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What is Engineering?

FENG 102 – Introduction to Engineering

07.03.2022 @ Izmir
Presented by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Görkem Üçtuğ

Adopted from:
What is Science?
What is Technology?
What is Engineering?
What is Mathematics?

What is STEM?
Scientists Technologists
Investigate our Apply science and
natural world math to designs

Working together
to solve problems
based on societal
needs and wants

Mathematicians Engineers
Use numbers and symbols Create our
to solve problems designed world
Science vs. Technology
• Scientists investigate our natural world
• Engineers help create the human-designed
• Technology (or technologies) denotes the
products and processes created by an
engineer and often used by a scientist
(the “stuff” or “things” we use)
Needs and Wants…

What are our human needs?

• Basic shelter • Water • Family
• Basic clothing • Food • Friends
• Can you think • Can you think • Can you think of
of more? of more? more?
Needs and Wants…

What are our human wants?

• Nice house • Fresh water • Talk with family
• Nice car • Fancy food • See friends
• Nice clothes • Healthy living • Entertainment
• Can you think • Can you think • Can you think of
of more? of more? more?

Engineering uses
scientific, technological, and
mathematical knowledge to
solve practical problems.
Engineers Do Many Things
• Invent – Develop a new product, system, or
process that has never existed before
• Innovate – Improve an existing technological
product, system, or method
Design Build
Improve Evaluate
Engineers Work to Solve Many Kinds
of Problems
• An electrical engineer may design a
GPS system for your vehicle.
• A pharmaceutical/chemical engineer
may find a cure for disease.
• A computer engineer may build a
computer the size of your watch.
• A mechanical engineer may create a
robot to discover water on a planet.
• An agricultural engineer may evaluate the effects
of global warming on food production.

Engineers make our lives better

How are each of them needed to
Create a Product?
Example Science Technology Engineering Math
Pencil Resources Idea Design, using Size and
your idea with shape
the resources
you have Dimensions
How are each of them needed to
Create a Product?
Example Science Technology Engineering Math
Pencil Discovery of Creating a Designing a What is the
graphite and writing device device with a optimal
the fact that that doesn’t graphite insert, length,
rubber use ink an exterior diameter,
(an eraser) holder, and an or shape for
will remove attached eraser the device?
• Knowledge of science and math is
necessary for the creation of new
• People working in multiple career areas
helped put the cereal you may have eaten
this morning
• Think about the tables and or chairs you
may have used so far today.
• Information from a scientist helped the
farmer to plant, grow, and harvest the
grains (corn, oats, wheat, rice, and barley)
• The responsibility of an engineer includes
designing the equipment used to harvest
the grain and designing the factory where
the grain was processed into what you eat
• An engineering technologist built the
factory, built the tools and equipment
necessary for converting the grains into
• Engineering technologists were part of a
team that built the farm equipment
(that an engineer designed)
• All along the way, mathematicians were
needed to solve problems…like how big
the factory should be or how much cereal
should go in one box
• Have you ever noticed that most cereal
boxes are the same width, but they vary in
height and/or thickness? Why
do you think these particular dimensions
are chosen?
What is Engineering?
• Science is the study of the natural world,
while technology is the study of how
humans develop new products to meet
needs and wants.
• Teams of people can accomplish more
than one individual working alone.
Introduction to Engineering
• Scientists investigate, explore, study…
• Engineers create, build, produce…
• Technologies = products and processes
created by an engineer and often used by
a scientist
• Knowledge of science and math is
necessary for the creation of new
What is Engineering?
• Technological change is illustrated through
inventions, innovations, and the evolution
of technological artifacts, processes, and
• Technology can have both positive and
negative consequences (effects) social,
cultural, economical, political, and
environmental consequences
What is Engineering?
• Engineers, designers, and engineering
technologists are needed in high demand
for the development of future technology
to meet societal needs and wants.
• An engineering notebook is used to
record original ideas or designs.
• A portfolio is an organized collection of
best works.
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Agriculture
The raising of crops and animals for food,
feed, fiber, fuel, or other useful products.
• Artifact
A human-made object.
• Biotechnology
All technology connected with plant and
animal life.
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Communication
The transmission of information through a
common system of symbols, signs, behavior,
speech, writing, or signals
• Construction
The act or process of building, erecting, or
constructing buildings, roads, or other structures
• Energy
The ability to do work; one of the basic
resources used by a technological system
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Engineering
Using technological and scientific knowledge
to solve practical problems
• Environment
The surroundings in which a person, animal,
or plant lives
• Ergonomics
The study of workplace equipment design or
how to arrange and design devices, machines,
or workspace so that people and things
interact safely and most efficiently
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Industrial
Anything relating to (or resulting from)
industry, manufacturing, production, etc.
• Invention
A new product, system, or process that has
never existed before, created by study and
• Innovation
An improvement of an existing technological
product, system, or method of doing something
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Manufacturing
The process of making a raw material into a
finished product; especially in large quantities
• Math
The science of patterns and order and the
study of measurement, properties, and the
relationships of quantities using numbers and
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Nanotechnology
The science and technology of building
devices, such as electronic circuits, from
single atoms and molecules
• Process
Human activities used to create, invent,
design, transform, produce, control, maintain,
and use products or systems; a
sequence of actions that combines resources
to produce an output
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Science
The study of our natural world through
observation, identification, description,
experimental investigation, and theoretical
• System
A group of interacting, interrelated, or
interdependent elements/parts that function
together as a whole to accomplish a goal
What is Engineering?
Key Terms
• Technology
The way people use resources to meet their
wants and needs; the devices humans use
• Transportation
The process by which passengers or
goods are moved or delivered from one
place to another
Some reasons for joining Engineering
• “Parents wanted me to be an engineer”
• “After 12th either you become doctor or Engineer I
was not cut out for doctor so I choose engineering .
Nor did I want to do BSc.”
• Challenges, Curiosity, Excitement
• Money, Travel, Status
• To make a difference in the world, to change the
way things work
• Want a job in big company
• “I want to start something of my own
How do YOU define Success ?
• Do you want to get rich ?
• Do you just want a job with decent pay ?
• Do you want to change the world ?

• You may go 10-20 years without answering

these questions but eventually you have to
• Set yourself for Success according to your
own metrics from the start
No one formula for Success
• Engineering is a field that requires many
people with different skills to work together to
solve complex problems in a simple way.
• Like best engineering problems, there’s no
single algorithm to follow
– But there are “Best Practices”
– There are Things To Avoid
• Do not make all mistakes yourself
– Learning from other’s errors is much better
Getting Started
• What are you passionate about? Do that.
– Mere competence will never trump real
– Match your skills, interest to what world wants
• Your answers will change with time
– Let career evolve
– You can find career value in any job
• Just do outstanding work no matter the task
• It is mostly the choice you make not talent or IQ
Which Job to Take ?
• Look 20 years out & place your career as a
– Which technologies or business domains are
most powerful/promising?
– Biotech, IT, Clean Energy, Health Care,
Telecom, Micro Finance
• Which line up with your personal belief
– Defense, medicine, consumer, corporate,
Startups v/s Big Corporates
• Good idea to do both over course of your career
• Startups are easier when you’re young
– More time, more energy, less to lose
– Startups can sometimes change world explosively
• But most fail
• Less overall stability

• Big companies have more opportunities to change world

– Remember that those increments can add up over time
– More stable, but sometimes that also means boring

• Both can be exhilarating, and both can be very frustrating

Getting Hired
• Where to work
– Weigh these factors heavily:
• Do you believe in the mission
• How outstanding is the team
• How well-run is the company
• Would this position leverage your strengths yet
demand intellectual growth
• Geography, local culture, educational opportunities
• Then consider salary, bonuses, stock,
Your First Job
• No matter what it is, become best in world at it
– Plan on 2-3 years to get really comfortable &
• Work as hard as you can
– You are setting your own reputation & trajectory
– Only Top Performers have choice of options for next
– Find mentors & role models (don’t struggle in silence)
• Don’t Let Your Team Down
– Know when to stand your ground v/s which battles
aren’t worth fighting
• Settle for nothing less than outstanding work.
Building your Career
• Focus on YOU
– Know your career path
• Individual Contributor v/s Management
– Technology changes rapidly, keep yourself
• Look for trainings, attend workshops
• Focus on the Company
– Align your career to what the company cares
Building your Career - Resources
• Your Alma Matter – stay connected
• Professional organizations – Participate
and Network
• Books – Read outside your specialty
• Balancing Work and Home
Getting Ahead in Your Job
• Communications = Influence = Promotions
– Writing
– Presentations
• Corporate/team culture
– Overpromising v/s over delivering
– Team play v/s getting what’s yours
– Detecting /avoiding burnout
– Use existing solutions where possible, innovate
where necessary
• Legal Stuff
– Take patents, IP very seriously; wording matters
Getting Ahead in Your Career
• Do outstanding work and trust that rewards
will follow
– How ?Work with people who do outstanding
• Be visible outside your own company
– Good for company, good for industry, good for
– Write papers, attend conferences, do peer
– Be active in your Professional network
Technical Leadership
• Take on hard challenging problems at work
• Be a go-to person
• Gain depth in technology / business
domain at your job
• 360 degree Leadership
– Leading above, below and at your level
• Know your strengths and weakness
– Leverage strengths
– Fill in weaknesses
Dealing with Failures
• If you never fail you aren’t trying hard
• Not all failures equally forgivable
– Well-conceived risks: good

• Learn from your failures

– Do not blame others
– Own up and take responsiblity
• B.Tech, M.Tech/MBA, PhD
– PhD required for research
• Stay viable & current
– Ongoing education/training
– Go to conferences, monitor what universities are
working on
– Professional memberships & participation
• Review papers, submit papers, attend conferences, be active
in local organizations (networking & cont. educ.)
• Don’t give up your non-engineering interests
– They will inform your engineering
– They’ll keep you connected to the non-techie world
– They’ll keep you from burning out
Paper ID #26192

Board 96: The Seven C’s of Solving Engineering Problems

Dr. Ron Averill, Michigan State University
Ron Averill joined the faculty at Michigan State University in 1992. He currently serves as the Associate
Chair of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research focus is
on pedagogy, design optimization of large and complex systems, analysis of composite materials and
structures, and design for sustainable agriculture.

c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019

The Seven C’s of Solving Engineering Problems

1. Introduction

Most engineering courses involve problem solving, and solving problems requires the
development of several types of knowledge and skills. From course to course, the kinds of
problems that are solved and the specific knowledge and skills required can be very different.
But across a wide range of courses we can define categories of knowledge and skills that are
required for solving most problems. By referring to these categories while teaching, studying and
practicing, we can develop a framework for learning. This framework provides a location and a
structure for storing important knowledge, making it easier to recall.

Let’s call these learning categories the Seven C’s.

1. Concepts are the fundamental ideas, laws, principles, theories, hypotheses and models
that form the basis for most of what we understand and do as engineers. By themselves,
they are often not sufficient to solve problems, but they are required to formulate
problems, develop solutions and interpret results.

2. Compass is a guide, or a set of suggested steps, for solving a certain class of problems. It
is not usually a detailed process because the nature of each problem is unique and
requires some creativity in the application of the relevant concepts. A Compass connects
all of the other C’s for a given problem type.

3. Computations include the mathematical skills required to solve a problem (e.g., algebra,
calculus, vector operations) and to present data (e.g., significant digits, units). These are
often thought of as “turn the crank” sorts of operations, but a rich set of tools and a deep
understanding of them is necessary to be a good problem solver.

4. Communication takes many forms, but its purpose is always to tell a story. In the context
of problem solving, communication skills are needed to define the problem, justify the
assumptions, describe the detailed solution steps and interpret the results. Key features
include overall organization and structure, step-wise clarity and flow, diagrams, drawings
and plots.

5. Consistency is instrumental in the development of good problem solving habits, skills and
communication. This refers to, for example, the repeated use of reliable step-by-step
procedures, convenient sign conventions and coordinate systems, meaningful notations
and more. Solving similar problems a different way every time is sometimes possible, but
it’s not very effective in practice or in the early stages of learning.

6. Checks are strategies and methods to validate the accuracy of solutions. The most
relevant approaches to use depend on the type of problem being solved. Examples
include repeating (double-checking) computations, confirming that a final solution
satisfies the boundary conditions, verifying that conservation laws are satisfied and so on.

7. Collaboration plays an integral role in nearly every phase of engineering. Examples

include interdisciplinary teams working on design projects and students in a study group
practicing solutions to challenging problems. The success of a team usually depends on
the leadership, goal setting, task planning and other teamwork skills of its members.

Note that these are not steps for engineering problem solving. Rather, they are the main
components or ingredients that are required to solve problems. In most problems, many of the
Seven C’s will play a role, though perhaps not all of them at once.

In addition to providing a framework for organizing new knowledge and skills, the structure and
vocabulary of the Seven C’s can be used to identify specific areas of learning strength and
weakness. A general statement such as, “I am not good at solving this type of problem” might be
replaced with a more precise “I don’t understand why this term is zero for this problem”
(Concept) or “I don’t know how to use this information to calculate the temperature” (Compass)
or “I seem to get the wrong sign whenever I take a cross-product” (Computation) and so on.
Then, additional instruction and practice can be targeted where it will help the most.

This sort of diagnosis is aided by listing, for example, the relevant Concepts, Compass steps or
Computations involved in the problem at hand. An inability to do so indicates a lack of
knowledge, understanding or skill related to those items that should be on the list.

When practicing problem solving, identifying the role played by each of the C’s helps to
reinforce both the distinctions and the connections among them. This simple act helps learners to
better appreciate the broad set of skills and knowledge needed to be a good engineer, which in
turn seems to motivate and guide more purposeful study. Further, this reflective activity
increases both understanding and retention.

The Seven C’s were introduced to students in several Mechanics of Materials classes during a
recent multi-year study on assessment methods [1]. Though they were not a formal part of the
study itself, it was observed that the C’s played a key role in student success. (The only C not
emphasized in these classes was Collaboration, though it could have been.) By introducing these
learning categories early and referring to them often, they gradually became part of the
vocabulary both in the class and in office hours. The remarkable improvement of student
performance in the study [1] is largely attributed to the motivation of students to study
differently due to the modified assessment approach. Nevertheless, based on observations and
discussions with students, it is believed that using the structure of the Seven C’s played a role in
helping these motivated students to achieve the desired level of problem solving proficiency.

The objective of the current paper is to describe the Seven C’s and the roles that they play in
problem solving. Suggestions for how to use these learning categories are provided for both
instructors and students.

2. The Seven C’s


Of all the Seven C’s, this is the one we emphasize the most when teaching. We believe, mostly
because it’s true, that gaining a deep understanding of key concepts is the most important thing
our students can do.

Concepts are the fundamental ideas, laws, principles, theories, hypotheses and models that form
the basis for most of what we understand and do as engineers. They are required to formulate
problems, develop solutions and interpret results.

Concepts are the bricks and the beams used to construct solutions. But how many of our
incoming students could build a decent structure given only a pile of bricks and beams?
To build a structure, they would also need:

 a work plan (Compass),

 many kinds of tools (Computations),
 design drawings (Communication),
 an agreed upon set of best practices (Consistency),
 oversight and formal inspections (Checks), and
 teamwork (Collaboration).

In other words, they would need some form of all the Seven C’s to successfully build a structure.
The same is true for solving interesting engineering problems. We should not expect students to
be able to solve these problems based solely on our amazing lectures that cover a few main
concepts. This provides only bricks and beams.

The typical classroom lecture as well as the typical textbook chapter consists mostly of an
introduction to new concepts and the formulation of key equations. Then, based on this
information, homework problems are assigned and examinations are given that require students
to solve problems.
In other words, we tend to teach concepts and then test process.

The homework and test problems are intended to give students practice and test their ability in
applying the new concepts. But much of what they need for successful practice and success on
exams is missing.

For example, we must also clearly demonstrate and provide a guide (a Compass) for how these
concepts connect to solving problems and interpreting real life situations. These connections are
the key to understanding.


We want our students to be able to use concepts, not just understand them. These are not
necessarily the same thing, even though the best way to demonstrate understanding of a concept
may be to apply it properly in the solution to a problem. This explains why most examinations
involve problem solving.

Further, the more often we successfully apply a concept the better we understand it, especially
when the applications are sufficiently different. So purposeful practice on a variety of problems
not only increases our ability to use concepts, but also deepens our understanding of them [2,3].

It follows that the best way to help our students understand and use concepts is to teach them
how to apply those concepts to a broad set of problems. A Compass plays a large role in this
critical learning activity.

A Compass is a guide, or a set of suggested steps, for solving a certain class of problems. It is not
usually a detailed process because the nature of each problem is unique and requires some
creativity in the application of the relevant concepts. Even more than relating concepts, a
Compass connects all of the other C’s to a solution process for a given type of problem.

Here is an example Compass for drawing a FBD of a beam, truss or frame structure:
1. Create a new drawing of the structure, representing each member as a line.
2. Represent internal connections as either pinned or welded.
3. Define a global coordinate system (GCS) that is convenient for the current problem.
4. Replace all boundary icon symbols with the reaction forces and moments that these
boundary supports impose on the structure.
5. Draw all external loads.
6. Include all key dimensions, including units.
7. Label all points corresponding to boundaries, joints, load discontinuities and key sections.

The word Compass is appropriate here, because its role is to suggest what direction to go next
rather than which detailed steps to take. The details of each step may depend on the particular
problem, and these are left to the problem solver to determine, though a Compass may
recommend a few options.

Rather than limiting creativity, a Compass facilitates it by reducing the mental load associated
with developing an overall solution process. With practice, the solution steps in a Compass
become habitual. This consistency frees the mind to focus on the unique aspects of a problem
that do require some creativity of thought, or to concentrate on performing accurate

A Compass also provides structure to a solution process that is naturally reflected in the
communication of each worked solution. This makes solutions easier to read, understand and
check for accuracy. Accuracy checks (solution validation methods) should be included in a

Note how Concepts, Computations, Communication, Consistency and Checks are all linked
within a Compass. When Collaboration is an integral part of the solution process, it will also be
part of the Compass.

A Compass eliminates many common questions such as, “Where do I start?” Further, by
emphasizing the order and the role of each step in the solution process, it discourages the
skipping of steps, a common reason many students get stuck when trying to solve problems.

Is there concern that students might become overly dependent on a Compass? In the beginning,
this is an acceptable result because we do want to mold behavior and build healthy habits. But in
the long run, observations of student behavior suggest that a Compass is like training wheels on a
bicycle. They enable you to ride without falling when you first get started, but you shed them
quickly when you gain confidence in your own abilities.

Will students just memorize the steps in a Compass? Hopefully they do initially, until those steps
become instinctual. It is preferable for a student to memorize a process for solving a broad set of
problems than to memorize the particular solution to a few selected problems [1].

An example of a broader Compass used in a sophomore-level Mechanics of Materials course is

provided in [4]. The long version of this Compass includes lots of information and suggestions.
It is most useful in the early stages of practice, when students are still learning how the various
concepts and computational tools work together to create the desired result. A shorter version is
also available for advanced users who have already mastered most of the steps and just need a
reminder of the high-level process.

A Compass can be developed for most, if not all, types of problems in science, engineering and
math. This is truly a key ingredient for successful practice at becoming a skilled problem solver.

By the time our students start taking mid-level engineering courses, we often take for granted
that they can perform basic mathematical operations and calculations, understand and properly
use significant digits and convert familiar units of measure to express a solution correctly and
completely. This is a risky assumption.

Though students have been exposed to these topics numerous times in high school and
introductory college courses, often their learning has not been assessed in a way that motivates or
requires the expected level of proficiency [1]. Then, when grading is based on a loose notion of
“correct approach” in subsequent engineering courses, there is essentially no penalty for
computational errors. What motivation is there for students to develop a high level of
computational skill?

Being vaguely familiar with the basic ideas is enough to pass many courses under most modern
grading philosophies, and that is precisely the level of capability in many of our students. This is
not apparent until a different assessment approach is implemented [1].

Even worse, students often believe they know “well enough” how to perform these
computations, so there is no need for a higher level of competency or precision. Their high
grades have convinced them that this is true. The result is that both students and instructors
overestimate students’ abilities to perform computational operations.

It seems there is a diminished appreciation for the value of accuracy, the significance of
significant figures, or the magnitude of units. Yet these are essential parts of the practice and the
culture of engineering, and they must become part of the mindset of engineers.

It should not be necessary here to give examples of engineering disasters caused by erroneous
calculations or incorrect units, but a few can be found in [5,6] just in case. When we repeatedly
overlook our students’ mistakes in these areas, we are telling them it is ok to make these errors.
And they are listening.

Moreover, a lack of mastery in computational skills can be a significant barrier to learning more
advanced topics. As described in [2] (p. 15), “Knowledge is foundational: we won’t have the
structures in place to do deep thinking if we haven’t spent time mastering a body of knowledge
related to that thinking.”

When students have not mastered basic computational skills, they have a more difficult time with
new concepts or complex solution processes that involve those skills. This might be because
their mental energy is spent on how to do the computations instead of higher level thought.
When these computations become habitual, the mind is freed to focus on the relevant concepts
and the unique aspects of the problem at hand.
Improving computational skills is mostly a matter of practice, but this practice will be
meaningful only when there is proper motivation. Ideally, the origin of this motivation would be
a deep appreciation for accuracy. For a small number of students, pointing to previous
engineering disasters caused by numerical errors is sufficient to achieve this. But for most
students, the primary motivating factor is the course grade [1].

We must make computational accuracy a key part of the assessment process and an integral part
of the attitude of engineering students.

Ideally, we could influence the grading styles or expectations in prerequisite courses or even in
high school level courses, where many of these computational skills are taught, but it’s difficult
to change things we don’t control. We do control and we can use assessment to maintain an
expected level of performance for our own science and engineering students.

Raising the bar in this way late in a student’s career is sometimes painful, as it reveals
weaknesses that were carefully hidden for a long time. If we are steadfast, then word of these
expectations may eventually trickle down to those courses that support the core science and
engineering curricula.

This discussion on accuracy would not be complete without the concession that no one is perfect
– we all make mistakes. That is true, of course. But the point of that statement is to remind us we
are human when we do make a mistake. It is not an excuse for making errors regularly and
without concern, which is the way it is often interpreted and practiced.

The expectation is not perfection, but rather the demonstrated ability to achieve correct solutions
and the deep-seated belief that correctness matters.


When engineers think about communication, we mainly think about writing various types of
reports and making presentations. With a little more thought, we can expand the list to include
writing emails and memos, specifications and codes, operating procedures, proposals and other
documents. There are many forms of graphics communications, including charts, diagrams,
assembly drawings and more. And what about listening, which is at least one-half of

Seldom do homework or exam-style problem formulations and solution procedures appear on

such a list, yet engineering students practice this form of communication almost daily, often
poorly. This may be our largest and best opportunity to teach important aspects of
communication, as we know that many elements of effective communication are common across
all types.
It is said that the main purpose of communication is to tell a story. This is equally true for a
fictional narrative and the solution to an engineering analysis problem.

Every story has a beginning that sets the scene and introduces the main characters and the major
conflicts (problem definition); a middle that explores the main themes through the actions of the
characters (application of concepts via the solution steps and assumptions); and an ending that
brings resolution to the story (final results, including their interpretation and validation).

In addition to the overall organization and structure of the story, the detailed pieces of
information within each part must be organized and related to one another through a logical flow.
Random bits of information written in arbitrary locations and orientations on a page do not create
a coherent story, even if there are a few crisscrossing arrows drawn between the parts.

Early in their engineering education career, most students try to arrive at the final answer to a
problem as quickly as possible, and with as few steps and written details as possible. It’s as
though they believe only the final answer matters, and the random scribblings leading up to that
result are a waste of time and pencil lead. (Of course, when they don’t arrive at a correct answer
they do expect partial credit for those sparse and haphazard scribblings.)

Equations are commonly written without labels and values are written without units. As a simple
example, a student’s work may take the form:

500 – R + 200 = 0 

R = 700 

This may be a perfectly good equation for the problem at hand, but it has no context. A few
descriptors help this equation make sense to others who might read the work:


  500 – Rx + 200 = 0 

  Rx = 700 N 

The concept being used here is Equilibrium, so let’s say that. In particular, the sum of all forces
acting in the x-direction must sum to zero, and we will assume that positive forces act toward the
right. Let’s specify those little details, too. Now, the equation: 500 – Rx + 200 = 0 has meaning.
Note that adding a subscript to R implies that the force Rx acts in the x-direction. That’s helpful
information. Further, Rx = 700 is incomplete without units. 700 N (Newtons) is quite different
than 700 kN (kilo-Newtons) or 700 lbs (pounds).

Using a consistent vocabulary of labels, notation and sign conventions helps to make
communications clearer, while reducing the amount of thought given to these matters.

Of course, the above solution still lacks context without a properly drawn free body diagram
(FBD), which is a graphical representation of the equilibrium state and must precede the writing
of any equilibrium equation. After adding a brief problem statement and a FBD, we now have a
complete short story, or perhaps a chapter of a longer story (a multi-part problem).

The above communication thoughts do not come naturally to engineering students. They must be
taught and enforced until they become instinctual. Though painful at first, somewhere along that
process most students begin to realize the importance of clear communication, and their problem
solving process is better for it.

A well-structured solution suggests that a student has developed a knowledge framework for
organizing the pieces of knowledge used in the solution. This is true even if that structure is
mimicked from instructor solutions to similar problems. In fact, this mimicking is often the best
way for students to learn how to establish a solution structure and a line by line format. Ideally,
this structure would follow an established Compass, as described above.

In the study performed in [1], section A of a mechanics course used a traditional style of
assessment and did not emphasize a Compass or Communication conventions, while sections B
and C of the same course used a modified assessment approach that emphasized accuracy and
that was supported by a detailed Compass and consistent Communication protocols during all
problem solving. At the end of the semester, a common final exam was administered across all
three sections, and this exam was graded by the team of three instructors. Not only did sections B
and C demonstrate significantly greater problem solving abilities than section A, but also it was
observed that student solutions in Sections B and C had become very orderly and followed a
logical flow. This made grading easier and made it easy to locate where a student’s thinking was
fuzzy. The instructors believed that the consistent use of the Compass and the suggested
Communication conventions for instructor solutions to practice problems was mimicked by
students trying to organize their own thoughts. It is not known whether clearer communication
aided in problem solving or greater problem solving skills gave rise to clearer communication of
solutions. But after three years of consistent trends, the instructors in the study believe there is
some connection between these two factors.


Companies establish processes and best practices to reduce errors, increase efficiency, align
efforts and produce expected results, consistently. These same outcomes should be expected
from our solution procedures, and they are enhanced by using consistent processes and

Thus, instructors should faithfully follow a Compass as well as a set of Communication rules in
the solution process for every example, homework and exam problem. Skipping a few steps or
using a “short-hand” notation is tempting when in a hurry, and it might even seem justified in
some problems. But students don’t yet understand when it is ok, if indeed it ever is.

Studies have established that good habits are a strong determiner of overall success, while the
opposite result is more common for those with bad habits (e.g., [7]). The current author has
observed similar trends in engineering students and even in practicing engineers – that building
consistent processes and a proper mindset for solving engineering problems leads to greater
success in problem solving. This does not seem surprising, yet we tend not to emphasize this
topic enough in our courses.


Checks refers to validation of solution results. The letter “v” may rhyme with “c”, but the title of
this paper is the Seven C’s, so we must lead with the word “checks.”

Many students are aware that validation of results is a critical part of the engineering process, but
their knowledge and skills are not yet mature enough to invent ways to check their own results. If
this is something that students are expected to do, then, as with most of the skills discussed
herein, instructors must explicitly describe and illustrate the use of various ways to validate
solutions. These techniques only seem obvious after they have been learned and practiced.

A common misconception among students is that there is no value in obtaining correct answers
on exam questions. This attitude is reinforced by grading models that award generous partial
credit based on a poorly defined concept of “correct approach.” This creates a culture in which
many students no longer feel the need to solve problems completely or correctly [1].

Many students also discount the value of getting correct answers because in the “real world”
someone else will be checking their results. This faulty logic ignores the facts that they may also
be asked to check the work of other engineers, and this checking process assumes that everyone
involved has a deep understanding of the relevant concepts and the detailed solution method for
the problem at hand. Otherwise, fundamental errors may go unnoticed, leading to potential
disaster. No one with only a cursory knowledge of a problem can reliably solve it or check
someone else’s solution.

A deep understanding of concepts and solution processes is unlikely in the absence of a desire to
obtain correct solutions. One of the few ways, if not the only way, to encourage students to strive
for accuracy is to link the course grade to complete and correct solutions [1].
The author and his colleagues implemented an exam grading scheme that requires students to
find their own mistakes and correct them in order to receive any partial credit for an incorrect
solution [1]. Even then, partial credit was only awarded for very minor errors, not for conceptual
misunderstandings, in order to motivate complete and correct solutions.

Locating, classifying and correcting errors on exams can be a very important part of the learning
process. This is referred to as reflection by cognitive scientists [3]. Developing these skills may
lead to higher accuracy as well as higher grades in the future, all while developing an
engineering mindset for checking work and locating mistakes.


Teamwork best practices are relevant to any group activity, including group problem solving.
This means that teamwork skills can be strengthened even within applied mathematics and
engineering science courses.

For example, group practice exams are a great way to cause a small group of students to work
toward a common goal, such as preparing for an upcoming exam. Assigning a small amount of
course credit to this activity will encourage participation. A frequent outcome of group practice
exams is the natural establishment of study groups, another opportunity to practice teamwork

3. Tips for Students

Students can use the Seven C’s to enhance their learning and practice. Here are a few tips.

Concepts. Before you start solving a practice problem, list the concepts that will be involved in
the solution. Review this list (reflect) after solving the problem and make corrections, as needed.

Compass. If a compass or solution guide is not provided for you, develop one and use it for all
practice problems. Update it when you find limitations or inconsistencies.

Computations. Practice key skills until you can perform them without much thought. Then you
can focus more on the other aspects of a problem.

Communication. Develop an organized and clear way to communicate all solutions. Include all
details, and don’t skip steps. To assess how clear your work is, ask others to read your solutions
and explain them to you.
Consistency. Develop best practices in your solution processes and communication, and don’t
vary from them. Be boring here and save the creativity for when it is actually useful.

Checks. A method used to check a solution should be different from the original method used.
For example, calculate the components of a moment using the right-hand rule, then check them
with the mathematical version (cross-product approach). Perform calculations on your calculator
in a different order to check your original work. Or type calculations on your calculator using
your right hand, then do it again using your left hand.

Collaboration. Take a leadership role in a club or in your study group. Try to use a few of the
teamwork skills you have learned. Practicing team skills is a great way to improve a few of those
talents that employers are looking for.

4. Conclusions

There are seven key ingredients to problem solving – Concepts, Compass, Computations,
Communication, Consistency, Checks and Collaboration. These categories provide a vocabulary
for discussing solution techniques and a mental framework for better understanding and using
knowledge in problem solving. Recent studies suggest that emphasizing the Seven C’s in a
mechanics class played a role in helping motivated students to significantly improve their
problem solving abilities. While it is common in some classes to place greater emphasis on
Concepts, it is recommended that some emphasis be given to all of the Seven C’s within problem
solving courses.

5. References

[1] Ronald C. Averill, Sara Roccabianca and Geoffrey Recktenwald, “A Multi-Instructor Study
of Assessment Techniques in Engineering Mechanics Courses,” ASEE Annual Conference &
Exposition, Tampa, Florida, June 16-19, 2019.
[2] James M. Lang, Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Teaching, San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2016.
[3] Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel, Make It Stick: The Science
of Successful Learning, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.
[7] Tom Corley, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: Strategies that Transformed 177
Average People into Self-Made Millionaires, North Loop Books, 2016.
Scientific Writing

FENG 102
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Görkem Üçtuğ
Week 3
Why learn scientific writing?
• You will have to write a master thesis
• You may want to write a scientific article
• You will be judged by what you write and
what you present
– Content
– Structure
– Style
Writing is learned by writing
• Practice, practice, practice
• Choose good role models
• Study good examples
• But there are also techniques and rules
to learn
How well you communicate affects the
well-being of others

Explosion was caused by failure of O-

rings in the solid rocket boosters

Engineers knew of O-ring problems

well before fatal launch

Engineers failed to communicate

seriousness of problem
[Report, 1986]

Space Shuttle Challenger

(January 28, 1986)
Scientists and engineers are called upon
to communicate in many different situations

Reports Conferences
Articles Lectures
Proposals Meetings
Web Pages Posters

specific general
technical technical non-technical
audiences audiences audiences
Scientific writing differs from other kinds of writing

Subject Matter Writing Constraints




Purpose of Writing Writing Style

To inform

To persuade

[Peterson, 1987]
You should begin the writing process by analyzing
your constraints
Who they are
What they know
Why they will read
How they will read

Occasion Politics and ethics
Process and deadline

To inform
Purpose To persuade
Three aspects of writing affect the way that
readers assess your documents



Style is the way you communicate the
content to the audience

[Peterson, 1987]
Illustration wordswordswords

Structure Language
Form embodies the format and mechanics
of the writing


We can split the writing process into stages

Getting in the Mood Writing the First Draft

Revising, Revising, Revising Finishing

the Strategy of Style

If a man can group his ideas, then he is a

Robert Louis Stevenson


The organization of a scientific document can be viewed
as a beginning, middle, and ending

Back Matter

Middle Sections

Introduction Beginning
Beginnings prepare readers
for understanding the work

Title orients readers to


Summary tells readers what

happens in document

Introduction prepares readers

for the middle
A strong title orients readers to
your area of work

Effects of Humidity Effects of Humidity

on the Growth on the Growth
of Electron Avalanches
of Avalanches in Electrical Gas Discharges
A strong title also separates your
work from everyone else's work

Studies on the Effects of Rhodamine-B

Electrodeposition on the Electrodeposition
of Lead on Copper of Lead on Copper
Several names for summaries exist

Technical Informative
Abstract Abstract

Descriptive Executive
Abstract Summary
Although several names exist for summaries,
there are essentially two approaches

This paper describes a new inertial navigation system

for mapping oil and gas wells. In this paper, we will Descriptive
compare the mapping accuracy and speed for this new
system against the accuracy and speed for conventional

This paper describes a new inertial navigation system

that will increase the mapping accuracy of oil wells by a
factor of ten. The new system uses three-axis navigation
that protects sensors from high-spin rates. The system Informative
also processes its information by Kalman filtering (a
statistical sampling technique) in an on-site computer.
Test results show the three-dimensional location accuracy
is within 0.1 meters for every 100 meters of well depth, an
accuracy ten times greater than conventional systems.
A document's introduction prepares
readers for the discussion


The introduction defines the scope
and limitations of the work

Women may not Medical histories

experience the not considered
same effects scope

Proposed Study
on Effects of Alcohol
on Life Expectancy
Ten-year study
Three classes of drinkers:
moderate drinkers
heavy drinkers
Men surveyed

Other effects,
such as exercise,
not considered

A strong introduction tells readers
why the research is important

This paper presents a design for a platinum catalytic

igniter in hydrogen-air mixtures. This igniter has
application in nuclear reactors. One danger at a nuclear
reactor is a loss-of-coolant accident. Such an accident
can produce large quantities of hydrogen gas when hot
water and steam react with zirconium fuel rods. In a
serious accident, the evolution of hydrogen may be so
rapid that it produces an explosive hydrogen-air mixture importance
in the reactor containment building. This mixture could
breach the containment walls and allow radiation to
Our method to eliminate this danger is to intentionally
ignite the hydrogen-air mixture at concentrations below
those for which any serious damage might result.
In the middle of a report, you
present your work

Choose a logical Make sections

strategy and subsections


[Sandia, 1985]
Common strategies exist
for the middles of scientific reports


[Maizels, 2001]


[Pratt & Whitney, 2000]

Common strategies exist
for the middles of scientific reports

Corel Corporation


[Sandia, 1985]
Section headings should be descriptive and parallel

Non-Parallel Parallel
Non-Descriptive Descriptive

Introduction Introduction
Marx Generators Past Designs for Particle Beam Fusion
Line Pulse
Beam Generation New Design for Particle Beam Fusion
Transporting Beam Charging Marx Generators
Pellets Forming Line Pulse
Results Generating Particle Beam
Conclusions Transporting Particle Beam
Irradiating Deuterium-Tritium Pellets
Results of New Design
Conclusions and Recommendations
When you divide a section into subsections,
all the pieces should be of the same pie

New Design
Design for
for Particle
Particle Beam
Beam Fusion
Charging Marx
Marx Generators
Generating Particle
Particle Beam
Pellets Deuterium-Tritium Pellets
Organization is hidden when headings occur in a
long list without secondary headings

Performance of Performance of
the Solar One Receiver the Solar One Receiver
Introduction Introduction
Steady State Efficiency Receiver’s Efficiency
Average Efficiency Steady State Efficiency
Start-Up Time Average Efficiency
Operation Time Receiver’s Operation Cycle
Operation During Cloud Transients Start-Up Time
Panel Mechanical Supports Operation Time
Tube Leaks Operation During Cloud Transients
Conclusion Receiver’s Mechanical Wear
Panel Mechanical Supports
Tube Leaks
Many journal articles follow a set organization
named IMRaD

Materials and Methods


In a strong ending, you analyze results
and give a future perspective

Analysis of Results Analyze results from
overall perspective

Future Perspective

Several options:
Make recommendations
Discuss future work
Repeat limitations
Use appendices to supply background
for secondary audiences

Appendix A
Concern About the Greenhouse Effect

For almost a hundred years, experts have been

concerned with the increasing concentrations of
gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen
oxides in the earth's lower atmosphere. These gases
are natural by-products of combustion. Figure A-1
illustrates the correlation between global temperature
and carbon dioxide concentrations...
Use appendices to supply secondary or
tangential information to primary readers

Appendix B
Project Stormfury

In 1961, the United States Weather Bureau and the

Department of Defense (Navy) began a project to reduce
the strength of hurricanes. The project, called Project
Stormfury, uses cloud seeding, a process used to produce
rainfall and reduce hail in thunderstorms. In Project
Stormfury, silver iodide crystals, similar in structure to ice,
are dispersed by airplanes in the upper reaches of cloud
formations just outside the hurricane's eye where the
winds are highest. Initial results showed that wind speeds
decreased between 15–30% after seedings...
For secondary readers, use a glossary
to define unfamiliar terms


burst point: the exact point in space where an

atomic bomb is detonated.
clear visibility: a viewing range of twenty miles.
fallout: the descent to the Earth's surface of
radioactive particles from a cloud contaminated
with the fission products of a nuclear explosion.
hypocenter: the point on the earth's surface directly
below the burst point; also called ground zero.
Scientific Documents
In scientific writing, formats vary considerably to
serve different situations

The most effective combustion method

is an atmospheric fluidized bed


• 90% removal capability

• low capital cost—able to
use in existing equipment

• high operating cost

• ability to use different
grades of coal


Formal Journal Presentation

Reports Articles Slides
Not all rules of format are constant

Reports Textbooks Journals

Sandia Laboratories Prentice-Hall ASME

Figure 1 Fig. 1 fig. 1

Table 1 Table 1 table 1

equation 1 equation (1) Eq. 1

Format is the arrangement of type on the page


Each typestyle has its own personality and power

Serif Sans Serif

Times New Roman Arial

abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqr
stuvwxyz1234567890 stuwxyz1234567890

Garamond Arial Narrow

abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqr
stuvwxyz1234567890 stuwxyz1234567890

Courier Comic Sans

abcdefghijklmnopqr abcdefghijklmnopqr
stuvwxyz1234567890 stuwxyz1234567890
Avoid large blocks of capital letters

Type is to read



Words set in all caps use more

space than words set in lowercase.
Choose a type size that is easy to read

48 point posters

36 point
presentation slides

24 point
18 point
14 point
12 point

10 point
8 point

In your layouts, use white space for association,
emphasis, and hierarchy

space for

space for
Follow the format that is expected or required
for the situation

FENG 102
Week 4
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Görkem Üçtuğ

(adopted from

What is LR?
 A literature review discusses published
information in a particular subject area,
and sometimes information in a
particular subject area within a certain
time period.
 A literature review can be just a simple
summary of the sources, but it usually
has an organizational pattern and
combines both summary and
What is LR?
 A literature review is the effective
evaluation of selected documents on a
research topic.
 A review may form an essential part of the
research process or may constitute a
research project in itself.
 In the context of a research paper or thesis
the literature review is a critical synthesis of
previous research.
 The evaluation of the literature leads
logically to the research question.
What is LR?
A ‘good’ literature review….. A ‘poor’ literature review is…..

….. is a synthesis of available research … annotated bibliography

….. is a critical evaluation ….. confined to description
….. has appropriate breadth and depth ….. narrow and shallow
….. has clarity and conciseness ….. confusing and longwinded
….. uses rigorous and consistent ….. constructed in an arbitrary way

Why write LR?
 Literature reviews provide you with a handy
guide to a particular topic. If you have
limited time to conduct research, literature
reviews can give you an overview or act as
a stepping stone.
 Literature reviews also provide a solid
background for a research paper's
investigation. Comprehensive knowledge of
the literature of the field is essential to most
research papers.

Why write LR?
 For professionals, they are useful
reports that keep them up to date
with what is current in the field.
 For scholars, the depth and breadth of
the literature review emphasizes the
credibility of the writer in his or her

Why write LR?
 The purpose of a literature review is for you
to take a critical look at the literature (facts
and views) that already exists in the area
you are researching.
 A literature review is not a shopping list of
everything that exists, but a critical analysis
that shows an evaluation of the existing
literature and a relationship between the
different works.
 It demonstrates the relevance of the
Why write LR?
 In the context of a research paper on a
thesis, the literature review provides a
background to the study being proposed.
 The background may consider one or more
of the following aspects depending on the
research question being posed:
 Theoretical background – past, present or future
 Industrial practice – previous or contemporary
 Methodology and/or research methods
 Previous findings
 Rationale and/or relevance of the current study

Why write LR?
 In a broader context Hart (1998) lists the
following purposes of a review:
 Distinguishing what has been done from what
needs to be done;
 Discovering important variables relevant to the
 Synthesising and gaining a new perspective;
 Identifying relationships between ideas and
 Establishing the context of the topic or problem;

Why write LR?
 Rationalising the significance of the problem;
 Enhancing and acquiring the subject
 Understanding the structure of the subject;
 Relating ideas and theory to applications;
 Identifying methodologies and techniques
that have been used;
 Placing the research in a historical context to
show familiarity with state-of-the-art

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Clarify
 If your assignment is not very specific, seek
clarification from your supervisor/lecturer:
 Roughly how many sources should you include?
 What types of sources (books, journal articles,
 Should you summarize, synthesize, or critique
your sources by discussing a common theme or
 Should you evaluate your sources?
 Should you provide subheadings and other
background information, such as definitions and/
or a history?

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Find models
 Look for other literature reviews in your area of
interest or in the discipline and read them to get
a sense of the types of themes you might want
to look for in your own research or ways to
organize your final review. You can simply put
the word "review" in your search engine along
with your other topic terms to find articles of this
type on the Internet or in an electronic database.
The bibliography or reference section of sources
you've already read are also excellent entry
points into your own research.
What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Narrow your topic
 There are hundreds or even thousands of
articles and books on most areas of
study. The narrower your topic, the easier
it will be to limit the number of sources
you need to read in order to get a good
survey of the material. Your instructor
will probably not expect you to read
everything that's out there on the topic,
but you'll make your job easier if you first
limit your scope.

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Consider whether your sources
are current
 Some disciplines require that you use
information that is as current as possible.
In the sciences, for instance, treatments
for medical problems are constantly
changing according to the latest studies.
Information even two years old could be

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Find a focus
 A literature review, like a term paper, is
usually organized around ideas, not the
sources themselves as an annotated
bibliography would be organized. This
means that you will not just simply list
your sources and go into detail about
each one of them, one at a time.

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Construct a working thesis
 Then use the focus you've found to
construct a thesis statement. Yes!
Literature reviews have thesis statements
as well! However, your thesis statement
will not necessarily argue for a position or
an opinion; rather it will argue for a
particular perspective on the material.

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Consider organization
 You've got a focus, and you've narrowed
it down to a thesis statement.
 Now what is the most effective way of
presenting the information?
 What are the most important topics,
subtopics, etc., that your review needs to
 And in what order should you present

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Develop an organization for your review at
both a global and local level:
 First, cover the basic categories
 Just like most academic papers, literature
reviews also must contain at least three basic
elements: an introduction or background
information section; the body of the review
containing the discussion of sources; and, finally,
a conclusion and/or recommendations section to
end the paper.

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the topic
of the literature review, such as the central
theme or organizational pattern.
 Body: Contains your discussion of sources
and is organized either chronologically,
thematically, or methodologically (see below
for more information on each).
 Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss
what you have drawn from reviewing
literature so far. Where might the discussion
What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 The introduction should provide the reader with the
scale and structure of your review. It serves as a kind
of map.
 The body of the review depends on how you have
organised your key points. Literature reviews at
postgraduate level should be evaluative and not
merely descriptive. For example possible reasons for
similarities or differences between studies are
considered rather than a mere identification of them.
 The conclusion of the review needs to sum up the
main findings of your research into the literature. The
findings can be related to the aims of the study you
are proposing to do. The reader is thus provided with a
coherent background to the current study.

What should I do before writing the
literature review?
 Organizing the body
 Once you have the basic categories in place, then you
must consider how you will present the sources
themselves within the body of your paper. Create an
organizational method to focus this section even
 To help you come up with an overall organizational
framework for your review, consider the six typical
ways of organizing the sources into a review:
 Chronological
 By publication
 By trend
 Thematic
 Methodological
 Questions for Further Research

What should you write?
 Layout
 Make your literature review have an academic and
professional appearance. Here are some points to
make the look of your report appealing to the reader
 White space: leave space between sections,
especially from the abstract. This gives an uncluttered
 Headings/sub-headings: these help to separate
 Text boxes: you can use these for quotations or
paraphrasing to separate them from the rest of your
text. It is also pleasing to the eye.

What should you write?
 Graphics: centre your graphics, such as
diagrams or tables, to have space around
them. Try not to bury graphics in your text.
 Pagination: you can number pages or
sections or both, but the important thing to
do is to be consistent. The cover page
normally is not numbered. The content page
and abstract page usually have a separate
numbering system to the body of your
literature review.

What should you write?
 Language focus
 Create a balance between direct quotation
(citation) and paraphrasing. Avoid too much
direct quoting. The verb tense chosen depends
on your emphasis:
 When you are citing a specific author's findings,
use the past tense: (found, demonstrated);
 When you are writing about an accepted fact,
use the present tense: (demonstrates, finds);
 When you are citing several authors or making a
general statement, use the present perfect
tense: (have shown, have found, little research
has been done).

What should you write?
 Final checklist
 Have I fulfilled the purpose of the literature review?
 Is it written at a level appropriate to its audience?
 Are its facts correct?
 Is all the information included relevant?
 Are the layout and presentation easy on the eye?
 Is the language clear, concise and academic?
 Does the abstract summarise the entire review?
 Does the introduction adequately introduce the topic?
 Is the body organised logically?
 Does the conclusion interpret, analyse and evaluate?
 Are the recommendations reasonable?
 Does the table of contents correspond with the actual contents? Are
page numbers correct?
 Have I acknowledged all sources of information through correct
 Have I checked spelling, grammar and punctuation?
 Have I carefully proof-read the final draft?

How to review?
 The whole process of reviewing
a. Searching for literature
b. Sorting and prioritising the retrieved
c. Analytical reading of papers
d. Evaluative reading of papers
e. Comparison across studies
f. Organising the content
g. Writing the review
How to review?
 Comparison across studies
 The aim is to extract key points by comparing
and contrasting ACROSS studies, instead of
reading one paper after another.
 Key points for a review may concern areas of
similarities and/or differences in:
 Research aim(s) or hypotheses
 Research design and sampling
 Instruments and procedures used
 How data were analysed
 Results or findings
 Interpretations

How to review?
 Tips on writing
Express one idea in a sentence. Ensure that all your sentences have
a subject, verb and object.

Group sentences that express and develop one aspect of your topic.
Use a new paragraph for another aspect or another topic.

Use sentences and paragraphs with appropriate use of commas,

Consistent Grammar colours and semi-colours. Incorrect use of punctuation can affect
the meaning.

Use words that link paragraphs and which show contrast and
Transition Words development to your argument e.g. ‘hence’, ‘therefore’, ‘but’,
‘thus’, ‘as a result’, ‘in contrast’.

How to review?
□ Pitfalls
- Vagueness due to too much or
inappropriate generalisations
- Limited range
- Insufficient information
- Irrelevant material
- Omission of contrasting view
- Omission of recent work

Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are statistical tools that have
been used successfully in modelling difficult tasks such as
speech recognition [15] or biological sequence analysis [16].
Inspired by a similar speech application, Hidden Markov
model (HMM) has also been applied to activity recognition.
The first approach for the human movements based on
HMMs was described in [13]. It distinguished between six
different tennis strokes. This system divided the image into
meshes and counted the number of pixels representing the
person for each mesh. The numbers were composed to a
feature vector that was converted into a discrete label by a
vector quantizer. The labels were classified based on discrete
HMMs. In [8], an HMM is used as a representation of simple
actions which are recognized by computing the probability
that the model produces the visual observation sequence. In
[14] layered HMMs were proposed to model single person
office activities at various time granularities



Prof. Dr. Yasar Guneri Sahin

What is a project?
PMI definition
“A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service”

Better definition
“A sequence of connected and related activities (requirement engineering, system engineering, implementation,
testing, documentation, controlling, managing…) that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and
according to specification.”
Project Features
▪ A project has a definite beginning and definite end
▪ The duration of a project is finite
▪ The opportunity or market window is usually temporary, most projects have a limited time
frame in which to produce the product or service
▪ The project team - as a team - seldom outlives the project. Most projects are performed by a
team created for the sole purpose of performing the project
▪ A project occurs step by step to define the product or service, in a so called “progressive
elaboration” process.
The Project Life Cycle
…The Project Life Cycle
The project manager and project team have one shared goal: to carry out the work of the project
for the purpose of meeting the project’s objectives. Every project has a beginning, a middle
period during which activities move the project toward completion, and an ending (either
successful or unsuccessful). A standard project typically has the following four major phases
(each with its own agenda of tasks and issues): initiation, planning, implementation, and closure.
Taken together, these phases represent the path a project takes from the beginning to its end and
are generally referred to as the project “life cycle.”
…The Project Life Cycle
Initiation Phase
During the first of these phases, the initiation phase, the project objective or need is identified;
this can be a business problem or opportunity. An appropriate response to the need is
documented in a business case with recommended solution options. A feasibility study is
conducted to investigate whether each option addresses the project objective and a final
recommended solution is determined. Issues of feasibility (“can we do the project?”) and
justification (“should we do the project?”) are addressed.
Once the recommended solution is approved, a project is initiated to deliver the approved
solution and a project manager is appointed. The major deliverables and the participating work
groups are identified, and the project team begins to take shape. Approval is then sought by the
project manager to move onto the detailed planning phase.
…The Project Life Cycle
Planning Phase
The next phase, the planning phase, is where the project solution is further developed in as much detail as possible and the steps
necessary to meet the project’s objective are planned. In this step, the team identifies all of the work to be done. The project’s
tasks and resource requirements are identified, along with the strategy for producing them. This is also referred to as “scope
management.” A project plan is created outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies, and timeframes. The project manager
coordinates the preparation of a project budget by providing cost estimates for the labour, equipment, and materials costs. The
budget is used to monitor and control cost expenditures during project implementation.
Once the project team has identified the work, prepared the schedule, and estimated the costs, the three fundamental
components of the planning process are complete. This is an excellent time to identify and try to deal with anything that might
pose a threat to the successful completion of the project. This is called risk management. In risk management, “high-threat”
potential problems are identified along with the action that is to be taken on each high-threat potential problem, either to
reduce the probability that the problem will occur or to reduce the impact on the project if it does occur. This is also a good time
to identify all project stakeholders and establish a communication plan describing the information needed and the delivery
method to be used to keep the stakeholders informed.
Finally, you will want to document a quality plan, providing quality targets, assurance, and control measures, along with an
acceptance plan, listing the criteria to be met to gain customer acceptance. At this point, the project would have been planned in
detail and is ready to be executed.
…The Project Life Cycle
Execution (Implementation) Phase
During the third phase, the implementation phase, the project plan is put into motion and the work of the project is
performed. It is important to maintain control and communicate as needed during implementation. Progress is
continuously monitored and appropriate adjustments are made and recorded as variances from the original plan. In
any project, a project manager spends most of the time in this step. During project implementation, people are
carrying out the tasks, and progress information is being reported through regular team meetings. The project
manager uses this information to maintain control over the direction of the project by comparing the progress
reports with the project plan to measure the performance of the project activities and take corrective action as
needed. The first course of action should always be to bring the project back on course (i.e., to return it to the
original plan). If that cannot happen, the team should record variations from the original plan and record and
publish modifications to the plan. Throughout this step, project sponsors and other key stakeholders should be kept
informed of the project’s status according to the agreed-on frequency and format of communication. The plan
should be updated and published on a regular basis.
Status reports should always emphasize the anticipated end point in terms of cost, schedule, and quality of
deliverables. Each project deliverable produced should be reviewed for quality and measured against the
acceptance criteria. Once all of the deliverables have been produced and the customer has accepted the final
solution, the project is ready for closure.
…The Project Life Cycle
Closing Phase
During the final closure, or completion phase, the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables
to the customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier
contracts, releasing project resources, and communicating the closure of the project to all
stakeholders. The last remaining step is to conduct lessons-learned studies to examine what
went well and what didn’t. Through this type of analysis, the wisdom of experience is
transferred back to the project organization, which will help future project teams.
…The Project Life Cycle
Monitoring and Control
Monitoring and control are sometimes combined with execution because they often occur at the
same time. As teams execute their project plan, they must constantly monitor their own
To guarantee delivery of what was promised, teams must monitor tasks to prevent scope creep,
calculate key performance indicators and track variations from allotted cost and time. This
constant vigilance helps keep the project moving ahead smoothly.
What is project management
A project management methodology is essentially a set of guiding principles and processes for
managing a project. Your choice of methodology defines how you work and communicate.
Popular project management
methologies: Waterfall
▪ The Waterfall methodology is sequential. It is
also heavily requirements-focused. You need to
have a crystal clear idea of what the project
demands before proceeding further. There is no
scope for correction once the project is
▪ The Waterfall method is divided into discrete
stages. You start by collecting and analyzing
requirements, designing the solution (and your
approach), implementing the solution and fixing
issues, if any.
▪ Each stage in this process is self-contained;
you wrap up one stage before moving onto
Popular project management
methologies: Agile
▪ In approach and ideology, Agile is the opposite of
the Waterfall method. As the name implies, this
method favors a fast and flexible approach. There is
no top-heavy requirements-gathering. Rather, it is
iterative with small incremental changes that
respond to changing requirements.
▪ Flexibility and freedom: Since there are no fixed
stages or focus on requirements, it gives your
resources much more freedom to experiment and
make incremental changes. This makes it
particularly well-suited for creative projects.
▪ Lower risk: With Agile management, you get
regular feedback from stakeholders and make
changes accordingly. This drastically reduces the
risk of project failure since the stakeholders are
involved at every step.
Project quality management
Quality Planning
▪ Identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them.

Quality Assurance (QA)

▪ The process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project
will satisfy the relevant quality standards.
▪ The organizational unit that is assigned responsibility for quality assurance.

Quality Control (QC)

▪ The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards
and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance.
▪ The organizational unit that is assigned responsibility for quality control.
What is project team?
The people involved in a project
The project team are those people who have a role in the same project. Team members can be
grouped but each individual has a certain role and function and thus can be assigned certain
The project team fulfills these roles and functions within the time frame of the project and is
usually dismantled after the project completion. During that time, the project team works
towards the common goal of delivering the project's scope within time and budget/costs. Each
team member has certain responsibilities based on their role, function and assigned tasks.
A project team usually consists of:
▪ project manager: responsible for leading the project team and ensuring the team has everything the
need to complete their tasks
▪ project stakeholders: include the customer or contractee, the project staff, partners, internal or
external service providers
What is a project stakeholder
According to the Project Management Institute, project stakeholders are defined as:
“Individuals and organizations who are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may
be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or successful project
In other words, your project’s stakeholders are the people or groups who have something to
gain (or lose) from your project’s outcome.
Human resources management
As project is performed by humans,
Project management is human and organisation management.

who decides?
who is responsible on?
who controls?
who takes benefits of?

Complex projects are based on complex organizations

…Human resources management
Organisation Breakdown Structure (OBS)
▪ A depiction of the project organization arranged so as to relate work packages to organizational units
▪ It shows which work components have been assigned to which organizational units or persons.

P = Participant
A = Accountable
R = Review required
I = Input required
S = Sign-off Required
What is risk ?
▪ Project risk is an uncertain event or condition, that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative
effect on a project objective (cost, time, quality).
▪ A risk has a cause and, if it occurs, a consequence.
▪ In risk management, probability and impact (severity) of the risks are considered.


Prof. Dr. Yasar Guneri Sahin

Feasibility is…
▪ Feasibility is the measure of how beneficial or practical the development of a project will be
to an organization with limited resources…
▪ Almost all projects are feasible given unlimited resources and infinite time.
▪ Unfortunately, most projects must be developed within a tight budget and with time
▪ This means that assessing project feasibility is a required activity for all engineering projects
and is a potentially large undertaking.
▪ It requires that you, as a systems analyst, evaluate a wide range of factors.
Main Questions for Feasibility
To learn about possibility and or justification
▪ Whether the project can be done
▪ Whether the final product will benefit its intended users
▪ What the alternatives are (so that a selection can be made in subsequent phases)
▪ Whether there is a preferred alternative
Feasibility study reveals a report that management can make a “go/no-go” decision and examine
the problem in the context of broader business strategy
Things to be studied in the feasibility study
The present organizational system
◦ Stakeholders, users, policies, functions, objectives,...
Problems with the present system
◦ inconsistencies, inadequacies in functionality, performance,…
Goals and other requirements for the new system
◦ Which problem(s) need to be solved?
◦ What would the stakeholders like to achieve?
◦ including nonfunctional requirements on the system (preliminary pass)
Possible alternatives
◦ “Sticking with the current system” is always an alternative
◦ Different business processes for solving the problems
◦ Different levels/types of computerization for the solutions
Advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives
Six Tests For Feasibility
Economic feasibility - a measure of the cost-effectiveness of a project or solution.
Technical feasibility – a measure of the practicality of a technical solution and the availability of
technical resources and expertise.
Schedule feasibility – a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is.
Operational feasibility – a measure of how well a solution meets the system requirements.
Cultural (or political) feasibility - a measure of how well a solution will be accepted in an
organizational climate.
Legal feasibility - a measure of how well a solution can be implemented within existing legal/
contractual obligations.
Economic feasibility
During Scope Definition
◦ Do the problems or opportunities warrant the cost of a detailed study
and analysis of the current system?
During Problem Analysis
◦ After a detailed study of the current system
◦ Better estimates of development costs and benefits
During Decision Analysis
◦ Requirements now defined
◦ Development costs can be better estimated
Technical feasibility
Can the proposed system can be engineered using current technology?
Is the proposed technology or solution practical?
Do we currently possess the necessary technology?
Do we possess the necessary technical expertise?
Schedule feasibility
Are specified deadlines mandatory or desirable?
Are mandatory deadlines realistic for proposed solution?
Operational Feasibility
How well proposed system solves the problems and takes advantage of opportunities identified
during the scope definition and problem analysis phases
How well proposed system satisfies system requirements identified in the requirements analysis
Is the problem still worth solving?
Cultural (or political) feasibility
Does management (or upper administration) support the system?
How do end users feel about their role in the system?
What end users may resist or not use the system? How can this be overcome?
How will the working environment change? Can users and management adapt to the change?
Legal feasibility
Union contracts
Legal requirements for financial reporting
Antitrust laws
National data and work laws
Feasibility Analysis Matrix
Feasibility Analysis Matrix – a tool used to rank candidate systems

Weighting Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3

Operational Feasibility
Cultural Feasibility
Technical Feasibility
Schedule Feasibility
Economic Feasibility
Legal Feasibility
The System Proposal
System proposal – a report or presentation of a recommended solution.
◦ Usually formal written report and/or oral presentation
◦ Intended for system owners and users
Length of the Written Report
To Executive-level managers - one or two pages
To Middle-level managers - three to five pages
To Supervisory-level managers - less than 10 pages
To clerk-level personnel - less than 50 pages.
Organization of the Written Report
Primary elements present the actual information that the report is intended to convey.
Secondary elements package the report so the reader can easily identify the report and its
primary elements.
Conducting the Formal Presentation
Dress professionally.
Avoid using the "I" word when making the presentation.
Maintain eye contact with the group and keep an air of confidence.
Be aware of your own mannerisms.
When Answering Questions
Always answer a question seriously, even if you think it is a silly question.
Answer both the individual who asked the question and the entire audience.
Summarize your answers.
Limit the amount of time you spend answering any one question.
Be honest.
PMI-Project Management Institute
Dennis Mumaugh
INP Grenoble ENSGI
What is Plagiarism and
How Can You Avoid It?

©Writing Services, 2009

About this presentation

During this presentation, you’ll learn

how to detect plagiarism and how to
prevent it in your own writing. The
objective of this presentation is to help
you feel more confident in using and
crediting academic sources effectively.
Real-Life Examples of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is an issue in the academic

environment and beyond. As the
following real-life examples
demonstrate, using information
without crediting its original source
can harm your credibility.
Example #1
During the 2008 federal election
campaign, it was revealed that a
speech given by Stephen Harper in
2003 had been plagiarized from a
speech given by the Australian prime

The colour coded text on the next slide

highlights the dramatic similarity
between the two texts.
Example #1
Harper staffer quits over plagiarized 2003 speech on Iraq

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said:

“As the possession of weapons of mass destruction spreads, so the danger of
such weapons coming into the hands of terrorist groups will multiply.
That is the ultimate nightmare which the world must take decisive and effective
steps to prevent.
Possession of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by terrorists would
constitute a direct, undeniable and lethal threat to Australia and its people.”

Stephen Harper said:

"As the possession of weapons of mass destruction spreads, the danger of
such weapons coming into the hands of terrorist groups will multiply,
particularly given in this case the shameless association of Iraq with rogue
non-state organizations.
That is the ultimate nightmare which the world must take decisive and
effective steps to prevent.
Possession of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by terrorists would
constitute a direct, undeniable and lethal threat to the world, including to
Canada and its people."

Source: Retrieved Feb. 10, 2009.

Example #2

Accusations of plagiarism also damaged the

credibility of Stephane Dion’s campaign during
the same election.

Dion’s Green Shift plan incorporated the

advice and knowledge of environmental
experts around the world. However, his report
failed to credit one of its most prominent
sources, David Suzuki.

On the next slide, compare Suzuki’s original

text with Dion’s report.
Example #2
Excerpts from Suzuki’s report: Excerpts from Dion’s Report:

Across Canada, air pollution causes In Canada, air pollution causes

thousands of premature deaths, thousands of premature deaths,
tens of thousands of tens of thousands of
hospitalizations, and hundreds of hospitalizations, and hundreds of
thousands of days absent from work thousands of days absent from
and school annually. work and school annually. The
Ontario Medical Association issued
The Ontario Medical Association a report in 2005 saying that every
(OMA) estimated that there were year 5,800 Ontarians will die
5,800 premature deaths due to air prematurely because of smog
pollution in Ontario alone in 2005. related illness...

Excerpt from:Stephane Dion's Clean Air Plan rips off a David Suzuki Foundation report – Steve Janke, Sept. 4,
2008 (Angry in the Great White North blog)
Quick quiz
You have committed plagiarism if you:

a) Make use of the works of others to gather information. 

b) Use the work of another and misrepresent it as your own. 

c) Make use of the works of others to support your own


d) Examine the ideas and arguments of others to help you

shape your own thoughts or views on a particular issue. 

Source: http://
Quick quiz
You have committed plagiarism if you:

a) Make use of the works of others to gather information. 

b) Use the work of another and misrepresent it as your


c) Make use of the works of others to support your own


d) Examine the ideas and arguments of others to help you

shape your own thoughts or views on a particular issue. 

Source: http://
Plagiarism is…

misrepresenting the ideas, expression

of ideas or work of others as one's own.
It includes reproducing or paraphrasing
portions of someone else's published or
unpublished material, regardless of the
source, and representing these as one's
own thinking by not acknowledging the
appropriate source or by the failure to
use appropriate quotation marks.

Source: http://
Plagiarism is…

often unintentional. Many students

worry that they will inadvertently
commit plagiarism, by citing improperly
or by losing track of what ideas are their

Source: http://
◦ using direct, verbatim quotations*, paraphrased material,
algorithms, formulae, scientific or mathematical
concepts, or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment
in any academic assignment;
◦ submission of a take-home examination, essay, laboratory
report or other assignment written, in whole or in part, by
someone else;
◦ using another’s data or research findings;
◦ buying or selling term papers or assignments;
◦ submitting a computer program developed in whole or in
part by someone else

*This includes personal interviews, presentations and

online discussions

To avoid plagiarizing…

● Cite your sources

● Learn to quote and paraphrase your sources


● Draw from many sources

● Map out your argument and then bring in

sources to support it
▪Never copy more than 3-4 words in a
row from a source without using
quotation marks (or going back and
properly paraphrasing).

▪Never use special words or phrases

without properly quoting and citing
What do I need to cite?
You should always provide references for
• Direct quotations
• Summaries, paraphrases
• Statistics
• Charts, graphs, diagrams
• Controversial interpretations
• Results of others’ research
What don’t I need to cite?
You don’t need to provide references for

▪Common knowledge or facts—NOTE: this does not

mean you can copy from texts word-for-word.

▪Your own arguments and original ideas (but you

must ask for permission to use part/all of previously
submitted material)
Should this be cited?

▪Many countries require that food labels

announce genetically modified
Should this be cited?
▪Many countries require that food labels
announce genetically modified

▪Common/public knowledge—no need to cite.

Should this be cited?

Previous research has shown that the slower

kinetics observed during transitions from an
elevated baseline metabolic rate were
related to a slower adjustment of cardiac
output and hence muscle O2 delivery.
Should this be cited?

▪Previous research showed that the slower

kinetics observed during transitions from an
elevated baseline metabolic rate were
related to a slower adjustment of cardiac
output and hence muscle O2 delivery
(Hughson & Morrissey, 1982; Hughson &
Morrissey, 1983).

▪Others’ findings - cite

Quick quiz
You have a brilliant brainwave for a critical interpretation of an
article you are writing about. But when reading another
source, you see that the same idea is mentioned. It is your
own idea too, so do you need to reference it?

Yes. Great minds think alike, but even if you did think of the idea
on your own you still need to reference the published source.
Otherwise, readers will accuse you of plagiarism. You can use
this source to support your argument, and you can try to show
how your idea differs from the other author’s, but you still
have to cite the other source. 

No. If you come up with an idea on your own, you don’t have to
cite the other source. 

Source: http://
Quick quiz

Yes. Great minds think alike, but even if you did think of
the idea on your own you still need to reference the
published source. Otherwise, readers will accuse you of
plagiarism. You can use this source to support your
argument, and you can try to show how your idea differs
from the other author’s, but you still have to cite the
other source. 

Source: http://
When in doubt… CITE!
Just how often do academics cite?
Particularly in the introduction of
journal articles, you’ll often notice
that authors cite very frequently. In
the example above, the author is
laying out the current state of
research before establishing the
gap which his or her research will
attempt to fill.
Sample journal article
The informational and entertainment capabilities of the Web have
increasingly been recognized,both as an advertising medium (Day, Shyi, &
Wang, 2006) and as part of an integrated marketing communication (IMC)
program (Belch & Belch, 2007). Recent research has uncovered synergies
between TV and Web advertising (Chang & Thorson, 2004), explored the
extent of interactivity in Western versus Eastern corporate Web sites (Cho &
Cheon, 2005),and examined the relationship between interactive functions
and Web site rankings (Tse & Chan, 2004). Although these investigations
have greatly enhanced our understanding of how to effectively utilize the
Web as a marketing communications tool,these studies have focused
primarily on adults (e.g.,Geissler , Zinkhan, & Watson, 2006; Jiang, Jones, &
Javie, 2008; Park, Lennon,& Stoel, 2005). Our understanding of how to
customize this medium to more effectively reach children, in contrast, is
limited. Considering that children influence over $600 billion of annual U.S.
household purchases (Piperato, 2005) and represent a substantial and
rapidly growing segment of Internet users, it is imperative to gain a better
understanding of the factors that influence their ability to navigate Web
sites and process information.
Rose, M., Rose, G., Blodgett, J.G. (2009).The effects of interface design and
age on children's information processing of Web sites. [Electronic version].
Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 26(1): 1–21.
Can you detect plagiarism?
There's a new class of worker out there: Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office,
doing Business in their Own Time Staff. Or nanobots, for short. Empowered by
their mobile devices and remote access to the corporate network, nanobots
put in long hours, sometimes seven days a week -- just not at their desks.
Different from mobile workers, who usually stay in close contact with
managers, nanobots thrive on their driven natures and on the personal
freedom with which they are entrusted. Found at many levels of an
organization, from sales managers to senior executives, they are self-starting
high achievers who produce strong results with a minimum of supervision.
Allowed to find their own equilibrium between work and private lives, they
tend to put work first.

Pauleen, D. & Harmer, B. (2008, Dec. 15). Away from the desk...always. Wall Street
Journal Digital Network. Retrieved Dec. 22, 2008, from
Is this plagiarism? Compare the original to the paraphrase

There's a new class of worker out there: Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office, doing Business in
their Own Time Staff. Or nanobots, for short. Empowered by their mobile devices and remote
access to the corporate network, nanobots put in long hours, sometimes seven days a week -- just
not at their desks. Different from mobile workers, who usually stay in close contact with managers,
nanobots thrive on their driven natures and on the personal freedom with which they are entrusted.
Found at many levels of an organization, from sales managers to senior executives, they are self-
starting high achievers who produce strong results with a minimum of supervision. Allowed to find
their own equilibrium between work and private lives, they tend to put work first.

Paraphrase #1:
Did you know there’s a new class of worker out there? Nearly Autonomous, Not
in the Office, doing Business in their Own Time Staff—or, more simply, nanobots
(Pauleen and Harmer, 2008). Empowered by their mobile devices and remote
access to the company network, nanobots put in long hours, sometimes seven
days a week -- just not at their desks. Unlike mobile workers, who usually stay
in close contact with managers, “nanobots thrive on their driven natures and on
the personal freedom with which they are entrusted,” (2008, par.2).
Interestingly, they are high achievers who are self-motivated and produce good
results with little supervision. They are found at many levels of an organization,
from sales managers to senior executives. Allowed to find their own balance
between work and personal lives, they usually put work first (2008).

Pauleen, D. & Harmer, B. (2008, Dec. 15). Away from the desk...always. Wall Street
Journal Digital Network. Retrieved Dec. 22, 2008, from
Verdict: Plagiarism

The author has included citations, but has

misled the reader to believe that the
original has been paraphrased, while in fact
much of the text is copied word for word.
Verdict: Plagiarism
Words in blue have been copied verbatim from the text by
this writer.

Paraphrase #1:
Did you know there’s a new class of worker out there? Nearly Autonomous, Not
in the Office, doing Business in their Own Time Staff—or, more simply, nanobots
(Pauleen and Harmer, 2008). Empowered by their mobile devices and remote
access to the company network, nanobots put in long hours, sometimes seven
days a week -- just not at their desks. Unlike mobile workers, who usually stay
in close contact with managers, “nanobots thrive on their driven natures and on
the personal freedom with which they are entrusted,” (2008, par.2).
Interestingly, they are high achievers who are self-motivated and produce good
results with little supervision, They are found at many levels of an organization,
from sales managers to senior executives. Allowed to find their own balance
between work and personal lives, they usually put work first (2008).

Pauleen, D. & Harmer, B. (2008, Dec. 15). Away from the desk...always. Wall Street Journal Digital
Network. Retrieved Dec. 22, 2008, from
Good paraphrases…

1) change the order & structure of sentences

2) use synonyms/different forms of words

3) may change the voice or perspective

Source: http://

Good paraphrases…

1) change the order & structure of sentences

Source: Mueller RO and Hancock GR. (2001). Factor Analysis and Latent Structure: Confirmatory
Factor Analysis. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Social and
Behavioral Sciences (pp. 5239-5244). Oxford, England: Pergamon.

Good paraphrases…

2) use synonyms/different forms of words


Optimizing peak bone mass during the early years is thought to

be a key factor in preventing osteoporosis later in life.

To prevent osteoporosis, experts believe it is important to build
bone mass before adulthood (Johnson et al., 2008).

Johnson, C.S., MeLeod, W., Kennedy, L., and McLeod, K. (2008).Osteoporosis Health Beliefs
Among Younger and Older Men and Women [Electronic version]. Health Education & Behavior
Good paraphrases…

3) change the voice (from passive to active)

DOER of the
action is in the object

DOER is the
subject of the
Good paraphrases also…

4) draw from multiple sources

▪ Avoid drawing from single source

5) do not change the author’s meaning or intent

■ Check and compare
■Did you get the ideas right?
■Underline any words echoed directly from the source

6) cite the source accurately

■ Put the citation immediately where the paraphrase occurs
Is this plagiarism? Compare the original to the paraphrase

There's a new class of worker out there: Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office,
doing Business in their Own Time Staff. Or nanobots, for short. Empowered by
their mobile devices and remote access to the corporate network, nanobots put
in long hours, sometimes seven days a week -- just not at their desks. Different
from mobile workers, who usually stay in close contact with managers, nanobots
thrive on their driven natures and on the personal freedom with which they are
entrusted. Found at many levels of an organization, from sales managers to
senior executives, they are self-starting high achievers who produce strong
results with a minimum of supervision. Allowed to find their own equilibrium
between work and private lives, they tend to put work first.

Paraphrase #2:
Mobile devices and corporate networks with remote access have spawned a
new breed of employee at a variety of organizational levels: the “nanobot” or
“Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office, doing Business in their Own Time”
(Pauleen and Harmer, 2008, para. 1). Pauleen and Harmer describe these
workers as “self-starting high achievers” (para. 2) who work best when
allowed to operate autonomously. Though they work with much less oversight
than typical mobile workers, nanobots are more likely to put work ahead of
personal priorities, tend to work longer than their on-site counterparts and
Pauleen, D. & Harmer, B. (2008, Dec. 15). Away from the desk...always. Wall Street Journal Digital
produce high quality work (2008). Network. Retrieved Dec. 22, 2008, from
Version #2 = Paraphrase

This is an acceptable paraphrase. The writer has accurately captured the

meaning of the original using his or her own words and structure. Special
wording (e.g., “nanobots”) has been credited to the authors.

Paraphrase #2:
Mobile devices and corporate networks with remote access have spawned a
new breed of employee at a variety of organizational levels: the “nanobot” or
“Nearly Autonomous, Not in the Office, doing Business in their Own Time”
(Pauleen and Harmer, 2008, para. 1). Pauleen and Harmer describe these
workers as “self-starting high achievers” (para. 2) who work best when
allowed to operate autonomously. Though they work with much less oversight
than typical mobile workers, nanobots are more likely to put work ahead of
personal priorities, tend to work longer than their on-site counterparts and
produce high quality work (2008).
Citation Tips
▪In the following slides, you’ll see
examples of how to cite information in
text. Examples are shown in APA
Cite your sources

(APA Style - In text)

The practical value-adding concept underlying C/MI suggests that

effective C/MI should underlie more effective decisions, leading to
more insightful market-based actions that should eventually result in
enhanced economic/financial performance (Fahey, 2007; Frates &
Sharp, 2005).

Fleisher, C. (2008). Using open source data in developing competitive and marketing
intelligence. European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 852-866.  Retrieved December 19,
2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1550179001).
Cite your sources

Use signal phrases to introduce references:

According to Prescott and Fleisher (1991), data collection is

an essential element of the intelligence gathering process,
and can comprise a significant part of the resources
allocated toward developing insights.

In 1991, Prescott and Fleisher noted that data collection is

an essential element of the intelligence gathering process,
and can comprise a significant part of the resources
allocated toward developing insights.

(APA Style - In text)

Cite your sources

Incorporate a variety of sources that contribute different

information to one larger point:

Contemporary corporate information specialists apply a variety of

methods for organizing open sources including but not limited to
web-link analysis (Reid, 2003), webometrics (Bouthillier & Jin,
2005), scanning methods (Decker et al., 2005), source mapping
(Vriens & Achterbergh, 2003), text mining (Leong et al., 2004),
ontology creation (Golden, 2007), blog analysis (Pikas, 2005),
scientometrics (Courtial et al., 1997), and a blossoming variety of
different patent analysis (Dou et al., 2005) and pattern
recognition methods (Rosenkrans, 2003).

(APA Style - In text)

Fleisher, C. (2008). Using open source data in developing competitive and marketing
intelligence. European Journal of Marketing, 42(7/8), 852-866.  Retrieved December 19,
2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1550179001).
Cite your sources

When citing quotations, include the page number:

Prescott and Fleisher point to the “dearth of information about

specific business or commercial applications” (1991, p.860).

As Prescott and Fleisher explain, “There is a dearth of information

about specific business or commercial applications” (1991,

(APA Style - In text)

Cite your sources

Set off long quotations (longer than 4 lines):

According to Prescott and Fleisher,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim eniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
(1991, p.860)

(APA Style - In text)

Cite your sources

Cite a secondary work discussed within your source:

Name the original source in your signal phrase, and cite the source where you
found the information in parentheses:

McLeod’s study (as cited in Smith et al., 2008)…

Cite your sources
Cite equations:

The Quadratrix of Hippias is expressed by the following Cartesian

equation (Smith 2008, p.74):

y = x cot(πx/2a).

Remember, equations and figures must also be cited if

they are not commonly known by your readers. If in
doubt, cite.

Here, the citation is included as the equation is

introduced, preventing confusion between the reference
number and the numbers used in the equation.
Cite your sources
Cite computer software used for analysis:

Robinson, M.J. (2008). The effects of exercise intensity on PGC-1alpha protein in

humans. (Master’s thesis, University of Guelph, 2008).
Cite your sources

When adapting or reproducing a table, cite the

original source in the note below the table.
Cite your sources
Credit those whose formulas you have used for calculations

Lee, H.J. (2008). Spatial and temporal population genetic structure of five Northeastern Pacific
littorinid gastropod species. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Guelph, 2008).
Lee, H.J. (2008). Spatial and temporal population genetic structure of five Northeastern Pacific
littorinid gastropod species. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Guelph, 2008).

1. Motivation
2. Presentation Process
3. Presentation Techniques
4. Practice
A fear worse than death

“Speaking is people’s biggest fear.

Death is number 2. In other words, you
would rather be in the coffin than giving
the eulogy.”
- Jerry Seinfeld
Causes of Anxiety

● Fear of the unknown

● Being unprepared
● Having no enthusiasm
● No focus of attention
The secret to success

● Be passionate
● Prepare
● Practice
As with everything, there’s a process

● Before the Big Day:

○Write the presentation
○Know what to expect
Getting Started
● Set up 30 minutes prior
● Put up title slide 5
minutes prior
● Welcome and talk to
members of audience:
○Helps create a connection
○Relaxes you
● Tell audience if you want
questions during or after
Giving the presentation
● Give prepared introduction
○Keep it short and simple
● Speak 2-3 minutes / slide
○Too quick, audience gets lost
○Too slow, audience gets bored
● Give prepared conclusion
● Take final questions
Use Transitional Sign Posts
summary however
• Forecast next idea
• Emphasize relationships
•Give audience time to
digest material
•Give speaker time to
think about next point

finally once again

Transition Example
Transition Internal Summary
“Now that we have some “I’d like to discuss the
theoretical basis for this following 3 commercial
research…” applications…”
Closing guidelines
● Summarize the main
● Leave them with the
main thought that you
want them to
● Thank the audience
Handling Questions

If you don’t know the answer:

○Acknowledge it is a good question
○Indicate you don’t have the answer
○Say you will find the answer and get
● DON’T try to bluff
● DO get back
Handling Questions

If one person is asking

too many questions:
○Give a complete, but
short answer
○Ask to take the
conversation “off-line”
○Move on
Effective Delivery

● Be natural
○Avoid difficult, technical language
○Avoid jargon
○Speak a little slower than normal
● Be obvious
○Do not assume audience understands
○Avoid “inside jokes”
● Be punctual
○Finish on time or before
Vocal variety

● Vary the pitch and volume of your voice.

● Use inflections to emphasize critical points
● Avoid reading your presentation
● Avoid memorizing your entire presentation
Common Problems
● Verbal fillers
○“Um”, “uh”, “like”
○Unrelated words or phrases
● Swaying, rocking, and pacing
● Hands in pockets
● Lip smacking
● Fidgeting – playing with your pen
● Looking away from the audience

● Only use anecdotes that are relevant

● Use caution with personal experiences
● Stay away from inappropriate humor
Natural, Engaging Body Language

● Show enthusiasm
●Speak slowly and clearly
● Project to fill the whole room
● No Ummm’s or ahhhh’s
Pleasant grin

Clean-cut, pleasant Feet firmly planted,

dress square with
Sources of Noise

Don’t distract your audience by:

● Wearing a hat
● Wearing sunglasses
● Chewing gum or tobacco
● Using note cards: use the screen instead
● Using gender bias or stereotypical terms
● Being negative and apologizing
● Don’t give too much information in one
● Make sure all your words and figures are
readable from the farthest row in the room.
● Use animations where appropriate.
● If you are directing a “clueless” audience,
try teaching them the subject by talking,
keep the information on each slide to a
Know the Equipment
● Using your own laptop
○Screen savers
○Video and sound output, volume, lighting
● Using the school’s computer
○PowerPoint may replace bullets and fonts
● Demos
○May require a certain network, internet, a
particular version of an OS, non-standard dll’s,
video card settings…
Know the Space

● Visibility
● Movement
● Number of seats
● Seating arrangement
● Distracters
Handouts – only if required

● Distribute handouts:
○At end if possible
○At beginning only if audience needs them during
○Not during
● Print one-sided, with 2, 3 or 6 to a page
● Staple beforehand
Summary: Your presentation will be
great if you make it:
● Audience centered
● Accomplish your objective
● Fun for the audience
● Fun for you
● Finish within the time frame
How to Practice

● In front of the mirror

● With a friend
● In the actual room where you will give
the presentation
● In front of a video camera, with a
friend, in the actual room where you
will give the presentation

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