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Procedia Engineering
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3rd International
International Conference
Conference “Information
“Information Technology
Technology and
and Nanotechnology,
Nanotechnology, ITNT-2017,
ITNT-2017, 25-27
April 2017, Samara, Russia
April 2017, Samara, Russia
Comparing Ridge
Ridge and
LASSO estimators
estimators for
for data
data analysis
a,∗ b
L.E. Melkumova
Melkumovaa,∗,, S.Ya.
S.Ya. Shatskikh
a Mercury Development Russia, 110k1, Avrory street, Samara, 443069, Russia
a Mercury Development Russia, 110k1, Avrory street, Samara, 443069, Russia
b Samara
b Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
National Research University, 34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

This paper is devoted to the comparison of Ridge and LASSO estimators. Test data is used to analyze advantages of each of the
This paper is devoted to the comparison of Ridge and LASSO estimators. Test data is used to analyze advantages of each of the
two regression analysis methods. All the required calculations are performed using the R software for statistical computing.
two regression analysis methods. All the required calculations are performed using the R software for statistical computing.
c 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

©c 2017
2017 The
Publishedby byElsevier
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference “Information Technology and
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference
Conference “Information
“Information Technology
Technology and
Keywords: linear regression; Ridge regression; LASSO; cross-validation
Keywords: linear regression; Ridge regression; LASSO; cross-validation

1. Multivariate linear regression. Ordinary least squares

1. Multivariate linear regression. Ordinary least squares
Linear regression considers the following relationship between some number of explanatory variables x1 , . . . , xk−1
Linear regression considers the following relationship between some number of explanatory variables x1 , . . . , xk−1
(predictors) and a dependent variable y (response).
(predictors) and a dependent variable y (response).
y = b0 + b1 x1 + . . . + bk−1 xk−1 + ε, (1)
y = b0 + b1 x1 + . . . + bk−1 xk−1 + ε, (1)
where ε is interpreted as a random observational error or fluctuations.
where ε is interpreted as a random observational error or fluctuations.
The measurements are conducted n times so that one has n values of y for n sets of x j .
The measurements are conducted n times so that one has n values of y for n sets of x j .
yi = b0 + b1 xi1 + . . . + bk−1 xi k−1 + εi , i = 1, n ,, (2)
yi = b0 + b1 xi1 + . . . + bk−1 xi k−1 + εi , i = 1, n (2)
where x is the ith observation of x . The ε are not observed directly.
where xii jj is the ith observation of x jj . The εii are not observed directly.
The equations (2) can be expressed in the matrix form after adding the parameters
The equations (2) can be expressed in the matrix form after adding the parameters
x10 = x20 = . . . = xn0 = 1. (3)
x10 = x20 = . . . = xn0 = 1. (3)
Y = XB + E, (4)
Y = XB + E, (4)
Y = yi n , X =  xi j  , B = b j  , E = [εi ]n . (5)
Y = yi n , X = xi j n×k , B = b j k , E = [εi ]n . (5)
n×k k

∗ Corresponding author.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
E-mail address: [email protected]
1877-7058 c 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1877-7058  c 2017 The
© TheAuthors.
Publishedby Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
by Elsevier
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference “Information Technology and Nanotechnology.
Peer-review underresponsibility
Peer-review under responsibility of the
of the scientific
scientific committee
committee of theof
3rdthe 3rd International
International Conference
Conference “Information
“Information TechnologyTechnology and
and Nanotechnology.
L.E. Melkumova et al. / Procedia Engineering 201 (2017) 746–755 747
2 L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

The coordinates b0 , b1 , . . . , bk−1 of the vector B are unknown. The goal of the regression analysis is to estimate the
vector B based on the multivariate observations.
 
 x10 x11 . . . x1 k−1 y1 
 x x . . . x 
2 k−1 y2 
[X, Y] =  20 21  . (6)
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
xn0 xn1 . . . xn k−1 yn
A traditional approach to this problem is to use the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator where
n 
 k−1
   
yi − b j xi j  → min . (7)
i=1 j=0

The OLS estimates of the unknown coefficients b0 , b1 , . . . , bk−1 minimize (7):

B = [
 b j ]k . (8)
det Xt X > 0 (9)
the OLS estimates can be calculated using the following formula
B = (Xt X)−1 Xt Y.
Let us denote
 := X
Y B. (11)
One can rewrite this equation in the coordinate form as follows
yi := 
 b0 + 
b1 xi1 + . . . + 
bk−1 xi k−1 , i = 1, n. (12)
y is the predicted response value that corresponds to the predictor values x1 , . . . , xk−1 .
The residual sum of squares (RSS) measures the discrepancy between the data and the estimation model.

RS S := yi − y i ) 2 .
( (13)

The coefficient of determination


(yi − y i ) 2
2 i=1
R := 1 − n ∈ [0, 1] (14)

(yi − y)2

also measures the quality of the regression model: the closer it is to 1, the better the regression model (11) fits the data

1.1. Data standardization

Data standardization is often used in the linear regression analysis (see [1]). Namely, by denoting
n n n n 
1 1   2
xj = xi j , y= yi , S y2 = (yi − y)2 , S 2j = xi j − x̄ j , j = 1, k − 1 , (15)
n i=1 n i=1 i=1 i=1

we get centered and normalized variables for the initial sample (6)
yi − y xi j − x̄ j
vi := , wi j := , i = 1, n , j = 1, k − 1. (16)
Sy Sj
748 L.E. Melkumova et al. / Procedia Engineering 201 (2017) 746–755
L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000 3

If we denote
V = [vi ]n , W = wi j , (17)

in case if det Wt W > 0, the OLS estimates for the standardized model can be calculated using the formula
B = (Wt W)−1 Wt V.
There are several advantages of using standardized data for linear regression. Firstly, with standardized data the
solution does not depend on the measurement scale. The predictors x j may be measured in different scales while
standardized predictors w j are reduced to the same “neutral” scale. Secondly, the predictor input is more likely to
depend on the relative value w j rather than the absolute value x j .

2. Ridge regression and the LASSO

It is often the case that the matrix Xt X is “close” to singular. This phenomenon is called multicollinearity in
a multiple regression model. In this case we still can obtain the OLS estimates, but they will likely have “bad”
statistical properties. Slight variations in the statistical data (like adding or removing a few observations) will lead to
significant changes in the coefficient estimates.
One of the ways to detect multicollinearity in the regression data is to use the variance inflation factors V IF j , j =
1, k (see [2]). In practice, when V IF j > 5 (or V IF j > 10) for at least one j, it indicates a high multicollinearity for
the regression matrix X.
The two regression analysis methods Ridge and LASSO perform regularization of the estimated coefficients and
can sometimes overcome the disadvantages of the OLS estimator.
Prediction accuracy. If the relationship between the variables is almost linear and the number of predictors k
is much less than the sample size (k  n), then it is likely that the plain OLS estimator would yield good results.
However, if k is not much less than n, then the OLS estimates will tend to have high variance and low accuracy. If
k > n, the OLS procedure will not give a unique solution and the variance of the estimates will become infinite. The
regularization techniques often allow reducing the estimate variance at the cost of introducing a slight bias. As a
result, the prediction accuracy increases.
Model interpretability. It is often the case that the regression model contains a big number k of predictors while
many of them do not really affect the response value. If we exclude these variables from the model, it would be easier
to interpret. In this sense, the Ridge and LASSO estimators provide an alternative to “subset selection” techniques that
allow reducing the number of predictors in the regression model. They produce linear models where the coefficient
estimates are close to zero (or equal zero).

3. Ridge regression

The Ridge estimate of an unknown vector B for standardized observations {W, V} is given by
Bλ := Wt W + λI Wt V,
where I is the identity matrix. λ > 0 is called the regularization parameter.
We will denote the coordinate form of the Ridge estimate by
λ = β̃ j (λ)
B . (20)
By adding the “ridge” parameter λ to the diagonal elements of the matrix W W, we can transform the
ill-conditioned matrix Wt W into the well-conditioned matrix Wt W + λI . This way we avoid usual problems with
λ is biased.
the ill-conditioned matrix inversion. However, it is worth noting that, unlike the OLS, the Ridge estimate B
λ is the solution of the following equivalent minimization problems:
It can be shown that the Ridge estimate B
1◦  V − WB 2 +λ  B 2 −→ min,
2◦ For all λ > 0, there is a t(λ) > 0 such that
 V − WB 2 −→ min subject to  B 2 ≤ t(λ).
L.E. Melkumova et al. / Procedia Engineering 201 (2017) 746–755 749
4 L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

So the Ridge estimate can be viewed as an OLS estimate with an additional penalty imposed on the coefficient


The LASSO1 estimate B λ (see [3], [4]) is the solution of the following equivalent minimization problems for
standardized observations {W, V}.
1◦  V − WB 2 +λ  B 1 −→ min,
2◦ For all λ > 0, there is a t(λ) > 0 such that
 V − WB  −→ min subject to  B 1 ≤ t(λ),
where B1 = k−1 j=1 β j .
The penalty on the coefficient vector β j , j = 1, k − 1 imposed by LASSO is slightly different from Ridge. In case
of LASSO, the λ parameter is multiplied by the 1 -norm of the vector (β1 , . . . , βk−1 ) while Ridge uses the 2 -norm.
One of the positive effects of this change in terms of model interpretability is the fact that the LASSO, unlike
Ridge regression, results in a model where some coefficient estimates are exactly equal to zero when λ is large. In
other words, the LASSO regularization additionally performs variable selection which makes the model easier to
As in the case of Ridge, different λ values produce different B λ vectors. That is why it is important to select a
proper λ value. Section 5 describes the cross-validation technique that can be used for this purpose.

5. Selecting the λ value for Ridge and LASSO. Cross-validation

Cross-validation is the technique that can be used to find a “proper” value for the λ parameter given a sample
(see [3], [4], [5]). By “proper” here we mean that we are trying to find a λ that would allow to predict the response
values with the highest accuracy. It is clear that the λ values that are too small can lead to ovefitting when the model
would tend to describe the noise in the data. Too large λ values, on the contrary, would lead to underfitting when the
procedure cannot capture the underlying relationship. In both cases we will get a high error value when calculated on
the test data (a set of observations not included into the initial sample).
To perform cross-validation, we first divide the initial data into two subsets: one is called the train set and the other
one is called the test set. Then the train set is used to calculate the coefficient estimates. These estimates are then
validated on the test set.
Let us now describe the algorithm in some more detail. First the initial data set is randomly divided into Q blocks
of equal length. One of the blocks is assigned the role of the test set while the remaining Q − 1 blocks together
constitute the train set. In practice the number of blocks Q is usually selected to be 5 or 10. Next we choose a grid
of values λ = [λ s ] and calculate the regression coefficients for each λ s value. Given these regression coefficients, we
then compute the residual sum of squares.
n 
 k−1
   
RS S λs = yi − b j (q, λ s ) xi j  ,
i=1 j=0

where q = 1, Q is the index of the block selected as the test set. One can obtain the average of these RSS values over
all blocks.
MS Eλs = RS S λq s . (24)
Q q=1

1 Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator.

750 L.E. Melkumova et al. / Procedia Engineering 201 (2017) 746–755
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λ is then set equal to λ s that gives the minimum MS Eλs .

Another popular approach utilizes the “one-standard-error rule” (see for example [6]). For each MS Eλs the standard
error of the mean is calculated. Then we select the largest λ s for which the MS Eλs is within one standard error of the
minimum MS E value. This way we obtain a “more regularized” model while increasing the MS E by not more than
one standard error.

6. Ridge and LASSO applied to test data

Let us now apply the OLS, Ridge and LASSO regression techniques to real-world data. We will be using observa-
tions of different wine parameters that can be found on the UCI Machine Learning Repository ([7]). The Wine Quality
data set ([8], [9]) describes red and white variants of the “Vinho Verde” wine from the Minho province in the north
of Portugal. In this work, we only analyze the red wine data. The predictors are various physicochemical parameters
such as density, acidity, the amount of sugar and alcohol. The response is the wine quality score between 0 and 10.
We are going to build regression models that describe how the wine quality score depends on the physicochemical
characteristics of the wine using OLS, Ridge and LASSO. We will be using the R software for all calculations, namely
its glmnet package that allow fitting Ridge and LASSO linear models.
First we need to load the glmnet library into R.


The wine data is in CSV format. One can use the read.csv2 command for loading the file into R. The data is
saved into the wine variable for future use.

wine = read.csv2("winequality-red.csv", na.strings="N/A", dec=".")

Each observation includes 12 wine parameters. 11 of them are physical and chemical characteristics that we
consider as predictors. The 12th is the wine quality score, an integer value between 0 and 10 that we consider as the
response. To list column names of the wine matrix, the names command can be used (see table 1).


Table 1. The list of predictors (column names) of the wine matrix.

1. fixed.acidity 2. volatile.acidity 3. citric.acid 4. residual.sugar 5. chlorides 6. free.sulfur.dioxide
7. total.sulfur.dioxide 8. density 9. pH 10. sulphates 11. alcohol 12. quality

The data matrix for the red wine contains 1599 observations. You can check this using the dim command for
getting matrix dimensions.

[1] 1599 12

To be able to measure quality of the regression model, we are going to verify results on a test set. We randomly
divide the whole sample into two subsets: the train set and the test set. Here the set.seed command with a fixed
input value of 1 is used to get results that can later be reproduced by the reader.

wine.pred.names = names(wine)[1 : length(names(wine)) -1]

wine.pred = wine[, wine.pred.names]

train=sample(1:nrow(wine.pred), nrow(wine.pred)/2)
6 L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh
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x = model.matrix(~., wine.pred[train, ])[, -1]

y = wine$quality[train]
x.test = model.matrix(~., wine.pred[test, ])[, -1]
y.test = wine$quality[test]

We will store the predictor matrix in the x variable and the response vector in the y variable. For the test set, we will
be using variable names x.test and y.test.
To perform the OLS regression, the lm command can be used. The OLS coefficient estimates for the wine data are
given in the first row of table 3.

lm.mod = lm(y~., data = data.frame(x))

The summary command gives the overview of the different regression model parameters. One of them is the
coefficient of determination R2 that in our case equals 0.3334006.

[1] 0.3334006

To check the data for multicollinearity, we calculate the variance inflation factors V IF j . One can do this using the
vif command from the car package.


Table 2. Variance inflation factors V IF j , j = 1, 11 for the red wine data.

V IF1 V IF2 V IF3 V IF4 V IF5 V IF6 V IF7 V IF8 V IF9 V IF10 V IF11
7.175034 1.777550 3.424212 1.673862 1.513932 2.043192 2.235502 5.874435 3.239267 1.447768 2.852950

The V IF j values are given in the table 2. Some of these values are rather high, like V IF1 and V IF8 . This indicates
a considerable though not critical multicollinearity: all the V IF j < 10.
Let us now move to the Ridge regression. As it was already mentioned, different λ values will produce different
coefficient estimates bi . In R, we can visualize how the bi estimates change depending on λ for a given sample.
To do this, we first choose a range of λ values and build regression models for each λ value from this range using
a handy glmnet function from the glmnet package. Note that the function standardizes input data - both predictors
and response are normalized and centered before performing the regression. Still, the result is always given in the
original data scale. For this reason in particular, we get the non-zero intercept value b0 .

lambda.grid = 10^seq(5, -2, length=100)

ridge.mod = glmnet(x, y, alpha=0, lambda=lambda.grid)

In this case λ takes 100 different values from 10−2 to 105 and the power increases with a constant step 99 . The
following command can be used to plot the coefficient estimates against λ.

plot(ridge.mod, xvar=’lambda’)

The command generates the plot given in the figure (1) on the left. One can see that, as λincreases, the coefficient
estimates bi are “shrunk” towards zero which means that the norm of the estimates vector b(λ) decreases. At the
same time, individual coefficients can increase on specific intervals (see for example the red line that denotes the
density coefficient estimate).
752 L.E. Melkumova,
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11 11 11 11 7 0 0 0








-5 0 5 10 -5 0 5 10

Log Lambda Log Lambda

Fig. 1. Coefficient estimates βi for Ridge regression (on the left) and the LASSO (on the right) for the red wine data plotted versus log λ. The upper
part of the plot shows the number of non-zero coefficients bi in the regression model for a given log λ.

The upper part of the plot shows the number of non-zero coefficient estimates bi for a given value of log λ. As
can be seen, for Ridge this number is constant for all the λ values and equals the number of predictors in the data.
Thus, although the Ridge regression shrinks the coefficient estimates close to zero, even large λ values do not produce
estimates exactly equal to zero.
It is worth comparing these coefficient estimates with those generated by LASSO for the same λ values. We will
again use the glmnet to perform LASSO regression for the same initial data and the same lambda.grid vector. The
only thing that needs to be changed is the alpha parameter that in this case takes the value of 1.

lasso.mod = glmnet(x, y, alpha=1, lambda=lambda.grid)

plot(lasso.mod, xvar=’lambda’)

The output of the plot command is given in the figure (1) on the right. It can be seen that the LASSO regression
also tends to “shrink” the regression coefficients to zero as λ increases. The reader can tell this by looking at the
numbers in the upper part of the plot which again mean the number of non-zero coefficients in the regression model.
For instance, when log λ = −5 there are 7 non-zero coefficients and when log λ = 0 we get the model where all the
coefficients are zero. That is, the LASSO regression performs variable selection when λ is large enough.
Now let us select the λ parameter using the cross-validation procedure. We utilize the cv.glmnet command
from the glmnet package. Again, to achieve reproducible results we use the set.seed function. The cv.glmnet
commands for Ridge and LASSO differ only by the alpha parameter value.

set.seed(1) = cv.glmnet(x, y, alpha=0)
set.seed(1) = cv.glmnet(x, y, alpha=1)

The cross-validation results can be visualized with the plot command (see figure (2)).

8 L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh
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(2017) 746–755 753

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 6 3 2 2 2 1



Mean-Squared Error

Mean-Squared Error




-2 0 2 4 6 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

log(Lambda) log(Lambda)

Fig. 2. Cross-validated estimate of the mean squared prediction error for Ridge (on the left) and LASSO (on the right), as a function of log λ. The
upper part of the plot shows the number of non-zero coefficients bi in the regression model for a given log λ. The dashed lines show the location of
the function minimum and the “one-standard-error” location.

The plots depict the mean squared prediction error MS Eλ against log λ. The gray bars at each point show MS Eλ
plus and minus one standard error. One of the vertical dashed lines shows the location of the minimum of MS E. The
second dashed line shows the point selected by the “one-standard-error” rule.
Using the cross-validation results, we now get proper values for λ.

ridge.bestlam =$lambda.min
ridge.lam1se =$lambda.1se
lasso.bestlam =$lambda.min
lasso.lam1se =$lambda.1se

In our case Ridge regression gives ridge.bestlam = 0.05257397 and ridge.lam1se = 0.6481565. The LASSO yields
lasso.bestlam = 0.01056334 and lasso.lam1se = 0.06186968 correspondingly.
The coefficient estimates computed for each of these λ values are given in the table 3. To calculate the estimates,
one needs to perform regression for each λ. The coefficients are then printed using the coef function. = glmnet(x, y, alpha=0, lambda=ridge.bestlam)

ridge.mod.1se = glmnet(x, y, alpha=0, lambda=ridge.lam1se)
coef(ridge.mod.1se) = glmnet(x, y, alpha=1, lambda=lasso.bestlam)

lasso.mod.1se = glmnet(x, y, alpha=1, lambda=lasso.lam1se)

As can be seen, both Ridge and LASSO produce a more “regularized” model when moving from bestlam to lam1se
in the sense that the coefficient estimates get more “shrunk” towards zero. In case of LASSO, the number of non-
zero coefficients did not change although their indexes did. The b1 value, which was zero at λ = lasso.bestlam =
0.01056334, is non-zero again for λ = lasso.lam1se = 0.05980285 while b10 becomes equal to zero.
Let us now compare the RS S values for all the models. We will first calculate the RS S on the train set and then
move to the test set.
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Table 3. Coefficient estimates for the red wine data for different regression techniques.
Method b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11
OLS -8.915 -0.013 -0.942 -0.164 -0.005 -2.599 0.007 -0.004 14.973 -0.929 0.893 0.294
Ridgeλ=0.05257397 18.610 0.015 –0.876 -0.053 0.006 -2.364 0.005 -0.004 -13.484 -0.638 0.858 0.251
Ridgeλ=0.6481565 29.906 0.0219 -0.611 0.203 0.008 -1.316 0.001 -0.002 -25.305 -0.217 0.504 0.150
LAS S Oλ=0.01056334 5.179 0 -0.874 0 0 -2.264 0.004 -0.003 0 -0.657 0.8122 0.270
LAS S Oλ=0.06186968 3.891 0.001 -0.880 0 0 -0.345 0 -0.001 0 -0.164 0.385 0.243

y.lm.train = predict(lm.mod, newdata = data.frame(x))

sum((y.lm.train - y)^2)
y.lm.test = predict(lm.mod, newdata = data.frame(x.test))
sum((y.lm.test - y.test)^2) = predict(, newx=x)

sum(( - y)^2) = predict(, newx=x.test)
sum(( - y.test)^2)

y.ridge.1se.train = predict(ridge.mod.1se, newx=x)

sum((y.ridge.1se.train - y)^2)
y.ridge.1se.test = predict(ridge.mod.1se, newx=x.test)
sum((y.ridge.1se.test - y.test)^2) = predict(, newx=x)

sum(( - y)^2) = predict(, newx=x.test)
sum(( - y.test)^2)

y.lasso.1se.train = predict(lasso.mod.1se, newx=x)

sum((y.lasso.1se.train - y)^2)
y.lasso.1se.test = predict(lasso.mod.1se, newx=x.test)
sum((y.lasso.1se.test - y.test)^2)

Table 4. RS S values for the train (RS S train ) and the test sets (RS S test ) for different regression techniques.
RSS OLS Ridgeλ=0.05257397 Ridgeλ=0.6481565 LAS S Oλ=0.01056334 LAS S Oλ=0.06186968
RS S train 354.7427 355.846 380.3165 356.2117 376.4762
RS S test 318.1009 316.3684 342.7885 315.7833 328.3998

The error values for all the methods are given in the table 4. Here the smallest RSS value on the train set is
predictably achieved by the OLS regression since unlike Ridge and LASSO the OLS does not impose penalties on the
coefficients bi . RSS for Ridge and LASSO is again predictably greater when λ is selected using the “one-standard-
error” rule. It is interesting that the errors on the test set are ordered differently - the minimum is achieved by LASSO
at λ = lasso.bestlam, the second is Ridge at λ = ridge.bestlam while OLS takes only the third position. In this case,
Ridge and LASSO perform better than OLS on the test set.

7. Conclusion

The statistical analysis of the Wine Quality data ([8], [9]) leads to the following conclusions about the OLS, Ridge
and LASSO regression procedures.
L.E. Melkumova et al. / Procedia Engineering 201 (2017) 746–755 755
10 L.E. Melkumova, S.Ya. Shatskikh / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

• The Ridge regression and the LASSO tend to “shrink” to zero coefficient estimates bi in the sense that they
reduce the norm of the estimate vector as λ increases.
• The Ridge regression does not produce zero estimates even for large values of λ.
• The LASSO, unlike Ridge and OLS, performs variable selection i. e. some of the coefficient estimates bi
become exactly equal to zero, which makes the regression model easier to interpret.
• The RSS value calculated on the train set for OLS is less than that for Ridge and LASSO.
• In the considered examples, when λ is selected appropriately, the RSS value on the test set for OLS is greater
than the RSS for Ridge and LASSO.
• Calculating the RSS on the test data set provides a good way to assess the regression model in contrast to using
a single data set.


This work is partially supported by grants of RFBR (project 16-41-630-676 and project 16-01-00184).


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