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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Logo-Cinematherapy Program on the

Depression Level and Meaning in Life of the College
Inmate Students in Camp Sampaguita,
New Bilibid Prison
Rolando Gerald A. de Dios Jr.1
Rosalito de Guzman 2
University of Santo Tomas, Espana, Manila

Abstract:- Social exclusion, deprivation of basic rights, I. INTRODUCTION

absence of freedom, and unfavourable impression of the
free society - all these are faced by prisoners of New Movie goers, film fanatics, and artist fans are true
Bilibid Prison while in detention and completing their lovers and ardent viewers of films. In watching movies the
prison sentence. In this kind of life situation, loneliness, aspirations and dream of a person comes true. Movies
gloominess, and loss of meaning in life is just a heartbeat suspends reality (Sharp, et al., 2002 ) it makes and allow the
away. Pessimistic emotions, unfavourable views about viewer to live temporarily in the most perfect world where
self, experiencing the real situation and scenario of the they always wanted to be. Movies are part of life , it only
prison will greatly contribute to depression. Meaning in shows how movies or films affects the viewers.The movie
life is the guiding compass towards a direction in a industry and film makings in the Philippines is almost
person’s life. Losing it will make someone experience nearing to its curtain down, as observed and seen movies are
existential vacuum. The researcher used logo- being viewed in public once a year particularly on Christmas
cinematherapy, a combination of logotherapy and Day as being sponsored by the Metro Manila Development
cinematherapy, as the treatment modality. Beck’s Authority in the event of Metro Manila Film Festival. The
Depression Inventory - 2 and Purpose in Life Test decline of movie industry and film making in the Philippines
(PILT) were used to select participants; semi-structured were evident due to the digitalization of the films. Piracy
interview and focus group discussion results helped were rampant and widespread in the early 2000’s to the later
determine film selection. The treatment program then part of 2016, eventually the mass production of android
underwent pilot testing. Employing the purposive phone and development of phone apps makes movie
sampling technique, 105 inmate students out of the total watching easier through the use phone in anyone’s palm.
population of 236 qualified for the study. Using the The creation of Viva Max, Net Flix, and Youtube which
Solomon Four-Group Design, eighty students were makes the movie goers decreases and reduces. The soaring
randomly assigned to four groups. The experimental of Korean movies and telenovelas also becomes popular and
groups underwent 12 sessions of logo-cinematherapy patronize even by the Filipinos. As others claimed that
while those in the control groups availed of and attended Korea is now being called as the New Hollywood. More so,
the NBP’s regular program. The post-test was given to undeniably that there are some local movies which can be
all the groups. Results reveal that logo-cinematherapy is defined or attributed as directed recklessly which causes
effective in heightening meaning in life and in reducing annoyance to many and leads to patronizing international or
depression. Control Group 1 also showed increases in foreign produce films as well as artist. Adding to this, is
meaning in life and reduced depression levels. Control the amount or entrance fee in the movie house which makes
group 2, however, had unclear results in meaning in life the watchers to think if the amount they are paying is worthy
and experienced mild to moderate depression. These of what they will see. The hit of pandemic in the country
results showed that the NBP’s current programs for challenge the entire entertainment businesses. Malls and
inmates, though effective, requires revisiting and movie houses were closed, health protocols becomes tighter
enhancement to make it effective for all. Logo- and strict, location shootings were not permitted unless they
cinematherapy’s inclusion in their programs is thus will be confined in one area or place which they called as
recommended. lock in tapings or shootings.

Keywords:- College Inmate Students, Depression, Logo- Despite of this, movies have always been considered
Cinematherapy Program, Meaning in Life. by people of all ages as a form of relaxation and
entertainment. In some instances it makes people cry, laugh,
freightened, or fascinated by the stories created by both local
and international film makers ( Sharp, Smith, and Cole,
2002 ). Movies are therapeutic and reflective ( Berg – Cross

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165, 1990 ), the characters and plot of the stories would Watching and closely analyzing the film will surely hit
help a viewer reflect and connect it to his personal life, and a nerve to any viewers, as it reflects and connects to the
the story can makes an audience relate and see himself in the emotion of the watchers. Indeed, cinematherapy is like
scenario of the movies. Film viewing also reduces the bubble bath for the soul ( Nancy Peske and Beverly West,
repression and use of defense mechanism ( Sharp, 2002 2000 p.xi )
). While the characters is a like a mirror that will magnify
the expectators where he is in the movie. Movies watched In 1990 when Berg – Cross , Jennings, and Baruch
or seen turns to be an inspirational or a guiding compass and coined the term cinematherapy which they defined as a
motivation to someone who were touch and move by the therapeutic technique involving the selection of films for the
film. Films can provide a supportive device for client to view that will have a direct therapeutic effect to be
understanding maladaptive beliefs and for cognitive used as a stimulus for discussion and examination in future
restructuring giving clients the motivation to follow through therapy session ( Wedding and Niemic, 2003 ).
( Wings, 2001 ). Cinematherapy is a therapeutic intervention wherein
therapist selects films pertaining to clients’ issues for them
Some characters of the movies creates an etched or a to view or out of session ( Berg-Cross et al., 1990 ) The
remarkable performance in the film. Internationally, the metaphors are the most important aspect of it, through
character of Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man viewed in 1988, watching movies the similarity of the metaphor in the film
the role of Raymond will always be reminded as a person must reflect on their personal life. Sharp ( 2002 ) said
with Savant Autism, and displayed a high memory person. that cinematherapy is not just watching films but requires an
Tom Hanks in the film Cast Away seen in year 2000, in the in – depth understanding of the films metaphors, the
role he played as one of the most trusted men in FEDEX as characters portrayed in the film, and assisting the client in
Chuck Norton, trapped and isolated in an island for years knowing his or her similarities and differences in terms of
but never lost hope and courage that one day he will be out the film watched.
and be saved from his situation, together with his buddy and
only bestfriend name as Wilson, he faces the adversities and “ He who has a why to live for can bear with almost
bravely crossed the ocean to find life and escape from a any how. “ Frankl, 1969. A known therapist and postulated
pacific island. Another inspiring film and characters was logotherapy who experienced worst during the time of Nazi
being portrayed by Robin Williams in the movie Patch regime. He lost everything from his profession, status in the
Adams, he is Hunter ‘Patch “ Adams, a former psychiatric society, and lost his family due to his incarceration for being
patient who finds meaning in life during his detention in the a member of Jewish family. From the label of being a
facility and realizing that through medical practice he can medical practitioner or physician then it was replaced by
change anyone and by going against the traditional and most prison number. From these detrimental experiences of him
acceptable methods, then he can impart another effective he keeps on holding and believing that there is hope out of
way in caring and curing the patients and that is by applying miserable life situation. According to him, a person does not
humor, which in the movie were delighted by some of his invent the meaning of his or her own existence, but rather
colleagues, classmates and patients but hated and rejected by detects it. For Frankl, values, “ do not drive or push a man,
the top most hospital administrator. but rather pull him “. ( Frankl, 1959 ). This theory of Frankl
was used as one of the backbone of the program in this
Locally and as being used in this study, a veteran and study. By the used of Socratic Method and techniques
award decorated actor Ronaldo Valdez who played as Capt. imbedded in logotherapy, the college inmate students were
Manuel Bonifacio, a former Barangay Captain, widower, being exposed and facilitated with them. Logotherapy is a
and a father to 4 children who were apart due to some form of existential therapy and a philosophical /
personal issues and unsettled differences to his children, the psychological system that deals in finding the meaning in
misdiagnosis of lung cancer keep them united and life. ( Austad, 2007 ). It is a type of psychotherapeutic
strengthen their bond and union as a family. Piolo Pascual diagnosis and treatment that focuses on a “ will to meaning
in the role of Gene in the film 9 mornings, his carefree life “. It main goal is to find meaning in one’s life, which is the
and philandering affairs were change by the spirit of most motivating force in human experience, also called as
yuletide season, he was also cast as Mark in the film The existential analysis. ( Morgan, 2013 ).
Last Night, suicidal in his role due to legal and financial
problem, who finds hope out of his imaginary friend named Man, in an environment where one can freely express
Carmina, who occasionally appear to those people who are ones’ own wants, still strives for more liberation in doing
getting near of ending their life. Aga Muhlach in his role as the things he or she wants to do. If a person experiences
Joselito Gopez, an inmate in the death row who were states of gloom, worry and tiredness in an ordinary
accused of murdering a child, a daughter of an influential environment, how much more if the person was isolated and
and powerful person. Unfortunately despite of his disability guarded within the four corners of a prison cell--depression
he was subjected for execution which makes her daughter is but a heartbeat away from becoming a reality. Just
promised to acquit his father though decades and years of thinking about how rotten he is, how society makes him feel
his death were passed. And Ms. Vilma Santos, as Josie, rejected is enough to affect his view in life. But it is also
mother, OFW, and a widow, who tried to align the life of possible for him to instill in himself the idea that one day, he
her children derailed due to the death of their beloved father will be changed and will become useful and productive in
and her absence. the society. People are equally likely to grow, lead

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
honorable and health-oriented, love, or go in another, less Prisons effective November 1 of the same year and placed it
positive direction, which is crooked thinking. Prisoners are under the Department of Commerce and Police. Then it was
also individuals who can take responsibility for their transferred to the Department of Public Institution. The
thoughts, feelings and acts relative to the acceptance or non- Prison Law which was enacted pursuant to the provision of
acceptance of the messages given to them by others. sec. 1705 – 1751 of the Administrative Code of 1917, finally
placed the Bureau of Prisons under the Department of
According to Mahdizadeh, ( 2016 ), being Justice. The three prisons and penal colonies, i.e., old
uncertain about the purpose or meaning in life, , loss of Bilibid, San Ramon, and Iwahig, were placed under the
confidence in oneself, and pessimistic views and perceptions Bureau of Prisons including the Corregidor Stockade and the
about the future are some of the possibilities that will Bontoc Prison which were later phased out.
eventually be the underlying factors resulting in depression
level, low self – esteem, and increased anger. The Due to increasing inmate population and criminality,
application of psychological principles to the correctional more prisons and penal colonies were created and placed
facility of the government, New Bilibid Prison has helped in under the supervision of the Bureau; the Correctional
determining and decreasing the destructive effects of Institution for women in Mandaluyong, Rizal was
depression. The prisoners, like many other people, cope established on January 21, 1932 in accordance with Act no.
with stress in many ways. Part of their ways of coping are 3732 and Proclamation 414 series of 1931; and the Old
the styles of life which they consistently exhibit. The Bilibid Prisons was transferred to its present site in
aforementioned institution offers occupational therapies, Munitinlupa in 1936 and renamed the New Bilibid Prison in
leisure and entertainment, crafts-work business, educational 1941.
facilities and other activities which have helped the inmates
prepare themselves towards a better future. Also, these Under the Philippine Republic after World War II, two
worthwhile pastimes can become more than a hobby for or more prisons were created to decongest the over crowded
them; as it helps them be able to alleviate their disordered condition of the New Bilibid Prisons. The Sablayan Penal
thinking into a strategy with an adaptive value. These are Colony in Mindoro Occidental and Leyte Regional Prisons
methods of helping the prisoners achieved better adjustment were established on September 27, 1954 and January 16,
in life through a focus on the here and now procedure. 1973, respectively. To date, there are seven major
correctional facilities in the country.
Being secluded can inject a negative attitude in
anyone; how to rise from the breakdown involves a pattern PD 28 dated October 25, 1972 establishes the Regional
of healthy thoughts accompanied by activity, or else a prisons and converts existing national penal institutions
person may use a maladaptive style which even brings him prisons and penal farms while PD 29, dated October 25,
to the bottom. A better understanding of the prisoners’ 1972 amended subparts ( d ) of Sec. 1735 and subparts ( b )
degree of depression has helped trace the mark of one’s of Sec 1740 of the Revised Administrative Code. PD. 139
reason for living. Giving considerable attention to passive, dated May 1973, provides for an additional regional prisons
depressed moments and changing its route to adaptive in Cebu.
coping is most needed in the prison community, it is also
important to note the success of the college inmates in small As provided for in the New Administrative Code of
ways. Let them see that they are not all failures that they are 1987, Sec 26, the name of the Bureau of Prisons was
normal people who matter, have values, know their worth, changed to Bureau of Corrections in 1989 and focused on
can feel secure and are able to relate with others. the rehabilitation function of the Bureau . ( Morales ,2003 )

II. METHODOLOGY  Participants

In this study the college inmates students from the
 Setting education department managed by the University of
The formal establishment of a National Prisons in the Perpetual College Rizal DALTA in Medium Security Camp.
Philippines began during the Spanish regime, when Spanish They are presently enrolled at the degree of Bachelor of
penal laws contained in royal decrees, ordinances, rules and Science in Business Administration major in
regulations were extended to the country. The main insular Entrepreneurship. All of them are males, adults, and proven
prison was the Old Bilibid Prisons in Manila which was guilty beyond reasonable doubt by the competent court of
constructed in 1847 and formally opened by a Spanish the Philippines.
Royal Decree in 1865. The San Ramon Prison and Penal
Farm in Zamboanga City was established in 1870, primarily  Test Instruments
to confine political offenders. This prison was closed during The researcher used two psychological test, that
the Spanish American war. measures the variables in this study. Becks Depression
Inventory – 2, a test that measures depression level and for
Under the American regime, more insular prisons and meaning in life, Purpose in Life was utilized. . Below are
penal colonies were established. The Iwahig Penal Colony the brief description of the tests.
in Palawan was created on November 16, 1904. The San
Roman Prisons, which was closed in 1898, was reopened.
The Reorganization Act of 1905 created the Bureau of

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Becks Depression Inventory 2 sessions of Establishing Rapport were performed for them to
The Beck Depression Inventory II ( BDI – II ) is a self- feel comfortable and at ease with the researcher. 12 sessions
report measure consisting of 21 items, which assess the were given to the pilot testing groups. In every session a
intensity of the emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and movie is being watched by them and a Socratic Method is
somatic symptoms, characteristic of depression. It is used used in discussing for the processing of the session. A
not only to establish the baseline for the depressive journal writing is an assignment given to them and will be
complaint, but also to evaluate the various contributing submitted on the next meeting. A week after the last
problems that combine constitute the complaint. Moreover, session, a post test is given to determine the effect whether
the BDI – II has sound specificity and sensitivity ( Sharpley the program was effective or not. The computation shows
and Bitsika, 2014 ). Brouwer, Meier, and Zevalking ( 2013 that the depression level reduces and move them to normal
) established that the total BDI score reflects a single or having no depression at all. While the meaning in life
construct and that reporting and interpreting individual from having an existential vacuum of clear meaning in life.
subscale scores may result in misleading conclusions. In addition, an interview was also conducted to the teachers
According to the BDI, higher scores indicate an increase in and administrators of the school, the purpose of this is to
the depression and lower scores signify a decrease in determine the views of them with regards to the present
depression. emotion and psychological state of the inmates based from
their personal experiences with them.
 Purpose in Life Test
This instrument was constructed by J.C. Crumbaugh Revising some of the procedures, questions, and
and L.T. Maholick ( 1962 – 1969 ). As written in the improving in giving some related examples, the researcher
Manual of Instruction for the Purpose in Life Test ( 1969 ), plotted the date and time for the actual group for
this test is an attitude scale constructed from the orientation Experimental Groups 1 and 2. While the Control Groups 1
of Logotherapy ( Gr. Logos meaning; logotherapy; and 2 will avail the program of NBP but not to attend any
treatment through finding meaning in life ). The authors Logo-cinematherapy sessions simultaneous with the
wrote that it is intended to ascertain of Frankl’s basic Experimental Groups. From the total population ( 320
concept the, “ existential vacuum, “ or a failure to find a students ) of college inmates students, the researcher
meaning and purpose in life – a “ state of emptiness, facilitated the pretest to them using the two test ( BDI-2 and
manifested chiefly a by boredom.” This instrument was used PILT ). Using the Purposive Sampling Technique, the
to detect the presence of that “ existential vacuum.” This test participants are carefully selected and chosen, to qualify the
contains three parts, namely, Part A is made up of 20 items participants must have double negative interpretation
rated on seven point scale wherein the examinee is asked to meaning ( 1 ) Experiencing depression either in three levels
encircle the number of each statement that is most nearly either mild, moderate, or severe. ( 2 ) Having an existential
descriptive of him; Part B has 13 incomplete sentences vacuum or unclear meaning in life. An interpretation of
wherein the examinee is instructed to complete the phrases normal in depression and an indecisive meaning in life or
with the first thing that comes into his mind. Part C is a clear meaning in life will make a student unfit to participate
writing assignment on personal aims, ambitions, goals in life in the study. Although one of the interpretation is positive
and the progress made by achieving these. and the other one is negative, still the student will not be
qualified. There are 98 qualified students to be participants
 Procedures in the study. Fishball technique was used in assigning the
The study focuses on the combination of the two participants into 4 groups namely ( Experimental Groups 1
known and established therapies, Logotherapy and and 2 and Control Groups 1 and 2 ). After the random
Cinematherapy. Focus Group Discussion were facilitated to assignment, the 1st session was being plotted and schedule.
the members of the student council. A group discussions As permitted, the sessions were slated every Tuesday and
were held to determine the inner most emotions and Thursday from 10am to 2pm. Same with the pilot testing
perceptions of the student inmates towards to the questions group, the session started with Establishing Rapport for 2
given which reflects their present status as inmate and sessions. And the 12 sessions is for the facilitation of Logo-
students of the college department. The program were cinematherapy. Film viewing, Socratic Methods,
prepared, conceptualized, and written by the researchers. Processing, and Journal Writings were also performed for
After which 4 evaluators studied, reviewed, graded, and the actual groups. The post test for the 2 test were also
evaluated. After following the revisions and receiving an conducted to Experimental Group 1 followed by the Control
approval to them, the program which he called as Logo- Group 1. The next batch or the Experimental Group 2
cinematherapy was pilot tested to 8 participants, randomly followed. Same procedures and programs was used and a
selected to determine the effect and to know the points of post test for this group together with the Control Group 2.
improvement. The pilot testing was started with a pretest
coming from the entire population, the said participants Computations and statistics were performed to
came from the entire population. To start the intervention 2 determine the effectivity of the program.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Employing different statistical treatments to determine the validity and effectivity of the program development. The
following are the tables and results including the explanation of it.

Table 1 illustrates the demographic profile of the participants in terms of age, civil status, crime committed, and length of
sentence. Frequency and percentage is being used in presenting the data.

Table 1 Frequency and Percentage Distributions of the Participants when grouped according to Age, Civil Status, Crime
Committed, and Length of Sentence.
Demographic Profile Variable Experimental Group Control Group Frequency %
N = 40 N = 40
25 – 30 5 7 12 15
31 – 40 11 11 22 27.5
Age 41 – 50 11 15 26 32.5
51 – 60 9 7 16 20
61 – 70 4 0 4 5
Total 40 40 80 100
Single 21 14 35 43.75
Married 16 17 33 41.25
Civil Status Seperated 3 8 11 13.75
Cohabilitating 0 1 1 2.5
Total 40 40 80 100
Against Person 37 39 76 95
Against Property 3 1 4 5
Crime Committed Against Public Order 0 0 0 0
Total 40 40 80 100
1 – 10 13 16 29 36.25
Length of Sentence 11 – 20 17 19 36 45
21 – 30 1 0 1 1.25
31 – 40 9 5 14 17.5
Total 40 40 80 100

Table1 illustrates the demographic profiles of the participants. They are classified into four ( 4 ) categories such as their age,
civil status, crime committed, and length of sentence. Considering the age group of the participants most of them are in the ages
between 41 – 50 years old, 26 ( 32.5 % )closer to that is the age between 31 – 50 years, 22 ( 27. 5%), while very few of them are
classified as senior citizen, 4 ( 5% ). In civil status most of them are either single, 35 ( 43.75 % ) or married, 33 ( 41.25 % ). Only
1 member of the groups attested that he is cohabitating ( 2.5 % ). In the crime committed almost all of them violated crimes
referring to crime against person, 76 ( 95%), none of them were imprisoned due to crime against public order, 0. Many of them
where sentenced between 11 – 20 years of imprisonment , 36 ( 45% ) while 29, ( 36.25 % ) needs to languish between 1 to 10
years. While 14, ( 17.5 % ) where meted a prison length of Reclusion Perpetua or life imprisonment with a numerical value of 30
years and one day to 40 years.

Table 2 Shows the Pretest and Posttest Mean Score of the 8 Participants in Terms of Depression Level and Meaning in Life Pilot
Testing Group Test Result in Terms of Depression Level and Meaning in Life
Variable Pre Test Interpretation Posttest Interpretation
Depression Level 25.3 Moderate Depression 12.9 Normal
Moderate Normal
Meaning In Life 81.6 Unclear Meaning In Life 114.2 Clear Meaning In Life
Unclear Clear Meaning In Life

Table 2 displays the men score result of the pilot testing group. It shows that the depression level and meaning in life of the
group is negative, which means they are suffering from moderate depression and also experiencing unclear meaning in life. After
the sessions, it reflects that their the two variables improves to a normal range. Which indicates the success of the program given
to the participants.

Table 3 shows the results of Pretest and Post test of Purpose in Life Test. Computing the mean scores and standard
deviation of the 4 groups.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 3 Pretest and Post Test Mean Scores and Standard Deviations in the Meaning in Life of the 4 Groups
Groups Pretest Standard Deviations Post Test Standard Deviations
A. Experimental Group 1 80.3 13.08 95.4 17.85
Unclear Indecisive
B. Control Group 1 84.1 9.57 95.85 9.69
Unclear Indecisive
C. Experimental Group 2 ---------- ---------- 95.85 22.48
D. Control Group 2 ---------- --------- 90.05 16.06

Table 3 shows the pretest and post test means scores and standard deviation of the 4 groups in terms of meaning in life. The
Experimental Group 1 has a pretest mean score of 80.3 which is classified as unclear meaning in life, with a standard deviation of
13.08, the post test mean score of 95.4 interpreted as indecisive meaning in life and a standard deviation of 17.85. The Control
Group 1 has a pretest of 84.1 or defined as unclear meaning in life with a standard deviation of 9.57, in posttest the mean score is
95.85 or indecisive meaning in life and a standard deviation of 9.69. The Experimental Group 2, has a mean in the pretest of 95.85
and a standard deviation of 22.48, while the Control Group 2 who remains in unclear meaning in life with a mean score of 90.05
with a standard deviation of 16.06.

The pretest mean score showed unclear meaning in life in Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1. The post revealed
the interpretation of indecisive for Experimental Group 1, Control Group 1, and Experimental Group 2. While the Control Group
2 remain unclear. It displayed that the logo-cinematherapy is effective, while the NBP Program works effectively in Control
Group 1, but failed to Control Group 2.

Table 4 shows the results of Pretest and Post test of Becks Depression Inventory - 2. Computing the mean scores and
standard deviation of the 4 groups.

Table 4 Pretest and Post Test Mean Scores and Standard Deviations in the Depression Level of the 4 Groups
Groups Pretest Standard Deviations Post Test Standard Deviations
A. Experimental Group 1 20.05 11.95 7.92
Moderate Depression 6.47 Normal
B. Control Group 1 19.3 13.55 57.57
Mild Depression 4.85 Normal
C. Experimental Group 2 _________ __________ 13.4 8.52
D. Control Group 2 _________ __________ 17.15 9.77
Mild Depression

Table 4 explains the pretest and post test mean scores The pretest mean score in depression level is moderate
and standard deviation in terms of depression level among ( Experimental Group 1 ), mild ( Control Group 1) and
the 4 groups. The Experimental Group 1 has a mean score moves to normal in the posttest , same result yields to
of 20.05 or moderate depression, with standard deviation of Experimental Group 2. While the Control Group 2 remain
6.47, while the post test score of 11.95 indicates that they in Mild depression after being measured. It shows that the
have minimal level of depression or almost no depression Logo-cinematherapy is effective in decreasing the
experience at that time . In the Control Group 1, the result depression of the participants, while the NBP program does
of the pretest is 19.3 or mild depression and a standard not encompasses effectivity to all in terms of decreasing or
deviation of 7.92. In Experimental Group 2, the post test reducing the depression of the inmates.
score revealed that they have minimal or acceptable level of
depression, 13.4. While the standard deviation 8.52, While Table 5 displayed a significant difference between in
in Group 2, the depression level in mean score of the post the pretest and post test scores in the meaning in life of the 4
test remains to be depressed as they are classified groups. T – test of independent mean or uncorrelated for
experiencing mild depression with a standard deviation of Comparisons of Groups in the Pretest and Post test of
9.77. Experimental Group 1 and Experimental Group 1 vs.
Control Group 1. T – test of dependent mean or correlated
for Experimental Group 1, Control Group 1, and
Experimental Group 2 vs. Control Group 2, also in terms
Pretest and Post test.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 5 Significant Difference on the Pretest and Post Test Scores in the Meaning in Life of the 4 Groups
Comparison of the Pretest Posttest Computed Tabular Decision Effect Size Interpretation
Groups Value Value
Experimental Group 1
Vs Yes --------- 1.02 2.032 Accept Ho ____ ________
Control Group 1 Insignificant
Experimental Group 1
Vs Accept Ho
Control Group 1 Yes 0.06 2.032 Insignificant ____ ________
Experimental Group 1 Yes Yes 10.1 2.032 Reject Ho 0.83 Large Effect

Control Group 1 Yes Yes 9.60 2.032 Reject Ho 0.81 Large Effect
Experimental Group 2
Vs. Control Group 2 ------- Yes 2.31 2.032 Reject Ho 0.20 Very Small
Significant Efeect

Table 5 shows the comparison of groups in terms of In the comparisons of the groups between
meaning in life. The first comparison is between Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1, the pretest
Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1. The pretest scores of Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1
mean score were compared and it shows that the tabular showed insignificant or it means that they almost have the
value ( 2.032 ) is greater than the computed value of 1.02. same level in meaning in life before the intervention or
The null hypotheses is accepted which means it is treatment. In the groups between Experimental Group 1 and
insignificant. With the same groups comparing their postest Control Group 1, the post test scores shows insignificant
mean score results, the computed value of 0.06 is lesser than which means that the logo – cinematherapy and NBP
the tabular value of 2.032,in which the null hypotheses is Programs are both effective in alleviating the meaning in
accepted as it implies insiginificant. The Experimental life. In the Experimental Group 1 as measured in pretest and
Group 1 examining the effect of logotherapy with them it posttest in meaning in life. This group who undergo logo-
displayed significant effect with a computed value of 10.1 cinematherapy showed increase in alleviating in meaning in
and the tabular value of 2.032 which the null hypotheses is life. It has a large effect as to compare the result of their
rejected and connotes significance. The computed effect pretest against the post test . In the Control Group 1, who
size of 0.83 gives an interpretation of large effect of the undergo the regular program of NBP showed increase in
program to this group of participants. The Control Group 1 meaning in life. From unclear meaning in life to indecisive.
as to determine if their meaning in life improves based from The effect was also large in effect, as to compare their
the program given by the NBP, using the pretest and posttest pretest to post test. In the groups between Expeoirmental
scores, the computed value is 9.60 and the tabular value of Group 2 and Control Group 2, as to compare their post test
2.032 which it rejects the null hypotheses and indication of scores result, it shows that there is a small effect on the two
siginificance of the program of NBP in terms of their group in terms of logo – cinematherapy and NBP Programs.
meaning in life. The computed effect size of large, signifies The NBP Programs failed to take effect on Control Group 2
that the program of NBP top this group is effective. The in meaning in life.
comparison of groups between the Experimental Group 2
and Control Group 2 considering the result of the post test Table 6 displayed a significant difference between in
coming from these two groups, the computed value is 2.31 the pretest and post test scores in the depression level of the
with the tabular value of 2.032 which indicates that the null 4 groups. T – test of independent mean or uncorrelated for
hypothesis is rejected which showed significance and the Comparisons of Groups in the Pretest and Post test of
effect size is very small. Experimental Group 1 and Experimental Group 1 vs.
Control Group 1. T – test of dependent mean or correlated
for Experimental Group 1, Control Group 1, and
Experimental Group 2 vs. Control Group 2, also in terms
Pretest and Post test.

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Table 6 Significant Difference on the Pretest and Post Test Scores in the Depression Level of the 4 Groups
Comparison of the Groups Pretest Posttest Computed Tabular Decision Effect Interpretation
Value Value Size
Experimental Group 1 Yes --------- 0.57 2.032 Accept Ho ____ ________
Vs Insignificant
Control Group 1
Experimental Group 1 ________ Yes 0.57 2.032 Accept Ho ____ ________
Vs Insignificant
Control Group 1
Experimental Group 1 Yes Yes 14.79 2.032 Reject Ho 0.91 Large Effect
Control Group 1 Yes Yes 4.99 2.032 Reject Ho 0.54 Medium Effect
Experimental Group 2 ------- Yes 3.35 2.032 Reject Ho 0.98 Large Efeect
Vs. Control Group 2 Significant

Table 6 shows the comparison of groups in terms of depression level. The first comparison between Experimental Group 1
and Control Group 1 in their pretest scores showed that the computed value of 0.57 is lesser than the tabular value of 2.032 which
means it accepts te null hypotheses and same results yields to their post test using the same groups, whose computed value is in
the same value of 0.57 which also accepts the null hypotheses. Examining the pre test and post test scores of the Experimental
Group 1, the computed value of 14.79 and with a tabular value of 2.032, the effect size ( 0.91 ) which means a large effect on the
program they received. For the Control Group 1, the pretest and post test displayed a result of 4.99 for computed value with a
tabular value of 2.032 which means the null hypotheses is rejected. The effect size ( 0.54 ) which means a medium effect on the
program of NBP to the inmates who belongs to this group. The groups of Experimental Group 2 and Control Group 2 in the post
test scores reflects a computed value of 3.35 and the tabular value is 2.032 which resulted to the rejection of the null hypotheses
with an effect size of 0.98 which means a large effect in the result.

In the comparisons of groups between Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1, the pretest scores showed it has almost
the same level of depression before the exposure of the groups either in logo-cinematherapy and NBP Programs. The posttest
scores of Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1 is almost the same, both groups are normal in depression. It shows that the
Logo-cinematherapy and NBP Programs are effective in reducing or normalizing the depression. The Experimental Group 1, who
undergo logo – cinematherapy displayed effectivity. Their depression level becomes normal after participating in the 12 sessions.
It shows large effect in terms of pretest to post test result. The Control Grpup 1 reduced their depression and move to the normal
level, after going to the NBP Programs. The effect of this was in medium as to compare the result of the pretest and post test
results. The depression level of Expeirmental Group 2 and Control Group 2 has a large effect in the depression level. The
Expeirmental Group 2 becomes normal after logo-cinemetherapy while the Control Group 2 failed to have a normal depression.

Table 7 explains the effectivity of the logo-cinematherapy in the depression level of the participants.

Table 7 Effectivity of Logo-Cinematherapy Program on the Depression Level of the Two Groups
Groups In Logo-Cinematherapy Pretest Posttest
Experimental Group 1 20.05 11.5
Moderate Depression Normal
Experimental Group 2 ___________ 13.4

Table 7 explains the result of the pretest and post test mean scores of the two groups who undergo logo-cinematherapy. The
Experimental Group 1 showed a mean score of 20.05 for pretest which means moderate in depression level while the
Experimental Group 2 is also classified as a group suffering from depression. After sessions and participation in Logo-
cinematherapy, the depression of the participants both in the two groups becomes normal, as the post test reveals that it is 11.5 for
the Experimental Group 1 and 13.4 for Experimental Group 2. Which the two mean scores has an interpretation of Normal or
Minimal Depression.

The result of this table clearly explains that the program created for them particularly the logo-cinemetherapy is effective in
decreasing the level of depression experienced by the students

Table 8 explains the effectivity of the logo-cinematherapy in the meaning in life of the participants.

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Table 8 Effectivity of Logo-Cinematherapy Program on the Meaning in Life of the Two Groups
Groups In Logo-Cinematherapy Pretest Posttest
Experimental Group 1 80.3 95.4
Unclear Meaning In Life Indecisive
Experimental Group 2 ___________ 95.85

Table 6 shows the effect of logo-cinematherapy were facilitated to them, after watching discussions were
program on the meaning in life to the 2 groups of followed using the Socratic Method. In each sessions
participants. The Experimental Group 1 pretest showed a questions about the films and themselves were being
mean score of 80.3 which means unclear meaning in life discussed and they share their answers and perceptions with
while it shows the same result for the Experimental Group 2 each other. At the end of the sessions an assignment where
who also experienced the same meaning in life. After given to them to for them to fully understand and internalize
sessions of logo-cinemtherapy the post test mean score the movie seen and the logotherapy facilitated. Post test
showed an increase to Experimental Group 1, 95.4 which where also given to the two experimental groups after which
means Indecisive while 95.85 which also has an the control groups were also given the post test of the two
interpretation of Indecisive for Experimental Group 2. tools ( BDI-2 and PILT ).

The program of logo-cinematherapy displayed Computation and statistics shows that the demographic
significant effect on the meaning in life of the participants. profile of the participants respecting at their age, civil status,
The participants of the two groups have perceiving crime committed, and length of sentence. Most of the
somehow a clear meaning in life after actively participating participants in their age ranging from 41 to 590 years old
in the program. Although they are not totally move out from 26( 32.5%) and only 4( 5% ) of them are senior citizen age
the unclear meaning in life to a clear meaning in life but ranging 61 to 70 years old. In civil status, most are single
then the post test results suggest that the program itself can 35 ( 43.75 % ) and only 1 ( 2.5%) are cohabitating. Majority
assist them in having a better meaning in life. of them were imprisoned due to crime against person
76(95%). As per court decided meted there imprisonment
IV. DISCUSSION 36(45%). While 29(36.25%) are sentence to be imprison
from 1 to 10 years. The pretest and post test in terms of
The participants of the study are all interpreted having meaning in life as measured by the PILT showed that the
double negative interpretation. They are depressed which mean score in the pretest of the 4 groups are all unclear
varies in intensity either mild, moderate, or severe. At same meaning in life after the sessions of logo-cinematherapy to
time, they are also seen having unclear meaning in life or the two Experimental Groups their mean scores increases,
existential vacuum. From the entire population of the Experimental Group 1, 95.4 ( SD= 17.85 ), and for
college department in Camp Sampaguita, the pretest were Experimental Group 2, 95.85 ( SD = 22.48). The Control
facilitated and out of 320 students 98 of them are qualified Groups where continuously availing the NBP programs, the
with the set criterion of two negative interpretation. The 8 Control Group 1 has a mean score of 95.85 (SD = 9.56 ),
participants were randomly chosen to be a member of pilot and for Control Group 2, 90.05 ( SD = 16.06 ) which
testing which is composed of 2 sessions for Establishing indicates that this group ( CG2 ) remains to be in Unclear
Rapport and 12 sessions for Logo-cinematherapy, then the Meaning In Life. Referring for the depression level of the
post test is given after a week from the last session. The participants as measured by the BDI – 2, it shows that the 4
post test mean score for the 2 test shows that they reduced groups as reflected that they are depressed either in mild,
and eradicated depression which gives them an moderate, or severe level. After the sessions of logo-
interpretation of normal while their meaning in life changes cinematherapy, a post test is given and the two experimental
and turns to be indecisive. Based from the results and groups revealed that they are moved to normal level. The
observations from the dry run of the program mean score of the Experimental Group 1, 11.95 ( SD = 7.92
) , and for Experimental Group 2, 13.4 ( 8.52). The Control
Some revisions and improvements are made to make Groups who failed to experience the logo-cinematherapy,
the program suited and fitted for the participants in the showed that the Control Group 1, 13.55( 57.57 ) who were
actual group. It shows that the program logo – move to normal range, and for Control Group 2, who
cinematherapy is effective to the small group of population. remains to be depressed under mild depression with a mean
score of 17.15 ( SD = 9.77 ).
The actual group were composed of 4 groups to
comply for the research design of Solomon 4 Group. Using Examining the significant difference between the
the sampling technique of Purposive Sampling Technique, pretest and post test of the 4 groups. It shows that the
80 individuals were assigned randomly into the groups. comparing the pretest result of Experimental Group 1 and
Which has a total of 20 participants in each group. Same Control Group 1 from the computed value of 1.02 and the
with the pilot test group, they undergo 2 sessions of tabular value of 2.032, which the null hypotheses is accepted
Establishing Rapport, part of these is the introduction of the which means insignificant it also explains that the program
researcher to them and same with the participants who also has no effect to the participants since it haven’t started when
introduce themselves. 12 Sessions of Logo-cinematherapy the pretest for meaning in life is given. Comparing the post

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
test of the same groups ( EG1 and CG1 ) the computed value experienced depression despite of being exposed to the
of 0.06 is lesser than the tabular value which means the null existing program of NBP.
hypotheses is accepted or the result is insignificant, this
happened due to the positive effect of the program logo – The success of the logo-cinematherapy program given
cinematherapy on the Experimental Group 1 and for the to the actual groups or Experimental Group 1 and 2 can be
Control Group 1 who availed the existing NBP Programs. seen in their mean score of the test PILT for meaning in life,
While Experimental Group 1 as to test the significant it reveals that after the sessions Experimental Group 1 had a
difference in terms of pretest and post test the computed computed group value of 95.4 which indicates an Indecisive
value of 10.1 is greater than tabular value of 2.032 which interpretation which that somehow they were able to
means that the null hypotheses is rejected and has a perceive a meaning in life out of the program facilitated to
significant large effect. It shows that the program that they them. Same interpretation yields to the Experimental Group
received was effective in assisting to perceive a clear 2 who marked a mean score of 95.85 after participating in
meaning in life. Although they were interpreted with an the program given. While the depression level they had also
interpretation of Indecisive though they are not totally reduces to a normal range. The Experimental Group 1 had a
moved out but the increase of score after the execution of mean score of 11.5 and for the Experimental Group 2 is
the program is a sign of success in the program created. The 13.4.
Control Group 1 who has a computed value of 9.60 in terms
of the pretest and post test as to determine the significant The results of the two actual experimental groups
difference of the program, since the tabular value of 2.032 is magnify the outcome of the pilot testing participants.
lesser than the computed value the null hypotheses is Whose depression level and meaning in life improves after
rejected and displayed a significant large effect which actively participating in the logo-cinematherapy sessions.
indicates the positive effect of the NBP program to the This indicates that adding the said program in the NBP
participants. Testing the significance difference of existing program would result to a positive outcome that
Experimental Group 2 and Control Group 2 in terms of their will surely help and assist the inmates regardless of the
post test result the computed value of 2.31 is greater than security camps where do they belong.
2.032 which the null hypotheses is rejected with a
significant very small effect that implies the unsuccessful According to Wedding and Neimic, 2003 said that, the
result of NBP programs to the Control Group 2 whose characters and plot can mirror their present life conditions
meaning in life stayed to be unclear as to compare to the and statuses. The therapist will assist the clients in
Experimental Group 2 whose meaning in life progress and obtaining understanding, reflection, realization, and
interpreted as Indecisive after receiving a treatment of Logo- techniques in solving their personal problems. The goal of
cinematherapy. the cinematherapy reflects in study conducted, which
includes increasing clients’ imagination, expression of
The depression level of the 4 groups were also emotional release and determining the role models (
assessed to determine their significant difference. The Marsick, 2010 ), and identifying problems and generating
pretest of the Experimental Group 1 and Control Group 1 ideas for growth ( Hesley, 2000 ). As mentioned by Sharp
which has a computed value of 0.57 against the tabular ( 2002 ) said that cinematherapy is not just watching
value of 2.032, the computed value is lesser than the tabular films but requires an in – depth understanding of the films
value, which makes the null hypotheses is accepted, it shows metaphors, the characters portrayed in the film and assisting
that the absence of logo-cinematherapy would suggest that the client in knowing his or her similarities and differences
there will be no progress in the depression level of the in terms of the film watched. Added by Turns and Macey,
inmates. The computed value and tabular value in terms of 2015 they mentioned that cinematherapy and play have
the post test of the two groups ( EG1 and CG1 ), the null common purpose because, it allows the participants to
hypotheses is accepted or insignificant which means that the project themselves onto others. It can also help discuss
two groups experienced positive effect which reduces their some personal issues of a person and instill a hope in the
depression and resulted to normal range. The pretest and viewers or clients. Indeed, Cinematherapy can be used as a
post test of the Experimental Group 1, has a computed value standalone intervention, regardless of the therapist
of 14.79 and has a tabular value of 2.032 which means the theoretical orientation, and allows for a number of potential
null hypotheses is rejected, or significant large effect. It uses in the therapeutic process. Cinematherapy is designed
shows that the program given or logo-cinematherapy is to help individuals in moments of crisis. It can help cure
effective to the Experimental Group 1. The Control Group anything from an identity crisis to co dependency issues.
1, in the pretest and post test displayed that the computed Movies are more than entertainment, they’re self –
value of 4.99 with the tabular value of 2.032, it rejects the medication and that Cinematherapy is like bubble bath for
null hypotheses, a significant medium result after they were the soul. ( Nancy Peske and Beverly West, 2000 ).
exposed in the NBP programs. The Experimental Group 2
and Control Grouo 2 has a computed value 3.35 and a
tabular value of 2.032, since the computed value is greater
than the tabular value which the null hypotheses is rejected,
the significant large effect can be detected in the success of
the logo-cinemetherapy to the Experimental Group 2 while
the NBP Programs for Control Group 2 fails as they

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