50 Reasons Why People Marry Wrongly - D K Olukoya

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50 Reasons Why People Marry Wrongly


Copyright © August 2012
eISBN: 987-978-920-011-5
A publication of

Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

International Headquarters, Lagos Nigeria.
All right reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted into any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any
other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission of the
All scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Cover page illustration by Pastor (Mrs.) Shade Olukoya

Title Page

Copyright & Permissions

Chapter 1: Peer Pressure

Chapter 2: Beauty and Handsomeness

Chapter 3: Tradition

Chapter 4: Material Possession, Money or Social Status

Chapter 5: Man-Made Prophecies

Chapter 6: Accidental Pregnancy

Chapter 7: Sex Before Marriage

Chapter 8: Demonic Consultation

Chapter 9: Enforcement by Ignorant Parents

Chapter 10: Marriages Established and Formalized without Divine Approval

Chapter 11: Evil Covenants

Chapter 12: Demonic Manipulation and Domination

Chapter 13: Following the Principle that 'it is better than nothing'

Chapter 14: Confidence in Satanic Rituals

Chapter 15: Seeming Success of 'trial and error' Method

Chapter 16: Occultic Energization

Chapter 17: Donation of Spouse at a Young Age

Chapter 18: Lust

Chapter 19: Infatuation

Chapter 20: Liking the Idea of Marriage

Chapter 21: Fear of Remaining Unmarried

Chapter 22: As an escape route from being jilted

Chapter 23: As a General Escape Route

Chapter 24: Pity

Chapter 25: Foolish Expectation

Chapter 26: To Hurt Your Parents

Chapter 27: For Parental Satisfaction

Chapter 28: Marriage with Spiritually Wrong Foundation

Chapter 29: Enticements

Chapter 30: Hasty Decision

Chapter 31: Consideration of Age

Chapter 32: Unholy Closeness

Chapter 33: Prophetic Trap

Chapter 34: Loneliness

Chapter 35: Repeated Disappointment

Chapter 36: Spiritual Weakness or Prayerlessness

Chapter 37: Zero Discernment

Chapter 38: Pride

Chapter 39: Tribal Connection

Chapter 40: Indiscipline

Chapter 41: Fear of the Power of Darkness

Chapter 42: Disobedience to God

Chapter 43: Wrong Association

Chapter 44: Blackmail

Chapter 45: Immoral Dressing

Chapter 46: Rash Vows

Chapter 47: Wrong Pastrol Influence

Chapter 48: Competition

Chapter 49: Reliance on Dreams Alone

Chapter 50: Strange Peace

Books for Singles by Dr. D. K. Olukoya


Samson, that great and anointed man of God fell because of wrong marriage. He was cut short. He
was disgraced and his eyes were pulled out, all because of wrong marriage. May any Delilah
assigned to anybody reading this book be buried alive before they get to you in the name of Jesus.
And may any daughter of Herodias dancing to cut off your head, be buried alive in the name of Jesus.
And like I have always said, the worst thing apart from hell fire is a bad marriage. Outside your
salvation as a believer, the most important choice you have to make is whom to marry. That is why
the Bible says in Proverbs 18:22

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD."
Why Do People Marry Wrongly
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure

WHEN a person feels he or she is getting old and because of that decides to
hurry into marriage, he or she is likely to get it wrongly. This often occurs
when friends, siblings and relatives who are junior to the person in question
are getting married and having children. This may create a feeling of being
left behind, and as a result, induce a desire to get married exceptionally fast.
Beauty and Handsomeness
Beauty and Handsomeness

THOSE who choose their life partner based on this forget that they will
fade away, most especially when things don't go the way they expect.

SOME follow tribal and cultural patterns which are not godly. We are not
supposed to take up the traditions of men, rather we are to reject any
patterns that negate our faith.
Material Possession, Money or Social Status
Material Possession, Money or Social Status:

IF you are looking for a ready-made partner, you could make a mistake.
Rather, you should look for someone with potentials for greatness. So you
have to make up your mind on what you want. Either someone who will
treat you like the money he has or love you for who you are.
Man-Made Prophecies
Man-Made Prophecies

How can a prophet who has 12 wives prophesy marriage into your life?
Remember that you cannot give what you don't have. Some prophets are
even paid to say such things.
Accidental Pregnancy
Accidental Pregnancy

THIS is when someone impregnates you (as a woman) or you impregnate

someone (as a man). So if the only reason you are getting to this fellow is
because of the pregnancy, then it is a wrong reason for getting married.
Sex Before Marriage
Sex Before Marriage

SLEEPING with a woman or man before you decide to get married to him
or her. When you do so, you have decided to lay a bad foundation for your
Demonic Consultation
Demonic Consultation

THIS is when you go up and down consulting demonic powers. If you have
parents who are going to all sorts of prophets and native doctors with pieces
of paper containing your name and that of prospective partners and
requesting divination.
Enforcement by Ignorant Parents
Enforcement by Ignorant Parents

THIS is when you have parents who insist that you must marry a particular
person. Their insistence can be based on demonic consultations. No matter
their reason, contracting your marriage based on this is a very wrong reason
for getting married.
Marriages Established and Formalized without Divine Approval
Marriages Established and Formalized without Divine

WHEN you get married without involving the Almighty, in serious prayers,
then you are simply getting married wrongly.
Evil Covenants
Evil Covenants

FOR example, if blood covenants were formed in your relationship and the
only reason you are getting married to this fellow is the fear likely
consequences if you don't continue.
Demonic Manipulation and Domination
Demonic Manipulation and Domination

THIS is when you take someone's name somewhere, command the person
to love you and then you are in it.
Following the Principle that 'it is better than nothing'
Following the principle that 'it is better than nothing'

YOU don't like it, you are not excited about it but you choose to settle for it
because you convince yourself that it is better than nothing.
Confidence in Satanic Rituals
Confidence in Satanic Rituals

WHEN a person makes his or her marital enquiries and thereafter instructed
to perform some rituals for marital bliss, he or she is simply placing
confidence in tile satanic rituals. Such activities only gives a temporary
peace in homes, they have a very devastating end.
Seeming Success of 'trial and error' Method
Seeming Success of 'trial and error' Method

THIS is when you believe that you have to examine a person thoroughly by
cohabiting with him/her. You move into his/her apartment with the aim of
examining how he/she lives, look, sleep, cook, dances etc. Then after you
finish the sampling, you will then choose whether to marry the person or
Occultic Energization
Occultic Energization

THIS is when a person goes into a marriage without knowing what he/she is
doing. Such a person can be said to be under a spell.
Donation of Spouse at a Young Age
Donation of Spouse at a Young Age

THIS is when a person is married off at a young age of about 8-10 years. It
is girls that are usually donated in such marriages, as we have in some
cultures in Africa.

SOME marry because they want to have sex regularly. Such people after a
month, they get tired. Marriage is not a sex episode: it is a relationship.

THIS can be classified as sudden or emergency love. There is no time to

know each other well, you just stick to the only thing that attracted you to
the person. This is not strong enough for making a home.
Liking the Idea of Marriage
Liking the Idea of Marriage

THIS makes you ignore the realities. You like wedding dresses, ceremonies
etc, and thus you want to marry because of that.
Fear of Remaining Unmarried
Fear of Remaining Unmarried

WHEN no suitors seem to be coming on time, and you are afraid of

remaining alone, it makes even the elephant to marry a cockroach. Such
people eventually many the first person that appears serious to them and
this can cause real trouble.
As an escape route from being jilted
As an escape route from being jilted

THIS is when someone chooses to marry the next available person who
proposes after being jilted.
As a General Escape Route
As a General Escape Route

THIS is when you marry in order to escape from problems. Some young
ladies want to marry so that they can leave their parent's house.

YOU are feeling sorry for a man, woman, divorcee, widower or someone
who has just been jilted, and as a result, you decide to marry him or her.
Foolish Expectation
Foolish Expectation

YOU marry an unbeliever hoping that he or she will change. The truth is
that they never change. You marry a man with chains of girlfriends with the
same belief. This is a foolish attitude because you cannot change anybody.
To Hurt Your Parents
To Hurt Your Parents

WHEN your parents keep objecting to your suitors and you decide to marry
someone they had objected to in order to get back at them, it is very wrong.
For Parental Satisfaction
For Parental Satisfaction

YOU do not love the person but you just want to satisfy your parents or
guardians, even your pastor.
Marriage with Spiritually Wrong Foundation
Marriage with Spiritually Wrong Foundation

WHEN the foundation is spiritually wrong, it fails.


YOU were not interested in it initially, but you were lured by promises. The
promises could vary from promotion to money etc.
Hasty Decision
Hasty Decision

UNFORTUNATELY, marriage is an institution where many people try to

run in and then try to rush out. This is not wise. Look before you leap. The
Bible says in Proverbs 19:2
"Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that
hasteth with his feet sinneth."
Consideration of Age
Consideration of Age

THIS is when you are convinced that age is no more on your side. You
should realize that for every Eve God made, He created an Adam.
Unholy Closeness
Unholy Closeness

THIS is when you are close to a guy or lady and your emotions now begin
to deceive you that you can marry. Two of you are not in agreement but
because you are close in fellowship, you say you can marry. It is not so.
Prophetic Trap
Prophetic Trap

MARRIAGE should not be based, mainly on prophecies. They should be

based on other factors as well so that you do not make a mistake. This is
because some prophecies are engineered by men.

THEN you decide to escape loneliness by marrying. Please note that

marriage does not deliver you entirely from loneliness. The truth about it
however is that loneliness is a matter of the mind. You can be in the midst
of 100 people and still be lonely.
Repeated Disappointment
Repeated Disappointment

THIS is when you rush into marriage because this partricular person
appears more 'serious' than the previous people who actually disappointed
Spiritual Weakness or Prayerlessness
Spiritual Weakness or Prayerlessness

WHEN your spirit man is not strong and you are going into a relationship, it
is a serious matter.
Zero Discernment
Zero Discernment

WHEN you do not know whether you are being told the truth or not, it is
very dangerous.

WHEN you think you are too much and you have overestimated yourself.
As a result, you see everyone as useless because they are below your level.
By the time you find your level, you will be in trouble.
Tribal Connection
Tribal Connection

WHEN your Choice to marry is based on sentiment, is a wrong reason.

Even if he or she is from the same tribe or village with you does not assure
a blissful home.

WHEN you cannot discipline yourself, you may find yourself marrying the
wrong person. When you are not careful in your relationship with the
opposite sex or you are a general husband or wife, you may end up being
hooked with the wrong person.
Fear of the Power of Darkness
Fear of the Power of Darkness

WHEN you hesitate to get married because you are afraid of marrying a
witch, marine priestess, familiar spirit etc. But the truth is eventually, such
people marry people with evil powers they were running from.
This is because as Job 3: 25 says:
"For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was
afraid of is come unto me."
Such people end up getting what they were so afraid of.
Disobedience to God
Disobedience to God

YOU must receive instruction from heaven before you marry anybody. If
there is no instruction, there will be no direction. And when there is no
direction, wrong marriage is inevitable.
Wrong Association
Wrong Association

YOU must watch the kind of company you move with. And do not begin to
wish your spouse to look like that of your friend.

DON'T marry because of blackmail. Maybe you have done something dirty
in secret into the hands of somebody and the person now vows to tell
everyone and open your dirty little secret. It is not proper to marry that
person in order to keep him or her quiet.
Immoral Dressing
Immoral Dressing

WHEN you expose sensitive parts of body so that people can see you, and
in that way you are hoping to find a husband or wife. When you always
dress to kill, you will end up marrying a killer.
Rash Vows
Rash Vows

WHEN you make an evil or strange vow e.g. I will marry the first person to
have sex with me. And that person may not be your husband or wife.
Wrong Pastrol Influence
Wrong Pastoral Influence

NO pastor has the right to dictate who any person should marry. The fact
that the person is close to the pastor, is always seen with the pastor and even
carries his or her bags does not mean that he or is will make a good husband
or wife.

WHEN you have a circle of friends and some are married, then the rest
decide to all get married in one year. Or because you are a twin, and your
twin is married, you decide to rush into marriage.
Reliance on Dreams Alone
Reliance on Dreams Alone

If all you want to rely upon before you get married is a dream, note that
dreams can be easily manipulated. If you are a young person, you are
supposed to be seeing visions, and not dreams. Marriages do not take place
in the dream.
Strange Peace
Strange Peace

WHEN you claim to have peace in your heart. That is not enough. You
must hear from the Lord.

1. Choosing Your Life Partner

2. Breaking The Yoke Of Marital Delay
3. 34 Laws Of Courtship
4. Dominion Prayers For Singles
5. Principle Of Magnetising Your Divine Spouse
6. 40 Marriages That Must Not Hold
7. Dating Plus
8. 100 reasons why Sex must Wait until marriage
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