Lesson Note On Data Processing SS2 Second Term

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Lesson Note on Data Processing SS2 Second Term


 2. COMPUTER DATA CONVERSION                           
3. CONCEPT OF COMPUTER FILES                                         
4. HANDLING COMPUTERFILES                                                        









This is a special high-speed storage area within the CPU. All data must be
represented in a register before it can be processed, for example, if two numbers
are to be multiplied, both numbers must be in registers, and the result must be
placed in register. (The register can contain the address of a memory location
where data is stored rather than the actual data itself.)
An address is used to reference a storage location in main memory. You can think
of computer memory as an array of storage boxes, each of them has an address (a
unique number) assigned to it.
A collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a
computer to another. You can think of a bus as a highway on which data travels
within a computer. When used in reference to personal computers, the term bus
usually refers to internal bus. This is a bus that connects all the internal computer
components to the CPU and main memory
*Types of Registers*
The types of registers are Memory data register (MDR) and Current
instruction Register (CIR)
The types of registers can be explained better by their functions.
* The memory data register is used to hold data or the memory address that
contains either the next piece of data or an instruction that is to be used. The
memory data register acts like a buffer and holds data that is transferred from the
memory to the processor. The memory data register is used whenever data is being
transferred between central processing unit and main memory.
Current instruction register is the register, usually in the control unit, that contains
the instruction that is being executed by the CPU. The CIR stores the instruction
currently being executed. In simple processors each instruction to be executed is
loaded into the instruction register which holds it while it is decoded, prepared and
ultimately executed.
*Differences between Register and Main Memory:*
*Factor considered:* storage, speed, storage capacity and relative cost.
Storage devices Speed Storage capacity Relative cost
Register Fast Very low Very high
Main memory Very fast Low and moderate High speed

Fetch execute cycle is the very basic way a computer works. All commands are
executed through the running of this cycle. The cycle itself has very few
commands, however when linked up together it is possible to create a large
program, or even an operating system.
The cycle contains 3 main parts
1. Fetch the instruction
2. Decode the instruction
3. Execute the instruction
Data processing consists of all activities which are necessary to transform data into
information. Computer data processing is grouped under five basic categories as
shown below;

The following are factors affecting Speed of Data Transfer

1. Bus Speed
2. Bus Width
3. Medium of Storage
4. Data transfer medium

1. Define the following;
1. Register
2. Bus
3. Address
2. List and explain types of register
1. A collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one
part of a computer to another is known as _______ a. Address B. Bus
C. Register      
2. Computer data processing is grouped into the following EXCEPT one. A.
Conversion B. Manipulation C. Register
3. The following are types of register EXCEPT ___________ a. CMR B.
4. ___________ register acts like a buffer and holds data that is transferred
from the memory to the processor. a. MDR B. CIR C. CPU
5. All data must be represented in a register before it can be processed. A.
1. State two differences between register and main memory.
2. List and explain the factors affecting speed of data transfer.

*WEEK 2          
*Computer files*: Computer files are the most basic unit of data that users can
store on a disk. Every program, image, video, song employee numbers, a 3-digit,
and document is stored as a file
*Record:* A record is a collection of related data items or fields. Each record
normally corresponds to a specific unit of information. For example, employee
number, employee’s name, basic salary and house rent allowance.
*Field:* Data items are physically arranged as fields in a computer file. Their
length may be fixed or variable. Since all individuals have 3 digits field is required
to store the particular data. Hence, it is a fixed field. In contrast, since customer’s
name varies considerably from one customer to another, a variable amount of
space must be available to store this element. This can be called variable field.
*Data item:* Data item is the smallest unit of information stored in computer file.
It is a single element used to represent a fact such as an employee’s name, item
price and so on.
*Numeric:* this type of data item consists of numbers 0-9.
*Alphabet:* this type of data item consists of letters A-Z.
*Alphanumeric:* also known as alphameric is a combination of alphabetic and
numeric characters, and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and
Arabic digits or a text construct from this collection. There are either 36 (single
case) or 62(case-sensitive) alphanumeric characters. The alphanumeric character
set consists of the numbers 0-9 and letters A-Z.
File structure:
*Data:* a data item is the smallest unit of information stored in
computer file.
* Field:* is a collection of related items.
*Record:* is a collection of related fields.
*File:* the collection of records is called a file
*Types of file organization method*
*Serial:* A serial file is one which the records have been stored in the order in
which they have arisen. They have not been sorted into any particular order. An
example of a serial file is an unsorted transaction file. A shopping list is an
example of a non-computerized serial file. Serial files can be stored on tape, disc or
in memory.
Sequential: in sequential file organization, records are organized in the sequence
by which they were added. A sequential file contains records organized in the
order they were entered. The order of the records is fixed. The records are stored
and sorted in physical, contiguous blocks within each block the records are in
sequence. Records in these files can only be read or written sequentially.
*Indexed:* An indexed file organization contains reference numbers, like
employee numbers, that identify a record in relation to other records. These
references are called the primary keys that are unique to a particular record.
Alternate keys can also be defined to allow alternate methods of accessing the
record. For example, instead of accessing an employee’s record using employee
numbers, you can use an alternate key that reference employees by departments.
This allows greater flexibility for users to randomly search through thousands of
records in a file. However, it employs complex programming in order to be
*Random file:* This is the file organized via an index. Also called a “direct file”
or “direct access file,’’ it enables quick access to specific records or other elements
within the file rather than having to read the file sequentially. The index points to a
specific location within the file, and the file is read from the that point.
Methods of accessing files:
*Sequential files:* the method of access used is still serial but of course the files
are now in sequence, and for this reason the term sequential is often used in
describing serial access of a sequential tape file. It is important to note that to
process (e.g. update) a sequential master tape file, the transaction file must also be
in the sequence of the master file. Access is achieved by first reading the
transaction file and then reading master file until the matching record using the
record keys) is found. Note therefore that if the record required is the twentieth
record on the file, in order to get it into storage to process it the computer will first
have to read in all nineteen proceeding records.

Random files: Generally speaking the method of accessing random files is

RANDOM. The transaction record keys will be put through the same mathematical
formula as were the keys of the master records, thus creating the appropriate
bucket address. The transactions in random order are then processed against the
master file, the bucket address providing the address of the record required.
Computer files classification:
*Master file:* there are files of a fairly permanent nature, e.g. customer ledger,
payroll, inventory, and so on. A feature to know is the regular updating of these
files to show a current position. For example, customer’s order will be processed,
increasing the “balance owing “figure on a customer ledger record. It is seen
therefore that master records will contain both data of a static nature, e.g. a
customer name, address, and data that, by its nature will change each time a
transaction occurs, e.g. the” balance” figure already mentioned.
*Transaction file:* This is also known as movement file. This is made up of
various transactions created from the source documents. In a sales ledger
application the file will contain all the orders received at a particular time. This file
will be used to update the master file. As soon as it had been used for this purpose
it is no longer required. It will therefore have a very short life, because it will be
replace by a file containing the next batch of orders.
*Reference files:* A file with a reasonable amount of permanency. Examples of
data used for reference purposes are price lists, tables of rates of pay, names and
Criteria for classifying computer files: Criteria for classifying
computer files are:
* By nature of content: it refers to the nature of file content.
* By organization method: it refers to the way files are arranged e.g.
. Serial, sequential, random and so on.
* By storage medium: it refers to storage devices in which a file’s’
could only be stored such as magnetic or optical disk and magnetic
tape and so on.
1. Define the following terms;
2. Computer files
3. Record
4. Field
5. Data Item
6. Explain the classification of computer file.
1. One of the following are NOT a computer file classification a. Reference file
b. Random file c. Master file d. Transaction file
2. __________ is a collection of related fields a. Data b. Field c. Record d. file
3. The smallest unit of information stored in computer file is called a. Files
b. Data item c. Record d. Indexed
4. The following are types of file organization method EXCEPT _________ a.
Serial b. Sequential c. Transaction d. Indexed
5. A file with reasonable amount of permanency is known as__________ file. A.
Reference files b. Master file c. Transaction file d. serial file
1. State the criteria for classifying computer files.
1b Draw a sample of file structure
* List and explain the different method of accessing files.
2b List and explain types of file organization method.

*WEEK 3          

*Create: *Creating a file with a given name.

*Delete: *Deleting a file that are unwanted.
*Retrieve: * Retrieving a stored file or lost file.
*Copy: *Copying a created file to either an external or in-built storage device.
*View: * Viewing a created file or granting privilege of viewing.
*Open: * Opening a file to use its contents.
*Update: *Reading or updating the contents.
*Close: *Closing the file, thereby losing access until it is opened again.
The OPEN statement is used in writing information to a file. In general,
the open statement follows this pattern;
The file determine the filename to use
The FOR portion indicates how the file will be accessed or operated; it
The AS is the identifier used for the file handle in question.
The following opens a file, using mode OUTPUT and number 1, and then
saves the text.
10 CLS
20 OPEN “textfile.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS 1
30 PRINT 1, “Hello World”
40 CLOSE 1
50 END
The combination of all these records forms a file. Thus, a file is a group of related
records. To facilitate the retrieval of specific records from a file, at least one field
in each record is chosen as record key. Usually, the key is
unique to every record to avoid duplication of records in a file.
BASIC File Processing statement to read and display files
The table below would be used in a BASIC program. The table would be
stored in a file named “EXAMFILE.TXT” the content would be retrieved
from the file and output to the screen
Computer file insecurity refers to the concept that a computer system is vulnerable
to attack, and that this fact creates a constant battle between those looking to
improve security, and those looking to circumvent security.
Data loss refers to the unforeseen loss of data or information. An occurrence of
data loss can be called Data Loss Event and there are several possible root causes.
Backup and recovery schemes are developed to restore lost data.
Overwriting is a process of writing a binary set of data on a memory. Overwriting
generally occurs when unused file system clusters are written upon with new data.
In simple terms, it writes over the previous data.
Backup or the process of backing up a file refers to making copies of files so that
these additional copies may be used to restore the original after the data loss event.
Backup has two distinct purposes. The primary purpose is to recover data as a
reaction to data loss, be it by data deletion or corrupted data.
The secondary purpose of backups it is recover data from historical period of
time within the constraints of a user-defined data retention

An anti-virus program protects a computer file from malicious virus attack, detects
and heals files that have been attacked. Usually it consists of a firewall, a virus
scanner and remover and sometimes other tools as well.
It is a chosen secret string of characters that allows access to a computer, interface,
files etc. The use of password is at user’s discretion and caution must be exercised
by the user to remember the password always.
*Differences between computer files and manual files*
Manual is using old method without the help of the technology or maybe less to
perform certain task or work while; computerized file system is using latest
technology of ICT to carry out various tasks that is more effective when compared
with manual system in terms of the productivity and time usage.
1. State three advantages of computer files over manual files
2. State five limitation of computerize file system
3. List five operation that can be performed
1. _______ refers to the unforeseen loss of data or information. a. Backup b.
Data loss c. Overwriting d. Antivirus
2. _______ is the process of making copies of files, so that the additional
copies may be used to restore the original after data loss event. a.
Manipulating b. Data Loss Event c. Backup d. Duplication
3. An occurrence of data loss can be called ________________ a. Data Loss
Event b. Data Loss Occurrence c. Data Loss Show d. Data Loss
4. The following are limitations of computerized file system EXCEPT one. a.
Vulnerable to virus attacks b. Incompatible data file c. Cheap to set it up d.
Data are often duplicated
5. The following are advantages of computer files over manual files EXCEPT
one a. Slow and inefficient in processing of information b. Accurate
information and faster decision making c. Takes less space d. More timely
information can be produced
1. Outline steps to be taken when creating a sequential file
2. List and explain the three methods for files security
*WEEK 4          
What is word processing?
Word processing is the use of computer software to create, edit. View, store,
retrieve and print text documents. A text document is a written communication like
letters reports, memo and so on. The software that is used for word processing is
called a word processor.
Examples of word processors
 Microsoft word
 WordStar
 WordPerfect
 Word pro
 Corel WordPerfect
 Lotus notes
 Perfect writer
 MultiMate advantage
 Professional write
Word processors are used in place of typewriters because of the quality of outputs,
ability to replicate copies without having to retype or photocopies.
Application areas of word Processing
Word processing is used in the following areas:
In offices
In publishing
In journalism
In education
For writing articles

Microsoft Word Versions: MS office 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010.
*Facilities available in a word processor:*
 Typing document
 Editing document
 Storing or saving documents
 Move, copy and paste
 Insert, remove words, sentences, paragraph etc.
 Type, using different fonts types and sizes.
Editing features of a word processor
 Editing features in MS word include:
 Copy, cut and paste
 Format painter
 Find and replace
 Goto
 Spelling and grammar
 Thesaurus
 Word count

*_Copy, cut and paste_*

You can use word’s cut feature to remove information from a document. You can
use the *Paste *feature to place the information you cut anywhere in the same or
another document. In other words, you can move information from one place in a
document to another in the same or different document by using the *Cut *and
*Paste *features.
The office clipboard is a temporary storage area where copied and cut files are
kept. When you copy or cut, word stores the data you copied/cut on the Clipboard.
You can paste the information that is stored on the Clipboard as often as you like.
When you copy/cut a document, the copied/cut data can be pasted into a new
*Copying a document*
Copying a document or portion of a document means duplicating the document.
The original document will still remain while the duplicate of it will be found in a
new location. To copy a document five major methods are involved and they are:
 Shortcut method
 Keyboard method
 Drag and drop method
 Ribbon bar method
 Right click mouse method

*Shortcut method*
Highlight the portion of a document to be copied
Right-click on the highlighted text
Select Copy
Position the insertion point in a new location
Right-click in an empty space
Select paste
*Keyboard method*
Highlight the document to be copied.
Press the keys *CTRL + C *to copy.
Position the cursor on the insertion point
Press the keys *CTRL + V *to paste.
*Drag and drop method*
Highlight the document to be copied.
Hold down the *CTRL *key as you drag the highlight to a new location.
Release the mouse button.
*Ribbon bar method*
Highlight the document to be copied.
Click copy on the Home Ribbon.
Position the insertion point in a new location
Click Paste from the Home Ribbon.
*Right click mouse method*
Highlight the document to cut.
Right click on the highlights and select cut
Position the insertion point in a new location
Right click on an empty space.
Click on paste.
When a mistake is made all over a document, for example, you mistakenly typed
fred instead of fried, the find and replace feature helps to locate the errors and
quickly replace them with the expected text. To apply the find and replace feature
in a document:
Click on Home Ribbon
Click on the Find icon and drop down arrow and click find
Click on the Replace Tab
Type the error text in the *FIND WHAT *text box and the corrected in the
*REPLACE *if you want it one after another.
Click cancel button to abort the operations.

*Spelling and Grammar*

They check whether a document is error free both in spelling and grammar. To
confirm if a document is error free using the spelling and grammar tool:
Click on Review ribbon
Click on the Spelling & Grammar icon
It selects a sentence and asks you to ignore or click on its suggestion and click
change. Select the one that applies.
Click Next Sentence to move to next error.
Click close if you don’t want to continue.
When a spelling and grammar action is completed a dialog box as shown is
Click ok
*Formatting a document*
Formatting a document makes the document presentable. Formatting entails
the following:
*Font Face*: the text outlook format of a document: Microsoft has embedded the
following font face: Arial, Times New Romans, Tahoma, Elephant, Freestyle
Script, Imprint MT, Shadow, and so on.
To set a font face for your text, do the following
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the home Ribbon click on the font face (ctrl + shift + F)
Click the drop down arrow and select a font face of your choice.
*Font Size*: This displays text sizes of your choice: Microsoft has embedded font
sizes ranging from 8-72.
To select a font size for your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the Font size (ctrl + shift + F)
Click the drop down arrow and select a font size of your choice.
Font style: This displays effects on text such as bold, italic, regular,
bold italic.
To select a bold font style for your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the *B*
To select a bold font style for your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the */I/*
To select an underline font style for your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the *U*
To select the different underline font style for your text, do the following:
From the Home Ribbon, click on the drop down arrow
Click on the desired underline style.
*Font Color: *This displays color for your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the *A icon *drop down arrow.
Click on the desired color of your choice.
*Font Effect: *This displays other effects on your text such as strike
through, subscript, superscript
To apply Strikethrough effect on your text, do the following:
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the” *Abc” icon *drop down arrow.
*Double Strikethrough*
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the *icon *beside font.
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the”X2” icon.
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the “*X2” *icon.
*Change case*
Type the text
Highlight the text
From the Home Ribbon, click on the “*Aa” icon*.
*Character spacing: *This displays different characteristics of spacing
that can be applied on a text they include: Expanded or condensed, kerning, and so

*Indent and spacing: *This feature creates a text with spacing before
and after. The effects here are : alignment , indentation , spacing , tabs.
 Right click the white space on a document and select paragraph.
Click on indent and spacing tab. In the general options in the alignment
drop down menu, select your desired choice.
Click ok to apply to the document.
Type the text
Highlight the text
Right click on the text and select paragraph
Click on indent and spacing tab. In the indentation options, select your desired
choice as shown in the dialog box.
Click ok to apply to the document.
Ctrl+0 Toggle 6pts of spacing above the paragraph.
Ctrl+A Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text.
Ctrl+D Open the font preferences window.
Ctrl+E Align the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl+F Open find box.
Ctrl+I Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl+JAlign the selected text or line to justify the screen.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L Align the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+M Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl+N Open new, blank document window.
Ctrl+O Open the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl+P Open the print window.
Ctrl+R Align the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl+S Save the open document. Like Shift+F12.
Alt+F, A Save the document under a different file name.
Alt+XShow the Unicode code of a highlighted character.
Ctrl+T Create a hanging indent.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste.
Ctrl+W Close the currently open document.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action performed.

*Features of word processing*

1. A good word processor should have the ability to create, save and retrieve
2. It should have the ability to find and replace words in a document.
3. It should be capable of wrapping your text.
4. Generate multiple copies of a document with the aid of the printer.
5. Every word processor should have the ability to manage files in the
6. Ability to display graphics
7. A good word processor should have the ability to spell check your
8. Ability to mail merge documents
9. To format a document and apply headers and footers

1. Define Word Processing and Word Processor
2. List five (5) examples of Word Processor 
1. The following are examples of a word processor EXCEPT one. a. Corel
Draw b. Microsoft Word c. Word Perfect d. Perfect Writer
2. _______ is the use of computer software to create, edit, view, store, retrieve
and print text document. A. Word Processor b. Word Communication c.
Word Processing d. Word Application
3. The following are types of display effect of a Font Style EXCEPT one a.
Italics b. Underline c. Times New Roman d. Bold
4. ________feature create a text with spacing before and after. A. Indent and
Spacing b. Superscript c. Change Case d. Double strikethrough
5. The following are examples of Indent and spacing EXCEPT one a.
Alignment b. Indentation c. Tabs d. Ribbon
1. Write out the steps to carry out the following; (i) Change
Case (ii) Subscript (iii) Superscript (iv)
Strikethrough (v) Double Strikethrough
2. List and explain the different methods in copying a document
*WEEK 5          


Information systems are important for the success of any modern business
for organization. Every many information systems are being developed to
make them more competitive and improve the productivity and profit.

The two keys required for a successful development of information system


* Thorough Systems analysis and design

* Understand what the Business or organization requires.

*Definition of terms*

*Systems analysis* is the process of understanding in detail what a

system should accomplish, how it will accomplish it required to
accomplish it.

*Systems design* is the process of specifying in detail how components

of an information system should be implemented physically.

*Systems analyst* is a person that uses analysis and design techniques

to solve business problems using information technology.

*Skills of a systems analyst*

To be a good and successful systems analyst, the person must have the
following skills:

* Information technology knowledge and programming expertise.

* Understand business problems.
* Use logical methods for solving problems.
* Ability to find facts about the problem and develop how it should be
* Always wanting the improvement of the system.
* People management knowledge and skills.

*Systems Analyst Problem solving Approach*

The steps taken by a system analyst to solve problems are stated below:

1. Study and understand the problem: The analyst must identify that
there is a problem to be solved and specify that it is feasible to
solve the problem.
2. Define the requirements for solving the problem: The analyst will
identify the facts or data that are required to solve the problem.
3. Develop a set of possible or alternative solutions: If there are
alternative solutions, the systems analyst must develop them and
decide on the best solution to use. However, in most cases, there
may be only one solution which is chosen.
4. Define the details of the chosen solution: All the facts and method
need to solve the problem are specified in detail.
5. Solve the problem: The problem is solved using the chosen solution
6. Monitor to ensure that desired result or outcome is accomplished:
Here, the analyst will make sure that the formula is not miscalculated.

Example: let us apply this process in solving a simple interest (SI)

problem: A man invested the sum of N500, 000.00 for 5 years at an
interest rate of 12% per annum. Calculate the amount at the end of the


*Step1: Study and understand the problem: *the simple interest is

understood as defined.

*Step 2*: verify that the benefits of solving the problem outweigh the
cost: The SI can be solved with our current knowledge and the resources
that we have like four figure tables, calculator and so on. We do not
need to hire anybody.
*Step3*: Define the requirements for solving the problem: the
requirements for solving the SI problem are Principal (N500, 000.00),
rate (12%) and Time (5years).

*Step4*: Develop a set of possible or alternative solutions: The problem

can be solved in two ways: First calculating the SI using the formula
(I=P*R*T/100) and then calculate the amount as A=Principal + Interest.
Secondly, another way is calculating the Amount using the formula that
A=P (1+(R*T/100))

Note that *means multiplication.

*Step 5*: Decide which solution is best and recommended: We decide to

use the first method because it is simpler than the second.

*Step 6*: Define the details of the chosen solution: The variables
(facts) that we need to solve this problem are as stated in step 3 above
and the procedure are as stated on step 4(1) above.

*Step 7:* Implement the solution: The problem is solved as follow:

1. I=P*R*T/100

= 500,000*12*5/100= N300, 000.00

ii. Amount= P+I= N500, 000+ 300,000 =800,000

*Step 8:* Monitor to ensure that desired result is accomplished. To make

sure that the formula procedure and calculations are correct.


What is a system?

A system is a collection of interrelated components that function

together to form a whole and achieved outcome. Examples:

What is an information system?

An information system is a collection of interrelated components that

collect, process, store and provide as an output the information needed
to complete a (business) task.

In systems development, application systems are referred to as

information systems. Therefore, an information System can also be
defined as a collection of programs running on computers which interact
with one another as well as humans to provide the necessary information
needed to make decisions within an organization.

What is a subsystem?
A subsystem is a part of a larger system that can function on its own to
perform a task. It can be a system having subsystems or it may just be a
single system. The components that make up the overall computer system
can be described as sub-systems. These are mainly hardware and software
subsystems. The process of dividing a system into subsystems and
components is called *_Functional Decomposition_*.

*Information systems and subsystems*

*A school information system will have the following subsystems:

Academic system,* Examination Systems, Discipline system,
Hostel/Accommodation system, Library system, Fees Billing System, Staff
System, Bursary System and so on.

Information Systems and Component Parts

The main components of information systems are:

1. IT i.e. hardware and software

2. Data/information
3. Procedures/policies
4. People
5. Communication Networks
*Types of Information Systems*

The ‘classical ‘types of Information Systems found organizations are:

1. Transaction processing systems

2. Management information systems
3. Decision support systems
4. Executive information systems

Some new types of information systems that cannot be classified as above

are listed below:

1. Data warehouses
2. Enterprise resource planning
3. Enterprise systems
4. Expert systems
5. Geographic information system
6. Global information system
7. Office Automation


1. Define the System Development Cycle

2. List the stages in SDLC
*Reading Assignment*: *Reading Assignment:*

Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Pgs 101
– 103.



1. _______ is a collection of interrelated components that function

together to form a whole and achieve an outcome.
2. Subsystem b. System c. Life cycle d. Development
3. The following are the Water fall Development cycle stage EXCEPT______
4. Investigation Stage b. System analysis Stage c. System
manufacturing Stage
5. System design Stage
6. The oldest and classical method of SDLC is called_________ a.
Waterfall Mean      

b. Waterfall Model c. Waterfall Median d. Waterfall Mode

4. One of the following is NOT an information system component part. 

a. People

b. Communication Network c. IT room d. Data/ Information

5. The following are classical types of information system EXCEPT one.

a. Transaction Processing System b. Development Processing System

c. Management information System d. Executive information system


1. Define the following; *I*. System Development Life Cycle       

*II*. System Analysis

*III*. System Design *IV*. System Analyst

* Explain the following; *I*. System *II*. Information

System *III*. Subsystem

*WEEK 6          



Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Systems development is a planned undertaking with a fixed beginning and

end that produces the desired result or product. It may be a large job
that involves many people working for a long period or it can also be a
small assignment that one person can finish in a day. The SDLC PROVIDES
processes and activities. It represents a detailed and specific set of
procedures, steps, and documents that are required for the development
of an information system development.

The SDLC believes that the development of information systems should

follow a structured and methodical way, requiring each stage of the life
cycle from inception of the idea to delivery of the final system, to be
carried out in rigid and sequential order.

Definition of SDLC: The systems development life cycle is the process of

understanding how an information system (IS) can support the business
needs of an organization, designing the system, building it and
delivering it to the users.

Objectives of SDLC

*The objectives of SDLC are:*

1. To ensure high quality systems are delivered.

2. To provide strong controls over the system development
3. To maximize the productivity of the systems staff

However, there are methods for developing information systems. The

oldest and classical method of systems development life cycle (SDLC) is
called the *Waterfall Model. *The waterfall SDLC is a sequence of stages
that must be followed one after the other. Stage 2(two) can only begin
when stage one is completed. Therefore the output of each stage becomes
the input for the next. These stages can be characterized and divided up
in different ways, including the following:

1. Investigation stage
2. Systems Analysis stage
3. Systems Design Stage
4. Systems Implementation stage
5. Systems Deployment
6. Systems maintenance Stage

1. Investigation stage: this stage involves the investigation of the

existing system. The existing system is studied and evaluated to
identify its problems and deficiencies. It involves gathering
information about the existing systems. The information could be
gathered through Observation(observing the system),
Questionnaire(preparing questionnaires based on the existing system
and give to the users to fill) and Interviewing(asking the users
verbal questions about the system). The information gathered is used
in a feasibility study. The aim of the feasibility study is to
identify the problems and proffer feasible solution through a
feasibility report. It also identifies how this problem is to be
solved(either manually or computerized), when it is to be solved and
why it should be solved. It defines the objectives and goals that
the new system to be developed will achieve. The feasibility report
is the main output of the investigation.

* Systems Analysis stage: This stage starts with a more detailed

investigation into the existing system. The same facts finding
methods of observation, questionnaire and interview are used to
gather end-users information such as data and procedures and
processes. The data and procedures are analyzed to define the new
system requirements. The new system requirements are defined
addressing the deficiency in the existing system with specific
proposals for improvement. The output of the analysis stage is the
users’ requirements.
* Systems Design Stage: At this stage the proposed system is designed.
It involves layout plans for the physical construction, hardware
requirements, operating systems, programming, communication, and
security. The design describes the desired features and operations
of the proposed system in detail, including screen layouts, business
rules, process diagrams, flow charts, pseudo-code and other
documentation such as data dictionary and so on. The system design
stage produces the Systems Specification.
* Systems Implementation stage: This stage is the stage where programs
of the new system are written in the specified programming language
in line with the systems specifications. It involves testing of all
the new system and adjustments and corrections are made where necessary.
* Systems Deployment: Here the system that was developed in stage
4(four) is put into use. It involves bringing all the different
parts the proposed system together. All parts of the system is
integrated and tested for errors, bugs and how they operate. It
includes the installation and deployment. This is the stage where
the software is put into use and runs the actual business.
* Systems maintenance Stage: once the new system is deployed and
running, it is subjected to exhaustive evaluation on how it is able
to achieve its setup goals. Areas for improvement will be modified
and enhanced. Sometimes the mistakes or errors can be detected.
Procedures and processes may change. Thus the remaining life of the
system is subject to changes, correction, additions, moves to a
different computing platform and more. The system maintenance stage
involves all the activities, processes and procedures required by
the system to exist forever.


1. Simple and easy to use

2. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model.
3. Phases are processed and completed one at a time works well for the
development of smaller information systems where requirements are
very well understood.
4. Provides guidelines for systems development as all the stages and
activities are clearly outlined
5. Promotes consistency among systems development projects.
6. Reduces cost of managing different systems at different stages.
7. Helps in efficient allocation of resources to systems development


1. Adjusting scope during the life cycle can kill a project.

2. No working software is produces until during the life cycle
3. High amounts of risk and uncertainty.
4. Poor model for complex and object-oriented projects.
5. Poor model for long and ongoing projects
6. Poor model where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of
7. If followed slavishly. It can result in the generation of
unnecessary documents.
8. It takes time to go through the whole long development cycle.

*Reading**Assignment*: *Reading**Assignment:*
Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Pgs 104 -105



1. One of the following is NOT an objective of SDLC

2. To minimize the productivity of the system staff
3. To ensure that high quality system is delivered
4. To maximize the productivity of the system staff
5. To provide strong control over the system development
6. ___________is the person that uses analysis and design techniques to
solve business problem using information technology.
7. Programmer b. Data Entry Staff c. System Analyst d.
Computer Engineer
8. The following are skills of a system Analyst EXCEPT one
9. Information Technology knowledge and programming expertise
10. Solving the problem using figures
11. People Management knowledge and skill
12. Understanding business problem
13. ___________is the process of understanding in details what a system
should accomplish it and what is required to accomplish it.
14. System Design b. System Analyst c. System
Analysis d. SDLC
15. The following are advantages of System Development Life Cycle EXCEPT
16. Help in inefficient allocation of resources to systems development
17. Promotes consistency among systems development project
18. Simple and easy to use
19. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model


1. Define the system development cycle.

2. List five stages in system development cycle
3. Explain at least five (5) systems Analyst problem solving Approach
4. Describe the first stage in system development cycle
5. Draw a simple sketch of system development cycle.
6. State the objectives of SDLC

*WEEK 7          



Definition of a Program

A computer program can be defined as a list of instruction issued to the

computer to perform a particular task. Programs are written in computer
programming languages.

*Characteristics of a good program*

Every good program must have the following characteristics:

1. Accuracy
2. Readability
3. Maintainability
4. Efficiency
5. Generality
6. Clarity
7. Reliability

1. Accuracy: every good program must be error free.

2. Readability: the program should be easy for any programmer to read
and understand.
3. Maintainability: a careful written program should be very easy to
amend and maintain if need be.
4. Efficiency: Should have the ability to solve a particular problem
5. Generality: should be able to solve all similar problems.
6. Clarity: should be straight forward and easy to understand.
7. Reliability: should be depended upon at all times.

Do not rush. Be careful, stable and patient when writing programs.

No step should be skipped.

The order of execution must be followed sequentially.

*Steps in Program Development*

Problem definition: the programmer is expected first of all to

understand the problem and know exactly what the problem entails. The
definition of the problem must be unambiguous.

Problem analysis: The programmer is expected to analyze the problem to

determine how it will be solved, the required inputs and output

Planning the solution: before a program is written, the algorithm or

flowchart for that program must be drawn and tested before the actual
coding of the program and this is called dry running a program. The
flowchart therefore, is a diagrammatical representation of the steps
involved in writing a given program.

Program coding: This is the actual writing or coding of the program in a

particular programming language e.g. BASIC, VBASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal,
COBOL and so on.

Disk checking: This is used to check or verify that the design

represents a correct solution to a problem and it is very important to
follow through the design using suitable test data.

Problem compilation: when the coding process is completed, the program

will be compiled if it is necessary. It is necessary to compile if the
programming language allows it.

Program testing: this is similar to proofreading. The written program is

tested and errors corrected to check the program is able to solve the
problem it is expected to solve

Program documentation: this involves writing a detailed description

about the program and some specific facts pertaining to the usage and
maintenance of the program.

Program running: this is the actual running or execution of the program

with the compiler or interpreter so as to check if the desired output is

It is the process of updating or amending previously written program for
current use.

*Reading**Assignment*: *Reading**Assignment:*

Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Pgs 106
– 107.



1. The actual writing or coding of program in a particular programming

language is known as_________
2. Debugging b. Program Coding c. Program
Executing d. Program Decoding

* The following are characteristics of a good program EXCEPT one.

* Accuracy b. Clarity c. Compatible d.

* The following are characteristic of an interpreter EXCEPT one

a. Execution is fast b. The resulting code is some sort of

intermediate code c. The resulting code is interpreted by another
program d. relatively little time is spent analyzing and processing
the program

* _________ is a list of instruction issued to the computer to perform

a particular task.
* Algorithm b. Computer program c. Hardware d. Peripherals

* One of the following is NOT a precaution be taken when writing a

* No step should be skipped b. The order of execution must be
followed sequentially c. Do not rush d. The use of a
step by step approach should not be followed


1. Define a program
2. State four characteristics of a program
3. List the steps involved in program development
4. State two precautions to be taken when writing a program.

*WEEK 8          



Algorithm is the step by step procedure of solving a particular problem.
It is simply a sequence of clear and precise instructions for solving a
particular problem. Algorithms are usually written in English and some
few mathematical notations (signs, symbols)

*Characteristics of Algorithms*

1. They are written in sequence.

2. They are written in English like statements.
3. Finite, it must have a beginning and an end.
4. Should be effective
5. Should not be ambiguous. Should be consistent.


An algorithm to calculate average of three numbers:

Step1: Enter the first number N1

Step2: Enter the second number N2

Step3: Enter the third number N3

Step4: Calculate the total (N1+N2+N3)

Step5: Calculate the average (N1+N2+N3)/3

Step6: Print total

Step7: Print Average

Step8: End


The flowchart is the diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. It

shows the steps involved in solving a particular task.

*Characteristics of flowchart*

Different flowcharting symbols are used for different operations

Flow lines are used to connect the flowcharting symbols.

Flowcharts are read and drawn from top to bottom.

The start symbol indicates the beginning of a program.

The end symbol signifies the end of a program.

Flowchart symbols:



Flow line

Decision (control)



Pre-defined process/declaration

*Reading**Assignment*: *Reading**Assignment:*

Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Pgs 108
– 109



1. *_________ *is the step by step procedure of solving a

particular problem.

1. Problem b. sequence c. algorithm d. symbol

2. _________ is the diagrammatic representation of a step by

step procedure of solving a particular problem.

1. Algorithm b. Program c. Flowchart d. sequential solution

3. The following are characteristic of a flowchart EXCEPT one

1. Flowcharts are read and drawn from bottom to top b.

Flowcharts end symbol signifies the end of a program c.
Flow line are used to connect the flowchart symbols         
2. Different flowchart symbols are used for different operation.
4. The flowchart symbol represents

1. Pre-define b. Decision c. Input d. Processing

5. The following are characteristic of an algorithm EXCEPT one

a. They are written in sequence b. An algorithm should be effective

c. It must be ambiguous and inconsistent d. They
are written in English like statement


1. Define algorithm and flowchart

2.  State three characteristics of an algorithm
3. Write an algorithm that will compute the average of three numbers a,
b, c.
4. Draw a flow chart to calculate the area of a triangle with base, b
and height, h.

*WEEK 9        


It is a single easy to use language designed also for beginners. It is
not only simple but also powerful. It is science oriented. Professor
John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed the language in 1964 at Dartmouth
College, U.S.A., as a means of teaching students a simple language for
programming a computer. The program can be used to solve problem
covering a wide range of application on many different types of digital
computer. Because the BASIC Language has been designed for ease of use
and is readily available on most computers, program development can be
achieved in minimum time.

There are different versions of Basic. They include:

* Turbo Basic (T-BASIC)



1. What is BASIC?
2. List FIVE versions of BASIC.

For the computer to execute your instructions in order to produce the

desired result, the instruction must be first be interpreted to what the
computer can understand by another program called the BASIC INTERPRETER
(or TRANSLATOR). The BASIC interpreter converts your program into a form
that can be executed directly by the computer.


1. What is a BASIC interpreter?


This is also referred to as BASIC statement or a reserved word. It is an

instruction in BASIC, which has a specific means to the compiler or


The REM statement is a remark statement. It is used to insert remarks in

the program. Such remarks are used to explain what the program is all about.

10 REM This program finds the average of 5 numbers


The LET statement is used to assign (or give) values to variables.


10 LET A = B + C


Input is used to assign or give values to variables while program is

running. It can be used with both numeric and string variables.


10 INPUT A, B, C


The print statement tells your computer to display the output of the
executed program on the screen of the monitor (VDU).



End Statement is an instruction used to terminate the program. One the

computer encounters END statement, it automatically terminates the program.

50 END


The RUN statement is used to execute a program. In Q-BASIC, F5 is used

to RUN a program. Note that the program will not RUN if any mistake or
error is detected in it.


1. Write the function of the following BASIC keywords

2. LET (b) INPUT (c) PRINT (d) REM          
(e) RUN

*Reading**Assignment*: *Reading**Assignment:*
Hiit @ School, Computer Studies for Senior Secondary Education. Pg 110


1. ……………… converts your program into a form that can be executed

directly by the computer
2. Software (b) Interpreter (c) Hardware
4. Code (b) Centre (c) Computer
5. ………………….. used to assign (or give) values to variables
6. REM (b) INPUT (c) LET
7. ………………… statement is used to execute a program
8. INPUT (b) RUN (c) END
9. …………….. is used to RUN a program
10. F5 (b) F10 (c) F1


1. What is BASIC?
2. Write the function of the following BASIC keywords
3. LET (b) INPUT (c) PRINT (d) REM          
(e) RUN

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