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Ingliz tili 1931997


INGLIZ TILI 1 9 3 1 9 9 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ushbu test varianti 30 ta test topshirig‘idan iborat. Uni bajarishga
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 soat vaqt belgilash tavsiya etiladi. Natijani bilish uchun javoblaringizni 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
javoblar varaqasiga belgilab, rasmini @dtmxizmatbot orqali jo‘nating. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Sizga omad tilaymiz! 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Test varianti raqamini javoblar varaqasiga to‘g‘ri ko‘chiring! 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1. Choose the correct answer. 9. Choose the correct answer.

“Can you tell me the . . . why you are always We’ve met before, . . . we?
late for the class?”, the teacher asked. A) aren’t B) haven’t C) didn’t D) don’t
A) reason B) system C) meaning
D) advice 10. Choose the correct answer.
2. Choose the correct answer. That night was terrible, to say the least of it.
She smiled . . . . Jane remembers . . . all night through.
A) sweet B) sweetness C) sweetest A) to say prayers B) saying prayers
D) sweetly C) say prayers D) to pray
3. Choose the correct answer. 11. Choose the correct answer.
The more Mike studies, . . . he will become. She said, “You can leave the books here.”
A) the more smarter B) the smarter
C) smarter D) the more smart A) She said that I could leave the books there.
4. Choose the correct answer. B) She said that they could leave the books
. . . some chairs in the room. here.
A) It isn’t B) There are C) Those is C) She said that they can leave the books there.
D) There is D) She said that we can leave the books here.
5. Choose the correct answer. 12. Choose the correct answer.
Lots of people think that travelling . . . plane is Can you tell me . . . he left the meeting so early?
really dangerous.
A) why B) where C) who D) whose
A) of B) for C) by D) at
13. Choose the correct answer.
6. Choose the correct answer.
. . . much of John recently?
When John fell over, he broke two of his . . . .
A) Have you seen B) Did you see
A) tooths B) teeth C) teeths D) tooth
C) Had you seen D) Were you seeing
7. Choose the correct answer.
− Janet with her friends came to John’s party 14. Choose the correct answer.
on Friday. Your pencils wouldn’t break if you . . . your
− ... . school bag more carefully.
A) Nor did Alice B) So did we A) packed B) will have packed
C) Neither was Jim D) So does Mr. Alban C) have packed D) would pack

8. Choose the correct answer. 15. Choose the correct answer.

I’d like some cola, but we haven’t got . . . . If it were warm, we . . . to the park right now.
A) some B) nothing C) something A) will go B) are going C) went
D) any D) would go

c Davlat test markazi, 2019 1
1931997 Ingliz tili

16. Choose the correct answer. 17. Choose the correct answer.
The . . . was beginning to rise when the . . . She was always dressed . . . green.
began their work of cleaning the fish they had A) for B) by C) at D) in
caught in the night.
18. Choose the correct answer.
A) sun/fishermans B) suns/fishermen Azamat won the lottery jackpot on Saturday,
C) sun/fishermen D) sun/fisherman so he . . . be extremely happy.
A) will have to B) can’t C) must
D) needn’t

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

These days many people often eat convenient food. This means food which is already prepared, in
packets or cans, or often frozen. This type of food is considered dangerous as it often contains a lot of fat
or sugar. If people eat a lot of sugar, people might get holes in their teeth. Similarly, if people eat a lot of
fat, this is bad for their hearts. The best food is fresh, natural food such as fruit and vegetables. Instead
of frying food in fat, people should boil it or eat it raw, as in salads. Food which has been boiled often
contains many vitamins. These vitamins are often destroyed in the process of cooking.
19. According to the passage, why is convenient food 21. According to the passage, why should people eat
considered not safe? boiled food?

A) It is properly prepared. A) It can be boiled in packets.

B) It contains a lot of fat and sugar. B) It has a lot of vitamins.
C) It must be eaten within a short time. C) It has more sugar and fat.
D) It is not suitable for young people. D) It is easy and fast to eat.
22. All of the statements are TRUE about convenient
food, EXCEPT . . . .
20. According to the passage, what does the author
suggest people eating? A) It is useful for the teeth
A) food in packets B) food cooked in oil B) It is already prepared food
C) fresh natural food D) convenient food
C) It is often frozen food
D) It is in packets or in cans

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Ingliz tili 1931997

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

She liked flowers. At least, he remembered somebody telling him that she liked roses. Unfortunately,
at that time of year roses were very hard to find, and anyway, even if he did find them he wouldn’t be
able to afford them. No roses and going out to a good restaurant. So he had got some tulips. It wasn’t
sure if tulips were the right things to bring, and also while he was travelling in the bus several people
bumped into him and the flowers were damaged. He felt uncomfortable in his borrowed coat, and even
though Mike had promised him that it was almost a perfect fit he felt that the sleeves were too long. He
checked in his pocket again to make sure he had her address. He still was not sure why she had given it to
him. For a few minutes he thought about giving the whole thing up, going home. But he knew that this
chance would not come again, and he would hate himself if he did not take it. Slowly, he walked through
the rain to her street.
23. This text seems to have come from . . . 25. What would be a good title for this text?
A) a romantic novel B) a science fiction story
C) a detective story D) an autobiography A) The first appointment.
B) Finding the right address.
C) Travelling on the bus.
24. The character can be best described as: D) Mike goes to visit his friend.
26. All of the following statements are FALSE,
A) rather angry and irritable EXCEPT. . .
B) not very confident
A) He has lost her address.
C) a little bit slow and stupid
B) The jacket on him is very uncomfortable.
D) very sad
C) He is going to see his mother.
D) The character does not have very much

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1931997 Ingliz tili

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Many people like to keep pets. This often depends on if they live in a big or small house. If a person
lives in a small house or in a flat, they cannot keep a lot of pets as there is not enough room. A small
pet is often good for a person who lives in a small house. They could keep a bird or two as they are very
interesting and good pets. As they have coloured feathers and make nice chirping sounds. If a bird is
too noisy then they could keep some pleasant animals like mice. Fish are also a type of pet for people
without much space or time. Cats often like to have someone who moves their hands gently over them.
This makes them happy and they start to purr. If someone has a dog they need to take it out for walks
so that it can do exercises. It is good to take a dog out twice a day. Dogs need exercise so they cannot be
kept in the house all the time.
27. According to the passage, why can’t people in a 29. According to the passage, which of the following
small house have a lot of pets? is a nice animal?
A) A snake B) A mouse C) A scorpion
A) They do not have enough time. D) A raccoon
B) They do not have enough space.
C) They don’t like too many pets. 30. According to the passage, when do cats start to
D) They can’t grow enough food for them. purr?
28. According to the passage, why are birds
A) When cats get bored with the same thing all
considered good pets?
the time.
A) They do take much time. B) When cats want people to go out with them.
B) They can make nice sounds. C) When cats need exercise outside in the
C) They do not make any sound. garden.

D) They can be trained to do exercises. D) When people move their hands gently over

Test varianti “Test topshiriqlari to‘plami 2019” asosida shakllantirilgan:

1 – 43-bet 15 7 – 33-bet 43 13 – 21-bet 47 19 – 62-bet 125 25 – 79-bet 47

2 – 15-bet 3 8 – 11-bet 7 14 – 41-bet 46 20 – 62-bet 126 26 – 79-bet 48
3 – 17-bet 40 9 – 31-bet 4 15 – 38-bet 10 21 – 63-bet 127 27 – 112-bet 85
4 – 19-bet 15 10 – 24-bet 28 16 – 10-bet 50 22 – 63-bet 128 28 – 112-bet 86
5 – 28-bet 26 11 – 35-bet 7 17 – 29-bet 34 23 – 79-bet 45 29 – 112-bet 87
6 – 7-bet 8 12 – 13-bet 35 18 – 25-bet 9 24 – 79-bet 46 30 – 112-bet 88

c Davlat test markazi, 2019 4

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