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Faculty of Management and Social Sciences

Department of Politics and International Relations
2022/2023 Academic Session



Course Code: PIR 401

Course Title: Foreign Policy Analysis
No. of Units: 3
Status: Compulsory/ Elective Compulsory

Name: EmmaJimo
Qualifications: BA, PGDE, MA, MSc, MEd., PhD
Phone: 07032306834
E-mail: [email protected]
Area of Specialization: International Relations, Political Communication, Political
Leadership Development, North-South Development Dichotomy

The course focuses on the various frameworks of analysis in the study of foreign policy. The
processes of decision making, institutions and structures, personal idiosyncrasies involved in the
foreign policy making and implementation; the psychological and operational environments as
perceived by decision makers, the dynamic nature of foreign policy and the attendant challenges;
instruments of foreign policy implementation; specific case studies, relating to decision making
and implementation.

The course is designed to expose the student to the whole field of discussion by scholars. This is
with a view to ensuring students' deep understanding of and familiarity with the various
approaches/dimensions scholars have preoccupied themselves with.



Class Attendance: 5 Marks
Test(s) 35 Marks
Final Examination 60 Marks


Weeks Topics

Week The concepts in

1 foreign policy
analysis; foreign
policy formulation,
and national interest
Week Foreign policy
2 implementation
options/instruments or
Week Layers, perspectives or
3 levels of analysis of
foreign policy

Week 4 Layers, perspectives or
levels of analysis of
foreign policy
Week 5 Instruments of foreign
policy – Political,
Week 6 Case studies in foreign
policy: Nigeria
Week 7 Case studies in foreign
policy: the United
States of America and
Week 8 Case studies in foreign
policy: China
Week 9 Case studies in foreign
policy: Cuban missile
crises, the 1979
Iranian revolution and
challenges in foreign

Week The September 11,

10 2001 attacks on the
United States in the
New York and
Washington D.C;

International responses
to the Arab Spring of

Week Class presentations

11 and recapitulation
Week Examination


1. Frankel, J. “The Making of Foreign Policy: An analysis of Decision making

2. Houghton, D. P. “US Foreign Policy and Iran Hostages Crisis” CUP 2000
3. Hagan, M. J. “The Ambiguous Legacy U.S. Foreign Policy in the American Century, CUP
4. Hans J. Morganthau “Politics Among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace”
5. AlabaOgunsanwo “Selected Essays on Politics and International Relations”

6. Alaba Ogunsanwo “Politics, Law and Diplomacy”

7. Goldstein, J. & K Cohere, R. “Ideas and Foreign Policy” 1995

8. Walker, S. “Role Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis”
9. Lentneer, H. H. “Foreign Policy Analysis a comparative and conceptual Approach”
10. Merit, R. L. (cd) “Foreign Policy Analysis”
11. Northedge, “The Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics”
12. Black J. E. “Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics”
13. Waltz, K. P. “Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics”
14. Misra, K. M. “Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics”
15. Beloff, K. P. “ Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics”
16. “Foreign Policy and Developing Nation” Butwell, R.
17. Rosenan, J. N. (Ed) “Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy”
18. Halperin, T. “Foreign Policy Crises: appearance and reality in decision making and
democratic politics”
19. Syndner, R. C. “Foreign Policy in Perspective Strategy, Adaptation: “Decision Making”

20. Bloomfield, L. P. “The Foreign Policy Process: making Theory Relevant”
21. Bacchus, W. I., Foreign Policy and the Bureaucratic Process”
22. Frankel, J. “National Interest”
23. C. Beard “The Idea of National Interest”
24. J. N. Rosenau “The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy”
25. G. O. Olusanya and R. A. Akindele “The strucuture and Processes of foreign policy
making and implementation in Nigeria, 1960 to 1990.

Tutorial Questions

1. Define foreign policy severally, stating the relevance of interest in the analysis of foreign
2. Whose interest – national, group, institutional, personal or class in the analysis of foreign
3. Examine the foreign policy making process of any country you have studied.
4. Examine the connectedness between foreign policy and national interest.
5. Discuss the instruments of foreign policy.
6. With reference to one or two countries, examine the roles institutions and structures play
in the making of foreign policy
7. The mass media in shaping and reflecting public opinion influence decision making in
foreign policy. To what extent would you agree?
8. Examine the political and economic instruments in the foreign policy implementation
9. The psychological and military instruments in foreign policy implementation are complex
and are therefore to be carefully applied. Discuss.
10. Extensively discuss Nigeria’s foreign policy during the period between 1960 and 1970.
11. To what extent can internal developments such as the civil war, June 12, Ogoni Nine, and
Boko Haram can be said to have had impact on Nigeria’s foreign policy.
12. Discuss the foreign policy of any of these following: the USA, China, Russia, Japan, and
the United Kingdom.
13-15. Examine meaningfully two (2) of the listed case studies below:
i. The 1962 Cuban Missile crisis

ii. The 1967 six day war between Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Syria
iii. The July 1979 nationalization of British Petroleum assets in Nigeria by General
Obasanjo’s government
iv. The 1979 Iranian revolution and challenges in foreign policy
v. The September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States in the New York and
Washington D.C
vi. International responses to the Arab Spring of 2010/2011

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