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REVISION 3 8- Up to now, Texas, USA, ..........

the greatest number of

recorded tornadoes.
1- The British University of Cambridge .......... in the
thirteenth century and is now comprised of twenty- A) has received B) received C) receives
three colleges. D) is receiving E) was receiving

A) was founded B) would have founded 9- The car hire firm .......... by a local family before one of
C) had founded D) was founding the world's largest operator ......... it.
E) has been founded
A) will be running/buys
2- The Girl Guide Association, which .......... in existence B) had been run/bought
since 191O, .......... girls of all ages activities such as C) is being run/was buying
arts, crafts, nature walks and community service D) was running/had bought
projects. E) would be run/has bought

A) is/is offering B) was/will offer

C) has been/offers D) had been/has offered 10- Everybody could see how proud she .......... when she
E) will be/offered ......... the gold medal.

3- Air humidity ........ using a hygrometer which, in its A) would be/was received B) has been/will receive
simplest form, ........ a single hair that lengthens or C) was/received D) will be/had received
shortens depending on the amount of moisture in the E) is/has been received
11- Her life became less hectic when she .......... up full-
A) has measured/is using B) measured/has used time work, and even quieter when she ..........
C) is measured/uses D) measures/will be used completely.
E) was measured/was used
A) was giving/had retired B) will give/has retired
4- Hippopotamuses look quite docile, but if they ......... in C) gave/retired D) gives/will retire
the water by fishermen, they .......... aggressive with E) has given/retired
tragic results.
12- As the shop-assistant .......... the vase, I ......... a flaw
A) have disturbed/became around its rib.
B) had been disturbed/become
C) are disturbing/are becoming A) had wrapped/would notice
D) are disturbed/can become B) was wrapping/noticed
E) will be disturbing/should become C) would wrap/had noticed
D) will be wrapping/have noticed
5- Women .......... first.......... degrees by the University E) has wrapped/have noticed
of Cambridge In 1923.
13- As you .......... so many times before, I don't suppose
A) were/given B) are/giving C) were/giving you .......... at all nervous before or during next Friday's
D) had/given E) have been/given flight to Australia.

6- The flat .......... by the time I........... to go and talk to A) have been flying/got B) are flying/are getting
the real estate agent. C) flew/have got D) have flown/will get
E) had flown/get
A) will be renting/am deciding
B) was rented/had been decided 14- I hope the council ......... our application for a bar
C) rented/will have decided licence as it would be nice to serve wine with our meals.
D) will have rented/have decided
E) had been rented/decided A) isn't rejected B) won't reject
C) hasn't been rejecting D) wasn't rejecting
7- Could you please call Dr Smith back as soon as you E) wouldn't have rejected
.......... the chance as we .......... his assistance about
something? 15- By the time he ........... next January, my father ..........
with this firm for exactly thirty years.
A) had got/needed B) get/need
C) will get/will need D) were getting/had needed A) retires/will have been working
E) got/would have needed B) has retired/will work
C) is retiring/has been working
D) retired/will have worked
E) had retired/was working

16- As a tourist, it's impossible to have a quiet moment
alone to read a newspaper in this city as, ........ you sit 25- .......... she comes back from her holiday, her room
down, somebody insists on shining your shoes, should be ready for her.
selling you tissues or asking you questions.
A) Until B) Instead of C) Unless
A) however B) no matter C) even though D) As long as E) By the time
D) otherwise E) the moment
26- I couldn't make my mind up .......... to order my lunch
17- Mangroves are plants and trees that grow in salt from the delivery service .......... eat in a restaurant.
water. Unlike seaweed, ........... which grows
completely under water, the branches and leaves A) whether/or B) not only/but also
of the mangroves are above the water. C) both/and D) either/or
E) neither/nor
A) furthermore B) even though C) however
D) otherwise E) therefore 27- .......... there are those who purchase ivory, elephants
will continue to be shot for their tusks.
18- Our car has broken down only once ........... we bought
it three years ago. A) As long as B) By the time C) Besides
D) Unless E) As soon as
A) while B) until C) when D) since E) so
that 28- I've got your business card .......... I need to call and
cancel our meeting.
19- A special program has been implemented to instruct
zoo keepers how to handle African elephants .......... A) as long as B) as soon as C) so that
reduce the amount of injuries and deaths occurring D) in case E) therefore
when feeding or cleaning these huge mammals.
29- .......... Susan .......... Betty earn a lot of money, but this
A) while B) due to C) in order to financial security hasn't helped them obtain happiness.
D) provided E) since
A) Either/or B) Neither/nor C) Whether/or
20- We bought our beach towels at the new shopping D) No sooner/than E) Both/and
centre just a few days .......... we left for our holiday.
30- .......... having back trouble and rheumatism, which make
A) before B) ago C) so that his life difficult enough, he suffers from diabetes.
D) until E) already
A) Otherwise B) Besides C) Furthermore
21- Very few people turned up for the company outing D) Even though E) Because
.......... most employees had said they wanted to go.
31- If I......... making my new dress today, I........... it for
A) now that B) no matter C) because tomorrow's party.
D) provided E) even though
A) were finishing/should wear
22- When reaching middle age, you should follow a B) finish/will wear
sensible diet and exercise plan; .......... , you risk having C) could have finished/might wear
heart problems later on. D) finished/have worn
E) had finished/will have worn
A) whereas B) otherwise C) therefore
D) in order that E) afterwards 32- We ......... a boat trip instead of going to the beach if
you ........ to stay out of the sun today.
23- It was a memorable achievement because .......... did
she break the world record, ....... she became the first A) used to take/had wanted
competitor from her country to win a gold medal in B) may have taken/wanted
this event. C) could take/want
D) have to take/would want
A) both/and B) neither/nor C)no sooner/than E) would have taken/have wanted
D) either/or E) not only/but also
33- I don't remember our baby-sitter very vividly now, but
24- Elephants are active during both the day and the night, one memory I have is how we .......... with interest to all the
........... they usually spend the hottest hours of the day stories she .......... us.
A) were listening/has told
A) whenever B) so that C) though B) would listen/would tell
D) as soon as E) unless C) used to listen/will be telling
D) ought to listen/had told
E) must have listened/could tell
34- I'm afraid we couldn't find an overhead projector for 42- Despite the many hardships they .......... during the
you, so you ......... with a conventional blackboard. journey, the expedition to the South Pole ......... the camp safe
and sound.
A) had to be managed B) would rather manage
C) ought to be managed D) will have to manage A) encountered/was able to reach
E) could have managed B) had encountered/ought to reach
C) were encountering/reached
35- I.......... Judy's present when I get home because D) encounter/used to reach
I.......... time tomorrow. E) might have encountered/reaches

A) used to wrap/wouldn't have 43- I really wish I ........... both of these blouses, but
B) should wrap/am not having unfortunately I only have enough money for one, so I..........
C) would be wrapping/didn't have between them.
D) could have wrapped/wasn't having
E) must wrap/won't have A) could buy/have to choose
B) were able to buy/chose
36- Cars .......... so that people with disabilities are able to C) might buy/must choose
drive them. D) have bought/choose
E) bought/must have chosen
A) can be adapted B) have adapted C) are adapting
D) have to adapt E) ought to have adapted 44- The police officer has just announced that all the vehicles
that .......... valid parking permits .......... away.
37- Sue: Joe failed one of his final examinations, didn't
he? A) can't have displayed/are towed
Diana: Yes, and if he wants the course certificate, he B) won't have displayed/were towed
.......... it in September. C) weren't displaying/had towed
D) aren't displaying/will be towed
A) is retaking B) can be retaken E) may not display/are going to tow
C) will have to retake D) must have retaken
E) has had to retake 45- She .......... as much as she says she does; otherwise, she
.......... so strictly all the time.
37- I knew that she .......... the poster before buying a frame
for it, but she wouldn't listen to my advice in the shop. A) must not have earned/wouldn't have economised
B) can't earn/wouldn't have to economise
A) must have measured B) was measuring C) doesn't earn/can't have economised
C) used to measure D) should have measured D) isn't earning/doesn't have to economise
E) had measured E) shouldn't earn/hasn't been economising

39- You ......... this assignment seriously; otherwise, you 46- They .......... their business by taking on a few
would have prepared a much better one. employees, but they preferred to keep it a family
A) can't have taken B) didn't use to take
C) shouldn't have taken D ) needn't have taken A) would rather expand B) may have expanded
E) aren't supposed to take C) could have expanded D) must have expanded
E) are able to expand
40- Some iguanas, which are members of the lizard family,
......... their colour to match the environment, an ability 47- If he .......... his hair cut, he .......... more attractive.
known as protective coloration!
A) had had/will look B) could have
A) would change B) should changeC) might change had/had looked
D) must change E) can change C) would have/can look D) was having/was to look
E) had/would look

41- I am working on my thesis at the moment, so I .......... not 48- I wish I.......... smoking all those years ago because now I
be disturbed unless something urgent crops up. seem
unable to give up.
A) would like B) would prefer. C) would rather
D) would mind E) would have A) haven't started B) didn't start
C) weren't starting D) wouldn't start
E) hadn't started

A) why B) what C) where D) that E) how
49- If a child .......... the disease rickets, which is caused by a
deficiency of vitamin D and inadequate exposure to 60- The inhabitants of the troubled Yugoslavian state of
sunlight, its bones ......... soft and possibly deformed. Kosova, ......... lies on the Albanian border, are ninety
percent Albanian.
A) is developing/have become
B) had developed/must become A) which B) where C) when D) that E) whose
C) develops/will become
D) has developed/had become 61- Diamond mining ceased in India over two
E) will develop/become decades ago, but thousands of Indians still make
their living .......... rough diamonds.
50- ......... you still be so wasteful with paper or other
materials if you .......... the stationery yourself? A) to have cut B) to be cutting C) having cut
D) for being cut E) by cutting
A) Would/had to buy B) Can/should buy
C) Might/must have bought D) Should/bought 62- The man .......... in French legends as 'Blue Beard',
E) Will/were buying Gilles de Rais, was hanged and burned in the 15 th
century for allegedly ........... 150 children.
51- The name Pygmy is applied to tribes .......... males are
less than one and a half metres high. A) to know/to have murdered
B) knowing/having murdered
A) where B) which C) why D) whose E) C) to have known/to murder
what D) known/murdering
E) having known/murder
52- The explorer followed the Okavango River until the
point .......... it disappears into the Kalahari desert. 63- After the great 1993 Mississippi flood, about half
of the residents decided ........... away as they were
A) which B) when C) where D) who E) whom no longer willing .......... with living next to this
mighty river.
53- The lady with .......... my daughter stayed during her
academic exchange to France has now become a good A) moving/gambling B) to move/gambling
friend of ours. C) to move/to gamble D) moving/to gamble
E) having moved/gamble
A) who B) whom C) whose D) where E) which
64- .......... for over an hour, the lifeboat men finally
54- Oh, look .......... marvellous the pyramids are! I must spotted the small rubber boat.......... up and down in
take some photos of them. the rough sea.

A) how B) what C) which D) whose E) where A) To be searched/to bob

B) Searching/to be bobbing
55- .......... a pleasure it is to finally meet you after C) Being searched/having bobbed
speaking to you so many times on the telephone! D) To have searched/bobbed
E) Having searched/bobbing
A) When B) Where C) What D) Which E) Who
65- Birds do many things that appear ......... acts of
56- I'll meet you at the corner by the mosque ......... the thoughtful intelligence. In most cases, however,
newspaper stand is. Do you know .......... spot I mean? their behaviour is simply instinctive.

A) which/how B) when/that C) whose/where A) to be B) being C) having been

D) that/what E) where/which D) be E) to have been

57- Acetic acid is an organic acid ......... gives vinegar its 66- The employees were stunned .......... out that the
characteristic taste. management were about.......... the company to a
foreign buyer.
A) when B) where C) whose D) which E) what
A) finding/selling B) to have found/sold
58- At dawn, .......... I woke up, both the sun and the moon C) to be found/to sell D) to find/to sell
were in the sky, and a new landscape lay ahead of me. E) having found/sell

A) who B) that C) where D) which E) when 67- Penguins, .......... like funny little men in black and
white evening clothes, live in the icy waters of the
59- Modern scientists wonder .......... could have made Antarctic Ocean.
these ancient civilisations abandon such well
constructed cities and go to the desert. A) to look B) to be looking C) looking
D) having looked E) to have looked
D) to have evicted/compensated
E) to evict/compensating
68- Dogs which have been specially trained .......... out
narcotics have long helped customs officers .......... 75- I can't bear .......... about what would have happened
smugglers of drugs. if the rescue team hadn't found us. We are
extremely lucky .......... alive.
A) to be sniffing/detect
B) to sniff/detect A) to think/having been B) having thought/been
C) sniffing/to detect C) being thought/being D) thinking/to be
D) having sniffed/to be detecting E) to have thought/be
E) to be sniffed/having detected
76- When you first go into the water, it seems .......... cold
69- He was disappointed in himself .......... involved to swim in, but you soon get used to it.
with these people without .......... how dangerous
they were. A) enough B) too C) so D) as E)
A) about getting/realise
B) to get/being realised 77- Spiders learn ........ about the world around them by
C) for getting/having realised feeling vibrations ........ they learn from using their eyes.
D) having got/to have realised
E) to have got/realised A) so much/that B) too many/for C) enough/that
D) more/than E) the most/as
70- He is the only salesman I know with the ability
.......... customers that whichever model he has in 78- Some students had done ........... preparation for their
stock is the best one for them presentations including colour slides, posters and
handouts that I felt a little ashamed of mine.
A) convincing/buying
B) to convince/bought A) enough B) too much C) so little
C) to be convinced/to be buying D) such a lot of E) more
D) being convinced/having bought
E) to convince/to buy 79- Although man-eating tigers make the forest between
India and Bangladesh one of.......... places in India,
71- Mr Parker said that he heard a sound like a tyre the local residents do not hate the tigers; on the
........... but decided not .......... further. contrary, they worship them.

A) to burst/investigating A) more dangerous B) too dangerous

B) to have burst/to be investigating C) so dangerous D) dangerous enough
C) having burst/investigating E) the most dangerous
D) to burst/to investigate
E) bursting/to investigate 80- We had time to go to the cinema after all because
cleaning the house didn't take us .......... we had
72- Spice Islands, now ......... as the East Indies, was expected.
the name ......... in the Middle Ages to the region from
which spices came. A) so long that B) as long as C) long enough
D) the longest E) too long
A) knowing/to give B) known/given
C) to know/giving D) being known/gave 81- He had always been an unforgiving man, but not ........
E) to be known/having given unforgiving ........ to turn his own daughter away in her
time of need.
73- The hunter used the old traditional techniques
.......... foxes and he wanted to show his son how A) such/that B) so/as C)
.......... in the same way. more/than
D) most/for E) too/like
A) for catching/to hunt B) to catch/hunting
C) catching/to be hunting 82- He chatted .......... with his colleagues to conceal the pain
D) about catching/to have hunted he was feeling from his illness.
E) having caught/hunted
A) so cheerfully as B) such a cheerful
74- Carl resented ........... from his flat when the owner C) cheerfully enough D) the most cheerful
died, but he appreciated .......... financially for the E) more cheerfully than
83- The problems faced in our big cities are ......... to the
A) having evicted/to compensate ones faced in most of the great cities elsewhere —
B) to evict/to be compensated overcrowded housing, inadequate waste-disposal facilities, air
C) being evicted/being compensated and water pollution and traffic congestion.
D) so little E) so many
A) the same B) so much C) such a lot
D) very similar E) so different 93- The Charity has come to the conclusion that it is better
to help the poor to help .......... than it is to give ..........
84- I didn't expect the package to arrive ......... . After all. it handouts of food and clothing.
had only been posted three days earlier.
A) it/theirs B) him/himself C) themselves/them
A) as quick B) much quicker C) so quickly D) itself/us E) their/itself
D) too quickly E) quick enough

85- Japan is the world's .......... producer of cultivated pearls, 94- Despite the fact that the river floods regularly,
but more recently an American has been cultivating thousands of people .......... make their homes
pearls .......... as the Japanese, even if not in the same along its banks.
A) very much B) any more C) no longer
A) largest/as successfully B) larger/so successfully D) still E) even
C) large/very successfully D) so large/too successful
E) as large/successfully enough 95- .......... else in the world can you see this amazing
86- The next question the scientist asked .......... was why the
early Peruvians built their irrigation channels in this particular A) Wherever B) Anywhere C) Everywhere
way. D) Somewhere E) Nowhere

A) themselves B) itself C) himself 96- My daughter is learning to play the violin, but at the
D) ours E) theirs moment her playing sounds .......... like a cat being
87- I found ......... accent so funny that I had to stop
......... from laughing out aloud. A) such B) too C) enough D) as E) more

A) her/it B) their/myself C) hers/him 97- The theory of alcoholism supported by Alcoholics

D) them/me E) his/himself Anonymous is that once a person becomes an
alcoholic, he remains an alcoholic, and .......... those
88- As we are not going to get........... by moaning about the who haven't had a drink for ten years or more start
conditions amongst ourselves, let's type up a petition and again.
get.......... to sign it.
A) already B) even C) such
A) everywhere/anybody B) nowhere/somebody D) much E) no longer
C) somewhere/nobody D) anyhow/someone
E) anywhere/everybody 98- Some of the Amazonian jungle is .......... inaccessible
because of the dense forest and dangerous rivers that
89- We consider ours to be a very well equipped school as huge areas have never been properly mapped.
.......... classroom is fitted with a cassette player, an overhead
projector and a video. A) the most B) too C) very D) such E)so

A) all B) whole C) both D) every 99- They have won .......... huge sum of money that they
E)such don't know what to do first. Should they move into a
new house, buy a new car or go on holiday?
90- He was .......... prepared to spend almost three
hours each day travelling, so he found a job closer to his A) such a B) the most C) so
house. D) very E) too

A) no longer B) by far C) 100- Some of the Amazonian jungle is .......... inaccessible

anyway for cartographers to reach and map properly.
D) any more E) already
A) so B) too C) such D) more E) very
91- I only invited him because I was .......... sure that
he wouldn't be able to come.

A) even B) such C) a little D) as E) quite

92- On Friday evenings, there is always .......... traffic trying

to get in, out and around London for the motorway to
cope with it.

A) very many B) the most C) too much

I. A 2. C 3. C 4.D 5.A 6.E 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C
II.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.E 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.A
21.E 22.B 23.E 24.C 25.E 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.E 30.B
31.B 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.E 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.A 4O.E
41.C 42.A 43.A 44.D 45.B 46.C 47.E 48.E 49.C 50.A
51.D 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.C 56.E 57.D 58.E 59.B 6O.A
61.E 62.D 63.C 64.E 65.A 66.D 67.C 68.B 69.C 70.E
71.E 72.B 73.A 74.C 75.D 76.B 77.D 78.D 79.E 8O.B
81.B 82.C 83.D 84.C 85.A 86.C 87.B 88.E 89.D 90 A
91.E 92.C 93.C 94.D 95.E 96.E 97.B 98.E 99.A 100.B

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