AM (12329B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Lewis Charles':RE: Monday 2/22/2010 9:55:46 AM (15285B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Shawn St

aley'; [email protected]: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/22/2010 2:36:51 PM (19842B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: P-II (Frontie r-Phoenix) Combination of "Riser Adapter/ Flex Joint" data Book-Rig Manual 2/22/2010 3:11:56 PM (11838B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Neptune job # 1050-0 2 2/24/2010 10:54:03 AM (14457B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1119-01 Nut s and Bolts 2/24/2010 2:25:38 PM (22033B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 1119-01 Nu ts and Bolts 2/25/2010 7:49:30 AM (12394B) Shawn Staley -> 'Shipping'; p.patrick_bey@yaho o.com:RI numbers & CNS numbers 2/25/2010 1:37:01 PM (530628B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:Quote fro m Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf (525KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1262CfromRisersInter.pdf 2/26/2010 8:48:55 AM (53043B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5771fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5771fromRisersInterna.pdf 2/26/2010 11:46:43 AM (48021B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-ke lly kaluza's office Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (20KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 2/26/2010 2:47:43 PM (13995B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':Databooks 2/27/2010 12:29:47 PM (8733B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]:Clamp 3/1/2010 10:33:31 AM (13793B) Shawn Staley -> Chastity Lamb:RE: what is this 3/1/2010 10:37:41 AM (14733B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:RE: wha t is this 3/1/2010 11:39:08 AM (12533B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':Computers 3/1/2010 2:09:12 PM (53690B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:P urchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5778fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5778fromRisersInterna.pdf 3/2/2010 11:24:51 AM (2436205B) Stephanie -> [email protected]: Converting SDC10280.JPG (231KB) attachment Converting SDC10281.JPG (259KB) attachment Converting SDC10282.JPG (236KB) attachment Converting SDC10283.JPG (263KB) attachment Converting SDC10284.JPG (230KB) attachment Converting SDC10285.JPG (265KB) attachment Converting SDC10286.JPG (203KB) attachment Converting SDC10287.JPG (249KB) attachment Converting SDC10278.JPG (242KB) attachment Converting SDC10279.JPG (244KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): SDC10280.JPG, SDC10281.JPG, SDC10282.JPG, SDC10283.JPG , SDC10284.JPG, SDC10285.JPG, SDC10286.JPG, SDC10287.JPG, SDC10278.JPG, SDC10279 .JPG 3/2/2010 3:46:17 PM (15160B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman; Shipping: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 4:49:09 PM (25447B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote # 2 409 Converting Est2409fromWMGEnterpris.pdf (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est2409fromWMGEnterpris.pdf 3/2/2010 4:49:09 PM (25416B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote # 2 408 Converting Est2408fromWMGEnterpris.pdf (18KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Est2408fromWMGEnterpris.pdf 3/4/2010 10:10:43 AM (531329B) Shawn Staley -> 'Fran Sterlin':Pin Protectors Converting DEE11090945RISERPINPROTECTOR.pdf (314KB) attachment Converting DEE11090946RISERPINPROTECTORW.pdf (135KB) attachment Converting DEE11090947WINGNUTWELDMEN.pdf (71KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): DEE11090945RISERPINPROTECTOR.pdf, DEE11090946RISERPINPR OTECTORW.pdf, DEE11090947WINGNUTWELDMEN.pdf 3/4/2010 10:53:55 AM (145495B) Justin West -> [email protected]; bill good man; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; shawn staley; tommie v:Fw: This was on an oil rig's ROV offshore Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (70KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (2KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.gif 3/4/2010 3:09:50 PM (19992B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Justin West; Shi pping:RE: ASC- PO 7102247- MR 6H SE Riser Joints- Wet Mag 3/4/2010 3:50:18 PM (276490B) Chastity Lamb -> irutherford@prideinternationa l.com:1364C Converting Est1364CfromRisersInter.pdf (270KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1364CfromRisersInter.pdf 3/5/2010 10:15:47 AM (242999B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #3822 Converting Inv3822fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting revisedquote1450.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting 113501bol.pdf (69KB) attachment Converting Inv3822fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3822fromRisersIntern.pdf, revisedquote1450.pdf, 1135 01bol.pdf, Inv3822fromRisersIntern.pdf 3/5/2010 3:20:51 PM (8985B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1364C 3/8/2010 6:17:19 AM (476082B) Justin West -> [email protected]; Sam.Murray@no v.com; bill goodman; Chris (BNH) Walker; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosal es; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; shawn staley; tommie v:Fw: Another Sh*tty Day .... Converting ATT00007.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting ATT00010.jpg (39KB) attachment Converting ATT00013.jpg (63KB) attachment Converting ATT00016.jpg (68KB) attachment Converting ATT00019.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting ATT00022.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting ATT00025.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting ATT00028.jpg (60KB) attachment Converting ATT00031.jpg (43KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): ATT00007.jpg, ATT00010.jpg, ATT00013.jpg, ATT00016.jpg, ATT00019.jpg, ATT00022.jpg, ATT00025.jpg, ATT00028.jpg, ATT00031.jpg 3/8/2010 8:34:39 AM (13621B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; 'Lewis Charles'; Chastity Lamb:RE: 3/8/2010 9:00:01 AM (7861B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:March 8th 3/8/2010 1:03:00 PM (40017B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Fw: Converting Copy_of_Math_Problem.xlsx (24KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_Math_Problem.xlsx 3/8/2010 1:55:16 PM (115477B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote #1 471 Converting Est1471fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1471fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 3/8/2010 3:34:12 PM (92821B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote # 2410 Converting Est2410fromWMGEnterpris.pdf (18KB) attachment Converting WMGTermsconditions.pdf (67KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): Est2410fromWMGEnterpris.pdf, WMGTermsconditions.pdf 3/8/2010 5:21:04 PM (104610B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quote # 2411 Converting Est2411fromWMGEnterpris.pdf (30KB) attachment Converting WMGTermsconditions.pdf (67KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est2411fromWMGEnterpris.pdf, WMGTermsconditions.pdf 3/9/2010 8:17:08 AM (140484B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]: Quote #1472 Converting Est1472fromRisersIntern.pdf (110KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.txt (23KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1472fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.t xt 3/9/2010 10:32:31 AM (16610B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodman '; 'Ardy'; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Stephanie'; Bill Goodman; Shipping; engineering @risersinc.com; Shawn Staley; Justin West:Computer access 3/9/2010 10:32:31 AM (16610B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodman '; 'Ardy'; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Stephanie'; Bill Goodman; Shipping; engineering @risersinc.com; Shawn Staley; Justin West:Computer access 3/9/2010 12:05:54 PM (16140B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Ci ty Planning Letter Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/9/2010 12:07:55 PM (15349B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:FW: City Pla nning Letter Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/9/2010 2:22:57 PM (13125B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodman: Transocean schedule 3/9/2010 2:22:57 PM (13125B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles'; Bill Goodman: Transocean schedule 3/10/2010 11:36:13 AM (16695B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; Chastity Lamb; Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Staley':Production Meetings - Charles,Cha stity,Bill and Shawn Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/10/2010 1:38:30 PM (11223B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; clewi [email protected]; Bill Goodman:FW: NEPTUNE SHIPMENT 3/10/2010 2:19:51 PM (8652B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:NCR form 3/11/2010 6:35:21 AM (1107487B) Justin West -> [email protected]; bill goodman; Carlos Garza Jr.; chalo; james morris; jeremy morris; Luis Garcia; sha wn staley:Fw: How to inflate a tire with WD40 Converting howtoinflateatire.wmv (1095KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): howtoinflateatire.wmv 3/11/2010 6:40:30 AM (21964B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; glmel@yaho o.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill go odman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; chalo; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; craig taylor; ENRIQUE MEDINA; james morris; jeremy morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachap elle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; shawn staley; STEPHINIE :Fw: The Shredder 3/11/2010 11:16:39 AM (169760B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] t; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:FW: PO # 7102706 RISERS, INTERNATIO NAL, INC. MASCARENHAS, MARK C. PSC Rig Refurbishment Converting GLOBALPO.pdf (108KB) attachment Converting quote1457.pdf (54KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): GLOBALPO.pdf, quote1457.pdf 3/11/2010 12:38:47 PM (9858B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbcg lobal.net:Jose Zapata 3/11/2010 3:44:59 PM (16466B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthl ink.net; [email protected]:Forklift Training

3/12/2010 8:13:31 AM (1336503B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:FW: Converting SAM0290.JPG (273KB) attachment Converting SAM0286.JPG (303KB) attachment Converting SAM0287.JPG (301KB) attachment Converting SAM0288.JPG (197KB) attachment Converting SAM0289.JPG (250KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SAM0290.JPG, SAM0286.JPG, SAM0287.JPG, SAM0288.JPG, SAM 0289.JPG 3/12/2010 9:45:15 AM (1318269B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping; clewis6101@sbcglo bal.net; Bill Goodman:Transocean 1133-01 Bill of Material and assembly drawing Converting WO5842__3505_Packing_List_BOM.pdf (343KB) attachment Converting WO_5842_DRAWING_PACKAGE_V3.pdf (961KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): WO5842__3505_Packing_List_BOM.pdf, WO_5842_DRAWING_PACK AGE_V3.pdf 3/12/2010 9:45:15 AM (1318269B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping; clewis6101@sbcglo bal.net; Bill Goodman:Transocean 1133-01 Bill of Material and assembly drawing Converting WO5842__3505_Packing_List_BOM.pdf (343KB) attachment Converting WO_5842_DRAWING_PACKAGE_V3.pdf (961KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): WO5842__3505_Packing_List_BOM.pdf, WO_5842_DRAWING_PACK AGE_V3.pdf 3/12/2010 9:50:02 AM (881599B) Stephanie -> [email protected]: Converting SAM0292.JPG (199KB) attachment Converting SAM0293.JPG (216KB) attachment Converting SAM0294.JPG (260KB) attachment Converting SAM0295.JPG (197KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SAM0292.JPG, SAM0293.JPG, SAM0294.JPG, SAM0295.JPG 3/12/2010 9:50:43 AM (919115B) Stephanie -> [email protected]: Converting SAM0299.JPG (190KB) attachment Converting SAM0296.JPG (214KB) attachment Converting SAM0297.JPG (239KB) attachment Converting SAM0298.JPG (265KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SAM0299.JPG, SAM0296.JPG, SAM0297.JPG, SAM0298.JPG 3/12/2010 11:29:36 AM (11883B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:1085-01 Bully 3/12/2010 1:21:19 PM (161172B) Justin West -> [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; jrosilez@ aim.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; b ill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; craig t aylor; ENRIQUE MEDINA; harry rax; james morris; Jimmy Fields; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; kenneth; lowjack; Luis Garcia; sharon battin; STEPHINIE:Fw: Converting 031210120828.jpg (21KB) attachment Converting 031210121101.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting 031210121046.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting 031210121013.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting 031210120937.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting 031210120741.jpg (25KB) attachment Converting 031210120726.jpg (20KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): 031210120828.jpg, 031210121101.jpg, 031210121046.jpg, 0 31210121013.jpg, 031210120937.jpg, 031210120741.jpg, 031210120726.jpg 3/12/2010 4:04:58 PM (115940B) Teri Breckenridge -> ltombros@frontier-drill. com:Quote #1473 Converting Est1473fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1473fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 3/15/2010 11:07:53 AM (8554B) Shawn Staley -> 'Max Goodman':H4 Connector 3/15/2010 12:44:54 PM (15257B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman':RE: connectors 3/15/2010 12:44:54 PM (15257B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman':RE: connectors 3/15/2010 4:07:49 PM (10275B) Shawn Staley -> Justin West:RE: DAILY REPORT 3 /15/2010 3/16/2010 12:35:53 PM (11659B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Bully 2

3/16/2010 1:26:55 PM (6423B) Justin West -> Shipping: 3/17/2010 7:45:32 AM (6415B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley: 3/17/2010 9:00:29 AM (12504B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:FW: daily report 3/16/2010 3/17/2010 11:01:25 AM (9180B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:insurance 3/17/2010 3:34:19 PM (439674B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:FW: your pictures ! Converting SDC10297.JPG (165KB) attachment Converting SDC10298.JPG (266KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): SDC10297.JPG, SDC10298.JPG 3/18/2010 2:58:07 PM (9179B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:transocean 1133-01 3/18/2010 2:58:07 PM (9179B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:transocean 1133-01 3/18/2010 3:19:59 PM (85183B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] m:Quote #1475 Converting Est1475fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.txt (23KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1475fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.t xt 3/19/2010 11:35:58 AM (9437B) Justin West -> Shipping: 3/19/2010 3:19:59 PM (12543B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Fences 3/19/2010 3:19:59 PM (12543B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Fences 3/19/2010 3:19:09 PM (12638B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Trucks coming in on Monday 3/19/2010 3:19:09 PM (12638B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Trucks coming in on Monday 3/22/2010 9:02:32 AM (11229B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:1085 skids 3/22/2010 9:13:01 AM (134052B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Max Goodman ':RE: Total Outstanding Invoices Converting 3768.pdf (27KB) attachment Converting 3601.pdf (27KB) attachment Converting 3751.pdf (27KB) attachment Converting 3753D.pdf (31KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 3768.pdf, 3601.pdf, 3751.pdf, 3753D.pdf 3/22/2010 10:32:09 AM (13141B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbc global.net:Transocean 1133-01 3/22/2010 10:35:42 AM (15761B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:Drive rs 3/22/2010 10:42:11 AM (16883B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: 1085 skids 3/22/2010 3:37:33 PM (12649B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Cuming Modules for N eptune 3/23/2010 8:08:46 AM (25963B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Drivers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/23/2010 1:25:14 PM (16933B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: 1085 skids 3/24/2010 8:39:39 AM (9531B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:P2 Riser 3/24/2010 9:03:54 AM (12391B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Shawn Staley '; Shawn Staley:RE: Phoenix Data Books 3/24/2010 9:05:16 AM (15231B) Shawn Staley -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Ris er String 3/24/2010 9:07:25 AM (16342B) Shawn Staley -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Phoenix Da ta Books 3/24/2010 9:10:24 AM (16848B) Shawn Staley -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Ris er String 3/24/2010 9:13:24 AM (163721B) Shawn Staley -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: RCK Coupl ing Parts Converting 4656001.pdf (133KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 4656001.pdf 3/24/2010 9:16:32 AM (18764B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:RE: Pho enix Data Books 3/24/2010 9:45:05 AM (1563474B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Shawn Stal

ey'; Shawn Staley:RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting risers_index_section_1.pdf (1548KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): risers_index_section_1.pdf 3/24/2010 10:05:43 AM (3246253B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting risers_pup_joints_index_section_3.pdf (3233KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): risers_pup_joints_index_section_3.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (3770709B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting pup_joints_hydraulic_lines_index_section_3.pdf (3757KB) attac hment 1 attachment(s): pup_joints_hydraulic_lines_index_section_3.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (1549891B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting pup_joints_hydraulic_lines_index_section_2.pdf (1453KB) attac hment Converting pup_joints_hydraulic_lines_index_section_1.pdf (83KB) attachm ent 2 attachment(s): pup_joints_hydraulic_lines_index_section_2.pdf, pup_joi nts_hydraulic_lines_index_section_1.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (1511026B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting hydraulic_lines_index_section_1.pdf (1498KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): hydraulic_lines_index_section_1.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (3871277B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting pup_joint_booster_lines_section_3.pdf (1263KB) attachment Converting pup_joint_booster_lines_section_1.pdf (1213KB) attachment Converting pup_joint_booster_lines_section_2.pdf (1381KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): pup_joint_booster_lines_section_3.pdf, pup_joint_booste r_lines_section_1.pdf, pup_joint_booster_lines_section_2.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (4301913B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting Choke__kill_pups_index_section_2.pdf (4288KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Choke__kill_pups_index_section_2.pdf 3/24/2010 10:11:46 AM (2134169B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Phoenix Data Books Converting Choke__kill_pups_index_section_1.pdf (2121KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Choke__kill_pups_index_section_1.pdf 3/25/2010 7:57:14 AM (8909B) Shawn Staley -> Billy Goodman:Assembly for 60001 3/25/2010 9:33:33 AM (46573B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: rls of bkg for m ore containers 3/25/2010 12:39:29 PM (26095B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; Engineering:RE: RI Numbers Job 600-01 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/25/2010 1:11:15 PM (25940B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: Blades For Modul es Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/25/2010 2:32:51 PM (25480B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; Engineering:RE: RI Numbers Job 600-01 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/25/2010 3:00:27 PM (12456B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Charles Lewis':forklift cert ification 3/25/2010 4:57:11 PM (32150B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: RI Numbers Jo

b 600-01 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/26/2010 10:43:12 AM (9961B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:FW: Don't be quic k to Judge 3/26/2010 1:33:14 PM (268579B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:MR6D Converting RI_60001_MR6D_Female_Flange_Pg.1.pdf (132KB) attachment Converting RI_60001_MR6D_Female_Flange_Pg.2.pdf (128KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RI_60001_MR6D_Female_Flange_Pg.1.pdf, RI_60001_MR6D_Fem ale_Flange_Pg.2.pdf 3/26/2010 1:48:00 PM (28558B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Jasbeers'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Risers International Neptune Project 3/27/2010 7:13:11 AM (33809B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Phoenix Data 3/29/2010 3:30:42 PM (227777B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: JB-191 Hardware Converting JB191HW.pdf (216KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): JB191HW.pdf 3/30/2010 7:37:16 AM (14472B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman; Justin West:RE: Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 11:43:28 AM (12534B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:trucks for 1133-01 3/30/2010 6:07:27 PM (13872B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Dee and Pepe 3/30/2010 6:08:21 PM (13242B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Risers 3/30/2010 8:41:20 PM (1097655B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; [email protected]:daily report from singapore 3/30/10 Converting IMG0871.JPG (1090KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG0871.JPG 3/31/2010 7:55:03 AM (46329B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Quoteforpo.xls (30KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Quoteforpo.xls 3/31/2010 9:24:56 AM (9578B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Bolts for module m achine 3/31/2010 9:41:06 AM (14099B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Bolts for module machine 3/31/2010 10:32:52 AM (14464B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Shipp ing; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]:FW: Risers 3/31/2010 10:34:14 AM (13252B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Harry Rax 3/31/2010 10:35:59 AM (18783B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 11:03:50 AM (17511B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Risers 3/31/2010 2:14:32 PM (14436B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Bolts for module machine 3/31/2010 2:21:28 PM (132646B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: JB-190-13 Converting JB19013.pdf (120KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): JB19013.pdf 3/31/2010 2:37:12 PM (12958B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:11 modules sent back 3/31/2010 2:37:12 PM (12958B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:11 modules sent back 3/31/2010 10:06:34 PM (2816073B) Justin West -> Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman: Converting IMG0884.JPG (764KB) attachment Converting IMG0885.JPG (974KB) attachment Converting IMG0886.JPG (1067KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): IMG0884.JPG, IMG0885.JPG, IMG0886.JPG 4/1/2010 1:24:45 AM (1116469B) Justin West -> Charles Lewis:daily report 3/3 1/10 Converting IMG0887.JPG (1109KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG0887.JPG 4/1/2010 7:35:30 AM (18071B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey'; clewis6101@sbcglo bal.net:RE: Phoenix 21" Riser Adapter Data Book

4/1/2010 10:37:20 AM (54686B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5836fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5836fromRisersInterna.pdf 4/1/2010 10:37:20 AM (54686B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:Purchase Ord er from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5836fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5836fromRisersInterna.pdf 4/1/2010 11:13:55 AM (26143B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Re: B-I Ship ping loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/1/2010 3:29:04 PM (16482B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Tensioner s Quote 4/5/2010 7:15:50 AM (6539B) Justin West -> 'Bill Goodman'; Bill Goodman: 4/5/2010 7:55:05 AM (4483688B) Justin West -> 'Bill Goodman'; Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; [email protected]:Daily Reports 4-1-10 thru 4-4-10 Converting IMG0928.JPG (1033KB) attachment Converting IMG0929.JPG (994KB) attachment Converting IMG0930.JPG (1126KB) attachment Converting IMG0931.JPG (1153KB) attachment Converting FPhoenix_Riser_Master_List__Rev2.xlsx (166KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): IMG0928.JPG, IMG0929.JPG, IMG0930.JPG, IMG0931.JPG, FPh oenix_Riser_Master_List__Rev2.xlsx 4/5/2010 8:57:23 AM (9702B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':Job # 1119-02 4/5/2010 10:02:39 AM (9134B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Jetco 4/5/2010 11:30:34 AM (14540B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: Jetco 4/5/2010 1:28:13 PM (647456B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'AP Department':Invoice # 3823 Skipping attachment BOL_for_2nd_set_of_85_seals.mht_227_KB.msg because i t is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment BOL_for_1st_set_of_80_seals.mht_227_KB.msg because i t is a Windows .msg file Converting Inv3823fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting PO_301002020.pdf (17KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3823fromRisersIntern.pdf, PO_301002020.pdf 4/5/2010 3:09:57 PM (10263B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Charles Lewis'; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'Max Goodman'; Shipping:Tuesday 4/5/2010 5:39:47 PM (1239310B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis; m [email protected]:Daily report 4-5-10 Converting IMG0932.JPG (1232KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): IMG0932.JPG 4/6/2010 6:40:32 AM (6756B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 4/6/2010 11:00:11 AM (13547B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Kevlar Str aps for 1119-02 4/6/2010 1:33:40 PM (30625B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: Supply List As Of 4/1/2010 Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/6/2010 2:32:57 PM (15886B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'Max Goodman' ; [email protected]; 'Stephanie Valdez'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Engineering'; sstale [email protected]; 'Risers International Shipping':leaving 4/6/2010 2:39:28 PM (12631B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:1133-01 Transocean 4/6/2010 3:36:02 PM (115799B) Teri Breckenridge -> MEsselbrugge@lankhorst-mo uldings.nl:Quote #1480 Converting Est1480fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1480fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/6/2010 4:14:48 PM (14240B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:

Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/7/2010 7:25:18 AM (11725B) Justin West -> Shawn Staley; Engineering; Charl es Lewis: 4/7/2010 8:30:14 AM (10474B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: This is your Invoice 4/7/2010 8:32:52 AM (10769B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Windham Fork Bar Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/7/2010 9:20:32 AM (15046B) Shawn Staley -> Justin West; Engineering; Charl es Lewis:RE: 4/7/2010 10:42:35 AM (3422518B) Shawn Staley -> 'Justin West':FW: TJ Weld ma ps Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting CNS_132_WELD_MAPS.pdf (3403KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, CNS_132_WELD_MAPS.pdf 4/7/2010 11:31:09 AM (11719B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:1133-01 Trelleborg 4/7/2010 12:52:15 PM (11574B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles '; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]; Shipping; 'Engineering'; sstaley@risersi nc.com; [email protected]; 'Justin West':Email 4/7/2010 2:39:18 PM (115133B) Teri Breckenridge -> irutherford@prideinternat ional.com:Quote #1481 Converting Est1481fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1481fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/8/2010 12:03:29 AM (6090B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 4/8/2010 12:06:16 AM (1843806B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:daily reports 46-10 and 4-7-10 Converting IMG0955.JPG (886KB) attachment Converting IMG0956.JPG (951KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): IMG0955.JPG, IMG0956.JPG 4/8/2010 11:37:29 AM (8547067B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:US Bolts Certs for 600-01 Skipping attachment Bolts__Original_64__pups.zip because it is a Windows .zip file Skipping attachment Bolts__11_Additional.zip because it is a Windows .zi p file 4/8/2010 4:23:25 PM (16357B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:water leak at 504 Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/9/2010 8:16:59 AM (13613B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: water lea k at 504 4/9/2010 8:32:58 AM (15664B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:RE: PARTS NEEDED FOR WORK ORDER 1138-01 4/9/2010 10:36:03 AM (116052B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om:Quote #1482 Rig - Phoenix Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/9/2010 1:51:30 PM (49016B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; cl [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Open balances.xls 4/9/2010 3:03:49 PM (936896B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: 6105100002 Module Converting New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting New_Label__6105060065_Size_A5.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf (394KB) attachment

Converting F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf (30KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf, New_Label__61050600 65_Size_A5.pdf, SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf, F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pd f, Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf 4/9/2010 4:10:10 PM (6828B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis:daily report 4-09-10 4/9/2010 6:11:22 PM (77497B) Justin West -> [email protected]; clamb@r isersinc.com; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; bill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Carlos Garza Jr.; chalo; Chri s (BNH) Walker; chuy; craig taylor; ENRIQUE MEDINA; james morris; jeremy morris; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; Lewis Charles; Luis Garcia; rhys; ron jaure; s hawn staley; STEPHINIE; stunt man stevie; tommie v:Fw: Sunshine LOLOL..... oh m y! Converting image002.jpg (43KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.jpg 4/12/2010 8:49:51 AM (617005B) Stephanie -> [email protected] om: Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_110101.pdf (608KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_110101.pdf 4/12/2010 10:26:32 AM (12716B) Shawn Staley -> Charles Lewis:Frank 4/12/2010 10:32:42 AM (12584B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Pride Jetco contain ers 4/12/2010 10:36:31 AM (161163B) Teri Breckenridge -> pnation@nobleenergyinc. com:Invoice #3813C Converting Inv3813CfromRisersInter.pdf (86KB) attachment Converting boldatabooks.pdf (67KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3813CfromRisersInter.pdf, boldatabooks.pdf 4/12/2010 1:03:36 PM (1001306B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting PuttyMachine.pdf (987KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, PuttyMachine.pdf 4/12/2010 1:31:22 PM (11815B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Trucks for Transocea n modules 4/12/2010 6:37:44 PM (6710B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis:Dail y report 4-12-10 4/13/2010 1:05:56 PM (11792B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Trucks for Pride 4/13/2010 3:43:45 PM (416357B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:Ck AND SE ND tO iAN Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_1101011.pdf (407KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_1101011.pdf 4/13/2010 3:52:37 PM (789624B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:Ck AND SE ND tO iAN Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_SHEET_IFM_110101.pdf (781KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_SHEET_IFM_110101.pdf 4/14/2010 4:56:16 AM (6694B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis:dail y report 4-14-10 4/14/2010 8:28:18 AM (116091B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Quote #1483A Converting Est1483AfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483AfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/14/2010 9:24:50 AM (54817B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected] :Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5869fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5869fromRisersInterna.pdf 4/14/2010 9:41:39 AM (116179B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Quote 1483 Rig - Phoenix Wellhead Connector Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment

Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/14/2010 9:54:25 AM (11744B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; Bil l Goodman; [email protected]; 'Engineering'; 'Risers International Shipping' ; [email protected]; 'Stephanie'; 'Max Goodman'; [email protected]:Thursd ay out of office 4/14/2010 10:34:45 AM (115666B) Teri Breckenridge -> ndmaintenancesup@neptun e-marine.net:Quote #1484 Converting Est1484fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1484fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/14/2010 11:38:04 AM (22206B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity La mb':Items Need For 1067-01 & 02 Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/14/2010 2:27:57 PM (11829B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Containers from Jetc o 4/14/2010 2:31:24 PM (11465B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Bully 2 4/14/2010 3:53:05 PM (18663B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:RE: Co ntainers from Jetco Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/14/2010 5:46:47 PM (359983B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] :Quote #1485 Converting Est1485fromRisersIntern.pdf (298KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1485fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/14/2010 10:33:31 PM (2883554B) Justin West -> [email protected]; jrosilez@ai m.com; [email protected]; bill goodman; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walk er; chuy; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Lewis Charles; Lui s Garcia; rhys; shawn staley; stunt man stevie; tommie v:Fw: Goodbye Converting GoodbyeE.pps (2868KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GoodbyeE.pps 4/15/2010 1:41:39 PM (116431B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Quote #1483 Rig - Phoenix Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/15/2010 3:24:48 PM (14344B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: FW: Composit e deck boards for 1119-02 4/16/2010 5:09:15 AM (71587B) Justin West -> bill goodman; bgoodman@risersin c.com: Converting staticfantasycitybl.gif (49KB) attachment Converting staticfantasycitylb.gif (12KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): staticfantasycitybl.gif, staticfantasycitylb.gif 4/16/2010 5:09:15 AM (72351B) Justin West -> bill goodman; bgoodman@risersin c.com: Converting staticfantasycitybl.gif (49KB) attachment Converting staticfantasycitylb.gif (12KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): staticfantasycitybl.gif, staticfantasycitylb.gif 4/16/2010 9:09:46 AM (9927B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; ' Charles Lewis'; [email protected]; Shipping:1119-02 Straps 4/16/2010 10:14:13 AM (9388B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Transocean Risers 11 33-01 4/16/2010 10:45:15 AM (15948B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Max Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis'; [email protected]; Shipping:RE: 1119-02 Straps

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 10:46:39 AM (16344B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1119-02 Straps Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 10:53:28 AM (15276B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Straps and DHL Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/16/2010 11:31:00 AM (59944B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Quote from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/16/2010 1:40:40 PM (59912B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Quote from R isers International, Inc. Converting Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/16/2010 2:25:41 PM (115547B) Teri Breckenridge -> sharat.yempati@thesubsea .com:Quote #1487 Converting Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/16/2010 4:27:05 PM (374990B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: Shipments Converting JB19015.pdf (119KB) attachment Converting JB19227.pdf (113KB) attachment Converting JB19228.pdf (128KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): JB19015.pdf, JB19227.pdf, JB19228.pdf 4/16/2010 4:28:09 PM (13916B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Vetco Transocean 113 3-01 4/17/2010 9:09:55 PM (19792B) Justin West -> [email protected]; linda9168@ sbcglobal.net; [email protected]; [email protected]; alejandro lagunas; b ill goodman; Caleb Robinson; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; craig taylor; ENRIQUE MED INA; james morris; jeremy morris; joshua lachapelle; Juan Rosales; Lewis Charles ; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; shawn staley; tommie v:Fw: "The Warrior Song" 4/18/2010 10:39:00 PM (14872B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman:FW: RI Deliverabl es for Riser Identification Project. 4/18/2010 11:35:30 PM (9069B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 4/19/2010 10:27:10 AM (60350B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; Bill Goodman:Quote from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/19/2010 10:30:04 AM (14285B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Kevin ':RE: Room 4/19/2010 10:58:25 AM (116554B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternati onal.com:Quote #1488 Converting Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/19/2010 2:56:32 PM (693121B) Stephanie -> [email protected]: Converting SANY4161.JPG (143KB) attachment Converting SANY4162.JPG (118KB) attachment Converting SANY4163.JPG (156KB) attachment Converting SANY4164.JPG (161KB) attachment Converting SANY4165.JPG (106KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SANY4161.JPG, SANY4162.JPG, SANY4163.JPG, SANY4164.JPG, SANY4165.JPG 4/19/2010 2:57:11 PM (562185B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:

Converting SANY4169.JPG (151KB) attachment Converting SANY4166.JPG (145KB) attachment Converting SANY4167.JPG (116KB) attachment Converting SANY4168.JPG (141KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): SANY4169.JPG, SANY4166.JPG, SANY4167.JPG, SANY4168.JPG 4/20/2010 8:39:59 AM (172491B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Max Goodman'; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; 'Charles Lewis':FW: Latest news regarding closed airports. ... Converting Status20APR12EN.pdf (152KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Status20APR12EN.pdf 4/20/2010 10:22:07 AM (60155B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Quote from Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1487AfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1487AfromRisersInter.pdf 4/20/2010 10:37:44 AM (473564B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:1067 Converting SAM0033.JPG (250KB) attachment Converting SAM0034.JPG (217KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): SAM0033.JPG, SAM0034.JPG 4/20/2010 1:02:46 PM (158388B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: JB-192-29 Converting JB19229.pdf (146KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): JB19229.pdf 4/20/2010 1:06:19 PM (278731B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'AP Department':Invoice from Risers International, Inc. Converting Inv3824fromRisersIntern.pdf (56KB) attachment Converting PO_101001885.pdf (140KB) attachment Converting bol113801.pdf (75KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3824fromRisersIntern.pdf, PO_101001885.pdf, bol11380 1.pdf 4/20/2010 1:40:02 PM (12592B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:1119-02 Kevlar strap s 4/20/2010 6:29:35 PM (6899B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]:1101-01 Pride Jetco containers 4/21/2010 8:46:20 AM (6748B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:AlfONSO MAR tiNEZ! 4/21/2010 8:46:20 AM (6748B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:AlfONSO MAR tiNEZ! 4/21/2010 11:34:27 AM (414113B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'AP Department':Invoice #3819B Converting Inv3819BfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting 108502bollast.pdf (351KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3819BfromRisersInter.pdf, 108502bollast.pdf 4/21/2010 4:37:27 PM (208786B) Chastity Lamb -> 'TimG'; landsharktrucking@ya hoo.com; 'Max Goodman'; [email protected]; 'Bill Goodman'; sstaley@risers inc.com; 'Stephanie'; [email protected]; 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Danny Wilbanks'; ric [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Jus tin West; 'Engineering'; Shipping; [email protected]; 'joshua lamb'; 'Steph en Lamb'; [email protected]; 'Kyzar, Richard (Okpo. Korea)':FW: Fw: History Myste ry Converting ATT00088.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting ATT00091.jpg (8KB) attachment Converting ATT00094.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting ATT00097.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting ATT00100.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting ATT00103.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting ATT00106.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00109.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting ATT00112.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting ATT00115.jpg (18KB) attachment Converting ATT00118.jpg (20KB) attachment Converting ATT00121.jpg (10KB) attachment

Converting ATT00124.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting ATT00127.jpg (31KB) attachment 14 attachment(s): ATT00088.jpg, ATT00091.jpg, ATT00094.jpg, ATT00097.jpg , ATT00100.jpg, ATT00103.jpg, ATT00106.jpg, ATT00109.jpg, ATT00112.jpg, ATT00115 .jpg, ATT00118.jpg, ATT00121.jpg, ATT00124.jpg, ATT00127.jpg 4/22/2010 8:11:45 AM (15298B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Shane Burger':RE: C+K & boos ter Boxes 4/22/2010 9:52:58 AM (115977B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com:Quote #1488 Converting Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/22/2010 11:01:43 AM (62499B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternatio nal.com:Quote #1488 Converting Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/23/2010 1:47:15 PM (7487B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1119-02 strap s 4/23/2010 4:07:58 PM (23212B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 6105100002 Module Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/24/2010 2:35:57 PM (23623B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 6105100002 Module 4/24/2010 3:36:48 PM (13540B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles':Reynaldo Loza no 4/24/2010 3:44:07 PM (12644B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Order for Sams 4/24/2010 3:44:42 PM (12620B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Jet-Lube 4/26/2010 8:33:10 AM (43309B) Shawn Staley -> 'Noriaki Yoshiyasu'; 'Maj Bass ey'; 'Jie Li':RE: Frontier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 8:38:00 AM (286806B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping: Skipping attachment JB19230_137_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Skipping attachment JB19231_131_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 4/26/2010 9:20:52 AM (9267B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:Phase One Inspecti on 4/26/2010 9:46:30 AM (278695B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Paw Wah Naw':Invoice #3 825 Converting Inv3825fromRisersIntern.pdf (56KB) attachment Converting PO_ESO12010R0116.PDF (140KB) attachment Converting Quote1452.pdf (74KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3825fromRisersIntern.pdf, PO_ESO12010R0116.PDF, Quot e1452.pdf 4/26/2010 10:05:13 AM (54860B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey'; 'Noriaki Yoshiy asu'; 'Jie Li':RE: Frontier-Phoenix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 10:22:59 AM (115670B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Jasbeer Singh':Quote # 1489 Converting Est1489fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1489fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/26/2010 10:49:18 AM (12370B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Transocean - Trell eborge 1133-01 4/26/2010 11:13:50 AM (16716B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity La mb':RE: Transocean - Trelleborge 1133-01 4/26/2010 11:39:51 AM (12573B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Straps for 1119-02 4/26/2010 12:23:05 PM (62689B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: Frontier-Pho enix Data Book Preparation 4/26/2010 3:02:44 PM (16572B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lam b':RE: Straps for 1119-02

4/27/2010 8:11:00 AM (37075B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey'; maxg1945@earthli nk.net; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:RE: Riser Equipment Data Book Iss ues 4/27/2010 8:51:17 AM (7419B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Charles Lewis': RE: T&G PO 4/27/2010 9:33:09 AM (14582B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:Quote that n eeds to be billed Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/27/2010 10:29:53 AM (12249B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Night Pay 4/27/2010 10:56:31 AM (17746B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Night Pay Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/27/2010 11:28:30 AM (116255B) Teri Breckenridge -> jballard@prideinternati onal.com:Quote 1488 Converting Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1488fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/27/2010 1:33:27 PM (22227B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lam b':Invest In A Tough Phone For Harry Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/27/2010 1:32:48 PM (1163630B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'AP Department':Invoice #3797B Converting Inv3797BfromRisersInter.pdf (64KB) attachment Converting 111901bol.pdf (558KB) attachment Converting 111901bolattac.pdf (389KB) attachment Converting Revised_PO101000628.pdf (143KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Inv3797BfromRisersInter.pdf, 111901bol.pdf, 111901bolat tac.pdf, Revised_PO101000628.pdf 4/27/2010 2:34:02 PM (22630B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: Quote th at needs to be billed Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 4/27/2010 2:38:12 PM (13993B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: PAINT NEE DED 4/27/2010 3:14:48 PM (9779B) Stephanie -> 'Chastity Lamb'; bgoodman@risersin c.com:MAGDAlENO!! 4/28/2010 9:39:43 AM (12006B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: Breakfas t Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 10:16:02 AM (18858B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman:RE: Breakfa st Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 10:58:01 AM (12364B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:work schedule 4/28/2010 11:25:46 AM (11290B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:ICI paints 4/28/2010 1:41:15 PM (14132B) Teri Breckenridge -> Bill Goodman: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/28/2010 3:40:48 PM (53891B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5929fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5929fromRisersInterna.pdf 4/28/2010 7:39:11 PM (13605B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:Pride micolored module Matrix 4/29/2010 10:27:10 AM (21718B) Justin West -> 'Lewis Charles'; Max Goodman:R

E: Phoenix/Verification testing schedule 4/29/2010 11:05:32 AM (62796B) Teri Breckenridge -> jchircop@frontier-drill. com:Quote 1478A Revised Quote for revision on purchase order #101-001864 Converting Est1478AfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1478AfromRisersInter.pdf 4/29/2010 11:46:56 AM (115123B) Teri Breckenridge -> mbassey@frontier-drill. com:Quote #1490 Converting Est1490fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1490fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 4/29/2010 11:47:43 AM (11348B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: Dowel Pin Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/29/2010 11:50:08 AM (14744B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Bill Goodma n':RE: Dowel Pin Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/29/2010 1:40:53 PM (27955B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; [email protected]:Invoice #44813D May,2010 Converting Inv44813DfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44813DfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 4/29/2010 1:50:51 PM (28011B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dri ll.com:Invoice #44806L Converting Inv44806LfromWMGEnterpr.pdf (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv44806LfromWMGEnterpr.pdf 4/29/2010 1:52:57 PM (12406B) Chastity Lamb -> 'Charles Lewis'; sstaley@rise rsinc.com; 'Engineering'; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]; 'Stephanie'; Ship ping; [email protected]; Justin West; 'Max Goodman'; 'Ardy Goodman':Touch s creen on printer 4/29/2010 2:30:55 PM (62178B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Q uote #1491 Converting Est1491fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1491fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/29/2010 3:18:20 PM (294797B) Teri Breckenridge -> ddavis@prideinternationa l.com; [email protected]:Invoice #3826 Converting Inv3826fromRisersIntern.pdf (83KB) attachment Converting Quote1488__PO7107640.pdf (202KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3826fromRisersIntern.pdf, Quote1488__PO7107640.pdf 4/30/2010 6:59:56 AM (2813430B) Justin West -> [email protected]; davi [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] ; bill goodman; Carlos Garza Jr.; Chris (BNH) Walker; chuy; james morris; jeremy morris; Juan Rosales; kenneth; Luis Garcia; ron jaure; shawn staley; STEPHINIE; stunt man stevie; tommie v:Fw: Cell Phone Etiquette, Rule 23 Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting CellPhoneEtiquetteRULE23.wmv (2794KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, CellPhoneEtiquetteRULE23.wmv 4/30/2010 10:11:17 AM (12384B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Stepha nie'; 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Engineeri ng'; Shipping; [email protected]; Justin West; [email protected]:Tuesda y May 4th 4/30/2010 1:13:55 PM (634033B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice #3827 Converting Inv3827fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting bol111901last.pdf (571KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Inv3827fromRisersIntern.pdf, bol111901last.pdf 4/30/2010 2:18:41 PM (9225B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:Jetco Pride container s 5/1/2010 2:00:59 PM (13505B) Shawn Staley -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: Phoenix Riser Data Books

5/2/2010 12:52:06 PM (12539B) Chastity Lamb -> [email protected]; 'Stephan ie'; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]; Shipping; 'Engineering'; 'Lewis Char les'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Ardy Goodman'; Justin West; [email protected]:Out of office 5/2/2010 12:56:27 PM (383407B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: JB-192 Converting JB19232.pdf (123KB) attachment Converting JB19233.pdf (120KB) attachment Converting JB19234.pdf (130KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): JB19232.pdf, JB19233.pdf, JB19234.pdf 5/3/2010 8:43:38 AM (27104B) Shawn Staley -> 'Jie Li'; 'Maj Bassey':RE: Phoe nix Riser Data Books 5/3/2010 9:10:26 AM (137984B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/3/2010 9:29:35 AM (6053B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:QUALITY RENT ALS 5/3/2010 9:34:15 AM (138058B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/3/2010 10:53:24 AM (56869B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; Bill Goodman; ':[email protected]'; Shipping: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Purchase_Order_Request_Form.doc (40KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Purchase_Order_Request_Form.doc 5/3/2010 11:25:03 AM (6021B) Stephanie -> [email protected]:I MISS CALL 5/3/2010 12:03:06 PM (59249B) Shawn Staley -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Purchase_Order_Request_Form.doc (40KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Purchase_Order_Request_Form.doc 5/3/2010 1:28:02 PM (23493B) Shawn Staley -> Bill Goodman:RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 5/3/2010 1:57:54 PM (62719B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] ; [email protected]:Quote #1483 Converting Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1483fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/3/2010 2:01:48 PM (6974B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 5/3/2010 2:04:41 PM (137616B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] om; [email protected]:Purchase Order #5938 Converting PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5938fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/4/2010 11:52:18 AM (7178B) Justin West -> 'Greg Hartwig': 5/4/2010 12:35:51 PM (53515B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Purchase Order #5942 Converting PO5942fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PO5942fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/4/2010 1:30:29 PM (42675B) Shawn Staley -> 'Steve Meheen'; 'Maj Bassey':RE : Phoenix Riser data Book/ Submit Copies to Shell and DNV 5/4/2010 3:17:09 PM (14737B) Shawn Staley -> [email protected]; 'Laura True':RE: list of extra parts for 101-000628 5/4/2010 4:39:39 PM (17233B) Shipping -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: list of extra p arts for 101-000628 5/5/2010 8:21:28 AM (16951B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Lewis Charles ':RE: list of extra parts for 101-000628 5/5/2010 10:52:16 AM (9150500B) Shawn Staley -> 'Jie Li'; 'Maj Bassey'; 'Nor iaki Yoshiyasu':RE: Riser Equipment Data Book Status Update Skipping attachment Riser_Adaptor_Data_935_KB.msg because it is a Window

s .msg file Skipping attachment Second_Email_8.00_MB.msg because it is a Windows .ms g file 5/5/2010 1:47:20 PM (59478B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ardy Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis' ; [email protected]; 'Max'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb':RE: PO's Converting image001.jpg (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/5/2010 2:23:48 PM (23392B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman; 'Charles Lewis': RE: Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 3:57:21 PM (12370B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1101-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 7:03:06 AM (28018B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Bill Goodman' :RE: Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 7:59:06 AM (21632B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lamb ': Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/6/2010 9:34:24 AM (9653B) Justin West -> 'Lewis Charles'; fran.cnswelding@ sbcglobal.net: 5/6/2010 10:17:41 AM (54262B) Chastity Lamb -> jdgentry@worldwideforkliftser vices.com:Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. Converting CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempPO5952fromRisersInterna.pdf (46KB) at tachment 1 attachment(s): CDOCUME1clambLOCALS1TempPO5952fromRisersInterna.pdf 5/6/2010 12:05:50 PM (115366B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]; ve [email protected]:Quote #1494 Converting Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/6/2010 4:10:03 PM (115687B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected] m:Quote #1496 Converting Est1496fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1496fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/6/2010 5:35:45 PM (145079B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Maj Bassey':Quote #1397C Converting Est1397CfromRisersInter.pdf (84KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1397CfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/6/2010 5:35:45 PM (116025B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Maj Bassey':Quote #1401B Converting Est1401BfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1401BfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/6/2010 5:35:45 PM (116353B) Teri Breckenridge -> 'Maj Bassey':Quote 1400B Converting Est1400BfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1400BfromRisersInter.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/7/2010 9:31:35 AM (9975B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:FW: BOLT HARDWARE AND RUBBER GOODS FOR HULL 3505 - READY FOR PICK UP 5/9/2010 10:14:30 AM (12860B) Chastity Lamb -> Shipping:bully 2 Module truck s from Cumings

5/10/2010 9:48:40 AM (118616B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Converting photo.jpg (112KB) attachment Converting ATT00696.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): photo.jpg, ATT00696.txt 5/10/2010 10:40:50 AM (2055019B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:FW: Risers In ternational Skipping attachment risers.zip because it is a Windows .zip file Converting ATT00711.htm (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT00711.htm 5/10/2010 1:37:54 PM (115072B) Teri Breckenridge -> [email protected]:Quo te #1494 Converting Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/11/2010 7:25:01 AM (6944B) Justin West -> Shipping: 5/11/2010 4:33:13 PM (331551B) Teri Breckenridge -> apdepartment@frontier-dr ill.com:Invoice from Risers International, Inc. Converting Inv3828fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting bol20005.pdf (132KB) attachment Converting po301002250.pdf (136KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Inv3828fromRisersIntern.pdf, bol20005.pdf, po301002250. pdf 5/12/2010 9:05:05 AM (6160B) Justin West -> Bill Goodman: 5/12/2010 9:10:25 AM (9266B) Shawn Staley -> 'Ian Rutherford':Pride spares 5/12/2010 2:00:38 PM (6924B) Justin West -> Shipping: *** READING 20 message(s) in mail folder 'ISO9001' at 5/16/2010 10:55:33 AM: 6/10/2009 2:57:46 PM (29975B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Procedure 4.2.4 6/9/2009 2:11:00 PM (65995B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman:invoice Converting ri060909.pdf (60KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ri060909.pdf 6/9/2009 1:37:30 PM (166846B) Nikki Kelly -> [email protected]:Internal Audit Report 6-9-09 Converting Risers_Internal_Audit_6909.doc (158KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Internal_Audit_6909.doc 6/2/2009 7:42:12 AM (5604B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman:visit 6/1/2009 10:24:16 AM (5617B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman:visit 6/16/2009 1:07:16 PM (6997B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman: 9/9/2009 9:57:27 AM (26268B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Preparation for ISO Audit 9/17/2009 1:54:56 PM (14423B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman; Nikki Kelly:RE: I SO Audit Schedule Risers International. 9/21/2009 9:43:40 AM (147678B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman:For Tuesday Converting rii092209.pdf (142KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): rii092209.pdf 9/27/2009 8:28:57 AM (147588B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman; Nikki Kelly:Frid ay Converting ri100209.pdf (141KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ri100209.pdf 9/27/2009 10:39:27 AM (489426B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:P4.2.4 Rev. 2.0, Management Review 09, and CAR 7.5.1-092209 Converting 424_rev_2.doc (402KB) attachment Converting mgt_rev_09.doc (37KB) attachment Converting Risers_CAR_92209.doc (40KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 424_rev_2.doc, mgt_rev_09.doc, Risers_CAR_92209.doc 10/2/2009 10:17:32 AM (47745B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Report to Managem ent Converting Report_to_Management_09.xls (41KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Report_to_Management_09.xls 10/2/2009 1:58:40 PM (43308B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Revised NCR/CAR/PA

R Form Converting NCR_Form_10209.doc (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): NCR_Form_10209.doc 10/3/2009 12:59:02 PM (7966B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Re: 10/5/2009 4:28:18 PM (483149B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Procedure 4.2.4 R ev. 2.0 Converting 424_rev_2.doc (476KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 424_rev_2.doc 4/7/2010 10:42:38 PM (16039B) Greg Hartwig -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Email Addre sses 4/13/2010 9:19:11 AM (7719B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Next Scheduled Visi t 4/18/2010 8:38:54 AM (259046B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman; Nikki Kelly:Wedn esday Converting ri042110_0001.pdf (253KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ri042110_0001.pdf 4/18/2010 1:13:24 PM (7237B) Jim Dwigans -> Bill Goodman:RE: Wednesday 5/5/2010 9:43:44 AM (7990B) Nikki Kelly -> Bill Goodman:Internal Audit *** READING 51 message(s) in mail folder 'Shipping' at 5/16/2010 10:55:41 AM: 3/31/2010 11:29:31 AM (66326B) Shipping -> [email protected] m:INVENTORY OF MODULES (A),(B) AND INSERTS (BOOSTER), (HYD.) Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (52KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls 3/30/2010 9:37:47 AM (64146B) Shipping -> [email protected] :Risers Int'l Shipment Tracker for Pride Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (50KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls 3/9/2010 4:24:10 PM (6515B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:1101-01 pride inserts 4/1/2010 9:06:13 AM (10010B) Shipping -> [email protected]: Reminder of Material need to meet our deadline May 01, 2010 4/1/2010 4:09:21 PM (66010B) Shipping -> [email protected]: Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (52KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls 4/6/2010 2:56:31 PM (17600B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lamb ':RE: 1133-01 Transocean 4/6/2010 3:14:13 PM (28556B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lamb ':RE: Kevlar Straps for 1119-02 3/29/2010 10:20:04 AM (21987B) Risers International Shipping -> sharat.yempa [email protected]:Correction On Floatation Number Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/25/2010 11:11:08 AM (21400B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity La mb':Blades For Modules Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/24/2010 11:57:09 AM (21983B) Risers International Shipping -> sharat.yempa [email protected]:Info. For 6105-120002 Floatation Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/24/2010 10:47:17 AM (30374B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Bill Goodma n':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/22/2010 2:32:54 PM (16668B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lam b':RE: Pride containers 3/22/2010 10:38:58 AM (16284B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity La mb':RE: 1085 skids

4/6/2010 1:53:01 PM (15586B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Bill Goodman' :RE: Kevlar Straps for 1119-02 4/6/2010 12:15:10 PM (27363B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lam b':Supply List As Of 4/1/2010 Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/5/2010 10:21:29 AM (18600B) Shipping -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: TRACKING SHEE T FO INSERTS AND MODULES 4/5/2010 8:32:26 AM (18931B) Shipping -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: TRACKING SHEET FO INSERTS AND MODULES 3/30/2010 2:03:13 PM (21722B) Risers International Shipping -> sharat.yempat [email protected]:Findings On Floatation # 6105-100002 Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/30/2010 12:56:27 PM (54333B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Debra Wheel er':RE: rls of bkg for more containers 3/17/2010 2:41:26 PM (21037B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lam b':Change 50' to Pups Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/16/2010 11:47:55 AM (25469B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity La mb'; [email protected]; 'Shawn Staley'; [email protected]; 'Justin Wes t':Proper Process For Calling Trucks Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/9/2010 3:21:39 PM (21848B) Risers International Shipping -> sharat.yempati @thesubsea.com:Replacement Clamps Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/26/2010 8:10:34 AM (8028B) Risers International Shipping -> 'Chastity Lamb ':Lifting slings And Shackle For The 1050-01 11/18/2009 2:58:44 PM (12783B) Shipping -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Driver - Marvi n 11/11/2009 8:42:55 AM (7903B) Shipping -> Chastity Lamb:Thrust Collars For J ob's 1118-01, 1119-01, 1097-01. 10/21/2009 11:31:45 AM (2542726B) Shipping -> Chastity Lamb: Skipping attachment straps1.bmp because it is a Windows .bmp file Skipping attachment straps2.bmp because it is a Windows .bmp file Skipping attachment straps3.bmp because it is a Windows .bmp file Skipping attachment straps4.bmp because it is a Windows .bmp file 10/19/2009 3:10:30 PM (13401B) Shipping -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Needed Supplies 10/6/2009 7:33:24 AM (9127B) Shipping -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: red pump 9/9/2009 12:26:30 PM (12404B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:RE: Thrust collar of Phoenix 8/14/2009 9:18:21 AM (9039B) Shipping -> 'Danny Campbell':Carco Boxes 8/4/2009 9:47:50 AM (31766B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO 7/28/2009 7:54:24 AM (7092B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:PO# Needed For 11 (Sli cks) Risers 7/6/2009 11:47:16 AM (19816B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:RE: PFS- PO 702114026 Jts of Riser 7/2/2009 8:26:39 AM (18931B) Shipping -> [email protected]:RE: THERE A RE 14 LINE THAT NEED TO BE SHIPPED, BLASTED & COATED 6/24/2009 12:41:33 PM (10465B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:RE: Ingersol-Rand 18 5 Compressor 4/8/2010 9:53:01 AM (95837B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR6H SE RISER TRACKER SPREADSHEET Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (83KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/12/2010 11:28:26 AM (100128B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE RISER TRAC

KER Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (87KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/13/2010 3:51:23 PM (101404B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE RISER TRACK ER SPREADSHEET Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (88KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/13/2010 4:21:13 PM (98282B) Shipping -> [email protected]:TRANSOC EAN INVENTORY at RISERS INT'L INC. Converting TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx (84KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx 4/14/2010 4:00:20 PM (10856B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:INVENTORY OF 600-01 I N WHSE 4/15/2010 4:21:10 PM (163729B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE RISER TRACK ER and RISER INT'L TRACKER FOR PRIDE Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (55KB) att achment Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (90KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls, Cop y_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/19/2010 4:07:14 PM (232942B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (220KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/19/2010 4:11:55 PM (232830B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (220KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/24/2010 10:20:08 AM (234591B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE TRACKING A ND INVENTORY SPREADSHEET Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (220KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/26/2010 3:38:02 PM (237998B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR 6H SE TRACKING UP DATE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (224KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/30/2010 5:18:32 PM (9260B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:CHANGE BOOSTER INSERT 5/3/2010 6:04:19 PM (100367B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:TRANSOCEAN UPDATE Converting TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx (88KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx 5/3/2010 6:02:59 PM (242004B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:MR6H SE UPDATE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (229KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 5/5/2010 5:02:27 PM (10415B) Shipping -> Jody Ballard:75' Riser w/Floatation 8000' Purple S/N 1271929-1 5/7/2010 4:23:35 PM (103078B) Shipping -> [email protected]:UPDATE ON 1133-01 TRANSOCEAN SPREADSHEET Converting TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx (90KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx 5/12/2010 4:02:29 PM (32934B) Shipping -> Bill Goodman:BOM for 1067-02 Converting BOM_SHEETS.xls (23KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BOM_SHEETS.xls *** READING 138 message(s) in mail folder 'Pride International' at 5/16/2010 10: 56:04 AM: 6/15/2009 10:33:46 AM (10956B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles :RE: Quote #1364A 6/9/2009 12:52:05 PM (19021B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles: RE: Elements/ Riser Flotation 6/9/2009 6:48:20 AM (10605B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman:E lements/ Riser Flotation 6/16/2009 8:04:59 AM (10816B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles: PFS- PO 7021140- 26 Joints of MR- 6 Riser

6/17/2009 10:14:12 AM (11224B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:PVZ- PO 70350 69- 18 RD Lines 6/22/2009 9:01:55 AM (10906B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:PVZ- PO 703506 9- 18 RD Lines 6/22/2009 4:42:01 PM (17007B) Michael Lugo -> Bill Goodman; Nina Lamarche; B oris Kos; Mark Mascarenhas:RE: Aux. Lines 6/23/2009 1:16:31 PM (17862B) Nina Lamarche -> Bill Goodman; MICHAEL.LUGO@KU EHNE-NAGEL.com:PO 7035069 6/23/2009 3:54:09 PM (26340B) Nina Lamarche -> Bill Goodman; MICHAEL.LUGO@KU EHNE-NAGEL.com:RE: PO 7035069 6/24/2009 1:15:05 AM (21731B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; 'Nina Lamarche '; [email protected]:Re: PO 7035069 7/6/2009 9:45:18 AM (11065B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:PFS- PO 7021140 - 26 Jts of Riser 7/6/2009 4:09:51 PM (10844B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman:P VZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/9/2009 6:25:55 AM (8307B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:RE: Q uote #1364A 7/9/2009 11:46:48 AM (13280B) Ian Rutherford -> Ronnie Vickers; Howard Griff ith; John Lyons; William Reardon:Riser buoyancy at Risers International 7/9/2009 11:51:14 AM (13525B) Ian Rutherford -> Ronnie Vickers; Howard Griff ith; John Lyons; William Reardon:Transportation of Scrapped Pipe 7/13/2009 10:24:29 AM (12221B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: Drift 7/13/2009 1:30:41 PM (14697B) Ian Rutherford -> Ronnie Vickers; John Lyons; William Reardon; Howard Griffith:139 All Thread Bolts for Riser- PFS- PO 7021140 7/14/2009 9:19:47 AM (52757B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; clewis6101@sbc global.net; Shawn Staley; [email protected]:Pride QA Requirements Converting PrideQA_Requirements_for_Vendors.pdf (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PrideQA_Requirements_for_Vendors.pdf 7/16/2009 2:47:39 PM (11327B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:P VZ- PO 7035069- 18 ea RD Riser Auxiliary Lines- Documentation 7/17/2009 1:07:17 PM (26710B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Vania Rodrigu es:RE: Delivery status for PVZ PO 7035069 7/20/2009 9:46:33 AM (37778B) Michael Lugo -> Bill Goodman; Ian Rutherford; Lewis Charles; Vania Rodrigues:RE: Delivery status for PVZ PO 7035069 8/4/2009 4:58:09 PM (390192B) Ronnie Vickers -> Bill Goodman:FW: 100 Ton Converting CCF0804200900000.jpg (380KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CCF0804200900000.jpg 8/5/2009 1:07:55 PM (14925B) Howard Griffith -> Bill Goodman; Ronnie Vickers :RE: 100 Ton 8/5/2009 1:41:00 PM (606294B) William Reardon -> Howard Griffith; Bill Goodm an; Ronnie Vickers:RE: 100 Ton Converting P1010014.JPG (589KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): P1010014.JPG 8/5/2009 3:14:32 PM (1232144B) William Reardon -> Bill Goodman; Howard Griff ith; Ronnie Vickers:RE: 100 Ton Converting P1010016.JPG (595KB) attachment Converting P1010017.JPG (609KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): P1010016.JPG, P1010017.JPG 8/5/2009 3:29:23 PM (1229182B) William Reardon -> Bill Goodman:FW: 100 Ton Converting P1010016.JPG (595KB) attachment Converting P1010017.JPG (609KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): P1010016.JPG, P1010017.JPG 8/5/2009 4:00:28 PM (14015B) William Reardon -> Shawn Staley:RE: Lifting Har ness for your Hyster 8/7/2009 11:15:57 AM (111478B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: Please Quote Converting QUOTE_8709.pdf (105KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QUOTE_8709.pdf 8/24/2009 7:45:11 AM (12737B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:PVZ- PO 703506

9- 18 EA Auxiliary Lines 8/26/2009 5:25:05 AM (14501B) Ronnie Vickers -> Bill Goodman:RE: 100 Ton 9/9/2009 2:07:27 PM (10990B) Chris Hudson -> [email protected]:Pride ri ser assembly Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/21/2009 9:28:51 AM (10396B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman: PFS- PO 7021140- 26 Joints of Riser 10/29/2009 12:07:12 PM (143486B) Mark Mascarenhas -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (120KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (1KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 11/2/2009 11:32:20 AM (14734B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman ; Max Goodman:FW: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP 11/6/2009 5:05:17 AM (18945B) Howard Griffith -> Bill Goodman:RE: Lifting Ha rnesses 11/9/2009 10:01:10 AM (16021B) Ian Rutherford -> Ronnie Vickers; William Rea rdon; Howard Griffith:PO 7021140- Buoyancy 11/9/2009 10:03:47 AM (18809B) William Reardon -> Ian Rutherford; Ronnie Vic kers; Howard Griffith:RE: PO 7021140- Buoyancy 11/9/2009 10:21:30 AM (18843B) William Reardon -> Ian Rutherford; Ronnie Vic kers; Howard Griffith:RE: PO 7021140- Buoyancy 11/10/2009 9:42:59 AM (54065B) Howard Griffith -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers RF Q for 1097-01 Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/12/2009 2:25:07 PM (19870B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:FW: Pride Ele ment Upthrust Verification 02 (11-11-09) Converting Pride_Element_Upthrust_Verification_02_111109.pdf (11KB) atta chment 1 attachment(s): Pride_Element_Upthrust_Verification_02_111109.pdf 11/12/2009 4:03:06 PM (11359B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; jorge.martine [email protected]:FW: Modules 11/16/2009 1:43:53 PM (9402928B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: Shims an d fins Installation Procedures Skipping attachment M07473LMIMREV00.zip because it is a Windows .zip fil e 11/18/2009 11:54:49 AM (26040B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: ASC Fin a nd Shims 11/30/2009 9:21:31 AM (11550B) Chris Bailey -> [email protected]:FW: La nkhorst Mouldings riser protection system issues 11/30/2009 12:19:10 PM (46585B) Chris Bailey -> [email protected]:FW: V eru Urgent Vessel (Mv TAIXING)l for Risers & TJ Shipment (RE: PO 1541391 (Deep O cean Acension) 12/1/2009 11:18:53 AM (1425816B) Chris Bailey -> [email protected]:FW: ASC: Revised TJ Assembly Drawing Converting M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.PDF (1403KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.PDF 11/5/2009 6:35:03 AM (13790B) Howard Griffith -> [email protected]; Ron nie Vickers:FW: Lifting Harnesses 12/2/2009 11:08:33 AM (51168B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:FW: ASC Fin a nd Shims 12/3/2009 10:02:34 AM (285417B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodm an:Fw: M07473 FW: Revised TJ Assembly Drawing Converting ASC_Revised_TJ_Assembly_Drawing.TIF (270KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ASC_Revised_TJ_Assembly_Drawing.TIF 12/15/2009 5:22:15 PM (74272B) Ian Rutherford -> Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman :ASC- MR 6H SE Riser Converting ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls (62KB)

attachment 1 attachment(s): ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls 12/16/2009 10:24:21 AM (32687B) Ian Rutherford -> Charles Lewis; Bill Goodma n:FW: Auxilliary lines at Riser International Converting Riser_Joints_with_Hard_CK_Lines.xls (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Riser_Joints_with_Hard_CK_Lines.xls 12/16/2009 10:49:55 AM (656859B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Pride1101.pdf (638KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Pride1101.pdf 12/16/2009 5:02:18 PM (175645B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewi s:ASC Equipment Tracking Sheet Converting ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls (164KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ASC_Risers_International_Buoyancy__Insert_Tracker.xls 12/30/2009 4:33:51 PM (18643B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis :FW: 6EA - 75'FT RISERS READY FOR COLLECTION - PO 1541391 - PRIDE MR-6HSE #1 - M 36951 1/4/2010 7:21:11 AM (18008B) Tony Hogg -> Bill Goodman; Ian Rutherford:RE: R iser Job# 1101 TH-RII-20879 1/4/2010 2:20:40 PM (1797737B) Chris Bailey -> [email protected]; clewi [email protected]:1/4/10 riser end fins on telescopic joint for Pride Internationa l Converting Lankhorst_Mouldings_3.pdf (1784KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Lankhorst_Mouldings_3.pdf 1/6/2010 2:02:26 PM (42375B) Jody Ballard -> Ian Rutherford; Bill Goodman; R isers International, Inc.:FW: AIRFREIGHT OF INSERTS - PER to IAH 6302-3402-001.0 11#534 1/6/2010 11:09:28 PM (17843B) Chris Bailey -> Bill Goodman:RE: 1/4/10 riser end fins on telescopic joint for Pride International 1/8/2010 9:37:56 AM (15058B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:FW: 2 EA RISERS F OR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 1/10/2010 5:52:54 PM (10641B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:ASC- Slick Join ts 1/10/2010 5:58:51 PM (17941B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: ASC- Slick Joints 1/10/2010 6:02:18 PM (23506B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: ASC- Slick Joints 1/11/2010 10:40:29 AM (15831B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:Clarion: PO 7064 668 Customs Entry# 101-706466-8 3x40 containers 1/11/2010 12:07:37 PM (22802B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Jody Ballard: RE: Clarion: PO 7064668 Customs Entry# 101-706466-8 3x40 containers 1/12/2010 9:31:54 AM (51630B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:RE: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/12/2010 9:58:33 AM (52053B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Charles Lewis: FW: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/12/2010 10:17:54 AM (55030B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:FW: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/12/2010 1:02:41 PM (56319B) [email protected] -> Jody Ballard ; Bill Goodman:Re: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/12/2010 5:30:33 PM (20824B) Jody Ballard -> Chris Bailey; Bill Goodman:RE: VETCO TJ Design Change 1/13/2010 7:40:36 AM (24358B) Marie Bush -> Bill Goodman; Rohde, Cindy / Kue hne + Nagel / Hou AE:RE: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT 1/13/2010 8:58:47 AM (67665B) Jody Ballard -> Marie Bush:RE: PRIDE RISER SHI PMENT (TJ) Converting image003.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (17KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.gif, image005.jpg

1/13/2010 3:02:40 PM (38572B) Jody Ballard -> Marie Bush:Deep Ocean Ascensio n: (2 ea Slick Riser Joints to Korea) 1/13/2010 3:02:40 PM (77432B) Mark Mascarenhas -> Marie Bush; Jody Ballard:R E: PRIDE RISER SHIPMENT (TJ) Converting image001.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (17KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.gif, image004.jpg 1/14/2010 5:12:56 AM (58934B) Ascension Senior Sub Sea -> Jody Ballard; Bill Goodman:Slick Joint 1/14/2010 9:55:32 AM (64818B) Jody Ballard -> Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO:RE: Ascension #2 TJ PO 1541391 1/15/2010 9:53:43 AM (65568B) Marie Bush -> Jody Ballard:RE: PRIDE RISER SHI PMENT (TJ) Converting image003.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (17KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.gif, image005.jpg 1/19/2010 11:53:07 AM (14202B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: RAX 1067-0 1 INVENTORY BREACKDOWN.xls 1/25/2010 2:46:32 PM (31905B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: Pride 7 pos ted 1/29/2010 8:49:35 AM (7759B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: Emailing: RA X 1067-01 INVENTORY BREACKDOWN 1/29/2010 9:28:01 AM (8105B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: Emailing: JO B 1101-01 INVENTORY 2/2/2010 7:19:57 AM (71510B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earthl ink.net; Charles Lewis:FW: MATRIX / KN AUSTRALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments as of 29-01.10 Converting MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls (57KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_29012010.xls 2/2/2010 9:35:12 AM (23500B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: 5 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP TUESDAY MORNING - PO 1541391 - M368 81 2/13/2010 1:09:43 PM (10884B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected] m; [email protected]:Fw: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - R EADY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 2/15/2010 4:39:02 PM (21721B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 2/16/2010 12:28:44 PM (129426B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: Bouyancy Module Production Schedule Rev 21- Matrix Converting Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf (57KB) attachmen t Converting Pride_Production_scheduleREV_21.pdf (55KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf, Pride_Pro duction_scheduleREV_21.pdf 2/16/2010 1:16:50 PM (30242B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: MATRIX / K N AUSTRALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments status report as of 12-feb-10 Skipping attachment MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_12022010.zip because i t is a Windows .zip file 2/18/2010 12:16:39 PM (11983B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: 2/18/2010 2:01:44 PM (14093B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:RE: In ventory List 2/26/2010 9:37:54 AM (37827B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: MATRIX / K N AUSTRALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments status report as of 19-feb-10 Skipping attachment MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_12022010.zip because i t is a Windows .zip file 3/1/2010 6:39:10 AM (11999B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:ASC- Vetco MR 6H SE Riser Inventory

3/1/2010 4:16:17 PM (12993B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: 3/4/2010 11:49:28 AM (58960B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman: ASC- PO 7102247- MR 6H SE Riser Joints- Wet Mag Converting Magnetic_Particle_Inspection_Procedure.pdf (43KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Magnetic_Particle_Inspection_Procedure.pdf 3/4/2010 7:09:49 PM (1365443B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Fw: Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_forINSERTS_AND_FLOATATIONS_110101.pdf (1357KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_forINSERTS_AND_FLOATATIONS_110101.pdf 3/4/2010 7:17:06 PM (1365365B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Fw: Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_forINSERTS_AND_FLOATATIONS_110101.pdf (1357KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_forINSERTS_AND_FLOATATIONS_110101.pdf 3/8/2010 9:15:23 PM (1593752B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:RE: asc-po#706 1048 traceability sheet s/n 1277314 Skipping attachment Fw_1.33_MB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_FOR_INSERTS_AND_FLOATATION_110101.pdf (217KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_FOR_INSERTS_AND_FLOATATION_110101.pdf 3/8/2010 10:33:41 PM (54712B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping; Bill Goodman:ASC,C LA, MEN, MOL- Shipment Tracker Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker.xls (41KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker.xls 3/9/2010 5:34:27 PM (7115B) Ian Rutherford -> Tony Hogg:ASC- Riser Intl- Ins erts 3/15/2010 11:11:41 AM (18793B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Fw: 1101-01 pride inserts TH-IRU-21377 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/16/2010 4:28:38 PM (96227B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:PFS- 26 Joints MR 6C Riser Spread sheet 3/18/2010 7:24:30 AM (12433B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached 3/19/2010 11:52:13 AM (11763B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:ASC- Shipment Tracker 3/19/2010 11:54:08 AM (12289B) Ian Rutherford -> Shawn Staley; Lewis Charles ; Bill Goodman:PFS- 26 Joints MR 6C Riser 3/19/2010 1:41:47 PM (14033B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping:RE: RISER'S INT'L S HIPMENT TRACKER 3/19/2010 2:44:25 PM (16617B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Re: A SC- Shipment Tracker Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/22/2010 9:13:59 AM (18305B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/24/2010 1:46:28 PM (26943B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Risers International Shippi ng':RE: Info. For 6105-120002 Floatation Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/29/2010 3:58:13 PM (34583B) Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> [email protected]:Collections of PRIDE SLINGS from RISERS Int'l and return shipmnet to Australia. 3/30/2010 3:47:34 PM (397733B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman:FW: PRiDES TRA CKING SHT. FOR 1101-01 Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_for_INSERTS_and_FLOATATION_MODULE.pdf (383KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_for_INSERTS_and_FLOATATION_MODULE.pdf 3/30/2010 2:46:38 PM (39134B) Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO -> Aur

bach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO; [email protected]:RE: Collections of PRIDE SLINGS from RISERS Int'l and return shipmnet to Australia. 3/31/2010 11:57:25 AM (97222B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping:RE: INVENTORY OF M ODULES (A),(B) AND INSERTS (BOOSTER), (HYD.) Converting MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (80KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 3/31/2010 2:44:13 PM (933524B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: 61051000 02 - Module Converting New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting New_Label__6105060065_Size_A5.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf (394KB) attachment Converting F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf (30KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf, New_Label__61050600 65_Size_A5.pdf, SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf, F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pd f, Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf 4/1/2010 11:14:18 AM (15588B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping:RE: Reminder of Mat erial need to meet our deadline May 01, 2010 4/1/2010 4:12:57 PM (10121B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Re: 4/4/2010 2:21:26 PM (406895B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping; Bill Goodman:FW: T RACKING SHEET FO INSERTS AND MODULES Converting TRACKING_SHEET_for_INSERTS_AND_MODULES_110101.pdf (390KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): TRACKING_SHEET_for_INSERTS_AND_MODULES_110101.pdf 4/4/2010 2:50:55 PM (17297B) Ian Rutherford -> Bill Goodman; Shipping:RE: 4/5/2010 10:24:25 AM (42836B) Ian Rutherford -> Shipping:RE: TRACKING SHEET FO INSERTS AND MODULES Skipping attachment TRACKING_SHEET_FO_INSERTS_AND_MODULES_12.7_KB.msg be cause it is a Windows .msg file 4/6/2010 3:33:02 PM (12111B) Ian Rutherford -> Lewis Charles:ASC- Vetco MR 6 H SE Riser 4/7/2010 9:35:21 AM (6234B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]: Converting Shawn_Terral.vcf (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Shawn_Terral.vcf 4/12/2010 1:37:53 PM (6171B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Re: Re viewed Sheets 4/13/2010 4:42:49 PM (13677B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Re: M R 6H SE RISER TRACKER SPREADSHEET Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/15/2010 9:24:11 AM (22940B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 610510000 2 - Module 4/15/2010 10:17:19 AM (28310B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 61051000 02 - Module Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/19/2010 6:23:02 PM (15535B) Ian Rutherford -> [email protected]:Re: M R 6H SE Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/20/2010 6:08:26 PM (25548B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:RE: MR 6H SE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/22/2010 9:57:07 AM (9588B) Jody Ballard -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Quote #14 88 4/27/2010 1:07:04 PM (22914B) Sharat Yempati -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Module Qu ote Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 4/27/2010 5:49:12 PM (11203B) Jody Ballard -> Teri Breckenridge:ASC: PO 7107

640, Quote 1488 4/29/2010 11:50:34 AM (14701B) Ronnie Vickers -> Mike Metcalf:FW: Ascention Risers 4/30/2010 12:33:07 PM (14344B) Andy Cates -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: PO to change the name plate 5/1/2010 8:45:52 AM (9899B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:Missing 3k Insert 5/3/2010 8:27:26 AM (10053B) Sharat Yempati -> [email protected]; 'Ami t Dave':Paint for the QUARANTINED MODULE 5/3/2010 12:30:07 PM (19223B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:RE: CHANGE BOOSTE R INSERT Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 1:36:20 PM (265454B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:FW: updated track ing sheet for Matrix cargo shipmnets to HOU for Deep Ocean Ascencion Converting Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls (83KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls 5/5/2010 12:58:30 PM (15321B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:RE: Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 11:44:16 AM (3601540B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:FW: 6x40'OT / S hpmt no. 20 / AU4303089- missing tarpaulins & 1 damaged container 4640-0390-00 3.015 / 6330-9569-004.014#044 Converting Picture_022.jpg (1197KB) attachment Converting Picture_023.jpg (1158KB) attachment Converting Picture_024.jpg (1202KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Picture_022.jpg, Picture_023.jpg, Picture_024.jpg 5/11/2010 6:25:38 AM (1299750B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:FW: Missing Str aps and Buckles Converting Tensioner_Assy.xlsx (193KB) attachment Converting PL0312091.pdf (551KB) attachment Converting PL0910091_Rev.1.PDF (66KB) attachment Converting PL1512091.pdf (401KB) attachment Converting Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls (67KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Tensioner_Assy.xlsx, PL0312091.pdf, PL0910091_Rev.1.PDF , PL1512091.pdf, Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls 5/14/2010 6:24:02 AM (13661B) Jody Ballard -> Bill Goodman:Clarion: Pick up and deliver at Riser Int'l 5/14/2010 3:23:08 PM (13543B) Grant Anderson -> [email protected]:Monda y *** READING 50 message(s) in mail folder 'T&G Service' at 5/16/2010 10:57:02 AM: 6/3/2009 3:08:22 PM (10645B) Kelle -> [email protected]:C&K and Booster Lines 6/3/2009 4:37:46 PM (20962B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':09-0603-01 MR6E main r isers 6/9/2009 10:14:25 AM (12847B) GARY MABRY -> Bill Goodman:Re: FW: MR6C 6/11/2009 5:19:15 PM (204541B) Kelle -> [email protected]:FW: Forklift Harness Converting image002.gif (189KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 6/12/2009 8:58:44 AM (206184B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Forklift Har ness Converting image001.gif (189KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 6/22/2009 8:49:46 AM (10083B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':Shipment 6/3/09 6/22/2009 8:53:32 AM (9887B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':HMF main lines 6/30/2009 2:14:05 PM (10323B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb'; reception@risersinc. com:Line Clamps and Ears 6/10/2009 3:10:07 PM (19076B) T And G -> Bill Goodman:Re: MR6C 7/2/2009 8:59:55 AM (24715B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':09-0702-01 Risers Intl - Pride

7/2/2009 9:33:01 AM (9753B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Purchase Order from Risers International, Inc. 7/6/2009 10:02:37 AM (10333B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':4 main risers 7/8/2009 9:32:23 AM (9779B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb':2 main risers 8/26/2009 9:15:11 AM (8459B) Randy Visage -> [email protected]; bgoodman@r isersinc.com:Pride 8/26/2009 11:43:17 AM (15578B) Randy Visage -> Lewis Charles:Re: Pride 9/4/2009 10:03:14 AM (12575B) Kelle -> Chastity Lamb; 'Bill Goodman':Verific ation Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/4/2009 3:19:50 PM (21395B) Kelle -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Ve rification Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.jpg, image003.jpg 9/9/2009 12:33:33 PM (12914B) Kelle -> Chastity Lamb:4519 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/15/2009 9:02:08 AM (12577B) Kelle -> 'Bill Goodman':Status Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 9/28/2009 9:20:26 AM (9059B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:Re: Purchase Orde r from Risers International, Inc. 10/5/2009 9:29:33 AM (6815B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:Purchase Order 10/5/2009 9:43:21 AM (9005B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Purchase Order 10/14/2009 4:02:10 PM (7450B) GARY MABRY -> Chastity Lamb:touch up of risers 10/21/2009 8:44:46 AM (5010B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Lunch 10/21/2009 9:07:22 AM (7178B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Lunch 10/23/2009 8:42:03 AM (4956B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Lunch 11/10/2009 9:41:05 AM (51398B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Re: Risers RFQ f or 1097-01 Converting image002.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 11/11/2009 11:50:51 AM (57293B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Re: FW: Risers International RFQ Converting image001.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 11/11/2009 4:54:06 PM (39158B) GARY MABRY -> Bill Goodman:Quote: T & G Q-091110-02, Risers 1097-01 Converting 09111102_Riser_Intl_50ft_riser_J109701.doc (33KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 09111102_Riser_Intl_50ft_riser_J109701.doc 11/13/2009 8:36:59 AM (6357B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman: 11/13/2009 9:32:33 AM (12824B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO request 11/13/2009 4:41:57 PM (8264B) GARY MABRY -> 'Randy Visage'; Bill Goodman:Re: 1097 quote 11/19/2009 11:17:09 AM (8975B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman; Gary Mabry:Re: 1050 touch up 11/30/2009 11:10:45 AM (5790B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:1097 main tubes 11/13/2009 6:02:15 PM (7311B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Re: 1097 quote 12/7/2009 9:45:08 AM (8651B) GARY MABRY -> 'Randy Visage'; Bill Goodman:Re: 1097 12/7/2009 9:50:12 AM (9419B) GARY MABRY -> 'Randy Visage'; Bill Goodman:Re: 1097 12/28/2009 12:29:22 PM (7427B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:1097 touch up a t your facility 1/18/2010 8:46:36 AM (7253B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:PO Request 2/5/2010 8:48:32 AM (8161B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Blast cleaning of i nserts 2/5/2010 9:45:52 AM (8588B) GARY MABRY -> Bill Goodman:RE: Blast cleaning of

inserts 2/18/2010 9:27:27 AM (7126B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Quote 1013 2/18/2010 9:34:58 AM (44111B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Risers Quote Converting Risers_Quote_for_Job_1013.doc (36KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Quote_for_Job_1013.doc 2/18/2010 9:35:45 AM (9070B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:RE: Quote 1013 2/19/2010 8:03:03 AM (7448B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Qu ote 1013 2/19/2010 1:43:34 PM (8830B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Qu ote 1013 2/19/2010 2:07:44 PM (10348B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Re: Q uote 1013 2/24/2010 9:16:45 AM (7768B) Randy Visage -> Chastity Lamb:Past due invoices 3/9/2010 8:26:19 AM (6124B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Lunch 3/31/2010 3:44:17 PM (7226B) Randy Visage -> Bill Goodman:Risers are ready f or pick up *** READING 4 message(s) in mail folder 'Transocean Drilling' at 5/16/2010 10:57 :13 AM: 1/25/2010 1:47:07 PM (1474428B) Coyne Jr, Richard (Houston) -> bgoodman@rise rsinc.com:RE: Stopper Grips Converting Mux_Cable_handling_DSS.ppt (1461KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Mux_Cable_handling_DSS.ppt 1/25/2010 11:10:36 AM (11049B) Coyne Jr, Richard (Houston) -> bgoodman@riser sinc.com:Stopper Grips 12/11/2009 1:56:23 AM (9516B) 702, SrSubSeaSupervisor (Sedco 702) -> Teri Br eckenridge:RE: Quote 1446 4/9/2010 7:23:47 AM (15736B) Leach, Gary (Houston) -> Bill Goodman:RE: Riser s International Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif *** READING 62 message(s) in mail folder 'Neptune Drilling' at 5/16/2010 10:57:1 5 AM: 6/8/2009 7:29:06 AM (813772B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodman '; 'Chasity Lamb':RE: Discoverer Slip Joint Skipping attachment Request_acknowledgement_for_PO_2009NMDO0464_789_KB.m sg because it is a Windows .msg file 6/8/2009 6:54:43 AM (14774B) [email protected] -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman; Chasity Lamb; Mohana; [email protected]:Re: Discoverer S lip Joint 6/8/2009 12:38:48 AM (18092B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles '; 'Chasity Lamb':Discoverer Slip Joint 5/29/2009 1:34:05 AM (787587B) Mohana -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Request acknowle dgement for PO 2009-NMDO-0464 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (149KB) attachment Converting img529141655.pdf (616KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf, img529141655.pd f 5/24/2009 11:44:42 PM (392088B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Mohana':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/22/2009 8:30:50 AM (59199B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Moha na; 'Chastity Lamb'; Charles Lewis; [email protected]:Re: Slip Joint to USA - pod/ Request for PO 5/22/2009 2:04:33 AM (384081B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Mohana':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/21/2009 5:44:11 PM (395504B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Slip Joint

to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/20/2009 10:01:14 AM (389926B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Mohana':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 5/19/2009 8:12:40 PM (385540B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Mohana':RE: Slip Joint to USA- pod/ Request for PO Converting Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf (340KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1340fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/8/2009 8:21:05 AM (19070B) [email protected] -> Colin J. Dey; 'Bill G oodman'; 'Lewis Charles'; 'Chasity Lamb':Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/8/2009 1:12:21 PM (19390B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Lewis Charles':Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/8/2009 7:44:23 PM (638339B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Discoverer Slip Joint Converting img529141655.pdf (616KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): img529141655.pdf 6/8/2009 9:34:02 PM (29334B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/9/2009 6:32:45 AM (18720B) [email protected] -> clewis6101@sbcglobal. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/9/2009 6:51:26 AM (21068B) [email protected] -> colin@neptune-marine. net; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: Discoverer Slip Joint 6/9/2009 8:44:19 AM (35567B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman':2009-NMDO-0519 U rgently Required Converting 2009NMDO0519__SLIP_JOINT_MR6C_BOX_AND_PIN__.pdf (17KB) attach ment 1 attachment(s): 2009NMDO0519__SLIP_JOINT_MR6C_BOX_AND_PIN__.pdf 6/9/2009 8:56:36 AM (19534B) [email protected] -> Colin J. Dey; 'Bill G oodman':Re: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required 6/9/2009 12:03:38 PM (402416B) [email protected] -> clewis6101@sbcgloba l.net; [email protected]:Fwd: Ross Scannings Converting Ross_Doc_1.jpg (197KB) attachment Converting Ross_Doc_2.jpg (189KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Ross_Doc_1.jpg, Ross_Doc_2.jpg 6/9/2009 4:33:28 PM (13332B) [email protected] -> [email protected] m:Re: Quote for job# 1050-02 40 joints 6/10/2009 1:27:46 AM (17184B) Mohana -> 'Bill Goodman':2009-NMDO-0329 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/11/2009 3:02:03 AM (37186B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 2009-NMDO-0 519 Urgently Required Converting 2009NMDO0519__SLIP_JOINT_MR6C_BOX_AND_PIN__.pdf (17KB) attach ment 1 attachment(s): 2009NMDO0519__SLIP_JOINT_MR6C_BOX_AND_PIN__.pdf 6/11/2009 9:24:47 PM (206558B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Teri Brecken ridge'; [email protected]; 'Chasity Lamb'; 'Ken Reed':RE: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required Converting Est1360fromRisersIntern.pdf (177KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1360fromRisersIntern.pdf 6/15/2009 8:06:45 PM (211533B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodma n'; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Chasity Lamb':RE: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required Converting Est1360AfromRisersInter.pdf (177KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1360AfromRisersInter.pdf 6/17/2009 2:22:47 AM (747048B) Mohana -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Request acknowle

dgement PO 2009-NMDO-0519 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting Terms_and_Conditions.pdf (98KB) attachment Converting img617124700.pdf (625KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Terms_and_Conditions.pdf, img617124700.pd f 6/22/2009 9:11:16 PM (38670B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Bill Goodman '; 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Chasity Lamb':RE: 2009-NMDO-0519 Urgently Required 6/25/2009 8:11:11 PM (31677B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman':RE: F lex Joint Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 6/29/2009 9:44:26 PM (14914B) Colin J. Dey -> [email protected]:Drill S tring Compensator 6/29/2009 10:02:28 PM (4005639B) Colin J. Dey -> [email protected]:RE: Drill String Compensator Converting Hook_Frame_DWG.PDF (495KB) attachment Converting 20090305093016573.pdf (798KB) attachment Converting 20090305093130329.pdf (710KB) attachment Converting 20090305093356550.pdf (1985KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): Hook_Frame_DWG.PDF, 20090305093016573.pdf, 200903050931 30329.pdf, 20090305093356550.pdf 6/29/2009 10:06:31 PM (931980B) Colin J. Dey -> [email protected]:RE: D rill String Compensator Converting 213744d.pdf (188KB) attachment Converting 213745DA.PDF (168KB) attachment Converting 213745DB.PDF (162KB) attachment Converting 20013006D.PDF (394KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 213744d.pdf, 213745DA.PDF, 213745DB.PDF, 20013006D.PDF 7/9/2009 5:08:43 AM (8436B) jimmy -> 'Bill Goodman':slip joint for neptune m arine 7/9/2009 1:26:09 PM (13578B) [email protected] -> [email protected] m; [email protected]; [email protected]:Re: slip joint for nept une marine 7/20/2009 4:39:56 AM (11311B) Mohana Vijayan -> 'Bill Goodman':INOVICE FOR P O 2008-NMDO-0990 7/20/2009 4:44:38 AM (11174B) Mohana Vijayan -> 'Bill Goodman':INVOICE FOR P O 2008-NMDO-0998 7/20/2009 10:03:17 PM (607656B) Procurement Temp -> 'Chastity Lamb':2008-NMD O-0990 PO Converting 2008NMDO0990.pdf (594KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 2008NMDO0990.pdf 8/11/2009 1:17:31 AM (347665B) Mohana Vijayan -> 'Bill Goodman':2008-NMDO-09 90 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting img811141105.pdf (329KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, img811141105.pdf 8/12/2009 4:05:36 AM (11898B) Jasbeer Singh -> [email protected]:Risers & Slip Joint 8/18/2009 10:56:56 AM (27346B) Jasbeer Singh -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodma n'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers & Slip Joint 8/19/2009 4:38:20 AM (50982B) vishal -> [email protected]; maxg1945@ear thlink.net:Riser Drawings for Neptune Explorer Converting riser_joint_weights.pdf (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riser_joint_weights.pdf 10/15/2009 5:41:00 PM (42351B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Le wis Charles':RE: Riser racking Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 6:47:49 PM (30488B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Bi

ll Goodman'; [email protected]:FW: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 10:00:52 PM (40041B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman'; 'B ill Goodman':FW: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 11:47:18 PM (52332B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman'; 'B ill Goodman':RE: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/20/2009 6:02:48 PM (43079B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'M ax Goodman'; [email protected]:RE: Weights of riser Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/22/2009 5:08:17 PM (17960B) William Raymond Coursey -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Bi ll Goodman':Explorer Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/23/2009 4:59:32 PM (44176B) William Raymond Coursey -> nerigmanager@neptu ne-marine.net; 'Rig Sup'; [email protected]; 'Max Goodman'; 'Bill Goodman'; [email protected]:RE: Dimensions of Vetco MR6C Pin x HMF pin Slip Joi nt(Lifting Clamps) Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/11/2010 9:16:30 AM (14322B) jimmy -> 'Bill Goodman':Telescopic joint for N eptune Marine 2/11/2010 11:45:55 AM (24104B) jimmy -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: FW: Telescopic j oint for Neptune Marine 2/17/2010 8:07:55 PM (21325B) Jasbeers -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Delivery Schedul e 2/18/2010 5:58:32 PM (28447B) Jasbeers -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Colin J. Dey'; 'Ni ck Webster':RE: Delivery Schedule 2/21/2010 10:53:16 PM (45931B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Quote from Risers International, Inc. 2/24/2010 8:48:44 AM (38470B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:RE: Address Inf ormation 2/25/2010 10:05:10 AM (21218B) Teddie Jackman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: PO and Pa cking List needed 2/26/2010 9:22:01 AM (12388B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:Itemized packin g list for containerized material urgently needed 2/26/2010 1:42:41 PM (30393B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:RE: PO and Pack ing List needed 3/2/2010 3:41:25 PM (10559B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:Confirmation of appointment 3/2/2010 4:28:14 PM (19155B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:RE: Confirmation of appointment 3/3/2010 4:02:58 PM (10798B) Teddie Jackman -> Bill Goodman:Risers Shipment 3/15/2010 12:38:35 AM (37391B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Kenneth Bybjerg'; 'Max Goodm an':RE: Quote from Risers International, Inc. 3/23/2010 2:35:49 AM (1102663B) Colin J. Dey -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Max Goodma n':RE: Total Outstanding Invoices Converting Invoice_3601.pdf (524KB) attachment Converting Invoice_3751.pdf (549KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Invoice_3601.pdf, Invoice_3751.pdf 4/12/2010 4:06:43 PM (16176B) jasbeers -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Risers Internati onal Neptune Project 5/4/2010 7:46:51 PM (14653B) Maya Sreedharan -> 'Max Goodman':RE: riser data *** READING 12 message(s) in mail folder 'Northern Offshore' at 5/16/2010 10:57: 42 AM:

5/21/2009 12:03:37 AM (29214B) Shawn Lim -> 'Pawwah Naw'; 'Risers Internatio nal, Inc.':RE: Quote #1343 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 10/19/2009 10:12:03 PM (14767B) Paw Wah Naw -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Invoice 3760D 1/4/2010 10:57:50 PM (43985B) Ashley Bonner -> Max Goodman:RE: RE: RE: RE: N OF PO ES01-08-100844 data books 2/4/2010 10:02:47 PM (31872B) Shawn Lim -> Max Goodman; Tina Pilgreen:RE: Sh ipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/7/2010 7:29:05 PM (158522B) Shawn Lim -> Max Goodman; Tina Pilgreen:RE: Sh ipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting ES012010R0116.pdf (65KB) attachment Converting Est1452fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, ES012010R0116.pdf, Est1452fromRisersInter n.pdf 2/9/2010 3:47:03 PM (59657B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Lim'; 'Ma x Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/9/2010 3:56:24 PM (62667B) Tina Pilgreen -> Bill Goodman; 'Shawn Lim'; 'Ma x Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/9/2010 7:17:38 PM (47173B) Shawn Lim -> Tina Pilgreen; Bill Goodman; Max G oodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/9/2010 7:34:58 PM (47399B) Shawn Lim -> Tina Pilgreen; Bill Goodman; Max G oodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/10/2010 8:06:19 AM (64516B) Tina Pilgreen -> Shawn Lim; Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/7/2010 7:50:05 PM (83542B) Shawn Lim -> Bill Goodman:FW: Riser bouyancy pa cking charge Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting ES012010R0116.pdf (65KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, ES012010R0116.pdf 3/7/2010 8:17:34 PM (27458B) Shawn Lim -> Bill Goodman:RE: Riser bouyancy pa cking charge Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Aker Kaverna' because it contains no mail messages *** READING 4 message(s) in mail folder 'Seatex' at 5/16/2010 10:57:48 AM: 6/15/2009 11:10:32 AM (17409B) Jim Dockery -> Bill Goodman:Contact Info 9/9/2009 1:56:14 PM (6961B) John Nowak -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 9/9/2009 3:32:49 PM (9980B) John Nowak -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Seatex 08/2009 Invoices 4/16/2010 8:15:16 AM (8630B) Jim Dockery -> Bill Goodman:Access at the 529 W arehouse *** READING 91 message(s) in mail folder 'AquaOcean Transport' at 5/16/2010 10:5 7:49 AM:

5/18/2009 10:33:36 AM (58009B) Laura True -> Danny Campbell:RE: HMF Riser To Houston 5/26/2009 2:13:54 PM (17730B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 5/27/2009 1:29:03 PM (9738B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Original Bills of La ding 5/30/2009 11:53:29 AM (29061B) Laura True -> jenny; Bill Goodman:RE: The shi pment documents of PO 4531 6/8/2009 1:51:18 PM (82430B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:FW: 6 0-1599 Converting scan0001.pdf (68KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): scan0001.pdf 6/8/2009 2:14:28 PM (20504B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: 6 0-1599 6/8/2009 8:24:31 PM (17881B) Laura True -> Sandy Deng; Bill Goodman:RE: ARRI VAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/10/2009 7:09:04 PM (19245B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:Re: ARR IVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/11/2009 10:13:00 AM (30927B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Sandy Deng:RE: AR RIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/11/2009 10:24:17 AM (32196B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:Re: AR RIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/15/2009 3:17:40 PM (44608B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Sandy Deng:RE: ARR IVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/18/2009 2:09:25 PM (71556B) Laura True -> Sandy Deng; Bill Goodman; jenny: RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:18:59 PM (78734B) Laura True -> Sandy Deng; Bill Goodman; jenny: RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:25:55 PM (82287B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Sandy Deng; jenny: RE: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 8:51:22 PM (33986B) Laura True -> jenny; Chastity Lamb:RE: The shi pment documents of PO 4531 6/19/2009 9:31:49 AM (41626B) Laura True -> jenny; Chastity Lamb:RE: The shi pment documents of PO 4531 6/23/2009 10:09:33 AM (13748B) Laura True -> [email protected]:FW: 60-1 599 6/23/2009 10:19:23 AM (19264B) Laura True -> Chastity Lamb; Bill Goodman:RE: 60-1599 9/9/2009 9:58:59 PM (46420B) Laura True -> Max Goodman:FW: Movement of 120 j oints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman 9/10/2009 9:40:43 AM (51317B) Laura True -> Max Goodman:RE: Movement of 120 joints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman 9/10/2009 11:25:49 AM (52868B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:RE: M ovement of 120 joints of 50' Riser from Risers, INC./Max Goodman 9/30/2009 12:40:28 PM (22891B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; jenny:RE: Informi ng ETD & Confirming Marking 10/13/2009 10:42:05 AM (34266B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Chris Vogel:RE: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking 10/14/2009 9:16:19 AM (29943B) Laura True -> Jenny; Bill Goodman:RE: Urgent--Request the details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY 10/23/2009 9:55:45 AM (104616B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking Converting Security_102_explanition.xls (37KB) attachment Converting SECURITY_102.xls (21KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Security_102_explanition.xls, SECURITY_102.xls 10/29/2009 1:36:45 PM (77739B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: 10+2 Converting ISFPenaltyGuidelinesJuly2009.pdf (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ISFPenaltyGuidelinesJuly2009.pdf 10/30/2009 12:13:00 PM (15439B) Laura True -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:RE: 1 0+2

11/9/2009 3:53:07 PM (41765B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/10/2009 9:14:55 AM (48771B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/10/2009 10:07:12 AM (53555B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: ARRIVAL NOTIC E FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/11/2009 2:15:39 PM (48418B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: Query Importer Results Converting MQReport.pdf (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): MQReport.pdf 11/13/2009 12:58:55 PM (41026B) Laura True -> [email protected]; Melan ie Taylor; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/16/2009 9:52:43 AM (12787B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: 60-1637 11/16/2009 7:12:15 PM (52007B) Laura True -> [email protected]; Chasti ty Lamb; Melanie Taylor; Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/18/2009 4:47:14 PM (9063B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Container delivery 11/19/2009 10:09:53 AM (59002B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler; Bill Goodman:RE : rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/19/2009 10:24:33 AM (47921B) Debra Wheeler -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:RE : rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/19/2009 10:33:31 AM (60744B) Laura True -> HOUCTL; Debra Wheeler; Bill Go odman:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/19/2009 10:39:40 AM (8903B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Modules 11/19/2009 10:56:13 AM (52130B) Jane Rice -> 'Laura True'; 'Debra Wheeler'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/19/2009 12:50:18 PM (14026B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Modules 11/23/2009 11:51:16 AM (52905B) Debra Wheeler -> Bill Goodman; Laura True; H OUCTL:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 11:58:25 AM (53999B) Debra Wheeler -> Bill Goodman; Laura True; H OUCTL:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 12:15:28 PM (60535B) Debra Wheeler -> Bill Goodman; Laura True; H OUCTL:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 1:15:55 PM (75272B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Debra Wheeler; HO UCTL; Chastity Lamb:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 1:16:42 PM (79237B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler; Bill Goodman; HO UCTL; Chastity Lamb:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 1:31:43 PM (64095B) Debra Wheeler -> Laura True; Bill Goodman; HO UCTL; Chastity Lamb:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 1:21:00 PM (66356B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please***

Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/23/2009 2:15:21 PM (66524B) Debra Wheeler -> Bill Goodman; Laura True; HO UCTL; Chastity Lamb:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 11/24/2009 1:56:05 PM (75240B) Laura True -> Chastity Lamb; Bill Goodman:RE: rls of bkg for today please advise ***urgent please*** Converting image001.jpg (8KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/14/2009 1:52:32 PM (29842B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler:FW: Booking# 5001 21595 10 x 45' HC (PTK19885) 12/14/2009 7:30:02 PM (12026B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:Conta iners for next weeks booking 12/16/2009 1:51:56 PM (9759B) Laura True -> Max Goodman:FW: Booking# 5001206 36 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/16/2009 1:54:58 PM (20091B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: 5th Booking Ho uston/Pt Klang 12/18/2009 9:55:42 PM (15447B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler:RE: Booking# 5001 20636 - Empty cntr release approval (PTK19890) 12/21/2009 12:24:21 PM (20630B) Laura True -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 5th Booking Houston/Pt Klang 2/9/2010 10:42:04 AM (9259B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Neptune MArine 2/9/2010 11:04:46 AM (15401B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Neptune MArine 2/12/2010 11:13:31 AM (9180B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Remaining Floatatio n Moudules for Frontier 3/2/2010 10:34:31 AM (102551B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of ri ser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 11:04:30 PM (107050B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Shipment of ri ser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/15/2010 3:36:34 PM (10959B) Laura True -> Lupe Gonzalez; Teresa Rocha:Atta ched Delivery order 3/15/2010 3:41:02 PM (19916B) Laura True -> Laura True; Lupe Gonzalez; Teres a Rocha:RE: Attached Delivery order Converting 503591DO.pdf (6KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 503591DO.pdf 3/15/2010 3:42:08 PM (15124B) Laura True -> Laura True; Lupe Gonzalez; Teres a Rocha:RE: Attached Delivery order 3/16/2010 9:12:56 AM (18522B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler; [email protected]:RE : rls of bkg for more containers 3/30/2010 2:08:03 PM (23814B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler:RE: Palletized 3 x 45' HC 3/30/2010 10:12:47 PM (23424B) Laura True -> Peter Grice:RE: Re: B-I Shippin g loose items 3/31/2010 10:00:15 AM (39144B) Laura True -> Maj Bassey; John Chircop:RE: BO P STACK Houston / Singapore - Drafted booking note **URGENT* 3/31/2010 1:50:57 PM (45931B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Maj Bassey; John C hircop:RE: BOP STACK Houston / Singapore - Drafted booking note **URGENT* Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 2:09:21 PM (35591B) Laura True -> Peter Grice:RE: B-I Shipping lo ose items 3/31/2010 10:18:46 PM (28470B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:FW: Re: B-I Shippi ng loose items 4/1/2010 10:44:31 AM (16559B) Laura True -> Debra Wheeler:RE: 4 containers r eady

4/1/2010 1:27:07 PM (34585B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Re : B-I Shipping loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/1/2010 1:27:07 PM (35295B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Re : B-I Shipping loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/14/2010 10:09:07 AM (24528B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Bully modules 4/14/2010 12:46:10 PM (31252B) Laura True -> Jane Rice; Bill Goodman:RE: Bul ly modules 4/14/2010 10:33:29 PM (8500B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Frontier riser 4/15/2010 4:28:42 PM (38412B) Laura True -> Steve Meheen; John Chircop; Maj Bassey; [email protected]:RE: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/15/2010 4:47:23 PM (22754B) Laura True -> Steve Meheen; John Chircop; Maj Bassey; [email protected]:RE: 8 X 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/16/2010 10:27:31 AM (20161B) Laura True -> Max Goodman:FW: 8 X 75' Riser J oints for P2 4/19/2010 5:09:05 PM (11714B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Max Goodman:8 x 75 ' risers 4/19/2010 5:51:04 PM (16306B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Shipping; Stephani e Valdez:RE: 8 x 75' risers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/20/2010 11:00:58 AM (13965B) Laura True -> Brad; Richard Philpitt:8 x 75' Riser Joints for P2 4/22/2010 3:00:47 PM (13719B) Laura True -> Max Goodman; Danny Campbell; Thu y Nquyen; Brad:FrontierPO 101-000628 4/23/2010 9:58:34 AM (17756B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: FrontierPO 101000628 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/23/2010 11:33:36 AM (12799B) Laura True -> Hank Martin; George Simon; Anna Guzman:Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating 4/24/2010 6:03:39 PM (24698B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Hank Martin; Georg e Simon; Anna Guzman:RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 4:36:01 PM (32997B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman; Hank Martin; Georg e Simon; Anna Guzman; Chris Vogel; Kirby Nelson:RE: Truck laods for pick-up at R isers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/27/2010 10:50:40 AM (11698B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:Floatation Modules 4/27/2010 11:04:48 AM (18862B) Laura True -> Bill Goodman:RE: Floatation Mod ules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 7:04:02 PM (18938B) Laura True -> Lewis Charles; shipping@risersinc .com; Danny Campbell:RE: list of extra parts for 101-000628 *** READING 141 message(s) in mail folder 'Ardy Goodman' at 5/16/2010 10:58:13 A M: 5/28/2009 1:33:48 PM (46766B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry - Work; Darci Tomb ros; Max; Bill Goodman - work; Shawn Staley - Work; Chastity Lamb; Marianne Stra tton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; Barbara Moss; Bev Ma rtin; Erna and Ted Brewer; Art Rodenberg; Cathie Guirl; [email protected] :Waterboarding Converting fieldletter.jpg (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): fieldletter.jpg

6/3/2009 1:08:11 PM (53600B) Ardy Goodman -> Sumer Goodman; Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman - work:Trip Converting 111.jpg (44KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 111.jpg 6/3/2009 1:51:28 PM (105648B) Ardy Goodman -> Nicole; Sumer Goodman; Jessey Goodman; Taleah; Nina Nehls; Sue McCurry - Work; Max; Bill Goodman - work; Chast ity Lamb; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Gwyn and TC; Bev Mar tin; Barbara Moss; Gayle Madonna; Erna and Ted Brewer; CF McClughan:EVER SEEN A CHAMELEON UP CLOSE? Converting 011.gif (14KB) attachment Converting Chameleon.wmv (75KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 011.gif, Chameleon.wmv 6/3/2009 1:53:28 PM (101158B) Ardy Goodman -> Nicole; Danny Wilbanks; Bill G oodman - work; Max; Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley - Work:father's day gift Converting Untitled1.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting LaZBoy.wmv (54KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Untitled1.jpg, LaZBoy.wmv 6/3/2009 2:06:45 PM (102901B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Max:Photos Converting g81182213.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting image01515.jpg (61KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): g81182213.jpg, image01515.jpg 6/4/2009 11:30:19 AM (19342B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work; Justene Goodman: Flight Converting 01.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 6/14/2009 8:03:41 PM (37235B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman - w ork:Google Image Result for http://newcarbuyingguide.com/images/articles/reviews /kia/2007KiaSedona01.jpg Converting sugar.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): sugar.jpg 6/14/2009 8:03:41 PM (38885B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman - w ork:Google Image Result for http://newcarbuyingguide.com/images/articles/reviews /kia/2007KiaSedona01.jpg Converting sugar.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): sugar.jpg 6/14/2009 8:30:40 PM (18820B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: Emaili ng: (2) Converting 01.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 6/15/2009 8:18:10 AM (44555B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:RE: Google Image Result for http://newcarbuyingguide.com/images/articles/reviews/kia/2007KiaSedon a01.jpg Converting sugar.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): sugar.jpg 6/17/2009 4:27:18 PM (33559B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry - W ork; Sue & Robert McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; T ammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; Ruthie Hensley; Nicole; Nina Nehls; CF McClughan; Dad & Dorothy Stanfield; Gwyn and TC; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Carol Zech; Yrene Bas s; Gayle Madonna; Erna and Ted Brewer; Pauline Stevens; Paula Walker; Vicki Park s; Victoria Dow; Anna Walsh; Cathie Guirl; Bill Goodman; Max; Chastity Lamb; Sha wn Staley - Work; Uncle Ron & Aunt Bernice Stephenson:Wow enjoy this Converting tile.gif (0KB) attachment Converting footer.gif (8KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): tile.gif, footer.gif 6/17/2009 4:33:11 PM (1480047B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry - Work; Nicole; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; Gwyn and TC; Ern a and Ted Brewer; Vicki Parks; Pauline Stevens; Darci Tombros; Nina Nehls; Max; Mandy Dirani; Bill Goodman - work; Justene Goodman:This is totally wrong! Converting dreamy.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting Awkward_Family_Photos__Slide_Show.ppt (1459KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): dreamy.jpg, Awkward_Family_Photos__Slide_Show.ppt 6/18/2009 10:57:47 AM (21476B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: This is totally wrong! Converting dreamy.jpg (7KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): dreamy.jpg 6/18/2009 11:17:13 AM (35785B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: This is totally wrong! Converting bananasplitbkg.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting bananasplit.gif (8KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): bananasplitbkg.jpg, bananasplit.gif 6/18/2009 12:41:02 PM (44151B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: This is totally wrong! Converting flowercourting.gif (13KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): flowercourting.gif 6/18/2009 2:12:38 PM (36460B) Ardy Goodman -> Anna Walsh; Art Rodenberg; Bar bara Moss; Beth and Scott McCurry; Bev Martin; Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman - work ; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Darci To mbros; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Gwyn and TC; Jessey Goodman; Justene Goodman; Karen Nelius; Kerri Nehls; Larry Fox; Lee Barron - work; Linda Fox; Lin da Rich; Marianne Stratton; Max; Misty Sanchez-work; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Nookie; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Ruthie Hensley; Sandy Holmes; Shawn Staley - Wor k; Sue & Robert McCurry; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Sumer Goodman; Tammy Mott; Uncle Ron & Aunt Bernice Stephenson; Vicki Parks; Victoria Dow; Yrene Bass :AFRICA Converting tiger.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): tiger.jpg 6/18/2009 2:12:38 PM (37888B) Ardy Goodman -> Anna Walsh; Art Rodenberg; Bar bara Moss; Beth and Scott McCurry; Bev Martin; Bill Goodman; Bill Goodman - work ; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Darci To mbros; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Gwyn and TC; Jessey Goodman; Justene Goodman; Karen Nelius; Kerri Nehls; Larry Fox; Lee Barron - work; Linda Fox; Lin da Rich; Marianne Stratton; Max; Misty Sanchez-work; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Nookie; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Ruthie Hensley; Sandy Holmes; Shawn Staley - Wor k; Sue & Robert McCurry; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Sumer Goodman; Tammy Mott; Uncle Ron & Aunt Bernice Stephenson; Vicki Parks; Victoria Dow; Yrene Bass :AFRICA Converting tiger.jpg (10KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): tiger.jpg 6/19/2009 4:18:51 PM (4643633B) Ardy Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; Sue McCurry Work; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barr on - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; Gwyn and TC; Bill Goodman - work; Sumer Goo dman; Jessey Goodman; Max; Linda Fox; Misty Sanchez-work; Erna and Ted Brewer; V icki Parks; Yrene Bass; Darci Tombros; Gayle Madonna:Entertaining Converting 6back.gif (5KB) attachment Converting 6header.gif (1KB) attachment Converting JugglingFinale.wmv (4617KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 6back.gif, 6header.gif, JugglingFinale.wmv 6/29/2009 10:21:19 PM (46122B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:Re: Phones Converting playingaround2.jpg (29KB) attachment Converting smalldolphins.gif (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): playingaround2.jpg, smalldolphins.gif 6/29/2009 10:52:58 PM (34182B) Ardy -> [email protected]; Sue McCurry - Work ; Sue McGinnis; Erna Brewer; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley - work; Chastity Lamb; M arianne Stratton; Lee Barron-Work; Tammy Mott; [email protected]; Gwyn & TC Colvin; Vicki Parks; Linda Fox; Larry Fox; Misty Sanchez; Pauline Stevens; Be v Martin; Barbara Moss; Art Rodenberg:Check out Ted Nugent Converting spotty.jpg (15KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): spotty.jpg 6/30/2009 7:45:22 AM (60227B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:RE: Phones Converting playingaround2.jpg (29KB) attachment

Converting image0011.gif (4KB) attachment Converting smalldolphins.gif (4KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): playingaround2.jpg, image0011.gif, smalldolphins.gif 7/2/2009 7:33:31 PM (39271B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Goodman Patio Estimate Converting innercircle.jpg (14KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): innercircle.jpg 7/6/2009 11:07:16 AM (47861B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:RE: Goodman Patio Estimate Converting innercircle.jpg (14KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): innercircle.jpg 7/6/2009 4:36:00 PM (44671B) Ardy -> Max Goodman; Colin Edwards; Shawn Stale y - work; Bill Goodman; Cathie Guirl; Nicole; Danny Wilbanks; Chastity Lamb; Ern a Brewer; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron-Work; Tammy Mo tt; Sandra S Holmes:Watch b4 it is pulled Off. Converting 08.gif (25KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 08.gif 7/9/2009 10:16:35 PM (28390B) Ardy Goodman -> Colin Edwards; Justene Goodman ; Linda Rich; Bill Goodman - work:A Texan farmer goes to Australia Converting bugsaluts350.jpg (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): bugsaluts350.jpg 7/20/2009 11:13:14 AM (22296B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: Neede d Converting redsweettiles.jpg (11KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): redsweettiles.jpg 7/21/2009 8:05:03 AM (28359B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Services for Cons umers Converting oilbottless.jpg (19KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): oilbottless.jpg 7/21/2009 9:00:58 AM (31807B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: Spring Branch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) Converting 01.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 7/21/2009 9:09:05 AM (42686B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Spring Branch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) Converting 01.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 7/21/2009 9:24:32 AM (50750B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Spring Branch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) Converting 01.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 7/21/2009 9:25:27 AM (50653B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Spring Branch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) Converting 01.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 7/21/2009 11:52:24 AM (59336B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Sprin g Branch teen talks about break-in (Video on www.khou.com) Converting 01.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 7/20/2009 9:12:03 AM (68343B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:Re: Server Compla ints Converting 2222.jpg (51KB) attachment Converting 4215195209.gif (4KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 2222.jpg, 4215195209.gif 7/27/2009 2:53:48 PM (80403B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Server Complaints Converting 2222.jpg (51KB) attachment Converting 4215195209.gif (4KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (4KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 2222.jpg, 4215195209.gif, image0011.gif

8/2/2009 7:50:21 PM (727447B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry - Work; Nicole; Ni na Nehls; Sue McGinnis; Darci Tombros; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tam my Mott; Sandy Holmes; Gayle Madonna; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Erna and Ted Bre wer; Max; CF McClughan; Victoria Dow; Vicki Parks; Anna Walsh; Art Rodenberg; Pa uline Stevens; Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley - Work; Bill Goodman - work; Mandy Di rani; Cathie Guirl; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; Larry Fox; Misty Sanchez-work:preside ntial quiz Converting 189c9f691.jpg (72KB) attachment Converting 189c9f792.jpg (98KB) attachment Converting 189c9f793.gif (58KB) attachment Converting 189c9f884.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting 189c9f985.jpg (83KB) attachment Converting 189c9fa76.jpg (58KB) attachment Converting 189c9fa77.gif (7KB) attachment Converting 189c9fb78.jpg (89KB) attachment Converting 189c9fc79.jpg (105KB) attachment Converting 189c9fc710.gif (94KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): 189c9f691.jpg, 189c9f792.jpg, 189c9f793.gif, 189c9f884 .jpg, 189c9f985.jpg, 189c9fa76.jpg, 189c9fa77.gif, 189c9fb78.jpg, 189c9fc79.jpg, 189c9fc710.gif 8/4/2009 2:05:42 PM (50761B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 386070.jpg 8/4/2009 3:00:06 PM (57574B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 386070.jpg 8/4/2009 9:55:04 PM (64716B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 386070.jpg 8/5/2009 2:15:20 PM (72369B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 386070.jpg 8/5/2009 9:38:44 PM (57455B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McGinnis; Ni cole; Nina Nehls; Max; Cathie Guirl; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; Bev Martin; Barbara Moss; Gayle Madonna; Pauline Stevens; C olin Edwards; Vicki Parks; Yrene Bass; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley - Work; Chasti ty Lamb; Gwyn and TC; Terry Nehls; Linda Fox; Larry Fox; Misty Sanchez-work:Fw: An Open Letter to President Obama - Lou Pritchett Converting panda2.jpg (38KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): panda2.jpg 8/5/2009 9:48:46 PM (121174B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Nicole Wi lbanks:Re: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting ROFLC1.GIF (39KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 386070.jpg, ROFLC1.GIF 8/6/2009 5:22:13 PM (130643B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Re: Converting 386070.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (39KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 386070.jpg, image0011.gif 8/10/2009 3:30:12 PM (11158B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman: This week-end Converting 066header.gif (0KB) attachment Converting 066footer.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 066header.gif, 066footer.gif 8/11/2009 12:09:33 PM (112424B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry - Work; Colin Ed wards; Bev Martin; CF McClughan; Bill Goodman - work; Shawn Staley - Work; Chast ity Lamb:Sign on Highway 15-501 Converting patientlywaitinga.gif (4KB) attachment Converting ATT1.jpg (76KB) attachment Converting transparant.gif (0KB) attachment

Converting patientlywaiting2.gif (7KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): patientlywaitinga.gif, ATT1.jpg, transparant.gif, patie ntlywaiting2.gif 8/11/2009 12:15:28 PM (4185003B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry - Work; Darci T ombros; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Terry Nehls; Max; Bill Goodman - work; Cathie Guirl; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; B arbara Moss; Bev Martin; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gwyn and TC; Gayle Madonna; Linda Fox; Larry Fox; Misty Sanchez-work; Pauline Stevens:CNN 3min Video Should Be Man datory Viewing Converting recyclesymbol.gif (39KB) attachment Converting CNNAmnestyBillsWorstProvisions.wmv (4125KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): recyclesymbol.gif, CNNAmnestyBillsWorstProvisions.wmv 8/16/2009 10:15:49 PM (34744B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: Converting Untitled1.jpg (23KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Untitled1.jpg 8/16/2009 10:56:41 PM (48543B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif 8/16/2009 11:57:48 PM (77646B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: Converting 21.gif (19KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif (31KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 21.gif, imstpanimationbutterfliesen020908.gif 8/17/2009 5:24:53 PM (36057B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry - W ork; Sue McGinnis; Nina Nehls; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; Bev Martin; Barbara Moss; Bill Goodman - work; Justene Goodman; C athie Guirl; Shawn Staley - Work; Chastity Lamb; Erna and Ted Brewer; Pauline St evens; Colin Edwards; CF McClughan; Linda Fox; Misty Sanchez-work:We didn't star t the Fire Converting 1.jpg (15KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1.jpg 8/21/2009 3:06:07 PM (64249B) Ardy Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; clewis6101@sbcg lobal.net; [email protected]; Shantel Richmond; 'Stephanie Valdez'; terib@r isersinc.com; Shawn Staley - Work; Justin West; Shipping; dwilbanks@wmgenterpris es.net; Bill Goodman - work:RE: Music in the office Converting partynew.gif (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): partynew.gif 8/24/2009 8:27:16 PM (24729B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Hey Converting sugarcoatedpears.jpg (14KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): sugarcoatedpears.jpg 9/23/2009 7:40:20 AM (47309B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: Mangem ent Review Converting panda2.jpg (38KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): panda2.jpg 9/30/2009 11:21:23 AM (37485B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Justene Goodman:Jessey Converting ripewinegrapes.jpg (29KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ripewinegrapes.jpg 10/19/2009 11:09:40 AM (211338B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Bev Martin; Barbara Moss; Chastity Lamb; Max; Just ene Goodman; Bill Goodman; Danny Wilbanks; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; CF McClughan; TC; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; Colin Edw ards; Vicki Parks; Yrene Bass:1934 Cartoon Converting 1934Cart1.jpg (193KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1934Cart1.jpg 10/19/2009 11:02:13 AM (2629935B) Ardy Goodman -> Max; Bill Goodman; Shawn S taley; Danny Wilbanks; Colin Edwards:Hoover Dam Bypass Converting babypumpkin.jpg (20KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (253KB) attachment Converting looking_south.jpg (311KB) attachment Converting awesome_aerial.jpg (422KB) attachment

Converting closeup_arch_w_dam.jpg (235KB) attachment Converting const_aerial_closeup.jpg (273KB) attachment Converting construction_aerial2.jpg (427KB) attachment Converting construction_aerial3.jpg (331KB) attachment Converting looking_northeast.jpg (336KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): babypumpkin.jpg, image001.jpg, looking_south.jpg, aweso me_aerial.jpg, closeup_arch_w_dam.jpg, const_aerial_closeup.jpg, construction_ae rial2.jpg, construction_aerial3.jpg, looking_northeast.jpg 10/26/2009 9:21:49 AM (56364B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Nicole; N ina Nehls; Max; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Chastity Lamb; Justene Goodman; Erna & Ted Brewer; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Carol Zech; TC; Walsh, Anna (DARS); Barb Moss; Bev Martin; CF McClughan; Linda Fox; Pauline Stevens; Yr ene Baas:Brand Names!! Converting frankenstein.gif (39KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): frankenstein.gif 10/26/2009 1:10:58 PM (2847545B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McG innis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Cathie Guirl; Max; Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman; Sha wn Staley; Chastity Lamb; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Pauline Ste vens; Erna & Ted Brewer; Yrene Baas; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; TC; Walsh,Anna (DARS ); Carol Zech; Colin Edwards; Vicki Parks; Tricia Cartwright; Vickie Moncure:The beauty of night-enjoy... Converting 4216578577small1.jpg (54KB) attachment Converting TheBeautyOfNight.pps (2776KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 4216578577small1.jpg, TheBeautyOfNight.pps 11/2/2009 2:58:27 PM (34995B) Ardy Goodman -> Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman: Game Converting 4.jpg (26KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 4.jpg 11/2/2009 5:12:52 PM (24792B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Game Converting tile.gif (1KB) attachment Converting space.gif (0KB) attachment Converting footer2.gif (8KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): tile.gif, space.gif, footer2.gif 11/10/2009 9:35:30 AM (39388B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:Re: Out of Offic e Converting 04.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 04.jpg 11/10/2009 9:37:00 AM (40165B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman - Work:Re: Out of Offic e Converting 04.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 04.jpg 11/11/2009 4:30:17 PM (251308B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:NAVY'S NEW PIRATE CATCH ER Converting image0011.jpg (43KB) attachment Converting image0022.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting image0033.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting image0055.jpg (63KB) attachment Converting image0066.jpg (20KB) attachment Converting image0077.jpg (32KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): image0011.jpg, image0022.jpg, image0033.jpg, image0044. jpg, image0055.jpg, image0066.jpg, image0077.jpg 11/16/2009 12:25:21 PM (36645B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry Work; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Max; Colin Edwards; Cathie Guirl; Barba ra Moss; Bev Martin; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Hol mes; Ruthie Hensley; TC; Gayle Madonna; Pauline Stevens; Yrene Bass; Chastity La mb; Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman; Sumer Goodman; Jessey Goodman; Anna Walsh; No okie; Terry Nehls; Darla & Terry Heeringa; Erna and Ted Brewer; Mandy Dirani; Vi ctoria Dow:Christmas With a Capital "C" Converting 01.jpg (16KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): 01.jpg 11/17/2009 3:57:11 PM (6751142B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Max; Cathie Guirl; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Sandy Holmes; [email protected]; Bi ll Goodman; Justene Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; TC; CF McC lughan; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Pauline Stevens; Linda Fox; Larry Fo x; Misty S. King-Sanchez:7: How to get more people to use the stairs -Converting 4.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting Escolhendo_a_escada1.wmv (6706KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 4.jpg, Escolhendo_a_escada1.wmv 11/17/2009 9:26:29 PM (65114B) Ardy Goodman -> Nina Nehls; Sue McCurry - Wor k; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Cindy Vanderfeen; Vicki Par ks; Vickie Moncure; Max; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Justene Goodman; CF McClug han; Erna and Ted Brewer; Linda Fox; Larry Fox; Cathie Guirl; Anna Walsh; Rene M arsh; Paula Walker; Nicole:For those who are planning Christmas decorating...... .. Converting ATT003681.jpg (42KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ATT003681.jpg 11/23/2009 2:13:14 PM (6058295B) Ardy Goodman -> Barbara Moss; Beth and Scot t McCurry; Bev Martin; Bill Goodman - work; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClugh an; Chastity Lamb; Colin Edwards; Danny Wilbanks; Darci Tombros; Darla & Terry H eeringa; Donna Hyde; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Gwyn and TC; Justene Go odman; Kerri Nehls; Larry Fox; Lee Barron - work; Linda Fox; Marianne Stratton; Max; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Sumer Goodman; Tammy Mott:Fw: Ultimate cool! Converting 01.gif (16KB) attachment Converting extraordinaireinstrumentdemusique.wmv (6021KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 01.gif, extraordinaireinstrumentdemusique.wmv 11/28/2009 5:04:33 PM (3306027B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McG innis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Cathie Guirl; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mo tt; Colin Edwards; Max; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley; TC; Walsh,Ann a (DARS); Carol Zech; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; Erna & Ted Brewer; Yrene Baas; Vick i Parks; Linda Fox; Misty S. King-Sanchez:FW: Converting tile1.gif (0KB) attachment Converting header.gif (11KB) attachment Converting space.gif (0KB) attachment Converting footer.gif (25KB) attachment Converting Curiosites.pps (3250KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): tile1.gif, header.gif, space.gif, footer.gif, Curiosite s.pps 11/28/2009 5:13:05 PM (65533B) Ardy -> Barb Moss; Betty Clark; Bev Martin; B ill Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Cindy Vander feen; Colin Edwards; Darci Tombros; Donna Hyde; [email protected]; GrammyMa [email protected]; Lee Barron; Leslie Vander Meulen Canavan; Linda Fox; Marianne Stratto n; Max; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Ruthie Hensley - work ; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Tawnya Funderburke; TC; Walsh,Anna (DAR S); Yrene Baas:Little Darlin...... Converting tile22.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting animnew.gif (33KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): tile22.jpg, animnew.gif 11/29/2009 9:06:04 AM (44260B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman:Pie Converting wintergirl2.gif (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): wintergirl2.gif 11/29/2009 5:27:02 PM (60574B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:RE: Pie Converting wintergirl2.gif (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): wintergirl2.gif 11/29/2009 11:44:08 AM (53313B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: Pie Converting wintergirl2.gif (35KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): wintergirl2.gif 11/1/2009 3:06:20 PM (28937B) Ardy Goodman -> Jessey Goodman; Sumer Goodman:

List Converting tile5.gif (0KB) attachment Converting space.gif (0KB) attachment Converting footer5.gif (18KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): tile5.gif, space.gif, footer5.gif 12/2/2009 2:27:09 PM (59533B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry - W ork; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman; Jessey Goo dman; Sumer Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron - work; Tammy Mott; Bev Martin; Barbara Moss; Erna and Ted Brewer; Vicki Parks; TC; Anna Walsh ; Pauline Stevens; Gayle Madonna:Orangutan and a Dog Converting treelast.gif (38KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): treelast.gif 12/8/2009 12:46:15 PM (57246B) Ardy -> Barb Moss; Betty Clark; Bev Martin; B ill Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Cindy Vander feen; Colin Edwards; Cyndi Hicks; Darci Tombros; Donna Hyde; erna_and_ted@yahoo. com; Gayle Madonna; Janet Hebert - Pool Inovations; Justene Goodman; Lee Barron; Leslie Vander Meulen Canavan; Linda Fox; Mandy El-Dirani; Marianne Stratton; Ma x; Nina Nehls; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Penny Stephenson; [email protected]; Ruthie Hensley - work; Shawn Staley; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Taw nya Funderburke; Walsh,Anna (DARS); Yrene Baas:Dance on !!! You have to watch Converting hatdog4.jpg (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): hatdog4.jpg 12/8/2009 1:24:21 PM (55450B) Ardy -> Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman:Gifts Converting polarcuties5.gif (44KB) attachment Converting header.gif (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): polarcuties5.gif, header.gif 12/8/2009 10:58:38 PM (4388779B) Ardy -> Max; Colin Edwards; Bill Goodman; T C; CF McClughan:Fw: FW: Why The Japanese Didn't Get Past Oklahoma Converting tree99.gif (80KB) attachment Converting WhytheJapanesedidntgetpastoklahoma1.wmv (4298KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): tree99.gif, WhytheJapanesedidntgetpastoklahoma1.wmv 12/9/2009 10:03:07 AM (44334B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: Gifts Converting christ11.gif (26KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): christ11.gif, image0011.gif 12/11/2009 1:18:52 PM (49415B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:??? Converting merrychristmas.mid (1KB) attachment Converting diib0009.jpg (39KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): merrychristmas.mid, diib0009.jpg 12/22/2009 8:19:02 AM (66770B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McGin nis; Cathie Guirl; Max; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Chastity Lamb; Marianne Stra tton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; CF McClughan; TC; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; Erna & Te d Brewer; Colin Edwards; Yrene Baas; Elizabeth Weatherford; Pauline Stevens; Ann a Walsh; Linda Fox:RAY STEVENS ON OBAMACARE Converting presenornamentslast.jpg (48KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): presenornamentslast.jpg 12/22/2009 8:28:07 AM (74544B) Ardy -> Anna Walsh; Barb Moss; Betty Clark; B ev Martin; Bill Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Cindy Vanderfeen; Colin Edwards; Cyndi Hicks; Darci Tombros; Denee Hawthorne; Do nna Hyde; Erna & Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Janet Hebert - Pool Inovations; Jean ne Roesler; Jennifer Lamothe; Justene Goodman; Jill Nehls; Katherine Douglass; K erri Nehls; Lee Barron; Leslie Vander Meulen Canavan; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; Man dy El-Dirani; Marianne Stratton; Max; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Penny Stephenson; [email protected]; Ruthie Hensley - work; Scott and Bet h McCurry; Shawn Staley; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Tawnya Funderbur ke; TC; Yrene Baas:MERRY CHRISTMAS Converting nativityscenepat.jpg (41KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): nativityscenepat.jpg 12/22/2009 8:38:25 AM (16296B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McGin nis; Max; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Cathie Guirl; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Chastity

Lamb; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Vicki Parks; Yrene Baas; CF Mc Clughan; TC; Colin Edwards; Linda Fox; Misty S. King-Sanchez:united breaks guita rs 2 12/22/2009 12:07:06 PM (38018B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:Re: Turkey and Hams Converting babysantababyrudolf.gif (27KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): babysantababyrudolf.gif 12/23/2009 4:40:58 PM (5400909B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:7% Converting boypat.gif (36KB) attachment Converting 45lesonsinlife091118003935phpapp02.pps (5356KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): boypat.gif, 45lesonsinlife091118003935phpapp02.pps 12/29/2009 1:10:58 PM (76636B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; clewis61 [email protected]; Chastity Lamb:Re: Paperwork Converting glasses2copy.jpg (60KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): glasses2copy.jpg 1/5/2010 2:28:23 PM (55895B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:RE: Jim Kir kpatrick: Risers International Converting winterslumber.jpg (36KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): winterslumber.jpg 1/7/2010 10:54:24 AM (37041B) Ardy -> Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman; Jessey Goodman; Nina Nehls:Question Converting letter2.jpg (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): letter2.jpg 1/14/2010 2:07:06 PM (7291031B) Ardy Goodman -> Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Bi ll Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Darci Tombros ; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Gwyn and TC; Justene Goodman; Larry Fox; L ee Barron - work; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; Marianne Stratton; Max; Misty S. King-S anchez; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Nookie; Shawn Staley - Work; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Terry Nehls; Vicki Parks; Yrene Bass:Orchestra (Nobody bu t the Aussies) Converting tile2.gif (11KB) attachment Converting bolt.gif (20KB) attachment Converting cold2.gif (6KB) attachment Converting Beer.mpg (7233KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): tile2.gif, bolt.gif, cold2.gif, Beer.mpg 1/14/2010 2:07:06 PM (7291799B) Ardy Goodman -> Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Bi ll Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Darci Tombros ; Erna and Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; Gwyn and TC; Justene Goodman; Larry Fox; L ee Barron - work; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; Marianne Stratton; Max; Misty S. King-S anchez; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Nookie; Shawn Staley - Work; Sue McCurry - Work; Sue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Terry Nehls; Vicki Parks; Yrene Bass:Orchestra (Nobody bu t the Aussies) Converting tile2.gif (11KB) attachment Converting bolt.gif (20KB) attachment Converting cold2.gif (6KB) attachment Converting Beer.mpg (7233KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): tile2.gif, bolt.gif, cold2.gif, Beer.mpg 1/14/2010 5:35:31 PM (81574B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Justene G oodman; Jessey Goodman; Sumer Goodman:Trip Converting window2.gif (4KB) attachment Converting SNOWMA2.GIF (49KB) attachment Converting winter05.gif (16KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): window2.gif, SNOWMA2.GIF, winter05.gif 1/18/2010 2:28:44 PM (63287B) Ardy Goodman -> Max; Bill Goodman; Danny Wilba nks; Chastity Lamb; Charles Lewis; Art Rodenberg; Cathie - temporary; CF McClugh an; Erna and Ted Brewer; Vicki Parks; Linda Fox; Larry Fox:"Tango, Mike, Mike" Converting ski.jpg (50KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ski.jpg 1/18/2010 6:13:22 PM (5840B) Ardy Goodman -> [email protected]:Light pa ds 1/19/2010 8:13:25 PM (20989B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Email

Converting oldies15a.jpg (9KB) attachment Converting 15header.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): oldies15a.jpg, 15header.gif 1/26/2010 5:36:20 PM (29080B) Ardy Goodman -> Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman; Sumer Goodman; Jessey Goodman:Grapevine Water Park - Great Wolf Resorts - Dalla s Family Resort Converting eveningdue.jpg (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): eveningdue.jpg 1/24/2010 9:11:00 PM (124152B) Ardy -> Max; Colin Edwards; Bill Goodman; Cha stity Lamb; Shawn Staley; Linda Fox:See funny article attached Converting cat.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting Mail11.jpg (102KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): cat.jpg, Mail11.jpg 1/29/2010 8:51:29 AM (26903B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:phone Converting Valentine04.gif (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Valentine04.gif 1/29/2010 2:04:40 PM (14108B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:En-Touch: High Speed Internet, Telephone, Cable and Security Services - Houston Texas Converting endlesssky2.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): endlesssky2.jpg 2/2/2010 11:44:03 AM (99668B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry; Bev Martin; Max; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Terry Nehls; Nina Nehls; Nicole; Dann y Wilbanks; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Chastity Lamb:Obama & The Seven Dorks JP G Converting image00111.jpg (82KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image00111.jpg 2/3/2010 8:22:47 AM (87891B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinni s; Cathie Guirl; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Chastity Lamb; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; Erna & Ted Bre wer; CF McClughan; TC; Max; Kerri Nehls; Carol Zech:OK, I GOTTA send this Converting Valentine09.jpg (26KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationmonkeyen0209081.gif (41KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Valentine09.jpg, imstpanimationmonkeyen0209081.gif 2/4/2010 10:32:48 AM (41138B) Ardy Goodman -> Max; Nicole; Danny Wilbanks; B ill Goodman - work; Sue McCurry; Cathie Guirl; Jessey Goodman; Kerri Nehls; Mand y Dirani; Tammy Shaw:Tanner Converting girl.gif (27KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): girl.gif 2/4/2010 2:48:48 PM (56758B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:recipes Converting dogandcat.jpg (47KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): dogandcat.jpg 2/7/2010 10:53:41 PM (66983B) Ardy -> Anna Walsh; [email protected]; Barb Mo ss; Ben Sihsmann; Betty Clark; Bev Martin; Bill Goodman; Carol Ambler; Carol Ree s; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Charles Lewis; Chastity Lamb; Cindy V anderfeen; Colin Edwards; Cyndi Hicks; Danny Wilbanks; Darci Tombros; Denee Hawt horne; Dennis Nelius; Donna Hyde; Elizabeth; Erna & Ted Brewer; Gayle Madonna; H eather Boulineau; [email protected]; Janet Hebert - Pool Inovations; Je anne Roesler; Jennifer Lamothe; Jill Nehls; Justene Goodman; Katherine Douglass; Kerri Nehls; Lee Barron; Leslie Vander Meulen Canavan; Linda Fox; Linda Rich; L indsay Warr; Mandy El-Dirani; Marianne Stratton; Misty Sanchez; Nicole; Nina Neh ls; Paula Walker; Pauline Stevens; Penny Stephenson; Renee McCurry; Ronberx@aol. com; Ruthie Hensley - work; Scott and Beth McCurry; Shawn Staley; Sue McCurry; S ue McGinnis; Tammy Mott; Tawnya Funderburke; TC; Tee Avergel; Vicki Parks; Yrene Baas:Liberty Counsel Converting winterslumber.jpg (36KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): winterslumber.jpg 2/11/2010 1:56:32 PM (8088390B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Gay le Madonna; Cathie - temporary; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Justene Goodman; Su mer Goodman; Jessey Goodman; Rene Marsh; Pauline Stevens; Misty S. King-Sanchez;

Max; Linda Fox; Cindy Vanderfeen; Vicki Parks; Vickie Moncure; Anna Walsh; Donn a Hyde; Paula Walker; Shawn Staley; Angel Sletto; Barbara Moss; Beth and Scott M cCurry; Bev Martin; Carol Zech; Elizabeth Weatherford; Gwyn and TC; Janet Heber t - Pool Innovations; Katherine Douglass; Kerri Nehls; Linda Rich; Pam Chambers; Suzanne Olmon; Taleah; Tammy Shaw; Tricia Cartwright:Another Susan Boyle? Converting redrosesboximg.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting HollieSteelBritainsGotTalen.wmv (8035KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): redrosesboximg.jpg, HollieSteelBritainsGotTalen.wmv 2/15/2010 2:47:55 PM (4489515B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; N icole; Nina Nehls; Terry Nehls; Max; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Chastity Lamb; Danny Wilbanks; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Ruthie Hensley; CF Mc Clughan; Bev Martin; Barbara Moss; Gayle Madonna; Larry Fox; Linda Fox; Misty Sa nchez-work; Pauline Stevens; Cathie Guirl; Yrene Bass; Darci Tombros; Vicki Park s; Carol Zech; Ben Sihsmann:UNLOCK YOUR CAR WITH A TENNIS BALL Converting fieldletter.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting unlockyourcarwithatennisball.wmv (4436KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): fieldletter.jpg, unlockyourcarwithatennisball.wmv 2/17/2010 10:00:55 PM (83978B) Ardy -> Ben Sihsmann; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; Bill Goodman; Carol Zech; Cathie Guirl; CF McClughan; Chastity Lamb; Colin Edwar ds; Darci Tombros; Elizabeth Weatherford; Gayle Madonna; Erna & Ted Brewer; Jess ey Goodman; Lee Barron; Linda Rich; Marianne Stratton; Max; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Pauline Stevens; Scott and Beth McCurry; Shawn Staley; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis ; Tammy Mott; TC; Vicki Parks; Yrene Baas:God bless Texas! Converting grad.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting image0011.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting image0022.gif (0KB) attachment Converting pict1.gif (4KB) attachment Converting pict2.gif (13KB) attachment Converting pict3.gif (6KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): grad.jpg, image0011.jpg, image0022.gif, pict1.gif, pict 2.gif, pict3.gif 2/25/2010 11:20:53 PM (38290B) Ardy -> Nicole; Nina Nehls; Bill Goodman; Cha stity Lamb; Sue McCurry - Work; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron-Work; Tammy Mott; Cathie Guirl; [email protected]; Linda Fox; Larry Fox; Anna Walsh; Erna Brewer; Yrene Baas; Shawn Staley - work:Whoo Hoo!!!! Converting J98360437aa1.jpg (22KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): J98360437aa1.jpg 2/26/2010 11:19:38 AM (46671B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers-kelly kaluza' s office Converting grad.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image0011.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting smile22.gif (20KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): grad.jpg, image0011.jpg, smile22.gif 3/1/2010 2:17:46 PM (51750B) Ardy Goodman -> [email protected]; Charles Lewis; Bill Goodman - work:Re: Computers Converting 111.jpg (38KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 111.jpg 3/1/2010 3:53:52 PM (9556B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:Need help!!! 3/2/2010 10:02:48 AM (345756B) Ardy Goodman -> Max; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodm an - work; CF McClughan; Art Rodenberg; Danny Wilbanks; Charles Lewis; Ben Sihsm ann; Colin Edwards; Dennis Nelius; Larry Fox; Leo Tombros; Ted Bergen; Terry Neh ls; Tommy Hawthorne; TC:Military Motivational Posters ........... Converting 24.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting 24side.gif (15KB) attachment Converting 002.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting 004.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting 007.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting 001.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting 003.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting 008.jpg (36KB) attachment

Converting 005.jpg (58KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): 24.jpg, 24side.gif, 002.jpg, 004.jpg, 007.jpg, 001.jpg, 003.jpg, 008.jpg, 005.jpg 3/3/2010 7:53:58 AM (92381B) Ardy -> Sue McCurry; Darci Tombros; Nicole; Cat hie Guirl; Nina Nehls; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Ruthie Hensley - work; CF McClughan; Max; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Linda Fox; Gayle Madonn a; Pauline Stevens; Barb Moss; Bev Martin; Vicki Parks; Yrene Baas; Anna Walsh; Carol Zech:JUST A FUNNY PIC TO START YOUR DAY! / The very first "senior moment" Converting fairyIMAGE2.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting image0011.jpg (28KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): fairyIMAGE2.jpg, image0011.jpg 3/3/2010 6:39:46 PM (5683B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill & Justene Goodman II: Converting Larry_Fox.vcf (0KB) attachment Converting ATT00221.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Larry_Fox.vcf, ATT00221.txt 3/4/2010 11:03:34 AM (4865759B) Ardy -> Max:Fw: Converting background6.jpg (55KB) attachment Converting text.gif (4KB) attachment Converting CellPhoneEavesdropping.wmv (4797KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): background6.jpg, text.gif, CellPhoneEavesdropping.wmv 3/17/2010 10:40:03 PM (5671465B) Ardy -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodman - Work; Shawn Staley - work:Duck hunting Converting winebottleglass.jpg (13KB) attachment Converting BuddyHackettDuckHunting.wmv (5648KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): winebottleglass.jpg, BuddyHackettDuckHunting.wmv 3/27/2010 2:19:44 PM (48860B) Ardy Goodman -> [email protected]:Re: Hot el Converting thumbup.gif (39KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): thumbup.gif 3/30/2010 2:13:51 PM (1093161B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Nicole; Sue M cCurry; Sue McGinnis; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; TC; Carol Zech; Yrene Bass; Anna Walsh:Too funny Converting eggyhome.jpg (31KB) attachment Converting FunniestJokeintheWorld.mp3 (452KB) attachment Converting pic29608.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting pic19203.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting pic23277.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting pic06125.jpg (32KB) attachment Converting pic20134.jpg (40KB) attachment Converting pic01401.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting pic09078.jpg (50KB) attachment Converting pic18382.jpg (51KB) attachment Converting pic20169.jpg (46KB) attachment Converting pic20736.jpg (34KB) attachment Converting pic27478.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting pic17939.jpg (59KB) attachment Converting pic21138.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting pic18721.jpg (39KB) attachment 16 attachment(s): eggyhome.jpg, FunniestJokeintheWorld.mp3, pic29608.jpg , pic19203.jpg, pic23277.jpg, pic06125.jpg, pic20134.jpg, pic01401.jpg, pic09078 .jpg, pic18382.jpg, pic20169.jpg, pic20736.jpg, pic27478.jpg, pic17939.jpg, pic2 1138.jpg, pic18721.jpg 3/30/2010 5:38:42 PM (62728B) Ardy Goodman -> Sue McCurry; Nicole; Nina Nehl s; Bill Goodman; Max; Terry Nehls; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Ba rbara Moss; Bev Martin; [email protected]; Erna and Ted Brewer; Anna Walsh; C hastity Lamb; Shawn Staley; Linda Fox; Misty Sanchez-work; Larry Fox; Darci Tomb ros; Yrene Bass:New Obama Song Converting bunny.jpg (39KB) attachment Converting flower.jpg (6KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): bunny.jpg, flower.jpg

3/30/2010 5:45:30 PM (18160B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Su e McGinnis; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Nicole; Bill Goodman; Jus tene Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Charles Lewis; Max; Shawn Staley; Barbara Moss; Bev Martin; Gwyn and TC; Anna Walsh; Yrene Bass; Beth and Scott McCurry; Gayle Mado nna; Pauline Stevens; Donna Hyde; Elizabeth Weatherford; Jacque Stanfield - work :: WARNING - If you EAT Seafood 4/1/2010 11:48:06 AM (41219B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros:PLEASE VOTE ON T HIS!! Converting 09anim.gif (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 09anim.gif 4/5/2010 3:37:53 PM (46725B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Low's Converting header.gif (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): header.gif 4/6/2010 11:47:49 AM (6856458B) Ardy -> Anna Walsh:FW: When elephants retire Converting bee.gif (23KB) attachment Converting Whenelephantsretire.wmv (6824KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): bee.gif, Whenelephantsretire.wmv 4/12/2010 10:31:37 AM (830389B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros:Fw: Fw: Art Converting blossom.gif (21KB) attachment Converting image0011.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image0022.jpg (111KB) attachment Converting image0033.jpg (99KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (93KB) attachment Converting image0055.jpg (105KB) attachment Converting image0066.jpg (88KB) attachment Converting image0077.jpg (76KB) attachment Converting image0088.jpg (86KB) attachment Converting image0099.jpg (101KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): blossom.gif, image0011.jpg, image0022.jpg, image0033.j pg, image0044.jpg, image0055.jpg, image0066.jpg, image0077.jpg, image0088.jpg, i mage0099.jpg 4/12/2010 10:36:19 AM (86751B) Ardy Goodman -> Darci Tombros:Feisty old thin g Converting bottomi.gif (11KB) attachment Converting image0021.jpg (15KB) attachment Converting image0032.gif (39KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): bottomi.gif, image0021.jpg, image0032.gif 4/12/2010 1:49:05 PM (54323B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: FW: RI SERS-TAS agent form Converting humminganimsmall2.gif (36KB) attachment Converting flowerssmall2.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): humminganimsmall2.gif, flowerssmall2.gif, image0011.gif 4/14/2010 3:43:55 PM (74901B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Chastity Lamb:ETicket Itinerary and Receipt for Confirmation AGB9RY Converting singlerose.gif (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): singlerose.gif 4/14/2010 4:46:49 PM (105362B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work:Re: FW: M ore speed. More power. The new MacBook Pro family. Converting pattern.gif (1KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (0KB) attachment Converting butterfly.gif (50KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): pattern.gif, image0011.gif, butterfly.gif 4/14/2010 5:44:09 PM (72714B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Nicole:Yo ur information Converting bokay.jpg (49KB) attachment Converting 0373561.GIF (14KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): bokay.jpg, 0373561.GIF 4/16/2010 9:41:58 AM (36587B) Ardy -> Aloma Potts:Jon Voight: America Witnes sing Greatest Lie Cleverly Orchestrated By...

Converting 1111.jpg (27KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1111.jpg 4/16/2010 9:46:40 AM (10159B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:Re: Fwd: 4/19/2010 6:26:24 PM (10106B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman - work; Chastity Lamb:Fw: Continental Airlines - Codeshare Check-in Notice 4/23/2010 11:30:41 AM (33135B) Ardy Goodman -> Justene Goodman; Bill Goodman - work:Airfare to Australia Converting tobp001041.jpg (23KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): tobp001041.jpg 4/26/2010 1:25:56 PM (19321B) Ardy -> Aloma Potts:SUNDAY'S PROGRAM '' INTOUC H '' 4/27/2010 8:39:27 AM (277272B) Ardy -> Anna Walsh; Ben Sihsmann; Barb Moss; Sue McCurry; Sue McGinnis; Nina Nehls; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott ; Ruthie Hensley - work; Bev Martin; Cathie Guirl; Pauline Stevens; Erna & Ted B rewer; Yrene Baas; Vicki Parks; Chastity Lamb; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; TC:It works don't ask how Converting panda2.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting Chinesep.pps (223KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): panda2.jpg, Chinesep.pps 4/28/2010 3:35:07 PM (14896B) Ardy Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Safety Net Converting 06butttile.gif (3KB) attachment Converting 06butt.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 06butttile.gif, 06butt.gif 5/3/2010 7:46:43 PM (37297B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:Re: Management Review/Prep are for ISO Audit Converting grad.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting indexstock514287.gif (7KB) attachment Converting image.gif (16KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): grad.jpg, indexstock514287.gif, image.gif 5/5/2010 1:32:04 PM (53175B) Ardy Goodman -> Charles Lewis; terib@risersinc. com; Max; Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley:PO's Converting tile03.jpg (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): tile03.jpg 5/7/2010 9:14:36 AM (54584B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:today Converting britishcat2.gif (46KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): britishcat2.gif 5/7/2010 9:50:39 AM (62436B) Ardy -> Bill Goodman:RE: today Converting britishcat2.gif (46KB) attachment Converting image0011.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): britishcat2.gif, image0011.gif 5/10/2010 1:03:45 PM (423831B) Ardy -> Nina Nehls; Robert & Sue McCurry; Bil l Goodman; Shawn Staley; Max:FUrniture Sale! Converting image0017.jpg (76KB) attachment Converting image0026.jpg (89KB) attachment Converting image0035.jpg (61KB) attachment Converting image0044.jpg (61KB) attachment Converting image0053.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image0062.jpg (63KB) attachment Converting image0071.jpg (4KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): image0017.jpg, image0026.jpg, image0035.jpg, image0044. jpg, image0053.jpg, image0062.jpg, image0071.jpg 5/12/2010 1:30:06 PM (54607B) Ardy GOODMAN -> Chastity; Bill & Justene Goodm an II:Jump drive Converting tbg.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting top.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting bottom.jpg (18KB) attachment Converting bbg.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting bgpattern.jpg (8KB) attachment Converting lbg.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting rbg.jpg (1KB) attachment

Converting letterbg.jpg (1KB) attachment 8 attachment(s): tbg.jpg, top.jpg, bottom.jpg, bbg.jpg, bgpattern.jpg, l bg.jpg, rbg.jpg, letterbg.jpg 5/12/2010 3:02:50 PM (127533B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McGinnis; Nicole; Nina Nehls; Sandy Holmes; Linda Fox; Misty Sanchez; Bill Goodman; Danny Wilbanks ; Lee Barron; Erna & Ted Brewer; Pauline Stevens; Max; Shawn Staley; Chastity La mb; Charles Lewis; TC; Vicki Parks; Gayle Madonna; Anna Walsh; Bev Martin; Barb Moss:PRICELESS Converting 11.gif (6KB) attachment Converting image1.jpg (99KB) attachment Converting 33.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 11.gif, image1.jpg, 33.gif 5/13/2010 7:51:16 AM (1051502B) Ardy -> Darci Tombros; Sue McCurry; Sue McGi nnis; Nina Nehls; Nicole; Marianne Stratton; Lee Barron; Tammy Mott; Erna & Ted Brewer; Cathie Guirl; Gayle Madonna; Pauline Stevens; Bev Martin; Barb Moss; Cha stity Lamb; Bill Goodman; Justene Goodman; sumer goodman:Do u believe that these are cakes!?................................... Converting icecream.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image112.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting image217.jpg (47KB) attachment Converting image39.jpg (44KB) attachment Converting image48.jpg (37KB) attachment Converting image52.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image625.jpg (35KB) attachment Converting image720.jpg (39KB) attachment Converting image819.jpg (20KB) attachment Converting image97.jpg (23KB) attachment Converting image1027.jpg (36KB) attachment Converting image1115.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting image1223.jpg (66KB) attachment Converting image1313.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting image141.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting image1511.jpg (30KB) attachment Converting image1621.jpg (33KB) attachment Converting image1710.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting image1824.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting image1918.jpg (42KB) attachment Converting image2014.jpg (22KB) attachment Converting image213.jpg (19KB) attachment Converting image224.jpg (32KB) attachment Converting image2316.jpg (32KB) attachment Converting image245.jpg (38KB) attachment Converting image256.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting image2622.jpg (48KB) attachment Converting image2726.jpg (50KB) attachment 28 attachment(s): icecream.jpg, image112.jpg, image217.jpg, image39.jpg, image48.jpg, image52.jpg, image625.jpg, image720.jpg, image819.jpg, image97.jpg , image1027.jpg, image1115.jpg, image1223.jpg, image1313.jpg, image141.jpg, imag e1511.jpg, image1621.jpg, image1710.jpg, image1824.jpg, image1918.jpg, image2014 .jpg, image213.jpg, image224.jpg, image2316.jpg, image245.jpg, image256.jpg, ima ge2622.jpg, image2726.jpg *** READING 20 message(s) in mail folder 'Lonestar Bits' at 5/16/2010 11:01:04 A M: 5/18/2009 2:33:28 PM (9824B) John D. Almon -> 'Shawn Staley':RE: pins needed 5/29/2009 3:17:06 PM (9749B) John D. Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Flame cutti ng quote 6/16/2009 11:03:17 AM (9893B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Cuming Corpor ation 7/27/2009 8:47:58 AM (209254B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Paragon Week ly Report

Converting WeeklyReport20090724.pdf (197KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): WeeklyReport20090724.pdf 8/3/2009 4:54:53 PM (19758B) Express Email Marketing -> [email protected] t:Download our 2009 Catalog Today ! 8/4/2009 9:28:43 AM (50617B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Download our 2 009 Catalog Today ! 10/14/2009 8:27:42 AM (5228B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman:Pup joints 10/23/2009 11:55:44 AM (7281B) [email protected] -> Michael O'Neal; Max Go odman; Bill Goodman:Re: need phone numbers 8/27/2009 5:36:43 PM (5638B) [email protected] -> Max Goodman; Bill Goodma n:Looking for used pipe 4/3/2010 8:29:49 AM (8144B) [email protected] -> Charles Lewis:Re: WEBSITE 4/6/2010 9:53:55 AM (15438B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles':R E: WEBSITE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 2:47:54 PM (22392B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Lewis Charles':R E: WEBSITE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/12/2010 10:16:22 AM (6207B) [email protected] -> William Goodman:Logo 4/12/2010 1:56:33 PM (8035B) [email protected] -> William Goodman:Re: Logo 4/12/2010 2:42:51 PM (8035B) [email protected] -> William Goodman:Re: Logo 4/13/2010 9:20:54 AM (6894B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Request for Qu ote 4/13/2010 9:25:49 AM (15510B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Request for Q uote Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 11:01:46 AM (14953B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Request for Quote Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:08:46 PM (10444B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: pASSWORD Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:56:50 PM (13618B) John Almon -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: pASSWORD Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif *** READING 1 message(s) in mail folder 'Zerust' at 5/16/2010 11:01:09 AM: 5/18/2009 8:46:36 AM (1281163B) Joe Dyson -> Bill Goodman (bgoodman@risersin c.com):Riser Covers Converting image001.jpg (1254KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (15KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.jpg *** READING 60 message(s) in mail folder 'Zhejiang Conform Stainless Steel' at 5 /16/2010 11:01:10 AM: 6/1/2009 7:55:53 PM (1279266B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:ARRIVA L NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES Converting SKMBT42009060113120.pdf (1272KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009060113120.pdf 6/8/2009 5:36:24 PM (8664B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:Re: ARRIV AL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/8/2009 5:37:14 PM (10137B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:Re: ARRI VAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/12/2009 6:43:06 PM (35732B) Sandy Deng -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True':Re: A RRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/1/2009 2:57:39 AM (32378B) jenny -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True':Re: The shi pment documents of PO 4531

5/29/2009 8:49:12 PM (19104B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: The shipment documen ts of PO 4531 5/24/2009 9:10:03 PM (1609121B) jenny -> [email protected]:The shipment documents of PO 4531 Converting RISERSCI.jpg (244KB) attachment Converting RISERSPL.jpg (241KB) attachment Converting RISERSMTC.jpg (286KB) attachment Converting RISERSBL.jpg (451KB) attachment Converting RISERSIP.jpg (378KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RISERSCI.jpg, RISERSPL.jpg, RISERSMTC.jpg, RISERSBL.jpg , RISERSIP.jpg 6/15/2009 11:52:13 AM (45415B) Sandy Deng -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True':Re: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/16/2009 6:54:02 AM (40761B) Jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: The shipment documen ts of PO 4531 6/16/2009 7:02:08 PM (50253B) Sandy Deng -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True':Re: A RRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09507131 FOR 8 CASES 6/16/2009 8:02:09 PM (50517B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: The shipment documen ts of PO 4531 6/17/2009 7:43:09 PM (62090B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: The shipment documen ts of PO 4531 6/17/2009 7:46:04 PM (61676B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: The shipment documen ts of PO 4531 6/17/2009 10:06:00 PM (70857B) jenny -> [email protected]:Re: The shipm ent documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 12:39:51 PM (65825B) Sandy Deng -> Bill Goodman; 'jenny':Re: The s hipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 2:16:54 PM (75174B) Sandy Deng -> Laura True; Bill Goodman; jenny: Re: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 3:02:43 PM (66056B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW : The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 3:36:56 PM (21127B) Sandy Deng -> [email protected]; Chast ity Lamb:Re: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 3:43:25 PM (88772B) Sandy Deng -> 'jenny'; 'Laura True'; Bill Good man:Re: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 7:08:35 PM (20905B) jenny -> Chastity Lamb:Re: The shipment docume nts of PO 4531 6/18/2009 7:20:06 PM (23038B) jenny -> Sandy Deng:Re: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 7:27:34 PM (22025B) jenny -> jenny; Chastity Lamb:Re: The shipment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 9:01:21 PM (34859B) jenny -> Laura True; Chastity Lamb:Re: The shi pment documents of PO 4531 6/18/2009 9:04:52 PM (34995B) jenny -> Laura True; Chastity Lamb:Re: The shi pment documents of PO 4531 6/19/2009 10:30:07 AM (26080B) Sandy Deng -> jenny:Re: The shipment document s of PO 4531 6/19/2009 11:55:02 AM (47915B) Sandy Deng -> jenny:Re: The shipment document s of PO 4531 Converting LETTER_OF_INDEMNITY.xls (19KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): LETTER_OF_INDEMNITY.xls 7/31/2009 3:02:27 AM (218206B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re:Conform Quotation fo r seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(7-31) Converting Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS_S3220 5731.pdf (203KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS _S32205731.pdf 8/5/2009 9:28:40 PM (22780B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: Conform Quotation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(7-31) 8/6/2009 9:18:24 PM (227523B) jenny -> Bill Goodman; Chastity Lamb:Re: Confo

rm Quotation for seamless stainless steel pipe UNS S32205(8-7) Converting Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS_S3220 587.pdf (203KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Conform_Quotation_for_seamless_stainless_steel_pipe_UNS _S3220587.pdf 8/10/2009 4:15:49 AM (1208117B) jenny -> Chastity Lamb:Re: PO# 5121 Converting PIRISERSPO5121.jpg (1199KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PIRISERSPO5121.jpg 9/28/2009 10:42:23 PM (27201B) jenny -> [email protected]:Informing ETD & Confirming Marking Converting Marking_SampleRISERS.xls (18KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Marking_SampleRISERS.xls 10/1/2009 9:04:57 PM (21781B) Jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: Informing ETD & Conf irming Marking 10/12/2009 11:34:25 PM (2204928B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: Informing ETD & Confirming Marking Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg 10/14/2009 7:28:53 AM (22206B) Jenny -> Bill Goodman:Urgent---Request the de tails of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY 10/14/2009 8:11:56 PM (30230B) jenny -> Laura True; Bill Goodman:Re: Urgent--Request the details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY 10/14/2009 8:12:16 PM (31660B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: Urgent---Request th e details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY 10/22/2009 7:36:15 AM (3949904B) Jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: Urgent---Request the details of CONSIGNEE and NOTIFY PARTY Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment Converting PLRISERS.jpg (750KB) attachment Converting MTCRISERS.jpg (831KB) attachment Converting BLRISERS.jpg (810KB) attachment Converting IPRISERS.jpg (924KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg, PLRISERS.jpg, MTCRISERS.jpg, BLRISERS.jpg , IPRISERS.jpg 10/25/2009 11:44:15 PM (95611B) jenny -> Bill Goodman:Re: United States Ship ping Explanations Converting Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls (27KB) attachment Converting SECURITY_102CONFORM.xls (16KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Security_102_explanitionCONFORM.xls, SECURITY_102CONFOR M.xls 11/17/2009 7:07:13 PM (57625B) jenny -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True'; sandy@ui a-logistics.com; Chastity Lamb; 'Melanie Taylor':Re: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-A R011955 11/17/2009 10:20:44 PM (17238B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:this is not a v ery relevant spec for us, either Converting API_16c.pdf (11KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): API_16c.pdf 11/18/2009 7:01:42 PM (13638B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:RE: this is not a very relevant spec for us, either 11/19/2009 2:50:01 PM (52839B) Melanie Taylor -> [email protected]:insp ection Converting scan0001.pdf (47KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): scan0001.pdf 11/20/2009 11:49:43 PM (3288414B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:This is the f irst box- the bword report 111701-risers(1119-01)-1 is the composite pmi-dimensi onal report Converting 111709risers111901...1f1pdf (189KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1g_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1g1.pdf (188KB) attachment

Converting 111709risers111901...1h_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1h1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...box_1_thicknesscomposite.xls (33KB) atta chment Converting 111709risersorientation_map.doc (1480KB) attachment Converting 111709risers1119011.doc (208KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1a_stats1.pdf (31KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1a1.pdf (187KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1b_stats1.pdf (31KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1b1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1c_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1c1.pdf (195KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1d_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1d1.pdf (193KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1e_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111709risers111901...1f_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment 18 attachment(s): 111709risers111901...1f1pdf, 111709risers111901...1g_s tats1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1g1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1h_stats1.pdf, 111 709risers111901...1h1.pdf, 111709risers111901...box_1_thicknesscomposite.xls, 11 1709risersorientation_map.doc, 111709risers1119011.doc, 111709risers111901...1a_ stats1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1a1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1b_stats1.pdf, 11 1709risers111901...1b1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1c_stats1.pdf, 111709risers1119 01...1c1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1d_stats1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1d1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1e_stats1.pdf, 111709risers111901...1f_stats1.pdf 11/20/2009 11:55:19 PM (3859055B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:THE REPORTS F OR BOX 2 Converting 111809risers111901...2e_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2e1.pdf (186KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2g_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2g1.pdf (186KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2h_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2h1.pdf (186KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3a_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3a1.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3b_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3b1.pdf (190KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3c_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...3c1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...box_2_thicknesscomposite.xls (33KB) atta chment Converting 111809risersorientation_map.doc (1480KB) attachment Converting 111809risers1119011.doc (193KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2a_stats2.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2a1.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2b_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2b1.pdf (187KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2c_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2c1.pdf (188KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2d_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111809risers111901...2d1.pdf (186KB) attachment 23 attachment(s): 111809risers111901...2e_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901 ...2e1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2g_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2g1.pdf, 11 1809risers111901...2h_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2h1.pdf, 111809risers1119 01...3a_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901...3a1.pdf, 111809risers111901...3b_stats1 .pdf, 111809risers111901...3b1.pdf, 111809risers111901...3c_stats1.pdf, 111809ri sers111901...3c1.pdf, 111809risers111901...box_2_thicknesscomposite.xls, 111809r isersorientation_map.doc, 111809risers1119011.doc, 111809risers111901...2a_stats 2.pdf, 111809risers111901...2a1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2b_stats1.pdf, 111809r isers111901...2b1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2c_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901... 2c1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2d_stats1.pdf, 111809risers111901...2d1.pdf

11/20/2009 11:58:10 PM (196860B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:please replace the old report Converting 111809risers1119011.doc (191KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 111809risers1119011.doc 11/21/2009 12:10:07 AM (2771364B) Steve Hulsey -> Bill Goodman:BOX 3 PMI AND DIMENSIOANL REPORT AND BACKUP DATA Converting 111909risers111901...3f1.pdf (192KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3g_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3g1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...box_3_thicknesscomposite.xls (31KB) atta chment Converting 111909risersorientation_map.doc (1480KB) attachment Converting 111909risers1119011.doc (190KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...1e1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3d_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3d1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3e_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3e1.pdf (191KB) attachment Converting 111909risers111901...3f_stats1.pdf (25KB) attachment 12 attachment(s): 111909risers111901...3f1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3g_ stats1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3g1.pdf, 111909risers111901...box_3_thicknessco mposite.xls, 111909risersorientation_map.doc, 111909risers1119011.doc, 111909ris ers111901...1e1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3d_stats1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3d 1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3e_stats1.pdf, 111909risers111901...3e1.pdf, 111909r isers111901...3f_stats1.pdf 11/24/2009 7:08:50 AM (13762B) Jenny -> Chastity Lamb:Re: OBL 11/24/2009 7:22:54 AM (612293B) Jenny -> Chastity Lamb:Re: OBL Converting CIRISERS.jpg (599KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CIRISERS.jpg 11/25/2009 8:00:42 AM (706867B) Jenny -> Bill Goodman; 'Laura True'; sandy@u ia-logistics.com; Chastity Lamb; 'Melanie Taylor':Telex Released B/L Re: Shipmen t 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 Converting 0001.jpg (648KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 0001.jpg 11/25/2009 12:43:39 PM (66440B) Sandy Deng -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Jenny'; 'Bil l Goodman'; 'Laura True'; 'Melanie Taylor':RE: Telex Released B/L Re: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/17/2009 11:38:13 AM (53054B) Sandy Deng -> 'Laura True'; 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Melanie Taylor'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/16/2009 12:36:40 PM (48000B) Sandy Deng -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Laura True'; 'Melanie Taylor'; 'Bill Goodman':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/16/2009 10:58:16 AM (42162B) Sandy Deng -> 'Laura True'; 'Melanie Taylor' ; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/13/2009 10:37:10 AM (36835B) Sandy Deng -> 'Laura True'; 'Melanie Taylor' ; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Shipment 60-1637 / UIA-AR011955 11/11/2009 3:12:28 PM (33298B) Sandy Deng -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True':RE : ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/6/2009 1:05:07 PM (27812B) Sandy Deng -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES 11/6/2009 12:24:08 PM (86531B) Sandy Deng -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True'; C hastity Lamb:RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES Converting SKMBT42009110609490.pdf (67KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009110609490.pdf 11/5/2009 4:00:26 PM (79452B) Sandy Deng -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES Converting SKMBT42009110513570.pdf (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009110513570.pdf 11/3/2009 6:55:39 PM (81002B) Sandy Deng -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Laura True':RE: ARRIVAL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES Converting SKMBT42009110316451.pdf (65KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009110316451.pdf 10/28/2009 5:18:35 PM (135842B) Sandy Deng -> Bill Goodman; Laura True:ARRIV AL NOTICE FOR HBL# SHHOU09007835 OF 3 CASES Converting SKMBT42009102810010.pdf (126KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SKMBT42009102810010.pdf *** READING 14 message(s) in mail folder 'Saves' at 5/16/2010 11:02:02 AM: 5/31/2009 10:03:35 AM (13992B) Google Checkout -> [email protected]:Orde r receipt from NLA, Inc ($100.00) 5/31/2009 10:04:52 AM (13961B) Google Checkout -> [email protected]:Orde r receipt from NLA, Inc ($200.00) 5/31/2009 5:18:26 PM (14212B) Google Checkout -> [email protected]:Your order from NLA, Inc has shipped ($200.00) 5/31/2009 5:18:31 PM (14249B) Google Checkout -> [email protected]:Your order from NLA, Inc has shipped ($100.00) 6/8/2009 5:26:24 PM (43725B) Santo Salvo, John T (HOU) -> Bill Goodman:RE: F ootball coaches lineup 8/13/2009 10:59:45 AM (696342B) Stephen Lamb -> [email protected]:k1 Converting GOODMANWILLIAMMANDJUSTENEAMENDED.pdf (687KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): GOODMANWILLIAMMANDJUSTENEAMENDED.pdf 1/18/2010 2:33:14 PM (196395B) R & M HOWELL SERVICES LLC -> bgoodman@risersi nc.com:Invoice 5148 Converting Inv5148fromRMHOWELL.pdf (190KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Inv5148fromRMHOWELL.pdf 1/22/2010 8:57:53 PM (9276B) NB Web Express -> William M. Goodman II:NB Web Express Order Confirmation 2/22/2010 11:02:09 AM (7866B) [email protected] -> [email protected]: [#445127-6596#] 3/11/2010 4:50:38 PM (14682B) [email protected] -> [email protected] et:Returned Hardware Received[#347168-6596#] 4/19/2010 8:29:45 PM (10216B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:N RAI - Credit Card Payment Confirmation: Invoices R-1322116 were paid. 5/6/2010 11:13:51 AM (9874B) Suzanne -> [email protected]:RECEIPT JESSE Converting Receipt.pdf (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Receipt.pdf 5/6/2010 11:14:53 AM (9875B) Suzanne -> [email protected]:RECEIPT SUMME R Converting Receipt.pdf (4KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Receipt.pdf 5/11/2010 8:20:29 AM (14108B) [email protected] -> WGOODMAN5@COMCA ST.NET:Clearwire Customer Shipment Notification *** READING 50 message(s) in mail folder 'CNS Welding' at 5/16/2010 11:02:06 AM: 7/6/2009 9:17:26 AM (7468B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Goodman:Shipment 7/9/2009 7:26:30 AM (7084B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Goodman:21" Pipe 7/15/2009 11:04:18 AM (248688B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman; [email protected]; Shaun Hinson:Fw: Crime Alert Converting ATT000071.jpg (196KB) attachment Converting imstpanimationpandaen020908.gif (36KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): ATT000071.jpg, imstpanimationpandaen020908.gif 7/20/2009 9:53:10 AM (23698B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: API Specs 7/20/2009 10:29:59 AM (29087B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: API Specs 7/21/2009 12:01:40 PM (29576B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: API Specs 7/21/2009 3:54:49 PM (10075B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Le wis Charles:CNS-252 / Risers w/o 1050 7/21/2009 4:50:13 PM (7811B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:international truc k 8/6/2009 10:53:35 AM (3064578B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; Shawn Staley; [email protected]; Bill Goodman:Fw: Who's in your wallet? - please watch! Converting Whosinyouwallet.wmv (3054KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Whosinyouwallet.wmv 8/10/2009 4:15:19 PM (12547B) Fran Sterlin -> Justin West; luis.cnswelding@s

bcglobal.net; Aaron Aurthors:Re: NCR on main tube 50' 8/11/2009 11:46:54 AM (7164B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Goodman:W.O 1050-09-02 8/14/2009 10:10:41 AM (9309B) Aron Arthurs -> chasidy lamb:Trucking 8/17/2009 4:31:05 PM (1670189B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman:Fw: Hydrotesting Procedure/Failure/Fatality (July 2009) Converting image001.jpg (133KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (155KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (160KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (150KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (153KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (150KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (158KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (149KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (135KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (59KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (53KB) attachment Converting image012.jpg (103KB) attachment Converting image013.jpg (78KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg, image011.jpg, image012.jpg, image013.jpg 8/19/2009 5:02:32 PM (8411B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:trucking 9/3/2009 8:05:54 AM (9547B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Goodman:Training 9/3/2009 8:08:15 AM (10375B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Training 10/1/2009 11:18:05 AM (7489B) Aron Arthurs -> chasidy lamb:X-over 10/12/2009 4:23:31 PM (58891B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; maxg1945@earth link.net; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley:Fw: Post Turtle Converting image001.jpg (41KB) attachment Converting AVG_certification.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, AVG_certification.txt 10/21/2009 9:35:34 AM (7507B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:jesse 10/27/2009 4:56:30 PM (35575B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Identified Converting mimeattachment.jpeg (19KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): mimeattachment.jpeg 11/9/2009 11:26:52 AM (17981B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: Merger Meeti ng 11/9/2009 11:32:43 AM (10140B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: 11/10/2009 2:49:21 PM (8153B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:meeting 11/11/2009 12:07:46 PM (101202B) Aron Arthurs -> K Bradford; Bill Goodman; A nna Macotto; joshua henriquez; miranda romero; wendy; Lesia Arthurs:Fw: Spring 2 010 Registration Converting Registration_FormSpring_2010.pdf (85KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Registration_FormSpring_2010.pdf 12/18/2009 3:59:54 PM (5671B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@rise rsinc.com:Yahoo! Auto Response 1/5/2010 3:30:14 PM (16427B) Aron Arthurs -> K Bradford:Fw: Spring 2010 Regi stration 1/14/2010 9:35:21 AM (24121B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles:Re : Owner information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/14/2010 9:41:50 AM (623343B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Fw: Platt Review Converting RisersPlat.pdf (613KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RisersPlat.pdf 1/20/2010 10:30:24 AM (225288B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles; [email protected]:building Converting riser_building.pdf (216KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riser_building.pdf 1/20/2010 3:44:21 PM (1409853B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; maxg1945@earth link.net; Lewis Charles:Fw: RSI- Meeting plan

Converting 09RSIA21P2.pdf (1398KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 09RSIA21P2.pdf 1/20/2010 5:11:43 PM (12450B) Fran Sterlin -> Youngson Lei; Bill Goodman:Re: RSI- Meeting plan 1/21/2010 11:21:25 AM (15154B) Fran Sterlin -> Chastity Lamb; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Bryan Davis; [email protected]; Lisa Hernandez; Hoss Leger; Harley Parker; Ana Green:Fw: OMG! THIS IS SO CUTE! 2/2/2010 8:51:38 AM (185659B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; Lewis Charles; m [email protected]; Shawn Staley:Fw: Saints/Vikings Tickets Converting myseats.jpg (173KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): myseats.jpg 2/2/2010 11:13:51 AM (22217B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Texas Truck Cente r Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/2/2010 3:52:16 PM (9152B) Aron Arthurs -> Bill Main:Re: w.o 1119 2/3/2010 9:55:10 AM (12894B) Fran Sterlin -> [email protected]; l [email protected]; Kyle Burgess; [email protected]:Re: RSI - Pl ease see attached updated backgrounds and PDF of the Permit Drawings 2/3/2010 1:51:40 PM (560682B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman; lmcintyre@dmacco nstruction.net:rest rooms Converting office_drawing_risers.pdf (248KB) attachment Converting rest_room_osha.pdf (304KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): office_drawing_risers.pdf, rest_room_osha.pdf 2/3/2010 2:10:18 PM (13103B) Fran Sterlin -> Lance McIntyre; Bill Goodman:Re : rest rooms 2/3/2010 2:23:06 PM (12770B) Fran Sterlin -> Lance McIntyre:Re: rest rooms 2/4/2010 11:21:43 AM (31533B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; maxg1945@earthl ink.net; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman:Fw: Scotsman & the Cow Converting image001.jpg (16KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/10/2010 3:09:42 PM (427166B) Fran Sterlin -> [email protected] t:Re: Risers-forklift and equipment specs Converting Arc_5.jpg (72KB) attachment Converting large_sub_arc.jpg (99KB) attachment Converting NEW_SUB_ARC.jpg (74KB) attachment Converting WELDERS_WITH_10K_TABLE.jpg (102KB) attachment Converting RISER_ON_ROLLERS.jpg (67KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): Arc_5.jpg, large_sub_arc.jpg, NEW_SUB_ARC.jpg, WELDERS_ WITH_10K_TABLE.jpg, RISER_ON_ROLLERS.jpg 2/11/2010 9:17:03 AM (10719B) Fran Sterlin -> Bill Goodman:Re: DMAC Construc t Cost Meeting 2/17/2010 4:27:29 PM (63056B) Fran Sterlin -> Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; ma [email protected]; Lewis Charles:Fw: Texas Sheriff Application Converting FREE_Animations_for_your_email__by_IncrediMail_Click_Here_.da t (46KB) attachment Converting ATT00133.htm (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): FREE_Animations_for_your_email__by_IncrediMail_Click_He re_.dat, ATT00133.htm 3/3/2010 10:19:27 AM (10619B) Fran Sterlin -> [email protected] :Re: Risers-gas demand 3/9/2010 9:19:09 AM (4386527B) Fran Sterlin -> Lewis Charles; Bill Goodman; Shawn Staley; Luis Garcia; Aaron Aurthors; Bryan Davis; Chad Passmore; John Powe ll:Fw: Fwd: Mellon season is here Converting Mellonseasonishere.wmv (4370KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Mellonseasonishere.wmv 3/19/2010 9:24:00 AM (17769B) Fran Sterling -> Lance McIntyre:Re: Risers-for klift and equipment specs 3/19/2010 9:46:48 AM (29823B) Fran Sterling -> Bill Goodman; Lance McIntyre: Re:

Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg 3/30/2010 4:52:20 PM (4402554B) Fran Sterling -> Ana Green; angel.cedeno@ake rsolutions.com; Lewis Charles; [email protected]; Bill Goodman; Shawn Stale y; Shaun Hinson; Richard Trojan:Fw: Fwd: Smart Dog (UNCLASSIFIED) Converting dogtreat.wm (4384KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): dogtreat.wm 4/28/2010 4:01:24 PM (51355B) Fran Sterling -> Lewis Charles; Shawn Staley; Bill Goodman; [email protected]:Fw: Transocean Rig Disaster Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/6/2010 11:23:24 AM (12996B) Fran Sterling -> Justin West; Lewis Charles:Re : *** READING 1 message(s) in mail folder 'TC Inspections' at 5/16/2010 11:02:38 A M: 7/31/2009 11:33:44 AM (11949B) Shawn Mullins -> [email protected]:Fw: r iser cost *** READING 6 message(s) in mail folder 'US Bolts' at 5/16/2010 11:02:38 AM: 8/4/2009 12:55:53 PM (38118B) [email protected] -> [email protected]; bgoo [email protected]:Re: PO 8/3/2009 4:58:05 PM (46132B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: P O 7/24/2009 11:34:47 AM (31686B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: PO 7/24/2009 11:18:32 AM (32576B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: PO 7/14/2009 5:58:52 PM (25061B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: PO 7/13/2009 2:29:29 PM (18615B) [email protected] -> [email protected]:Re: PO *** READING 1 message(s) in mail folder 'Larsen Drilling' at 5/16/2010 11:02:39 AM: 6/29/2009 2:49:36 AM (27726B) Trevor Shephard -> Kevin:RE: FW: 360ft of 21" Riser RF Connectors *** READING 29 message(s) in mail folder 'SONGA Drilling' at 5/16/2010 11:02:39 AM: 7/27/2009 10:17:14 AM (33364B) Wayne Fabish -> Max Goodman:RE: Quote #1296 9/15/2009 7:57:35 PM (20353B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Riser order Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 9/21/2009 6:36:24 PM (8728B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa MR6C 9/28/2009 8:38:54 PM (20802B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: risers Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/11/2009 6:14:58 PM (26949B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/13/2009 8:22:51 PM (20703B) Marty Cranford -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa Buoya ncy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/20/2009 1:43:37 AM (27352B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/20/2009 5:48:22 PM (33246B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (1KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image004.jpg 10/20/2009 7:34:13 PM (26880B) Marty Cranford -> Bill Stibbs; Max Goodman:RE : Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (1KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image004.jpg 10/20/2009 10:30:31 PM (26508B) Marty Cranford -> Max Goodman; Bill Stibbs:R E: Songa Buoyancy Module Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 10/22/2009 9:25:36 PM (8035B) Marty Cranford -> Max Goodman:RE: Quote #1410B 10/26/2009 12:43:33 AM (20948B) Andy Blaker -> Max Goodman:RE: Songa Mercur marine riser. 11/11/2009 5:04:05 AM (15593B) Andy Blaker -> Max Goodman:Songa Mercur PO ME RSSEA1038838 11/16/2009 7:40:11 AM (20185B) Andy Blaker -> Max Goodman:Songa Mercur PO ME RSSEA1038838 11/22/2009 8:30:17 PM (11164B) Daniel Vincent -> Teri Breckenridge; Bill Sti bbs:RE: Invoice #3799 10/10/2009 4:53:42 AM (22839B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman; Jim Kirkpatrick; Bill Durkin:RE: Songa Mercur PO MERSSEA1038838 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 12/9/2009 10:06:49 PM (6685B) Marty Cranford -> Lewis Charles; maxg1945@eart hlink.net:RE: CHOKE AND KILL LINE work order 1097-01 12/10/2009 6:12:45 PM (5762B) Jim Kirkpatrick -> Bill Goodman:Undersized Mod ules 12/23/2009 2:54:28 PM (16011B) Darryl Garcia -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: SONGA RIS ER ACCT#109900 1/5/2010 3:14:55 AM (21496B) Daniel Vincent -> Darryl Garcia; Bill Goodman:R E: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/10/2010 8:48:38 PM (34839B) Daniel Vincent -> Chastity Lamb; Darryl Garcia ; Bill Goodman:RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/11/2010 7:51:11 PM (47651B) Daniel Vincent -> Darryl Garcia; Chastity Lamb ; Bill Goodman:RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.jpg, image003.jpg 1/12/2010 6:29:05 PM (60105B) Daniel Vincent -> Darryl Garcia; Chastity Lamb ; Bill Goodman:RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg 2/11/2010 5:39:21 AM (58520B) Daniel Vincent -> Bill Goodman:FW: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment

Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg 2/11/2010 8:56:06 PM (8681B) Bill Stibbs -> Max Goodman:RE: Invoice #3799C 2/17/2010 6:29:20 PM (155229B) Stephen Wilson -> Darryl Garcia; bgoodman@ris ersinc.com:RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting 1038838.pdf (130KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1038838.pdf 2/18/2010 2:20:22 AM (29027B) Daniel Vincent -> Chastity Lamb:RE: SONGA RISE R ACCT#109900 2/18/2010 8:25:22 PM (36289B) Mike Ferguson -> Darryl Garcia; Stephen Wilson ; [email protected]:RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg 2/25/2010 11:13:16 AM (48008B) Darryl Garcia -> 'Mike Ferguson'; 'Stephen Wi lson'; '[email protected]':RE: SONGA RISER ACCT#109900 Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg *** READING 14 message(s) in mail folder 'Cuming Corporation' at 5/16/2010 11:02 :52 AM: 9/15/2009 11:02:09 AM (12516B) Ray Wong -> Bill Goodman:RE: Risers Internati onal PO 5215 10/27/2009 1:58:57 PM (751020B) Louis Kabelka -> Shawn Staley:FW: Please quo te floatation. Converting RI_301_5L_P2_Assembly.jpg (494KB) attachment Converting DEP11090032_Revised.pdf (164KB) attachment Converting DEP110900141.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting DEP110900151.pdf (21KB) attachment Converting DEP110900161.pdf (21KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): RI_301_5L_P2_Assembly.jpg, DEP11090032_Revised.pdf, DEP 110900141.pdf, DEP110900151.pdf, DEP110900161.pdf 11/3/2009 7:28:05 AM (77488B) Louis Kabelka -> Jie Li; Ray Wong; Max Goodman ; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1 101016)) 11/3/2009 8:02:25 AM (86859B) Louis Kabelka -> Jie Li; Ray Wong; Max Goodman ; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1 101016)) 11/3/2009 8:48:22 AM (93431B) Louis Kabelka -> Max Goodman; Jie Li; Ray Wong ; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1 101016)) 11/3/2009 10:28:38 AM (84362B) Louis Kabelka -> Maj Bassey; Jie Li; Ray Wong ; Max Goodman; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn1101016)) 11/3/2009 10:28:11 AM (83001B) Ray Wong -> Louis Kabelka; Max Goodman; Jie L i; Bill Goodman:RE: Driller Buoyancy Info required ( Glider 5 Riser Analysis (pn 1101016)) 1/29/2010 2:44:58 PM (17238B) Louis Kabelka -> [email protected]:RE: Pho enix Riser Modules 2/19/2010 9:17:35 AM (23645B) Ray Wong -> Max Goodman:RE: Delivery Schedule 4/7/2010 8:36:43 AM (9375B) Ray Wong -> Bill Goodman; Louis Kabelka:RE: Inst allation Procedures 4/7/2010 1:19:38 PM (13015B) Louis Kabelka -> Bill Goodman; Ray Wong:RE: Ins tallation Procedures 4/8/2010 8:05:17 AM (84022B) Ray Wong -> Bill Goodman; Louis Kabelka:RE: Ins tallation Procedures Converting TN_1009B_Bully.pdf (70KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): TN_1009B_Bully.pdf 4/14/2010 1:58:29 PM (50793B) Louis Kabelka -> Maj Bassey:RE: Phoenix Buoyan cy Modules Change of quantity and water depth. Revised Quote/ Amended P.O 5/13/2010 8:12:47 AM (20103B) Ray Wong -> Teri Breckenridge:RE: Neptune Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg *** READING 20 message(s) in mail folder 'Lankhorst' at 5/16/2010 11:02:57 AM: 12/1/2009 11:01:51 AM (1414338B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Dushinske, Mike:M074 73 Drawing T-Joint Rev_05 Converting M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.pdf (1403KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.pdf 12/1/2009 8:47:49 AM (45610B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Bill Goodman:M08533-01 Bully 1 transport 11/18/2009 4:51:13 PM (169496B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Bill Goodman; maxg194 [email protected]:M07473 Lankhorst Delivery Schedule PS-1 TH-LMO-20269 Converting M07473_Delivery_Overview__PS1_2_arrival_dates.xls (138KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): M07473_Delivery_Overview__PS1_2_arrival_dates.xls 11/18/2009 3:01:28 PM (34483B) [email protected] -> Bill Go odman:Re: ASC Fin and Shims 11/18/2009 2:13:18 PM (5725B) Dushinske, Mike -> [email protected]:Cont act info 11/17/2009 11:04:31 AM (5021306B) Werf, Jos van der -> [email protected] m:M07473 PRIDE - Riser assembly for PS1 (Deep Ocean Ascension) Converting M0747301LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.8.pdf (347KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.12.pdf (405KB) attach ment Converting M0747301LMPLI091016Packing_list_PS1_cnt.9.pdf (348KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI091016Packing_list_PS1_cnt.10.pdf (352KB) attach ment Converting M0747301LMPLI091016Packing_list_PS1_cnt.11.pdf (422KB) attach ment Converting M0747301LMPLI091023Packing_list_PS1_cnt.13.pdf (380KB) attach ment Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.1.pdf (335KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.2.pdf (341KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.3.pdf (367KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.4.pdf (371KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.5.pdf (366KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf (479KB) attachm ent Converting M0747301LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.7.pdf (354KB) attachm ent Converting M07473_Delivery_Overview__PS1.xls (133KB) attachment 14 attachment(s): M0747301LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.8.pdf, M074730 1LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.12.pdf, M0747301LMPLI091016Packing_list_PS1_cnt .9.pdf, M0747301LMPLI091016Packing_list_PS1_cnt.10.pdf, M0747301LMPLI091016Packi ng_list_PS1_cnt.11.pdf, M0747301LMPLI091023Packing_list_PS1_cnt.13.pdf, M0747301 LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.1.pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.2 .pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.3.pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_ list_PS1_cnt.4.pdf, M0747301LMPLI090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.5.pdf, M0747301LMPLI 090929Packing_list_PS1_cnt.6.pdf, M0747301LMPLI091009Packing_list_PS1_cnt.7.pdf, M07473_Delivery_Overview__PS1.xls

10/9/2009 2:31:24 PM (17330B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> nyoshiyasu@frontier-dri ll.com; [email protected]:M08533 Bully 1 & Bully 2 Lankhorst Mouldings 7/31/2009 9:58:45 AM (52546B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Max Goodman:M08533 Bull y 1 & Bully 2 Lankhorst Mouldings 12/1/2009 11:08:48 AM (1425141B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Chris Bailey:M07473 FW: ASC: Revised TJ Assembly Drawing Converting M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.PDF (1403KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): M07473Z05_TJOINT_PROTECTION_SYSTEM.PDF 12/2/2009 10:39:13 AM (58308B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Maj Bassey; Peter Gric e; John Chircop; David Smallwood:M08533-01 Bully 1 transport - inspection 12/3/2009 9:04:01 AM (67354B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Max Goodman:M08533-01 B ully 1 transport - inspection 12/7/2009 7:12:39 AM (5328560B) Heida, Klaas Johan -> [email protected] om; Maj Bassey:RE: M08533-01 Bully 1 transport - inspection Converting Report_Atlas_bully_1.pdf (5292KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Report_Atlas_bully_1.pdf 12/8/2009 8:55:20 AM (4427134B) Heida, Klaas Johan -> [email protected] om; Maj Bassey:RE: M08533-01 Bully 1 transport - inspection Converting Report_Atlas_bully_1_signed_off_load_list.pdf (4385KB) attach ment 1 attachment(s): Report_Atlas_bully_1_signed_off_load_list.pdf 3/5/2010 2:31:21 PM (6485B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> [email protected]:Pi ctures Riser Joint 3/19/2010 9:54:15 AM (188713B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Bill Goodman:M07473 Mo dification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SD01_FIXING_RING _M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M074 73SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf 3/22/2010 3:31:26 PM (6369B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> [email protected]:I nstallation Riserfins 4/6/2010 6:01:34 AM (67725B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Bill Goodman:M07473 Modi fication Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 5:42:44 PM (8129B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> [email protected]:Re: Q uote #1480 4/13/2010 3:59:57 AM (67176B) Esselbrugge, Martin -> Teri Breckenridge; Bill Goodman:M07473 RE: Lankhorst Quote #1480 Converting Est1480fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1480fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/16/2010 12:51:04 PM (388636B) Dushinske, Mike -> [email protected]:La nkhorst Mouldings OTC Party Converting Invitation_LANKHORST_OTC_PARTY_2010_M.pdf (377KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Invitation_LANKHORST_OTC_PARTY_2010_M.pdf *** READING 109 message(s) in mail folder 'DMAC Construction' at 5/16/2010 11:03 :23 AM: 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (1324472B) -> [email protected]; maxg1945@ear thlink.net:BUILDING APPROVALS Converting 09RSIA21P2.pdf (1321KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 09RSIA21P2.pdf 1/25/2010 11:20:00 AM (176493B) Tom Marrow -> Fran Sterlin; Bill Goodman; La nce McIntyre; Kyle Burgess:RSI- ELEV. Revised for standing seam at offices Converting 09RSIA31P4.pdf (167KB) attachment Converting ATT00034.htm (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 09RSIA31P4.pdf, ATT00034.htm

1/23/2010 1:23:11 PM (16490B) Tom Marrow -> [email protected]:R e: RSI- PLANS & Background 1/23/2010 11:44:14 AM (2405289B) Tom Marrow -> Lance McIntyre; Fran Sterlin; Bill Goodman; Kyle Burgess:RSI- PLANS & Background Skipping attachment 09RSI100122Background.zip because it is a Windows .z ip file Converting 09RSIA11P2.pdf (423KB) attachment Converting ATT00010.txt (0KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA21P4.pdf (213KB) attachment Converting ATT00013.txt (0KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA31P3.pdf (167KB) attachment Converting ATT00016.txt (0KB) attachment Converting ATT00019.txt (0KB) attachment 7 attachment(s): 09RSIA11P2.pdf, ATT00010.txt, 09RSIA21P4.pdf, ATT00013. txt, 09RSIA31P3.pdf, ATT00016.txt, ATT00019.txt 1/20/2010 10:43:00 PM (19962B) Tom Marrow -> 'Bill Goodman'; fran.cnswelding @sbcglobal.net; [email protected]:RE: RSI- Approval to proceed with Permit drawings 1/20/2010 10:06:56 PM (17568B) Tom Marrow -> 'Bill Goodman'; lmcintyre@dmacc onstruction.net:RE: RSI- Approval to proceed with Permit drawings 1/18/2010 5:16:34 PM (29307B) Tom Marrow -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Bill Goodman' :RE: Risers-tig room update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/27/2010 12:36:56 PM (10692B) [email protected] -> Fran Sterli n:Re: Risers-Tig Room req's 1/26/2010 7:18:38 PM (7136B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman: Risers-meeting Thursday 1/23/2010 12:39:34 PM (11982B) [email protected] -> Tom Marrow - Work; Fran Sterlin; Bill Goodman; Kyle Burgess:Re: RSI- PLANS & Background 1/21/2010 10:13:36 AM (18670B) Lance McIntyre -> [email protected] m; 'Bill Goodman':RE: RSI- Approval to proceed with Permit drawings 1/19/2010 6:37:22 PM (5944B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman: Risers-meeting tomorrow 1/19/2010 5:02:01 PM (183328B) Kyle Burgess -> 'Lance McIntyre'; Tom Marrow; Bill Goodman:Risers - 1.19.10 Meeting Minutes.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional Converting 1.19.10_Meeting_Minutes.pdf (165KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 1.19.10_Meeting_Minutes.pdf, image003.jpg 1/19/2010 3:06:28 PM (15800B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-windlo ad design Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/18/2010 12:44:03 PM (20558B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-t ig room update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/18/2010 9:45:20 AM (15928B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-tig ro om update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/14/2010 2:23:36 PM (185867B) Kyle Burgess -> 'Lance McIntyre'; Tom Marrow; Bill Goodman:Risers - 1.14.10 Sketch Converting Risers_Sketch201001140001.PDF (76KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Sketch201001140001.PDF, image003.jpg 1/14/2010 10:53:12 AM (26923B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Bill Goodm an'; 'Lewis Charles':RE: Owner information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg

1/14/2010 9:20:41 AM (24990B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-ma rked up site plan 1/14/2010 8:43:38 AM (24862B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-ma rked up site plan 1/13/2010 5:06:47 PM (25531B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman :Re: Risers-marked up site plan 1/13/2010 3:42:20 PM (105618B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers-m arked up site plan Converting 20100113134302857.pdf (87KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100113134302857.pdf 1/13/2010 3:36:37 PM (616843B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-updat e on design Converting Risers.pdf (602KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers.pdf 1/13/2010 2:31:28 PM (19563B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Owner inf ormation Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/12/2010 10:28:08 AM (15615B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Owner inform ation Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/12/2010 9:32:29 AM (19265B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-ji b question Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 1/12/2010 9:20:33 AM (15115B) Lance McIntyre -> Bill Goodman:Risers-jib ques tion Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 12/22/2009 11:23:15 AM (16701B) [email protected] -> 'Bill Good man':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/22/2009 11:12:06 AM (303847B) [email protected] -> 'Bill Goo dman':FW: Risers - Sketch 12.15.09.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Sketch_12.15.09.pdf (289KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.jpg, Sketch_12.15.09.pdf 12/22/2009 9:59:34 AM (15054B) [email protected] -> 'Bill Goodm an':RE: Risers-alternate location 12/21/2009 4:42:02 PM (73665B) [email protected] -> 'Llarence T urner':Risers-alternate location Attachment had bad filename; for safety, did not save 12/19/2009 1:36:44 PM (9843B) [email protected] -> 'Bill Goodma n':Risers-site plan mark-up 12/18/2009 5:11:58 PM (6702B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman :Re: Risers Site Re-do 12/18/2009 2:00:02 PM (507367B) [email protected] -> 'Llarence Turner':Risers-alternate building location Converting Risers.pdf (498KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers.pdf 12/18/2009 1:08:17 PM (651665B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodm an:FW: Risers-pdf drawings Converting RisersInternationalPPLAT_Building_PPLAT_1.pdf (641KB) attachm ent 1 attachment(s): RisersInternationalPPLAT_Building_PPLAT_1.pdf 12/17/2009 9:24:05 AM (73293B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodma n:Risers- address for new project/misc Attachment had bad filename; for safety, did not save 12/15/2009 1:35:49 PM (8694B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman :Re: Risers-open side of building

12/14/2009 5:23:06 PM (73210B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodma n:Risers-open side of building Attachment had bad filename; for safety, did not save 10/15/2009 10:48:44 AM (33245B) Jason Ferris -> Bill Goodman:New Facility qu ote Converting Risers_Inc._bid_rev._101509.pdf (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Inc._bid_rev._101509.pdf 1/27/2010 6:17:32 PM (2506389B) Tom Marrow -> [email protected] ; 'Kyle Burgess'; [email protected]; [email protected]:RSI- Rev ised PDF's Converting 09RSIA24P1.pdf (223KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA25P1.pdf (246KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA31P4.pdf (226KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA52P1.pdf (397KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA53P1.pdf (266KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA61P1.pdf (467KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA11P3.pdf (427KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA21P5.pdf (239KB) attachment 8 attachment(s): 09RSIA24P1.pdf, 09RSIA25P1.pdf, 09RSIA31P4.pdf, 09RSIA5 2P1.pdf, 09RSIA53P1.pdf, 09RSIA61P1.pdf, 09RSIA11P3.pdf, 09RSIA21P5.pdf 2/1/2010 4:18:40 PM (12824B) Tom Marrow -> [email protected]; ' Kyle Burgess'; [email protected]; [email protected]:RE: RSI - P lease see attached updated backgrounds and PDF of the Permit Drawings 2/1/2010 4:16:32 PM (6104811B) Tom Marrow -> [email protected]; 'Kyle Burgess'; [email protected]; [email protected]:RSI - Ple ase see attached updated backgrounds and PDF of the Permit Drawings Skipping attachment 09RSIBackgroundR0100201.zip because it is a Windows .zip file Converting 09RSIA51R0.pdf (320KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA52R0.pdf (425KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA53R0.pdf (280KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA61R0.pdf (498KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA11R0.pdf (648KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA21R0.pdf (255KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA24R0.pdf (246KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA25R0.pdf (269KB) attachment Converting 09RSIA31R0.pdf (244KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): 09RSIA51R0.pdf, 09RSIA52R0.pdf, 09RSIA53R0.pdf, 09RSIA6 1R0.pdf, 09RSIA11R0.pdf, 09RSIA21R0.pdf, 09RSIA24R0.pdf, 09RSIA25R0.pdf, 09RSIA3 1R0.pdf 2/3/2010 1:59:25 PM (10683B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin'; 'Bill Goodman ':RE: rest rooms 2/4/2010 10:06:58 AM (331309B) Youngson Lei -> [email protected]:RSI- T AS Registration Q's Converting RSITDLR_Registration.pdf (313KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RSITDLR_Registration.pdf 2/4/2010 12:48:36 PM (14802B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: rest room s 2/8/2010 2:43:32 PM (16004B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-pricing update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/9/2010 4:22:46 PM (7022B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman; Fran Sterlin:Risers-forklift and equipment specs 2/10/2010 9:44:13 AM (8866B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-for klift and equipment specs 2/10/2010 7:27:44 PM (10660B) [email protected] -> Fran Sterlin :Re: Risers-forklift and equipment specs 2/11/2010 2:09:08 PM (11251B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: 2/11/2010 2:11:04 PM (10112B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers-ci

ty planning letter 2/12/2010 11:00:11 AM (15455B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodma n:Re: 2/16/2010 11:46:59 AM (5870B) Terry Nehls -> [email protected]:Contact Info 2/16/2010 4:28:14 PM (388734B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-desig n invoice Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers.pdf (371KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Risers.pdf 2/19/2010 1:53:07 PM (1801174B) Kyle Burgess -> Bill Goodman:Risers Warehous e - Prelim Sketch Converting Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf (879KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf, image003.jpg 2/19/2010 3:41:35 PM (2589527B) Kyle Burgess -> Bill Goodman:Risers Whse Ske tch - Full Set.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional Converting Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Professional. pdf (1278KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Profess ional.pdf, image003.jpg 2/22/2010 3:30:04 PM (15521B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; monique.carr [email protected]:RE: 2/23/2010 2:16:09 PM (16090B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-water line information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/23/2010 2:54:21 PM (31208B) Kyle Burgess -> Bill Goodman:Risers Warehouse - Fork Lift Converting image003.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image003.jpg 2/23/2010 3:44:09 PM (37791B) Jerome, Monique -> 'Bill Goodman'; 'Lance McIn tyre':RE: 2/24/2010 1:37:56 PM (16116B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Llarence Turner':RE: 2/24/2010 3:19:20 PM (22408B) Kyle Burgess -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers Ware house - Fork Lift Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/24/2010 3:39:21 PM (22947B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman :Re: Risers-water line information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/24/2010 5:47:16 PM (5960B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman: Risers-plan 2/25/2010 8:40:54 AM (544973B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RisersConverting SitePlanRisersInternational_PPLAT_1.pdf (533KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SitePlanRisersInternational_PPLAT_1.pdf 2/25/2010 11:29:27 AM (5302248B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers International Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting PP_Risers_International_Action_Report_022510.doc (5282KB) att achment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, PP_Risers_International_Action_Report_022 510.doc 2/25/2010 1:20:16 PM (15170B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-kelly kaluza's office Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/25/2010 3:04:12 PM (718170B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers I

nternational Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting SitePlanRisersInternational_GRADING_1.pdf (697KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, SitePlanRisersInternational_GRADING_1.pdf 2/25/2010 4:21:16 PM (1306303B) Llarence Turner -> Lance McIntyre; bgoodman@ risersinc.com:FW: Risers International Subdivision Plat Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image001.wmz (3KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image006.png (53KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting GIS_view.JPG (149KB) attachment Converting LNO10.036.pdf (59KB) attachment Converting RisersInternationalPlat.pdf (1000KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image004.gif, image005.jpg, image001.wmz, image005.gif, image006.png, image007.jpg, GIS_view.JPG, LNO10.036.pdf, RisersInternationalPla t.pdf 2/25/2010 4:28:01 PM (89399B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Llarence Turner'; bgoodman@ risersinc.com:RE: Risers International Subdivision Plat Converting image002.wmz (3KB) attachment Converting image003.png (4KB) attachment Converting image004.png (53KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (6KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image002.wmz, image003.png, image004.png, image005.jpg 2/26/2010 11:31:55 AM (21923B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodma n:Re: Risers-kelly kaluza's office Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/26/2010 12:57:38 PM (16735B) Lance McIntyre -> Bill Goodman:Risers-invoice for design work Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/26/2010 2:52:19 PM (17251B) Lance McIntyre -> Bill Goodman:Risers-pricing on build-out/drainage issue Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/1/2010 1:27:03 PM (118760B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-Wareho use Budget Summary Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary.pdf (101KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary.pdf 3/2/2010 4:02:23 PM (15921B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-address for existing buildings Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 4:12:42 PM (19180B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-add ress for existing buildings Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 4:19:31 PM (19116B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-add ress for existing buildings Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 4:32:49 PM (19179B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-add ress for existing buildings Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 5:48:07 PM (6474B) [email protected] -> Fran Sterlin:R isers-gas demand

3/3/2010 12:44:00 PM (34232B) Lance McIntyre -> Tom Marrow; 'Bill Goodman':F W: Riser's 3/3/2010 2:02:02 PM (19606B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Llarance Turner'; 'Bill Good man':Rissers-meeting minutes Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/5/2010 2:41:28 PM (18482B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; monique.carro [email protected]:RE: 3/8/2010 9:12:20 AM (146957B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers Wh se - Revised Budget Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary_3.5.10.pdf (121KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary_3.5.10.pd f 3/9/2010 9:48:02 AM (11337B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Risers Int ernational - Resubmittal Due 3/15/10 3/11/2010 8:39:04 AM (11915B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Schedule Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/12/2010 9:36:45 AM (13772B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Risers-ga s demand 3/16/2010 10:08:55 AM (13075B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-septi c system application Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/17/2010 9:42:06 AM (707609B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; Fran Sterli ng:RISERS - ELECTRICAL PDF Converting E4.pdf (219KB) attachment Converting E1.pdf (79KB) attachment Converting E2.pdf (63KB) attachment Converting E3.pdf (134KB) attachment Converting Risers_Area_AA.pdf (102KB) attachment Converting Risers_Area_A.pdf (90KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): E4.pdf, E1.pdf, E2.pdf, E3.pdf, Risers_Area_AA.pdf, Ris ers_Area_A.pdf 3/17/2010 10:03:39 AM (2186031B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; Fran Ster ling:FW: Risers International - Mechanical Files - Review 01 Skipping attachment RISERSINTERNATIONALMECH01.zip because it is a Window s .zip file 3/18/2010 12:24:31 PM (13632B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; Fran Sterli ng:Risers-air compressor location Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/18/2010 1:57:11 PM (13137B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; fran.cnsweld [email protected]:Risers-air compressor location 3/19/2010 9:20:37 AM (424574B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterlin':RE: Risers-f orklift and equipment specs Skipping attachment ATT00230.eml_404_KB.msg because it is a Windows .msg file 3/19/2010 9:25:32 AM (23018B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterling':RE: Risers-f orklift and equipment specs 3/19/2010 9:50:06 AM (43667B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Fran Sterling'; 'Bill Goodm an':RE: Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (6KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg 3/30/2010 5:19:36 PM (6174B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman: Risers-lienholder 3/30/2010 7:05:40 PM (7512B) [email protected] -> Bill Goodman: Re: Risers-lienholder

3/31/2010 8:54:06 AM (9175B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-lie nholder 3/31/2010 9:00:22 AM (11163B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':RE: Risers-li enholder 3/31/2010 9:28:03 AM (5302345B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Revised Risers Report Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting FP_Risers_International_Action_Report_032510.doc (5282KB) att achment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, FP_Risers_International_Action_Report_032 510.doc 3/31/2010 9:32:12 AM (1029057B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman'; kgrigar@te xascitizensbank.com:Risers-lienholder Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting RisersInternationalFPLATcad2000_FINAL_1.pdf (1011KB) attachme nt 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, RisersInternationalFPLATcad2000_FINAL_1.p df 3/31/2010 9:49:35 AM (12893B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':FW: Llarance Turner Converting Llarance_Turner.vcf (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Llarance_Turner.vcf 4/6/2010 4:42:21 PM (22192B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-septic system Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 4/15/2010 8:26:45 AM (13168B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-permit submittal Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/7/2010 2:39:35 PM (16061B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':Risers-release phase II Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 5/11/2010 12:50:35 PM (16024B) Lance McIntyre -> 'Bill Goodman':gerflor Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg *** READING 13 message(s) in mail folder 'GE OIL & Gas' at 5/16/2010 11:05:44 AM : 4/19/2010 11:22:50 AM (25332B) Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> Bil l Goodman:RE: Transocean Discoverer India- Risers- Harry Vadel Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/19/2010 10:57:52 AM (9833B) Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> bgoo [email protected]:Transocean Discoverer India- Risers- Harry Vadel 4/30/2010 10:33:14 AM (332952B) DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas) -> bg [email protected]:New Supplier Forms Converting New_Supplier_Request_form.xls (67KB) attachment Converting W9.pdf (256KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): New_Supplier_Request_form.xls, W9.pdf 4/30/2010 12:19:36 PM (11141B) DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas) -> bgo [email protected]:FW: Scope of work 4/30/2010 3:37:21 PM (303722B) DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas) -> Bil l Goodman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting doc2269388.doc (285KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, doc2269388.doc 4/30/2010 4:33:24 PM (27055B) DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas) -> Bill Goodman:RE: New Supplier Forms

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 5/3/2010 3:07:32 PM (199151B) DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas) -> Bill Goodman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting riser.PDF (166KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, riser.PDF 5/6/2010 10:47:52 AM (26890B) Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> bgoodm [email protected]:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 12:59:23 PM (9423B) Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> bgood [email protected]:Transocean 3505: 14 risers available for pickup 5/6/2010 2:21:05 PM (33746B) Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> Bill Go odman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 3:04:27 PM (42951B) Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> Bill Go odman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 5:02:23 PM (52473B) Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> Bill Go odman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 5:17:33 PM (56349B) Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas) -> Bill Go odman:RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Outbox' because it contains no mail messages *** READING 506 message(s) in mail folder 'Sent Items' at 5/16/2010 11:05:51 AM: 2/4/2010 10:32:15 AM (6839B) Bill Goodman -> Max Goodman:FW: A friend has re commended an ad 2/4/2010 3:00:17 PM (6060B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Equ ipment for sale. 2/4/2010 3:26:53 PM (290215B) Bill Goodman -> 'Youngson Lei': Converting RSITDLR_Registration.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (287KB) attac hment 1 attachment(s): RSITDLR_Registration.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 2/4/2010 4:44:48 PM (14308B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson':RE: quote on W5 500 2/5/2010 9:41:41 AM (4198B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Blast cleaning of inserts 2/5/2010 9:42:14 AM (3994B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':RE: Blast cleanin g of inserts 2/5/2010 9:46:23 AM (19875B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson':RE: quote on W5 500 2/5/2010 11:27:27 AM (24109B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson':RE: quote on W 5500 2/5/2010 3:55:44 PM (161945B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Repa ir Estimate and notes below Converting image002.gif (5KB) attachment Converting image001.png (8KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (5KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.png, image003.jpg, image004.gif 2/5/2010 8:34:02 PM (32625B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; 'et [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 't

[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'rkatts @sbcglobal.net'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'mmcdermott@memberh omeloan.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'markmckin [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'george.adkins@wo rthaminsurance.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'dgalasso@stp eterskaty.org'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'cstanner80@g mail.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'bhakala@armorhol dings.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/5/2010 9:27:04 PM (52421B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'royd.graham@ac ademy.com'; 'danny meyer'; 'MMcKinley'; 'shebcotter'; 'ethanbryan'; 'drcrab'; 't onyd'; 'rkatts'; 'phil'; 'necton'; 'mmcdermott'; 'mhammond'; 'Mikel Beyers'; 'ma rkmckinley'; 'marcialmartinez'; 'jordanlstevens'; 'james_lyndon_taylor'; 'jamess chumacher'; 'George Adkins'; '[email protected]'; 'fon96'; 'dgalasso'; ' corylebouf'; 'cstanner80'; 'chucklafferty'; 'newcanaan01'; 'bhakala'; 'Brad Lyon '; 'wgoodman5'; 'mrbill6761'; 'krahome':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/5/2010 9:29:06 PM (37835B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/5/2010 9:30:22 PM (57086B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; 'Jimmy Botter'; ' [email protected]'; 'danny meyer'; 'MMcKinley'; 'shebcotter'; 'ethanbryan' ; 'drcrab'; 'tonyd'; 'rkatts'; 'phil'; 'necton'; 'mmcdermott'; 'mhammond'; 'Mike l Beyers'; 'markmckinley'; 'marcialmartinez'; 'jordanlstevens'; 'james_lyndon_ta ylor'; 'jamesschumacher'; 'George Adkins'; '[email protected]'; 'fon96'; 'dgalasso'; 'corylebouf'; 'cstanner80'; 'chucklafferty'; 'newcanaan01'; 'bhakal a'; 'Brad Lyon'; 'wgoodman5'; 'mrbill6761'; 'krahome':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/5/2010 9:53:56 PM (64930B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'jimmy @katyvolleyball.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'shebcott [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'tonyd@extre metix.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Mikel.Beyers@usfo od.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jordanlstev [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'fon96@aol. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] om'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'bhakala@armorholdings. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Fr iday Ball is Back! 2/5/2010 9:55:02 PM (52414B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter'; 'royd.graham@ac ademy.com'; 'danny meyer'; 'MMcKinley'; 'shebcotter'; 'ethanbryan'; 'drcrab'; 't onyd'; 'rkatts'; 'phil'; 'necton'; 'mmcdermott'; 'mhammond'; 'Mikel Beyers'; 'ma rkmckinley'; 'marcialmartinez'; 'jordanlstevens'; 'james_lyndon_taylor'; 'jamess chumacher'; 'George Adkins'; '[email protected]'; 'fon96'; 'dgalasso'; ' corylebouf'; 'cstanner80'; 'chucklafferty'; 'newcanaan01'; 'bhakala'; 'Brad Lyon '; 'wgoodman5'; 'mrbill6761'; 'krahome':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/7/2010 7:18:50 PM (28195B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson':RE: quote on W5 500 2/9/2010 10:02:43 AM (8906B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: holloway houst on 2/9/2010 10:05:39 AM (34881B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson':RE: quote on W 5500 2/9/2010 10:06:54 AM (14422B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chastit y Lamb; 'Shawn Staley'; Justin West:FW: Why parents drink 2/9/2010 10:09:18 AM (19516B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Lewis Charl es'; 'Fran Sterlin'; 'max goodmanmax':RE: Risers-pricing update Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/9/2010 10:18:53 AM (21837B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Funds Receiv ed 2/9/2010 10:59:29 AM (146318B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Steph

anie Valdez'; Chastity Lamb:FW: riser weighting Converting RISERINC.doc (134KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERINC.doc 2/9/2010 11:00:59 AM (8748B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Neptune MArine 2/9/2010 2:43:01 PM (8287B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton'; 'Teri Breckenridge ':RE: Purchase Order 5722 2/9/2010 2:49:58 PM (43914B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Lim'; 'Max Goodman'; 'Ti na Pilgreen':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/10/2010 9:32:29 AM (66165B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen'; 'Shawn Lim'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/10/2010 9:42:20 AM (3698B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':RE: Risers-forklift and equipment specs 2/10/2010 11:22:20 AM (5536808B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipmen t of riser buoyancies Converting Personal_Pictures_005.jpg (2716KB) attachment Converting Personal_Pictures_004.jpg (2739KB) attachment Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Personal_Pictures_005.jpg, Personal_Pictures_004.jpg, i mage001.jpg 2/10/2010 11:39:32 AM (21248B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jimm y Botter'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'danny meyer'; 'MMcK inley'; 'shebcotter'; 'drcrab'; 'tonyd'; 'rkatts'; 'phil'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'mmcder mott'; 'mhammond'; 'Mikel Beyers'; 'markmckinley'; 'marcialmartinez'; 'jordanlst evens'; 'james_lyndon_taylor'; 'jamesschumacher'; 'George Adkins'; 'gabe.thornto [email protected]'; 'fon96'; 'dgalasso'; 'corylebouf'; 'cstanner80'; 'chucklafferty' ; 'newcanaan01'; 'bhakala'; 'wgoodman5'; 'mrbill6761':RE: Anybody wanna play tom orrow? 2/10/2010 2:21:14 PM (135936B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; Shawn Staley:R E: BOP paint Converting RI_10000_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf (111KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RI_10000_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf 2/10/2010 2:23:30 PM (161252B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Repair Esti mate and notes below Converting image002.gif (5KB) attachment Converting image001.png (8KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (5KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.png, image003.jpg, image004.gif 2/10/2010 3:01:42 PM (33532B) Bill Goodman -> 'Neil Ecton'; 'ethanbryan@gmai l.com'; '[email protected]'; 'Jimmy Botter'; '[email protected]'; 'danny meyer'; 'MMcKinley'; 'shebcotter'; 'drcrab'; 'tonyd'; 'rkatts'; 'phil'; 'mmcderm ott'; 'mhammond'; 'Mikel Beyers'; 'markmckinley'; 'marcialmartinez'; 'jordanlste vens'; 'james_lyndon_taylor'; 'jamesschumacher'; 'George Adkins'; 'gabe.thornton @academy.com'; 'fon96'; 'dgalasso'; 'corylebouf'; 'cstanner80'; 'chucklafferty'; 'newcanaan01'; 'bhakala'; 'wgoodman5'; 'mrbill6761':RE: Anybody wanna play tomo rrow? 2/10/2010 3:05:25 PM (836325B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersi nc.com':FW: quote on W5500 Converting W5500001.jpg (824KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): W5500001.jpg 2/10/2010 3:18:26 PM (403815B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] et': Converting te520m.pdf (401KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): te520m.pdf 2/11/2010 8:28:31 AM (24810B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Anybo dy wanna play tomorrow?

2/11/2010 9:47:06 AM (29232B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Anybo dy wanna play tomorrow? 2/11/2010 9:48:57 AM (13436B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: Telescopic joint for Neptune Marine 2/11/2010 11:09:39 AM (1479459B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':Contact information Converting ExampleInspection_report.pdf (1469KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): ExampleInspection_report.pdf 2/12/2010 10:54:21 AM (771912B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justene Goodman'; Justene A . Goodman ([email protected]); [email protected]:FW: Vonage Visual Voice mail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (764KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 2/12/2010 10:55:44 AM (10604B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rich Anderson'; Chastity Lam b:RE: Dallas Today 2/12/2010 10:56:16 AM (11048B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: 2/12/2010 1:07:11 PM (951087B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':FW: Converting 20100212122155142.pdf (943KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212122155142.pdf 2/12/2010 1:19:41 PM (7694B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Remaining Floa tation Moudules for Frontier 2/12/2010 2:45:08 PM (65929B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RAX inventory list 1101-01.xlsx Converting RAX_inventory_list_110101.xlsx (62KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RAX_inventory_list_110101.xlsx 2/12/2010 2:46:45 PM (26240B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jimmy Botter'; 'Ron Crabtree'; 'Tony DiCamillo'; 'Sheb Cotter'; 'Royd Graham'; 'Ray'; 'Phil'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Mike McDermott'; 'Mike Hammond'; 'Mike Beyers'; 'Mark Mc Kinley'; 'Mark McKinley'; 'Marcial Martinez'; 'Jordan Stevens'; 'Jim Taylor'; 'J ames Schumacher'; 'George Adkins'; 'Gabe Thornton'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'David Ga lasso'; 'Danny Meyer'; 'Cory'; 'Chuck Tanner'; 'Chuck Lafferty'; 'Charles home P ulliam'; 'Bryan Hakala'; 'Brad'; 'Will Goodman'; 'Bill Freund'; 'Keith Andrews'; 'Martin Becerra':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/12/2010 7:44:38 PM (28121B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Taylor'; 'ethanbryan@gmai l.com'; 'Mr Bill':RE: Friday Ball is Back! 2/15/2010 9:39:05 AM (19221B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lugo, Michael / Kuehne + Nage l / Hou EO'; 'Ian Rutherford'; 'Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO':RE: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 2/15/2010 9:46:10 AM (148118B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; Chastity Lamb; '[email protected]':FW: Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/15/2010 9:52:06 AM (5467B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Business Cards 2/15/2010 9:55:03 AM (65543B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen'; 'Shawn Lim'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/15/2010 10:02:08 AM (61558B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':F W: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/15/2010 4:25:10 PM (15039B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: 3 EA RISE RS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 2/15/2010 4:43:43 PM (9489B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Late Delivery 2/16/2010 10:02:21 AM (79286B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Neputne Riser w eights Converting riserweightcerts21610.pdf (76KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): riserweightcerts21610.pdf 2/16/2010 2:18:50 PM (148750B) Bill Goodman -> 'Terry Nehls':FW:

Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/16/2010 2:19:34 PM (127685B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Bouyancy Module Production Schedule Rev 21- Matrix Converting Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf (57KB) attachmen t Converting Pride_Production_scheduleREV_21.pdf (55KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf, Pride_Pro duction_scheduleREV_21.pdf 2/16/2010 2:19:50 PM (14987B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Bouyancy Module Production Schedule Rev 21- Matrix 2/16/2010 2:20:47 PM (10756B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: signature ca rds 2/16/2010 2:21:44 PM (16930B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Drawing for the 3505 2/16/2010 4:28:52 PM (338489B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@ sleh.com); 'Justene Goodman':FW: Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (330KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 2/16/2010 4:32:46 PM (393220B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':FW: Risers-desi gn invoice Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers.pdf (371KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Risers.pdf 2/17/2010 9:40:12 AM (12003B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'maxg1945@earth link.net'; '[email protected]':RE: Transocean 2/17/2010 9:48:51 AM (152964B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/17/2010 9:53:19 AM (153033B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/17/2010 9:58:53 AM (5510B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Computer 2/17/2010 12:42:09 PM (150419B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]': Converting 20100212144655034.pdf (140KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 20100212144655034.pdf 2/17/2010 3:55:46 PM (71886B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment o f riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/17/2010 4:10:44 PM (80412B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment o f riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/17/2010 4:25:35 PM (117814B) Bill Goodman -> 'Darryl Garcia':RE: SONGA RIS ER ACCT#109900 Converting Binder1.pdf (104KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Binder1.pdf 2/17/2010 4:27:04 PM (5864B) Bill Goodman -> Danny Campbell:Driller Riser Jo ints 2/18/2010 9:29:20 AM (3136B) Bill Goodman -> 'Randy Visage':RE: Quote 1013 2/18/2010 11:00:08 AM (109250B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford': Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.xlsx (64KB) attachment Converting FLOATATION_MODULE_LOG.xls (32KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.xlsx, FLOATATION_MODULE_LOG .xls 2/18/2010 2:35:25 PM (67289B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Emailing: PRI DE inventory list 1101-01#2

Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_1101012.xlsx (64KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_1101012.xlsx 2/19/2010 10:12:59 AM (6093B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Neptu ne Job#1050 2/19/2010 10:17:30 AM (10021B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':RE: Riser Intern ational 2/19/2010 1:34:55 PM (4772B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Quote 1013 2/19/2010 1:50:05 PM (2158905B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Ris er Weights certificates Converting 1050weights.pdf (2153KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1050weights.pdf 2/19/2010 2:00:25 PM (454756B) Bill Goodman -> 'Risa'; 'Shawn Staley'; Engin eering:RE: CERTS Converting 1067weightcert.pdf (436KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 1067weightcert.pdf 2/19/2010 3:16:32 PM (886169B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kyle Burgess': Converting Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf (883KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Whse_Sketch__Full_Set.pdf 2/19/2010 3:38:42 PM (120334B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:1050 Converting Quote1316.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (116KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Quote1316.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 2/19/2010 3:41:20 PM (70893B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Ris er Int'l Job#1050 Converting Quote1316.pdf (59KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Quote1316.pdf 2/21/2010 9:55:00 PM (2838829B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Request for quote Converting DSC00591.JPG (762KB) attachment Converting DSC00588.JPG (741KB) attachment Converting DSC00589.JPG (654KB) attachment Converting DSC00590.JPG (660KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSC00591.JPG, DSC00588.JPG, DSC00589.JPG, DSC00590.JPG 2/21/2010 10:01:14 PM (2838679B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Re quest for quote Converting DSC00591.JPG (762KB) attachment Converting DSC00588.JPG (741KB) attachment Converting DSC00589.JPG (654KB) attachment Converting DSC00590.JPG (660KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): DSC00591.JPG, DSC00588.JPG, DSC00589.JPG, DSC00590.JPG 2/21/2010 10:36:02 PM (47455B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE : Maplewood - corporate logo Converting RISERS_INTERNATIONAL.jpg (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERS_INTERNATIONAL.jpg 2/22/2010 9:55:31 AM (38808B) Bill Goodman -> 'Kenneth Bybjerg'; 'Colin J. D ey'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Quote from Risers International, Inc. 2/22/2010 10:05:35 AM (14242B) Bill Goodman -> 'Danny Campbell'; 'Jeffrey Bo wman'; 'Ray Dunn':RE: Driller Riser Joints 2/22/2010 10:07:05 AM (5244B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey'; 'clewis6101@sbcg lobal.net':Assembly 2/22/2010 10:13:37 AM (19472B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jeffrey Bowman'; 'Danny Camp bell'; 'Ray Dunn':RE: Driller Riser Joints 2/22/2010 10:45:31 AM (14130B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Maplewood corporate logo 2/23/2010 9:03:08 AM (5092B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jimmy Botter':RE: mission proj ect 2/23/2010 9:06:45 AM (23789B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jerome, Monique'; 'Lance McIn tyre':RE: 2/23/2010 10:15:16 AM (82187B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies

Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/23/2010 10:41:59 AM (92542B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment of riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/23/2010 2:59:16 PM (7603B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:1119-01 Nuts and Bolts 2/23/2010 3:35:33 PM (30968B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jerome, Monique'; 'Lance McIn tyre':RE: 2/24/2010 9:44:33 AM (3456B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Past due invoices 2/24/2010 2:16:08 PM (16243B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':RE: Risers Warehouse - Fork Lift Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/24/2010 2:19:04 PM (17800B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-wa ter line information Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/24/2010 2:16:34 PM (17240B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: 1119-01 Nuts and Bolts 2/26/2010 11:14:40 AM (544202B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Rise rsConverting SitePlanRisersInternational_PPLAT_1.pdf (533KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SitePlanRisersInternational_PPLAT_1.pdf 2/26/2010 11:17:33 AM (21066B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: PO and Packing L ist needed 2/26/2010 11:18:28 AM (627369B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teddie Jackman':RE: PO and Packing List needed Converting QUOTE_1262C_shipping_list.pdf (601KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): QUOTE_1262C_shipping_list.pdf 2/26/2010 11:13:58 AM (127010B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':FW: Shipment of riser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting Shippers_Letter_of_Instructions_2010c.xlsm (33KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Shippers_Letter_of_Instructions_2010c.xls m 2/26/2010 11:12:14 AM (5305643B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chas tity Lamb:FW: Risers International Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting PP_Risers_International_Action_Report_022510.doc (5282KB) att achment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, PP_Risers_International_Action_Report_022 510.doc 2/26/2010 11:14:15 AM (18590B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; Chastity La mb:RE: Risers-kelly kaluza's office Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/26/2010 11:18:54 AM (717867B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Rise rs International Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting SitePlanRisersInternational_GRADING_1.pdf (697KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, SitePlanRisersInternational_GRADING_1.pdf 2/26/2010 11:13:41 AM (14545B) Bill Goodman -> 'Alan Clendenen':RE: Price an d delivery 2/26/2010 11:21:02 AM (37123B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: MATRIX / KN AUS TRALIA ON HAND REPORT & shipments status report as of 19-feb-10 Skipping attachment MODULEShipment_Tracking_Sheet_12022010.zip because i t is a Windows .zip file

2/26/2010 11:22:36 AM (51793B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Risers-kell y kaluza's office Converting grad.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image0011.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting smile22.gif (20KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): grad.jpg, image0011.jpg, smile22.gif 2/26/2010 12:51:48 PM (53473B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Risers-kell y kaluza's office Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (20KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 2/26/2010 2:12:31 PM (91606B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment o f riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 2/26/2010 2:38:18 PM (99902B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':RE: Shipment o f riser buoyancies Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/1/2010 9:36:39 AM (5182B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Latest Shipment 10 x Containers APL India 3/1/2010 9:59:04 AM (100689B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford': Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.pdf (97KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.pdf 3/2/2010 9:58:28 AM (4850B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Charles Curtis Con tact 3/2/2010 10:10:37 AM (210193B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: Converting PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.xls (192KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_inventory_list_110101.xls 3/2/2010 10:12:26 AM (316020B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Steph anie Valdez'; Chastity Lamb; '[email protected]'; Shawn Staley; Justin We st; Shipping: CHEER UP YOUR WORK PLACE Converting IMAGE.jpeg (29KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (22KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (24KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (36KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (49KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (43KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (18KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (17KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (24KB) attachment Converting IMAGE.jpeg (28KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE. jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg, IMAGE.jpeg 3/2/2010 10:13:43 AM (2909081B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Mi ssouri City Fence Co. Converting Risers_Int.pdf (2901KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Int.pdf 3/2/2010 2:56:14 PM (99203B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Shipment of ri ser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 3:56:19 PM (11650B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teddie Jackman':RE: Confirmati on of appointment 3/2/2010 4:05:55 PM (16367B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; Shipping:R E: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/2/2010 4:06:33 PM (17313B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-add ress for existing buildings

Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/3/2010 9:21:18 AM (21644B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-add ress for existing buildings Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/3/2010 2:26:23 PM (105119B) Bill Goodman -> 'Tina Pilgreen':FW: Shipment o f riser buoyancies / REF#: 1055-04 (LI-121503) Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/3/2010 2:39:09 PM (52899B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Tom Marrow': Risers Tech Welding and Fabrication 3/3/2010 2:40:13 PM (25384B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Llarance Tur ner':RE: Risers-meeting minutes Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.jpg 3/3/2010 2:42:12 PM (4426B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote # 2408 3/3/2010 2:42:34 PM (3032B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote # 2409 3/3/2010 2:43:03 PM (36995B) Bill Goodman -> 'Hakala, Brian L (US SSA)'; 'Mc Kinley, Mark (Houston)'; '[email protected]':RE: Thursday ball 3/3/2010 2:48:43 PM (127906B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Bouyancy Module P roduction Schedule Rev 21- Matrix Converting Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf (57KB) attachmen t Converting Pride_Production_scheduleREV_21.pdf (55KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Pride_High_level_capacity_schedule_Rev_I.pdf, Pride_Pro duction_scheduleREV_21.pdf 3/3/2010 2:50:17 PM (657038B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting Pride1101.pdf (638KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Pride1101.pdf 3/3/2010 2:52:38 PM (9406445B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Shims and fins I nstallation Procedures Skipping attachment M07473LMIMREV00.zip because it is a Windows .zip fil e 3/3/2010 2:55:56 PM (54840B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; Engineering; Ship ping; Justin West:FW: Pride QA Requirements Converting PrideQA_Requirements_for_Vendors.pdf (40KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PrideQA_Requirements_for_Vendors.pdf 3/3/2010 3:00:41 PM (38323B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:Riser inspection Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (6KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 3/3/2010 4:05:29 PM (14226B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teddie Jackman':RE: Risers Shi pment 3/3/2010 4:18:18 PM (6056B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Rolloff Trash Container 3/4/2010 8:39:09 AM (2685B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley':FW: Converting Larry_Fox.vcf (0KB) attachment Converting ATT00221.txt (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Larry_Fox.vcf, ATT00221.txt 3/4/2010 3:08:51 PM (60459B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; Shipping; Chastity Lamb:FW: ASC- PO 7102247- MR 6H SE Riser Joints- Wet Mag Converting Magnetic_Particle_Inspection_Procedure.pdf (43KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Magnetic_Particle_Inspection_Procedure.pdf 3/4/2010 3:11:20 PM (22775B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: ASC- PO 71022 47- MR 6H SE Riser Joints- Wet Mag

3/5/2010 3:19:38 PM (199161B) Bill Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin':RE: Pict ures Riser Joint Converting SDC10541.JPG (91KB) attachment Converting SDC10561.JPG (92KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): SDC10541.JPG, SDC10561.JPG 3/5/2010 3:19:38 PM (19301B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: 3/5/2010 3:19:38 PM (1118050B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'fran.cnswel [email protected]'; 'Max Goodman':RE: Fwd: Some Yacht ! Converting image001.jpg (132KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (123KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (104KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (129KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (94KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (104KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (97KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (111KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (113KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (84KB) attachment 10 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg , image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, image010 .jpg 3/5/2010 3:19:38 PM (4898B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: 1364C 3/5/2010 3:19:38 PM (18953B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'sharat.yempati@ thesubsea.com':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached 3/5/2010 4:15:55 PM (19259B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: 3/6/2010 11:34:34 PM (160184B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; 'Lewis Charles' ; Chastity Lamb: Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.png (125KB) attachment Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RISERSINTLINCLOGO.png, RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg 3/7/2010 8:21:04 AM (32125B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: ASC- PO 71 02247- MR 6H SE Riser Joints- Wet Mag Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/7/2010 11:01:15 AM (237969B) Bill Goodman -> Vincent Summa (vsumma@techcor r.com):FW: I Can Help Converting Dons_RESUME.pdf (227KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Dons_RESUME.pdf, image002.gif 3/7/2010 8:14:06 PM (25110B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Lim':RE: Riser bouyancy packing charge Converting image004.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image004.jpg, image003.gif 3/7/2010 8:14:55 PM (90047B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Teri Breckenrid ge':FW: Riser bouyancy packing charge Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting ES012010R0116.pdf (65KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, ES012010R0116.pdf, image002.gif 3/7/2010 8:49:49 PM (36970B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Lim':RE: Riser bouyancy packing charge Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.gif, image002.jpg, image001.gif 3/8/2010 10:30:32 AM (155333B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Max Goodman ':FW: Risers Whse - Revised Budget Converting image001.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary_3.5.10.pdf (121KB) attachment

Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, Risers_Warehouse_Budget_Summary_3.5.10.pd f, image002.gif 3/8/2010 2:29:53 PM (10253B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@sl eh.com):Nine Words Women Use 3/8/2010 2:29:32 PM (34852B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':FW: standar d terms Converting contract_for_Steph.docx (23KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): contract_for_Steph.docx, image001.gif 3/8/2010 3:10:50 PM (70588B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge': Converting WMGII_termsandconditionof_sale.pdf (67KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): WMGII_termsandconditionof_sale.pdf 3/9/2010 1:35:41 PM (14337B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: asc-po#706 1048 traceability sheet s/n 1277314 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/9/2010 11:51:51 AM (14646B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: asc-po#70 61048 traceability sheet s/n 1277314 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/9/2010 11:51:33 AM (55734B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: ASC,CLA, MEN, MOL - Shipment Tracker Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker.xls (41KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker.xls, image001.gif 3/9/2010 11:53:13 AM (15964B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers In ternational - Resubmittal Due 3/15/10 3/9/2010 11:51:06 AM (239954B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ruth Westra':FW: I Can Help Converting Dons_RESUME.pdf (227KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Dons_RESUME.pdf, image001.gif 3/9/2010 12:01:04 PM (21532B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ruth Westra':RE: I Can Help Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image003.gif 3/9/2010 1:56:05 PM (34743B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jerome, Monique'; 'Lance McInt yre':RE: 3/10/2010 3:00:39 PM (6144B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Toby Ke ith Tickets Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/10/2010 2:58:16 PM (44935B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jerome, Monique'; 'Bill Goodm an'; 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/10/2010 3:02:15 PM (20601B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis:FW: Email Addres ses Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/10/2010 2:59:34 PM (22284B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 3 EA RISERS FOR PRIDE INTERNATIONAL - READY FOR PICK UP -PO 1541391 - M36883 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/10/2010 2:57:36 PM (21419B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Email Addres ses Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/10/2010 2:59:58 PM (31613B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ruth Westra':RE: I Can Help Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image003.gif

3/10/2010 2:59:19 PM (8792B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Pride Inspection Job#1101-02 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/10/2010 2:58:48 PM (22346B) Bill Goodman -> 'Brad Schodek':RE: Risers Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/10/2010 2:59:08 PM (14557B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: NEPTUNE SHIPMENT Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/10/2010 4:27:21 PM (6024B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':Schedule Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/10/2010 4:38:54 PM (44439B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge'; 'Chastity Lamb'; Engineering; 'Shawn Staley':Emailing: Free Recipes Converting SMlogo.gif (14KB) attachment Converting transparent.gif (0KB) attachment Converting visit.gif_us1268260647 (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): SMlogo.gif, transparent.gif, visit.gif_us1268260647 3/10/2010 4:50:02 PM (66947B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Emai ling: Free Recipes Converting visit.gif_us1268260647 (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (14KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image006.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image007.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image008.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image009.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image010.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image011.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image012.gif (0KB) attachment 13 attachment(s): visit.gif_us1268260647, image001.gif, image002.gif, im age003.gif, image004.gif, image005.gif, image006.gif, image007.gif, image008.gif , image009.gif, image010.gif, image011.gif, image012.gif 3/11/2010 8:03:35 AM (19689B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice'; 'maxg1945@earth link.net':RE: Shipment of 7500ft modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/12/2010 2:35:42 PM (11771B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: S chedule Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/12/2010 10:35:50 AM (10562B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; Charles Lewis: RE: New P-II Risers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/12/2010 2:35:28 PM (11275B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: 1085-01 Bu lly Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/12/2010 2:48:56 PM (30758B) Bill Goodman -> 'Larry Levassar'; 'blyoninvest @cs.com':RE: Saturday 3/15/2010 10:29:25 AM (10200B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: 1101-01 pride inserts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif

3/15/2010 1:18:28 PM (20059B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: 1101-01 p ride inserts TH-IRU-21377 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/15/2010 3:44:54 PM (17069B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Attached Delivery order Converting 503591DO.pdf (6KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 503591DO.pdf, image001.gif 3/16/2010 2:14:17 PM (88955B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Submitting Comple ted Form Converting OSSFApplicationdistributed.pdf (87KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): OSSFApplicationdistributed.pdf 3/17/2010 10:21:39 AM (32789B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'D iCamillo, Tony':RE: Thursday Ball? Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/17/2010 1:51:35 PM (98891B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: PFS- 26 J oints MR 6C Riser Spread sheet Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/17/2010 1:56:19 PM (15335B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: da ily report 3/16/2010 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/17/2010 1:57:10 PM (10252B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: insurance Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/18/2010 2:53:07 PM (119311B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] t': Converting COMPRESSOR_PROPOSAL.pdf (94KB) attachment Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): COMPRESSOR_PROPOSAL.pdf, RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg 3/18/2010 2:55:47 PM (13951B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/18/2010 5:22:58 PM (16150B) Bill Goodman -> 'Debra Wheeler':RE: next 3 loa ds ready Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/19/2010 9:32:28 AM (21439B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre'; 'Fran Sterli n':RE: Risers-forklift and equipment specs Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/19/2010 10:21:04 AM (153761B) Bill Goodman -> Ricky Pearce (ricky@thenutpl ace.com):M07473 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_RO D_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, ima ge002.gif 3/19/2010 10:36:51 AM (153748B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'ds [email protected]':M07473 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment

Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_RO D_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, ima ge001.gif 3/19/2010 11:19:40 AM (157792B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: M07473 Mod ification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_RO D_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, ima ge002.gif, image001.gif 3/19/2010 11:20:13 AM (153082B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'ds [email protected]':M07473 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_RO D_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, ima ge001.gif 3/19/2010 11:23:50 AM (62566B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: M 07473 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting image005.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image003.gif, image004.jpg, image005.gif 3/19/2010 12:50:20 PM (68889B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Emailing: SAM _0340, SAM_0339 Converting SAM0340.JPG (45KB) attachment Converting SAM0339.JPG (21KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): SAM0340.JPG, SAM0339.JPG 3/19/2010 2:26:33 PM (24058B) Bill Goodman -> 'Debra Wheeler':RE: next 3 loa ds ready Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/19/2010 2:27:34 PM (13591B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: ASC- Ship ment Tracker Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/19/2010 3:37:07 PM (199576B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':FW: M0747 3 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (26KB) attachment Converting M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting M07473SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): M07473SC00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SD01_FIXING_RING _M16.pdf, M07473SF00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M07473SG00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, M074 73SH00_THREADED_ROD_M16.pdf, image001.gif 3/19/2010 3:55:37 PM (27927B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles': Converting M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf 3/19/2010 3:56:28 PM (60568B) Bill Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin':RE: M074 73 Modification Riser Shims - Stainless Bolts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/19/2010 8:24:24 PM (5840B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Navy Federal Cred it Union 3/19/2010 8:46:41 PM (98967B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman': Converting PII1119.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (95KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PII1119.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf 3/19/2010 11:50:09 PM (343011B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Emailing: Bump er Cranes - WESTERN MULE Converting .dat (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (24KB) attachment Converting image004.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (7KB) attachment Converting image006.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image007.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image008.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image009.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image010.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image011.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting image012.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image013.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image014.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting image015.jpg (14KB) attachment Converting image016.gif (123KB) attachment Converting image017.jpg (11KB) attachment Converting image018.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting image019.jpg (52KB) attachment Converting image020.jpg (4KB) attachment Converting image021.gif (0KB) attachment 22 attachment(s): .dat, image001.gif, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image0 04.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg, image007.jpg, image008.jpg, image009.jpg, im age010.jpg, image011.jpg, image012.jpg, image013.jpg, image014.jpg, image015.jpg , image016.gif, image017.jpg, image018.jpg, image019.jpg, image020.jpg, image021 .gif 3/21/2010 12:14:41 PM (420763B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: 18-3/4" 10K Ca meron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facility) Converting image001.gif (3KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (0KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type_U_Bonnet1.jpg (124KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg (154KB) attachment Converting 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg (122KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Cameron_Type _U_Bonnet1.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_cameron_type_U_Bonnet3.jpg, 18750_inch_10K_Camero n_type_U_Bonnet2.jpg, image001.gif 3/21/2010 12:16:32 PM (21037B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey'; 'Stephen Camp': RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facility) Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/21/2010 3:30:26 PM (13456B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: 18-3/4" 10K Cameron type "U" bonnet at Rosenberg (Riser Int'l facility) Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/23/2010 2:37:20 AM (16486B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':RE: Hotel Accomm odation

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/23/2010 2:37:20 AM (23635B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Drivers Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/23/2010 2:38:39 AM (9601B) Bill Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin':RE: Insta llation Riserfins Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/24/2010 3:58:48 AM (9864B) Bill Goodman -> 'sumer goodman':RE: Hi Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/24/2010 3:58:35 AM (21717B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'jchircop@front ier-drill.com':RE: Hotel Accommodation Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (23503B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':RE: Insurance Certificates Attached Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (22691B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: 1085 skids Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (370351B) Bill Goodman -> Justene A. Goodman (jgoodman@ sleh.com); 'sumer goodman':FW: Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Vo icemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (361KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (40787B) Bill Goodman -> 'Hank Martin'; 'Bourgeois, Rus sell'; 'Danny Campbell':RE: Piston shipment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (42501B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley; 'Shawn Staley':P hoenix Riser String Converting Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls (31KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls 3/24/2010 1:01:56 AM (7638B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Shawn Staley'; Shawn Staley:Phoenix Data Books 3/24/2010 1:08:47 AM (10039B) Bill Goodman -> 'sumer goodman':RE: Math Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/24/2010 1:12:30 AM (5729915B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risersforklift and equipment specs Converting pII_certs2.pdf (5708KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): pII_certs2.pdf, image001.gif 3/24/2010 7:25:39 AM (3684B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Risers Operatio ns 3/24/2010 3:04:17 PM (53682B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Shawn Staley:P heonix Riser Data.xls Converting Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls (49KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls 3/25/2010 1:34:08 AM (16495B) Bill Goodman -> 'sumer goodman':RE: Math Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 3/25/2010 1:34:07 AM (205113B) Bill Goodman -> 'sumer goodman':FW: Vonage Vi sual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received

Converting voicemessage.wav (193KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav, image001.gif 3/24/2010 3:31:06 PM (54421B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Staley'; Shawn Staley:P heonix Riser Data.xls Converting Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls (50KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls 3/25/2010 1:34:06 AM (8963B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'Shawn Staley' :RE: 22" OD riser certified weight Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 3/25/2010 1:50:54 AM (5544B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justene A Goodman':RE: 3/25/2010 11:33:01 AM (18849B) Bill Goodman -> 'Goodman, Justene A.':RE: Von age Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/25/2010 11:43:26 AM (21419B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice'; 'maxg1945@eart hlink.net':RE: Installation Drawings 3/25/2010 12:00:35 PM (90355B) Bill Goodman -> 'Engineering':RE: RI Numbers Job 600-01 Converting Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls (65KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Pheonix_Riser_Data.xls, image001.gif, image003.gif 3/25/2010 4:52:29 PM (29800B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: RI Numbers Job 600-01 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 3/29/2010 7:15:44 PM (24753B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Ardy Goodman': RE: Fw: eTicket Itinerary and Receipt for Confirmation BXEDNS 3/29/2010 7:15:44 PM (55057B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: Hotel Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (39KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 3/29/2010 7:24:41 PM (33108B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Collections of PR IDE SLINGS from RISERS Int'l and return shipmnet to Australia. Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/29/2010 7:34:38 PM (13600B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: riser data package Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 6:20:44 AM (9672B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; Shawn Staley:RE: Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 6:27:02 AM (23393B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Seal Subs Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image002.gif 3/30/2010 6:38:47 AM (36354B) Bill Goodman -> 'Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO':RE: Collections of PRIDE SLINGS from RISERS Int'l and return shi pmnet to Australia. Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 6:47:59 AM (5143B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Dee and Pepe 3/30/2010 6:52:18 AM (3670B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Harry 3/30/2010 4:30:46 PM (16264B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: PRiDES TR

ACKING SHT. FOR 1101-01 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/30/2010 4:33:34 PM (22852B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers State Permit App for septic Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (3KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 3/30/2010 4:36:48 PM (22008B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: riser data package Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 3/30/2010 5:22:50 PM (31155B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rig Superintendent Phoenix'; 'John Chircop':Phoenix Riser Converting image004.jpg (1KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image004.jpg, image001.gif 3/30/2010 5:25:00 PM (3874B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':RE: Risers-lienholder 3/30/2010 5:28:25 PM (5108B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Harry Rax 3/31/2010 8:58:15 AM (4894B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-lie nholder 3/31/2010 9:00:47 AM (17094B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Dee and Pepe Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 9:05:57 AM (19073B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:RE: Risers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 12:18:20 PM (16813B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: CNS / FD numbers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 12:19:32 PM (38140B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Maj Bassey'; ' John Chircop':RE: BOP STACK Houston / Singapore - Drafted booking note **URGEN T* Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 12:21:45 PM (23261B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jimm y Botter'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'tonyd@extremet ix.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Ray Skeen'; 'phil@c rcoc.org'; 'Neil Ecton'; '[email protected]'; 'mhammond@banksterling .com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] m'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'james_lyndon_t [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'george.adkins@worthaminsurance .com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' ; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; ' [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'wgoo [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'flt_face_22@yah oo.com':RE: Thursday ball anyone? 3/31/2010 2:12:46 PM (27046B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jimmy Botter'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'tonyd@extremeti x.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Ray Skeen'; 'phil@cr coc.org'; 'Neil Ecton'; '[email protected]'; 'mhammond@banksterling. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'james_lyndon_ta [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'george.adkins@worthaminsurance. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'n [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'wgood

[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Thursday ball anyone? 3/31/2010 2:18:54 PM (31774B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Jimmy Botter'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'tonyd@extremeti x.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Ray Skeen'; 'phil@cr coc.org'; 'Neil Ecton'; '[email protected]'; 'mhammond@banksterling. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'james_lyndon_ta [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'george.adkins@worthaminsurance. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'n [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'wgood [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Thursday ball anyone? 3/31/2010 2:19:43 PM (17518B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Bolts for module machine Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 3/31/2010 5:13:48 PM (4022B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Risers are ready f or pick up 4/1/2010 9:11:50 AM (26271B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Re: B-I Shipp ing loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/1/2010 9:21:27 AM (140625B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: CNS / FD n umbers Converting RI_10000_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf (111KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): RI_10000_Riser_Coating_Procedure.pdf, image003.gif, ima ge004.gif 4/1/2010 12:00:51 PM (27940B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Bill Goodman':R E: Re: B-I Shipping loose items Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/1/2010 4:27:34 PM (63986B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] ':FW: Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (52KB) att achment 1 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls 4/4/2010 11:06:20 AM (5309B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West (justinwest78@yaho o.com)'; 'Justin West':Daily Reports 4/5/2010 9:47:16 AM (37333B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: CNS / FD nu mbers Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.gif 4/5/2010 9:49:23 AM (12053B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Job # 111902 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/5/2010 10:01:33 AM (17082B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: CNS / FD n umbers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/5/2010 3:44:42 PM (7727B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Kevlar Straps for 1119-02 4/6/2010 9:44:50 AM (13887B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif

4/6/2010 9:47:24 AM (63420B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'clew [email protected]':FW: Countdown to OTC 2010 e-Newsletter Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 9:50:01 AM (10093B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles'; 'John D. Almon ':RE: WEBSITE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 9:51:09 AM (237689B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Emailing: C harlesLewisCRDS Converting CharlesLewisCRDS.doc (235KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): CharlesLewisCRDS.doc 4/6/2010 9:51:35 AM (230009B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Emailing: B ILL GOODMANCRDS Converting BILL_GOODMANCRDS.doc (227KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): BILL_GOODMANCRDS.doc 4/6/2010 9:52:01 AM (233067B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie Valdez':Emailing: S HAWNSTALEYCRDS Converting SHAWNSTALEYCRDS.doc (230KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): SHAWNSTALEYCRDS.doc 4/6/2010 11:28:29 AM (43103B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Chastit y Lamb:Lankhorst Fin Modifications Converting Service_Quote1.xls (38KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Service_Quote1.xls 4/6/2010 2:38:47 PM (17285B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Almon'; 'Lewis Charles':R E: WEBSITE Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/6/2010 2:43:17 PM (6858669B) Bill Goodman -> 'sumer goodman'; 'Jessey Good man ([email protected])'; 'Justene Goodman':FW: When elephants retire Converting bee.gif (23KB) attachment Converting Whenelephantsretire.wmv (6824KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): bee.gif, Whenelephantsretire.wmv 4/6/2010 3:21:46 PM (25351B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Charl es Lewis:RE: TH Hill QA/QC Reports for 4/3-4/5 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 3:29:03 PM (26497B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Almon'; 'Lewis Charles':R E: WEBSITE Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image004.gif 4/6/2010 4:28:36 PM (15552B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':FW: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 4/6/2010 4:53:58 PM (24309B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lance McIntyre':RE: Risers-sep tic system Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image003.gif, image004.gif 4/6/2010 4:59:32 PM (6462B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Windham Fork Bar Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/6/2010 5:00:59 PM (6891B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Windham Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/7/2010 9:54:27 AM (6438B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: This is your I

nvoice Converting INVOICE.HTM (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): INVOICE.HTM 4/7/2010 10:35:18 AM (6157B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Wong'; 'Louis Kabelka':RE: Installation Procedures 4/7/2010 12:32:37 PM (26392B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice'; Shipping:RE: Bu lly modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/8/2010 10:57:12 AM (83618B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice':Buoncey Instalat ion Procedures Converting TN_1009B_Bully.pdf (70KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): TN_1009B_Bully.pdf, image001.gif 4/8/2010 10:59:46 AM (238912B) Bill Goodman -> 'Louis Kabelka'; 'Ray Wong':R E: Installation Procedures Converting cumings_shipment_hardware.pdf (216KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): cumings_shipment_hardware.pdf 4/8/2010 11:04:37 AM (21617B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey'; 'John Chircop ':RE: riser parts needed Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (1KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 4/8/2010 2:30:13 PM (80654B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Copy of MR 6H SE Riser Tracker.xls Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (76KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls 4/8/2010 2:33:26 PM (21736B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Email Address es Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/8/2010 2:39:49 PM (4892B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: This is your I nvoice Converting INVOICE.HTM (1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): INVOICE.HTM 4/8/2010 3:26:00 PM (7260B) Bill Goodman -> 'Leach, Gary (Houston)':Risers I nternational Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/8/2010 3:32:14 PM (38579B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jessey Goodman (jessey.goodman @yahoo.com)':Emailing: 2004 Jeep Wrangler 2dr Sahara Coupe Converting 3k63p33ob5O55S35R4a47caa32e3e776e1f5e.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting 3nf3kb3o45Y45T65U5a4775a0b38fddbc186c.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting 3n03oa3l25O15Y25R2a4788522ad9c87b1357.jpg (6KB) attachment Converting 3n13k83m65Y05W65X5a475c6a85420af119a5.jpg (8KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 3k63p33ob5O55S35R4a47caa32e3e776e1f5e.jpg, 3nf3kb3o45Y4 5T65U5a4775a0b38fddbc186c.jpg, 3n03oa3l25O15Y25R2a4788522ad9c87b1357.jpg, 3n13k8 3m65Y05W65X5a475c6a85420af119a5.jpg 4/8/2010 3:38:42 PM (8552133B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rig Superintendent Phoenix': FW: US Bolts Certs for 600-01 Skipping attachment Bolts__Original_64__pups.zip because it is a Windows .zip file Skipping attachment Bolts__11_Additional.zip because it is a Windows .zi p file Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/10/2010 11:43:12 AM (13020B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected] m':FW: Hartwig, Gregory Skipping attachment Hartwig_Gregory.msg because it is a Windows .msg fil e

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/12/2010 1:27:09 PM (9009B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Lewi s Charles':FW: Re; Phoenix modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/12/2010 1:28:10 PM (25000B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Logo Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg 4/12/2010 1:34:38 PM (598016B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':Reviewed She ets Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_110101.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (594 KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_110101.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pd f 4/12/2010 1:39:00 PM (102519B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: MR 6H SE RISER TRACKER Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (87KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls, image001.gif 4/12/2010 1:41:20 PM (65865B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: R ISERS-TAS agent form Converting RSIOwner_Agent_Designation_print.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RSIOwner_Agent_Designation_print.pdf, image001.gif 4/12/2010 1:42:07 PM (28835B) Bill Goodman -> Engineering; Shawn Staley: Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg, image001.gif 4/12/2010 2:01:49 PM (4920B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Logo 4/12/2010 2:02:08 PM (22305B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':RE: FW: RISERSTAS agent form Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 4/12/2010 2:40:17 PM (2975275B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Chircop':COC Signature Converting COCPage04122010sig.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (1507KB) attach ment Converting COCPage04122010.pdf (1439KB) attachment Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): COCPage04122010sig.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf, COCPage0 4122010.pdf, RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg 4/12/2010 2:44:02 PM (131883B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Log o Converting cooltext451375380.png (123KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): cooltext451375380.png 4/13/2010 9:15:58 AM (28948B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Request for Quote Converting M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf (25KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): M07473SD01_FIXING_RING_M16.pdf 4/13/2010 9:23:35 AM (10944B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Almon':RE: Request for Q uote Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 1:38:38 PM (38352B) Bill Goodman -> 'Aurbach, Carolina / Kuehne + Nagel / Hou EO':RE: HOT SHOT Trucking Long Beach to Rosenberg 6330-9569-003.01 5#044 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif

4/13/2010 1:38:59 PM (32902B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: HOT SHOT Trucking Long Beach to Rosenberg 6330-9569-003.015#044 4/13/2010 4:30:11 PM (413463B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford': Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_1101011.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (41 1KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_for_IFM_1101011.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.p df 4/13/2010 4:33:00 PM (786636B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford': Converting PRIDE_TRACKING_SHEET_IFM_110101.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro.pdf (7 84KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): PRIDE_TRACKING_SHEET_IFM_110101.pdf__Adobe_Acrobat_Pro. pdf 4/13/2010 4:40:47 PM (102639B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: MR 6H SE RISER TRACKER SPREADSHEET Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (88KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls, image001.gif 4/13/2010 8:20:54 PM (26450B) Bill Goodman -> 'Esselbrugge, Martin'; 'Teri B reckenridge':RE: M07473 RE: Lankhorst Quote #1480 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/13/2010 8:23:24 PM (23366B) Bill Goodman -> 'Dushinske, Mike':FW: M07473 R E: Lankhorst Quote #1480 Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/13/2010 8:57:51 PM (49240B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':FW: More speed. More power. The new MacBook Pro family. Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 9:01:26 PM (8986B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy Goodman':Justin West Flig hts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 9:35:20 PM (7918B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ron Walton':Weight Certificate Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:17:59 PM (11700B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Composite deck boards for 1119-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:22:47 PM (7687B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Routers Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/13/2010 10:23:47 PM (486277B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Procedure 4.2.4 Rev. 2.0 Converting 424_rev_2.doc (476KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 424_rev_2.doc, image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:24:30 PM (597750B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Skipping attachment Revised_NCRCARPAR_Form.msg because it is a Windows . msg file Skipping attachment Report_to_Management.msg because it is a Windows .ms g file Skipping attachment P4.2.4_Rev._2.0_Management_Review_09_and_CAR_7.5.109 2209.msg because it is a Windows .msg file Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:25:49 PM (234618B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: API Specs Converting MT_ASTM_E709__4.2.4.2_Rev._1.8109doc.doc (125KB) attachment

Converting PT_E165_4.2.4.3_Rev._1_8109.doc (81KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): MT_ASTM_E709__4.2.4.2_Rev._1.8109doc.doc, PT_E165_4.2.4 .3_Rev._1_8109.doc, image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:26:26 PM (495188B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: P4.2.4 Rev. 2.0, Management Review 09, and CAR 7.5.1-092209 Converting 424_rev_2.doc (402KB) attachment Converting mgt_rev_09.doc (37KB) attachment Converting Risers_CAR_92209.doc (40KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 4 attachment(s): 424_rev_2.doc, mgt_rev_09.doc, Risers_CAR_92209.doc, im age001.gif 4/13/2010 10:28:01 PM (6309B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Hydro static Test Procedure Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:30:27 PM (13332B) Bill Goodman -> 'Shawn Mullins':RE: riser cos t Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:31:32 PM (34318B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: riser par ts needed Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/13/2010 10:43:21 PM (42765B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: riser par ts needed Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image002.gif 4/13/2010 10:58:33 PM (42043B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW : riser parts needed Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/14/2010 2:31:00 PM (24977B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; 'e [email protected]':RE: Thursday ball anyone? 4/14/2010 2:37:20 PM (16821B) Bill Goodman -> Engineering:RE: 1119-01 Floata tion Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/14/2010 3:13:37 PM (30203B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Jane Rice':RE: Bully modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/14/2010 3:39:14 PM (8367B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Riser Adapter a nd Spider Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/14/2010 3:49:35 PM (152504B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:FW: ETicket Itine rary and Receipt for Confirmation AGB9RY Converting singlerose.gif (32KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): singlerose.gif 4/14/2010 3:51:27 PM (14453B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; Shipping:RE: Containers from Jetco Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/15/2010 9:35:01 AM (8854B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Frontier riser 4/15/2010 10:05:50 AM (12821B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: INVENTORY OF 600-01 IN WHSE

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/15/2010 10:14:30 AM (28406B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':RE: 61051000 02 - Module Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/15/2010 3:17:38 PM (16244B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; Shippin g:FW: Composite deck boards for 1119-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/15/2010 3:28:12 PM (18756B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; Shipping:FW: Composite deck boards for 1119-02 Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image002.gif 4/15/2010 3:31:35 PM (25510B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: FW: Composite d eck boards for 1119-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/15/2010 3:43:46 PM (938198B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'clewi [email protected]':FW: 6105100002 - Module Converting New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting New_Label__6105060065_Size_A5.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf (394KB) attachment Converting F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf (30KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf, New_Label__61050600 65_Size_A5.pdf, SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf, F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pd f, Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf, image001.gif 4/15/2010 3:44:42 PM (25677B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: FW: Composite d eck boards for 1119-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 9:46:40 AM (165276B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':FW: MR 6H SE RISER TRACKER and RISER INT'L TRACKER FOR PRIDE Converting Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls (55KB) att achment Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (90KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Risers_Intl_Shipment_Tracker_for_PRIDE03092010.xls, Cop y_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls, image001.gif 4/16/2010 10:20:01 AM (11358B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jim Dockery':RE: Access at t he 529 Warehouse Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 10:23:50 AM (34400B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; ' [email protected]':RE: Saturday ball Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 10:26:54 AM (5035B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; Shipping; 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Dust mask 4/16/2010 10:28:11 AM (12361B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb'; 'Max Goodman '; 'Charles Lewis'; '[email protected]'; Shipping:RE: 1119-02 Straps Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/16/2010 2:02:28 PM (58242B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':Module Quote

Converting Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Est1487fromRisersIntern.pdf 4/16/2010 4:18:39 PM (119919B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Chircop'; 'Leo Tombros' ; 'Maj Bassey'; 'Sergio Garzon':FW: Quote #1486 Converting Est1486fromRisersIntern.pdf (55KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Est1486fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df, image002.gif 4/16/2010 4:16:54 PM (143012B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]': Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (8KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (5KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image005.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image006.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image007.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image008.gif (4KB) attachment Converting image009.gif (1KB) attachment 9 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.gif, image004.gif, image005.jpg, image006.gif, image007.gif, image008.gif, image009.gif 4/17/2010 6:04:15 PM (10110B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'terib@risersin c.com'; 'Stephanie Valdez':Quality Rental Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/19/2010 10:05:29 AM (55539B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Pride 1 101-02 Pride Quote Converting Pride_quote1.xls (44KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Pride_quote1.xls, image001.gif 4/19/2010 11:07:53 AM (16576B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas)':RE: Transocean Discoverer India- Risers- Harry Vadel Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/19/2010 11:29:31 AM (29090B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas)':RE: Transocean Discoverer India- Risers- Harry Vadel Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/19/2010 1:50:22 PM (155093B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Ball caps and s hirts for OTC Converting RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting cooltext451375380.png (123KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): RISERSINTLINCLOGO.jpg, cooltext451375380.png, image001. gif 4/19/2010 2:33:28 PM (29168B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jessey Goodman (jessey.goodma [email protected])'; 'Justene A. Goodman ([email protected])'; 'Justene Goodman':FW: I s Your Teen Looking for a Rewarding Summer Job? Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/19/2010 3:00:59 PM (37714B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':RE: 610510000 2 - Module Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image002.gif 4/19/2010 4:41:52 PM (14313B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: cran e rental Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif

4/19/2010 4:52:24 PM (696066B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman'; 'Charles Lewis '; '[email protected]'; 'Jody Ballard'; 'Ian Rutherford'; 'sterral@prideinterna tional.com':Risers Job# 1101-02 Converting SANY4161.JPG (143KB) attachment Converting SANY4162.JPG (118KB) attachment Converting SANY4163.JPG (156KB) attachment Converting SANY4164.JPG (161KB) attachment Converting SANY4165.JPG (106KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): SANY4161.JPG, SANY4162.JPG, SANY4163.JPG, SANY4164.JPG, SANY4165.JPG, image001.gif 4/19/2010 4:57:06 PM (237583B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford'; 'sterral@pr ideinternational.com':FW: MR 6H SE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (220KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls, image002.gif 4/19/2010 5:27:44 PM (10265B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping; 'Stephanie Valdez':F W: 8 x 75' risers Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/20/2010 9:44:55 AM (443749B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ascension Senior Sub Sea'; ' Jody Ballard':RE: Slick Joint Converting SDC10558.JPG (95KB) attachment Converting SDC10559.JPG (94KB) attachment Converting SDC10560.JPG (85KB) attachment Converting SDC10561.JPG (92KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 5 attachment(s): SDC10558.JPG, SDC10559.JPG, SDC10560.JPG, SDC10561.JPG, image002.gif 4/20/2010 9:47:36 AM (40161B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Module Quote Converting image002.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting 22054__Riser_International.pdf (16KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image002.jpg, 22054__Riser_International.pdf, image001. gif 4/20/2010 9:50:22 AM (175587B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Latest news rega rding closed airports.... Converting Status20APR12EN.pdf (152KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Status20APR12EN.pdf, image001.gif 4/20/2010 9:56:57 AM (19022B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ian Rutherford':RE: MR 6H SE Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image004.gif 4/20/2010 9:59:22 AM (198740B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: meeting f ollow up Converting 05883_RISER_ASSEMBLY_Rev_E.PDF (180KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): 05883_RISER_ASSEMBLY_Rev_E.PDF, image001.gif 4/20/2010 2:13:48 PM (2876520B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Brad'; 'Richa rd Philpitt':RE: 8 x 75' Riser Joints for P2 Converting SAM0045.JPG (2644KB) attachment Converting weigh_certs.pdf (210KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): SAM0045.JPG, weigh_certs.pdf, image001.gif 4/20/2010 2:14:35 PM (14545B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West (justinwest78@yah oo.com)':FW: Continental Airlines - Codeshare Check-in Notice 4/20/2010 2:33:01 PM (63442B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':FW: Quote fro m Risers International, Inc. Converting Est1487AfromRisersInter.pdf (55KB) attachment

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1487AfromRisersInter.pdf, image001.gif 4/20/2010 4:46:48 PM (9244B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Credit A pplication Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/21/2010 9:46:00 AM (17448B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin Bussey':RE: riser data pack Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/21/2010 10:09:51 AM (24789B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':RE: MR 6H SE Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image004.gif, image003.gif 4/21/2010 5:12:19 PM (32664B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: 8 x 75' Riser joi nts Converting image001.jpg (2KB) attachment Converting AVG_certification.txt (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, AVG_certification.txt, image002.gif 4/21/2010 5:13:29 PM (13286B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: cran e rental Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/22/2010 1:07:05 PM (6508B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: Last Days f or Great Savings 4/23/2010 9:43:03 AM (10224B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: FrontierPO 10 1-000628 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/23/2010 11:27:47 AM (17569B) Bill Goodman -> 'Andy Cates':RE: Quote from R isers International, Inc Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image004.gif, image003.gif 4/23/2010 11:58:54 AM (939141B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: 6105100002 - Module Converting New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting New_Label__6105060065_Size_A5.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf (394KB) attachment Converting F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf (30KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf, New_Label__61050600 65_Size_A5.pdf, SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf, F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pd f, Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf, image001.gif 4/23/2010 12:01:36 PM (6567B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Damaged Matrix Module Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/24/2010 10:39:38 AM (17610B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Hank Martin'; 'George Simon'; 'Anna Guzman':RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going t o Expert Crating Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/24/2010 10:41:52 AM (25672B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: FrontierPO 101-0 00628 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/24/2010 10:43:12 AM (32378B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: FrontierPO 101-0 00628

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 1:59:07 PM (9338B) Bill Goodman -> 'LIFT TRUCK SERVICES':RE: Estim ate from LTS, 411Lift.com Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/26/2010 3:42:00 PM (25303B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True'; 'Hank Martin'; ' George Simon'; 'Anna Guzman'; '[email protected]':RE: Truck laods for pick-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/27/2010 8:08:01 AM (172634B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justene Goodman'; Justene A. Goodman ([email protected]):Emailing: Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests on Yahoo! Health Converting ???????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting health.gif (1KB) attachment Converting ?al?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ?al?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ap.gif (1KB) attachment Converting 34590677.jpg (27KB) attachment Converting thumb.592440cc220c4fe5bbee4e94c07aa00f592440cc220c4fe5bbee4e9 4c07aa00f0.jpg (16KB) attachment Converting ?um?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting 102308musicmvbeyoncesingleladiesmip300x125.jpg (19KB) attachm ent Converting ?23?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting df14.jpg (12KB) attachment Converting cold04.jpg (8KB) attachment Converting mental02.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting sleep04.jpg (9KB) attachment Converting commenticon.gif (0KB) attachment Converting pixel_id745169t2.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ?xe?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ?xe?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ?xe?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment Converting ?xe?????????U???.dat (0KB) attachment 20 attachment(s): ???????????U???.dat, health.gif, ?al?????????U???.dat, ?al??? ??????U???.dat, ap.gif, 34590677.jpg, thumb.592440cc220c4fe5bbee4e94c07aa00f5924 40cc220c4fe5bbee4e94c07aa00f0.jpg, ?um?????????U???.dat, 102308musicmvbeyoncesingl eladiesmip300x125.jpg, ?23?????????U???.dat, df14.jpg, cold04.jpg, mental02.jpg, s leep04.jpg, commenticon.gif, pixel_id745169t2.dat, ?xe?????????U???.dat, ?xe???????? ?U???.dat, ?xe?????????U???.dat, ?xe?????????U???.dat 4/27/2010 8:55:05 AM (6857B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':Spare parts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/27/2010 10:50:25 AM (13853B) Bill Goodman -> 'Chastity Lamb':RE: Night Pay Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/27/2010 10:51:57 AM (16554B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Quote that needs to be billed Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 4/27/2010 10:53:21 AM (11638B) Bill Goodman -> 'Laura True':RE: Floatation M odules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 9:13:26 AM (1427334B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justene A. Goodman (jgoodma [email protected])'; 'Jessey Goodman ([email protected])'; 'sumer goodman'; 'Jus

tene Goodman'; 'John D Almon ([email protected])'; 'Alan Pinson (alanpinson@ta ylorlifts.com)'; 'Aaron Begley ([email protected])'; 'John Blackmore (jblack [email protected])'; 'Eric Bordosky ([email protected])'; 'Stephen Cabr al ([email protected])'; '[email protected]'; 'Gary Crawford (g.crawfor [email protected])'; 'Jason Dixson ([email protected])'; 'Ronny's Trucking ( [email protected])'; 'Matt Fielder ([email protected])'; 'R.E. "Bu bba" Gaurino ([email protected])'; 'Tom Goin ([email protected])'; ' [email protected]'; 'Paul Gosline ([email protected])'; 'Kellie M Grig ar ([email protected])'; Greg Hartwig; John Housholder (john@omnicas e.com); Steve Hulsey ([email protected]); Jim Dwigans; Roland Kennedy (rk [email protected]); Kim Kirkegaard ([email protected]); Dr. Kirsten Lentsch (cinc [email protected]); Llarance Turner ([email protected]); Linda Fo x ([email protected]); Victor Montanez ([email protected]); Rick y Pearce ([email protected]); [email protected]; John William "Will" Se ger ([email protected]); Lars Torp ([email protected]); laura@aq uaoceantransport.com; Vincent Summa ([email protected]); Tom Wallen (tom.walle [email protected]); [email protected]; Ron Walton; Westra, Ruth; Clinton W oods ([email protected]); John D Almon ([email protected]):FW: Deep water Horizon Converting Horizon.pdf (1393KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Horizon.pdf, image002.gif 4/28/2010 9:23:50 AM (26905B) Bill Goodman -> 'Sharat Yempati':RE: Module Qu ote Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.jpg (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.jpg 4/28/2010 9:32:55 AM (103098B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]; 'Max Goo dman':FW: Frontier Drilling will begin transacting electronically through the Sh ipServ platform Converting Frontier_eSSM_Invitation_Letter.pdf (37KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (30KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): Frontier_eSSM_Invitation_Letter.pdf, image003.gif, imag e004.gif 4/28/2010 9:34:46 AM (6028B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':Breakfast Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/28/2010 10:06:50 AM (13120B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':RE: Break fast Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/28/2010 1:14:57 PM (21577B) Bill Goodman -> 'Brad'; 'Laura True'; 'George Simon'; 'lupe gonzales':RE: Floatation Modules Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/28/2010 1:36:37 PM (47753B) Bill Goodman -> Teri Breckenridge:expenses Converting March2010.xls (37KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): March2010.xls, image001.gif 4/28/2010 1:44:17 PM (47315B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':expenses Converting March2010.xls (37KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): March2010.xls, image001.gif 4/28/2010 3:43:17 PM (23229B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Mr Bi ll':RE: Thursday ball? 4/29/2010 9:15:46 AM (14053B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:Blank.xlsx Converting Blank.xlsx (11KB) attachment

1 attachment(s): Blank.xlsx 4/29/2010 10:36:59 AM (940643B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':Ris ers International 6105100002 - Module Converting New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf (189KB) attachment Converting New_Label__6105060065_Size_A5.pdf (184KB) attachment Converting SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf (394KB) attachment Converting F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pdf (117KB) attachment Converting Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf (30KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): New_Label__6105060065__Size_A3.pdf, New_Label__61050600 65_Size_A5.pdf, SOP_130_Rev_0_Replacing_Stickers.pdf, F_56_Rev_0_COLOURCODING.pd f, Painting_color_band_on_the_module.pdf, image001.gif 4/29/2010 11:38:13 AM (40670B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':Pride quo te1.xls Converting Pride_quote1.xls (37KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Pride_quote1.xls 4/29/2010 11:41:17 AM (6525B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:Dowel Pin Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/29/2010 11:45:28 AM (7295B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:Dowel Pin Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/29/2010 11:57:20 AM (16600B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: Dowel Pin Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/29/2010 2:19:05 PM (32540B) Bill Goodman -> 'Darla':RE: Truck loads for pi ck-up at Risers, Inc going to Expert Crating Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/29/2010 2:25:31 PM (23841B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:FW: Risers Inter national 6105100002 - Module Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.gif 4/29/2010 2:26:47 PM (4873654B) Bill Goodman -> Shawn Staley:FW: Necessity, the Mother of Invention Converting Genius.wmv (4869KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Genius.wmv 4/29/2010 2:43:04 PM (7723B) Bill Goodman -> 'Max Goodman':Bank routing Info Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 4/29/2010 2:53:29 PM (6345B) Bill Goodman -> Engineering:Color Code Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/29/2010 5:02:47 PM (122830B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:H$ Con nector Converting H4connectorcheck.pdf (120KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): H4connectorcheck.pdf 4/30/2010 9:25:56 AM (46224B) Bill Goodman -> 'McKinley, Mark (Houston)'; 'b [email protected]'; 'Mr Bill'; 'Jimmy Botter':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 9:26:56 AM (17783B) Bill Goodman -> [email protected]:FW: Coming this Summer: The Defender Series Case For The iPad Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 10:26:17 AM (53513B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]' ; 'Mr Bill':RE: Attention Jimmy 4/30/2010 10:57:38 AM (63917B) Bill Goodman -> 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'mrbill676 [email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Attention Jimmy

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 4/30/2010 11:02:20 AM (131800B) Bill Goodman -> 'Andy Cates':RE: PO to chang e the name plate Converting Quote1487A_and_po22054.pdf (115KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): Quote1487A_and_po22054.pdf 4/30/2010 11:04:21 AM (99541B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/30/2010 2:33:20 PM (2459019B) Bill Goodman -> 'DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting IMAGINATION_AT_WORK.pdf (2441KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): IMAGINATION_AT_WORK.pdf, image001.gif 4/30/2010 2:36:16 PM (86918B) Bill Goodman -> 'sheb cotter'; 'Freddie Fonsec a'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Attention Jimmy Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 4/30/2010 2:38:31 PM (80167B) Bill Goodman -> 'Freddie Fonseca':RE: Attentio n Jimmy Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 4/30/2010 4:25:55 PM (685307B) Bill Goodman -> 'DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oil & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting 20100430172257866.pdf (659KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): 20100430172257866.pdf, image001.gif, image002.gif 5/3/2010 9:59:15 AM (27440B) Bill Goodman -> 'DeSilva, Jorge A (GE Infra, Oi l & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 5/3/2010 10:00:32 AM (14572B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis'; 'maxg1945@ear thlink.net':FW: riser parts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 10:08:17 AM (21750B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: duplex Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 10:51:27 AM (927889B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter O'Brien'; 'Sharat Yemp ati':RE: Paint for the QUARANTINED MODULE Converting damagedinsert61051101801.jpg (443KB) attachment Converting damagedinsert6105110180.jpg (459KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): damagedinsert61051101801.jpg, damagedinsert6105110180.j pg, image002.gif 5/3/2010 10:56:29 AM (11686B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jessey Goodman (jessey.goodma [email protected])'; Justene A. Goodman ([email protected]):FW: A Message from Drs. Fo rrest, Winkelmann, Associates & Staff Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 11:17:30 AM (7882B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie':RE: QUALITY RENTALS Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 11:37:49 AM (13438B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':FW: CHANGE BOOS

TER INSERT Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 12:51:45 PM (19767B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Converting image001.jpg (5KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 5/3/2010 12:53:03 PM (19435B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':RE: CHANGE BOOS TER INSERT Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/3/2010 1:22:20 PM (10122B) Bill Goodman -> 'Mike Coffman':RE: OTC Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 1:26:01 PM (8532B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':Module Colors Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/3/2010 2:52:37 PM (266090B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: updated tracking sheet for Matrix cargo shipmnets to HOU for Deep Ocean Ascencion Converting Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls (83KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls, image001.gif 5/3/2010 3:17:14 PM (196551B) Bill Goodman -> 'Stephanie':FW: New Supplier F orms Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting riser.PDF (166KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image002.gif, riser.PDF, image001.gif 5/3/2010 3:29:35 PM (50114B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Rep ort to Management Converting Report_to_Management_09.xls (41KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Report_to_Management_09.xls, image001.gif 5/5/2010 8:54:54 AM (29760B) Bill Goodman -> 'David Parsons':RE: Paint for t he QUARANTINED MODULE Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image004.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image003.gif, image004.gif 5/5/2010 8:56:18 AM (49092B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: Management Review/Pr epare for ISO Audit Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (7KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (16KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif, image003.gif 5/5/2010 9:02:41 AM (17030B) Bill Goodman -> 'Maj Bassey':RE: list of extra parts for 101-000628 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 9:23:48 AM (100975B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':F W: TRANSOCEAN UPDATE Converting TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx (88KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): TRANSOCEAN_inventory_list_1133012.xlsx, image001.gif 5/5/2010 12:54:10 PM (10057B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 1:04:13 PM (242767B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':FW: MR6H SE UPD ATE Converting Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls (229KB) attachment

Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Copy_of_MR_6H_SE_Riser_Tracker.xls, image001.gif 5/5/2010 1:43:55 PM (20578B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; Charles Lewis (c [email protected]):FW: Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 5/5/2010 3:22:58 PM (7598982B) Bill Goodman -> Charles Lewis (clewis6101@sbc global.net):FW: riser parts Converting NEW_LOGO_COATING_PROCEDURES.pdf (7569KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): NEW_LOGO_COATING_PROCEDURES.pdf, image002.gif 5/5/2010 3:24:59 PM (29135B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb; 'Charles Lewis': RE: Nuts Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/5/2010 3:39:28 PM (28473B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Thur sday 5/5/2010 3:48:21 PM (7536B) Bill Goodman -> Chastity Lamb:1101-02 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 3:49:22 PM (6232B) Bill Goodman -> All Users:GE Oil & Gas Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:26:20 PM (36751B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Skeen':RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/5/2010 4:51:26 PM (29218B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Nuts Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 5/5/2010 4:56:28 PM (45877B) Bill Goodman -> 'cory lebouf'; 'Chuck Lafferty' ; 'Ray Skeen':RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.gif 5/5/2010 5:08:04 PM (6706B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':FW: 75' Riser w/F loatation 8000' Purple S/N 1271929-1 5/6/2010 9:39:06 AM (47514B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Bully modules Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 9:41:59 AM (49882B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ray Skeen'; 'cory lebouf':RE: Thursday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 9:44:06 AM (8816B) Bill Goodman -> 'Dr. Kim K. Forrest':RE: Orthodo ntic EStatement 5/6/2010 9:44:51 AM (29091B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: Nuts Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 11:10:25 AM (1111309B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig'; Justin West: RE: Converting Jstinwestcert.pdf (1095KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Jstinwestcert.pdf, image001.gif 5/6/2010 11:19:15 AM (6082667B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':FW: riser pa rts needed Converting image001.jpg (1KB) attachment

Converting general_info_index_1__section_2.pdf (6064KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, general_info_index_1__section_2.pdf, imag e002.gif 5/6/2010 11:36:27 AM (91649B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':GE Quote Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (8KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (5KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 11:37:59 AM (27997B) Bill Goodman -> 'Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 12:52:29 PM (43526B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':RE: 6x40'OT / S hpmt no. 20 / AU4303089- missing tarpaulins & 1 damaged container 4640-0390-00 3.015 / 6330-9569-004.014#044 Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 1:55:48 PM (20866B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':NDE Certificatio n Record (2) 5/6/2010 1:57:26 PM (47763B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig':NDE Certificatio n Record (2) Converting NDE_Certification_Record_2.doc (45KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): NDE_Certification_Record_2.doc 5/6/2010 2:00:42 PM (10980B) Bill Goodman -> 'Vadel, Hardik (GE Infra, VG Oi l & Gas)':RE: Transocean 3505: 14 risers available for pickup Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/6/2010 2:35:05 PM (142238B) Bill Goodman -> 'Justin West (justinwest78@yah oo.com)'; 'Justin West':Dr. Wishnow Converting logohealth.png (7KB) attachment Converting nophotocadaceus.jpg (3KB) attachment Converting claimyourprofilehereN.gif (4KB) attachment Converting profmale.gif (0KB) attachment Converting profspokenl.gif (0KB) attachment Converting staroff.png (0KB) attachment Converting celicon.png (3KB) attachment Converting printicon.png (3KB) attachment Converting worldicon.png (3KB) attachment Converting houseicon.png (3KB) attachment Converting aditionallocations.png (3KB) attachment Converting phoneshared.png (3KB) attachment Converting back.gif (1KB) attachment Converting byspecialtylarge.png (7KB) attachment Converting bynamelarge.png (6KB) attachment Converting bysymptomsearchlarge.png (5KB) attachment Converting smartsearchlarge.png (5KB) attachment Converting healthcaremaleFemaleOne.gif (3KB) attachment Converting 1a5c9d684c2e46a0_oirndRANDOM.dat (0KB) attachment Converting 3c69c2560ebe81b2_oirndRANDOM.dat (0KB) attachment Converting mostpopularprofiles.png (0KB) attachment Converting logominfoot.png (1KB) attachment Converting divbottm.png (0KB) attachment Converting divfooter.png (0KB) attachment Converting HONConduct962164s1.gif (1KB) attachment 25 attachment(s): logohealth.png, nophotocadaceus.jpg, claimyourprofileh ereN.gif, profmale.gif, profspokenl.gif, staroff.png, celicon.png, printicon.png , worldicon.png, houseicon.png, aditionallocations.png, phoneshared.png, back.gi f, byspecialtylarge.png, bynamelarge.png, bysymptomsearchlarge.png, smartsearchl

arge.png, healthcaremaleFemaleOne.gif, 1a5c9d684c2e46a0_oirndRANDOM.dat, 3c69c25 60ebe81b2_oirndRANDOM.dat, mostpopularprofiles.png, logominfoot.png, divbottm.pn g, divfooter.png, HONConduct962164s1.gif 5/6/2010 2:58:31 PM (33537B) Bill Goodman -> 'Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 3:08:46 PM (111350B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':FW: Quote #1494 Converting Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf (54KB) attachment Converting Risers_Terms__Conditions.pdf (53KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): Est1494fromRisersIntern.pdf, Risers_Terms__Conditions.p df 5/6/2010 3:10:35 PM (43103B) Bill Goodman -> 'Syed, Verda (GE Infra, VG Oil & Gas)':RE: New Supplier Forms Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/6/2010 3:28:43 PM (119553B) Bill Goodman -> 'Lewis Charles':Seal subs Converting DEP110900052.pdf (117KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): DEP110900052.pdf 5/6/2010 3:30:45 PM (6701B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jie Li':Phoenix Riser Stop Coll ars Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 9:37:07 AM (11981B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ardy':RE: today Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 9:40:52 AM (6781B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: BOLT HARDWARE AND R UBBER GOODS FOR HULL 3505 - READY FOR PICK UP 5/7/2010 3:01:09 PM (44072B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Freddi e Fonseca'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' :RE: Saturday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/7/2010 3:17:39 PM (40731B) Bill Goodman -> 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'blyoninvest @cs.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' :RE: Saturday Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/10/2010 9:32:51 AM (24013B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'Fredd ie Fonseca'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] ':RE: Tuesday ball!?! 5/10/2010 10:03:40 AM (95730B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':GE Quote Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (8KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (5KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.gif 5/10/2010 10:19:47 AM (92570B) Bill Goodman -> 'Teri Breckenridge':GE Quote2 Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (8KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (5KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.gif 5/10/2010 10:24:02 AM (12263B) Bill Goodman -> 'Greg Hartwig'; Justin West:R E: Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/10/2010 10:29:28 AM (7622B) Bill Goodman -> 'Ruth Westra':RE: [Spam] FW: H artwig, Gregory

Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image002.gif 5/10/2010 2:49:33 PM (134332B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; 'ppatrick@risers inc.com':Emailing: eb701d.pdf Converting eb701d.pdf (127KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): eb701d.pdf 5/10/2010 2:49:54 PM (127481B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West; 'ppatrick@risers inc.com':Emailing: eb670d.pdf Converting eb670d.pdf (120KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): eb670d.pdf 5/11/2010 9:06:22 AM (20450B) Bill Goodman -> 'Jody Ballard':RE: Missing Str aps and Buckles Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 9:09:06 AM (1300447B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Missing Straps and Buckles Converting Tensioner_Assy.xlsx (193KB) attachment Converting PL0312091.pdf (551KB) attachment Converting PL0910091_Rev.1.PDF (66KB) attachment Converting PL1512091.pdf (401KB) attachment Converting Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls (67KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 6 attachment(s): Tensioner_Assy.xlsx, PL0312091.pdf, PL0910091_Rev.1.PDF , PL1512091.pdf, Shipment_Tracking_Sheet_22APRIL2010.xls, image001.gif 5/11/2010 2:53:51 PM (6380B) Bill Goodman -> John D Almon ([email protected] om):pASSWORD Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:15:10 PM (41804B) Bill Goodman -> 'cory lebouf'; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; '[email protected]'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'blyon [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Tuesday ball! ?! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/11/2010 3:29:38 PM (49895B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]'; 'cory lebouf'; 'sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; 'Freddie Fonseca'; 'blyon [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Tuesday ball! ?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 3:33:34 PM (47888B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman; 'cory lebouf'; ' sheb cotter'; 'Neil Ecton'; 'Eric Bordosky'; '[email protected]'; 'Freddie Fo nseca'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: Tuesday ball!?! Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image003.gif 5/11/2010 3:40:41 PM (9552B) Bill Goodman -> 'John Almon':RE: pASSWORD Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/12/2010 10:00:00 AM (62680B) Bill Goodman -> 'cory lebouf':RE: Tuesday bal l!?! Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (0KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif, image003.gif 5/12/2010 10:04:39 AM (31378B) Bill Goodman -> Justin West:RE: Converting image001.gif (2KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (17KB) attachment

2 attachment(s): image001.gif, image002.jpg 5/12/2010 10:23:45 AM (43552B) Bill Goodman -> 'Rodney Thompson'; 'jaymz1320 @hotmail.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'jgonc [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'mban [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'dave.marhofer@mu stangeng.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'james.willingha [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'tiffani_aswad @yahoo.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'richbarros [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'statonbld@hotmail. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] et'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] '; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'r [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'wbrown@fbckaty. com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'thaddicus @hotmail.com'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'dhf [email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected] m'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]':RE: New Basketball League this Summer 5/12/2010 11:37:33 AM (34145B) Bill Goodman -> '[email protected]':RE: Tu esday ball!?! Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 5/12/2010 11:52:28 AM (1869B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':Travel Medicin e 5/13/2010 4:05:04 PM (45942B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:RE: Visitation With M y Daughter Converting image001.jpg (10KB) attachment Converting image002.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image003.gif (2KB) attachment 3 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.gif 5/14/2010 3:28:21 PM (18144B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Bully modules 5/14/2010 3:29:24 PM (38053B) Bill Goodman -> 'Grant Anderson':RE: Monday Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 5/14/2010 3:30:53 PM (36809B) Bill Goodman -> Shipping:FW: Clarion: Pick up and deliver at Riser Int'l Converting image001.jpg (17KB) attachment Converting image002.gif (2KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image001.jpg, image002.gif 5/14/2010 3:32:41 PM (5390B) Bill Goodman -> 'Charles Lewis':FW: Real-Time G PS $149.95 5/14/2010 3:35:14 PM (49152B) Bill Goodman -> 'Peter Grice':RE: Bully Module Short Shipped Tensioner Bars *** READING 2 message(s) in mail folder 'Drafts' at 5/16/2010 11:11:26 AM: 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (18899B) -> Lance McIntyre; fran.cnswelding@sbcgloba l.net:RE: Risers-air compressor location Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): image001.gif 05-16-2010 12:00:00 AM (37454B) -> 'Lewis Charles':RE: Drivers Converting image002.gif (0KB) attachment Converting image001.gif (0KB) attachment 2 attachment(s): image002.gif, image001.gif *** READING 45 message(s) in mail folder 'Sync Issues' at 5/16/2010 11:11:31 AM: 7/14/2009 9:02:35 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 7/21/2009 8:18:35 AM (1574B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo

g: 7/31/2009 3:45:37 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 9/3/2009 12:16:08 PM (1335B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 9/14/2009 11:12:17 AM (1401B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 10/23/2009 9:50:19 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 10/26/2009 1:59:41 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 11/3/2009 9:43:37 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 11/11/2009 10:30:55 AM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log: 11/13/2009 4:29:53 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 12/2/2009 8:20:46 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 12/14/2009 10:25:13 AM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log: 12/28/2009 2:18:12 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 12/31/2009 10:26:34 AM (1445B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log: 1/14/2010 9:41:20 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 1/15/2010 1:52:11 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 1/18/2010 3:20:08 PM (1335B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/3/2010 2:27:09 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log : 2/9/2010 12:34:16 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/15/2010 3:56:25 PM (1418B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/15/2010 4:21:32 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/15/2010 4:36:46 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/17/2010 9:52:35 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/19/2010 1:35:13 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 2/24/2010 2:04:39 PM (1403B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 3/2/2010 2:35:01 PM (1404B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log : 3/2/2010 3:56:41 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log : 3/4/2010 3:11:58 AM (1333B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log : 3/8/2010 3:04:39 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Log : 3/9/2010 10:20:04 PM (1404B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 3/12/2010 1:25:15 PM (1403B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 3/19/2010 10:00:00 AM (1399B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L

og: 3/30/2010 5:25:19 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 3/31/2010 9:10:34 AM (1334B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/7/2010 12:38:21 PM (1335B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/12/2010 2:41:01 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/13/2010 9:42:47 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/16/2010 1:34:30 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/19/2010 11:26:56 AM (1401B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 4/19/2010 4:45:46 PM (1334B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/19/2010 4:52:44 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: 4/29/2010 10:38:08 AM (1336B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 4/29/2010 11:45:46 AM (1400B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 4/30/2010 10:26:51 AM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization L og: 4/30/2010 2:38:55 PM (1402B) Bill Goodman -> Bill Goodman:Synchronization Lo g: *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Conflicts' because it contains no mail messages *** READING 1 message(s) in mail folder 'Local Failures' at 5/16/2010 11:11:34 A M: 7/21/2009 7:56:55 AM (76901B) sales -> :chinese factory suppy steel pipe *** READING 15 message(s) in mail folder 'Junk E-mail' at 5/16/2010 11:11:35 AM: 4/29/2010 4:18:31 PM (12380B) Andy Cates -> 'Bill Goodman':PO to change the name plate 4/30/2010 4:26:53 PM (1854446B) [email protected] eserver.net -> [email protected]:failure notice 5/1/2010 11:19:28 AM (25623B) Alibaba Trade Alert -> [email protected]: Bill, get your duplex steel pipe updates for Saturday, May 1, 2010 now 5/2/2010 11:18:44 AM (29043B) Alibaba Trade Alert -> [email protected]: Bill, get your duplex steel pipe updates for Sunday, May 2, 2010 now 5/3/2010 11:16:16 AM (25888B) Alibaba Trade Alert -> [email protected]: Bill, get your duplex steel pipe updates for Monday, May 3, 2010 now 5/4/2010 11:18:18 AM (25622B) Alibaba Trade Alert -> [email protected]: Bill, get your duplex steel pipe updates for Tuesday, May 4, 2010 now 5/6/2010 9:30:00 AM (13709B) Chastity Lamb -> Bill Goodman:paint rollers 5/9/2010 12:26:06 PM (10626B) iSaveToday -> [email protected]:William, Your Health Insurance Savings List is Complete 5/10/2010 3:59:21 PM (28419B) Duane H. Filson -> Alvie Busby; Balogun, Shamu sideen; Blake Morgan work; Brent Oman; Brock Hendrickson; Cristian Rivera; David Feigleson; Dwayne Bonin; Eric Bordosky; Eric Bordosky; Frank Potts; Frank Vasqu ez; Fred Jr.; Fred Sr.; Garrett Cone; Heath Secrist; Josh Flores; Juan Jimenez; Justin Landry; Kelley Lee; Kevin Bordosky; [email protected]; Mike McGinley ; Omar Parra; Oscar Cedillo; Phil Pool; Rodney Thompson; Ryan.Fehrenbacher@gmail .com; Ryan Weis; Sam Newland; Stephen Winters; Tim Pepper; Tom Engelbert; Will:G o for BBall! 5/11/2010 12:22:40 PM (8483B) UrgentNotification -> [email protected]:A Dell XPS is pending participation 5/11/2010 4:37:42 PM (6636B) [email protected] -> bgoodman@ris ersinc.com:Planning for Summer 5/12/2010 9:51:10 AM (11922B) iSaveToday -> [email protected]:0358354Go

odman New Health Insurance Savings 5/13/2010 10:12:47 AM (4902B) [email protected] -> courtneywright@c omcast.net:[Norton AntiSpam]e4P Are Alphanateuk 5/14/2010 5:21:27 AM (8031B) SocialWorkersNeeded -> [email protected]:[N orton AntiSpam]Social Workers are in High-Hemand 5/14/2010 2:08:22 PM (11306B) [email protected] er.net -> [email protected]:failure notice *** READING 16 message(s) in mail folder 'Fax' at 5/16/2010 11:11:38 AM: 6/13/2009 2:09:02 PM (26595B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 19188363336 to 2819841225. Pages [1] Converting 281984122520090613150729863.pdf (21KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090613150729863.pdf 5/26/2009 3:53:34 PM (205526B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 18642239341 to 2819841225. Pages [8] Converting 281984122520090526144726760.pdf (200KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090526144726760.pdf 6/25/2009 10:47:01 AM (33300B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 12813415335 to 2819841225. Pages [1] Converting 281984122520090625114537073.pdf (28KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090625114537073.pdf 7/22/2009 2:31:02 PM (100732B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 17136703432 to 2819841225. Pages [2] Converting 281984122520090722152810813.pdf (95KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090722152810813.pdf 7/27/2009 3:55:03 PM (93484B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 17138671000 to 2819841225. Pages [3] Converting 281984122520090727165249150.pdf (88KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090727165249150.pdf 7/30/2009 10:54:07 AM (5796B) ITP -> [email protected]:Password Retrieva l 7/30/2009 10:54:03 AM (25811B) ITP Fax Service -> [email protected]:Fax from 17139437808 to 2819841225. Pages [1] Converting 281984122520090730115241860.pdf (20KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): 281984122520090730115241860.pdf 7/30/2009 11:41:32 AM (7725B) ITP -> [email protected]:Service Update 7/30/2009 6:00:14 PM (7719B) ITP -> [email protected]:Your Order Has Bee n Shipped 8/10/2009 3:57:52 PM (7193B) Support -> [email protected]:Support Form R ef. #VNM63906 8/11/2009 1:12:07 PM (8883B) ITP -> [email protected]:Trouble Ticket #37 103 Update 9/8/2009 1:39:59 PM (6842B) ITP -> [email protected]:Service Update 9/15/2009 4:11:41 AM (6211B) ITP -> [email protected]:Monthly Service Ch arge Failed 9/17/2009 4:03:17 AM (6211B) ITP -> [email protected]:Monthly Service Ch arge Failed 9/18/2009 4:03:00 AM (5845B) ITP -> [email protected]:Monthly Service Ch arge Failed 11/30/2009 8:29:55 AM (6509B) Support -> [email protected]:Support Form Ref. #R9SV4289 *** READING 3 message(s) in mail folder 'Voicemail' at 5/16/2010 11:11:43 AM: 4/13/2010 12:36:12 PM (131482B) [email protected] -> William Goodman (12819841224):Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12813927021 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (121KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 4/20/2010 12:51:04 PM (189005B) [email protected] -> William Goodman (12819841224):Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (179KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav 4/20/2010 3:07:00 PM (245360B) [email protected] -> William Goodman

(12819841224):Vonage Visual Voicemail from 12812370177 - New Voicemail Received Converting voicemessage.wav (235KB) attachment 1 attachment(s): voicemessage.wav *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Deleted Items' because it contains no mail messages *** READING 1 message(s) in mail folder 'Inbox' at 5/16/2010 11:11:45 AM: Current message is being skipped: either access to Outlook was denied, or me ssage is of an unknown type (7) *** SKIPPING mail folder '[Gmail]' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'All Mail' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Drafts' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Sent Mail' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Spam' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Starred' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Trash' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Follow up' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Misc' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Priority' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Sent Messages' because it contains no mail messages *** SKIPPING mail folder 'Junk E-mail' because it contains no mail messages -----------------------------------------------------------PROCESSING 1 CONTACT LIST(S): Contact email addresses will be set to the 'Home' category by default -----------------------------------------------------------*** READING 137 contacts in list 'Contacts' at 5/16/2010 11:11:47 AM: Ardy Goodman Bill Goodman Christine Penfold Justene A. Goodman Laura True Max Goodman Terry Smith Butch Darnell Myles Rigden Mitchel Bassey Roland Kennedy Paul Craven Danny Wilbanks Jody Ballard Thomas Malendres Alan Clendenen Chastity Lamb P & M SOLUTIONS, INC. Scooter Delaune Wilton Schexnayder Rosenberg Tractor Randy Visage Shawn Staley Jim Dwigans Gregory D. Hartwig Michael Wilmoth Ron Walton Kenny Warr Kingslands Animal Clinic Nelvia Escobedo Paul Lopez Phillip Poindexter Quality Rentals Randy Gregory Richard Kieser Foreman

Shipping Robby Roberson Ronny W. Emberton Russel Woods Ruth Westra Steve Lamb Steve Hulsey Stewart Sumer Ane Goodman Sushi Hana Teri Brekenridge Tony Devaughn Vincent Summa Risers International Fred Brooks Clinton Woods Matt Fielder Aaron Begley Lars Torp Ricky Pearce John William "Will" Seger Tom Bishop John Housholder Danny Campbell Steven R. Meheen Billy Nitsche Kim K. Forrest D.D.S., M.S. American Lift & Equipment Alan Pinson Richard Sauce Tom Goin Eugene Hannusch Charlie Ellermann Serge Schultz Advanced Dermatology Anthony L. Baker Joe Dyson Quick Weightloss Center Clay Morton Shane Shepherd Eric Bordosky Therald Martin Charles Lewis Dedrick Depriest Richard Ashley Berkshire Stephen Cabral Andy Cates Coach Willy Colter Chapman PK Manufacturing Paul Majors Tomy Lasson Riverside Wreckers John Blackmore Pete Perro Paul Gosline Thomas Minks Stewart Imhoff Tom Wallen

Kellie M Grigar Kim Kirkegaard Ray Wong Lynn Nixon Paul Firman Richard Coyne Robert Payne Ray Dunn Reliable EDM Co. Nicole Wilbanks Gary Crawford KT Galvanizing Tom Yarick Magdelano Moondragon Dr. Kirsten Lentsch Ben Lawson Jason Dixson Sharat Yempati Gillman Honda Of Fort Bend R.E. "Bubba" Gaurino Larry E Mcconathy Jack Cross Paul Lopez Felipe Angeles John D Almon Martin Esselbrugge Terry Nehls Troy Nehls Johnny Richards Kevin Wink Kenneth Bybjerg Walker Chiropractic & Wellness Center Massage Envy Discount Hitch & Truck Victor Montanez Lonestar Corrosion Service Linda Fox Jeff Llarance Turner Shawn Terral Kevin King -----------------------------------------------------------PROCESSING OUTLOOK CALENDAR: -----------------------------------------------------------*** READING 380 items in calendar 'Calendar' at 5/16/2010 11:11:55 AM: 8/27/2009 Justene Ane Goodman II's Birthday 4/10/2010 Our Anniversary 8/27/2009 Justene A. Goodman's Birthday 4/10/2010 Justene A. Goodman's Anniversary 12/25/2010 Christmas Day 12/25/2011 Christmas Day 12/25/2012 Christmas Day 12/24/2010 Christmas Eve 12/24/2011 Christmas Eve 12/24/2012 Christmas Eve 10/11/2010 Columbus Day 10/10/2011 Columbus Day 10/8/2012 Columbus Day 4/4/2010 1:00:00 AM Easter Day 4/24/2011 Easter Day

4/8/2012 Easter Day 11/2/2010 1:00:00 AM Election Day 11/8/2011 Election Day 11/6/2012 Election Day 6/20/2010 Father's Day 6/19/2011 Father's Day 6/17/2012 Father's Day 6/14/2010 Flag Day 6/14/2011 Flag Day 6/14/2012 Flag Day 2/2/2011 Groundhog Day 2/2/2012 Groundhog Day 10/31/2010 Halloween 10/31/2011 1:00:00 AM Halloween 10/31/2012 1:00:00 AM Halloween 7/4/2010 Independence Day 7/4/2011 Independence Day 7/4/2012 Independence Day 9/6/2010 Labor Day 9/5/2011 Labor Day 9/3/2012 Labor Day 2/12/2010 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2011 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2012 Lincoln's Birthday 1/17/2011 Martin Luther King Day 1/16/2012 Martin Luther King Day 5/31/2010 Memorial Day 5/30/2011 Memorial Day 5/28/2012 Memorial Day 5/9/2010 Mother's Day 5/8/2011 Mother's Day 5/13/2012 Mother's Day 1/1/2011 New Year's Day 1/1/2012 New Year's Day 12/31/2010 New Year's Eve 12/31/2011 New Year's Eve 12/31/2012 New Year's Eve 3/17/2010 1:00:00 AM Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2011 1:00:00 AM Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2012 1:00:00 AM Saint Patrick's Day 4/15/2010 Tax Day 4/15/2011 Tax Day 4/16/2012 Tax Day 11/25/2010 Thanksgiving Day 11/24/2011 Thanksgiving Day 11/22/2012 Thanksgiving Day 2/14/2010 Valentine's Day 2/14/2011 Valentine's Day 2/14/2012 Valentine's Day 11/11/2010 Veteran's Day 11/11/2011 Veteran's Day 11/11/2012 Veteran's Day 4/21/2010 Administrative Professionals Day 4/27/2011 Administrative Professionals Day 4/25/2012 Administrative Professionals Day 2/15/2010 Presidents' Day 2/21/2011 Presidents' Day 2/20/2012 Presidents' Day 4/25/2010 Anzac Day 4/25/2011 Anzac Day

4/25/2012 Anzac Day 1/26/2011 Australia Day 1/26/2012 Australia Day 12/26/2010 Boxing Day 12/26/2011 Boxing Day 12/26/2012 Boxing Day 12/25/2010 Christmas Day 12/25/2011 Christmas Day 12/25/2012 Christmas Day 4/5/2010 Easter Monday 4/25/2011 Easter Monday 4/9/2012 Easter Monday 4/2/2010 1:00:00 AM Good Friday 4/22/2011 Good Friday 4/6/2012 Good Friday 10/4/2010 Labour Day 10/3/2011 Labour Day 10/1/2012 Labour Day 5/9/2010 Mother's Day 5/8/2011 Mother's Day 5/13/2012 Mother's Day 1/1/2011 New Year's Day 1/1/2012 New Year's Day 6/14/2010 Queen's Birthday 6/13/2011 Queen's Birthday 6/11/2012 Queen's Birthday 9/5/2010 Father's Day 9/4/2011 Father's Day 9/2/2012 Father's Day 12/12/2009 Dad's Birthday 1/11/2010 Ardy's Birthday 3/13/2010 41st Birthday 2/1/2011 10:00:00 AM New Event 1/29/2010 10:00:00 AM New Event 1/28/2010 Cinco Ranch Residential 1/29/2010 Christine Penfold's Birthday 2/15/2010 11:30:00 AM DMAC Construct Cost Meeting 2/16/2010 Pickup truck in Dallas 2/11/2010 10:00:00 AM Production Meeting 2/13/2010 8:00:00 AM Wealth Magazine Class 3/24/2010 11:00:00 AM Sumer's ortho spot. 2/17/2010 3:20:00 PM Jessey has an appointment with ORTHODONTIST 2/15/2010 5:30:00 PM Walker Chiropractic 2/19/2010 5:30:00 PM Walker Chiropractic 3/21/2010 11:00:00 AM DISH NETWORK 4/22/2010 DISH NETWORK 5/22/2010 DISH NETWORK 4/5/2010 Central Security Group 5/5/2010 Central Security Group 6/5/2010 Central Security Group 4/16/2010 Dr. Kim K. Forrest 5/16/2010 Dr. Kim K. Forrest 3/19/2010 2:30:00 PM Risers International Production Meeting 3/8/2010 4:30:00 PM Dr chiropractic 3/23/2010 11:00:00 AM Electrical and HVAC review 12/18/2010 Vacation 9/15/2010 Scheduled Date for ISO S2 Audit 8/9/2010 10:00:00 AM Management Review/Prepare for ISO Audit 6/9/2010 9:00:00 AM ISO 9001 Internal Audit 5/7/2010 9:00:00 AM Justin West Inspectors Eye Examination

4/25/2006 Anzac Day 4/25/2007 Anzac Day 4/25/2008 Anzac Day 4/25/2009 Anzac Day 4/25/2010 Anzac Day 4/25/2011 Anzac Day 4/25/2012 Anzac Day 1/26/2006 Australia Day 1/26/2007 Australia Day 1/27/2008 Australia Day 1/26/2009 Australia Day 1/26/2010 Australia Day 1/26/2011 Australia Day 1/26/2012 Australia Day 12/26/2006 Boxing Day 12/26/2007 Boxing Day 12/26/2008 Boxing Day 12/26/2009 Boxing Day 12/26/2010 Boxing Day 12/26/2011 Boxing Day 12/26/2012 Boxing Day 12/25/2006 Christmas Day 12/25/2007 Christmas Day 12/25/2008 Christmas Day 12/25/2009 Christmas Day 12/25/2010 Christmas Day 12/25/2011 Christmas Day 12/25/2012 Christmas Day 4/17/2006 Easter Monday 4/9/2007 Easter Monday 3/24/2008 Easter Monday 4/13/2009 Easter Monday 4/5/2010 Easter Monday 4/25/2011 Easter Monday 4/9/2012 Easter Monday 4/14/2006 Good Friday 4/6/2007 Good Friday 3/21/2008 Good Friday 4/10/2009 Good Friday 4/2/2010 Good Friday 4/22/2011 Good Friday 4/6/2012 Good Friday 10/2/2006 Labour Day 10/1/2007 Labour Day 10/6/2008 Labour Day 10/5/2009 Labour Day 10/4/2010 Labour Day 10/3/2011 Labour Day 10/1/2012 Labour Day 5/14/2006 Mother's Day 5/13/2007 Mother's Day 5/11/2008 Mother's Day 5/10/2009 Mother's Day 5/9/2010 Mother's Day 5/8/2011 Mother's Day 5/13/2012 Mother's Day 1/1/2006 New Year's Day 1/1/2007 New Year's Day 1/1/2008 New Year's Day 1/1/2009 New Year's Day

1/1/2010 New Year's Day 1/1/2011 New Year's Day 1/1/2012 New Year's Day 6/12/2006 Queen's Birthday 6/11/2007 Queen's Birthday 6/9/2008 Queen's Birthday 6/8/2009 Queen's Birthday 6/14/2010 Queen's Birthday 6/13/2011 Queen's Birthday 6/11/2012 Queen's Birthday 9/3/2006 Father's Day 9/2/2007 Father's Day 9/7/2008 Father's Day 9/6/2009 Father's Day 9/5/2010 Father's Day 9/4/2011 Father's Day 9/2/2012 Father's Day 12/25/2006 Christmas Day 12/25/2007 Christmas Day 12/25/2008 Christmas Day 12/25/2009 Christmas Day 12/25/2010 Christmas Day 12/25/2011 Christmas Day 12/25/2012 Christmas Day 12/24/2006 Christmas Eve 12/24/2007 Christmas Eve 12/24/2008 Christmas Eve 12/24/2009 Christmas Eve 12/24/2010 Christmas Eve 12/24/2011 Christmas Eve 12/24/2012 Christmas Eve 10/9/2006 Columbus Day 10/8/2007 Columbus Day 10/13/2008 Columbus Day 10/12/2009 Columbus Day 10/11/2010 Columbus Day 10/10/2011 Columbus Day 10/8/2012 Columbus Day 4/16/2006 Easter Day 4/8/2007 Easter Day 3/23/2008 Easter Day 4/12/2009 Easter Day 4/4/2010 Easter Day 4/24/2011 Easter Day 4/8/2012 Easter Day 11/7/2006 Election Day 11/6/2007 Election Day 11/4/2008 Election Day 11/3/2009 Election Day 11/2/2010 Election Day 11/8/2011 Election Day 11/6/2012 Election Day 6/18/2006 Father's Day 6/17/2007 Father's Day 6/15/2008 Father's Day 6/21/2009 Father's Day 6/20/2010 Father's Day 6/19/2011 Father's Day 6/17/2012 Father's Day 6/14/2006 Flag Day

6/14/2007 Flag Day 6/14/2008 Flag Day 6/14/2009 Flag Day 6/14/2010 Flag Day 6/14/2011 Flag Day 6/14/2012 Flag Day 2/2/2006 Groundhog Day 2/2/2007 Groundhog Day 2/2/2008 Groundhog Day 2/2/2009 Groundhog Day 2/2/2010 Groundhog Day 2/2/2011 Groundhog Day 2/2/2012 Groundhog Day 10/31/2006 Halloween 10/31/2007 Halloween 10/31/2008 Halloween 10/31/2009 Halloween 10/31/2010 Halloween 10/31/2011 Halloween 10/31/2012 Halloween 7/4/2006 Independence Day 7/4/2007 Independence Day 7/4/2008 Independence Day 7/4/2009 Independence Day 7/4/2010 Independence Day 7/4/2011 Independence Day 7/4/2012 Independence Day 9/4/2006 Labor Day 9/3/2007 Labor Day 9/1/2008 Labor Day 9/7/2009 Labor Day 9/6/2010 Labor Day 9/5/2011 Labor Day 9/3/2012 Labor Day 2/12/2006 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2007 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2008 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2009 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2010 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2011 Lincoln's Birthday 2/12/2012 Lincoln's Birthday 1/16/2006 Martin Luther King 1/15/2007 Martin Luther King 1/21/2008 Martin Luther King 1/19/2009 Martin Luther King 1/18/2010 Martin Luther King 1/17/2011 Martin Luther King 1/16/2012 Martin Luther King 5/29/2006 Memorial Day 5/28/2007 Memorial Day 5/26/2008 Memorial Day 5/25/2009 Memorial Day 5/31/2010 Memorial Day 5/30/2011 Memorial Day 5/28/2012 Memorial Day 5/14/2006 Mother's Day 5/13/2007 Mother's Day 5/11/2008 Mother's Day 5/10/2009 Mother's Day 5/9/2010 Mother's Day

Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

5/8/2011 Mother's Day 5/13/2012 Mother's Day 1/1/2006 New Year's Day 1/1/2007 New Year's Day 1/1/2008 New Year's Day 1/1/2009 New Year's Day 1/1/2010 New Year's Day 1/1/2011 New Year's Day 1/1/2012 New Year's Day 12/31/2006 New Year's Eve 12/31/2007 New Year's Eve 12/31/2008 New Year's Eve 12/31/2009 New Year's Eve 12/31/2010 New Year's Eve 12/31/2011 New Year's Eve 12/31/2012 New Year's Eve 3/17/2006 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2007 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2008 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2009 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2010 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2011 Saint Patrick's Day 3/17/2012 Saint Patrick's Day 4/17/2006 Tax Day 4/16/2007 Tax Day 4/15/2008 Tax Day 4/15/2009 Tax Day 4/15/2010 Tax Day 4/15/2011 Tax Day 4/16/2012 Tax Day 11/23/2006 Thanksgiving Day 11/22/2007 Thanksgiving Day 11/27/2008 Thanksgiving Day 11/26/2009 Thanksgiving Day 11/25/2010 Thanksgiving Day 11/24/2011 Thanksgiving Day 11/22/2012 Thanksgiving Day 2/14/2006 Valentine's Day 2/14/2007 Valentine's Day 2/14/2008 Valentine's Day 2/14/2009 Valentine's Day 2/14/2010 Valentine's Day 2/14/2011 Valentine's Day 2/14/2012 Valentine's Day 11/11/2006 Veteran's Day 11/11/2007 Veteran's Day 11/11/2008 Veteran's Day 11/11/2009 Veteran's Day 11/11/2010 Veteran's Day 11/11/2011 Veteran's Day 11/11/2012 Veteran's Day 4/26/2006 Administrative Professionals 4/25/2007 Administrative Professionals 4/23/2008 Administrative Professionals 4/22/2009 Administrative Professionals 4/21/2010 Administrative Professionals 4/27/2011 Administrative Professionals 4/25/2012 Administrative Professionals 2/20/2006 Presidents' Day 2/19/2007 Presidents' Day

Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

2/18/2008 2/16/2009 2/15/2010 2/21/2011 2/20/2012 *** FINISHED

Presidents' Presidents' Presidents' Presidents' Presidents'

Day Day Day Day Day

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