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415723, 9100 PM Complaint Copy of HRCnet Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission 9, Hazarimal Somani Marg, Opp. CSMT Station,, MAHARASHTRA -400001 Imran sayyed, A202, Geeta Darshan Bldg Geeta Nagar Mira Road East MUMBAI , MAHARASHTRA, Dated: 05/04/2023 Dear Imran sayyed, The Commission has recieved your complaint and it has assigned diary number as 348/IN/2023 with the following details:- Complainant Details [Name: [imran sayyed [Mobile: [oR92995161 (Em: [email protected] [Address: [A202, Geeta Darshan Bldg Geeta Nagar Mira Road East [Distriet: MUMBAI [State: [MAHARASHTRA File Uploaded suceesfully ( Complaint_letter_Imran_05April_2023.pdf) Victim Details [Victim Name: finan spyed [Genders [Mate [Mustim (Ca [General [A202, Geeta Darshan Bldg Geeta Nagar Mira Road Eastéoi107 District THANE [State [MAHARASHTRA Incident Details Incident thr reat to harm file false case lIncident Date: [28/12/2022 Place: incident 5 [MATRIMONIAL DISPUTES Category: incident Tac incident State: MAHARASHTRA ist fled before any Ivo court state RC] [incident |[From - Imran Sayyed, A/202, Geeta Darshan Bldg., Geeta Nagar Phase -1, Mira Road (East) To, Respected IDetails: _|jofficers, NHRC Maharashtra Date: April 5, 2023 Subject: Complaint Letter against my Wife and her family for [Threatening to harm, placing False allegations, Defamation, and harassment. Respected Sir/Madam, I want to jregister Complaint against my wife and her family and relatives who are threating to harm me and my family jwith the help of her brother ,relatives and brother ‘s friends and anti-social elements. My wife and her family jwere threatening me for the false allegation and was harassing and defaming me and my family every time and jt all the times we dismissed the allegations as they were fake, Later My wife has given false complaints on me in the women cell for counselling with all fake allegations on me and my family. As she again failed to prove lany of the false allegations, she has put in front of the counselling officer (Mr, Srinivas), then she again started [Threatening and defaming us and threat to file false cases against us for which she does not have any evidence lalso as all the allegations false and baseless. She is making all this nuisance and trouble just to extort money from us. When my law-abiding Father, who is also Senior citizen, went to attend Counselling for these fake lallegations then during the counselling my wife and her family members and relatives where continuously labusing and threating to harm my father and my relatives who were present that time with my father at the lcounseling office. My wife’s brother Haneef Hussain started abusing my father badly and came on to him in intimidating way in front of the Counselling police office for this all my relatives and my wife's relatives are jwitness. My wife and her family members are not following the law for this reason they did not behave [properly in front of the Counselling officer (Mr. Srinivas) who is managing these fake allegation case. The [Police Officer Mr. Srinivas noted my wife and her family members unruly and unacceptable behavior also. They do not want to discuss the matter in a safe way instead they want to get money from us by abusing, hhreating, and putting all false allegations on us, Every time she will threaten me and my family that she will ile any false cases, Also, during one call between 10th Dec 2022 to 16th Dec 2022 with her family members in ‘about blank 12 415723, 9100 PM Complaint Copy of HRCret lwhich they are arguing, defaming, and putting all false allegations and threating to file false cases, another [person named Anwar Hussain and Muzaffar Hussain joined in the call who are anti-social type. Anwar Hussain land his Father Muzaffar Hussain were allegedly invoiving themselves in this matter to ereate more trouble and lget money from us. Also, my wife while going to mother house in Hyderabad took the Jewelries around 4 lakh jworth, 1 Fujitsu Laptop, 1 Mobile phone which we gave her to use. Nazia has also taken all the Jewelries [pertaining to her already while going to Hyderabad on 26th Nov 2022. This is for information purpose. As later Imy wife who keeps lying always might deny that she did not take these things. Me and my family members Ihave now stopped talking to her and her family members as we fear they will keep threatening, abusing and put lal false allegations on us also her brother's (Hanif Hussian,Habeeb Hussain) are anti-social elements as they lare involving rowdy and goons type people in this to threaten us and harm us and our relatives, Nazia and her ltamily have involved goon types of people and who have started again threatening my relatives in Hyderabad to| Iharm them. Even we are getting calls from unknown numbers to threaten us and to put pressure on me and my amily. These are all moves by Nazia and her family is to solely extort money unlawtully from us. Also, Nazia is calling my relatives and my friends and spreading false information and all baseless allegations to defame us. [There are no proofs against us with her, so she is putting all fake allegations on us due to this my family and my limage is getting spoiled. Duc to this my family's mental and physical health has degraded badly. I need help to fle @ complaint on Nazia and her family members, her relatives and Brother’s friends who are anti-social lclements to protect myself and my family. If anything happened to me and my family and my relatives then My jwife and her family members, her relatives and her brother's friends will be responsible. Everyone in my family| Inas been affected by this, and all of us find it hard to go into or get out of our houses for these fears, also all of lus are mentally affected duc to the actions from my wife and her family members. We fear they might come to jour home for harming and defaming us. Complaints to be registered against below people Nazia Sultana, |Nahida Begum Sultana, Hancef Hussain, Habecb Hussain, Anwar Hussain, Muzaffar Hussain, Safia Sultana all lare residents of Hyderabad, Telangana. request you to kindly support into this matter as soon as possible and Inelp us out to register complaints against above mentioned names for defaming us, threatening to harm, putting lal false allegations intentionally just to extort money from us, mentally torturing and harassing. Also, their Halse cases must be immediate dismissed as they do not have any proofs. [ am very much seared as due to work I! am having to stay far from my family and if anything happens to them. For this I request our esteemed lauthorities for support. Kindly support in this at the earliest as this is turing out to be a matter of serious lconcem. There is one more request Since I am not available in India due to my Job. So, to report these {complaints Please allow my mother Mrs. Parveen Sayyed to file this complaint and sign on my behalf. [Requesting again for your urgent and immediate support in this matter. Yours sincerely, Imran Sayyed Mobile - [9892995161 ‘about blank ae

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