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PRC – BOA Resolutions

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) administers, implements, and

enforces the regulatory laws and policies of the country with respect to the regulation
and licensing of the various profession and occupations under its jurisdiction, including
the enhancement and maintenance of professional and occupational standards and
ethics and the enforcement of the rules and regulations relative thereto.
Here are some of the Board of Architecture Resolutions under Professional Regulation
Resolution No. 03, Series of 2004. Accreditation of the United Architects of the
Philippines, Inc. (UAP) as the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of
Architects (IAPOA).
Resolution No. 02, Series of 2005. Resolution requiring registered and licensed
architects to submit their valid certificates of UAP membership and official payment
receipts for annual/lifetime membership dues as a prerequisite for issuance of
certificates of registration and professional identification cards as architect or for
renewal of the foregoing cards.
Resolution No. 04, Series of 2005. Adoption of the logbook of diversified architectural
experience, a document formulated by the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc.
(UAP), the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA).
Resolution No. 05, Series of 2005. Prescription by the board of the design, size, and
contents of the dry seal for use by a duly licensed architect.
Resolution No. 02, Series of 2006. Adoption and promulgation of the code of ethical
conduct for registered and licensed architects and for holders of temporary/ special
permits under R.A. No. 9266, known as “The Architecture Act of 2004”
Resolution No. 05, Series of 2015. Resolution requiring all successful examinees in
the licensure examinations for architects to present the official receipt / certificate of
payment of membership dues issued and signed by the authorized officer of the
accredited integrated professional organization prior to registration as architects.
Resolution No. 04, Series of 2017. Operational guidelines in the implementation of
RA 10912, otherwise known as "Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016"
for architects.
Resolution No. 04, Series of 2018. Renewal of certificate of accreditation of the
United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. as the accredited Integrated Professional
Organization (AIPO) for architects.

Civil Code
The Civil Code, Article 1723, declares the liability for damages in any structure
by reason of defects in its construction or use of inferior materials. The limited
coverage of this provision allows the engineer, architect or contractor to avoid liability
arising from nonobservance of plans and specifications or the use of materials of
inferior quality.
Republic Act No. 386, otherwise known as the Civil Code, Article 1723, is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Article 1723. The engineer or architect who drew up the plans and specifications for
a building is liable for damages if within fifteen years from the completion of the
structure, the same should collapse by reason of a defect in those plans and
specifications, or due to the defects in the ground. The contractor is likewise
responsible for the damages if the edifice falls, within the same period, on account of
defects in the construction or the use of materials of inferior quality furnished by him,
or due to any violation of the terms of the contract. If the engineer or architect
supervises the construction, he shall be solidarity liable with the contractor.
Acceptance of the building, after completion, does not imply waiver of any of the cause
of action by reason of any defect mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
The action must be brought within ten years following the collapse of the building.

Article 1723 of Civil Code:

•Safety of workers
•Compliance of the codes and standards
•Construction that is supervised

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