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1. All these words come in this part of the story. Do you understand them?

- barrel = barril. - Island = Isla.

- captain = Capitan. - pirates = Piratas.
- flag = Bandera. - sail = Vela.
- hill = Colina. - sailor = Marinero.
- Inn = Posada. - Treasure = Tesoro.

Give each word the right meaning:

- Some land with sea all round it (Island.)

- A worker on a boat or ship (Sailor)
- The most important person on a ship (Captain)
- Used to put wine or other drinks in (Barril)
- A ship does this when the wind moves it across the sea (Sail)
- A small hotel with a bar (Inn)
- A small mountain (Hill)
- Every country flies one of these (Flag)
- These bad seamen fight other ships (Pirates)
- Money etc, often in a box under the ground (Treasure)

2. Look at the pictures in this book. When do you think the story happened?
a. In the 1700s
b. In the last 20 years
c. In the 1900s
3. Which of these words do you think will come in the story?

beach bicycle cinema gun knife

map radio sea supermarket taxi

4. What did they do?

a. Ben Gunn (f) lost one of his legs in a fight.
b. Black Dog (e) brought the treasure to the island.
c. Jim Hawkins (a) lived on an island for three years.
d. Mr Trelawney (b) lost some fingers on his left hand.
e. Captain Flint (c) lived in an inn with his mother.
f. Long John Silver (d) bought the Hispaniola.

5. Answer these questions.

a. A captain stays at the inn. What is his name?
His name is Captain Flint.
b. Who is he most afraid of?
He is most afraid of the Black dog.
c. What thing in his box do the pirates want most?
The pirates want Flint's treasure map.
d. Why don’t they find it?
Because he took the map.

6. Answer these questions.

a. When Jim is inside the barrel, he learns something very important about Silver and some
other sailors. What is it?
That they planned to kill us once we have the treasure.
b. What happens when Silver wants to have some fruit from the barrel?
At that moment someone said, ‘Land!’.


7. Put the best word in these sentences.

a) hit kick shoot
- He has a gun and he can shoot well.
b) fell dropped threw
- Is this your handkerchief? I think you dropped it.

8. Look at the picture on page 20.

a) Are these men pirates or friends of the captain?
Those men are friends of captain smollet.
b) What do you think happened to the man on the ground?

I think those men didn´t find the treasure.

9. The five men leave the ship and go to the island.

a) Then where do they go?
They go to a house on the island.
b) Why do they move very quickly?
Because other pirates from the ship were shooting at them.


10. Which picture shows Jim cutting a rope?

The image showing Jim cutting the rope is on page 25.
11. Finish the sentence with the best word:

pushed hurt ill

- In the fight three people died and two were hurt.
12. Do you think that Jim and his friends will live or die?
I think Jim and his friends lived, because they had guns and food.
- Do you think that they will find the treasure?
Yes, I do. I think so because they had the map.
13. Answer these questions.
a) Who kills one of the pirates in the night?
The one who kills pirates at night is Ben gunn.
b) Where does Israel Hands help Jim to sail the ship to?
He helps you sail north of Inlet.
c) What is wrong with Jim’s gun when he tries to use it?
The gun was wet.
14. How many pirates are still living at the end of the story? What happens to them?
Three pirates were left alive and escaped.


15. Who do you like best in the story? Write three or four sentences about him.
I like Jin Hawkins because he's dared.
- He lived in an inn.
- He was the first to meet Ben Gunn.
- He cut the rope with a ship's knife.
16. The police are looking for Long John Silver. How will they know him? Write some things
about him to help the police.
He only has one leg, the other is wooden. Is a person of approximately 50 years.
17. Look at the picture on page 17. Ben Gunn looks different from the other people in the story.
How is he different?
He differs in that he has long hair, his clothes are made of animal skins, and he has no shoes.
18. Something dangerous happens to most of the people in this book. Did anything dangerous
happen to you in your life? Write about it.
The most dangerous thing that happened to me is that a dog bit my leg, and for a day I
couldn't walk, it hurt a lot.

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