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Human resource managers generally exert _____ within

INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN the human resources department and _____ outside the
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT human resources department.
a. Line authority; staff authority
A series of actions that aim to achieve the goals of an b. Staff authority; line authority
organization. c. Functional authority; line authority
a. Recruitment d. Staff authority; implied authority
b. Management
c. Organization Which of the following is most likely a line function of the
d. Job Analysis human resource manager?
a. Ensuring that line managers are implementing HR
When managers use metrics to assess performance and policies
then develop strategies for corrective action, they are b. Advising top managers about how to implement
performing the _________ function of the management labor laws
process. c. Representing the interest of employees to senior
a. Staffing management
b. Planning d. Directing the activities of subordinates in the HR
c. Controlling department
d. Directing
An HR generalist at Wilson Manufacturing has been
Claire spends most of her times at work establishing goals assigned to the sales department to provide HR
for her staff of fifty employees and developing procedures management assistance as needed. Which of the following
for various tasks. In which function of the management best describes the structure of the HR services provided at
process does Claire spend most of her time? Wilson Manufacturing?
a. Planning a. Shared HR teams
b. Organizing b. Embedded HR teams
c. Staffing c. Centers of expertise
d. Leading d. Corporate HR teams
Which of the following is not a function of human Which organizations of the human resource function
resources management? involves dedicated HR members that assist top
a. Recruits qualified applicants for the job vacancies. management in issues such as developing the personnel
b. Make sure that the company complies with the aspects of the company’s long-term strategic
Labor Code. a. Shared HR teams
c. Analyzes financial reports and makes decisions b. Embedded HR teams
form it. c. Centers of expertise
d. Formulate and implement training programs. d. Corporate HR teams

Wilmer works in the HR department and is in charge of _____ refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales,
developing the plans for how people are paid and how the ownerships, and/or manufacturing to new markets
employee benefits program is run. Wilmer is most likely abroad.
holding the position of_____ a. Expansions
a. Training specialist b. Globalization
b. Recruiter c. Export growth
c. Compensation manager d. Diversification
d. Job analyst
What term refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
The HRM Function started as a mere administrative a firm’s workers?
function in a business enterprise. a. Human resources
True b. Human capital
c. Intangible assets
The following are the three product lines of HR, except: d. Contingent personnel
a. Administrative services and transactions.
b. Strategic partner Which management style is suitable for knowledge
c. Business partner services. workers?
d. Welfare services a. Empowering
b. Autocratic
Personnel activities associated with human resource c. Authoritarian
management most likely include all of the following d. Commanding
a. Orienting and training new employees It is a systematic planned strategic effort by a company to
b. Appraising employees performances attract, retain, develop, and motivate highly skilled
c. Building employees commitment employees and managers.
d. Developing customer relationships a. Empowerment
b. Management
No one wants to make mistakes, least of all managers. c. Talent Management
Which one of the following is NOT a personnel mistake? d. Employee Retention
a. Waste time with useless interviews.
b. Hire the wrong person
c. Have your people demotivated and exhausted
d. Experience low turnover
What is the term for work forces like those at the company The information resulting from a job analysis is used for
Uber, where freelancers and independent contractors writing____
work when they can, on what they want to work on , and a. Job description
when the company need them? b. Corporate objectives
a. Telecommuters c. Personnel questionnaires
b. Human capital d. Training requirement
c. Job-analyst
d. On-demand workers All of the following types of information will most likely be
collected by a human resources specialist through a job
The recent trend where in some occupations (such as high analysis EXCEPT_____
tech) unemployment rates are low, while in others a. Work activities
unemployment rates are still very high and recruiters in b. Human behaviors
many companies can’t find candidates, while in others c. Performance standards
there’s a wealth of candidates is called____ d. Employee benefits options
a. Talent analyst
b. Globalization A manager uses the information in a job analysis for all of
c. Unbalanced labor force the following EXCEPT_____
d. Human capital a. Assessing training requirements
b. Complying with labor regulations
Which term refers to exporting jobs to lower-cost locations c. Determining appropriate compensation
abroad? d. Providing accurate performance appraisals
a. Freelancing
b. Offshoring Which one of the following most likely to depends on a
c. Rightsizing job’s required skills, education level, safety hazards, and
d. Warehousing degree of responsibility?
a. Employee compensation
Evidence-based human resource management relies on all b. Organizational
of the following types of evidence EXCEPT_____ c. Annual training requirements
a. Scientific rigor d. Job specifications
b. Existing data
c. Research studies Jennifer, a manager at an engineering firm, has been
d. Qualitative opinions assigned the task of conducting a job analysis. What should
be Jennifer’s first step in the process?
Distributed HR is the idea that more and more human a. Deciding how the gathered information will be
resource management tasks are now being redistributed used
from a central HR department to the company’s employees b. Collecting data on job activities and working
and line managers. conditions
True c. Selecting representative job positions to assess
d. Reviewing relevant background information
This type of organization embraces a culture of lifelong
learning, enabling employees to continually acquire and Which of the following refers to the human requirements
share knowledge. needed for a job, such as education, skills, and personality?
a. Learning Organization a. Job specifications
b. Telecommuting b. Job analysis
c. Merger c. Job placements
d. Critical Talent d. Job descriptions

What are the possible implications of low/poor economic All of the following requirements are typically addressed in
performance for human resource management? job specifications EXCEPT____
Financially unstable, magbabawas ng employee, tipid ng a. Desired personality traits
resources, unemployment rate b. Required education levels
c. Necessary experience
In what way has technology changed human resources d. Working conditions
Easy data gathering, faster recruitment, easy to find and Which one of the following indicates the division of work
secure info, etc. within a firm and the lines of authority and
a. Process chart
b. Employee matrix
JOB ANALYSIS c. Organizational chart
d. Corporate overview
Which of the following terms refers to the procedure used
to determine the duties associated with job position and Which one of the following is an example of business
the characteristics of the people to hire for those position? process reengineering?
a. Job description a. Using computerized systems to combine separate
b. Job specification task
c. Job analysis b. Creating a visual chart for workflow procedures
d. Job context c. Assigning additional activities to new employees
d. Developing employee skills and behaviors
While performing the fifth step of a job analysis, it is d. Conducting telephone surveys of all employee
essential to confirm the validity of collected data with the
_____ For which of the following jobs is directing observation
a. DOLE representative NOT a recommended method for collecting job analysis
b. HR manager data?
c. Legal department a. Assembly-line worker
d. Workers b. Accounting clerk
c. Attorney
The primary drawback of performing a job analysis regards d. Nurse
the _____
a. Unverifiable data a job analysis typically provides
b. Certification required to conduct a job analysis RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION
c. Amount of time a job analysis takes to compete
d. Redundant information gathered during a job What is the first step in the recruitment and selection
analysis process?
a. Performing initial screening interviews
Job ____ means assigning workers addittional same-level b. Building a pool of candidates
activities. c. Performing candidate background
a. Enrichment d. Deciding what positions to fill
b. Assignment
c. Enlargement Marcus, an HR manager for Samsung, must decide what
d. Rotation positions the firm should fill in the next six months, which
means Marcus is currently working on ________.
Which one of the following terms refers to systematically a. Screening job candidates
moving workers from one job to another? b. Personnel planning
a. Job rotation c. Interviewing job candidates
b. Job enrichment d. Writing job descriptions
c. Job enlargement
d. Job adjustment The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a
firm is known as ________.
Which one of the following terms refers to redesigning jobs a. Internal recruiting
in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to b. Succession planning
experience feelings of the responsibility, achievement, c. Long-Term forecasting
growth, and recognition? d. Advanced interviewing
a. Job rotation
b. Job enrichment Which one of the following terms refers to studying a firm’s
c. Job reengineering past employment needs over a period of years to predict
d. Job enlargement future needs?
a. Ratio Analysis
Who argued that the best way to motivate workers is to b. Trend Analysis
build opportunities for challenge and achievement into c. Graphical Analysis
their jobs via job enrichment? d. Computer Analysis
a. Adam Smith
b. Frederick Taylor Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4
c. Frederick Herzberg million in sales next year. A salesperson traditionally
d. Abraham Maslow generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using ratio analysis,
how many new salespeople should Newton hire?
Jack is an employee at a Best Western Hotel. Some weeks a. 2
he works with the catering group, and other weeks he b. 5
assists the reservations clerk or the parking attendant. This c. 10
is an example of _____ d. 20
a. Job enlargement
b. Job rotation When managers need to determine which current
c. Job enrichment employees are available for promotion or transfer, they
d. Job specialization will most likely use ______.
a. Scatter plots
Which method for collecting job analysis information is b. Skills inventories
considered best for quantifying the relative worth of a job c. Estimated sales trends
for compensation purposes? d. Personnel forecasts
a. Electronic log
b. Worker diary All of the following are methods used by firms to develop
c. Observation high potential candidates for future positions EXCEPT
d. Position analysis questionnaire __________.
a. Providing internal training
Jerome, a manager at an electronics company, needs to b. Implementing job rotation
gather a job analysis information from a large number of c. Offering global assignments
employees who perform similar work. Which one of the d. Developing skills inventories
following would be most appropriate for jerome?
a. Observing all employees Smith industries is thinking of having another company
b. Interviewing the HR manager take care of its customer service. This is called __________.
c. Holding a group interview with a supervisor a. Outsourcing
b. Downsizing
c. Recruiting Michelle Simmons recently applied for a position with
d. Screening Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Which personality trait most likely
has the strongest correlation to Michelle’s success as a
The following are the possible HR intervention if you have pharmaceutical sales representative?
personnel surplus, except: a. Extroversion
a. Stop recruiting b. Agreeableness
b. Offer early retirements c. Conscientiousness
c. Increase overtime d. Openness to experience
d. Retrenchment
With the work sampling technique, applicants are
An employer will most likely use a private employment _______.
agency in order to _______. a. Asked to submit examples of projects they have
a. Receive assistance writing job ads completed for other employers
b. Adhere to legal hiring practices b. Tested on their ability to perform several tasks
c. Fill a specific job opening quickly crucial to performing job of interest
d. Spend more time recruiting applicants c. Tested on their ability to perform a range of tasks
related to several positions in a firm
Newton Manufacturing is using a private employment d. Given video based situational interviews to assess
agency to recruit individuals for management positions. As their critical thinking skills
the HR manager at Newton you need to ensure that
applicants are screened properly, so you should _______.
a. Provide the agency with an accurate job TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT
b. Post jobs on the firm’s intranet and bulletin boards On Letitia’s first day of work at a software firm, she
c. Develop applicant screening software for internal attended a meeting with the HR manager and other new
hires employees. Letitia learned about employee benefits
d. Send HR experts to monitor the agency’s recruiting packages, personnel policies, and the structure of the
activities. company. In which one of the following did Letitia most
likely participate?
What is an advantage of using employee referral a. Recruitment
campaign? b. Selection
a. Local, hourly workers can be recruited quickly. c. Employee orientation
b. Applicants have received realistic job previews. d. Employee development
c. Rewards and incentives are eliminated.
d. Applicants have community ties. Which of the following is most likely NOT one of the goals
of a firm’s employee orientation program?
Selection tests should be used as supplements to other a. Making a new employees feel like part of a team
tools like interviews and background checks. b. Helping new employees become socialized into the
TRUE firm
c. Assisting new employees in selecting the best labor
As part of the selection process for a position at UPS, union
Jacques has been asked to lift weights and jumps rope. d. Teaching new employees about the firm’s history
Which one of the following is most likely being measured and strategies
by UPS?
a. Interpersonal skills Employee training programs range from brief, informal
b. Cognitive skills introductions to lengthy, formal courses.
c. Physical abilities True
d. Achievements
Hiring highly-skilled employees with great potential
Carlos recently participated in a selection test for a eliminates the need to provide orientation and training.
position at Northern Aeronautics. The test measured False
Carlos finger dexterity and reaction time, so it was most
likely a (n) _____ test. The methods used to give new or present employees the
a. Motor ability skills they need to perform their jobs are called ________.
b. Personality a. Orientation
c. Cognitive b. Training
d. Interest c. Development
d. Management
All of the following are most likely assessed on personality
tests EXCEPT _________. _______ identifies the training employees will need to fill
a. Extraversion future jobs.
b. Reasoning a. Competency modeling
c. Sensitivity b. Performance analysis
d. Emotional stability c. Strategic training needs analysis
Which one of the following is the primary reason that firms d. Screening
conduct background investigations of job applicants?
a. Adhere to legal hiring process What is the first step in the ADDIE training process?
b. Limit the number of applicants a. Assessing the program’s successes
c. Uncover false information b. Appraising the program’s budget
d. Report criminals to police c. Analyzing the training need
d. Acquiring training materials
d. Training modules
Amy, an accounting supervisor, has been asked to provide
training for her subordinates about new tax laws. In order United Airlines utilizes a checklist of things that pilots
to motivate the individuals who, attend her training should do prior to take off and landing. This checklist is an
session, Amy should most likely do all of the following example of a (n) ________.
EXCEPT: a. Job aid
a. Use as many visual aids as possible during the b. Skill sheet
session c. Work function analysis
b. Provide an overview of the material to be covered d. Electronic support system
c. Use new terminology and technical concepts
d. Give information in logical, meaningful section Which one of the following terms refers to a teaching
method that uses special collaboration software to enable
Training sessions should be half day or ¾ day in length multiple remote leaners to participate in live audio and
rather than a full day, because the learning curve goes visual discussions via PC or laptop?
down late in the day. a. Computer simulation
True b. Virtual classroom
c. Intelligent tutoring system
Which one of the following would most likely occur during d. Learning portal
the fourth step of the ADDIE training process?
a. Holding on the job training sessions
b. Selecting employees for training
c. Preparing online training materials
d. Asking participants for feedback

Rebekah was hired soon after graduation and assigned to

complete a management trainee program. She will move
to various jobs each month for nine month period of time.
Her employer is utilizing the _______ form of training.
a. Job rotation
b. Understudy
c. Job expansion
d. Informal learning
A structured process by which people become skilled
workers through a combination of classroom instruction
and on the job training is called ________.
a. Job instruction training
b. Programmed learning
c. Apprenticeship training
d. Coaching technique

When jobs consist of a logical sequence of steps and are

best taught step by step, the most appropriate training
method use is _______.
a. Job instruction training
b. Apprenticeship training
c. Programmed learning
d. Job rotation

It is the delivery of learning and training through digital

a. E-learning
b. On the job training
c. Orientation
d. Refresher training

American Airlines uses flight simulators to train pilots

about airplane equipment and safety measures. This is an
example of ________.
a. On the job training
b. Vestibule training
c. Virtual reality training
d. Programmed learning

Travel agents at Apollo Travel Services follow a computer

program that displays question prompts and dialogue
boxes with travel policies as the agent enters information
about the consumer’s travel plans. This is an example of a
(n) ________.
a. Learning management system
b. Intelligent tutoring systems
c. Computer simulations

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