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A psychometric evaluation of the job demands resources scale in South Africa

Article  in  SA Journal of Industrial Psychology · April 2006

DOI: 10.4102/sajip.v32i4.239 · Source: DOAJ


77 10,921

3 authors:

Sebastiaan Rothmann Karina Mostert

North-West University North-West University


Madelyn Geldenhuys
University of Notre Dame Australia and Unversity of Johannesburg South Africa


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Unemployment experiences in South Africa View project

Thriving in a higher education institution: a strength-based approach View project

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SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 2006, 32 (4), 76-86
SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 2006, 32 (4), 76-86


WorkWell: Research Unit for People, Policy and Performance, North-West University, Potchefstroom

The aims of this study were to investigate the construct validity, construct equivalence and reliability of a measuring
instrument of job demands and resources, and to assess the differences between the job demands and resources in
different organisations in South Africa. Stratified, random samples (N = 2717) of employees in different organisations
were taken. Five reliable factors were extracted using principal component analysis with a varimax rotation, namely
overload, growth opportunities, organisational support, advancement, and job insecurity. All factors, except
organisational support, showed acceptable equivalence for different organisations. Statistically significant
differences were found between the perceptions of job demands and resources in different organisations.

Key words
Job demands, job resources, reliability, validity, equivalence

Over the last few decades, the nature of work changed 1990). Therefore, increasing job control could reduce the
significantly. The increased utilisation of information and occurrence of job strain. The Job Characteristics model
communication technology, the expansion of the service sector, (Hackman & Oldham, 1980) assumes that there is a linear
the globalisation of the economy, the changing structure of the relationship between job characteristics (including skill variety,
workforce, the increasing flexibilisation of work, the creation of task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback) and
the 24-hour economy, and the application of new production employee well-being. According to the Vitamin model (Warr,
concepts had significant effects on the nature of work 1987), mental health (conceptualised in terms of three
(Rothmann & Cilliers, 2004). The nature of work has also dimensions, namely pleasure/displeasure, anxiety/comfort, and
changed from manual demands to more mental and emotional depression/enthusiasm) can be affected by environmental
demands (Turner, Barling & Zacharatos, 2002). Employment factors such as opportunity for control, opportunity for skill
relationships have changed dramatically, adjusting the type of use, job demands, variety, feedback and job security, and social
work that people do, when they work, and how much work they support, as well as availability of money, good working
do (Barling, 1999). conditions and occupational prestige.

Work might impact on the well-being of employees. Two Although the above-mentioned models might be useful to
theoretical models could be used to understand the effects of explain the effect of job characteristics on well-being, studies
work on the well-being of employees. First, according to the have reported problems with these models (De Jonge &
holistic model of well-being (Nelson & Simmons, 2003), demands Kompier, 1997; Terry & Jimmieson, 1999). For example, most of
and resources in an organisation might lead to distress (e.g. the models use organisational approaches to investigate work-
burnout) or eustress (e.g. engagement). Second, according to the related well-being, which are usually descriptive in nature; that
dual-process model (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), job demands is, instead of explaining work-related well-being, they describe
and resources might affect physical health, psychological well- what types of organisational variables are related to well-being
being and organisational commitment through certain (Schaufeli, 2003).
mediating factors (i.e. burnout and work engagement).
Therefore, job demands and resources could be regarded as The Job Demands-Resources model assumes that two underlying
important causes of well-being at work (Demerouti, Bakker, psychological processes play a role in well-being of individuals:
Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). an effort-driven process in which excessive job demands and a
lack of job resources lead to distress, and a motivation-driven
The determinants of well-being may differ within various process in which job resources lead to work engagement
working environments, depending on the unique demands (Demerouti et al., 2001; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Although
and resources that exist in the specific work context. several international studies used this model to explain the
Furthermore, it seems that every occupation (or organisation) influence of job demands and resources on well-being (e.g.
has its own specific risk factors regarding well-being. For Bakker, Demerouti & Schaufeli, 2003; Bakker, Demerouti,
example, burnout of employees in call centres is primarily Taris, Schaufeli & Schreurs, 2003; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004),
caused by emotional load (Zapf, Vogt, Seifert, Mertini & Isic, research is needed regarding the job demands and resources
1999). Work overload and lack of autonomy seems to be as experienced by employees in different organisations in
important stressors for production workers (De Jonge & South Africa.
Kompier, 1997). For educators, interaction with learners is the
most important determinant of burnout (Van Horn, Schaufeli A valid and reliable instrument is needed to measure job
& Enzmann, 1999). Little scientific information exists demands and resources and to compare them in different
regarding the job demands and resources in different organisations. Although Jackson and Rothmann (2005)
organisations in South Africa. developed a questionnaire to measure job demands and
resources, the psychometric properties of this instrument have
Various models have been tested with regard to the effects of job not yet been investigated in different South African
demands and resources on well-being of employees. Karasek organisations. Furthermore, before the job demands and
(1979) developed the Job Demands-Control model as an approach resources in different organisations can be compared, it is
to job stress. The assumption of this model is that effective job necessary to assess the construct equivalence (factorial
control or decision-making is an important resource that could invariance) of the measuring instrument in these contexts.
moderate the negative effects of job stress (Karasek & Theorell, Construct equivalence indicates the extent to which the same


construct is measured across the cultural groups under resources (or the lack thereof) on employees. The COR theory’s
study; in other words, the comparison of cultural groups, central tenet is that people strive to obtain, retain and protect
seeing that their scores are related to the same construct. If what they value. Resources are those personal energies and
cultural influences (inherent in different organisations) characteristics, objects and conditions that are valued by
are not accounted for, invalid conclusions regarding individuals or that serve as means for the attainment of other
the constructs under study could be made – with serious objects, personal characteristics, conditions or energies.
implications for diverse organisational settings (Van de Vijver Examples of resources include social support, job enhancement
& Leung, 1997). opportunities, degree of participation in decision making,
being psychologically well or having an optimistic personality,
The aims of this study were to investigate the construct validity, level of autonomy, and established behaviour outcome
construct equivalence and reliability of a measuring instrument contingencies (Hobfoll, 1989; Lee & Ashforth, 1996). The COR
of job demands and resources, and to assess the differences theory argues that personal resources affect each other
between the job demands and resources in different and exist as a resource pool, and that an expansion of one is
organisations in South Africa. often associated with the other one being augmented
(Hobfoll, 1999).
The job demands-resources model
Demerouti et al. (2001) developed the Job Demands-Resources When the external environment lacks resources, individuals
(JD-R) model. One central assumption of the JD-R model is that, cannot reduce the potentially negative influence of high job
although every occupation (or organisation) may have its own demands (e.g. overload, role ambiguity, and role conflict) and
specific work characteristics associated with well-being, it is still they cannot achieve their work goals. Additionally, they
possible to model these characteristics in two broad categories, cannot develop themselves further in their job and
namely job demands and job resources. organisation. The COR theory predicts that, in such a
situation, employees will experience a loss of resources or
Job demands represent aspects of the job that could potentially failure to gain an investment (Hobfoll, 1989; Hobfoll & Freedy,
cause strain in cases where they exceed the employee’s adaptive 1993). Moreover, in order to reduce this discomfort of job
capability. More specifically, job demands refer to physical, stress, employees will attempt to minimise losses. With the
social or organisational aspects of a job that require sustained intention of achieving equity without further negative
physical and/or psychological effort on the part of the employee consequences for themselves, they will most probably reduce
and that are therefore associated with certain physiological their discretionary inputs. Based on the holistic model or
and/or psychological costs (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Job work-related well-being (Nelson & Simmons, 2003), it could
demands are not negative, but may lead to job stress when be expected that perceptions of job demands and resources
employees are confronted by demands which require effort could result in negative psychological experiences (i.e.
when they have not recovered from stress caused by previous distress) or positive psychological experiences (i.e. eustress).
demands (Meijman & Mulder, 1998). Karasek (1979) identifies Certain organisations that are characterised by high demands
various influential demands and recognises a restricted and low resources are stressful, whereas organisations with
definition of job demands that are mainly quantitative in high demands and resources tend to be challenging (Jackson
nature, such as workload and time pressure. The JD-R model & Rothmann, 2005).
supports this view by recognising that demanding
characteristics of the working environment, work pressure, Job demands and resources in different organisations
overload, emotional demands, and poor environmental Occupational stress research in South Africa shows that different
conditions may lead to the impairment of health and ultimately organisations do experience different types of job demands and
to absenteeism (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004; Semmer, Zapf & job resources (Rothmann, 2005). The environments in which
Dunckel, 1995; Zapf et al., 1999). employees in different organisations find themselves differ.
Therefore, it could be expected that the job demands and
Job resources concern the extent to which the job offers resources as perceived by staff members of universities of
assets/opportunities to individual employees. Job resources technology, academics in higher education institutions,
refer to those physical, psychological, social or organisational employees in the insurance industry, engineers and correctional
aspects of the job that: (1) reduce job demands and the officers will differ.
associated physiological and psychological costs, (2) are
functional in achieving work goals, and/or (3) stimulate Educators in South African schools faced a dramatic increase in
personal growth, learning, and development (Demerouti et al., workload in terms of learner numbers over the past two years
2001). Thus, resources are not only necessary to deal with job (Naidu, 2005). According to Jackson and Rothmann (2005),
demands, but also are important in their own right (Elsass & overload, a lack of growth opportunities and low control are
Veiga, 1997; Ganster & Fusilier, 1989; Hobfoll, 2001; Terry & major predictors of exhaustion of educators. Doyle and Hind
Jimmieson, 1999). (1998) found that educators work long hours, although as many
as 40% of educators found their work enjoyable, motivating and
Resources may be placed at the level of the organisation (e.g. rewarding. These factors affect education on primary, secondary
salary, career opportunities, job security), at the level of and tertiary levels in South Africa.
interpersonal and social relations (e.g. supervisor and co-
worker support, team climate), at the level of the organisation Educators at higher education institutions in South Africa are
of work (e.g. role clarity, participation in decision making), and faced by large student numbers, students from a poor
at the level of the task (e.g. performance feedback, skill variety, educational background, a lack of resources, and
task significance, task identity, autonomy). Resources at the organisational transformation which resulted from mergers of
level of the task induce so-called critical psychological states many of these institutions. In 2005, R10,7 billion was spend
(e.g. meaningfulness), which drive people’s attitudes and on higher education in South Africa, which represents 13,4%
behaviours (Hackman & Oldham, 1980). Job resources play an of the total education budget (Rothmann, 2005). Resources
intrinsic motivational role (by developing employee growth, allocated to higher education institutions have decreased due
learning and development) or an extrinsic motivational role (by to the competing demands of the state (Koorts, 2000). A
being instrumental in achieving work goals) (Schaufeli & premium is also placed on the professional identity of the
Bakker, 2004). university teacher as a researcher, capable of attracting
external funds within an increasingly competitive research
The Conservation of Resources (COR) theory (Hobfoll, 1998, culture (Nixon, Marks, Rowland & Walker, 2001). Fisher
2001) is a relevant theory for understanding the effects of job (1994) suggested that such a plethora of roles might easily

result in role overload, a particular salient stressor for the consists of 40 items about pace and amount of work, mental
modern academic. load, emotional load, variety in work, opportunities to learn,
independence in work, relationships with colleagues,
The insurance industry seems to be experiencing rapid changes. relationship with immediate supervisor, ambiguities about
It has expanded dramatically over the last few years because of work, information, communications, participation, contact
fast economic growth, urbanisation and increased education, possibilities, uncertainty about the future, remuneration, and
which has led to high competitiveness and rivalries between career possibilities. The items were rated on a four-point scale
companies and employees (Chan, 2002). Currently, this field of ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (always). Jackson and Rothmann
work is experiencing intense business pressures. Executives are (2005) found that the dimensions of the JDRS consisted of seven
under pressure to expand into new markets, to boost margins reliable factors, namely organisational support (a = 0,88),
and to grow market share. It requires more emphasis on cross- growth opportunities (a = 0,80), overload (a = 0,75), job
selling to customers and on being able to provide superior insecurity (a = 0,90), relationship with colleagues (a = 0,76),
service at reduced costs while directing customers to more control (a = 0,71), and rewards (a = 0,78).
profitable products. It also requires expanding and supporting
the agent/sales force with minimal impact on operations. Lai, TABLE 1
Chan, Ko and Boey (2000) found that insurance staff experience CHARATERISTICS OF THE PARTICIPANTS
high job insecurity, a lack of variety and control, high workload
and poor interpersonal relations (Lindstrom, Leino, Seitsamo &
Item Category Frequency Percentage
Tordtila, 1997). In a South African study, Coetzer (2004) found
that employees in the insurance industry experience high levels Organisation Insurance Industry 613 22,6
of job insecurity. Engineering Industry 369 13,6
Correctional Officers 892 32,8
Compared to the past, engineers in South Africa currently have
to invest more in their jobs in terms of time, effort, skill, and University of Technology 372 13,7
flexibility, whereas they receive less in terms of career Academics (Higher 471 17,3
Education Institutions)
opportunities, lifetime employment and job security. Today's
engineers have less time, more work, and a growing need for Gender Male 1581 58,2
information (Lingard, 2003). Furthermore, engineers need to be Female 1100 40,5
equipped with ways to build and capitalise on their strengths to
maintain excellent performance. Language Afrikaans 1293 47,6
English 689 25,4
Correctional officers perform jobs which are basically client-
Pedi 114 4,2
centred in their orientation. Such jobs involve working intensely
Sotho 128 4,7
and intimately with other people, trying to help them or to
Tswana 103 3,8
perform services to them (Finn, 1998). As the prison population
continues to increase, the conditions within correctional Swati 7 0,3
facilities will remain stressful for inmates (Hassine, 1996; Toch, Venda 16 0,6
1992) and staff (Anson & Bloom, 1988; Finn, 1998) alike. Zulu 111 4,1
Although inmates have numerous programs available to help Ndebele 21 0,8
them cope with the stress of their living environment (e.g. stress Xhosa 205 7,5
management programmes), correctional officers have limited Tsonga 13 0,5
resources designed to help them cope with the stress of the Other 3 0,1
prison environment. To further compound the problem,
Education Highest Grade/Standard 68 2,5
correctional environments are typically considered “tough” and
3-year Degree 876 32,2
“dangerous” places of employment (Maghan & McLeish-
4-year Degree/Honours 567 20,9
Blackwell, 1991). Therefore, correctional officers often
experience high demands (Flanagan, Johnson & Wesley, 1996), 5-7-year Degree 329 12,1
including role conflict because of custodial demands (Anson, Master’s Degree 379 13,9
Johnson & Anson, 1997). In addition, Rothmann (2005) showed Doctoral Degree 410 15,1
that correctional services experience a lack of organisational Other 30 1,1
support and a lack of control. Age 15-29 437 16
30-39 1096 40,3
40-49 628 25
50-59 337 12,2

A stratified, random sample (N = 2717) of employees in different Statistical analysis
working groups and environments was taken. The participants The statistical analysis was carried out with the SPSS
consisted of employees in the insurance industry, the program (SPSS Inc., 2003). Descriptive statistics were used
engineering industry, and in correctional services, as well as to explore the data. Cronbach alpha coefficients were
staff members at a university of technology, and academics calculated to assess the reliability of the constructs
within higher education institutions (see Table 1). measured in this study. Exploratory factor analyses were
carried out to investigate the construct validity of the
Table 1 shows that 58,2% of the participants were male, 47,6%
measuring instruments. First, a simple principal component
Afrikaans speaking and 25,4% English speaking. Most of the
analysis was conducted on the constructs that form part of the
respondents were between the ages of 30 and 39 (40,3%).
measurement model, namely job demands and resources. The
eigenvalues and scree plot were studied to determine the
Measuring instrument number of factors. Second, a principal component analysis
The Job Demands-Resources Scale (JDRS) was developed by with a direct oblimin rotation was conducted if factors
Jackson and Rothmann (2005) to measure job demands and job were related, and a principal component analysis with a
resources. The scale was developed based on a literature review varimax rotation was used if the obtained factors were not
as well as interviews with participating groups in this study. related (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Items were developed and checked for face validity. The JDRS

Construct equivalence of the JDRS was also performed. pace and amount of work, mental load and emotional load.
According to Van de Vijver and Leung (1997), construct Factor 5 was labelled Job Insecurity. This factor refers to
equivalence can be investigated with several techniques, uncertainty about the future.
such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multi-
dimensional scaling or other dimensionalit y-reducing In Table 3, the rotated component matrix of each organisation
techniques. Factor analysis is the most frequently was compared with the pooled solution to assess whether they
employed technique for studying construct equivalence, are equivalent. The Tucker’s phi coefficients for the JDRS in
especially when little information exists regarding the different organisations are reported in Table 4.
factor structure of a measuring instrument (as is the case
with the JDRS). Factors obtained in each group were TABLE 2
compared with the pooled solution (after target rotation). PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS WITH A VARIMAX
The agreement was evaluated by a factor congruence
coefficient, Tucker’s phi (Van de Vijver & Leung, 1997).
Values above 0,90 were taken to point to essential Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
agreement between cultural groups, while values above 0,95
pointed to very good agreement. A high agreement Do you have too much -0,07 0,13 -0,09 0,65 0,02
implied that the factor loadings of the lower and higher levels work to do?
were equal up to a multiplying constant. Do you work under -0,07 0,03 -0,04 0,72 -0,09
time pressure?
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used Do you have to be attentive 0,01 0,05 -0,02 0,71 -0,06
to specif y the relationship between the variables. In terms to many things at the
same time?
of statistical significance, it was decided to set the value at
Do you have to give 0,14 0,23 -0,15 0,55 0,08
a 95% confidence interval level (p < 0,05). Effect sizes
continuous attention to
(Steyn, 1999) were used to decide on the practical significance your work?
of the findings. A cut-off point of 0,30 (medium effect, Do you have to remember 0,11 0,18 -0,14 0,59 0,08
Cohen, 1988) was set for the practical significance of many things in your work?
correlation coefficients. Are you confronted in your -0,15 -0,11 0,11 0,57 0,02
work with things that affect
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to assess you personally?
the significance of differences between job demands and job Do you have contact with -0,01 -0,03 0,06 0,48 0,01
resources with the different organisational groups. MANOVA difficult people in your work?
tests whether mean differences among groups in a Does your work put you in -0,20 -0,14 0,05 0,59 0,04
combination of dependent variables are likely to have emotionally upsetting
occurred by chance (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). A new situations?
dependent variable that maximises group differences will be Do you have enough variety 0,17 0,56 0,17 0,23 0,00
created from a set of dependant variables. A one-way analysis in your work?
of variance was then performed. Wilks’ Lambda was used Does your job offer you 0,21 0,64 0,32 0,09 -0,01
to test the significance of the effects. Wilks’ Lambda is a opportunities for personal
likelihood ratio statistic of the data under the assumption of growth and development?
the equal population mean vectors for all the groups against Does your work give you 0,23 0,68 0,28 0,06 -0,03
the likelihood under the assumption that the population mean the feeling that you can
achieve something?
vectors are identical to those of the sample mean vectors for
Does your job offer you 0,29 0,73 0,15 0,10 -0,04
the different groups.
the possibility of independent
thought and action?
Do you have freedom in 0,33 0,62 0,06 -0,06 -0,06
RESULTS carrying out your work
Factor structure and construct equivalence of the JDRS Do you have influence in 0,24 0,65 0,03 0,04 -0,04
A simple principal component analysis was conducted on the planning of your work
the items of the Job Demands-Resources Scale (JDRS) to activities?
assess the number of factors. An analysis of the eigenvalues Can you participate in the 0,26 0,61 0,06 -0,01 0,03
showed that nine factors could be extracted. However, decision about when a piece
of work must be completed?
the scree plot showed that five factors could be
Can you count on your 0,48 0,29 -0,04 -0,06 0,13
extracted, which explained 49,81% of the total variance.
colleagues when you come
The eigenvalues of these factors were as follows: Factor across difficulties in
1 = 10,61; Factor 2 = 3,34; Factor 3 = 2,90; Factor 4 = 2,31; your work?
and Factor 5 = 1,76. If necessary, can you ask 0,46 0,25 -0,06 -0,11 0,12
your colleagues for help?
A principal component analysis was conducted on the pooled Do you get on well with 0,44 0,20 -0,09 -0,08 0,14
solution (i.e. all the participants were included in the same your colleagues?
analysis). The results of the principal component analysis with a Can you count on your 0,73 0,13 0,07 -0,04 -0,00
varimax rotation are illustrated in Table 2. supervisor when you come
across difficulties in
Table 2 shows that 45 of the 48 items loaded on the five factors. your work?
Factor 1 was labelled Growth Opportunities. This factor refers to Do you get on well with 0,75 0,09 0,05 -0,05 -0,00
having enough variety, opportunities to learn and independence your supervisor?
in the job. Factor 2 was labelled Organisational Support. This In your work, do you feel 0,78 0,11 0,19 0,00 -0,04
factor refers to the relationship with supervisors and colleagues, appreciated by your
flow of information, communication, role clarity and
Do you know exactly what 0,55 0,24 -0,00 -0,02 -0,02
participation in decision-making. Factor 3 was labelled
other people expect of you
Advancement. This factor includes items relating to in your work?
remuneration, career possibilities and training opportunities. Do you know exactly for 0,48 0,35 -0,06 -0,06 0,03
Factor 4 was labelled Overload and includes items relating to what you are responsible?

Do you know exactly what 0,73 0,07 0,19 0,05 -0,09 supposed to from part of organisational support, loaded on
your direct supervisor thinks another factor (growth opportunities) in the correctional
of your performance?
officer sample as well as the sample of employees in the
Do you receive sufficient 0,68 0,23 0,17 0,00 -0,08
insurance industry.
information on the purpose
of your work?
Descriptive statistics, alpha coefficients and correlations
Do you receive sufficient 0,68 0,20 0,21 0,02 -0,06
information on the results
The descriptive statistics, alpha coefficients and correlations of
of your work? the JDRS are reported in Table 5.
Does your direct supervisor 0,74 0,07 0,25 0,04 -0,05
inform you about important Table 5 shows that highly acceptable alpha coefficients,
issues within your ranging from 0,76 to 0,92, were obtained (Nunnally &
department/organisation? Bernstein, 1994). Thus, the scale shows acceptable internal
Are you kept adequately up- 0,55 0,32 0,21 -0,01 -0,04 consistency reliability. Table 5 shows that growth
to-date about important issues opportunities are practically significantly related to
within your organisation? organisational support (large effect), and advancement
Is the decision-making 0,46 0,35 0,26 -0,03 -0,03 (medium effect). Organisational support is practically
process of your organisation significantly related to advancement (medium effect).
clear to you?
Is it clear to you whom you 0,51 0,35 0,06 -0,09 0,04 Subsequently, a principal component analysis was carried
should address within the out on the correlations of the five first-order factors. Two
organisation for specific
factors, with eigenvalues of 2,08 and 1,03 respectively,
were extracted. These two factors explained 62,20% of the
Can you discuss work 0,75 0,18 0,07 -0,04 -0,04
problems with your direct
total variance. The first factor was labelled Job Demands,
supervisor? and included overload (loading = 0,98). The second factor
Can you participate in 0,54 0,48 0,11 -0,02 -0,03 was labelled Job Resources, and included growth opportu-
decisions about the nature nities (0,84), organisational support (0,84), job insecurity
of your work? (-0,32), and advancement (0,75).
Do you have a direct 0,30 0,44 0,25 0,09 -0,04
influence on your Differences between groups
organisation’s decisions? Next, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to
Do you need to be more -0,02 -0,03 -0,03 0,04 0,88 determine the significance of differences between job demands
secure that you will still be and job resources in different organisational groups (see Table
working in one year’s time? 6). In MANOVA, several dependent variables (in this case
Do you need to be more -0,01 -0,05 -0,04 0,04 0,92 overload, organisational support, growth opportunities, job
secure that you will keep insecurity and advancement) are considered together in the
your current job in the
same analysis. The means and standard deviations of the job
next year?
demands and resources for different biographical groups are
Do you need to be more -0,02 -0,03 -0,02 0,04 0,84
secure that next year you
reported in Table 7.
will keep the same function
level as currently? Table 7 shows a statistically significant effect of the organisation
Do you think that your 0,14 0,12 0,78 -0,00 0,02 on the combined dependent variable job demands/resources (F =
organisation pays good 52,01; p < 0,01; Wilks’ Lambda = 0,70; h2 = 0,09). This effect was
salaries? moderate (explaining 9% of the variance in job
Can you live comfortably 0,09 0,10 0,79 0,02 -0,03 demands/resources). Organisation explained 15% of the variance
on your pay? in job insecurity, 8% of the variance in growth opportunities,
Do you think you are paid 0,08 0,03 0,80 -0,10 -0,02 and 8% of the variance in advancement. Furthermore,
enough for the work that
you do?
organisation explained 7% of the variance in overload explained
and 5% of the variance in organisational support.
Does your job offer you 0,13 0,24 0,75 -0,01 -0,03
the possibility to progress
Engineers showed statistically significantly higher scores on
overload than employees in the insurance industry. Correctional
Does your organisation give 0,24 0,32 0,38 -0,06 -0,02
you opportunities to follow
officers experienced less job demands (overload) than the
training courses? insurance staff as well as the university of technology and
Does your job give you the 0,13 0,30 0,52 -0,02 -0,04 academics in higher education institutions. Engineers and
opportunity to be promoted? academics in higher education institutions experienced the
highest overload. Engineers experienced the highest growth
opportunities of all the organisations. Academics in higher
Tables 3 and 4 show that the factor structure of the JDRS is education institutions also experienced more growth
equivalent for different organisations. The Tucker’s phi opportunities than the other groups, while correctional officers
coefficients compared favourably with the guideline of 0,90. experienced the least growth opportunities.
The only exception was the Tucker’s phi of the second factor
in the Engineer group. The coefficient was slightly lower than Engineers, academics in higher education institutions and
the cut-off point of 0,90. Table 3 shows that there are two employees in the insurance industry reported higher levels of
reasons for this slightly lower Tucker’s phi value on organisational support than correctional officers and employees
organisational support. First, in the correctional officer of a university of technology. Engineers obtained higher scores
sample as well as in university of technology sample, three on advancement than the other groups. However, academics in
items related to support of colleagues had relatively strong higher education institutions reported the least advancement
cross-loadings on another factor, namely growth opportunities. Job insecurity was the highest for correctional
opportunities. Second, one item (“Do you have a direct officers and employees of a university of technology, and the
influence on your organisation’s decisions”), which is lowest for engineers.


Group 1: Insurance Group 2: Engineers Group 3: Correctional Officers

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Do you have too much work to do? 0,02 -0,10 -0,14 0,65 0,05 0,12 0,10 0,63 0,03 -0,04 -0,03 0,20 -0,03 0,63 -0,00
Do you work under time pressure? -0,16 -0,05 -0,01 0,71 -0,04 0,07 0,12 0,72 0,03 -0,03 -0,05 0,01 0,02 0,73 -0,09
Do you have to be attentive to many things at 0,02 -0,03 0,17 0,71 -0,12 0,09 0,11 0,69 0,12 0,00 -0,01 0,04 -0,03 0,70 -0,08
the same time?
Do you have to give continuous attention 0,11 0,21 -0,14 0,66 0,06 0,24 0,18 0,57 0,04 0,05 0,12 0,33 -0,12 0,48 0,09
to your work?
Do you have to remember many things in your work? -0,00 0,15 -0,03 0,69 0,10 0,14 0,08 0,66 -0,04 0,01 0,05 0,24 -0,07 0,56 0,11
Are you confronted in your work with things that -0,01 -0,23 0,06 0,52 0,00 -0,03 -0,09 0,45 0,06 0,02 -0,09 -0,20 0,14 0,59 -0,03
affect you personally?
Do you have contact with difficult people in 0,07 -0,15 0,37 0,28 -0,05 0,13 -0,13 0,56 -0,13 -0,03 0,01 -0,04 -0,07 0,50 0,13
your work?
Does your work put you in emotionally 0,02 -0,32 0,04 0,50 0,08 -0,19 -0,17 0,53 -0,03 0,09 -0,12 -0,22 0,03 0,64 0,03
upsetting situations?
Do you have enough variety in your work? 0,51 0,05 0,21 0,30 -0,03 0,43 0,18 0,32 0,25 -0,14 0,21 0,46 0,23 0,22 0,11
Does your job offer you opportunities for 0,57 0,11 0,45 0,08 0,01 0,51 0,19 0,37 0,36 -0,10 0,19 0,59 0,35 0,01 0,03
personal growth and development?
Does your work give you the feeling that you can 0,56 0,15 0,48 0,10 -0,03 0,55 0,12 0,31 0,33 -0,11 0,18 0,68 0,34 -0,08 0,06
achieve something?
Does your job offer you the possibility of 0,55 0,18 0,39 0,13 -0,02 0,70 0,02 0,23 0,17 -0,10 0,24 0,71 0,21 0,07 -0,05
independent thought and action?
Do you have freedom in carrying out your 0,59 0,26 0,15 -0,03 -0,05 0,68 0,12 0,05 0,17 -0,12 0,34 0,61 0,10 -0,02 -0,05
work activities?
Do you have influence in the planning of 0,69 0,11 0,08 0,09 -0,07 0,73 0,08 0,02 0,06 -0,04 0,18 0,62 0,08 0,12 -0,02
your work activities?
Can you participate in the decision about when 0,61 0,16 0,06 -0,02 0,02 0,60 0,10 0,08 0,05 -0,05 0,30 0,61 0,12 0,06 0,04
a piece of work must be completed?
Can you count on your colleagues when you come 0,07 0,62 0,02 -0,04 -0,02 0,13 0,66 0,10 0,11 0,03 0,33 0,56 0,03 0,02 0,16
across difficulties in your work?
If necessary, can you ask your colleagues for help? -0,04 0,63 0,01 -0,06 -0,07 0,12 0,65 0,01 0,09 0,02 0,34 0,54 -0,03 -0,04 0,17
Do you get on well with your colleagues? 0,03 0,53 -0,04 -0,00 0,01 0,02 0,58 0,11 0,09 0,01 0,34 0,45 -0,05 -0,07 0,18
Can you count on your supervisor when you come 0,29 0,58 0,30 -0,18 -0,07 0,07 0,81 0,05 0,14 -0,06 0,64 0,38 -0,01 -0,05 0,03
across difficulties in your work?
Do you get on well with your supervisor? 0,27 0,58 0,22 -0,18 0,03 0,22 0,77 -0,05 0,02 -0,10 0,66 0,31 -0,03 -0,03 0,03
In your work, do you feel appreciated by 0,34 0,60 0,36 -0,13 -0,05 0,38 0,66 -0,02 0,10 -0,10 0,72 0,27 0,06 -0,02 0,03
your supervisor?
Do you know exactly what other people expect of 0,24 0,64 -0,07 0,08 0,01 0,59 0,08 -0,02 -0,07 -0,03 0,45 0,37 0,06 -0,01 0,10
you in your work?
Do you know exactly for what you are responsible? 0,38 0,48 -0,18 0,01 0,06 0,66 0,21 0,00 -0,03 -0,08 0,40 0,40 -0,01 0,02 0,15
Do you know exactly what your direct supervisor 0,30 0,62 0,24 0,03 -0,08 0,45 0,38 -0,04 0,09 -0,10 0,74 0,09 0,12 0,03 0,03
thinks of your performance?
Do you receive sufficient information on the 0,40 0,58 0,22 0,05 -0,09 0,55 0,44 -0,05 0,01 -0,13 0,71 0,19 0,20 -0,00 -0,00
purpose of your work?
Do you receive sufficient information on the results 0,34 0,61 0,17 0,02 -0,07 0,58 0,34 -0,01 0,10 -0,12 0,75 0,16 0,26 0,02 0,02
of your work?
Does your direct supervisor inform you about 0,29 0,64 0,31 -0,04 -0,04 0,44 0,49 -0,03 0,16 -0,04 0,76 0,08 0,23 0,03 -0,02
important issues within your department/organisation?
Are you kept adequately up-to-date about important 0,51 0,42 0,16 -0,05 -0,10 0,55 0,25 0,12 0,26 -0,00 0,58 0,26 0,25 -0,06 0,08
issues within your organisation?
Is the decision-making process of your organisation 0,59 0,34 0,07 -0,06 -0,02 0,67 0,12 0,09 0,27 -0,03 0,42 0,24 0,44 -0,07 0,12
clear to you?
Is it clear to you whom you should address within 0,54 0,41 -0,06 -0,08 0,00 0,54 0,35 -0,02 0,15 0,04 0,44 0,29 0,24 -0,13 0,11
the organisation for specific problems?
Can you discuss work problems with your 0,42 0,55 0,17 -0,12 -0,06 0,34 0,72 -0,04 0,08 -0,06 0,72 0,29 0,04 -0,06 0,03
direct supervisor?
Can you participate in decisions about the 0,69 0,31 0,10 -0,08 -0,04 0,66 0,29 0,09 0,12 -0,09 0,53 0,41 0,20 0,01 0,05
nature of your work?
Do you have a direct influence on your 0,68 0,06 0,08 -0,01 -0,06 0,68 0,01 0,16 0,21 0,01 0,27 0,26 0,42 0,07 0,06
organisation’s decisions?
Do you need to be more secure that you will -0,08 -0,11 -0,09 0,04 0,90 -0,11 -0,04 0,02 -0,06 0,90 0,05 0,12 0,04 0,03 0,83
still be working in one year’s time?
Do you need to be more secure that you will -0,08 -0,06 -0,10 0,01 0,93 -0,18 -0,05 -0,02 -0,05 0,93 0,09 0,08 0,01 0,06 0,85
keep your current job in the next year?
Do you need to be more secure that next -0,04 -0,02 -0,12 0,05 0,85 -0,14 -0,08 0,03 -0,04 0,88 0,06 0,07 0,06 0,03 0,73
year you will keep the same function
level as currently?
Do you think that organisation pays good salaries? 0,19 0,15 0,82 -1,01 -0,12 0,22 0,11 0,02 0,74 0,02 0,07 0,05 0,78 0,01 0,05
Can you live comfortably on your pay? 0,13 0,12 0,79 -1,04 -0,05 0,16 0,04 0,01 0,75 -0,16 0,11 0,04 0,80 0,03 -0,02
Do you think you are paid enough for the work 0,09 0,12 0,82 -0,08 -0,06 0,02 0,15 -0,10 0,76 0,07 0,03 -0,02 0,80 -0,07 0,00
that you do?
Does your job offer you the possibility to 0,24 0,14 0,73 -0,03 -0,07 0,38 0,18 0,06 0,69 -0,11 0,12 0,10 0,81 -0,03 0,02
progress financially?
Does your organisation give you opportunities to 0,59 0,08 0,22 -0,10 -0,01 0,29 0,30 0,07 0,26 0,03 0,19 0,21 0,57 -0,05 -0,01
follow training courses?
Does your job give you the opportunity to 0,36 0,12 0,47 -0,06 -0,18 0,21 0,34 0,13 0,43 -0,03 0,13 0,16 0,65 -0,02 -0,00
be promoted?

Group 4: University of Technology Group 5: Educators (Universities)

Do you have too much work to do? -0,16 0,04 0,71 -0,12 -0,02 -0,10 0,07 0,69 -0,03 -0,00
Do you work under time pressure? -0,13 0,04 0,76 -0,05 -0,09 -0,01 -0,00 0,73 -0,06 -0,01
Do you have to be attentive to many things at -0,02 0,10 0,62 -0,22 0,06 0,00 0,05 0,69 -0,06 -0,07
the same time?
Do you have to give continuous attention to 0,03 0,34 0,54 -0,20 0,08 0,11 0,06 0,60 -0,07 0,04
your work?
Do you have to remember many things in 0,06 0,43 0,42 -0,31 0,04 0,16 0,09 0,65 -0,11 0,05
your work?
Are you confronted in your work with things -0,16 -0,12 0,52 0,04 0,09 -0,22 -0,10 0,61 0,12 0,10
that affect you personally?
Do you have contact with difficult people 0,10 -0,12 0,55 -0,05 0,07 -0,15 0,08 0,35 0,02 0,04
in your work?
Does your work put you in emotionally -0,16 -0,24 0,61 0,14 0,15 -0,25 -0,07 0,51 -0,05 -0,06
upsetting situations?
Do you have enough variety in your work? 0,19 0,50 0,28 0,26 -0,06 0,18 0,63 0,21 0,14 -0,00
Does your job offer you opportunities for 0,31 0,50 0,17 0,40 -0,01 0,14 0,77 0,06 0,17 -0,06
personal growth and development?
Does your work give you the feeling that you 0,46 0,51 0,16 0,23 -0,10 0,12 0,81 0,09 0,13 -0,09
can achieve something?
Does your job offer you the possibility of 0,27 0,68 0,23 0,27 -0,05 0,15 0,80 0,06 -0,03 -0,10
independent thought and action?
Do you have freedom in carrying out your 0,41 0,54 -0,04 0,08 -0,13 0,26 0,64 -0,10 -0,01 -0,05
work activities?
Do you have influence in the planning of your 0,37 0,57 0,07 0,14 -0,16 0,26 0,55 0,02 -0,02 -0,02
work activities?
Can you participate in the decision about when 0,32 0,54 0,01 0,15 -0,06 0,20 0,52 -0,01 0,16 0,02
a piece of work must be completed?
Can you count on your colleagues when you come 0,23 0,52 -0,31 -0,03 0,14 0,46 0,25 -0,18 -0,11 0,14
across difficulties in your work?
If necessary, can you ask your colleagues for help? 0,17 0,54 -0,28 -0,01 0,14 0,44 0,19 -0,26 -0,05 0,13
Do you get on well with your colleagues? 0,16 0,52 -0,28 -0,10 0,15 0,48 0,11 -0,18 -0,14 0,15
Can you count on your supervisor when you come 0,72 0,26 -0,12 -0,14 -0,04 0,67 0,14 -0,10 -0,00 0,11
across difficulties in your work?
Do you get on well with your supervisor? 0,66 0,24 -0,20 -0,15 0,00 0,73 0,13 -0,10 0,02 0,04
In your work, do you feel appreciated by 0,79 0,13 -0,06 0,11 -0,01 0,76 0,10 -0,03 0,17 -0,03
your supervisor?
Do you know exactly what other people expect 0,58 0,29 -0,17 0,07 -0,12 0,64 0,01 -0,04 0,01 -0,12
of you in your work?
Do you know exactly for what you 0,51 0,34 -0,19 -0,06 -0,09 0,50 0,17 -0,13 0,01 -0,02
are responsible?
Do you know exactly what your direct supervisor 0,84 0,00 -0,03 0,15 -0,03 0,76 0,07 0,03 0,19 -0,12
thinks of your performance?
Do you receive sufficient information on the 0,72 0,21 -0,12 0,17 -0,01 0,72 0,19 0,01 0,10 -0,14
purpose of your work?
Do you receive sufficient information on the 0,73 0,14 -0,04 0,17 -0,01 0,70 0,12 0,04 0,20 -0,07
results of your work?
Does your direct supervisor inform you about 0,82 0,08 -0,02 0,14 0,02 0,73 -0,01 0,04 0,22 -0,07
important issues within your department/
Are you kept adequately up-to-date about important 0,68 0,21 -0,04 0,12 -0,12 0,57 0,18 0,01 0,21 -0,07
issues within your organisation?
Is the decision-making process of your organisation 0,65 0,16 -0,04 0,11 -0,11 0,56 0,15 0,03 0,24 -0,16
clear to you?
Is it clear to you whom you should address within 0,52 0,41 -0,05 -0,11 0,03 0,63 0,15 -0,03 0,00 -0,02
the organisation for specific problems?
Can you discuss work problems with your 0,81 0,15 -0,08 -0,11 -0,02 0,73 0,16 -0,07 0,02 -0,01
direct supervisor?
Can you participate in decisions about the nature 0,71 0,39 -0,01 0,10 0,06 0,65 0,35 -0,01 0,05 -0,13
of your work?
Do you have a direct influence on your 0,59 0,20 0,18 0,28 0,00 0,40 0,37 0,17 0,12 -0,15
organisation’s decisions?
Do you need to be more secure that you will -0,10 0,03 0,03 -0,11 0,89 -0,07 -0,08 0,05 0,03 0,88
still be working in one year’s time?
Do you need to be more secure that you -0,09 -0,04 0,10 -0,08 0,92 -0,08 -0,11 0,03 0,04 0,92
will keep your current job in the next year?
Do you need to be more secure that next -0,06 0,02 0,11 -0,02 0,87 -0,09 -0,12 0,02 -0,01 0,86
year you will keep the same function level
as currently?
Do you think that your organisation pays -0,01 0,22 -0,14 0,73 -0,02 0,21 0,03 -0,05 0,76 0,10
good salaries?
Can you live comfortably on your pay? -0,01 0,04 -0,11 0,77 -0,16 0,06 0,11 -0,02 0,78 0,05
Do you think you are paid enough for the work -0,03 -0,02 -0,22 0,72 -0,26 0,14 0,10 -0,17 0,77 0,01
that you do?
Does your job offer you the possibility to progress 0,18 0,04 -0,04 0,73 0,02 0,12 0,25 0,01 0,71 -0,05
Does your organisation give you opportunities to 0,32 0,28 -0,04 0,34 0,05 0,26 0,25 -0,18 0,25 -0,14
follow training courses?
Does your job give you the opportunity to 0,27 0,03 0,02 0,46 0,09 0,04 0,48 -0,05 0,37 -0,08
be promoted?

TABLE 4 Overload Insurance Industry 22,74 3,76 613

Correctional Services 21,68 4,52 892
University of Technology 22,69 3,83 372
1 2 3 4 5
Academics (Higher 23,32 4,18 471
Insurance Industry 0,94 0,96 0,94 0,97 0,97 Education Institutions)
Job insecurity Insurance Industry 7,50 2,82 613
Engineering Industry 0,94 0,89 0,97 0,95 0,97 Engineering Industry 5,27 2,54 369
Correctional Services 8,85 2,60 892
Correctional Officers 0,99 0,97 0,98 0,99 0,98
University of Technology 8,15 2,92 372
University of Technology 0,96 0,94 0,96 0,97 0,96 Academics (Higher
Education Institutions) 6,95 3,12 471
Academics (Higher Education 0,99 0,96 0,98 0,98 0,98

PEARSON CORRELATIONS OF THE JDRS The aims of this study were to investigate the construct
validity, construct equivalence and reliability of a
measuring instrument of job demands and resources and
Mean SD a 1 2 3 4 to assess the differences between the job demands and
resources in different organisations in South Africa. The
1. Growth Opportunities 19,50 4,75 0,86 - - - - results showed that the JDRS is valid, reliable and equivalent
for different organisations. Significant differences were
2. Organisational Support 51,85 10,71 0,92 0,65*++ - - -
found in terms of job demands and job resources in different
3. Advancement 12,66 4,26 0,83 0,46*+ 0,42*+ - -

4. Overload 22,18 4,18 0,76 0,16* -0,04 -0,01 - With regard to the construct (factorial) validity, evidence
was found for five dimensions of job demands and
5. Job Insecurity 7,63 3,02 0,89 -0,14* -0,11* -0,16* -0,01 resources, namely overload, job insecurity, growth
opportunities, advancement and organisational support.
* Statistically significant: p < 0,01
+ Practically significant (medium effect): r > 0,30
Overload refers to the amount of work, mental load and
++ Practically significant (large effect): r > 0,50
emotional load. Job insecurity refers to feeling insecure in
the current job and level with regard to the future thereof.
Growth opportunities refer to having enough variety,
TABLE 6 opportunities to learn and independence in your work.
MANOVA WITH ORGANISATION AS INDEPENDENT VARIABLE AND JOB Advancement means moving forward within your work
DEMANDS AND RESOURCES AS DEPENDENT VARIABLES and includes remuneration, training and career opportunities.
Organisational support refers to relationships with your
supervisor/manager, the availability of information,
Variable Value F df Error df p h2
communication in the organisation, participation, social
Organisation 0,70 52,01 4 8982,37 0,00* 0,09 support by colleagues, and contact opportunities within the
organisation (Jackson & Rothmann, 2005).
* Statistically significantly: p < 0,01
A second-order factor analysis, which was conducted
using the five observed factors, resulted in a two-factor
struct ure. The first factor represented job demands
(overload). The second factor represented job resources
(i.e. growth opport unities, organisational support,
advancement and job security). These factors correspond
Type Group Mean SD n with the two factors found by Demerouti et al. (2001)
and Schaufeli and Bakker (2004). Therefore, it seems that
Growth opportunities Insurance Industry 18,66 4,17 613 the factorial structure of job demands and job resources is
Engineering Industry 22,30 3,97 369 valid. The results in this study are similar to those reported
Correctional Services 18,44 5,00 892 by Demerouti et al. (2001) who stated that different work
University of Technology 19,21 4,81 372 characteristics can be grouped into the two categories of job
Academics (Higher 20,62 4,39 471 demands and job resources.
Education Institutions)
Organisational support Insurance Industry 53,21 9,42 613 Regarding the equivalence of the JDRS, the results showed
Engineering Industry 55,80 9,08 369 acceptable Tucker’s phi values for the five factors within the
Correctional Services 49,23 11,32 892
different organisations. Therefore, the general framework
in the Job Demands-Resources model seems to be stable
University of Technology 50,45 11,53 372
across the five different organisations (Demerouti et al.,
Academics (Higher 53,03 10,18 471
2001). The only exception was on organisational support
Education Institutions)
which showed a slightly lower than acceptable equivalence.
Advancement Insurance Industry 12,46 4,05 613
It is not clear why items related to social support loaded
Engineering Industry 15,68 3,86 369
on the factor which measured growth opportunities (i.e.
Correctional Services 12,12 4,67 892 intrinsic job characteristics) in these organisations. A
University of Technology 12,34 3,61 372 possible explanation for this finding is that the structure
Academics (Higher 11,82 3,45 471 of organisational support for correctional officers and
Education Institutions) staff members at a university of technology is somewhat

different from other organisations as far as social support is with the JDRS. Thirdly, in this study participants were classified
concerned. In these two organisations social support is according to organisation. For instance, although academics in
regarded as inherent in the job rather than just a form of higher education institutions were regarded as an organisation,
support from the organisation. Probably social support is the participants represented academics at various job levels and
perceived as a very important part of the nature of the job. higher education institutions in South Africa. In future studies
The strong loadings of social support items on growth it might be useful to analyse the data of all organisations and all
opportunities in these two samples support this notion. An occupations separately.
item related to having a direct influence on the organisation’s
decisions (which is supposed to be a form of organisational Recommendations
support), loaded on growth opportunities in the correctional Various application-oriented suggestions were generated by
officer sample as well as the sample of employees in the this study. First, the results supported the construct validity
insurance industry. and structural invariance of the JDRS for different
organisations. Therefore, the JDRS could be utilised to measure
Engineers showed statistically significantly higher scores on and compare job demands and job resources in different
overload than employees in the insurance industry. organisations. Second, this study showed that job demands and
Correctional officers experienced less job demands job resources in different organisations were different.
(overload) than the insurance staff as well as the university Knowledge of these differences could be used to plan
of technolog y and academics in higher education interventions to promote the work-related well-being of
institutions. Engineers and academics in higher education employees. However, before interventions are implemented,
institutions experienced the highest overload. Engineers more research is needed regarding the effects of job demands
experienced the highest growth opportunities of all the and resources on employees’ energy and identification with
organisations. The combination of high overload and their work.
high growth opportunities probably makes the engineering
profession a challenging (rather than just a stressful) one Studies are needed regarding the construct validity and construct
(Jackson & Rothmann, 2005). Academics in higher education equivalence of the JDRS in other organisations and occupations.
institutions also experienced higher growth opportunities More research is needed regarding job demands and resources in
than the other groups, while correctional officers experienced different occupations and organisations in South Africa, to
the least growth opportunities. The finding that academics develop a measure which could be used in a wide variety of
in higher education institutions experience overload is in contexts. This information can be used not only to plan and
line with the findings of Koorts (2000), Nixon et al. (2001), structure interventions, but also to inform human resource
and Fisher (1994). However, the growth opportunities (e.g. policies in organisations.
variety, learning opportunities and autonomy) inherent in
job in academia, might contribute to perceptions that the Future studies should also investigate the immediate and long-
job is challenging. term effects of specific job demands and resources in each
occupation or organisation on employee health and wellness, as
Engineers, academics in higher education institutions and well as the outcomes thereof. Ecological Momentary Assessment
employees in the insurance industry reported higher levels of (EMA) could be used to assess how employees experience job
organisational support than correctional officers and demands and job resources on a momentary basis in the natural
employees of a university of technology. The lack of environment (Stone & Shiffman, 1994). EMA permits the
organisational support for correctional officers has also been examination of events in their natural, spontaneous context
pointed out by Maghan and McLeish-Blackwell (1991) and that provides information that is complimentary to that
Rothmann (2005). Engineers obtained higher scores on obtainable from the cross-sectional type of design that was used
advancement than the other groups. However, academics in in this study.
higher education institutions reported the least advancement
opportunities. Author’s Note
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Job insecurity was the highest for correctional officers Research Foundation under Grant number 2053344.
and employees at a university of technology, and the lowest
for engineers. The high levels of job insecurity of
correctional officers and employees at a university of REFERENCES
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