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A charity which is offered as a  humble duty, at the proper time and place, to a worthy person
and without expectation of any returns, is considered to be the DIVINE CHARITY, in the mode of
Bhagvad Gita – (Chapter 17 Text -20)

Swami Kuvalayananda
The Founder

Kaivalyadhama Leadership

Justice Srikrishna Shri O P Tiwari Shri Subodh Tiwari

Retd Judge – Supreme Court Student of Swami CEO | Hon. Secretary,
Chairman – Advisory Board Kuvalyananda Kaivalyadham
Chairman, Kaivalyadham

Board of Advisors

u Justice (Retd.) Shri B. N. Srikrishna

Former Judge Supreme Court of India

u Dr. D. R. Karthikeyan, Padmashree Awardee

IPS, Former Director General CBI, President – Foundation for Peace,
Harmony & Good Governance

u Dr. Rajan Welukar

Vice Chancellor, Atlas SkillTech University, Mumbai

u Shri B. C. Khatua, IAS

IAS, Former Secretary, GOI

u Shri Sashikant Savale

Former Charity Commissioner, Maharashtra

u Shri P. H. Parekh, Padmashree Awardee

Senior Counsel Supreme Court 

u Shri Prasad Menon

Former Chairman, Vistara Airlines

u Dr. Anand Gokani

MD, Diabetologist

Kaivalyadhama in a Nutshell

Kaivalyadhama was founded by Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924.

It is a pioneering institute for synthesis of classical yoga and scientific

research. It focuses on research, training and health care in Yoga. It has
impacted thousands of people globally including stalwarts like Mahatma
Gandhi, Pandit Motilal Nehru, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar etc. Kaivalyadhama
has centres across 16 locations worldwide: six in India and ten in other
international locations across Europe, Americas and Asia.

Recognitions received...
l All-India level institute for
higher learning in Yoga
l Nodal Institute for
Promotion of Yoga in
l Scientific Research Institute
under SIRO

Major Departments

Therapy and Health Care

l Residential programs with
Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy,
Weight Management, Pain
Management, Healing program,
Auto-Immune disorders, Post
Covid Recovery program
Philosphico Literary Research (Prabalatwam), Intensive Training & Education
Scientific Research Department Department (PLRD) Yoga (Sadhana) for health l Gordhandas Seksaria College
(SRD) care, detoxification and
Fundamental research in Yoga,
l of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis.
Revolutionary experiments and
l Philosophy and Literature. l We take pride in being the
investigations on effects of l Over 5000 people benefit
Library of over 30,000 books
l World’s first Yoga College
yoga on various biochemical, annually at Lonavala.
and 240 Yoga Manuscripts. to extend theoretical and
physiological and psychological practical knowledge in Yoga
parameters of the body. and Yoga-related fields.
Recognized as an Institute of
l Offering Full-time Residential
Scientific Research by SIRO. courses for Degree/ Diploma
and Certificate courses.
Path breaking research on

the impact of Yoga on Cancer, l Our students from 60+

Chronic diseases, Gene therapy, countries now teach across
Auto Immune diseases. continents.

Your Contribution can
make a Difference

Please connect with us on [email protected]

Holistic Care Centre for Cancer Survivors and Lifestyle Conditions

The Problem

70% 40+ ~80%

of all global deaths
are due to non-
million of these deaths occur
in marginalised and
people lose
communicable low-middle income
their life to non-
diseases (NCDs) families.
like cancer and
diseases every year

The Good News!

These deaths are preventable. Precious lives could be saved.

At Kaivalyadhama, we conduct evidence-based scientific research, which proves the

effectiveness of holistic care and Yoga Practices in dealing with non-communicable diseases.

However, due to limited infrastructure and staff, we feel guilty for being unable to serve
more than 75% of the people who reach out to use.


1. Sponsor ONE new room for One time Rs. 20,00,000

Cancer/NCD patients

We are constructing We envisage to provide

Project Anand to help This center will be located accommodation, treatment
within our Lonavala campus 2. Sponsor Holistic Care One time / Yearly Rs. 50,000
cancer patients and those and therapies as per the
needs of the cancer Program for ONE Cancer/ subscription
conditions. survivors and people
NCD patient for TWO weeks
(Includes Stay, Meals, Yoga,
Wouldn’t you help the Cancer Survivors
3. Sponsor Ayurveda for a One time / Yearly Rs. 15,000
Cancer/NCD Patient for a subscription

4. Sponsor Naturopathy for a One time / Yearly Rs. 8,000

Cancer/NCD Patient for a subscription

5. Sponsor Yoga Therapy for One Time Rs. 5,000

a Cancer/NCD patient for a

6. Bricks for Project Anand - One Time Rs. 500

Per Brick.

We do have a separate Brochure for Project Anand,

we can provide you with it if you are interested. KAIVALYADHAMA 11
pat hy
na a
Holistic Health Care Center

weight manag
em ent

Yoga + Relaxation Yoga + Naturopathy Yoga + Ayurveda

A week of learning yoga Naturopathy is a natural The word ‘ayurveda’
and relaxing in nature. healing technique using means ‘the science of
the healing powers of life’. It is a complete
nature. ancient medical

Kaivalyadhama is visited by over Yoga For Weight Management

through naturopathy, diet and yoga
5,000 people every year. People
come for weekly packages consisting If you are not suffering from any health issues, but just think that you are not
of yoga and relaxation, panchkarma, being able to perform to your best, our detox program is just the solution for
you. Our program does not require you to fast or simply stay on soups and
ayurvedic therapy, naturopathy
juices. We focus on removing processed food from your diet by encouraging
and massage therapy. Weight you to eat wholesome food, fruits and vegetables. Also, detoxification is a
management.  wonderful way to kick-start weight loss.

Holistic Health Care Center DONATION AVENUES

1. Sponsor Ayurvedic One time / Yearly Rs. 15,000

Treatment for One poor subscription
patient for one week

2. Sponsor Stay for One poor One time / Yearly Rs. 8,000
patient for one week with subscription
meals and yoga therapy

3. Sponsor Naturopathy One time / Yearly Rs. 8,000

Treatment for One poor subscription
patient for one week

4. Sponsor food for One Poor One Time Rs. 3,500

patient for One week

5. Contribute towards Room One Time As per wish

Renovation Fund

Yoga College
The Gordhandas Seksaria
College of Yoga and Cultural
Synthesis, theoretical
and practical training
for Certificate, Diploma,
Advanced Teacher Training,
Yoga Therapy and Specialist
Courses for Management

1. Partial Scholarship for One time / Yearly Rs. 51,000
Meritorius students - ONE subscription
Student PG Diploma
(Study,Stay and Meals) - 9
months Course

2. Partial Scholarship for One time / Yearly Rs. 21,000

Meritorius students - ONE subscription
Student CCY ( Study, Stay
and Meals) - 1 month course

3. Sponsor Hostel Stay and One time / Yearly Rs. 11,000

Meals for One economically subscription
weak student for One month

4. Sponsorship for uniform of One time / Yearly Rs. 2,000

economically weak students subscription
- 1 Set

5. Contribute towards One time / Yearly Rs. 10,000

Common Fund for helping subscription
economically weak students
with fee discounts.

6. Contribute towards New One Time As per wish

Hostel Building Fund

Kaivalya Vidya Niketan
A School that was…
u …Born out of an urge to serve the society.
u …A dream of a sage, Swami Kuvalyananda to satisfy the thirst of knowledge in the
humblest homes.
u …Set up on the tapobhoomi of the visionary yoga leader, having served selflessly
throughout his life.
u …Founded with the primary intention of service from the heart.

Kaivalya Vidya Niketan

A place where the girl child is honoured

and women empowerment practiced

• Head of the institution is a woman.

• 95% of the teaching staff and 60% of MSW
are women.
• Office administration is manned by 100%
women staff.
• The school Canteen is run by a woman
• The four House leaders are all girl students.
• We have a Girl Guide movement in full action
which is also supervised by two lady teachers.
• The school proposes to sponsor free
education to 50girl students from Nursery to
Senior Secondary (15 years).
• 80% Class Parent Representatives are women.
The students’ Council is headed by a Girl

Kaivalya Vidya Niketan
Empowering the Economically weaker sections of the society

• We guide and assist students so as to enroll themselves for the 25% free seats, under
the provisions of the RTE Act (2009) as envisaged by the Government of India.
• There has been a steady rise in these enrolments over the years and 100% enrollment is
ensured under the RTE category.
• A Support fund has been set up within which we encourage parents to donate on the
occasions of children’s birthdays, in order to support the students falling under the ambit
of EWS category.
• Teachers contribute to this fund by raising money through various events like Balmela,
and book fairs. This is fund is utilized for the stationery and uniforms to the needy ones.
• The school has a system of Out-of-school donors who wish to help out the students in
their need.
• The school supports its
staff at the times of dire
needs in emergencies like
hospitalization and other
serious issues monetarily.
• Audit reports all the donations
are scrutinized and Audited by
a team of Internal and External
auditors duly certified by a C.A.
• Donations received for the
purpose are covered under 80
G of the IT Act and are exempt
from Taxes.


Kaivalya Vidya Niketan 1. Contribute towards Common Fund for helping One time / Yearly As per wish
School economically weak students with fee discounts. subscription
2. Sponsoring of fees for One economically weak student/s One time / Yearly Rs. 30,000
(from 01 - 12 yrs of schooling). subscription
3. Sponsoring books and stationery for one economically One time / Yearly Rs. 5,000
weak student/s (from 01 - 12 yrs of schooling). subscription
4. Sponsoring uniform set for one economically weak One time / Yearly Rs. 5,000
student/s (from 01 - 12 yrs of schooling). subscription

Infrastructure Development

5. Contribution towards School Infrastructure Development One time / Yearly Rs. 10,000
Fund. subscription onwards

6. Sponsoring upgradation/maintenance of play ground. One Time Rs. 15,000

7. Contribute towards Sports and Talent Development Fund. One Time Rs. 25,000

8. Contribute towards Computer Lab Development Fund. One time Rs. 40,000

The Ashram has a cowshed; located just near Swamiji’s kuti, constructed in the area of
5,000 sq.ft. Around 100 cattle’s can be accommodated in this cowshed. We have a total
of 60 cattle at present. In future there is a plan to increase the number of Cattle’s in this
cowshed. Total milk production is around 50 liters per day.

The words of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the greatest authority, herein clearly indicate that
one becomes pious simply by keeping cows and protecting them.” –
Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi Lila 17.111

If you live in a place where you cannot maintain cows personally, you
can engage in cow protection by adopting one of our resident cows,
bulls or calves. You can donate for one month, one year or lifetime
feeding and care. For one year and lifetime adoption, you can perform
worship of the adopted cow with the assistance of a Goshala priest.
In case of lifetime adoption, you can perform the worship every year
on your preferred date. Become a Lifetime Adoption member and we
will also send you regular updates and photos of your adopted cow. 
If you are living in a skyscraper of a city and have not place Adopt a
tree, grow an herbal plant , we will put your name close  to the plant
and look after it for you. Plant a tree and save the environment for a
better future.

1. Donation towards Gaushala Common Fund One Time As per wish
2. Sponsor for fodder for 1 cow for 1 day One Time Rs. 500
3. Sponsor 1 day food supplements to all cows One Time Rs. 1,100
4. Sponsor for 1 day for nutrients to all cows One Time Rs. 2,100
(Kadwa Kutti)
5. Sponsor for 1 day of raw fodder (Hara Chara) One Time Rs. 3,500
to all cows
6. Sponsor for fodder for 1 cow for 1 month One Time Rs. 6,000
7. Sponsor for medication for 1 month for all One Time Rs. 9,000
cows in the shed
8. Sponsor for 1 day seva for all cows in the shed One Time Rs. 11,000
9. Sponsor for extension of Cowshed One Time Rs. 1,00,000

Green Ashram

The vacant land of the trust is used for

the purpose of agricultural activities
and plantation. In some fields we grow
cow feed, which nourishes them and on
others we have herbal, Medicinal and
other plants such as guava, Jamun, Mango
& banana plantation which belong to the
Western Ghats. We are committed to
promote eco- friendly ways in principle
and in practice.  Among the plants which
we are planting are Gulmohar (Delonix
Regia), Mango (Mangifera Indica),
Nilgiri (Eucalyptus), Ashok (Polyalthia
Longifolia), Rai-Avala (Cicca Disticha), and the list goes on.  

For the existing plantation we have provided for water saving ways such as drip water
irrigation, which nourishes the plants well and is also very economical as far as the
consumption of water is concerned.

Apart from Medicinal plants we have also started organic vegetable farming with an
aim to  supply fresh, chemical-free produce vegetables to one & all. At present we have
grown limited vegetables. They were supplied to Annapurna Mess & Sadapurna Mess. The
emphasis of the farm is on integrating yogic principles and sustainable agriculture. Come
visit our herbal garden, experience the hidden gifts of mother nature.

1. Sponsor toward common One Time As per wish

2. Adopt a plant in our herbal One Time Rs. 1,000


3. Sponsor ONE solar panel One Time Rs. 9,000

street light

4. Adopt a Tree for a year One Time Rs. 10,000

(Name of the donor will be
displayed appropriately)

5. Adopt the group of 12 One Time Rs. 10,000

herbal plants

6. Sponsor ONE electric One Time Rs. 3,00,000


Scientific Research
The Scientific Research Department (SRD) is a ninety-year old pioneer and premier
scientific yoga research set-up. SRD’s research-based findings immensely contribute to
the acknowledgment of yoga as a science, amongst the scientists, academicians and
medical people, as well as, contribute to the spread of awareness related to yoga and its
cost-efficient health benefits among the general public.


Sponsor to Common Fund

1. For any Research project One Time As per wish

2. For publication of book for One Time As per wish


3. Training programmes One Time As per wish

4. Infrastructure & One Time As per wish

Instruments for research

Philosophico-Literary Research
The Philosophico-Literary Research Department is primarily concerned with the qualitative
aspects of Yoga, which broadly has ethical, Social, Philosophical, Therapeutical and Spiritual
dimensions. To unfold and promote these dimensions, PLRD is continuing the legacy of
Kuvalayananda in following ways-
• By ways of unfolding the ancient yogic wisdom, which is embodied in Sanskrit language
scattered in different scriptures or still hidden in manuscripts.
• By way of critically editing the ancient yogic texts pertaining to the different concepts and
practices and arriving at most authentic readings so that common people can apply this
wisdom in their day to day life.
• By way of critical interpretation, conceptualization, translation etc. of various concepts,
practices, their effects, ideas, values etc. with a view to promote yogic wisdow among the


1. Sponsor to Common Fund One Time As per wish

for Research projects

2. Sponsor to Research One Time As per wish

on Manuscripts

3. Donate for purchase of One Time As per wish


We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.

Swami Kuvalyananda Marg, Lonavala, Dist Pune, 410403. Maharashtra. India

Contact Us
+91 072620 26878 / 02114 273001 I [email protected] I

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