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Exercise 4


In this laboratory exercise, you will borrow:
1 compound microscope
1 prepared slide of Paramecium sp. (fission)
1 prepared slide of Onion (Allium cepa) root tip
1 prepared slide of Grasshopper testis (demonstration by teacher)
This educational material is strictly for Bio 01L (General Biology 01

As governed by R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10372, this material should not be
printed, reproduced, or sold without permission from the authors.
Laboratory) for 1st semester A.Y. 2022- 2023 class use only.

REMINDERS: You will be drawing your observations in this exercise. Remember what
you have learned in Exercise 2. In addition, avoid overlapping your lines when labeling.

1. Study the prepared slides of Paramecium sp. showing amitosis. You are able to
identify a one undergoing amitosis if they are at least partly conjoined at the tips.
2. Look for the three stages of fission: Early, Middle, and Late
a. Early – The macronucleus is elongated. There is a slight indentation in the
middle of the individual.
b. Middle – The constriction deepens and a furrow between the organisms is
clearly visible
c. Late – The cleavage furrow has almost pinched away from the two
organisms. The two daughter cells are roughly half the length of the mother
3. Draw the cells at different stages of cell division and label the following structures:
cilia, cell membrane, cleavage furrow.


1. Examine the prepared slide of mitosis of onion (Allium cepa) root tips.
2. Familiarize yourself with each of the four stages of mitosis by identifying the notable
parts such as: chromosomes, chromatids, nuclear membrane, equatorial plate, and
spindle fibers (if visible). To help you identify which phase of the cycle the cell is in, let
us go over the features to look for each phase.
a. Interphase- Cytoplasm, nucleus with discrete nuclear membrane and
aggregations of nuclear chromatin.
b. Prophase- The chromosomes appear condensed, and the nuclear envelope is
not apparent.
c. Metaphase- Thickened coiled chromosomes, each with two chromatids, are
lined up on the metaphase plate.

d. Anaphase- The chromatids of each chromosome have separated and are
moving to the opposite poles of the cell.
e. Telophase- The chromosomes are at the poles and are becoming more
diffused. The nuclear envelope is reforming and cytokinesis or the division of
cytoplasm occurs.
3. Take note of the formation of the cell plate.
4. Draw 1-2 cells that are undergoing each stage of the cell cycle provided for. Specifically,
provide the following labels for each stage:
This educational material is strictly for Bio 01L (General Biology 01

Interphase- cell wall and cytoplasm

As governed by R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10372, this material should not be
printed, reproduced, or sold without permission from the authors.
Prophase, Metaphase and Anaphase- cell wall, cytoplasm, and chromosome
Laboratory) for 1st semester A.Y. 2022- 2023 class use only.

Telophase- cell wall, cytoplasm, chromosome, and cell plate

Note: The prepared slide of Grasshopper testis is expensive and requires an enhanced
microscope to observe the phases of meiosis, and the available microscope cannot
accommodate the number of laboratory classes. Thus, this activity will only allow you to
observe the phases of meiosis in grasshopper in a demonstration set-up.
1. Go where the grasshopper testis demonstration set-up is situated and observe the
phases of meiosis.
2. Take a photo of the grasshopper testis and try to identify at least 2 phases.

Name: ______________________ Block: _____________



Stages of fission in Paramecium sp.

This educational material is strictly for Bio 01L (General Biology 01

As governed by R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10372, this material should not be
printed, reproduced, or sold without permission from the authors.
Laboratory) for 1st semester A.Y. 2022- 2023 class use only.

Early Middle Late

x_______ x_______ x_________

Stages of Plant Mitosis (Allium cepa)

Predict the number of chromosomes given 2n= 6

# of chromatin: ____ # of chromosome: ___

Interphase Prophase
x_______ x_________

# of chromosome: ___ # of chromosome: ___ # of chromosome: ___

Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

x________ x________ x________

Stages of Meiosis (Grasshopper testis)
This educational material is strictly for Bio 01L (General Biology 01

As governed by R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10372, this material should not be
printed, reproduced, or sold without permission from the authors.
Laboratory) for 1st semester A.Y. 2022- 2023 class use only.

x _____

Note: Please keep in mind that the questions below will mainly be notes where you can
place your answer; you will transfer these collected data to your Canvas course.

1. In what cellular processes is mitosis involved? In what cellular processes is meiosis


2. In mitosis, are daughter cells identical to or different from parent cells? In meiosis, are
daughter cells identical or different from parent cells? Explain why.

3. What is the difference between mitosis and amitosis?

4. Write a situation/ example that shows the importance of mitosis and meiosis.

This educational material is strictly for Bio 01L (General Biology 01
Laboratory) for 1st semester A.Y. 2022- 2023 class use only.


University of San Carlos.

Biology 10 Laboratory Manual. Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines: Biology Department,

Arche, M.N., Inoc, D.C., Oquiñena, M.K., Parilla, R.B., Roble, N.D., Tambuli, A.E. et al. (2010).

As governed by R.A. 8293 and R.A. 10372, this material should not be
printed, reproduced, or sold without permission from the authors.

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