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WORKSHEET 1   : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be”

WORKSHEET 2   : Present Simple and Present Continuous
WORKSHEET 3   : Present Simple and Present Continuous
WORKSHEET 4   : Present Simple, Present Continuous, Simple Past
WORKSHEET 5   : Past form of verb “ To Be “
WORKSHEET 6   : Past form of verb “ To Be “
WORKSHEET 7   : Simple Past Tense
WORKSHEET 8   : Simple Past  and Past Continuous
WORKSHEET 9   : Simple Past  and Past Continuous
WORKSHEET 10  : Present Perfect Tense
WORKSHEET 11  : Present Perfect Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous
WORKSHEET 12 : Simple Past vs Present Perfect Tense /
                                Present Perfect Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous
WORKSHEET 13 : Past Perfect Tense
WORKSHEET 14 : Past Perfect Tense / Past Perfect Continuous
WORKSHEET 15 : Going to
WORKSHEET 16 : Future Continuous
WORKSHEET 17 : Future Perfect / Future Perfect Contınuous
WORKSHEET 18 : Future in the past
WORKSHEET 19 : Future Forms
WORKSHEET 20 : Tense Review
WORKSHEET 21 : Tenses (Rewrite or Combine)
WORKSHEET 22 : Correct Tense or Voice
WORKSHEET 23 : Passive Form
WORKSHEET 24 : Passive Form
WORKSHEET 25 : Passive Form
WORKSHEET 26 : Reported Speech
WORKSHEET 27 : Reported Speech
WORKSHEET 28 : Adjectives and Adverbs
WORKSHEET 29 : Adjectives ending –ing or -ed
WORKSHEET 30 : Conditionals
WORKSHEET 31 : Conditionals
WORKSHEET 32 : Wishes
WORKSHEET 33 : Comperatives and Superlatives
WORKSHEET 34 : Prepositions (at / in / on)
WORKSHEET 35 : Prepositions
WORKSHEET 36 : Relative Clause
WORKSHEET 37 : Relative Clause
WORKSHEET 38 : Modals
WORKSHEET 39 : Modals
WORKSHEET 40 : Used to / Would / Be used to
WORKSHEET 41 : Some / Any / Much / Many / A lot of / (a) Few / (a) Little
WORKSHEET 42 : Some- / Any- / No- with –body / -one / -thing / -where
WORKSHEET 43 : Tag questions
WORKSHEET 44 : Causatives
WORKSHEET 45 : Both … and / Neither … nor / Either … or / Not only …
but also
WORKSHEET 46 : Articles
WORKSHEET 47 : Purpose : So that / to / In order to / In Case
WORKSHEET 48 : Reason and Result: because (of), as, since, so, as a
result, therefore, …
WORKSHEET 49 : Contrast: although, even though, though, in spite of,
                                                while, whereas, however
WORKSHEET 50 : Gerund or Infinitive
WORKSHEET 51 : Gerund or Infinitive
WORKSHEET 52 : Pronouns
WORKSHEET 53 : Pronouns
WORKSHEET 54 : Reflexive Pronouns
WORKSHEET 55 : Certainty, Possibility, Impossibility and Advisability
WORKSHEET 56:  Perfect Modals
WORKSHEET 57 : Possessive “apostrophe –s-“ or “of “
WORKSHEET 59:  Enough / Too
WORKSHEET 60:  Rewrite

              SUBJECT : Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “
A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:
cat and horse………… Mary…………… Tom ……………
Jack and I ………….. books …………. sister ………….
You and Dave ……….. plane …………. sunshine ……….
cheese ……………… cactus ………… parents …………..
Pamela ……………… news ................ scissors ...................
geese ……………. flowers ………… piano …………….
school …………. daughter ………… milk ……………
children ……….. sugar ……….. feet …………..
bicycle ………… Ann and Kate ………. tennis ………….
son ……………. mice …………… sky …………….
shop ……………. buses ………….. papers …………
Mr. Green …………… brother-in-law ………….. picture ………..
friendship …………. dolphin ………… The Riggs family ………..
B) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:
1. It ……………. an onion. (+) 11. İzmir ………….. a city. (+)
2. Jasmine ……….. a student. (-) 12. He ……… a postman. (+)
3. We ……….friends. (+) 13. It ………. nine o’clock. (+)
4. I ………. hungry. (-) 14. Manhattan …………. an island. (-)
5. Mark ............. 20 years old. (+) 15. Mr. Richards …… a lawyer. (+)
6. A bee ……….. a big insect. (-) 16. I ………..ill. I …………. happy. (+ / -)
7. Newsweek ………… a
magazine. (+) 17. London ……….. a big city. (+)
8. I …………. a professional 18. Dave and Adrian ………… sisters.
football They ……..
    player. (-)        brothers. (- / +)     
9. I know you. You ……. in my 19. New York ………. near to New Jersey.
class. (+) (+)
10.Cows ……… insects. They 20. Susan and I ……….. teachers. We
…….  ………..
     mammals. (- / +)       students. (- / +)
C) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:
1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.
2. A lemon ……….. sweet. It …….. sour.
3. Copper ……….. cheap. Diamonds ………… expensive.
4. Airplanes …….. slow. They ………. fast.
5. Ice cream and candy …….. sweet.
6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.
7. My brother ……… married. He …… single.
8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.
9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.
10. Mariah … a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly.
D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”:
1. London aren’t a country.                                …….London isn’t a
2. The United States aren’t a
city.                      …………………………………………….
3. An elephant am not a small
animal.                …………………………………………….
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister
languages.    …………………………………………….
5. Mercedes aren’t a
bike.                                   …………………………………………….
6. Is I a
student ?                                     …………………………………………….
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor
woman.                   …………………………………………….
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for
people.                     …………………………………………..
9. The North Pole am not hot.                …………………………………………..
10. Simon are from United
Kingdom.                  …………………………………………..
E) Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT ,
My name ….is….. Jack, and this ….is… Sue.
She ……. my sister. Sue …….. twelve years old and I …… sixteen.
We ……. adults. We …….. students. We ……… Canadians. We ………….
We ……….. from Chicago. Chicago ……….. in the United States.
F) Write short sentences:
(Chris, 9, student, short, not Chinese)                     
…..Chris is nine years old. He is a student. He is short. He isn’t
Chinese…….. .
1. (Leonard and Mike, 25, firemen, tall, American)
2. (Patty and Brian, 12, not electrician, short, not Turkish children)
3. (Natalie and I, nurse, not tall, French)
4. (Mark, 19, accountant, short, British)
5. (Cengiz, 23, lieutenant, not blonde, Turkish)
G) Build up sentences:
1.   Mike / drummer (-)                             …..Mike isn’t a
2. Charlie and Chris /
policemen(+)       …………………………………………………..                
3. Danny and Rick / singers
(-)               ………………………………………………….
4. Salem and Lucky / puppies
(+)           ………………………………………………….
5. Rome / London / cities
(+)                  ………………………………………………….  
H) Choose the best answer:
1. Maggie and Carol …………… good friends.
a) am               b) are               c) is                  d) isn’t 
2. Sue ………. a science teacher.
a) are not         b) is                 c) are               d) am 
3. Mark Steven ………….. a student at Kennedy High School. It …….. an old
a) am / is         b) are / is         c) is / am         d) is / is 
4. Margarita ……….. from Spain. I ………….. from Turkey.
a) is / am         b) are / is         c) am / is         d) is / are 
5. You and I ……………… at the same age.
a) am               isn’t                 c) are               d) is
I) Change the sentences into questions:
Example:                    I am an engineer.                   ……Am I an
1. You are
ill.                                          …………………………………………………..
2. Linda is a pretty
girl.                          …………………………………………………..
3. Belinda is a
singer.                              …………………………………………………..
4. Nick is an
actor.                                  …………………………………………………..
5. We are good
friends.                          …………………………………………………..
6. He is an
officer.                                  …………………………………………………
7. It is an
eraser.                                      …………………………………………………
8. You and Eddie are
partners.               …………………………………………………
9. Rosie is
angry.                                    …………………………………………………
10. Jack and I aren’t good
swimmers.       …………………………………………………

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