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Business Plan

Group Members:

Jay Wendell Umali

Ella Mae Umali

Lebron James Kim Darren

May Yupacina
Umali Hernandez

Khia Jane Valles

Justin Pontipedra Karen Villaplana


Apicius Company
Executive Summary

Banana Chips are delicious, crispy, and healthy snacks. The banana chips

have a sweet taste. They are made from Filipino banana of the Saba and

Cardava variety. Smooth delicious bananas are picked in their mature green

stage, peeled, thinly sliced, sugar sweetened, and fried in vegetable oil.

Apicius Company was created by a group of eight students of Dr. Panfilo

Castro National High School from Humanities and Social Sciences strand, and all

of them are enrolled in Entrepreneurship class administered by Mrs. Melody

Cuevas. This company is located at Candelaria Quezon, and is named Apicius

as we are selling and producing Banana Chips with Choco Drizzled.

Our product, which price is 25 pesos from guaranteeing the quality and

taste of Apicius product. Banana chips packaging and labelling will be enhanced

more to further promote the product. Entrepreneur’s banana chips with choco

drizzled is served in plastic cups with dome lid.

Each member will contribute Php 390 each so the total for eight member’s

contribution for the capital of Php 3,117. We are making the Banana Chips with

Choco Drizzled as per the customers demand and request. The business shall

be promoted by word of mouth, printed materials and through personal selling

efforts of the business proponent.

Banana are vigorously growing, herbaceous plants growing in every

humid tropical region. Crispy chip is a thin slice of food made crisp by being fried,

baked, or dried and eaten as a snack. Banana chips, when cooked in a healthy

way, can make for a healthy snacking option. This crispy snack can provide you

with potassium, a mineral which is great for blood pressure control. Banana is

also rich in fiber, a nutrient that can help you have a healthy digestive system

and prevent constipation.

Banana Chips with choco drizzled run by grade 12 HumSS students of 12-

Matulungin in compliance to the requirements of the K to 12 Curriculum. It serves

best tasting banana chips cues at a budget friendly cost.

Company Description

Apicius is our company’s name which means the collection of Roman

cookery recipes. The tradition BANANA CHIPS but with the twist of Choco

drizzled on the top. The cost of starting a banana chips with Choco drizzled

business is significantly lower than the cost of starting most businesses, and it is

not too expensive to buy because it offers a friendly price to all customers.


Banana chips and its booming manufacturing industry became one of the

Philippine government’s ways to give Filipinos a decent source of income.

Entrepreneur’s goal is to provide customers with the best banana chips at the

best possible market price without compromising the quality of our product.

Apicius, aim to decrease healthy food consumption of the travelers . They want
to advocate healthy food choices by providing them healthier food options

without compromising the taste.


Apicius, envision of Filipinos that are health conscious and they dream of

country that protects its food culture. They intend to cultivate health

consciousness and cultural awareness among Filipinos by selling traditional

Filipino comfort food with nutritional value.

Product or Service Description

Banana Chips will be producing fried banana with choco drizzled. These

snacks are the typical Filipino merienda for it is easy to prepare, requires minimal

ingredients and are cheap. They can be very effective in easing hunger and are

nutritious in comparison to junk food and street food. Today, many travelers are

often opting for junk foods and street.

Industry Analysis

The possible competitors of Apicius company product is the

entrepreneurs that uses the same main ingredients. Banana can be cooked

or served in many different ways that they are some possibilities that we can

have or encounter some competitors. That is why they have the uniqueness

of product. Some key factors that can be related in being successful in our

industry is that they can help the farmers processing the banana to a new and

unique product.
Competitive Analysis

A competitor analysis focuses on identifying market participants

positioned to encroach on your opportunity and isolates each participant’s

operational strengths, substantive weaknesses, product offerings, market

dominance, and missed opportunities,” said David Taffet, CEO of Petal.

Competitive analysis can also help identify the changes you should

make to your business strategies. Learn from competitor strengths, take

advantage of competitor’s weaknesses, and apply the same analysis to your

own business plan.

You might be surprised by what you can learn about your business by

evaluating other businesses.

Entrepreneur in this business, product doesn’t have any competitors

from the section of Grade 12 Matulungin students, so possible that it will give

a successful company.

S. W. O. T


-with how the banana chips was improved.

-unique in Candelaria Quezon because the banana chips is drizzled

with chocolate.

-the snack product is nutritious. It’s nutritional contents include

potassium and protein.

-lacks of Banana supplies.

-Banana chips can be loaded with calories, saturated fat, and added



-the number of tourist or travelers

-the banana chips business profit ranges 50% to 60% as it has high

demand in the market.


-the increasing price of chocolate, sugar, and oil.

-out of stocks

-banana rotten.

Market Analysis

Chips nowadays are usually used to remove bad mood or atmosphere

because of its crispiest and its not ordinary taste. Students are the keys on

communities future success, they need to study hard to improve the

economic growth of the said town but for the whole country. So, as an

improvement, the students-owner think away to make a unique and not

ordinary chips product to gain more profit for school, expenses, and to health

our fellows students thru serving a nutritious serving a good chip. Without

getting hard time on how or where would they find a product that can satisfy
their need. Without getting hard time on how or where would they find a

product that can satisfy their need.

Marketing Mix


Banana chips with choco drizzled are healthy and delicious snacks.

Sliced bananas are coated in melted sugar and drizzled with choco on top

after fried. This crispy snack can provide you with potassium, a mineral which

is great for blood pressure control. Still, if you’re craving something crunchy,

you may wonder whether banana chips are healthier than other chips. The

chips are dehydrated and fried, which makes them highly palatable and easy

to be overconsumed.


Since our business aims to make it known also to non-school canteen

customers we will sell to Terminal and Bakery stores in Candelaria, Quezon.

Cash collection shall be made on the following delivery. Given that delivery

shall be made daily, collection of the day’s delivery shall be made on the

following days. Collection from these terminal and bakery stores shall be

made on the next Saturday of delivery. The place we choose to sell our

product, or the place that our product might taste or see, is in the Gemini

Bakery or in the Terminal.


This business plan will use the cost-based pricing approach, all costs

spent to produce the product divided by units and batches produced. This is
how the product pricing method the business going to use, not only of its

convenience but also this approach allows the company to have tangible idea

of how much the product should cost. Apicius have 12oz that cost twenty-five



The business shall be promoted by word of mouth, printed materials

and through personal selling efforts of the business proponent.


Apart from guaranteeing the quality and taste of Apicius product.

Banana chips packaging and labelling will be enhanced more to further

promote the product. Entrepreneur’s banana chips with Choco drizzled is

served in plastic cups with dome lid.


All bus passengers and travelers and all the tourists can buy this most

affordable and delicious banana chips with Choco drizzled.


Apicius has positioned itself as one of the most sweet and crispy chips

for everyone. Unlike other bananas served by our competitors. Apicius serves

the most sweet and crispy chips that are enjoyed by customers. Apicius

guarantees that our customers experience the most attractive and enjoyable

moments through their good services and best quality products.

Operational Analysis

In a company, the Production area will be in charge (in a few words) of


supplies, resources and materials into a final deliverable product; this area will

apply the

previous planning in order to obtain a high-quality product with a low cost

Production or Operational Plan

The operations section of your business plan is where you explain – in

detail – you company’s objectives, goals, procedures, and timeline. An

operations plan is helpful for investors, but it’s also helpful for you and

employees because it pushes you to think about tactics and deadlines. An

operational plan outlines the steps you’ll take to complete your business


Apicius will operate in the 18th day of January 2022.

Legal Structure

Apicius company will be a sole proprietorship business.

- Ella Mae Umali, 17 years old from Concepcion 1, Sariaya Quezon.

She is the CEO of the company. Her responsibilities are to create

marketing strategies for business growth, make decisions and

being responsible for those decisions and lead the company

towards its vision.

- May Yupacina from Mangilag Sur, Candelaria Quezon. She is the

General Manager of the company. Her role is to oversee daily

business operations, develop and implementing growth strategies,

researching and identifying growth opportunities and creating and

managing budgets.

- Kim Darren Hernandez, 17 years old from Concepcion 1, Sariaya

Quezon and Justin Pontipedra, 17 years old from Concepcion

Palasan, Sariaya Quezon and Karen Villaplana, 18 years are the

cooks. Their responsibilities is to set up all workstation kitchen,

prepare all necessary materials and ingredients, ensure the

presentation is enticing and keep the environment sanitized and


- Jay Wendell Umali, 17 years old from Concepcion 1, Sariaya

Quezon and Lebron James Umali, 18 years old from Santo Cristo

Sariaya Quezon. Their task is to greet customers when they enter

and tale and serve orders quickly and accurately.

Organizational Structure

Ella Mae Umali


May Yupacina
Khia Jane Valles
Justin Pontipedra Lebron James Umali
Kim Darren Hernandez Jay Wendell Umali
Karen Villaplana VENDORS



Manpower is the total number of people who can work to get something done.

Entrpreneur’s cannot run a shop without a people who will help to move things in order.

Thus, the first component in the production and operation of the business are the

people who will work with them. Some entrepreneurs or business owners run their own

shop alone but others hire workers who will assist them in the delivery of products and

services in their business.

Direct Labor

Kim Darren Hernandez, Justin Pontipedra, and Karen Villaplana, are the cooks. Their

responsibilities is to set up all workstation kitchen, prepare all necessary materials and

ingredients, ensure the presentation is enticing and keep the environment sanitized and


Indirect Labor
Ella Mae Umali. She is the CEO of the company. Her responsibilities are to create

marketing strategies for business growth, make decisions and being responsible for

those decisions and lead the company towards its vision. May Yupacina. She is the

General Manager of the company. Her role is to oversee daily business operations,

develop and implementing growth strategies, researching and identifying growth

opportunities and creating and managing budgets. Jaywendell Umali, and Lebron

James Umali. Their task is to greet customers when they enter and tale and serve

orders quickly and accurately.



Green Bananas

Brown Sugar

Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup


Non essential

Chopping Board


Plastic Cup with dome lid


Slotted Spatula

Chopping Board

- A kitchen utensil used as a protective surface that will be use to


- Will be used to slice the green bananas

Plastic Cup with dome lid

- A disposable cup made out of plastic with unique design and also a

recyclable plastic cups.


- Will be used to drain excess oil


- Will be used to separate oil and fried bananas

Slotted Spatula

- A metal spatula with a silicone or wooden handle to protect your

hand from heat being conducted through the metal.

Step Step
1 1
Peel the green
Peel the green bananas.

Step Step
2 2
Slice the peeled
Slice the peeled bananas.

Step 3
Step 3
Dry them
Dry them up byup
the sun.

Step 4
Step 4
Fry toFry
destroys enzymes
to destroys and micro-organisms
enzymes and gives
and micro-organisms a crisp
and gives a product with awith a
crisp product
characteristics aroma and taste.
characteristics aroma and taste.

Step 5Step 5

Cook the fried bananas with brown

Cook the fried bananas with brown sugar.

Step 6
Step 6
Transfer to a drip rock or colander
. to drain excess oil and to cool down.

Step Step
7 7
Transfer it into plastic
Transfer it into plastic cup.

Under machines are any of the equipment, tools, instruments, appliances or

devices that the workers will use to make the product or provide services to their

customers. Workers use machines to convert all raw materials or ingredients into

finished products.

Digital Food Scale

A food scale is the most precise way to measure portion sizes. It will save us

time, since we won’t have to count out our chips, and we won’t have to try to guess

what a two-ounce serving of chips or a four-ounce serving looks like.”

Start Up Capital

Apicius will launched its opening in the 18 th day of January 2023.

Apicius customers will soonest taste the Banana Chips with Choco Drizzled in

Gemini Bakery.
Table of Equipment

Particular Amount

Plastic Cup with Dome Lid 200

Total 200

Direct Materials

Particular Unit Price Amount

Banana 5 Bunch 30 150

Sugar ½ kg 45 45

Chocolate 1 Pack 100 100

Hershey’s Syrup
1L Start
Oil Up Capital1L 100 100

Total Particular Amount 395

Equipment 200

Indirect 430

Direct 395

Utilities 847

Total 2,272
Financial Plan

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

5 Bunch of 3,900 4,290 4,716 5,190 5,709



½ kg of sugar 1,170 1,287 1,415 1,546 1,711

Chocolate 2,600 2,860 3,146 3,460 3,806



1L Oil 2,600 2,860 3,146 3,460 3,806

Total Per 10,270 11,297 12,426 13,668 15,034


Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

No. of Units 1,040 1,144 1,248 1,352 1,459

to be


Estimated 26,000 28,600 31,200 33,800 36,475

Sales(No. of

Units to be

produced x

Price of

₱25.00 per


Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5

Cost of Sales 26,000 28,600 31,460 34,606 38, 066

Direct Materials 10,270 11,297 12,426 13,668 15,034

Direct Labor 2,600 2,860 3,146 3,460 3,806

Factory 5,200 5,720 6,292 6,921 7,613


of Sales)

Gross Profit from 7,930 8,723 9,336 9,751 10,022


Operating 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400

Advertising 500 550 600 650 700

Administrative 1,500 1,650 1,800 1,950 2,100

Net profit 4,930 5,423 5,736 5,851 5,822

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