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Learning Activity No.

16: Coaching and Mentoring

Jasmine R. Ukay

Human Resource Management: Performance Management


Mr. Ceasar Billones

February 01, 2023



- frequently shown guiding a team to - mentoring new employees as they are

success on the field. being onboarded. Mentoring new

employees throughout onboard can

assist them in understanding further

about their career choices inside the

company and is a terrific opportunity

for supervisors and executives to

express their commitment for them.

- Highly prospective employees and - mentoring various workers in a group

top management can strengthen their for workers. The majority of workers

leadership abilities through the use of create workplace support

a specific coaching method called organizations so they may talk to

leadership coaching. Additionally, if individuals who share their

an employee possesses great nationality, gender identification, or

leadership skills themselves, having a sexual preference about their

mentorship with much more experiences working.

knowledge may be just the thing they


- providing leadership coaching on - is frequently more long-term, with

implicit prejudice at work maybe many mentoring relationships

- We are all affected by prejudices and extending six months or more and in
biases, which are thoughts and rare situations, mentoring programs

attitudes about other people that are can extend for years or even decades.

shaped by our individual, our Some well-known mentors and their

information, or simply the lack of mentees even mention lifetime

knowledge that people are not even mentorship connections.

conscious of. This is true regardless

of how open-minded and self-aware

we may feel.

- a fast 10- or 15-minute chat is not - The lack of educational requirements

uncommonly shorter-term. However, for mentoring makes it simple for

some coaching partnerships might organizations to launch mentoring

last for a longer period of time. programs right away. Yes, mentoring

education is frequently advised, but it

is by no means necessary. In fact,

there are far less mentorship

credentials available than there are

teaching certifications.

- Being a truly competent coach - Mentoring is much more controlling.

requires training in coaching It involves the mentoring imparting

techniques and a variety of coaching their expertise, expertise, and

credentials, which are almost always abilities to the protégé while also

required and definitely advised. instructing and directing someone.

- Organizations frequently sponsored -  mentoring becomes less organized.

individuals to receive coaching, or a While having a weekly meeting and

supervisor may assign an individual goals is advised, it's going to be up

to receive coaching for a particular towards the student to put this all

skill set. Coaching is organized by together.

sponsorship or supervisors.

- Coaching is performance-based and - Mentoring is primarily advancement,

motivates the person or people and it relies on the mentee to specify

getting taught to excel in their their own objectives for their

regular jobs. mentoring interactions.

Coaching is described as "Collaborating with customers in a sort of assumed and
system is a process that motivates individuals to realize their individual and business
capabilities" by the International Coach Federation (, while
mentoring is described as a "Internal training method where a senior or more knowledgeable
employee (the mentor) is appointed to act as an adviser, counsellor, or leader to a junior or
trainee" by ( The mentorship is
in charge of offering the person under their supervision help and advice.

As a team leader, mentoring and coaching are two of the best effective methods
available. The objective of both mentoring and coaching is to assist others in expanding,
evolving, and realizing their maximum potential. According to different researchers on
mentoring, accomplishing these objectives boosts productivity and improves your company's
performance on a variety of criteria.

It might be difficult to establish a coaching and mentoring culture at work. Finding the
proper match is essential to creating a supportive, current, and healthy workplace culture.
However, most people give up when they become overwhelmed trying to locate the ideal
mentor or coach. Teamwork enables finding the right mentor a breeze. Using its sophisticated
pairing algorithm, it is a mentoring platform that helps your business to find the ideal mentor
match. Based on their goals, abilities, and areas of growth, mentorship and mentees are
matched and connected. (Ryan Carruthers, 2022)

According to Ed Johnson and Caroline Sheridan, CEOs of PushFar and Sheridan

Resolutions, respectively mentoring and coaching have had many advantages, and when done
properly, they can be advantageous to the person getting mentoring or coaching as well as to
the mentor or coach and the company.

- Coaching and mentoring are two incredibly powerful training strategies.

- Either mentoring and coaching can indeed be professional or informally, with coaching
frequently perceived as being more formally whilst mentoring is seen as being more
- When used together, both can improve retention and engagement of employees.
- Every organization or company structure may easily incorporate training and
mentorship, and more and more businesses are doing so.
- Both the person giving the mentoring as well as coaching and the one obtaining it can
improve their communication confidence and skills.
- Last but not least, both can significantly raise individual performance.


In order to determine whether it might increase the efficacy of administrators at the
Institute, MIT funded a research project of both its own staff as well as outside businesses in
the middle of the 1990s. The investigation assumed that in the modern workplace, efficient
performance management has to be able to accommodate a population of experience and
understanding workers, i.e., workers that value active learning, implementation, and
collaboration. Businesses that wish to benefit from experience and understanding personnel
must adopt a collaborative and participatory management approach. It's common to refer to
that approach as coaching. Managers must change from their conventional role of policing
and supervising work performance to one that is more collaborative in order to coach. (Alyce
The concept of coaching managing considers the requirements of the individuals who
make up an organization. Training, inspiring, and developing employees for the growth and
the general health of the organization are the main goals of leadership coaches. A managerial
coach is an individual who gives employees a path to follow and acts as a sort of road map for
them to achieve their objectives. In corporate settings, manager coaching has grown in


According to Daniel Stewart, there are five steps of Coaching Process:


1. Establishing Objectives - Every coaching engagement wants to
get off to a solid starting with an
objective. Typically, either of the
following three conversational goals
is pursued: developmental
(maximizing strengths), professional
(getting ready for a new role), or
performances (overcoming obstacles
or dealing with performance gaps).
- By setting targets and objectives, we
may break down the purpose into
manageable, tangible, and time-
bound activities that we are able
monitor to gauge our performance.
2. Understanding through assessment - This is the most crucial phase of
every coach dialogue and calls for
the guide to pose smart questions,
attend intently, be at ease in the
presence of quiet, and consider the
problem from various angles.
- Managers may believe that already
understand the situation or possess
all of the information. To assist
create a secure, accurate, and
encouraging atmosphere where the
coaching partners can help open,
identity, and productively collaborate
with the trainer, it is essential to ask
wide-ended and incisive carry
3. Providing Feedback - gives the coach the chance to talk
about their findings with both the
coaching participants. Although this
may be a beneficial and illuminating
encounter, though not managed
properly, it could also develop
harmful. As a coach, it's crucial to
give some other individual as much
freedom as you can to choose their
own concentration areas.
- Relate the feedback towards the
discussion's goal, concentrate here on
conduct rather than your personal
understanding of it, and underline
how well the conduct affects the
mentoring individual's ability to
achieve the intended commercial and
interpersonal goals.
4. Identifying individual goals - Setting goals seems to be where
evaluation and feedback are put into
practice to carry out the discussion's
objective. It is a crucial stage in
assisting the coaching member in
moving forward as well as achieving
a successful result. An objective with
such a poor likelihood of success will
probably result in disinterest. Make
careful to explain how taking these
actions will help the institution
achieve its goals.
5. Follow up with support - maintains responsibility and offers
support while the coaching member
achieves their objectives. In order to
ensure that actions are taken,
stakeholders' agreement objectives
must be followed up on. The client
can receive ongoing assistance from
the coach. Keep the communication
channels open by following up. A
constant conversation enables the
trainer to strive towards establishing
new habits as a permanent shift. A
continuing conversation also enables
the coach to support constructive
behaviors and transformation. (John
Mattone, 2021)


According to Ryan Heinl, a director of Product Management and leader of DDI’s Innovation
Lab, there are six Coaching Approaches:

1. Humanist Coaching

Anything having do with assisting in the development of leadership. This one centers on
"self-actualization," a concept you have actually aware of. It largely focuses on the bond
formed among leadership and coaches, as well as the notion that now the intimacy and
permitted between two will eventually lead to achievement for the leadership. The goal of this
method is to ultimately produce an athlete who is self-assured and self-controlled. It is also a
sportsman, cooperative, and non-manipulative method involving the athletes and trainer,
which takes into consideration unique athletes’ variances & skills. (Seth E. Jenny and Glenn F.
Hushman, 2014)

2. Adult Development Coaching

Emphasizes the various phases of adult growth. In order to help the leader progress toward a
more evolved concept of power and accountability in addition to a higher capacity for confusion,
the coach must first ascertain in which the leadership is in their growth. This entails assisting our
clients in discovering how to develop into fully realized adults.  We invest a significant amount
of time at work, which is obviously a rich and important atmosphere. (Collaborative Coaching

3. Cognitive Coaching

These bring the essential activity of thought and the activities of teaching closer together.
Instructors who use Cognitive Coaching are better able to recollect their previous experiences,
identify relevant elements, come up with solutions, and assess the success of their choices. This
is likewise focused on dealing with the unhelpful ideas that can be impeding a leader's
achievement. This is an additional an even more psychological method to coaching, in which the
coach tackles the leadership's tendency to view other people's activities inadvertently as a means
of impeding their personal achievement. (Dr. Taryl Hansen)

4. Positive psychology model for coaching

A method with a scientific foundation for assisting customers to boost efficiency, develop
and use talents, and raise well-being. This is a faith in the ability of science to clarify the most
effective development strategies. This strategy is frequently regarded as a strong points strategy.
The idea that the trainer should work with the leader to develop new qualities in order to foster
positive feelings, which would then increase happiness and, consequently, quality standards.
(Kauffman, Boniwell, and Silberman (2010)
5. Systematic Coaching

Considers a variety of elements that have an impact on performance. It looks for trends that
can be hindering a leader's success and aims to break them. It also emphasizes the significance of
making modest adjustments that, over period, can have a significant impact. This one is in line
with a lot of the current material that you might having read about making gradual changes to
existing unhealthy habits. In order to maximize both parties' ability and performance, system
counseling "coaches the individual customer or group with both the systems in imagination the
portion within the whole, and the entire in the portion." (John Whittington)

6. Goal- Oriented Coaching

The kind of coaching that most of us are most accustomed to in the workplace. It focuses on
assisting leaders in managing and directing their relational and psychological capabilities to more
effectively pursue one or more objectives. The main strategy is to support the leader in creating
well-thought-out goals and an efficient action plan. Making improvements in your existing
organization or becoming an inspiring leader all benefit from having a goal-oriented mindset.

Having a distinct vision, mission, goal, or aspiration that drives you. In other words, you
appreciate having at least one distinct purpose that motivates you to start and finish undertakings.
When discussing your aims and desires, others can tell that you are passionate about achieving
your goals.


The key to the accomplishment of the most successful CEOs is their workforce. In
addition to overseeing projects and assigning duties, a brilliant manager should recognize the
value of skill-building for their staff. Your division will become more productive the more
skilled and capable the employees are.

According to Sean McPheat, a Managing Director, there are ten Techniques of Coaching:

1. Listening- Supervisors must comprehend that counseling revolves around the people
they are coaching, not so much about themselves. No matter the coaching approach
you employ, if you're not a good listener, coaching will be difficult for you.
2. Asking open-ended questions- Coaches must develop their abilities to create open-
ended enquiries if they want to remain on the identical level as your team members
regarding their understanding and enthusiasm for the subject matter at question. The
skill to formulate well-structured, open-ended questions is crucial because it enables us
to elicit thoughtful ideas and viewpoints from both people and groups. Someone can
learn it, especially leaders who want to build an inclusive culture that emphasizes both
support and guidance. (Emma Cullen, 2022)
3. Collaboration- Leaders should be able to collaborate well with their teams of workers
so that they can model this behavior for them. Whenever it comes to successful
counseling, understanding your team's mental models and identifying methods that
encourage group learning are quite helpful. They also assist you raise team chemistry.
4. Making Good use of Time- Another of the numerous responsibilities a management
will have is teaching. Although a coaching meeting usually only lasts a few minutes or
weeks maybe about, the coach needs to be able to maximize this brief keep track of the
time for it to be successful. To put a thing or someone to use for a certain reason,
particularly the one which benefits you.
5. Establishing Teams- For a favorable workforce atmosphere and a way a business, the
leader should be competent to build and inspire effective teams. Educating your staff
on the value of cooperation, tolerance, transparency, and compassion will help you
create partnerships from existing individuals staff members. While teamwork
development exercises will assist with this, the most important thing is what you
undertake on a regular basis.
6. Emotional Intelligence- Employees may feel anxious and stressed during training
meetings, therefore managers need to know how to diffuse the situation and instill
confidence in the participants. Feelings come before thoughts, that much is
scientifically true. Whenever our feelings are intense, our mind works differently,
which impairs our ability to think clearly, make decisions, and even interact with
others. Being effective across both our career and private lives depends on our ability
to recognize, comprehend, and control our emotions as well as those of others. (J.P.
Pawliw-Fry Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When it
Matters Most)
7. Communication- Being able to express your ideas intelligibly and effectively so that
others may comprehend what you're attempting to convey seems to be another
essential talent. It also entails learning which verbal, nonverbal, or visual
communication modes are most effective for a certain workforce. Managers must have
strong interpersonal abilities.
8. Setting SMART Goals- In order to hold the staff responsibility for the education
process, a management must be able to develop SMART, quantifiable, and time-bound
objectives. Instead of saving goal-setting and objective-setting for evaluation
education, learn concerning them and put them to use every day to give context and
9. Good Judgement- There are numerous things a leader could wish to teach their team
members, but time and resources frequently prevent that from happening. A
management must decide if the practice program is beneficial to the staff and aligned
with the mission and objectives of the business.
10. Follow Through- The responsibility of a coach has never been finished, therefore
motivate your team by following through on your commitments. Actual coaching
abilities are a must for a management, and since they can be used to any position today
or in the coming, it benefits off in the long run to keep developing skills.


In both their interpersonal and business situations, people may benefit much from
expert executive counseling. The advantages can be felt right away, although they also last
over period, through role to position, throughout the length of a career, and for the duration
length of a career. That is a statement that few company compensation or education programs
can make.

According to Allaya Cooks-Campbell, 2021, there are 10 Benefits of Coaching:

1. Clarity and direction: Coaching helps individuals understand their goals, values, and
2. Improved confidence and self-esteem: Coaching helps individuals develop a positive self-
image and increase their confidence in their abilities.
3. New skills and abilities: Coaching provides opportunities for individuals to develop new
skills, such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving.
4. Overcoming challenges: Coaching helps individuals identify and overcome obstacles and
challenges that may prevent them from achieving their goals.
5. Tremendous success and satisfaction: Coaching can lead to increased success and
happiness in both personal and professional life.
6. Increased productivity: Coaching helps individuals optimize their time and focus on their
most important tasks, leading to increased productivity.
7. Better relationships: Coaching can help individuals develop better relationships with
others, including family, friends, and coworkers.
8. Personal growth: Coaching provides individuals with a safe and supportive environment
to explore their values, beliefs, and growth potential.
9. Improved decision-making: Coaching can help individuals make better decisions by
clarifying their priorities and values.
10. Increased motivation: Coaching provides support, encouragement, and accountability,
which can increase motivation and drive toward success.

1. Active Listening: The ability to entirely focus on and understand the individual's needs,
goals, and challenges.
According to, it utilizes all of the senses when observing. In addition to
paying full concentration to the speaker, it's critical that the "interested listener" be "shown" to be
paying attention as well; alternatively, the presenter might assume that what they're saying is
boring the listener. Both spoken and non-verbal cues, such as exchanging glances, shaking your
neck and grinning, shaking your head in agreement and stating "Yes," or just saying "Mmm
hmm," can be used to show interest to the speaker and persuade them to continue. The individual
speaking will typically be more comfortable after receiving this "feedback" and express greater
freely, truthfully, and honestly.
2. Empathy: The ability to see the world from the individual's perspective and to understand
their emotions.
Century City, 2018, A coach who has the capacity to understand the sentiments of another
individual offers a potent support network. They are able to support their challenger through into
the rough patches because they are able to empathize with the difficulties the other individual is
3. Questioning: The ability to ask open-ended, thought-provoking questions to encourage
self-discovery and growth.
According to Emma- Louise, 2022, order for them to act in accordance with who they are,
we want them to come to know and trust themselves. We therefore pay attention, give feedback,
and assist them in gaining the crucial aerial perspective on their actions and way of life. We
support their daydreaming, imaginative processes, goal-setting, and action planning.
4. Goal Setting: The ability to help individuals set realistic, achievable, and meaningful
A goal-setting coach will assist you throughout the procedure of identifying your objectives
and assist you in developing commitment for your action plan for HOW users will accomplish
your objectives. (Nicholas Forster)
5. Providing Feedback: The ability to provide constructive, supportive, and actionable
feedback to help individuals grow and improve.
Asking others to offer yourselves feedback rather then, or before, providing one's own is
referred to as mentoring feedback. It relates to both constructive criticism and what is now
referred to as "education" or "development" comments (instead of "negative feedback"). This
method can be used in conversations concerning actions, projects, behaviors, staff evaluations,
and any other situation in which employees are requested to evaluate their own performance. (By
Carol Wilson)
6. Encouragement: The ability to provide support, motivation, and positive reinforcement to
help individuals stay on track.
Coaching does not involve praising someone for their unsuccessful efforts. Boosting those
same individuals is. Encouragement emphasizes on promise, previous accomplishments,
collaborative problem - solving skills, and other supporting activities before the outcomes are
7. Challenging: The ability to challenge individuals to stretch themselves and reach their
full potential.
According to David, the management's mind is where problems frequently begin. She argues that
when a management is mentoring someone they've labeled as "difficult," it suggests they have
strong feelings about them. This individual is such a pessimistic, then this is proving to be very
hard, you might well be thinking.
8. Problem-Solving: The ability to help individuals identify and overcome obstacles and
Instead of assisting the customer to participate in comprehension what they actually want,
what strong points they possess, what's really continuing to work, and what their significant
possible explanation is that they should move forward into their desirable results actuality, the
majority of coaches will place more of their attention on fixing the "problem" and what is really
wrong with/not working. (Carly Anderson, 2013)
9. Time Management: The ability to help individuals optimize their time and focus on their
most important tasks.
Individuals who work with time management coaches are taught how to establish reasonable
goals, organize their responsibilities, and work more efficiently. The coach doesn't really enforce
a time management approach on you; rather, they work with you to improve your habits and
become more conscious of how you spend your time. (Danilo Gargiulo)
10. Confidentiality: The ability to maintain a safe, trustworthy, and confidential environment
for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings.
In the context of coaching, privacy relates to the manager's obligation to keep any
information collected throughout the term of the interaction private unless the student
expressly authorizes disclosure. The customer has the entitlement to secrecy, not yourself as
the coach. (Sue McMahon, 2018)


According to Chris Landry, there are eight Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of a

1. Character- competitive standing. Level of appreciation amongst athletic colleagues,

not as seen by the wider populace or the reporters.
2. Background- Expertise and professional accomplishments up to this point. Association
with successful programs is beneficial but not necessary.
3. Player and Staff Development- the capacity to impart knowledge, interact, and
improve players' technical abilities. This requires knowing positioning expertise,
utilizing individuals within system principles, and having the ability to inspire and
maximize a player's potential. Additionally, it entails having the capacity to mentor
and train his staff's coaching staff.
4. Technical- the capacity for network development, game plan planning, including the
ability to set up advantageous matchup scenarios and game day modifications. It also
covers the curriculum and instruction of players and coaching staff.
5. Teaching- The capacity to apply academic skills to practice situations where you may
creatively convey your message in a variety of ways to aid players in understanding
fully and fast. Teaching requires a lot of motivation.
6. Talent Evaluator- the capacity to recognize a player's mechanical and athletic
characteristics. It also encompasses the ability to assess the abilities of other coaches.
7. Recruiting- the capacity to demonstrate how a player integrates into to the sports
system, in addition to how he fits into in the psychology of the sports team or
neighborhood within which the squad dwells, verbally, on the chalkboard, and in video
YouTube clips.
8. Team Management- working well with people, staff administration, and support


Professional coaching is currently regarded as a "really should have" service within
enterprises due to its shown effectiveness over the past twenty years. Many firms are
interested in developing their own coaching culture plan because they have heard about the
advantages of teaching and coaching cultures. (Corry Robertson, 2022)

Utilizing efficient coaching techniques and coaching competences to help executives

and professionals nurture and realize the full capability of their employees is the definition of
mentoring environment. The benefits of a coaching culture in a business are all well
understood and supported by research. Corporations are putting forth a growing amount of
efforts to develop coaching cultures and establish coaching-friendly environments. However,
the actual results and advantages that corporations have experienced have fallen far short of
expectations. The consequences of corporations' considerable efforts in coaching skills
training and encouragement for managers and leaders are sometimes patchy and disjointed.
Without the expected effect on creating an entire coaching culture, we often observe the
acceptance and efficient system of coach in isolated areas. (Shweta HandaGupta, MCC

A workplace setting where coaching capabilities are integrated into the organization's
principles is known as a "coaching culture." The workplace changes to one where coaching
skill are acquired, enthusiastically adopted, and regularly applied throughout the ranks. In
cultures that value coaching, leaders receive formal training in coaching techniques and put
those techniques into practice to help their immediate supervisor fulfill their full potential and
contribute significantly to their organizations and work teams.

According to Hayley Dennis, businesses that embrace a great coaching environment

show up for their staff members, and as a result, those staff members feel very loyal to the
business. Think about using the following four steps to develop a coaching culture at your

1. Start at the Top- Senior executives can work together to develop a company-
wide vision for what is required to bring about a culture transformation and
how to sustain it once it has taken place. Furthermore, top executives who have
personal managerial experience not only profit from it and have a deeper
understanding of it, but they also demonstrate their commitment and the
significance of coaching to the employees who work for them.
2. Trickle Down- Mid-level leaders are given the task after senior executives have
determined what type of cultural shift is required. Since they are actively
involved in daily operations, directors and managers have a genuine sense on
just what is and is not functioning within the firm. Upper executives can
unleash their imagination via mentoring and learn the much more practical
ways to begin putting the necessary changes and enhancements into practice
with the help of senior leaders.
3. Implement a Coaching Model- Managers and employees can start putting some
practices, such as one-on-one gatherings, group meetings, and feedback talks,
into exercise as they get coaching.
4. Establish Accountability- Creating one promotes an atmosphere of recognition
and appreciation. Find out what inspires your staff, then provide it to them.
Teams that collaborate and help one another in achieving their objectives not
only develop a coaching culture but also become more robust and resilient.

Let me share something about my experiences when I joined the athletics. At first, I
really don’t know or I don’t have an idea about what to do or what are the rules if you will
join the athletics. Coach is essential when it comes to that things. They are the one who will
guide you, teach, organize, creating plans and strategies for your team to win the competition.
Having a coach is not only exists when it comes to sports or athletes, coach also exists in any
variation or kinds for example, in dancing. I am one of the dance troupe of Jaguars in Ateneo
de Davao University. I have once experienced the “Sayawten” or “sayaw tenista” last year.
We have this choreographer who choreograph our dance step for the competition. I also
considered our choreographer as our coach because he is the one who planned and set
motivations for us to be inspired and win the competition.

In addition, a coach can also serve as a thought partners, a provider of advice and
criticism, a cheerleader, and someone who can attract the best in individuals. A manager
instructing new workers in best business procedures and superior requirements, a village elder
passing down a generation's worth of wisdom and experience, a sports coach bringing out the
best in their top players—all of these scenarios can be extremely beneficial to those under
their tutelage.

1. 10 coaching techniques all managers need. (2022, January 21). Leadership and
Management Training Courses UK | MTD
2. A 4-step framework for creating a coaching culture. (2023, January 26). Training
3. 6 approaches to coaching—and 1 that works | ATD. (2021, February 10).
4. (n.d.). Coaching Culture at Work | Worldwide Performance Coach
5. Coaching cultures are built on beliefs. (2022, August 4). International Coaching
6. Creating a coaching culture 101: A guide to leveraging coaching results in
organizations. (2022, April 11). Corry Robertson.
7. How to ingrain coaching and mentoring in your workplace. (2022, September 29). Best
Mentorship Software: Together Mentoring
8. Know the difference between coaching and mentoring. (n.d.). Kent Campus | Kent State
University Kent State, one of Ohio’s leading public
9. Management coaching. (2018, May 16). Online Project
10. Mattone, J. (2021, July 27). Importance of follow-through after coaching relationship
ends. John Mattone Global, Inc.
11. Mentoring vs coaching: The key differences and benefits. (n.d.).
12. Stewart Leadership. (n.d.). The five steps of great coaching. Stewart Leadership Insights
13. What is coaching? (n.d.). Welcome | MIT Human Resources.

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