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DOWRY SYSTEM IN INDIA Definition of dowry:-the term money and goods that the bride or

brides family gives to her husband.

Introduction:Today, Indian society is surrounded with many problem such as unemployment,illiteracy,population growth,terrorism,etc.among these problems, a problem which is deep rooted in Indian society is the problem of dowry has become the every day news item,no day passes away when we dont hear news relating to dowry death or dowry harassment.the irony lies in the fact that women in india are worshipped in the form of shakti,she is burned and harassed by her in laws every day in one part of the nation or the other.dowry in ordinary sense,refers to money, gifts,goods or estate that wife brings to her husband in marriage.

Dowry system:Indian marriages can be called the commercial aspect of the marriage.The practice of giving dowry was very comman among all people in all nations.A girl gets all the domestic utensils that are necessary to set up a family.Dowry system in india was prevalent since the vadic period.In epic pediod gifts from parents,brothers and relatives were recognized as womans property stridhan.according to kautily means of subsistence or jewellery constitutes what is called the property of the woman. It is no guilt for a wife to make use of this property in maintaining her son her daughter- in- law or herself if her husband has made no provision for her maintenance. Considering the evils of dowry system, the dawry prohibition Act 1961 was passed in india.According to the act if a person gives or takes dowry then he is liable to be punished for an imprisonment and fine.If a person demands directly or indirectly dowry from the guardians .The wife after the marriage has been solemnized than

such a person is liadle to be punished for an imprisonment of six months and a fine of Rs 5000. Today,in india both divorce and remarriage are completely legal,whereas polygamy and polydry are both criminal offenees for Hindus,punishable by law. Marriage,a strong bond, a relationship between a man and woman.It reliefs on the pillars of love.complete trust and faith in the spouse.Marriages in india are known with different names like parinay,shaadi,vivah,kalayanam and lagna etc.

Causes of dowry in india:-there are many reasons for the

dowry the most important can be considered as the following:1.)The poverty in india. 2.)The low status of woman in past. 3.)The orthodox mentality of the people in past. But now the time have changed. Submitted by:- AVREET

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