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Difficulty of Finding Quarters

► When Rizal arrived in Paris it was extremely difficult for a

visitor to find a living quarter.
► It is because of the approaching Universal Exposition of
1889 which attracted thousands of tourists so all hotel
accommodations were taken.
► The cost of living spiraled high because the French
landlords took advantage of the event.

► It is in his house at #45 Rue

Maubeuge, where Rizal stayed
for awhile.
► In his house, Rizal polished his
annotated edition of Morga’s
► Capitan Justo Trinidad
► former gobernadorcillo of Santa Ana, Manila, and
a refugee from Spanish tyranny
► Jose Albert
► young student from Manila
► became the roommates of Rizal

► He used most of his time in the reading room of the National

Library checking up his historical annotations of Morga’s book.
► He wrote letters to his family and friends.
► Visits his friends and going to the gymnasium.
► In spare hours, he used to dine at the home of his friends: the
Pardo de Taveras, Venturas and Bousteds.

► After annotating Morga’s Sucesos, Rizal realized that

numerous materials about the Philippines and
Filipinos are found in libraries abroad.
► He acknowledged his friends Blumentritt and Rost for
their great help in his quest for knowledge about the
history of the Philippines

► an organization conceived by Rizal

Proposed President: Ferdinand Blumentritt
Proposed Secretary: Jose Rizal
It did not materialize and the organization remained
an association of best friends.
OF 1889

► Art Competition – Rizal, Juan Luna, Felix

Resurreccion-Hidalgo, Felix Pardo de Tavera were the
► Felix Hidalgo – won 2nd prize
► Juan Luna and Felix Pardo de Tavera – won 3rd prize
► Jose Rizal – no prize
► purely a social society of a temporary nature
► Founded by Jose Rizal simply to bring together the young Filipinos
► Kidlat means lightning
► Members:
► Antonio and Juan Luna Fernando Canon
► Gregorio Aguilera Lauro Dimayuga
► Julio Llorente Guillermo Pineda
► Baldomero Roxas
Indios Bravos

► Brave Soldiers
► Replaced Kidlat Club
► Its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in
order to win the admiration of the foreigners particularly the
► Rizal taught them Judo – an Asian art that he learned while he was in

► Redencion de los Malayas ( Redemption of the

► Rizal rigidly guarded its secret existence
► Patterned from Masonry
► Aim to propagate all useful knowledge (scientific,
artistic, literary) in the PJilippines

► was published in Paris

► Dedicated to the Filipinos
► The best of the many histories about the Philippines written
by the early Spanish writers, being accurate in the narration
of events, unbiased judgment.
► Por Telefono – satirical work
► An attack against Fray Salvador Font
► Published in booklet form in Barcelona
► Dimas-Alang

► Hong Kong – the place Rizal chose to put up his school

► This school shall train and educate men of good family and
financial means in response to the needs of the modern
times and circumstances
► The plan did not materialize although an initial capital of
40,000 was pledged by Mariano Cunanan, a Filipinos
resident in Paris.
Sobre la Indolencia de los FIlipinos

► The Indolence of the Filipinos

► Longest essay written by Rizal which was published in five installments in the La
► An analytical study made by Rizal about the society which represents his defense of the
Filipinos from the charge that they were inherently lazy or indolent.
► The Filipinos were not born lazy but had a predisposition to become lazy.
► The Filipinos were industrious and hardworking
► Reasons behind the deterioration of Industry:
► Spanish Colonization
► Filipinos
Factors that Fostered Indolence
Attributable to the Spaniards

► Wars and internal disorders that followed Spanish conquest.

► Piratical attacks on coastal towns and villages by Muslim pirates.
► Forced labor in shipbuilding.
► Government’s neglect and apathy to agriculture, industry and
► Absence of material and moral incentives to work harder
Factors that Fostered Indolence
Attributable to the Spaniards

► The teaching of the Spanish missionaries that heaven is for the poor.
► Too much government restriction and red tape in the approval of
► Encouragement an propagation of gambling.
► Ownership of the big estates by the friars.
► Example set by the Spaniards in disdaining manual labor.
► Deprivation of human dignity
Attributable to Filipinos

► Feeling of inferiority
► Placing hopes on miracles
► Lack of spirit to pursue lofty
► Lack of national sentiment
Filipinas Dentro de Cien
► The Philippines, A Century Hence
► An essay to forecast the future of the country in a hundred
► Came out as a series of four articles in La Solidaridad
► Analysis of the causes of the miseries of the people
► Implementation of military policies
► The country was depopulated
► Poverty was widespread
► Deterioration and disappearance of Filipino indigenous
► The people lost confidence in the past, lost of faith in the
present, and lost of hope in the future.
► The passivity and submissiveness to the Spanish
► The people had resigned themselves to their fate

► Great American Republic

► The next colonizer of the Philippines
► Considering this country’s interests lie in the
Pacific and which has no hand in the scramble
for Africa.
Rizal’s in Brussels

► Rizal left Paris for Brussels, Belgium on

January 28, 1890 for two reasons:
► The cost of living in Paris has become so
► He could not resist the gay social life in Paris.
► Jose Alberto – accompanied Rizal when he
transferred to Brussels and stayed in a boarding
house on 38 Rue Champagne managed by
Suzanne and Marie Jacoby
► Jose Alejandrino – an engineering student
stayed with Rizal, when Alberto left the city.
► Rizal practiced medicine while in Belgium to enable him to
meet the basic necessities to survive in the city.
► He attended shooting practice and oftentimes goes to the
► He spent large bulk of his time writing his second novel as
well as writing articles for the La Solidaridad.
Articles for the La Solidaridad

► A La Defensa (To the Defense) – reply to an anti-Filipino

writing of Patricio de la Escorura.
► La Verdad Para Todos (The Truth for All) – this was in defense
against the Spanish accusations that the native local officials
were ignorant and immoral.
► Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo – which exposed Barrantes’
ignorance on the theatrical art of the Tagalog.
► Una Profanacion (A Profanation) – a bitter attack against the Friars for
denying Christian burial to Mariano Herbosa, Lucia’s husband and Rizal’s
brother in law, who died because of cholera.
► Verdades Nuevas (New Truths) – an answer to the letter published by
Vicente Belloc Sanchez in La Patria, alleging that the granting of reforms in
Philippines the peaceful and material rule of the friars.
► Crueldad (Cruelty) – to defend his friend Blumentritt from defamatory
insulting attacks of the latter’s enemy.
► Diferencias (Differences) a reply on the attacks of the article entitled Old Truths,
published in La Patria, which ridiculed the Filipinos who were then clamoring for
reforms from Spanish government.
► Inconsequencias (Inconsequences) – defense of Antonio Luna against the attacks
of Mr. Mir Deas published in El Pueblo Soberano, a newspaper in Barcelona.
► Llanto y Risas (Tears and Laughters) – denunciation of the racial prejudice of the
Spanish against the Filipinos.
► Ingratitudes (Ingratitude) – response to what Gov. Gen. Weyler told the people of
Calamba that they should not be folded by empty promises of their ungrateful
Criticism of Filipino’s Passion for

► While Rizal was in Brussels he was informed by his friend Valentin

Ventura and Juan Luna that most of their fellow expatriates in
Madrid were too much preoccupied with gambling.
► They wanted Rizal to do something since the main reason all of them
stayed in Europe is to work for the freedom of the country.
► Rizal in turn wrote to Marcelo H. Del Pilar reminding his fellow
expatriates of their mission.
Disturbing News from Home

► The agrarian problem worsen.

► Annual payment for land rental increased resulting into
the inability of the tenants to pay for the rents.
► This resulted to the forcible eviction of the tenants from
the land they were tilling.
Governor General
Valeriano Weyler

► The Butcher of Cuba

► Responsible for the eviction
of the Rizal family and the
rest of Calamba tenants from
the land that they were
► Paciano, Antonio Lopez (husband of Narcisa), Silvestre
Ubaldo (husband of Olimpia) were exiled in Mindoro.
► Manuel Hidalgo (Saturnina’s husband) exiled in Bohol
for the second time
Premonition of Rizal

► Because of what happened to his family, Rizal

experienced sleepless and restless nights.
► Although he was not a superstitious man, he could
not help but entertain the thought of him dying.
► But he wished that before that day happened his
second novel be published first.
Rizal planned to return to the
► Rizal was depressed and anxious of the misfortunes of the
family in Calamba, he planned to return to the Philippines.
► Graciano Lopez-Jaena – plans to go to Cuba and serve as a
doctor there.
► Rizal convinced him to return to the Philippines and die there.
► Mariano Ponce – was told by Rizal of his plan to go back
amidst the fate that he will be facing.
► Paciano – wrote to Rizal telling him that the case against
the Dominicans was lost. However, they appealed it to the
Audencia Real.
► Rizal sought assistance to Marcelo H. Del Pilar for him to
handle the case in Madrid.
► Because of this, Rizal went to Madrid instead to supervise
the case.
A Mi Musa

►  To My Muse
► A poem written by Rizal in 1890 as a result of his
disenchantment over the lukewarm attitude of the
Filipino expatriates working for the reforms in Spain.
► This poem expresses his bitterness over the land
troubles in Calamba.
Rizal and Suzanne

► Suzanne Jacoby – was the owner of the

apartment where Rizal stayed while in
► She fell in love with Rizal due to his
charm and dignified manners.
► She shed her sadness and grief
knowing that Rizal had left for Madrid.

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