(WEEK 5 & 6) Learning Module: Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation Inc

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Global Academy Institute of Technology

Foundation Inc.

(WEEK 5 & 6)
Learning Module
Prepared by: ELIZA M. ATILANO

Submitted by: ___________

a. Explains Filipino artists’ roles and identify their contribution to
contemporary arts

Lesson For Week!


o The National Living Treasures Award, alternatively known as
the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan is conferred to a person or
group of artists recognized by the Government of the
Philippines for their contributions to the country's intangible
cultural heritage.
o Is Conferred on Filipinos who are at the forefront of the
practice preservation, and promotion of the nation’s traditional
folk arts.

To honor and support traditional folk artists and to see to it
that their skills and crafts are preserve.
Formalized in 1992, through Republic Act No. 7355, the
Manlilikha ng Bayan Act.
The National Commission for the Culture and the Arts
oversees its implementation.
The award is tied with a program that ensures the transfer of
their skills to new generations and the promotion of the craft
both locally and internationally
In 2014, the Senate of the Philippines adopted Senate
Resolution No. (SRN)765 aimed at recognizing the
accomplishments of the country’s living treasures.

The award logo is a representation of the
human form used in traditional cloth. Below
the logo is the phrase “Manlilikha ng Bayan”
written in Baybayin,an ancient Filipino script
used in the Philippines in the 16th century.
1. Should be a Filipino citizen or a group of citizens
belonging to an indigenous / traditional cultural community
anywhere in the Philippines, engaged in Filipino traditional
art in the following categories: folk architecture, maritime
transport, weaving, carving, performing arts, literature,
graphic and plastic arts, ornament, textile or fiber art, pottery
and other artistic expressions of traditional culture;
2. Should have been engaged in the tradition and craft for a
significant period of time with at least 50 years of existence
and documentation;
3. Should have produced and performed of artistic,
distinctive, and superior quality;
4. Should possess mastery of the tools and materials that are
needed for the art and must have a reputation for being an art
master and craft maker in the community where he / she
5. Should have passed on and/ or will pass on the traditional
crafts and skills to other members of the community by virtue
of teaching;
6. In case when a Manlilikha ng Bayan candidate is incapable
of teaching further his/ her craft and skill due to age or
A. He / she should have created a significant body of work and
has contributed to the development of the tradition and craft
B. He / she should have played a role in the preservation and
revitalization of the artistic tradition in the community.
C. He/ she has been recognized as a master of his / her craft and
admired for his character and integrity in his / her community.

❖ National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)

• search for the finest traditional artists of the land
• adopts a program that will ensure the transfer of their skills to
others and
• undertakes measures to promote a genuine appreciation of
and instil pride among our people about the genius of the
Manlilikha ng Bayan

❖ Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan

• First awarded in 1993 to three outstanding artists in music and
• has its roots in the 1988 National Folk Artists Award organized
by the Rotary Club of Makati- Ayala
❖ Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
• As a group, these folk and traditional artists reflect the diverse
heritage and cultural traditions that transcend their beginnings
to become part of our national character.
• As Filipinos, they bring age-old customs, crafts and ways of
living to the attention and appreciation of Filipino life.
• They provide us with a vision of ourselves and of our nation, a
vision we might be able to realize someday, once we are given
the opportunity to be true to ourselves as these artists have
remained truthful to their art.

❖ R.A. 7355
• “Manlilikha ng Bayan”
• shall mean a citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely
• whose distinctive skills have reached such a high level of
technical and artistic excellence and
• have been passed on to and widely practiced by the
present generation in his/her community with the same
degree of technical and artistic competence.

❖ How does one become a Manlilikha ng Bayan?

• To become a “Manlilikha ng Bayan”, the candidate must
possess the following qualifications:

a. He/she is an inhabitant of an indigenous/traditional

cultural community anywhere in the Philippines that has
preserved indigenous customs, beliefs, rituals and
traditions and/or has syncretized whatever external
elements that have influenced it.
b. He/she must have engaged in a folk art tradition that
has been in existence and documented for at least fifty
(50) years.
c. He/she must have consistently performed or produced
over a significant period, works of superior and
distinctive quality.
d. He/she must possess a mastery of tools and materials
needed by the art, and must have an established
reputation in the art as master and maker of works of
extraordinary technical quality.
e. He/she must have passed on and/or will pass on to
other members of the community their skills in the folk
art for which the community is traditionally known.
A traditional artist who possesses all the qualities of a Manlilikha ng
Bayan candidate, but due to age or infirmity has left him/her
incapable of teaching further his/her craft, may still be recognized if:
a. He/she had created a significant body of works and/or has
consistently displayed excellence in the practice of his/her
art, thus achieving important contributions for its
b. He/she has been instrumental in the revitalization of
his/her community’s artistic tradition.
c. He/she has passed on to the other members of the
community skills in the folk art for which the community is
traditionally known.
d. His/her community has recognized him/her as master and
teacher of his/her craft.

What are the incentives received by the awardee?

A Manlilikha ng Bayan awardee receives:

a. specially designed gold medallion

b. an initial grant of P100,000 and

c. P10,000 monthly stipend for life.

In consonance with the provision of Republic Act No. 7355,

which states that “the monetary grant may be increased
whenever circumstances so warrant,” the NCCA board
a. an additional monthly personal allowance of P14,000 for
the awardees

1. The Award shall be given in each, but not limited to the
following categories of traditional folk arts, viz.:
• folk architecture
• maritime transport
• weaving carving
• performing arts
• ornament
• textile or fiber art
• pottery and other artistic expressions of traditional culture.

Consideration shall be given to geographical distribution and

balance of artistic categories.


• Poet, Hanunuo Mangyan
Mindoro (1993)
• Ambahan – is a kind of
poem consisting of seven
syllable lines which most of
the time contains
messages of love and

• Musician and Storyteller,
Pala’wan Brookes Point,
Palawan (1993)
• A musician and a poet
whose Expertise were the
Basal, Kulilal, and Bagit.
• Basal – is kind of musical
ensemble Played during
the “tambilaw”, a ritual Of
rice sharing among the
Palawan People as an
offering to the Lord of rice
and during the “tinapay”, a
rice wine drinking.
• Musician, Mamasa Pano,
Magundanao (1993)
• Master in playing the
kutyapi, a 2-stringed
plucked lute. The Kutyapi Is
one of the most difficult to
master indi- genous Filipino

• Textile weaver, T’boli, Lake
Sebu, South Cotabato
• Tnalak – a kind of fabric
made up of fine abaca
fibers weaved with different
designs which reflect the
traditions of the Tboli.

• Textile Weaver, Tagabawa
Bagobo, Bansalan, Davao
del Sur
• Start weaving at the of 12
through the Guidance of
her mother.
• She used to wear the
traditional hand Woven
tube skirt of the Bagobo.
(sinukla and bandura)
• Musician and Dancer,
Lubugan, Kalinga A master
of dance and performing
arts. he has also mastered
the dance patterns and
movements associated with
his people’s ritual. He is the
founder of the Kalinga
Budong Dance Troupe to
ensure that the music and
dance of his ancestor are
passed to the younger

• Epic Chanter, Sulod-
Bukidnon, Calinog, Iloilo
Work for the documentation
of the oral literature,
Particularly the epics of his
People. Labaw Dunggon
and Humadapnon. One
epic could take as much as
162 hours to recite and
Humadapnon is the longest
epic to recite. 2 months of
daily performances are
required for it to be
completely chanted
• Musician, Yakan Lamitan,
• Is a Yakan, a people to
whom instrumental music Is
closely connected to the
spiritual realm. Kwintangan
kayu – consisting of five
wooden logs Hung
horizontally, from the
shortest to the longest.
Played to serenade the
palay , as lover woos his

• Textile Weaver, Tausug,
Parang, Sulu
• Weaving the Pis Syabit, the
traditional cloth tapestry
worn as a head covering by
the Tausug of Jolo.

• Metal smith,
Kapampangan, Apalit,
• Creating religious and
secular art in silver, bronze
and wood.

• Mat Weaver, Sama
Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi
• The mat weaving is one of
the treasured traditions of
the Sama People. Their
mat is made up of Pandan
Leaves w/c undergo
tedious processes from
Stripping, to sun dying, to
dyeing up to weaving.
• Casque maker, Ilokano,
San Quintin, Abra
• He make to wear
Tabungaw, the gourd hat
he makes and wears, is
uniquely distinct in
• Textile weaver, Ilokano,
Pinili, Ilocos Norte
• Abel – the textile weaving
of Ilokano from local Cotton
and other fibers. Traditional
Patterns: Binakol and
Inuritan (geometric design)
Kusikos (spiral forms
similar to orange) Sinan-
sabong (Flowers)

Name:________________ Score:____________
Grade&Sec:___________ Date:_____________

DIRECTIONS: Encircle the correct answer in each number.

1. __________________ alternatively known as the Gawad sa

Manlilikha ng Bayan.
a. The National Live Treasure Award
b. The International Treasure Hunt
c. The National Living Treasures Award
d. None of the above
2. NCCA stands for?
a. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
b. National Commission for Culture and the Athletes
c. National Commerce for Culture and the Athletes
d. National Commerce for Culture and the Arts

3. Below are the categories of traditional folk, EXCEPT.

a. folk architecture
b. maritime transport
c. performing arts
d. dancing
4. Shall mean a citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely
a. Mangagawa ng Bayan
b. Manlilikha ng Bayan
c. Mananakop ng Bayan
d. Manunulat ng Bayan
e. an ancient Filipino script
5. An ancient Filipino script used in the Philippines in the 16th
a. Baybayin
b. Subaybayin
c. Talumpati
d. Engles

Name:________________ Score:____________
Grade&Sec:___________ Date:_____________

DIRECTIONS: BE CREATIVE. Make your own Ambahan. Write

your output on a short bondpaper. (25 points)


Name:________________ Score:____________
Grade&Sec:___________ Date:_____________

DIRECTION: Write in the blank the name of the Gamaba


1. _________________ 2.__________________

3.____________________ 4.___________________


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