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Witchlight Carnival

he Witchlight Carnival is a chaotic Most Likely Scenarios
canopy of amusing experiences. While
it is sure to bring a lot of entertainment Information about the various ways the
to the table, keeping track of everything characters can acquire this goal (use the fey
and everyone can be a daunting task! This crossing) is scattered throughout the chapter.
download aims to help the DM by providing: Here’s a brief summary of three likely scenarios:
• 2 Carnival Maps. Full-color VTT-ready maps • Burly’s Plan. When the mood in the carnival
for the Witchlight Carnival. becomes extreme or the characters perform
• Overview. A breakdown of the characters’ well at the “Big Top Extravaganza”, they are
goals at the carnival and how to achieve them. invited to meet with Mister Witch and Mister
• The Heist. Advice on when and how to run the Light. After the meeting, the bugbear Burly
heist featured in the chapter. asks them to steal the Witchlight watch and
• Sample Structure. A sample structure for the use it to blackmail his bosses. If the characters
chapter the DM can loosely follow. succeed, Witch and Light show the characters
• Locations in the Carnival. Troubleshooting of how to use the fey crossing to get to Prismeer.
various locations within the carnival. • Kettlesteam’s Plan. The characters become
aware of Kettlesteam, either because they’ve
spied on Witch and Light in the “Staff Area”, or
Chapter 1 Overview because they see her or hear about her at the
Whether or not they realize it, the characters are “Dragonfly Rides”, “Hall of Illusions”, “Pixie
at the Witchlight Carnival to find a fey crossing Kingdom”, or “Silversong Lake”. Kettlesteam
that can take them to Prismeer. This fey informs the characters about Prismeer and
crossing is within the “Hall of Illusions” and can urges the characters to steal the Witchlight
be opened with a specific incantation known to vane and use it to blackmail the carnival
the carnival’s owners Witch and Light (and the owners. If the characters succeed, Mister
planeswalker Ellywick Tumblestrum). Witch and Mister Light show the characters
The intention is that the characters will realize how to use the fey crossing to get to Prismeer.
that they need more information from Mister • Tumblestrum’s Intervention. The characters
Witch and Mister Light. This realization comes fail to find the fey crossing on their own and
from speaking with either Burly or Kettlesteam, are instead lead to it by the planeswalker
who also lets them know that to get the carnival Ellywick Tumblestrum. This is more of
owners talking, the characters must first steal a backup plan and should only be used if
either the Witchlight vane or the Witchlight necessary to get the adventure moving.
watch, and use it to blackmail Witch and Light.

Extreme Big Top Lost Pixie

Mood Extravaganza Property Kingdom

Meeting Mister Witch Staff Hall of Silversong

and Mister Light Area Illusions Lake

Burly’s Catching Dragonfly

Plan Kettlesteam Rides

Stealing the Fey Crossing Tumblestrum’s

Watch or Vane to Prismeer Intervention

Guiding the Characters The Backup Plan
It doesn’t matter overly much which of the Tumblestrum’s Intervention is, bluntly put, a
many paths the characters take to the feywild backup plan. It’s not a great one, however, as
crossing, just that they get there. A potential it basically robs the players of any sense of
issue with following Burly’s and Kettlesteam’s achievement, and should thus only be used if
plans are that the characters may not know that necessary (such as if the characters are caught
they want to go to Prismeer at all (if they are trying to steal from Witch and Light or somehow
using the Lost Things hook) or be interested in turn the carnival against them in another way).
things or people going missing (if they have the If the players are struggling to realize what
Warlock’s Quest hook). If that’s the case, they they’re supposed to do or follow the clues they
may not know to ask the right questions at the have, consider doing one of the following instead
right times and thus fail to realize what they of getting Tumblestrum involved right away:
need to do or where they need to go. To remedy • Have Burly seek out the characters on his
this, you can have various NPCs at the carnival own – perhaps they did something worthy of
be a bit more helpful with information: recognition, even if they didn’t earn a meeting
• Carousel. You can change one of the unicorn’s with Mister Witch or Mister Light quite yet –
secrets to: “The carnival holds a fey crossing and explain his suspicions and plans to them.
to Prismeer. Mister Witch and Mister Light • Have Kettlesteam seek out the characters on
know how to use it.” her own – perhaps she noticed that they also
• Dragonfly Rides. The treant sapling seemed to inquire with various folk around the
Northwind “is terrible at keeping secrets” but carnival – and tell them about her plans.
unfortunately for the characters, its secrets
aren’t very useful. You can have him sprinkle Note: Splitting the Party
in secrets such as “some things that are lost There’s a decent chance that the characters could
at the carnival seem to find their way to the become split up while at the carnival. Handling
Feywild” or “there’s a fey crossing in the a split party can be difficult for you and boring
carnival somewhere, but only Mister Witch for the players, as they have to take turns in the
and Mister Light know how to use it!” spotlight. If you want to avoid the party splitting
• Gondola Swans. Feathereen has some gossip up, the simplest solution is to tell your players
to share, but nothing truly groundbreaking. that you’d prefer if their characters stick together
You can have her whisper gossip such as “stuff to make things easier and more fun for everyone.
has been going missing from the carnival, and If the party does split up, a good tip is to
it seems only Mister Witch and Mister Light jump quickly between characters (or group of
know where, but they aren’t telling!” or “there’s characters), giving each a minute or two of play,
supposedly a crossing to the Feywild here at before quickly jumping to the next (“alright,
the carnival – isn’t that exciting?” so while that happens, what is the Sorcerer
• Lost Property. As they are looking for stuff doing?”). This way, there’s not too long between
they have lost at the carnival, it is likely the each player’s turn to be part of the action and
characters will head to “Lost Property” to players are less likely to grow restless.
look for it. In addition to having Dirlagraun
inform them that its bosses are on edge and
suggest the characters spy on them, you can
also have it tell them that “some things that
are lost at the carnival never find their way to
Lost Property – if anyone knows where these
things go, it is Mister Witch and Mister Light!”
• Burly’s Plan. If the characters don’t have
the Lost Things hook, they may not care
overly much about stuff going missing from
the carnival. In this case, you can have Burly
inform them that “if anyone knows where
there’s a fey crossing here at the carnival, it
has to be Mister Witch and Mister Light” to
provide some added incentive.

The Heist Note: Theft and Violence
We’re told that characters who are caught
The Heist – detailed under “Burly’s Plan”
stealing or fighting are escorted to the gates –
– describes how the characters can get
and then not much more. We do learn under
their hands on either the Witchlight vane or
“Staff Area” that characters who snoop around
Witchlight watch.
the staff area are evicted and “must find a way
When and Where to sneak or barter their way back in”. This is
Burly “proposes that the best time to swipe certainly one way to handle such a scenario – the
the watch is during the Big Top Extravaganza, characters can either sneak back in or barter for a
since it’s the only time when Witch and Light ticket with the goblin Nikolas Midnight.
are separated”. A bit further down under There is a chance, however, that the characters
“Burly’s Plan”, however, we’re told that the are unwilling to sneak back in or don’t realize
DM should “see ‘Timed Events’ later in the that it is an option to do so. There are a few ways
chapter for details of the coronation”, which you can avoid this becoming an issue:
seems to indicate that “Crowning the Witchlight • You can decide that characters who are caught
Monarch” is the ideal time for the heist. stealing are allowed to stay inside the carnival
This is also indicated under “Catching if they agree to wear a jingling jester’s hat (see
Kettlesteam” where we are told that Palasha below) for the remainder of their stay. This
and Candlefoot can become the characters’ cursed hat will make any theft or sneaking
allies if they recover Candlefoot’s voice, “which around nearly impossible!
could prove useful during the crowning of the • If a character would be thrown out for
Witchlight Monarch, as they both have roles to fighting, you could have Burly step in to tell
play in the coronation”. the Witchlight hands that he’ll escort the
This also makes sense as we are told that characters, and use this as an opportunity to
Mister Witch is in his wagon during the “Big Top have him tell the characters his plan.
Extravaganza” and thus not an easy target for • If the characters are evicted, Kettlesteam may
a heist. During the coronation, however, we are take notice and use this as an opportunity to
told specifically where he is (and that Dirlagraun speak with the characters. She can tell them
and Candlefoot, both of whom would be willing her plan, and also help them get back into the
to assist the characters, are near him). carnival either by distracting Nikolas Midnight
Finally, the coronation also takes place and the Witchlight hands at the entrance so
near the end of the carnival, which gives the the characters can sneak in or by giving them a
characters more time to experience the various handful of butterfly wings she has stolen.
events and locations – which is just more fun!
So, whether it is Burly or Kettlesteam who Jingling Jester's Hat
proposes the heist, it makes sense for them to Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
suggest the crowning of the Witchlight Monarch When you put on this magical jester’s hat you
as the ideal time for the heist. instantly attune to it. Attuning to the hat curses
you for 8 hours or until you are targeted by the
Witch and Light’s R eaction remove curse spell or similar magic. While cursed
The text isn’t altogether clear on how Witch this way, the hat sits tight on your head and can’t
and Light react to the theft, only that “they’d be removed.
prefer not to cause a scene in front of the guests While wearing the hat, you automatically fail
and promise to show the characters the way Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving
to Prismeer once the watch is returned.” This silently as the hat’s bells jingle constantly.
makes sense if the characters steal the watch
or vane without anyone noticing and then later
confronts them with the theft (perhaps with the
stolen item safely stowed away somewhere).
If the characters are caught during the act, it
makes more sense that Mister Witch or Mister
Light would simply take back whatever was
stolen right away (which is where Ellywick
Tumblestruck or one of the party’s allies at the
carnival could provide aid).

Sample Structure Hour 4: Big Top Extravaganza
The carnival has a lot of moving parts, fun When the characters have visited 3-5 locations
locations, and events – in other words, it is (which would roughly equate to 3-4 hours), it is
not necessarily easy to run. Below is a loose time for the Big Top Extravaganza. Make sure
structure you can follow as the characters go you urge the characters to perform as that will
through the carnival. If the characters stray help set up the meeting with Witch and Light.
from the structure (and it’s very likely they will), Meeting Witch and Light
don’t worry, this isn’t a structure you have to
follow strictly, just a helpful tool you can use to Whether it is because the carnival’s mood has
guide the action if it stalls. become extreme, the characters impressed at
the “Big Top Extravaganza”, or they confronted
Entering the Carnival Witch and Light after sneaking into the “Staff
The characters arrive at the carnival and meet Area”, the characters are likely to meet Witch
each other if they haven’t already. After getting and Light shortly before or after the “Big Top
their tickets, they receive a map of the carnival Extravaganza”. Run the meeting as described
from Nikolas Midnight, which they can use to in the book, but when Burly explains his plan
navigate. You can also give brief descriptions to the characters afterward, he suggests they
of the “Big Top”, “Bubble-Pop Teapot”, and perform the heist during the “Crowning of the
“Calliope” to the characters, all of which are Witchlight Monarch” event. Explaining that
near the entrance: there are several hours until then, he suggests
the characters enjoy themselves, or that they
The first thing you notice is a big, colorful seek out Dirlagraun, Candlefoot, and Palasha, to
tent directly ahead of the entrance. Near it get their aid if they haven’t done so already.
is a brightly painted wagon where a monkey If the characters have already talked with
wearing a cloak seems to be playing music Kettlesteam, it may work better to skip the
with a mechanical contraption. To your left, an meeting with Witch and Light, so the players
enormous teapot sends huge bubbles into the don’t think that this means they should try to
air with what looks like people inside. use this opportunity to steal from them.
None of these three locations have any Let them Wander
connection to the plot, so they will give the
While they kill time before the coronation
characters a soft introduction to the carnival.
the characters can visit more locations at the
Hour 1: Welcome Gifts carnival. If the players seem to be getting
After the characters have entered a location (or restless or have tried all the fun stuff, don’t be
if they seem hesitant and don’t know what to do), afraid to fast forward to the coronation.
run the “Hour 1: Welcome Gifts” event to get Hour 8: The Witchlight Monarch
things moving along.
During the crowning, the characters can attempt
Let Them Wander to steal the Witchlight watch from Witch, who’s
Armed with a map of the carnival, the players standing on the sideline with Dirlagraun and
should be able to decide for themselves where Candlefoot. If the characters have helped
they want to go. If they choose a location that Dirlagraun, it may distract Witch with a feigned
requires them to walk a bit, you can give a brief seizure or similar outburst while a character
description of each location they pass on the steals the watch. If the characters have helped
way. Also describe one carnival scene (pg. 28) Candlefoot, he can use his proficiency with
they witness on the way, to bring the carnival to Sleight of Hand to steal the watch for them.
life. Remember, the “Small Stalls” (pg. 43) aren’t Using the Fey Crossing
on the map, so if you want the characters to try
After securing the watch, the characters
some of these, you can describe a stall to them
blackmail Witch and Light to tell them what’s
each time they go from one location to another.
going on, which in turn lets them know about
If the characters go to the “Staff Area” to
the fey crossing if they don’t know about it
snoop around or go looking for Kettlesteam,
already. Witch and Light then lead the party
events should unfold as described in the book.
there and help them through. If the plan fails,
Otherwise, the characters can roam free until its
or the characters’ theft is noticed, Ellywick
time for the “Big Top Extravaganza”.
Tumblestrum shows up to get them through.

Locations in the Carnival Dragonfly R ides
Below are suggestions and advice for various As mentioned previously, you may want to have
locations at the carnival. Northwind divulge secrets such as “some things
that are lost at the carnival seem to find their
Ticket Booth way to the Feywild” or “there’s a fey crossing
The option to barter for a ticket is really fun but in the carnival somewhere – Mister Witch and
is only put forward if the characters can’t or Mister Light know how to use it!”
won’t pay for a ticket. Since the characters have
been given free tickets by Ellywick Tumblestrum
Feasting Orchard
and additional tickets are only 8 sp, it isn’t likely The pie-eating contest is a fun addition, just
that they will ask to barter for tickets. make sure that the players know that the
To make it more likely the characters use this custard damage they take isn’t permanent, if
fun option, you can decide that the characters they suddenly don’t feel like participating in the
aren’t given any free tickets. In addition, you contest after the first hit.
can have Nikolas put it forward as an option: In addition, consider using Ellywick – who’s
“The price is 8 silver pieces for an adult, but if present here – to give the characters clues or
you can’t pay, don’t worry, we can come to an hints if they speak with her. She knows a lot
arrangement!” and then explain the fey pact. about the carnival and what’s going on, so she
could easily provide any information you want to
Carousel the characters (such as letting them know that
The unicorns have some useful information only Witch and Light know where lost things
they can give the characters about Prismeer end up or where the fey crossing is).
and Zybilna if they paint them correctly. The
characters will only get the chance to do so,
G ondola Swans
however, if “Diana discovers that the characters As mentioned previously, you can make
are investigating the carnival for their own Feathereen’s rumors a bit more enticing by
reasons”. To make it more likely the characters adding in “stuff has been going missing from
get the chance to pain the unicorns and receive the carnival, and it seems only Witch and Light
the hints, you can have Diana realize the know where, but they aren’t telling!” or “there’s
characters’ potential and simply give them the supposedly a crossing to the Feywild here at the
opportunity even if they don’t ask. carnival – isn’t that exciting?”
As mentioned previously, you may also want In addition, if you change the events
to change one of the unicorns’ secrets to: “The surrounding Candlefoot and Palasha (see “Hall
carnival holds a fey crossing to Prismeer. Mister of Illusions” below) make sure that Feathereen
Witch and Mister Light know how to use it.” doesn’t mention a proposal, but instead explains
Additional Proverbs. The puzzle here relies how Palasha is upset because Candlefoot
on you picking proverbs you think your players refuses to speak with her.
would know. Below are some additional options: H all of Illusions
• A picture is worth a thousand words There are two main things happening at the
(Picture/W___S) “Hall of Illusions”. First, it’s where we find
• You reap what you sow (Reap/S__) Candlefoot, a Witchlight hand who’s depressed
• Blood is thicker than water (Blood/W___R) because he lost his voice in the middle of
• Don’t judge a book by its cover (Book/C____) a proposal, upsetting his beloved Palasha.
• Early bird catches the worm (Bird/W___) Second, a stray Tasha’s hideous laughter spell
• No gain without pain (Gain/P___) interrupts a proposal outside, causing the
• Out of sight, out of mind (Sight/M___) halfling Rubin Sugarwood to run into the “Hall
• People who live in glass houses shouldn’t of Illusions” and encounter a Thief of the Coven.
throw stones (Glass/S___S) It seems a bit too coincidental, and perhaps
• Practice makes perfect (Practice/P_____T) also confusing, that the characters should run
into two marriage proposals gone wrong at the
same location. To more clearly distinguish these
events, you can change it so that Palasha isn’t
angry because of a proposal gone wrong, but
because she believes Candlefoot doesn’t want to
speak with her anymore.


Lost Property Snail R acing
It is likely that the characters will go to “Lost The snail race is a fun event, but the rules can
Property” and meet Dirlagraun if they’re looking feel a bit convoluted. For ease of play, here is a
for things they have lost at the carnival. As summary of the rules:
mentioned previously, it may make sense to • A snail moves 80 feet per round.
have Dirlagraun suggest that Witch and Light • The race ends when one or more snails have
would know where the missing stuff is (because traveled 480 feet.
it isn’t with her). If you think it fits, you can • Each round, a jockey can make a Wisdom
also have Dirlagraun take Burly’s role and be (Animal Handling) check.
the one who suggests stealing the Witchlight 17 or more: the snail moves +20 feet;
watch to blackmail the carnival owners as she is 12–16: the snail moves +10 feet;
desperate to find out what has happened to her 7–11: the snail moves -10 feet;
cub Star. 6 or less: the snail moves -20 feet.
• If multiple snails cross the finish line in the
Mystery Mine same round, their jockeys roll a d20 each to
The mystery mine is a fun little ride, but it can determine the winner.
have dire consequences. Though it’s not likely • Each round, roll a d8 to determine a surprise
that a character would fail three saving throws, and a d8 to determine the affected snail.
it could happen, which would result in the
character having debilitating nightmares for
d8 Surprise
up to 8 days. Not only could this easily be fatal
(a few unlucky rolls in a row and the character 1–3 No surprise.
would die from exhaustion), but it will certainly 4 One random snail gets a stitch, reducing
make the character a lot less fun to play in a its speed by 40 feet this round.
campaign that could – theoretically – last less 5 A spectator throws a head of lettuce at one
than 8 days of in-game time. random snail. The snail stops to eat the
The simplest way to avoid this is to decide that lettuce and doesn’t move at all this round.
the nightmares last for three days, during which 6–7 One random snail is bolstered by the
the character must make a DC 12 Wisdom cheering crowd and moves an extra 20 feet
saving throw after each long rest. On a success, this round.
they lose one level of exhaustion (as a character 8 The saddle on one random snail comes
normally would after a long rest), but on a loose and falls off. The snail’s jockey must
failure, they instead gain one level of exhaustion. succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
This way, the nightmares won’t last the whole to remain atop the snail. On a failed save,
adventure and won’t ever become lethal. the jockey falls off, and the snail continues
the race on its own.

Staff A rea
Instead of having the characters be escorted
back to the gate if they are caught snooping
around here, you can have Burly take the
opportunity to explain his plan to them – it’d
make sense that he’d figure the characters to
be daring and resourceful enough to help him
if he catches them snooping around. You can
also make Burly’s motivations more clear to the
characters by having him mention his missing
brother as the reason why he’s willing to go
against his masters.


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