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The Darker Sides of Assembly

We've seen it.

Alex Radocea, Andrew Zonenberg

Moments in History

Thompson's Compiler Backdoor

“I am a programmer. On my 1040 form, that is what I put down

as my occupation. As a programmer, I write programs. I would
like to present to you the cutest program I ever wrote. I will do
this in three stages and try to bring it together at the end.”
This Script Kitty is more cute, right?
Moments in History

On November 2, 1988, Robert Morris, Jr., a

graduate student in Computer Science at Cornell,
wrote an experimental, self-replicating, self-
propagating program called a worm and injected it
into the Internet. He chose to release it from MIT, to
disguise the fact that the worm came from Cornell
gets() payload in fingerd
Shellcode spotlight →
Robert Morris, Jr. worm
Spaf does it right
● Best analysis ever on The Morris Worm:
Outline of Today's Agenda
● Moments in History
● Basic terminology
● Code injection
● Shellcode
● Building a virus
– The ELF format
– Injection Schemes
● ? Surprise us
● Backdoor ● Program allowing remote, covert
● Virus ● Parasitic program
Self-propagating network-

enabled program
● Rootkit ● Tools to covertly maintain high-
level system access
● Malware/Spyware ● Harmful software (popups,
password/CC sniffers....)
● Botnet ● MMORPG – without the RPG
Code injection we care about
● Runtime Arbitrary Code Execution
● Privileged Processes
● Signed/Trusted Code Execution Environments
● Remote programs
● Program File injection
● ???
Runtime Code Injection
● Remember all those crashmes?
● Local code injection
● Command line arguments, environment, pathname,
executable interpreter flags, program data
● Remote code injection
● Program data
Writing your first shellcode.
● Goal:
● do not fork bomb anything
● Print a message to the screen
; nasm -f elf code.asm; ld -o code.bin code.o; ./code.bin
; nasm -f bin code.asm ; ndisasm -u ./code

global _start
xor eax, eax
mov eax, 4
jmp data

xor ebx, ebx
pop ecx
mov edx, 13
int 0x80

mov eax, 1
int 0x80

call back
db "HI csci4971",0x0a
Minimization tips
● Data is code is data is code is data is code …
(von Neumann arch vs Harvard)
● NUL byte safe?
● Match constants to register sizes
● Avoid some instructions
● Use math to get values with NUL
● Encoder/Decoder
Minimization Tips (II)
● Size problems?
● Multi-staged payloads
– Establish data transfer
– Receive code
– Decode it
– Execute it
● Code crunch:
● extra credz for shortest, self-contained d/l and
execute binary code.
No shellcode necessary
● Ret2libc
● Solar Designer '97
● ...
Memory corruption can be hard, but
also very easy
● Linux local bugs:
● Off-by-one on gcc4 main()
● Truncates frame pointer by one byte
● Bypass ASLR
● “patched up”
● Still missing /proc/pid/stat
Writing a Virus
● Parasitic code
● Injects into drivers, system code files, executable
programs, runtime process memory, …
Plan of Action
● Harmless Linux ELF Infector
● Open a file
● Expand size
● Inject code
● Update offsets
● Save to filesystem
Useful links
● Cesare's
● Eresi:
● ...
The ELF Format
● ELF Header
● Man 5 elf
● Program Headers
● Runtime
● Section Headers
● Link time
● Misc
More useful links
ELF Header
typedef struct {
unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
uint16_t e_type;
uint16_t e_machine;
uint32_t e_version;
ElfN_Addr e_entry;
ElfN_Off e_phoff;
ElfN_Off e_shoff;
uint32_t e_flags;
uint16_t e_ehsize;
uint16_t e_phentsize;
uint16_t e_phnum;
uint16_t e_shentsize;
uint16_t e_shnum;
uint16_t e_shstrndx;
} ElfN_Ehdr;
Program Headers
typedef struct {
uint32_t p_type; PT_LOAD
Elf32_Off p_offset;
Elf32_Addr p_vaddr;
Elf32_Addr p_paddr; PT_INTERP
uint32_t p_filesz;
uint32_t p_memsz;
uint32_t p_flags;
uint32_t p_align;
} Elf32_Phdr;
PF_X An executable segment.
PF_W A writable segment.
PF_R A readable segment.
Using readelf/objdump/etc
● Demo
Some ELF File Infection strategies
● Overwrite existing code
● Semantic nop injector (bukowski framework)
● Hijack GOT/PLT redirection
● Expand TEXT segment
● Insert new PF_X segment
● Replace Dynamic Interpreter
● Inject malicious shared object file paths
Simple infector
● >>
PHDR Injection
● Add a PF_X segment
● Add code
● Hijack entry point / branch
How do you do it all in asm?
● Need self propagation
● No compiler available (Sorry Ken)
All you need is...
● Open()
● Mmap()
● asm code
Infector demo
ELF Virus Detection
● Tripwire...
● Mismatched Section Headers
● Extra executable segments
● Strange shared libraries/dynamic interpreter
● Unusual entry point
● Q: Can the entry point be outside of the TEXT
● Linux AVs
● ???

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