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This is a brief summary of the six episodes of this Fable.

Episode 1: Razorfin
The heroes thwart a rebel group's ill-conceived plans to
steal an aetherium-powered submarine.

Episode 2: Killing Aetherium

Magitech malfunctions in Talavi draw the heroes into
an investigation where they discover a mysterious figure
looking to disrupt the Empire.

Episode 3: The Smoking Coils

The heroes prevent several plots against the Empire and
learn they were all coordinated by Brimstone, a shadowy,
world-spanning organization.

Episode 4: Trace of Deception

Brimstone now recognizes the heroes as a threat and use
moles within the Agency to frame the characters and turn
the Empire against them.

Episode 5: My Enemy’s Enemy

Following the trail of a dirty bomb, the heroes uncover a
secret imperial project, and they must fight to stop a poten-
tially world-altering disaster.

Episode 6: Planebreaker

With a potential doomsday approaching, the heroes must

infiltrate the Agency itself to uncover the fiendish plans that
could destroy the Empire. But information isn’t enough –
they’ll need to find allies, stay ahead of a trained killer, and
race against the clock to stop a world-wide catastrophe.

Season Overview

Editor's message......................................5
Welcome to Fables!.................................6
You are a Game Master..........................................6
Running this Fable..................................................6

Fabled Follies..........................................8
This Fable’s Story....................................9
Introduction......................................... 10
Session Zero.........................................................10
Episode 1 Overview..............................................13

Chapter 1: Extraction............................ 15
Mission Brief........................................................16
Mission Background.............................................16
Getting Into the Action!........................................18
WHat's Next?.......................................................23

Appendix A: New Monsters................... 24


Appendix C:
New Equipment and Magic Items.......... 26
Appendix E:
Player Characters - Level 3..................... 28
Agent Advancement Rules....................................28
Pre Gen Characters..............................................29

Open Game License............................... 38

Episode 1:Razorfin
Written by: JVC Parry
Head of Fables: Joe Raso
Story Design: Joe Raso
Art Director: Marius Bota
Agents of the Empire Writing Team: Leon Barillaro,
Chad M. Lensch, JVC Parry, Joe Raso, Erin Roberts,
Carl Sibley, Jeff C. Stevens
Managing Editor: Joe Raso
Editors: Matt Click, Shawn Merwin, Christopher Walz
Graphic Design: Martin Hughes
Cover Design: Martin Hughes
Interior Illustrators: Isabeau Backhaus, Zoe Badini,
Ivo Campelo da Silva, Brent Hollowell, Katariina Sofia Kemi,
Diana Khomutina, John Derek Murphy, Laura Marie Neal,
Mihai Radu
Cartographers: Kristian Agerkvist, Andrei Iacob,
Damien Mammoloti
Comic: Brian Patterson
VTT Asset Design: Joshua Orchard

General Manager, TTRPG: Phil Beckwith
Communications and PR: Hannah Peart, Kathryn Griggs
Products Design: Simon Sherry, Josh Orchard
Game Designers: Shawn Merwin, James J. Haeck, Joe Raso
Art Direction: Suzanne Helmigh, Marius Bota, Ona Kristensen,
Kerstin Evans, Matt DeMino
Graphic Design: Martin Hughes
Media Team: Bern Byrne, Dante Szabo
Ghostfire Gaming Discord Community Managers:
Ian “Butters” Gratton, Nelson “Deathven” Di Carlo,
Tom “Viking Walrus” Garland, Caleb “Connendarf” Englehart,
Cameron “C4Burgers” Brechin

Special thanks to the creative wizards at Wizards of the Coast for


being the caring stewards of this game we love.

Special thanks to our playtesters and every one of the passionate

roleplayers of the Ghostfire Gaming community. Your feedback and
your love of storytelling and monster-slaying is what drives us to
create games.

Welcome to Razorfin: Extraction! Inside, you’ll find the Additionally with this season, every monthly issue comes
first chapter of Episode 1 from our new Fables Season 3 with the Agents of the Empire Setting Guide, an 80+ page
campaign – Agents of the Empire. source book that includes the following:
Every 6 months we release a brand-new Fable Season. • The geography, history, and lore of Tholus, the home
As with our previous seasons, the Agents of the Empire world of the Karelagne Empire
storyline progresses through six monthly issues to form
• A new pantheon of nine gods worshiped on the Empire’s
a complete adventure campaign – well over 400 pages of
home world
new story, characters, monsters, and NPCs! Each episode
• Character creation rules, including new agent
contains 2-4 chapters built to provide an entire month’s
advancement options to infuse characters with super-spy-
worth of exciting content! Additionally, each month’s
themed abilities
distribution delivers a host of digital assets including maps,
• Game mechanics to help bring exciting vehicle chase
tokens, and handouts to enliven game play at your real or
encounters to your games
virtual tables.
For our Season 3 campaign, we’ve decided to expand • A selection of new monsters, vehicles, and magic items to
the setting introduced with Season 2 - Pirates of the enliven the world of Tholus
Aetherial Expanse. However, instead of fighting against the We hope you enjoy this abbreviated adventure and
Karelagne Empire, the characters are now secret agents consider looking at our full Fables subscription, wherein
protecting the Empire’s home world from shadowy threats you can get the complete episode, the full Agents of the
that can’t be address by military might alone. Empire Setting Guide, along with subsequent monthly
Within the Empire, magitech (short for magic infused releases of our Fables publication.
technology) has ushered in a wondrous new age where
nearly anything is possible. Of course, these advancements
often fall into the wrong hands, and the characters are Joe Raso
often the only ones standing between innocent civilians Fables Editor
and a villain’s dastardly plans. This new Fables season
was inspired by super-spy action films with over-the-top
villains, outlandish world-threatening plots, and thrilling
high-stakes drama.
For this campaign, characters advance one level each
episode, starting at 3rd level and advancing to 9th by the
end of the final installment. For groups who prefer starting
their games at 1st level, we’ve included optional encounters
to advance characters to 3rd level before starting the
main campaign.

Editor's message 5
You hold in your hands the first chapter of Agents of at your table are storytellers in their own right. Though
the Empire, a story of intrigue and excitement evoking they embody a single character each while you embody
thrilling super-spy adventures but set in a fantasy setting. many, the players have the power to make decisions
Each episode of this Fable contains about four game that will change the world forever. The best GMs are
sessions’ worth of thrilling fifth edition adventure, enough willing to improvise, even ignoring the text of a Fable
to entertain a weekly group of roleplaying game (RPG) when necessary, to ensure the characters’ actions have
players until the next episode arrives a month later. consequences — for both good and ill.
If you don’t plan to run this Fable, stop reading now.


What follows is for the Game Master’s eyes only.

As Game Master (GM) of a Fable, you have the power of

a storyteller, spinning tales of heroism and adventure to a
rapt audience. Imagine yourself dressed in the clothes of a Fables is an episodic adventure series using the fifth edition
traveling bard, your face cast in glowing firelight as you weave of the world’s oldest roleplaying game. To play, you need
a tapestry of words. Your words draw those who sit around the free fifth edition System Reference Document, or the
the fire with you into another world — but they aren’t just the books that make up the fifth edition core rules.
audience of these tales, but actors and storytellers themselves. This Fable takes place in Tholus, the home world of the
The GM’s role is to establish the setting of each scene in Karelagne Empire. Less than a century ago, the city-state
this Fable, introduce and portray its nonplayer characters of Karel established a stable portal to the Astral Plane,
(NPCs), and play monsters and villains who long to from which they brought back aetherium, a rare and
bring a swift end to the heroes’ adventures. The players extremely valuable magical crystal.

6 Welcome to Fables
Access to aetherium rocketed Karel’s magical technology
ahead centuries. Their magitech advancements allowed Running a Fantasy
Super Spy Campaign
Karel to conquer its rivals, ending centuries of bloody
conflict, and creating the Karelagne Empire that now
effectively governs most of its homeworld.
Agents of the Empire is a story about daring super-spies
This new setting is described in the Agents of the Empire
working to protect the Empire from shadowy organizations
Setting Guide, included with each episode of this Fable.
threatening to destroy it. The villains use nefarious plans
Before beginning this Fable, familiarize yourself with the
to achieve their ends, and the heroes are often the only
locations, NPCs, and lore of the setting, as well as some
ones who stand in their way, often in seemingly impossible
new super-spy themed rules found in the setting guide.
situations. Only through their daring and determination
Additionally, the following information will help you run
can the heroes save the day.
this Fable as GM.
As the GM, consider it your role to communicate the

Episodes and Chapters

tone of this campaign to your players. Because this is an
RPG campaign, you don’t need to be tonally consistent the
way a book or a movie is, but playing this story as a dark
A Fable is a complete story, released in six monthly
fantasy dirge when its tone is high-stakes heroic action
episodes. Each episode is an arc of this overall story. An
might make players feel awkward or confused.
episode is designed for a specific range of levels. As the
Three major elements in this story inform its tone, and
GM, you’re empowered to run an episode for characters of
you and your players will probably have more fun if you
a higher or lower level than recommended, but be prepared
keep these elements in mind while prepping and running
for a more challenging or easier session unless you alter the
each chapter of this Fable:
challenges and monsters the characters face.
Each episode presents a self-contained adventure, typically Heroic Agents. The characters are heroic agents tasked
organized in three or four chapters. Some episodes provide a with protecting the Empire and its people. Regardless
linear series of encounters that drive the plot forward, while of the characters’ individual views on the Karelagne
others present more of a sandbox approach allowing the Empire, the shadowy threats they face jeopardize the
players to weave their way through the story. well-being of everyone. Often the characters are the only
ones capable of stopping this evil.

Monsters, Magic, and More

Mystery and Intrigue. The heroes work for the Agency,
a well-kept secret of the Empire. It was founded to
When you see text in bold, that’s the Fable’s way of telling discretely counteract dangers that military force alone
you a scene or location contains a monster or NPC that’s could not. When the heroes are sent on a mission, they
ready to fight. New monsters and NPCs in Fables are often must uncover clues that lead to the true threats
usually found in appendix A of the episode in which they endangering the Empire.
appear. If a monster’s name appears in bold but isn’t Dynamic Action. This Fable’s story was inspired by
followed by “(see appendix A)” or a similar pointer, then super-spy action-adventure films. These tales are filled
that monster’s game statistics are found in the fifth edition with over-the-top villains, outlandish world-threatening
core rules. plots, and thrilling high-stakes drama. The characters
When you see text in italics, that’s the Fable’s way of are remarkable heroes who must somehow find ways to
telling you that you’re looking at the name of a spell (like narrowly escape seemingly impossible situations. As a
hideous laughter) or a magic item (like winged boots). GM, try to evoke the death-defying actions of the char-
Most spells and magic items are found in the fifth edition acters and find ways to say yes to their outrageous plans.
core rules. New spells and magic items are described in an
episode’s appendixes as well, indicated by a “(see appendix
B)” pointer.

When you see boxed text like this, the characters have likely
This Fable’s story was inspired
entered a new area or triggered an event such as an NPC by super-spy action-adventure
entering the scene. This text is meant for the GM to read or
paraphrase aloud to the players to set the scene. films. These tales are filled with
over-the-top villains, outlandish
world-threatening plots, and
thrilling high-stakes drama.

Welcome to Fables 7

8 Welcome to Fables
This primer on the story and backstory of Agents of swarms of insect-like fiends poured, feeling an instinctive
the Empire will help you tell a compelling and cohesive connection to Folly’s landscape of arcane devastation.
narrative from episode to episode. Arriving with this fiendish deluge were several swarms
manifesting an exceptional communal intelligence. Among
Overview their infernal powers was the ability to infest the bodies of
the newly dead, animating them to appear as they had in
In this Fable, the characters are secret agents working for life. Four of these powerful fiendish swarms infested people
the Agency, a covert organization protecting the Karelagne who had died in Folly’s planar disaster. The fiends adopted
Empire from nefarious groups. the personas of these individuals and integrated themselves
The characters learn over the course of this Fable that a into the Empire.
criminal organization called Brimstone has embedded itself
into the highest levels of the Empire. Additionally, their inves- Fiendish Sovereign General
tigations uncover a dangerous project threatening not only the Two of these infernal infestations took on the forms of
Empire but potentially the entire world and planes beyond. Domas Brandel and Velaasa Sorn, a pair of Karelagnian
aristocrats with strong connections in the imperial
Backstory government. Domas was a naturally charismatic leader,
and with Velaasa’s support, the fiend rose to be elected as
The Karelagne Empire is the undisputed power controlling the third Sovereign General to rule the Karelagne Empire.
the world of Tholus. Its rise to dominance over most of its
world ended centuries of bloody conflict between the rival
city states that sought to dominate one another.
Infernal Weakness
Though the fiendish infestations are powerful, their
separation from their infernal home and others of their
Discovery of the Aetherial Expanse kind gradually weakens them. They will eventually die
The true rise of the Empire began when Karel opened unless they can again bathe in the infernal energies of their
a stable gateway to the Aetherial Expanse, a vast sea of home world. Unfortunately for them, their home plane is
magical aether on the Astral Plane. Access to this realm exceedingly difficult to access and is impervious to most
brought a wealth of magical aetherium and energized planar transportation.
the development of new magitech. Karel’s technomages To rectify this, Domas is secretly using the Empire’s
created wonderous and powerful new technologies. New resources to open a permanent gateway to their infernal
aetherium-powered ships and devastating weapons gave plane in hopes of flooding Tholus with others of his kind.
the Empire a huge military advantage over its rivals. He dreams of leading swarms of his fiendish kin to conquer
all of Tholus and worlds beyond.
The Folly Disaster
However, an attempt by Karel to create another portal
Brimstone and the Spider
into the Aetherial Expanse resulted in the terrible event Domas may be confident he can open a portal to their
most refer to as the Folly Disaster. Waves of land-twisting infernal realm in time to prevent their demise, but Velaasa
magical energy washed over the land, devastating Sorn has been working on a backup plan in case he fails.
everything in its path. The incident effectively ended all Velaasa secretly created Brimstone, to be a covert
resistance to the Empire’s ascendance, with the last region organization that positions itself as “the Empire’s loyal
agreeing to join the Empire out of desperation, as well as opposition.” It works to simultaneously undermine
fear that Karel had developed a new super-weapon. the Empire while also researching a means to forestall
Velaasa’s death. Her goal is to survive until Domas finally
succumbs to the prolonged separation from their kindred.
A Fiendish Legacy Once she outlasts the Sovereign General, she plans to finish
What few realize is that the Folly Disaster temporarily the infernal portal to their home plane and take control of
opened a portal to a fiendish plane, through which their infernal brethren when they arrive.

...a criminal organization called Brimstone has embedded

itself into the highest levels of the Empire.

Welcome to Fables 9
This adventure is designed for 3rd-level characters. It is
an extract of the first episode's opening chapter of the new
Fables Season 3 campaign – Agents of the Empire.
Fables subscribers receive the full episode along with
the Agents of the Empire Setting Guide, a sourcebook that
includes new optional agent advancement rules to use with
this campaign.

Before running this Fable, it’s vital to prime your players
with a Session Zero. This pregame event allows you to
Session Zero

pitch this adventure, as well as set everyone’s expectations

for what kinds of content to expect and how long it might
take to finish. Finally, the group can either create their
characters together or use the pre-generated characters
found in appendix E.
This Session Zero has three main parts:
• Pitching the adventure to ensure all players are interested
in the adventure.
• Setting content expectations by clearly establishing what
kind of content is and isn’t OK at the table.

• Creating characters together or selecting from the

premade characters.

Pitching this Fable

You can pitch this Fable to your players by reading the
following boxed text and asking if this adventure sounds
fun to them.

Agents of the Empire is a story where you play as secret

agents protecting the Karelagne Empire from shadowy
threats and diabolical villains.
The Empire is seen as a godsend by most of its citizens.
Its formation ended years of bloodshed. The arrival of
magical aetherium has given rise to remarkable magitech
advancements such as aetherium-powered ships, arcane
trains, and wondrous flying machines. It’s a land where
magic and technology are newly fused in dangerous but
remarkable ways.
In the first episode, your characters are new recruits
of the “Agency,” the Empire’s secretive spy organization.
Your first mission is to rescue captives held by unknown
operatives in a remote and derelict warehouse. Innocent
lives are at stake. Are you ready to be a heroic agent and
protect the Empire?


Agents of the Empire is a
story where you play as secret
agents protecting the Karelagne
Empire from shadowy threats
and diabolical villains.

Setting Expectations
When setting expectations for this Fable, be prepared to
state what kind of content you’re excited to include, and
what content makes you uncomfortable. Then, ask your
players if they have anything to add to the “Yes, please!”
list, and anything they want to add to the “No way!” list.
Encourage your players to put things on the “Yes”
or “No” list even if someone else has named it on the
opposite list.
If you know your players extremely well, you may not
need to ask them about what type of content is exciting or
uncomfortable for them. Still, even if it feels overly formal,
it’s never a bad thing to check in with your players, and
yourself, to ensure the campaign remains fun and exciting
for everyone through its entirety.

a g
Super Spy Content

We can’t list every type of content you’ll encounter in this

Fable. However, some things to consider include:

e l
• Colonialism

e p e
• Captives

• Death

h o e l
• Drowning

s m
• Gore

• Physical mutations and body horror
• Theft
• Torture

Voting Yes

a e y a w
GMs aren’t obligated to include every theme, topic, or

type of content their players want to see in the game, but

c icnrrtm
it’s a great way to build a list of cool things that will raise
the stakes, up the intensity, and increase your players’
investment in the story.

RAZORFIN | Introduction
o e 11
Hard No, Soft No Characters who use these rules select a division of the
Agency they belong to. Each division represents special
When the lists are made, go through the “No” list, and ask training or innate skills associated with an aspect of spycraft.
the group if it’s a “Hard No” or a “Soft No.”
A Hard No is a topic a player wants to avoid at all • Information Division. Identifying, intercepting, and
costs; these generally fall into the topics of traumas and evaluating information
phobias. A player who experienced a traumatic family • Logistics Division. Acquisition and movement of
death may want to avoid exploring similar things; someone goods and personnel
with a debilitating case of arachnophobia might not • Operations Division. Tactical and
want to encounter giant spiders, even though they’re a extemporary fieldwork
fantasy staple. • Personnel Division. Motivating and
If a topic is listed as a Hard No from even a single player, manipulating individuals
it shouldn’t be included in the game. They don’t owe Each division includes features and a selection of
anyone an explanation about why they want to vote Hard talents to further invest characters into the role of
No for a topic. specialized agents.
A Soft No, however, is a challenging topic a player might

Pre-Generated Characters
want to explore in a limited or specific way. Talk with your
player about how this topic, which might border on the
traumatic or phobic, could be used to make the game more Alternatively, instead of creating characters, pre-generated
exciting — and how the player can signal to avoid it. characters are included in this Fable. These characters
Veto Power. If a player has reached their limit on a were not optimized to be the most powerful combinations
Hard No or Soft No topic (whether they listed it in Session of each class and race but were instead intended to be a fun
Zero or discovered they’re uncomfortable with the topic and diverse collection of agents who fit into the world of
just that moment), they have the power to veto the topic this Fable.
instantly. RPG designer John Stavropoulos recommends

Character Leveling
using a card with an X marked on it and placing it on
the table within arm’s reach of everyone in case someone
needs to veto a scene. A player can also say something like This Fable was designed to advance character levels using
“I’m not comfortable with this, let’s move on.” Story-Based advancement. The Fable starts at 3rd level,
Some GMs prefer to move on instantly, no questions with characters advancing a single level at the end of each
asked. Others like to take a break, give everyone a chance episode so that by the end of Episode 6, characters should
to have a snack, and then move on to give people a chance reach 9th level.
to shake the awkwardness that sometimes comes with Episode 1 also includes supplementary encounters in-
expressing your discomfort. tended to advance characters from 1st to 3rd level for those
groups who prefer to start play using first-level characters.
Character Creation In addition, if the optional agent advancement rules
described in the Agents of the Empire Setting Guide are
It’s time for your party to create characters together! In used, characters can expect to also gain an agent milestone
general, your players should use the character-building during each episode, allowing them to advance in their
guidelines laid out in the fifth edition core rules. The agent rank.
Agents of the Empire Setting Guide includes more
information on how the core races and classes in fifth
edition fit into this setting, along with ideas to integrate
character backgrounds for the world of Tholus.
In addition to choosing your race, class, and background,
consider using the following optional agent advancement
rules to add more depth to your character and help them
Each division includes features
become a super-spy working for the Agency.
and a selection of talents to
Optional Agent Advancement further invest characters into
The Agents of the Empire Setting Guide (distributed with
the Fables subscription) includes new optional rules for the role of specialized agents.
agent advancement. These rules provide a significant boost
to character capabilities and it’s strongly recommended
that they only be used if all characters utilize them.


industrialization of farming, and the introduction of the

EPISODE 1 OVERVIEW railroads, Raal’s ecosystem has suffered, and many have
been ousted from their traditional agricultural work into
In this episode, the newly commissioned agent characters the growing railroads, factories, and docks of the Empire.
are tasked with putting their spy skills to work in the investi- The Reachers wish to restore their view of balance, one
gation of some strange occurrences in the Raal, an agrarian that excludes railroads and magitech. They want Raal to
state of the Karelagne Empire that has seen much indus- regain its autonomy, so that they might restore the natural
trialization with the influx of aetherium from the Aetherial world before the acts of the Empire drive it to destruction.
Expanse and recent magitech advancements. In order to do this, the Reachers have been meeting in
In the full version of Episode 1, the characters uncover Adon’s Reach and planning their next steps. Their con-
the plot of a rebellious anti-imperialist group. This clusion is that the Reachers alone could never truly break
faction, known as the Reachers (thanks to their hideouts the grasp of the Empire. Rather, they’ll commit rebellious
in the Adon’s Reach mountain range), intend to steal a acts designed to empower the people of Raal and make
submarine prototype from Karel, due to dock in Kitchek, them realize that they are strong and independent enough
one of Raal’s major south coast ports. to cast off the Empire’s yoke and live freely by their own
Unfortunately, the ill-prepared group creates a situation rules and traditions.
where serious damage to the ship, surrounding dock, and Until now, the Reachers have undertaken minor acts of
innocent bystanders is far more likely than the planned theft and sabotage, damaging railcars, and robbing the
theft, and thus the characters must act quickly to stop the cargo crisscrossing their lands. Now however, they seek to
Reachers and their plot. During this process, they might undertake a daring act aimed to garner public attention
also uncover clues pointing to a sinister figure who seems to with the theft of the Razorfin, a submarine prototype from
have funded and incentivized the rebellious act. Karel. This ship, while outfitted for war, is more of a tool
for imperial propaganda. It is decked out with fineries
Supplementary Adventures and luxuries designed to show the outer regions of the
Karelagne Empire what imperial unification can bring.
The full first episode contains supplementary adventures The Razorfin is setting off on a propaganda tour
for GMs wishing to start the Agents of the Empire from Karel, docking in major ports along the coast and
campaign at 1st level. Appendix C of the first episode surrounding isles. The Reachers aim to steal this boat
contains several short scenarios split between 1st and from the port of Kitchek on the southern coast of Raal,
2nd level designed to immerse characters into the action and in doing so, show the everyone that they need not be
of being a secret agent for the Karelagne Empire. These beholden to the Empire nor fall for its tricks.
encounters allow PCs to reach 3rd level before continuing In order to steal the Razorfin, the Reachers have been
with the main adventure in chapter 1. gathering aetherium and vehicle parts, using a mole within
the dockworkers to help steal these items. The fuel and
Adventure Background parts are being used to create a zeppelin capable of lifting
the submarine from the docks. The mole has gathered intel
Over the last 100 years, Karel has undergone an industrial about the ship and, most importantly, when it will arrive.
revolution thanks to the discovery of aetherium, a magical To help plan their activities, the Reachers used a dis-
fuel that can power new and remarkable magitech devices. gruntled noble from Karel to interrogate several individu-
This transformation quickly advanced Karel’s military als from Kitchek. Although the faction has been careful to
might and spread its influence world-wide. It precipitated hide these activities, they have not gone unnoticed. Episode
a rapid end to years of bloody conflict with neighboring 1 begins with the Agency sending the characters to rescue
states, many of whom were absorbed as provinces into the captives held in an abandoned estate and to uncover the
growing Karelagne Empire. reasons for their captivity.
Of course, not everyone is happy with the new imperial
rule. Many in the remote provinces felt that Karel had
overstepped, and the unification of the Empire was not
Character Advancement
a peaceful one. Still to this day, anti-imperialist factions The characters begin this adventure at 3rd level and can
continue to plot and scheme against the Karelagne Empire. advance to 4th level at the end of the full episode.
One such faction is the Reachers, a group from Raal If the Agents of the Empire Setting Guide optional agent
who believe that Karel forced this new mechanical, advancement rules are used, characters should begin the
technological way of life upon them. Raal has always main scenario as agents of rank 1. The full episode provides
been predominately agrarian, and its populace worked opportunities to award agent milestones, allowing characters
the land but also lived in harmony with it. Since the to advance their agent rank by its end.

RAZORFIN | Introduction 13

As operatives in the Agency, the characters are tasked
with extracting captives in a derelict automaton
workshop. After freeing the captives, the larger,
looming threat comes into focus.
During this chapter, the characters embark a mission to
free captives from a ruined automaton workshop in the
heart of the Raalian farmland. During their rescue oper-
ation, the characters must not draw too much attention to
themselves, as they are vastly outnumbered by the captors,
who work for some unknown cause.
After rescuing the captives, the characters learn the truth
of the situation, revealing a large-scale aetherium theft
ring in Raal. This leads the characters to investigate these
incidents in chapter 2.

During their rescue operation, the characters must


not draw too much attention to themselves...

This chapter focuses on freeing captives from a
remote abandoned estate owned by an influential
Karelagne family.

The Kelvan Estate

In the years after Raal joined the Empire, the wealthy
Kelvan family created their estate to house a technomage
workshop developing agricultural magitech devices.
The workshop had some early success, creating
automatons of limited capability, but was never recognized
as a center for such research. This may have been due to
a lack of attention by the Kelvans, more focused on their
political ambitions in Karel than magitech research, and
within a few years, the workshop fell into disuse, with the
technomages leaving for other facilities across the Empire.
For a time thereafter, the estate served as a warehouse,
storing farming supplies and equipment for distribution
across rural Raal. However, the arrival of new rail lines
in neighboring settlements made transportation to this
location inconvenient, and the site was fully abandoned
more than fifteen years ago.


h e wm ear
T o p
Fren Kelvan

p e e
NE female human bandit captain

e s m
Fren is an attractive middle-aged woman, standing nearly six

feet tall. She walks imperiously, often wearing a persistent

h o
scowl suggesting displeasure with the current situation.

Fren is spoiled and cruel. She is driven to find a way to
hurt the political elite in Karel, the society from
which she’s been exiled.
Fren knows she’s helping an anti-imperialist
group, but knows little about them other than
the name of her contact, Rita.

a s s
Personality Trait. “I don’t care about others

as long as I’m happy.”

r a
Ideal. “Retribution. The elite of Karel must

be made to pay for my exile from the city.”

o w
Bond. “The elite must be brought low for

t ,
my embarrassment.”

n w
Flaw. “I’m more important than everyone else.”

io r m
fpceooem l e
ptheer t o
Fren is spoiled and cruel.
She is driven to find a way
to hurt the political elite in
Karel, the society from
which she’s been exiled.

RAZORFIN | Chapter 1: Extraction 17

Fren Kelvan
Although Fren Kelvan belongs to the well-connected Operation Mongoose
Kelvan family, she has not been seen in the Karel for
more than a decade. Her family continues to pay her a Mission Primer:
substantial stipend to stay away from the capital after • The Agency has become aware of a politically sensitive
a series of scandalous affairs with important diplomats situation requiring your discrete intervention.
threatened to tarnish the family’s reputation. • Ester Kelvan, the elder matriarch of an influential
Though she originally enjoyed her luxurious lifestyle, Karelagne family, inadvertently intercepted strange
exile from the capital fostered a hatred for all things messages sent by her youngest sister, Fren Kelvan.
related to Karel and the Empire. Recently, she met an • Agency analysis determined that Fren Kelvan has
anti-imperialist named Rita in the seaside city of Kitchek. commandeered an abandoned family property in Raal.
She was immediately attracted to Rita and her passion for • Four captives are believed to be held somewhere on
bringing down the Empire. the property.
Fren was eager to help Rita in anyway she could and • The reason for taking these captives is unclear.
readily agreed to set up operations in the abandoned
Kelvan Estate to interrogate captives for Rita. Fren doesn’t
• Preliminary intelligence suggests more than twelve
know Rita is working for the Reachers, only that she helps
armed guards patrol the grounds, but their capabilities
a worthy cause—a cause aimed to hurt the aristocracy from
and the number of hostiles on site remain unknown.
which she was expelled.
• Transportation to the abandoned warehouse has been
Her contact is actually Rita Ken, one of the regional
arranged for you and your fellow operatives.
leaders of the Reachers (see chapter 3). Rita doesn’t trust
Fren, given the exiled noble’s ties to Karelagne aristocracy,
and thus she has been careful to not share anything about Stealth and discretion are of great importance due to
the Reachers with Fren. Rita is content to manipulate Fren the high-profile family connection.
to achieve the Reachers’ goals. Primary Objective:
• Infiltrate the compound.
• Find and extricate the captives.

GETTING INTO THE ACTION! Secondary Objective:

• Capture Fren for questioning.
The adventure begins with the characters approaching the
location of their mission objective. Send a mission summary report to Agency headquarters.
At this point, provide the characters with the Operation
Mongoose handout. Each character received a mission scroll
(see appendix C) containing this message prior to the mission.
One character also possesses the team’s messaging plate (see
appendix C) for communicating with headquarters. Once the characters are ready to proceed, read or
Allow the players time to coordinate any details paraphrase the following:
regarding items their characters may have prepared prior
to undertaking their mission. It’s also a great time for the After a lengthy train ride that started in Karel, pushed
players to introduce their characters if this hasn’t already through the blasted landscape of Folly, and ended in a
been done. remote farming community that’s seen better days.
Agent Rank. If the optional agent advancement rules are A handful of decrepit cottages border a dirt road with
used from the Agents of the Empire Setting Guide, the a few farmers working their meager vegetable crops. The
characters should start this adventure as rank 1 recruits road leads through the flat countryside towards a metal
with 1 Fortune Point. building barely visible in the distance – likely all that
remains of the Kelvan Estate.

Rita doesn’t trust Fren, given the exiled noble’s ties to Karelagne
aristocracy, and thus she has been careful to not share anything
about the Reachers...


approaching the compound. For the next 24 hours, all
The few people working the fields are dirt farmers
patrols have advantage on their perception checks.
(commoners). They are distrustful of outsiders, avoiding
Examining the Alarm. Characters trained in Arcana
contact and conversation. Characters who succeed on
who inspect the wires and metal boxes and who succeed
a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check may learn the
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check understand the
following by speaking with them:
basic principle of the alarm and how it could be bypassed.
• The Kelvan Estate has been abandoned for years Creatures with a background working with magitech have
• Locals stay away, believing it’s cursed with bad luck advantage on this check.
• Several weeks ago, well-armed outsiders arrived and Disabling the Alarm. Bypassing the alarm requires
took over the estate. a DC 15 Dexterity check using either thieves’ tools or
tinker’s tools. Success on this check permanently disables
A Little Incentive? Characters can get the farmers to
the alarm system. Failing this check causes the alarm to be
share more if they offer a gold piece or two. The farmers can
tripped. Failing the check by 5 or more causes a burst of
describe the general layout of the estate grounds, the patrols
electricity to flare, requiring the character make a DC 13
circulating on the property, and the appearance of a woman
Dexterity saving throw, dealing 7 (2d6) lightning damage
(Fren Kelvan), who they assume is the person in charge.
on a failed save and half as much on a successful one.

Approaching the Compound

Additionally, the lightning flash alerts the guards on patrol
of the character’s location.
Years of neglect have not been kind to the Kelvan Estate.
Its remains sprawl across several grass-covered acres. Estate Grounds
Today, only a single metal-walled warehouse stands near
the remains of a once-noble mansion The Kelvan Estate is in great disrepair, suggesting it lay
abandoned for many years. The only building with any
Early Warning System structural integrity is a large warehouse. Its sheet metal
walls rise high above its surroundings. From where you
Encircling the grounds is a simple magitech alarm system.
It consists of a thin metal wire laid along the ground, stand outside the estate, you can see several patrols of
which connects to hand-sized metal boxes every 30 feet. armed guards circuiting the building.
The wire is roughly 500 feet away from the warehouse.
The cables and boxes are difficult to notice, requiring After her arrival, Fren found a way to engage several
characters to actively search the ground and succeed on a automatons left in the warehouse. She also hired numerous
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. ruffians to guard the grounds and her operations within.
Tripping the Alarm. Humanoids of Medium size or Patrols. Four patrols circulate the automaton factory.
larger size stepping over the wire cause a signal to be sent Each patrol consists of three scouts and an automaton
to a magitech bracelet worn by one of the scouts patrolling (appendix A). One scout in each patrol wears a magitech
the grounds. The bracelet briefly flashes red and issues bracelet that is alerted when the compound’s alarm system
a brief “ping” sound alerting its wearer that someone is is tripped (see Early Warning System above).

RAZORFIN | Chapter 1: Extraction 19

Kelvan Estate
1 Square = 5 feet





though no clear indication of why they died can be
Estate Locations determined. If the characters encountered the buucahb in
area E1, they recognize the carapaces likely belong to the
The following descriptions are keyed to the map of the same creatures.
Kelvan Estate. For more on Gil and the buucahb who crossed into
Tholus, refer to “The Infernal Swarm” section of the
In contrast to the lush grasslands surrounding the estate,
Agents of the Empire Setting Guide.
the central grounds are dominated by parched earth and
patches of short, brittle grass struggling to survive.
E3. Stable
Characters who closely examine the ground and succeed
Attached to the factory is an old stable that has fallen into
on a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check recognize that
disrepair. The sheet metal construction is rusted and on the
the soil of the estate is contaminated with oil and other
chemicals, hindering vegetation growth. verge of collapse.
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check identifies
numerous tracks crossing the estate’s grounds. Most tracks Creatures. Hidden within the stable is a prototype horse
were created by booted humanoids, though a few are automaton (use hell hound statistics but change its type
unrecognizable, made by the automatons on patrol. to construct). The automaton is haywire, and the product
was abandoned as the technomages could never create a
“tame” horse. The current inhabitants of the estate know
E1. Mansion Ruins to avoid it.
If the characters use the stable entrance as cover or
The broken remains of a once stately mansion crumble
a place to sneak through, the horse automaton notices
here. Beyond a few barely standing brick walls, little
them and charges. Characters with a passive Wisdom
remains of the original structure. (Perception) score of 12 or higher spot the horse automaton
and can avoid the stables.
Hidden within the structure are five buucahb, individuals Characters who incapacitate the horse automaton
(see appendix A), which attack any living creature within can use an action to attempt a DC 20 Intelligence check
5 feet of the mansion’s ruins. These fiendish creatures stay using tinker’s tools. On a success, they rewire the horse
near the ruins and are all that remains of the buucahb automaton and can use it as a loyal steed.
infestation that died in area E2. Hidden Entrance. The back wall of the stable has
Skeletal Remains. The patrols know to avoid this all but rusted through. The characters can easily break
area after one of their own fell victim to the buucahb. through the wall to access the office (area E6), but doing so
The unfortunate guard’s skeletal remains can be found is loud and may alert patrols.
among the ruins with a successful DC 13 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. While the skeleton is picked E4. Covered Court
clean, a working aether pistol (see appendix C) can be
found nearby.
A slanted sheet of metal covers this court, creating a space
once used to serve meals and take breaks before the estate
E2. Beetle Remains was abandoned. The benches and kitchen equipment
still remain.
A carpet of dead beetle-like creatures covers this patch
of ground. Each roughly palm-sized, the dry carapaces
Creatures. Hanging around in the covered court are four
shimmer with iridescent hues. The ground beneath the
human thugs charged with guarding the entrance to the
remains is black and twisted, reminiscent of the devastated warehouse floor (area E5). The guards are hired hands,
lands of Folly. and thus are susceptible to bribery, even offering to look
the other way if they spot the characters. A bribe of 10 gp
The dried carapaces are all that remain of the buucahb per guard is sufficient.
infestation that took on the guise of a Neloxan researcher
named Gil Lezen. Gil was the first of the four buucahb
infestations to fall victim to its separation from their
fiendish plane. The buucahb individuals found in E1 are all
that remain of this once formidable swarm. A slanted sheet of metal
Characters who closely examine the carapaces and
succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check recognize covers this court...
these creatures as not being natural or of this world,

RAZORFIN | Chapter 1: Extraction 21

E5. Warehouse Floor
Lined up in rows in this dark, echoing chamber stand
pieces of rusting equipment that have seen better days.
Half-formed automatons hang from the machinery shut-off
mid process or lie discarded around the place in piles.
Footsteps ring against the metal floor, echoing throughout
the cavernous space.

Creatures. Four automatons (see appendix A) patrol

the warehouse in pairs. Each automaton has had one
of its fists replaced with a mace. (Mace. Melee Weapon
Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 [1d6 + 1] E7
bludgeoning damage.)
The automatons were directed by Fren Kelvan (NE
female human bandit captain).
Echoes. The cavernous space means that even the
slightest sounds echo through the chamber. Dexterity
(Stealth) checks here have disadvantage, while Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing have advantage.
Hidden Entrance. Beneath one of the machines is a E7. Cellar
large trapdoor that leads to the cellar (area E7). Characters The entrance to the cellar is through the factory floor. It
with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 10 or higher can only be accessed by moving the machine off the trap-
spot the trapdoor. The machine atop the trapdoor is door, then opening it and descending a stepladder built into
attached to a crane, which can be operated using an action the ground.
to lift and move the machine out of the way. Once moved,
the trapdoor can be opened as an action. Using the crane Opening the trapdoor reveals a ladder of rusted metal
creates an enormous amount of noise. rungs built into the earth, leading down to a tunnel
illuminated by an aetherium lamp mounded below.
E6. Office
The ladder descends to a small room. A short passage
Although rundown — and, in places, open to the elements ends at a closed but unlocked wooden door. Characters
due to smashed windows — this office shows signs of once succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check can
housing a wealthy owner. Although most of the lavish hear an angry female voice making demands.
furnishings have been removed, some remain, and the Opening the door reveals a terrible scene:
wooden paneling on the walls exudes luxury.
Four captives hang from manacles on the far wall. They
wear thick metal collars connected by a thick wire. Facing
Treasure. Characters who pick through the office find
little useful information (Fren Kelvan isn’t running a them are two burly guards and a tall woman wearing what
particularly well-organized operation). However, if they surely must have been once elegant clothing. The captives
spend a few minutes searching, they find a wooden box fearfully stare at a metal box held in the woman’s hands.
filled with silver cutlery (worth 80 gp) and a pair of golden
candlesticks (worth 25 gp each). This is where Fren Kelvan (NE female human bandit
A character who succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom captain) has kept and enjoyed interrogated her captives for
(Perception) check realizes that one of the wooden wall days. Joining her are two thugs and her four captives (com-
panels can be removed. Removing the panel by unlatching moners). If the characters attack, she activates the captives’
a set of clasps reveals the door of a safe, which can be choke collars (see below) before engaging in combat.
opened with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check using Manacles. The manacles holding the captives can be
thieves’ tools. Whoever was charged with emptying the unlocked with a key Fren carries or by picking them with a
office forgot about the safe, which still contains eight 1 lb. successful DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
gold bars (worth 50 gp each). Choke Collars. The captives wear metal choke collars
that can be activated or deactivated with a bonus action
using a device Fren holds. Once activated, anyone wearing
the collar suffocates in 3 rounds unless the collar is


deactivated or removed. Fren carries a key to unlock the
collars. They can also be picked with a successful DC 13 Not Sending a Report
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Captives. The captives are in a bad way with four levels Failure to send a post-mission report within 24 hours of
of exhaustion from days of Fren’s interrogations. Characters initiating the mission is viewed poorly by the Agency. At
can learn the following by interviewing the captives: some point the characters are visited by an animal under
the effect of an animal messenger spell. The animal speaks
• Before they were taken captive, each captive had access the following in a clearly frustrated voice:
to aetherium or magitech.
• The captives were questioned about where aetherium
and magitech could be found in Kitchek. Mission report not received. Proceed
• Each was grabbed off the street by thugs, who pulled immediately to Kitchek. Train tickets under the
hoods over their heads before transporting them here in name “Aetherial Exports.” Rooms reserved at
some kind of coach.
• The captives are also aware of three recent incidents in the Sylva Inn. Await further instructions.
the port city of Kitchek: (1) the theft of aetherium from
a train depot, (2) the disappearance of vehicle parts from The characters should immediately recognize that proceed-
a local Empire workshop, and (3) the loitering of a shady ing to Kitchek is their best course of action. To do other-
character at the docks. wise would risk reprisal from the Agency.

Making Their Escape WHAT'S NEXT?

With any luck, the characters can escape from the old
factory with the captives in tow. The rest of this adventure is found in the full first episode,
The freed captives avoid combat if the characters available with a monthly Fables subscription.
get into conflict with the gang members patrolling the
facility. Likewise, the gang members target the characters
first, only threatening captives if they are at risk of being
defeated and only using captives as bargaining chips to
avoid being killed themselves.
Once the captives are outside the estate, they ecstatically
thank the characters and say goodbye before they attempt

to return to their normal lives.


h o we
As directed in their mission scroll, the characters are ex-

T p s m
pected to provide a mission report to Agency headquarters

e o
using the group’s messaging plate (see appendix C). This

can prove challenging given the limited word count availa-

h c
ble when sending the message.
A few minutes after sending the status report, the
following response appears:

Report acknowledged.

r o
Agents arriving to process estate.

c t
Proceed immediately to Kitchek. Train tickets

under the name: “Aetherial Exports.” Rooms

m l
reserved: Sylva Inn. Await further instructions.

Agency operatives arrive to take Fren back to Agency
headquarters in Karel. With the captives released and clues

o th
pointing to further suspicious activities in Kitchek, the
characters proceed to chapter 2.

RAZORFIN | Chapter 1: Extraction 23

The buucahb are fiendish arthropods that secretly en-
tered Tholus during the “Folly Incident.” They are native
to a nearly inaccessible pocket dimension hidden deep
within the Elemental Plane of Fire. The swarm’s name for
their home plane is a string of hisses and clicks indeci-
pherable to most other beings. These fiends are naturally
communal; when one is discovered, more are almost
certain to be found nearby.

Buucahb, Individual
Singular buucahb are palm size fiends that resemble
cockroaches with dull red glowing eyes. They are vora-
cious eaters burrowing into the flesh of their victims.
New Monsters

Buucahb, Individual
Tiny Fiend (Devil), Typically Lawful Evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 3 (1d4 +1)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.



3 (-4) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Damage Resistances cold

Damage Immunities fire, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Telepathy 30 ft.
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Inscrutable Mind. The buucahb is immune to any effect that

would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as to all
divination spells.

Ravenous Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 piercing damage. If the target is a creature, the buucahb
burrows into its body, and the creature takes 1 piercing damage at
the start of each of its turns. Any creature can use an action to kill
or remove the buucahb with a weapon that deals piercing damage,
causing 1 piercing damage to the target. A creature reduced to 0 hit
points by the swarm’s piercing damage dies


identification always begins with AU (for aetherium unit),
followed by a hyphen and another abbreviation for their
profession (e.g., M for mechanic, L for laborer, etc.), and a
unique three-digit identification number.
Appearance. Most automatons have metallic frames
that are not dissimilar to humanoid skeletons, with cogs
and pulleys at the joints to facilitate movement. In the
central frame of each automaton is an aetherium
battery, which must be recharged to ensure the
automaton continues to function. Their heads are
spherical chambers filled with a complicated
difference engine but bears no recognizable facial
features other than lenses for sight and a tiny
harpsichord-inspired instrument embedded in
their neck enabling speech.
Automatons can be upgraded, adding
specialized parts to assist with certain jobs,
such as a adding a chainsaw when working in
the lumber industry.

Medium construct, any alignment

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)

AUTOMATON Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned
In recent years, a gradual influx of aetherium-powered Senses passive Perception 10
automatons has joined the work force, particularly in labor Languages any one language (usually Common)
intensive positions such as construction and farming. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Newly constructed automatons have a limited intelligence,
only capable of performing simple assigned tasks. However, Constructed Nature. An automaton doesn't require air, food, drink,
with continuous social interaction, automatons can devel- or sleep.
op a more nuanced intellect and personality. Remarkably,
several individuals have gained a social and intellectual Death Burst. When the automaton dies, there is a chance its
capability indistinguishable from other humanoids. A limited aetherium battery explodes. Roll a d6; on a 1, each creature within
number have learned to repair themselves and there are even 10 feet of it must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7
rumors that some have learned how to replicate — though (2d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
most technomages scoff at the suggestion. successful one.
Integration into Society. This cognitive growth has both Reparable. As long as it has at least 1 hit point remaining, the
helped and hindered integration into Raal society. Some view automaton regains 1 hit point when a mending spell is cast on it.
them as an unwanted presence replacing “real people,” while
others welcome their assistance. Actions
Personal Designations. Automatons rarely take
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
traditional humanoid names, with most keeping their
Hit: 2 bludgeoning damage.
manufacturing number as a moniker. Standard imperial

RAZORFIN | Appendix A: New Monsters 25

New Equipment and Magic Items

One of the early developments in magitech was

the creation of aetherium-powered firearms...

One of the early developments in magitech was the
creation of aetherium-powered firearms that unleash bursts
of arcane force that deal piercing damage to their targets.
More advanced firearms are known to deal other types
of damage in addition to its normal bludgeoning or
piercing damage.
Firearms are considered martial ranged weapons.
Bards and rogues have proficiency with aether pistols.

Standard Firearms

Aetherburst Wand 75 gp 1d6 1 lb. Aetherium powered

bludgeoning (range 20/60), arcane focus
Aether Pistol 150 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Aetherium powered
(range 30/120)

Aetherlock 300 gp 2d6 piercing 8 lb. Aetherium powered (range

80/320), two-handed

Weapon Properties
Aetherium powered. The embedded aetherium crystals
in these ranged weapons hold 9 charges. Making a ranged
attack with the weapon uses 1 charge. The aetherium
crystal regains 1d8+1 charges daily at dawn. If you expend
the crystal’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the crystal
crumbles to dust and is destroyed.
Casting dispel magic or entering an anti-magic field
permanently drains the aetherium crystal and the weapon
becomes inert.
A bonus action is required to load an aetherium crystal
into the weapon as does removing a crystal from it.
Arcane Focus. The weapon can be used as spellcasting
focus by bards, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. These
spellcasters are proficient with the weapon and can use
their spellcasting ability in place of Dexterity as the ability
modifier for attack rolls.


Mission Scroll
Wondrous item, uncommon
The Karelagne Empire’s spies developed these apparently
mundane scrolls to discreetly pass messages among
its agents.
Parchment, paper, or other suitable writing material
is infused with magic to discretely protect any inscribed
message. Once a command word is spoken, any message
written on the material is protected as if by an illusory
script spell for up to five days. For the duration, the
material appears nonmagical to spells and magical effects,
such as detect magic.
Once the reader speaks another command word, or the
duration of the scroll’s enchantment has ended, the material
You use the stylus to write holding the message crumbles into dust and is destroyed.
a message up to twenty-five
words upon the metal sheet. Messaging Plate
Wondrous item, uncommon
The Agency’s technomages have recently crafted these
remarkable magitech devices allowing limited communica-
tions with their agents in the field. These devices come in
linked pairs, each consisting of a book-sized sheet of aethe-
rium-infused metal and a silver-tipped ebony stylus.
You use the stylus to write a message up to twenty-five
words upon the metal sheet. Upon speaking a command
word, the message vanishes from the sending device,
immediately reappearing on its linked device, provided
it is on the same plane of existence. The receiving device
momentarily vibrates and emits a brief sound when a
message appears.
The message on the receiving device remains visible
for up to 10 minutes or until someone holding it speaks
a command word. A creature holding the sending device
knows if the message disappeared on the receiving device
because its command word was spoken.
Each device can send a single message to its linked pair,
after which it can’t send another message until the next
dawn. If one of the devices in the pair is destroyed, the
other one becomes nonmagical.

RAZORFIN | Appendix C: New Equipment and Magic Items 27

This appendix provides a set of pre-generated characters
(pregens) ready for play with this Agents of the Empire
Fables episode.


Player Characters - Level 3

The pregens presented herein include optional agent

advancement abilities given in the Agents of the Empire
Setting Guide.
These new abilities provide a significant boost to character
capabilities as compared to standard fifth-edition characters.
GMs are STRONGLY encouraged only to use the optional
agent advancement Rules if ALL player characters in the
group use them.

New Agent Ability Primer

The following briefly describes some of the new features
included with each pregen character. Refer to the Agents of
the Empire Setting Guide for a full explanation of the optional
Agent Advancement rules.
Agency Division. Each agent character belongs to one
of four Agency Divisions – Information, Logistics,
Operations, and Personnel.
Agent Rank. An agent's rank represents a combination of

their standing within the Agency, the Empire's secret agent

organization, and the character's spycraft expertise. During
an adventure, GMs may award agent milestones allowing
characters to advance their agent rank.
Agent Bonus. Characters add their agent bonus when rolling
their agency division's abilities, ability checks associated
with their talents, and when they use a Fortune Point to roll
a new d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
Talents. These are unique dispositions, experiences, or
characteristics the agent character has picked up during
their career. Characters may add their agent bonus to ability
checks associated with their talents.
Fortune Points. This represents an agent's innate ability to
escape seemingly impossible situations. A player can spend
a fortune point whenever they make an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, but before the success or failure of
that roll is known. By spending the Fortune Point, the player
rolls an additional d20 after any advantage or disadvantage
on the original roll is resolved. The player then chooses
either the initial roll or the Fortune Point roll, adding their
agent bonus to determine a final result.


Tp h e
o wm a g i
c r y t o

i n t s
o t a l l i z
Four different pregen characters are detailed in this appendix. These characters are not intended to be fully optimized but

offer players a fun and exciting experience as they run through the Agents of the Empire campaign. Each episode of this
Fable will include an appropriate level version of these pregens for players to use during their games.

f o r m
peopl,e w sho ilc
w caoem e t o o
theriucma u
An agent's rank represents a combination of their standing
within the Agency, the Empire's secret agent organization, and the
character's spycraft expertise.

RAZORFIN | Appendix E: Player Characters - Level 3 29

arp m e
o h
p T t
w h

leme eo sce a c

s u
After a cave-in trapped her for days within one

of Nelox’s winding underground tunnels, Dach

d a
dedicated herself to the service of Arthunas,

irlleah e
god of light. Driven both by her faith and her

newly developed claustrophobia, she set out on a

pilgrimage across the Karelagne Empire, training

local healers to respond to even the unlikeliest

s y i
disasters. While her ability to always think of the

t n
absolute worst-case scenario in any situation often

catches others off-guard, her friendliness and

lswa ,om
enthusiasm endeared her to many of the small
communities she visited along the way, eventually
causing the Agency to take note.

h e oc l p
Dach - 3rd level (Life Domain) Cleric, Dwarf

w t e m t e a

o h
13 10 14 10 16 13
18 27

u i r
+1 +0 +2 +0 +3 +1
(Chainmail, Shield) (Hit Dice 3d8)

DEX +0 WIS +5 Wis Insight +5
Wis Medicine +5
CON +2 CHA +3 Cha Persuasion +3
Int Religion +2
Passive Perception 13 Proficiency Bonus +2
Passive Investigation 10
Passive Insight 15
Darkvision 60ft Gold Pieces 25


Armor Proficiencies: light, medium, heavy armor and shields Chainmail, shield, warhammer, light crossbow (with 20 bolts),
Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, battle axe, warhammer holy symbol (amulet), potion of healing, backpack, calligraphy
Tools Proficiencies: Calligrapher’s supplies, Smith’s Tools supplies, spell scroll (locate object)
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish


MELEE ATTACKS REACH HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES Channel Divinity (1/short or long rest). Channel divine energy to
create one of the following effects.
Warhammer 5ft +3 1d8+1 bludgeoning damage
• Preserve Life. As an action, present your holy symbol to restore
up to 10 hit points, divided as you choose among creatures of
Light Crossbow 80/320 ft +2 1d8 piercing damage your choice within 30 feet. This feature can restore a creature
to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this
feature on an undead or a construct.
• Turn Undead. As an action, present your holy symbol and speak a
prayer. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute or
until it takes any damage.
AGENCY: PERSONNEL DIVISION A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far
Understanding, motivating, and manipulating individuals away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space
Agent Rank: 1 (Recruit) within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action,
it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
Agent Bonus: +1 that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the
Deceptive Instinct. When you roll a 1 on a Charisma (Deception) creature can use the Dodge action.
check, you can reroll the die and you must use the new roll.
Disciple of Life. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher
Talents. You can add your agent bonus to activities in the to restore HP, the creature regains additional HP equal to 2 + the
following situations: spell’s level.
Sentry. Wisdom (Perception) checks while on watch duty or
defending a fortification. Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on saves against poison
and resistance against poison damage.
FORTUNE POINTS: 1 Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check
You can choose to spend a Fortune Point whenever you make an attack related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in
roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can choose to spend the For- the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.
tune Point after the roll is made and after any advantage or disadvan-
tage is resolved but before the success or failure of the roll is known.
Spending the Fortune Points allows you to roll an additional d20
after advantage or disadvantage on the roll is resolved. You choose
which of the d20 rolls to use for the attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw—the initial roll or the Fortune Point roll. You then
add your agent bonus to the determine a final result. You can spend
only 1 Fortune Point per d20 roll.
Fortune Points do not replenish; they are typically awarded by
the GM after achieving agent milestones.

1ST oooo 2ND oo

Spell attack +5 Spell save DC 13

Cantrips: guidance, sacred flame, spare the dying
1st level: bane, bless*, cure wounds*, guiding bolt, healing word,
sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd level: hold person, lesser restoration*, spiritual weapon*

RAZORFIN | Appendix E: Player Characters - Level 3 31

arp m e
o h
p T t
w h

leme eo sce a c

s u
Jehpso always thought she would be a farmer, but

when construction of the transcontinental railroad

d a
displaced her family, and her brother gambled away

irlleah e
the Empire’s payout for their land, she turned to

competitive arm wrestling and brawling to earn

r c
money to help her family. Boisterous and fond of

trash-talk, she racked up an impressive win streak

s i
that brought her to the attention of the Agency.

t n
While Jehpso is somewhat resentful at working for

a government that harmed her family, she believes

lswa ,om
that being closer to the seat of power will help her
prevent others from going through the struggles her
family endured.

h e oc l p
Jehpso -3rd level Fighter (Champion), Halfling

w t e m t e a

o h
13 16 14 10 13 10
16 28

u i r
+1 +3 +2 +0 +1 +0
(Breastplate) (Hit Dice 3d10)

DEX +3 WIS +1 Dex Acrobatics +5
Wis Perception +3
CON +4 CHA +0 Wis Medicine +3
Wis Survival +3
Passive Perception 13 Proficiency Bonus +2
Passive Investigation 10
Passive Insight 11
Gold Pieces 25


Armor Proficiencies: light, medium, and heavy armor; shields Breastplate, shortswords (2), daggers (2), hand crossbow (with 20
Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, martial weapons bolts), potion of healing, backpack, hempen rope (50 ft), grappling
Tools Proficiencies: Vehicles (land), Vehicles (water) hook, aetherium torch (glow as light spell at will).
Languages: Common, Halfling


MELEE ATTACKS REACH HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES Action Surge (1/short or long rest). On your turn, you can take one
additional action.
Dagger 5ft +5 1d4+3 piercing damage
Short Sword 5ft +5 1d6+3 piercing damage Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any
Dagger 20/60 ft. +5 1d4+3 piercing damage creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Hand Crossbow 30/120 ft. +5 1d6+3 piercing damage
Improved Critical. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll
of 19 or 20.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving
AGENCY: LOGISTICS DIVISION throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Acquisition and movement of goods and personnel Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even when you are
Agent Rank: 1 (Recruit) obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Agent Bonus: +1 Second Wind (1/short rest). Use a bonus action to regain hit points
Driving Instinct. When you roll a 1 on a vehicle control check, you equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.
can reroll the die and you must use the new roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting,
Talents. You can add your agent bonus to activities in the you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
following situations:
Graceful Mover. Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Charisma (Performance)
checks when moving through crowded spaces or dancing.

You can choose to spend a Fortune Point whenever you make an attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can choose to spend the For-
tune Point after the roll is made and after any advantage or disadvan-
tage is resolved but before the success or failure of the roll is known.
Spending the Fortune Points allows you to roll an additional d20
after advantage or disadvantage on the roll is resolved. You choose
which of the d20 rolls to use for the attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw—the initial roll or the Fortune Point roll. You then
add your agent bonus to the determine a final result. You can spend
only 1 Fortune Point per d20 roll.
Fortune Points do not replenish; they are typically awarded by
the GM after achieving agent milestones.

RAZORFIN | Appendix E: Player Characters - Level 3 33

arp m e
o h
p T t
w h

leme eo sce a c

The son of a wizard and a craftsman who worked

together to craft mobility aids for veterans of the

Folly Wars, Larc grew up helping to create and test

d a
their new innovations. Intrigued by the battlefield

irlleah t e
stories his parents’ clients told him, he routinely

asked his favorites to train him or give him combat

advice. He sees any battle he participates in as an

homage to these personal heroes. Though Larc will

t s i
avoid a fight if at all possible, often defusing tension

with a quip while simultaneously disarming his

lswa ,om toroefp

enemy, his proficiency at unarmed combat made
him a perfect addition to the Agency.

h e oc l p
Larc -3rd level Monk (Way of the Open Hand), Human

w t e m t e a

o h
14 16 13 10 14 12
15 21

u i r
+2 +3 +1 +0 +2 +1
(unarmored defense) (Hit Dice 3d8)

DEX +5 WIS +2 Dex Acrobatics +5
Str Athletics +4
CON +1 CHA +1 Wis Perception +4
Dex Stealth +5
Passive Perception 14 Proficiency Bonus +2
Passive Investigation 10
Passive Insight 12
Gold Pieces 25


Armor Proficiencies: none Shortsword, darts (10), potion of healing, aetherium torch (glow as
Weapon Proficiencies: simple weapons, shortsword light spell at will), backpack, climber’s kit, hempen rope (50 ft.),
Tools Proficiencies: Dice Set, Pan Flute, Thieves’ Tools pan flute, money (25 gp)
Languages: Common, Dwarf


MELEE ATTACKS REACH HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES Deflect Missiles. You can use your reaction to deflect or catch the
missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do
Unarmed Strike 5ft +5 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage
so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your
Short Sword 5ft +5 1d6+3 piercing damage Dexterity modifier + your monk level.
RANGED ATTACKS RANGE HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is
small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one
Dart 20/60 ft. +5 1d4+3 piercing damage hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point
to make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition
you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack
with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the
missile counts as a monk weapon for the attack, which has a normal
AGENCY: OPERATIONS DIVISION range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Tactical and extemporary fieldwork Ki (3 points, Ki Save DC 12). You can spend one Ki Point to fuel one
Agent Rank: 1 (Recruit) of the following ki features.
• Flurry of Blows – After you take the Attack action on your turn,
Agent Bonus: +1
you can make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
Stealthy Instinct. When you roll a 1 on an Dexterity (Stealth) • Patient Defense – Take the Dodge action as a bonus action on
check, you can reroll the die and you must use the new roll. your turn.
Talents. You can add your agent bonus to activities in the • Step of the Wind –Take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus
following situations: action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
Ropework. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to Martial Arts. While you are unarmed or wielding only monk
climb, move along, or jump onto ropes. weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can
use DEX instead of STR for the attack and damage rolls, you can
FORTUNE POINTS: 1 roll your Martial Arts damage die in place of the normal damage,
You can choose to spend a Fortune Point whenever you make an attack and when you use the Attack action on your turn, you can make one
roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can choose to spend the For- unarmed strike as a bonus action.
tune Point after the roll is made and after any advantage or disadvan-
Open Hand Technique. Whenever you hit a creature with one of the
tage is resolved but before the success or failure of the roll is known.
attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you can impose one of the
Spending the Fortune Points allows you to roll an additional d20
following effects on that target:
after advantage or disadvantage on the roll is resolved. You choose
• It must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
which of the d20 rolls to use for the attack roll, ability check, or
• It must make a Strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push it
saving throw—the initial roll or the Fortune Point roll. You then
up to 15 feet away from you.
add your agent bonus to the determine a final result. You can spend
• It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn.
only 1 Fortune Point per d20 roll.
Fortune Points do not replenish; they are typically awarded by Unarmored Defense. While not wearing armor and not using a
the GM after achieving agent milestones. shield, your AC equals 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifier.
Unarmored Movement. Your speed increases by 10 feet while you
are not wearing armor or wielding a shield (already included).

RAZORFIN | Appendix E: Player Characters - Level 3 35

arp m e
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p T t
w h

leme eo sce a c

e s u
Olen is a scholar at heart, and while they’ve been

d a
thrilled to see their research into aetherium used to

irlleah e
create practical tools, they’re still most comfortable

t c
in a lab, especially if given a chance to collaborate.

Their genuine thrill about knowledge and a tendency

to go on long but intriguing tangents about obscure

s i
magitech details have made them popular in the

t n
research community. To date, they are one of the

few wizards to have worked on a project with a peer

lswa ,om
from notoriously insular Nelox. Rumor has it that
they primarily joined the Agency to get research
materials, though they fervently deny it.

h e oc l p
Olen - 3rd level Wizard (School of Evocation), Tiefling

w t e m t e a

o h
10 12 12 16 12 14
11 17

u i r
+0 +1 +1 +3 +1 +2
(14 with mage armor) (Hit Dice 3d6)

DEX +1 WIS +3 Int Arcana +5
Int History +5
CON +1 CHA +2 Cha Persuasion +4
Cha Intimidation +4
Passive Perception 11 Proficiency Bonus +2
Passive Investigation 13
Passive Insight 11
Darkvision 60ft Gold Pieces 25


Armor Proficiencies: none Dagger, aetherburst wand, spellbook, potion of healing, aetherium-
Weapon Proficiencies: light crossbow, dagger, dart, powered hooded lantern, spell scrolls (fog cloud, illusory script),
quarterstaff, sling bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment.
Tools Proficiencies: vehicle (air) Spellbook: 1st level (burning hands, detect magic, disguise self,
Languages: common, elvish, infernal mage armor, magic missile, shield, silent image, sleep); 2nd level
(levitate, shatter)


MELEE ATTACKS REACH HIT / DC DAMAGE NOTES Arcane Recovery. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you
can choose expended spell slots to recover - up to a combined level
Dagger 5ft +3 1d4+1 piercing damage
of 1, and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.
Evocation Savant. The gold and time you must spend to copy an
Dagger 20/60 ft. +3 1d4+1 piercing damage evocation spell into your spellbook is halved.
Aetherburst Wand 20/60 ft. +5 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage
Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Innate Spell Casting. You can cast the following spells using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell attack +4, spell save DC 12)
1/day: hellish rebuke (at 2nd level)
AGENCY: INFORMATION DIVISION Sculpt Spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other
Identifying, intercepting, and evaluating information creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal
Agent Rank: 1 (Recruit) to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed
on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if
Agent Bonus: +1 they would normally take half damage on a successful save.
Investigative Instinct. When you roll a 1 on an Intelligence
(Investigation) check, you can reroll the die and you must use the
new roll.
Talents. You can add your agent bonus to activities in the
following situations:
Historian of the Expanse. Intelligence (History) checks to recall
information about the Aetherial Expanse and Magitech.

You can choose to spend a Fortune Point whenever you make an attack
roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can choose to spend the For-
tune Point after the roll is made and after any advantage or disadvan-
tage is resolved but before the success or failure of the roll is known.
Spending the Fortune Points allows you to roll an additional d20
after advantage or disadvantage on the roll is resolved. You choose
which of the d20 rolls to use for the attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw—the initial roll or the Fortune Point roll. You then
add your agent bonus to the determine a final result. You can spend
only 1 Fortune Point per d20 roll.
Fortune Points do not replenish; they are typically awarded by
the GM after achieving agent milestones.

1ST oooo 2ND oo

Spell attack +5 Spell save DC 13

Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, minor illusion, thaumaturgy

1.________________________, 5.________________________,
2.________________________, 6.________________________,

RAZORFIN | Appendix E: Player Characters - Level 3 37

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JANUARY 1, 2023 3

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