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Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Presentation (20 %) (PC, #1, #2, #8, #11, #12)

In order to provide a variety of perspectives on the readings required for each class, and
to reduce dependence on the instructor for synthesizing material, each class for which
there is a reading assigned will begin with a presentation by one of the teams
addressing the highlights of the readings. An initial schedule will be set at the first
week of classes (see last page for the topics of presentations). The topics and schedule
of the presentations that you will choose from will be shared in class and on myCourses
during Weeks 1-2. An electronic sign-up sheet will be available to access on Friday
January 6. Here is an overview of the topics/dates to choose from:

Some guidelines for this task:

● Be very selective about the content you will choose to present. Assume that
everyone has done the readings and do not attempt to summarize the whole
reading. Focus on what you believe seems to be the key principles/concepts/ideas in
that particular reading.
● Creative activities are encouraged as the whole or part of the highlights. Likewise,
involving your audience in an interactive way will create effective means of
● It is not permitted for three or four people to stand in a row in the front of the class
(or anywhere else for that matter) and read their summaries. Notes but not full
scripts are permitted.
● Everyone in the team must actively participate. Failure to do so will result in penalty
grades as for late submissions. Failing to be part of one of your group’s
presentations counts as a missing assignment.
● The presentation must be absolutely no more than 30 minutes in length. Try to
rehearse and time it beforehand.
● Your presentation time of 30 minutes should include and allow for about 10 minutes
of class discussion.
● We will share your presentation slides with our class. Make sure you upload your
final presentation copy on MyCourses before class time.
● Please add a Contract Page (Word Document) detailing task distribution among
members + a statement saying that everyone equally participated + e-signatures (or
● As the course instructor, I may come to one of your team meetings as your
presentation time approaches and ask about your plans for the presentation.
● Feel free to consult the TA or instructor about your ideas at any time.
● Try to enjoy the presentation time and make it fun for your peers!

Evaluation Criteria: Summary of weekly topic (5/20), Relevance and Importance to

Teaching Practices (5/20), Format-related criteria (5/20), Discussion Question (5/20)
The following rubric is shared on MyCourses.

Figure 3: Presentation Rubric

Complete Developing towards Incomplete
Ideas, topics, Ideas, topics,
Ideas, topics, findings and/or findings and/or
findings and/or opinions opinions
opinions presented summarized Ideas, topics,
summarized and clearly, and presented findings and/or
presented in a however, certain in a way that opinions
Summary of clear and areas need to needs summarized and
Weekly comprehensive be further significant presented in an
Topic manner. examined. improvement. unclear way. 5
explores Presentation Presentation
issues, explores explores
applications issues, issues,
and thinking, thinking,
practicalities applications applications
related to and and Presentation fails
teaching in practicalities practicalities to explore issues,
inclusive related to related to thinking,
Relevance classrooms to teaching in teaching in applications and
and a great degree inclusive inclusive practicalities
Importance that allows for classrooms to classrooms to related to teaching
to teaching engaging a reasonable a limited in inclusive
practices insights. degree. degree. classrooms. 5
Presentation Presentation Presentation
follows a follows a follows a
structured structured somewhat
outline and outline, structured
optimizes provides outline,
learning useful sources providing
opportunities of information some sources
by considering (both weekly of information
a clear and readings + (both weekly Presentation
engaging outside readings + follows an outline
format as well sources) to a outside that is missing
as providing good degree. sources). The some important
Format of useful sources The format is format can be accessibility
Assignment of information audio-visually optimized by features. 5
(both weekly accessible, incorporating
readings + however, can more
some outside be optimized audio-visual
sources) to a by and engaging
great degree. It incorporating features.
is engaging, more engaging
visually features.
pleasing and
incorporates a
high-level Presentation
discussion incorporates a
question that Presentation discussion Presentation fails
can lead to incorporates a question that to consider and
engaging discussion hover incorporate a
discussions question that between low- high-level
Discussion amongst the needs some and discussion
Question audience. revision. high-levels. question. 5

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