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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal


1. Impact of Metro on Bus Ridership

2. Feasibility of New Routes for High-end AC Buses
3. Impact of Cab Aggregators on Vayu Vajra Services
4. Improvement and Extension of Chartered Bus Services
5. Exploring Potential of BMTC Land Resources

Final Report

Submitted by: Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)

For: Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation,

Funded by: Planning Department, Government of Karnataka

September, 2018
Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) is a private, not-for-profit (Section 25) Research
Corporation registered in 2005.

Designing and Editing by CSTEP


While every effort has been made for the correctness of data/information used in this report, neither the authors
nor CSTEP accepts any legal liability for the accuracy or inferences for the material contained in this report and
for any consequences arising from the use of this material.

© 2018 Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP)

For private circulation only.

September, 2018

Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy

#18, 10th Cross, Mayura Street,
Papanna Layout, Nagashettyhalli, RMV II Stage,
Bangalore-560094 Karnataka, INDIA
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Email: [email protected]
Background to the Study
About Bengaluru

Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities in India.
It is home to major information technology companies, public sector undertakings and major
educational and research institutions. The city of Bengaluru has an area of 741 sq. km. with a
population of 8.52 million (Census of India 2011). In 2001, Bengaluru’s area was 531 sq. km.
and population was 5.10 million. Bengaluru has experienced rapid population and urban
growth during the last decade (2001-2011).

With rapid urbanisation and population growth, there is a huge demand for improving urban
infrastructure, of which public transport is critical. In Bengaluru, as per a study conducted by
the Directorate of Urban Land Transport, 27% of all trips are by public transport, 31% of the
trips are by two-wheelers and cars, 35% of the trips are by non-motorised transport (walk and
bicycle) and 7% by intermediate public transport (autos and taxis) (DULT 2010).

About BMTC

Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) provides public transport bus services
to Bengaluru metropolitan region. BMTC tries to keep pace with the changing urban mobility
demand by operating various services such as chartered services, Vayu-Vajra services, Vajra
services and ordinary services.

BMTC operates 6,383 buses and carries approximately 5.02 million passengers daily,
generating a revenue of INR 5.76 crore per day (BMTC 2017). The gross revenue for BMTC
in 2016-17 was INR 2,106 crore, of which traffic revenue contributed to INR 1,770 crore
(~84%), while non-traffic contributed to INR 336 crore (16%).

In the recent past, BMTC has seen a reduction in ridership and revenue on account of
competition from other modes. The introduction of the Metro Rail and cab aggregators has
seen key BMTC corridors being financially affected. In order to assess the impact of other
transport modes on BMTC ridership, this study focused on the impact of the Metro on BMTC
operations, and the impact of cab aggregators on BMTC airport bus services.

BMTC also aims to increase its revenue through expansion of its AC bus services, monetisation
of its land resources and increasing its presence for shared mobility (chartered/dedicated bus
services). This study also analyses the feasibility of new AC bus services, suggests measures
to monetise land resources and proposes a financial model for increasing revenue from
chartered/dedicated services.

In order to carry out the study, Government of Karnataka has engaged Center for Study of
Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) as a technical research institution. Karnataka
Evaluation Authority (KEA) has been appointed as the coordinating and nodal agency to ensure
timely completion of this work.
Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy expresses deep gratitude to Government
of Karnataka for its support in conducting this study.

We would like to thank Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) officials Shri.
V. Ponnuraj, MD, Shri. Biswajit Mishra Ex-IT Director, Shri. K. R. Vishwanath, CTM (O),
Shri. Chandrasekhar M.S., DTO (O), Shri. Bailappa, DTO (C), Smt. Sabeena Begum, DTO
(ITS) and other BMTC staff for sharing the required data and extending their support all
through the project.

The authors are grateful to Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) officials Shri.
Pradeep Singh Kharola, Ex-MD, and Shri. U. A. Vasanth Rao, GM, Finance (Taxation and
Resource) for sharing the required data and granting permission to conduct survey at the Metro

We would further like to thank Shri. Sanjay Chandra, Assistant Manager (Landside Traffic),
Kempegowda international airport to grant permission to conduct the required survey at the
airport and Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru city, to grant permission to conduct the required
survey at different locations in the city.

We appreciate efforts of CSTEP colleagues Dr Gaurav Kapoor and Ms Shrimoyee

Bhattacharya for the technical review and Ms Merlin, Mr Devaditya and Mr Abhinav for the
editorial review and Ms Aswathy for graphical support.

We express gratitude to Dr Anshu Bharadwaj, Executive Director, CSTEP, Dr Jai Asundi,

Research Coordinator, CSTEP and Mr Thirumalai N.C., Project Manager, CSTEP, for their
constant encouragement and support throughout the project.
Initiative 1: Impact of Metro on Bus Ridership
Initiative 1: Impact of Metro on Bus
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations Full Form
BDA Bengaluru Development Authority
BMRCL Bangalore Metropolitan Rail Transport Corporation
BMTC Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
CSTEP Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy
ETM Electronic Ticketing Machine
GIS Geographical Information Systems
HB High Boarding
IVTT In Vehicle Travel Time
KBS Kempegowda Bus Station
KEA Karnataka Evaluation Authority
KSRTC Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation
LB Low Boarding
O-D Origin Destination
ODK Open Data Kit
RMC Regulated Market Committee
RP Revealed Preference
SP Stated Preference
SRS Simple Random Sampling
Executive Summary
Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), which started operations in 1997, was
the only public transport service provider for urban, sub urban and rural areas of Bengaluru. It
was one of the very few profit making state transport undertakings in India, until three years
ago. More recently, with the completion of Phase I of Metro by Bangalore Metro Rail
Corporation Limited (BMRCL), a new rapid mass transportation system is now available for

The complete Phase I (East–West and North–South corridors) of Metro started operations in
2017. With the introduction of this new mode of public transport, commuters have shifted from
BMTC bus to Metro. BMTC has taken up several initiatives to reduce the impact of this shift
by re-routing the existing bus services, introducing new feeder routes, extending operations
beyond Metro reach and reducing the number of schedules.

However, BMTC would like to understand the full impact of the Metro on its operations,
through a scientific study, towards which the Center for Study of Science, Technology and
Policy (CSTEP) has carried out a detailed research.

For assessing the impact of Metro on BMTC ridership, CSTEP conducted a Metro passenger
opinion survey at 12 select Metro stations. The study identified the commuter’s reasons for
shift from bus to Metro and also identified impacted routes. For the impacted routes identified,
revenue and ridership analysis was carried out to understand the most impacted stretch along
the identified routes.

The study revealed that 38% of the respondents shifted from BMTC to Metro. The majority of
these commuters are in close proximity (< 2km) to the Metro station. The results indicate that
the major reason for shift from BMTC to Metro is due to reduction in travel time and to avoid
traffic congestion.

With the completion of Metro Phase I, and with current Metro Phase II construction, it is
important for BMTC to reduce the number of schedules running parallel to Metro corridors.
These buses could be redeployed in corridors which witness heavy demand for BMTC services,
in BMTC underserved areas and in Metro influence areas as feeder services
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory ............................................................ 2
3. Progress Review ................................................................................................................. 5
4. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 5
5. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation.................................................................................. 5
6. Evaluation Design............................................................................................................... 5
7. Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 7
8. Data Collection and Analysis ........................................................................................... 13
9. Findings and Discussions ................................................................................................. 16
10. Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................................... 25
References ................................................................................................................................ 26
Annexure I ............................................................................................................................... 27
Annexure II .............................................................................................................................. 28
Annexure III ............................................................................................................................. 29
Annexure IV............................................................................................................................. 32
List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology for assessment of impact of Metro on BMTC bus ridership................ 7
Figure 2: Income-wise mode shift from bus to Metro ............................................................. 15
Figure 3: Purpose-wise mode shift from bus to Metro ............................................................ 15
Figure 4: Profile of bus to Metro shift at survey locations ...................................................... 16
Figure 5: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 258-UP....................................................... 19
Figure 6: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 258-DN ...................................................... 21
Figure 7: Stage-wise Impact on BMTC route no. 401-K UP .................................................. 24
Figure 8: Stage-wise Impact on BMTC route no. 401-K DN .................................................. 24

List of Tables
Table 1: Primary survey details ................................................................................................. 6
Table 2: Metro station typologies .............................................................................................. 9
Table 3: Metro passenger opinion survey locations and sample size ...................................... 11
Table 4: Metro passenger opinion survey sample details ........................................................ 13
Table 5: Previous mode of travel ............................................................................................. 15
Table 6: Reasons to shift from bus to Metro............................................................................ 17
Table 7: List of impacted routes .............................................................................................. 17
Table 8: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 258UP) ................................................... 18
Table 9: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 258 DN) ................................................. 20
Table 10: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 401-K UP)............................................ 21
Table 11: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 401-K UP)............................................ 23
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

1. Introduction
Till 2011, BMTC was the sole public transport provider for the city of Bengaluru. However
the Metro rail operations started in 2011 and full operation of Phase I commenced in 2017. As
of 2016-17, BMTC witnessed a decrease in service kilometres provided, from 12.21 lakh km
per day in 2015-16 to 11.52 lakh km per day. A component of this reduction of ridership and
revenue may be attributed to the introduction of new transport options in the city.

This study aims to understand the nature of this shift from BMTC services to Metro, the reasons
for this shift and the impacted bus routes in terms of ridership.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory

Till 2011, BMTC was the primary public transport service provider for Bengaluru city. In 2011,
the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) commenced operations of Metro.
Since Phase I Metro (Mysore Road to Baiyappanahalli and Nagasandra to Yelachenahalli)
commencement in June 2017, the city has two major public transport service providers: BMTC
and BMRCL.

With the Metro operating on high density traffic corridors, BMTC witnessed a change in
ridership. Hence this study aims at identifying the impacted routes and assessing the changes
in ridership.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Verifiable Indicators of Sources and Means of

Intervention Logic Assumptions
Achievement Verification
What are the overall broader What are the key indicators related What are the sources of
objectives to which the activity will to the overall objectives? information for these
contribute?  Percentage change in ridership for
Objectives  Assessing the impact of Metro on the identified bus routes before  Primary survey of
BMTC’s bus ridership and after commencement of Metro passengers
Metro Phase I operations  Secondary data of
affected routes
What specific objective(s) is the Which indicators clearly show that What are the sources of Which factors and conditions
activity intended to achieve to the objective of the activity has information that exist or outside the PI's responsibility
contribute to the overall objectives? been achieved? can be collected? What are necessary to achieve that
are the methods required objective? (external
 To identify percentage shift from  Percentage of previous bus-using
to get this information? conditions)
BMTC bus to Metro respondents who now use the
 To identify impacted BMTC bus Metro  Primary survey (Metro Which risks should be taken
Specific routes  BMTC routes experiencing passenger opinion into consideration?
maximum number of respondents survey at Metro
shifting to Metro  Willingness of competent
 Percentage change in ridership of  Secondary data
authority to permit the
these routes post Metro survey
(ridership and revenue
data for the routes  Willingness of competent
identified) authority to share the
required data

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The results are the outputs envisaged What are the indicators to measure What are the sources of What external conditions
to achieve the specific objective. whether and to what extent the information for these must be met to obtain the
activity achieves the expected indicators? expected results on schedule?
What are the expected results?
(enumerate them) results?
 Primary survey (Metro  Willingness of competent
 Percentage shift from BMTC bus  Previous mode of travel passenger opinion authority to share the data
Results to Metro  Previous bus users route no. survey at Metro
 List of impacted BMTC bus routes  Revenue and ridership data for stations)
due to this shift the impacted routes pre and post  Secondary data
 Reasons for shift Metro (ridership and revenue
 Change in ridership for impacted data for the routes
routes identified)
What are the key activities to be What are the means required to What are the sources of What pre-conditions are
carried out, and in what sequence, in implement these activities, e. g. information about action required before the action
order to produce the expected personnel, training, studies, etc. progress? starts?
results?  Survey experts  Date and time captured  Permission by competent
(group the activities by result)  Transport planning experts during the primary authorities to conduct the
Activities 1. Primary Survey – Metro survey survey
passenger opinion survey at  CSTEP supervision  Willingness of competent
select Metro stations during primary survey authority to share the
2. Identifying the previous bus  Regular follow up with required data
using passengers BMTC & BMRCL on
3. Identifying impacted routes due secondary data
to this shift

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

3. Progress Review
For this section, the base data for comparison are the pre-Metro bus revenue and ridership
details of the impacted routes. However, as the two corridors (East-West & North-South) of
the Metro started operations over a period of time, the timeline has been divided into two
timeframes (pre Metro operations and post Metro operations).

4. Problem Statement
To understand the impact of Metro Phase I operations on BMTC’s bus ridership.

As stated above, until Metro was operational, BMTC was the sole public transport service
provider in Bengaluru. It is expected that after commencement of Phase 1 Metro operations,
there could be some impact on BMTC ridership. This study aims to estimate and understand
Metro’s impact on BMTC’s ridership in order to enable BMTC to plan future operations.

5. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation

 To assess the potential impact of Metro operations on BMTC bus ridership
 To identify the impacted routes due to shift from bus to Metro

 Geographical coverage - East West and North South Phase I Metro corridors
 Target population - The target population for this study are the Metro passengers.

6. Evaluation Design
6.1. Information Sources
For this evaluation, both primary as well as secondary data collection methods are considered.
The information sources for secondary data were:

 BMTC – Ridership and revenue data for the impacted routes

 BMRCL – Boarding and alighting data for the Metro stations
 Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) Revised Master Plan, 2015

A gap analysis between the data requirements for the study and the data available from the
secondary sources was carried out to derive the type and quantum of surveys to be undertaken.
Based on the same, the following primary survey was planned:

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

 Metro passenger opinion survey

This survey was conducted at selected 12 Metro stations along both East-West and North-South
corridor to assess the impact of Metro on BMTC operations. Details of the survey are given in
Table 1.

Table 1: Primary survey details

No. of Locations Mode of Data

Type of Survey Date of Survey
and Sample Size Collection
Metro passenger 12 Locations Open Data Kit (ODK) 20th February - 28th
opinion survey 2,312 Samples App based survey February 2018

6.2. Evaluation Criteria or Indicators

The evaluation criteria for impact assessment of Metro on bus ridership are:
 Percentage of passengers shifting from BMTC bus to Metro (estimated from the Metro
passenger opinion survey)
 Changes in the ridership and revenue of impacted routes (from ridership and revenue
data from BMTC).

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7. Evaluation Methodology

Impact of Metro on Bus Ridership

 Geographical Coverage – 40
Strata based on Metro Selection of Study Area Existing Phase I Metro Stations
Station Typologies  Target Population – Metro Users
 Land use
 Access Road Width
 Metro Station Sample and Sampling Technique Design
Boarding and Stratified Random Sampling Sample size for Each Strata

12 Metro Station
 Based on: Sample Size Distribution
Sample Size for Each Category
 Boarding data
 Time Period
 Direction of travel Survey Instrument Design App. Based Survey Questionnaire

Data Collection

 Travel Pattern  Boarding-Alighting Stage

Primary Data Secondary Data
 Previous Mode Metro Passenger ETM Data from  Ridership and Revenue
Opinion Survey BMTC
 Former BMTC
Users’ Route No.
% Shift from Bus to Metro
Data Analysis – Access-Egress Distance
Former Bus Users
Reasons for shift

List of Impacted Routes

Stage-wise Analysis
of Impacted Routes

Comparison of Pre
and Post Metro
Ridership and
Revenue Data

Change in Ridership
and Revenue
Figure 1: Methodology for assessment of impact of Metro on BMTC bus ridership

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.1. Sample and Sampling Design

7.1.1. Stratified Random Sampling
A stratified random sampling technique was used to arrive at an appropriate sample size at each
Metro station. The existing 40 Metro stations were stratified based on the parameters given

1. Land-use in 500m radius of the Metro station

2. Access road width
3. Boarding type (high and low boarding).

The six station typologies are described below:

Type 1 – Transport hubs which are connected with other public transport modes in the vicinity

Type 2 – Metro stations which are located in predominantly residential areas, with high
boarding and access road width in the range of 30 to 80 metres

Type 3 – Metro stations which are located in predominantly non–residential areas, with high
boarding and access road width of 30–50 metres

Type 4 – Metro stations which are located in predominantly residential areas, with high
boarding and access road width of 12–30 metres

Type 5A – Metro stations which are located in predominantly residential areas, with low
boarding and access road width of 30–80 metres

Type 5B - Metro stations which are located in areas of mixed-land use, with low boarding and
access road width of 30–80 metres

Type 6 – Metro stations which are located in predominantly residential areas, with low
boarding and access road width of 12–30 metres.

Metro station typologies are given in the Table 2 below:

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 2: Metro station typologies

Predominant Land
Access Road Width Boarding Data


50 m – 80 m

30 m – 50 m

12 m – 30 m

Station Name Type


Baiyappanahalli 1
City Railway
Yelachenahalli High
Rajajinagar Residential,
Banashankari 30-80 m
J. P. Nagar Road, HB
Sandal Soap Non-
Factory Residential,
M.G.Road ü 30-50 m
Mysore Road Road, HB
National College
Southend Circle
R.V. Road
4 12-30 m
Sampige Road Road, HB
Vidhana Soudha ü
Sir M.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Predominant Land
Access Road Width Boarding Data


50 m – 80 m

30 m – 50 m

12 m – 30 m

Station Name Type



Deepanjali Nagar Residential,
Mahalakshmi 30-80 m Road,
Halasuru 5 LB
Attiguppe A
Jalahalli &
Peenya Industry 5
B Mixed Land
Use, 30-80 m
Road, LB
Cubbon Park ü
S.V. Road
Chickpet ü
K. R. Market ü
Kuvempu Road Residential,
Srirampura 6 12-30 m Road,
Jayanagar LB
Magadi Road


Public/Semi Public
50-80 m Wide Road
30-50 m Wide Road
12-30 m Wide Road
High Boarding (HB)
Low Boarding (LB)
ü Other Additional Land Use (Defined by Colour)

Twelve representative Metro stations from each strata were selected for further study, as shown
in Table 3. For each of the strata, the total population was the sum of the boarding passengers’
at all Metro stations falling under it.

10 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Simple Random Sampling (SRS) technique was used to estimate the statistically relevant
sample size for each strata, using the formula given below:

𝑍 2 × 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
𝑛1 =

𝑛1 × 𝑁1
𝑛1, =
𝑛1 + 𝑁1

n = 𝑛1 + 𝑛2 + 𝑛3 + ------+ 𝑛ℎ

𝑛1 = Sample size for each stratum
𝑛1, = Finite population correction for stratum
𝑁1 = Population for stratum
n = Total sample size
Z = Z – Score (Z-Table value for 95% confidence interval is 1.96)
e = Margin of Error (5%)
p = Prior judgment of the correct value (probability), which is 0.5 here

Table 3 shows the Metro stations selected for survey.

Table 3: Metro passenger opinion survey locations and sample size

Sr. No. Metro Station Total Sample Size

1 Majestic 173
2 Baiyappanahalli 209
3 Nagasandra 160
4 Banashankari 222
5 Mysore Road 172
6 M.G.Road 210
7 Indiranagar 251
8 Vidhana Soudha 153
9 S.V. Road 200
10 Attiguppe 181
11 Kuvempu Road 171
12 Goraguntepalya 210
Total 2,312

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

After arriving at an appropriate sample size, the sample to be collected at each Metro station
was distributed temporally as well as directionally. The temporal distribution was done for
three time periods in a day, morning peak (8 AM to 11 AM), evening peak (5 PM to 8 PM) and
off peak (2 PM to 4 PM). The directional distribution was based on the location and type of the
Metro station. A detailed sample distribution is shown in the Annexure I.

7.2. Type of Data Collected from Various Sources

7.2.1. Secondary Sources
1. Station-wise boarding and alighting Metro passenger data
2. Electronic Ticketing Machine (ETM) data for revenue and ridership
3. Land use data for Bengaluru

7.2.2. Primary Surveys

Metro Passengers Opinion Survey for Assessment of Impact of Metro on BMTC Operations
 Travel pattern of Metro passengers (origin-destination, mode of travel used for first and
last mile connectivity, etc.)
 Reasons for shifting to Metro
 BMTC route no. from previous bus users

7.3. Instruments for Data Collection

7.3.1. Secondary Sources
For collecting data from secondary sources, a data requirement template was prepared and
shared with the concerned agencies (Annexure II).

7.3.2. Primary Surveys

For primary data collection, a structured closed-end survey questionnaire was used to capture
the data required for the current study. The questionnaire for this survey is given in Annexure

Metro passenger opinion survey questionnaire comprised of three sections:

1. Passenger information
2. Travel information
3. Information about their current mode choices and stated preferences about mode
choice under changed conditions (scenarios considering existing fare and
frequency and decreased fare and increased frequency).

12 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

All project related data was then compiled and reviewed thoroughly till a firm database was
evolved for the fruitful outcome of the study.

7.4. Protocols for Data Collection and Ethics Followed

Secondary data for the current study was collected from BMTC and BMRCL. For the primary
field survey, permission letters from BMRCL and BMTC were taken for conducting surveys
within the Metro stations. Care was taken by the survey team to ensure that regular movement
of passengers and duties of the workers were not hampered.

8. Data Collection and Analysis

8.1. Data Collection and Cleaning
8.1.1. Primary Data
The survey sample details for the primary survey are given in Table 4 below. Effort was also
made to ensure that equal number of men and women responded to the survey.

Table 4: Metro passenger opinion survey sample details

Heading Required Collected

Survey Sample Size 2,312 2,430

Bus Users - 915 (37.6%)

The survey was carried for a time period of 12 hours (8:00 AM-8:00 PM) at all the select Metro
locations covering morning peak, off peak and evening peak on a normal working day. The
survey locations are given in Table 3. The locations were duly identified based on Metro station
typology. The survey was carried out using Open Data Kit (ODK) suite, an android based
mobile app that replaces paper-based forms. Specially trained field investigators and trained
enumerators, under the close guidance of supervisory staff were utilised for this purpose. The
compiled data was subjected to a thorough verification and analysis.

The data from the primary survey was extracted in Excel spreadsheet. This data was then
checked for complete and incomplete responses, invalid samples and data entry errors. After
all these filters, a clean data set was prepared for analysis.

8.1.2. Secondary data

For the selected impacted routes, daily revenue and ridership data for one week, stage-wise,
was collected for the following period:

© CSTEP 13
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

 Before commencement of Metro (pre Metro operations) – May 2017

 After commencement of Metro (post Metro operations) – July 2017

8.2. Data Analysis

The primary data analysis was done with the following objectives:

 To understand the Metro passenger’s access and egress distance to the Metro station
 To estimate the percentage shift from bus to Metro
 To understand the reasons for this shift
 To identify the impacted BMTC routes.

The secondary data analysis was done with the following objectives:
 To classify Metro stations with respect to each strata
 To analyse the stage-wise revenue and ridership change.

8.3. Data Analysis Techniques

For analysing the primary as well as secondary data set, Excel and Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) were used. Excel was used to create the analysis template, graphs and charts
and GIS was used to locate the origin-destinations of the respondents and analyse the stretch-
wise impact on BMTC routes.

8.4. Preliminary Analysis

8.4.1. Profile of Metro Passengers Shifted from Bus
The socio-economic profile of the Metro passengers who have shifted to Metro from BMTC
bus is shown in Annexure IV. Out of the total former bus users interviewed 54% were men and
46% were women. The current study reveals that maximum shift from bus to Metro was seen
in the age group of 31-50 years (46%) and 19 - 30 years (44%). It was observed that maximum
shift with respect to monthly household income range is INR 20,000 – 50,000. Income group
INR 10,000 – 20,000 comes next with 21% shift. 63% respondents were from working class
and for 64% respondents the purpose of trip was work, followed by education trips (14%).

14 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Previous Mode of Travel

Income-wise Mode Shift from Bus to Purpose-Wise Mode Shift from Bus to
Metro Metro
300 255 257 400 344
200 240
150 127 200
100 58 65 64 82
45 40 49 51 100 45
50 28 23 12 10
10 6
0 0
< 10K 10K-20K 20K-50K 50K-1 L >1L Education Work Leisure Social Other

Men Women
Men Women

Figure 2: Income-wise mode shift from bus to Metro Figure 3: Purpose-wise mode shift from bus to Metro

The details of the previous mode of travel of Metro Passengers are presented in Table 5. Out
of 2,431 respondents interviewed, about 38% of the commuters were bus users who have now
shifted to Metro.
Table 5: Previous mode of travel

Previous Mode of Travel Count Percentage

Cycle 6 0.2%
Two wheeler 744 31%
Auto 89 4%
Bus 915 38%
Private Car 285 12%
Taxi 165 7%
Others 227 9%
TOTAL 2,431 100%

© CSTEP 15
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

9. Findings and Discussions

9.1. Shift from Bus to Metro
The station-wise shift from bus to Metro are presented in Figure 4. The maximum percentage
shift is seen at Kuvempu Road (67%). The other locations experiencing a higher shift from bus
to Metro are Banashankari Metro station, M. G. Road and Mysore Road.

Figure 4: Profile of bus to Metro shift at survey locations

9.2. Reasons for Shift from Bus to Metro

Out of the 915 previous bus users interviewed, 910 responded to survey questions regarding
reasons for the shift to Metro. The respondents had a choice to select multiple reasons for their
mode shift. The reasons in the questionnaire include: reduction in travel time, comfort, low bus
frequency, reasonable metro fare and avoiding traffic jams and pollution. 95% of the
respondents cited reduction in travel time as the reason for their shift and 60% responded saying
they wanted to avoid traffic jams. Table 6 shows that travel time, avoiding traffic jams and
comfort were the major three reasons for the mode shift and that more weightage was given to
time related factors than expense (reasonable Metro fare).

16 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 6: Reasons to shift from bus to Metro

Reason to Shift Count Percentage

Travel Time 869 95%
Avoid Traffic Jam 543 60%
Comfort 412 45%
Low Bus Frequency 89 10%
Reasonable Metro Fare 62 7%

9.3. Impacted Routes

This study also aims at identifying the BMTC routes impacted due to Metro operations. The
routes were identified using two methods:
1. Direct response of the former bus using respondents
2. Origin-destination of the former bus using respondents (whose route numbers were not
The top impacted routes are given in the Table 7 below.
Table 7: List of impacted routes

Origin Destination Metro
258 Nelamangala KR Market N-S
215 Amruth Nagara KR Market N-S
317 Hosakote KR Market E-W
335 Sai baba hospital KR Market E-W
315 KBS KR Puram E-W
210 Uttarahalli KR Market N-S
252 KBS Peenya 2nd stage N-S
61A KBS Chandra Layout E-W
Jeevan Bhimanagara
138 Bus stand KBS E-W
304 Arehalli KR Market E-W
225 Channasandra KR Market E-W
314 Shivajinagar Bus Station CGHS Nagavar Palya E-W
250 Railway Gate KR Market N-S
Hesaraghatta Indo
253 Krishnarajendra Market Danish Farm N-S
401K Yelahanka Kengeri E-W
201 Domulur TTMC Srinagara E-S

© CSTEP 17
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

9.4. Stretch-wise Impacted Route Analysis

After identifying the impacted routes from Metro passengers’ response, a four months stage-
wise ridership data for select two routes was considered for analysis. This data was collected
for Jan - Feb 2017 for pre-Metro and Aug - Sept 2017 that is two months after commencement
of full Phase I Metro corridor.

9.4.1. Stretch-wise Impact Analysis of Route No. 258

258-UP (KR Market to Nelamangala)

The route 258 UP runs from KR Market to Nelamanagala and has a route length of 30 Km. Of
this, around 16 Km (~50%) runs parallel to the Metro North-South corridor (from Nagasandra
to KR market).

Table 1 shows the change in ridership of the BMTC route 258 after commencement of Metro
Phase I.

Table 8: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 258UP)

Sl.No Stage Names % difference Pre-Metro Post-Metro

in boarding Ridership Ridership
ridership (UP)
1 KR Market -68% 1792 570
2 Kempegowda Bus Station -35% 1663 1084
3 Corporation -68% 161 51
4 Central -15% 532 452
5 11th Cross Malleswaram -50% 469 236
6 Yeshwanthpur TTMC -48% 1540 804
7 RMC Yard -22% 1102 862
8 SRS Peenya -13% 342 298
9 Jalahalli Cross -27% 2847 2081
10 Marison Factory -28% 323 231
11 Anchepalya -6% 343 324
12 Madanayakanahalli -25% 233 175
13 Makali -67% 215 71
14 Adakimaranahalli -100% 11 0
15 Dasanapura -65% 83 29
16 Arishinakunte -49% 146 75
17 Binnamangala -58% 425 179

18 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The route seems to have an overall loss of about 44% in its ridership after commencement of
Phase I Metro (overall monthly ridership in January 2017 was 1,22,212, this reduced to 7,517
in September 2017). The stage-wise analysis observed a significant reduction in ridership at
KR Market (68%). Overall ridership at KR Market reduced to 570 in September from 1,790 in
January. Also inter-stage trips shows that there is an average drop of 60% in ridership for the
trips from KR Market to Yeshwanthpur TTMC and Dasanapura. Since KR Market bus station
is in close proximity to the Metro station there is a high possibility of passengers opting for

Figure 5: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 258-UP

© CSTEP 19
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

258- DN (Nelamangala to KR Market)

For the down journey (from Nelamangala to KR Market), a reduction of 27% was observed
from Arishanakunte to Maharanis College. The ridership seems to go up by approximately 20%
on the initial stretch (from Nelamanagala to Arishanakunte). It also showed that the commuters
were using this route for a shorter trips from Nelamangala and Binnamangala. A slight increase
in ridership from Nelamangala to Marison Factory (26 in January to 52 in September),
indicated that passengers could be using this as feeder for their first mile connectivity.

Table 9: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 258 DN)

Sl. Stage % difference in Pre- Metro Post-Metro

No. boarding Ridership Ridership
ridership (DN)
1 Nelamangala 14% 1645 1875
2 Binnamagala 21% 71 86
3 Arishinakunte -38% 193 119
4 Dasanapura -12% 296 261
5 Adakimaranahalli -76% 67 16
6 Makali -17% 814 674
7 Madanayakanahalli -20% 1743 1391
8 Anchepalya -13% 960 836
9 Marison Factory -16% 2401 2006
10 Jalahalli Cross -13% 773 672
11 SRS Peenya -24% 742 562
12 RMC Yard -23% 706 541
13 Yeshwanthpur TTMC -19% 1157 941
14 8th Cross Malleswaram -25% 693 518
15 Swastik Sheshadripuram -49% 212 108
16 Ananda Rao Circle -52% 97 47
17 Maharanis College 45% 62 90
18 Corporation -6% 192 181

20 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Figure 6: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 258-DN

9.4.2. Stretch-wise Impacted Route Analysis – 401 K

The route 401-K UP runs from Kengeri TTMC to Yelahanka Old Town and has a route length
of 37 Km. This route runs radial to Metro corridor. About 10km stretch of this route (from
Mallatahalli Cross to Yeshwanthpur TTMC) runs parallel to Metro.

Table 1 below shows the change in ridership of the BMTC route 401-K after commencement
of Metro Phase I.

Table 10: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 401-K UP)

S.No Stage Names % difference in Pre-Metro Post-Metro

boarding ridership Ridership Ridership
1 Kengeri TTMC -33% 5834 3922
2 Jn of Kommaghatta -27% 3786 2773
3 Shirke KHB Quarters -24% 2410 1822
4 Mariyappanapalya -30% 2802 1966
5 Mallathahalli Cross -22% 2517 1974
6 Nagarabhavi Circle -28% 2280 1643
7 Moodalapalya -26% 3734 2759
8 Vijayanagara -31% 2874 1984
9 Industrial Area Rajajinagara -22% 947 736

© CSTEP 21
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

10 ESI Hospital Rajajinagara -37% 2541 1598

11 1st Block Rajajinagara -20% 1668 1327
12 Govt Soap Factory -13% 1056 914
13 Yeshwanthapura TTMC 3% 4329 4458
14 Mattikere -29% 2279 1628
15 BEL Circle 3% 2008 2065
16 Nagaland Circle -18% 1243 1015
17 Nanjappa Circle -12% 1732 1522
18 Vidyaranyapura Bus Station -24% 900 688
19 Chikka Bettahalli -12% 789 692
20 Atturu Layout -14% 1016 872
21 Yelahanka Satellite Town 4% 1204 1249
22 NES Office -18% 531 434

The survey showed that respondents using Metro service from Yeshwanthpur Metro station
(going till Vijayanagar /Mysore road Metro station) were using 401-K route before Phase I
Metro was operational. These trips were majorly starting from Global Tech village/ Kengeri
and ending at Mathikere or Yeshwanthpur.

The route (401-K UP) experienced an overall reduction in ridership of 32%, and the stretch
which is running parallel to Metro corridor has observed an average reduction of 30%. Figure
1 shows that there is a slight increase in ridership at Yeshwanthpur TTMC, which is in close
proximity to the Metro station. This could be due to Metro commuters using the bus service
for their last mile connectivity.

The inter-stage trips data show a significant reduction in ridership for the trips from Kengeri to
Govt. Soap Factory, Yeshwanthpur and Mathikere. One of the reasons for this reduction can
be a commuter shift from bus to Metro.

Likewise, on the downward journey (401K-DN), it was observed that there was a constant
decrease in ridership from Yelahanka Old Town to Moodalapalya (from 47335 in January to
40533 in September), and it slightly increased at Moodalapalya, which is in close proximity to
Vijayanagar Metro station. Even though the ridership seems to increase on the last few stages,
the route observed an overall reduction of 21%, and for the stretch parallel to Metro, it was
around 18%.

The inter-stage trips show a reduction of 23% in ridership from Yelahanka to Vijayanagar,
Moodalapalaya and Nagarbavi Circle. It is also observed that ridership has increased for shorter

22 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

trips from Vidyaranyapura and Nanjappa Circle to Govt. Soap Factory indicating that
passengers might be using this stretch for their first mile connectivity.

Table 11: Stage-wise change in ridership (Route no. 401-K UP)

S.No Stage Names % difference in Pre-Metro Post-Metro

boarding Ridership Ridership
ridership (DN)
1 Yelahanka Old Town -2% 5427 5326
2 NES Office -20% 4443 3556
3 Yelahanka Satellite Town -27% 2669 1957
4 Atturu Layout -10% 1638 1470
5 Chikka Bettahalli -24% 1433 1089
6 Vidyaranyapura Bus Station -14% 3273 2821
7 Nanjappa Circle -8% 3689 3407
8 Nagaland Circle -23% 570 441
BEL Circle (Towards -21% 1863 1478
9 Mathikere)
10 Mattikere -11% 3692 3282
11 Yeshawanthapura TTMC -13% 2051 1789
12 Govt Soap Factory -36% 1730 1100
13 1st Block Rajajinagara -22% 3549 2759
14 ESI Hospital Rajajinagara -18% 2061 1689
15 Industrial Area Rajajinagara -13% 1619 1416
16 Vijayanagara -20% 4719 3793
17 Moodalapalya 9% 2909 3160
18 Nagarabhavi Circle 4% 2193 2281
19 Mallathahalli Cross -8% 898 829
20 Bengaluru University Quarters -6% 1027 967
21 Mariyappanapalya 2% 1271 1295
22 Shirke KHB Quarters -2% 283 277
23 Jn of Kommaghatta 133% 6 14
24 Police Station Kengeri -2% 5427 5326

© CSTEP 23
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Figure 7: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 401-K UP

Figure 8: Stage-wise impact on BMTC route no. 401-K DN

24 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

10. Conclusion and Recommendations


Through this study, socio-economic and trip characteristics of former BMTC bus-users was
captured through a Metro passenger opinion survey. Metro station-wise, percentage of shift
from bus to Metro was estimated. The survey was also able to reveal the underlying reasons
for this shift and identified the impacted bus routes. For the impacted routes, a stretch-wise
assessment was carried out to identify the bus ridership variation.

According to the findings of the study, there is a shift from bus to Metro. The primary reason
identified for this shift is reduction in travel time. From the impacted route analysis, it was also
evident that due to this shift, there is a variation in bus ridership.


With the completion of Metro Phase I, and with current Metro Phase II construction, it is
important for BMTC to reduce the number of schedules running parallel to Metro corridors.
These buses could be redeployed in:

- Corridors which witness heavy demand for BMTC services

- Areas which are underserved by BMTC operations
- Influence area of Metro as feeder services

© CSTEP 25
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

BMTC. 2017. “Performance Indicator.” July 24, 2017.
Census of India. 2011. “Census 2011.”
Christin, Mathew Philip. 2017. “As Trains Zoom Past, BMTC Stares at More Revenue Loss.”
Indian Express, June 17, 2017.
DULT. 2010. “Bangalore Mobility Indicators 2010-11 Draft Report.” Bengaluru: Urban
Mass Transit Company Limited.
Prashanth G.N. 2016. “BMTC Will Study Impact of New Metro Line on Ridership.” Deccan
Herald, April 11, 2016, sec. City.

26 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure I
Sample Size Distribution

Time Period Total Direction

SL No Metro Station Sample
T1 T2 T3 Size N S E W

1 Majestic 80 34 59 173 58 44 40 31
2 Baiyappanahalli 42 137 30 209 0 0 0 209
3 Nagasandra 36 91 33 160 0 160 0 0
4 Banashankari 63 99 60 222 222 0 0 0
5 Mysore Road 94 41 37 172 0 0 172 0
6 M.G.Road 60 100 50 210 0 0 105 105
7 Indiranagar 77 131 43 251 0 0 126 125
8 Vidhana Soudha 35 88 30 153 0 0 76 77
9 S.V.Road 79 86 35 200 0 0 0 200
10 Attiguppe 86 55 40 181 0 0 91 90
11 Kuvempu Road 53 80 38 171 85 86 0 0
12 Goraguntepalya 88 82 40 210 105 105 0 0
Total 2,312

T1 – Morning Peak (8:00am – 11:00am)

T2 – Evening Peak (5:00pm – 8:00pm)

T3 – Off Peak (12:00noon – 4:00pm)

© CSTEP 27
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure II
Data Requirement Template for Impacted Route Stage-wise Data from BMTC

Route Schedule Date Time Boarding Alighting Ridership Revenue

No. No. Stage Stage

28 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure III
Metro Passenger Opinion Survey Questionnaire

(At Metro Stations)

Purpose: To identify feasible Metro feeder routes and also to assess the impact of Metro on
BMTC services

Survey Location: Date & Time:

Gender Male Female

Age group Less than 18 19 – 30 31 - 50 51 - 60 Above 60

1. Employment Type:
a) Working
b) Unemployed
c) Retired
d) Student
e) Homemaker
f) Others

2. Monthly Less than Rs. 10, 000– Rs. 20,000– Rs. 50,000 – More than
Household 10,000 20,000 50,000 1,00,000 1,00,000

3. Origin (Land mark, Nearest Bus stop & Pin Destination (Land mark, Nearest Bus
code) stop & Pin code)

Boarding Metro Station De-boarding Metro Station

4. Purpose of travel Education Work Leisure Social Other

5. How often do you make this trip? Daily Weekly Monthly

© CSTEP 29
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

6. How long have you Less than 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 More than 9

been using metro? months months months months

7. What was
your Two Bus Route Private Commuter
previous Cycle Auto Taxi/cab
wheeler no. car rail
mode of

8. If the answer is BMTC, What prompted you to shift to metro?

Sr. No. Reasons Response
1 Travel Time
2 Comfort
3 Low bus frequency / High waiting time for BMTC
4 Reasonable Metro fare
5 Avoid traffic jams and pollution

9. How did you reach Bus Share

Two Cab/
the Metro station? Walking Car Auto Route no. taxi
wheeler taxi

10. Home to Metro station Less than

½ -2Km 2 - 5 Km More than 5 Km
distance? ½ Km

11. Travel Time to reach Metro station? ___________________ Min

12. Do you use the same mode for returning to your origin? Yes/No

Bus Share
13. How will you reach Two Cab/ taxi
wheeler Route no. taxi
your destination from Walking Car Auto
the Metro station?

14. Metro station to final Less than

½ -2Km 2 - 5 Km More than 5 Km
destination distance? ½ Km

30 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

15. Travel Time to reach your destination from the Metro station? _________________Min

16. Do you use the same mode to reach Metro station from destination? Yes / No

17. Do you park your Vehicle at Metro station? Yes / No

18. Do you pay for your parking? Yes / No

19. Scenarios & ranking (would you shift to Metro feeder if...)

Travel Travel Your Response

Travel Travel
Cost Time with
Cost Time
Scenario with Metro Comfort Current Metro
Current Current
Metro feeder Mode Feeder
Mode Mode
feeder (Min)
1 IVTT1+30 AC
2 IVTT+24 AC
3 IVTT+30 AC
4 IVTT+24 AC
5 IVTT+30 Non AC
6 IVTT+24 Non AC

20. Any other suggestions for improvement?

IVTT – In Vehicle Travel Time

© CSTEP 31
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure IV
Profile of Former Bus Users Currently Using Metro

Socio – economic Respondents

Characteristics of Category Range
Respondents Count Percentage
Men 494 54%
Women 419 46%
Total 913 100%
Less than 18 25 3%
19-30 405 44%
Age 31-50 421 46%
51-60 46 5%
Above 60 18 2%
Total 915 100%
Working 572 63%
Unemployed 78 9%
Retired 23 3%
Employment Type
Student 140 15%
Homemaker 89 10%
Others 13 1%
Total 915 100%
Less than 10,000 85 9%
INR 10,000-20,000 185 21%
INR 20,000-50,000 514 57%
Household Income
INR 50,000-1,00,000 100 11%
More than 1,00,000 16 2%
Total 900 100%

32 © CSTEP
Initiative 2: Feasibility of New Routes for High-End AC Buses
Initiative 2: Feasibility of New Routes for
High-End AC Buses
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AC Air Conditioned
ASC Alternative Specific Constant
BBMP Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BMRCL Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited
BMTC Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
DCM Discrete Choice Modelling
HH Household
INR Indian Rupee
IPT Intermediate Public Transport
IT Information Technology
ITPL International Tech Park Limited
IVTT In Vehicle Travel Time
KBS Kempegowda Bus Station
Km Kilometre/s
K. R. Puram Krishna Raja Puram
MNL Multinomial Logit Model
NES National Employment Service
O. Bus Ordinary Bus
ODK Open Data Kit
ORR Outer Ring Road
P. Bus Private Bus
RP Revealed Preference
SP Stated Preference
S. V. Road Swami Vivekananda Road
TT Tempo Traveller
TW Two-wheeler
Executive Summary
Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) operates AC bus services (Vajra
services) mainly along the IT corridors, Outer Ring Road (ORR) and other major transport
corridors in the city. These services were earning profits till 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.
However, 2016 onwards, they started incurring losses because of increased operational costs.
Moreover, in the last few years, BMTC has witnessed a decrease in AC bus ridership as
commuters are shifting to Metro and app-based cab aggregators. Due to decreasing AC bus
ridership and increasing operational costs, it was challenging for BMTC to operate these

In an effort to retain its ridership, BMTC introduced initiatives such as flexible tariff during
non-peak hours and reduction in fare. The reduction in fare (introduced in January 2018) has
yielded a 44% increase in AC bus ridership, compared with the previous year. To further
increase the ridership of AC bus services, BMTC intends to determine the potential demand
for such services. In this context, this study aims to explore the feasibility of introducing new,
high-end AC buses in Bengaluru for better service to commuters. The study also aims to
identify the feasible directions of operation of AC bus services for the locations surveyed.

For this study, a commuter survey was conducted at eight select locations. From the survey
data, passengers’ travel characteristics and patterns were analysed. The study estimates the
willingness to shift to AC bus services from existing modes of transport (two-wheelers, cars,
ordinary1 buses, private buses, autos and cabs). The study concludes with the identification of
potential corridors for introduction of AC bus services. The results indicate that approximately
25% of the respondents were willing to shift to AC bus services, irrespective of the variation
in fare and time. It was observed that the maximum potential shift was from autos and two-
wheelers to AC bus services, and there was minimal shift from ordinary bus services and
private bus services.

Ordinary bus refers to non-AC bus.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory ............................................................ 2
3. Progress Review ................................................................................................................. 5
4. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 5
5. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation.................................................................................. 5
6. Evaluation Design............................................................................................................... 5
7. Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 7
8. Data Collection ................................................................................................................. 11
9. Findings and Discussion ................................................................................................... 17
10. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 23
11. Recommendations ......................................................................................................... 23
Annexure I ............................................................................................................................... 25
Annexure II .............................................................................................................................. 26
Annexure III ............................................................................................................................. 27
Annexure IV............................................................................................................................. 29
List of Tables
Table 1: Location, direction and mode-wise sample size distribution..................................... 10
Table 2: Average trip characteristics ....................................................................................... 16
Table 3: Scenario details .......................................................................................................... 17
Table 4: Location-wise willingness to shift to AC bus service ............................................... 18
Table 5: Location-wise SP mode share: Scenario 1................................................................. 18
Table 6: Location-wise SP mode share: Scenario 2................................................................. 19
Table 7: Estimated parameters from MNL model ................................................................... 31

List of Figures
Figure 1: Map showing survey locations ................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Determining feasibility of introduction of new AC bus services .............................. 7
Figure 3: Survey location with direction ................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Gender of respondents .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 5: Age profile of respondents ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Income profile of respondents .................................................................................. 13
Figure 7: Employment profile of respondents ......................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Purpose of Travel ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: Frequency of Travel ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: Origin – destination desire lines: All locations ...................................................... 14
Figure 11: Origin – destination desire lines: Maximum trips .................................................. 15
Figure 12: Relationship between mode of transport and distance ........................................... 16
Figure 13: Feasible direction of new AC bus service, Hebbal ................................................ 20
Figure 14: Feasible direction of new AC bus service, BEL Circle .......................................... 21
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

1. Introduction
BMTC started AC bus services (Vajra) on select corridors of the city in 2006 (Financial
Express 2006), with a view to provide a premium bus service to commuters. Vajra services
mainly operate in the IT corridors and a few residential areas of Bengaluru. Currently, BMTC
operates around 89 routes under the Vajra services, with 845 AC buses (Philips 2017).These
services were profitable till 2015-16, and were compensating the losses from ordinary services
(P K 2012). However, from 2013 onwards, this service has incurred losses due to high
operational costs per km. Moreover, in the past few years, BMTC has witnessed a decrease in
AC bus ridership as commuters are shifting to Metro and app-based cab aggregators. Due to
the decrease in AC bus ridership and increase in operational cost, it was challenging for BMTC
to operate these services.

In an effort to retain its ridership, BMTC reduced the fare for AC bus services in January 2018.
This reduction in fare has seen an increase in ridership by almost 50% till May 2018. To further
increase the ridership of AC bus services, BMTC intends to determine the potential demand
for such services.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory

AC bus services play a vital role in BMTC bus operations especially along the IT corridors.
Given their current coverage, BMTC would like to explore the possibility of expanding such
services to cater to the potential demand from commuters using other modes. This could
provide a premium public transport for people using private vehicles.

The primary survey for this study was carried out at eight important junctions2 in the city. These
junctions are shown in Figure 1.

Yelahanka NES

BEL Circle





Central Silk Board

Figure 1: Map showing survey locations

2 Selection of junctions and directions were finalised in consultation with BMTC.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Verifiable Indicators of Sources and Means of

Intervention Logic Assumptions
Achievement Verification
What are the overall broader What are the key What are the sources of
objectives to which the activity indicators related to the information for these indicators?
will contribute? overall objectives?  Primary survey of non-AC
Overall  To determine the feasibility of  Willingness of bus users, private vehicle
Objectives users (two-wheelers and
new AC bus services in commuters to shift
cars), IPT users (auto and
Bengaluru from their current cab) and private bus users
mode to the new AC
bus services
What specific objectives is the Which indicators clearly What are the sources of Which factors and
activity intended to achieve to show that the objective of information that exist or can be conditions outside the PI's
contribute to the overall the activity has been collected? What are the methods responsibility are
objectives? achieved? required to get this information? necessary to achieve that
 Primary survey of non-AC objective?
 To identify the willingness of  Probability of
bus users, private vehicle Which risks should be
commuters to shift to AC commuters shifting
users (two-wheelers and taken into consideration?
services from their current
Specific  To identify potential corridors mode to new AC bus cars), IPT users (auto and  Willingness of
cab) and private bus users competent authority to
Objectives for extension of existing AC services
 Discrete choice modelling permit the survey
bus services and introduction  For each survey
(Multi-nominal Logit Model)  Willingness of
of new AC bus services location, direction- competent authority to
method to determine the
wise predominant trip share the required data
probability of shift from
pattern  Being able to obtain
current mode to new AC bus timely and appropriate
services responses from the

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The results are the outputs What are the indicators to What are the sources of What external conditions
envisaged to achieve the specific measure whether and to information for these indicators? must be met to obtain the
objective. what extent the activity  Primary survey of non-AC expected results on
achieves the expected bus users, private vehicle schedule?
What are the expected results?
(enumerate them) results? users (two-wheeler and cars),  Timely availability of
Expected survey data from all the
 Questions addressed by IPT users (auto and cab) and
Results  Willingness of commuters to survey locations
the respondents for private bus users
shift to new AC bus services
 Suggest feasible directions to different scenarios  Secondary analysis
operate the new AC bus (probability to shift from
services current mode to new AC bus
What are the key activities to be Means: What are the sources of What pre-conditions are
carried out and in what sequence information about action required before the action
What are the means
in order to produce the expected progress? starts?
required to implement
results? these activities, e. g.  Date and time captured during
(group the activities by result) personnel, training, the primary survey  Permission from
studies, etc.?  CSTEP supervision during the competent authorities to
1. Obtain survey locations from primary survey conduct the survey
BMTC  Transport planning  Secondary data from BMTC  Willingness of
Activities 2. Conduct primary survey experts about existing AC bus services competent authority to
(commuter survey) at these  Survey experts share the required data
3. Measure commuters’
willingness to shift to
BMTC’s AC bus services
4. Identify potential corridors
5. Validate the suggested
corridors with the stakeholder

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

3. Progress Review
BMTC AC services mainly operate along IT corridors, Outer Ring Road (ORR) and to and
from the airport. As on March 2018, BMTC runs 845 schedules for approximately 85 AC bus
routes. The average route length is about 30 km, with a maximum length of 55 km (Hebbal to
Attibele) and a minimum of 13 km (S. V. Road to Whitefield). There are 75 schedules running
from Kempegowda Bus Station (KBS) to Kadugodi (which is the highest). Other schedules
connect KBS to Attibele, Banashankari to ITPL, and Hebbal to Central Silk Board.

4. Problem Statement
To determine the feasibility of introduction of AC bus services on high traffic density corridors
in Bengaluru.

BMTC intends to expand the reach of its AC bus services to improve connectivity and comfort.
This study aims to determine the feasibility of introducing AC bus services at eight major
junctions covering important corridors in the city.

The study will identify the potential corridors for BMTC to introduce the new AC bus services,
based on commuters’ willingness to shift from their current mode of transport to such services.

5. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation

 To determine the feasibility of introduction of new AC bus services along important
 To identify the feasible direction for operation of AC bus services
Target population: The target population for this study are all motorised commuters (except
BMTC AC bus users) who pass through the select junctions at each survey location.

Geographical coverage: Bengaluru city

6. Evaluation Design
6.1. Information Sources
Primary survey at select junctions in the city and secondary data from BMTC and various
relevant literature served as the basis of information for this study.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

For primary data collection, a commuter survey was conducted. This survey helped understand
the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents and provided information on their travel
pattern, origin–destination, commuting cost, time, distance and frequency. It also helped to
estimate the willingness of the commuters to shift to new AC bus services with respect to
variation in the fare under two different scenarios.

6.2. Evaluation Criteria or Indicators

The feasibility of operating new AC bus services is evaluated on the basis of commuters’
willingness to shift from their current mode of transport to new AC bus services.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7. Evaluation Methodology

Feasibility of Introduction of New AC Bus

Services  8 Survey Locations at Major
Feasibility of Introducing New High-End AC Bus Routes Intersections
Feasibility of Introducing New High-End AC Bus Routes  Target Population:
Selection of Study Area: - Private Mode Users
In Consultation with BMTC - Bus Users (Ordinary
BMTC, Private Bus, TT)
- IPT Users
Sample and Sampling Technique Design:
Purposive Sampling Total Sample Size

Based on:
 Mode Share of Sample Size Distribution Direction-wise Sample Size at
Bengaluru Each Location

Survey Instrument Design App-Based Survey


Data Collection

Secondary Data Existing AC Bus Routes

Socio-economic & Trip Characteristics

(Age, Gender, Income, Occupation,
Primary Data etc.)
 RP Survey
 SP Survey Scenario-wise Survey

Desire Line Diagram:

Data Analysis Location-wise

Ward-wise Trip Attraction and


Develop Discrete Choice

Willingness to Shift to AC
Bus from Current Mode of

Identification of Feasible

Identification of Feasible
Direction for AC Bus

Figure 2: Determining feasibility of introduction of new AC bus services

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

A systematic and phased approach was adopted for carrying out the study and delivering the
results within the stipulated timeframe. The methodology adopted for determining the
feasibility of introducing new high-end AC bus routes is explained in the following sections.

7.1. Sample and Sampling Design

The survey locations (Figure 1) are major interchange junctions in the city. The survey sample
was distributed at each junction in different directions to capture the required data.

To determine a representative sample size from an infinite population (where the population
size is greater than 50,000), the Simple Random Sampling (SRS) formula was used (Sarmah
and Hazarika 2012).

𝑍 2 × 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
𝑛0 =


𝑛0 = Sample Size
𝑍 = Z Score Value
e = Margin of Error (5%)
p = Prior Judgment of the Correct Value (probability), which is 0.5 here

Using the equation presented above, the minimum sample size comes out to be approximately
384 for 95% confidence level and approximately 666 for 99% confidence level (calculations
are shown in Annexure I). Therefore, a minimum sample size of 600 was considered for this
survey. At junctions where a multi-directional survey was planned, the sample size considered
for this study was 800 or 1,000.

The sample size thus arrived at (for each location) was distributed across different modes of
transport, such as two-wheelers, autos, cabs, cars, private bus and ordinary BMTC bus, based
on the mode share of Bengaluru (DULT 2010). The survey locations and directions are given in
Figure 3, and the direction and mode-wise sample size at each location are given in Table 1.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Yelahanka NES

BEL Circle Hebbal





Silk Board

Figure 3: Survey location with direction

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 1: Location, direction and mode-wise sample size distribution

Modal Share Direction

Location O. P. Sample
Cab TT Car Auto TW Size Towards
Bus Bus Size
Banashankari 400
Nayandahalli 150 150 50 50 100 100 200 800
Goraguntepalya 400
Outer Ring
Road towards 500
Goraguntepalya 150 150 50 50 100 100 200 800
Ring Road
towards 300
Outer Ring
ITPL 150 150 50 50 100 100 200 800 Road / K. R. 800
Hebbal 300
Yelahanka NES 150 150 50 50 100 100 200 800 Peenya 300
Doddaballapur 200
ITPL 400
Central Silk
200 200 50 50 120 120 260 1,000 Electronic City 400
Banashankari 200
120 120 30 30 75 75 150 600 ITPL 600
K. R. Puram 300
Tumkur Road 200
Hebbal 200 200 50 50 120 120 260 1,000
City Centre 300
Airport 200
Majestic (via
BEL Circle 120 120 30 30 75 75 150 600 Mathikere)
Hebbal 300
Total 6,400

7.2. Type of Data Collected from Various Sources

The following data sets were collated from the primary and secondary data collected:

7.2.1. Secondary Sources

Secondary sources comprised a list of existing AC bus routes from BMTC (BMTC 2018a)
(Refer Annexure II for data collection template).

7.2.2. Primary Sources

Primary sources involved commuter survey (of those using motorised modes of transport) to
assess willingness to shift to AC bus services (except BMTC AC bus users):
 Travel pattern of commuters (origin-destination, mode of travel, trip purpose and
 Probability of shift to AC bus services: location-wise & mode-wise

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.3. Instruments for Data Collection

7.3.1. Secondary Sources
A data collection template was shared with BMTC and is provided in Annexure II.

7.3.2. Primary Surveys

For primary data collection, a structured survey questionnaire was used to capture the data. The
questionnaire for this survey is given in Annexure III. Open Data Kit (ODK), an Android-based
mobile app, was used to collect the primary data3.

The commuter survey questionnaire comprised three sections:

1. Socio-economic information
2. Travel information
3. Scenarios (varying fare)

7.4. Protocols for Data Collection and Ethics Followed

Secondary data for the current study was collected from BMTC. Before conducting the primary
field survey at major intersections, necessary permission letters were obtained from the
Commissioner of Police (Bengaluru City) and BMTC. It was a voluntary survey, and care was
taken to preserve the anonymity of the respondents. For example, no particular bus company
was targeted for the private bus category; similarly, no particular class of two-wheelers / four-
wheelers was targeted for the private vehicle category.

8. Data Collection
8.1. Primary Data – Commuter Survey
The structured questionnaire was discussed with BMTC and was revised to incorporate the
suggested changes. This questionnaire was then tested by conducting a pilot survey at select
locations (ITPL and Goraguntepalya). The pilot survey revealed that it was difficult to capture
the travel cost per trip for private vehicle users (cars and two-wheelers). So, the travel cost for
cars and two-wheelers was calculated based on the travel distance and fuel cost.

The survey was carried out at 8 locations from February 20, 2018 to March 2, 2018 on regular
working days, covering around 6,400 samples. The respondents included ordinary BMTC bus


© CSTEP 11
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

users, private bus users, cab users, Tempo Traveller users and private vehicle (cars, autos and
two-wheelers) users.

The locations and directions at which the samples were to be collected were finalised based on
discussions held with BMTC, and the survey was conducted using ODK. Specially trained field
investigators and enumerators under the close guidance of supervisory staff were utilised for
this purpose. The data thus collected was compiled and subjected to thorough verification and
analysis. The data from the primary survey was extracted in MS Excel format. This data was
then checked for completeness, invalid samples and data entry errors and considered for

8.1.1. Data Digitisation

Data digitisation consisted of plotting the origin and destination of respondents based on
landmarks and locations collected during the survey. To achieve this, the GIS location (latitude
and longitude) of the respondent is required. This is accomplished by a Python script, which
fetches the passenger's landmark from the collected data set and uses the Google Maps
Application Programming Interface (API) to get the required GIS information.

8.2. Data Analysis

8.2.1. Socio-Economic Profile of Respondents
The data collected through the survey showed that 65% of respondents were male and 35%
were female (Figure 4). 55% of the respondents belonged to the age group of 19 to 30 years
(Figure 5).

Gender Age Profile

4% 2% 2%
< 18
35% Male 19 - 30
Female 31 - 50
38% 51 - 60
65% 55%
Above 60

Figure 4: Gender of respondents Figure 5: Age profile of respondents

12 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Income Employment Type

0% 0% 4%
< INR 20K
3% 14% Unemployed
34% INR 20K - 50K
INR 50K - 1L Student
66% 5% 72%
> INR 1L Homemaker

Figure 6: Income profile of respondents Figure 7: Employment profile of respondents

66% of the respondents (Figure 6) had a monthly HH income in the range of INR 20,000–
50,000. 72% of the respondents were in the working group (Figure 7).

8.2.2. Purpose and Frequency of Travel

Of the total trips, 72% were work trips, while 15% were educational (Figure 8). In terms of
frequency (Figure 9), a majority of the trips were daily trips (81%).

Purpose of Trip Frequency of Travel

6% 4%
15% Education 8%
7% Daily
81% Rarely
72% Other

Figure 8: Purpose of Travel Figure 9: Frequency of Travel

8.2.3. Travel Pattern of Respondents

The commuter survey was conducted at major interchange locations in the city. Hence, the trip
captured for each respondent is divided into two parts: from the origin to the survey location
(origin trip) and from the survey location to the destination (destination trip). These trips were
then plotted for further analysis. All the origins and destinations of the survey respondents were
assigned to the corresponding wards and plotted to understand the travel patterns of the

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

respondents. Figure 10 represents the survey location, ward boundary and number, trips from
the origin to the survey location and trips from the survey location to the destination. This
desire line4 diagram served as an input for understanding the direction of travel at the major
survey locations.

Figure 10: Origin – destination desire lines: All locations

4Desire line diagram connects two points (origin and destination) with straight lines; the thickness of the lines is typically
proportional to the number of trips between the points.

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Figure 11 shows origin trips (red lines) and destination trips (blue lines), to and from the survey
location. The total number of trips (origin and destination) is over 50. The highest number of
trips are from Rajarajeshwari Nagar to Nayandahalli Junction, HMT to Goraguntepalya,
Yelahanka Satellite Town to Yelahanka Junction, Yelahanka Old Town to Yelahanka Junction
and Amrutahalli to Hebbal.

Figure 11: Origin – destination desire lines: Maximum trips

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Table 2 shows the average trip characteristics (trip length, travel time and travel cost) for each
mode. The average trip length was approximately 15 km and the average travel time was
approximately 45 minutes, considering all modes. The average travel costs for cab and auto are
very high.

Table 2: Average trip characteristics

Average Trip Average Travel Average Travel

Mode Length Time Cost
(km) (Min) (INR)
BMTC Ordinary Buses 15.09 54 23
Private Bus / Tempo Traveller 13.25 44 24
Cab/Taxi 15.37 44 184
Auto 13.63 42 180
Private Car 17.03 48 68
Two-Wheeler 16.21 47 32

8.2.4. Relationship between Mode of Transport and Distance

Figure 12 shows the mode-wise trip length distribution. On an average, 45%–50% trips by all
the modes are within a distance of 10–20 km.

Trip Length (km) - Mode-wise

60% 52%
50% 46% 44% 37% 45%
BMTC Private Bus Cab/Taxi Auto Private Car Two
ordinary /Tempo Wheeler
buses Traveller
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60

Figure 12: Relationship between mode of transport and distance

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9. Findings and Discussion

Results of the detailed analysis are described in this section.

9.1. Willingness to Shift to AC Bus Services

In this study, the discrete choice model (DCM) was used to estimate the probability of shift
from commuters’ current mode of transport to AC bus services. The socio-economic data,
travel characteristics data and willingness to shift to AC bus from current modes of transport
(captured during the survey) served as inputs for the DCM. A detailed explanation of the DCM
is given in Annexure IV.

To understand this shift, a multinomial logit discrete choice model (Koppelman and Bhat 2006)
was developed using Biogeme5 (Bierlaire 2017), considering the revealed preference6 (RP) and
stated preference7 (SP) survey data (collected from the survey). The current mode of transport
was considered from the RP data, and the preferred mode of transport was considered from the
SP data. The probability of shift was calculated for two different scenarios.

Two scenarios based on travel cost were designed to understand the respondents’ preferences.
Details of the scenarios are given in Table 3.

Table 3: Scenario details

Scenarios Travel Cost Frequency

Scenario 1 Equivalent to existing AC bus fare 15 minutes
Scenario 2 20% reduction in existing AC bus fare 15 minutes

The expected willingness to shift to AC bus services from current modes of travel is shown in
Table 4. Under both scenarios and for all locations, about 25% of the commuters are expected
to shift to AC bus services. From Table 4, the maximum shift is expected from ITPL, BEL
Circle, Nayandahalli and Marathahalli Bridge.

5 Biogeme is an open-source software product used to estimate discrete choice models.

6 Revealed preference survey: In this study, the RP survey captures the respondents’ current mode of transport, that is, bus
(ordinary or private bus), car, two-wheelers, auto and cab/taxi.
7 Stated preference survey: In this study, the SP survey captures the survey respondents’ preferred mode of transport,
between a given proposed mode of transport (AC bus) and their current mode of transport.

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Table 4: Location-wise willingness to shift to AC bus service

Survey Location Scenario 1 Scenario 2

BEL Circle 26% 27%
Central Silk Board 24% 24%
Goraguntepalya 23% 23%
Hebbal 24% 24%
ITPL 27% 27%
Marathahalli Bridge 26% 26%
Nayandahalli 25% 26%
Yelahanka NES 21% 22%

Table 5 represents the location-wise mode share with and without AC bus services under
Scenario 1. The current mode share in Table 5 is a representative combined mode share of all
survey locations. For example, at BEL Circle, the current mode share without introduction of
AC bus services was 13% for car, 25% for two-wheeler, 13% for auto, 6% for cab, 19% for
private bus and 25% for ordinary bus. The modal shift observed at this location was 4% from
car, 7% from two-wheelers, 8% from auto, 4% from cabs, 1% from private bus and 2% from
ordinary bus, thus arriving at a total modal share of 26% for AC bus services.

The maximum shift was observed from autos—a total of 8%. Two-wheeler commuters starting
from locations such as ITPL, BEL Circle and Marathahalli Bridge show a high probability of
shifting to new AC buses.

Table 5: Location-wise SP mode share: Scenario 1

Private Ordinary AC
Survey Location Car TW Auto Cab
Bus Bus Bus
BEL Circle 9% 17% 5% 2% 18% 23% 26%
Central Silk Board 9% 19% 4% 2% 20% 22% 24%
Goraguntepalya 10% 17% 4% 2% 19% 26% 23%
Hebbal 9% 20% 5% 2% 18% 22% 24%
ITPL 9% 17% 5% 2% 17% 23% 27%
Marathahalli Bridge 10% 17% 4% 2% 18% 23% 26%
Nayandahalli 9% 17% 4% 2% 19% 24% 25%
Yelahanka NES 10% 19% 4% 2% 18% 26% 21%
Current Mode Share 13% 25% 13% 6% 19% 25% 0%
Average Estimated
10% 18% 5% 2% 19% 24% 25%
Mode Share

18 © CSTEP
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Table 6 represents the location-wise mode share when AC bus services were introduced under
Scenario 2. The maximum shift (from 13% to 4%) was observed from autos. The second
highest shift was observed from two-wheelers (from 25% to 18%). Two-wheeler and auto
commuters starting from locations such as ITPL, BEL Circle, Marathahalli Bridge and
Nayandahalli show a high probability of shifting to new AC buses.

Table 6: Location-wise SP mode share: Scenario 2

Private Ordinary AC
Survey Location Car TW Auto Cab
Bus Bus Bus
BEL Circle 10% 17% 5% 2% 17% 23% 26%
Central Silk Board 9% 19% 4% 2% 20% 22% 24%
Goraguntepalya 9% 17% 4% 2% 19% 26% 23%
Hebbal 10% 20% 4% 2% 18% 22% 24%
ITPL 9% 17% 5% 2% 17% 23% 27%
Marathahalli Bridge 10% 17% 4% 2% 18% 23% 26%
Nayandahalli 9% 17% 4% 2% 19% 23% 26%
Yelahanka NES 10% 19% 4% 1% 18% 26% 22%
Current Mode Share 13% 25% 13% 6% 19% 25% 0%
Average Estimated
10% 18% 4% 2% 18% 24% 25%
Mode Share

The following observations were made from the study:

 25% of the respondents were willing to shift to AC bus services from their current mode
of transport.
 Of the 8 locations surveyed, the maximum willingness to shift was observed from ITPL,
BEL Circle, Marathahalli Bridge and Nayandahalli.
 The majority of the shift to AC bus services was from commuters using autos and two-
 There was minimal shift from ordinary buses and private buses.

9.2. Potential Direction for AC Bus Services

Based on the DCM results and desire line diagram, the following locations were identified as
feasible for introducing new AC bus services:

 BEL Circle
 Hebbal
 Marathahalli
 Nayandahalli

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

ITPL and Marathahalli, which are well connected with BMTC AC bus routes, are not
considered for further analysis. Wards that have the highest demand (attract and generate the
most trips) were identified around each survey location to determine the feasible direction for
operating AC bus services. The location-wise potential direction of travel for BEL Circle and
Yelahanka are represented in Figure 13 and Figure 14.

The number of trips originating from and terminating at each ward was identified for Hebbal,
as shown in Figure 13. Most of the trips originate at close proximity to the survey location, as
well as in Yelahanka. The feasible direction of service for Hebbal could be towards the north,
because a significant number of trips are observed from Yelahanka and Yelahanka Satellite

Figure 13: Feasible direction of new AC bus service, Hebbal

20 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The number of trips originating from, and terminating at, each ward were also identified for
BEL Circle, as shown in Figure 14. Most of the trips originate around Yelahanka. The feasible
direction of AC bus services for BEL Circle could be towards Yelahanka via Kuvempu Nagar
and Atturu.

Figure 14: Feasible direction of new AC bus service, BEL Circle

The survey analysis reveals that several trips are originating and terminating at Amruthahalli.
Hence further analysis of Amruthahalli was carried out. Figure 15 below shows trips
terminating at Amruthahalli have their origins at Yelahanka, Yelahanka Satellite Town, HMT
and Jenakal Siddeshwara Nagar. Similarly, Figure 16 shows trips originating at Amruthahalli have
their destinations at Yelahanka, Yelahanka Satellite Town, HMT and Aramane Nagar. Hence the

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

feasible route for BMTC could be Yelahanka – Yelahanka Satellite town – Amruthahalli – Hebbal –
BEL circle – HMT (~15km).


Figure 15: Trips terminating at Amruthahalli


Figure 16: Trips originating at Amruthahalli

22 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

10. Conclusion
In this study, commuter survey was conducted at eight major junctions in Bengaluru. The
survey captured socio-economic characteristics and trip characteristics of private vehicle users
(TW and car), bus users (ordinary and private) and intermediate public transport (IPT) users
(auto and cab). The survey determined users’ willingness to shift to AC bus under two different
scenarios (with varying travel cost). DCM was used to analyse the location-wise probability of
shift from respondents’ current mode of transport to AC bus. Wards with the highest demand
(that attract and generate the most trips) were studied to identify the routes and direction for
the new AC bus services.

The study determined that commuters using IPT (auto) and two-wheelers display the greatest
willingness to shift to AC buses, both at the current ticket rates and after a 20% fare reduction.
On the other hand, commuters who use private buses or non-AC BMTC buses are not willing
to shift to AC buses, even after 20% fare reduction.

11. Recommendations
A trial AC bus service can be operated in the directions suggested from the analysis. This will
help understand the actual demand for such services. This study can serve as a basis to identify
potential areas and routes to introduce AC bus services.

© CSTEP 23
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Bajracharya, Ashim Ratna. 2008. “The Impact of Modal Shift on the Transport Ecological Footprint:
A Case Study of Proposed Bus Rapid System in Ahemadabad,India.” International Institute
for Geo-information science and Earth Observation.
Bierlaire, Michel. 2017. “Biogeme Official Website.” October 20, 2017.
BMTC. 2018a. “BMTC AC Services.” BMTC Easy Travel Information Planner. 2018.
———. 2018b. “BMTC Ezy Trip.” BMTC Official Website. BMTC Easy Travel Information
Planner. February 2018.
Diyanah, Inani Azmi, Abdul Karim Hafazah, and Mohd Amin Mohd Zamreen. 2012. “Comparing the
Walking Behaviour between Urban and Rural Residents.” Elsevier, Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 68 (December): 406 – 416.
DULT. 2010. “Bangalore Mobility Indicators 2010-11 Draft Report.” Bengaluru: Urban Mass Transit
Company Limited.
Financial Express. 2006. “Volvo Intra-City Buses to Hit B’lore Roads on Jan 17,” January 11, 2006,
sec. From the South.
Koppelman, Frank S, and Chandra Bhat. 2006. A Self Instructing Course in Mode Choice Modeling:
Multinomial and Nested Logit Models. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit
Menezes, Naveen. 2018. “Low AC Fare, More Trips Give BMTC a Big Boost.” The Economics
Times, January 18, 2018.
P K, Navya. 2012. “In Bangalore, the Preference for AC Buses Is Higher.” Citizen Matters, December
10, 2012.
Philips, Christin Mathew. 2017. “Cab Threat May Drive BMTC to Slash AC Bus Fares by 20%-
45%.” The Times of India, December 17, 2017.
Raturi, Varun, and Ashish Verma. 2017. “Analyzing Competition Between High Speed Rail and Bus
Mode Using Market Entry Game Analysis.” Transportation Research Procedia. Elsevier.
Sarmah, HK, and B Bora Hazarika. 2012. “Importance of the Size of Sample and Its Determination in
the Context of Data Related to the Schools of Greater Guwahati.” Research Gate, January, 1–
Train, Kenneth. 2002. Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation. Cambridge University Press.
travel2karnataka. 2017. “Travel2Karnataka.” 2017.
Urban Mass Transit Company Limited. 2011. “Bangalore Mobility Indicators 2010-11.” Bengaluru:
Directorate of Urban Land Transport.

24 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure I
Sample Size Calculation
The minimum sample size required for an infinite population will be as follows (Sarmah and
Hazarika 2012);

𝑍 2 × 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)
𝑛0 =


𝑛0 = Sample Size
𝑍 = Z Score Value
e = Margin of Error
p = Prior Judgment of the Correct Value (Probability)

Taking a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of ± 5%, probability of 50% and Z
Score value of 1.96, the required sample size will be

(1.96)2 × (0.5)(1 − 0.5)

𝑛0 =

= ~384

Taking the confidence level as 99% with a margin of error of ± 5%, probability of 50% and Z
Score value of 2.58, the required sample size will be

(2.58)2 × (0.5)(1 − 0.5)

𝑛0 =

= 665.64

= ~ 666

© CSTEP 25
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure II
Data Collection Template

Route No. Origin Destination No. of Schedules

26 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure III
Commuter Survey
(At specific locations)
Purpose: To determine the willingness of passengers to shift to AC bus services

Do you use AC bus services? Yes/No

Survey Location: Direction: ______ Date & Time:

Name _____________________ Phone Number ___________

Passenger Information

Gender Male Female

Age group Less than 19–30 31–50 51–60 Above

18 years years years years 60 years

1. Employment type
a) Working
b) Unemployed
c) Retired
d) Student
e) Homemaker
f) Others

Monthly household Less than INR INR INR 50,000 – More than INR
income: 20,000 20,000– 1,00,000 1,00,000

Travel Information

2. What is the mode of travel?

Bus / Cab/Taxi TW Others
Buses Auto Private Car
Tempo ________ _________
(Route No. .

© CSTEP 27
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

3. Origin: landmark and PIN code Destination: landmark and PIN code
Boarding point (bus users) Alighting point (bus users)

4. Purpose of
Education Work Leisure Religious Other

5. How often do
you make this Daily Weekly Monthly

6. i) Total travel time (including waiting time; in minutes):


ii) Total travel distance (km):


iii) Total travel cost (INR):


7. What is your preferred boarding time?

i) Onward Journey _____________________
ii) Return Journey _____________________

Willingness to Shift

8. What will encourage you to use AC bus service?

Current Current AC Bus Your Response

Mode Mode AC Bus
Scenario Travel Time Current AC
Travel Travel Travel Cost
Time Cost Mode Bus

1 --- ---- IVTT+15+10 X1

2 --- ---- IVTT+15+10 X2

IVTT: In-Vehicle Travel Time

15 min – Frequency of AC bus
10 min – Waiting time at the bus stop
Suggestion: _____________________________________

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Annexure IV
Discrete Choice Model

The study developed a multinomial logit model (MNL) to understand commuters’ willingness
to shift to AC bus services from their current modes of transport, based on their SP and RP
survey (commuter survey). The socio-economic data, travel characteristics data and
willingness to shift (captured in the survey) served as inputs to the model.

The general expression for the probability of choosing an alternative ‘i’ (i = 1, 2, … j) from a
set of j alternatives is:

𝑒𝑥𝑝 (𝑉𝑖 )
𝑃𝑟 (𝑖) =
∑𝐽𝑗=1 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (𝑉𝑗 )

Pr (i) is the probability of the decision-maker choosing the alternative i, and
Vj is the deterministic utility function of the alternative j, which is generally represented

V(𝑋𝑖 ) = 𝛾1 × 𝑋𝑖1 + 𝛾2 × 𝑋𝑖2 + ⋯ … … . . 𝛾𝑘 × 𝑋𝑖𝑘 + 𝐴𝑆𝐶

𝛾𝑘 is the parameter that defines the direction and importance of the effect of the
attribute k on the utility of an alternative,
Xik is the value of the attribute k for the alternative i, and
ASC is the alternative specific constant (error term which is unobserved and

The respondents were given two scenarios and asked to choose between the given mode (AC
bus) and their current mode of access. The scenarios based on travel cost (considered for the
study) are shown in Table 3.

Travel time for the proposed AC bus was considered based on in-vehicle time and out-vehicle
time. The in-vehicle time was estimated by dividing the distance between respondents’ origin
and destination by the average journey speed in Bengaluru, that is, 15 kmph (Urban Mass
Transit Company Limited 2011). The out-vehicle time was estimated considering walking time
of five minutes (Diyanah, Hafazah, and Mohd Zamreen 2012) to reach the bus stop and the
waiting time at the bus stop (based on the frequency of buses).

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Travel time and travel cost for car, two-wheelers, auto, cab, private bus and ordinary bus were
also calculated based on the in-vehicle travel time stated above. Travel costs for two-wheelers
and cars were based on the fuel price and mileage of the respective modes. For auto, the fare
was calculated by considering a minimum charge of INR 25 for the first 2 km and INR 13 for
each additional km (travel2karnataka 2017). For cab and private bus, average fare per km was
calculated based on the travel cost determined from the RP survey. For bus, fare was considered
from the BMTC stage-wise fare data (BMTC 2018b).

Model Structure

Utility of a mode is defined in terms of mode attributes such as travel time and travel cost as
well as socio-economic characteristics (Raturi and Verma 2017). The multinomial logit model
was developed by considering the current mode of travel and BMTC AC bus.

The utility function for each alternative in RP and SP is given in Equations 1 and 2 respectively.
Utility equations corresponding to SP are multiplied with a parameter λ, an unknown parameter
to reflect the impact of unobserved factors that are necessarily different in real-choice situations
than in hypothetical survey situations (Train 2002). The explanatory variables considered are
alternative specific constant (ASC), travel cost (Cost), travel time (Time) and household
income (Income). Two-wheelers were considered as the base or reference alternative, so the
ASC of two-wheelers was fixed at zero.

𝑈𝑗𝑅𝑃 = 𝐴𝑆𝐶𝑗𝑅𝑃 + 𝛽1 × 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑗 + β2 × 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑗 + 𝛽3𝑗 × 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 (1)

𝑈𝑗𝑆𝑃 = (𝐴𝑆𝐶𝑗𝑆𝑃 + 𝛽1 × 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑗 + 𝛽2 × 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑗 + 𝛽3𝑗 × 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒)𝜆 (2)

Estimated Parameters

The model considered data from 19,720 responses [considered only respondents who had
responded to RP (6,574 responses) and both scenarios under SP (13,146 responses)]. The
contribution of each attribute to the utility of an alternative is indicated by the sign of its
coefficients. A positive value indicates a direct correlation with the utility, and a negative value
indicates an inverse correlation (Bajracharya 2008). Negative signs of travel time and travel
cost indicate that higher the travel time and cost, lower is the probability of choosing that

30 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 7: Estimated parameters from MNL model

Name Value Std. Error t-test p-value

ASC_AC_SP 3.16 0.14 22.61 0
ASC_AUTO_RP 0 fixed
ASC_AUTO_SP 0 fixed
ASC_BUS_RP 1.06 0.0855 12.42 0
ASC_BUS_SP 2.34 0.134 17.43 0
ASC_CAB_RP -2.29 0.136 -16.77 0
ASC_CAB_SP -2.46 0.161 -15.28 0
ASC_CAR_RP -0.994 0.0928 -10.7 0
ASC_CAR_SP -0.0126 0.101 -0.13 0.9
ASC_PB_RP 0.816 0.0875 9.33 0
ASC_PB_SP 2.06 0.127 16.27 0
ASC_TW_RP -0.109 0.0857 -1.27 0.21
ASC_TW_SP 0.872 0.111 7.87 0
B_COST -0.113 0.03 -3.76 0
B_INCOME_BUS -0.125 0.0119 -10.55 0
B_INCOME_CAB 0.17 0.0207 8.23 0
B_INCOME_CAR 0.0527 0.0132 3.98 0
B_INCOME_PB -0.122 0.0126 -9.68 0
B_INCOME_TW -0.0437 0.0117 -3.74 0
B_TIME -4.61 0.155 -29.77 0
LAMBDA 0.884 0.0366 24.15 0

© CSTEP 31
Initiative 3: Impact of Cab Aggregators on Vayu Vajra Services
Initiative 3: Impact of Cab Aggregators on
Vayu Vajra Services
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations Full Form
BMTC Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
CSTEP Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy
GoK Government of Karnataka
IPT Intermediate Public Transport
KEA Karnataka Evaluation Authority
KIA Kempegowda International Airport
KSRTC Karnataka State Road Transport Authority
KSTDC Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation
SRS Simple Random Sampling
Executive Summary
Bengaluru is one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities in India. With rapid urbanisation
and population growth, the city experiences a significant demand for infrastructure in different
sectors, including transportation.

Bengaluru’s new international airport commenced operations in 2008. This airport is well
connected to the city by taxi services, app-based cab aggregators and BMTC airport bus

BMTC started the airport bus service (Vayu Vajra)1 in 2008. This is a dedicated AC bus service
which connects the city to the airport. However, the introduction of app-based taxi services, at
the airport, has impacted BMTC Vayu Vajra bus ridership. In this context, Government of
Karnataka has engaged Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) as a
technical research institution, to assess the impact of cab aggregators on BMTC’s Vayu Vajra

This study aims to identify the primary reason for this shift from Vayu Vajra to cab services
and to identify the impacted Vayu Vajra routes. For this assessment, an airport passenger
opinion survey was conducted at Bengaluru International Airport (KIA), collecting responses
from 800 commuters of which 70% were BMTC airport bus users. Major reasons for shift from
Vayu Vajra bus services to cab aggregators were lack of luggage space, expensiveness
compared to cabs and poor first and last mile connectivity. The study also identified the
impacted routes based on the responses. Routes which were affected include KIAS 10, KIAS
5, KIAS 8, KIAS 12 and KIAS 7.

To improve Vayu Vajra bus ridership, BMTC needs to provide dedicated luggage space,
promote a group discount scheme as opposed to an individual discount scheme in the range of
10-15% and address issues of first and last mile connectivity. Additionally, the survey also
revealed respondents opinion about their suggestions for Vayu Vajra service. BMTC needs to
provide real time passenger information systems at major exit points of the airport and signage
leading to the bus bays. Within the city limits, there is a need for dedicated Vayu Vajra bus
stop signs.

The Terms ‘Vayu Vajra’and ‘BMTC airport buses’ have been used interchangeably in this report.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Program Theory ................................................................. 2
3. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 5
4. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation.................................................................................. 5
5. Evaluation Design............................................................................................................... 5
6. Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 6
7. Data Collection and Analysis ............................................................................................. 8
8. Finding and Discussions ................................................................................................... 11
9. Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................. 13
References ................................................................................................................................ 14
Annexure I ............................................................................................................................... 15
List of Tables
Table 1: Simple random sampling ............................................................................................. 7
Table 2: Details of collected survey samples ............................................................................. 8
Table 3: Reasons for shift from Vayu Vajra to cab ................................................................. 11
Table 4: List of impacted routes .............................................................................................. 12

List of Figures
Figure 1: Process of assessing impact of cab aggregators on BMTC's Vayu Vajra service ...... 6
Figure 5: Frequency of travel of former bus users ..................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Employment type of former bus users ....................................................................... 9
Figure 2: Age-gender profile of former bus users ..................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Monthly household income of former bus users ........................................................ 9
Figure 6: Age-gender profile of non-bus users ........................................................................ 10
Figure 7: Monthly household income of non-bus users .......................................................... 10
Figure 8: Employment type of non-bus users .......................................................................... 10
Figure 9: Frequency of travel of non-bus users ....................................................................... 10
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

1. Introduction
BMTC started a premium AC bus service (Vayu Vajra), in 2008, which connects different parts
of the city with Bengaluru International Airport (KIA) (Bangalore Mirror 2008). BMTC
operates 11-Vayu Vajra bus routes with more than 250 trips per day catering ~10,000

However, the introduction of app-based cab aggregators at the airport has impacted BMTC
Vayu Vajra bus ridership. This study assess the impact of cab aggregators on Vayu Vajra
services, specifically reasons for shift, socio-economic profile and travel characteristics of
commuters who shifted from Vayu Vajra services to cabs.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Program Theory

This study aims to assess the impact of cab aggregators on Vayu Vajra bus services. This
involves a survey at the airport to understand the socio-economic and trip characteristics of
airport commuters. The responses were collected from cab users of which 70% were previous
BMTC bus users and 30% used other modes of transport. The reasons for shift from BMTC
bus to cab were analysed in this study. Also the impacted BMTC airport bus routes were

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Verifiable Indicators of Sources and Means of

Intervention Logic Assumptions
Achievement Verification
What are the overall broader What are the key What are the sources of
objectives to which the activity indicators related to the information for these
will contribute? overall objectives? indicators?
Objectives  Assessing impact of cab  Impacted Vayu Vajra  Passenger Opinion Survey of
aggregators on BMTC’s Vayu routes cab users at KIA
Vajra service
What specific objectives is the Which indicators clearly What are the sources of
Which factors and conditions outside
activity intended to achieve to show that the objective of information that exist or can be
the PI's responsibility are necessary
contribute to the overall the activity has been collected? What are the methods
to achieve that objective? (external
objectives? achieved? required to get this information?
Specific  To identify commuters’ reasons  Commuters’ response on  Airport Passenger Opinion
Which risks should be taken into
Objectives to shift from Vayu Vajra to cab Survey of cab users at KIA consideration?
reason to shift to cab
 To identify most impacted  Vayu Vajra routes  Willingness of competent authority
Vayu Vajra routes to permit the survey
(maximum number of
respondents shifting)

The results are the outputs What are the indicators to What are the sources of What external conditions must be met
envisaged to achieve the specific measure whether and to information for these to obtain the expected results on
objective. what extent the activity indicators? schedule?
What are the expected results? achieves the expected
(enumerate them) results?
 Major reason for the shift from
Vayu Vajra to cabs

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

 Most impacted Vayu Vajra

routes due to this shift.
What are the key activities to be Means: What are the sources of What pre-conditions are required
What are the means information
carried out and in what sequence about action before the action starts?
in order to produce the expected required to implement progress?
results? these activities, e. g.  Permission by competent
(group the activities by result) personnel, training, authorities to conduct the survey
1. Primary Survey - Passenger studies, etc.
Opinion Survey of cab users  Urban planning experts
at KIA  Transport planning
2. Identifying the reasons for experts
shift from Vayu Vajra to cab  Training for conducting
3. Identifying impacted routes passenger opinion
due to this shift survey

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

3. Problem Statement
To assess the impact of cab aggregators on BMTC’s Vayu Vajra services

4. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation


 To identify the major reason for the shift from Vayu Vajra to cab aggregators
 To identify the impacted Vayu Vajra routes


Target Population: The target population for this study is the passengers at KIA who use cabs
for city-airport commute.

Geographical Coverage: Vayu Vajra service coverage area

5. Evaluation Design

5.1. Information Sources

Primary Survey: Airport Passenger Opinion Survey

Airport passenger opinion survey was conducted at KIA. The survey captured the socio-
economic data, trip characteristics and the reasons for shift from BMTC airport bus to cabs
through a questionnaire (Annexure I).

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

6. Evaluation Methodology
The details of the steps followed in the methodology have been discussed below:

Impact of Cab Aggregators on

BMTC’s Airport Services

Selection of Study Area at Airport

Minimum Sample Size
 70% of Sample Size
Former Bus Users
Sample and Sampling Design  30% of Sample Size
Other Users

Survey Instrument Design App-based Survey


Primary Data Collection
- Passenger Opinion Survey for
Cab Users at KIA
Reasons for Shifts A

Specific BMTC Bus

Data Analysis
Route no

Weighted Average Count of Maximum

Ranking Recurring Routes

Foremost Reasons Impacted Routes

Figure 1: Process of assessing impact of cab aggregators on BMTC's Vayu Vajra


Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

6.1. Sample and Sampling Technique

Sample and Sampling (SRS) Design:

As mentioned in the scope of this study, the target population for this study included the cab
users at KIA. As this forms a uniform set with no strata, a Simple Random Sampling (SRS)
technique was used to arrive at the sample size. Formula for SRS:

𝑍 2 ×𝑝(1−𝑝)
𝑛1 = Equation 1

𝑛2 = Equation 1
𝑁+ 𝑛1


𝑛1 = Sample Size
𝑛2 = Finite Population Correction
N = Total Population
Z = Z – Score (Z – Table value at 5% of level of significance)
E – Margin of Error
P – Prior Judgment of the Correct Value (Probability)

The following Table 1 shows the simple random sampling details for the Passenger Opinion
Survey of Cab Users at KIA.

Table 1: Simple random sampling

Passenger Opinion Survey of Cab Users at KIA

Population (Daily Confidence Z Margin Sample Finite Sample
Passenger Traffic Level value of Error Size Population Size
at KIA) - (e) (n1) Correction chosen
60,000 95% 1.96 0.05 384.16 382 800

The above table shows that for target population of 60,000 and 95% confidence level, 382 is
the minimum sample size required. In consultation with BMTC and to ensure higher precision,
this study considered a sample size of 800.

6.2. Type of Data Collected from Various Sources

Primary Survey: Airport Passenger Opinion Survey

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

 Socio-economic profile of commuters

 Travel pattern of commuters (origin-destination, mode of travel, frequency)
 Reasons for shifting from BMTC airport bus to cabs

6.3. Instruments for Data Collection

For the primary data collection, a structured survey questionnaire was prepared to capture the
required data. The survey questionnaire is presented in Annexure I.

6.4. Protocols for Data Collection and Ethics Followed

For the primary survey, permission letters from BMTC, KIA and the Commissioner of Police,
Bengaluru City were taken for conducting survey at Kempegowda International Airport. Care
was taken by the survey team that traffic flow and general activities, duties of any traffic police
and workers at KIA were not disrupted. The willingness of the respondents to participate in the
survey was obtained before administering the survey questionnaire.

7. Data Collection and Analysis

The survey was conducted at KIA arrival area (within the airport premises), on two regular
working days, covering around 800 samples. Only the cab users travelling from the airport to
their respective destinations were interviewed. The survey questions were designed to identify
the cab users and previous bus users, so as to capture 70% previous bus users and 30% other
mode users. The survey was carried out using Open Data Kit (ODK) suite, an android based
mobile app that replaces paper-based forms. Trained enumerators under the close guidance of
supervisory staff were appointed for this purpose. All the data collected, was compiled and
subjected to a thorough verification and analysis. The details of the samples collected are given
in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Details of collected survey samples

Heading Required Collected

Survey Sample Size 800 841
Women Respondents 400 397
Men Respondents 400 444
Bus Users 560 (70%) 583
Women Bus Users - 298
Men Bus Users - 285

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The data collected from the primary survey was processed in Microsoft Excel Software to
remove the erroneous entries and obtain samples with the most relevant response.

7.1. Data Analysis

Detailed analysis of the data collected from the primary survey was carried out to understand
the travel patterns of commuters, reasons for shifting to app-based cabs, impacted routes and
their operational details and willingness of passengers to shift to the AC bus service.

7.1.1. Profile of Former Bus using Respondents

Socio-economic Profile:

The data fetched from the primary survey was filtered on the basis of gender, age, income,
employment type and purpose of travel. 57% of the former bus using respondents (almost equal
number of men and women) were from the age group 31–50 years. 83.5% of the respondents
had monthly household incomes of INR 50,000 or above. This consisted of 55% having
monthly household income between INR 50,000 and 1 lakh, and 28.5% having more than INR
1 lakh. 81% of the former bus users belonged to working class.

Age-Gender Profile Monthly Household Income

200 165 164
98 108 17.2%
< 25K
100 28.5%
01 14 15 59 Rs_25K-50K
0 55.2% Rs_50K-1L
< 18 19-30 31-50 51-60 > 60
> 1L
Men Women

Figure 4: Age-gender profile of former bus users Figure 5: Monthly household income of former bus

Employment Type Trip Frequency

1% 1.90
3% Working
8% Weekly
Unemployed 14.71
Retired Monthly
Student 49.65
2-6 monthly
Homemaker 33.74
81% 6 Months above

Figure 3: Employment type of former bus users Figure 2: Frequency of travel of former bus users

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Trip Character:

Almost 50% of the former bus users travelled at a frequency of only once in more than six
months. All the respondents used the same route for their onward and return journey.

7.1.2. Profile of Non-BMTC Users

Socio-economic Profile:

From the non-BMTC user group, 78% belonged to the age-group 31-50 years and within this,
68% were men. 95% of these respondents were working and 76% travelled by air only once in
six months. 55% of the total non-bus users had a monthly income of more than INR 1 lakh
whereas 42% had within a range of INR 50,000 to 1 lakh.

Age-Gender Profile Monthly Household Income

136 3%
150 0%
< 25K
64 25K-50K
50 42% 50K-1L
13 22 9 10 55%
0 0 1 3
0 > 1L
<18 19-30 31-50 51-60 >60
Male Female

Figure 6: Age-gender profile of non-bus users Figure 7: Monthly household income of non-bus

Employment Type Trip Frequency

1% 4% 2%
Retired Monthly
Student 2-6 Months
76% 6 Months &

Figure 8: Employment type of non-bus users Figure 9: Frequency of travel of non-bus users

10 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

8. Findings and Discussion

The two major outputs of this survey were: 1) Reasons to shift from Vayu Vajra bus service to
cab and 2) Impacted Vayu Vajra routes due to this shift.

8.1. Reasons to Shift from Vayu Vajra Bus to Cab

The respondents had to choose the reasons for shift listed in the questionnaire and rate each
reason, on a scale of five. A weighted mean of all the reasons was thus calculated to understand
the top priority reason for the shift from BMTC airport bus to cabs. From the analysis, it was
observed that the luggage space and convenience was rated as the major reason for shift. This
was followed by, Vayu Vajra bus services being more expensive compared to their current
mode. Poor first and last mile connectivity also figured as a reason for shift. Table 5 below
summarises the estimated weighted mean for each reason.

Table 3: Reasons for shift from Vayu Vajra to cab

Reasons for Mode shift Weighted Mean

Luggage space and convenience 4.307
Expensive compared to current mode 4.170
Poor first / last mile connectivity 3.883
Low bus frequency / High waiting time for BMTC 3.864
Absence of direct AC bus connectivity 3.834
Travel time is more with BMTC buses 3.559
Overcrowding of BMTC Bus 3.553

This survey also captured response of commuters to shift back to Vayu Vajra bus services in
the wake of proposed financial incentives- fare reduction (10-15%) and group discount
(15%).Almost 96% of the total respondents (including other previous mode users) said that
they might shift to Vayu Vajra service if the fare is reduced by 10-15%. Hardly any preference
was given to the group discount of 15%.

© CSTEP 11
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

8.2. Impacted Vayu Vajra Routes

From the response of the former bus users, it was found that 13% of them were travelling on
KIAS 10 route. This route seems to be the most impacted among the routes from this survey.
Out of the total respondents commuting on KIAS 10, 17% were travelling on the complete

Table 4: List of impacted routes

Route No. Count Percentage

KIAS 10 75 13%

KIAS 5 66 11%

KIAS 8 61 10%

KIAS 12 53 9%

KIAS 7 39 7%

KIAS 4 38 7%

KIAS 7A 36 7%

KIAS 8C 32 5%

KIAS 9 32 5%

KIAS 6 30 5%

Others 121 21%

Total 583 100%

12 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

9. Conclusions and Recommendations

The study relied on the Airport Passenger Opinion Survey for the required data. This survey
identified the reasons for shift from Vayu Vajra bus to cabs and the impacted Vayu Vajra routes
due to this shift.

‘Lack of luggage space and convenience’ was the major reason that prompted people to shift
from Vayu Vajra to cab services. As there is no dedicated space for the luggage, it becomes
uncomfortable for commuters to carry their own luggage during their journey between airport
and their city origin/destination. Also, the fare for more than one passenger is cheaper for cabs
than the Vayu Vajra fare. The study also identified the impacted routes based on the responses.
Routes which were affected include KIAS 10, KIAS 5, KIAS 8, KIAS 12 and KIAS 7.

To improve Vayu Vajra bus ridership, BMTC needs to provide dedicated luggage space, reduce
fares in the range of 10-15% and address issues of first and last mile connectivity.

Additionally, BMTC needs to provide real time passenger information systems at major exit
points of the airport and signage leading to the bus bays.

Within the city limits, there is a need for dedicated Vayu Vajra bus stop signages.

© CSTEP 13
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Bangalore Mirror. 2008. ‘Vayu Vajra Bleeds BMTC of Rs 5 Lakh a Day’. India Times, 3
November 2008.
BMTC. 2015. ‘Annual Administration Report’. Annual Report. Bengaluru: Bengaluru
Metropolitan Transport Corporation.
———. ‘BMTC’. n.d. Official Website BMTC. BMTC Easy Travel Information Planner.
Census of India. 2011. ‘Census 2011’.
Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru’. n.d. ‘Connecting Kempegowda International
Airport Bengaluru’.
Mathew Philip, Christin. 2017. ‘Vayu Vajra Buses Lose out to Cabs over High Fares in
Bengaluru’. The New Indian Express, March 2017.
TNN. 2016. ‘A Transport History of Bengaluru’. Times of India, 18 December 2016, sec.
City News.

14 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure I
Impact of Cab Aggregators on BMTC Vayu Vajra Services
(At Kempegowda International Airport)

Purpose: To assess the impact of Cab Aggregators on BMTC Vayu Vajra services

Date & Time:

1. Are you a cab user

Yes No

2. Were you using

BMTC Airport bus
Route No
service in last one

3. Gender Male Female

4. Age group Less than 19 - 30 31 - 50 51 – 60 Above

18 60

5. Employment Type:
a) Working
b) Unemployed
c) Retired
d) Student
e) Homemaker
f) Others

6. Monthly
Household Less than Rs. 25,000– Rs. 50,000–
Above Rs. 1,00,000
income Rs. 25,000 50,000 1,00,000

Your trip from Airport:

Origin: Airport

7. Destination (Landmark, Nearest Bus Stop & Pin code):_________________________

8. Which cab
service do Mega
you use? Ola Uber Meru KSTDC Cabs

© CSTEP 15
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

9. How often do you Once in

Six months
make this trip? Weekly Monthly two-six
and above

10. What was your previous Others

Private Bike/ Same as
mode of travel? (If Q.2 is ___________
car Scooter current (Cab)
‘No’, then Q. 10)

11. Is your trip ‘To Airport’ same as this in terms of

origin and mode of travel? (If yes, directly go to 17 Yes No

Your trip to Airport:

Destination: Airport

12. Origin (Landmark, Nearest Bus Stop & Pin


13. What is/will be your current BMTC Bus

Private Bike/
mode for the trip to Airport? Taxi/cab Route no.
car Scooter
(Multiple choice) ___________

14. If cab, which cab Mega

service do you use? Ola Uber Meru KSTDC Cabs
(Multiple choice)

15. How often do you Once in two to six Six months

make this trip? Weekly Monthly months and above

16. What was your

previous mode of Same Others
Private Bike/ Taxi BMTC Bus
travel? (Multiple as ______
car Scooter /cab Route no.
choice) current ___

17. If BMTC, what prompted you to shift to current mode from BMTC?
Lowest Highest
Priority Priority

Sl. Reasons
1 2 3 4 5
1 Absence of direct AC bus connectivity
2 Low bus frequency / High waiting time for BMTC
3 Expensive compared to current mode
4 Poor first / last mile connectivity
5 Overcrowding of BMTC Bus
6 Travel time is more with BMTC buses
7 Luggage space and convenience
8 Other please specify

16 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

18. What will promote you to shift

to Vayu Vajra service for this 15% group 10-15% fare Other
trip? discount reduction (Specify)

Name ____________________________ Phone Number_______________________

© CSTEP 17
Initiative 4: Improvement and Extension of Chartered Services
Initiative 4: Improvement and Extension of
Chartered Services
Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations Full Form

AC Bus Air Conditioned Bus
BMTC Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation
CPKM Cost Per Kilometre
CSTEP Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy
EPKM Earning Per Kilometre
INR Indian Rupee
IT Industry Information Technology Industry
Km Kilometre(s)
KSRTC Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation
Non AC Bus Non Air-Conditioned Bus
OC Operating Cost
Executive Summary
Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka state, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan cities in
India. With population growth, rapid urbanisation and development of the IT industry, different
sectors of the city experienced a significant demand for urban infrastructure. Public
transportation was one such crucial sector requiring infrastructure upgradation.

In order to cater to this growing transportation demand, BMTC introduced chartered/dedicated

bus services in both AC and non-AC variants catering to corporate clients, educational
institutions and government organisations in Bengaluru.

However, in the recent past (2015), with the entry of app-based cab services and competition
from private bus operators1, BMTC started losing some of its existing chartered/dedicated
customers. In this context, Government of Karnataka has engaged the Center for Study of
Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP), as a technical research institution, to assess the
feasibility of improving operational efficiency of these services.

This study proposes a model for estimation of the rate per km and pass rate structure of
chartered and dedicated bus services, based on route length and varying average profit per bus
per day. The proposed model recommends dead kilometres2 to be charged for chartered bus
services and also proposed a monthly pass rate structure for dedicated bus services aiming to
attract potential new clients and retain existing clients. This study will also determine the
additional bus fleet required to reach break-even profit with respect to the current profit levels
from these services. It also helps in comparing these services with the normal bus services
under different load factors to generate these profit margins.

This study also considers the existing clients’ experiences with BMTC chartered/dedicated
services. In addition to existing clients, it identifies challenges that may prevent potential
clients from opting for BMTC chartered/dedicated bus services. For this assessment, key
personnel of existing as well as potential new companies were interviewed. The feedback from
existing and potential clients is incorporated in the report.

Companies have recently started hiring private buses for chartered services.
Dead kilometres represent the distance covered by the vehicle without carrying any passengers. For a trip, this
includes the distance from the depot to the first passenger pick up location and the distance from the final drop
location to the depot.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 2
3. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation.................................................................................. 2
4. Evaluation Design............................................................................................................... 2
5. Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 4
6. Data Collection and Analysis ............................................................................................. 7
7. Findings and Discussion ................................................................................................... 17
8. Conclusion and Recommendations .................................................................................. 18
References ................................................................................................................................ 19
Annexure I ............................................................................................................................... 20
Annexure II .............................................................................................................................. 21
Annexure III ............................................................................................................................. 23
Annexure IV............................................................................................................................. 24
Annexure V .............................................................................................................................. 25
List of Tables
Table 1: Input data used in analysis ........................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Average profit margins per bus per day ...................................................................... 9
Table 3: Scenarios based on average profit margin per bus per day ......................................... 9
Table 4: Load factors for different scenarios ........................................................................... 10
Table 5: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services .......................................................... 11
Table 6: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services .......................................................... 12
Table 7: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services (OC increase - INR 3/km) ................ 13
Table 8: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services (OC increase - INR 3/Km) .............. 14
Table 9: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services (OC increase - INR 8/Km) ............... 15
Table 10: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services (OC increase - INR 8/Km) ............ 15
Table 11: Net profit per day for additional bus demand of ordinary services ......................... 16
Table 12: Net profit per day for additional demand of AC services ........................................ 17

List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology for the proposed model ........................................................................ 4
Figure 2: Computing dead kilometres by comparing normal and chartered services................ 5
Figure 3: Origin and destination route ....................................................................................... 6
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

1. Introduction
BMTC introduced chartered/dedicated bus services in 2006, with both AC and Non AC vehicle
(BMTC 2013). Chartered bus services cater to corporates, educational institutions and
government organisations on a per km basis. Companies/organisations hire BMTC buses to
provide transport to their employees/students. For this service, BMTC charges for the total
kilometres on each route per day. Dedicated bus services offer a monthly pass-based model for
corporate customers. Currently, BMTC operates 432 chartered bus services for 65 clients with
an annual revenue of INR 32.8 crore. The chartered bus services’ revenue for the period 2014-
2017 has seen a decrease of 13.8%. BMTC operates dedicated bus services for 16 clients with
367 buses, generating an annual revenue of INR 61.3 crore. This service has seen an increase
of 3.3% in last four years. The total annual revenue generated from both these services in 2017
is INR 94.1 crore which is approx. 5% of the gross revenue generated by BMTC.

In the recent past, with the entry of private bus operators and app-based cab services/bus
aggregators, BMTC has started losing some of its existing chartered/dedicated customers. The
aim of this study is to assess the feasibility of improving the operational efficiency of these
services to retain existing customers and attract new customers.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

2. Problem Statement
To assess the extent to which BMTC can revise the existing dead kilometre model to retain its existing
customers and increase customer base

Operating chartered/dedicated bus services for major firms in Bengaluru provides a business
opportunity to BMTC to improve profitability of the organisation. As a business strategy, the
pricing of these chartered/dedicated bus services has to be higher than the normal bus services
for regular passengers in Bengaluru3. Currently, profit-generation centres on charging dead
kilometres to these firms and the price is either charged as cost/km (chartered services) or
monthly pass system (dedicated services). However, the current rate structure potentially limits
the customers and thereby, the revenue. The research question here is what rate structure is
optimal for increasing revenue for these services.

3. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation

To propose a model to increase revenue from chartered/dedicated bus services.

 Target Population: Existing and potential clients of chartered/dedicated bus services -
 Geographical Coverage: Existing and upcoming Information Technology corridors.

4. Evaluation Design

4.1. Information Sources

Primary Data: Primary data for this study included interviews with key personnel from existing
and potential customers for chartered/dedicated bus services. For existing customers, the line
of enquiry focussed on current experiences related to chartered/dedicated bus services, criteria
for engaging with BMTC (e.g. age of buses, clean buses), potential for additional bus demand
and pre-requisites on part of BMTC (e.g. insurance, fitness certificate).

Chartered/Dedicated buses are bus rental services which BMTC offers to clients. The bus operational routes
are as per the client request during specific hours.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

For potential customers, the line of enquiry focussed on identifying mobility patterns of their
employees, criteria for engaging with BMTC and potential fleet requirement. During the study,
four clients were interviewed for dedicated services and one, for chartered services.

Secondary Data: For the purposes of this study, secondary data included a complete client list
of chartered/dedicated bus services and the number of buses used by the companies. In
addition, financial data for chartered bus services – specifically, route data and the
corresponding rate structure, as well as financial performance for the past five years – was
obtained from BMTC. Data was also obtained on proposed measures to increase revenue from
these services.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

5. Evaluation Methodology
In this study, primary interviews were conducted with key personnel of existing and potential
chartered/dedicated bus clients. Based on the secondary data collected, a model was proposed
to recommend fare/km for chartered bus services and monthly pass rate structure for dedicated
bus services. The details of the steps followed in the methodology have been discussed in this
section. Figure 1 presents the methodology for the proposed model.

Figure 1: Methodology for the proposed model

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The methodology aims to formulate a model to obtain dead kilometres to be charged for
chartered services and monthly pass rate for dedicated services for a fixed average profit per
bus per day4. The average profit per bus per day is equated to the profit function of normal
services, to determine the required load factor. By comparing equivalent profitable normal
services with the chartered/dedicated profit functions, the dead kilometres/monthly pass to be
charged are determined for different route length slabs, as shown in Figure 2. Only the peak
hour timeframe was considered as a majority of these services will be provided during peak
hours. This study can, however, be extended to non-peak timeframes as well.

Compute the break even point for dead kilomteres by

equating the profit generated by both type of services.

Figure 2: Computing dead kilometres by comparing normal and chartered services

To generate profit, normal bus services need to run during peak hours (8 am to 10 am) and
have high load factors5. However, chartered/dedicated bus services can be profitable with a
load factor of one (as they charge for dead kilometres. The break-even point for dead kilometres
charged is the point where the intended average profit from normal bus services at these load
factors (which generate profit) becomes equal to the profit from chartered/dedicated services.
Any additional dead kilometre charged from this point will lead to higher profit compared to
running a normal service.

Equations are provided below to compute the break-even dead kilometres. Scenarios are
provided to showcase the additional profit generated by these services by charging higher dead
kilometres from the break-even point. After dropping passengers off at their firms, these

Per day indicates one round trip, i.e. from the origin to the destination and back (up and down trip).
Load factor refers to the capacity utilisation of the bus service. It represents the ratio of number of passenger
carried to the seating capacity of the bus.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

services operate as normal bus services (resumed normal bus services) on pre-decided routes.
For this analysis, the comparison should only be between the normal bus services operated
during peak hour and chartered/dedicated bus services. For the analysis, the profit generated
by these resumed normal bus services and normal bus services is assumed to be same.
Similarly, dedicated bus monthly pass rates were estimated by equating the intended average
profit per bus per day with the profit equation of the dedicated bus service.

To illustrate this, consider the figure below (Figure 3), representing an origin and destination
route where these services are being planned. Assume BMTC could either run a normal bus
service or a chartered/dedicated bus service between these points.

The following parameters are considered in the equations below:

f - Average fare per passenger-km (INR/pass-km)

l - Route Length (comprising initial dead kilometres) (km)

Cb - Capacity of the bus (pass/bus)

LF - Load Factor
CS - Cost charged to the clients (INR/km)

OC - Operating Cost per km (INR/km)

Dop - Number of days operated in a month

x – Break-even dead kilometres charged per day (km)

MP - Monthly Pass Rate (INR)
Route length = l

Break-even Dead Kilometres charged = x

Figure 3: Origin and destination route

The profit generated by running a normal bus service between O and D for one bus per day for
two trips, πnorm , is calculated as:
πnorm = 2 ∗ f ∗ l ∗ Cb ∗ LF − 2 ∗ OC ∗ l …………………………(1)

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The profit generated by running a chartered bus service between O and D for one bus per day
for two trips, πchart , is calculated as:
πchart = CS ∗ (2l + x) − 2 ∗ OC ∗ l ……………………………... (2)

The break-even point for dead kilometres can be computed by equating the two equations.

πnorm = πchart

πnorm = CS ∗ (2l + x) − 2 ∗ OC ∗ l …………………………….. (3)

Therefore, break-even dead kilometres, x, is given below:

πnorm + 2∗OC∗l−2∗CS∗l
x= ………………………………….. (4)

Similarly, monthly pass rates for the dedicated bus services can be calculated by using the
equation given below:

πnorm ∗ Dop = MP ∗ Cb − Dop ∗ OC ∗ 2l …………………………. (5)

πnorm ∗Dop +Dop ∗OC∗2l

MP = …………………………….... (6)

Using these models, the number of dead kilometres to be charged was computed for chartered
bus services. Similarly the monthly pass rate for the dedicated bus services was computed, and
is discussed in the next section. Using the same formula, slab rates were proposed for the
chartered/dedicated bus services.

6. Data Collection and Analysis

6.1. Data Analysis

Using data (BMTC 2018) of the existing and potential clients, average profit margin per bus
per day was computed based on the existing dead kilometre model and the proposed revised
model by BMTC. This profit margin was used in this analysis to create different scenarios and
thereby determine the slab rates based on route lengths by varying the intended average profit
per bus per day. This also helped to determine the additional bus demand required to break-
even in profit. Using these average profit margins, equivalent load factor required in normal
bus services to generate these profit margins was calculated.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The data used in this analysis is provided in the Table 1 below. Average fare per passenger-km
for both ordinary6 and AC buses was calculated using the existing route data during peak hours
that was provided by BMTC. This study assumed that the charged cost/km was equal to the
operating cost/km, thereby ensuring that any dead km charged would result in profit.

The days of operation for the calculation of monthly pass rates was assumed to be 22 days. A
sensitivity analysis was carried in this study to estimate the dead kilometres, by varying the
operational cost. In this analysis the charged cost was considered to be constant. At the first
level the operating cost was increased by INR 3/km whereas in the second level, the operating
cost was increased by INR 8/km. The calculations of this table are provided in the Annexure I.

Table 1: Input data used in analysis

Ordinary Buses AC Buses

42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
Average Fare per Passenger-km
0.87 0.87 1.7 1.7
Operating Cost (INR/km) 48 52 76 80
Charge Cost (INR/km) 48 52 76 80
Days of Operation in a Month 22 22 22 22
Sensitivity Analysis Operating
51 and 56 55 and 60 79 and 84 83 and 88
Cost (INR/km)7

The existing dead kilometre charging model of BMTC and also the proposed revised charging
model of BMTC were considered to compute the maximum and minimum average profit per
bus per day. Currently, BMTC charges the client certain dead kilometres in order to make profit
for the chartered services, whereas monthly pass rates are fixed based on the route lengths. In
the revised model by BMTC, to generate profit, a certain margin is fixed over cost per kilometre
(CPKM) which varies with route length8. This formed the basis for our average profit margin
for different scenarios.

Table 2 shows the average profit margin per bus per day (for both Ordinary and AC services),
both from the existing BMTC model and from the revised proposed model by BMTC. The
calculations are provided in the Annexure II.

In this report, the terms ordinary and non AC bus are used interchangeably.
Explained in the Sensitivity Analysis section
Refer to Annexure II

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 2: Average profit margins per bus per day

Average Profit Margin - Ordinary Average Profit

Models Buses (INR/day) Margin - AC Buses
Dedicated Chartered (INR/day)9
Existing model (BAU) 1,305 (~ 1,500 ) 1,130 (~1,50010) 1,717 (~1,750)
Revised model by BMTC 471 (~500) 471 (~500) 724 (~750)

The average approximated profit margin from the existing model comes out to be INR 1,500
per bus per day. This profit margin might be on the higher side (resulting in higher prices than
private bus operators), thereby restricting the likelihood of attracting potential clients for these
services. On the other hand, the revised model by BMTC generates an average profit margin
of INR 500 per bus per day. The price changes brought about by this model are likely to expand
the customer base; however, the additional bus demand requirement at these profit margins
might exceed the available fleet for chartered/dedicated services (approximately 800 buses).
Therefore, there is a need to analyse feasible profit margins within this range (INR 500-1500).
Using the average profit margins given in the table above, different scenarios have been
formulated as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Scenarios based on average profit margin per bus per day

Average Profit Margin- Average Profit Margin-

Ordinary Buses (INR/day) AC Buses (INR/day)
Scenario 1 500 750
Scenario 2 750 1,000
Scenario 3 1,000 1,250
Scenario 4 1,250 1,500

To gauge these average profit margins from the normal services perspective, the average load
factors were calculated using Equation (1). The respective load factors were calculated for all
the scenarios, and are shown in Table 4.

Disaggregated data on dedicated and chartered AC services was not available.
Considered high profit margin of INR 1,500 in line with the dedicated bus services.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 4: Load factors for different scenarios

Load Factors - Ordinary Buses Load Factors - AC buses

42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
Scenario 1 1.58 1.42 1.52 1.33
Scenario 2 1.71 1.53 1.61 1.4
Scenario 3 1.85 1.64 1.69 1.46
Scenario 4 1.98 1.75 1.77 1.53

The table above highlights the load factors required throughout the route length to maintain the
average profit margin per bus per day for the different scenarios. Maintaining these high load
factors for profitability might not be realistic for a majority of the normal bus routes. From the
data provided by BMTC11, schedule C buses12 constitute around 78% of the total fleet. This
provides an opportunity to convert a few of these buses into chartered/dedicated bus services
during the peak hour, to generate higher profit. A pre-determined slab rate for each scenario
provides higher flexibility to BMTC when negotiating contracts for chartered services with
potential clients. The calculations for these load factors are given in Annexure III.

Consequently, for each scenario, the average profit margin per bus per day was fixed to

 Minimum dead kilometres to be charged for chartered services

 Monthly pass rate for dedicated bus services, based on different route length intervals13
For each scenario, the two-way route lengths are divided into four intervals: ‘< 25 km’, ‘25-50
km’, ‘50-75 km’, and ‘75-100 km’. Slab rates, corresponding to each interval in terms of dead
kilometres to be charged, were calculated using Equation (4) for chartered bus services, and
using Equation (6) for monthly pass for dedicated bus services.

Tables 5 and 6 show the slab rates for chartered and dedicated bus services respectively, by
equating 𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 to the average profit levels in the formulated scenarios. Here, profit from
normal bus service for the equivalent load factor will be different for the route length slab. The
average across all the route length intervals will be equal to intended average profit per bus per
day in the respective scenario. For the chartered bus services, the dead kilometres value was
computed to generate the intended average profit per bus per day.

Internal notes from BMTC
Schedule C buses – Buses for which the cost per kilometre (CPKM) is greater than earning per kilometre
Route lengths were one of the criteria considered for determining the slab rates in the revised BMTC model.

10 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

In Table 5, two different seating capacities have been considered for both ordinary (42 and 50
seats) and AC buses (35 and 42 seats). The route lengths form the basis of the differential
charging of dead kilometres. The dead kilometres value was rounded off to an appropriate
value to have consistency in the rate chart. There is no significant difference in the charged
dead kilometres for different capacities as the difference in the number of seats is not that high.

The dead kilometres to be charged increases with increase in the route length, thus ensuring
that the average profit margin per bus per day is maintained. For example, in Scenario 2 for
ordinary buses, the intended average profit is around INR 750 per bus per day; the dead
kilometre charged for a 25-50 km route length to generate this profit for a 50 seat bus is 12 km.
With increase in the intended profit margin in the scenarios, the charged dead kilometres
increase. For the case mentioned above, the dead kilometres to be charged in Scenario 3
increases to 15 km. These proposed slab rates give BMTC a flexible platform to negotiate on
the rates with the clients. Sample calculations are provided in Annexure IV.

Table 5: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services

Dead Km Charged Per Dead Km Charged

Route Length Day (km) - Ordinary Per Day (km) - AC
Two-way (km) Buses Buses
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Scenario 1 25-50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
50-75 15.00 13.00 13.00 13.00
75-100 20.00 18.00 18.00 18.00
< 25 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00
Scenario 2 25-50 13.00 12.00 10.00 10.00
50-75 20.00 20.00 18.00 17.00
75-100 28.00 25.00 25.00 23.00
< 25 10.00 8.00 7.00 7.00
Scenario 3 25-50 18.00 15.00 15.00 13.00
50-75 28.00 25.00 22.00 20.00
75-100 38.00 35.00 30.00 28.00
< 25 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00
Scenario 4 25-50 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00
50-75 33.00 30.00 25.00 25.00
75-100 45.00 42.00 35.00 35.00

Similarly, for dedicated bus services two different capacities were considered for both the
ordinary (42 and 50 seats) and AC bus (35 and 42 seats) services, as shown in Table 6. The
pass rates were determined on the basis of the two way route length. It was observed that the
pass rates were higher for smaller capacity buses for the same route length, and increases with

© CSTEP 11
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

route length. As the intended average profit per bus per day increases, the pass rate increases.
For example in Scenario 2 for ordinary buses, the intended average profit to make is around
INR 750 per bus per day; the monthly pass rate for this comes out to be INR 1,150. The current
monthly pass rates by BMTC are calculated by dividing the route lengths into different
intervals, which includes the dead kilometres.
This proposed model uses only the operational route length to determine the monthly pass rate,
which considers the intended average profit per bus per day. Also, there are only two length
slabs14 for AC buses in the current BMTC charge sheet. This is likely to deter passengers
traveling shorter routes from choosing these services, thereby reducing the demand. This model
proposes rates for dedicated AC bus services under four route lengths. CSTEP proposes that
the monthly pass rates be charged as per the route length intervals, which may encourage
additional demand for these services.
Table 6: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services15

Monthly Pass (INR) - Monthly Pass (INR)

Route Length
Scenarios Ordinary Buses - AC Buses
Two- way (km)
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 1 25-50 1,200 1,050 2,250 2,250
50-75 1,950 1,750 3,600 3,150
75-100 2,600 2,350 4,900 4,300
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 2 25-50 1,250 1,150 2,300 2,250
50-75 2,100 1,900 3,800 3,300
75-100 2,900 2,550 5,200 4,500
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 3 25-50 1,350 1,200 2,450 2,250
50-75 2,250 2,000 4,000 3,450
75-100 3,100 2,750 5,450 4,700
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 4 25-50 1,450 1,300 2,550 2,250
50-75 2,400 2,150 4,200 3,650
75-100 3,250 2,900 5,700 4,950

Two length slabs (AC buses) – Route length up to 120 km and route length from 120 to 160 km
Monthly pass rate from the proposed CSTEP model for several scenarios comes out to be lesser than the monthly
pass rate charged by BMTC. Therefore minimum monthly pass rate is kept as INR 1,050 for ordinary and INR
2,250 for AC services as per BMTC monthly pass rates ( Same is
reflected in Table 6, 8 and 10.

12 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

6.2. Sensitivity Analysis

With increasing fuel prices 16 (Good Returns 2018) and staff wages, the operating cost is likely
to go higher in the near future. This section indicates changes in slab rates by taking into
account increased operating costs. The CPKM data for previous years (2012-13 to 2017-18)
was considered in order to estimate the average annual increase in operating cost. From this
data, for the operational cost, a minimum increase of INR 3/km and a maximum increase of
INR 8/km was considered (BMTC 2017). In this analysis, only operational cost is varied and
charged cost is considered constant. For instance, for an ordinary 50-seat bus the charged cost
considered is INR 52/km and the operating cost considered is INR 55/km and INR 60/km. The
differential in operating and charged cost needs to be accounted in the dead kilometres charged
in order to maintain the same level of intended average profit per bus per day.

Tables 7 and 8 show the slab rates for chartered and dedicated bus services respectively, for
operational cost increases of INR 3/km and INR 8/km. Under Scenario 2 for an ordinary bus
(50 seats & route length 25-50 km), the dead kilometres to be charged is 12 km (Table 5) for
an operational cost of INR 52/km, and 15km (Table 7) for an operational cost of INR 55/km.

Table 7: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services (OC increase - INR 3/km)

Dead km Charged Per Day Dead km Charged Per

Route Length
Scenarios (km) - Ordinary Buses Day (km) - AC Buses
Two-way (km)
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Scenario 1 25-50 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
50-75 18.00 17.00 15.00 15.00
75-100 25.00 23.00 22.00 20.00
< 25 10.00 8.00 7.00 7.00
Scenario 2 25-50 15.00 15.00 13.00 12.00
50-75 25.00 23.00 20.00 20.00
75-100 35.00 32.00 28.00 28.00
< 25 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00
Scenario 3 25-50 20.00 18.00 15.00 15.00
50-75 30.00 30.00 25.00 23.00
75-100 43.00 40.00 33.00 32.00
< 25 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Scenario 4 25-50 23.00 22.00 18.00 17.00
50-75 38.00 35.00 28.00 28.00
75-100 52.00 48.00 40.00 38.00

Diesel price in Bengaluru: June 2017 – INR ~57.50/litre and June 2018 – INR ~68.90/litre

© CSTEP 13
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Similarly, for dedicated bus services the revised rates have been calculated and shown in Table
8 below. With the increase in operating cost, the monthly pass rate increases as well. Under
Scenario 2, the monthly pass rate for an ordinary bus (42 seats & route length 25-50km) is INR
1,250 for an operational cost of INR 52/km (Table 6) and INR 1,350 for an operational cost of
INR 55/km (Table 9).
This analysis provides these services with the flexibility to modify their rates in the event of
increased operational costs.
Table 8: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services (OC increase - INR 3/Km)

Monthly Pass (INR)- Monthly Pass (INR)-

Route Length
Scenarios Ordinary Buses AC Buses
Two-way (Km)
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 1 25-50 1,250 1,100 2,250 2,250
50-75 2,050 1,800 3,700 3,250
75-100 2,800 2,450 5,050 4,400
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 2 25-50 1,350 1,200 2,400 2,250
50-75 2,250 1,950 3,950 3,450
75-100 3,000 2,650 5,350 4,700
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 3 25-50 1,450 1,250 2,500 2,250
50-75 2,350 2,100 4,100 3,600
75-100 3,200 2,850 5,600 4,850
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 4 25-50 1,500 1,350 2,600 2,300
50-75 2,500 2,250 4,300 3,750
75-100 3,400 3,050 5,850 5,150

Tables 9 and 10 show the proposed slab rates for chartered and dedicated bus services
respectively, for the second level of increase in operating cost (i.e. an increase of INR 8/km).
Trends similar to the previous example are observed in this instance as well.

14 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 9: Proposed slab rates for chartered bus services (OC increase - INR 8/Km)

Dead km Charged Per Day Dead km Charged Per

Route Length
Scenarios (km) - Ordinary Buses Day (km) - AC Buses
Two-way (km)
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 10.00 10.00 8.00 7.00
Scenario 1 25-50 15.00 15.00 13.00 12.00
50-75 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00
75-100 35.00 32.00 28.00 28.00
< 25 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00
Scenario 2 25-50 20.00 18.00 15.00 15.00
50-75 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00
75-100 43.00 40.00 33.00 32.00
< 25 13.00 12.00 10.00 10.00
Scenario 3 25-50 23.00 22.00 18.00 18.00
50-75 40.00 35.00 28.00 28.00
75-100 52.00 48.00 40.00 38.00
< 25 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00
Scenario 4 25-50 27.00 25.00 20.00 20.00
50-75 45.00 40.00 32.00 30.00
75-100 60.00 55.00 45.00 42.00

Table 10: Proposed slab rates for dedicated bus services (OC increase - INR 8/Km)

Monthly Pass (INR) - Monthly Pass (INR)

Route Length
Scenarios Ordinary Buses - AC Buses
Two-way (km)
42 Seats 50 Seats 35 Seats 42 Seats
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 1 25-50 1,350 1,200 2,400 2,250
50-75 2,200 1,950 3,950 3,400
75-100 2,950 2,650 5,350 4,650
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 2 25-50 1,450 1,250 2,500 2,250
50-75 2,350 2,100 4,100 3,600
75-100 3,200 2,850 5,600 4,850
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 3 25-50 1,550 1,350 2,600 2,250
50-75 2,500 2,250 4,300 3,700
75-100 3,400 3,000 5,850 5,050
< 25 1,050 1,050 2,250 2,250
Scenario 4 25-50 1,600 1,450 2,750 2,350
50-75 2,700 2,350 4,500 3,900
75-100 3,650 3,200 6,100 5,300

6.3. Additional Bus Demand Required

With the aim of attracting new potential clients and generate demand for these services, BMTC
has proposed a revised model. According to this revised model, the average profit of INR 1,500

© CSTEP 15
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

per bus per day from the current dead kilometre model is reduced to INR 500. With the
reduction in the profit margin per bus per day, in order to maintain the same profit as in the
existing dead kilometre model, BMTC will need to generate additional demand for these
services at those revised pricing. Tables 11 and 12 provides the net profit per day per bus in
each scenario for different percentages of spare bus fleet utilisation.

According to data provided by BMTC, 800 buses are currently in use for the chartered and
dedicated bus services, out of which 600 are ordinary and 200 are AC buses. BMTC has
approximately 800 buses to spare for these services17. The estimation of the additional bus fleet
demand took into account 600 buses for ordinary and 200 buses for AC services. The
difference between the intended average profits per bus per day in the new scenario and the
existing scenario was used to compute the net profit in the respective scenarios. The calculation
is shown in Annexure V.

Table 11: Net profit per day for additional bus demand of ordinary services

Net Profit Per Day (INR) – Ordinary Bus

Scenarios Average Profit Percentage of Spare Bus Fleet Used
Per Bus Per Day 100 75 50 25
Scenario 1 INR 500 (-) 3,00,000 (-) 3,75000 (-) 4,50,000 (-) 5,25,000
Scenario 2 INR 750 0 (-) 1,12,500 (-) 2,25,000 (-) 3,37,500
Scenario 3 INR 1,000 3,00,000 1,50,000 0 (-) 1,50,000
Scenario 4 INR 1,250 6,00,000 4,12,500 2,25,000 37,500

Table 11 shows the net profit per day for additional ordinary bus demand. For example, in
Scenario 3, if 100% of the spare bus fleet were used (i.e. 600 ordinary buses) the daily net profit
for the ordinary services would be INR 3,00,000. On the other hand, these services would
financially break even if 50% of the spare bus fleet were used in the same scenario.

Similarly for AC bus services, it was observed that for Scenario 2, the break-even profit point
occurred when 75% of the spare bus fleet was used. For Scenario 4, even if 25% of the spare
bus fleet were used, the daily net profit for the ordinary services would be INR 37,500.

Internal notes by BMTC

16 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 12: Net profit per day for additional demand of AC services

Net Profit per Day – AC Services

Scenarios Average Profit Percentage of Spare Bus Fleet Used
Per Bus Per Day 100 75 50 25
Scenario 1 INR 750
(-) 50,000 (-) 87,500 (-) 1,25,000 (-) 1,62,500
Scenario 2 INR 1,000 50,000 0 (-) 50000 (-) 100,000
Scenario 3 INR 1,250 1,50,000 87,500 25,000 (-) 37,500
Scenario 4 INR 1,500 2,50,000 1,75,000 1,00,000 25,000

This analysis will help BMTC negotiate pricing with their clients keeping the additional
demand in perspective. BMTC could negotiate for a certain level of commitment in terms of
buses to be deployed with a particular client at the proposed rates.

7. Findings and Discussion

A few key findings from the study are detailed below:

 The average approximated profit margin from the existing model comes out to be INR
1,500 per day per bus. This profit margin might be on the higher side, thereby restricting
the likelihood of attracting potential clients for these services.
 The revised model by BMTC generates average profit margin of INR 500 per day per
bus. This model will likely enhance customer base but the additional bus demand
requirement at these profit margins might exceed the available fleet.
 It was observed in the additional bus demand section, for Scenario 1 (both ordinary and
AC bus services), even at 100% of spare fleet utilisation, the net profit turns out to be
negative. This indicates that at low profit margin (INR 500), the additional spare fleet
is not sufficient to achieve profit compared to the existing scenario.
 Having a good spectrum of route length intervals ensures that the passengers travelling
on shorter route lengths do not pay high prices. Hence, it can be a way to tap into the
latent demand that may exist for shorter corridors.
 These proposed slab rates for various scenarios can provide BMTC a platform to
negotiate on the pricing of the services and even have an additional demand perspective
for the proposed prices.

© CSTEP 17
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

However interviews have also revealed that there are multiple issues which need to be
addressed by BMTC. These include:

 The need for a customer-centric approach

 The need for providing competitive rates on a per/km or pass cost, which BMTC is
currently unable to do
 The need for providing new buses, which do not have frequent break-downs and are
well maintained
 The need for contract negotiations including providing insurance/indemnity to
corporate employees travelling on BMTC buses (this is provided by private transport

8. Conclusion and Recommendations

The current financial model for chartered/dedicated bus services that focuses on making profits
through dead kilometres has restricted the number of corporate customers. The revised BMTC
model that focusses on generating minimum profit margin needs additional services to be
operated, to generate a profit margin equivalent to the existing dead kilometre model. Both the
models are not viable in the long run, with the increasing operating cost per km. In the context
of varying operating cost, CSTEP proposed a model based on route length to estimate the dead
kilometres to be charged and monthly pass for chartered services and dedicated bus services.
If BMTC wishes to increase the customer base, it needs to adopt an alternative model which
would reduce the number of dead kilometres and move towards a multi-slab fare model.

CSTEP’s analysis shows that such a model would allow for customers travelling varying
distances to be charged differentially. This could potentially increase the number of customers.
Such a model also offers BMTC different profit slabs per bus per trip ensuring that these
operations remain profitable. Finally, it offers BMTC and existing/potential customers an
opportunity to negotiate the fare per km/monthly pass rate, and for the corresponding number
of buses to be deployed.

18 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

BMTC. 2015. ‘Annual Administration Report’. Annual Report. Bengaluru: Bengaluru
Metropolitan Transport Corporation.
———. 2018. ‘Bus Rentals’. Official Website BMTC. 24 January 2018.
———. n.d. ‘BMTC’. Official Website BMTC. BMTC Easy Travel Information Planner.
Good Returns. 2018. ‘Good Returns’. 19 June 2018.

© CSTEP 19
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure I
Calculation for Average Fare per Passenger-km
Ordinary Bus Services
Route No 258 CC18 - (Nelamangala to Kempegowda bus station); Route length = 23 km
Peak time revenue (INR) = 24,034
Peak time ridership = 1,493
Average fare per passenger-km = Revenue/ridership/route length
= 24,034/1,493/23
=0.69 ~ 0.7 INR/ passenger-km
AC Bus Services
Route V-500CA19 - (Banashankari to ITPL); Route length - 26 km
Total revenue (INR) per day- 8,58,789
Total ridership per day – 20,318
Average fare per passenger-km = Revenue/ridership/route length
= 8,58,789/20,318/26
= 1.62 ~ 1.7 INR/passenger-km

Based on ETM data shared by BMTC for route no. 258CC (May 2017)
Based on ETM data shared by BMTC for route no. V-500CA (Jan 2017)

20 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure II
Calculation for Average Profit Margins: Ordinary Services
Existing Model
Based on Data from Potential Client:
Total operating km (point to point- two side) – 2,633 km
Charged km (including dead km) – 4,950 km
Percentage of operating km - 53% ~ 50%

Based on Data from Existing Client:

Total km operated - 2,259
Total km charged per day - 4,519 km
Total number of bus operated - 56
Revenue per day (R) - INR 1,93,309
Profit per day (INR) = (R- OC*Dop) = 75,815
Profit per day per bus (INR) = 75,815/56 = 1,353 ~ INR 1,500

Based on Overall Dedicated Bus Service Data from BMTC:

Km charged per day - 14,900 km
Km operated per day - 7,450 km
Revenue per day - INR 5,81,908.50
Profit per day - INR 1,94,508.50
Profit per day per bus - INR 1,305 ~ 1,500

Based on Overall Chartered Bus Service Data from BMTC:

Km charged per day - 23,989.5 km
Km operated per day - 11,994.75 km
Revenue per day - INR 9,16,357.35
Profit per day - INR 2,92,630.35
Profit per day per bus - INR 1,129 ~ 1,500

© CSTEP 21
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Revised Model by BMTC

Route Length (km) Peak-time Revenue Profit (INR/day)
30 1.25*CPKM 390 (1.25 *CPKM - CPKM)
31-40 1.22*CPKM 400.4 (1.22 *CPKM - CPKM)
41-50 1.20*CPKM 468 (1.20 *CPKM - CPKM)
51-60 1.18*CPKM 514.8 (1.18 *CPKM - CPKM)
>61 1.16*CPKM 582.4 (1.16 *CPKM - CPKM)
Average 471.12 ~ 500

Calculation for Average Profit Margins: AC Services

Existing Model
Assumption: Percentage km operated per day is taken as 50% (same as ordinary services)
Based on Overall Dedicated Service Data from BMTC
Km charged per day - 26,280 km
Km operated per day - 13,140 km
Revenue per day - INR 14,27,234
Profit per day - INR 3,76,034
Profit per day per bus - INR 1,717 ~ 1,750

Revised Model by BMTC

Route Length (km) Peak-time Revenue Profit (INR/day)
30 1.25*CPKM 600 (1.25 *CPKM - CPKM)
31-40 1.22*CPKM 616 (1.22 *CPKM - CPKM)
41-50 1.20*CPKM 720 (1.20 *CPKM - CPKM)
51-60 1.18*CPKM 792 (1.18 *CPKM - CPKM)
>61 1.16*CPKM 896 (1.16 *CPKM - CPKM)
Average 724.8 ~ 750

22 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure III

Load Factor Calculation:

The load factors are calculated from Equation (1):

𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 = 2 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑙 ∗ 𝐶𝑏 ∗ 𝐿𝐹 − 2 ∗ 𝑂𝐶 ∗ 𝑙

For an average profit of INR 500:

𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 2 ∗ 𝑂𝐶 ∗ 𝑙
LF =
2 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑙 ∗ 𝐶𝑏
𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 - INR 500
𝑂𝐶 - INR 48
𝑙 - Average route length (25 km)
𝑓 - 0.87
𝐶𝑏 - 42

500 + 2 ∗ 48 ∗ 25
LF =
2 ∗ 0.87 ∗ 25 ∗ 42

= 1.58

© CSTEP 23
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure IV
Slab Rates for Chartered Services
Dead kilometres calculated using Equation (4):
𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 + 2 ∗ 𝑂𝐶 ∗ 𝑙 − 2 ∗ 𝐶𝑆 ∗ 𝑙
For a route length range of 25- 50 km:
Average profit = INR 375.25
𝑂𝐶 = INR 48
CS = INR 48

375.25 + 2 ∗ 48 ∗ 38 − 2 ∗ 48 ∗ 38
= 7.72 ~ 10 km

Slab rates for Dedicated Services

Monthly pass calculated using Equation (6):
𝜋𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚 ∗ 𝐷𝑜𝑝 + 𝐷𝑜𝑝 ∗ 𝑂𝐶 ∗ 2𝑙
𝑀𝑃 =

For a route length range of 25- 50 km:

Average profit = INR 375.25
𝑂𝐶 = INR 48
𝐶𝑏 = 42
Dop = 22

375.25 ∗ 22 + 22 ∗ 48 ∗ 38
𝑀𝑃 =
= INR 1,153 ~ 1,200

24 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure V
Calculation for Additional Demand
Maximum profit/bus/day = INR 1,500
Existing number of bus = 600
Profit/day = INR 9, 00,000
Additional buses available = 600 (ordinary)
For INR 500 profit: 100% utilisation of additional buses
Net profit per day (INR) = (600+600)*500 - 9, 00,000= -3,00,000 (which indicates a loss of
INR 3,00,000)

© CSTEP 25
Initiative 5: Exploring Potential of BMTC Land Resources
Initiative 5: Exploring Potential of BMTC
Land Resources
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations Full Form
BDA Bengaluru Development Authority
BIAAPA Bengaluru International Airport Area Planning Authority
Bangalore Mysore Infrastructure Corridor Area Planning
BMTC Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation
CSTEP Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy
GoK Government of Karnataka
KEA Karnataka Evaluation Authority
Km Kilometre(s)
RCUDA Ramnagara Channapatna Urban Development Authority
TTMC Traffic and Transit Management Centre
Executive Summary
BMTC is the sole bus service provider for Bengaluru. It was the only profit-making state
transport undertaking in the country in the past few years. BMTC generates revenue from both
traffic and non-traffic sources. The traffic revenue includes revenue from the sale of tickets and
monthly passes, whereas non-traffic revenue includes revenue from advertisements as well as
commercial activities at traffic and transit management centres (TTMC) and bus stations.

The gross revenue for BMTC in 2016-17 was INR 2,106 crores, of which traffic revenue
contributed to INR 1,770 crore (approximately 84%), while non-traffic contributed to INR 336
crore (16%). During the period 2015-2017, BMTC witnessed a 6% reduction in traffic revenue.
During the same period, non-traffic revenue increased by 13%. An additional way for BMTC
to increase this non-traffic revenue would be to explore the monetisation potential of its land

This study focused on revenue generation activities for BMTC land parcels. The existing land
parcels were categorised as developed, partially developed and undeveloped. Because master
plans were not available, the study considered undeveloped land parcels only within the
Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) jurisdiction, and not those in other areas, for
economic activity analysis. The potential undeveloped land parcels were identified based on
their existing land-use, proposed land-use and approach roads. For these select land parcels,
suitable economic activities were proposed.

The proposed activities for undeveloped land parcels were based on Zonal Regulations and
Proposed Land-Use, BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031. For public and semi-public land-use,
BMTC can consider developing educational and medical institutions. Similarly, for land
parcels proposed for residential use, BMTC can consider joint development (with other
entities) for residential projects. For other undeveloped land parcels with areas greater than 10
acres, BMTC can consider renewable energy generation under the open access model1.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory ............................................................ 2
3. Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 5
4. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation.................................................................................. 5
5. Evaluation Design............................................................................................................... 5
6. Evaluation Methodology .................................................................................................... 6
7. Data Collection and Analysis ............................................................................................. 6
8. Findings and Discussions ................................................................................................. 25
9. Conclusion and Recommendations .................................................................................. 25
Annexure I ............................................................................................................................... 27
List of Tables
Table 1: Details of land parcels with BMTC ............................................................................. 7
Table 2: Final list of land parcels ............................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Permissible activities as per Zonal Regulations ........................................................ 13
Table 4: Land parcels with area more than 10 acres ................................................................ 20
Table 5: Feasible parcels for solar park ................................................................................... 21
Table 6: Land parcels with area 5-10 acres ............................................................................. 23

List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology for identifying potential land parcels and economic activities ............ 6
Figure 2: Methodology for selection of land parcel................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Existing land-use, Gunjurpalya ................................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Proposed land-use, Gunjurpalya............................................................................... 11
Figure 5: Existing economic activities, Gunjurpalya ............................................................... 12
Figure 6: Existing land-use, Nimbekaipura ............................................................................. 14
Figure 7: Proposed land-use, Nimbekaipura ............................................................................ 15
Figure 8: Existing economic activities, Nimbekaipura ............................................................ 15
Figure 9: Existing land-use, Kaji Sonnenahalli ....................................................................... 17
Figure 10: Proposed land-use, Kaji Sonnenahalli .................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Existing economic activities, Kaji Sonnenahalli .................................................... 18
Figure 12: Land parcels feasible for solar parks ...................................................................... 22
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

1. Introduction
BMTC generates revenue from traffic and non-traffic sources. The traffic revenue includes
revenue from sale of tickets and monthly pass. The non-traffic revenue includes revenue from
advertisements as well as commercial activities at traffic and transit management centres and
bus stations.

The gross revenue for BMTC in 2016-17 was INR 2,106 crore, of which traffic revenue
contributed to INR 1,770 crore (~84%), while non-traffic contributed to INR 336 crore (16%).
During the period 2015-2017, BMTC witnessed a reduction of 6% in traffic revenue. During
the same period, non-traffic revenue increased by 13%. To increase the non-traffic revenue,
BMTC established Traffic Transit Management Centres (TTMC). These centres function as
BMTC bus stands/interchange stations and also provide space on lease for commercial

In addition to TTMCs, depots and workshop land parcels, BMTC has other land parcels in and
around Bengaluru. A significant fraction of these parcels lie vacant. Given the potential for
non-traffic revenue generation from commercial activities, BMTC needs to explore ways to
monetise its land parcels. This additional revenue can help strengthen the financial health of
BMTC. This study suggests ways by which BMTC can monetise its land resources.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

2. Log Frame/Theory of Change/Programme Theory

BMTC has more than 200 land parcels in and around Bengaluru. The study suggests ways for
monetising these land resources to supplement BMTC’s overall revenue.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Verifiable Indicators of Sources and Means of

Intervention Logic Assumptions
Achievement Verification
What are the overall broader What are the key indicators What are the sources of Availability of appropriate
objectives to which the activity related to the overall information for these indicators? data sets related to BMTC
will contribute? objectives?  List of existing land parcels land resources
 Generation of non-traffic  List of developable land from BMTC
Overall  Existing land-use map (BDA,
revenue from BMTC’s land parcels
resources  Potential economic activities Revised Master Plan, 2015)
at these land parcels  Proposed land-use plan (BDA,
Revised Master Plan, 2031)
 Zonal regulations, (BDA,
Revised Master Plan, 2031)
What specific objectives is the Which indicators clearly show What are the sources of Which factors and
activity intended to achieve to that the objective of the activity information that exist or can be conditions outside the PI's
contribute to the overall has been achieved? collected? What are the methods responsibility are necessary
required to get this information? to achieve that objective?
objectives?  List of developable land
 To explore potential of BMTC parcels  Existing land-use map (BDA, (external conditions)
Which risks should be taken
Specific land parcels for revenue  List of existing economic Revised Master Plan, 2015)
 Proposed land-use plan (BDA, into consideration?
Objectives activities around the land
parcel Revised Master Plan, 2031)  Data availability of
 To suggest suitable economic  List of permissible activities  Zonal regulations (BDA, BMTC land parcels
as per zonal regulations Revised Master Plan, 2031)  Exact location and plot
activities for select land parcels
 List of potential economic  Site visits boundary of the BMTC
activities at these land parcels land parcels

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

The results are the outputs What are the indicators to What are the sources of What external conditions
envisaged to achieve the specific measure whether and to what information for these indicators? must be met to obtain the
objective. extent the activity achieves the expected results on
What are the expected results? expected results?  Economic potential for the schedule?
Expected (enumerate them)  The feasibility of the land suggested activity
Results  Predominant activities in the  Timely availability of
 Potential economic activities parcel to host suggested
economic activities surrounding areas information on existing
for select land parcels
and proposed activities for
the select land parcel from
What are the key activities to be Means: What are the sources of What pre-conditions are
carried out and in what information about action required before the action
What are the means required
sequence in order to produce the progress? starts?
to implement these activities, e.
expected results? g. personnel, training, studies,
(group the activities by result) etc.  List of developable land  Timely availability of
1. Collection of data on existing  Existing land-use map (BDA, parcels existing and proposed
land parcels from BMTC Revised Master Plan, 2015)  List of suggested activities for activities for the select
select land parcels land parcels from BMTC
Activities 2. Land parcel analysis  Proposed land-use plan
(existing and proposed land- (BDA, Revised Master Plan,
use analysis) 2031)
3. Identification of potential  Zonal regulations (BDA,
land parcels based on data Revised Master Plan, 2031)
availability  Site visits
4. Suggest suitable economic
activities in select land parcels

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

3. Problem Statement
To increase BMTC’s non-traffic revenue by monetising the existing BMTC land resources

BMTC’s non-traffic revenue is currently less than 20% of its total revenue, which can be
increased significantly by utilising its land resources. BMTC has 237 land parcels in and around
Bengaluru. Of these parcels, BMTC has developed 86 land parcels for various purposes such
as TTMCs, bus stands and depots with additional activities (workshops, quarters, etc.).
However, there are many land parcels whose potential for economic activities are yet to be
determined. Appropriate utilisation of these land parcels can increase the share of non-traffic
revenue to supplement BMTC’s operational revenue.

4. Objectives and Issues for Evaluation

 To explore potential of BMTC land parcels for revenue generation
 To suggest suitable economic activities for select land parcels

 Geographical Coverage: Existing BMTC land parcels for which the necessary land-
use data (existing and proposed) is available

5. Evaluation Design

5.1. Information Sources

Primary Source: The primary source comprised site visits (field survey) to select land parcels,
based on secondary data analysis. This survey helped validate the land parcel details as well as
the neighbouring land-use pattern and activity centres. It also helped shortlist potential
economic activities for that land parcel.

Secondary Sources:

 BMTC land parcel data: Location, survey number, area of land and current status of
 Existing land-use map of Bengaluru: BDA, Revised Master Plan, 2015
 Proposed land-use plan of Bengaluru: BDA, Revised Master Plan, 2031
 Approach roads: BDA, Revised Master Plan, 2031

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

6. Evaluation Methodology
The work process has been detailed below:

Figure 1: Methodology for identifying potential land parcels and economic activities

7. Data Collection and Analysis

The list of existing land parcels was collected from BMTC. The data includes location of the
land parcel (village/hobli/taluk), survey number, area in acres and guntas2, and current status
of development. The complete land parcel data list is given in Annexure 1.
BMTC has approximately 1,052 acres of land in and around Bengaluru. For the study, these
land parcels were divided into three categories:
 Developed – TTMCs, bus stands and depots with additional activities (workshops,
quarters, etc.)
 Partially developed – Depots with no other activity
 Undeveloped – Vacant land parcels with no activities

1 Acre = 40 Guntas

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Details of land parcels under each of these categories is given in Table 1.

Table 1: Details of land parcels with BMTC

Sl. No. Land Parcel Category No. of Land Area (Acre)

1 Developed 86 216
2 Partially Developed 37 179
3 Undeveloped 114 657
Total 237 1,052

BMTC has 63% of the land in the undeveloped category, 17% in the partially developed
category and 20% of the land in the developed land parcel category. This study identifies the
potential for economic activities that can be carried out in the undeveloped land parcels. Out
of these undeveloped land parcels, a few are outside the Bangalore Development Authority
(BDA) boundary. The local planning authorities outside BDA are:
1. Bengaluru International Airport Area Planning Authority (BIAAPA)
2. Hosakote Planning Authority
3. Nelamangala Planning Authority
4. Anekal Planning Authority
5. Ramnagara Channapatna Urban Development Authority (RCUDA)
6. Kanakpura Planning Authority
7. Magadi Planning Authority

As the master plans of these areas were not available in the appropriate format, land parcels
only within the BDA jurisdiction were considered for further study. The criteria considered for
selecting the land parcels are given in the next section.

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.1. Criteria for Selection of Land Parcels

Total Land Parcels with BMTC: 237

Undeveloped Land Parcels Land Parcels: 117

Within BDA Boundary Land Parcels: 51

Availability of Existing and Proposed Land-Use Data Land Parcels: 33

With Approach Road as per Proposed Land-Use Land Parcels: 17

Without Streams, >1 Acre, Buildable Shape and Other

Land Parcels: 4
than Vacant Land-Use

Final Number of Land Parcels for Analysis: 4

Figure 2: Methodology for selection of land parcel

Figure 2 presents the process used for selecting the appropriate land parcels for the study. The
broad criteria include selection of undeveloped land parcels within the BDA jurisdiction with
existing and proposed land-use data. Further, the undeveloped land parcels that have their
proposed land-use as ‘vacant’ could not be considered. Also, undeveloped land parcels that
have no approach road could not be considered for further analysis. Thus, a final list of
developable land parcels was arrived at (as shown in Table 2):

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Table 2: Final list of land parcels

Area (Acre- Existing Land- Proposed Land-

Location/Village Approach Road
Gunta) Use Use
Public Semi Approach roads (30 m
Vacant Public (P/SP)+ wide, 15 m wide, 12 m
recreation wide)
Gunjurpalya, Varthur 20-0
Transportation + Approach roads (45 m
(P/SP) wide, 12 m wide)

Nimbekaipura, 12 m wide approach

3-0 Agriculture Residential
Bidarahalli road
18 m wide road (going
Kaji Sonnenahalli,
2-0 Agriculture Public Utility through adjoining survey
24 m wide approach
Agriculture+ road, 18 m road on one
2-0 residential+ Residential side and 12 m road
recreational through the survey

7.2. Economic Activity Analysis

For the economic analysis of the potential land parcels, the following steps were carried out:

 Identifying of existing activities surrounding the land parcel, based on satellite

imagery (Google Earth)
 Reviewing the proposed economic activities as per proposed land-use and zonal
regulations (BDA 2007, 2017b)
 Conducting site visit to validate the secondary analysis
 Proposing potential economic activities based on secondary research and primary site

7.3. Land Parcel and Economic Activity Analysis - Gunjurpalya, Varthur Hobli
7.3.1. Land Parcel Details
 Survey no. 53 & 109
 Area – 20 Acres
 Existing land-use – Vacant
 Proposed land-use – Public/Semi-Public and Transportation

Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.3.2. Existing Land-Use

As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2015, the existing land-use of the BMTC land parcel is
‘vacant’. The surrounding land-use within a radius of 1 km is also predominantly vacant. A
few residential developments, agricultural land and educational institutions lie close to the site.
There is an industrial corridor (Information Technology companies) at a distance of
approximately 3 km to the west (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Existing land-use, Gunjurpalya

10 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.3.3. Proposed Land-Use

As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031, the proposed land-use of the BMTC land parcel
is public/semi-public (~13 acres) and transportation (~7 acres). The surrounding land-use is
predominantly residential. This land parcel falls in the public/semi-public belt as per the
proposed land-use plan (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Proposed land-use, Gunjurpalya

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.3.4. Existing Activities

There are approximately 3 community halls, 16 schools and 12 hospitals within a radius of 5
km from the land parcel. The majority of these public and semi-public establishments are
located on the west side of the land parcel (Figure 5). Very less development is seen towards
the east of this land parcel.

1 Km

Figure 5: Existing economic activities, Gunjurpalya

12 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.3.5. Permissible Activities

For the select land parcels, a list of permissible activities was prepared based on the Zonal
Regulations, BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031(BDA 2017a). This list of activities is represented
in Table 3.

Table 3: Permissible activities as per Zonal Regulations

Traffic and Transportation Public & Semi-Public

 Retail shops  Government administrative centres,
 Restaurants and hotels district offices, law courts, jails,
 Showrooms police stations
 Offices  Institutional offices
 Boarding and lodging houses  Health facilities (including health
 Banking counters tourism)

 Indoor recreational uses  Educational, cultural and religious

 Multiplexes institutions

 Clubs  Community halls, working hostel

 Convention centres of non-
commercial nature
 Sub-offices of utilities
 All uses permissible in parks and
open spaces

7.3.6. Proposed Economic Activities

The study analysed existing and permissible activities to propose a set of economic functions
to help BMTC monetise this land parcel.

 Hospital: Although there are a number of hospitals to the west of this land parcel, it
was observed that there is an upcoming residential development to the east of this
land. This would need to be served by a world-class hospital, which could be
developed on the public/semi-public portion of the Gunjurpalya land parcel.
 College: The analysis also revealed that there is currently just one reputed college in
a 5 km vicinity of the site. Given that upcoming residential areas surrounding the

© CSTEP 13
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BMTC land parcel would require quality higher educational institutions, such
institutions could be established on this land parcel.
 Hotel: As this land parcel is near the IT corridor, there is a need for high-quality hotels
catering to the people visiting these IT companies. Currently there are few quality
luxury hotels along this corridor. Thus, the land parcel designated for ‘transportation’
land-use could be used to set up a luxury hotel.

7.4. Land Parcel and Economic Activity Analysis – Nimbekaipura, Bidarhalli Hobli
7.4.1. Land Parcel Details
 Survey no. 52
 Area – 3 Acres
 Existing land-use – Agriculture
 Proposed land-use – Residential
7.4.2. Existing Land-Use
As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2015, the existing land-use for this BMTC land parcel
is agriculture. This parcel is situated near the Old Madras Road. The surrounding land-use is
predominantly agriculture, followed by vacant and industrial (Figure 6).


Figure 6: Existing land-use, Nimbekaipura

14 © CSTEP
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7.4.3. Proposed Land-Use

As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031 (BDA 2017a), the proposed land-use for this
BMTC land parcel is residential. The adjoining land parcels are proposed for transportation,
commercial, industrial and public/semi-public use (Figure 7).


Figure 7: Proposed land-use, Nimbekaipura

7.4.4. Existing Activities

This land parcel has about 10 residential apartments, 9 schools and 1 hospital within a radius
of 3 km from the land parcel. A few plotted developments were seen in the surroundings
(Figure 8).

1 Km

Figure 8: Existing economic activities, Nimbekaipura

© CSTEP 15
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

7.4.5. Permissible Activities

Based on the Zonal Regulations, BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031 (BDA 2017b), the
permissible activities for residential land-use are:

 Plotted Residential Development

 Villas, Semi-detached Houses
 Apartments, Hostels, Dharmashala
 Multi Dwelling Housing, Service Apartment
 Group Housing

7.4.6. Proposed Economic Activities

The study analysed existing and permissible activities to propose a set of economic functions
that could be implemented to help BMTC monetise this land parcel. For this land parcel, the
following activity has been proposed:

 Residential Apartments: This land parcel is adjoining a national highway (Old

Madras Road), connects to a proposed employment hub (industrial corridor) and is in
close proximity to the Bengaluru International Airport. This, along with the
permissible zonal regulations, makes it an ideal choice for multi-storied apartments.

7.5. Land Parcel and Economic Activity Analysis – Kaji Sonnenahalli, Bidarhalli
7.5.1. Land Parcel Details
 Survey no. 22
 Area – 2 Acres
 Existing land-use – Agriculture
 Proposed land-use – Public Utility
7.5.2. Existing Land-Use
As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2015, the existing land-use for BMTC land parcel is
agriculture. The predominant surrounding land-use for this land parcel is also agriculture
(Figure 9).

16 © CSTEP
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Figure 9: Existing land-use, Kaji Sonnenahalli

7.5.3. Proposed Land-Use

As per the BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031 (BDA 2017a), the proposed land-use for the BMTC
land parcel is public utility. The proposed land-use for the surrounding area is predominantly
residential (Figure 10).


Figure 10: Proposed land-use, Kaji Sonnenahalli

© CSTEP 17
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7.5.4. Existing Activities

There are a few residential apartments, 12 schools and 2 hospitals within a radius of 5 km from
this land parcel. Development is seen to the west of the land parcel (3 km) and rural habitations
are seen to the east (Figure 11).

1 Km

Figure 11: Existing economic activities, Kaji Sonnenahalli

7.5.5. Permissible Activities

Based on the Zonal Regulations, BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031 (BDA 2017a), the
permissible activities for public utility are listed below.

 Solid Waste Landfills

 Water Treatment Plants
 Power Plants
 Fuel Stations
 Transformers and Microwave Towers

18 © CSTEP
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7.5.6. Proposed Economic Activities

The study analysed existing and permissible activities, and the following activity was
proposed for this land parcel:

 Fuel Stations: In the proposed land-use, the area surrounding this land parcel is
predominantly residential. This area is likely to witness high private vehicle
ownership, which would generate demand for setting up a petrol pump.

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7.6. Analysis of Land Parcels above 5 Acres

After consultations with the stakeholder (BMTC), the land parcel analysis has been revised to
exclude land parcels under litigation and include land parcels with area greater than or equal to
5 acres. Based on the land area criteria, 29 land parcels which fall within and outside the BDA
boundary are shortlisted for exploring the development potential.

Out of these land parcels, 13 land parcels have an area between 5 and 10 acres and 16 land
parcels have an area above 10 acres. Of the 16 land parcels greater than 10 acres, 6 land parcels
are within the BDA boundary and the remaining fall under different planning authorities
(BMICAPA3, Anekal, Magadi, Hoskote, Nelamangala and BIAAPA4).

7.6.1. Land Parcel Analysis: Area above 10 Acres

The following table shows the details for land parcels with an area above 10 acres.

Table 4: Land parcels with area more than 10 acres

(Acre Proposed (RMP
Location ) LPA 2021/2031) Approach Road

Open space/Parks/
Bagalur 13 BDA Recreation No proposed approach road

Road proposed for widening

passing through the
Bukkasagara 10 Anekal Transportation property to 18M18m

24m, 15m and 12m wide

road through the survey
Byalakere 30 BDA Agriculture number

Chagalahatti 10 BDA Agriculture Kuccha approach road

e 10 Magadi Residential 40 m road proposed

No approach road, one

kuccha road along the
Kadagrahara 18 BDA Agriculture survey number

Kadaranahalli 21 BDA Agriculture Kuccha road

Madhugirihalli 15 BDA Agriculture Kuccha road

BMICAPA – Bangalore Mysore Infrastructure Corridor Area Planning Authority
BIAAPA – Bengaluru International Airport Area Planning Authority

20 © CSTEP
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catchment area, no
Nelamang development
Mattahalli 16 ala proposed Roads are proposed

Special Agriculture
Sadenahalli 10 BIAAPA Zone Road inventory unknown

Sulivara 10 Magadi Forest/Hillock Road inventory unknown

catchment area, no
Nelamang development Roads exists, condition and
Thotagere 13 ala proposed width not known

The above table shows that, there are three land parcels with potential for development based
on proposed land use. The Bagalur land parcel has been proposed for open space and parks but
has no approach road, Bukkasagara has been proposed for transportation use and also has a
proposed 18 m wide approach road. The third potential land parcel is Chunchanaguppe which
is proposed for residential development and has a 40m wide proposed road nearby.

Three other land parcels – Mattahalli, Sulivara and Thotagere fall either in a forest/hillock
region and reservoir catchment area. Hence these are not suitable for development.

Remaining land parcels have proposed land use as agriculture and hence feasibility for solar
parks can be checked out for these land parcels. Land Parcels Feasible for Solar Parks

Land parcels which are above 10 acres also offer the possibility of setting up solar parks whose
energy generation and feeding back to the grid could benefit BMTC directly or indirectly. A
preliminary topographical analysis of the 10 acre land parcels indicate that there are 8 land
parcels which have the potential for establishing solar parks. The analysis further maps these
land parcels to the nearest sub-stations. Table 5 gives details of the same.
Table 5: Feasible parcels for solar park

Sl. No. Location Nearby Substation Name

1 Bukkasagara Jigani 66/11 kV
2 Byalakere Yelahanka 66/11 kV
3 Chunchanakuppe Soladevanahalli 66/11 kV
4 Jadigenahalli Jadigenahalli 66/11 kV
5 Kadaranahalli Peenya 220/66/11 kV

© CSTEP 21
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6 Madhugirihalli KIADB Doddaballapura 220/66/11 kV

7 Mathhalli Nelamangala 66/11 kV
8 Sadenahalli Rajanukunte 66/11 kV

The following figure shows location of the land parcels feasible for solar parks and the nearest
substation. Most of these land parcels are located in the North-East of Bengaluru. Out of eight
feasible land parcels, 3 fall within the BDA boundary.

Rajanukunte Sadenahalli
66/11 kV
KIADB Doddaballapura
Madhugirihalli 220/66/11 kV

Byalakere Yelahanka
66/11 kV
66/11 kV
Kadaranahalli 66/11 kV
220/66/11 kV

66/11 kV


BMTC Land Parcels
BDA Jurisdiction

Jigani 66/11kV

Figure 12: Land parcels feasible for solar parks

7.6.2. Land Parcel Analysis: Area between 5 and 10 Acres
Table 6 shows the land parcels with area 5-10 acres. Of the 12 land parcels, no development
has been proposed for 5 land parcels as per the proposed master plan. These land parcels
majorly fall in the reservoir catchment area or within 2km from river. Hence these parcels are
not suitable for development.

Four other land parcels have been proposed for developable land use. Kalanayakanahalli land
parcel has been proposed for transportation land use, but the surroundings are still undeveloped.

22 © CSTEP
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Arebinnamangala which falls within BIAAPA boundary, has been proposed for industrial
development. Kannur falls along the proposed commercial corridor with commercial as well
as residential land use proposed. This land parcel has a 36m wide road (commercial corridor)
and other 12m approach road running through the survey number. This parcel has good scope
for development. The Somanahalli land parcel has been proposed for public /semi-public and
residential use and has 18m and 12m wide approach roads.

Other two land parcels are proposed for agriculture and one of them at Shivakote has 12m wide
proposed approach road. This parcel can be considered for activities permissible in agriculture
land use.

Table 6: Land parcels with area 5-10 acres

Proposed Land
Area use (RMP Approach
Location (Acre) LPA 2021/2031) Road Remarks
Arebinna 7 BIAA Industrial No
mangala PA approach
road seen
Bettahalli 6 Nela 2 km from the No Plain agriculture land
mang river Arkavathi developme seen from google earth
ala river, no nt image, approach road
development proposed nearby.
Bommash 5 Nela Reservoir 60 m wide Plantation and
ettihalli mang catchment area, no road agriculture land seen
ala development proposed from satellite image,
proposed through with approach roads
the site, nearby.
8m and
Gollarapal 5 Nela Reservoir Agriculture land with no
ya mang catchment area, no approach roads.
ala development
Kalanayak 5 Aneka Transportation Village Tree plantation and
anahalli l road residential construction
seen from google earth

© CSTEP 23
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Kannur 5 BDA Residential+ 36m 12m wide road goes

commercial wide/12m through the survey
wide number, commercial
corridor along 36m wide
road. Good scope of
development if site is
along 36m road or in the
north part of the survey
Kengeri 7 BMIC 45m wide Vacant land with
Additional APA roads plantation
land (Bangalor
Kengeri e-Mysore
and nice
ring road)
road -
Sadenahal 5 BIAA Special
li PA Agriculture Zone
Shivakote 6 BDA Agriculture 12m road Vacant land with
proposed plantation satellite
Somanaha 5 Kanak Public Utility 18m and Based on the survey no.
lli pura (majority of the 12m and the lat/long, the land
survey no.) and village parcel comes under
partly residential roads forest/hillock area.
through Survey no 60 is a huge
the survey land parcel
Venkatapu 8 Nela Reservoir Roads Agriculture land with
ra mang catchment area, no exists, kuccha roads
ala development condition
proposed. and width
not known
Venkatapu 6 Nela Reservoir Roads
ra mang catchment area, no exists,
ala development condition
proposed. and width
not known

24 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

8. Findings and Discussions

The scope for developing BMTC’s land parcels depends on their location, approach roads as
well as permissible and existing activities.

Incomplete information regarding the land parcel boundary, appropriate demarcation of land
through signage, location details and litigation is the major constraint for data analysis.

The nature of ownership of BMTC land parcels and the terms associated with BMTC leasing
land parcels to third parties for development require a detailed analysis. The conditions under
which BMTC can develop its land parcels also require further investigation. This is especially
true because these land parcels have been purchased from the Government of Karnataka and
the terms and conditions applicable for their development are not currently known to CSTEP.

9. Conclusion and Recommendations

In this study, BMTC land parcels were analysed to suggest suitable economic activities for
generating additional non-traffic revenue. As the revenue from traffic has been decreasing for
the last few years, monetisation of BMTC’s land resources can supplement its overall revenue.

The proposed activities for undeveloped land parcels were based on Zonal Regulations and
Proposed Land-Use, BDA Revised Master Plan, 2031. For public and semi-public land-use,
BMTC can consider developing educational institutions and medical establishments. Similarly,
for land parcels with proposed land-use as residential, BMTC can consider joint development
for residential projects.

For other undeveloped land parcels with areas greater than 10 acres, BMTC can consider
renewable energy generation under the open access model. BMTC pays a commercial rate of
electricity to BESCOM (Bangalore Mirror 2017), so exploring the open access model can help
BMTC cut down on power charges.

© CSTEP 25
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Bangalore Mirror. 2017. ‘BMTC’s All Charged up for E-Bus, Wants Free Power’, 5
December 2017.
BDA. 2007. ‘Revised Master Plan 2015 - Zonal Regulations’.
———. 2017a. ‘BDA Revised Master Plan 2031, Land Use Maps (Existing and Proposed)’.
———. 2017b. ‘Revised Master Plan for Bengaluru 2031 - Zonal Regulations’.
BMTC. 2015. ‘Annual Administration Report’. Annual Report. Bengaluru: Bengaluru
Metropolitan Transport Corporation.

26 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Annexure I
List of BMTC Land Parcels
Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
1 Aduru Bidarahalli East 74 21 0 Vacant
2 Agara Kengeri South 73 1 20 Vacant
Anjanapura 10th
3 Block Uttarahalli South CA-14 1 36 Depot-44
4 Anjanapura 5th Block Uttarahalli South CA-13 0 23 Vacant (compound)
5 Arebinnamangala Jala North(add) 23 7 0 Vacant
6 Arehalli Uttarahalli South 28 10 0 Vacant (compound)
7 Austin Town North CA-12 0 14 Bus stand
8 Bagalur Jala North(add) 271 13 0 Vacant (Fenced)
9 Baiyappanahalli Bidarahalli East 44 3 10 Vacant
10 Banashankari Uttarahalli South 7 2 15 TTMC
11 (Karisandra) Uttarahalli South CA-4A 3 31 Depot-20
Banashankari 3rd
12 Stage 2nd Phase Uttarahalli South CA 0 21 Bus stand
13 Bandebommasandra Bidarahalli East 38 3 20 Vacant
14 Bannerghatta Jigani Anekal 20 2 0 TTMC
15 Basaveshwaranagara Yashavanthapura North CA 1 12 Bus stand
16 Bendiganahalli Bidarahalli East 50 1 10 Vacant
17 Bettadasanapura Beguru South 20 5 0 Vacant
18 Bettahalli Dasanapura North 30 6 0 Vacant (compound)
19 Bettahalli Dasanapura North 38 3 0 Vacant (compound)
Bharathnagar (Magadi
20 road) Yashavanthapura North 0 28 Vacant (Fenced)
21 Bhutanahalli Jigani Anekal 114/1 3 30 Vacant
22 BIAL Yalahanka Devanahalli 2 1 14 Vacant
23 Bidadi Bidadi Bidadi 28B 5 0 Depot-36
24 Bidadi Bidadi Bidadi 16,17 2 26 Vacant
25 Bidadi Bidadi Bidadi 42/3 0 33 Bus stand
Depot under
26 Bidadi Bidadi Bidadi 18 3 33 construction
27 Bidaraguppe Attibele Anekal 366 2 0 Vacant
28 Bidaraguppe Attibele Anekal 331 1 4 Vacant
29 Bidaraguppe Attibele Anekal 437 0 32 Vacant (compound)
30 Bommashettihalli Dasanapura North 61 5 15 Vacant (compound)
31 Bommenahalli Bidarahalli East 96 2 2 Vacant
32 BTM Layout Beguru South CA 0 15
BTM Layout Beguru South CAI 1 21 Bus stand under
BTM Layout Begurt South 0 19 construction
BTM Layout
33 Quarters Beguru South 12 Nos. Quarters
34 Bukkasagara Jigani Anekal 97 10 0 Vacant (compound)
35 Byalakere Hesaraghatta North(add) 130 30 0 Vacant
36 Bylakonenahalli Dasanapura North 21 1 4 Vacant(compound)
37 Byrathi Bidarahalli East 28 7 0 Depot-48
38 Chagalahatti Jala North(add) 102 10 0 Vacant

© CSTEP 27
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
39 Challagatta Kengeri South 13 5 0 construction
40 Chandra Layout North CA-345 2 10 Depot-17
41 Channamanakere Uttarahalli South CA 0 18 Bus stand
42 Chikkabettahalli Yalahanka North(add) 14 10 24 Depot-47
43 Chikkamaranahalli North CA-20 0 32 Bus stand
44 Chikkanagamangala Sarjapura Anekal 189 1 12 Quarters
Depot-38 & RTO
45 Chikkanagamangala Sarjapura Anekal 29 10 0 Track
46 Chikkelur Tavarekere South 35/3 0 31 Vacant
47 Chimasandra Bidarahalli East 83 3 25 Vacant
48 Chinthalamadivala Sarjapura Anekal 17 2 0 Vacant
& RTO Track
49 Chokkanahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 6 10 0 construction
50 Chunchanaguppe Tavarekere South 43 10 0 Vacant
Depot-40 &
Workshop under
51 Dasanapura Dasanapura North 106 13 4 construction.
52 Deepanjalinagara Kengeri South KIMCO 3 0 Depot-16
Depot under
53 Devanahalli Kasaba Devanahalli 3,04,305 2 23 construction
54 Doddabanahalli Bidarahalli East 3 2 0 Vacant
55 Doddajala Jala North(add) 46 2 0 Vacant
56 Dodderi Tavarekere South 77 10 0 Vacant
57 Dombarahalli Dasanapura North 18 5 27 Vacant
58 Domlur North CA 0 15 TTMC
Domlur North CA 0 39 TTMC
59 Electronic City Beguru South 36 (p) 2 10 Depot-19
60 Gattihalli Sarjapura Anekal 175 1 39 Vacant(compound)
-61 Gattihalli Sarjapura Anekal 216 1 18 Vacant
62 Gollarapalya Dasanapura North 28 5 0 Vacant
63 Gowdahalli Dasanapura North 20 4 9 Vacant
64 Gundur Bidarahalli East 66 1 5 Vacant
65 Gunjur Varthur East 285 6 0 Depot-41 & Quarters
66 Gunjurpalya Varthur East 109,53 20 0 Vacant
67 Hadosiddapura Varthur East 62 1 27 Vacant(Fenced)
68 Hancharahalli Bidarahalli East 52 13 30 Vacant
69 Hancharahalli Bidarahalli East 51 1 0 Vacant
70 Hebbal Kasaba North 4 7 34 Depot-28
71 Hennur Yashavanthapura Site 04 3 28 Depot-10
72 Hesaragatta Hesaraghatta North(add) 32:3A 0 23 Bus stand
73 Hirandahalli Bidarahalli East 39P/1 13 39 Vacant(Fenced)
74 Hirandahalli Bidarahalli East 82 0 19 Vacant
75 Honnasandra Dasanapura North 26 11 28 Vacant
76 Honnasandra Dasanapura North 13 7 29 Vacant
77 Hosakote Kasaba Hoskote 300 3 14 Depot-39
Bus stand under
78 Hosakote (PWD) Kasaba Hoskote 314 1 30 construction

28 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
HRBR 1st
79 Block(Kalyan nagar) East CA-11 1 21 Depot-23
HRBR 1st Block CA.Sy
80 Banaswadi East no.211 3 10 Vacant
81 HSR Layout Beguru South CA-38 4 21 Depot-25
82 Hucchanapalya Dasanapura North 8 16 21 Vacant
83 Huttanahalli Jala North(add) 148 7 22 Vacant
Depot under
84 Huttanahalli Jala North(add) 72 3 0 construction
85 Indiranagara North 48 3 5 Depot-6 & Quarters
86 ISRO Layout Uttarahalli South CA 1 5 Bus stand

87 ITI K.R Puram East 68,62 14 0 D-24,29,Workshop-2

88 Jadigenahalli Jadigenahalli Hoskote 233 10 0 Vacant
89 Jayanagara South CITB 4 15 Depot-4
90 Jayanagara 4th Block South CITB 0 34 TTMC
Jayanagara pump
91 house 0 9 Pump house
92 Jayanagara Quarters South Nos. Quarters
93 Jeevanbhimanagara CA 0 31 Bus stand
94 Jigani Jigani Anekal 38,39,40 6 0 Depot27 and quarters
95 Jigani bus stand Jigani Anekal 0 3 Bus stand
96 K R Puram Bus Stand K.R Puram East 915 0 22 Bus stand
97 Kadagrahara Bidarahalli East 34 18 4 Vacant(Fenced)
98 Kadaranahalli Dasanapura North 42 21 10 Vacant(Fenced)
99 Kadugodi Bidarahalli East 259 0 32 Bus stand
100 Kalanayakanahalli Kasaba Anekal /1,2,3 5 30 Vacant
Bus stand under
101 Kalasipalya North 4 13 construction
102 Kammasandra Bidarahalli East 34 1 32 Vacant
103 Kanminke Kengeri South 41 25 0 Vacant
104 Kannalli Yashavanthapura North 96 3 24 D-35 & Quarters
105 Kannur Bidarahalli East 16 5 0 Vacant
48,49,50 D-13&Samudhaya
106 Kathriguppe Uttarahalli South , 5 10 Bhavana
Kathriguppe, Bhavani
107 Housing Society Uttarahalli South CA-7 0 20 Vacant
108 Kavalbyrasandra Kasaba North 31 0 15 Bus stand
Depot under
109 Kavalhosahalli Kasaba Anekal 9/1,2 4 37 construction
110 Kenchanapura Kengeri South 8 0 14 Vacant
111 Kengeri Kengeri South / 6 0 D-12
112 Kengeri Kengeri South 0 0 6 Vacant (Shops)
113 Kengeri Kengeri South 37/1, 4 20 TTMC&D-37
Kengeri - opp. To
114 Shirke Aprt. Kengeri South CA 0 12 Vacant
Kengeri Approach
115 Road Kengeri South 125/2 0 8 Road

© CSTEP 29
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
Kengeri Additional 126,
116 land Kengeri South 127, 128 7 15 Vacant
Bus stand under
117 Kengeri St. Town Kengeri South CA 0 38 construction
118 Khazisonnenahalli Bidarahalli East 22 2 0 Vacant
119 Kittaganur Bidarahalli East 21 1 25 Vacant
120 Kittanahalli Dasanapura North 47 6 32 Vacant
121 Kodalipura Attibele Anekal 97 1 27 Vacant
122 Kodati Varthur East 76 8 0 D-42 & Quarters
123 Kodati Varthur East 41 1 18 Vacant (Fenced)
124 Kodigehalli Bidarahalli East 1 1 21 Vacant
125 Kommaghatta Kengeri South 162 2 7 Vacant (Compound)
126 Koramangala Beguru South 36 5 0 D-15& TTMC
Koramangala Sports 2
127 Complex Qtrs Beguru South Nos Quarters
128 Kothanur Dinne Uttarahalli South 80/2A 3 31 D-34
129 Kuduregere Dasanapura North 7 2 10 Vacant
150 Layout Uttarahalli South CA 0 12 Bus stand
151 Kurubarahalli Tavarekere South 116 5 0 Vacant
152 Laggere Yashavanthapura North 92 0 36 Bus stand
153 Lakshmidevinagara Yashavanthapura North 1,112 0 8 Bus stand
134 Lingadiranahalli Yashavanthapura North 25 0 19 Bus stand
135 Madappanahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 58 18 0 Vacant
136 Madappanahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 59 18 16 Vacant (Compound)
137 Madhugirihalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 25 15 0 Vacant
138 Mahanthalingapura Jigani Anekal 4,748 40 0 Vacant
139 Mallapura Kasaba Nelamangala 5/1, 5/2 0 20 Vacant (Fenced)
Bus stan under
140 Mallasandra Yashavanthapura North 77 2 0 construction
Malleshwaram 18th
141 cross Yashavanthapura North 0 13 Bus stand
142 Mandur Bidarahalli East 116 4 12 Vacant
143 Mandur Bidarahalli East 64,155 32 24 d) Depot-47
144 Mandur Bidarahalli East 128 3 0 Vacant
145 Marathalli Varthur East 98 0 28 Bus stand
146 Mattahalli Dasanapura North 2 16 0 Vacant
147 Menasiganahalli Kasaba Anekal 30 0 34 Vacant
148 Mulluru Varthur East 23 2 0 Vacant
149 Muneshwara Block Uttarahalli South CA 0 32 Bus stand
150 Munnekolalu Varthur East 99 2 0 Vacant
Depot under
151 Nagadasanahalli yalahank North(add) 11 2 35 construction
152 Naganayakanahalli Uttarahalli South 48 2 30 Vacant
Nagarabhavi 2nd Depot under
153 stage 10th Block Yashavanthapura North CA 6/12 2 23 construction
Nagarabhavi 2nd Depot under
154 stage 10th Block Yashavanthapura North CA 6/11 0 25 construction
Nagarabhavi 2nd
155 stage 9th Block Yashavanthapura North 36/2 0 27 Bus stand

30 © CSTEP
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Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
156 Nagasandra Dasanapura North 21 2 1 Vacant
157 Nagondanahalli K.R Puram East 120 2 0 Vacant
158 Nallurahalli K.R Puram East 5 2 38 Vacant
159 Nandini Layout North CA 0 39 Bus Stand
Nandini Layout 1 to 12 12
160 Quarters (LF-33) North of LF Nos Quarters
161 Nanjamba Agrahara CA 0 10 Vacant
162 Nimbekaipura Bidarahalli East 52 3 0 Vacant
163 N.R.Colony 0 7 Bus Stand
164 Pattanagere Gollahalli Kasaba Anekal 18P/4 1 25 Vacant
165 Peenya 1st stage Yashavanthapura North 20A-1 1 16 RTO Track
161 Peenya 4th phase Yashavanthapura North 482, 483 7 27 Depot-9&22
167 Peenya Quarters Yashavanthapura North Nos Quarters
Depot under
168 Pillaganahalli Uttarahalli south 1 7 18 construction
169 Pillannagarden Yashavanthapura North CA Site 0 25 Vacant (compound)
170 Poornapragna Layout Uttarahalli South CA 2 34 Depot-33
171 Puradapalya Tavarekere South 37 0 27 Vacant
CA Site
172 Puttenahalli Yelahanka North(add) 1 1 20 Vacant (fenced)
R T Nagara
173 (Ganaenahalli) Yashavanthapura North CA-2 1 14 Depot-14
R.P.C Layout
174 (Hampinagara) North CA-29P 0 31 Bus Stand
175 Ragihalli Uttarahalli Anekal 3 0 34 Vacant
176 Rajarajeshwarinagara Kengeri South CA-10 0 37 Bus Stand
177 Rajarajeshwarinagara Kengeri South CA-11 2 16 D-21
178 Ravugodlu Uttarahalli South 6 10 0 Vacant
Depot under
179 Sadaramangala K.R Puram East 60 2 25 construction
180 Sadenahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 24 10 0 Vacant
181 Sadenahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 20 5 0 Vacant
182 Sadenahalli Hesaraghatta North(add) 30 6 0 Depot-46
183 Sathanoor Jala North(add) 54 3 0 Vacant
184 Shanthinagara Beguru South 3 7 12 TTMC
185 Shanthinagara Beguru South 33 3 3 Depot-2
186 Shanthinagara Beguru South 33 3 18 Depot-3
Shanthinagara (open
land infront of South
187 Division) Beguru South 33 1 38 Parking
188 (Security Gate) Beguru South 33 0 4 security Gate
Shanthinagara (Cycle
189 stand) Beguru South 33 0 6 Cycle stand
190 (Hospital) Beguru South 33 0 12 hospital
191 (Corpporate office) Beguru South 33 2 5 Corporate Office
192 Shanthinagara (RWB) Beguru South 33 17 3 RWB

© CSTEP 31
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
Shanthinagara (CTM
193 (O) Office) Beguru South 33 1 12 CTM (O) OFFICES
Shanthinagara (infront
194 of TTMC) Beguru South 33 0 34 Parking
Shanthinagara PWD 130
193 and SIHS Qtrs Beguru South Nos Quarters
196 Shivajinagar North 4112-1 1 17 Bus stand
197 Additional land North 0 12 Bus stand
Shivajinagar (Petrol
198 bunk Additional land) North 0 6 Bus stand
199 Shivakote Hesaraghatta North(add) 24 6 0 Vacant (fenced)
200 Shivanahalli Jigani Anekal 43 3 29 Vacant
201 Shivanahalli Jigani Anekal 13 4 36 Vacant
202 Shivanahalli Jigani Anekal 58 3 14 Vacant
203 Shivanapura Dasanapura North 116 5 0 Depot-43 & Quarters
204 Singapura Yelahanka North(add) 109 0 24 Bus stand
205 Siddapura Varthur East 6 1 0 Vacant
206 Siddapura Varthur East 1 2 21 Vacant
207 Somanahalli Uttarahalli South 242 5 0 Vacant
208 (Summanahalli) Yeshavanthapura North 6,068 4 0 Depot-31
St.Johns Prestige
Woods Apartments
209 (Tavarekere) Beguru South 47Nos. Apartments
Depot-7 &KBS Bus
210 Subhash Nagara North 91 7 4 stand
Subhash Additional
211 Land Nagara North 92 1 22 Depot-7
212 Sulivara Tavarekere South 60 10 0 Vacant
213 Surya City Chandapura Anekal CA 5 0 D-32
Tavarekere (Magadi
214 Road) Tavarekere South 61&62 0 20 Vacant
215 i Kasaba Anekal 23 4 0 Vacant
216 Thotagere Dasanapura North 26 13 15 Vacant
217 Uttari Uttarahalli South 165 2 2 Vacant (compound)
218 Uttari Uttarahalli South 70 1 13 Vacant (compound)
219 Vaddarahal 1 i Dasanapura North 27 & 28 23 28 Training institute
220 Vartur Varthur East 123 2 20 Vacant
221 Vartur Varthur East 118/5 1 36 Vacant
222 Venkatapura Dasanapura North 14 8 0 Vacant (compound)
223 Venkatapura Dasanapura North 12 6 0 Vacant
224 Vidyaranyapura Yelahanka North(add) CA 0 32 Bus stand
225 Vijaynagara Kasaba North 132,33 3 37 TTMC
Vijaynagara Multi Multipurpose
226 Purpose Land North 541C 0 1 building
227 Layout Kengeri South CA-16 0 22 Vacant (compound)

32 © CSTEP
Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

Extent of
Survey land
Location Details - No./Site (Acre-
Sl.No Locality/Village Hobli Taluk No. Gunta) Latest status
228 layout CA No. 2 29 Vacant
229 Viveknagara North CA 0 8 Bus stand
230 Whitefield ITPL K.R Puram East 120A 3 0 Depot-18 & TTMC
231 Rampura Tavarekere South 4 1 18 Vacant
232 Yelahanka Yelahanka North(add) 69 13 20 Depot-11 & 30
233 Yelahanka 5th phase Yelahanka CA 1 2 Bus stand
234 Yelahanka Satt. Town Yelahanka CA 0 25 Bus stand
Yelahanka school
235 land Yelahanka North(add) 0 32 Bus stand
38, 37,
236 Yeshwanthapura Yeshwanthapura North 41 9 18 Depot-8&26, TTMC
237 (Gopal Theatre) Yeshwanthapura North 0 4 Road Purpose

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Evaluation of BMTC Initiatives on Modal Share

34 © CSTEP

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