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Basic Guide

The Basketball

By Zein Mark

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The Driving Force in every Game

Most people would tend to perceive basketball as a purely physical game. You can see that 
evidence everywhere: endless physical trainings to bout any bodily weaknesses; energy
drinks and foods that focus on combating fatigue; clothes and shoes that give comfort during
the game; etcetera, etcetera.

Perhaps, to add further proof, we can add in the basketball athletes' way of delivering the
game itself. They thrust and drive and pivot and shoot-it's all a perspiration-inducing game.

But beyond all the physicality of the game, it would be wise to believe that mental preparation
is also a necessity in this type of sport. Mental training isn't just for chess or any sedentary
mind game. In fact, it is equally as important as physical trainings.

Now, you might be asking, how you will be able to incorporate mental training or any
psychological preparation into each of your game. It's definitely not easy. The basic attitudes
are persistence, perseverance and the will to finish any commitment. Just like physical
training, the required mental trainings ask for competitiveness and the three attitudes just 
mentioned are essential.

0nce you are committed to do whatever it takes to gain the edge on your game, here are the
most common techniques that mind experts (that's psychologists to you) advise you to do:

1) Relaxation of the mind-this includes exercises that are similar to yoga exercises
where you relax your mind inspite of the distractions. The mind relaxation technique
is voluntary and you should be able to calm your mind even if the dog outside is
barking or when your roommate has just blasted on the TV. Concentration is the
keyword in achieving this technique. This means you should be able to control what 
you feel even if you have just gone through a stressful day at the office.

2) The Will to change Unpleasant Attitudes-this is a must. To be able to incorporate new

ways into your game, you should be willing to give up your old ways. If there are many
attitudes that get in the way of gaining a better game, then you must get rid of them
 for the sake of improvement. Anger management is on this list. If you are the type that 
explodes at the smallest provocation, then it is high time to control this negative
attitude and gear it towards having a controlled temper. If you are also the type that 
puts off routines and other necessary trainings until you tend to cram when the game
draws near, then it's time to discipline yourself.

3) Control of Energy-you will be better able to direct your strength towards the
achievement of a better basketball game.

4) Have a Can Do Attitude-visualize yourself scoring more than you have ever done. If 
you believe in yourself and the power that your mind is able to do, then you will start 

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seeing results. Equipped with this newfound attitude towards the g ame (and life in
general) and constant practice, then there is nowhere to go but up.

5) There was an interesti ng study on stress management called the S ress Inoculation

training. In this training, the basketball athletes were exposed to minimal, initial doses
of stress until they gradually underwent heightened introduction of stresses. This
study wanted to prove that immunity from stress might be achieve . Perhaps a good
source of 'stress' would be the rigors of basketball training itself. It's physically
draining but in a good way.

6) Attain a confident attitude-self-esteem is an integral part on any basketball player's

game. Once he has th confidence, all other techniques come easy .

7) Love of the Game-wor k becomes work only if it stops being something you enjoy.
When an athlete starts to see the boring side of the game or when e fails to 'feel' the
game,  then that's where failure creeps in. Shun basketball when you don't enjoy it-
plain and simple.

There are so many technique of basketball game improvement. But if you have read
carefully,  you will notice that it all boils down to one-you. When you know hat you want and
work hard to achieve it physi ally, nutritionally and mentally, then you are on your way to
achieving success.

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6 Tips For College Basketball Betting

In terms of sheer numbers, no sport matches the opportunity, intrigue, depth of quality, or
endless variety involved with college basketball betting. Nearly every day of the week, from
mid-November through March, bettors and sportsbooks match bankrolls on the hardwood
 fortunes of 235 teams in more than a dozen conferences.

While number crunching and detailed analysis always are essential tools in college
basketball betting, a degree of “art” compliments the “science” and is helpful, too. The
successful bettor understands that subjective analysis of a number of other factors also must 
be considered.

Let's look at a number of these elements:

Teeming with teams:

Competition all but mandates that a sportsbook posts prices on over 200 teams, (as
compared to 30 NBA clubs) providing the gambler with many more options. For bettors, it's a
lot easier to find a bad number among 100 games than it is to find one among 13 or 14.

Home sweet home:

Sure, the home court is a factor in NBA play but it's the tiresome travel associated with
getting to a road game that puts the visiting team at a disadvantage in the pro ranks. For that 
reason, NBA spreads are affected more by schedule than by actual home court.

Since NCAA teams only play about 30 games a year, lengthy road trips aren't a factor in
college play. Nevertheless, with its requisite contingent of chanting, sign-waving students,
the home court really does matter in college basketball betting. In fact, the home court can
be such an advantage that there may be as much as a 10-point swing in home-and-home
series pointspreads.


A shorter schedule and more heated rivalries, particularly within conferences or states, all
but guarantees that emotion, especially when you're dealing with impressionable teenagers,
will play a greater role in college basketball than it does in the NBA. For that reason,
assessing a team's motivation can be a crucial factor in college basketball betting.


Another factor unique to college basketball is revenge. A team that lost to an opponent once
often is troublesome to tame the second time around. This is a scenario that plays itself out in
conference play, where splits are more common than sweeps.


Time was that first year recruits sat on the pine and waited their turn. Nowadays, if you're
good enough to play, coaches put you in the game.

Interestingly, the emergence of freshmen as major contributors has required sportsbooks

and bettors to track the careers of high school seniors, monitoring their college choices and
assessing the impact they may have on those programs. Ohio State, which landed prized
center Greg Oden, North Carolina, Texas, Connecticut, Duke, Tennessee, Washington,

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Georgia Tech, Louisville, Wake Forest, Stanford and Kansas are among the schools whose
recruiting hauls could have a sizable impact on their fortunes this season.

Since no sport is more affected by a single player than basketball, every new addition--
 freshman, junior college or transfer--has the opportunity to alter the dynamic of the team.


Further complicating the oddsmaking and betting equation is that college basketball is much
more like a three-act play than a seamless season.

Act I begins in mid-November and extends through the end of the year when teams play most 
of their non-conference games. For teams still seeking an identity, this is a chance for
experimentation with different lineups and strategies, a time of growing pains that often are
reflected by the pointspread. Other teams, ones with experienced players, have an obvious
advantage in cohesiveness. After all, basketball is a team sport.

Act II begins with the tip-off of the conference schedule, which starts in January. Teams have
worked out the kinks by now and, for the most part, are ready to face a series of opponents
with whom they have some familiarity. The teams may play each other as many as two or
three times each season--twice in conference play and perhaps again in the league's
tournament--and coaches know each other and their preferred style of play. There are few
surprises and, except for those occasions when the very best teams are playing the very
worst teams, close games are common.

For the fortunate, the curtain will rise for Act III, the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament, in
March. It is the unpredictable nature of the "Big Dance," the convergence of teams that have
as much in common as Rick Majerus and hair spray, which makes "March Madness" the
oddsmaking and sports betting challenge that it is.

Because of its uniqueness, bet makers and bet takers approach the tournament both
respectful and wary of an entirely different set of factors that rarely come into play during
college basketball's regular season. We'll examine that aspect of college basketball betting
next spring.

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Ways to Score in a asketball Game

There are different ways to score in a basketball game. Let us learn each of them:

Jump shot

is the most common shot made at the perimeter (or the place on the court that is relatively far
 from the basket), also known as set shot. This is done by getting the right height before
throwing the ball to the basket. It is also essential to follow through with the ball. This is done
by maintaining your form while the ball is still on its way to the basket. The following through
is said to increase the chance of scoring. A jump shot is often worth 2 points.

Three-point shot

is a perimeter shot taken beyond the arc (both feet of the player must not step on the three-
point line). The player should possess leg and knee power to generate enough height to
release the ball 20 feet away from the basket. A three-point shot often gives the team a boost 
and adds excitement to the game.

Free throw

A free throw is given after the opponent has committed a personal foul or a technical foul.
This is an unguarded shot taken in the free-throw lane and is worth 1 point.


is one of the most exciting shots that can be made by a player. This is done by jumping high
enough to get your hands on the rim while still holding the ball. Once you reach the right 
height, slam the ball and grab the rim. It adds more to the excitement.

Alley oop

is a pass and shoot sequence that involves great coordination between the passer and the
receiver of the ball. The ball is thrown to a player in mid air who will also shoot the ball before
he touches the ground.

Lay up

is the most common shot made inside the paint. This is also the easiest shot to make. You
drive to the basket, take off to get the right elevation, and lay the ball directly to the rim or off 
the board with one hand. The non-shooting hand is used to protect the ball from the

Hook shoot

is made popular by Kareem Abdul-Jabar. This shot is done by turning your body on the side
while the head is still facing the basket. You will jump off with the non-shooting leg and toss to
ball with one hand similar to laying up.

Scoring in a basketball game is important to win a game but don't forget to play defense so
that you prevent your opponent from scoring more than you do.

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10 Basketball Skills You should Learn

Learning how to play basketball is learning its fundamentals. Here are those:


Is important to penetrate to the hoop, move the ball across the court, get away from the
defense, and find a good passing lane. There are different types of dribbles:

 change-of-pace,
 crossover dribble,
 behind the back,
 pull back dribble,
 low dribble,
 basic dribble,
 between the legs dribble


A good offensive attack requires good passing from players. This helps find an open man, to
 find a good shooter or to get away from a defender. There are several types of passes you
need to learn:

 Overhead Pass
 Chest Pass
 Push Pass
 Baseball Pass
 Off-the-Dribble Pass
 Bounce Pass

3 .Shooting –

The object of the game is to win by scoring the most points. Therefore, improving the team's
shooting is important to win a game. There are several ways to score in the game:

 Jump Shot 
 Dunk
 Alley oop
 Free throw
 Layup
 Three-Point Shot 
 Hook Shot 


is essential to gain or regain possession after the shot. Usually, the team who has the most 
number of rebounds after the game has more shot attempts and chances to score.


is the only chance that the team has a shot at the basket and scoring. Playing a good offense
requires coordination among players and individual skill to execute well plays.


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To be able to get a chance to score and gain possession, the team should lay good defense
and try to stop their opponent  from scoring. As said, "A good defense is a ood offense."


There are different kinds of b sketball moves that are important in executing both a good
offense and a good defense. oves are helpful in finding an open man, ma e a good shot or
create an amazing play.


Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game.

9.Assist  – 

is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find an open man on
the court 


is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move
by the ball-handler towards his defender. However, a foul is also used as a strategy to stop
the clock or to keep the shoot ing player from scoring easily. Learning how to use your fouls
well is important in the game.

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Basketball Training Aids to Improve Your Game

Becoming a better basketball player doesn't happen over night. It involves serious work,
discipline, dedication, and the love of the game to become the player you want to be. So to
help you out on your way to become a better basketball player in the future. If constant 
practice and sheer dedication aren't enough to improve your game, then you might as well
consider acquiring some effective basketball training aids.


Improving your shooting skills involves correct jump, body form and power. This can be
improved by constant practice. Shooting the ball for several times using one form increases
the chances of making the shot. Bottom line is, if you want to improve your shooting you
should practice, practice, and practice some more.

 Oversized basketball - is usually 3 inches larger in diameter than your regular

basketball. This is designed to improve your accuracy in shooting.
 Board-less hoop - is designed to improve your shooting accuracy by making shoots
without depending on the board.
 Rebounding device - helps you to practice your shooting without rebounding the ball
after every shot.
 Shooting straps - is attached to your shooting hand to assist you in maintaining the
right form while taking a shot, make the right follow through, and improve your one-
handed release.


This skill can be improved by using different dribbling techniques and drills. There are 3
dibbling techniques: natural dribble or relaxed dribble, control dribble or dribbling low to
maintain possession under a defensive pressure, and speed dribble or dribbling at a
maximum speed. Different drills include up the ladder, squeeze the bananna, ball slap,
rhythm drill, drop step, pass and catch, hot potato, sit dribbling, spider, dribble 8, figure 8,
one leg, ball drop, and around the world. These drills aren't only applicable to ball-handlers.
They apply to all positions to increase ball handling capability.

 Dribbling aid - is designed to help you use your fingertips in dribbling (and not your
palm). It also helps improving your passing and shooting skills.
 Basketball goggles - are designed to keep your head up while dribbling your ball. The
goggles block your lower vision so that you practice on not looking at the ball.


There are many exercises you can do to improve your speed and agility. One of the most 
effective is the "suicide". Start at the base line and sprint towards the free throw line, touch
the floor and go back. Sprint and touch the mid-court line and back. Sprint and touch to the
 farthest free throw line and back. Sprint and touch the opposite base line and back. Do this
several times and will definitely improve your speed. You can also use other sprint training

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 Speed parachute - uses the principle of a parachute that provides resistance during
sprint. This is used when you are running which helps you improve your speed as you
are being held back by the parachute. Speed parachutes are also used by sprinters
and football players.
 Agility ladders - helps you develop eye-foot coordination, foot quickness, and
versatility. You can use your regular ladder to achieve the same result.

Vertical jump

Improving the strength and power of your legs will improve your vertical jump. Do squats,
step ups, and lunges. Jumping and hopping drills are effective as well.

 Jump boxes - help you improve your jumping ability and overall strength. These boxes
vary in height which you can use to strengthen your leg muscles.
 Weight belt - increases your strength, at the same time, improves your vertical jump -
helpful during rebounding and taking perimeter shots. Also available are weights
worn on the ankles.
 Jump soles - are training aids that are attached to your own shoes during practice
and training which helps you improve your leg strength and jumping ability.


Stamina training such as road running is effective to build up the heart to go to distance
during the game.

 Jump ropes - are the most basic and probably the cheapest basketball training aids
you can have. And they are effective too. Jump ropes improve your heart. Jump ropes
also improve your calf and leg muscles. For better workout results, try weighted jump
 Take note that these are only aids to improve your game. They aren't designed to
automatically make you a better player. Use them correctly combined with your
dedication, hard work, and love for the game to get the best results.

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Tips for Good Rebounding

Basketball is indeed one of the most popular sports in the world. Through the years, the sport 
has created superstars and icons out of basketball players. No wonder, many kids nowadays
aspire to become professional or star basketball players.

Basketball is a very physical game. There is so mush movement. To be able to make a good
play, each basketball player is required to possess great physical stamina and agility to be
able to perform and meet the requirements of the aggressive physical tactics in the game.

This sport has its own lingo. There are plays and specific tactics that have their own terms.
Looking at the mechanics of the game will also introduce you to many more special
vocabulary terms, tactics and game technicalities.

Rebounding is one of those terms. The word actually refers to the act of gaining hold of the
basketball after a free throw or a field goal. When the basketball is shot to the basket, of 
course, it will fall back to the ground. That is when the two teams struggle to take possession
of the basketball.

Rebounding is a very significant part of the game of basketball. That is because this activity
defines and rolls the game throughout the entire duration. A good player must be able to
know the basics and some special techniques to be able to make good rebounding moves.

Rebounds can either be offensive or defensive. Observers and experts say that most 
rebounding tends to be on the defensive because usually, the defense team is in a better
position or is often closer to the basket.

Thus, whenever there are missed shots, the defensive team can easily recover the basketball
and try to shoot the ball again. If the ball goes to the offensive team, then the defense will
struggle to block the opposing player or recover the ball.

Characteristics of a good rebound player

 When playing basketball, it is advised that the player be physically fit. The agility,
strength, speed and overall endurance of the body are required for a player to be
able to meet the physical challenges of the game, particularly in rebounding.
 But did you know that most basketball aficionados would say that aside from those
attributes, the player must have good natural gifts and characteristics to be able to
play good rebounds? Yes, the above-mentioned characteristics can be acquired
through enduring and patient training and workouts.
 But rebounding will require physical attributes like height. Though, many would argue
against the notion that height would make a player more efficient in rebounding,
observers would surely reach a consensus in agreement. If you are 6'11" in height,
you have a great advantage over opponents that stand mush less than your height.
 Aside from those physical attributes, there are also other factors that could help a
player put up awesome rebounds. Cite a good rebound to the player's determination,
aggressiveness and positioning.
 If a player is determined to gain possession of the ball, he will do his best to reach
that goal and focus while the game is at play. Aggressiveness is needed to be
physically assertive and to be able to take movement in gaining the basketball before
 Lastly, positioning should be ideal. To be able to reach a good aim at rebounding, the
player must move close to the basket. By doing so, the player will have greater

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chances of getting the basketball once it falls back to the ground a ter being thrown
to the basket by anoth er player.

Other tips to good rebounding

Here  are some other guidelin s that would steer you towards great rebou ds.

1. Acquire good jumping ability. When players are in commotion to st uggle to gain

possession of the ball, usually, the one who jumps higher than the est will take hold
of  the coveted ball. Tr in to flex and strengthen further the muscle of the legs and
2. Take a good and ideal position. Estimate the projectile of the ball. strong position
also entails good rebounding.
3. Avoid abruptly dribbli g the ball after you have successfully grabb d the basketball.
Instead, go back and rebound and resume a position wherein you ave a strong
position relative to the basket.

Play your game well. Reboun and make things happen. Good luck and wi the game!

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12 Most Important Things To Emphasize On Defense

As a basketball coach, you’ve probably struggled to find enough time to teach everything
that you want. It seems that all coaches have this problem!To be an effective coach, you
have to prioritize and strategically decide what you will emphasize. Coaching is all about 
what you emphasize!

If you do not continually harp and emphasize certain aspects, your defense will not be as
good as it could be. You need to pay attention to detail and correct your players when
needed. To help determine your defensive priorities, we came up with the "top 12 most 
important things to emphasize on defense". Of course, every coaching situation is different,
but hopefully this will give you a few ideas and help you determine what’s really important.

Here is our list of the top things that we focus on and watch for within our man-to-man

1. Always stop the player with the ball because that’s the only person that can score. If 
the ball is in front of you, stop it!
2. Keep the ball out of the "danger zone" and as far from the basket as possible. We put 
tape marks 12 feet away from the basket to give players a visual reminder of where
the ball should never be allowed. We call the area inside the tape the "danger zone".
3. Keep your knees bent and stay low. The second you see your players start to stand
up, correct them. If they relax for one second, that’s all it takes for the offense to
score an easy bucket.
4. Intensity. Defense is all about intensity. If your players relax for a second, you need
to get their attention.
5. Get back on defense. If your players don’t get back on defense, it doesn’t matter how
good your half court defense is.
6. Deny all penetrating passes (included the post pass). Never allow passes into the
post. The chances of the offense scoring increase dramatically once the ball is within
the “Danger Zone.”
7. Always see your man and the ball. Your players need to be focused so that they can
see their man and the ball at all times. If somebody penetrates or passes the ball,
they need to quickly help and rotate.
8. Move on the pass, not the catch. This tactic alone can literally double to quickness of 
your defense. Teach your players to start moving to their correct defensive positions
when the ball is leaving the fingertips of the passer.
9. Provide early help and quick recovery. It’s vital to any team’s defense to have early
help and quick recovery. If you do not have early help, you give up lay ups. If you do
not have quick recovery, you give up open shots.
10. Communicate! Communicate! Communicate! If your players don’t communicate,
they will have many problems with screens, rebounding, positioning, etc. Make sure
they yell, “Shot” when the offense shoots the ball. Make sure they call out screens.
Make sure they communicate help to their teammates.
11. Ball pressure and active hands. Without ball pressure, the offense can operate
comfortably and easily. You never want the offense to feel comfortable. Not to
mention, sagging to far back makes it easy for the offense to make accurate passes in
the post area and pick you apart!
12. Box out. If your defensive players don’t block out, all their hard work means nothing.
They need to block out on every shot and every possession.

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How to Improve Your Game- Get better Moves

with Style
One of the best things in a basketball game is individuality. For some people, they can often
show the best skills when playing the game. The moves that enable better chances of getting
a score are simply priceless during a game.

So when you want to improve your game, you have to get some moves that will likely get a
major advantage against your opponent, they are time-crucial moves that always look good
when done at the right time which translate to your own style and method of playing. Here
are some of the best moves you can learn to improve your game and exploit your opponents'

Dribbling moves

Crossover dribble is one of the best moves to improve your game. This kind of move has style
and finesse when done right. This type of dribble is done while changing the direction of 
dribbling by bouncing the ball from one side to the other. This is often the best exploit to
confuse the defenders momentum because of the dribblers' new direction.


Jump pass is another way to improve your game. This is one of the moves that you can do to
add to your style points, a jump pass is performed while your feet are off the floor. When
done right, it will likely confuse your opponent, causing a fake shot which gives your team
another advantage of scoring.


Another form of assists and form of passing play is the back door; this can be done when a
teammate gets behind a defender to exploit the vulnerable space to perform an easy score.
This move can be perfectly executed when the defender is overly concentrating on defense
leaving them weak to the other player waiting to perform a score.


Finger Rolls are always stylish and a very good way to improve your game; you can perform
one by holding the ball in one hand during lay-ups and lifting your fingers and eventually
rolling the ball into the basket. The motion provides the basketball with a sense of finesse and
graces which the ball will roll around the rim to drop into an easy stylistic score.


When you want more moves to add to your playing game, the jab step is worth a try. This can
be performed when you hold the ball before dribbling, but at the same time your non pivot is
doing a repeated jabbing step. This can be used to see if your defenders weakness and to
guess his next moves by just looking at his reactions to your move. This can be only
performed once in a while to get another stylish advantage on your opponents.

While learning these moves, just keep them your own secret moves for your disposal, your
opponents might know your play and eventually will overcome and outscore your team. They
add up to improve your game and practicing often will enable you to execute often and likely
then to master your own personal playing style.

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Off The Ball

From cars that float to New Coke bad ideas have permeated the marketplace for decades.
The problem with bad ideas is that they always sound like good ideas until you actually get 
into them.

By that time it's too late to prohibit the fiasco from occurring. The National Basketball
Association experienced a good idea that turned into a bad reality in the 2006-2007 season
when they introduced their new microfiber ball. Commissioners and regulators in the
corporate office of NBA headquarters thought the new ball would increase points, increase
action on the court and would be better for basketball and its fans as a whole. Unfortunately
three great mistakes led to its downfall.

No player consultation

The first mistake made by the corporate office and commissioner the NBA was not to consult 
players on this decision. They were simply notified that in the 2006-2007 season a new ball
would be in play. This led to the filing of a labor union lawsuit as players began to assert their
right to have a say in their own sport. The lawsuit was never resolved because by the time it 
came to court the commissioner had pulled the ball and at the beginning of 2007 went back
to the leather ball. This illustrated the problem of NBA officials and players not working
together. The good outcome from this situation was that apparent lack of communication has
been addressed and the league promises more player consultation on decisions from now

Not enough time

Not only were players caught off guard with the new basketball coming into their season, but 
they were given almost no time to practice with it. They began using at the start of practice
right before the season began and discovered immediately that the microfiber ball had
distinct differences from the leather ball that they had played with through their childhoods
and into their career. It bounced differently. It felt different. It didn't bounce off the rim in the
same way and it cut their hands. Before they had time to really study the effects of the ball,
the season began. Points did go up during the time the ball was used but so did turnovers
and missed opportunities. Players simply were not ready to begin with a new ball.

Missing the point entirely

Somehow, people in the conference were looking at TV ratings, endorsements, media

controversies, player issues, trading, dress codes, violence and the future while forgetting to
look at the one thing they probably should have considered first: the basketball. Basketball is
about the ball. Professional basketball players have used a leather ball as kids, as student 
athletes, and as professionals. All of a sudden the center of their game had been changed.

The good news for the NBA is that they were willing to recognize their mistake and in
midseason change the ball back to the leather ball players wanted. This move opened up the
door for renewed communication on behalf of players and management, and will hopefully
help both sides remember just what this sport is all about.

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Player-Dependent Basketball Offense

Offensive play is actually a team-dependent scheme. Each player must know their roles in
making points. While there may be players who can dominate games, all players must take
action in order to intensify all moves.

In this article, we have listed various responsibilities each player must take.

The Point Guard

He plays the offense and should at all times, watch the backcourt. He is more like an
extension of the coach in the court. Therefore, he must bear these qualities:

 Good ball handling including dribbling with both hands

 Good ball passing
 Must have good speed and agility
 Must have hard-nosed defense
 Must have good hits on outside shots especially in the absence of defense
 Must be able to dish-off and penetrate whenever possible
 Must have the ability to read the other team's defense
 Must have low ego and should not be mindful of the low publicity point guards receive

The Off-Guard

He is often referred to as the shooting guard or the second guard. In general, he is better
than the other guard. He must have the following qualities:

 Good handling and passing

 Must be agile and should have quick footwork
 Must be good in dribbling with both hands
 Must be instinctive while playing
 Must also be a good defensive player
 Must be consistent with 15-20 foot shot 
 Must be good at dishing off and penetration
 Must be good in reading defense play
 Must know the moves even without the ball
 His ego must also be kept low as his main objective is to help his teammates score
and put points on the board.

The Center

He is typically the tallest player on the court since he has to guard the inner court. He is one
of the most important players in the game. His qualities must be the following:

 Must be bale to move quickly

 Must be aggressive in terms of rebounding and blocking
 Must have a touch of arrogance mainly for intimidation. He is a king in his own

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 Must be good in short-range scoring

 Must have good skills with power lay-ups and make shots on either side of the basket.
 Must be good with jump shots and short hooks.
 Must be good in defensive leadership and should coordinate with his teammates
 Must have good handling, good jumping ability, excellent upper body strength and
strong hands
 Must take advantage of the defense play The Small Forward He is considered as the
most gifted player. He should have the following qualities:
 Must be especially fast 
 Must have good rebounding skills
 Must be a good ball grasper and passer
 Must be good in defense anywhere on the court 
 Must be excellent in scoring and fast breaks

The Power Forward He is more focused on the dirty works and is known for working as the
"enforcer", thus he doesn't receive much recognition. Nonetheless, his actions are vital in
offensive play. Like the center, he also controls the inside court. He must have the following

 Must have good rebounding skills both for defense and offense
 Must be a good scorer, passer and a gutsy dribbler
 Must be an excellent hard driver
 Must be an excellent runner and should go all the way when on a fast break

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5 Things To Look For In A Vertical Jump Program

If you're looking to improve your basketball skills and want to jump higher or even dunk,
vertical jump programs can help you out. Which jump programs actually deliver the goods
though? There are so many different ones out there, and most of them make claims that they
can't back up. If gaining 15 inches to your vertical without was really as easy as some
programs make you think, wouldn't everybody be dunking by now? So how can you find a
really good vertical program?

Here are the 5 things you should look for in a vertical jump program.

1. Uncomplicated instructions

It's important that you can understand what the creator of the program is talking about. It 
shouldn't matter if you're a beginner or a professional, the program should be easy for
anybody to start doing without a glossary of complicated terms and words.

2. Plyometrics and weighlifting workout routines

Only programs that have plyo and weight workouts are helpful. If the product you're looking
at doesn't have these things, there's no way it can help you jump higher. Plyometrics is all
about explosive movements, which is something you'll need when you try and dunk.

3. Customizable workouts

All athletes are at different stages, and what might work for you probably wouldn't work for
someone else. This is why it's very important that a program has enough workouts for
beginners, intermediate and advanced ballers. That way, if you're really good at plyometrics
workouts, but you've never lifted weights in your life, you can create a special workout made
up of the exact programs that you need.

4. Improves overall strength and speed

If you can jump higher, you should automatically be stronger and faster, so if you're only able
to jump an inch or two higher, the workout system you have is probably not helping you get 
stronger or faster.

5. Be Affordable

You shouldn't have to spend an arm and a leg just to jump high! There are some workouts out 
there that are worth the money, but very few of them actually are.

If you can find all five of these things in a vertical jump program, it's a good one, and you
should try it out.

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