Excel Budget Spreadsheet Template Young and The Invested

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About this Template

Use this Personal Monthly Budget worksheet to track your Projected and Actual Monthly Income
and Projected and Actual Cost.

Enter expenses incurred on various categories in respective tables.

Projected Balance, Actual Balance, and Difference are auto calculated.

Additional instructions have been provided in column A in PERSONAL MONTHLY BUDGET
worksheet. This text has been intentionally hidden. To remove text, select column A, then select
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Personal Monthly Budget
Projected Monthly Income Projected Balance
671.00 lei
Income 1 350.00 lei (Projected income minus expenses)

Income 2 750.00 lei Actual Balance

724.00 lei
Extra income - lei (Actual income minus expenses)

Total monthly income 1,100.00 lei Difference

53.00 lei
(Actual minus projected)

Actual Monthly Income

Income 1 350.00 lei

Income 2 750.00 lei

Extra income - lei

Total monthly income 1,100.00 lei

HOUSING Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference ENTERTAINMENT Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Mortgage/Rent - lei - lei - lei Movies 15.00 lei 15.00 lei - lei

Phone 64.00 lei 64.00 lei - lei Concerts 15.00 lei 15.00 lei - lei

Subtotal - lei Live theater 15.00 lei 15.00 lei - lei

Subtotal - lei

TRANSPORTATION Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Vehicle payment - lei LOANS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Public transportation - lei Personal - lei

Insurance - lei Student - lei

License - lei Credit card - lei

Fuel - lei Credit card - lei

Maintenance - lei Credit card - lei

Other - lei Other - lei

Subtotal - lei Subtotal - lei

INSURANCE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference TAXES Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Home - lei Federal - lei

Health - lei State - lei

Life - lei Local - lei

Other - lei Other - lei

Subtotal - lei Subtotal - lei

FOOD Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference SAVINGS OR INVESTMENTS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Groceries 300.00 lei 247.00 lei 53.00 lei Retirement account - lei

Dining out 20.00 lei 20.00 lei - lei Investment account - lei

Other - lei Other - lei

Subtotal 53.00 lei Subtotal - lei

PETS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference GIFTS AND DONATIONS Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Food 500.00 lei Charity 1 - lei

Medical - lei Charity 2 - lei

Grooming - lei Charity 3 - lei

Toys - lei Subtotal - lei

Other - lei

Subtotal 500.00 lei LEGAL Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference

Attorney - lei

PERSONAL CARE Projected Cost Actual Cost Difference Alimony - lei

Medical - lei Payments on lien or judgment - lei

Hair/nails - lei Other - lei

Clothing - lei Subtotal - lei

Dry cleaning - lei

Health club - lei

Total Projected Cost 429.00 lei
Organization dues or fees - lei

Other - lei
Total Actual Cost 376.00 lei
Subtotal - lei

Total Difference 53.00 lei

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