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TERM 3 2021
COMM1180: Value Creation

1. Time Allowed for Section I of the Final Exam: 1 Hour 20 minutes.

2. Release date/time (via Moodle): Saturday, 27 November 2:00PM (AEST)

3. Submission date/time (Via Turnitin): Saturday, 27 November 3:20PM


4. Total number of Questions: 4 Questions (Note: sub-questions may

appear under each of the short questions)

5. Total marks available: 68 marks. Final Exam Part I examination is worth 34% of
the total marks for the course.

6. Complete your answers in a Word document, clearly identifying yourself (Name,

zID) and numbering the questions accurately. Submit via the Turnitin link before
the deadline.

7. Every minute a submission is late, a 1% penalty on the overall value of

the Final Exam will be applied.

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Answer ALL questions in the same Word document and identify clearly which question each
answer belongs to. Please note the word limit as any words over the word limit will not be
reviewed in the marking process. REMEMBER it is about the quality of your response; you
will NOT need to write to the word limit for full marks.

Question 1 (12.5 MARKS, 250 WORD LIMIT)

Using course concepts, explain how UNSW could identify the most appropriate potential
customers for a new undergraduate business degree specialising in entrepreneurship.

Question 2 (12.5 MARKS, 250 WORD LIMIT)

Apple has identified a need from their current customers that is not being met. They have
learned that a group of customers feel the need for a thermometer in the phone to measure
the temperature where the phone is located. How should they decide whether to include
this as a standard feature in their next phone model?

Question 3 (25 MARKS, 500 WORD LIMIT)

Discuss why “IT itself doesn’t have any inherent business value”. Use the example of Uber to
illustrate your answer and be specific.
Your discussion should address the following:
a) What is IS/IT as a resource?
b) The conditions required for sustained value creation through IS/IT resources in

Question 4 (18 MARKS)

Escargot Deliveries Ltd (Escargot) provides furniture delivery services and has offices located
in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Perth and Darwin.
Escargot offers a full-service delivery for customers, including:
• Door to door furniture delivery
• Furniture assembly at a fee
• Removal of packaging
• Removal of old furniture for a fee

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To monitor the creation value for their key stakeholder, Escargot uses the following
performance measures:

Value Creation Goal External Measures Internal Measures

Shareholder value
Deliver long-term returns to Return on equity Daily profit per day per office

Customer value
Deliver high quality delivery Customer satisfaction rating Average no. of deliveries
services on quality of delivery service. made per day

Employee value
Attract and retain capable Average customer ratings Employee turnover rate
talent to deliver results to of delivery staff.

Recently, Escargot’s CEO has noticed that the “customer satisfaction rating on quality
of delivery service” has gone down and a few customers have complained that their delivery
personnel were seemed to be in a rush and were not willing to provide furniture assembly
a. For each value creation goal, identify and discuss the potential problems with the
corresponding measures. (9 MARKS 200 WORD LIMIT)
b. For each problematic measure identified in (a) provide one alternative measure.
Explain your answer. (9 MARKS 200 WORD LIMIT)

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