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ICAR JRF Physical Science - 2021

1. Terracing is an effective method of soil 8. Organic mulches are useful to

conservation in- (a) Increases evaporation
(a) Hilly area (b) Decrease evaporation
(b) Plain area (c) Increase evapotranspiration
(c) Desert area (d) Increase potential evapotranspiration
(d) Coastal regions 9. The size of a Micro watershed is
2. Ploughing across the slope in hilly area (a) 100 to 1,000 ha
is called (b) 1,000 to 10,000 ha
(a) Terracing (c) 10,000 to 50,000 ha
(b) Crop rotation (d) Greater than 50,000 ha
(c) contour ploughing 10. In Wind Erosion Equation
(d) No till farming E = f (I x k x C x L x V), I denotes
3. Shifting cultivation practiced in North (a) Soil erodibility index
East India is called (b) Soil surface roughness
(a) Sawami cultivation (c) Climate factor
(b) Jhum cultivation (d) Vegetable cover
(c) Harsi cultivation 11. Rain gauge is used for measuring of
(d) Solum cultivation (a) Irrigation
4. Advance stage of sheet erosion (b) Drainage
(a) Splash erosion (c) Rainfall
(b) Rill ersion (d) Runoff
(c) Gully erosion 12. Identify the series with decreasing of
(d) Rain drop erosion water use efficiency.
5. Which crops cover the largest area under (a) i. Pitcher pot irrigation, ii. Drip
drip irrigation in India? irrigation, iii. Sprinkler irrigation, iv,
(a) Field crops Surface irrigation
(b) Silviculture crops (b) i. Surface irrigation, ii. Sprinkler
(c) Horticulture crops irrigation, iii. Drip irrigation, iv. Pitcher
(d) Agrisilviculture crops pot
6. Which of the following practice does (c) i. Drip irrigation, ii. Sprinkler
NOT contriubute to in-situ moisture irrigation, iii. surface irrigation, iv.
conservation? pitcher pot
(a) Live mulching (d) i. Sprinkler irrigation, ii. Surface
(b) Straw mulching irrigation, iii. Pitcher pot irrigation, iv.
(c) Plastic mulching Drip irrigation.
(d) Weeding 13. The land capability classes suitable for
7. The quality of water required to cultivation are
irrigation one hectare area with 4 cm (a) I - IV
deep water is (b) V - VIII
(a) 4,00,000 liters (c) II - V
(b) 40,000 liters (d) II - VI
(c) 4,000 liters
(d) 40,00,000 liters
14. The most erosion resistance crop is (d) Wheat
(a) Black gram 22. In the rainfed wheat crop fields, susanta
(b) Maize soil water potential is normally
(c) Jowar (a) Positive
(d) Bajra (b) Zero
15. Soil particles size in suspension (c) Negative
phenomenon during wind erosion is (d) Unit
(a) < 0.1 mm 23. Direct method for the determination of
(b) 0.1 – 0.5 mm soil moisture is
(c) 0.5 – 1.0 mm (a) Gravimetric method
(d) > 1.0 mm (b) Gypsum block method
16. Agronomical measure for soil (c) Tensiometer method
conservation is (d) Pressure plate apparatus method
(a) Contour furrow 24. Micro sprinkler method of irrigation
(b) Contour ridge has the advantages of both
(c) Strip cropping (a) Sprinkler and drip irrigation
(d) Contour ridge and furrow methods
17. The irrigation likely to be used, where (b) Sprinkler and surface irrigation
water supply is ample and market value methods
of crop is low is (c) Drip and surface irrigation methods
(a) Drip irrigation (d) Surface and subsurface irrigation
(b) Check basin irrigation methods
(c) wild flooding irrigation 25. Besides Rabi and Kharif which is the
(d) sprinkler irrigation thrids crop season in India
18. Silviculture is related with the study of (a) Zaid
(a) Grasses (b) Barsati
(b) Forestry (c) Sharad
(c) Vegetables (d) Winter
(d) Agriculture growth 26. Diversified farming system is
19. World Soil Day is celebrated every otherwise known as
year on (a) Integrated Farming System
(a) 10th September (b) Hilly Farming
(b) 5th October (c) Jhum Farming
(c) 10th November (d) Terrace Farming
(d) 5th December 27. The term Agronomy is derived from
20. Pressure plate apparatus is used for (a) German word
measurement of soil moisture tension (b) Latin word
Up to (c) Spanish word
(a) 4.2 bars (d) Greek word
(b) 0.33 bar 28. The most advanced and efficient
(c) 30.0 bars practice of fertilization is
(d) 15.0 bars (a) Drip fertigation
21. Which of the following crops has (b) Row application of fertilizer
minimum water requirement? (c) Ring application of fertilizer
(a) Rice (d) Topdressing of fertilizer
(b) Sugarcane
(c) Maize
29. Which of the following programme has (c) Cold wind makes the surface water
considered the “poorest of the poor” to freeze
people as its target group? (d) Ice is denser than liquid water
(a) Training of Rural Youth for Self- 33. Height of capillary rise of water in soil
Employment (TRYSEM) is
(b) Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) (A) Inversely proportional to the radius
(c) Integrated Rural Development of the tube
Programme (IRDP) (B) Inversely proportional to the
(d) Jawahar Nehru Rozgar Yojana density of water
(JRY) (C) Direct proportional to the radius of
30. The strategic Research Extension Plan water
(SREP) is related with (D) Directly proportional to the
(a) National Institue of Agriculture hydrostatic pressure difference
Extension Management (MANAGE) (E) Inversely proportional to the
(b) Agricultural Technology surface tension of water
IList I List II Choose the correct answer from the
nA. Saturated flow in options given below:
I. Wien‟s law
fsoil (a) A, B and D only
oB. Soil textural II. Darey‟s law (b) A only
ranalysis (c) A, b and E only
m (d) D and E only
C. Wavelength of III. Kirchhoff‟s law
a 34. Which of the following is typically a
emitted radiation-
ttemperature relation non-expanding clay mineral?
i (a) Montmorillonite
D. Diffusive flux of IV. Stokes law
o (b) Illite
n (c) Vermiculite
V. Fick‟s law
(d) Kaolinite
Centre (ATIC) 35. Match List I with List II
(c) Agricultural Technology Choose the correct answer from the
Management Agency (ATMA) options given below:
(d) National Bank for Agricultural and (a) A – II, B – IV, C – III, D - V
Rural Development (NABARD) (b) A – II, B – IV, C – I, D - III
31. Which of the following soil water (c) A – II, B – IV, C – I, D - V
matric potential corresponds to field (d) A – II, B – III, C – I, D - V
capacity soil water content 36. Given below are two statements, one is
(a) pF 2.5 labelled as Assertion A and the other is
(b) Pf 4.2 labelled as Reason R
(c) Pf 1.0 Assertion A: Mulch conserves soil
(d) pF 0 moisture
32. A layer of ice is formed on the surface Reasons R: Mulches cut off solar
of lakes in cold regions because: radiation falling on soil surface and
(a) Ice is the less dense than liquid reduce evaporation
water In light of the above statement, choose
(b) There is no exchange of heat the correct answer from the options
between water below and the cold air given below
above (a) Both A and R are true and R is the
correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT Choose the correct answer from the
the correct explanation of A options given below:
(c) A is true but R is false (a) A, B and D only
(d) A is false but R is true (b) A, B, and C only
37. The term „GPS‟ stands for: (c) B, D and E only
(a) Geographical Positioning System (d) A, D and E only
(b) Global projection System 42. Evapotranspiration is directly measured
(c) Global Positioning Science by
(d) Global Positioning System (a) Pan evaporimeter
38. Indian Space Research organization is (b) Penman- Monteith equation
located in (c) Hygrometer
(a) New Delhi (d) Lysimeter
(b) Ahmedabad 43. Which of the following radiation laws
(c) Hyderabad describes the relations between peak
(d) Bangalore wavelength and temperature of an
39. Arrange the following forms of soil emitting body?
consistency in relation to increasing (a) Kirchhoff‟s
soil wetness (b) Planck‟s
(a) Soft (c) Stefan-Boltzmann‟s
(b) Friable (d) Wien‟s
(c) Sticky 44. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is
(d) Plastic measured in the field by
(e) Harsh (a) Constant head permeameter
Choose the correct answer from the (b) Tensiometer
options given below (c) Infiltrometer
(a) A, B, C, D, E (d) Guelph permeameter
(b) A, C, D, B, E 45. The soil infiltrability is
(c) C, D, A, B, E (a) Supply controlled
(d) E, B, A, D, C (b) atmosphere controlled
40. Which of the following is NOT true?(a) (c) soil profile controlled
Soil aeration depends on volume (d) only top few cm layer controlled
fraction of air – filled pores 46. Who among the following is creadited
(b) Soil air has similar gaseous for developing the concept of SRI
composition as of atmosphere (System of Rice Intensification)
(c) Soil aeration is restricted in (a) Henri de Laulanie
compacted soil (b) Yuan Longping
(d) Manuring increases CO2 content in (c) MS Swaminathan
soil (d) Norman E. Borlaug
41. The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite 47. Golden rice is rich in
(IRS) (a) Vitamin A
(A) look over a fixed point at the same (b) Vitamin B
local time. (c) Vitamin C
(B) are at a low altitude (<1000 km) (d) Vitamin K
(c) are used for weather forecasting 48. What is the percentage of freshwater
(d) have large agricultural and natural used in agriculture globally?
resource applications (a) 90%
(b) 70%
(c) 50% (d) Although limited to < 1 bar matric
(d) 30% potential this range can be increased by
49. Which of the following compound increasing permeability of its porous
releases heart when dissolved in water? cup
(a) Barium chloride Choose the correct answer from the
(b) Ammonium chloride options given below?
(c) Lead chloride (a) A, B and C only
(d) Calcium chloride (b) A, B and D only
50. When dissolved in water, which of the (c) A and D only
following produces an ionic solution? (d) A, B, C and D only
(a) O2 55. Given below are two statements one is
(b) CH4 labelled as Assertion A and the other is
(c) CaCl2 labelled as Reason R
(d) C12H22O11 Assertion A : Equilibrium water
51. Spectroscopy deals with interaction of content in soils at a certain matric
electromagnetic radiation with matter. potential is higher when the soil is
What is the speed of this radiation in under drying process (desorption)
vacuum in m/s? compared to when the soil is under
(a) 6 ×108 wetting process (sorption).
(b) 5 ×108 Reason R : Contact angle between
(c) 4 ×108 water and the soil solid phase is greater
(d) 3 ×108 during imbition of water than during
52. Directorate of Wheat Research (DWR) drainage.
is located at In light of the above statements, choose
(a) Hyderabad the most appropriate answer from the
(b) New Delhi options given below
(c) Indore (a) Both A and R are correct and R is
(d) Karnal the correct explanation of A
53. „Hidden hunger‟s in plants means (b) Both A and R are correct but R is
(a) Visual deficiency symptoms only NOT the correct explanation of A
when the nutrient is deficient (c) A is the correct but R is not correct
(b) Severe yield reduction may occur (d) A is not correct but R is correct
without appearance of deficiency 56. Volumetric composition of soil solid is:
symptoms (a) 25%
(c) The nutrient is not actually deficient (b) 45%
but apparently seems to be deficient (c) 50%
(d) Visual deficiency symptoms of a (d) 5 %
element are suppressed by other 57. Which oil has the maximum bulk
elements density
54. Which of the following statement(s) (a) Silty Clay Loam
is/are true for tensiometer? (b) Clayey
(a) It measured soil water matric (c) Loamy
potential (d) Sandy
(b) It is simple in operation and very 58. Which of the following step is NOT
useful for scheduling irrigation associated with particle size analysis?
(c) It can also be used for measuring (a) Dispersion
soil water flux (b) Fractionation
(c) Flocculation (a) A horizon
(d) Sedimentation (b) B horizon
59. The angle formed between oxygen and (c) C horizon
hydrogen in water molecule is (d) E horizon
(a) 50° 65. Which of the following is the active
(b) 75° farmers in soil development
(c) 100° (a) Parent Material
(d) 105° (b) Topography
60. Given below are two statements (c) Organisms
Statement I: Chemical weathering (d) Time or Age of the soil
involves with disintegration and 66. Match List I with List II
decomposition of minerals
Statement II: Biological weathering List I List II
accelerates physical and chemical Weathering Weathering process
weathering reactions
In light of the above statements, choose A. Removal I. Elluviation
the correct answer from the options of iron and
given below aluminium
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II oxides humus
are true etc in a humid
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II climate
are false B. Reduction II. Podisation
(c) Statement I is true but Statement II of iron in the
is false waterlogged
(d) Statement I is false but Statement II horizon
is true C. III. Gleisation
61. Who is called Father of Pedology Intermixing
(a) N.C. Brady of the
(b) E.W. Hillgard horizons
(c) H. Jenny D. IV. Pedoturbation
(d) V.V. Dokuchaev Mobilisation
62. Which of the following soil types has and
highest clay content? translocation
(a) Silty clay loam of Fe & Al
(b) Silty clay oxides humus,
(c) Sandy loam CaCO3 and
(d) Silty loam other salts
63. Which does NOT belong to the soil Choose the correct answer from the options
order in Soil Taxonomy? given below:
(a) Oxisols (a) A – III, B – II, C- I, D- IV
(b) Andisols (b) A – II, B- III, C – IV, D – I
(c) Podsols (c) A – I, B – III, C – II, D - IV
(d) Gelisols (d) A – IV, B – III, C-III, D- I
64. Which of the horizons of a soil profile 67. Given below are two statements
represents the zone of accumulation of Statement I: The epipedon which is
clay sesquioxides, humus alone or in light in colour and contains < 1%
organic matter is known as ochric List I List II
epiopedon Structural Type of the
Statement II: Dark coloured epipedon characteristics of the clay
having > 50% base saturation and minerals mineral
organic matter of >1% is known as A. Presence of K ion in I.
Histic epipedon the interlayer space of Vermiculite
In light of the above statements, choose crystal structure in clay
the correct answer from the options minerals
given below B Mg ions are adsorbed II. Smectite
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II between the crystal
are true units of clay minerals
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II C. Presence of one III. Illite
are false brucite layer (Mg3)
(c) Statement I is true but Statement II (OH)6 along with 2 : 1
is false type of clay mineral in
(d) Statement I is false but Statement II the crystal lattice
is true D. 2 : 1 type of IV. Chlorite
68. Which of the following relationship is expanding minerals
correct Choose the correct answer from the
(a) CH+ + COH - = 14 options given below:
(b) CH+ X COH - = 14 (a) A – II, B -IV, C – III, D - I
(c) pH + pOH = 14 (b) A – I, B – III, C – II, D - IV
(d) pH x pOH = 14 (c) A – III, B- I, C – IV, D - II
69. In the irrigation water quality (d) A – II, B – I, C – IV, D - III
classification high salinity class 73. Which of the following structure is
represent EC (dS/m) in the rate of - most desirable for agriculture
(a) 0 – 0.25 operations
(b) .025 – 0.50 (a) Prismatic
(c) 0.50 – 0.75 (b) Platelike
(d) 0.75 – 2.25 (c) Subangular blocky
70. Which of the following soil suborder (d) Crumb
belongs to the soil order of inceptisols? 74. Given below are two statements
(a) Aquents Statement I : Higher exchangeable
(b) Ustalfs sodium (>15%) makes the soil
(c) Andepts dispersed and favours soils crustation.
(d) Udults Statement II: Exchangeable calcium in
71. Stokes law suggests that the velocity of soil helps in forming stable soil
fall of particles is directly proportional aggregates by its effect of flocculation.
to In light of the above statement choose
(a) Density of the particle the correct answer from the options
(b) Density of the suspension given below?
(c) Radius of the particle In light of the above statements, choose
(d) Viscosity of the medium the correct answer from the options
72. Match List I with List II given below
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II
are true
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II 81. which of the following is NOT related
are false to anion exchange capacity?
(c) Statement I is true but Statement II (a) Dissociation of carboxyl and
is false phenolic group on broken crystal edges
(d) Statement I is false but Statement II (b) Dissociation of OH ions from AI-
is true OH group on the broken crystal edges
75. In which of the indices of soil structure, and addition of H ion on these sites
the logarithm of mean diameter is used (c) Dissociation of OH ion from Al-OH
(a) Mean weight diameter group on the broken crystal edges and
(b) Geometric mean diameter addition of H ion on these sites
(c) Structure coefficient (d) Addition of H ion on humus micelle
(d) Dispersion coefficient 82. Phosphorus is taken up by the plant
76. The organisms Cyanobacteria were form the soil in the form of
formerly known as (a) H2PO4- only
(a) Blue green algae (b) HPO4 only
(b) Beijerinckia (c) PO43- only
(c) Green green algae (d) Both H2PO42-
(d) Streptococci 83. Die-back symptoms is citrus are
77. Which of the following biofertilizer is observed due to the deciency of
used to fix Nitrogen from the (a) Copper
atmosphere non symbiotically (b) Boron
(a) Rhizobium (c) Potassium
(b) Azolla (d) Calcium
(c) Azotobactor 84. Soil pH is measured from the soil water
(d) Azospirillum suspension in the ratio of
78. The oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) is (a) 1 : 1
measured by the method of (b) 1 : 2.5
(a) Neutron scattering (c) 1 : 5
(b) Gamma – ray attenuation (d) 1 : 10
(c) Platinum microelectrode 85. The structural formula of
(d) Thermocouple psychometer Phyllosilicates is
79. Rate of flow of water through a porous (a) SiO44-
medium under unit hydraulic gradients (b) Si2O76-
is known as (c) Si2O52-
(a) Flux density (d) SiO32-
(b) Hydraulic conductivity 86. Which of the following is the
(c) Permeability concentrated organic manure
(d) Infiltration capacity (a) FYM
80. Which of the following element is the (b) Compost
latest inclusion as the essential nutrient (c) Bone meal
element. (d) Cow dung
(a) Boron 87. Which of the following methods
(b) Cobalt CANNOT be used to prevent N loss
(c) Chlorine through denitrification?
(d) Nickel (a) Use of non – nitrate fertiliser
(b) Use of nitrate fertilizer
(c) Split application of fertiliser
(d) Deep placement of fertiliser subsurface horizon
88. Match List I with List II Choose the correct answer from the options
given below:
List I List II (a) A – III, B – IV, C – II, D - I
Role of the nutrient Nutrient elements (b) A – II, B – I, C – IV, D - III
A. Energy carrier I. MO (c) a – II, B – IV, C – III, D- I
B. Constituent of II. P (d) A – IV, B – II, C – I, D - III
chlorophy II 92. In which of the following Aozlla
C. Nitrate reductase III. Zn symbiotically associates to fix
D. Khaira disease IV. Mg atmospheric nitrogen
Choose the correct answer from the options (a) Bacteria
given below: (b) Algae
(a) A- I, B – III, C- II, D - IV (c) Virus
(b) A – IV , B – II, C – III, D - I (d) Fungi
(c) A – II, B – II, C – III, D - I 93. The organisms involved in the process
(d) A – II, B – IV, C – I, D - III of conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas
89. Which soil has more K fixation capacity is
(a) Montmorillonite (a) Nitrobacter
(b) Vermiculite (b) Azotobactor
(c) Illite (c) Thiobacillus
(d) Kaolinite (d) Nitrocystis
90. The process by which protein and 94. Given below are two statements
proteinaceous compounds are Statement I : The permanent negative
decomposed into amino acids or charges result from the isomorphous
amines is known as substitution
(a) Aminization Statement II : The permanent negative
(b) Ammonification results from exposed crystal edges
(c) Immobilization In light of the above statements, choose
(d) Nitrification the correct answer from the options
91. Match List I with List II given below
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II
List I List II are true
Diagnostic Soil order (b) Both Statement I and Statement II
characteristics are false
A. Clay rich, presence I. Alfisols (c) Statement I is true but Statement II
of Smectite type of is false
clay mineral (d) Statement I is false but Statement II
B. Frigid and pergelic II. Inceptisols is true
soils temperature 95. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrihzae play
regime active role in increasing the availability
C. Immature soil, III. Vertisols of
presence of cambic, (a) N (b) P
umbric, and mollic (c) Ca (d) S
horizon 96. The term oligotrophic refers to
D.Ochric apipedon IV. Gleeisols (a) Higher nutrients in water
with an argillic (b) High aquatic productivity
(c) Algal blooms
(d) Low nutrients and low productivity (a) Pyrethrum
97. Organic nutrients in water bodies (b) Permethrin
promote- (c) Cypermethrin
(a) Growth of natural population of (d) Imidaclorpid
aquatic bacteria 105. Which pesticide is most persistent in
(b) Biological Oxygen Demand environment ?
(c) Eutrophication (a) Malathion
Choose the most appropriate answer (b) Dieldrin
from the options given below (c) Carbofuran
(a) A only (d) Indoxacarb
(b) B only 106. Cobalt is a constituent of
(c) C only (a) Flolic acid
(d) All A, B and C (b) Vitamin B 12
98. The running water is called (c) Niacin
(a) Lentic (d) Biotin
(b) Lotic 107. The nucleic acid base found in mRNA
(c) Mesic but bot in DNA is
(d) Xeric (a) Adenine
99. Spent wash is highly polluted effluent (b) Cytosine
released from (c) Guanine
(a) Pulp and paper industry (d) Uracil
(b) Tannery 108. 𝛼-D-Glucose + 1120 →+52.50 ←+190
(c) Sugar industry βD- glucose
(d) Distillery industry For glucose, the above reaction
100. Ecological or physiological races are represents
also known as (a) Optical isomerism
(a) Ecads (b) Mutarotation
(b) Ecotone (c) Epimerisation
(c) Ecophens (d) D and L isomerism
(d) Ecotypes 109. In the diet of a diabetic patient the
101. The first antibiotic discovered was recommended carbohydrate intake
(a) Streptomycin should preferably be in
(b) Penicillin (a) Monosaccharides
(c) Gentamycin (b) Dissaccharids
(d) Griessofulvin (c) Polysaccharides
102. Which of the following is used as (d) Oligosacchrides
herbicidal agent? 110. Ninhydrin with evolution of CO2 forms
(a) DDT a blue complex with
(b) BHC (a) Peptide bond
(c) 2, 4-D (b) Serotonin
(d) Chloroquene (c) 𝛼-Amino acid
103. Butachlor belongs to (d) Histamine
(a) Amide group 111. Which one is correctly matched?
(b) Sulfonyl urea group (a) Carbamates - malathion
(c) Urea group (b) Organophosphates - carbofuran
(d) Pyridine group (c) Pyrethroid - parathion
104. Which is plant originated insecticide? (d) Organochlorine - endosulfan
112. Toxins exuded from the roots of plants 120. For the effective control of early blight
into sols are called? of potato which fungicide is most
(a) Pyrethrins suitable?
(b) Repellants (a) Zineb
(c) Rotenones (b) Dithane M-45
(d) Phytoallexins (c) Blitox – 50
113. The chemical obtained from (d) Difolatan
chrysanthemum that has insecticidal
properties is
(a) Pyrethrum
(b) Pathogen
(c) Parasite
(d) Parathyroid
114. Which is major component of
Bordeaux mixture?
(a) Copper sulphate
(b) Sodium chloride
(c) Calcium chloride
(d) Magnesium sulphate
115. Which one is the most effective and
most commonly used repellent to
control insect?
(a) Rutegar-622
(b) Deet (Di ethyl meta-toluanmide )
(c) Oil of citronella
(d) Indalone
116. Nicotine belong to
(a) Terpenoids
(b) An alkaloids
(c) Steriods
(d) Carotenoids
117. Highly toxic insecticide , according to
WHO classification are coded as
(a) Red
(b) Green
(c) Yellow
(d) Blue
118. Agrocin – 84 is
(a) Antibiotic
(b) Bacteriocin
(c) Phenolic compound
(d) Enzyme
119. Pendimethalin is used as
(a) Insecticide
(b) Herbicide
(c) Fungicide
(d) Acaricide

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