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Grade Level 9

Learning Area English

Quarter Four

I. Objectives
Learning Competency/ EN9G-IVh-24: Use words to express evaluation
Objective 1. Identify descriptive words in sentences
2. Differentiate adjectives and adverbs
3. Use adjectives and adverbs in evaluating a dramatic

Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of how Anglo-American

literature and other text types serve as means of preserving
unchanging values in a changing world; also how to use the features
of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her
competently perform in a full-length play.

Performance Standard The learner competently performs a full-length play through applying
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic

II. Content Use of Adjectives and Adverbs

III. Learning Resources

A. References 1. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May 20160
2. A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s material
for English 9

B. Value Focus

C. Other Learning Pictures, pen and pencil

IV. Developmental Activities
A. Pre-Reading
1. Review Review the Parts of Speech

2. Motivation TRENDING LINES

Who would ever forget these lines taken from films that had
dominated the big screen? Volunteers will imitate how the following
lines were delivered in the film.


Difficulties Describe the volunteer’s manner of delivery. Be specific in your
descriptions. Volunteers will be called to share their evaluation. The
rest of the class will be instructed to list down all the descriptive
words they have heard.

B. During Reading
1. Activity
C. Post-Reading There are two kinds of descriptive words: an adjective and an
1. Analysis adverb. An adjective describes a noun or pronoun. It clearly defines
the noun or pronoun if it answers questions what kind, how many, or
which one. An adverb describes an adjective, a verb or another
adverb. It tells how, when, where or to what extent about the words
they modify.

Uses of Adjectives (examples)

1. The old vehicle requires an overhaul repair.
2. It smells gross in the locker room.
3. My cake should have sixteen candles.

Uses of Adverbs (examples)

1. They talked happily.
2. The Olympic delegates arrived in the country last night.
3. The athlete practices quite often.

2. Abstraction PLAY REPLAY

By group, you will be choosing a portion of the play ‘Death of a
Salesman (Act I)’. Select members of the group who will be playing
the parts of the character but work together in planning the re-
3. Application PEER EVALUATION
Each group will be assigned another group to evaluate. They are to
evaluate in a descriptive manner the performance of the other
assigned to them. You may use some of the adjectives listed below
in your description.

Suggested Adjectives to be used in Modifying Movies and Stage


Boring, Comical, Confused, Dramatic, Dreadful, Dull, Enjoyable,

Entertaining, excellent, Exciting, Fascinating, Fast-moving, Flawed,
Funny, imaginative, Incredibly tiresome, Insightful, Inspirational,
Intriguing, Lasting, ordinary, original, Outdated, Pleasant, Powerful,
Predictable, Romantic, Sad, Satirical, Senseless, Sensitive,
Sentimental, Silly, Slow, Static, Surprising, Suspenseful, Thought
Provoking, Uneven, Uninteresting, Unpretentious, Uplifting, Violent,
Wacky, Weak

Note to the writer Let students restate the generalization

V. Evaluation Write down the correct form of the word in parenthesis (adjective or
adverb). The first number was done for you.
1. Tom is (slow) slow. She climbed up the ladder slowly.
2. Max is a (good) _______ singer. He sings _________.
3. Sue is a (careful) __________ girl. She climbed up the ladder
4. It’s (awful) _____________cold today. The cold wind is
5. The dog is (angry) __________. It barks _____________.
6. The little boy looked (sad) _______. I went over to comfort
him and he looked at me ______________.
7. He acted (excellent) ________________. He’s an
_____________ actor.
8. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme / good)
_____________________. If that is true, why does dog food
smell so (terrible ________________?
9. They learn English (easy) _______________. They think
English is an _________________ language.
10. I tasted the soup (careful) ________________ but it tasted
(wonderful) __________________.

VI. Assignment/Enrichment Use the following adjectives and adverbs in a sentence. ½


1. Happily 6. Old
2. Incredibly 7. Awful
3. Real 8. Smoothly
4. Quick 9. Good
5. Creative 10. sadly

Writer: Donalyn V. Solera

School: Manapla NHS-Purisima Extension

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