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(1) T(3rd Sm.


Paper : GE/CC-3
Full Marks : 50

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.




HBr, HI and HCl


[Cr(NH3)6]Cl3 IUPAC

KCl CuCl

25°C 10– 8M HCl pH


C2H5Li, CH3MgBr, CH3ONa, (CH3)2Cd

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HI, HCl, HBr

K2[PtCl 4] [Cr(H2 O)5 Cl]SO4

[Co(NH 3) 5SO4]Br [Co(NH 3) 5Br]SO 4

TiCl2 TiO2 [Ti = 22]

0.1 M KCl 80 ohm

0.1 cm–1 KCl
Ca3(PO4)2 ‘s’
(3) T(3rd Sm.)-Chemistry-G/(GE/CC-3)/CBCS

0.01 M CH3COOH pH [Ka of CH3COOH 4.74 × 10–5]

TiCl3 TiCl

[ English Version ]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any twenty questions : 1×20

(a) Write the resonating structure of CH3COO ion.
(b) What is the shape of SF4 molecule?

(c) Which reagent is used in Sandmeyer reaction to prepare chlorobenzene from ArN 2+Cl ?
(d) Arrange the following compounds, in order of increasing acidity :
HBr, HI and HCl
(e) Name the reagent for bromination of benzene.
(f) Write down the electronic configuration of Fe 2+ ion.
(g) Why dry ether is used in the preparation of Grignard reagent?
(h) Write down the IUPAC name of [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3.
(i) Between KCl and CuCl which has greater covalent character?
(j) What is the electrophile in nitration of benzene by mixed acid?
(k) Which metal is used in Reformatsky reaction?
(l) Define specific conductance.
(m) Calculate pH of 10–8 M HCl at 25ºC.
(n) Give an example of buffer solution.
(o) Between H2O and H2S which one has higher bond angle?
(p) Which of the following compounds is not an organometallic compound?
C2H5Li, CH3MgBr, CH3ONa, (CH3)2Cd
(q) How can benzene be prepared from benzoic acid?
(r) Why aq. solution of Na2CO3 turns red litmus blue? — Explain.
(s) Convert benzene to n-propyl benzene using Friedel-Crafts reaction.
(t) Give an example of activated aromatic nucleophilic substitution.
(u) What is the effect of dilution on specific conductance?

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T(3rd Sm.)-Chemistry-G/(GE/CC-3)/CBCS (4)
(v) Give electronic configuration of Cu2+.
(w) Why CO2 is a nonpolar molecule?
(x) Write down the structure of BrF3 molecule using VSEPR theory.

2. Answer any fifteen questions : 2×15

(a) Write down the mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction of benzene.
(b) Draw Born Haber cycle for preparation of sodium chloride.
(c) Why nitrobenzene is used as solvent in Friedel–Crafts reaction?
(d) How the covalent character of an ionic bond depends on the charge and size of ions according to
Fajan’s rule?
(e) What is common ion effect? Give example.
(f) Arrange increasing order of dipole moment (using explanation) of the following compounds :
HI, HCl, HBr
(g) Write down the IUPAC nomenclature of the following compounds :
K2[PtCl 4] and [Cr(H2 O)5 Cl]SO4
(h) Define Transport Number.
(i) Write the mathematical expression of Ostwald’s dilution Law.
(j) Which type of isomerism is shown by the two complexes [Co(NH 3 )5 SO4 ]Br and
[Co(NH 3) 5Br]SO 4 ? How would you identify two complexes?
(k) Explain why SF6 has existence but SH6 has no existence.
(l) Why TiCl2 is paramagnetic but TiO2 is diamagnetic? [Atomic number of Ti = 22]
(m) Define equivalent conductance. What is its unit?
(n) Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.1M KCl solution is 80 ohm. The conductivity cell has
a cell constant of 0.1 cm–1. Find out the molar conductance of the KCl solution.
(o) If solubility of Ca3(PO4)2 is ‘s’, then derive relation between solubility and solubility product of
Ca 3(PO4)2.
(p) Calculate pH of 0.01M CH3COOH solution. [Ka of CH3COOH is 4.74 × 10 –5]
(q) Why TiCl3 is not known but TiCl is known?
(r) Why He2 has no existence?
(s) Write down the Faraday’s law of electrolysis.

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