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Writing· Part 2

When I read this article, I instantly thought of my uncle´s favourite hallow. He found it when he was diving in
the ocean. My uncle lives in the coast of Irland. When he has some free time he always goes diving with his
little ship. That day, my uncle went diving. He knew in that zone there was a boat who sank many years ago,
but he had never explored it, so he decided to explore it that day. The boat was bigger than my uncle´s ship.
When he entered to the boat, he saw a big box, the one he decided to open. Inside the box, he found plenty of
jewells and money. It was a treaure! He picked the box and, when he was finally in the ship, he saw everything
there was in the box. Inside the box there were coins, but not normal coins. My uncle said he had never seen
that kind of coins. They had a triangular shape. One side of the coin was red, while the other one was black. He
´s still very proud of his discovering!

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